Newspaper Page Text
♦ ♦ ♦ <5a?ritc* 1 m.i * -j . t r ■ WILMINGTON, Dial., SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1872. VOL. LXXXII.--NO. 24. PRICE 1 CENT. DAILY GAZETTE. 1 Uold closed yesterday at 113. rarement 8.- ; curitira »dvenced To-day gold is quutad ■ M'me ! a crusade at 112#. Mrs. _ ! fines Every Evening does not read its dictionary thoroughly or it would never have made s< fortunate a blunder as ita edition yesterday If it has an imperfect copy of "Web- j of ours. I un _| Two elected ty, Fa., All The Baltimore Sun came to ua yesterday so Hlled | go.«, with adrertisementa that the editors space was He's reduced to about an inch and » halt. Thia is an e.-eltont journal and we rejoice at its prosperity, valued ei..client ju j ^ A The consequential damage clause ot the Wash- '?« the initon treaty lias placed tirant in a tight place.- * h ® Ho is in what might bo termed a quandary. If he | A hoi» io-- » ' ' most sticks to the Administration tdea of the subject, being Kualand will withdraw and negotiations will fall. : , , ......... . A If, on the other hpd, the Administration consents has to the abandonment of the claim, it will become u i the laughing stock not only for our own jieople, but | for the world. tained. ster's UnaDridged" we will loan it the u^< . . , u r i COMINU Hows - The Knlical press have fourni (Jrant ami Radicalism growing so unpopular that dolly. they seem disposed to throw up most other que». ! Verden." * f. . _ „„ , tiona and run the neat campaign on the question Honor of "Equal Representation." Well, ao be it. They j singer, inav attempt to prove there is no "nigger in the | *j T0 * wood pile," but they will Hud the wool w.ll stick d,,i wuuu p * J .. I out, and betray them in every section, '{he negro la thsir reliance anti they cannot-shake him off without incuring a loss of at least two thousand j . tn *h*» votes. None ot these may g I store But the tact that they adopt The tha principle of non-voting because of their ex- I he . . . . twill h*» maM * elusion from a f ur share on the ticket, will be j tQ thfl sufficient to guarantee a majority of four thous aud votes in our State very a,,J sooner I owner ! mated » great popular to | e ■aid, brings its ' I n Oacretere Fish in a double an ^ ponderous axe down on Secretary in « double ri , leaded twouiolumn article in yesterday a neue, d which looks very in uch like Bennett had seen the in a Of non, dar indignation that was gathering business storm of popular indignation that was gatbenng ^ against the administration and he was preparing Rhjmne to unfurl the sails of the Herald that it might | a run before the wind. We copy the concluding . < ,1 also nuoted until partof the article from which we have also quoted jQg the head of this paragraph. It says. home; "England is about to depose Mr. Gladstone during from power, and it 19 the duty of President Grant through to relieve the American nation of Secretary Fish, cool His present evident endorsement of the schemes of the lobby at Washington only renders the man blunders he has heretofoie committed the more noble uupardousble. If ou* ajtion in the preparation branch of our case was rash and inconsiderate, the blame to attaches to him, and an attempt now to make a rise disgraceful retreat comes with an ill grace from the author of the trouble. We have supported the administration of President Grant because ot its straightforward houesty and its manly vindi cation of the national honor. We now call upon him to dismiss from his Cabinet an officer whose judgment is uurelmble and whoso acta would com promise the honor of the nation. Hu cannot af ford to retain Secretary Fish iu his counsels, and the sooner he requests his resignation the better he will please the people who have given bun their confidence, and whose trust iu him is rtill unshaken." A ! cemetery i might ■ Democratic ticket. KTABY Fl3U AND THE "The Blunders of Seur D lJTT OF THE PRESIDENT.