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a cal to tion but not a and the ty. the all all Pew* *»Ä JUveetim. A FREE PRESS: OPEN TO ALL Milford, Del., Friday Morning, May 26,1876 TERMS : ,..1.75 Mall anil Offioe. In advance. encli Club. of Tan, Rath* or Advkbtibiko. I Inch apace (lSllnesXonparell),per year, «10.(10 1 column apace, per year.*200.00 Transient Advertising 10 cents per line for the drat Insertion, and 5 cents per line for each sub sequent insertion. SCOTT, LCFLAND A H7NS0N, PuWllkwi THE REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. The full doings of the Convention will be found on the first page of this paper with some of the comments of our con temporaries on the subject. The inge nious manner in which the Ring leaders overruled the preference of the Sussex county delegates for delegates to the National Convention at Cincinnati is the most remarkable feature of the proceedings. The Convention was well known to be controlled bv the old Wilmington City and Dover Rings in combination, and it was anticipated by many that they would prove to be reck less and narrow enough to arbitrarily crush down and rule out anything and everything that did not harmonize with the narrow and selfish notions of their unscrup ulous leaders. While this was expected, even to the extent of striking down the free and independent express ion of the will of the people of Sussex county, It was supposed that they would be manly enough to do itin an open, fair and square manner. But this is not their way of doing things. They are not in the habit of doing their work in a man ly, but in tlie politicians' way. From time immemorial it has been the custom in all the State Conventions in this State for the delegates from each county to assemble together in county caucus and select, each for itself, two delegates and two alternates to lie repor ted to the Convention, and by it ratified and confirmed as constituting the State's delegates to the National Convention. The selection of two delegates by each county constitutes the six to which the State is entitled. All the counties did this in the present instance, but as one of the delegates selected by Sussex county did not happen to be a man suited to serve the purposes of the Ring leaders, it was determined that he should be ruled out at all hazards, and if Sussex would not ^> e tame, humble and obedient enough to ■be Ring leaders to do their bidding she ^Buld be snubbed and punished for her ■^dependence. Now it was contrary to all custom and all precedent to directly overrule and override Hie work of the 5 y* county caucus, and it was feared that this precedent, once set, would return to trouble its inventors; but tlie cunning and adroitness of the old political rats— qualities acquired by long practice—were equal to the emergency, and as the man they wished to strike down was an office holder, in spite of their efforts to keep him from sucli disqualification in the first place, and to free him from it after he was weak and foolish enough to vol untarily take such trammels upon him self— they were smart enough to avoid the appearance of overriding the will of the county, and yet do it. It was dis covered that the man they did not want was a Federal office-holder, and the only one of the delegates selected who was— though they had tried their best to make and keep others of themselves Federal office-holders and specially to prevent this one man from being. This liap tet'V thought opened the way to the ac ^■omplishment of their purpose in such a ■•mv as would enable them, in politicians ■Pstyle, to appeal to the well known preju dices of the outs against the ins. A res olution was therefore concocted and put before the Convention that no Federal office-holder shall be sent to Cincinnati. The contest over the resolution was main tained by the Sussex delegates as against the Ring leaders for two hours, and un til their purpose and the animus which aspired it was fully brought out. Know ing then that the whole tiling was pre , determined and that the machine would work out the result foreordained by the Ringleaders the vote was permitted to On taken and the resolution was ndopted. Dr. Prettyman then asked tlie permis- ! sion of the Convention to allow the Sus- : sex delegation to withdraw and select in caucus another man to fill up the fist j of delegates. This was about to be : denied when the delegation threat ened to leave the Convention and tlie ■ Ring leaders yielded. In caucus the of fice-holding dr'igate that lmd been re y: iected. named to take his place and be was eledWT The duplicity and false pretences un der which the job was accomplished be came so apparent in the discussion, that even the Ring leaders themselves wilted down and showed to all present that they felt the meanness of their work. They did not care so long as the large audi ence did not see it, but it liecame so apparent that the leaders, who lmd commenced the