Newspaper Page Text
» , . * » -ar /'''A 7K1 V IK, UA1JL X i -L-B-d* of J*v, _____ _ 1 that Thu Daily Gaiet^h is published every afternoon. I |^|ml, I ascent duudaj / at 418 Market «treat. end eerved by nn carrier* to subscribers in all parta "f Wilmington . j t and the surrounding towns and villa»ea, for siu rdnt. a week, payable weekly. Yearly subscribers * . ! * ——. u,, 1..1 ,-u I ace The UELA'YARE GUttTTt. , , the larfeU aad most flourishing weekly In tli | lute, and hat a larger circulation than.any otbe en the Penlnsulsr. Published «very Friday morn | ( n«at »a yepr, in advance.__ | I voura I in self nati the j lees U. P. Johnson, Editor a*» Proprietor FOR BHERtFF, ISAAC UKUBB. FOR CORON kR, DANIEL B. WUUDWARD. I Independent Newspapers. It seems uoW the fashion tor newspapers to df-1 dar« themselves "liidepeudent of party." Ami string* as it may seem the fashion is co-incideut F witn tuo nomination of Horace O^rPo, j deut at CiDcmuati and Baltimore. Ihese news- j |nont not small and umuflueutial j urnsls ! tl f the strongest and ablest | all, ... found o her strungu thing is that they have all hereto- | 0ca for« beeu the leading, out-speken Iladical Ueput»- our l.csn party papers. What can bo the reason ol and 1 lit know this t Have they not sceutcd the deteat of Grant ^ (rf already t Ho they not want to bo out of the Riu k j' lltll . the robberies of the Radical party are ea- i / trr I a id tbe Keening Telegraph have botb s| oken thi. wiy within a day or two. Due of the readers ol the tbe latter naoer who is t'avorab e to tbe election , tbe latter paper, wno ta , o Grant, sent it a communication asking it to |tQ ^ c »me out "openly for Greeley." But the 1 ele• p i,*«rs are e.mer. They ere a in on*; e a ted, aud apparently do the best business. An p nwil by its successor» ? The Philadelphia Pm graph replies: There is nothing in Mr Greeley's record which is anti Republican: there is nothing in the Cmciu uaU pim lui in which any Republican can refuse to enuoiac. Mr Grant- we prefer to désignât» bim in this wuy because he so «.esimi to be de signated wh* n he laul asme forever the title ol G.lierai - Mr. Graut is also a K publican, bu Horace Gueley was one when Mr. Grant wa voting the Demr cwric ticket, when he was swing vith Andrew Johnson, oi , IllUg to accept tue DelUn* He dm , mg Hrouiui the circie when iu 1868 tie was i ciatic in* uiuatioti tor ttio Fiebideiicy. p . because it wusuot ott* reu him while : tlie It« publican one Senator Camer«)ii, »ay? th*» Press, threatens to read it aud some tweu y otlier uewspapers out ol the party,tilli that paper repue? by nayiug it wil. "aeuouuce Grant m any c.iuae that was wroug not bu*. the Prt9$, like *auy other man,' owe» sotue thipg to itte.t au.i a goo i b-m more to me Truth | So. guntieoieii ot the Grauii Loiniuandery Mr Cauieron, Mr Uuaseb Erreu, aud the re»t — if you j C u do w ii bout us this year, why, Meuve off your j d muabie face«, und buy in' " In auother co.uina oi ihe same paper, iu regard to tbe Fetuisv lv In State ticaet, it say»: Ban hs it would be to have a 1J< mocratic Gov. : or G«ne»-*l tof the next three m,ii t»e fur »ihm huth for the Commute ol the ertior nmi A y.a s. ii • lllH >'l II« G'*v. I uor ah Au* tt rltpbon« bo IO Xt till il Nul iuuhI politics nie Uic elt-ctiou ot Geiit* h gui X-i rs, liuwtVv. , I tier«- 1,1 rnl > I.» bi.uiia tu« ir fore we roll lull ti<tr>r<iii!t Now the it i lie u pirty, we doubt not, is jus' as Corrupt in ever> Other bi tte where it he» had con trol lor