Newspaper Page Text
! . CRAPES, j> The pif g A reoerit vuilUt f inch-, nearBridlv ! of ? lue date «ays — •n* vTriéyânî of H. 1L TJayck* meeting Ifo" ■» Gecil courltv, Md. convinced hr that the that loc ality «y 0 adapted to tliogrunui of theprap«*. "Ir. I'tiyckitirk has aliout two acres planted in grape t—Concord and Clintons. «even years old, planted in rows about six feet apart and imported by wire trellis And aucli a crop ot grapes as lie has got; it was never our privilege tolook uixinvines so loaded with grapes belor.. They arc hanging in great clusters, looking like dark masses amid the ioliage— tint is, the Concords, for the foliage of the t liiitons has nearly all fallen oil' and the grapes are all exposed, hanging close together as they cm welt grow. Tho clusters of the Concords m . large and well tilled, and the berries exceedingly large, with very few small sp an< * imperfect ones. The tluvor is excellent euual K to any we ever tasted. . ^ r * p* been some weeks busily engage J Sfc In picking and shipping them to the llaltiinore R market, bv wty of boat from Port Deposit, to which place he prefers to haul them instead of trusting them to the tender mercies of the "bag |R; gage smashers'' on the railroad and express R' bnes although the latter is more convenient.— k; related to us that he last yeai shipped 13 p * crates by railroad to his agent in Baltimore, from which the return was §-VJ, and the second day after, when the market price was the same, Ihbsaine nui pber of crates returned him only Pf^ $20, j he différence was owing to the grapes arriving in such a had condition from rough handling by railroad and express officials. The price of grapes has been very low the present season owing to the abundance of other fruit, and particularly peaches. Mr. I). hod been realizing from five to seven cents per pound. He packs them in wooden bo f The vines are are xe->, seven pounds to a box. The boxes are somewhat curious.— They are made of bas« wood cut into thin strips wide and long enough to form a box when folded up. 1 he corners or joints are sawed nearly through so as to form a hingn, and one slip of the wood forms the sides, bottom and top of the box. The ends are separate pieces ofl thicker boards (about J inch thick). Tho long! strips are folded into shape, the ends nailed in J and a neat square box is madein a few moments, The atull is received from the manufacturers i Connecticut in this shape b. save bulk and | freight and are mit together as tliev are needed. These boxes are in •Id with the grapes, at the! name price per pound. The yield ol Mr. Duyckink's two acre vine-j yard this year will be over six tons, hast year it was seven tons, i'iie Clintons are not mar ketable as a table grape, being too sour, and are ; sold to wine manufacturers general by the bushel. Mr. D. thinks it is riot more trouble- * some to grow a <?rop of grape* than one of] potatoes, after planting of the vine has been accomplished. The pickingand marketing mav cost