Newspaper Page Text
DAILY GAZETTE. 1». Johnson, Editor and Proprietor This Daily Gazkt^k is published every afternoon, (except Sunday ) nt 416 Market street,and solved by bscribers in all parts of Wilminst ding towns and villages, for six Yearly subscribers carriers and tho cents a week, payable weekly. to i'A, in advance. Tho DELAWARE GAZETTE, established 17*4. » the largest and uioit flourishing weekly i State, and has a larger circulation than any other «n the lVninsnlar. Published every Friday morn ng at 12 a year, in advance. _ the Miss Anna E. Dickinson and the Editor of the Commercial. The letter of Miss Dickinson which wc publish od at her request, as an act of justice, seems to thrown the editor of the Commercial into the most terrible rage imaginable. Not satisfied with replying through the columns of his own pa per, he hastens to the Every Evening with an tide »rder that he may draw that sheet to Ins assistance, and thus, if possible, prejudice its read ers also against the lady whose kindness he ha*i abused. And we were not a little astonished to v readily its columns were opened to aid the vhom its editors had often lauded ar il« cutter of one Why should this pap.*r join in tho fray, with a slurring term as the ••Princess of Radicalism r* Her only offene« having been her opposition to of Graut, and the assertion of the fact that the U'.l of the Confederacy was not the General of the army. Both replies ot tue editor of the Commercial to the letter ot h thl otntnuti vork of Miss Dickiusoii alioumi in porversions, misstatc ?ii ta and downright falsehoods. This looseness of remark, occasioned, no doubt, by great mental excitement,is not confined to tho lady in question, hat slio has published; but the GAZETTE which gave terrible offense, it seems, because it afforded her space in which to reply to the gratait nd false statements of the Commercial, is maligned and abused without stint. Ho sets out by calling it a "Democratic newspaper," but os he proceeds ins blood soon warms up to fever heat, ami he describes the Gazette "as a paper" which "justified slavery, encouraged secession, assailed Abraham Lincoln, chuckled over Bull Bun, groaned over Appomattox and joined consistently, for many years in the chorus against t.ioae whom it named niggers." Was ever so many falsehoods in a single sen tence.' Why, our trieuds know how the Gazette battled against sécession, and how willing it was to adopt any houorable compromise to prevent so calamitous a result; they know how we mourned over the terrible consequences of Bull Hun, and lamented the unfortunate dead whase young life blood was uselessly poured out to secure an "Ap pomatox," when results far more satisfactory to the great mass of the people might have been at tained without such bloody massacres of Amerioau to the word -'nigger," it r seen in our editoriul columns. All these false charges having been made »AZETTE. the editor of the Com mit ciol proceeds to denouuce, misrepresent and abuse his former friend, Miss Dickinson, citizens: ami Uev must the iu a manner most rude and unbecoming a gentleman. So far from stating the truth, and the whole truth, the article is disgustingly taise, vindictive and malicious, bearing the most « ertam evidence of the terrible rage and mortifi cation which its writer had permitted to overcome him—the consequence of his own pretumptiou and