Newspaper Page Text
FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL Ornes or tbs Daut G * -rrri. \ Wilmington. Del.. Oft. 1 IS... t uotations. turnishedby .lutin M o Leu r ..rttikerit, Nu, t.irj Market rireet. ut :i o'clock. |>. lu., tu-d.iv. Wilmington üu A Son, Ü 114 (\o\d . Ü. S. t>*H V 2 u*» i»; n 1 H»I 114 114 1 18*14 1114 1805 . 11 18*W».. II 180 II " 1808. 10 40's iV. 1». S. Currency, tl's. New f>'s.. Dolawarc Stuto Bonds. N. Y. Central. ncript. N. Y. A Prie . Heading it. K. stock.... Union Pacifies. W1IOLKSALK PRICKS. ; * 510 M» .|lj»U Flour. Wheat. Corn Meal. Corn. Oats. f» 0 c CITY ITEMS. ALFRED WALTON. Drugdst, X**. AO Marke street, respectfully informs his friend and the public in general, that ho keeps un hand all di'scriptum.* o medicine«, and that a competent per? time# ready to prescribe for such sick u store, and that no charge U made price of the medicines, the same prie»- as 1 per anywhere else hut that u*• one i their residence?. BUILDERS' HARDWARE -W.* would ca tlie attention of th« Building Hardware, Paints, Oils, (ila -s. A is well selected, and LARGEST in the State Nails, Sa? h Weight p, Kim ami Mortise Locks, Butt Hinges, Shutter and D tact all necesaarv matensl b r b-:Uling. t. i «nie b, i«» at all • call at tin rcept the regular y w.'uU dt-al Hi li< • t'uildinjr to uur st- 'fk , wbi. h lbdts, St.i\ bucks, and in CAPELLE A BROl HER, ku Mnrk.-t St. Carpenters' 'Pool*, Planes, (CriTjieiitev's Chapman's make,' Chisels, Sockets ami 1 mm i -, Souarus, Steel and Iron Couipa-se«. i 'ulaj « i -. liul. s, wooden and Steel Brace«, Pincher*. Bevels. Saw Sets, Plumb* and Levels, «vc., i i - alc b\ CAPELLE A BROTHER, -1 St GRAIN BAUS -Stark MdK A I. ad * tt- n Giain Bogs, fur sale bv CAPELLE A BÏtüTH EK, 212 Muk« . St. PLOWS, of vliflereiit muk«iujlfW eudoru, Moore, Atwood .v. Wlb*\V-, N* maken,) for sale bv CAPELLE A BROTH ER, VI'2 Market M At »d Yolk PLOW CASTINGS - Heck« ml.-ni, M wood & Willey's, for sale b\ CAPELLf: A imuillEK, 212 Market St KNIVES AND FORKS Om st and Dessert Knives, Ivory, lip-bun, Ebony and Cocoa handles, both English and American mak is worthy c«f the attention ot any one wis! purchase CAPELLK A BKO , 212 Market St CROSS CUT SAWS - Wood and Cro.s Cut Saw 9 , with Tuttle'*patent teeth, the>e saws, by the experience of practical men, will do ns much w.ok u one day as any other in two] ami at prices, for sal« b> CAPELLE A BKO. . 12 Market Street h of Table hmg to I dll V d ' , . .. •ck. - r • • 1 1 c* 11 * r I» d the lniol 11 It* ' j Kit. N. rri-tonn. 1 's. Mr. M. C L.'Vkk /» I V lins , :> « • ^ r i » I y that I have used your Liniment m inv .-table l -r . three months i-a-t. «•!. m«.re th-.n • n • hundred h«»r 9 DS. and find it the he.-t |.re|.Hrafi»'n I ha\ «• » v er 1 used on horse-», lii-iir better than vou re- »in-j mend it. Send ineL e coses at «nee. by e* I «es.-, ; C. 0. I>. HARRY HA.MILinN , V B R IN« jim ' RS T iro tr f!rûêeb't*- ''orn«*r 5 »'th ' sod Market str^eù, WiliuinRtun, having been ai> 1 inted agent« fur this valuable an 1 i II • f Liniment, are fully prepare ! ti*.supply it wb l.- ale j •Li retail at the manufacturer'.-price-. sep 19-dtawiw -: i 1 Boyer's Hoof Liniment. •ti' *! experience w ith Lurses, After 30 your* p in staging, teaming. Ac . 1 h »ve learned that more horse* have been »'rippled by inattenti*.n to «he oiubined. Atie 1 many feet than all other di -ea> experiment* I have found the true re vest the disease »•! the ho»'! <»r r»*rtore it Httcr nu ligenco. to what nature intendci it s h"ulJ t*c r • great support »/' the ti./'-Vuh /« • » '. It tin* uuot :• in flamed and diseased . t he animal i< «'«.mparatively worthies*. r i hi* L niiuent will sur»*lv ,.>■» r./«r this ? t of all diseases, (Contract i m. C *ri Crack*. Contraction of the Back Sin«*^. called Knee-Sprung. A-*., have been cripplef b.v the want •B»Try it, and ft w ill never tail it pr*>p plied, viz : Bathe the horse's f.» »t ■•u *c necessary, at the heel and frug, and close to tho hair. cd y t " ru rter lm neraliy i««» that remedy. ; -tor« I. f • ; 'ÿats ana «aps. \>F 1 >> D/./ ; i i 1 : i j , I tuf: I T TY Y s " : 4L East Third Street, WII U SflToV, I»F!.. aprl 1 v HUMPHREY & SANDT, FASHIONABLE HATTERS 21C MARKET STREET, 4 . I i J 5 , I ; I - H A VE on hand full 1 no of fashionable HhU and Caps suitable fu- the present s»*a which they are selling nt v«ry Those in want ot a puneriur m \< • Als .. -» UMBRELLAS, «iLffVF low figures. model ate p» » •»•. It- at u small * • u t i *d 1 *rf oietfl A I I JAMES BAXTER, j i UTTWfl IVrtTYAITnllo WINES AN D LIQUORS, « DI.LIiR I.V ri'RV flinKIOV SMj D.UK.