more. We have been in the vineyards of Vineland in the vintage season, where they boast of pro ducing large crops, but we never saw as full vines there as this Cecil county vineyard oi tains; nor is the Ha vor of the Concord there, which they claim to be superior to anv in this; country, better than Mr. BuyckincK's. •ii Utilizing Vagrants. T he citizen«' committee of Chicago propose, one remedy of the ills they bear, to arrest as vagr**\V all persons m that city who have no visible means j ot support. Crimo cannot bu stopped miuished " much di- 1 any great city till the vagabonds are cleared out of the streets. The men who, having the opportunity to work -as all able-bodied men have—will not work, but sti* mysteriously eke out existence, without visible means of support, are prtma facta dangt.Tous men in a community.-- • They are a class from which mostly come the thieves and the murderers. In their prowling*»! about town by day und night they are ever on the watch for unguarded doers and unprotected peo ple. In their most innocent state they are burueus not worth the bearing, for any good that they do in return. It ia un unerring instinct of self-pro tection which impels the good people of Chicago to sense these vagrants and put them at work. To ship them from the eitv would be no use ; for they would drift hick again, if exile were tho only peualty. No! the thing they most dread is to work like other people. Therefore, tho Chicago reformers having captured these now usele dangerous members ot society, should cage them the workhouse, and let them earn their bread, for tho tirât time perhaps in their ^ veer, by honest industry. Possibly some of th in might he con verted to docent ways by tho novel and wholesome experience ; hut, if not, we may bo sure that on discharge they would flee from Chicago and never trouble her again, Try it ! and fianuss. li. THOMl'SUN i DUO., Saddle, Harness and Collar Makers, 600 West Front Street, WILMIN UTON DKLAWARR. w. A hill ius.-5nrtiuent ot Single Carriage. Cart. Dray and Wagon Harness constantly and made to order. AlLIobbingpunctual ly attended to. ml Double u hand inavfi-lyd. Harness i Ha mess ! L IGHT and HEAVY HARNESS, undo ot th best material and by first-class workmen on hand and made to order at very moderate rates. COLLARS. SHEETS. SADDLES, WHIPS, BRUSHES, CURRY COME8 and other articles in their line un hand and tor ■ale at the lowest city prices. Repairing neatly done at short notice. The publie are invited to give them a call. WIEL A KING WALT. N. W. oorner 2d And Shipley St*. ap3-tf HERMANN AHRENS, QENERAL PROVISION DEALER, No. 234 Tatnall Street, WILMINGTON. DEL. Would respectfully announce to hi* friend* and the Public that ho «till carries on the Meat busi ness at tho old stand, and will keep constantly ou hand tho )be*t<iuulity of SUGAR Cl RED HAMS, FLITCH. SHOULDERS, LARD. PORK. SAUSAGE. DRIED BEEF. CHEESE. TONGUES. Ac.. Ac. All of which will bo sold wholesale and retuil at the lowest city pticee. He returns his thank* to hi* many customer* fo pastfhvors,and respectfully solicits aoontinuanc of tha same. _«ep22t I 8PRIN8ER, MORLEY & 8AUSE, manufaoturbk.h ok SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, AC. WOOD TURNING and SCROLL SAWING. Hubs, Spokes and Rims, COACH A CARRIAGE WHEELS. Oorr.