Newspaper Page Text
III —I I ' p, Johxbon, EmR» AMD PftwaiXTiA. I " . . .- j_ I—i - I in Thk Dvilv Gxikt~s is published ev«ryaft«rnoon. j I except Sunday) et 41 «> Market «treat, and eerved by carriers to subscribers iu all paru of Wilminatnn and the .urrouodiug towns and villacas. for six. «'"in 'ndv'nct"^ # ^ ^ '1 « | The DELAWARE GAZETTE. established UM, 1 mat 2 a year, in advance. " DAILY G a * Democratic State Convention. By order ot the Stale Banne Otree Executive Committee, a meeting cd the Helggatnn to the Stale Democratic Convention, will be held at Do* „ t ... »er, ou Tuesday, Juno lltli. 18,2, at 1_ » «.lock, s .M , lor the purpose of elecUng .a delegates to ^ the Xatioual Democratic Convention to be held U.iltitnorc, July 9th, 1*72. It IS also ordered, That the Democratic citixena of the different Hundreds throughout the State will meet at the places where such meeting« are held in 1 at o'clock, p x , for the purpose ot electing the ti each hi nired on SATURDAY, Ji 1st, 1872. number of Delegates to the Bute Democratic Convention that euch Hundred it entitled to elect en<l dm j to the rules governing the Democratic (; is jKirty of the Stato. I'l.e Democratic papers throughout the State P u are rcHpeottulIy reque»ted to publish the above. WILLIAM DEAN. Cnainnan ol the State Democratic Executive Committee. Newark, Del , May 10th, 1872. in The State Convention Which niHi-ta at Dover, on the 11th inatant, to (•hot)« six Delegate« to the Democratic National convention, will he composed of fifty delegate«. each county, utile«« it dectdei to admit an 1 tro increased h ive been ealle 1 in the various wards of the city, and (Hie delegate will be chosen from each. Thera I imbt-r from Wilmini(ton. Meeting* (ire ten ward», and a demand will be made on the Convention for the admission of ten delegates, ; Should this reasonable request be acceded to, the representation of New Castle County will thereby t>e raised from .10 to 6, r > t The old live wards have been obliterated and . it becomes e. difficult matter to choose delegates trout them, and the custom of choosing one from ! h ward has existed tto long that there aoemt uo other easy inode of getting at the matter fairly. Wo hope the Convention will not he*iUte to assign seats to the ten delegates from Wilmington j and put them on un equality with other dele- I gates. We believe this is necessary to the har- I mouy of the party, and we are sure our friends j trom the rural district« do not desire to invite ' 1 I I « : strife ami ill-feeling over small a matter. SUPPLYING THE DRAGOONS. The king'd friends, and the radical element in Congress, generally, says the Washington Patriot , ure determined that the dragoons of the Propu <ia, who »re harrying the South, shall be amply K !l supplied with munitions of war and commissary stores, even it they have uo recruits. Thei judicial romrnanders-in-chief are to have ubiquity a ided to Luck bone, aud the sheepskin of the Lend of cuurts-martml is tn be tightened un til ifa reverbention* beco dr. stndeut. The sus pension rd ttie habeas corpus is somehow to be renewed, somehow to he procured, with or with- ! out the popular cotiseut, end precautions pro portioued to the emergency are to betaken to pre vent