oily It is not necessary for us to take up the cause of Mi»s Dickinson. She is, we mfer, fully com patent tu üefeinl hersei» against the little bugler ot ' the Commercial. But we will say that so much i art the reply as refers to her is the weukest at tempt to parry the well-applied hush we have ever witues-ted. In his former article headed "A 1*riondly Queriy Answered," the editor of the minimal did convey the impression that Mia* ght an engagement from him to in Wilmington; he did succeed ii creating the impression that he had refused her to delive I bckinson had * deliver a lecti lecture here by quoting confidential business note of that lady. All this she fully sets forth in her letter; and ïgesth from 1 *r from it being a •• preposterous outburst ot ve 1 inaccuracy" by his "inflamed friend" who ha* given "full vent to her temper," "four litths" of Inch •• either oroneous, extraneo *»r impertinent," the letter appears to l>e, and we bt-uev. l- .i plain, careful and dispassionate state lei.t of tacts. Hut the ost curious statement about tho reply i s that it charges that the letter contains some "five or six misstatements," which it ■ fdiall h- iv. for the present,ut least,uncor fniiw to correct any one of M iss recte.l,"and tl.. Dmkii llu' <ieiicral < ont «ret ice of the Methodist Episcopal < Inin h North meets in the Hrooklyn ! Music on VYvdoesday next, May 1 st. T his ( onference assembles every four years,ami will In- roinpo**ed of two hundred and ninety two ministers and one hundred twenty-nme lay delegatus, the latter admitted for the find time. In p. IV iuiis (liaciitiHiotiH of this subject, the ad uf lay d.-legalions was vigorously op ts one of the causes that led, some forty years ago. to the secession of tue Methodist Protestants. The moat important queutions w hich will come before the present Conference will be an increase in the number of Bishops; the Hook Concern tre ubles w hich are still in dispute and which will probably result— as l>r. Lanahan i- not to he heard—in a thorough whitewashing of I>r. Carlton. There may (KMiibly also lie ►ouïe talk, for the sake of effect, of willingness to unite with the seceding churches and with the Conference of the African Colored Church. Hut the fact may be accepted as settled that (lie Confèrent* will neither take any ste|»H to restore the property of the Southern Church now in their ( 1 'iHM'Sinn, nor will they go so far, in spite of hvave words, as to admit colored ministers to an equality with their white brethern. loi I. ami W 1 I" GbanT JS »R vous.— The Cincinnati Gazette « adminiKlratlon) lia» rumor* from Wanhinjjton that Grant ii> nervous and may track out in favor nf old Mr. Slrellabarger, the Portugal. The d*«|»atcli wys : 1 ed in |iroiiiineut administration i|tiarlera that liiere la conaiderahle dnulit as whether Grunt will ao-ept the Philadelphia nomination. With in a few day«, in cohver«ution with a prominent mendier of Cougrrm. the President intimated that he hail had about Jail the experience m eiril office that he wanted, and thaï he was very very «orry that he accepted the Pieaidency in the Unit instance." ex min inter to It is now claim Arrangements are in progress for the erection of an fi nlhraeite Iron Furnace und Rolling Mill at Douglaaeville. I £n$uratirf iSompanite. rpïll, ÜATUOAI. Life Insurance Co. U. Si. A. ,... .ILOUU. to Jtl.01G.700 L i A strong Stock Company; does business on n en*b basi?