«r Third and Orange Streets, WILMINGTON, DEL ta ■ jy <Srnts 'farnishittfl 3 ß Ö . tf . W S. > o 5 K H -3 L o C -AS 3Ö O GO W < * W H PS * li\ ■ii > U* PS ► TIIK (FLKBHATF.D V* a 3 PARABON , 8 HIRT. >* 3 a M w wj w H Send for Self-Measurement Circular. J. P. DOUGHTEN. No. 410 Marketbtreet. Wilmington. Del. myi7-lv n .A % % s J | ?XTEN7* w of YOKE SHIRT 603 MARKET ST. WriMINGTW' DCL. furniture, &r. lib Kill" Street, Wilmington, ; * LEWIS F. ADAIR, Del. n band at bis Furniture Ware room.-. _ a largo assortment of H 1 • I K8T-( 1 LASS FURNI T URE, ting in i art of Bureau?. Bedsteads. Tab! Sofas. Lo cooking Glnsaeti Blinds. whieh will besold at th Ibo public are respectfully invited to xarnine hi- goods and learn hislprices. '.tees. ges. Matt city pri enil. upH-tt lowe« CII.K A Hll.I.liK, (Successor« to S. A T. McClary,) fSo. 606 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON. DEL.. O % FURNITURE WAR c ROOMS. j A toll assortmenttoT the,latest the lowest prices, purchasing elsewhere. i-t> les ( f Cabi W are tor sale Call befo maySttf 1 ! ! I ! • . to OGLE A MILLER. Furmturo ana vomtian Blinds. j. & j. nTharman, No. 410 KING STREET, tVIL M 1 N G TO N . D E L. \Ve respectfully inform the citizens of W ilmingtou and the surrounding country that we continue to manufacture and keep ou hand at our large and long established warerooms, Furniture of every variety and style, consisting of Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut Furniture, suitable for parlor, dining-room and chamber uses. Our assortment of Furniture isas large and varied as can be found in Delaware,and all articles sold at our establishment are warranted as represented. Yetiilian Bliuds of the most fashionable design»: made to order and kept constantly on hand. >Ve manufacture and constantly keep a large as nortmeut of Spring, Hair, Moss and Husk Matt J. A .1. N. HARMAN, 410 King street. ui i I'd COTTAGE FURNITURE ■at«: L. F. HIGGINS', No. 221 We&t Second Streot^ ot WILMINGTON,tDEL. novi7tf THE SECOND STREET FURNITURE STORE, 3:17 N. SECOND ST.. PHILADELPHIA. 337 The Old Stand established JOyears, triumphant in fr'|TRNlTl T RE. During the reoent depression in kusines we laid in Cor rash cheapest an«» beet assorted stock in tho cite, which we are sellini at reasonable prices. New Patent Sola bedsteads which make a aood bed a nixht, suitable for sick room cr offices. COTTAGE and WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS. Straw, Husk, xcolsior and Spring Mattresses. *S-«*arlor uits ll obolsterea in any etrle to suit purchasers. IVINS BROS., 537 N. Second St., above Vine, east aide, febft—I v Philadelphia. Coal ana Wood. E NTERPRISE C O A LI Persan^ who uro tirud of trying to burn slate and dirt 8h->uld K" to ' F o u Tr, WEST AND WATER »STREETS. And buy tho ENTERPRISE COAL, and get ot both. Try it:y you will want no otner. i art I TAI LOR A t O (Successor to Thomas B. Beeson,) Orange Ntreet, below fiixth, (Bright's Alley,) WILMINGTON DEL. WOOD TURNING, Circular and Ornamental Scroll Sawing, UOU.SK brackets, cabinkt TSRS' TURNINGS. NEWELS .BAL USTERS. BALUSTRADE.'