Newspaper Page Text
\ '4 4 4 i A (| \% - p()L. LXXXIL—NO. 141. WILMIXQTOX, DEL. THURSDAY, SEPT. 12 , 1872 . PIUCE 1 CENT. iAILY gazette. THE ' LVkRV I AUK IN OK Statod Domoorati© Meeting«. ( ily Fxe»'i.tive I'luiiniilt«' meet, every M.m Iav e.ei.ii*»'- »1 8 o'clock. (Ireeley At Brown ('nmpnign C'lnh meet, ev j'uewlae evening, al 8 o'cloek. 'Orrinan 'DeimicralicClub meet, every Weil nf*lay evening, a» 8 .'dock. lleiiuH-ralie \si«H'ialion of Wilmington ineels ,rery»' evening, si 8 o'clock. VniericiM (Till* meet, every VVeilnewlaycvcn Inü. Morrou V huihliiig, 211 Market etrevel. For the Organization (.'nrcfnl great .•minty, would reeoneiliatinn, pi,lees I I tionists, milled threatened ou^lih . . . . cent ,1 .... . . the Hundred* bu\c alr«*nd> holcctcd tb«*ir ddc-1 pic»p|p»cu*s, at. 1 suri. Wiilimit '' S. ftteet- 1 . sometimes. Si-rt that u,, f I * 1 , .. I 1 " slutted tl.. (<rHlll . s wanted to the query. derate ahui«* I him? uofuned in the MuHHichuHi-tlH hii|HH .'■invention. To rhent h&» keime a chronic at , vide its iwtion will. Kadieala. say which It now appear« that the Wheeling District ol 1 \Ve Wilt Virginia electa Colonel Benjamin Wilson, ' disturbers , 11 . 1 11 ,m cr,i for Ponor»,, in- as ' °f tin' tagular Lilarti it.muerar, tor ogre. 11 liolls majority orer John J. Daria, the independent cat,, complete Jiilate lor re-election. 'opposition. Central wards tion in I If I miCee J.seph K. K Igerton ot Indiana, the geiitlem-io ] Ices, «hom «rauf» indhagen Vera anzious to hsv, party ... th. 1 uiiavilte -a - u.ti. 1 **y a,miaated hy " ' ' poses 4 ij,e of Unis duteatiag the Litaual ticket 10 todi HIII | ms, has wfitteu a letter which shows tilth-symp i- party •Iv with the tlourlsui itapractieshles After es- lost, rsiuii' lai earnest desire tor reconeilliiiiion and I lie o esrne-t davution 10 Deias-ralic principles, he proper Oeelaros Ins haliel that Graut is a man •• without day mural or intellectual elevatum, and without true iiu-nts Tiguity ; a tool and not a leader of his party, an I those m upsbie nt rising to any more just or high con- are not eiition ot his Ottirc than tint Ile i« the U .Tern gaiiDation mint" In eonolusion he says : from Personslly, and as a Demmrat, I would prefer federal oilier men to Ureeley anil Brown for Preelilent and sud Vice President. Most Democoata could have ranks. hosen other men from among tha candidates he. powerful La- ihe Cincinnati Convention who would have against, suited them better. 3 * * • * * * * * But ihe peuple did not select them. No spouts- of neous and united voice of the party or the people The CincmauU Convention, led ticket, St. It in ht*|.*'»l Ihm all mi'.I uttcud to th»* In tin* city it 1 » tune the ter 0 » III«* *ky named. tHkuiK .some action m the mat'er I The Cun Vi-nt loi* ii»eet» on the 'JUt. ••re There were tnoru vote» tonnd in the QlERY. hat at Georgetown. t»l* Taes«h»ythan there w«* il«le#**eH in the Cuuveiiti» . WI - tetter from a Candidate for Preai dency at the Louleville Convention. c tiled tor them ty the highest intelligence and ability of the Ue ^ublicau ^arty, «lid not chqoiMj them The Balti more Convention, the recognised representative o! the Democratic party as a natiouat organization, did not ch »ose them. What then shall I do — Shall i trom mere pride of opinion or because of personal preference, nr from any basef motive, fail to co operate with the great mass of wen of my . o«u party and principles to secure peace gud good internment to n^y country 2 Shall \ vote for Grant) or tail to nde for Qreeley •.tren^th au l auccess to a party is I houe-vtly believe, will not give the country peace and md government? For one, as a citizen and a Deni >crat, faithful to the principles ot the party, as 1 *uderitaiid them, 1 have from the fir-d announcement of the Cmcinuati nomiuatiou aud j .platform b lieved it to be wise and patriotic for I the Demu ratic party I«» support