fight in a bold and dash ing manner, full of clap-trap and pre tended patriotism,felt they were exposed and that tbeir disguise of false pretenses had been seen through, and hence they wilted down under the consciousness of their own duplicity and meanness. It was a mean, wicked and unheard of act that no fair men could be guilty of that fully comprehended its import and animus. There were honorable men in tlmt Convention both from Kent and New C'astle who voted for the resolution be * % h cause they did not fully understand tlie spirit, tbat inspired it or tlie motives of Ht it hors, They could not believe but t haj.. .he j 'solution was offered in good I. was important tlmt they JmWI not understand it and hence tbe under which the motive ■Hg What intimidated tlie leaders of more than any tiling else tlie fear tbat these honorable men who confided in then* should penetrate the mask of false pretenses witli which they had covered themselves. This once fully - .... fompreliended must necessarily produce a reaction in their minds that would tell with fearful effect upon the future influ ence of such false pretenders and politi cal hypocrites. It will be seen from the telegrams to the associated press, that it is stated that the reason for such unpre cedented action was that the delegate intended to be disqualified by the resolu tion was for Bristow as the Presidential candidate. This is a plausible reason, but it really had nothing whatever to do with it. The delegate so struck at wa s not an associate in the political ring that ruled the Convention, nor was he of such a mould as could be shaped to their un worthy purposes. On the Presidential question he stood for whoever should seem to be the best and strongest man, and if the will of his county had been respected and he permitted to represent them in the Cincinnnttl Convention, he would have voted and acted first for the welfare of his country and second for the best interests of the Kepublican par ty. As at present informed he will not hesitate to sav that lie believed that Mr. Bristow is the strongest man that the party can name. He appears *fo be the Providential candidate for the times. The great issue is to be forced upon us that the Republican party is honey-combed with corruption, and on this issue Mr. Bristow holds a position that cannot be successfully assaulted. Before the facts upon which such an issue is raised were known, he was engaged heart and soul with the President, in crushing out the most powerful and corrupt ring of thieves that the country has ever had to contend with. His administration of the Treasury Department has become noted all over the land for the ability, vigor and relentlessness with which he has pursued the Ring of whiskey thieves,and all others found to be cheating and plun dering the Government. This has drawn the special attentiou of the whole coun try to him as the man whose name and work will in itself be a lull,complete and perfect refutation of the slander and cause it in a great measure to fall out of the canvass. With this issue overcome in the beginning by this nomination, the party will have nothing to do but walk over the course to a great victory. It is for reasons like these that we are inclined to favor the nomination of Bris tow. Not for Mr. Bristow's sake, but for the best welfare of the country by the triumphant success of the Republi can party. We have nothing to offer against the nomination of Mr. Blaine, and are perfectly open to conviction that his nomination will best serve the inter ests of the country and the party. If we had gone to Cincinnati it would not have been with the intention of support ing Bristow right or wrong, but with the intention of supporting Mr. Blaine if upon further information to be gained by association with the delegates from other sections of the country that this was the wise and patriotic thing to do. We do not believe in going for men at all, except as they represent idea3 and things; and we think it perfectly clear to all well-informed peopie that the thing now demanded more urgently than any other is, that all thieves and public plun derers shall be driven from the sacred temple of American Liberty. If this is true the action of the Delaware State Conyention under the ring-leading of the political associates of the late George P. Fisher and Dick Harrington will prove to be the most damaging stroke that Mr. Blaine has yet received either in the house of his friends or at t he hands of his enemies. fecker, Esq., of Smyrna, when one of the Ring men, not liking the appearance of that nomination, immediately named Wilson L.Cannon as an offset to it; there, upon the name of Thomas B. Coursey l was also put in nomination bv another, i : Such boldness on tlie part of , the gentlemen of the delegation : j surprised tlie Ring leaders amaz : ingly; they saw that the honorable men of tlie party were disposed to break loose from Ring control; but they were