-TIi NO. 13 tHARKiül' STKKET, »V1LMISDTI.N. IiKLf maF 2 dix WESTERN HOTEL, FOURTH & ORANGE STREETS, WILMINGTON, DEI,. ThUHouse, ,o eentr.lly and eunveioeulj IJïjl aituated. ia ou» in voud order fur the reeep Ills tion of guest.. The table ia supplied verb liiEthe luxurie, of ibe merket, and the oar •d with choicest liquors. The sleeping apart moots are large and well ventilated, and every* thing connected with the house conveniently ar ranged. Good «tabling and attentive hostler.--. Board or* taken by tbeday, week or month. My friends and the public are cordially invited to five me a call. mayKMyw Th«Celebrated non» Fertilizers! GROUND BONE GEflRtiK A. GARRETT |r«h Bonn Superphosphate,d Lime urD.ssulved! ®sKd for Circlnrs* Si. «Än'j uffwwD 1 ——gM—aa - 1 G XO. w. BUSHsells he bon Coal at the lowest mtrket price, mrl BONE MEAL, bone kloi r. LOCAL IÜT.CLLICENCE. r Delaware L an Association meets t>.i 4 ' exenim*. Thu elt'.*,ion t.>r . 1 . in progress, to-day. Only three carloads of pea, l,e, were shipped In Jersey (ity, jestnrnv. The sot of chamber furniture »I the Hit.I Eel owa- Hall, was even, la-t cv.nit.o, to. loht Ion. s. St.ntl. U'.l.mi.r.i.m ot hi nth \\ ilinm^t» it. 4 ... 4 , . . , , A ttARN'txu.- Afe\viUv«ttRc.,iib.»?ir»Jiiigli(MiA. keeper Mii'il n ilcliii(|iiciit Kuuder tur u b.iurd bill to nt about •. -0, but laih'.l to obtain judgment lor, the, amount, lu* could prodec • no W.ok- | •h «-rtses. IH »b^b* ' ' Don't fail to hear Sfimtor tlayiu»r* spec-h, on Friday night. 1 The 1 •count. : or S'* to be certified l keepers ot beardiiicr-lu such nu account, tlicy slu honeHt boarders, it they legally escap * the payment ot an h> red board bill. of •iy keep et y i h It I t .ik«' w anung, aa dii Were so ineluied, C'-uld M» 0 c iv at llte Masonic Ami skmknts.—T he ami' Tent (tie. »na milter litniitd. last eveniiiK, hin |, the "Ticket-of Leave-Man" was nrcspnteil in mi aide anti efl-a live manner. . , lui: Sa I.K—Mr. S. H. Ldttnr offers for win j, a three-story brick .hvc Un,;. Nu m. I »el aware Avenue, contninu ,«. 101 , MMim^and aM can Im o ca Butt b, all tin modern ci'iivcnicnccs. ptojM'ity, in a desirable location, and piocmed on accommodating term Hi Sl'K« I A I. Mrr.TJN*. —A Special nnadiiigofthc I>cnn'< ra He.nhpiai tci «■•, e regular budncs= will be trans'icled. TI frt , llmr day evening r * K '! ia limit' in ron-tunvuiv of th.' I b',.menti.' nu'at -1 , in R a,; Inatit,,,.. Hall on Friday whirl, ! will be ad.lrt-ssed bv Senator B»var«i. ! I j Will be le I ) at tbc .. >(Kinhi h in Sterkoptîcan. — To-morrow liigblv interesting -I« recptico.i exliibitio;*. il bistrative ««l -renes ami ineid» nt : i mission work, :ue<*inpniiied by ; lecture, will bo given evening. i -, s, Saw n At I ue tfielgn' i instrnlive t lb«- Ma*oiiic Tc.nplc.— I The proceed- ute l,*r ibe benêt';! < f ('avalry P F. Cbimb A large attendance OmiiM bei »d w f ! t iRANl* Boikel.—O n Tlniir day evening, | October 1 .'th, Prof- S S. Krueger, will give a grand soiree at bn dancing academy i Maroni* Temple. 1 lii.t will undoubted of the tno«t brilliant and reeheivbe entertain tuenla of the reason, and no efforts w ill be -pared f to make it an entire pucce**. Tickt ts can only 1 be obtained bv Mib^eriptimiH, ami every i»ofwible I lravi r will ln> iiuiK- lu lu ini; lugi'llicr a ~.-U ri j -(•n- i«« expected to f tliePliiladeli 1 ' i 1 I present. the j j j be I and Cut the Fully ■ ! company, to I be pr< sent,among I hern a fashionable*. - j .M.\ itvi and A VENT E 1'ROpEitTV.—On bat. unlay, Oet. V2th the ( hristiana River lm provement Compam will sell at publie sale, twenty-seven good lots on Maryland Avenue, close to the Wilmington A Western and Wib I miugton A Reading Railroad*. These lots are as finely and eligibly located as any lots in the city, and will increase in value os rapid ly as lots'in any other section. As invest ments, they cannot be excelled. They will positively be sold on the day announced, and tho-« desiring to secure an 'excellent bargain on easy and accommodating terms, should be sure to attend. I ; V d I.EiTUll:. — Ou Tliurwlav . V. iiin«, .lulm O'llvrue, Ks,,.. »ill deliver a l.