Newspaper Page Text
that wherr-as „ DZ". St tu« 30 well do; 'T each: O Rescue city, routine f»f FINANCIAL AND OOMMEROIAL. Orne* or raa Dxilt Osnrm.l *t ilmington. Del.. Jun. 1. 1872. I WilminttonQuotations.furnisliedbT John MoLear A Sou. Bankers. No. thy! Market street, at 2 o'clock. ». ui.. to-day. lH'-s 11» h m A Tliis Tii« 4iold«. U. 8. 6'» 188 market ^as in ns «I1.S MS •• 1M7. •• IMS. 10 Wa •'*. Ü. •*. Currency ,.6's New O'*.. 117 xer. 112 lit Thb berry closed g<Kid, highly. a realized. ion Delaware Ataia Bond« N. Y. Contrai . •* " Script N. Y. Sc Erie. Readinc Union P MX Ol 51 * S3 J. 60 R. R. «lock NCifiCF. W WHOLES A La. PRICKS. .88 50(9811 MO .82 lu Plonr. Wheat . C/orn Meal. Corn. Oat«. IK» 56c New Adverlleemewte. Wanted—A Boy. nale of Lot«- A. H. tîriir«hâw. Railroad Time Table changed. Doiaooratic Meeting-Pirat Ward. Pry Good« at Auction-Ogl-* Miliar. Sale of Lots in 9th Ward-W». Thatcher. Business notices. If you want to buy atraw and millinery good« very low go to 233 Market street, over Springer's hat «tore. The Neatest Looking Cassimere Suit« in the city, at old pneef. Moore'«, 228 Market «t. Oar Ready Made Clothing »• well sponged be tört being eut,ill made by W ilmington mechanic* Moore'«, 228 Market street. English and American Cheviots, Fancy Cassi merea, and Plain and Figured Vestings. A large assortment at Moore*«, 228 Market street. Our stock of piece goods, for order work, is the Moore's, 228 Market mws. lin. nun singing by well to-d» nr, truly r las» I goods ,Vc. the The largest in the State, •t reet Bubikl Alive -An Irishman took the eou When he had dug tract to dig a public well. abour twenty-five feet down, be came one mom ing aud found it caved in—filled nearly to the top Fat looked cautiously around aud saw that no person wa* near, then took off his hat «uni coat, and hung them on a windlasu, crawled nit© some bushes «nd awaited events. In a short time the citizens discovered that the well had caved in, ana «rvinp Pat'«hat and CJat on the wind!»»* thv) auppoat-d tlmt he wa* nt the Iwttom of the exca- 1 vation Only a few hour* ol bnak dinging fleare.1 ( Just a* the citi- for reached the bottom, and were wondering fined have the loose earth from tho well. ZPIIfl where the body waa, Pat came walking out of the husties aud good-naturedly thanked them tor lieving him of h sorry job. Some of the tired diggers were disgusted, but the joke was too good to allow »uything more than a hearty laugh, which soon followed. efi; SUERlb FALTY. H will To thr Elrctnn t\f AVir 1h*tU Count y : Fellow On izf.ns :-I offer myself to your consid eration as a caiididnte for tbe office of Sherifi oi New Castle county, subject io tbe nominati the Democratic Party, pledging myself, if elected, to perform the duties ol the office with fidelity and to the best of my ability. Res New j To Ih, Votera of the Daotooroti o Porto of Kao ' llttl : 1 Ge.ntlkmss Encouraged by many friend« and I tio.. ele«t:ou, Î am induced again offer inyVe It | a-* a candidat tor nomination ot Sheriff lor ih- . Coun%y ot New Ca tls. i*l*Uging •"ysalt tu »bide •> I iDatiuo oi i. J •** mT b-,» . WM. H. LAMBS0N I b'c. Ol ad 'pccttully your«. ISAAC QRUBB. Cactle Hundred. January 3d. 1872.—tn BHERIFALTY. tbe flaitenng v< ihe n« su« port to the suecesfful Re«i>e«-i lully. New Cantie Hd.. l«erember2W. 1871.—tn «OB bHEHOF. ir.d*i*i|ned will be to independent LA ßOll It L'PO ft it CAN DID ATP Tbe For Sheriff ot Mew Castle county at the next g ne- A. B. OKA >» FOKIf. ral election. .. 4 ft CORONER. Tu tie Votera of Nev Cuatle b ounty: (iiMLimM I über unreif to your eonaideratiun a cauuid. e for tbe umee of Coroner at tbe ensu ing Ideuio. ratic Mumination Election, aubjec to tne rules of Ibe nart>. and pledge myself to fri|. 1>.S. CANN. a* p irt i be successful nominee. Wilmington. D*-I . May >7 ta FOB COBONBB. To (As A 'lectora of Nev Chat la Coumty; FgLLow-UTIlxaa;—t otter myself to your eon sideraiion as a candidate for tbe nomination ol Coroner of New Castle County, snbject to the ; nomination ol the Remuera. ic Party. \ JOSEPH YARNALL. Resp'y yours. New 0 h«(I« Hd.. Jan, lfito. 