Newspaper Page Text
* ft, (",'■^94 * « .4 ✓ & It ♦ alette. £ * * Oli. LXXXII.-yp . 170. |AILY GAZETTE. DEL m WEDNESDAY, OCT. 10, 1872. PKICE 1 CENT. the PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ! OARINC BANK |AILY GAZETTE. I Btatad Democratic Meetings. Cily Executive Committee meets e»ery Mon *SÊ evening, et g o'clock. O»** A Brown Campaign Club STTTueadsv evening, at 8 o'clock. Herman Democratic Cluli ■May evening, at 8 o'clock. ■»raorratic Anocialion of Wilmington meets mm Friday evening, at 8 o'ulock. americii» Club meet* every Wednesday even IMMorrow'« building, ail Market »treed, ^»mocrutic Pioneer Club mois every Wednes Mnvouiug at 4<U West Front street. meets ev meet« every Wed B* R* Hunter on the Flnan* cial Policy. rc ply to a letter mbliessed by tlm chairinan of MNational Democratic Commit tue, A.'Schell, to ^ I*. Hunter, of Vu. f askiug hi« opinion Wlku prusent iiiiancial policy of tlio country, Mr. Später replies at length. Wu quote tlm follow M» which will no doubt meet tlio approbation of M KtoAt mass of voters throughout tho couutrv: • »When tho wnr closed tliey had an ensy tusk. - H was not to impose new taxes, always a work ol ■owre difficulty, but to reduce the old, which ought MM to have been troublesome when they had a r plo, as was their case, not only able hut willing pay whatever was fairly required by their Uovernment. Under such circumstances the true policy would seem to have been to impose whut •ter taxes were necessary to pay the proper ex ponses of tho Government, tho iuterest upon the ■Otions! debt, aud a little of the principal, so ns to ■lointain the public credit firm and unimpaired. Td have gone beyond and retain taxe« enough to poy, iu addition to all this, lur^o an o ints of the poblic debt would seem to have been unuecesury, wot to way cruel. A people worried and drained gr tho expenses of such a war ought not to have ooen further exhausted by being required to make Mfgu payments, which they could have done so auch better lifteen or twenty years hence, and *Hnch were neither required nor desired by the public creditor. No nation of respectuble tinun eiul authority has ever set such au example; and ■O good reason, as it seems to me. can bo alleged tor the course. The very use of public credit is to e nable a nation to raise what unexpected MBttcies may require by loan; and, when the M too large to be met by immediate taxation, to ■Hide the payment with posterity, who share in tne benefits. To impose the whole burdeu, or any ■pn siderable portion of the whole burden, upon the ■resent generation seems never to have been •ought of, except by our Radical legislator». In great Irritant, whose example iu mutters oi finance Mcstoomed the highest nmong nations, tli« unie. ■ec is, when their system of revenue produce» a Mrplus, instead of employing tiiat to pay off a •t>t, whose payment is not desired by the credi tor, to remit some tax which is supposed to be P 0 OU| the muât onerous. Thu is uuder the very »oaonablo theory that money left in the hands of •e people will increase at more than an arith •eticat ratio, aud that they will thus become aide to pay the debt sooner, in reality, than it they ■ere to attempt to pay it in considerable portiuus at once. Who can doubt the present ability of that king *° P»y double the amount of national lebt as compared with what it could bave done, iven at the death of Ueorge IV. '< The late Thomas !sWiug,of Ohio, a man of distinguished ability and arge experience, told me that when Ohio made its Irst large leap in the internal improvement system he nuanciere of the State became alarmed for the ousequencea, aud consulted him as to what wob •e«t to be done. He told them to dismiss their ears, to lay taxes enough to pay the necessary ex •enses of the Government, the iuterest of the pub ic debt and a little of the principal. This, heeaid, rould preserve their public