rhe contretemps of Georgia, Tennessee and i at being repeated in the bosoms of! other States. Casey has been turned adrift in | New Orleans, but only because be was an ob- 1 structiou to the free manœuvres of the Gatling j guns, which have been new primed, and supplied with lorty rounds apiece of fresh ammunition. North Carol] As the Petersburg Progress said the other day, in its very ioolndi menace to the Democratic party, i he South hu» 1 j 4 electoral votes, in a college of ! »•im Grant means to send every one of them in, solid tor hiinselt, on the same plan os that by which Ame» ai d Clayton vent-themselves to the Senate. The Progress truly says, the South "is i a p »wer in the land," and it is a power which! king to make into a 3 Giant and his fnenus are club, to beat out the little remaining life there is | half conquered ! holly trampled South, can be divided against itself ih the very houee of its friends, by the subtle machinations of the enemies of peace d constitutional government, then, indeed, wi I the managers of the dragonnades not only receive coinminsary, ordinance, und quartet master's store», but recruit* and re in force meats ss well, and »hull go into the fall campaign half-whipped be fore the battle, because the ranks of the enemies I < f liberty have been replenished with renegade*, j half-hearted compromisers, and these wretched purblind time-server», who always go over when 1 v »•». r V i«« on the eve of felling to the side they nr • deserting. in American liberty. Ii the South, the W t' Pennsylvania lost to the Radicals. . j i 1 lie following is tlie concluding paragraph i of » double leaded letter dated Washlnjrtoii, | M ay 30th, which appeared in Forney's Pre»» \ f'. of yesterday, signed with his initials: j Hut we must not ienoru the autiou of the Pennsylvania Democrat*. It comes in time i to warn us before our Nstlonal Convention nixt week. From present a ppmtraneM Pen-' n»ylvanU will uguin be the battle-ftrouud. I ' place little ronfidenee 111 Republican success iu New York next November if we allow | madm-n to nisua^e our counsels in that State, un. I il ilie Opposition are wise and discreet._ borne of the men at the helm in Pennsylvania 1 call lost* t hat to f. rant, too, If they are permitted 1 Ut it u un. A very little is expected at their | ' O Tim 'whole" ^^rt'triïuïna" Oiovermiieul, of the btate Uovernment, and: of the Çity Government is In tiie handaof oue elass uf politicians. TheJ* manipulate every- i thin«. Let them enjoy their prerogative; but i tor their own sakes, if they would save tirant ' ,t if they would perpetuate .their families, they ought to recofrnize the obvious fact that fori tills year at least something like diacretion ami toleration should be manifested. It is folly, worse tiian folly, to suimose that the! . Republican btate ticket can be elected as U stands^ improve it. gentlemen *uSs men of j ot row n seht ol and stamp, if jmi please, but take such as your constituencies can vote, fur. Fora year past The Phkm and other papers have implored these manager» to saw tiiaiit by "retiring" ohjectiouable aspirants bv bringing forward good men and Due as! candidates. Harrisburg's answer earrted dis - 1 may to the Republican party of the whole 