.. Stention* ot all Lengths and Sites Bored or Solid.8 CIRCULAR MOULDINGS Turned or Machin Worked, as desirod. Also, Carriage Wheel Hubs furnished at short notice. 9A.WANTED.-~«»ud» Timber suitable for Car* lell-U AND CARI-KN riaira Wheel Hub* EG. W. BUSHaelU b, ben Coal at the lowest market rrieei nfl G Jlry <Boad$, HotiPD, &(. 209 NEW STORE I, 209 SMITH & WEST, Depot 409 MARKRT NTRGGT,* band- umstand co*u staple; W E have now opened a idete line of fancy and DRY (GOODS. ooniprièina all the newest desians and most reli able make«. In our domestic good* we r.avetutl lines ot the lowest rates, and we solicit an eaaui i* nation of our stock generally A SMITH A WEST. •09 Marketstreet. PMil |yl4-l* hit 7 Del. WM. B. SHARP, No. 4 East Third Street, TU» Has opened a full assortment ot NEW AND SEASONABLE DBY GOODS Handsome Dress Fabrics. spleDdiu qualities BLACK SILKSJAPANESE SILKS, Ac, Always on hand a full stock of MOURNING GOODS of the latest style« aud iuo«t reliable makes. A line ot [DOMESTIC. GOODS, At the lowest rate«. WM. B. SHARP I Mo. 4 Eps: Third Ntreel, WILMINGTON. DE 81*t 4 lv OPENING, 33 NEW STYLES OF LADIES' CLOAKS NEW DRESS GOODS, 5 to BLACK and COLORED SILK, SATIN, APAPACA. Moll AIK. FRENCH and IRISH POPLIN. Our Cloak and Dress making Department is der the management of first-class Cutters and Ht ters. un NI. L. LICHTENSTEIN 426 Market Street. Anything to Beal Grant U'Oonni-r accepts. An F.lectoral Ticket w ill be uiado in Delaware. All clubs or individuals iu the Mate are requeue l to address Box 465 Wilming ton. Del. sep£3-deodAwlw L. of and at >Ve as PRICES reduced AT »TRANK'S HOOP SKIRTS, CORSETS. (.»tilin' und Cblldren'8 ruder garuienu MANlll AOTOUV, 511 Market Street. WILMINGTON. augl'i taw Cumber Hards & Wood (Turners. LUMBER YARD. JOHN A. HARRIS, N. E. Corner Front and Tatuall Sts. WILMINGTON. DEL., Is now prepared to sell »11 kind, of Building and Manufacturers' 337 in in a suit LUMBER, Seasoned and ander Cover, At the lowest market rates. Wilmington H«»». IU. 1869-tf NF.W OAMTLE LUMBER YARD. n.« mi ber i r.**r having purchaswat tbs »t.'oX -'t Luaibet of tho lata Oiiariea U LatuLsoa.wiLeoiitifiuathabualt-.Mia *1, lu br*ii''!i?4,hitvlo > '»auda wall «aliter» J ««»oMmeulofsaa«on«>1 Luuiber, .«tiug of White nn« Hoard«, A.u Plauk, ,Vau«* Pino Plauk ' ,'uite Pins y looring, white Pine Hiding. W .It« Pta« Fr»ne8t» U mtucX board«, Ho it' ork Panciug livtnloek Joist«. tleiulock Krame 8tuF* i OakPlaak and H r <t üadarëhlaglaa Cedar Ralls, OadarBeau Pols*, CsUar Boat Board«, Kaue y Palas, 31* faac j Palaa, 4 ft Piekst« l 4feat. il«micck Shlugltng Lath , P okets ,4Wfoat. rftsmlook Vlooriag Oak Vaacs Posts, Yello'» Pint* flooring,* RallsferPiekst fss a Yellow Pius Boards,1 in .