Greeley and Brown #**###*#***•* ractions are not party, uor are parties principles . |^ and if i were leat> of a Democrat th.»n 1 am, I , wanld nut hope to nniintqin the bulwarks < .f De- i »ocraoy hy yielding support to the roalcouteiitä of 1 there the Louisville Convention, who do not, as 1 believe j ** r<l119 repmsent either the Demooratio party or ita prin ciples, but are, possibly without design, uidiug t<» «ubvert both. It would require more thaï» the jreat pvofeasional repiitoliou O'C'onor, or the t unily name of Mr John Quincy Adams, even it those two geutleineu had accepted the dubious houor of your nomination, to redeem your Convention from the contempt due to a great failure iu all that can dignify a political move ment, except a possible power of doing harm to ths . »use it protected to honor and aid Kespect luilv yuura, JosBKU K. EdOERïon. For M«. space pose Ware, at of wants Let antly , anlthup give nod to men who. to of Mr. Charles more New dot Trou Hie New 1 urk Wort.t i Alleged Bribery of Congres* men. A suit in whi.'h Colonel Henry S. MeCoinli, out) of tlie origliml eorporators of the ( r nion Caeitie Railway and or the Credit Mobilier, is plaiutitf, ami tlie Credit Mobilier of America i«(Udeii,lain, i , now pending before the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania in equity, anil m this suit the testimony of Colonel Mc« 'oint. n»8 bt en taken. Colonel McCoiuh sues the ['ODpimv to recover the , aine of UM sliaroaôi tbe Çivijit IjohiUei which hie alleges rtghi lUlly belong to him. In his tes timony he *M«rts, and supports the assertion by two lel wrs and u memorandum, that Mr. Oakes Ames professes to have used these 230 Him res. and many more shares also, of the Credit Mobilier «took iu bribing certain members of Congress «0 cooperate with him (Oakes Auies) in »•curing the legislation which was necessary «enhance the value of the Credit Mobilier stock to the enormous point which it finally 5tf5li;r! of sonie Î0O or «00 per cent, advance spdn lt.4 face, (jt tlie members so bribed(V- opel M.'Coinb pWxtudes a list 'drnwfl t'd ' tch Mm b* Mr.'Oattbs Ames: U tlie list. i».gi b«4 Wile rtn*/ a fur ti«»p Will of in )1 & »4« 100 ' •■ABES Blame, of Maine ;toS) j'atterson, of \ew Hampshire. 8,000 »Ilsnn, nfMasaachttsetra.. . . 2,001» calnu-r I Hep ), for Oulgiey.. 2.000 h. Colfax, Speaker..7. . . 2,000 Scofield and Kelley. Pa.. '.... (cäch) 2,000 ii ? B fifi°t, Massachusetts. 3,000 ha »es, Massachusetts. 2,000 fowler, Tennessee. 2000 ■J.>..twell, Massa.-li..setts. 2,000 Uingham audfiartiel.i, Ohio.(each) 2,000 ludorsed: Oakes A.ues, January 20, |Sua I Sfer.feÄ us, H wuuld place the whole of the stock he was îtofk* H j rl " utt nKat Washington "where It would »W4» I »a niostgbort" This obviously meant that he fitendtsl to use It tn bribing those particulkr members of Congress Whose irtAnenpo wiiA Rn, l t y q8t bliV'V ^^hC,cg)IO Whhhlsjmtnilee. tvepresume that neither Jf-WhiM 1 , firHoutwell, Mr. DBwee, Ur', ««oiiBld, nor fa ffifct ewy one if thb persons f^h^wiU deny that he tfas include^ . . ÂÏÂJRffiÇ 11 - - kl - ■ *• * report by the commutions thowing SKLi I 7* PTpetfetlon ot Iserful cruelties on tkcs ween 231 CtttisjxasK;"" l *"- - Cur Ute it i.ter tst ntinr b* such ths h»r tba ,»v« Ut noth» fie« uf iN«v éys«r •tsr. r«Ti' Ltara. DfiL H. IRK. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Tho New ' LVkRV llRIKK LKTTKKs Of.j rOMML'NH'ATIOVH WI! I. NOT i ■ lN1 f I AUK IN NOWTSK HK.BI'ON,.ll • p OK CORRRHPONltKXTN. 1 \ I:! 'A K 1 >■ by tl«. A-tnii I t. ln> For the tJ»;ott«*. ! •lit • Organization to Succ. (.'nrcfnl ami I 'SS. .'»Iltpl.'lr in',; III;/ .itiull of till great party of reform, in cu n state tml .•minty, selionl .liufri.'t ami u.tiae'tireeim l' would sorely ilereat the etiemv oi i.earr •m<i •* • reeoneiliatinn, and drive mu . . the high pi,lees in Ihe tuition the li.ittil el etirrtip I I tionists, and lohliers it lui well nigh tin* milled the people of Siverigo Nit,., and ■' m ujunty threatened with destnietnm, the ntagtm tnoo-.l ou^lih -rTt'' 1 ' 1 f ' llli r: ' u" at bulwark ol l.nuinl cent ,iale.