1 State. It is not too late. The way to victory ' is as plain as tiie road to defeat: and surely i our guides are not all so blind that they can- ' not see that which is the best J. W. F. 1 * ? . -, . ».YHrllwifc. , ALfHKO WALTON. Dru»i«t. No. aft M«*«t stmt. respectfully inform« hi* Mend and tka pakHe in fierai. that hg keeps <m band all deie|»tiok ot inoJieine». »ml that * competent perso&i* at all j^imes ready to prcscribo fur nurti dick as call at the «tore, and that no chante in made excel*. tberecular price of the medicines, the same price ns they would their recldsueoi * Ï& 7 f 1 ucj " BUILDERS' HARDWARR - WfwiW eu» 1 " ^eU selected, anil I.AKOKM' in the State.— I Nails. Skill Weight!, Kuii dj i .Mjrli'i'JiOckl t Bilt| Hinges, Shutter ami lhair lb Ms, Stavbaoka, and in fhet all necessary muter "*1 'in building, for tale b CAPELLE Sc BUOTH Kit, 212 Market St. Chapman'« make,) Chisels, Socket« and Finueta s 8tee , Mld ln , nCo „ ipit . s ,,.,CWapora, Rido^ , ^ oorfan , lia Steul Brar-.-, , Bevels, Saw , jjeta, plumbs and Levels, Ac., lorsale by | CAPELLE A liKOTHKK. *12 Market «St. j "«"âtouï"'" ^ ^ "" C °" 0, ' ""cAfELlE & liftOTHEH, 212 Market St. ■ PLOWS, of different makes, »n lollows :—Heck- j endorn, Moore, Atwood A Wilt-y'e, (New York makes,) for sale by CAPELLE A- nnoTUKlL Ji: Market St. PLOW CASTlNtDs-H' nkeuiiuni, Moore, At-I( wood A Willey's, lor s.|o 1.» (,'Al'ELl.E ,b Diiuiitbll, 212 Market St. KNIVES AND FORKS Carpenters' Tool«, Planes. .Carpenter's an lur stock of Table en<l Dessort Knives, Ivory, Tiji-horu, Kbouy and (; l)0oa hamUos, both Encash : , l Amoricun maki;* , one WLshiiig to 1J Market Bt. im« l Cros is worthy ol tliu atti «>1 ; t u. P u "|' { '^ ^'p aawsI-w'.Üi t'iit Saw*, with Tutti«!*« patent teeth, mws, by the experience of practical men, will do as much work j in one day us any other in twoVand :»t mlugdl prices, for sale by CAPELLK »V lilto.. ! «112 Market Street j »cal tf . statt Vacate.. H. 04 Aft AI« ! Ki i: «V SON, M. REAL ESTATE AGENTS Collectait of Rent», itr., Vonrrynliter* and' Collector* of Account ». OFFICE—NO, 2 mUNGUi. liai W ILDING,' 1 J. H. FRAZER, rcT ,. r . rr . TT L.O 1 A i. C. AulLls X AND Collector of Rents tnd Bilis. RfF.AK 'III I Kit AND MAMKKT NT«. pr4dlf SAMUEL W. McCAULLEY, , Conveyancer, Beal Kstato Agent and ComraiApioner for Pennsylvania. •he.«. ' uncing in «11 ib brn >inir, pelting, *x Pr**ui»t attention xiien to t cbrnigi n an«l renting K»-»l E rent!«. M«n«*v firefully inve«tt«l. U collecting loan* necotiated on Hon t Hin! Mt rtgage with ainj-lo Fe< unty. Es täte* «• t ied. 0^ Informntion cneerfnlly given upon ftppliea* tion. either in person <*r bv letter. Office, 602} Market St., <2d Floor,) WILMINGTON. DEL. aSuOfficff open until 8 p. in. u-hl3-d6m ]ptsjmd«£aus HUMPHREY & SANDT, FASHIONABLE HATTERS 216 MARKKT 8 I'KKKT, H AVE onhsnd a full line of fa«hionnble Hats and Caps suitable for the prw»eut season. 4 hich they are celling at very muuerate prices.— Those in want of a superior article ai a tmail outlay should give them a cull. Al^o. u good a.^ortcueut of at low figures UMBRELLAS, GLOVES. Ac., THE ^ A TVÏ^ 2 East Third Street, I WILMINGTON, !