a long tune, as it i» admitted U» be in I'ennsyivaiim, and heuce hauest ui» u all ov» r he , couuiry w»li ab.indon it in November next. P el Ai leu. oh «•n From Cliiili]bur-' Encyclopedia. Artesian Wells. Matiy such wellt» exiut it» London and it* vicin ity, «bore which lonn the oriMtnetital tountama in liaittigar square dt-M-end into the upper clunk to a depth oi leet 'ihe moat lam» weh, pfaihap-, is that ol Grenelle, ol Pans, where the water i* gauit at a nt-pth ion»ol water» mtuu e, winch a»» to be pi » 'polled lit leet above the *ur iace. The pressure xqnmd to »-fleet this has been calculated to exceed 50 atmospheres at the bottom ot tbe bom. Ihe water baa a constant; temperature ol 8i ° F. It in believed that the Chinese have been long acquainted with artesian well*. They huve been Austria, especially in tbe artesian in the outkkirtB brought from th» liUS feet. It yield* 57< )4 gal raieed witn such a loi ce in use for centuries t eighboibood of Vienna, where they are very abundant. ▲iready districts formerly dry nnd arid have receive«! a plentilul supply of water by means of such wall», and many inure applications have yet to be made: it seems likely that ere long Alricu's deserts may thus be converted into fertile plains > ln an offl- ial report oi the Algerian government, 1 tor 1866-1857, it i* «fated that Artesian honngs have been executed in the 8ahtua of the province , of Constantine with remarkable success I he first attempt, after a few weeks' labor produced a con stant itream, forming »perfect river, and yielding 4010 quarts ot water per inmute, at p. temperature o. F. Svvtrnl o.her well, l.xve be«, .unk Se verni tribes have already with equal Bucceoa. The result is likely to bo ; beneficial not only to the ooumry materially, hut aleo to the character aud habit* of its nomadic Arab inhabitants, settled down around these wells, aud forming; thus tbe centre* of settlement», have coustiucted ; villages, planted date-palms, ana entirely renounc- j ed their previous wandering existence. The Late Judee McCunn. Th, Naw York Commercial, rrfarring to the i Milden aeutb oi Judge John H. McCunn, of the Superior Court of that city, from depress,nu ciuaed by h,a impeachment and removal for ul leged malfeasance in olTice, says : • ••Judge McCunn was about forty-seven year* of age, and a man of highly sensitive nature He, could encounter anything but public censure, ami during all his public iito be exhibited the greatest eoliciiu.le lest the newspaper« should attack him I for his official act*. In early lile he married Mi»s 1 Jenny Waring, of this city, who wa* ptjHeeitaed ot j x handsome forium-, «nd this, with M Cum.'» »uh xrquent real e.tuin «peciilaiioba. and menme irom h» profession, leu lum worth at >he time of In« i death a furtuue estimated at $3.000.00U. He owned in th»« city a large amount ol property in ! ttie upper ward., bennies a tine country rear lencp ■ in New eereey. A lew yi-en ago he purchased in the County ut Dniy, I Farm Uni, on which hiewutherat prewnt rendu. Tin. p ace it wnx hu habit to visit once n year.