<tur.' in the Masonic Ten l.le, fm tin- l.cndit „I tin- < atho-1 lie Literary Assueiatinn. Snl.j.-.-t "Tic < Tu- 1 s-.ilf- ami their Intlneiice »11 ('ivili/itliuu " ' TI ,'. • sa cs rxt d 'd i 1 I .v er a " i in 1 . rimauCh c\n Haul ill .ll »> 1 .1 I" n*»» j .. of about two hundred \cars. 1 hat tlicv c\ I» : „1 I nn tiiuic lniol * rt im (i a im nt iiciui luiiiuiitt oil m 'J unit can he ho doubt, notwithstanding the sneers nf such illtulel writers as Voltaire unfit Hbhoil. I y The \ arious nations of Enron«» had been pie -r . yjouslv unknown to well other, hut tin* Urn » \ f< I>r . » «....,, 1 ,, « 1 , 1 .er*, er 1 a 'h ^ « h*['d tin in togtthu and taught til »in-j to s} inpathize ill one «omuoli c^.u«. ; , I Nsi'Kc ions. The Demoerais have made Hi« »'th ' billowing nomination* for In-pt■i*lor*,l«i be voletl ai> for lo-day : • f l H ard- John 11. Dennett ale j .seroinl W;ii*l Win ]l.<Miiiii ' Th;..! w..l 1 n,. '1 * ' ' r ,iw i'p } i 1 ?*' Le.', I I.',' 1 , ,."' r T! n I nil. H aul -\\m. lamu. -: j\u. il.i.d ( .eo. U, Hci'l.iini. ] i . eventli U ard—Albert I liriteher■. 1 l .igbih \\ aril—Joseph Seal. Ninth Walk—Park Mason Ward -Maris Tavlor «he r • in this rter ; t Dhepahini. mk tiik hoi.ipays.—-M enars. A »lams A liro., No. doff Market si reel, ar« making < \ten.-ivc preparation« for tin* Holidays and have on liand the largpat nFsortinent of < hil»lrf»n s l»»y> «*vi*r bronchi totlii* pity,to which ; tr«-!i acccrteiona are »laily l»eiii^ made. The i • »'»•oiid story room of Kerris »V ( iarrett'p building *d f«*r I heir wholeriale toy department, and an* now busily engaged in arranging their i good*, and preparing for the season. The zoom 1 piesentH the appearance of a grand play house, : and contains toys of every conceivable »lescrip» i tion, from a penny trumpet, to a three-story j house. Their stock is immense and genial,jovial , "Id Kris* Kringle » an here lind ample material I lor distribution among his juvenile friends throughout the Peninsula. I. : III. Masoni« .—The Richmond Knqutrer of the Until lilt., contains the following, ... to tin* proposed visit of some of the in ri'forence , . . liiasonie brethren of this city, to Kiclmioml and other places:— , . , » .loiilist.otninatideiy, Nu. Knitjhls r-injilar, of \\ ilmniKton, ind., will visit the Mr Knights of Itichinond roiimmndcry on the . I îr.tii of Ot'tober, arriving at J',o'clock un i that <la\. Accoininodation . have been se J 5 , I cured fur them at the Ha Hard House. The ; visiting Knights will bo met at the depot by I tin* lull strength tit Coiuiuandcry No. 'j anil - escorted to the hotel, after which suitable St. HhU on I tcrtainiuent worthy of the occasion anil the I visitors will be tendered them. ('omniittees j were appointed last evening at a meeting ol i the Cummandcry to carry out the above. ht. John's «iommandery will remain in the ll , ul11 lll ï «•veil ngof the liHli, when they « will leare for Washington ami Haiti more* stopping at Mount Vernon to visit the grave ol \\ ashiugton, and where they »III |„. a j. dressed by the Uraml ( ommander of Knights Templar ami lirand Master ol Masons of Delaware Magistrates' Cases. troiiK mayor SIMM.. John and James Wilson, and I ewis Jean dell verb for driinkenneus »rm i;„..l i r„. . i oar „ were enrli lined fifty eenlr and " ar urroiiK KuuriKh i i iii.. Mary Jane Leonard for a»sault and hatterv on Susan Williams, was required to pay i'oats, and give hail in tire sum of |200, to keep the peace. Another case ot jiersecutinn lor refusing to pay pohtcal assessments is furnished the public this morning. The men whoso discharge was oruered by Collector Arthur refused to pay the tribute laid upon them ; they were accused of being "teint, ;d with" and .0 were cutoff without ,'V , UrH ". Wa >' taiormia « 1 Livil Service . it bas reformed a great many men ' oto «he Liberal party. The publication of the ?* ct > w,l < " ffor d «ha special flunky of the Admin '««ration unother opportunity to double himiielf up with laughter inextinguishable.- -.v. i.'Jnbtme. r. BOABO OF EDUCATION. SPKCfiL ME&TIN3 LAST KYtlflNG A a,,,.!,,! meeting of the Hoertl of Ivln^i.