*'—The weather cock —the New York FT. t feom the the WM were A little equio from tho peu of a Newark cor respondent to the Daily Uazettk, seems to have a l ru«ed the leathers rt the bantam editor of 'h*; with Middletown Transcript, who, spreading himselt I . through au entire column ot his paper, lustily crows defiance against all who daroksLl lus par- . ticular province. But while the little lellow into strikes out so boldly, he should be careful to make gage oulv such assertions as facts will sustain The Nearer a correspondent asserted that sundry gen- u f tlemen (against not one of whom has he a parti- ,hc cla of objection) had Hlled. end were filling, a maiontv of the county offices; and tlmt they were, f bad neen, residents of Middletown and vicmitv; of and that an unfair proportion of the county's w«a favors were dispensed to gentlemen living below the Canal. And when it is considered that the territory below tRe Canal comprises the two Hun- the dreds of Appoquinimink and St. Ueorges, with a ies joint population of 9374 souls, of whom 3JS, are uegroes, and the balance of the county contains 04,141 souls, of whom only b,9t)J are negroes, it . would seem as though the Transcript hud better said nothing, much less attempt to pro» that Middiet.>wn-*ml vicinity are excessively mixlest. To illustrate further the correctness of the New ark correspondent's assertion, the recent Magis mtnient for Feucader Hundred, to sue Black, Esq., is a geutleraan living aud doing busiuess in St George's Hundred, and of course below the Canal. "Why is this thus ?"— Indignation seems to beam forth like a mid-sum mer tun at noou, withering all presumptuous persona who dare assail the immaculateuess ot ^ 3|idd!etown modesty. a Th, transcript doubtless irawsgiues itself aar- I tQ Hya "Newark und vicinity hu several .juror Democrat«. We 'ully and cordially agree with him. yur Democrats are a queer set; they commenced carrying White Clay Crock Huudrod I b way back m 182o-30, and have been doing that "quror" thing eve> since, and mean to coutume ] doing that same "queer' thing for all time to oouje Aud aa for aspiring to offico aud beiug wilhug to aacralic« persoual iuterosta to accept political oflice, that is part of our creed. In White Clay Creek Hundred, every newly married couple take a trip to Dover and New Castle to learu the roada, and aa ohildreu are born unto them; they arc taught these two roada aloug with their alphabet; aud aa they grovjr older, aud are aent to aohool, their little dinuer baskets are em bellished with drawings of the roada to Dover and New Castle. We have no mock modesty in the premises, we are boni politician«, educated to believe tbe offices are made for the people, and ts north of the Delaware and Chesa have some impudent claim, if not a one, to appointments. And now, my edi torial friend of the Transcript, let me couclude by saying, "White Clay Creek Hundred is, and always will be, sound in Democratic faith, and although her correspondents twit the lower Hun dred appointees, they will give Appoquiniimnkl and St. Georges Hundreds due «redit and thanks for overcoming the "nigger" and Republican odds brought against them, and if it will be the of strengthening their bands for the fight they may have oH the offices in the county and State, |Wmmenciug with Governor and *mdmg V AN For the Daily tiaiette. [COMMUNICATED.] or terial ceed «'T that reaidopl peak« Canal '«h uu atthnipt lie Waif will object: B pnoVa 'd Newark ourtnpoudiut talad' in his lioite, without Brat coitsulUng' suSeteut authority to ditprovu the language ueed. The viciait, of » few* tqoTOpa th* neighborhood IjewrokT4pnl 1261b, l»7i O P THE HI 7- V \ ataiab* ,0rm,ne * M'me Ih President«» Tlitars isstnl to have a crusade against clugtioti-i uu 1 "skv itches.