>*!.. enrl-ly Soots vS: $U0f5. iyr.w Boor a ni» mho ktoke, 401 Vi LOMBARD STREET. The sabscriber* have on hand a good »n d Gaiter ply of well m de Boots, «Shoes which they will *ell at very reasonable prie ^ r ,1 ;"d W « r V"orf,!otu r «.'' r K«eî, 0 ri'^' t n .,.il > »dü f'. r ' mptly artende«! to. The publie are invited *'mayS-tfiL ClM ' .u. i__ _ . , , the lowest priem. Pariicul.r attention p»%"o Ou». tom Work, ltonairio* neatly (ton« «t sh >i t notice. _»b1I-U3iu Ul'GU SW KKNLY.' up town shoe store i MIi8KS ASU CHILI>REN t raacet '« 4ND MAP!'. BOOTS. SHOES end GAI OBI TERS made t.. • rder at tke very LOWEST rnICES. Ca l tny »ample« sod ,t JTT l ** rn "*» »««'«* balore givitik your order, * r *' LiDIES'. MISSES' AND rn ti.iiR r vs Best and Ctie.nett Maetn»» c-~- w j . "****« *oota, BhoeB and Gaiter* TT' ,0 '" l ® «' No. bi W««t Ei.biu «ireeu bo^V,' Sr'cÏT C """ ' : '° James m. jmjLMES, Km 9) Weujth street, 2d door from ShinUj. A1 "wSmtl!«!« "n i Wrtmfnrtoa. D-l. _ wr OW lain 1 n I I MEREDITH 4 BRO. The Old Stand Re-Opened, j No. 6 Knot Front M.eel. The Subscriber would anoounce to hi» friend* and the Mibiic thaï lie ha» oi«ene<i a Boot and >hou »;ore. and ha* on band a food aasortiL'vnt of iioo », bh«>e« *nd Gai- . for Men- B >y», M otnen. Miere» and ('hildren. i da i i 1 j CALL ON A. H. CRIM8HAW. I He«.» mad «Waat Third atraa 1 ? r < pi , i= f ~\ Of hi* **-*' - _ ÏO 605 MABKET 8THEET WILMINGTON DFL atMiaoiua. - 1 fitnmm wahe-iooms. ; 1 A foil sM erfn im . e f iba lasacl t lrlm f Cabinet i I % irr, to. K ». t I LEWIS F. ADAIR, ]]<; g' trtet W ihliingtOD. Del. : liai ou hand at hia Furniture Wareroomr a large aasbrttaent of _ .. ,-omisllrg In r«rt of lioreaus. Red.leads Table« , «'hairs Sola» Lounaea. tseitae». Lookiaa OI«!*M , ^^oublic »^"'e.l.'eTfollï iîmted ré | C sfl ^isuiine bis^goods and learn hU prices. j a pK-tf ■ j h FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, REMOVAL! THOMAS MITCHE L, FCRX1SIT1XG UX DR It TA HER Respectfully informa bis friends and the public gauerslly that he has re td trow the N, W. ooruer ol Fifth an French (street* tu NO. 414 KING- STREET, Where be is prepared to give hip personnl attention , husiness t»f L'n<lvrtakiiu in all us branches, Also, agent, lor K. S. Early's Patent Kosewood ' Burial t-adket. lie hu* A Mieph r'« Uni Kedidonce. No. W also purohaoed the right to u*e Stockton >d or»»*e P ■ ver. Seventh St. j ! j •ft7 j NO. 221 West SGCOnd Street ! ; ; i ! ! I ! i COTTAGE FURNITURE 1 AT L. F. HIGGINS', WILMINGTON, i.DEL. BovlTtf FURNITURE! h. l. mcconnbll, FURNITURE ! (Sucoessor to Hatton à McConnell.) Has on hand, at the old stand. 809 Market Street, Philadelphia, A LARGE STOCK OF FINE Parlor, Chamber and Dining Room FURfVn URE ! AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES! All goods warranted. All old customer.i will he dealt with a* former y, and the patronage of the public is eurnestly solicited. h. l. McConnell. Manufacturer and Dealer iu furniture. 809 Market St,, rhiladelphia. -Je THK SBCO D STREET fflFURNITURE STORE,-_ 337 N. SECOND bT.. PHILADELPHIA. 337 The Old Stand •»lohlished 20 y ears, triumph ant in H4ft%! » l lth. mar 2»3m Daring the recent depression in hu*ine* ws laid in for c«?h ch&.tp ;st and hesiaasorted stuen in inecitv, ? kieh we nellmx at reasonable prices. New aunt; ttota Bed«|ea4s wltioh mak« a good bed at night, nun able fur ni- k room vr ««ffi.