-n j in ^' rWH ' W " | In the absence of (lie Secretary, Mr. Krain. In nppo j nl ed to act in that capacity. , The Prwmlent Htate»l ilint t he object of the i|, e otmeitlerttlion of the application s. f. at etnH.innto lower ot I • i»l< l ui louj'li *Y » o.,lor |h l uiiHaion Hi iuwrr the «r ule of the drain on l itlh street, below 1 ».r..,,.». Llntinm., i.i tlu> IVrini«wion, belonging lo th« Hoard. | bill to lap the drain bad Ih'CII granted tnein sonn lor, ;unc ago, but Unding it loo liigb,tbev desired to t , | , W i r it. Ci I. Mo<'ill lough being pnwttl, \v;M granted ' leave to slate the reiiuoM, whieh he did, staling ' Uie-J were* hIm.iii« ..I nci.h^ boc»d, and desired to drain their piopeiu, and „ eonieel their drain with llieoneon I'ifili street, 0 bn*, the latter was not deep enough to carry oil (lie water from their drain. Mr. I'liild moved that a counuittee of three on : hin |, e nppoinlul lu consider the application, mi Adopted. On ntofion of Mr. Atkinson, lbo eonituitlee were instructed tosiincrinte,id the woik, should win j, | 1P .bane, and see t'liil llie school propcrlv of »el- ,. ■ r.l he not injured l.v its perfnrmanee aM M( ., sr ,. ,. |lUJ> , { J riffill and l.vnch were Im P'jinlt «! siaid committee. The Board ljom ne 1. .11 STATE ITEMS. , The fruit cannerie* will cloie lupines j in a * K '! few days. -1 , TI»- Senfurd Ke.-onl aaya "liwky »lock I ! l,,ok "'b' "l"» 'hat netghborhoud. It U said that seven Republican« in Bridge ! ville bave declared for Greelev and Brown. I A large (ireelev meeting j Court House, at Georgetown, on Friday even b,g tbc il held in the I P bei It i* *ai«l there ia to be another marine rail w iv at Sharptovvn, f «ni. Oval era are getting to be very plentiful nt ! Seafoni. | bushel. a f ^ only 1 I , . . , ri j A 1 "!«*«>' *> "'K »• SLarptown wLarl « lew to since w'ai vieited by a thief, a valise was ' i broken open and a watch and $20 waa taken 1 I herefrom. They are selling al 4 j eenls per the Nanticoke, near Sea Drunkenness is getting to he quite prevalent the j j n Seafoni, ami the Record cries al«»ud for h j lot klip. Prof. Thomas N. William*, of Camliridge, is taken charge of the the Laurel Classical Institute. I - j A Democratic meeting was held at Laurel,on bat. Thursday evening, Col. Edward Martin and lm sale, Wib I lots lots will and be I Win. Fisk Townsend, Esq., of the Sussex Jour* ; ns!,-ere the speakers. Literary Npwvs. The Outcast, and Othkp. Poems. By J W Watson, author ot "Beautiful Snow," is in pie t and will l e published in n few «lays by T. B. IV terson A Brothers, Philadelphia. 'The poem which lends its name to the l>ook. ''The Outcast," treats its subject with originality and feeling at once del mute and intense. The despair «f the wretched parent, for Ins wife and children, is depicteil with true artistic effect. All the other poems in "The OutcaBt," Iiosrcsh K r.'at interest, ami display a the lively and ,.lea s «nt fam-y, ns well a, a uenume, atho-1 '"'arty sympathy with all the joys amt sorrows of Tu- 1 l'unnm.iy. Th» volume w.ll take strong hold of the heart and memory, and will live and last, like " I3eaut,f,.l Snow." deause the poems in it touch n*»» j • v c i 1 (l nl*of human svmimthv^ It will fin nub c\- unu»> ui «msoi numan sympninx. it win no pun hshed 111 one large o**tavo volume, uinlorm with tlU „ ,, Beautiful * m w, l»t .ug printed on th» luiest h'evclL 'r.v,; pie- ... t 1 1 L «de, a ml beveled boanls, price Urn- 1 ,)o . Uar8 » a,,u W,H h 0 lor sale by all Booksell .er*, »*r advance copies will be sent at »*nce, by mail, t*t nny i.ue, free of postage, by the Publishers, on receipt of price. 1 h } 1 * _ _ Hi« m M Susor« 1*4 >fKH >n, the embodiment of vmality and corruption, L 0 ,/aiu a candidate for United Mates Senator. Re is the man Afho was kicked nom Mr. Lincoln's cabinet in disgrac«, a^d in re gard to whom Congieas, by a two-thirds vote, p.'sse«l the following resolution of censure, to be thojounmlof the House ot Hemeaenta lives, secoml session ot the riurty-scvinth Con ] •'"j'"' ..... , ïl^" 1 !.'