— Judge McCunu had probably oua i f the moat val uable private ubrariea in tbi. city. He •, paa laiy dpvoted to boolta, ai d in'his vearlv exi ur •nae abrood be wnx in #he abu of picking up the ■nthing that waa cugrout and yin litamtiire and hiatory — mirer of Disraeli nnd John B igbLnnd wan in tbe nnbit or couveromK ahoet tua o an* Umir kind by u.e liour. McCunn re ' grant affactiuu fur the placent 11 . birth and rul e d ko return aud pa-. Ihe avenu g of hie His greatesi irabu luti, ti, boa fre quently told the writer, wae to repreneut bis county in the British Parliament, anil ira uimoubl ediy Ir quuur v fait that he wae destined to till that lin 1 pô-ition. He was indeed, a remarks-. He had r.oita, nur the nobrer quelitie«, with a warm, sympathetic Irish heart, war, up- i re.nnd, an aetata railed oddaaad eudanf valuable by its B. wan n w taiued inte lifu bis m ui. SnoRT Letter from Mk.Okerlev-He Empha» 2h» Hie RedltuM.—MuneaM. Strong, I of Wiecoiirin, hus »riueii e leiier to Mr. Ore*" J*v, Informing him of hie pur|w*e to "elumi> i that State, which he thinka they cun entry "in |^|ml, of the only Candidate that (a* he eaye,) nn (Irani.*' He make Mr. Oreeley lo give, j t |iro|ivrly can, an affirmative answer to the following : . . ...... , -TW me exposition and elucidation of the platform of the Cine nnati Convention by Hor ace Oreeley in hia letter ol acceptance ol his „„„anation for President fumieh e eati.fnrlory |he American people thet he jf e|(c(cd ,dmini*ter the governmenl ( (he Drinciplee enunciated in thet plal - Mr. Greeley'« reply i* ee follows : "Hew York, June 24.—Dear sir: I have voura of the 15th inat. I did certainly intend in my leiter of acceptance to pledge my self unrwervedly lo the doctrines oflheCincin nati j »lit form. and eaj»eci»illy to the principle of choosing the besl men to aid in administering the eaecmive brrncli of the government, regard lees of past differences. ket a Horace Greeley. inelalve-The Commercial a Shark ? F the çrisûeld Leider. rotem |nont j 19 j„ existence, the Gazette is the only paper tl f that city that ha* hna the courtesy to oditori all, notice, or fairly ^l^Tramme^alTn. !« withstanding the fact that the Commereial has found it convenient to transfer our articles to its | 0ca | columns, as original, and use at least one of our locals as th* substance of a lead in (f editorial. and then, aa determined know that there was such ajournai as tie f-r tt ^ (rf l earl „ Bctua || v credited the only hall-doscii j' lltll . k )t cou |j Hurt the conecience to <|note. to a pa / trr turned and printed in Pennwmniat Jbe I Commercial is an enterpnsiug sheet, but It tunulaletl by the voracious seltl-hnessof the would eat and fatten on its brethren of the press-a portal sbark that makes pe. , mn-ula journalism its prey, without a fraternal , „pulse, ami void of the amenities common to ed |tQ ^ a| c '„ urte , v . mm — , , irai d state ^gentsi. J. H. FRAZER, REAL ESTAI E AGENT AND Collector of Rents i.nd Bills, t:AiaT THIRD NT., REAR HARKET. iunl3dAwly_ : Oia.E A tllLLDK, REAL ESTATE AGENTS and AUCTION EEItS, | j j No. 60 S Ma ket street, In the MorLAVY L.i'LDI'G.) opnoelte the Bank oi Delaware. PERSONAL SALES ATTENDED Tu. : Having removed from tbecomer of 4 b and King ie t»- to tb»- large More .V .ßtftM rket-treet triends whi h will be my ^3 »»licit I» der»* Irom •• aud pr n.ptness. , . 1,1 *" h , SAMUEL W. MoCAULLEY, Convejancpr R«al K8'at« Agent and Commis »oner for Pennsylvania. Conveyancing io all iD branche*. Prompt attention given to buying, selling, e* oh <ngi g aud renting Rea) Estme and collecting rent* . , , Money c*re r ully invented, and loans negotiated «•n Rond nd M rtgage with amide »ecunty. K» taie* settled .. Information cheerfully given upon applies tion. either in person or bv letter. Offloe, eu2i Market St., (2d Floor ) WILMINGTON. DKL. t&/)ffice open until 8 p. m. in to 'ebl3-dfim Jfitove$, (Tinicarf, &r. ptOME TO No. 