-o-. UOTTaGE and WALNUT CHAMBER «SUITS. Straw, Uu&k. toelsior-nd S ring Mattresses. V^-Farbfr ult* « i -lsiered in any style to sait pUfL-bufer*. IVlNaBKOaS. V** ^• becond St., above \ i u e, east side, Philwdelooia. fabl—lv Furniture ana vemtian Blinds, J. & J. N BARMAN, Nd,flOk{NG STRICKT, iFiLBlNGTON. DEL. ^«b lwL i'Wf resj^ctfally Inform the cititens ol Wiliuingteti and the suproiinding country, that wq continue to lAanufacturr und keep on hand it our large and long esUblished waterooDis, 1 urii'lupp of every aristy and sty coo^i*ritIg ui Mohogany Rosewood and Walnut Furuituro, iuitubie for parlor, dining-room and chamber u.-e.'. Our as s« a* tui cut ofFu rnltare isos large and varied a* can Kef *un«l in Del a ware, and all artisles sold at our establii<hiiMint are warranted as repre.-enled. Vemtian Blinds ot the most fashionable designs tonne to order an«l kept constantly on baud. We Also manufacture and constantly keep a large æ sortrocntol «Spring,Hair, Moss and Husk Mattress J. A J.N. HARMAN, Rina s'rcet le. es. • n1 Hotels aofl giquors BAY VIEW HOUSE, Ferry Beach, Naco, lie,, MOULTON ft ClAHK, PROPRIETORS Thi» House, near y completed, is fir*t ;U*8 in ail iih appoiuiiuent*. It front* upon Kerry and OI«l «irehsrd Bcache». and has e '«i view not excelled on tin Mlanticcoast. 1 he room* tire huh ami airy, cu su«te an.l tingle I and ao nn<»hstructed »ea view i* obtained from ev er window in the house. The oitv of i'ortlund. Wood I .*« Im n• i. Seal Ruck*, the Pool»« and other ob ject* of inter*«t in the n' mediate otfiug. with a , , „ r. Only four uilUfc from >aoo. Littk'helii * Pottcbi'f« will ui«« t all truits at >ac«J Ddfput on th< Eu>t®rn Rtid B« »ton and .Maine K. R. bteatuer* laud fuur tiiuv* daily from Saco I aud Bi ldeford. Telegraph. Billiard hall und Btiwi ng Alley. An eUganl Livery «Stable. Will be I opjnetl f.»r gue*t* Ju MOU 21. is". j .-t!« LTON A CLARK, Ferry Beach, ____may27-dliuAeid! ui COMMERCIAL HOTEL I . i 101 East Water ?t„ Wilmington, Del. _ *ub»eril)fr having taken the above jj* Hotel, I» »low !•$»• -pared l*. accommodate { traveler* and boar 1er», lit» t«ble will be i A »applied with the bear market afford*, and i Hl »i i FFf* Rl|d choice liquor*. Kooina airy . . ksf» in l .ricl order. Tbs IHenU» uf tba »lid the public are invited to call, fry d»y Irmu from 1U to lz. Cool Laser r iiKNir on drauuht. apl l*d3ju 1 u ich JOUIt STOECKt.EIN JAMES BAXTER, niALRH is real rniriox aso uous.tic j WINES AND LIQUORS, NO. 13 tfABKMT STREET, WTLMINOTO^J^KLJ removal. MRH. m. a. 'CORSON Raspaetfully auanaaces tn tba Ladies *f Wilmiocion and Ticmuy. that .lie ha. remo ved her Millme y btore irum 202 Kiu( etreet Ss'Sèè illy » «1 MtRHFT STRkET, wh*re »he will keep a«l rhe LA TEST HTYLESiOt MILLISERT, sad,make to vrdsr everyibio, in the line o* her Lu.lne». at tba mart reaeonahie prlcee Tba patrenaca of her Irieade aud th* pubbe cen erallv u reepaetfullv aolleiUd. P aplT-ff Ol I 1 1 ; iron» i $arAw*rf anfl jftytui ^ry» (ilün. uttf & co; ;-•! AWD MANUFACTUHEHH' t gents for I f « • IMPORTERS STEEL, r r -, HARDWAUE , AND ' COACH NATESIAL, IHavetha Largest Stock of Good* in the State. la their tine.' and Best Assorted Stock in the