Newspaper Page Text
Ä& eating crow. Account of Hn Origin of the Term. nel «g, " Frtaont not or»iw ble «q^ndepce »f th* ClnrltohaO art I. tf»*» m Amusing «• CRAP^BÏ. Near the cmp of Arnold Pennsylvania Buck tail retc> luent, in Vii«i«ia, «a/ly in Iba war. lit - Id aristocratif| exclusive pompom; V.r iu true baronial style- ills mansion, of ?.« Ô .1 age, was made of imported brick, Ins very oi a > u j| , n( ] mrssive, anti the rtsims The chief attraction ware Our as our made also ckimitcy* were ^e'ohl'p'hicerhoweter, was tire grounds that landed the msnsion. Lnrg. tree-give lux ürilnt shade, and the suderbruali in |wrtioii* of STgLndeflord«! shelter for rnbbits and other . *11 ggme. There were walba and orchatds,atid arfaoraTsnd tbe whole lore such a scene of general Mtccfiilness anti re,>o«e that it was eo wonder tWwild Bocktails were charmed with the pros met, sod anx'ums lo uenet.-aW into a spot which nre such promise of enjoyment. * The bocklails were not ine most tractaMe sol vent They came from the steping olf place - McKean Porter, Forest and Tioga counties— ■nd they obtained their name, which clung to them during the ei.üre war, through a fancy of Colonel Kane, Iwwtber of the Arctic explorer •ho became their commander. He recruited the nwimenl in lha early days of 1861 I begin ning on the arrival of the new« of the fall of Sumter) from tbe bnckwoodsmeii who were fa mous marksmen. They were all deer hunters, and gs a designation, each man was furnished with a tail of a buck bv Colonel Kane,and when they marched Irora Camp Cnrtnni with the buckuils in their eat« it was a novel sight.— Colonel Charles J. Bid.lle, of Philadelphia,wns made the Colonel, and Colonel Kane the Lieu tenant Colonel of the Regiment—both men no ted for their short, ai tenanted firms. Neither was scarcely mure than five feel high, ami their combined weight was le«s than two hundred and twenty pounds. It may easily hs guessed that these snldiets had little re peel fin Virginia aristocracy, and the tent poles bad hardly got .eltled in tl ground before a noted rider named—well,Smith —shouldeied his deer killer end started out on a little expedition. Ill w?« a sergeant sod of immense siwt, and went by the name of "The Big Sergeant." He made a straight rne-cli for the old Virginian's manor. Now, the old gen tleman had m ny pets about the grounds, ami among them a tame crow wh'eli he valued very higltlr. lie also hail tame rabbits, do vs etc. Tne te gtant c'imbed the stone wall, and drop pod himself ami gun on the inside of the ground . The first thing liiseye struck wasthe ' tine crow, who uucopee..ietl!y " e, ' , |/\ and alighted on a limb anil began lo caw »t Mm. (J The Sargeaot tsii bis rille lo bis shoulder and btngrd away, and Mr. Crow came flu'.ieri"g to , the ground. Tne soldict reloaded bis gu", l leaned it ag'inst tlie wall; md went lo g l I'is ial No. ?» i:»T it* fur which nicht, game. Innlantly there enme taming ti .id the house in » high state of ex-ilemenl.llie old Virginian, end wlib.i lie saw that li's {>el erowd had bien killed, b's rage knew uo hounds. He n <heii fur the sargeant's g in, end «wearing that l;e wouldn't have given the crow for the wlio'e Yankee finy, vowed lliut lie wor'd blow the soldiet's bra'rs out. With this lie brought the pie<je to a l jck, »'id glmc d along the barrel.— The sergeant begged fin h : s life, and the Yir g nian swore he would take i' The Virginien C laity tliouglit of a compro mise, and wnh a look tuef between amazement end rage told tlie sergeant that lie un'«t eat that raw crow. In vs ; n I lie other protested; tlie I Virgin'an ics'sted on »he price of lr, adversary'« l'fe. So tlie nergentft" pi'Utd otf feather« and began lo gi."rml eal. "How ao joii like crow ?" I ' od tlie V irgin ian through bia teeth. The only anawer the other gave wrs lo beg (o to let off He wi < .orty lie had «hot the crow; didn't know it wrs a tame one, and lie wouldn't doauch