118 MARKET STREET, W1EKK E- T. OF.A CON, of Warranted to be the best, cleane?t and most eco > ncmicid Move ever used for baking, boiling, broii 1 *°K * D d ironing. In operation ever day. inn20 HOMAN B. BEIAOX, No. NO* MARKET STREET. Will »ell cheap for Cash KEEPS THE Universal Oil Stove, , gj 0 VES , RANGES AND HEATERS, . ^ H0USE FURNISHING GOODS. * luding a general assortment of Wood and Willow Ware ROOFING. SPOUTING, repairing and ex changing of Stoves promptly attended to. aprl-6m A bo ; ; j H. F. PICEEL8, Non. 7 and • Rail Fonrth Ktreet. WILMINGTON. DEL., Sole Manufacturer of the Celebrated Wrought Inra the i the ul- Coo " ,,, • Pa,l0 * • COOK STOVES of Farmer. Regular. Continental. Niagara, He, Qu.iker • ily. Ir«*n Sides. Iron Clad. Magee, UD< ^ ^^ n » îf > r * Miner and IT. 8. State», Tfimu° ,4r,n Uook. Diamond Stsstsi I ' PAnînn iwn iipattvo ctiivk 1 PARLOR AND HEATING ST0\ ES. ot j Morning Gl«»ry. Beacon Light. Sunnyside. Gem pï?lM IKht Novêltv Pariïr n c^ok P *Tro»?e "«îfn 4c Ac >ovelty parlor Cook. Tropic. Sun. In« i Also, a larga ...ortm.nt of Hnu.ekeepin, Harri« He ware. Tin and Sheet Iron Work. Roofing, Spool in ! in |; . . ■ ^ i if * *1°™ bought, sold or exchanged, in val ur the and — re and hie fre bis till Opfpjmte the Bapttot Church, up- i Gas Consuming Heaters, LEWIS F. ADAIR, 116 King Street , V ilmington. Del. Ha, on haod at hi« Fnrnitnra Wnreroom. n lain airorlmeat of ■ FIK»T-CLA*S FURNITURE, b eoneotir-g In part of Bnrean. Bedstead. Tahir. Chair. 8, tax, fa tees. Looking Gla. t. Matt reerr«. Blingx,which will he told at th- l..wr. any price.. The publie are rsnectfuily Invited tc cell. eaniLlne hi. good, and laaru hi. prices. apti if H. C. SWITCHER, M. D., WV2 Délavai« Avenue, WILMINGTON. DEL. r^Lfag, Clocha , jtfft lrg. Market Street. ßESJ S. CLARK. A full assortment of superior Clocks, Watches, Jewelry & Spectacles - 4^7 407 a Constantly on hand and for sale at the lowest mar ket rate«. Particular and personal attention given • repairing nay article n the above line. apri-tiv PRESTON AYARS, ,nd j PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER and daa ar In FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES. CLOl *S. JEW ELK Y SPECTACLES. EY E ULAtK.ES SlLVEK WARE, do.. 404 King St.,Wilmington, Ool. Particular attantiou paid to repairing in all its brauohee; aleo changing epectaole glm.c. Ha. a goo.i aiiaortDiant of glasses eonstaully on hand. The publlo are cordially Invitee to cell Mid ea 22septlj ataiue my stock. ei.d learn my prws. WATCHES, Cl OCRS AND JEWELRY, Mtreet, Wllmingten, l»«l. thb loWlb , r h „ on . h4nd „„„ X for sale at the very lowest i>rices. oewind second head W ATOM K8, !« * ■« "( ÄiÄ hÄ -hou|(J giy# bi|n a Clocks Watehes and Jewelry repaired in th» sent msuner, and at the lowest rnies Bar 17 tt EDWARD ROBINSON. by GEORGE JACK. No. 306 Market St. WATCHES. JEWELRY. AC • « SPKCTACLE8 à BYE GLASSES— GOLD. 8ILVKK AND KÜBBKK KRAMKS. We claim from experience to suit every m. »»eculiarity «»f impaired vision, and in cveiy Vy-t f'aee guarantee nati» tact ion. Our lueilliies j nr© rush that we ean exchanc« xlassett in »•»* «■y shape .frame to suit the customer in a few hou» ß . B.