Newspaper Page Text
ttik mütm** m** DAILY GAZETTE. C. P. Johnson, Editor ant> Proprietor. The Daily Gazette is published every aftern« (except Sunday) at 41». Market street, and served by carriers to subscriber* in alt parts of >\ ilinimrt»*n and .the surrounding towns and villages, for mn Y early vuWribers >n. cents a week, payable weekly |3, in udvance. The DELAWARE GAZETTE, established VTS4. ttourishinglweekl.v in the •in itiation than any other the largest and most State, aud has en the Peninsular. Published every Friday mem ng ul t- » year, in advance. I nr»: er FOR PRESIDENT. HORACE GREELEY. V NEW YORK. FOR VICE PRESIDENT. B.XGRATZ BROWN, Ul' MISSOVRI. ' ELECTORS, WII.I.IAn II. H HITH.I V. AI.III.KV wnimo, UHlKlii: H. HII.I.M. REPRESENTATIVE IN CONGRESS. CtINTIM W. WRHIHT. UP RI'SSKX I'llIMV. FOR SHERIFF, ISAAC GRUBB. FOR CORONER. DANIEL H. WOODWARD. NEW CASTLE 0«. DEMOCR ATIC TK'KEl JOHN Pul LSON CHANDLER.Cliri-O»»» Représentât it < II Benjamin Fruim. Bran* . Thomas L J, Rabhvin, Mill Crc. k Sewell ('. Diggs. Pencader Albert U. Newton. Red Lion Uriah Jï. Wier. White Clay Creek Wilmingtan ' i.. William S. M. Caul! Riehuid Fergu. on, A| punuiinm k " Levy Court Commi idled. 111 Isaac X. Lodge. D Adolphus Hu.-hands, t hruto Gardner L. JimiM»n, New » ;!*• •• Joseph W . Cout h. I Thorn;».' II. Sharpe, Wilmington. hr Th© Election To-Day. It we could only prevail upon every De and Liberal to go to the polls to-day could announce ih our next i".' ried the city. Let all vote who can. open between 11 and 12 noon, und close at*- o'clock iu the attemoon. Vote fob John Aikin. —Every Democrat and Liberal in the Southern District should vote for 11c is worthy, well ocra: >1 vote we • Huit \vi had rur The polls John Atkin for Assessor, qualitled, and should be elected. Vote tv»r Martin Farrell l« r Ap-esr..i m the irantce His election would }<ui Northern District, an equal und just assess ent. Democratic and Liberal Mooting iNarmrtK ham. — aW'Besh irom II Hon- T. F. Bnynrd. \ It alfords u pl»*a -nr. t 1».* able t<» nnnounce t»> the Democracy of W > : millet. .it that Senator Hty nvitation t.► Address the c:t ar t has accepted t Democratic and Liberal voters of this city and the vicinity, c»n the political issues now ladore the country, on Friday evening, Institute Building, at 7 'j o'clock. A general at tendance of the votera of the city >»» 'Red Hall of the th Tho Facts Leaking Out. The tacts in regard to the railroad swindles are beginning to leak cut, full exposure will shortly L** made « J the manner m which a few bohl and influential men m Con gress have u*ed their positions to enrich themselves and their friends out of the public domain and nt the expense of t fie F. S. Treasury. 1 ment appearing day, it list of about fifty names i- published wh<» had received shares of stock id we have no doubt a stat.• the X. Y. /'oil«/;' . .1 Natur 1 *:» -it;. the lia ilioad, amounting in value ir«»i $130,000. 'J'ht* stateim nt is said to b * a < »ntidei tial $•'»,000 t«» "intended exclusively l«»r tlie use ul the ners of the road," ■till llll.l lull' llIIM>(1 It new owi tur $300,000. The article is headed "I'noor V Hi aim 's Fbaups," and concludes as follow? : "The above i» a lair illustration ot the method of disposing of the stock which should have been applied to the uses of the road. The list i- be lieved to be by no un ai.s a complet« 1 one, a others are known to have shared in the plunder. But sufficient is therein developed to «lu w the com plicity of Speaker Blaine, who s.» vociferously «I« nied all connection with the Cielit Mobilier fraud, and that of (Sen. Pomeroy, Mr. Shackel ford, Caleb Smith, Secretary l .