a tiling again. Finally the old man tc >k the gon from ita aim, rod told the ser geant he needn't eat nn more. Hi« heart w: a lull of joy, the soldier threw the bird upon tlie ground, and mid : "Well, I kin eat crow, but I don't like it." The story might atop here if it waa only to «ho* theorigi-i of the pi «e, but the r< t of it is the best. CHAPTER II. The old Virginian, after surveying his dead net for an instant in a sorrowin' manner, re turned the gun and started for his mansion The other quickly hrought hi« piece to his shoulder aud called out: "Hold on there Mister." "What do you want»" asked the other as he turned and beheld a "bead" drawn on him. "I'd like to bave you to eat the rest of this cro IV.'' The old man fumed and swore, and tore about in a frantic manner, saying he'd he d- 1 if lie would, and that he didn't want any of the young man's jokes. The cocking of the gun, and the assurance on tlie part of tlie soldier that he would certainly put a ball through the old man's shoulder unless lie con' plied with the demand, induced the Virginiau to retrace his steps. "Now," said the ser Reant, "I want you to eat tbe rest of that crow, and no nonsense •• A Ä Ä rift, on the shoulder of the old man roused him to a quirk sense of his • pOttUluu, aud picking up the crow lie endeav ored to bite it. He grew pale, the perspira tiun stood upon his race, lie trembled like a terrier, his mouth watered, his eyes filled, he Ragged, aud it seemed a physical im|to->sibil tty for him to touch tlie crow. Tlie bergt aut, however, compelled him to take a bite, and it was the ouly one he did take, fot his break fast came up so rapidly to protest against tie' crow that the soldier fold him to n git" aud never to trouble • Bucktail again, Here would seem to be another proper place to end this .atary,lMt there is still another chapter. CHAPTER UL The next day. tim old VtrglW under the indigii'tie« he had auffured, in not ouly liavinq bis pet crew killed, but being oompelled to eat nportfon Of It, went to the headquarters ot the Bucktnlls and made eam plxlnud tn the Colonel against the big Ser vant. Tile Colonel at once neut pu orderly for Sergeant Smith, rightly *upi»wing he laust be Ute person referreti to. ile obeyed the summuas at once, lie poshed the door of the tent aaide and entered tlie presets*, otupping hi* Iteels together and standing •Wot in tlie position of "alten ton," Re hrnugh bis right band quickly to ine visor of his mil— •wry cap, and gave the customary »elute to fab Colonel. "Sergeant,"saiiHiisconimander vet y h«ave Jy, "do von know tlist gentle.nm "' po"iting tu Uieopi Virginian. H »es, sir," iir<mt|iti,v auswrrt'i the other. Howt"d you hecoino ac«inatnted with jiqn. '^Ve'dinedtogefii^r' Yesterday,"sir," j>rom rJi ,I, * w "r»dt.^,wu; U y i t. » Tlie roar of Uugiit«r.whti:U fqllovVed this re Pty.need not hedeeeriiaod, ip*r 4he iqunner in which tlie oM VtrdbihinlohMsI. Tlie Si-rgeant w* 8 »ent hack to his quarters: and tlie inter *Ww belweeu the old aristocrat aud tlie (Jolo an, smarting ' Se ir<«t laen. Faculty. nel was ended by an Invitation to the latter to «g, «» •* old mansion"" '° " l*fctln*r till.*« story lias any bearing upon the Frtaont iKantici* of eating cr.,w or not™« not say but l have little doubt that the pet " or»iw of the old Virginian was quite as palau- I ble to him as Greeley is to some of thoae who ' art turn pelted'to swallow him. sreduatins branchea. .formturf, etr. Fumitoro and vemtiaa Bünde. J. A J. N. HARMAN, No.410KINOSTREET, W 1LMINlJTON, DHL "Vf* irgsgyyfay^roi th « cttiien* of ■ wiunlnatoi; and the surrounding country rfda,we onnttnoe t u inannfacturr and keep Ï» 1 " 1 ,»! our l»rae and Ion, established ware rooms, Furniture of every ariety and stylet consisting of Mahogany Roseunod and Walnut Puruitnre, suitable for perlor, dining-room and nhatubvr uses. Our assortment of Furnituie Isas large and varied as can be found to Delaware.and all articles sold at our eatubliahiuant are warranted as repre-enled. Ventlian blinds ot the most fashionable desigt.s made to order and kept coustaatly on band. We also manufacture and constantly keen a large a. sortaient ol äpriag, llair, Moss and llusk Matiresr J. A J. N. HARMAN, A|0 Kin* itfMt. Tbe iticn drew A ul religoius; of bathing, W hole and do Janmta |/\ (J to , l ial COTTAGE FURNITURE D B and statt. BRAK A««»T» ATI L. F. HICCIF8', No. 221 We»t .Second Street el A .rotie erHl oinnatt WILMlNOTON,;DKL. ■uvITtf ?» THK SKCUND ST REEL WURNHÜRE i:»T N. SECOND 8T„ PHILADELPHIA. 