— P*m «tore above ikird street. •Mirias in all its branches. FlflfcT ft AT« II » m, « LOI K 1 anil JLWGLRIt At Wo. 18 East Fourth Street' WILMIN •en23-lv The undersigned would respect fully enll the attention < f ladies ■■nSEHiSheod genflemer. to his fine • t «»f Watches, ('locks. J* welrv. Silver and Plat ed Were, all of whfeh is entirely new Hnd embrace? rhe latest and most approved styles, lie asK*«i>e fial attention to bis American Lever Watch, which is » supenor article both in OnDb and for correct iess ot time. A good assortment of clocks, jewelry and ail er and plated ware always on hand at low figures. Ev» rythin* eaarant«e<1 as represented. ttei airing of all kind» promptly ana neatly done on reasonably terms. Pnblic patronage respectfully solicited. J.CLAYTON MAHbRY. No.lfE F ort octrvf b street. II ATCHfcfi All» JKI 1 ELKY, C. I. HUftiH, lies MARKET STREET W ILMINGTuN, DEL.. I«:.ell'ng J BW E1.R V. P' ATKD WARE and CLUCKS R) 4 I KliLRSft nF CO Id. to olo.e out the it-irk (iblil end SiiV.i Waiebe*. Gold Vrei. L-ontinf and O' era Chain« I' ■ per eent Ire. than any other Jrweler in Wilmiuginn W-Plaaa« ea I and tee the price.. Repeiring promptly attended to felifi , ) J. W. MOOttE & BBO., DEALERS IK Diamonds. Watches, Clocks. Juwulr), SILVER AND PLATED WARE. rj I Fine Table Cutlery, Spectacles, fcc., 1031 MARKET STREET.PHILADELPHIA. Watches. Clocks end Jewelry neatly repair ed.— AM wora and sales warranted. sepziHy painters and (glaziers. S. K. CLOUD, Painter and Grainer, No. 6IS Market Street, (BASBMBKT.) WILMINGTON. DELAWARE. Paints scientifically mixed and meohanioally applied. may2fi d JAMES BRADFORD, dkalib Iff PARTS, OILS, YARAISKKS, WINDOW GLA88. Cement and Calcined Plaster. Paints, white lead, red lead, while tine. Iren paint, lubricating »ils. linseed oil. «perm «»il. lard oil, neat»* ] lout oil.coal oil, luden à Nephew's varniohee,Eng lish varnishes, alcohol, turpentine, paint mills, pamt* ready mixed, artists' materials, wax flower materials, décalcomanie pictures, all kin«is ut for eiau and doinr«tie glass, stained, ornaiutntal and eng raved: coach painters' material, stencil cot ore, ladder* of different lengths, rehfly glased sash, gold leaf, bionse*. vermilHoos. looking glass plates. Nos. 6 and 8 East Third Street, WILMINGTON. DEL. N. B.—PartleaUr attention paid to Hmtee and •nip l*alwtlu«u Sign Writing, *r H Ac» apt TAHSB FHANCE. HOUSE, SiaN AND SHIP PAINTER' PAPUH HANWKU,Jfce., No. »12 KINO BTREET. Next door below Post Otilee. Wilmington. Del., Would respectfully inform hl.ftiendannd the publie 5 »n era Ily. that Set. now prepared to dp all w ork lo ie litr, tira ae Home. Bln and Ship Painting, ridxlnx, (Matin,. Pant Hanging, Ac. nrtnieted to hi.enro will raeatvaparaonal atteotioD. -.a Country work at landed to. AH worn look linOrr«._ JOHNSTON a BOG I A, IBOOK ■ BINDERS, .IND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTUREES. no. «an bhipley street, wtLwnuraon. net,. Ao wont Book, ef every variety of ruling nnd Modi ng made^^le C %ewapapen and Pnblieatlon o all"indtViidln Plato^Tancy Style.. • kmea. we ar, able to wrlti r^Lfag, v tflotiunfl. 187». SPRING AND SUMMER. J. H. MUHLHAUSEff, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, KING HTHKKT NO. 4IR WILHIKOTOa. DM.. aa Where be>. hiscustonicrs «nd the pub 'll lie generally to cell end elemtne Ins well se ll 1 ored anil extènslve etnek "f U< rmiin. hi « JM lisb and Fiench Cloths. Cuisinières ton mgs ,nd Vestings of the letest Imporieune elwnys un hand. j N BORGE U. ASH. MERCHANT TAILOR, MARKET BTREET. (seoond story of Morrow'« Building.) WILMINGTON. DELAW ABE. A fine «»ortmeot of CLOTHS. CASSIMERKS and VESTINGS constantly on band. api-n h genullt« i No. an gAMUKL MILLER. Merchant Tailor, 109 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON. DKL. bond a full line of bonutiful