-her, K. \V. Thompson, and other shilling lights in the Ad mini «tration cam]». Speaker Blaine i b promt tu have received allot-' merits of 32,500 share* of stock, subject to assess ment, and valued at $1,025,000; live thousand nine hundred shares not subject to assessment, valued at $295,000; and 2,000 shares more allotted, but not assessed. The two latter lots, not subject to assessment, were secured by Blaine, for himself; while the 32,600 shares of stock, subject to assess ment, were supposed to be Un distribution among his supporters in helping to procure the passage of the bill, aud subsequent amendment:-." G What tha Radical Proas says about Curtin. We a»k our reaclern to note the hange which has taken place in ihc tone of the Kiulical Press in reference to Andrew ti. Curtin, cf Pennsyl vania, who has denounced m the stump the thieving candidates of the Radical party in that State. We cliji from the Tribune : "There was no statesman purer and ahlei than Andrew O. Curtin. There was no Amer ican in public life to whose high character and ■potless fame his countrymen could look with greater pride. Bo said the tirant men a fort night ago. Hear these same men now. Curtin, he it remembered, has never attacked President Grant; he has only denounced (lie notorious swindlers by whom Grant is surrounded and sustained. Yet The New York Times declares that he has "destroyed the reputation of a lift— time;" that he is not only politically ruined,but "socially oelracixed;" that "even his own rela "lions hare nothing but pity to express for him." With characteristic dishonesty and vulgar vio lence, The Times, in announcing his visit to Bell.fonte, carefully conceals the fact that lie made any speech at all, suppresses all mention of the enthusiasm of bis reception, and repre sent« him sitting all day at bis hotel "as desolate as if hs had been a stranger in the town," not on« of his friends "condescending to notice him." __ fi in na». "*** This then 1* the treatment whirh the most distinguished and irreproachable Kepublicm* must expect from the Administration press if they dare to raise their voices against dishonesty in the Republican party. The liermnnU .;» ('hronicle, another ( «rant paper, fallu upon the ex-Oovernor with a brutality of tempter and contempt of the dictionary which must excie the envy even of The Times. "Andrew <i. ('1111111." says The Chronicle, "during his whole M "life/* lias Ikhmi "a htrepemu« hut always * adscititious pnliiof'-wltalcvt that dreadful | thing may he> lie has been "a sham and a "fraud—a time server—a lickspittle—a political strtiiui»et." lie is a "fellow," a "wretched créa lure,*' who lias "been honored far beyond his S •'deserving«." He has always been ready to! "erook the pregnant hinges of the knee that thrift might follow fawning." And voice and clioler rising together as the torrent of abuse |*mrs Harth, The Chronicle breaks at last into a real good angry feminine scream: "He will vote for lluckalew, the "traitor! The wretched by mn >n. VTS4. the other mem C itizens what think you of tho party wliit li investigates stu b disgraceful tleiiunciation for *»*» haw a reason V ' Demagogue ! False to evfcrv public ami private "obligation ! Let him go !" 