* Plastsvlag Laths, I Ysi U*» Pi us Boards ,941a* Arbor tola«. Tallow Pins lfr«me,o •Kroai the Hoc*h. Psrsous iu wsat ot auy of the above kinds ot tuasbar *- YuUl do woll fo enll kiude sold at tho lowest markst rats«, and all comm au Y tiott« stveudod to promptly ■ •ua* W-lv O fe Mkd lhair nkn. All me. • !LI* LAMB* P RIME NEW TIMOTHY SEED. SPINACH. C,bbu,. Jul, and L,ttue, far fall wwia«. Mustard and Celery 3,ad (j^r pwkU^^ot^^ ^ 3mVU Market rtrair ••pi" __ Railroad pitie s. _ Philadelphia, wuimngton ana eaitl more Railroad, TIME TAJil.K. On Leave " " Arr Commençait; MONO If, Ju Depot cornai Broa*i hi. WAY-MAIL TUAIS haltiiooi« 3-1, Ij 7. •i Waniii aiglon .30 A.M.(t>iu : •M.d; su it* Ot'. lta : K Ï . tyiaud Ut Lai 1 J !'* i I >d 1; lull I* U 1 id, \i Leave ui r , L ** " Arr _ Leave EXPkfc T2.V IN' *» M. (■ o< II i i Can j vil *. . n KUf , U A1, *J0 I* (' 1 a y b '*!• low, 1 1 ' t AU s k.Ki I'. 7 li: ii AI riï :} l-ull.i. *'* *4 r - ;o J. K-: n. i I 8< ) '.I.'ialh TV> w K "îi rth-K r« • s i»,-ernf..r b li t.-* 31. Tri» n PMil wu yti's 'iT !: A :: At hit Opliii- at all Su - LEAVh rUli.AUKLl 111 \ 7 OUanl JW dai! I'.M. !h Del. K. U. sot >i i i r i u,.j LEAVE WlI.Ml.Ntri'.N .t . S .1 Iruru .. i m j Haiti I ■ ut ! . ! iro*, \i* ; in : I *. I ' .\ M .,2.i VI. i ^i-ti Cm *P t* Ii TU» Ai V ik HA !. , PH li; M tor . 1,0 •1. 7 l' ■ I » 1- >r 1* \S *■!:, I' ti ii. n p q \v. I» 1 . I. l-K- • , H I, ^1 - 4 P I TtAtljrt K W • w, I Aiii I i v •»» p. : ik: Jl !. i j.. p M TUkUL'tli TKA /.NN rhuM HA1.TI Al'JRK, . 41 LRAVK WlLMiN'tr **n i i.iM, 12 .it) i-.; -, 4J j, 7 j,. p >i , CUF.'lkl. FUR PHILADELPHIA. ' LKA' £ t'H fc.-" i Ll. a i 7 .i 2.41, 4.4I.IA31 ; . : 11.*'- A i : Kroio Ha •:p! H y m*. . i . .■ i «*»- ; Felt § ! i i; M k x 1 Nrou; B nl'ii 1 , .5 AOC'IU. •I* .M ■n lU.l 1 u 1 Cl THAIS *7 i .il 12.ÜÖ WiilUlllglOU ,vl 1J 5.17 f. «. latATr« Ba t • 1 * PA l. TIM' r.F l • "J -. I.i-S V V v [> A Y THAI S F k >M FA I. T l M Bl F» . l'*rl II . r . f 1 Mt. * * - ' K pou. W UK: 5 PEtiNSk IaVANIA RAILROAD. N on da y. Ski* r. 10, WEST PHILADELPHIA. . „ j Depot, Hum-seeond im Market Sts C H Depot. T' rty-tir-t art l Market Sts' nain l.lnc neiiuanl. mruudati' n l.iily, ex ei t Sunday, 0.2o ft.m. and 11.lo .... m.. hi p.u... .'.iu p.m. ! 'N * A FT K Trains lea Trains arr Vaoli Act and P.30 p. u Niagara Kxpre Look l av Sunday, Mail daily Fast Line Harrisburg A Lancaster and Vork A Parkesburg Irai Cincinnati Exp N. ept S ur da.,. 7. Exprt.-s daily, except ' *7, I . COO a.«*. lay, 2 ) p ju 1 'in i;iy 4.1-'pirn- 1 by. ■■■'Up.m. f',' .. ..,)) M v i ■, i. '•i .. li.l - p'tu' . 11 40 p.uj. : nd «: w p.ui. ! turdiy-V I Eli an a. R it Sunday... ie Exp. daily daily, ex-.-eiit i 1 x. daily daily. xee m daily Southern Express 1 uly.. Pacific Exp lai' ' Erie Mail daily Pa.di S Cincinnati Exp. wily t U i Erie Mail Saturday night ru jr Emigrant Expre- 1, daily except Sunday,liege baggage delive day Tram.'