créait, inspired couti luuoe, and enable their government to go on muothly until the recources of their people out |rew their State debt. This advice, he said, ~ „ cllo wed, aud the people soon developed a capacity lo pay much more than they owed, without diffi lUlty or suffering. Our natiouol debt is large, to be sure, but our Mople will soou develop the capacity to pay it vithout difficulty, if a little time be given aud the evenue system shall be modified upon Home reu ouable principle of tiuauce. We are now sup posed to be 40,000,000 of people ; iu thirty or forty •rears we shall probably double that number, aud >ur resources will doubtless increase in more than • direct ratio to the population. Why, then, should he people be burdeued with oppressive taxation ust now '1 Why should they bo expected to re ileern 160,000,000 of the pnunpal of the debt in additional te the interest and the necessary expen ds of the Government ? It is not required either l»y the demands of the public créditer or sound policy. Ugratifies a ridiculous vanity of the liad leal party, but subserves no great public interest *BUS to tax and oppress the people. If this large * ïwFenue had been raised upou true tiuaucial prin ciples, so as to burden the |>eople as little as might be necessary to collect hucIi a sum, there might uuve been a little morereasou for the strange self aatisfaction ; but a more bungling, oppressing sys tem of tiuauce has probably never heeu devised by » civilized people. Well might Mr. Wells say iu K ills report of 18ÙD. "The maintenance of an average uty of 47 per cent, os uuder the existing tariff, pou all dutiable imports, is excessive aud iiitucc essary, and opposed alike to the highest interests <u cmxatiou aud humanity, as well as to the proper Wid healthy growth of all domestic commerce aud ludustry." omer suin was ^ A very pretty sUte of affairs exists in North I'oroltna. The Democrats there liavo indu Wtable proof of U,000 fraudulent votes polled •y Uto Radical managers at the election in kugust last, and to preveut tlio Legislature, [roiu throwing out the ballots, which would give the State Government to the opposition, the Administration Is menacing all sorts of terrible things. The lialeigli titiitiiul wa s j and still I»—for tho attempt at Its destruction happily failed— urging the Legislature to do Dts duty on assembling, and in revenge some I scroundrel partisan sought to blow the office up, as not long since other partisans atteiup. ted the assassination of the editor by tiring a load of slugs at him through tlio window of his dwelling. Th* Rtlgn of Terror In Ark*na**j Memphis, October 15—▲ feverish state of ezeitemeat still exists in Osceola, Ark., and manv of the citiiens are fleeing with their fami lies In amidpeUan of another attack from the negro«. No further blood shed is reported.— The whites of the village are slill under arms, »id all approach« are guarded. Boone of prisoners have been captured, and the jail is crowded. The citizens are shipping heir familiw and goods lo places of safety. Senator Morton has been able for the first time for yean to make, duriog L campaign In Indiana, one or two speeches «landing on his feet, nnd has so far recovered 4jM*e nan of his limps that he la engaged to ■Mk* four campaign speech« In Illinois. the recent the PEOPLE'S COLUMN. [V*BT BBIKV I.KTTKES OLAPI.Y COMMUNICATION'S WIM. NOT ABB IN No WISH KKHi'OXSIltr.K OP COBBV.SPONDKKT*.] ! REOKIYKI). BK PRINTED. FOR THE VIEWS Loxo We I I I For the llarctte. Mb. Editor : —The publishers of Iho Truth T, 1er would say that they had nothing to do will, the announcement in the city papers that M .lohn O Byrne would speak at the me. tin" Friday evening mat, in the Town H.dl. \Vhat they dittany in their own paper was based on the remarks et Mr. OTlyrue nt tile County Coiiven'i..,, at New Castle, where in Ins speech, after reading them out of the