Newspaper Page Text
FImANOIAI andjoommcroial. Omoi or ni Dtur floirn. I _ U ilmington. Del.. July lu. 107)1. J W .baiagtoaQuotatiens, ( urnishod by ÎTSon B .nVerr, No. 6o2 Murk at 2 o'clock, p. m., to-day Jobn Mené»' et street. S Id .... U S. 6'» 188 5- ft IS8t.... il??: l'4f, 1'4 1864 115< IMS 1865 113 115 Htfc •• 1 10 êüf» ll*k 1 4> v'eV^ST**. 7 . laware Stats Bonds Y. Central . " '' Script, U 6'» 113^ fc 109 97;-. 98' 54 : '. F. Y. à Erie .. •a line R. R. stock nion Pacifies. 5l0 37" WIIOLEö.au prices $8 5(xatll tr Flour. Wheat. Corn Meal ... Corn./.. Oats. $Ji s. 55 Great Clearing Out Sale OF DRY GOODS, FOB TKH DAYS, / AT SHAW A DRAKE'S 218 MARKET STREET. LOOK AT THE PRICEN. Best Print* 10 cents, old price 12* j cents. Heavy Muslins 12S cen s. Dress Oo d* 10 1234, 1*». 2d and 25 cents. •antlfol Pique 25 cents, old price 40 cent?. ** " 20 cents, old price 30 cents. Towels 10.15. 2" and 26 cents. Cestimeres 36. 40. 4-'» and '0 cents. Snawls $2 *>0. °ld price $3 ' 0. Shawls 93 00 old rr ce $4 00. Linen N«pkin-65cents d ten. Partiols 40. «0. 75. 80 $1.00. $125. and $1 6u. SASH RIBBONS REDUCED. 6C0TCH WaSH TABLE LIVEN 60 cis. worth SO OTHER GOODS REDUCED. Call and see. SHAW A DRAKE. J.-T tft A 31fc Ilralrrs. 1872. ICE. Howard P. Walton. 1672 WHOLESALE AND BETAIL ICE DEALER. OFFICES: Or»8t Cara given <n Shipping by Vessel or Beil. Facilities for Retail Trade Unsurpassed. ICE, ICE. Prioea Low Enough to Satisfy All ■ao'2 4-* Repart anv oa-nnUinu to olEo. BRANDYWINE ICE! PLENTY, GOOD AND CHEAP. O UR driver« have «hört routes. •« they can furn i«h tbeir patron« punctually and regularly. Ioe by the Box, Ton or Car-load •ent to any point ordered. Our «!•»«• Pt-ru •Mention D given to have ou 'plied to their **ntir** aatLfactioo. W# will esteem it favor to nave anv delinquen cea reported ut the f>ffice at once. «uetomeM PUSH Y k RI ;k. Oeriree—^ Shinley street. UFFICE» ^ p , n|ar -lrpet Where Ire cen be hod ut ell times, (We guarantee o eell as low a« tbe lowest. ai>13 d3iu : $trdiral Burt's Extermimtor Burt's Extermi nator ! a*> ■ your uf hnit. Afire, /too ehe» Buy» irith Ve irt Exterminator This ericle has be*n eg •n«iv ely u«ed to thi-> city tor •*r* with very gene al ent* yfACtion. A number of c««e« i«ave cotne to our knowledge >Ar t hr Swarms of Roaches BEING EXTERMINATED TM by tbe use ot a few bottle« of this preparation \ THY IX ! ^ n«s ,r ** b ° U *'' for UM of »"d Utiblic Luild Sold wholesale and retail by •SMITH A PAINTER. Druggist*. «•'ventn and Market streets up2 TRUSS and BRACE DEPOT Corner Front and West Sts., W ILMINGTON. DEL. T UE demand for th. above articles has so steadily Increned that we have been forced to lay in a larger stock than ever to supply tbe want» of our numerous putrous. These instruments, embracinc Trume». Braces Supporters. Suspensionen. Ac., are oonatructed of the best material and in the best man nar. and salted for all urn and sises. tVe have ■ privat« room for LADIES in need of such articles, where their cases are attended to by a lady who has « number of years experience in applying these ar tielm. and we feel confident ofaivinu entire satisfac tion to all ladies requiring oar semees. Our p ices ara moderate and within th* reach of all wanting each articles. A C?