equal to the emergency. After a con sultation they arranged it so that the vote should be had simply by yea and nay—fearing to trust the men of the cau cus with tlie secret ballot—and seeing that their Ring doings were not only closely watched, but that rebellion might arise, one of the leaders moved that tlie man first named, Mr. Hoffecker, should be one of the delegates—this of course was carried, and then Messrs. Can non and Coursey 's names were both passed over though they had both been nominated before James R.Loflaud, and the motion was made that Lolland Ring Management in the Kent County Caucus. —There were honora ble and good men in the Kent county caucus at the State Convention on Thurs day of last week who wished to send two of their most respectable and worthy men as delegates to tlie Cincinnati Con vention from that county. In anticipa tion of this, the Ring men were cunning enough first to fill all vacancies with their own tools, so as to gain the power to rule the caucus. One of the honorable men in the cau cus first nominated John H. Ilof is ■ should be the other, and it was put rira voce and declared carried! Mr. Hoffecker was not their man, but seeing that an out and out Ring delega tion would be offensive to many of tlie best men of tlie party in that caucus, ; they thought it prudent to yield some- ; thing to public opinion, and thinking! Uoffecker the least of the two evils, of Mr ('mnflfiv nr bim— thev rhnns« Hnf ! Mi. Couisey oi Dim they choose lloi- i fecker, trusting to the iufluance of Hof- j lanîMUhl other Hing men witli him to : , , .PPÇP ■ _ . ■ „ , carry him with them. Lofland and Hof -1 fecker were botli directors in tlie Smvrna , Bank and both lost their nlaces there bv js.iuK, ana uoin lost tlieir places tneie uy , the recent change in the board,'and this I the Ring leaders expected would make them have such a fellow-feeling that ( b. „„„ um, influence with him than with Mr. Lour sey. Tliis is a bit of tlie secret iiiBtory of tlie Convention that should lie known. . TiiEnumberofadmraissioiistotbeEx I hibition grounds on Monday was 20.864. More Meanness and Ingratitude. —The Ring leaders who run the Repub lican State Convention on Thursday of last week were such ungrateful brutes that they could not give one word of commendution to the Republican Presi dent of the United States. His generos ity to the late leaders of their faction is forgotten just as soon as they can make nothing more from it. If the Conven tion had been under the control of the true men of the Republican party of Del aware, the following resolutions would probably have been passed as emboding their views of the present , political situ ation: The Republican Party of Delaware, in State Convention assembled, commends the illustrious soldier President of the United States, Gen. U. S. Grant, for the (lrmness with which he has suppressed the turbulence in the late revolted States; for bis fidelity to the Constitution and laws; for his protection to the best interests of all sections of the coun try; for his unyielding opposition to the increased depreciation of the National currency; for the personal courage, pa triotism and integrity, which has con tributed so much to carry the country safely through the most critical period of its existence, and we are glad to be lieve that his great deeds and undenied patriotism will forever live in the history of bis country and in the hearts of the future millions of his admiring country men when his venial faults, greatly mag nified by the disappointments of ambi tious men and the bitterness of partisan shin will 1» remembered no more forever. Resolved, That we fully recognize the demand of the times for the faithful en forcement of the laws which guarantee the equal rights and privileges of all men ; for the extension and improvement of the facilities for public education; for a return to specie payments; for econo my in public expenditures; for a high standard of integrity in the administra tion of public affairs, and we pledge our i n fluence and support to all proper efforts to effect these ends and make our Re public practically what it is in theorv, the best governed Nation of the earth.* Sussex County Caucus.— The busi ness iu this caucus was done so entirely different from that of Kent that we will state it just as briefly as possible. It or ganized with John Daniel Rodney in the chair, one of the most careful, cautious, and honorable men in tlie county, and a man revered, respected, and, we believe we my add, loved by everybody. The nominations were made by secret ballot without previously naming any man as a candidate, and it was so done that the caucus might learn what was the drift of the public sentiment of the county. It was scarcely expected that nomina tions would be made on tlie first ballot, but tlie sentiment was so concentrated that botli were made. Dr. Prettyman having eigiiteen (not voting for himself), Eli 11. Sharp, sixteen; Jacob