\avs lit sent . . ur «* II • , ai«* full «it Sneaker pic»p|p»cu*s, wU'.cU makes t.iv«-lc\ s divtioti ..,„.1 11 1 suri. Now. imtbino in this N ri.l U ivi!, d '. Wiilimit work I „ -L-iJ i . is -, 11 ^ , oUlee-liolileiH, '' » Ami . i" " lu'ddeiit. l-> anil other, S. l 'T i * ■' desired , * 10 o , HK , ftteet- 1 . Spontaneous combustion happens tv lor 1* sometimes. There are olivsioloekK ivi.o •!,- e 1 Si-rt that eombu-thm f « êv , . •-*' »> u,, .,iVl,,,ak eoeo«le„: Î > "' ak .' , iTS or f ÄS!' 11 1 but tli.-y I * 1 i.e.îiî.!. ,.!* r " ^' 1 s ''. - 1 ' 1 ' 11 ' " ,ru ' ' parlv. I 1 " spontaneous eiiliibusthm to Iiveu-.mie I... (<rHlll . s Immense organi/ed. drilled, and ' îirTàVvea, derate unoy. his lures ol Mlronage: his („„. hii|HH iiiouiiliiiii.s • *t J 4 «* \ **i ntii«*nt ili»lli\i> l his ; m (l of U'rtdin^ men, licit* and there, to di years vide its by "independent uniniim'.iiuis"-to, ' say nothing of the ultimate maeliinery l.j Mr which ''countingout" isaeeomplislusl. ol 1 \Ve believe the vile party of usur|«-rs, tlm ' disturbers of the nation's peace; the nssiidaiil as ' °f tin' nation's honor, Ihe assassin's of the 11:1 I'he liolls nf,. ; |„. .leleated Ina timely and isiille t complete orgatii/alion id all the element» ot the 'opposition. What lots the Heiaoeratir Stale present. Central Conuilittee of llelawaie done to rlie wards aeeomplisliiug the work ol organisa Mr. tion in mir mueh loved little State. mi liini I If I mistake not it is the duty id the emo- „ miCee by and with tile aid ol sun conmiil - 1 .pnTit ] Ices, to sisi to the proper organi. ation of the j sidération, party in every election precinct in the State, eit that **y «'»Rani alinii every man who op . and tlm ' poses tlie re-cleetiou ol Gram, can lie know n ! regular HIII | can tie made to render service to tin-j large i- party In divers ways. There i, no time to he • vole for es- lost, and many . .. in thi - rlimi hope j It ivas and I lie State Outrai Committee, will see tli it j tial he proper organi/atioii is etfeeled at an e.uly lUolesM-d day throughout our lainlers, and that il.a-u UT'mini, true iiu-nts and papers are freely distributed auintig dated an I those who want to read the truth, hid who lion 1 t con- are not able to pay for the tame. I he m of New gaiiDation of the Itadicals i) very . oiii|di-te, eisiott. from Hundred Committees up to the highe I t.. prefer federal otllcers it e.\i its with a miimtiMo- -, .-verfiel and system not known wit bin tin- opposition planks have ranks. Let ns remember that we law • 1 all Ihe he. powerful and well disciplined foe lo contend in e have against, and that thorough and 1 maple,.> or- pap.-r * gunization, complete discipline and unanmily a of action, on tlie part of the Conservatives oi committee, people Delaware, Will alone defeat the üadii'Hl O'Conor. led ticket, and tine our commonwealth from tlie aiÄtÄ 9 One ok the l*r« »n i St. OfOrRe'i. Del., S.*pt. H»lli lb??, « n uptiou ■I"»»*?'* s tn n.H hats Alt al»!y jtiu-aa! / .1 - Ue Balti o! — of fail my good for country citizen the fir-d aud j for and Political ih>in.i«r:itio and 1 . 1 lierai (' . |^ nip dtirf nominated an ele« tick am, I , , , . lvil , lllin ,, ... De- i Acorre^pt n •• .* • j [» •• • • . , 0 . of 1 there are i «• ** ' I* ' 1 * ' believe j ** r<l119 ,u * a ' prin t<» the Quincy accepted redeem great move harm to Kespect t I l«'-.- v I» It'ii, I -ent ol A d ?*e;i BCpi For the liaiette. M«. f.DiTOR—D ear Sib.—A liuiv im* space in your valuable paper, for Hie pur pose of presenting the name of Janies NV. Ware, as a candidate for the Legislature of , at the coming elc« ion. Mr. War»* is a man, of larg«* experience, amt under«tands the I wants of all classes of Let m nominate him, and antly elected. it : give who. people in »»ur » it>. he will be triumph Many Dkmockaes. 