/• .1 hat Simon Cameron, late Secretary 0 * ar, by eating Alexander Cummings with control of large sums U Urn public monev and au thority to purchase military supplies, without re Ftriction, without requiring from him any guarau for the faithful performanc«» of his duties, wln-n the services of competent public officers wer« available, and by involving tho Government vast number of contracts with persons not le gitimately engaged in the business pertaining to the subject-matter of such contracts, especially the purchase of arms for future delivery, has adopted a policy highly injurious to tho public service, and deserves the censure of tho House. In regard to this resolution Judge Kelley says; "To save their party and their country, tho friends ot tho Administration in the House had to pro claim his infamy und denounce his crimes." Ami vot this infamous man, beside whom Win. M. Tweed is a saint, has the audacity to say "We will elect General llurtrunft bv twenty thousand majority." He is the type of llartratift's friend*. Will the honest men of Philadelphia help t« «1« t his tool to the Chief Magistracy of Pennsylvania " rtula. Press. t enars. ar« of The and their zoom in a HI the Better Late Than Never. other If your teeth arp fiuin», and you have not yat tried the "SoronoNT,'' as a preservative, try* it now Abandon all other item ri lices and give it a fair ehance; it is guaranteed to he as harmless ns the »»tor the un se The by anil CARPETS! CARPETS! on the W. M. KENNARD Sc CO. ol the they a j. of 306 Market Street, Announce their r?tuck complete in all the XEW*M> APPROVED STYLES OK dell i and ENGLISH, TAPEvTKV I NH HAIN, i'oats, the STAIR. and ENTRY C A R P K T N . Also, a full line of Rugs, OiUCIoths, and Cocoa Matting. As it is our determimtion to increuse thi - branch of our business. pay this laid ;d « men the BARGAINS MAY BE EXPECTED. sep28 SOCIETIES. atrmros this *vr.:rwt). j .Mj™, j | ÂJtluS' "° ^ ' Humanity Circle, 11 Û C A, Hall MM Market W stroei.. . Lincoln L< uljje, No K » l t »*t Kn. ta o I'vth as IUI1, '.Ml Mnrkat street. tbs American Star Loupe. No 1, H E. at ... At -ri .,, ,1 »»»d Mmket street «. ritrtits, 1 h»» h Hall, J liirt t Fifth ei umhin Ijodge, TSi» I.. I UI rm | find Market street*. survey Fîilelity TV.iiple, No. 1 » Truu 1 oinplur-», ftt Mall t , ol . , j 7th and Spruce strouts. Mono w m tliciuu Co-Educatlng thO Soxes. l! : . n.„ i(,.iv.«nl lUmrtt of Overseer« wit „ long way toward determining the enur^e ot tin 0 theiflargc and old colleges lit tho Und. I he |j, mr a dismissed quito contoniptuuusly the results ut the shoit lived experience of young and hiu*II colleges which adinu feinalu students. drgi I'ortuuatfty no real injury w done to the cause t a of f«[u>ale education. VasSar College, Hutgeis to .i eight stone thence ner ii ult c( a-* hign, mo proicrsois .r w,v 7 * I r .*ad; teach all that any student would learn, amt Uio 1 .f tuliti 'ii i" 1 other items is far le s Those in- j oak -„.„..„H b -ti v t ,i ■ r bo ,-11 orgsinzei'. a nil cildowwl thenoo 9 "', ] i f .|„ unrvi . .i, , gunimrt of '•I'S.V'lv , f » r 'V 0,n61 ' I n. women, and iot|Uire it. »lmb Harvard ,10 s not Should Harvard and other ((rcat collPRoa admit p, u tho effect would bo to deprive the female onlli'tps ot some student« who would otherwise . *!:».* »„« o in fi.a <*f the female N seek their shades <> the «nreern ol me n male colleges there is not a trace of doubt 1 he *ta»«1 mil .Ti the graduating classes is high ; comparing tavoijably, in many branches, with that at any American college. If, after leaving college, a vvo Idesirea to «pmlify herself for a profession us licit one in a hundred would think of doing — there are special facilities for that in several of the Siates. We have not beard that the demand educating women tor the practice ot law greater than the supply of mstitutu But while the of ... Yrtsflnr Femllo College, and plenty of others m different o practically all tor wo The course* of study are high, the professors areas competent to I " parts of the country can <i men that Harvard c ~ r * t^hl ex a I WOUlPI the ,-(ider ■s s. chc road; eiiNt mi Afdi'j eight Sti to Acts. Tb( for nt -m Cine is ready t*» receive them as student*, di^tiietive female colleges are a success wholly ns 4 , we have no such evidence with relation to colleges where tho sexes ar«* co-educated, and old L ««t;ihli?,hiiieiits like Harvard may properly pause they take the risks ot the experiment. Lot. h Dr. Tutt's Sarsaparilla and QoerTs