üJÄPP ,y of t,, • b#,t quality ot medicineh aud DRUGS cansuntly on hand, which will be dis panaad with th* greatest care and accuracy. Those who study their interest should call at FOSTER'S DRUGSTORE N W corner Front and R est St* __covered LENT WURTH'6 . • a J/V ROACH AND RAT EXTE8II8ATOB. V « «7 h*o.r 25 ewu • a box Cat this / ^ ST^tNTwî.ÏTM^Wm « * wm, ' GLPNl'Vui.IU d KÙVTk.g INSECT PoW « by ba aatco up with Bed Bugs. Small Roacha* — Vhs'i^V* " Dd w * ,ri1 ob« buttle Of Olenf ^ * Fewu.r will Uiaoa th. nuasa. Prie, is j For ml* by BK1NUUUB-T A ( 0 Sixth aaA MothM Mraeta. and J. TAYLOR, braadywin# * 1 " 1 1 mayl2-ly G . local intelligence. Fou the Lett Codât.— D avid Woolman i« uggested sa a candidate tor the Levy Court on he Republican ticket. BtUOiOVS. —The Rev. W. H Graff, rector of -t, Juae's Church, Philadelphia will officiate in alvary Church Brandywine Hundred, on Sun lay neat (July 14th). Service commences nt 3 'clock P. M The Sucrament of tho Holy Com 'numon will be administered. Fijte Farm fob Salk.-W m. E.HeUler, E«q , •f Newark, Del., offen kaIb his beautiful farm oi 151 ac. es, situated within a few huudrwri yard* •f said town. It is in a high state of cultivation, vith good building, and will be sold on reasons >le term« or exchanged tor property in this cit\ •r Philadelphia. 1 ^ J * '. Ubxnd EIcuesion —The Brandy wiue M. E Church will make an excureiou to Cape Mav on August 6th, on the steamer 8 M. Felton. These xcursion« heretofore have been of such a pleas •nt character that the committee of arrangements «va again secured the aerv.cesof Mr. Johu L *ouley to aasiNt in making this one equal, if not »etter, than those on former occasions. Full par ticulars next week. tr Domestic Markets.— Butter 60 to 55cts. par Peas 18 cts hall tb Eggs 30 to 35 per dozen. i»ack String beans 10 cts. Apples 35 to 40 cts. Potatoes 16 o 20 cts. Tomatoes 25 cts. per q Raspberries 16 to 25 cts. Blackberries 16 to 25 ts. Huckleberries 15, Gooseberries 8, Cabbage 3 u 8 cts. per bead. Cucumbers l to 5 cts. a piece üeeta 5 cts. a bunch. Radishes 2 cts. Rhubarb o ••ts. Ouions 20 cts a string. Beef 12 to 2 12 to 25, mutton 19 to 18, lamb 15 to 2 diced 20, whole 14, lard 10 to 12. veai ham Chbisfield a ünowiNO Town —The Crisfteld Leader, of Saturday, says the usual shipment oi truck from that place Is from teu to tweiity-thre» carloads per steamer, of which there are two—on* making three trips a week and the other two.— •There is more money rurued overst Cnsfield m he year than at any other town on the Easten. $hore of Maryland. And we sincerely believe hat not only more produce leaves our depot, bu noie merchandise is received here, atvi more good« »M here, than at any other town on the Easten. Shore. Drunken flow —Between 12 and 1 o'clock las night, a row occurred in a saloon at Eighth Church streets, between John Leach, notorious it: •olice circles and Charles Blake, whom Leach ex very desirous of "puttiug a •end on." He was grievously disappointed, how. •ver. being badly defeated in each of three aucce* ive attempts Leach was howling with rage and jnei, when offiiMjr Buck arrived on the spot and •rdered him to be quiet, upon his refusal, ho had nm arrested, aud taken to the City Hall cells, Ah«*re he is nqw confined, awaiting trial, this -'veuiiig. Blake has acquired quite a reputation n pugilistic circles, and is the sumo party, who at » pic-ntcon the 20th of June, punis ted seven men in quick succession. Sale of Money.—A t the regular meeting of Mclianic* Loan Association, last evening, $2,900 sold at 26j percent, premium, and $101 at 27. jreeaed himself Ashault and Battery.