Moore, fif teen; and Daniel Burton, eight. Tlie total number of delegates present being just thirty. The following resolution was passed amid great applause in tlie Kentucky State Convention on Thursday, the 18th inst. "As Kentucky gave Abraham Lincoln to ills country and to mankind for tlie great work performed by him, she now presents Benjamin II. Bristow to complete the cor rection of the fils ever incident to war. His past conduct in office is an earnest evidence of his future course. He lias been true to Kepublican principles in war and peace, manly, calm and courageous, and ever faith ful in tlie discharge of his duty. His per sistent and successful warfare against cor ruption deserves the thanks of all the friends of honest government. In thus presenting and commending our fellow citizens to tlie Republican National Convention, we arc not unmindful of the distinguished services and worth of other Kepuhlicaus. We trust tlie Cincinnati Convention will present as candidates sucli men whose allegiance to the party has been proved, and who have the moral courage to enforce the law." Judge Bland Ballabd of Ken tucky, one of Mr. Lincoln's appointees, w ho had been intimately acquainted w 'M l J?, r 'ï ow 1 ' 0r year8 > thus clear, comprehensive intellect find a sound judgment, and for uprigntness and purity of character, no man living 8u rpasses him. When I first became ac ^f ore uim | lad been , an 4mancipation ist. lie has always been the enemy of slavery, and, in my opinion, he is as true p, ® e 9 u ^'*' can as can ' )e found in the POLITICAL NOTES. A New Hampshire paper, changing from Blaine to Bristow, says that there is no disguising the fact tlmt a change 1ms come over tlie people of that State; that many prominent Republicans who were for Mr. Blaine are now advocating the claims of Mr. Bristow. Estimating tlie strength of tlie Re publican candidates for the Presidency, tlie Cincinnati Commercial says : "We think it settled that Bristow wifi have tlie largest vote on tlie first ballot, and that be will lie rapidly reinforced from Tennessee, Ohio and New York, ac quiring a preponderance and momentum that wifi give him the nomination." The LoniavilleCourfer-iTounutl predicts a greenback bolt at St. Louis. It says: "A private circular 1ms been issued to a select tew. We have seen this circular and we quote the following from the body of it: 'Half the delegates to tlie National Democratic Convention, called to meet on the 27th of June in the city of St. Louis, will go there to sell and the other half to buy; the people are already betrayed—the issue is inevitable, and let it come at once.' This," it adds, "is to be the key-note of the campaign. No matter wlmt tlie Democrats do at St. Louis, or whom they nominate, the emis saries of tlie Republican party, as Democrats, are organized the t icket. " disguised to defeat ; ; »aÄÄtÄ eminently proper person to become a Presi candidate, and our delegates to Cin ! cinnati are hereby instructed to observe this i preference so long as in their judgment and j discretion it maybe possible to secure his : nom >natlon. [Continued from first page.] REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION. , Resolved, That in the judgment of this Coil Volition the delegates from this State to tlie , National Convention to be held at Cincinnati should be representative of the people, dis , connected from official position under the I Government of the United States, After some sparring, it was decided to ( (''H 011 resolutions seriatim, Tlie first, i»i,™isÂïïisj'aa lo be part of tlie programme, and the anti-Biaine men simply remaining silent, A number of delegates from New Castle county, among whom were Joel Thomp son, S. Minot Curtis, Capt. Corbit. Geo. B. Money, J. Thos. Price, W.H. Walker, and others, had left the Convention and î»< n 'or home, declaring that the caucus was so arbitrary taken tin the actio and thecoul.ol >f Gallagher and the Wil mington del< gptes so evident that it was only a dégrada Ion to remain. The second . evolution caused a hot and protractei, (ji bme. As soon as it had been read'Tii'n 1 before the decision to consider tllfe resolutions seriatim ,) Dr. J. S. Prettynim lose and said its evident object was*o overrule the caucus action of Sussex county, at him. B? had known that ever since the Susse', delegate election had become known as as one of ti It was a blow aimed l'ayorable to bis election rfltlelegates to Cincinnati tho scheme had bçowqn-foot, but lie did ex pect it to be developed in a more manly and honorable manner. It had been the custom for many years for the counties to indicate their choice, and their desires had been respected. He spoke very earnestly, and was warmly applauded on the. Sussex side of the house. George V. Massey defended the resolu tion. He claimed that it could not have aimed at Dr. Prettyman, as it had not been drawn by the Committee, but was handed to them by an outside party. But