1 Blaine's Business. appean'tl, lit tho extracts from legal Joeiinicnt* .inch wo published on .Saturday, in tho light of a Congressional procurer. He was. hired to bribe other Congressmen. 1 ho stock was wont, ho was the Oakes Aim - ot the i'acitic Railroad Eastern Division, Oakes Ames took, for "placing hero on the spot, where it will tin most good," stock tor twelve Congressmen. Mr. Blaine took in a lump #1 ,93«», IMMl of stork. J This, too, was Mr. Ill: III! <1 in his hands tor that purpose. In al.l.v for tho samo |.nr|iow - ■ ■areel*, lie has doubt- l . nr I y in Ii le.' ieiuiuM Wit I .--hih ,.t \r, i.i rxp.-n.-i 1 1 iiO last desperate dodge ot th<* Cameron crew ti> save the sinking cruft liartrantt is to u>> to Slate i'ri^ou, get Uov. (ieary to pardon out Hart rä. nit's fellow-rubber, ku<1 then get "Dear Ycrkes ' that what b«* I'wore t*» betöre was an mien.'Hl lie. Drowning men grasp »t at caws ••Dear Yeikes" can't helj* "Dear liartrantt" (bid ! tune. i.. -w îiarikrarf ami ^ftlarliinciit. ouv&co.iUP i Sticce morste Pedrick, »Ire«« A Co., hahrn i and for well I «1 portern ocra: we IKON AND STEEL, BITI MIN'D R COAL. GALVANIZED (RON, COACH Ul'lLDEUS' HARDWARK A.-. S. K CORNER OF THIRD A\B Sill 1*1. F.Ï NTS., rur ' polls I Have a I way* an band a lull assortment Ittnv 4 \n vT g* ft m n *. *, Best brands ol Amen- . can Hämmere UK'dled : Burs, English Kchnrd | Bars <»1 all sizes. Baud. and Mit Iron. n - / the ii I be« t.\o •ay Nail 1 and Auger >h:tpe-. Gal- I vauized and Block sheet ; * , oq .ij ■ i, Vo l' lnm.C . shear, Jilin iitr Grrinttn SweJ«,Rprink'. Tire Machinery, nml lnl> Fleel. ch. nri'l other Hardware—Jlnrse Sn Holt., t'iii'«. Nutv, Wj HI jinx II Nails Ihn . e Mi era. Malleaiile Canti lea. Sj.ckea F'eltoes, r-hatra: 1! \ aaa.Uil Carpet a, tt ait men . r a, \ta t»> the v ' 4 an led T.»p and Du ot nil kinds; I run U ir Galvanized Nail-, Bahhit Metal. I.ead, Spelter. n- j c:t Tin, Sheet Zinc, Ar Rollers. Back Chain*, ,V •, Ac. Smiths' and other loots—Anvils. V» Sledges, Hammer.', Shoeing Kni »*' Drills, Tire Benders Tv Leather,and Coach Hardwa and -j . rank* : the at ce« Bellow t tes. H as i MC1C SlUill and Die*. AH **i rMîh will he Fold at very low prices, whole site and rt>: fur ca«h or upprov ed credit. Mardi 2. 1 the k i _! ' u 1827. ltuh»>N are nt ESTABLIBHED as « ■ m m**- ' «-Ti. IWCÇJitl a IRE OL ylAIVIEÖ» my I an . a #. DEALERS IN: IUJJLUING AMI FANCY n AUD WAR E, * a for _ . _ all CARPENTERS TOOLS ËI ? P 1 e" PAIN'S, OILS , 1 GLASS *C. t«» the It 's be to A Li-'O. ItOSKNUALH CEMKNT» 204 Market Street. M ILMINHTON D ' , anr29-l G 111 ITT. klNT & (!«., IMPORTER i AND MANITAOTFREBB* ' AGENT- Ft*It IKON, ! ■ and H i I) 1 \I|7 4 Î) I.! for i\ |\ I I \\ \ |\ |i. U ** i L I tlJ ; STEEl A it , AND COACH MATERIAL, ! Hole Uaveth. Largest Stock of Goods in the State, in their line, ami Best Asrorted Stock in the Fnited Ftater, j __ Ä __ „ _ __ Ä . Nos. 205 St 207 Shipley & 210 ft 212 B, _1." urange Str66lS, WILMINGTON. UKL. i ' - - - I A V IdOR & I'O 1 in Thoms« Tt n.. , B \ ! ? Dt (Succewor to Thom»« It. Beeson.) p Orange Street, below Sixth, (Height'n Alley,) Ac.. WILMINGTON DF'I. j ware. WOOD TUJiNINO, lin^ie. Circular und Ornamentul Scroll Sawing, HOUSE BRACKETS, CABINET AND CARPKN-1 TKKS' TURNINGS. NEWELS ,BAL- — USTEKS. BALUSTRADES. fi Ä»' ï f «* l l,V 1 ',V? t r oi!:!' J l i H 'rl e l B 5 r * d °. r . Su l i , d -* I in l i "Al* MOL LDINGh Turned or Afachiu ! Worked, as desired. Al*o, Cufriage Wheel Hub* furnished at «hurt notice. ri!