—F or assault and ■attery on Wm Ward. Worrell Farra was fined •-•stts and held in $200 bail to keep the peace, by Esquiru Puhl. Berrios.—'T here was quite an increase it he berry shipments, this morning, seven car. to Jersey C ty, and thirteen to Philadelphia.— Three cars of Norfolk truck were also shipped to he latter place. Arm Broken.—A sa boy named John Hol land, was playin. on a pile of boards, at th. enrnerof Jackson and Elm streets,Tenth Ward last evening, the hoards gave wav, and he wa. thrown to the groun.i, breaking hia arm. Police Cases —John W. Thompson was fined $5 and costs for drunkenness find iu d»*c**nt -■•xpnsun* of person. Michael Kigali and Owen Tammany were each fined 50 cents and costs, for druuken uess. Excursion.—A partv of gentlemen ofStuyr na have chartered a schooner, and intend »uirt ing from Ilia- place, on Monday,for an extended trip *lown the bay, stopping at Cape May anil Atlantic City. Several gentlemen from this city will go along, and a "jolly good time" i» ant ci pa leal. They will be gOLe about a week. Throwing Bricks.—I n a »(tinted contro versy with Annie Philips, Rebecca Bsiley be came very angry and burled several bricks at her. Annie brought suit against Rebecca before E-quire Fraser, charging her wit., assault and iiattery, with intern to kill. Rebecca was hebt in $500 bail for appearance at Court, and $200 bail to keep the |ieace. Workingmen's Meeting.—A moctintr of the eight hour society was held last evening In the Hall of the Water Witch Engine House. In the absence the President lien. Roberts was called to the Qliair Mr* Leary acted, as S*-creUry. A committee of tlirec was apfNMjtted to draw up a Uon.stitu tiou and By-Laws, and witliout transacting anv further business of importance the meet Ing adjourned. Chlor, formed and Robbed. - Mr. Jno. L. Caldwell, Buperintentlenl of Ihe Md. & Del. Railroad company wa»ctUor..fornied and robben in a Pullman sleeping car on Thursday night week, while returning home, somewhere be tween New York and Philadelphia. He let a valuable goll watch and chain, arid about $20 in money. The robber escaped. Another gen tleman in tbe same car was also chloroformed : and robbed. Strange.-O r* the night of the 4th insl. an old man named Matthias McLane, nearly 8U year» of age, waa brutally annulled by a driink en negro, who »tnicK him over the head with » tlub, without the »lightest provo. a inn W, i,.,. waited Il.tienilv hin T», /.„..J * * eu I «lient I v, hut ns yet the Commercial ha» not contained the »lightest allusion to the affair Had the affair l*en revemed and the neuro anuàiilted . . negro assaulted, how quickly that paoer would have »etied upon and |tiude political capital out of it. j I__ a ■ Tornado at Summit Bridge. nriLDISO» DK-TDuYKD. FENCEfl BLOWN DOWN — OKAIN AND ORCHARD» INJURED. A correspondent write» up from Summit Bridge that on Hie evening of July 4th, one of the Severe»! tornadoes witnetwrd there for year» visited tbit neighborhood. The thunder and lightning were terrific,the wind wai a hurricane and the rain fell in torrent». Much damage wa» dune to building», tree», fern»«, etc. t orn and oats were laid flat on lit* ground. Fruit waa »haken off and the ground with apple« and peaches. Mr. John Davidron bad noma fifieen or twenty fine young »UH* •••««• broken, some of them all torn t" pieiea, a numlwr of hia (mur, cherry and apricot "t,* ü"''!! 