Dolight. This valuable preparation combiii Modicmnl virtues which long experience Inis proven to possess tho most safe and efficient Alter ative and iloolwtruent pronerties for the c Scrolula, King's Evil, \\ hit« Swellings. Fleers Cancerous amt indolent rumors. Mercurial and Syphilitic Affections, Enlargement and ulcerati of the Bones, («lands, or of th** Womb, Spleen and Kidneys; ail the various Diseases of the Skin, such as Tetter, Ringworms, Boils, Pimples, Sore Eyes! Ac, Nervous Affections, Dropsy, and all diseases originating from a depraved stale of the Blood. Also, many affections peculiar to Females, as Suppression, Irregularity, Leticorrhocu orWhites 1 F terme Divpsv. Ac. It is all the nor f St«*ri ity. Ovarian Purely Vegetable. !!3 t \v ilicu qsu;g i { i. Tutt's j iver Pills, IV- «»t dut or occupation is ii 'éeK.-ary m dunk as usual They are pm Jy i potnld.' Dr lTutt'a Him l)ye does not Injure the Hair, ' — •» m An Essential of Loveliness, ,,, , . . . .... ... , . ... a .u.f aîù '«miY, Vou"" 1 ^''U is^ Ï h al.wliitelv ete "j 1 ? 1 vZ ' oïelnnls Tie VÛm u of ' , ' t," 1 ' l.rUliant ruim lcxc,., ami near , of K; V f . ' due U ' ■ * Ù • ha . • 7m < "Oe th fail ot tin ir due itioet il th. I au I « thin, ***;« '"I" 1 '' '"* t .- ' outrary the plainest h >t »H* but 8 U 1 mounted by luxuriant and silkc treasek i* not t.> imnresi tin- beholder with a *,• losses, is aj 11 im P[ esd in ' 1 1 ' 111 f 81 of actiu 1 beaut y. 1 hat crowning ornament *»t her 80 x baninlv, withm the reach of lovely woman. and l»uic L'discniimiatinu as she is lovely, she i 0 „,f 4 ,^ t |j 8 cgvere»l that Lyon '8 Katiiairo\ wa.> , f>> ± :! .1 on Bie ljair ever enjoy and uu wonder, amce it produces such gratifying resultk Applied t»> the waste and barren places ot the scalp, it fructifies and enriches them with a new and ample growth. It is not, r* cou.-se. pre tended that it will do this if the cap., .„y tor re production ia extinct, but ko long as it remains re- that woiidertul iehubilitantwillussuredlyj>ropa gatu the germ ot the hair into life and activit \. be - — _ * 'i'll - Treasury Ocpariiuoni Élus oideroj Col lectoifa of Customs U, suspend tin- Importation of neat cattle anil hides from infecteil Euro pean countries, unless accompanied bv consu hir certificates thill they are free from «liscasc. au re le to has pro Ami M. t " t!" (i The ute<l ning bctwi r«*t mint rallêl lout Sixth erly tin ci i forty it. No propitiation tor tithe of it« popularity. ^':; K tin' Me five tw.. and bv ches ch«* and west line by and also and CARPET STORES, 221 ) & 222 , MARKET STREET. HI GRANVILLE WORRELL, The at t *-nt iui, ,.f É*uver- » io.ited tu the r. \i;\v nrxiuvs 1 \ B0Ij>Y BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY BRUSSELS, INGRAINS, DAMASKS, VENETIANS, Ac, yat it a ns No v ^eadj' fur their inspeetion, OIL CLOTHS, the All »ihths utid qualities, from one ta ci wide, eut tu order any sire. Mattingff, Biikh, Mats, Stair Roils, Ot tomans, &e , &c yard» Our.lnrveun.l C'>u.t»utly)nc,'»»,ii;tlsalef uf these Ko.ul Is uur best »Jvestt,erneut. Motlo—CHEAP. PROMPT «nJ RELIAI) Lit. GRANVILLE WORRELL, •-*'-'0 & 222 Market Street, Wilmington. Dol. .epll Notice. riHIK «ul**« itbor ha* ihia day iui.| Li« ««utlr«» I rbinauud Ultaawar«, Cutl«ry, Ac., to TIioni di», wlio wilt continue tbn buniutt«ii auud. K)u.UOi Market Hlrcwt. H# Oordlally rw ,, uto hh/»ucv(«MH»wr Lu thnisj nlmliav» beau cu^toaif r^ u, **f « tore, »» ona wboparfiMUy ui«<L'rtt*i)d» tlia l»ii*i, ... will atiand to tbalr want* both agraaably «, 1 ' " 'ïTiTth _ 0Lfc ' vl KNT B ** *»■! 11 s« V d •I th. ,| N«' 3 . Th» ■ h.viu, b.»., i Je „,. . tili A for tlie pasteighiMu years, haa d A the «tore which the latter ».l* trgeth», wlih tho atooh uf good, au» ou bare -itlf'lh» I ilei'tlap ufcairjloa nn th. hu.lne*,. Th..t,*k b Ï oy l,r th. lwa.»i ,ud moalcumpl.t. ol It ki u j i_ J 8 t«i»,.ad»ahne». n,«rl/»«»ry »rtfvlo lu u,. uf.m. Chinn, (II... ar Muc.n.W«»*!." . »1 •»« of Hllv.r Pl.t«) .nd UHtnr'ntrVrr ('» 0 «, 4fl.,4c.fAI*otlie moat extensiveetuok of CoalOtl' I «»•! uoimn«),. nnd ab.d.»In thl.elty. Th« purnit uum'lt« of» Oll ktVAy» un hand. Il I. Uup.d ih. J1" uur. turnen and Irland, »I the u uLd.ui .in coat in u. n.ih tin uhang. of propri.tor.hlp.the r 7 ro,..l.