.. - be the isbu I) »> W»! 'I" and ] 1 . I .-I be « r i at »pi Market M. oy York Division I.IL \ Express tor N ^ 12.50. 3.t n», 5.50 and 5. Exp re Y or: i II. «1 .. an' bl. for Lor. »:■ E r N - w ^ ristol, 11 Wa .-S t'-r 1 d I K: a u.. Way iraiu f Wav Train t New York f 12.20 night 6.47» p Iron ' ' or »Himes. qlet n, nday Ir. ibert- d< Irai v die and U ay Slut at Tret ! r L eon ne K KNSl NU li'N i. k (•• - r Uolmeshurg A. Hüstlet Wa> Tr.r *i I Express ira 5..'to p m. Way Trains 'or Trenton, ' . 7,00 p m. W ay drain for Bristol. FUR BKL\ IDKR1 I» L\ lsluN Express for Trent ton. Ac.. Way Train to Lamberts ;!1 Express t ton, Ac, 4."" p m. Accom. tor He! lid, : ,nd i'.*".!.,n, MAKKK1 M K :. ! i 1 1 i . K R \ . imiioi Di t York s ia A :| m. 1 4 \\ . oU .»nd tor 1 .»nd 4.'M t Lumber' • ill,-. Ktuti ••run - a m. lVn:,i gf.n.i .• Il-, 1-. »-• - imoda. for N A Way Trains for Trenton noon and 4. ' Accommodation k r New N rk 2.UU p ui. Accom u* 6 - New York \ >a Jersey C Way Tn ■ a Forth Amboy, Burli t • Way Train* lor Bordent Expre ß Train* t r Long 1 » . ,n *li • . p Trui m and 2,4 ■ M ay Tr: Way I' r High M i •t. Long Bra» • ;■ aud lu :cu Mt. 11 in ..r.d p Car 1 u-K. no \v ei appli Mti.' and ut the l>ep '. t " » » rr> - Agent-» -• i the l tin d deliver Bugg ot the fi« V for pt aiteu: 'ard ' ree can also t ..bluiiit 1 at tac p-ii i v . lit streei. TU'Kh l Ol KICKS and at the Depots and 1 A J. CASSATT. <. V ■st I •Cl IN : M *t l al ... .III».. i'ora liumoatoaa in mo West. ES » i twag-gmapar PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. fi. , r* x T O.' 3 fcS LJ K O I .'lU'dt til. I i IVKSTKHN ACCOMMOPATIO.M TIU!N , AND FAST EM ll«HA.N T I.IM., O IX And all p .'.cn in t\e HVs:, >' yorlhttt»:. UTtBS PHOKTE8T ANU BK8T aOfTK.-*ï | If Thialineuft"rd ton*desiring a oh West, and descrv •uch as desire to t Bill passed by the la.-t Ct iigr* Tho Pennsylvania l netting liues, is t»y 1 -7 Chicago anvi other promineu tpl i*also the quickest,cheai prominent plac Passengers are forwarded i Passenger Cat«, furnished w i moveablebacks with such other con comfort of families. Throughtickets a »old toal! i»roniincnt pi aces it I the West, Souths es and Northwest, at am.ut hai i the usual first class fare. Children under five years old as free, and children I petwaan the ages of five and f.»elv« years pay halt L . . .. , ,, Baggagechecked and forwarded by the ametrain 1 with the passengers.. Eighty pounds of baggage car- I ried free to every fuU passenger. The train leaves daily except Sundays, and ticket | must be procure»! and baggage delivered attheottce 1 No. 116 Market street, by 3 o'clock. P. M. j By addressing the undersigned he will forward b return ot mail, freeolcnargc.acirculurcontaininir | complete price '.i; t, a map, a correct (\ py:, Homestead Law, and gi\ e shod other nitormation 1 may be de*i-cd. FRANCIS FUNK, Agent I ofthe » Pennsylvania Railroad Company, .. No. llo Market Street. Philadelphia Philadelphie? «1 une 24. i* i* e*j