^Wh«i H?i,7 Gum fi " ber Mitsble for C.r -1 na». Wheel Hub- |,n-j T [ I ! l..jiiLgg CHe CIotblnQ. most if 120 MARKET ST. .;» the and excie O /i i T Pi H T U I Af P <i. 1/1 J t * ULUinifwOf whole M m | e f, 0lll a | nr ,, n ai) ,i woll-solroted stork of th« always * LaleH_St y leu ot Knit nml Winter <1 wlj. % | «aidi-Sui JOHN Dal a créa his S ^ Fl i fS» ü AMD S U T/l TO t ~i- i to! _ ... . that u. H. LTTJHLLl ■\OSj*A, and FASHION ABL^£ TAILOH, abuse a vote 120' 1. where you can cel n GOOD AND CHEAP 1 ' 1 NT ,, MO. '!5 K I fi G STHKBÏ. ViLMiycroN. nsi.. Where ho invitee his custom cm and the pub lic generally t«» call and examine liip well s« Dctcd and extensive stock «»I German. Eng lish and French Cloths*Cassimcres, Coatings li '»id Vestiugs of the latest importation always on *»*» haml. IÇ\ -tl Customers cun rolr upon always get ling a genuine 1 first-class article ul ibis establishment. FORGE McCALL, Merchant Taiilor. No. 121 Market M., Wilmington, lYl. legal in was. was wont, spot, twelve ,93«», or stock t YEsTINGS. • •date his custom icrally with garments, I tinisli, cannot he ex l>i- entires M.'xing laid i L' LOI Its. EA.SSlMERhS «w prepai ed to : is lid the puhli) which, tor neatness «» t lit celled by any hull Having ers *f Mr. M* i»rv. he. feels .• Swift. »cured the St ic - ■ me ,, f fllll( . r , in doubt- l fuient of giving ? . may tn\**r II w ith their patroiiuge. Satibfuction guara apt i.i id. 1 N EOHGR Ii ASH. G 1 crew to Hart ' an (bid ! MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 'ill MARKET STREET, (second story of Morrow's Building.) WILMINGTON. DELA W A RE. e assortment of CLOTHS. CASSIMEKES n JNG'S constantly on bond. m vôlF d-tfd «oots k bfcofisi. TOWN SHOE STORE! i * " f.Al'IEtt. MI.'PLS AND CHILDREN cun gel It AND MADE ROOTS, SHOES and G A1 - TEILS made to order at the very LUWE T PRICES. Call a learn my prices betör»» giving your orders m ' elsewhere. LADIES*. MISSES* AND CHILDREN'S Beat and Cheapen Machine Sewed Boots, Shoes and Gaiters I band of. ft m the city, for agio af No. 1<) VV e.n Eighth street. Do not forgot to call and rce how cheat» you ci Amen- . buv *t No. lu West Eighth strew*, : JAMES M. HOLMES, Kchnrd | No. IU West8th Ft.cet, Baud. L'd door from Shipley, Iron. AllmondV Building. Wilmington. Del. Gal- I sheet ; ap2-l? TEW HOOT A Nil MIIOE S|OI{i:. 401 ÎA LOMBARD STREET. , oq The cabacrihers havo on hand a good riij. .ij ply of wel!-innde Boot«. Shoes and Gaiters, which they will sell at very reasonable prices. Custom work made to order in the Le.-t inan ■ i, ner and at Fhort notice. Repairing neatly un i Vo l' r< M'ptly attended t-». i he give fb ma call. niavS-Ud. Jilin nml an Du ir n- j MEREDITH A BUG HEAVY »STOCK UF ÇFTUNG A SUMMER -j . : A i whole CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES, k Second St.« 2 door*» Ment of Market. i The undersigned respectfully informs his m ^ § _! lriends and the public that he has on baud Em I ' u large nnd well selected stock of FALL f 0*1 AND WINTER BOOTS. SHUKS und ÜAI TEKS, suitable lor Ladies. Gentlemen, Miss Children, which and manutactup.d from the Le.