3:1» The Old Stand eftabliihed 2t)yeare, triumphant in IURNI1VRE. STORE,, ciiiien. outfit. Phila.. A S*nd List* Full During the recent depression in l»u«ine* we laid in fur cash cheapest and best assorted stocK in thecitv« which we are selling At reasonable prices. New Pateot 8ot» Bedhtsads which mak« a good bed a nicht, suitable for sick room • r ofiiees. L'uTTAUK »nd WALNl'T CIIAMHKR SPITS. tcelsior and S ring .M>itirew*es. WU-Piirl4.r nits U iulslered in any style to suit purchasers. IV INS BROS., :tl7 N. Second St.,above Vine, east siiie, Philadelphia. «trow, llusk. t.hl-jv ULE A nil.I.UR, (Successors to S. k T. MoUlary,) Î O 005 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON. DEL., has bines ious ■'elts zkk l;e the the 116 King Street, Wilmington. Del. eat tlie I and (o man ser w: a tlie to it FURNITURE WARr ROOMS. k A full assortment of the Intest Myles of Cabi Ware tor sale at tiie lowest prices. Call before pu reus-in* elsewhere. may-it t OGLE A MILLER. LEWIS F. ADAIR, : P Has nn hand at his Furniture War.roomr, a larae aMortinuai of F1KST-CLASS FURNITURE, consintiTig in part of Bureaus. BeiLteadd. Tab' o Chain. Sofas. LouuKeK. Se tees. Luukinx Glaarep Matt re «ae». Minds, which will besohl at the lowe etty price«. The public are respectfully invited to call, examine hi« goods and learn his prices, at»# »♦ _ lauks and jankers. Is • The Mechanic« Saving« Bank, Mo. 4 West Third St., WILMINUT3N. DEL. Office oi .d to D.« and make Puy maaU daily, except Dunilay., fiont ta. tu., until », Ul , aud on Tuawlay and Saturday «venin«* from 7 to H u clook. dead re his as on this tore he any of tlie ball wtiMinuiua D.iuw.r. con'- ^ n d.poaita Jutly i Sunday, excepted j uruitf t |, a u ,„ai«« hour., and ou Tu.ulay ser- „»l Haturduy ev.ninia from 7 toibo'eluek. crow, AH th. protu of tb. Bank, after the payment o UM-.uar.v .xpeu*oi, ura davotud to the o the 7K ÂÏÏÎS his • ol ,i, e R» U b. in 1861, th. dividends bsv. uniformly beau at rb. rat. of.ix par cot. p.r anaum Divid.udt.not drawn ar. rasard.d a.«. a and at one. bacom..utltl.d to participai, m futur, he allowed to borrow D t r u*t.d to th. Bank, aut, it break tie' aud place MANAUERS J seas 8u«»ra. Lxwt* PavsTst. Jaus« UaaDrti-o. t Haibis - i'.nix. t HatLKH U. Loss. 'JUaSLXS McCLOSXaV. Jasia 11. Bxoos, T. M. Dole. J. P. Wiles. Uxnaox S. Use kb. Utah Kiel. U. P. Jouscou, BssjiatH F. Towxsxsd. No Msascor allowad lo borrow suy fund« ol th. Institution. JAMES BRADFORD Preeidcnt. A. H. URIMallAW, Secretary and Treasurer, let) ll TH£ AHTIZAWt» SAVINGS BANK No. 602 Markat Stiaat, MAitJtUMKKS, Edwabd Dabliuotou. W. U.Swirr, llanav f Dual. Cbablks W. Howland, Jon H. Jnimson, ClbuintU.Suttu. M. L. LiCHTtsuTBin. (VMS.HILLKS, Präsident. Uno- W. Boan.VlenPrnaidsnt. uet22— I» ln»« p. MoLaae. Traar'irer. William 8. Hillbs, Unonsa W. Buna. N. R. Hmaon. Kpwa.u Rkttb, A. Hiuuins, tlnoasnS.CAPiLLi. ÎIKST NlTlUAAb KINK not being the eam Ser orderly he obeyed door presets*, mil— to h«ave po"iting jiqn. j>rom re in Si-rgeant inter (Jolo or wiLtiiNaroN. Depositary ol the Public Moneys, Fhiriic'irI Agent ol'the United «Stute« EDWARD BKTT8, President. G. D. AKM8TRONG, Cashier. . 