liai led i nd ■•-i.»' I i» and expediti. i> p particularly the aît t< tbs U *1, J t al ft lit- ll«.'ine?ti a : I lit?» ; an 10 Al i alKa.lL .1 es the sli . t : t r it» t h e W t and Y tu : t and N*rthwest. utortable and hi ishtoned wit{i i .and ator tank 't. uuisite for th ■m All WILMNGTON AND READING R R Spring Arrangement. On and »Wer Monday, AoruI ft, 1S79, Paeaenger Trains will leave Southward as follows I KAINö Nos. 2. .. A.M. P. M. A.M. P.M. Leave Keaning at * 0U 4<*6 10 3.'» * Birdsboro', 7 3.'* 4 36 4 40 Ml 0 " Coatoftvilie, 9*0 " Chadd *F'd, lb 2'* Arr At Wiiui'gton, ll 16 b. 4. 8. «24 b 2U 14o 7 25 7 :iu 3 31 8 16 H 16 4 451 Sunday Train. Leave Coatesvilie 4.00, Chadd's Ford 5.(/» and arrive ui Wilmiugton at O.U) p. m. Trains Leave Northward: TKAIN.S Nos, 1. 3. 6. 7 r , A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. L ve H lli^.ogton a* 0 30 1 46 6 00 10 20 ** Chadd's Ford, 7 25 2 35 b 00 11 67 " Coatesville, 8 20 3 36 7 00 Arr at Birdbcro', 9 £0 6 26 a 46 Reading, 10 20 6 60 Trains 7 and i are mixed or market trains. _ ... Sunday Tea in. Leave \\ ilmington at 8.00, Chxdd's Ford 8.Î5 and arrive ai Coatesville at 10.00 a. in. CONNECTIONS : Ford. Trains Nos. 1. 3, 5,7 and 8 1 40 4 1U 4% At Cbadd's luiu, AianiB nu«. 1, 0,0,7 and 8 connect for Philadelphia, und 5 and 7 with train« I hilade.phia: .Nos.4 and7 connect with trains .. *" . 1 and b with trains lor Iruru Haiti more; and Nos. 1 and b with trains lor j Haiti Lore, No. 5 with train lor Port Deposit. I Lwatesville. trains Nos, 4 and 5connect lor ! Pmlauoiphia. und tiainj Nos. 1, 2 and 3 with trains ! iro*, Hüiiadelphia: at Birdsbore' trains Noï. î ; in : 1 ' fDunect iur Philadelphia, and trains I, 3 ana I *. I r Head idr and North, Last and West. Excursion tickets will be sold for all stations for * northward; this tram will stop aemrers at any public road Sunday tia;n go tor i ossing. n 1C C. STOLZ. General Superintendent DhLAWAHK RAlliBO&S LINK. M'MMKK AKKANGEMEMT. alter MONDAY, July 26^i vSundav h excepted.) Trams Wîl i On •iS7; O a> loll., 'k I H W a Ul>. P'itiençer. A. M. ll.UU 11.16 11.35 il. 50 Mixed. P.M. I Dehnar, I Laurel, i beaf-jru, HriUK*;ville 3 00 3 25 3 55 . 41 >i , Greenwood FariulU^tuC 4 3 0 12.05 4 50 i2.i; 5 05 AM. Mill.r.1, H 4 tun, 12 3» 5 27 ; Felt Canterbury. § Woud-ide. 12 4 '-U f losj r 4" J , Wyomm*. D.:,er. 1 I b I 0 b3 Mourtun 1 Brentord Smyrna, 1 Cl aytun, I4u 6 5 H 1 > 145 7 04 1 4i* H 1 V. a 7 lb bring. 7 24 Bl ».-kb S 4' 1 15 7 54 d. 8 4'. 7 54 f Middletown, 1 Mt. Pleasaut, * KiFkwuod, - ' Rodney, Bear, State Hoad. Coatle, Wilm'gton. arrive 1016 Philadeli»hia,arriveI1.45 P.M. 9 u; 8 13 91 2 11 8 28 3 19J 3 06 8 43 9 Ml 9 40 3 15 9 45 Ä»' N 9 5o 5 33 3 55 9 '25 HSU . „ , Baltimore, arrive «OUTHWard. Pmeenyrr. a.m. Phdadelphi.'