7 ^ e ", d " ,,n ^ Mr. Thomm* H. McCoy e |VMfh orchard wan vtT y much injurad,ihe tree« being broken down ▼lolenily (wuaed off Tl»e ruofr ol Lis »üble fiod hey barrifike wert al<o blown off. Mr. Jacob Caiier. hay Uvric^ on the farm by '* 0 * ,n wrn nmly all , wn A large aoiuUDl of fwncinir and j olher property wa» broken down and deetroved '" IVU " boul whu,e "•'«bborUiod. The ■J®™ appeared mcM never« in the vicinity of 1 tb« «mud.—Ev«7 Ftrenin«. THI «TAT«. Smyrna ia badly postered with moHquüoe». Smyrna did not obxerre tbe Fourth beyond a a general suspension of business. , The colored girl who was injured by the train, at Moorton Station,on Saturday afternoon has since died. The latest "Dollr Varden" is a sail boat. She saila in the large "mill pend" yclept "Lake 1 'omo," at Smyrna. T e addition to the Odd Fellows' Hall, nt Smyrna, is nearly completed. The appearance of the Hall will be greatly improved. Many fnrmeia are now busily engaged in har vesting their oat crop, which will prove better ban was anticipated a few weeks ago. A charitable gentleman, of Smyrna, has Innated a lot of lumber for the puriose of build ing a Mission Sunday School in that town. • Wm. Whitenack, a carpenter employed upon the addition to the Odd Fellows' Hall, at Stnyr na, tell from the sea (fold,on Saturday afternoon, and seriously injured hi» back. PENINSULAR NEWS. The business of the Eastern Shore Railroad steadily increases. The epicureans of Somerset County have been easting on green corn the past week. A Mr. Fleurer, of Ptfnoem Anne, died sud denlv, on the evening of tbe 4lit instant, from ippoplexy. 1). S. Heasey, Esq., one of the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature to lay off Cri»field narbor, has resigned Chas. Bosten, of Somerset Countv, wa« drown 'd, while sailing on the Bay, near Berlin, on the ifteruoon of Ihe Fourth. Round trip tickets are issued at two-third •aual rates, on the tjueen Anne & Kent R. R. from Centreville to Townsend. The dwelling house on the farm of Mr. Israel Heath, near Princes» Anne, wa» dextroyed by rire on la»t night. It took fire from the dying -parks of a Mwquilo Smother. Said to be in -ured for $1,200. 3 , Marink Newa. —The schooner Annie E. Edward», sailed this morning. Death of an Old Veteran. - Thomas C' Nichols, E»q., died ai Ension, Md , on the even mg oi Ihe 4 h in»t, and wa» buried on Saturday '■tornins. Mr. Niclnds did honorable service is an officer at the bailie of St. Michael», in the war of 1812. He was 81 vear» old, and held the p<»<ilion o. Justice of the Peace at Ihe lime of his death. He wa» born and raised in Tailmt. and resided here Ihe most of his life, universal V respected for hia generous and social qualities. Collapse of the Eight-hour Strike. New Yo- k, July 9 —The disbanding of th. Eight-hour Iron-workers' League yesterday L .»Uisidered the severest blow yet made againsi 'lie striker«,as it was thought to be the strongesi irgsiiizaiion in the country. It expected lecuinary assistance of considerable annum-. mm tbe East and West, but none has been re eived, and tbe organization collapsed. It» principal leader yesterday stated that there *■ uld be no tue in future to attempt strikes it ney were now disbanded. George T. Cotterell. a clerk In the war Department, committed suicide In Washing I yesterday morning by severing the artery his wrist with a ralsor. He left a note ask ing o be buried iu the ''Potter's Field.'' and saying his suicide was premeditated. Cotterell was a native of Vermont. The Isle Is delightful a place. Will the pugilists strike for higher stakes? Native negro minstrelsy Is flurlsblng In Ja pan. , Aimee has a brand-new opera bouffe com pany. New Y orkers spend »100,000 daily for iced drinks. A Waluut tree in Indiana has been sold for »600 ton in i» Or. Tutt's Sar oe?