-t ma terial and made in the be-t manner, and wdlbe s'dd as lo\7 aa the same article can i»c obtained *n this ' «-Ti. ry other city. Ladies and gentlemen buying u my store v?i!! have the ad vintage of ulurge and v.i I ried asiurtiut^c Deni which to select n l.t ''j'mi.aMe an t neat titting buct Tho puhli.' ar*. nially invited to call and cy w a.»ii0 j.i> duck . learn my exceedingly low pnerr. Gi.N* K. L'ALCOCK. ly At'W . V,, vi «»<■ ■'ii«»»' J * a rgo and varied assortment of Boots urn. for Ladies,Gentlemen, Boys, Mis. all of which lie proposes to sellât price* to suit the ËI P^'noiw«».. Id rmixotfully ttfk, tlio public t 1 e" and exnmtUL his stock. mar-ly . I U; ^ 4 Siloes '/ d Cliilurt,. c £touM, SHmvar*, «r. r|tll<IHAS II. IIEKKO.V, No. 3-31 MAKKLÏ STREET. ! ? WiV ill cheap for Ca.h 1 -s S10 V/-:s, Ili 1JV UES ASD flEA TEE A!- •. HOI -l. rCRXISUIN« G-.0 ; ui assort me eluding a pi Will .v Wert UUGEING, SPOTT changing of Move* m jn»j tl\ attended tu. uprl-t»m ; ' : aud . n p i irii»,; and ex E. T.DEACON, No. 118 MARKET STREET, IVlLMlXtlTOX , J)KL. t Has constantly on *alc a complete assort ment of the host ' ! COOKING and HEATING STOVES, ■ including the Uiiole and other Illuminator*. Abo, BIBB'S SILVER PALACE and other Parlor Heater*. The superior UNCLE SAM RANGE, I.! for cooking and heating. Tho best Portable and |i. U alled-inlleatmg Furnace*. Afulllinoofllouse ; keeping Hardware, Tin and Jupanned W are. Tin and Sheet Iron Work, P.oofiu;% Spouting and septi „ , Jobbing |irom|)lly done. H. F. FICEFaLS, Noe. 7 null » En t ronrllt Sircrl, WU.MINUTON, DEL.. ! Hole Manufacturer of the Celebrated Wrought Iron j COOK STOVES. Æ*» Farmer. Kogular. Continental. Niagara, IbL S u .'* ker Uts* R 011 side*, iron uisd, Mkroo, ■H* Prise an.i Monitor. Miner and IT.H. States, harm and Carbon Cook, Diumoml Stute i ' "Ramie. PARLOR AND IIRATING STOVRd. 1 Morning Glory, Beacon Light, Sunny*ide. Gern ! ? Dt I Magnet, Dawn Go* Burner, Pearl, do., do. p arlor Li K bt, Novelty Parlor Cook, Tropic. Sun. Ac.. Ac. Also.» large assortment of HnuiekeeniiiK llard j ware. Tin and sheet Iron Work. Koofiiuc, Spout lin^ie. — -* I CHOICE SOUTHERN CORN GRISTS, ! rnvuu riNini ot ip vcvat FRKbll CANADA OAT MEAL, EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR. -1 Very low »t W. if. CHANDLER'S, [ oa«17 611 Market «treat Gas Consuming Heaters, -Also, n good Assortment of Cookkio, Paki.ok I lFATINO StOVF.8. B.—Old stoves bought, sold or exchanged, apt-If Extra New Buckwheat Meal ket 'seacm FafotrM »«ft WiM frt. s. k. ctoiri), Painti anti Gvainar, th« A ...«à Aaitifiii ~i- i S!PN AND SHIP PAIN In * . _ T „ « t' v HA - * 1 '* .Me. 612 KINO STUEKT, No. .lY/arïiol Street, .«LaSXHXA - .J iv'.N. . ■ «.w. •» AitK. nxed • uohanirally i* r-i .1 • illy I ' »Ml /AMES KUAN i.LXt d • ir I clew Fort Offloe, Wilmington, Del Would re , Unity infuruibi.friendsandltioi'uUie ,, h, that lie is new prepared In In all »"t* in tis line, MM h as House. Sign and Mnp '/[inn ig, «milling, «laying. Paper llanging. An. Al » « ini rusted In his care will reccivcpor.omit aUciili >n -ast'ounlry v nrl attended In. s« on JAMES BRADFORD, PRALER IN' PANTS, OILS, TAMISHW, WINDOW GLASS. Cement and Calcined Plaster. (In I'liinlp, wliili! l*iul. wl.itp *in''.in.m i'»irt my^, linseed oil, wl'prin oil. lurtj <»il,u«»t f„„t ml.nml oil. Tilden A Nephew » verni.h«#. bug ii di virniJIie». iilonbol. turiien'ino. pemt |,.niitn ready iiii»od, nrlisii-' limlenals. wav flmu r miner HI Ih. deeslcomania pictures, all kinds ot 1« r eim siel domestic glas*, stainc.l. ornamental engraved; coach painter*'material, stencil colrm. ladders ot different lengths, ready glazed rash, gold leal, Inontes, \ ermillioiiB, looking gla.:s plates. Nob. 6 and 8 East Third Street, WILMINGTON. DEL. ex ' N. B.