° o 't""î i)ij i',,Lÿ»edcn the former owner »«''MA« Y. b. NUKMANhtn, « W N.r k .. Hh Wilmluiu.n.D .1 & £#Ui 8 . Nheritl'R Sale. j ,,?«« Ä 1 ÄÜA«mldcV^Ä SïtS Ä W lotn Clay Orettk hundrert. New Cnrtle e< -On*MONDAY, the HtU day u. October. " nt 2 o'clock, p. in. tbs fyljowina described KmI E late, vir At those 1 «.. certeln equal und, v.dedilfth ear's. ritrtits, «hares and inter««I *»l. in and to all that idantiitioii ami tract <d lam! pituat ; in Peneadar hundred. b.mnded and »loneril.ed according to a survey ma.le April loth. A. b. I 8 ifc*. by A* T*Pao ningi»>ti, Km., an follows, to wii Heginning it e Mono a corner for lani of Vtilliani J. llurlook, tliciuu wuii his land north one and three querter l! Mon*# 'I'oornl. Ur th^Moruan laud: thenciïhîro wit I» south eUhty oight and one half dwree«, eart r ,.| sei ei.ty three . drgi »■•«• t a i>tl)||(l cightvthr seven tenths perohs* to .i take corner "f i'intl of It. I>. Morse; thence lloreiut' south luri.v five degrees, we§t ninety eight loTt-hiM '.<• a corner slake < f land of Jsinea thence with his land north forty four ♦ hirtv niao and four-tenths i «rohts .unci; th'nee hi ill with his land ronth i darroei, w<v*t fi ty two perche« l>a stone ut th - siuu o! IIoW<ll School llou^e road; thence with the middle of «nid road so nth eighty si ninety seven perches to a cor ner ol Amir* w IDi «>:»'•* iiti'l in the middle of sali I r .*ad; them-** with hi- land north on.* and a half 1 «leErr*»«*^. wc^t eii.hi y four peioh«'* lo a Urge white j oak tree in In -I *»t tfiu «»id William J. Hurlock; thenoo »'th bi* land imrth «iaht* ei*ht and one 'lUirtor doart of. on.t one tann.lrrd and Bit» cllht I n. n-het, to tho tdaoe of boWnnlr,. oautalnln» One | rpi , lin , ||,, r , y .,,j K bt Aore. and E'*hty-t»o p, u .,,e-, b« me «atne uio o or Itai. Seized and mken in execution as the property of SimuH Ward and Martha his wife, and William N W irl * i John 'V a»d, and t«» be sold by JAMKS ARMSTRONG. Sheriff sirrifl' Office. New t.V tie. Sent. 25, 1872 28 I " t^hl degrees. «iM-riir* xair. By vu tue of « writ of Levari Facia*, lo " me «lîrccted. will be exposed to Public Sale •jf. :ii i lie Beer Park Hotel, kept bv Alexander • LB 1 ri, in fbe town of Newark, in White Clay • little county, Del,, Bn H r *NB '.Y. the Gth duy of October, 1H72, at 2 o'clock, p. in . the tulluwinu described Real K?tat«, vit* Al! tlull 1 Tin und tract of land dluuled in Pen ,-(ider bumlred. Now v'iut'e county. an<l Stalo of Behvwarc, muio u:irti< ularly marked and bounded ■s- f « * 11 * • w>, t" *ni Resmuiior ut u?torteat the s. ut hea t corner <1 Actlrew OttMand nit,I running thence north « isht> eifdit ami three quarter« rer chc istallel « • th fame to middle of Chcutout Hill road; thenre ir rtn seventy one and a half degree«, eiiNt ninety =i\ and eight-tenths perche* along th« mi lll«> of the said r-nd t., a public road known as Afdi'j r«*uJ; them e south tw » and a quarter de greis, east one hundred n«l nineteen and two enth? perche-* with middle ot F«id road to accr ut rther hinds of Stephen Otti thence south eight und ;i half degrees, west «long land of said Sti phen <»tt ninctv <even ami five-tenth* terches to the place of beginning, containing Bitty On» Acts. iu.»re or b Seized and taken in execution as the property of Edward L- M< K«*ag and Sarah Ann his wife, and Tb( tu i h Hurity teire tenant, and to be sold by .1 4 ,M KS ARMSTRONU. Sheriff. Sheriff's « flice. New Castle, September ÏG. 1872. 28 «• N is nor f viifriilN «ale. By \ irtue of a writ of Levari Facia*, to *d, will be exposed to Public Sale, <( the W 1 , i turf on Hotel, kept by Isaac Pyle, in the city of Wilmington. New Cas me <1 !!3 u a t!" cunity. Del., (i i M KDN KSDA V. the B'.th «lav of October, I T', ..t '2 o'clock, P. M.. The t.dhnttug «îescri bed Real Kstatf. vit. All tiiNt i't*i tain bit. piece ur parcer of land m« ute<l in I lie cil v ul W iluiingt<*n aforesaid, whereon •t»*d a tine« storied Brick Dwelling House, bounded und iic?» rihed as follow*, to wit begin ning nt a stak« «m the southerly «i le of Sixth street bctwi en Lombard and Pine 9 troets, at the distance hundt ed I eighty four feet liom the cas 1 .