| l ght * and ^ ueen ' This valuable prepanitlon combines «II tbe Medicinal virtues which long experience ha» proven to poems» the most safe and efficient Alterative and deobstruent properties for the cure of Serofula, King's Evil, White Swellings. Ulcers, Cancerous and Indolent Turners, Mercurial and Syphilitic Affections, Enlargement and Ulceration of the Bones, '•land», or of the Womb, Spleen and Kid neys; all the various Diseases of the Skin, such as Tetter, Ringworms, Boils, Pimples, Sore Eyes, Ac: Nervous Affections, Dropsy, and all diseases originating from a depraved state of the Blood. Also many affections p-culktr to Females, as Suppression, Irregu larity, Leuorrhœa or Whites, Sterility, Ova rian and Uterine Dropsy, dec. It is Purely Vegetable. While using Dr. Tutt'a Liver Pills, no re straint of diet or occupation ia necessary. > on may eat or drink as usual. They are purely vegetable. Dr. Tutt's Ilalr Dye leaves no Ridiculous Tints. a Midsummer Maladies. The hot solar rays that ripen the harvests (eener ate tag) ..iatrersinc diseases. If the liver be at all preiliepotad to irreaulari les. this is the season in w Rh bilious attacks mar be entlcipated. A weak 8U to°-i* weakest in thesnuimer months, and th * ,0 " of Tiuli,J ' through the i ores b, excessive » perspiration is so »rest that a wholesome tonic, eombinin* also the properties of a diffusive stimu. * in many eases noce» «ary to health, and under no circumstances should he dispensed with ny the sickly and debilitate. of Rl ! ,h thus tu refresh, «us uin andftfrtity tb. human frame, there is none that wiO compare with Ho»tetter . Celebrated Btomicb Wltti*- They bave been weuthed In tbe balance ot exp-'rience and not toand wanting; huve been re commendedf rom tbe dm a« a great medici ai «pe ciftc. not a« a beverage aud in «pile of mtere«ted opposition from innumerable quarter«, «Und after «. twentv years' trial, at the bead of all proprietary medicine* intended for tbe prevention and cure of all ordinary complaint* of tne stomach, the liver the bvswela and tbe nerve« In tbe unhealthy di« ' tnou b- rderinx toe gr* at rivem of California, Hot tetter « Stomach Bitter« may be elaseed ae the «ten dard one for every specie« of intermittent or re mitten! lever. Toe people who inhabit those dis triete. place tbe most implicit cnnfl fence in the pre naration^a confidence th-t is increased every year by the result« of iu operation. A« bitter«. *o oallea. of of t" I of the most pernicious char acter. are springing up Ilka fungi o every side, the public ii hereby forewarned against the dram .him frauds. Aik lor Honet tar's Bitter*, aac that the label, ate age corn-1 and remember that the can nine article ia never seid in Lala . bat in bâties only VOTK OF THANKS, WILUIPUTO» July 1(1,187i At a special meeting of St. Mary's Total Absti D.nce Beneficial Society, held Sunday evcaiuu Ä.« « wiT-d. That th* thanks et this Society A bïtin".!