—Particular attention paid to llonac a»»d » I'HlDil»;, sign Writ »wife hill apl we n gnsttrancr (Totupanleis. rpilK NA1IONAI. Lite Insurance Co. U. S. A. CAPITAL. Rl IllM.t i'AS ver Ijiabilitits,..fl.t , l»».7»> â Stock Company; does' ■ »>*.i a case, ms simple; contracts detimte; puyniMt ss and reputation natio J OSKI'll L. K l LLGoR E. tlcn'l Agent Peninsular District, Wi!.. Del, rth Street Market n * ti A ?tron had-; pla ertain; hu'i I, » Hfice, prl -tt A1 - T U.'ou) I. i' r F' TIIK NEW «148'IXK »»« VII' f Office:—INSTITUTE BUILDING, AGAINST FIRE INSURF Houses aud all otuer Binds of Buildings, with their contents, period* of tim varying from three months to a term of years. i WILLIAM TATNALL, WILLIAM c'ANliY, JAMES liltADF'ORD, «En. RICHAltDSnN. .Ii HI N GIIYKK, SAM'L t'ANtn . CHAS. W. IlntVI.ANl). CLEMENT H. sVYTIi. KtHV'li ltRlNGIttiRST. JAMES RIDDLE, EDWARD T. HELLA II, A. E. nil ANNUM, ASHTON RICHARDSON,«Fin. It. HATE', M M. CLEAVER. W ! I, LI AM TATNALL. I'rca't o I oh to i. D. Smith Sec'rv S, § I £ EXCELSIOR Life Insurances C» and Ç5 ma s'dd this u v.i Of COMPAQ Y, on C O oV the t YQRh, . I All PolU'ie*at Use option cf hoUUr &.I Convertible into Annuity Honda, tin* Ü U; ]>r' l ' u ^ n y l orol *l aye und ay ai nut Inmnt .» ^ ^ reve m a. 5*3 '/ ' * v *d A Kent, c ' :i. GHIMSIIAW, Gen. >:<. WEST THIRD STREET. WILMINGTON. DEL. ! ? n -ton, Metical L*amint. !<-' ! 1 -s DELAWARE FIRE ,n t«» ll> lAsIlU Vt l'. (OYIIMVV No. 608 Market Street, WILMINGTON. DEL. Intar« arx;a Charter Perpetual. iitar' taa».* term of yci 2erpotual Insurancos at Qieatly Roduood Hates. Losses promptly udjustedand paid. Insure against loss or dauiago by fireln«/oi any »itIn i company. », or as „ ... DIRECTORS: Gko.D Sk.kks, Wm. Cabby. Francis Bakhv, Juun I'. Mi Lkak, \l m. 11. Swikt, YVm.G. Girbuns, John R. Tati n. Geo. W Bubh w. Stunk. M1LLIÀM CANDY, Freiidont. F. !.. Secretary. anr&KTO THE AMERICAN POPULAR Life Insurance Company, ROUND RISKS F CLAS8JF ! IK0'e. in Fire Insur ance: hence best lives insured 6« per cent, better advuntaico than elsewhere. INSURANCE?^ ° K LIFK APPLIEI > T0 t IRK ®'tock—vet guaranteea returns to tho lung p lived. Sound Lives in Pour Separate Classes, at pre miiuns yaryuiR with the risk in each clast- each class being us it were ■ eepurate company Modoratetpresent cost and ultimate large return' WM. 1). DOWK, Agent, No. tl Bringhurst's Building, CornerlSixthland Market street«. _Wilmn.etnn. Del. fehl fit. 1 407 Market Street. S. CLARK. 407 JJKNJ. A full assortment of superior Clocks, Watches, Jewelry Si Spectacles. mar Constantly on hand and for salt at the loweat ket ratas. __**^ Partion, * r ,and personal attentios given to repamng any article a th« shove line. aprl-Cm '^=3sb gUnnrttom. RUGBY ACADEMY. .4« Englith, f'liutiml [nml Commercial School FOB BOYS, 220 Market *t., Wilmington, ]»el. OR. SAMUEL W. MURP14Y, A. M. P.incira A ssi.