11. tiHuii.. . it« « bat t t '. nn- I Seinttoi' Scliuiz will bev»n bis .in vas? I will •*!». »k csji.ti »il> sylvanm September -1. to bia < lerimm t«'ll.«w-oiti « «* - Charles The /■'<•»/ Sut if 1 . . Iv more than IdO U. publi« «n- >.t that to.v aupportiug Ureeley . 'Ihe Maryland Dent. •«!. »tie »'onveuli'. Baltmioie, and i»uiuinat«-«t liPttded by h r»*«l Governor Hr.»«lf*>r«l,»*r »l !.. |>ubli. \l I • I »II ! à »* It.-f I wl.o III» I .1 Hi'«.»y «•It-. t<>r »I »' I.. t. I I «\ •k K sf| ;;*iI '•»: Th»* Liberal ami |lpin»;<*i;»ti d :»-*« New demy n.«*t ut \\ .A dot toi'itl It. k. \ h»M»«i.'d \»y McCl«'ll in i»*i«l Xbrabam i'..-.nvt»ti / a men. MeCoinli, ( r nion is America Su anil 'oint. the sliaroaôi rtghi he two lel Ames and Mobilier Congress in necessary Mobilier finally advance bribed(V- t'd ' tch list. i».gi NN I. The liu.L ■*« • N N ■ t I» ) *iit ». «i •In!. . «-i't »« » b«4 »» |*|> < ,l lâN »*«4 Wile U1UV. U* . _»lt ,., tb- il •b wlil. fi '»lut • t -» I' ''*• Mil |.»|.«'l rtn*/ »* 1 »«'« furitt^h ; tn '••KlUlitt«- - Th«* Liberal Hupubluan scut«* •»* luuniiKited «•* -\ lb . 0. 1,-Hittiti«. nul • '• „ ki.uNsii wb**tbor Gove : Peniisylvam » 1 fur d«*luiçat «' ut I t; : ti«»p ^fis Will accept Mr. Ureeley l«-it New Yoik i«»i .'|»*imrheM Tuesday lu^ht, and w to le-tv«* th. i. <«i» NN . .l uevduy iuornin>? lot Ncrinout, wl»u«e In* nv .U >1« j (»oiiiiip aildrr**' d the \erui«»ut St.*l< - , Fuir, ut St .luhuabury. tu. • I I in t'li 1 - I. maul liver tho A corre-pondaut write;'. .lie 100 l.itwrnl Keputiliesn-. in N •» and that Coagres-umn Storkwimlhei, in .. s|>aec»i there, war cau.lnt enough to e«|>ri gre. that au uts.iy w»'" -I- '' Grant ' !..'tt.- U, of ytiatute, * I-, » .,*»*«|a.i. ton« i state« that 175. RepubUcuus have iaa;«u«ul u Ich i eral Club, and that th» towus nf fV'b v.R», n:»»i» j •■ABES held, gilburu Muuulai; nwl .'nhl«. il .ire kirgeU i ;toS) Liberaj. Jisaez ounnty will, .» is li»i»-»l. gi'"' •' j 8,000 "«""'V tor Melon... 2,001» Th* HepuMtoana of tlm »'.rat ", 2.000 District nf Muryland, in t'»iivenli»ii. 1 2,000 support Thomas A. Spence, li.ilci.eii,l»n! . nnlnln « 2,000 h» Congre«. . 1 . the I t,« It. i«.».li,' 3,000 Convention of the fifth Mn.yh.n l 1 r.,-i h . 2,000 nominated Wnt. ,1. Altmrt lor C 2000 The Liberaloauvaasiu tVi-n v l-«»a>ah*a"*reatly 2,000 loa-ome spirite.1 all ps.'ta of tt.e Siute. Noam 2,000 every t-wo and *.ll«ga lias its Greelev un, l Hiick |Sua I alew Club, and in the cities .lier« is u « P-Wm .. . he was eialtuaiaatu- put.ho ntee would -phe Denncrati« and Liberal .',a»>ei>ti.,us , f| that he Kansas met ut Topeka it «..» ... the. tl.«} particulkr htberaia *,i.«ht f.»Y* f* 1 « nomii".i'»n »t Guvemer, wiiA two Congressmen, lliree electors 'i'r.'ssurer, Au.h lor, ana Superintendent, and II.« DeuKsirats ihe neither Luiutcnhnt-tihvanior, one ... two et Ur', ectors, Attorney tleneral, Seel.l.ry oi Slate, «not persons chief Justn-e. include^ 11 - thowing tkcs ween *"- - :i»<* llli»I«*t>« '-Lull.I >li, 1 \ «I» II., j.'t'lil « III , IV 1 id „M't'««l. urguin/a 'PI,« Slut«« Tha Itasaachqactta Dam^qliv »d' 1 ffirte.cfcrx. fNv nomitfwtod ^or cfocton at lançe. IHio | following State ticket was chosen: ►'or Govcrmur, j Charte# Sumner. Lieutenaut-« h.vernor, M. Stei n«;, Secretary ot State, Georg# H- Muume; Treasurt r, j Levi Heywood; Auditor, F. A. Colline; Attorney | Uenecai* WaUio Coburn. were H. Tho New England Press on tho Re si 't In Maine. Kr««m Ihjj Do.-toil post. 1 >■ '»It i i tin* grihit uuitest in Ma. in- is by iiHiirat»* with tin- ft v rt-* put lortii ; ami by tl«. A-tnii - istrutioii t«» éotntml a mmimii:; in . » » .Is .. Tim L 0 "!' .„il.. _ .. I Her -noli if rs that ha»«* VHIe Im* Mat.*, tli.