1871.—tn CORONER. Jm Guile County: To the Demoermtir Votera of Gkstlkmrn : At the « licitation ot numcri u« triendr. 1 am i dueed to otter myself to your con ?i<j©ration i -r the » ffioe of Coroner .»f New Cspile County, pubjrct t«i the decision ot tho Democratic Part> ; and heieby lender the o>usi pledge to sup j port the Démocratie Nominee. JOHN B. LOiMAN feb2tn Wilmington. .Ian. 30.1872. COBORER. Jb the Elector* *\f Jfew Cottle County: GxNTLKMKK*-Yieiaing to the solicit tion of nu merous friend«. I offer m>«ell to your consideration a« a candidate for tbe office of Curooer, and hereb> tender tbe ueuai pledge to abide the decision of i be Democratic party, »nd give the Democratic nominee my hearty and entire support. Keep ct lully. LEWIS McCALL. Wilmington. Jan 30 tn COBONBB. To th s Damorralie Katars of Ntt Chatte Coonty: GkXTLgm. : At tbs solicitation of rnsoy iricntls 1 ax.iD ug.r uirsall as a data for Uv inar oi No* Caul. Cuuuty. .ad yladga ay sal I to sir. the iu—dssful caodi >.t. lay eordlal .apport. I taodar ary bsorty rhsuS. tor Iks aMi.roa, su-por I fc rÄ' •''"'"•üANISL B. WOODWARD. COBONBB. CORO If SR. Io the Elector* of JVetr On »tie county. Gkxtlrmeh: Beviug resigned tb« office of con «Üble, 1 r*->p«ctiully ask the support of my fell«*w cinsens tor the office of C »roner ai the ÏKÂL*teSS«üf White CUy Creek Hundred. ai*l »n To the Democratic Votora of A me Cootie County • Gbktlsebh: Yielding to theeolieiltdion of many friend« i again offer tayse't as a candidate for Cor uner ol New Cætle County, and nladge myself to give my hearty support to the nominee. J AJAhd L. COa, Wilmington. Jan. 8th, 1872.—tn COBONBB. 7b th« Democratic Valero of Nc* Guile Gmnty: Gkvtlbubm : At the aolieitatlon of many friends 1 respectfully offer myself as n candidate tor Nomi nation of Coroner of Ne w Cattle county, subject t the decision of he Démocratie Party, and pledg arxtalf Urffiv.ab-rty^PoH^thj Noarra«. ChristianaHaadr-d. January bbt.-tiri WIDDOK^. COBONBB. 7\j the Democratic Votera rff Now Chatte Gmnty : OK..TLMEX : At lb« «•iicitatioa of nuH-roua fri.ail. la.u induced to aruin oder my>.li to y.iur eoa-id.mruii lu.- tb* ottice ul C-ruaer ,.f N. m Cool. Cuuuty. .u.Jeyi tu th. d.-IMon ol ih. Damn . rat o Parry, arid 1 berutry i*nu-r tbu u.ual tl-dga ro «apport tb# Derumraucnoiuio..^^^^ Christiana Ud.. Feb 2. 1878.-» T I H ruing. report of the "referee trial, ' we stated that the suit wa» ••brought I adore K-anuire raid, wherr-as it should have .. 1 -mv Squire Fra 1 1 e at raw- | 1 Church »•as very t0 „ them« vea ^ has u'n ! ! „ , .... ... nr „ , h . wii Corser Lovnoino — I ... lit the « n- , ÂÂÂ^e'lÏÏrï Z : DZ". ...»V»r. of the Company .... l .he pas- rs-hy St :;;::r,;:"d°î: • r tu« to th. performance ,'d .1. uaty. 1 Markets.-B utter «« l'l M»«« mormnrf from o 30 l* r pound, egg* '-bi-■• u jR" • v, '>' hu „ ctl . abundaut and sold briskly, ' Au • lettuce Ï^W^.:«ionî! : 2 a 4 do. Tim m,.:„ market .. well eupplied; l>—f. I" * •< i»'-ui. I. veal 20»2. r > tlie do; mutton lu.ll', do . h n., wln.le. 11, sliced, 20:, 'T ' „ fô'.V v 'AToreiV"'' ' " ' ,h " 11 1S " ' r) I >'7, each: herring tOal a dose, . Social \ wit.- kciiMiinto»i l N«>. o. Jr O U. A M . Of PhilailflpliiM. paid >* so.-ml visit to Rescue Council, No. *L Jr (• I A. M , of this | |H( city, last evening The visiting brethren were routine ,d bun..