llemncratie party, lie said: *-I regret that the custom here is not, ns in > place», for opposing parties to meet platform to dismiss the |»,lilicd issues oi the tunes. On the drength of the remark they sim ply announced that an opportunity would he giv en him tor discussion: which offer lla v and it he does not accept of it he liavo changed ins mind, who will speak on the occasion, would lie ■ orabln opponent on any subject. Hut perhaps the late elections, and r more mature consideration of the sayings and doings of Ins favorite candidate have led him to conclude tint "discretion is tlio «■otter part ot valor." t il i of me the same a a „ it al1 I * ron»»w, rtainly must Mr. ('. rhntniey Durr, h<m • Tho Nathan Murdor Jnnir» Kelley. ctiiitiHial 1,1 gtlii» |h'hitcnti:iry irt Na»liville, ha» itraih' a L*onfu»»ion .if hi» ■leitinn with l'orreRlur (ol Nallian»' mtinlur iiolorirly) anil others in the SchooU r diamonil rohlnry at New Orkan» in 1871. Hu say» lire robhury was planned hy Forrester,Frank Daine, who is now in jail nt Jersey Cily; and David Ciirnmins, and that in order to' draw o(l' the I Milice they hired men lo set lire to the »tenin Isials at the landintt. destroyed, and ilurinp the contlayralion the the robbery took place, '100,01)0 worth of dia mond» being seen red. The Banished Prince. Paws, Oct. l.V— M. Koalier has made nppeal to the Permanent Coinmissisn of the Assembly in behalf of Prince Napoleon, The Prince proposes lo prosecute the Minister of the Interior for expelling him from France without authority of law. The Prince and Princess have left Geneva for Milan. Unfortunato Grantites. Fort Scott, K.u.-a», Oct It—At a Repute., can demonstration Imre Stone, a boy ton yours of ; premature disc barge of a H'Krî*» R»»d Nat. Margrave, the gumicu, vvt shockingly burned and lacerated about the m and arms. con Seven sien mers were t an on Saturday Chatks e, was killed by .• i|iu*iii, ami Ncl.-.iii I. Maryland Coal yon I'ennkylvania It is learned that a number of manufacturers in burg, Pa., uml vicinity are about inau movement to secure for their establishments locality named a supply of Cumberh proposed Hancock, in this State. gurating ; the I coal by a route, viz., via Hagerstown ami The Cutuberlund Valley railroad already connects Harrisburg w ith Hagers town. The persons referred to have proposed to President Gam tt of ttie I road, to timid a road In lie >altiinore and Ohio rail Hagerstown to Hanco k if Mr. Garrett will permit the ''onnection und will agree to afford facilities for running coal from Maryland fields to tin.* objective points alluded to by us. Murdkrkd iiy Indians —Iu Arizona, on the 13th ultimo, Sergeant Stewart, Corporal William Nation, and privates Pd ward Carr and John Walsh were killed by Indians, (hi the Oth inst. a biunl < t Apaehi near 1 use T wo of th« miners : Arizona are h: attacked a party of miners, arried off all their animals. î missing. The Indians m l to be unued with the best kind of breech-'oading guns and fix* d Htnmiiniti . ■IL». . '"V "':»• •*' I clock Monday morning that u severe suow-storm. 1 here inches of sin»w u|**>n tl work had been »uspended on. Svow ON t UK. Alli-hanies. Snow tell on Mon day night tf> tin* depth *»t three legany regt« ms tor i di t: miles, ft Piedmont. Tho Cumherl; Somerset, l*i place wa^ visted 1 were hess in the Al i :iI h> nt thirty-live 'heat, nvt i to ten miles east ot l Ne tl. ! tel ground, ami The Noutii i'abolina Klkction Pkai da T he New York World's K ileigh ^N. C.,) dispateh says that tho Democratic State Comnntteo and some of Iho principal part Ufa in Hie defeated inter est have, after a consultation, the present giving notice of : tost tho State election before the Legislatur»*. The dispatch says that heavy frauds have been discov ered. decnletl to dtd'er lor intention to c< Uaimcai. Kkyort to Cariiv New Yohk ani> ViuuiNiA.