* UoinIn »»t ! evening ! ! •lit "I « • .Vann* (»I uili I tml •* • tin* Administration n ■' m ujunty wlnttliMl ii tnoo-.l tl,i.,u;;h»ut tli l.nuinl tielwt in Nou-inhi i, lit liver the r sent will rrmi 4 t»y i«»r»^ijl»lo ooiitnbuti 1 all the tl »•»* . igitierv i»t intimidation finit I will -a powviful that only such l,IAl would pul all mevuiuH mu- i »a in* u«v«*ptr t m a Huccodd secured, but, i>n tin* contrary, ^ •t tli»* (HUitmt with I rutnf which, if con- , Hull, l-liH'ii, will mirwly elect the 1 er t<»r . , to the Sjninjßritl Hr publican] . ture. Sneaker Hlninn h i* ln.fti m i»u ' All ..,„.1 11 .. S! t !| « * .!*, 1 tl!« ! men ivi!, d '. Ily promis«* I f .onpraM.rant and the Mre , oUlee-liolileiH, hankers, railroad »peeklntors, | . n anil other, who furnished him money by the i , * 10 o , HK , t i m t Maimi sli.nihl give 15, «MIO majori tv lor 1* ri-lmin nod it haa or veiv near timt Io» e 1 I mam, aim it Ida or my mar mat. . •-*' »> '«'»*• nf that majority has cost Ins back , iTS or liimsidf at le ist t Id, and perhaps »23, but tli.-y are worth the money to the Grant _ ' parlv. Without si eh a lavish expenditure the V I... ... „I.I > 1 ..., Iwdow that U, ' îirTàVvea, Svs i 1 !, Ufa IU ^i MO or ' (Ä his („„. (Tirinlierlalli'J majority in'tslis,and is bot I tin* ; m (l |< l i tliuu hnlf um much rh («raut's four the years ago 1 j ' h ' l.j Mr (Vr s„„„ r 1 «..I.w. 11 . ® Conor and the Louiavillo tlm Ropresentattves. New VoKk S'pt. 11, 1872. 1 11:1 I'he llemia-ralii representatives of the Lou- In« isiille t oiiventm. deeidetl not to further urge I ot the nomination upon .Mr. «»'Conor for the ] 1 present. 'Hie incidents wliit-U transpired at m to rlie meeting to-il; j were about as follows: Mr. O'C'onor met ihe gentlemen who waited | mi liini yeslerdav with a decided refusa, at : „ Mr. Morel.,, then, in » kitiK «ml «de- ! - 1 .pnTit address, ur^ed some |»iititsfor his con -, the j sidération, maiiil , that the late »lection aliow eit that Mr. Grot toy was certainty defeated, op . and tlm only latssilulity of success would be a n ! regular nomiiiatioii that could control the tin-j large preceutage of Democrats who would he • vole for Grant in preference hope j It ivas stated Positively that many intiuen it j tial liiemhi rs of Greeley f.rganlzatiotis Imve e.uly lUolesM-d themselves leady tosuppoit Mr UT'mini, if nominated. Mr O'Conor then dated that ifiteuuldbeshowutoliissatisfae who lion 1 t liât un y considerable number of citizens m of New York felt so, it might modify his de eisiott. T ile meeting this morning was held I t.. prepare a circalur for the slgnaturesof who -, .-verfiel inclined it. It sets fertli all the planks m the Louisville platform, and pledg • 1 all Ihe signers to support and use their innu in e tor Ihe nominations at Louisville. The or- pap.-r is now ready, and when it has obtained a sUtUcient number of signera to warrant the oi committee, it wjlI Is* again presented to Mr. üadii'Hl O'Conor. tlie ■ .. 1 . « n uptiou In v.* lie. ■I"»»*?'* s tn the Mi.iiio 1 *t »»«•«• n.H hats / p. e.T ■ .. 1 . HORTICULTURAL EXHIBITION. AT ISHTITITi: hall. »September lrth, HUh, 20th, and 21 at. I Proceeds tor the bmiefit <»f the lloms fur Friend l«'-.- v hutiim. ('»»ntribiitions of Plants, I» It'ii, Fruit« aud Flow, r .»re solleited, aud mar be I -ent t«« the pi u e »»t tshii ition on ur before 'he 16th ol S«'|'teu;h«-r, A d i ui » ; ton. i ?*e;i s. BCpi l-HH , I : Will .2ft cents. iwewu AvIniu .cams. i.-kit It 11. L. McCONNKLl. T. J. Du It LAN . h. l. McConnell & co. Furniture Ware-rooms, NO 809 Market St., North-side, HIILADKM'IHA. drew t 30 . I tuning the bittI* I vtr-ii*i..n. Dnon^ uiiil MarbluTui. Table, b treau . Ii. d n h>1 -.|Nn bniiut". S«*fn-, Feather Bed -, • f mH kiU'l »Vaah-tJi» 1-, Utndts, l.« . kmg «*. A . Nt I sf| i nu X n THR SAFN9T AND BEST ;;*iI I, 1.1 tl I \ A T I 1 «> «Ml. '•»: i piLATT'S ASTKAL OIL. » .»I our. iiuifcura nn.l bv.iut «fui light, vtiu by «4«. It wbtlr burning. -« lump . . . r !