«*, was disposed of, a pleaaant evening w f»f refresh LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. A beautiful day. Tliis ib tti« first day of Tii« market was woll attended thin io r. ii'iiiiig. i'Ubl** in There was h jm Iumou of early vt market this in xer. Thb West Cni-Br;i Ki r ' berry feetival of the Wei closed last evening, i to g<Kid, end all present *• • highly. The festival, » • a ruccess, and quite a n ce I i.u realized. i l"> ft-JIIMl, h il . : : ■ I pi© supply tier. L-ches at:t1 enjoyed etired «peut ill discii'H Mit«, making fri singing song*. The o by all participating, un well p lew »eil with tiieu reception Mini trout ment. I g 0 *V | e j ' , ! e first- A. dry I tuli imc ot the finest ! M.U. i ii pets, Ac.. . .1 «-veiling an extra in 1 j dly ap tl V lSltl'IS ii the city . visit th'. >^l© Ä Mil* The Great Influx - i -tr. to-d» v bankrupt Ha'uof dry gooiis fiy M nr, on Market street. S»andni premium, and th- de truly surprising. The g r las» articles, and comprise I goods line together with a ini|»ort©d broadcloth*. Jies- t ,Vc. During thin afternoon hi assortment will bo offered, a the store will most certainly r The arrangements for a«' visiiois are complete, ample room ducement* are offered them. Hi ticles wm 1 Iji v. Il ici H hing in th ., i-is.-. — Il.-nrv 1 0LU ^ 1 ASM - ... ' „ .... ( otinlv, Mil., was arreated m ulfiier I In for selling blown meat in the market. ID fined U and costs. Four cases o r ilrnttkeniies wi morning, and the usual penalty imposed ,,i p Vl ,„ , I Kl . . a repet m m ! »inmod»ting the liulx d extra in- i I }|J * " * ! ip. , , . I ure tr.ed Uns ! ; ! Change of Time. -The P.. W. A H R. IV ! have enanged their t'ine tshle somewhat lo tike ! ge is not r tram- running -. in f .r I! illimort I». M., j I time ta .1 H of Cecil IT.c cli: •ii und silter M« : efi; lost of H e p i >» • The 2:03. A. M 13. Mod the V it. H- he I will h :ive this cil oi -:«l of the r* A| rain ;-i LOS. ; Cau Smipmf.sts —The Jackson A Shnr|*e ! j Company shipped this m uning, by the W il mington & Keading liailrn id, "tie - i-mu cias. passenger car, and one mail and bap*i::u»e cat t" Carthage. .*io. pliev are for li e ( arihage,Mein- • ' phi, \ Noril.ww.ern Railnm.l. | : 1 The Harlan & II ,l!in Z **nr.h Company chip I , , j . .. WiLnimrtnn A Readiuc 1 * It | Rail rond, two first-class pa-sengcr cars to B<»s- 1 ih- . on Mass., lor the Eastern Kailroad. j •> I . Ibouht I.KMS-O., Mlnwins f F r ^'''' ! were eue« . . * » . g , I Krönt Phila.Mphi«, on- oar of household I Koo.18. for Soniuel Harlan, one ear of lint- for j Bright and Keithler and one for Win. P. I I I von kl he will be found el.-ewl b'c. whirl Ol ad i a de. Karr. On-oarof bark, from Cjx's Station, for .1 Briscoe. One car of wood, from Carville, for .1. Sil- j ne- cox. From Clayton, on- oar bark, for s. A. i'ri— and one for Moses Styles, on- car of -luireonl, ! for J. Uolx-rts, and une car of ties, for the 1'. : W.4B. R. R. i nm W ? SH rs 0 X , m- S ' [ n ! m o , '. < ' r S , ' , . own ' lor 1,1 i Wilmington A W estern Railroad 1 „P*\ e car ^ ar ^' 4rom Greenwood, for J. h. Rhodes. _- . „ . I One car of bark, from t.reenwood, for S. A. I Dy far tbe most plea*mg -nterteimncnt we have witnesaed for some time wa* given lust evening, in tbe Opera Houw, bv the languid Coined' Troupe Theperformauc«opened will, th- laugli i -1 bla comedietta -A Pretty Piece id Buaines«." after which Win. Horace Lingnrd npp-iir-d in to fri|. Prlre. Five cars of sundry freights. eon ol the ; \ AMUSEMENTS. u« con Cspile sup j feb2tn really wonderful, anil he was greeted with round* of applause, as Louis Napoleon, Nap«»Icon I. Em peror William, Gen. Butler and I'retddent Grant were successively presented to tho audience. "The Sage of Châppaqau" was th© last personation and as the curtain fell upon the bowing and «mil ing form of the ••Old 1'hilosopher," tho house fairly shook with thunders of applause. The performance concluded with the pleasant little comedy of "David Garrick," produced with an excellent cast. Mr. Lint-aid, in bis two chnr gard) al*!y performed the role ot Ada iuyot. her fiue personal appearance adding"greatly to the et* J)avidGarrick •1. nu hereb> of Mr. WhiW Simon Inuot , applsuded. Mims I)»ckie Lingard. Mrs. Pvne liai tou, Miss blauch© Galtoii, and Mommis Dunning,, Glassford and Duncan, dut not fail to do justice to their respective