« *B. b »Y*e£i'S 0d ,* r *i V St Foul', foul Î" 0 !?' •■•»«ialdootety' forawaptiogour in Sjf PSTidi-S in suen large a umbers to ■••T (si liWllre 00 Tempo*wM<^ # ui ihn '>**.. u 1 in'u? ab " T * »• Published . 1 . 1LT GiXSrra. and a oopy sent to St Paul's T«a' Abauueae. Sius8.iai Society^ Frew the minutes. , Attest, EDWARD J. Jyw-it are K ALLEY. Secretary. SOCIETIES. Oriental Lodge, No. 1, IT D, A F it A If Usaowio Temple. Rope Lodge, No 21, 1 O O F, at Odd Fel low»'Halt, 3d and King Sts. Eden Lodge, No M,IO O F, at Odd Fellows' Hall. 3d and King Sts. Moraine Star Division, No 2, S of T, at r ith and Market SU. Delaware Council, No 2, O U A M, nt Me chanics' Hall, 219 Market St. Rodney Council, No 13, O ü A M, at 702 East 7th St. Diamond State Lodge, No. 6, O F, at (lood Fellows'Hall, 3d and Market Sts. Champion Lodge, N# 6, K of P, at Knight* of Pythias Hall. 211 Market St. Otiental Lodge, No 13, K of P. at Ferris di llarrett's Building, 504 Market St. Tbe temperature In the White Mountains average forty five degrees. Whew! A Camp Meeting for Red Lion and Glasgow charge. Wilmington Conference,, will b held in Muo..E'S WOODS, cnmmenciag AUGUST l.t 1872. Preachers and poop e are cordially in* ited to at tend , „ , „ A. J. CROZIER. Red Lion, Del.. June 18th 1872. Pa? tor. îlOtiffS. VOTICE. Ll • be I * u tees of the Poor for New Castle »»"nry wi l meet at tbe Aliu?h«>u?e of ss*d c-»uoty »n W F1)N KSI'AY. the 2-1 rh ii-et .aril o'cb ok.a.ui. HI i*er-on? havi g cl uns will i-reseut them to the Truste ..f their hundred on or b f f tn »t d*y iviO tin JOHN W. KI aNS. Clerk. VOTICE. LI dewi Mill „ . ,-nual Ses«ion of the Ora*d Lodae • t P of (••laware. will be held in tbe Halt oft . on ,hqdge. No 12. at Middletown, •' KDtvKaD/ Y he • 7» h mst., at o'clock, u Jy7 117 J\MK8 I* II R IVERVIEW (EMETERf. i ots in Hirer-view L'cnetery will he sold at Ur -ecretary'n office on und after July 1st» for one nonth, as lolmws* Lets fronting on the Avenues 422.50. All other s.ots, Payments: One-third cash and tho balance in >ne and two moi th?. On and after August 1st: "••ts fronting on the Avenues $30 (<o. All ther lots $22 0. Lithographed »-lotsend further information will h tarnished by J. L. Thompson. •**upennt#nd«nt. t.theCemetery. J. MARIS. jy2eodlm Sec y and Trea.. 302 Market street. i; m AYES. O. R K f, •VOTICE. A> rile Wilmington and Rendit« Railroad Com piwiy have cotnrueied arrangement* to carry i onej Packages and Express Matter to an i troui all point* the line of tbeir road and ' est Cl eater. .Exprew mat er «ent to Franklin Telegraph office No 2'A eat Th |r 4 »trea^ or to their De ot. I. -ont and Madison, or orders »eft with Uc.Vullen k ^eal delivering agents, will receive prompt Gen'l Sun't W. A I *n ntion. ULZ. R Co. noC-tf A FEW FINE LLAMA LACE SACQUES, WILL BE 80LD a H E -A. IP , TO CLOSK. W. M. KENNARD Sc CO. 4th and King Streets. ' TEA AND COFFEE REDUCED. K » have reduced the priceof Tea 15 oents l»'*und and C«>t!ee 3 cent« per pound to V'JRJLcoutorin to the new tarif «.f JuD l«i, 1873. * W H. AL M iND A BhO.. 8th and Market ^te . Wil., Del. iy8-dl w iiarnfss. W. B. THOMPSON 4 BRO.. Saddle, Harness and Collar Makers, 6nn West Front Street, WILMINGTON. »■la ware. A full a."