•» •>«» i«, tli * oil wilt neither /■> » hi fr«-«* fr« t., I ll" "i ll ; NN I. t . objo«'(i«»uut»le od> r NN «II ifttupi. Durum th« tit I.I iiit^»«*U8« qu »ui « tics ot • „'i,Vi» uli»u»' 4 t umver>.»l ^hiisUo * l«j|.t*i ■ > <1 ill l a' «lluti • gull m au I It* . _»lt ., , . 1.1 i'.«« k Jk" *i».1 ui l»uir. D u «»huie-uli ,., i i ..I i-> 22 h . -t» U. » ; tn « Kiag .l j - , 111' Il s i J. t «*.. Druggist^. » . v. i m h Mild M irket - i reels, A .tn -»;•• I Agouti« tor NI » I m tog ton. l.UlIN t'li I JOSEPH T. WAITE. 1 Solo Proprietor of tho Oyster Bay, -, K o.kKku « ater and market. -- ,'-\lr (»••eiOozda.D Sult Ot*t«ri. Ojarn l eJSiiuna« Elogg.'ri*. ( u.a ('laa.J sail Bia tjj «jflr Ki a «.arenr listfts». all prino. tied * " <ibsk, Man»" «'hoc. Hau» and »'*«-. It,.--I ooe, ,nd Run.. Veal i.iway« un bund for maul Fr,--h ,si.u, hod« br .he<.aart ,at 40 i 'uiu-nt-: |».r l 0, *l.2>. »!..'. *2. *aai2 "Jt 1 iu® ton« i i j i •' j 1 « h . Hiick . , f| tl.«} Au.h ihe et «not II., IV ( TION I.N N VIT 1» H AXViNtl 1 and or PAINTINQ. \,,,.l v to A T BL'O'rr, K«., «n n, .S, \Y t»«*ri4#r of 1 Market Mreel.-*. •»#**tf»'C3iu id Kighm FURNITURE A BEDDING, l 212 South Scaoi SL uf 419 Wtlut Sk j 4* > A Pl'i.1. A8S0BTMINT 0»' I'lYlj A.1» LOW ruireo fNv IHio | j n«;, L . r, j augM-df wir | c* o o 1> >■». golittral. 1 1 ••U*r!iianT>eto»»oratm Am»t»ciatn*D, lireeley ami Brown Club. and the I»einur*rai i • un*i Liberal AMociatinn* ami clltxens of theeity in general hi L 0 "!' 1 * "•7«»*. ■/" r*'iuwlr.l lo meet ut the Her dues fieri* of the Democratic Akim» ".ali«*n. .*»a VHIe Building. i'»lh iin«l Market -»tr«?*!!«. I'rum y evening n«m. at S«»Vli»«*k. MEETING. f I À Cape, kt*t. by .> i'll i/f ItlHMIPH^ ot illiperCMHeP will tie hr««iight boti-re the meeting. The meeting l by .lohn O'Byrne. R.-q. Pun«* sen11-tm will bp l,IAl »»'ten.l:iu« e i« requested, _ _ _ __ ,, workingmen, Take Notice ^ meeting ot the NYorkingmen und all those in- ^ r t<*rpstpi1 in behftll of i.abor will be held at the City J Hull, NVc lnofxia> «venin«. September U.itmuar- | 1 er r«* S ..'clock, to ratify the named of cundiilate-* V t<»r noiiiiuntioii who inav be puiticedted by tint body I on , to re|»rc.-ont the nniMe* imnartUlly in our Leifi^tu \ . ture. ' All tho*«e who dodre to be ret>r«sent«<l by good ! ami ! men * Anii wh>l feel that dome . f Mre are^uciaUyinvited to attend t | . n d«»vi.r tesuiieoriiiudi can.lid.iir-at th-.-.mi: i vleetion that will imure tu »ll wisrand ■ J*«i-i»tl«n. sud thereby incur tl»« t.yor m ..ur im- 1 rpo Io» wurkiurn the ruaueet and nf our I the «.Imir.tion of me peopi. ut 1 -* D.t.w.r. andib. ..Ur. country. _ „ _____ V OTICE. . . U, the bemuernta of Mill 1 r.-i-k llumlrra «•«•»< '.pMermuiil.... SATI KI.AY. the ml. I tin* hundred "uflîèera and the <'.»uuiy Con\pnti*>n. j by order of the Kveeutiva Oumuiitlee. reisi wit' . meet at ih-houM ..f Cl.arles Deuatirrty i: 1 1 Saturday. Seiden. In ■ lull. ! r tie- 1 : e In« ihn-edeleaate« and three alternates in U I a .andidate 1 . ] 1 "rli* < ' li'aMMî't-ra ts°of*s'*ui^h'I'hrisinoia hundred « m ee: at the Publie School tlnnae in Sehmd l»i.-iriri No. '4j, in the villain .,f Sewcort, mi Saturday.Sii. | tomber ltib. t..r the nurgusa of iTeetma t w ■ dele- j at : i 1 ,'"*V*f, , 'iJ,V..i"' i V, -T .b-ï '*7*■ Vb t , ! tﻫï K * »•" l«*«''''"'• •'-'*' -, a de held the The the Mr. lire ol lift? •*\ I Cl »V c N.., I»r«?8«!it law-* , l i I 1 .ire 1 at - lit By ortler ot the Lahor A^saciati' n. ill : the •■•r the i>u»'i»»D*e ««t oiniiiH tv» i Ii 1 • ATTENTION! DEMOCRATS- , The L»eu >> ruU- «»t North Chii-tifi* » Hd in i! ! ! !• ti Co Bioner. '«»IIb « |»en nt 2 (»\*l»*ck p.n atnl Mo. j e n r T v»V|. ,k | p. in Bv «Tvlor of the Y sep» te .••uii» e » • .INI», NN K. K 1 1. L* in UK. iflCD. In FOU Sii E UI F F. The underpinned will I» l.AUOn liEt'onu i WM PU) A TE indepf • «len* , PI i For She» >»t New tmtle «'«»untv at the n-xt k •rai ti'*i*. A li fit A NV Ri »H 1» • i.