9400,000. CAPITAL, -_ Thn Collecting and Exchanging of Govern ment Hecuritie* attended to for a small commission. "liiUdelphia and New York Exchange furn ished to regular Depositor* without chirge Directors meet on Monday* an«l Thur»d*y at 8.30 A. M. for discount. U'* »-1« rpiJE UKKAT AMERICAN UHOILEK, ECLIPSED BY TUE National Broiler, R. MOKK180N'». •esssrnmmmssmi"^ JTdwttf ramti. _ HUNGERFORD COLLEGIATE fflSWöTE, ADAM«, JKrrBRMON 4 0 . M. Y. ir<«t da.«« Hoard School for Ladi«n aid OmU«* laen. Twelve expert«seed Uoebers oanMia ttal Faculty. Location healthful and ucceaaibU. Five " I ' WILM sreduatins oouiaet. Uaeaoelled ad.ante*** branchea. Pell Term open. Beet, 17, TsTx. inlorujetioa. addrern ALBERT B. WATKINN, A. N.. Principal. la ell Fer Laave ^ " " An at at a. COTTAGE SEMÜÜÏÏT PUR Tonn I.AWIER. Votutown, Montgomery Co., Pa Tbe tweaty-fourth annual snetioa of tkie Iaetl iticn opens .September 12th. For Cireulare nd drew Her. JOHN M OORE , P rincipal. A iry vit.w m-abrit, p»tr militant 1-1. H. ft., For Malt * Femalo pSHh-l Una e.iablisl.ed, thorough, sneceasiui; lucaiioa beelU ul sn.l acicaeiM : eommuaity social, moral aad religoius; h.ildi . large and costly; a fall eerpe of able teacher.; mountain air. pure water, eefe bathing, ine skating; emphat<eally n Aruar sekoo l. W hole eipenre, for Ouird, Tuition, Room. Puni and Washing (for 4« weeks.) less rAaa laso Auadrsrf do linn, n inter session begins Bent. » Hand for I'irculers. W ILBON A PAITRRS0N. Pert Hovel. Janmta Co.. P*. _ President* of College«, Minister«, Suc cessful Butineee Men TENTirr TO TUB MART AOVABTAOBB BP " Ag Leave At from bem Beta At from aad >. for TUSVAKORl 10 ADBMY ACADEMIA. JUNIATA CO.. PA. Bend tor A Circular and Testimoniale. D I).Ktos». A. M.. Pb D. J, J. PaTTinn e». A. M . B ordkntiiwn, fjf. j.) rnûu csl LEUK.—Tbon.nid inetinetion. Healthful and beautiful location. Uns of tbe taest earefally eondoctrd and best ■uattined inetitatione In tha statt. For tarmi; etc, addreae Rev. JOUN M. BRAK KLKV. Ph.D. _ A««»T» Wartkd rua 4'haaaberllm'a «real STRUGGLE 0 F '72 n I W el AWfir «R Political nnd Popular Literature • I A Urapbie History of the Republlcaa aad Damn* I .rotie Partirs; a.a.-yiketeh of Iba ao eallad Lib-1 erHl Republic in Party; »n iandc c*«c of the Cin- I did oinnatt C.nventioo. Tbs tuinur ticket' or ndr I •lorMofihecsiunei n. Thetneat IIlottrated Bonk I 4'ampalga Reck, van in pirtliuhvil- A Book wanted bjr e>vrt Americdn . — ciiiien. To secure territorv At once, nend $1 for I outfit. UNION PUBL1HIIING ÜO . Chk«i*o. 111.. Phila.. Ph.c or Si»rinEfieM, Mr« 1 *. Bill / I I 1 with the the A . Ä é _ Ä . AbibAr»A MAak ■ CAMPAIGN GOODS FOR 1872. I ******** eeeccce wwvccv e -«« ewe see I r A^rnis vvintid f« r our Campaign Goods. eS«/f oil Sight* Pny HU) y» r r, nt. profit. Now is the tine. I S*nd nt rnoe t »r Descriptive Circulars and Price I List* of i ur Fine Steel Engravings ot all tbe Can- I didates. Campaign Biographies. Chart*, Photo- I gruuiis. Radges. Pins, Flags, and everything suited 1 ti e time« Teu dollars per day eaMty »uade.— Full san-pl* ?ent for $C A ldrc s Moobk A Uood spkko. 37 Park How. New York. in a suit pal H Ihr Chemistry of MvIbc Providence has n -vor produced a mineral Water wh'ch com bines tu suen pertertiow toe qealitie* of anti-bil ious tonic and cathartic rnt lléme. a< that of tbe ■'elts r Spa; and Iakkant's Ekmrvkagbiit S«!/« • zkk A p k a i kn t is the prtificial ««uivaleut of that »dy. Del. k rent natural r« 80lD BY ALL DRUGGISTS : P A I* A TON I » holy nrw ant b. .utiu 1 - UAiUl 2AtUi> I ilc-tzna. Uet Priée Lie. of HA Ilfi RS f IT- 0. RICHARDS A CO.. DrVDUIbO. | M'l'r.«. 4T Muaa.r Si.. N.V REWARD I cue of Blind | "bln. or Ul I o Glaarep lowe to Y /I Millier « >1 I I I I I leers teil Pile, that Dk ,R I I I I 11 IBina'a Pn.a Hmkdt fails 111 ■ I ■■■lllocur«. Itii|ir.parr4ai Ml A ■ I» V* U tu cure tha Pile , und nothing « In. Sold byall DruagDU. PricaSl. K EEP IT HAIVOy.