*' Vowed aster I'lie 1 curiosity killed Mrs. Wharton's health i 1 dicate. I »tie c fines herself to her apartments at Ann »polis. Two mimed tpnkeres elected school trustees in one ot the eheste ty, Fa., districts. All the inoetelegant silk coutumes imported tine of go.«, and wide lace. ' ' He's in Indianapolis this time, and his name is mere Hetherington: he haainherited an Knglish estate ,,ll " valued at £4(10,000 sterling under 1 '*re«-o A Little Hook paper takes pleasure in aniiounc- Hying '?« the erection of a peanutery as an evidence of made * h ® mi,tenHl l iru Kr<-ss ot the city. i HU | A woman in a Western poor-!,, most constantly on her knees for being engaged in perfietuat prayer. : ........ . , , A distinctive American chureh for Home, Italy, has long been talked about with i the present | h ivj lately Ih»ou 1 HI, r conn St* lias lieeu »1 The 1. 8S with Mamma. "Now. take vour medicine like a i?u.»d ! beyond lut| when you wm|1 n | buy yuu to a dolly. Sick child. "Pleas., ma, have it a, Holly Wlth ! Verden." 1M . I , .' , ,, I Honor F.urtco Tamberlik, the celebrated tenor occurred j singer, will soon leave Havana. The représenta | *j T0 * °* foreign journals gave him a eplendiU from d,,i banl P let - aid I - mm i ._ lions __ m..n vs « Ä I'enngyivama Bull Dog. j Th»'" 18 tt ma " !" Darby, Penn., who purchased with bull-do*, which he proposed to turn loose in bin I store at night in order to scare away the burglars, out The first evening after he possession of the animal to I he locked it in the store and went away a happy found maM * The next morning, early he went around j tQ thfl stQre and unlockBd the ^ The dog wa< , vigilant— the man was surprised to perceive h««w . very exceedingly vigilant that dog was-for no which sooner we. the door opened than the dog eeized it» mo , I owner by the leg, suditenlr, and seemed to be am. w ! mated by an earnest and' vigorous resolution not 8 » ". to | e t go until it had removed at least one good 1 '' ' mouthtul. And the man pushed the dog back an ^ ,bul D ,e ^""r 0,1 '*» ribs until the uuiiiiul 1 ri , |||Xe<1 iu . an(1 , h „ n , he mall kick ,, tl m d into the store and shut the door as if he was pnlh in a hurry to do something. Then he suspended business for a week, and spent the vacatmi. firing < un, ^ ^ tlir „agl, the windows, aud down the gl"™ Rhjmne ttuJ u t '[, rou ^ ll the „Uar-ceiling. with *' 0, | a shot-gun. trying to exterminate him. And that 1 mercantile establishment did not open for trade until the man had paid twice the first cost of the .! jQg ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ the home; and then, when he got during the bombardment holes hud been shot ami through mackerel barrels and molasses tans and j more cool oil kegs, so that there was misery and ruin everywhere. Dogs have no more charms for tins man ; and if you allude in his presence to th« noble work that is being done by the woman's an branch of the Society tor the Prevention ot Cruelty to Animals that merchant is always observed to ( teet a rise up and swear. ; ot af and bun rtill ixte» opened throute th the city proper; , is outside the walls. A Memphis duelling party were driven n»t»> m ! cemetery by a facetious hackinaii, "so that they i might lie buried without unnecessary expense." ■ he found that MURDER ON THE RAIL. of all As 1 the Ora, i AI . IO . 4 *i . . 