at any rate it bad come to be understood that the United States officials every where were being used to defeat Blaine, who was the choice of the people, and in this Centenuial year the people must and would be heard. Mr. Massey spoke very loudly, and Jim Hawkins and oth ers, including an intoxicated young man on the front'bench, who was subse quently detected personating delegates, after voting three tiroes on the roll call, made great demonstrations of applause. Dr. Prettyman again spoke. He said the caucus was perfectly straight-for ward, and himyOLf mid Mr. Sharp had been selected li""fair vote in the iisiial manner. He had no desire to go as a delegate to Cincinnati, but he did insist that the preferences of Sussex county should be respected. He denounced the attempt to over-rule it as arbitrary, tyr annical, and unfair. W. G. Caulk, of New Castle county, urged that the Convention respect the wishes of Sussex county. To over-rule the majority, lie said, was to fly precisely in the face of the "voice of the majority of people," for which Mr. Massey had so loudly contended. _ John W. Morley, of Cedar Creek, Sus sex county, made an earnest appeal to tlie Convention to act justly and fairly by Sussex county, ne had been a sol dier for the Union, and had known how firmly and steadily Dr. Prettyman, "the war-horse of Republicanism in Sussex," bad stood by the Union and by tlie prin ciples of the party. Levi C. Bird said he did not know that the resolution was aimed at Dr. Frettyman. Tlie people would rather men should go tn-, Cincinnati "untram meled by office." There had been "a bitter and malignant contest in Wll miugton, unprecedented in the history of tlie State," and it was part of the con test that no office-holder should go to Cincinnati. He said tlie delegates from Sussex county were made up by Federal office-holders, and without them there would have been no expression of tlie county caucus in Frettyman's favor. Mr. Bird spoke quite vehemently, and was loudly applauded by tlie Wilmington delegates. Mr.Morle.v,of Sussex,protested against the imputations thrown upon tlie man ner of Dr. Prettyman's election by tlie caucus, when Gem®'.' W. Josephs, U. S. mail agent on the Junction and Break water Railroad, toiJ the floor with ap parent intenseexc:t|nient. He had been defeated as a delegate from Lewes and Rehobotli, but got in in an Indian River vacancy.) He sain the delegates from Lewes and Rehoboth had been set up by a Pennsylvania office-holder, (meaning, it was understood, Major Morris, tile special U. S. Treasury r.genj,) >v lu..J iad come into tlie vtata tonmjilcMettffnben than himself, on the pretence of discov ering frauds. This person lmd poisoned the minds of tho colored people of tlie hundred against him. He appealed to Rev. Mr. Johnson, (colored delegate, the only one from Sussex, and the first ever sent by that county,) if this was not so. Dr. H. R. Burton, of Lewes, said it was totally false that the Pennsylvania offi cial had controlled the Lewes and Reho both election. He had not interfered in any way. Tlie election was perfectly fair, and tlie delegates were tlie choice of the voters of the hundred. Rev. Mr. Johnson then took tlie floor, and in spite of several interruptions by Wilmington delegates, proceeded. His statements were extremely severe on Josephs, who, lie said, lmd come to him asking him and tlidnt lier colored Repub licans of Lewes and Rehobotli, (there are, lie said, 260 Republican votes in tlie hundred, of whom 131 are colored,) to support him, (Josephs.) Mr. Johnson replied that the colored men were enti tled to a delegate, and he would take no part if this was refused. Josephs refused to put one on, but. the ticket friendly to Dr. Frettyman did take one, (in whose place Mr. Johnson came,) and therefore he supported it. He denied that Josephs was the friend of the colored men, and said lie lmd been denouncing him (John son) as "it negro delegate," &c., Ac., coming up on the cars. Mr. Josephs did not reply. Tlie vote then being taken by yeas and nays upon the adoption of the resolution to exclude Prettyman, it was suggested tlmt Sussex county lie called first, and lier vote was 19 to 11 agaiust it,but New Castle and Kent voted almost solidly for it, Win. G.Caulk and Wa, A.IIukill ing alone among the tioesof this county. Tlie total was 103 yeas to 24 nays. Dr. Frettyman then asked leave for Sussex county to retire and agree upon a new man, as lie had been declared dis qualified by the resolution. A vote was taken on this and it was lost, tlie Wil mington delegates loudly voting no. Daniel J. Lajtun.of Sussex, now arose and made an earnest and effective pro test against the action of tlie majority. He claimed and commanded a quiet hearing, and although Geo. R. Roberts, of Wilmington, insisted on "points of order," Mr. Layton proceeded, tlie Pres ident, Mr. Hayes, who lmd acted with courtesy and fairness, ruling that he should proceed, by consent