parts. In fact the periormanc© waa delightful throughout, and proved highly sat isfactory to all present. feet of her acting, aud Mr. Matthew«, iricntls oi the su-por I •r«' A New Soeiety Novel. The Rbionino Belle -Mrs. Ann S Stephens' new Society Novel, is m urens, »»n«t will be pub lished in a lew dnys Ly T. H Peterson A Brother«, Philadelphia, Pa. It is said to be the best book that ibis popular author -mh has ever written. "The UeigMng Belle" will be iasmHl in a large duodecimo volume, uniform with Mrs. Stepheus' Seventeen other works, aiul will be for aale at all the Bookstores at the low price ol fl 75iu cloth, or 81 6t) in paper cover; or copies will be w nt by mail, to any piece, i*oet-paid bv the pubiisherH, receipt ot the pin-*- of tho work iu a letter tQ them We understand that T. B. Peterson Brother«, Philadelphia, Pa . the publishers of the popular poem oi Jit-nutijul Sntnr, have secured tbe servi oes of the distinguished American artist, Mr. K«l ward L. Henry, ot New York, to illustrate this < fine poem for them ; and they have m prêt*, to be | shortly published, a new illustrated edition of it con- 1 Wt* are sure that the well-known reputation fell«*w- 1 jg r Henry will iiiMiire to the public something above in merit what is usually seen in so-call«-«l 1, ' B "-*■ »««*• j« p" 1 ' 11 -'-* • many Cor to COa, friends Nomi t pledg bv this Well known house, "Who Shall Bo Victor." 1 tfie sequel to " I h« Cancelled Will," by Alis« K. ! Dupuv, "Mv Herr»," a < huriuiug love story by .uew English w nier, "The Fatal Marriages," by ! Henry Cocktou, »to., arc c«p* t mlly good und ai« I having large tutlet, und should be read by all. : nuH-roua y.iur . N. m Tlie Marion (Soulli Curollim; ,Vur saya Damn- ; "CulUlll it quietly 'I—piriK vtln lu il WHH lu il tl-dga 1 ^ wo a , K i tlirc." wi'-kn ago. Cuttuu pros , p-ct bad iu tills ueeliou. torn, ditto." Itev T lie Fourth Annual Cuniineina'inriit of the mg m I leluwarc Normal L'niv.r«iiv us« held at the A H -lnH>l room, in the Heeoml Moiy ol Sn Ville'e dosrn BiiiMing, Sixth and Market »ireeta, yesterday A A email niinila r of invited giieata ; passed nreeent. I'he exercises conaisted of music , The ^'J^MnAroioi."" ori*in.l essays, decla- ha. mutions and dialogues, and were conducted in a \ The | niunlltr creditable to all concerned. j track ".Scenea fn>m the Acqueditcl Bridge, George- . tained t0 „ n p. C.;" bv Agnes E. Ogle,of Wilmington, I A ^ ^ pleaaant, impartial review of (lie relations delphiu ! existing between North and Souih. where ! "Cheerfulness," by Katie lola Parra, was | written in a cheerful strain, indicating the ptf »Kamst , • _, r.. „u „.r„i û„ ,h.. „.«Her I worm, : "Miss Caddie IsiwperlhwaUe read an anginal j Th. S M0 " ,,ng ^ N,8h '- " *•" Very " I «-» Mhw Sallied. Allen read in a seif-poaaesseti The. • r ,ncr t*■ vwy ablB ll r v ,^'' Se,, p " n " 1 '^(Ud 5"by HatUe S. ««kin,show- *» in * n a manner, that "a good name in . rather to I* chosen than great riches-" Isaac Murray read an amusing and ingenious The .. nein, "The Cobbler." which marked him as on > tlie t o-sesaor of considerable talent. A '-The Story of the White Clirysantlieiims, Forge I >'7, Mi" *'*«"}• Cowi^rthwai'e, displayed con stderable ab.B.y in compoailion. Potter Ml** Lva Cooling read an original esnay on ! Advice.'* which clearly proved that she On | |H( | . ir() |i| ( ,(] [)y ill© avo«l advice imparted bv lot*» ( • " * t |ia. «bas. Reynolds render* Ihe amn.i.ig poem There was ouee a Toper, in ail excellenl mail EDUCATIONAL. rorUTU ANNUAL COMMFaVCEMFNT OF THF DELA WABX 8TATK N OK MAI. UNIVEKSITY. A ville, and j happy out tier. I g 0 ^ |le j n an nmils ing manner. | Mi*h Anna SpeakuiHii read an able essay ( e j 'Norma Schools," showing their great iui|iort ' 'ance in the cause of education. , ! "Tlie * cience of Teaching," by Miss Victorine A. Vandever, of Loveville, was a well written, I able essay, proving clearly that the writer jsh ! sessed a