—The itiiltiinun* Siiu'm Wash ington eorri'siumih'nt,writingnn Sunday, says; Accorilim; to tin* uiulorstamlinff in ailiniiiis tration |MiliU-al uirrlos, tho piosonl profframmo is to ninko every effort to earry the Stati's of New York and Virginia. Allusion lias horn made heretofore in those dispatches to what is to be accomplished in New Volk. Speakers are also to bo sent to Virginia and every othet nppliauee used to secure the electoral vote of that State for tho Grant and Wilson ticket Commissioner of Internal Revenue Doublas who returned only yesterday, leaves at once to speak iu the campaign there, and will In* followed hy others of move prominence. A proposition has peen made to have the Rep ublican candidate for Vico-l'resideiit stump Virginia and Maryland. Secretary Delate left for New York last evening. A New Featpue in l'ot.mcs — Charles O'Conor, James E. Mott, Wheeler II. I'eek liam and Joseph Cluiate, differing politically, published a long card in the New York papers voluntccriii); their services as a sort of adviso ry board to secure honest assemblymen, and inviting confidential information concerniu« the candidates put in tlio lield. When both candidates are morally unexceptlonably they will make no recommendation, hut iu oth< r eases they will make public, over their own signatures, the result of their investigation. in s a The Pennsylvania Coal Tu a ns.—The total productions of all kinds of coal for the week was 499,511 Ions, and for the lt>,950,t'>4.'! tons, against 12,814,196 tons to com spending time last year, allowing an increase of 4,156,547 tons. Vessels are reported scarce and in demand.— Tlie coal (rade is reported steady, under a pret ty full supply of orders.—P hila. Lkix;kk. Assassination in Roston. —At 9 o'clock P M., Sunday, Charles Lane of the tirm of Lane À Co-, wool dealers in lloston, residing on Hancock at., Dorchester district, heard Ills door bell ring and went to answer it, when lie was immediate ly shot in the slalomait by a man outside, lie died Monday morning. At Uuffalo, Mrs. Chapman and Mrs. Clta/e leite, widows ef a» engineer and fireman kit led on the Erie Railway through the negli gence of a train despatener, have recovered 15000 each against the railroad company. of m ! OARINC BANK ROBBERY! r. RUT AT, TREATMENT OF THE CASHIER ANII lit. FAMILY.-OVER FtOO.OOO S POLEN . I The Albany ami Troy papers furnish further I particulars of the it inng robbery of the Saratoga I .ou ni y It mk at Waterford, N.Y, yesterday morning Mr. V. Huevoiihurgh, the cashier, und Tiipicil oiio of tho chain livra in tlio aec °iul sti»ry ui tlio bank buiidiii'', wlnlo on the name : ciianibo Ins wifo il r wi'i '-.Hipind respectively by bin daughters Sarah and M iry, Ins liltl» hoy lieing m the room with the latter. The family were all ■l unconscious of tho :mpeu<ling danger, an instant and aimultu/ieously the doors fooiiiH were burst in, anil confronting tho utirighted occupants wi re armed and masked inen, who commanded them to silenco on pain of death. I oo frightened to give tho alarm, the/ laut •dill ami suffered theiimol /us tobe Iwun.l an«i Rag The children wi re removed to tho room of 'nt?*, and then ordered to remain quiet, i he binding aud^air^in^ process in every instance was don*) with shcctd from the bed", torn in striiii d twisted. When all this Van II asleep i when of the thr ff»-**l the r was aecompli.ihed, •nburg's bonds were unloosed ftom his low er 1 irnbs, and he was forced to march down and uiiiociv Hi*) door leading into the bank, one on each 9i*f' with a pistol at his head and anothir with a dagi't i it his hack. 1' they iorceil !iim through the ill rectors* room t« the door of the vault, which tie y « .mni:inde«l him to open. In performing this operation ho delayed as long as possible, in the hop.: that some of his family might possibly free tboinselvcs from their bonds and give the alarm, le twithstamling the repeated comma mis ot the