of tlie Con vention. Mr. Layton reviewed, ener getically and forcibly, tlie arbitrary man ner in which tlie expressed desires of the Republicans of his county lmd been treated, and lie declared that tlie prece dent, if now set. of over-ruling the county caucuses, in choosing national delegates, would return to plague tlie inventors. He said he knew not wtio drew tlie reso lution, or when it was drawn, or where, its purpose was to exclude Dr. Pretty man, who, it was anticipated, would be tlie choice or Sussex, aird, said he, "you know this, Mr. Massev, in your heart of hearts." Dr. Prettyman—"Yea, in your heart of hearts you know it." Mr. Massey now said he was willing Sussex should withdraw and agree upon a new man. Mr. Bird coincided. Mr. Layton—1 want to know before we go out, whether our new choice will be respected any more than our other. Mr. Bird, will von and your friends res pect it V Mr. Bird did not give a direct reply. Mr. Layton—O, answer me, sir; yes or no! This is a fair question, man to man, and I want to know what yon will do. Mr. Bird said lie would try to do wlmt was right. It was finally agreed, under Mr. Lay ton's resolute pressure, tlmt the Sussex delegates should retire, and they did so, returning very quickly with the name of be David W. Moore, of Laurel who had stood firmly with the majority of the delegates. The delegates to Cincinnati were then reported and ratified, no further objec tion being made to Sussex's choice. The delegatesare: New Castle—James Scott and Richard E. Smith, with Levi .1. Coppin and J. Henry Hoffecker as alternates; Kent— John'H. Iloffecker and James R. Lof land, with John T. Jakes and John Dow nimm, as alternates; Sussex—Eli R. Sharp and David W. Moore, with Jacob Moore and Daniel J.Laytonas alternates. Levi C. Bird moved that the President of the Convention be authorized to ap point a State Committee. D. J. Layton declared this unusual; that the proper time to do it was at the nominating con vention. The motion was adopted. Cheers were then given by a portion of the delegates for Mr. H. F. Pickles, and for Mr. Blaine, and it adjourned. I Associated Press despatch to N. Y. .Papers.] The last resolution came near causing a serious time in the Convention, it be ing thrown at Dr. J. S. Prettyman, Uni ted States Collector, who was known to be the choice of the Sussex delegation caucus for delegate to Cincinnati. The delegation from Sussex threatened to withdraw from the Convention, but were finally persuaded to remain, D. W. Moore being accepted in Dr. Prettyman 's dace. Dr. Prettyman is a Bristow man; lence the objection. [Special despatch to New York Times.] A number of Bristow men, from New castle county did not vote on this resolu tion, having left the Convention. A sharp contest then took place over an other resolution declaring that no Fed eral officeholder should be a delegate,the object being to exclude Dr. Prettyman, United States Collector, who had been named as a delegate by a majority of the Sussex county caucus, but who was sus pected of being less friendly to Blaine than to Bristow. After a warm debate* the resolution prevailed, but Dr. Pretty man's friends insisted on their rights, and the caucus named a satisfactory sub stitute. [Wilmington Herald (Democratic.)] Man's inhumanity to man was never better shown than when Mr. Massey, at the Dover Convention threw out his hook for an ollice-holder and drew out Dr. Prettyman. Years lie had devoted in patriotism to the party, the negro had been cultivated by him us a voter, he had fought brave battles witli the Fishers and Harringtons in the same army, and then to be treated thus. It was the unkindest cut of all. [Every Evening ( Independent. )\ If the men who controlled the Repub lican State Convention yesterday are after control of Federal patronage in this State during the next administration they risked a good deal on a single card. Mr. Blaine may not be nominated, and if lie is, lie may be defeated before the people, and is much more likely to be defeated than some candidate who does not attract the admiration and endorse ment of such politicians as those gath ered at Dover yesterday. In eittier event we doubt if the position of a defeated Congressman would carry with it a suffi ciency of influence to pay for all that t le preliminaries to it have coat. If the endorsement that Mr. Blaine is getting Here and there throughout the country come generally from conventions elected by methods and composed of materials like those of the convention in this State which endorsed him yesterday, he has a suspicious attraction for the worst ele ment in politics. The same crowd that endorsed Blaine yesterday at Dover, be fore the last Presidential campaign en dorsed Colfax as the party's choice for tho Vice President. Well, Colfax did not get the nomination and the respect able men of the party hail good cause to rejoice that he did not, afterwards. [From tho Wilmington Gazette ( Democratic. )] The Republican Con vextion.