United State ) Nos. 205 & 207 Shipley ft. 210 fc 212 Orange Street?, WILMINGTON. DEL. GREEN, UUV & Co. ' Successor« tr Pedrick, Green A Co.. Importer« and Dealer» in IRON AND STEEL, BITUMINOUS COAL, GALVANIZED IRON. COACH-BUILDERS' HARDWARE Ac. 8. K CORNER OF THIRD AMD 8HIPUV ST*., Have always on hand • fall assortment of IRON AND STEEL. Beat brands of Ameri ShSTriî*0*H» D B»raofalf sixea. lianil, SsHoop. and siu Iren, 1 be* 1 Norway Nall Rod* 1 and Anger Shapes, Mul vanitod and Black sheet j or- — Iron. Cast, Shear, Blis ! tar German ,Sw«de,Spring. Tire Machinery, and ; Tnn Steel. ; t Smith, Coacb, and other Hardware—Horee Show« i Horse Shoe Nails, Borax, Boltf, Clips. Nuts, Wash ! ers, Malleahle Castings, Waren Boxes. Springs, Ax ! les, Snoke* Felloes, Shafts; Bows, Ac.. Carriage Can vas*. Oil Carnet*. Rattlnett, Enameled Top and Dash I Leather, and Coach Hardware of all kinds; Iron Wire ! Galvanised Nails, Babbit Metal, Lead. Spelter, Ban i ca Tin, Sheet Zino, Ac., Grindstones. Crank* and Roller*, Back Chains, Ac , Ac. Smiths' and other Tools—Anvils, Vice*,Bellows Sledges, Hammers. Shoeing Knives, FJes, Rasps Smiths' Drills, Tire Benders, Twere Irons, Stocits and Dies. AH of which will be seid at very low prices, whole •ale and retail.for oash dr approved credit. March 2. 1HR7.— a ♦ J ! ESTABLISHED I8J27. â lMcINTIRE & JAMES, i j TAD A T VBB TW DEALERS IN 1 f BUILDING AND FANCY HARDWARE, CARPENTER'S TOOLS, PAINTS, OILS, GLASS AC. ALSO. ROSENDALE CEMENT 204 Market Street» WILMINGTON, DEL. a pr29-l ■ OJnL« £B2UA.X'JSX> Cucumber Wood Pumps / e s I a AUE TA8TELK88, CnEAP, RüRaBLE, and EFFICIENT, VW ANY PERSON CAN SET THEM. EVERY PUMP WARRANTED. Descriptive Catalog«« furnished 0 « applicatioa WILSON A WALTON: Manufacturer, and Wholasala Dealera, FRONT <Se MARKET WILMINGTON. DEL _ ,T O H N HODDY'fi ICE CREAMS, au*221y CONFECTIONS. TOYS CUMmS Cock«, FIHK-WOKK s BASKETS, WOODEN WARE, rtmeat of Staple and Ken JOHN RODDY. Ho. 411 MARK** STREET. OppodU Ik* QoMtt« Ofliee. l*»-l* And a gemeral etioae. 4 . T _ CAPITA . SURPLUS of ASSETS Il Afin* A Life wisiitan I Co. U. A. I. r Liabilities diJjÄ* A »trong Stock Compnny: lines 1 , 1 ,,;... plana Mtnple; cvntr»«iH d*-tin«i«l- ! n R ertmn; business and nr-ulaiion „»tîonaï «■•»««.i • ll.*')A^rP^ 1 iflÄi>^U-LOOEL loon. I.m r.r jourtTgtree, fluke, 1 " r n l\ 1 11 IT. , — M m n | O.Til*A t \"v No. 608 Market Street, WILMINUTOS, 08,' Chanet Per M ^ yrnrn.Of Perpetual Insurances at Giêatiw Reduced Rates. ^ Leaaaa promptly ailjasied at.d aid insure liust JoW or damage by lire,,, any other company 'V DIRECTORS; Gao. ly.Srxaxa Wm.Cim.y. Fi ivci.n Ins« P. Mel,* m, IV«. H.ts«,rr. Joua R. Tstii*. Gan. W. Resit, lii.i'rVj.' „ T WILLIAM CAN BY. 1W„^ _F T,. Oti.piv. Secr-tarv THU Sil.« » i'll.,, (ui m . - D ' ) Incorporated in llUti. ■ Insurances-for a term of "»«t Offlcei-INSTITUTE BUILDING * INSURES ADaIXST TIKE Houses and all other kinds of _ ... -, . 