—Tba Reliable Family 1 M'dicine. for the prompt care of Chotora. | Uiarrbueea, Cholera Infantnm, Dybontery. Cramop, summer Complaint. Ac., Jardella*e Compound by rup of Blackbeny Root nnd Khobar*, a* old aid well-tried remedy, entirely vegetable, pleasant to take, quiok and oat tain in offoett can b depended on the most urgent ease«, may be given to tbe youngest infant as well pi tbe aged. It is readily taken by children. K'ap It in the bouse, nnd use in t ine. Sold byDiugatste HAN8KLL A BRO., 1.1X10 Market street. Phlladblphia._Jliy it._ a WEST» Wseled.-AgMts make Bore money a at work for us than at anything else. Business light and permanent. Particulars free. G. 8 tih aoM A Co., t me Art /NilJatAsrs, Portlagd. Maine. augl3 2aw Aw4w barlow' i indigo blue Is the cheapest and best article ii the market for Blueing Civthte. The geauiue hts both »Barlow's • nd Wtltberger's name on the Ubel, It is put up at Wtltberger's Drug Store No. North Second St.. Philadelphia. D. S. WILTBIHtO-ER. Propri etor. For tateby Druggists and Grocers. Puy until «venin«* excepted Tu.ulay o o uniformly«. futur, ol th. OfilrR ft NltaliKK, REAL ESTATE* AGENTS and; auctioneers. MrCLARV BtlLDINM.) oppoaite the Bank of Dataware. I * I PKILSONAL KALES ATTENDED Tu. BANK r No. 60S Market »treat, (la tbs liavinr removed from tbecerwsr af4tb aad Kins -tract* to the lurr* «tara Ne. 105 Marbet «tract, rdera Irom our friands which will be m»2S REAL ESTAI E AGENT W« .«dieIt tilled with oare and uromplaaai. rr J. H. FRAZIER, AMO Collector of Rents «nd Bills. KINK KAMT THIRD HT., REAR HARKET. iunlS -dAwly by . j ___ SAMUEL W. MoCAULLEY, Conveyancer. Reel Katate Agent and Coinmisaioner for Penniyivanie. Conveyancint in all it* brancha». Prompt attention niven to fiuyinn, aalllnn. ax mnninn aud rentinn Real Estate and sollaotlni nn uiiDii»ni«piniiw. .... »nannimr. >a «Stute« Govern furn tale« *ettle«l. I ar Informntio* choerfully xlron lion, either In perana-* "» >*t'er. upon appliea Offloe, 003J Market St., (M Ploor.) WILM I NOTON. DEL. 9%.0fii(*n open until 8 p. m. fabl*-.Mm ï. c. la£HHAM, FRESCOE PAINTER. llealdenre, .431 Taylwr Street. Post offiee'llei 4«7, lyï-'y WILMINUTUN. DEL. Ixtifwa gists. _ WILM NGTON ANO READING H H i Sr. ■prtng Arrangeaient. Peaeencer Trema will leave Sont hward at follow« ««*• "Ti pi a'ù p *m Laave Reading at 7*tu ' 4« ' 10'5 ^ Btrdrtore, 7M 4» 440 11IU " CoatasvUla, V.# 4M *20 14« " Chadd • F'd, W 2» 7* 7» 111 An at Wilm'xtoa. 11 IS SIS Dim DAT Tati*. LeaveOeataavUU Ujl, Cbadd'e Pan! 4M aad arrive at W itminttua at IM p. a. __ Lan va Morrn wa id : TU IBB Mae,}. A ». 7. A. 11. P.M. P.Ji. A. M. 14» 500 10W 135 6 00 II »7 KlfttRem BXPRBfeA fM MQ HU LtAVR 7.UUABd !>•!. LRAVK Tb« HIS 4 4»| " Coal Seville. 410 Ag atgirt bors *. «U Traîne? S3» 7 00 »St 14» 410 _, 10X0 6 40 ■ ore mined or market trains, bon mV Tar a. Leave WUaiastoa u S.00, Chtdd'e Ford 4.46, and arrive at cont^g^gj. At Cbadd'e Ford, Trains Noe. 1, J.i.7 end s oouaeetfor Philadelphie, and l aad 7 with train» from Philadelphia: Noe. 4 bem baltimore; aad Noe. 1 and 8 with train Beta «Bare. No. 6 with Ireia for Port Deposit. At Conteevllle. trains Mae, 4 and S «nine, t lot Philadelphia, aad Datai Noe. 1,2 and 2 with train. from Pbiladnlpbta: at Birds here' trains Nos. , aad T nnaaewt 1er Philaaielphia. aad trame i, 2 eau >. tor Bsadtaw aad kertb. Hast aad West. Raeanioa tieketa will be sold [or nil stations foi Sandow trala soins northward; tbit trala will at..i> for peseeogers 4to aad 7 ooaoecl with train. • TU Uavb L«ava T r ai LK&VX at aay pablie road eroanun. c. btolz. O sacral Sanerialcadcat Fsra HoiaeeisM ta us Wseu PENNSYUANIA CENTRAL R. R. I W * 8T ** U * ACCOMMODATIOM TKAI> I PAST EMIGRANT LINE. I m «* e « "V m erf a TJ eo n ° K PITTHJJUHa I did all pioddA da (Ad WtIt, tiouthuft at. I I 2VOTi.