—T o the surprise of the majority of the white people of Wilmington, what lias been sneeringly termed the "Ring," led by gentlemen guilty of such bold acts of fraud that the word "dirtiness" is re sorted to by the chief organ of their party as applicable to them, carried every thing their own way in the Republican Convention, in Dover yesterday, 18th inst. Even Dr. John S. Prettyman, the Internal Revenue Collector, and editor of the Peninsular News, who lmd been indulging in silly, dirty little flings Messrs. Pickels, Gallagher, Febiger and Baker, who are said to be here the lead ers of the Ring, was unceremoniously given to understand that he would not be allowed to go to Cincinnati. So the would-be Upited States Senator has to take a back seat at the dictum of the "Ring;" and the "niggers," whom he helped to use as a "club" upon Demo crats now slap him in the lace with their hands all besmered with "dirtiness." The people of this State will now un derstand for themselves the vote of the negroes in this city. They need no long er rely upon the Gazette to be convinced that the negro votes influence the elec tion here. They are told this by the chief organ of the Republican party. And tlie same influence extends to the whole State. The negro vote was as necessary to Mr. Blaine as it was to the Council man of the eighth or the sixth Ward, without the negro vote Mr. Blaine could not have carried Delaware at the Cin cinnati Convention. And it comes to this that only the negroes and about one fifth of the whites will lie represented in that Convention. Bristow lias no show in Delaware that is certain. Tlie ne groes will not touch him. "Belknapery" and "Babcockery" rule the roost. .ii and "Babcockery" rule the roost. [From the Commercial .] Manipulation of the State Con vention. — In tlie State Convention yesterday, the same extraordinary au thority was assumed by Mr. Charles II. Gallagher that he usurped at the George town Convention of 1874. In tlie latter he ussumed the power to rearrange the list of delegates from New Castle county, upon tlie pretense that tlie authority to do so lay in his hands as Chairman of tho County Committee. This preposter ous assumption was not then resisted, unfortunately, and yesterday it was re peated. Now the Chairman of the County Com mittee bus not tlie shadow of a right to meddle with tlie delegations. Nor would the County Committee itself have a right. The delegates elected are directly re sponsible to the Convention, and vacan cies. where any exist, may be filled either by'the alternates or, in their absence, by persons named by tlie delegates who are present, or, it tlie representation is en tirely vacant, then unless persons resid ing in the hundred are present, and tlie Convention, by vote, chooses to admit them, tlie vacancy properly icraains un filled. For tlie Chairman of tlie County Committee to present himself at tlie State Convention and assume the power of arranging and re-arranging its mem bers, filling vacancies according to his own pleasure and giving the whole Con vention, to a large degree, a constitution according to his notions, is a proceeding at once extraordinary and improper. In yesterday's instance, however, Mr. Gallagher was not only not authorized as Chairman of tlie County Committee, but he was not either the Chairman nor even a member of the Committee. The old Committee was dead, a new one hav ing been chosen on Saturday last, and to this ne w one Gallagher was not elected. He had. therefore, no more right and none less than any private person to present himself as the manipulator of the Convention. But in such Conven tions as those of recent holding his pro ceedings are of course not surprising, nor out of character. The Resolution of Instruction.— It had been a general desire among Re publicans, anJ, we may say, a general expectation, that the delegates from this State to Cincinnati should be sent un pledged and uninstructed. This desire liad been expressed not only in this and other Republican newspapers of the State.buteven by the orgu;y|^^uäifc& controlled the delegation in the Convention. Tli^^PRffPl^id mandatory instructions for Jir. Blame therefore surprise and displease a large majority of the party, friends to Mr. Blaine cans throughout the State, and if he should be nominated at Cincinnati he will receive their cordial support. He combines many of the characteristics that the time demands, and the men who are for him iu many other States are his friends, not merely because they seek to get in his good graces as the probable nominee, with the design of receiving his Federal patronage, when elected, but because they believe him tit and worthy. But there are here many— we think a majority—who prefer Mr. Bristow. They did not ask or expect Instructions in his favor, nor even ex pect to make "a solid delegation" for him: they desired to send six represen tative members of the party