., ! Baltimore, 'N ilnj 11 30 P.M. 1 "6 8 10 /'at tender, P.M 5<a> 3 50 P. M. 11 3U 8 3t 2 40 7.30 10 10 lo 30 1035 lv 46 10 50 11 "0 11 lu 11 50 11 4C 11 45 11 56 »2 ÜD 12 li 12 lo 12 li 12 3o 12 40 6 25 k ten 2 55 1 2u N. * ' *7, tu * I Bear, 1 Mt. Pitas«» 1 MiJJletow f',' w JBI»tkbin. '•i '(re«n Sprin,. ei»yton. : Wiuyrnu. (arm. ! Brenlord, I Moorton, 0 46 1. b 5o 7 UO 707 R 7 40 £26 246 nd. 7 60 S 0U 8 Ui 8 In 3.'15 8 2U I) 8 40 er, 4 tO \\yctmng, and Wood «nie. Canterbury, Feltuu. ] Harrington. Milford, Farming ton, Ooü , Bridgeville r*tfat"rd. 8 45 4 1U 12 50 8 56 1 UU 9UU 9 16 4 4U 1 20 V 2: 6 u5 9 4 - 26 6 13 6 32 5 to Ù 15 o 40 Mixed Train will run subject to delays inci t to freight business, and will stop only at na ns w here time is g ■ v en. NEW CAf LE TRAINS. 1 3ft 4.: 2 10 2 2 II d< : ..'fW'' m. ■ xington and Philadei! 'nhia at 12.U0 M. and i - - tor New Castle. • w BR. H TRAINS. «e above, 'cave Smyrna for Ciay d . ./»6 p. m., LeaveClayton for av! a. m., anu 2.t*0 p. m., to make connec ith tr.i.usto and from Dover, and stations e Fb; 4 \\ dm. .»nd Ad iitionai to th ton 11 smy tion th. - _ .CONNECTIONS. At T* NsEND. with the Kent County and Quean Anne s £ »vent Railroads. foN.with the Maryland and Delaware L ail road. At liAKRINGTf'N, with the Junction and Break - r Railroad. LA^RD with the Doreheeter and Delaware • KLM AK. A R A! .... 'ih the Eastern Shore Railr-'-ad \N icotuico and Pocomoke Railroad. H. F. KENNEY. Supt. Short, Quick and Through Route T-J THE ..r.d WEST AND SOUTH! 'ard ' WILMINGTON AND READING R. R. \ IA Co A1 ES VILLE. THRnrau.TICKETS TO AI L PüINTslSOUTB AND WEST. Tn m No 1 leave Wilmington 6..".0 a. with Elmira Eiprees. mi No. leaves Wilmington 5 p, m. Connecte it.nau Express. keb through. barge tor transfer ot Itaggege at Coatesrille. lutormaiioi, as to routo and rates apply at ... 1* legraph office. No. 2 WestSd street, or O I »t A H. Depot. Iront and Madison. til. I m. Con i t ect : with Dag , | BAL SPECIAL' NOTICE. "It m l alter WEDNESDAY, Uetober ISth, 1»71. h t s... enger car will he attached to the might m leaving Phila.ieh.hia at 'J.iXi p. m.. lor Wil li. ngton. go e N for If !> C. STOLZ, Gea i Sup't W.i . . R. R it I hai i I Passenger* booked to and from any Hallway 8ta halt- tion or Seaport In Grant Britain, Ireland. Nay« way. Sweden. Denmark. Germany. France. Hol 1 lard. Belgium, and the United State«, car- I Cabin fare from NEW YORK to LONDON, LIV ER POOL, GLASGOW and DERRY by Wedaw ticket | day' Steamers 9*0 By Saturday*« steamer« MA 1 and 975. j EXCURSION TICKETS, • 199. b INTERMEDIATE, feS*, STE&RAGR. ftUft. I | navable in Currency. Parties sending fo'' their friend« in th« OldOau 1 try can purchase ticket« at lawtst ra I ther particular« 'apply to th« Agent t SON BR0THEP.S, 7 Bowli ng C aen l SAMÜkLY. anS-lywsw al a I t the train will «top at Mation« a* follow«, when s. g nailed : Gray * rerry, 9,12 p. m. Latarett^V.* ; p.ui*; Chester, 9.41 p. m; Lamokin. 9.45 p. m; Tkur an i , w ..40 u<; Lin wood, 9.55 y. iu: Claymont. 10.01 Al i »'• UJ : EUcrolic, io.Io m. ariive Wilmington, 10^0 'ftctaul li. F. KENNET. «Vu hi I* wit{i i .and REDUCTION in PAS8AOE RATE8 th ANCHOR LINE NT EAR ERA Sail, ktiiy M kdnksdat and Satub \ DAY. ft: Sow M