*WA4I. . — _ I »HOBT BBT AMD BBBT ROUTE. Lbbvo TblalinAAffordiunequAlled induce menti- to ner eonsdeeirini Aehenp nndnxpeditio*iRpMfli»ffe toth . We*t,nnddeeervetpArtieuUrly tbe attention of «I ■ncbnadMireto AVBtltbeinselveeof tbe lluieente«.! Bill pAMtd bj tbe le»t Congress. I Tbe Penuiylv»nt*Central Railroad.with its cor I netting lines, U by 137 miles the shortest route to 1 Chicago and other prominent plmceH in the W' isetso tbe quickest,ebeepest and best r«iufe to aI prominent pieces in tbe Southwest end Northwest Peaeengera ere forwarded in ooiulorteble and *ir nger Unis. furnished with cushioned-neats with moveable becks, waler tanks,stoves, in \V inter, und with such other conveniez es es are requisite tor th somfort at families. Tkrongh tickets a aold to ell prominent pieces u the West, ßoutbwes end Northwest, et about hs) the usual first el Children unde petween tbesgesof five end twelve years pay isalt Prtee. Baggage checked end forwarded by the a tne train with the paaaeagera. Eighty pounds of baggag« car ried free to every full passenger. The train leaves daily ezeept Sundays, and ticket mnat be Procured and baggage delivered attheofiice, ■ No. 116 Market street, by 3 o'clock, P. M. I ■»•<"/•«),»« 'h* ""''•"'«n«"*. be will forward b I r ,mrnofin*«l.f r ecufel»a r ,e.» C ircularcootAiDin, oil complete price lilt, a map,a eorrect copy. I UomeateMg Law, and give such other inionuauon I may be desired. PNA\CI8 FUNK, Agent I eftbe Pennsylvania Railroad Company, I No. 116 Market S'reet, Philadelphia 1 PMtadeloM» .IsnslIJltt Lee*w h fare. • or five years old as free, and children i DULAW AttJt HA1L.HU AD LIN e . SUMMKR AKRAKQKMBMT. On ana alter MONDAY, July 'Mb, 1*72. tbundava cio.Dt.ii.) Traute will 1 - of CO.. leave as tulluwii •onTHWilD. Pa—mttr. Jft cod Pammter. A.M. U.U0 P. M I palmar, | fefVVj Ul I Bn, Greenwood Farminvton 3 UU 3 25 11.15 Dk fails , 11.3» 2 56 4.« 11.50 4 80, 5 05 12.15 AM. Mllferd. Bsrrtnstan. ration. «SSfeF' Wyoming, Dover. Moortoa Bros ford Smyrna. 1 Groan Spriggs | Blackbird, by aid to tbe readily use BRO., money tih 7 .UU 12 30 'J 7 2U 7 31) 12 4» i . £ luu 7 35 1 U6 6 <»4 7 40 for at 6 10 7 5U ift 6 34 8 00 25 140 6 54 8 10 815 145 *4 8.06 1 40 8 25 155 7 24 8 33 2 00 7 34 215 • 40 7 54 220 8 46 Townsend SI* Kirk WDOd, «t. Road, «w Cailla, vf lia, toa, arriva loi» FkUadalshiatarrlva^M» Bsliintsra. arrlya 8 I. SU» 22 » »1» 24» « 2> «43 »2» S UU »2« 3 06 2 40 3 15 • 4» »*> S8 VS» 3 23 use 3&& 11 20 P.M. 3 »0 Mi-r.d. r u. It « 6 2 » »10, r.a 106 ■ouTXWasD. M mw ww A.M. 130 7 26 Philadelphia.. Baltimore. WliUllkUl »X 2 40 7 20 12 if 1010 «2» 6 45 VU 3U 1 a ». 6 60 10 36 7 00 *45 7 07 10 »» NMfi irkweod, t. Pleasant, 71» 10 7 2» iddletowa, fad; jem Hpriag, |«nyr*i'(arrive) Braaford, Moortos, Dover, the 83KB: I Caatarbury, * I Pel tun. | Reniant»., 130 7 40 3 2 2 4' 1140 7 60 ilg S Ul ■t» »20 3 16 12 SO 121 » 21U 121 » » 2 » 12 » 8 40 4 a 240 *46 4 It 1260 S 56 10* *08 186 »08 4 «I 120 6 u 845 arniatUa, Kins «tract, be IS é 15 13» 5 12 Hrsaswnod, BrMcarilla Saafard. Laurel, Delmar. 2 37 Tha Kited Traia will deal M train hi biuineM. and "•-"b^jlKr^SSÄ« | atT?tt i*«!' LnaiVVhuiKjîfin B aî*l2.«| l Mrnn<l TRAINS*' Additional to thoauabnve.leeve bmyrnu for Cley tou 11.3» a. m.. aad 7.36 p. m.. LeavaClayton for Smyrna 8.40 a. tn., and 2.00 p. tu., to make connec tion with train* to and from Dover, and «talion. South. 146 4 0 2)8 « 1 . 2 20 5 0 7 if utyeet to deleya ioci will at«>p ouly at ata T RAINS. Agent I Rmlnad. _ __, „ ,, ax- I AtDELMAR, with the Eastern Shore Kuilroau sollaotlni I aad Wtooniieo and Pommohe RgHromi. kIduotion In pasoaob rates: >a , ANCIEON 1.1 MR HTEAHEBH ■ma.lxli, iTSxr VitnuDAT .so Satos SAaWAm Fasmuanm bookad to aad from any Railway Sta Uaa or «deport In Ureal Britain. Irelaad. Nor way, Swadaa, Danmark, (lertuany. Franca, Hol land. Belrum. nnd ibnl'niud sut**. Cabin tara Irom NRW YORK to LONDON. UV . H LA SHOW' aud DERRY by Wednm tmars »44 By Saturday'! steamers I*» CONCEPTIONS. At TOWNSEND, wuli tha Rant Cvanty and queen Anna's A Kant Rnilroada At CLAYTON, with tb* Maryland and Delaware Hail road. At UARK1NI1TON. with tbe Junction and llreak water Railroad. At BRA FORD with the Doreheater and Dataware appliea Ploor.) UUION TICKETS, «ltrt. 0IATE, «M, SIKkRAUK. SOS.all IfitlKthalr Mend* in th* old Coun try nan pnrekna* tiokaia aa Inwast rates lor tur thar particular* apply in tb* Axent*. II Kb DER «on Broth«««. F ii.i.jiij,«*, » j. y.. or u SAMUEL F, UKTrs, ea lrwiw— ma - WUrniaxtnm. 