thorough theoretical knowledge of this . important branch of education, which only re- j "Teaching in a Country District School," bv Geo. \V. May, of New ('asile, delineated the 1 j troubles and perp'exiliea of the country peda* » 1 ! I quires ordinary practice to place her for moat air among our instructors of youth. ! ^ eVt . r;l l dialogues were delivered during the | . -.i a „a «, in- i exercise J . with good effect. , I The music was excellent, and was under the direction of Prof. P. Allen. }|J * .Vfler the delivery of the parting remarks to j * ! the « lass, by Kev. G. A. Latimer, of Calvary 1 ip. E. Church, the exercises concluded with: I tlie singing of the chorus "The Beaut. fui Sil ! 0 ° ; ver Sea. ! This Hcliool is now in a properous and ' IV ! flourishing condition, and under the continued ! efficient management of Prof. John ('. Hark-J not ness and Miss Laura A- Osgood, with a full corns of assistants, will doubtless ere long rank ! f„rc«.osi of our io-lilolioo*. f l M., j ta bu?i i\ ; Mr. Tipton has introduced a joint resolution in the Senate proposing ti constitutional amend- |_ ment providing that a majority voie shall he j ! «iiflicient to pass a measure over the President's Fv il- veto, cias.- r j |, t » President yesterday nominated WilDam t" FJ en ,j nt;H ^ Appraiser of ui-rchar.dise at Buffalo. • ... , , .. ,. . | h * cre, » r > K '' 1 bew ! n »' ,l . . d «!» v «*r '*■« «*.|.lo »>»» g' midalnpmen at Annapo 1 * 154 * l° m unv. B<»s- 1 General Howatd has written a letter to Gen- T j eral Crook, withdrawing his previous riipiest for a suspension of lioslile operations against the J ! ApaohCof Arixona. It appear* thaï Oeneral g , || OW2fr( | failed to make any amicable arrange-* I "'r .« n ' 1 ,1C "»» " dvi r 1 for j ü-neral Cri».k to take vigorous measures for | P. their punishment as "robhera and murderers, who will not be conciliated.' At Leavenworth, Kansas, on Thutsdav, the on I son of Colonel Taylor, paymaster in the army, 0 I was found dead in an ailey, shot through tlie I head. A young man who was seen with young ~~ Taylor has been arrested on suspicion. I he i ; I ..ot F .1 Sil- j i'ri— ! 1'. : i SIONIFICXNT rOUTICAL MOVEMENT IN 1,1 i Vikginia —The Metropolitan Ureeley and 1 Urowii Campam Club has been organized in h. Kiclimond, Va., with a fin- list of members. . I The president is Franklin Stearns, a thorough A. I r ,q U1 i)|i r m) Awong tlie vice-nresidents are Judge /ioliert Oiilil, Judge John A. Mere dilli, Gen. J. D. Imboden, G-n. Bradlev T. Johnson, W. B. Isaacs, Win. S. White nnd otli-r prominent citizens. The other officers have are alt gentlemen well known and highly re evening, spect-d in ttiat community aud throughout Coined' Ill-State. It is expected that not less than i -1 1.Ü0U members will be enrolled in this club | within the next four weeks, in 8 having purchased largely of S pring and Summer round* Em- j Grant | | j l> L 1 CJ Q f \ î\ CJ «mil- ' I I Fi i i Li YT\/ll 1/ i l house ! 17 ^ U KJ , pleasant i And being determined to with I chnr- T p| AAf OUT IL TIITinr I IIIT ! Io CLUSE OUI tne EMIRE UNE her | the et* j i •1. ' Before returning to liai- . Dunning,, to ; ! sat OUR NEW STORE. We will offer DECIDED BARGAINS. Stephens' pub Brother«, book written. large Stepheus' at all cloth, nt by them Brother«, popular servi- | _ K«l this ! to be I of it of something so-call«-«l ' 11 -'-* When ndvertising H< o.l« ns BARGAINS customers KNOW KK<»M KEPKKIENCE that they re al ways to be f^und. Vf. M. KENNARD & CO. 4th and King Streets. ma v 14 3t?atotfr$ ana ©lazurs. S. K. CLOUD; P» inter and Grainer, No. 61S Market Street, Victor." K. A. by u by ai« , up nLed. (BAHfcUk.NT.) WILMINGTON, DELAWARE. P-iols •i-i.ntitically mixed and mMbani-nlly dud . i d saya lu il pros torn, «fHE GREAT AMERICAN BROILER KCLIP8KD BY THE National Ui*oilpr, R. MoKkiböfT-nT" «»■ b bip. er stroat. Cnil. and, THE STATE. ^Georgetown Commissioner* .re inproxi"« Itev Mr Mallory, of