Summer end Soring Gonds, consisting of Cloths, Oeenmeres end Vestings, which will be lunde up in 'be Intest styl' by first cless workmen. « very moderate roles, i r oublie sre resoecltully Invited lo coll nnd cxnm ne (bese goods, which cannot be excelled in the city. niay4-3mil _ Has COOL CLOTHING! fOR HOT »BATHER ! Splendid Stylish Simmer Suit? for Torrid fJuly Day». Striped Alpaca Caat*. Black AI oa-a Coats. Linen Suit-?. Light Cans mere Suit?. it ment - of With a handsome a®i men ASO BOYS' CLOTHING, AND FURNISHING GOODS. PI<-nly nnd Obeen. Purchase at once before thf y become scarce, at JOS- ROW'S 316 Merkrt Mlrrvl. iy2-1ui ;l(j}EO!GB McCALL, Merchant ' Tailor, No 121 Marki't ot.,'Wilmington. Pel Huvlng IhM in bi. enllra Pprii g ««'■•k '.I 'R CLGTliM. CA8>I.Mb Bk.S enti VK.-T1Î-Q' l3 is now prvi'M i ll to won moiliiti his ■ ush u " mid tbe l ubli.: gei ' mils will gniravnu fi aiid finish, caunot bo «s which. f»»r t ei tnen cel ed by at y hr use in tb* city. H.tvititf sernrtd the »ei vice.- i f Mr• B m . wift. one of h*- hett cutters in ihe coun/ty. he t* «-is ' i * Aden* of giving sa» i f» ti'-n to all who may av"i with tbeir patronage. .Satisfaction gun hi ml teed J. DeWOLF'S Popular Clothing House, And 303 MAFKET STREET, WILMINGTON. DEL The subscrilier respectfully informs bis numerous customers and friend* that he has leceived one u! the best selected stouks wt SPRING and SUMMER - CLOTHING, FOB MEN AND BOYS' WEAK, ■*K»ÏPÏÏli»ÂÏ?îî , 1 ïî i üî 1 fty?'''Ffc ^!'h h"-'"fl'cHng'.'ram,!;'.My l'f*'sî«ç P**' The B<*Y 9 ' CLOTHING DBPAK iMLNT i* well stocked with the late t and m«»«' appioved ntyle* Call and examiue to rati-fy your.*»elf. J. DeWOLF. 308 Market ntreet. Wilmington. Del. ep8-"m F. C. LEHMAN, FRESCOE PAINTER. Residence, 421 Taylor Mrort. Poet Office Box 497 c jy3-ly 422 WILMINGTON. DEL. ICh tie* new er* 8PRINC8! CYLVAN CHARLES KYLE. Proprietor. This pleasant place of resort ho* been neatly fitted up for tbe reception of individual visitor*, pto-uios and *o»-ial parties. Ample accommodation* for dancing bave been made, and Ice Creatn. Lemon ade. Cake*. Fruits, ic. wiUbesuppli d td all who may desire them. No intoxicating liquors will be sola on the ground. He WiH alsocfintiuue hu> poi u lar stand at Second an<l Market streets, where th above named summer luxuries may be had durin these son: ale»», athierendervoua. Sixth and Oran streets, where he will be pleased to see hi* man ri*nd* and the publlo generally may7 ] MICHAEL KcOEARV W OULD respeotfully inform his friends and the V V publio that he continues to keep on hand the rgest and best asnortinentof Gentlenmen's, Ladiet _jd Boys' Mew and AdContUbnnd CToihlug of tbe best quality, at Mo. *19 Tainall street Also, hie large stock of Boots. Shoes and Ladies Gaiter*, of the best style, is fcorthy of attention be fore purchasing elsewhere. A large assortment «>1 Bed Clothing, Blankets. Sheet? and Sproad* con stantly on hand. He feels confident that be i< aide to aell goode lower than any other per»«»n in thi* city. Give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, a* be will give satisfaction to all who may l»iv«»r him with their patrousge. ES Highest cash prices paid \ Rags, Iron. Bras* opper, Glass. Zink. Lead an« all go«>d* in hi« line M.McGEAKY. Wllminrfftii. Del bu al T«»n*1t 9 BOSLEY, TAYLOR A CO. (Suooeexor to Thomx. B. Boenon.) Orange Street, below Sixth, ( Hright'o Alley,i WILMINGTON DEL. WOOD TUKN1NO, Circular and Orusmeotul Scroll Sawing, HOUSE !1RACKETb, CABINET AND TERr 1 ' lURNlNOS. NEWELS D-ITERS. BALUKTRADK8. .Stention» ui «II L*ngtha and 8ises Bored or 8<>U«11 CIRCULAR MOULDING« Turned Worked, as desired urnisked at short notice. ».WANTKD.