1NT DEL. FailadRipnu, wuauagw« uo at u um Râliieaé TIME TAHLE. Commendae MOM. i I. Jus. M, 1811 Tuna* will leaf i ovraar Broad ai. aao Wtikaiiut Aveneeae fetiuw« Ï-MA1L TRAIN ai S.9U A. M.^énjnnXpü BaOiMora.tiopiiag at all R«|uUiBWtmaa|4eei at W iliu.ogtou wita Uiiutri Mai I read UmArM Clay tao villi ho;rot Braacb JUUtuad ane Delaware Railroad, *i Hairiaawa with lueiut »»a Broah water Railroad, at BaaR rd vite Ùunktmm aad D*l*we*e Railroad, at HeUnat wuh àMan itwt Raarnad, at Mabefcurj w tk W mm tee 9a4 temmefce Sr. katlrue»»« KlfttRem TRAIN «I It.'« M. ~"L1HT) laiugiuu wiib I rail* fui N*w Ooaile. BXPRBfeA TRAIN wi A INI t. «. 1M|««IMUMW4.) m lUliimorwBud Wublwwfw^f wDNwfiO bvUi .nu lOW.LlWWtMd.OlWfBMiftl.WUMSflMpNBWMRtJMa .«•«•rk.likwt.NiirU-lMt, C k l lwu n,Km. •die. Hm vm-UoMif e». ANr« »n . fwifMi'i.liiL wood, MuguuiiB.Chuw'b WDdrftwMaimr'BRww. w NIQHTRXPRICM «I tl-JtP.M.AwUf.lwtaUÉM»«— D W-ft iaitoD,«io*piiig m ckwiM, U*vw4. Otuaifel, W Û mio«u»a, Rauik. Rikiow, N »HB»Bbda J Wlf tlH«, ■' jmia'i k«4 Hkwlk fM MQ i»nfoi Portree« lloaioa lwialk,«U IS.UU M. Train ' WILM I WTO W rtJIJML HU pblng «» All HUUou. iNllWMU PlubMl W. AA« WUslailM LtAVR PUliaAliRLPMiA AO It».«* A. W .Ml lM. SjSKSê 7.UUABd DUU tlAil« P.M. Tba> 40JU P. M. otaia «manu wim !>•!. K. R. lor Mil ord bbU iuOwiio dlmiOÄAOMAA LRAVK WlLMINdTUB ao C 46.D.M aa4 B.ID A.M.J4NL 4M ABd 71* P. M Tb« «1« A. Mta om Will am A top boiwwb CkNtol Mad PaiIa 4«I»BM0. Q* ku4«f 14MT« WllA4lil|fl4MI AI «Jtt P. É4. ~«Af Tb« «46 A. M. orAiia tr TO , . WtlBtldsgtoB Will Ala«u«l JuutflKiit bj eir««>t Call V III IB« • AW® r lur . 11 tTum Wm * fiUéaipkê*. TU ! LA . aSD JIALru. UkJiTHAi* K. M. TMAI9M (HoppiBg «i «U eiAiiOfi* Ol« ebener Cr««A m 4 ràii Bd«lt>hiA ABd BAUmor« C«bu«I RAtlruAd. TiT St. Uavb HiUa4«i|«iib loi Pur« D*piw» Bamav« «imb k«d # Ak 7.UÜ e.tu. Aud 4-3« U- m. HiiIaBaIiiDi, An« dïy^iSp" s. •asjL^ijPäääffrä vtneps t t. irAiB B«o|ne AI All tteUid« k«l««A« ITn|«||AiDU «II L«auuhiA. ' L«ava Pur» l*t»oAti for PhilAdAlplilA. l us Art «ïwilii. a« DJ6a.m Aad« U y. 014 Oauiiu M PbUAd«lMu m •.IU a. m. CbAdd'a Kord tut rniUd»le*4É ijut ,, m . Huuüa y, 1«AVA PbUtdolphlA let OAfArd BJi aT m. IfAf« UAIord lor l'utl«d«t|tÂlA * 40 ». ta. * T r ai ita lAAViBg Wiiruiifiuii »td.46A.tu, «od 4M» p m viU COUAC» A» LeduokiA J«n«»iu« eitk lu# 7 JM A. m Aad i*> J*, i». irttoA tor t'üiladclpNiA ABd B UfiAtaff. i 't i - lakOUOS TMdlXS »MOM MAtllMUMM. LK&VX WII.MISÜTO» ai I0.»i. Iljv c.a., J.»» tSV, cffgsrjca run rùiLAttKLfiiiA. LBA7XCUXBIXK Al 7 JO. 7J2.S.U, son, Il 12JS.2.4I. 4.4tAA.3i, A.ll, 7.4A VroBBslutunr, to riilAlslphit. Um« Bamaitire m 7J »• Wai b Ail: IJà.i., k,lire. ; 14» r. b . Sa press 7 Jlf .it. Rvnrsss II 20 P. a baprs«. VroaXAtiimor^ o coriUApeaiiaad laiaiaaeiaissiaileaa daamuaodaiiov alnfram ron Depeeti win teat arten fille alt 47 A. b. loi lâliiamiuil 1 • t,ta«dliie SIS IIoba. r.w If. A. M. lu st r TRAIH8 fOA BALTJMOMM* LMv«<',b«*»er»i 12.0« «nd 9.11 a. «..•«4 445 ».a. Lbbvo Witnuug»ob «I 12.82, 2.19 Rkd IUU2 |.g| SU Si DA Ï TLA J A FROM BALTIMORE. Lee*w Baliouor«* m 7 25 r. a., «»oppiug •» Magaeua Ftcry Buna . Ab«nlMT„ H«»rw-4le*-4v sOv.l'MrTftr.n,« »o«u. North K«»», fa.lktt.ii, 5«waik, siaatua, B«w poi», WilmiDg»o»,CUy«»4>«», «»4 Cb««»««. U v. g«*> i f M« WIL U« IM * PENSBïLVRMlA RAILBOAu. g ON AND A KTBE V'»MMT. JÜI.V. 22. 1272. WKcVr PHILADELPHIA. Trains le-»ve Depot, ibirty-se<-ond and IraiitB arrivent Depot, Ï birty fir.-t and 1 »»la Mae Weaiwapi. Pauli Accommoi'ation daily.extent tkmiday, h.u:.. 8 3>>a in. and 11.Iu a., m., l.lup.a»^ 6.40 j Niagara Express daily, except Sunday. 