1 I St. LOUIS, April 26 -A « ilespatt-li , feom Kansas 1 ity gives the detuiU ot the brutal murder of SteveiiRon, Cine and Dutn iailroad train near Holden, Missouri, neaday After the train was stopped four of I the mob niouute<l the locomotive and gaiirde»! the engineer with drawn revolvers. The train WM then »orround«!, ami Cline and Stevenson were called out. Cline appeared and alter soin cor- words regarding his connecti«in with the fraud have a l ent Iroiite of Cae.-eounty bond», wa» riddled I 'h*; with bullets, and his body was thrown hv the I . , f . ' , • ,, , , , , . . par- . ot the crowd emptied Iheir revolver» into his mangled body. Stenson was ill the bag make gage car, and had barred ihe dp The mob, but the mob broke in th® doors with a log gen- u f wood and poured a volley into tie l»»lv of parti- ,hc judge, killing him instantly. Sterenson's a ho^y was tlt^n dragged out and laid l>esi'|e that were, f n ^ i - i of Cline. Dulro, who wa« Ut a pawienger ca , / w«a mortally wounded. I lie Irani was then al- v below lowed to start, but immediately signal leu to stop. • the The dying man, Dutro, was then dragged from Hun- the coach and thrown down near the dead bod a ies of Cline and Stevenson. A ' re|«irt reached are p(an»as Cily last night that Judge Korsvth, aii other of the county justice», had been shot, audio it . , , . , / * . better , .. , i , ,| that '*™«' MCiteiumt prevails throughout the county, ami fears are tell that oilier* will b»' New- murdered. The |»erpetrators this massa» Magis- claim that they have a fhousand men in the sue- ion. aud of ?"— Fall Of the Boston Coliseum. Boston, April 26. During a heavy gale to- 1 gigantic truss and portion ot the wall ot ^ WQ lowera 0 j the peace jubilee coliseum fell with a crash that was heard for miles, line of the aar- I tQ Wers |, ai | reachetl the height of UO feet while j several the tfllM ,| est roye.l was 140 feet high, and had a 1 agree o( three hundred f«ot tine hundred and ; they H(t fee , o{ thy ea , ter „ w „|| of the huilding wa» I I b , vw „ duwl| Several watchmen were m the vi- ! that clnl| o( the bull, but there was no one hurt, j coutume ] ïhe ulxldent wlU ouuw w |y a temporary delay iu ! to th „ buiiaimI u perat<FUs. beiug r accept In married to unto with are em Dover in to and Chesa not a edi couclude and and Hun The residence of Mr. Vollmer, at New sScoP thanks odds they State, V AN OUTRAGE OF THE MOST DAS TARDLY CHARACTER. the 1 ! against the i >r9 ■ir ! »1 : -1 A printer,named Bonnet Jones, was shut dead in Memphis, yesterday by William Cam- | eron. Jealousy was the cause. Another ft re-damp explsoion necurred yes terday in tbe Pine Brook shaft at Scranton.— Five miners were so badly bu rued that their recovery la hopeless. The trial of Mrs. Sherman, at New Haven, resulted yesterday In a verdict of murder in tbe second decree. She will he sentenced to life Impriaon Hon. A j. Walker, formerly Chief J net ire of tha Superior Court of Alabama, mid an Kmi nant Commander of Kniglita Templar,die.I yes terday, at Montgomery, aged .63. land, near Albany, morning. Mr. Volm children was burned yesterday ler's mother, four of his ialted.— and his wife's stepfather Ueeacaped with h^i uflfe^ij ç^ljd At AUfutown, yyetyrday afternoon, the plan ing mill of Ffurfleii, Seln ldcn & Co., was de etibyed by fire. A high werter I y wind carried tbe eparlu a dim mee of three »quare», netting fire In th, dwelling* of C. W. Ct,ouer, uauhief of III* Allentown National Bank anty \\'tu Ruth. Th* '«h uu lie authority of » jotal lorn 4 091 WWi « THE «ÉTAT VOLCANO. ANOTHER BAPTISM ÔTriBE. London, April 26.—-»Humors of a terrible dis aster near Mount Vemniui are current in this city. I'lie reports are that of» number or persona whose 1 curiosity led them too near the volrano,eixty, were killed and wounded by a shower of lava. a \ Mrs. NUMIIHB BCBNED NOWPLACKD AT TWO «UE- » then i Her recovery of Deputie^hi^evenh^* eruptmn'otVTluvius'?»'