ï4 tt £9t ÿfOt. OH HKNT—Hooim in th« eecond ?t .rj i ihr «t a zeit«; huildinp. 416 Market Mre.;i -u liable t: F fur oftivea. e.T FOR RENT. The *ub^rriher ofler' f. » r rent to* -i rei Staad opi Osttethe National Hotel, M i l-ile- | town, Del. One of a.-» k •» t -tand-* .»■< there it in the Suie for tue Oraiu, Lime "r Coal CI: j buMii««» Will clorie out the Stock <»u rca l'un*e».-luu given immediately. table term*. A T. BHAuLKY. Middiet'»«»I*. Dal. m.ty26-ilAw yor j^alr and £or $eut. i inilit *-s?«Ib. ut eliuibl** 1 'he •e. ii Market FOR SALE A Good Investment Offered. I V Will bo sold at Private fttle. a nuinl Butlthiiki Lot.*. MtUHtrd in Delaware Pit»', lying be- ; d H*h ri'reet»*. ;»n 1 NN n-hMuton, : m iwewu »'»th. 7th AvIniu- and Jefft-r-«* • building l«U. mu«I «di be ; odd by l«t of 0«*t«»b»r ü« i st will I ti t r % I«i •*h»*ii i» t"r <•« ütrcei:». com en iib It drew ii. lu-ilnr |.Hrtk-ulttr> fly tu UEO. CLARK. CHAR. .) ASH, btlMWare Cuy. l>t-k t se|»b'-t«»ct7 — 60 For Sale Cheap. 30 Government Wagons. A.ITrt— ur ;.i-i-ly t. < Will .1 AS. M. It I Ull. Mu N .rth -»it. sir.-i t. l'hiluT.Ti>lii* î*e|».'bw '.t pOK NALL. The dwelliug .»ad i»rcu»ia«w No. S2«> NVuel* tuning» g »«»»1 .»rdrr.and recarded .» the i lrA.-i*ut»*et i»'»rt ut the city t»» r*u»»*b huu-eii» provi«l»*«l with gan. h- i «»u * bittI* r«>«»u*. water »'b».-«*t, and »»th«*r m III l bi? ! u • UT. • «.»lb ,.e -I r tl'« . »■I» nu »» • Fur tenus aeldjr t«y rl*»tf rphOsK who have houses b»t • • " h»»ul»l X i«I verlidu thou* m the DkU.»* « * n KLWVARE AVK5I E LOT F.'K : U-E 41 I'eet frant. _ Apply at tin "Hi. »•- 1 d. SALK. ALf HKD * - NUNS LAND. I .. l » * l - N l a ilcn.'f T ! « ■ ■r » ot It* Dwelling H.«u-e. N-». M irk»*« ir**«' , .|ffjjj 22 tout tr« nt. the tut running thmugh to »•tuber «•*». 1SV-* "'î* K!»NV 4 K D tt F r rs. A1.FKKD B KT TS fron» -»t. and ' Kiag -ti*-«if. 1*" '»* On _1 ! At N FZ SALK A la«.» -i ritth -ir*-ct. betwci A «.«.l* build. « ! V »n I 41 ** Vr*».l|| ».«»»reef Bu; I Bia for 40 1 F"ntkbi: »KSIRABLE UntU.IW. LOT" iu® j ,. 4 m»«i lie«jt. t.ctv.eeti Sixth and ,-«.•. euth. i C. P. dull N.t»N. XIST VESTMENT SECURITIES. The Northern FuenF Hailr«»ad C«»mi*any. through it.« KtowbOai Agents is now .telling, at |*nr and :»»' .ütwrent it.« First Mortgage . wold Bond-• , for th# |»nrpof*e oi eom|»l#ting th»* «?« , n - iruett«*n t 'tn«t ««lutpinent uf it^ liticol Unoa. After il»«»r*»U|jt» •»»* ve.4tigrttion, we reeuuiueinl these «e.-unties a< *\ l»rotit»blo and .«ale investment, th« following or of fhe Hun L *»*•*' v , LEADING FEATURES : 1. The t«uue i^àwnited t«* INO.0ÜÜ l»«?r mile «»f road, j 2. tb# Principal and Interest are payable in Gold j —the principal in thirty years, and the tötete** j the Uauking House of Jay Cooke 4c U New \ ••»*,) semi-annually, first of .January and July. j 3 The rale »f Inlerest i* . J- tu.,»'. cent, nuui-egual. ut .he praaeu. «»Id eruin.uiu. t„ u»»u »1» |,er cent, in laaul tedder .-urreucy. f the ft-IUtwi a denuutt- i ) aitlfthOli; Registered, i naNi^ÄÄ"^» flufk 1 .^* 0 , fî.Oüü, and filUaUhü. 5. Th« «eini-annual iotere»! oo the Ata» Bonds u pa'«l hy gold ohct'k«. **»t I'eimlurly bn fCfA«i»(»«f >1'*' >uMre»i ul tkt kolilcr. ** ■• llvaator« ar# advUad to purcha?« the Kegi-tereti Rond« both ** a proteoti««»» again-t lus;*, thett aii.l fir#, and forth« grouter eanveniep.-e m .-.»11 «ting th« interest. Ihe Keaiotored Bonds e.»n t. t .t .my time exchanged tor l«>upon aud the i.'»«ut«»u t* Registered, without expense to tue owner , JNO. McLCAR 4 SON. BANKERS, w i •4WI yAbKKT SIKKKi. ; j m I 1 > îloticrç. f OST. I À Un NN e«lne-day att«rn . :» NVate* Proof Cape, ii Third -met. h«*tw»*en .I» ff«*r-ou an.I Mar kt*t. Fin*le*' will receive the thanks ©I the cu'<er by returning it to 611 NVe«t r l bird -»treet. *r»l^1t VOTICE. .> Tli >N A i'll i/f H 111 Till A«J*niMUt|oIl will I »• belli rnr/Kvy a<s«m:ia •1 ingot III«* >ft«ekln«'iler- t»f the the «'lb' e l.oA X ^ r *» | K'K. J The NVilmin^t«. | ha\ec V I on itiviu \ IXprc ! ami Ma.lidon. 