villains. At length, tearing tor his life, be com plied with their demand, and tho vault door flew Op* ii. 1 hree stood guard over him while the m under entered and proceeded to ransack it of its contents. Iu the vault were deposited a number ot hexes, pho ed there for safe keeping by the wealthy latinités in the village, containing, it ises tirnab'd, money, government and railroad bonds, valuable deeds aud other documents, valuables ol • v ry description, variously estimated to amount to m Ÿ2Ô0.0UO to 4:500,000 or perhaps more, as our r* porter was informed by Vice President Dough All these they carried off, together with be l ten tbousun«! dollars. Atter tak ing all they desired they escorted Mr. Iloevenburgh back up stairs, and again binding his limbs, pro C« e le» l t» * search the house for money, securing about 41,000, which they took, leaving the family their jewelry and watches. The robbers then departed with their plunder. A lew minutes afterward one of the cashier's ghters managed to secure her own freedom.— Siic proceeded to extricate her father, who directly ilt'Tward opened a street door and tired two shots The noise aroused the villagers, wh the bank, too pie tune to hear the stnrv ot the robbery. '• •lid-; ami stocks were all deposited in Die risk of the owners, ami the loss consequently falls upon re t con eight .1: .• ! i • nil his revolver. ide by the weapon soon gathered around lato to secure tlio thieve«, but in am The I. is private parties. ; lu liait imon», a miinbor of loading clothing lu »uses have issue*. I a circular pledging tlieni ->el vos to discharge sucli of their cutters >liall not witlnliaw from the "Order of the Sons ot Adam." Tin* cutters heid a meeting on Monday afternoon, unanimously rejected the demand of their emoloyers.and withdrew Imin the shops in which tliey were employed. I hey have received a communication from the * Son> of Adam" of Philadelphia, approving I heir action, and promising them assistance. a to as k to Tiik Mdsind ('onduessman.—T he ffon. d'din \ . Gicelev is the member of Congn I roru the seeonil district of Philadelphia, Pu-, who reported as missing.umi his absence attributed fo |iroli-s.-ional defalcations. H is m PROCLAMATION ! lo Hie 1 « 1 er« ot X«*w ( >»Mle i oiiiiij. y*. that i. JAMILS A RM>TIU»Nll, Sheriff t New Cast lo count y in 'he State of by A' t »»t the General Assembly of said I provided, do hereby proclaim and o the legal voters of New Ca-tle . iin> aforesaid, that an Election will b« held II l-^D.V \ . th«* f»th d iy ol November nr*. •*' I „„I hul.liBB id ,1..,; hundreds», f '.«-tie K » irtue *tt an State, mailt* : in.iko kn«. ot . at the everal b*t< within New d « led I iinty. tor tho election of lor Representative in C.»ngress ; sheriff, and d On : "m* i '»ti '»lo* i for ('■ t Ne artd 'jstle Conn t v : in the Defle I" al f - far K >« a 1 1 v os i Mat«- ot Delaware, Hv of D ns fo • f.r a huiHred. b* himdr»*d. : nil As Ki \. I »II..W 4 Kris i i. d , , '«nuinissionerd, as •randywine hundred. • •r Wilmingt !>< •irt f.»f hundred. . «. . . . for Peneader •I \MKS ARMS'! RoNO. • riir of New Past le county. dt:-'awAw lor t..- \'. ! hund • •• I Sh Castle. t- !•'.. INVESTMENT of is of In* A r SECURITIES. The \ .i tlii*r l*;i«*ifl»* R.iilr" i l C .inpany, throug! l.i \gi*nts. i® m *w .««*llin::. at pur un«l a»* 5uib»ia it • i ciimploting th** construction an»l •ugh in • I i Fir-1 Mort is. or tin* p -• i il 1 1 >ni «*ii t "I ' line «if lt *a,L Aller th l these securities • n estigatioii. profiiabh* i l safe r. Th«» lion l - have the h.llowi LEADING FEATURES : 1. The i -iio is limite.l to fsi.ODO per mile of rond. payable in Hold thirty years, ami the interest (at «•* of Jay l.'-"«ke »V ('«».. New York.) I July. L\ The Principal and lnt -the I lie 15 king II ally, first of Jauuary ; -cun 5. The rate of Tnt nil in — e*iual, at the present s' j per c 1 The Ii »ml« are issued «ff* the following denomi nation«: (.'"ii P«*». Sic», f»*. » ) an l SlUOU; Registered, $10u. $',(*H>. $'*.