*: plans simple: contracts definite; payment certain; business and reputation national JOSEPH Ii. KILLC.ORE. Gen'l Agent Peninsular District. Wil„ pel. Room 1. over Fourth Street Market. CAPITAL. SURPLUS of ASSETS Linbiliti ... n'nrl »f ' n,r * * o ■ #rat state ^flent^. n. oi'UKi.Tiir.K a nox.l M. REAL ESTATE AGENTS Colh(tom of liait», dr., Vouret/nneer» mid ( 'ollectors of Accou nis. OFFICE-NO. 2 UKINUHUKST m|i1.1>INi.. a 1 rl -.ini* J. H. FRAZER, REAL ESTATE AGENT " kt INI Collector of Rents „na Bills. KKAK Til llt Ik AKI> flAURKT STH. pr4dtf SAMUEL W. McCAULLEY, Conveyancer. Real Ratal Agent and Commissioner for Pennsylvania. I !; 1 Convey anoing in all it- branches. gif en t»* buying, selling, ehangiug and retitiug Real Ertaie rents Mm Pm »t at! lid Culled ■ I 1 I fullv invested. rotin d und Mortgage with n Es* B Milled. cheerfully give ippbca Intormnti ion. either i person or bv letter. Office, 602* Market Sf , (2d Floor ) WILMINGTON. DEL. I fihlS-dM *»4»ffb open until K p. S. A. MACALLI3TER, In , Conveyancer and Commissioner tor Pennsylvania, All kinds of L.kiI Pap< In : I « 1 carefully written. Office, 2d story, Post Office Huilding WILMINGTON. DEL. noviBt JJKM0VAL. OGI.K Sk UII.I.KK, REAL ESTATE AGENTS - AND j AUCTiONEE 1 1 S, No. 605 Market street. (In the McCLARY Bl ILDING.) opposite the Bank ol Delaware. ,, * , ,, ... .... Having rei.iove«! from thecorner of Ph nnd kmc streets to the birg** store .No. •»'»> Market strt*et. we solicit «»rtlcrs Irotn our friends which will be re anu promptness. We have ample room a toi are abbut laying in large stock ol new und elegant PERSONAL SALES ATTENDED Tu. fil ed wi*h Furniture, Bedding, Housekeeping Goods, i and general which we snail be pleased t«» shovfr to customers and dispose ol a! reasonable p ' M'e respectfully solicit tiw* t tion of our fnenas and the public echern OGLE A MILL* mar15tf rahle -»nnsnlera Hy. Rr*nl '•state Ar*> CTC a M UIDD , - lLrtni/r J 1 IlAlTl lfi An DLL W Unl\ f 1 ADAM STEINMETZ, 10*41» RIDGE AYKNI E. PIIILAD'A., (or 11th St., and Huige A vtlnue,) Is now prepared to f MARBLE MANTLES. TABLE TOPS. WAS 11 STAN I)S. FURNITURE TOPS. iish at l«|Wwrl j rices TILING, Ar.. .tloniiiiienlM. (irnvre«Mi«i* ami Tombs <ill, Marble Cv fin »1 i <1 i Galvanized Tubing. AIM.-« of housework at shortest not iptioi augJlMy MONUMENTAL MARBLE WORKS,; Del. Avenu« 4 Madison Street, w* II. MI NO r, Pita. Th* 'Ubseriber wouM re«i fully an nounce to his friends and the public, that he is p*epate«l to do all kinds of M.« mental Marble Work in tlhe b.--t ht short an ti.-c and -(•liable cry Also, all kind« of llnu« HD«) Man ratPS. tel work of •'Ulike liberal share self tost he fav^r him with their work iuv4 ly inner. Ilv rerp«vitfully solieii« a ge. ihd flatters hiin give «ütislMCtiofi to allwho nn.y of publi Jf.UNL. M ALONE 1 shol (.HD, Kli«- & Pistol Manufactory .WITIitlLl. IIM.I UOIK, t accessor to the Inte F. Ilertink. No. 214 King street, above 2d, Wilmington, Del., respectfully informs his friends and Sport* men generally. that ha will continue the manufacture of Shot Guns Hides and Pistols, at i be old stand. No. 214 King . street, and hai for sale a largo and beautiful stock of Fire Arms, among » Inch arc Double- Barre 1 Gun* from h to f 125. Single Barrel Guns from fM to 320. All kinds of Pistols, Colt's, Sha^p**'«. Allen's