Milford. is rapidly déclin mg m health. ,, A reoently erected Seaford houae wa* l,10wn Hall, dosrn by u storm a tow dava ago. A terrible »tonn •( min, thunder and lightning ic«' passed over Georgetown on Thursday. La The freight charge on atrawberries from Milt"™ | 1 ha. been educed 19 cent, per 100 lbs j The fruit train on the J. de B. It. It. ran etf the * j track ou Wednesday, at Milford, aud was de . tained several huura. I A Sussex countv greenhorn mistook the 1 Inin, delphiu market house« for stables, and inquired where -all Uie hones were. | Sussex county corn has been lighting hern »Kamst cold weather, the drought and the grub I worm, and yet it now look« well. j Th. The I I «-» «<«" made^he*cha„ge. I Z The. ". ? Hmeîne n°f "eTrv'nêw ' vrrz *» in * °* ,h °" ta """ P " L un/iuuADc OUR NEIGHBORS, The W est Chester town clock refuses to strike on the Sabbath. A telegianh office was established at Valley Forge last week. Mtjor Cl)H , es has sold his fine new houae on Potter St, Chester, to 8. Mellvatne.for J1ÎJ.Û00, ! * ' On Thursday afternoon of tart week, btn'dmg lot*» to the amount of $20,000 were Bold in Me* t |ia. the BAY. in the I rsu. 1 J u ii A. X Ward DAY purpose tion dunce V Men*« No. election in V Ward House, at voi A A meet -treet. 7H A Ward ..ii Deleg ver. A fre*» rending room hat» been opened in CoaieBville, by the Young Men's Christian As Hociution. The fitiblir achoola of the borough of Pluenix ville, cloaecl last weok, for vacation of teacher* and scholar*. j Mr. James Dicks of West Goshen is the happy possessor of a hen which lately hatchet) out a three-legged duck. j ! ! (Advertisements of three line* are inserted unde this bead three times for 50 cents.) air A j(TED—A boy to l-arn the priming busi neis. Apply at this office. ravJl-tt | , j 1 ' ^ **' en ,U,Uie '' f A? T. BRADLEV. ma y 25 dAw • Middletown. Del. ! T?0R RENT-Rooms in the second story of tl © 1 i f l rr fli" Z "' te ba,ldin *- 4 b ***'' 8 ' rc, ' , • A » Æor lent. FOR RENT. g. The Mibscriber offers for rent hi* F nj; Siaod opi*o» ; te the National Hotel. Mi dill • town, Del. One of ns good «t-mds a* th^n h in the State for tbe Grain, Lime <>r Coni l" to ind bu?i i\ ill close out 'he Stock on reasonable terms. .1 • itah « IN |_ he j Fv T * ît d v er t is h °t hern *i u ^ h e^L) ah. t °G a r k t t e/ 11 ° U ' the J 1~\KLA WARE AVENUE LOT FOR SALE.— -L? 44 <ee« front. r 1 ... for | „ OR silK A valuable. woll-eHablished RESTAURANT the on Market street: house larse. Also, HOl bK 0 ,lp ® treet * " Joiutug. tlie api2tf ~~ - I JJJouses at Pnvata Sale. ~_Six*Room New Brick Houses on Front street, between V'an Buren and Har ruion streets, for may23 ^gor ^alr ana ior grut. in OR SALE Dwelling House, No.8H2 Marke» street, i feet front, the lot running through to Hf ; King street. Po«-<e«8ion October 8». 1872. Hi JÎ I ..ot on King street adjoining McLear A MH.L Kendall'« coach factory, V9 feet from, running through to French street. Fo«se*«ion M*r«-h 25th. IhT.k EDWARD BETTS, may <7-Gm ALFRED BETTS. i - the M. F Apply at thin office. F OR SALE—a Lot one hundred feet front .n West Fifth ptreet, between Van Buren and A i*ol vat thin office. „ __.... x- A '' No. 4 Weft Third street. I - » j !■ IN and in are Mere T. nnd re than club Fi iii sale. Apply OGLE A to MILLER. Real Estate Agents. 4th and Kina : OR SALK. A valuable BARER Y and OWELLINQ Hifi HOUSE ooinplete. »Ua Bxture*. An excel ■ M, I lent stand, doing a large bu.inee*. in a good ueigb borhood. Oven new w _ Real E*tate Agent. Mo. 4 A ist Third street. decMHf RF.AT BARGAIN—FOR SALE. if A two story frame Dwelling and Wheel- Hj! wright and Blacksmith bn op*, in Mill JHi 1 *> Creek Hundred, near Harmony Mill*. Villi» 8 *ld cheap and **u aecomxiodatinff i*-rm« \pi>D to A. H ORIMbHAR. tto. 4 West Third etieet. G of CJ l KJ , IIIT UNE jar*26ti ffarnrsfl. B. THOMPSON A BR0.. Saddle, Harness and Collar Makers, 600 Wet»t Front Street, WILMINGTON. DILAW ARK. A full