^n^reasin^Tud'WominK mere serious Two hundred parsons have been ,,ll " lul1 by the lava. Flames burst from the earth under the feet of the inhabitants Torre del I The 1 '*re«-o is in dangerof detraction. The people are | Middle Hying from the (own. Temper iry provision i. I made fur thorn by the authorities, i HU i Koer.K FLKKIKG KOH thkib LIVKS-thol- I 1 HI, partially SANDS ENCAMPED IN THE FIELDS. Naples, April 26 — Evening — A fresh crater to-day. The ashes and lava the mountain side, and inhabitanta are removing their household ds. Thousands are encamped in the fields. — The Ministers have been summoned from Home, coining to make provisiwu* for the house 1. 8S peuple. The bay 1» covered with boats filled with spectators. The scene is grand and terrible ! beyond description. 'Die flames at times shoot up to a great height, and masses of rock are ejected Wlth earthquake shocks, which are distinctly felt 1M . I , .' US .. „ , „ I he hrst recorded eruption of Mount Vesuvius occurred A I J. 79. at which time Pompeii and Herculaneum were destroyed. The discharge from the mountain on thia occasion was scoriæ aid ashes alone, and during the occasional erup lions that succeeded these were the oaly volcanic products until 1066, when the first How ot lavs occurred. Between the years 1306 and 1631 — with the exception of a slight one in 1000-no eruption took place, Mount Etna being through out thia period unusually active, thus giving vent to the vapors and lava tnat would otherwise have found exit through the crater of Vesuvius. eruption of UKll was accompanied with , . . . .. .. ^ „ , no which « urge, oyer the village, at the baae of the it» mo , u, * ta at , tbp 8a,ne ,lm '' t0, ; re "î H ot boll,n K w iter were sent forth, carrying death on every 8 » ". 1 "• "eat extensive eruption occurred in 1 '' J ' 1 '* 'lescribed as being one ot the grandest m>«J uwiully magnificent on record, f front 1 holds oi ' • ad w 1 nte sulphuious smoke rose high m air and floated over the mountain like a gloomy pnlh while at night vivid flashes of light shot "P for thousands of teet above the inouu < un, nominating the country by their horrid the gl"™ tor mil« around. In June. 1794, an erup *' 0, ' 'hat totally destroyed the town ot 1 uir , e ^ °" c ,° <thethat '? uo »- af ' er , ' aï - ^mit-sr"stH/'groaTtor-miU of"lava'rushttfgTlown the .! ' r , ^ ^ : 1 tor * euts ot iaVA ru<hl|1 K dowu the mountain side. shot ami dealing death to the fleeing inhabitants. For and j more than a quarter ot a century Vesu ruin maiued qmesceut, bursting out again in 1822. tins when au eruption occurred, the force of which th« broke up the whole top of the mountain, where an elliptical chasm was formed three miles in cir rumt.rence a:ifl (supposed tobe, at leasts 2.000 to ( teet in depth. Ail was qu»et again until May, ; 185.5, when the floooda of lava intimated but them Great pie breaking ou» opened Ye« u The are throute the villages th , tinclly vailing the savin». The and 8EKTHKNO WAVE9 OF LAVA, driven iu •3a6 COMPLETELY SUBKEBO&O THE H0U9Fa, that us re* ly lican TOTALT.Y DESTROYED THE YILLAOE of Cercolu, und eleven cones were produced, from all of which the fiery flood hurst forth and rushed forward over the »loomed town with resistless tury. As in 1794. wheu Torre del Greco was destroyed, 1 the loss of life was very large. Au eruption oc 1 I ouried in June, 18Ô8, »nother in August, 1869, and , o( Kreat violeuc. in Urownhor, 1861. of I Ji\d25 feet deep, by which and by the treiu— train ^dingà of the ground, that caused them t»» vtm-.k and full, very nearly aII of the houses soin- i'Ä" ,l * dB,,r °y ed hluce ' ' I HAS BEEN INACTIVr the and deluded by its deceitful calm the inlmbi tant» of Torre del tireeo have returned to their tiuine only again to lie driven forth J hp rushiu t