*ortm<»nt ol 'ingle ituii Double a ringe. Curt. Dra> nd Wagon U rnes iNinxiuntly on hund und made to order All Jobbing punctual iy attended to. Ulavn-lyd. ' Hartcxs : Ha "ness ! L ight and iiRAvr »«arnkns. m ,d» oi th h-at material by Brat clas* workmen on sAltlil RS 11 " 1 * t0 or l,r ,»,! T TV tnoderata rates. »Je at the lowe.t. ivy ThSV r, i?5 *' »hört notice. Thu publie are iuvt edto vive them .call M u, w 'hL * KINQVV ALT. I*, w.c.rner M ant Sh.i.te. Ht». «p3-tf FOB SHERIFF. The undersigned will be un independent LABOR REt'ORM VAMD/DATE raTniicüLÎ 0f N *' t4itl * t"*' F*nc tpMtf A B - CRA FORD. THB CKI.5BBA.TSD PHILADELPHIA LAWN. MOWER, JOHN A. WILSON. come, p,„ n , M ,rS. For «ule hy umv?H d2 —Is. - ^liimbwj# an« 6a« £ittfrs. LOOKl LOOK / LOOK/ Mouey saved is money earned SL , } , I ' 1 *° * »««d advent ga turned O Thi tZ tn " •'»*• miy say. W The made is simple and this the way. You iHu'en'd**' P *î rth »»et L\*i r u And rivais lt\as net auothar. * With-iiTh-thiGVhiVu-pî'.n^uîlîrj.,«,. icthe Place u uV h ",ï tur,, c huraer» and globe. P will " 'h' 1 ' l * «>«t'f«»v »fwed. ir nriea.... ^ that to go Our prices ara a* low maylfi 6m E A JACKSON. «M feutn street. I irjj «osas, lottern, LADIES'AND MÏbSES' LINEN AND LAWN SUITS. hü\e just rereivi from New York FROM $ 2.70 TO 16 DOLUIS, Very Attractive Prices. Some nro leys than tbe cost ol maoulkctarto oh train;? nothing f »r the» ri., I. " ,un# * Call at M. L. LICHTENSTEIN, 220 Market Street. SU MARKET STREET, Sill HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS AND LADIES UJ/DER GAR MENTI EMPORIUM. UOOP SKIRTS, OF OUR OWN MAI $ 1 . 00 , G2o., 75c., Mo„ SI. 25 . Ilifl, FRENCH COR-ETS, all WhalibJ 70c„ $1, 1.2$, 11.50, $1.75, $2. 1275. $|, B.fc OUR MAKE, fiftc, $1.50, 2 00. 2.50. 3iS. CHEMISE. $1. 1 25, 1,50. 2.00 2 50 3 0Mrç. NlQIIT DRESSE**. $1.25, 1.50.200 2 O.30utoU WHITE SKIRTS. $1 s'». 1.75. 2. Ou to..50. ] INFANTS' LONG DRESSES, *2 50 up to 3M. I V FA NTS' CLOAKS, all sire?, *1.75 upto8.( I ALEXANDER KID ULOVES, all coion, f|j| 1.25 and 1.1*0. j Ladies* an** Children 's full regular made Bin J reduced prices. j Embroiderie» ! Embroiderin', I French and Uamhurg Edging t iJ Ingertings. J Reel nml ImitnUo^ Heir Good«, Curl», Bn PI it«. Chignon«, Switches, Ac. Ac., Call iù amine. P I . FR4*1. 611 Market «»reef. Wilmington.i wAs GREAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOOD J. fl. IIAFLEIGHl No. 1105 Chestnut stn PHILADELPHIA, Will commence JUNE 1st to cluse out tb« hel jf their SPRING STUCK at « rr«*t Bediel BLACK SILK and WOOL HERN/ Reduced from 75cU toi Black Silks, Reduced tioui 8TIPED HULKS, *200 tfl Re.iuceit Orjrnndies, Lawna, Grenadines, duct'd. Lama Lace M»cks reduc'd. Lima Laced Miaul reduced. Striped öhiwliN Elegant White Lawn Suita, $ Ü.00 Ëlegu'it M er Su ker ^uit« (new.) Elegant Style« in £mu St>ô<JU Great Uurgaini ON AND AFlfcR JUNE 1«, mar22-3m-mi»y30 WM. B. SIIAR No. 4 East Third SI lia« opened a full esfortment ot NEW AND SEASONABLE DRY GOOD ll<indt)ome Dreh« Fabric«, «nlendid qwahG BLACK SILKS JAPANESE Sill heed a full stock of Always MOURNING 200! of tbe latest styles and most reliable B*k* 1 line ot DOMESTIC OO )D At the lowert rates. WM. B. SHARP. No. 4 Emit Third $H WILMINöTOl apr4 lv nr 209 NEW STORE I SMITH & WES 900 MARKET *TBI W E have now epeneil • I""'*" 0 "* plete line uf fancy »nil stapls DRY GOODS. in! comprising all th« newest Jwign« »bl makes. In our domist'o jovo lia- at the Inwest raie», »ad »• *°" nation of our stock generally. • SMITH * F® 31 ' 90» Msrkri |vl4-l» JwiflM sfi» niJHH'B STEAM FREIGHT U Leaves d wharf above Garni»"'";*, above Chestnut ««f. JÄ'^P^VhVho.^ forwarded with dispatch.- aprltf