and j Smith's A Weston's Revolvers, wii h Cartridges, Ac., j complete. Also. Ely's best doubh* water proof Per cussion Cap*; every site bull and «hot; Game Hog* i and Gunning Apparatus generally. F Thing Tackle, Ac., constantly on hand and for «ale wholesale I retail at t lie lowest cash price«. Particular attention paid *fo Boll liangin j an-1 Locksmi'hin* m« heretofore. novlO-lv i rpo THK PlULir. be SÄiSTrC' task!. Uïïf.7 wm" «ht "reu I l cannot expand or leak gas; every part of the heater. ' an ' eX< 'sSUvision and miui 1 ; in Ihc wi ; h c^r is rzz? ^ M Pl- ,' . 1 . marb-Jm 4«! feliwley atreet. «.*■ look Sindrrs. JOllN.STON ii HOG I A, HOOK - BINDERS, AND BLANK HOOK M A NT FACTl'RKRS, M>. 420 SHIPLEY STREET, WILMINGTON", PEL. Account Ilnoks of every variety of ruling ar.d ' binding made to order. Magazines. MUeic. Newspapers and Publications o all kinds bound in Plain or Fancy Styles. lloih being practical workmen, we are able to guarantee entire satisfaction. Orders by mail promptly attended to. aprl-ly (Horbs, leuclry. 407 Market Street. 407 EXJ. S. CLARK, B A full assortment of superior " Clocks, Watches, Jewelry & Spectacles. •tnntlyon hand and for sale at the lowest kt d peisonal attention gi\ Particular Um •aprl-f the above line. ïobarro ü OTTO & BUTZ , Manufacti ricrs of SEGAE8, ,\o. a wi:«t KT.. Knives for sale. iplO ly i.VSegi JACOB BUTZ, Late firm ol Butx&Bro., Al I lie Old Eslablittlivd aland No. 303 BÜRO tSTRCET, In the 0«ld Fellows' Hall. Wilmington, Delawar«. continues to manufacture, wholesale and retail, the very Best Brands of Segars, In all their varieties. Also, dealer in the first qualities of Chewing and Smoking Tobacco M«l.n«CHAl!MS, kc . Which he is prepared to furnish to the trade and ('«»uiitiy «ton s ut the lowest pog.-ible rates. All ~r « 1 er.- will fictive HlUuticn and be ptuiupth tilled sepfitf - Painters and ßlaxivrs. JAMES BRADFORD, PKAl.KR IS PAim, OILS, • VtKMSHKv, WINDOW GLASH. Cement and Calcined Plaster. Paints, white lead, red lead, white zinc, iron paint, lubricating «il«, linseed oil, sperm oil, laid oil, neat- fool ml. coal oil, iilden A" Nephew's varnishes, Kng lisll v . iril ^hes. alcohol, turpentine, paint paints ready mixed, artist*' materials, materials, decidcomania pictures, all kinds ot f«»r eiaii and domestic glass, stained, oriiamental ami engraved: coach painters'material, stencil colors, ladders of different lengths, ready glazed sash, gold leal, bronzes, verniillions, looking glass plates. •ax 11 Nos. 6 and 8 East Third Street, WILMINGTON, DEL. i 2Z i ii cl ike., OP» PAINTING. S. K. CLOUD & R. H. McCALL f Announce to the ».ah'! 1 cmn,, * ,enc ® lo * ,er,orui SUCCKHflORS To ff*. MCCALL, No. Ç14 Market Btreet, readin ii wiitr^fti* in their t .« to attend to and de, including I'aintiug, Glazinjr, Graiuing, btulnia^, nd allbranches r.f that art which mikes wood and s to water an«l pleasing to the eye. Satisfaction guaranteed. ther substances unperv janff-ly JAJjy.S FKANCE, HOUSE, SIGN AND Stiff» PAINTER PAPER HANGKU.Ac., No. 512 KING STREET, Post Office, Wilmington Del., hisfriendri a Nert door helot Would re-vvciiii«.; inf. Ik* public Il work i * II gn and Ship Painting, Hanging. Ac. All work > i g. 1 H Graining intrusted to hi Country w ■ork alt ..led to. ^.Waterwheel, Mill Gearing,Shafting Pulleys PoOl£«H#%iM 0 REi ^ _ 6 EMG fP.PA CiRCUlAIL_^r 1 SUP i-lyW-HW GEORGE PAGE & CO.. No. 5 North Schroeder St,, Baltimore , Manufacturers of PORTABLE AND STATIONARY, STEAM ENGINES A BOILERS PAT«if4T IMPROVED. PORTABLE. CiRCULAH MILLH. Gang, Muhiy and Sash Sate Mills, _ __ — GRIST MILLS, TI MREK WHEELS. SHINGLE MACHINES, Ac. Dealer# in Circular Saws Belt in« and Mill supplies generally, aud manutactui • r's . agents for Lefiel 's Celebrated Turbine Water W heel and every description of Wood Working Machinery AGHIClJLTUUA I. ENGINES A SPECIALTY for doaeri j j i I j i Catalogue* A Pvi List. asst* »» IRONSIDES. The Fastest TrsUlsx Wtallluu Bn.sS, According to his weight. Has a ev»rd of 2 .S 4 'y 4 in harness; 2.24 in dou ble harness with running male.— m Sired by Canarliun horse known os ouy." dam an Arabian mare Dotner I l "! 1 l, . r :; > y ïr e fb"U»«STo»». 1 "& 1 an d Iniftnî' jiine 1 1«7? MoneîTo be i!aid at Hmo j^ncl ^Duf^rî 1 wVll'be c 7 er k az«' :b "* -K-KÄ " 1 Febrasrv X7th. 1872.—marl-3m " ' ' fats amt <!*»!>$• ,V VKU % I thki ar.d to 1 ^4 T'V^ >»• 2 East Third Street, WILMINGTON, DKL. i nrl-ly HUMPHREY A SANDT, iÎ. , FASHIONABLE HATTERS, AND DE ALAR* IN tienis' Finn Itrrss dorrs 216 MARKET ST. lebJi 1 THOMAS M. CULBERT, No. :i MARKETSTRkET, WILMINOTON, Asksattention to his varied and wel selected stock of HATS AND CAPS, the M AT PRICKS THAT *>EFY COMPETITION, lie i-in receipt weekly of the Philadelphia and New York stvlei*. LATEST STYLE OF SILK HATS onhand ami first and ~r ma*lc t<* order. REMEMBER THE NUMBER. 50.1 MARKET STREET. N. B — Ilitrhest i*ri»»e raid for F dec.'.4 H ATS AND C A-I»S. Ü A splendid vsortment of all The Latest Styles of Hats and Caps ForâSpnng and Summer Wear, AT TflR LOWEST (ASH fit ICES. PORTER Ä PEWlbTON. NO. fi NORTH SECOND STREET. First 11 it Store above Market Street. PHILADELPHIA. in4c l) dm ïiotrD and liquors. f«»r ami COMMERCIAL HOTEL, 107 East Water St., Wilmington, I>el. bscriber having take m»w pr« i The 17 " Hotel, i o.i .1 i liu His tsbl ark et afl -r«!-». nr.«l . Rooms air> er. The friends ol the ill I !!L ith the bes his bar and beds kept in perfect House and the public : •rv day fro • < n draught. ) in\ ited to II. cl from 10 to 12. C«>oI Lager Lunch Beer nlwn> • apl l-d3tn JOHN BTOECKLEIN WINE AND LIQUOR STOKE WILLIAM 11AXTEH Inlorras his friends and the public gcn* , rHlly that he has taken the store S. E. comer 4 th and Shipley Sts., WILMINGTON, DEL.. 4» and hand a good assortment ol Brandie-* and Liquors, comprising one Brandy. Jamaica Spirits. Ph«» Champagne, Scotch Whisky. Pate J;; Irish Extra qo Holland Gin, Old Monongahela Whiskÿ, Allégeai)/ Whisky, Bourbon Whi-ky, the very best double rectified Whisky in the country, that cannot be bought cheaper elsewhere. WINES—Made W luru he will keep de, Win t and d , Sherry; Lisbon, Sweet Mala d Claret. All of which ch, Cbampaigne wurrapted to be pure and of tho host quality. KRANDIES—Raspberry, Blackberry, Ginger »ersand Retail Dealers supplied at choap rate* ME. I* INAL Pl RPüSKS —:>*>d others *le>iringold M ines and Liquors for tncdlcinui pur poses will fin»l it to their advantage to call and «®-Tt examine my stock of unadulterated Li<|Uors before purehasing elsewheie. Our Persons at a distance will find their orders sont treu of i work promi'Gy attended to. All liq charge to any distance within twenty miles. Mm' Hotels supplied w-ph Ca^ks. Demijohns, *e. Our Purehnsers will tii d it to tholr advantage to call at the K. corn* r of kourfh and Shipley 6 t.