to Cincin nati, unpledged and uutrummeled, to act there for the best interests of the party. Under the circumstances the resolution of instruction is simply an outrage, rammed down the throats of the party, regardless of the party prefer ences. It carries no moral force, what ever; it does not reflect a harmonious public feeling amongst Republicans; it is only part of a ranged by Mr. The orators in the Convention, yes terday, who proclaimed withsuch earn estness tlmt"the People 1"—"the People !" —were all for Mr. Blaine, may have had the people in their pockets, but we doubt it. The popular dissent already expressed shows that at least a few were not pre sented on the half shell which the ora tors held out. :ho y There are many amongst Republi "programme," chiefly ar Cnarles II. Gallagher. [From tho Newark Record.] The "Ring" run everything to suit themselves, and stepped beyond tlie bounds of propriety and directly med dled with tlie caucus doings of Sussex county, and offered resolution« that set aside that county's choice. Dr. J. S. Prettyman, in the caucus meeting of Sussex, received the highest number of voteH as a delegate to Cincinnati, but this did not suit the "Ring," which be coming very virtuous, all of a sudden, opposed tlie idea of sending a govern ment official as a delegate to tlie Nation al Convention. Why is this thus? Are not all of tlie said officials Republicans, and did they not get their appointments by being Republicans? Then, taking it for granted (as a matter of course they so tiiink) tlmt all their appointees are honorable and just men, and in this instance they know it to be a fact. We think the excuse is the poorest we ever heard of, and is no more nor less than a strike at the Doctor and his wing of the party, because, like men, they have sen timents of their own. Just here we must allude to the fact that though this Hundred was represented by two of the best men and famong the most influen tial Republicans in the Hundred their names do not appear in the proceedings of tlie Convention. They are not United States ollicials and the very objections made against tiiem were the only ones made against Dr. Prettyman, tlmt they are not "Ring" men. [From the Delawarean ( Democratic).] Republican Convention. — Mr. Massey, chairman of ttie Committee on Resolutions, reported a resolution for bidding tlie election of any person as delegate to tlie Cincinnati Convention who is a Federal office holder. Dr. Prettyman was one of Sussex county's choice to represent tho State in their National Convention. The resolution above mentioned was (as we were in formed by gentlemen who knew) pre pared to put him (Prettyman) down and drive him from tlie convention disgraced and discarded by bis party, provided it was a disgrace to De repudiated by such a motley assemblage. * * The vote was taken, and Prettyman, tlie old abo lition war liurse, as he was termed, was defeated and repudiated, and the wifi of the Republicans of Sussex county thwart ed and ignored. Dr. Prettyman, in a short time afterwards, retired from the convention, no doubt refieotingseriously on the ingratitude of his party,of which lie was the pioneer in the two lower counties in this Staee. * luttons, adopted by tlie Convention, were rather unique in their structure and sentiment. They contained the declar ation of their principles, if such they may be called. We suppqse that the country, if the Republican party pre vails in the next campaign, is to be afflicted with Blaineism, instead of Giantism, as far as Delaware Republi cans control it, which will only be an other synonym of corruption, fraud and dishonesty. * * * Why a federal office holder is not fit to represent the Republican party in tlie National Re publican Convention, presents some very grave inquiries, which we would like for some credible Republican newspaper to furnish us an answer thereto. Will our robust near neighbor try his hand at it? Has it come to pass that the fact of being an office holder under Grant is a badge of dishonor and official infinelity? Has the administration of Grant become so disreputable that a man cannot be connected therewith in an official char acter without being tainted with corrup tion and dishonesty? * Tlie reso MARKETS. HILFORI) MARKETS. Corrected weekly. .75 Ducks. " Corn, per bushel. 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Water St. and 40 8th. Wharves, 89 Sth. Water 8t. and 40 Sth. Wharves, PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. PHILADELPHIA. For Sale CHEAP FOR CASH! OR SECURED NOTE ! ONE NEW FIRST-QUALITY Ninety Dollar Sewing Machine •4 " y * ALSO ONE BRAND NEW WILSON SEWING MACHINE .^ Knqnlre at NEWS A ADVERTISER OFFICE Milford, Del. Job Printing V ' Such BOOKS, FAMPHLETS, CIRCULARS, ENVELOPES, POSTERS, TICKETS, LABELS, CARDS, AC. ,1 TAGS, STATEMENT' BILLHEADS, XOTE-1IE ADS, letter-heads. | i PROGRAMMES, VISITING CARDS, Executed neatly, cheaply NEWS AND AÜVERTI Head For Flstlmnlra.