-treet; thence routherly pa rallêl with Lumbiird street eighty feet ton twelve lout wide street; thence easterly parallel with Sixth street eighteen feet to a «take; thmeenortb erly purnllel with the first mentioned line eighty tin t t • the side of Sixth street; thence therewith wc-ierly eighteen feet to the place of beginning, ci i t lining Fourteen Hundred and F»»rty reel of Land, be the same more nr less. SeizeJ and taken in execution a* the property of Simeon Bixi-ti and Harriet R. his wife, and t t*., forty side t t 1 i d Id be So|d I .IAMBS ARMSTRONG. Nheriff. Siu rifi s t Uli »• New (fastle. Septembei 25,1872 -3(j lt> v iiluo nf n writ «T Levari Facia*, to directed, will be eg|>''«ed to Public Sale. Hj'SSi H> tii »: Wa«iiiiigtnn lb»tel. kept by Isaac JBIilE Pyle, in lb«* fits « 1 Wilmington. New Cattle countv, Delaw W LDNESD \Y. ilie hub day of October, 1872, :»l 2 o'clock p, m . tin' f dlowin described Heal Estate, vit: Mill property au i land thereunto Christiana hundred afore und heu i* on it j cl an J dc.-orihed a« lollop«, it Beginning at a btone a cutner of Fred how Me mien hall's land then«*«.» by the same north filiy five an 1 .1 half degrees, east nineteen percha* and tw.. tenths tu h .-ione; and ihenee uorth eighty two and : half degree-, west three tenths of a parch to Impost a corner nt William Walter'* land, thence bv his land north forty degrees, east seventeen per ches t«* his garden leave; ihenco by the samo south twenty seven »legre«*, east iwu perche* and seven tenths, and north sixty five «logree*. east five per ch«* and twu-ttfQth* t° D*r middle of a public ro^d; thence with the middle of «be same uorth eighteen and n halt degrees, west three perches; thence LT Way - I.» ml north fifty «e\en dcareea. east uint perche* tu a «loue, north seventy two and ft half degrees, east twenty i.ipe perch«* to the line of .l','«p|i rtueai's land; thence enssing the mill pond 1 by «aid tiuent'a south twenty eight and a half deuree«. cuji luirteen peroheo and five-tentn«. south sixty M ne ffckryes. iye»t ciirUtpeti pernhe^ south filly five degfee*. Weal flight peiohes and •tenth«, south tweuiy nine and a naif degraM. west live porche* and five-teuih*. grees. east three perche« and live-tenths. *ou*h thirteen degrees, w est twenty eight perch» *, and un degree*, west tour perchta to the line ol Fred or iMcuJenball'a land aforesaid; thence by the sumo north eight degree«, west five perohes and live tenths, and north leveuty nine ill _ west thirty three perches to the place of beginning, containing »Seven Acres and Fifty Perehe«; and also an additional Four Acre«, making in the Eleven Acres und One Rood ap4 Fo^r 0 * Land, be the jam»* more or le««. Seized aud taken 1.1 execution a* the property of Kectv 1 Mb, who hath survived Isabella his wife, and Co. muitgugiir, and 1.1 , hm> to be Àold by JAMES ARMSTRONG. Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, New Cutile. Sept. 2h, 1872.— 00 G AH lb;, belungim rt. :i t ed r. s.mth five df rth fifty egree*. stieriir« «me. fTACSk by virtu*' a writ of Venditioni Expon ^"2 a*. !.. me directed, will be exposed to Fub H?;, p Be ' s »le. at the lrout d»»or of the County Building, in Dover, Dn Tl E.SDA Y. 15th day of October, 1872, .... »t 2 U o'clock, p. m.. the follow ng H-al L ute, to wil: All luui certain piece, parcel or tract of Und *it uute ip ÿt. lone»' Neck, in Dover hundred. Kent uuunty and bt&te of DeUvurc, „* the rond non Morgan's Brunch to Bustle's Corner, àdjoiniok laiuls ol James Rnymond the heirs of James .'slaughter »leceasoJ, and others, and said to eon tain Uu»'Hundred und Ter» G 10) Acres of Land, ' I«*«-- the iinproTements upon which are a two ried trame dwelling house, barn, stable«, cribs nml other outbuildings. % Seized Mtid taken in execution us the property of eph Villa«vwy. and will be sold for cash. .1 . 3AMUKL HARGAD 4 NF. Sneritf. felioritt * Office. Dover, Del.. Sep. m, 1872~9et 1 Ot 111**1 •* **f " 11 d ,| ^'EW BOOKS AT E. S. R. BUTLER'S, . Book, Newspaper and Stationery Store, A n N0 : Market 8treet ; d A Representative Lite of Hor. Greeley. Cloth |LG) Legend*. The Neuher Side uf N»w Yurk. b Ï nl ï Tlire * " eek * J nîkü» ""AC..:•. fimuthy . »1 & ,lu,|t th - »»« «, f^TOWIl Tog.ther. «»•! nn ei n ^*^ c# .. . •«, uur. Cine.... .. u. lsL".u b *J*. ïhoutht it 't""î tk. Mon '!>» Bun... Th. Japanese in America. oërrheê Sl'u" ;"; .— 1 -te !-ku 1 . l.CV t> 1.50 15 ii at IM ( 4 i y