-.. and examine' my stock tiefore making their pu «•hases. I jar. 12-ly I WM. BAXTER* 8 H b i O 4^ z C/3 & C 2 : ^ - v X U c / a. r. H £ sJ e U Ö5 ^ O p © s -u-i: s cxz è < sJ *5 00 J s X 3 4 s k w » r. o •5 S5 r k e cX' c r üjou S: Ss 8 » 5 s u, z»-~ , LIQUOR store a SALOON I W. C. HOOK, » Thankful for psM favors, respectfully in forms hi* friends and ibe public ih>»i lie bus till'd up anil renovated his saloon. No. 4 W. FOURTH STREET. Wilmington. Del . and bas addedt o bis present business that ut a liquor store, where he will keep constantly on band and *«!!. wht lesule and retail, an as> nrtiuent. of tlie best hireig/i ^;id domestic brand» of wiuesaml liquors, auors Which S^e del*;iyle A Co.*s Otard Brandv, (very fine); supeHor'hld FisblGo. Pagta Oru* Rum, (old and very fine flavor); «Ir H.B* Oversbolt's XXX cooper distilled Did Ry*' fvery mellow): J. B. WbisKOv (this is an urticlp of great neriority.) Alan, other* of lower grade»: Ac.— Wines an»l Fancy Liquor*. #ucb a* Old Burgundy Port, Sherry, t'laret, Ac., Ac. Also, Ginger. Laven der ami Blackberry Brankies. Very fine sparkling W. C. HOOK. Fourth street. — r's heel AI* on draught. N. B.—Don't fo»*§t. No.4 m ws. —— ■ A ïUmTklU* LIGHT EQUAL TO GAB. AT ONE-EIGHTH TIIK COST l Cannot be exploded. No chith*** Ot T*" dou os d. % irk 1 Hmo er k " 1 MKS d»«irin» » PHOFITABLK RPAIMRSP. oaii iwur. ihe KXfl 1'SIVK ltlllliT Inr tbe ..I HYiiTT'dFATKST t AHIlON OAK LIMIT UUKNKKK AND O IL. mr fOL N Tl KS pi gTAT bfi. Wilts fur inf.rniaiiuu or rail on m it vrorr. No. 11« SOUTH FKCOND KT., I'll 11 , V. 1 A N. B.-UHUIlt'llbS furr.hnl with i'll AN DKi, IKIiS and LAMFS ol every de.erit.tiu», «n per rent. '■lu.iper than at say other ..tabh.boieni in the marU-Ma !«■ country. & Sra fUalm. JJI jIM Sc- « ItANtJK. )IK Mi Y G. SIPPLE, * lhr\ ing r'Orchascd the Uroc«"*y ftute on „■ fM N K. CORNER OK THIRD AND j, A*;M Al* ISON STKkKIS. Wilmington, Del i.H-4*.I.!k«>> ihiH method of informing bin tnendi io* ol 'V ilmingt.un, (hut he Dhh lui«i il keep on couätüutly hau I a lull and ■ (I i o I fresh stock of UUOCEKIEH, 1 of the line.-1 .utility, And wiL sell them at the low est CASH PRICES. long experience in the business. -»riet attention to thes.nn**, 1 will e satisliiClii n to those who in c wuh tin ir patrouMge. Having confident that by ;»» l.,or fela> 3in a' Cheap Grocery Store, No. 4(i Market Street, (Ninth Ward.) Tin* MiWnltei wotil rOHpi'rlfull) ir,(„ rui ml III" publie that lie him sort on •I a Si ■ol of Groceries acd found in a first-da.-- crocer* hidi he n* felling nt the very lowest prices 1 1 nor Wine« and Liduors, which will be Pro* i-i< ns, such >* Ah the lowest city prices Ihai.kiul tor past lavors. be hopes to merit and liberal share of publie |> re«' WILLIAM SvI'kKNkY. J. MARSHAL HARLAN, to Edw. L. Kioe,) i G UOCE R J AT THE OLD STAND. INTO- 3 E. SECOND ST., Opposite the Lower Market House, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, F>in Teas , IV trip« 4* MAqu r » Champagne Wine, Claret VV ine, Gilling and Cotton Twine. Choice Old Scotch and Kye Whisk iulvl4 Family Flour, Choi« Superior IL» eys. JA!»IEs» Mil l'll, No. 40(1 Shipley Stieet, Wilmington Whoi.k.salk and Retail Dealer in TEAS, COFFEES, SPICES &C, V • »ling lly-on. Black. Geeen and every ription <»f Teas, Coffees. Spices, Ac , of i«»r quality op and tur »ale gt figures. lo - nought at warranted pplied at New Y« rk and Philadel y st All arti Retaile phiü prie The public are respectfully invited to give me a If tall iILH KOMilM ntokg K. R . Cor. I'ourili niul Market Kt., WILMINGTON, DEL. îspectlully an-rliN M nsunccH I» his old friends and thcfi|4d ii^fcpublic generally that he has c»Uiipk't*IÉÉS| ed his row store,and hasoneneu with a stock owundfrcii iKOCERli;.". ^I GAILS AX D MOLASSES, d pulverizedSugi;rd : Molasses, Lnguira, Maricaibo. I be finest Black and The uiMl.-rMvrii..l Ot fine 4»nl.gninul; ■ i »g« ! I coffee su It. w hit* 1 mû kinds ul JSy ! - •II t J Old I'ofte. cd Co tic «I Red Wheat Family Hour. Ii hind* «»I p !. •1 i U hill i Pu.-hvvhe; ii,ds ol « s. Saru nun', rivucu aild Lnglia Gil, Walnut, Musuroon an i F k 1 - Oat; Fre.-h Roll Butter, Bilker's Coc*»a and i. W ashing Soap in : iale. \ relli, Mac lh. l'oilcl ib • loss Starch, fur great 1 1 * - Mi rant.-. L; . Citr Meut. Dried i an berries. Brooms, Painted and Tullt W \ .1 Apple B Brushes , Ailamunti >1 f lic I all art ich usually kept i a well s«»rtc»l ( y Store. Galls »I examine my stock. .IAMKS f RIPPEN. S-Î W. H. ALLMOND & BRO., Co ner 8th and Market Street*, and Bran* aywine ViiUw-, n*Ai.i IN IN GROCERIES TEAS, ol HPIÇlfl«. Ac o., A c. AIRO IN LOCUST MOUNTAIN AND WHITS. AS r t O A. L. KJ ♦ OrJcr- ft-r COM. l-tt at tti* Yard lag*', WflmingU n, wilt rereW V If- -240 lbs. to the t a ine \ il r w *b *i-d Msract .street#. pr»»Mj>t attention. ni» :avk vouk m».%ky s AND BUY YOUR of Teas Coûtes and Fine Groja&'iea, ks of the NEW YORjf W? II. PIERCE. No. Fl W *e. to t.-.. From the best sclc ••«1 st MARKETS at the lea II **»py| Fourth tit. -Ä CEMTRïLVILLe NU49-.m ITT A TED AT Uli the l\. I 400, 'ENT RE VILLE, DELAWAR ell l'ike, 4* y miles tio »t« l» I ree ol the leading Ur. hard burly IVh. h, » new variety, » Peach, leading kind# i 100,000 IImI k earlier pc llNMMIO laid I Du aif I .Manu Maud . 11 d ( lit d API « HO : Ii .ding ;ti Ne \ P dd P« Vim. w. Hit All Mirab . nil tiie I it I» Also, a la • < k ol D It rry mol 1 < nal Tree* ••I« i r.. tali btry i I nety. wherry Plains, viz:—Ureal Agricultur ist. Hus-iT. Prolific, Erencb Suedl'.ng Great Buf. tab# hi 1 « dlu.g, Al*>un) Needling. Black berry Plains, i. is li n or new Rochelle, Dorchester. High Bush, Wilson's Early, and Kit laiiy. IHUJil.ii Raspberries of leading varieties. Philadel phia, hardy und produi tive: Doolittle's nupvunt •d Black Cap, Alien .-. Rid Cane, Clark. Fliaait 1 , Red Prolific. Belle <lc F»>ui.%.euajr, everbvannf perfectly hardy , and productive horn July to Or to her. Currants—Cherry, \* bite Grape. Red Dutch, Black English and KfUb Maple. Goose berries —II «»ugh ton V Lgcdling, Auieri»*ap ap4 English in variety . Rhubarb— Victor!a. best for mat ket or table use Asparagus —ihh ye Hedging Plants in <M*F«r complete «I and flowers. 4 1 . in bus 4 and and best «•d plant*. >. ptmn of varieties offrait* All of the above will be sold in small or larf# quantities to suit purchasers. All Trees aud Plants guariuitccd true to nam*. For Descriptive Catalogue address WILLIAM M. PETERS, ÔentrevHIe Deb lay 1) i>nvï*-l» J o HIN UOPDV'B ICE CREAMS, CONFECTIONS. TOYS f? ( hlldrenS foacfcrs, j.'JRK-WOBKS BASKETS, WOODEN WW Ot Fi V bfi. A the !«■ And a f.n.ral auortment of Staple and Fan ••ion.. JOHN BOUUY, No. 4)1 MARK KT 8 TKBKT. Oppovita tho llaaette OSes. W ilmmatoa, DS jiih-l.