1 Builaings, with their content* 1 Mul and Ax and For periods of t ii a term of ye.irs. varying from three mootk*U Maragrrb. WILLIAM TATNALL, WIT.tltM T« J AMES lift tllFilRD, GKO Hielt »(((* ,« JOHN «IIVKK, KAtCL CAN BY ' Ohas. tv. Howland, clement r »«ttu KDw 'D BH1NG1IUKM', JAMES JtliT>U; EDW ARD f.lIKLLAll. A, IV »IIANNOV ASHTON RlCIIAl'llSON.OFO II. Iuiks' M M.rt.KAYKR «.no W1EWAM T A TN A LL, FreWt. S»v'i. D. ««ITH »ee'rv tfèi" Xtonks anrtJOauhrrs, The Mechanicâ îii vicgs Rant No. 4 West Third St, WILMINGTON, DEL. i o«»of«n to receive T| ep«»*it» and oink* Fay j ir eut* ühiIjp. < xc |«t«jN, t ♦» *"*• •»•«. -On T UO*s »«> UU\i Cl 1 f rul0 : , v « oi.. until um> evininp clock MANAGERS Jc*3R f*u A RPK JaMk» Bkaüm» n, UBARLf» B. 1 . 0 hr. Jamiu 11. Bto«is. J. F. W A Kvan hint. LfcWi* I avktm, UÄ. - UAKl.R ' Ml.LgaMT. I. >1 UM K. (Tkoruk . Gsübb. **. t JtfHTuir, 1;k j AMIN p. ! W NM». Ml • a No M.naaer lUlawail to borrow «ny mudi of hi lo.tituliou. J IMG» BRADFORD Presidm, A. II. G RIM.-11A W, Kci-rotary ,inJ 1 risidrer. JeiMy FIRST K.ITIff ML lll,U OF WlLMlNfl lov, Uepoffitary ol tko il'ublii* Monrys, A»f* Fiuancial Agent ol the United Suites EDWARD BETTS ~Pr< sidint a. D. ARMSTRONG, OasUei. . w $400,000. CAPITAL, TbsiCollssctiDg anil BxcluagiiiK of Qovin ment Securiti,« at tended to I at a small onmm>nt«n. °hUadelphia»6d NtW York Exchange an ight d t6 reenUr Depositore without .(Barge. Dinmtors meet bn Mondays and Thursdayi at 8.3u A. M. foi discount. _aD So-li , _ _ _ _ THE ARTIBAret* bAVINQS BA»£ No. 602 A!arket Street, M ilmilixtoii. f'elawsr«, Open to receive deposit*'daify fSund.'iy« excepted 1 during the usual bn>me»s h«»ars. and «•» TasiJu and Saturday evening» from 7 to w o'clock. All the prfkfitaof tiie liana, oiler the payiusDto ■ •œssao axpuu-ea, »re iu\.«lcd tu the beueht «• the dôp*.i8 11 « « « ». aud«ll^i4eu<D arc made scim-Aiiua ally in pril and Uctol.t r. Sinéy the «»ryanmtw« of the Bank, fti iHKl.'the «Hvideml* havs aoifbruilJ been at Oiw rate ui *i.\ mu Jaâa^'iUW io 1^ •i t^> borrow auy of the funk w, s lit- 1 tividend*. No m »#..1 ntrhs William ». Hillxh tiDOOMK W. litoa. LfcÄTO&V A. lIlOQINS GxoxogS.V Ufo- W. Jiusp. Vier f'ru8ul «oLä-ly 1b sNJMA'IR«, .<!.x IMTaK?» Da« 1!X«T0S. .11-.'Win. JV F in ItE. er» W. Hoiru*». I J(,P H . J u «SO*. I Ul.KSCKn t. ,'STTS. M. L.Lichtsnstsi». .. , HlLLlib.l'r.sii«"«* Jï i *p l Veb«*R . Trfr*«i* r in.ut 'X ck^trcvillf: imURSIRY rnfATED AT ftBNTIHt VILLE. DEUWA* the Kennen PRrt», 4'j miles toon Wiiminetuc. .OOO .'«Mil Vice h ol the leadiiiK urcluiK v.rtoti««. it , loo.uoo 41*1*'. «.«rlt «'«««•>. « ««» *» r J®' ripeun LW'» wc.wk - lu*i utIt ;ah a»ny oilier P* ,u , lûS.UüO ÿ ta U dard Ài$ita$ft'Pea»«.ot Ivrtdinf kindi -twodard Apple 'fj WfV', ifiPludhuriwb vat StuudArd OheWTrew. IWdm« variHie Nevtarine, AgKieui autt i'lais ir*t>. iPO.Umel owe and IWf y«*ir *»i«i Urapa > « ÄÄ3» ,nd Dwstl Aj. nie Treé». liiclu lins Ornsnientst trees: h"«"" hery ««J Bvtrrsreenelii wirtety. , ifl NtrOwberry I'tusu. »ix:— Gre.i Axntul* .«usMS'gPrf htl.vir«uqU 6««dl:uii " u M%}{terMS5>rar*R; : cl.j!Jj: grvhe4t«r^Hi«n Bu.«h/Wnvop*« Early, at» 11 tl#jÇJ , R«»titSrrte. et lesOiht yarirti*.;«|J l "j* ■tftässstssmistixAgg MÜtSÄ«»-3 Curnmü—fh.rry. têtHtoOmpo. *•«* hutsk, Und Kn(H«h snd Hm<«* M-id«. . Gocj^hexrie»— llouirblou'.' oxhUa*» . A""'™" Gnsli.h in variety. Rhubarb —Victoria, best fsr la*rka«•r•«bl««* , Asparaaue—twafsar olil plauU. Jsîcrlptlon dfvarlsHe» .fia» «nd flowers, *«e mj DaaopihUTtCwtaieiat ) gf All ot the oka** «Ul, be sold in *iq*H or On let, fahr s »mi »»ers, ttuet* p»a*