7.30 a. m. Lock liaveu and Ei4i ira Express daily, except >undiiy, N.W) a. ui^ eMail daily, except Pfinday... HOOe m. Fast Line and Erie Exp. daily ex > s un4a]rl2.40 p.m. Ilarrbburg Arc. daily, except Sunday, 2.30 p.m. Laura.-ter and Vork An*, daily, ex. Sunday 4.10p.m. Parkesburg Train daily, except Mua day. *.30 p.m. Cincinnati Express -aily Southern Express daily.. lit* Express daily. Erie .Mail daily__ Pauli Suuday Trams..6 40 a,m and M0 P.u*. Ciucinnati,Kxp. only to Harrisburg on Fa uifay». Erie Mail .Saturday night run» only to Williamsport For Emigrant Kxi-ret* T.n»r. leaving lOAl p.m. daily except 8umUy .tickois must he procured aad baggage delivered at 16 Market S . by t.fiQ p.m, >rw Y «ark »IvMen. Express tor New Turk, 7.1b, 8.30 ,.nd 11 00 a.m. and Iguk). 3.Mt, i.; i) aad 6 4r* p.m. aad 1430night. Express Tiain tor Long Braa«£ 7.15 a. m. and 3.40 p.m. Emigrant Traia for New York, 11.30a m. Way Trains for Bristol, 6.2ft and 10L3U a m. Way Train for Trenton. 11.90 pm. Way Train lor Huiin«r»mrgaad BaMletea.5.UU pm. I ork bunday Traias. 7.2 • a m. 6.4» p m. and VUO night. * 6.4ft p m Train connects at Treuen for Lambert« ville and W'ay .'•tations. KENSINGTON DEPOT. Iloluiesburg R lin.-tlemn. 7 m> a m, 12.30 A 7,15 p m. Way Train tor New lira ns wick.. 2.90 p m. h xpress Trains for Trenton. 7JO a m and 4.U0 and 5..10 p m. Way Trains f or Trenton, KE0D a m, 3 20, 5.00 aad 7.W p m. Way Train for Bristol. 6.00 a m. FOR BELV1UEKE DIVISION. Express kr TrenP-n. Lambertville. Kastoa, Reran • ton. Ac.. 7.30 a in. Way Train to Lambertville A Pennington,16,00 am. Express t«»r Trenton, Lambertville, Lsstoi, ber se lon. Ac. 4.UP p m. A worn, for Baldidere and MARKET oTR Am bay Dlw«slam. Aceemmoda. for New York via Autboy, W ay Trains for Treuton, 6 00 and 10.00 a and 4.UP. 5.0) unit 6 no Market 8cv. Merket 8U. 6J8 P.m. 6 30 p.m. ».UO p.m. U.40p.m. il 4U p.m. i UU 25 56 80 05 'J i <»4 10 34 54 *4 24 34 54 I. 2> «43 liantoa. ».SU*«. 6.38 am. m. IIM S8 use O' p m. Accomtuodalioa lor New York via Perth Ambox. 21«) o m. Accomuj' for New York via Jeraey City. 3.00 » m. Way Train for Burliuntoo. S.JO p m. Way iraiaa for bord. moan, s i«i aad l).:t0 p m. Kip Tratet tor Hiabt*t"wu, « m a m and 3J0 , m. kxvrattrdüR f<« Pisbrrtw, to,, Braaab aad N. J. .-outhern and 'luektrtoa Railiuada, 1M a m and 2.45 p m Way Train, tor Mt. Holly. I .un, 8.30 aad 11 JO a ax. Way Train« for Pemberton. tO.UOam. 2.15. ».OnuM 8 U p m 20 »0 u. « 20 if a Meepin, Car Ticki to for tha Wmt eaa be bad a* application >t tbcTichi t offlea. 0*| Cbeataa t «ueet. and at tha Depot,Thirty aecon* sal Market bin. Agents >>f tbe Union irHDif« Company will call for aud deliver Baggaeeai U»e Depot«. Ordere «U receive prompt attention, and Railroad TimeCard can alio be obtained at tbe lollowiag TICKET OFFICES: j No! am rbmtaS! «traM. . ,, f No. 118 Market itrxat. aad at tbs Deiot* and tarry earned above. A J. CASSATT, fleaerwl If 2 4' 16 a It P hiladelphia, wilminuton a MORE KA1lR"AD. ,-PPClAL NOTICE. Un and nltnr WKDN ht- DAY, OMobar Ittk, Mil, pasManer ear wtH be attached to tha Irataal treia leavias Philadelphia at 2210 p. m.. fur VU Binnton. 4 «I u é 15 5 12 Cley for 4 0 « 1 . the train will atop at 8 t a li éna aa fbllowa. when •irnslled: Uray'a Ferry. 8,12 p. m. LeaarattoOJO p.m : Cheater. 8.41 p. in: Lamukio.9 4&a, m; lk_ lour y.42 p. m: Liuwood, ».»» m; I'laymoat, 10JI p. m; p. nat anive ftllmianton, loS i. o. . loet ltl H. » K KNMkT. Haa't. 5 0 7 if ioci ata £ %aprr üft««iag». DON'T BUY Satos Sta Nor Hol UV I*» Your WALL TAPER natil yon axamiaa th* LARÏ1E STOCK ul queen llreak A. B. JONES, NO* 618 MARKET STREET» where you can find an aaaortmaat at WAU PAPER, WINDOW SHARES, PICTURE HAND/NDS, Of the LAteat Style« and Patifina. which ha will dispose «il at the L«'we*t Priem Paper-Uaa*b* noatly executed. Kxpanaacad Workmen any part of the Htutv. Beat 'prakiBB BiSSTTZ No. sin MARKET 8TBBET. W^n^Slf"* Retard*« from in A. M.. to »KM. ' FOR LADIES EXCLUSIVELY rtamUA.M.t*»».« Coun tur DER u . .— *2 U 0« Mondeya Toaed -v. -rd Yr d«