ÿe ot the fiery sea bag- J ____ log of that i X ca , / J al- v ' stop. • from bod aii audio ,| the b»' \\ l>.I< e an b*»h«»t et all times. lo ,w ,ow lDe l,,we-r ' the to- 1 with while j had a 1 and ; wa» I vi- ! hurt, j iu ! sScoP FI U the 1 Streams of lava poured forth, and on the ! morning of the 9tli lava was ilowiug in A CURRENT HALF A MILE BROAD. fully the BRANDYWINE ICE. PliBNTY, GOOD AND CHEAP. they can furn I'R drivers have «hört routes.s ish their patron» punctually and regularly. Ioe by the Box. Ton or Car-load v point ordered, e persons I s«*nt to at Our el*» customers su i-pliait to ention is given to have our heir entire satisfaction. We will e-teeui U m favor to have anv delin»iuen s reported at the office at once. PUSSY A RICE. ..... R*> Shipley street. 40.1 Poplar street. Ofh W« guarantee apl.Lddm ■ir ! ICE. 1872 . 1872 . Howard P. Walton. »1 : -1 WM. P. SMITH. Sift. WHOLESALE AND BETAIL ICE DEALER. shut Cam- | yes their ure&t Care given In Snipping by Haven, in to OFFICES: Vessel or Bail. Eucilitio« for Rototl Trade Uniurpueod. ICE. ICE, ire of Kmi yes ap&i-tf REMOVAL. yesterday of his ialted.— ! MBH, M, A, CORSON Keauaetfully a Wilmlng'ouand ved her Millinery Store Irom SO.' Kin, itrrol annnuncee I. the Ludioe of Tietuily. that «he hae re'mo plan de carried fire of III* Th* to 4-i'J MARKET ITSKRT, where ehe will heap all the M tedT STYLES OE MILLI.S EH Y. aud make up lo order eyerythln, in the line o' bar bu-iue-r at the most reroo.ahte price*. Tbe patroute ol her iriuds and th. public gen erativ ia roeuetfullv loUotud. aulT-tt FIRST EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. IOWA. Davexpout, April 27. Mrs. Moioken yesterday drowned her infant and » then herself in a barrel of wa'er while iusane. i Her husband was attacked with spasms after the recovery ot the ho lies, and n< Oberheyser I The barometer | Middle States I I and ing. The •200,000. hes very low. aged; by water. WEATHER REPORT. Washington, April 27. ill continue n»ing over the | Light, fresh winds and dear and i j The 1 lue lava other the assarted by lava, partially cloudy weather. GREAT BRITAIN. — K in ot - For cir WHAT WILL ENGLAND DO '* London, April 27. says the claims for indirect damages ithdrawn. The government has never intimated that any pecuniary award was expected, but believed we bed a perfect right to pteieet them and obtaiu a decision of the question and if Great Britain does not agree to have this princi- \ pie decided she must take the responsibility of ! breaking the treaty and refusing to meet gener- j Ml ®* ou» advances of our government. | ^ on * The i tion of contest. The Tin are uot ITALY. Naples, April 27. liiere is no abatement of the eruption of Ve- 1 Lava continue» to flow, iie»trov!n|t everything in it» path. The explosion was din- ! tinclly hearil in this city ; a great panic is pre vailing among the inhabitants. No visitors at the hotel, are missing and fatalities are confined Mr. bill House. eleven considered the ' count dollars property savin». exclusively to residents of villages on the side and base of the volcano. Victor Kmmanuel ht d to the people now sent a, driven from their homes and are iu the fields stfl ped Commercial. Philadelphia, April 27. Cotton quiet ; 23»^.i2l. Provisions very quiet. Flour demand light, holders firm, superfine •3a6 1 4 ; extras, Peuna. extra family $8.5<Ja8.87. Wheat firm; .State anti Weeteru bOal.U.5. m . 4 No ily half tectly No. xentle. her ge'her • No years years stepper. No fine style, Corn in fair demand; Yellow, bSa69c.; mixed 67^a68. White Uats, 5la5C, mixed 58. Whiskey, firmer; 90. re* Reverdy Johnson, who is presumed to thorough ly understand the subject, has written a letter to Judge Peters, the author of the resolution intro duced into Congress, taking grouud against con sequential damages as against the spirit of repub lican institutions. from tury. oc and t»» hluce to forth DIED. ins ne«!