1 rpo TAX p AY ERS of the First or I ' J cl{rtnarn Qi«tri.-t r,rsl or 1 -* Southern District. 1 . dele- j t , itiv, N... iff M .Ik tii.i.u ol lift? >tfC • et. .t « Mock •*\ eniii'.'. >« it« ... th. »;> ut. I,:im - I Cl »V c : 11114 111.; »' M A KlS. St c 'r> au. I UcH'liiiK I'.tilronil l <.m .1 ... it- t>. cnrr> Vi i »-) in 1 1 ron. ii! 1 "Ui ,.i M\|»ri •t their . M. ki a; "il. I -l. t * • \ kiln i I .Ctyt'H alter N.., Z W.-t Tl i*c» 11 ' » r» t ttrJcr* i«*tt h ittt Mt'.Niuil«'" -V ftcil. e (troti.i't itlichtloti. l'. sruLZ. 'Ui.'t H . A ti. Ii. K l . , l l.\cri:u; a^cnt*. i • t* > r •»* tit it tiie bill« I tv tux*l*l«*B will pleii^t* 1 .ire all n ade ou», nn l the t»ul>scni.»*r 1 at tho City Had ev «tv day * 1:,.. • 01 he huiD-i «.VI ek f*. I »V hetoic t 0 • r. ill : the fu -1 • : Au„i -If ■ • vc •'I -r. ». >ilU.fc.N , ,>i>'u;t tv» i flic nisirlcf f ourl for llir l>i«»irii( ol l»rm%\ wr«* llt.l, v f tl.v I »II» e«| ««Ultk Ii It « . • -.. I h4..k. 1 • .0 r « 11 in i'* l ^ v\ M. K. ft>.' :. .1 1 ! i! ! ! I» Ifv.U 1. Ii . I* !• 1 !•►'• • :i 1. ,k | ;• *- l In I hr Dint rl« I Ci for thr nmfrtit of •h K I of III»- I »Util FUlci « I« If • u Hau» • N» J" , PI -T.. I* T i Tl"- > l'KI. V A*»« •r 1 - t *t ' 1» .1 • l.itul Un lock t M . : s H ,i w.a ^-1 r a PI I III* s/v III r . 11»* p*V * W tlllii» • .1 »il t Mp|.*-Kl ihr liable t: «.i, •*• i •'» H 11 «ipor.i». •«»I . J w îr Wants. ANTED- All..». At; I '^y r ANTED— MO if«-tt »I I* naiilrtl. THIS U F KICK lia 11 eel Slalet >lm Ici«» I orps. Able-bodied, un un •Imructer. betweun 21 »»»« 1 inilit »ry duty at Nnvy Y ird *-s?«Ib. This offer»* a 'he world. tju.irter-. •e. and i » 'i y u . . . ii ution ii'i'ly it 1 1 ,e Kende/v< Market street. N\ ilmingtun. I » ** l IIKNH» «LAV Cot'll K ANT, 1st Lieut. K»-«'ruinn»r < the i I be ' Iff, I .» do V I I- rtiinifv ut n^ • I »«'a I 11 «Mid Fur t ur t h «• r m , I bird near .1 m •i l«r tl.«' ? rw bi I il-tf ïublir §alrs. 60 BUILDING LOTS AT PUBLIC SALE. Will kc *u! i t*ul»li-- S*lt*. uj lueomiz .It Nu. 1. Suturday, Septorabar 14th, 1872, ,- tii 4® », i*»m ! u • «.»lb -I r tl'« Kligibl" 1. il.lin. • a t'ei.i^are. 'N v.'lilngton. . UL.y tub ' I. • a. rt. «•.•m h . *k*.» y«'t»tb et . O '•it v « t NN ilumiwt 1 d. Th»* c Lou«. »art ut th«* «'i» v ill Üi t 1.«- . iu Ihe tiuprov I I very i. le t *r real ilcn.'f • r bo T KKMs ! « l ■ ■r li.r, , 1-1 iM.-h. I ihs liili »'• ut) |u r .••lit ll (V •cut. -it . UV ut suit*. I within ten A Mr.-» KftADt oKD. i Jepi-t* i .•LI A Mll.LKi: Nu ( ' WILL BE SOLD, Ni IM 11.10 SALK .»n mi: iiRorxD?. On SATURDAY Soptotubor 14th, ! At .»' I o k. . . !.. t m «; ! «mg on T. »n 1 : N M Hike i 1 lecf. ■ llor If i ird tut ' I •le -i r#rt It-« i. 111. » h id IU •i l.t i » per «iiiigt au» . of hou«t: M Bu; - «.• « n »t Mr Lr / 1 tuey cun attend both. 4 NN . DAVIS b». P i i«Sp ' 1 I THE HOWE SEWING MACHINE :»»' , •»»* *\ REMOVED TO No. 814 Market Street, >14MIX 14 TEMPLE. I v , The t'uhlie ar •>«?.- tK'.'tluny invited t«> call. «Ug*à*lll\ j j j WGOEhLlE BOOT, SHOE AH D GAITER MAN U F'A err » RY, i PR0A1 \AX1> MARKH1 STREMS, i aii.l «ting .my t* WI LUI Nit TON, OKI. üR The subscriber would inform bit frftfKl and tbe public that he ht».- * vMiu«®nca<t to utHfiufaeiure verv t xtens,««hy all kind« ot Bouts >nu«ri Aift *»ui\«#'. »di #f which ar- made in the best mwUiti und ot goud nifiterina. und he i.» prep.»t#4 supply Country "iureke* pers and dealer* génitif» %rth goods as «•he *p »I- theve »u iutck.*s-« ikeu* in Philadelphia or elsewhere. , Ile ha.« «b>. u,«c W ,* h, KKTAIL * TORE, at U« M .»rtet <lr» %j, h' w-e Re «rill V -« | on hnnd a fin# i a.-.'.nrtu»* H t w* Äo >ts ï'h-us HD*l »«aiter.-» of every ; d«o«ipte*a ai th* vm l«»«*e-t u.aikei pi ices Thw j pufilio will plca&e give him a call, examina hia I «lock and team hD prices 1 iwv4U HtM RY K. CLARK.