assortment oi Single and Double 'a- ringe, Cart. Dray Wagon H «rues. hand W. i ml constantly and mad© to order All Jobbiiigpunetiial ly attended io. may*} ly i. Hamens s Harness ! L IGHT and HEAVY »ARNKSS. mid. ot th b-st mat-rl.l and by first -Uw «»rkmrn hand vnd to .id s to order si v ry mod.rHte lutr.. COLLARS. SHhUS. oi customers re al SADDLES WHIPS, BRUSHES. CURRY COM 1 S. and other articles in their line un band en«l lor sale at the lowest city prices. Repairing neatly done at short notice. Tbe public ere invbed to give them e call. W » EL à RINGWALT Sbiniev St« CO. N. W. comer 2d ai>3-tf Ssbarro & #eg»rt. OTTO & ÖUTZ, MaKcracTragas or SEGARS, HO. 3 WEST FKO.Vr ST., •Ä-Segsr Knives for «ale. anlO-ly J^YLVAN SPRINGS! CHaRLTS KYLE, Proprietor. This pleasant place <*f resort has been neatly fitted up tor the r«M*eption of individual visitors, pic-nies und so«'Îh1 partie«.*> accommodation* fin dancing bave been mode, ado. Cultes. Fruits. Ac., w . i d d Ir. l.eiami ill bcruppliid tu ull who' may derir. tb-m. No intoxieaiing liguer, will bo «old on the ground. He will aleo«>ntiriue Lit popu lar ptand at .S—oud und Market «Ire-i«. where the abor. named summer luxuries may be bad during thesessoo; ubo.ut bi« rendervous,Hixtband Orange streets, where be will be pleased to sue bis many heads aad the public geaerally. may7-dm stroat. SOCIETIES. ituxnxo» tut. evkninq. J^™*^** UOO F, », Odd Fel. Minqim Tribe, No. S. I O R M, at K«1 Hall, 413 Market St. Jeff-rson Council, No. to, OU Mach»», ic«' Hall. Y19 King St. La Fayette Lodge, No 2, K of P, at Knights o| | 1 11 , y, . ,■ j AjJ»«T T, at Hfth and Mark« * I s^TRAYED I Z XÄtt ÄtaÄSÄ ' UotUr*. il. nniNNiuw \V ill have a largo sal » *>f Lots on 8ATU8 BAY. .lune 8th. at 5 p. m. The«« lot« arc in the Wextern part ot the city, on f th.Ath, Van Sa I rsu. Itcsd sircoH. Ac lyGLK A SlILLKR 1 J u ii *. 1 It AuctlanMn. A. EPHRAIM STERLING inny.11 dAwCt Red Liou Liti. X TTENTION! FIRST WARD A meeting uf the Democrats of the Kir« Ward will he held ft the City tlotel. on WKD\Ud. DAY EVENING, the 5th in«t.. at 7 o'clock, forth« purpose of eleutina a Delegato to tho .State Con?«, tion at Dover, on the ilth inut. A gen ml attea* junel-ua dunce ia requested. V NNI'Ala Mr.r.TIKU. The Tlii d A Men*« Limn Assocmtien will b« held on ul Iceting of th« Youbs MONDAY EVENING June 3d. 1872 at 7^0 No. 404 Market street. Report of the Auditor ind election of officer* lur the ensuing yenr. J. L. KILLU0RE. Tresairtr. in a y 30 4t V TTENTION ! 11*101 KATM A meeting r.f tho Democrats of the Third Ward will be held nt the Water Witch Enstni House, on SATURDAY EVENING. Juno UaSI at 7H o'clock, to elect a Delegate to the Hiate Con voi t on to he held » t Dover. June 11th. A TTFNIIO*! Il là MOI' RATH OF Tit A FIFTH \VAI4». The Democrat« of the F fill Ward arc invited t a meet at the Water Witch l-ngine I• ou* . on bhitA«y -treet. on SATURDAY EVENPO.Jn 7H o'clock, to elect a > to be held at Dnv v30-8t A TTrXTIOX ! T KM OCR ATM 7ihWaid. A mee'ing of the Democrat* of the w cv««tk Ward will he held Ht the t oil*© of Ueorse F. Robin o • enth nd Oraoge itrssu, ..ii SATURDAY. June Dt. at 1% o'clock, to elect« Deleg ite to ibe State Convention, to be held st Do ver. Juno Utb. 1372. in . « ,8t - st delegate te tho 8r«te Connu «er. June lllh 1«72 MANY DEMOCRATS. ! . sen the st c.< tl © 1 i luHyil 2t A ttkxtiok remocratm. A .. eetina »>f thu ti«iu>>crat« of the S ith vVnid will t'e be.dat the Hot *1 of John D uftbtrtr Seventh und Walnut, on Sauirdav Ju^p 1* , «ffg » 'clock, for the 1*11 rp *«« of cho»»>in« a Delegat« to . vent ion, to bo ta*Ad at Dover, Jnn* MANY VuTKRA. • Coni l" j^delkgate ELECTION. i'hr D-iik era 4 -* th * Second Ward are mquut«d to meet nt th© Ketton Hou«e. K corner of Second ind Walnut «treets. » n «SATUHDAY EVLN1SG, h»- i»ur| one of elertint ward to the Dem he held t Do ol tli - Second t-'x»ru E. B. F ». Dl. at 7 .1 :k. t tic Ststa . on Tu»-«day. J une ve Cooiujit