* L.«i> Fori.s. Also milk Tbe have Sale est . All I FI NE 1 AN.—In th Fincjjjin. Sr. U RM Y.-On the i'*th the 27th in-t.. Henry cuy. «> „ . .of »>bj«truetion of the bowel*», tieorge U . I rtny, in the 24th year of his age. The relatives And friends of the family are respect ..■* ♦uneral from the resi French street, at 4 '8th inst., without further eton braes the fully invited t attend h Ience of hi» purent» No o'clock, p tn„ on Sunday, notice. ^mus fments. Qrand Opera House. THE <»REAT DRAMA OF THE nock all an STREETS OF NEW TORI I Saturday Night, April 27, BV THE BUFFALO BILL COMBINATION. The For i rat furn : Orche-trii '»0 criiu». balcony d'» cents. , l.-2S cents extra. Admission t-» Mat- ! To Adulu :t> «•""= CbiM "" -• " u r *" rv iiBi'iii] fir to Ritintr <iin it .,♦* »bro .,-r- ' erution * * * ' ^ K. i .New v " _ i the to * to our Re»« ed scats. formait ach night. ASONIC TEMPLE. Old Folks' Concert, THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 2,1872. Thirty-five Performers. IN ANCIENT COSTUME. 1872 . T. the tion as th« The programme will consist of SONG.-î. DUETTS. QUARTETTES. ANTHEMS. Ac Admission 50 cents to all parts of the house Seats reserved without extra ckarye, after 9 »»'clock. a. in.. Suturduy. April 27th. at Boughmau. Thomas & Co's. Doors open at 7. Performance at 8. 7b ap?S7t 100 SHARES Delaware Railroad Stock. 20 SHARES by 7u » UNION NATIONAL BANK STOCK, 100 SHARES FARMERS BANK STOCK. To lo ICE. 4000 SHARES Delaware Railroad [Montonrl Bonis. B SHARES First National Bank Stock. FOR SALE BV JOHN McLIAR A SON, BANKERS, itrrol Ludioe of re'mo u o' bar gen aulT-tt No. 602 Maurket Street, WILM1N0TO». DEL.. aplu-dlyleip SECOND EDITION. BY TELEGRAPH. NEW YORK. DK8TBCCTIVE FTBK. New York, April 27 Oberheyser A Co.'s silk store, corner of Worth and Broadway, was damaged by tire, this morn ing. The stock was damaged to the amount of •200,000. Wm. Skinners' silks were heavily dam - aged; Friedlarder, Stack A Co., clothing damaged by water. Loss on building, $20,000. | i ITALY. Naples, April 27 THE LKUBTIOX OF VESUVIUS, j The eruption continues with dreadful violence 1 lue lava has reached Sabastiono, and threatens other towua. There is great consternation among the inhabitanta of villages around. It is again assarted that mauy tourists have been surrounded by lava, and have penthed. if \ of ! London, April 27 j Ml ®* N#lhe ^rant was presented to Queen Vic | ^ on * y**terday. The Ticbborne claimant asked for acontnbu i tion of four thousand pounds to continue the contest. ENGLAND. 1 ! at WASHINGTON. l-BOCUDIKOI OF CONGRESS Washington, April 27 Mr. Ramsey called up the postal telegraph bill andndvocated passage. House. —The House ordered to meet at eleven o'clock hereafter. The Tariff hill was considered in Committee of the whole. House— Mr Beck reiterated the statement that the Secretary of the Treasury had failed to ac ' count for one hundred and thirty-eight mill dollars received from the sale of government property within the last five years ped of pUBLIC BALE OP Horses, Carriages, &c. The subscriber will sell at Public Sale, at bis Stable, on tbe and Walnut sireets. W'ilmiucton, Del , on SATURDAY, May 4.1872, at 2 o'clock, v m . 4 first class Driving Horses. No- 1. Sau, V years old, one of tbe very best fam ily hors«!» iii the State; has trotted his mile, on a half mile irack, in lees than three minute«: is (»er tectly »ouud, end a «ood single or double driver. No. 2. .sorrel Mere. Cinù. !'