-Gum Timber sultAblv for Car lave Wheel Hut - iell-lv | UBKISH BATH. No 310 MARKET STREET. OPEN FOR GENTLEMEN ON food ag«, Wednrjday«. Thursday and Fatord*} from 10 A. M.. to» P. M. FOR LADIES EXCLUSIVELY Tuejdxy. and Friday., ftomTU A. aHMf CAKPKN BAL Machin Also, Carriage Wheel Hob« to M.. to « P M : Cents' ^urnWiu ßooüs. % $ 2 L •4 75 YOKE SHIRT 603 MARKET ST. WllMINGT«* a DEL n . * * ► y< ? ö fir U W j! 1 o w o » h o ■ < T U: a e : ? X ~u I 1IK CELEBRATED Ç I » > y 9 H » X o r H PARAGON SHIRT. , H H X a w W Urn 3 Send for Self-Mesfuremeiit Circular. J. P. DOC Oil TEN. No. 410 Market Street. Wilmington. T>#1, mylT-l v y 9 (Coal and Wood. ÎÉ N P K U P R 1\SE C O A L!\ * tired of trying to burn si Person? who... dirt rLould go to \ And buy the KNTERPBI8E COAL, and gpt clei of l»o h Tiy ii:> you will w». FOUT. WFFT AND WATER STREETS otner h|. 1 ijr '.I u «s JO h rsf B >I)I»Y >i ICE CREAMS CONFECTIONS, TOYS < hlldrru's r«ftcbfs, SLL. BASKETS, WOODEN WARE, 7 wift. i * av"i FIRE-WORKS And a general seortnient of Staple and Fid étions. JOHN RODDY, No. 411 MARKET STREET. Opposite the Gaiette office •Intinut'-r De'. ADAM STEINMETZ, STEAM MARBLE WORKS, 103» RIDGE AVENUE. PHILAD'A., (or Uth St., and Ridge Avenue,) Is now prepared to furnish et loeert price, MARULE MANTLES, TABLb TOPS. WASHSTANDS, FURNITURE TOPS, TILING, to., Itlonuuieiits, IrMTeslone* and Toinbti. Cemetery Lots enclored with Marble , or Granite Coping: also. Port* and k Galvanised Tubing. All description» t oi housework at shortest notice. aug29-ly REMOVAL ! GEO. H. ROBINSON, ON^ECT I*tN Fit and Dealer in F tui ta. Fo a» d Doiiie*m. ha« removed hie atorsfron 422 Marke» etreet. to HI» MARK HT 8T., where he will continue io keep a *opp!y of the bfri article* that can be bad. and turninh very **.*noi ICh 0- r.AM. CAKES. Ac., a* »»eremforw. nf tie* supplied n* u*u I. 11* hope* to e«' 0 W>lete al* new buildfr g by »he first of July, when b»* Nistea er* wll be furnished pleasant parlor*, titled up pr***lv for tns y ïcommodaHon of tbe public. a»*4-dH»n _ H EMOVAL. M14H. M. A. C'ORMON tn the Ladiw of Respectfully announces Wilmington and vicinity, that she has rsao* ved her Miiline y Store irom 202 King m to 42« *1 «RKFT STREET, wh*re -he will keep aM the LA TEST STYLES OF MILLINER Y. and m.k* up to or Ur eTorrthin« in th. lia« o' "• bu inc-3 »I tha in»'t r.,aanaablo Pri^»* no The patronago n( her irienda und th, h"'' 1 ",", ...II. i. r.-t—tfoll» oli«it«H aPlr n^ ISSOLUTION OK C0-FARTNERS1IH' bollee I« herely given that that eo Darlarrbi» hereto'ore *xi.iii.g between the uijr'er'i.neb on tier the Brm n-me ol Hammond * Learv c«n >«• builder., i» thi» day di-.olied J. tt. Lb -HI D The bu.inee. will be continued xt NE««« al SM'. rid hi d Fieoet, «treste b> ihe undeji.;;« who alone i. uuili-iri.i d to »rttle ui. ihe.».'" « the late tirm Th -nkiul lor ..«■ avo" h J" Urn. h ...Heil» a of pairJ 1 • hi- f.ieii.l» ana the l.uhlic geoiral. aud all f« i.i all cases lieli.eii ' W. IMM.V0ND 11U' ID-.V- 3ui.l4w W AWNIINQS. Tboec in need of '.hose beautiful Italian Window Awnings for private residence*, should o»I! i»»Horiment ot i*ttin»ri»* ut ^ w No. 11 E *'at. •««*• ^yiNDQ jy3 lin 4>ti IIRb K FO' * ot Broom*. Haniilncmr-r S. E corner Front and Shipley &»*.• WILMINGTON. DEL Broom, of all kind- nlway .00 hand »' who lex ale market rates. M