th • de D\ order « retary. I\3u-3t I)\V CAST! U AND WILMINGTON RAIL ROAD COMPANY; ' IN U ' May '.U. 1872. The Annual M»'« t : iu' *• f ! Is* Ht ockh^lders nf this Company will he h« Id h© wffwe of the t'uttr»W. in > (• w Cn^th *»n Tli URSDAY. tbe t>t b <l.i> "t Jase A. UgUSEk. »^ecret m. JÎ 'vy j^| 25th. II a i next -it - y of ice , f he A the W'ilnii field at their office « ul Mt'eiingol the Miiekholders of City Railway C« u.j i i y. will bs June 4th. 1872. at 2 o'clnekP. W . II. COLBY, • Secretary. M. may22-2wd M edical society. , , „ . A meeting of the Medical Society of th« State of Delaware will be held at oounty. Juno ]Dh. <»r ihe second Tuesday l F r-t se.-pion will be held nt 4 o'clock P M DAVID IJALL.âse'i. 1 PNI une .n and ■i. H7 Lewes. Doj.. Mny'i The Wilmington and Heading RailroadO ob -latiy have cirt*».-»***! urn* mummt« to carry Mosw •ki gos and Express Matter iownd from all pouitl on the line of thou road and " est Chester. Express inat'cr petit to Franklin Telegraph oies. No. 2 West Third street or t-. their De. ot. Front I n j M il( ]ison. or orders left with .McMullen & 8«sl » j e j]veririg agents, will receive prompt Mttention. • . « 0 STOLZ. C.en'TBunV W. A R. K R Co. . !■ ntf LA ISSULUTION OF CO FAKTNERSUIP. Notice is bar.Lyaivsn that that herero'ore cxistii.g belwten the un-terrixued. in* u-titiv oi ttammond A Leary csn-sis mutual i-o*..Bt, tv. UAMMUbD. J. W. LEAKY. iii D Dartaenhip : der tho Cr_. _ ouilderr. is this day dbsalved by Hifi M, I ueigb Tbe tiuiiness will be continued at N. E.sor»« ot iSieond ai«d Fiend# sircels by the unur rsifsw. who alone is authorised to settle ui* ibe sffsitl ot (he late firm ih-nkiul lor past lavort* t > toe Ulf . he soiicim a coi.unuaisoc ot paironawiroy hL friends ans the public general, and wtl WiT w ha WORD. n ia ail oai«.s if Hj! 1 *> Villi» \pi>D etieet. an iiri'ieVw i.-yj CITY ASSESSMENT. 'PUN Cirr tor me y.»r W72, JL be—c mi lei-d i. filed .tthi. ud-'e-l ths Usrt ..I ihe l ny i -uncii (-r i- hire iii.peitiun. i he t'lty I «une I " ill sit tu • a»r H|)I cl* romtB. „ U LRNK'I'AY. FKlDA* «mlSAT ud Hits il.y* of Jans, si •« K I. TA* Lpt1. Clerk of tbsCily Council. llRDaY. to© f th, 7th a u'el. . »• .*8 dtju8 m oi Double Dray «rues. hand UNION S. S. JUBILEE, Riddle's Grove, Wilmington, 0*1. Tlli'KMUAY, It'NK H* *878. Ticket« t or lit served Seft»* 25 c« i.t« each, osn n»d ut tbe i*riuui|*ul btorcs iu tho eity sad n«i|F The commute« guarantee to each holder of lick etna ««at. uui advue an earlv purclisse MJJJJ will only be euoted in p*r| ortmn to the oumm : vc l red .I. A. ALLr.W. , WM. H. BIlLaM. w.... II. ci.uwaku. J AS. X. ULKMNkk. CHAN U. MOuRbi C« raiBdU« order ly i. may°5*dtf pROPOSALK FOB BITLUINV A ! pun i.u stcBoob ot th lutr.. MiiCab. S.jlr.t rr-po »I* sritl b» rwarvid by t* 1 * ►ignwl Hui dmg C .ami tu« nt tbs-ft*" 1,1 ' u r-t m y of Ihr R...r.l -I Kdttoution. Mr Jos.b. !«> gors. until SATfltlt r Y. Iu«.»tb.l«72..i» iorbutldinga l-ir' lie '-bout V.:'"'" "ï l bsiw'sî by U.« t.'osrd ..t üi.icut-.n ..n 0l»vin-at. bsl«« A and l..,tiu.ql srtf.i;. —«th hsfsr FI,ms can ta ret n. ai d .parlfios'*»-» i,i*b«<i 0 » ,Pid- »i'uii to «ly tusnib-r ol tbs ^Farti-s uiskii g |.rot orals ar. r-qu-stedI to insa tion in lb. proiHisals Ibo UtaO for •'"»"Ä , or u The eummittee reserve the r*gnt t*> isj««» "'fi-^bid *iil be acoapted onlaj H ba try* ' . possible "arty ^{'Ä WilniingSon. May 27.1*7» ti.n* !*'■ ^ oi COM 1 S. en«l lor St« i ST., TÔook îRinatrï. JOHNSTON & U00IA, anlO-ly HOOK - BINDERS, fitted pic-nies fin liLANK BOOK MANUFACTURE* 8 . NO. 420 SIIIPLEY STREET, AND l.eiami- • wiluiauro*. »»» ull who' , , . ' .„ling «• will bo A—ount Bwilrg uf .y.ry variety ul popu- | biudiug wad. u> order. __ . p.kiiealio* the Magatinea. Music. NewspoP*" , during o. WI kiud« bound lu rlatu vGrao-y "V Orange Jlotii being pTaôtreal irörwmen. • many i guarantee entire «»induction, may7-dm Orders by oiatl promptly »tleode« to. ■ ob ' s » sitiy