• sound, kind xentle. fine sise, nod a fine family M* her mile it» three minute«. No. 1 and ge'her in 3 lu on a half mile track. • No J. Young Napoleon. Mahogany Bay Colt. 4 years «»Id in June; trotted his mile double, when s years old, iu 4 minute«: and is a remarkably fine stepper. No 4. Brown Horse, Prince, blcoded. 6 years old, fine driver and a beautiful slenper; shows great style, is perfectly sound, and aa pretty ns a pic ure, CARKlAGEN. See. •rner of Seventh i to intro con . can trot trois tu One family two «««ted Rockaway. with hide laoipa ; tw.i York \Vngnn# with ühiit - ins tot»<. made by Fretsochner. nearly new : 1 ShH \V..Kon: 2*8 «i * of double Harnt*«, one of them gle Har ne«!* : Halter*, Blanket«. 1 Fox Kob«. 1 Wolf Kobe. L.«i> bUnkats, Keei Cheet. bucket*. Measures. Fori.s. Sh'.vels, Curry Also I Fins COW n»iw «ivio« about 12 quarts ot milk a day. perfectly quiet. Tbe above property will i»esitively Le aolJ have rented my arables- Persons wishing incited to atterd this sale. Sale positiv«. No postpou* ment. Tichms — Th« purchaser can havttVree mor»h* rs »»ver $V) oy giving a bankablo t.ote with v«*d indorser, and iQtere«t added, or iLler est deducted for the given time if the cash is i aid. . All sums under |5u cash. I apr»4-ts Henry the his resi at 4 further eton braes mounted, cost $90; three seta ot tubs and Brush*.» 1 nock a all an app L. W. STIDHAM golitiral. I FOB 8HEBIFF. The undersigaed will be an independent LAHOR REFORM CAS DIO ATE For Sheriff of New Castle county at the uex i rat election. ap24 tf A. B.CKAO FORD. 8HERIIFALTY. cents. , Mat- ! To tht Electors of Sew (\istle County : *" rv Fellow Cm«,» -I offer oirrolf to your eonei J • .,-r- ' erution as a candidate lor the office of Shenë u K. i .New Castle county, subject to the nomination ot _ i the Democratic l'arty. pledging myself, it el«*»-ted. to perforin the duties of the office with fidelity an l * to the best of my ability. ,Respectfully yours. ISAAC GRl bB New lastle Hundred. January 5d. 1872.— tu 2,1872. SH£BI rVAIiTY. T. He Cùstle County : (iBXTLKMgg :—Encouraged by many friends and the flattering I'ufere of the Democratic Party of St given to me at the last nomina tion election, 1 am induced to again offer myself as a candidate lor nomination ot Sheriff lor the County of New Cat-tie. pledging **»ye«lt to abide by th« nomination of «aid '.Patty and giv« my he.»riy •upport to the lucceesful cauftidate. Respectfully, WM. H. LAMBSON. New Castle Ud.. December 29. 1871.—tn Ac »»'clock. Thomas OB COBONEB. 7b the Electors of New Castle County. FiLLow-CiTifgnfi:—I offer myself to your con sideration a candidate for the nomination of Coroner of New Canti« County, subject to the nomination of the Democra.ic Party Keen'y yours, J03KPH YARNALL. New Ca«tle Hd.. Jan, Ukh. 1871.—tn ap?S7t COBONEB. 7u tk. Democratic Voter « of Note Cattle lilxTLUIN : At ta. iolieitatioD ut numerous frlindi, I am isdacd to off.r mrrotf to yuur con » ol.ration tor tho oftro of Corunor -f No. Cuili Count,, .abject tn tho drouioa of tho Democratic Forty: mad tnd.r tho usual plod,, to sup port tk. Democratic No.iaoo, JOHN B. LOFMAK tob2ln STOCK, Wilmin^oD. Jsn. SO. 1172. COBONEB. To Ik. Democratic Voters of Hem Cattle Cornell Okx tLIUKK : At tho aolicitotioo of numrrou. friwdr I am isdurod to onto offer mveelt to your consider.tion for tho oBeo of Coroner of Ne. Crotte County, euhiuet to tho dooieiou ot tho Démo cratie Forty, und I horoby tc.oer tho ueuul pledge lo «apport tho Damroratie, ANDREW C ALEXANDER Christlau Hd.. Feb 2.167i-t. Bonis. Stock. COBOB BB. lb the niedere af Item Cootie Comet,: dimiuiy-TIUdli, to tho solicit tion of nu merous friend«. 1 offeomynalf to your eoneideratien u u orudidal. for tho utkoo of Coroner, and hereby lender th. u«.al pled,« to .hide the decision of the Demoeratie party, ud give the Démocratie my hearty aed satire «apport. Resp cifully. LKW IS McCALL. WUmiaatoa. Juso ta