-ted l»y Able und Fnithful Teachers. •% t#*L all Terms open» September 2d, 1872.^* For Catalogues And Circulars apply to Baughman Thomas A Co. ' ItK* krkm ks-(1co. W. Bush, Esq.; Rev. Wq, j " Win. U. Wbiteley. James Brad lord. E.--I ; Rev. W. II llinkley. A. M.; Lewis P Rush. M. I» ; Mon. h tl. Bradford. Judge r.S, Dis trict Court of Delaware. aiiuStMüt Frost. I». I II in ig, « VV. A. REYNOLDS Classical k Mathematical Instituts A Day and Boarding School, WILMINGTON. DEL.. Opens Fall Term, September 2d, 1872. beaulifet Catalotus Send to o ivtf tfral «state Mentis. oum: a .nti.i.KH, REAL ESTATE AGENTS and: s> auctioneers, No. 605 Market street, (In .the MfCLARY EMLDING.) opposite the Dank of Delaware. PERSONAL SALES ATTENDED To. r r ' Having removed from thecornarof 4th and King streets to tho large store No. 60."> Market street, we «elicit orders 1mm our friends wlÿch will be tilled with ca re u nd pr omptne ss. tarfl J. H. FRAZER, REAL ESTAT E AGENT AND Collector of Rents *nd Bills. I.InT THIRD ST., NE4R KARKKT, iunRl-dA'wly * SAMUEL W. MoCAULLEY, Conveyanoer, ltoal Batata Agent and Commiaaioner. for Pennaylvanta. Conveyancing in all its brancha*. Prompt attention Riten to buying,sellintand ax changing and renting Keal Estate and aollating rents. Money carefully invested, and loan* negotiated •>n Bond and Mortgage with ample security. Es tates settled. •** Information cheerfully given upon applica tion. either in person or bv letter. Office, 0021 Market St., t2d Floor.) MILMINUTON.tDKL. t Hue* open until ft p. ui. f of to ^ebKKijkj^ JOHNSTON Si HOG I A, HOOK - BINDERS, AND BLANK BOOK MANDFACTURER8. NO 420 felllPLEY STREET, ' WILMINGTON, PEL. Account Books of every variety of ruling and binding made to order. Magazines, Music, Newspapers and Publications o J all kinds hound in Plain or Fancy Style*. Both heilig practical workmen, we are able to unrautet* entire satisfaction. romptly attended to. >rd«ji* o. ail aprl y /lour, fftû, to, FLOUR TFED AND GRAIN. Of ill the bed bra d at tha Flour I ICI. Dl KM 14 4 . AIJ.EK, It.Moment «»I ilao New Market House on F r«*i»t street, near Madison, Person* in want of mi v t h i me in m\ line would dn well to give me a call C before pu r<lutsing elsewhere, a.-' 1 sell h 11 the best hraudi* ol la .nly M"ur. feud, hay and grain, at the h'Weat market rate.-*, a..J to all parti 'ree of extra ehafgo O • >f th* city Ü ^ 5*3 Tin; ItAKI KS IHIOK COMMISSION HOUSE. No. 300 and 302 E. Fourth St. L 'i N--w cotni'Iei't-ly ornanizeJ anil D Ile J with ■Jail the BUST BRANDS OF FBOUR ,n t!''' market, together with .» full lino of Feed. Kyo Hour, Guru Meal, Ac., 4 «., art» now prepared t«» sell iu baker*, -turekeeper* and privat» fauiili»» ll> Hie Ititrrel or PoNiid u t rates rhtaper tin Parties will tind it ta their advantage to call and betöre purchasing elsewhere. Goods delivered to any part of the eity free ot charge. J. BARKLEY. Jyl7-dly Secretary of Directors. CUM bt Imujht in the ritj. exami Vtt jBratfrs. 1872. 1872. ICE. Howard P. Walton. as • WHOLESALE AND BETAIL ICE DEALER OFFICES: Great Care given In Shipping by Vessel or'Beil Facilities forlR.UU Trade,Unturcasaad. ICE, IOE. Prices Low Enough to Satisfy All. arJB-t ■ epuyt any compta in ts!toio thee. F. C. LEHMAN, FRESC0E PAINTER. ■Mldenn.ptlgrajrlsrptiMt. Pott!Offioe|Boxe497, i«-ly wiLMiN ton. on «