«1)U and 110,00». «t i; Lid per cent, per : "Id premium, to a bo u .in legal tender eurreney. I'll * -eini-annual interest l«i cheek-. «»■ t!ie Ziep i% te re, I ffularty by mai / of the holder. Permanent advised to pu re huso the Registere«! is. both as a protection against loss, theft an«l lire, and for the greater convenience in collecting the interest. The Registere«! Bonds can ho at uny time exchanged lor Coupon, und the Coupon for Registere«!. without expense to the owner. Bonds i paid by Ur to the i>o*t f tlire 15 JNO. McLEAR & SON, BANKERS, «os market street. P À .®ep. ?lunibrr$ and (bas fitters. LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! M oney «fed i.® money earnedne When to a g«*od iutvantage lure d. But how ro do it some may v»y The m«t«le i.® simple mud thin thwxy.. At No. l' 15 West Fourth street will find a gas burner that i*>omplc; It burn.® less gas than any other. Anff rivals it has not another. It needs no argument to show That tiillespic .k Jackson is the place to To buy gus -fixtures, burners and globe. With winch their shop 1 « plentifully «towed. P. S.—Call soon, examine and (»©'convinced that our prices are ns low as the lowest. OlLLESPIE k JACKSON. 215 WmI Fourth itretl 'i ■»TlO-tim WATER I)i:i'AUT.M 10 NT. Chief Knoinkeic'h Ofi No. in. o Market direct 'srANi.sR. "h.minutov, Dei... Oct. 1\ 1 !,? r f x ? , w , atcr Renters. All pcrsmu.'who Iiuvp «>id .p.i .-tv .lur m- ii,« Prient yt nr nnyt *ivo notice in « r.iir" t„Jh'*R© -F ■ t h'. au I. .1 V v ' n i ' V ' ' tl,0 1 ' Va V r . Ir<*|,uriimnt, t , in* «oni «i .1 > «•( V vcmbcr, 1S7J. :•..<! ■ V,''"l5 8 n, T "fills mir.-lm-.r ait I t u ,.|,. r ,.f rnjl'crty pnrchiur-d, iffherwi.-f* r! cy wi'I » * Imhlo tor water rent next year. " wb" may wish tu discnntihuo the *!W? rl lt,mu * t Fire notice ♦ 2.00 lor drawing lerrule. above *lïte. t,ün ' wlü be maJe ia :xt y bil1 ^ter the A new assessment of properties u-ing the H- m ;&.7lTe^ Vin,t .'' e ' n »'* Ä. bill pieteii, ail persons interested ;»rf* invito«! to c ill und otTl'i 1 ?„' h n a * m '- FRANK AÜ TÀYLOK. , ; tn u Rrai-tràr. I* R Sc P h°?^2rn°i r tS?e. 001 D ° SkS and at KtiueaTi*»/" J ° Ct *° ,he 81 prnval , ' 1 ,h " Ho.t-tl Aitlresi citiicr of the un.lcr-idnc.l RuHJin« " tu " tec - n.H. M IXT.Rff JN'O. II. mooki: netlnht WM. II. HKIFFIV Commercial an,l Every Evenin* » X. ) Aid A ' Also, .11 j.r rs'irid use «•! water, >r above, ana hoy A *'• !l!' 1. a its ol of land • um i»y - l>HOrOHA.M 1*0K IlfcATliKH k. fhe undersigned will receive l» r , IGaier» f..r the new Sch.,.,1 II.. \,î. 1 4 ' n *J. iluiinxton. Said i*ropo?nl* are Fulj- et t • ni> ». I hy the Board of Education of W .I'ninirt'-n II. ti. McINTIKE. ' ■f »I. MooRK WM. II. liRl I'FI.V. Building Committee. a octl*3-6t S TKA\ KD away from the subscriber near Mure s Corner, about ih.* P*th ot Oct »her. a light red or yellow Cow — Any in f<>r inn ti' n relative to ir will i»,. If than'-* fully re*'oiv* l by EDWAKDA - i . i octlfl 2t»lw2t* removed from N >. *• Ka.t ih -* \ »O West street, where I will l.o plea-'cd to .e '•eivo ail my friends and patron-. for n . a •u UM. W.THuMA". M. I». - J59 WANTFD »>>., r M 9 a valuable Farm in thi .-ouniy. at lawful interest. CHAS. B. LORE. ... . Office 702Market street. » ,r - H ilmio gto . Del. ^VOTICE.—CITIZENS LOAN ASS0CC \ . A .'ON.—A 3peci 1 meeting ot the Mockhold fw " f J he Litizens Loan Association will he held in the «m co ot the Secretary. No. .'in.* Market strei t on F riday evening. October 1 «. at 7!^«»'c|o.'k. to tvko action < n prop, sed amendmento to th" Law ,, O KO. C. M A KI.>, Sec'y, octll tm g.igc ■i Apply t- VruTICK.. X«* lhoUilmingt ' •*• i it and Rea ling Railroad U»»i mi leted arrangement- to carry M*»u and ht press Matt •any hav *acki: •n the line of th ■ I from al! point -ter. to ; I W Ci roai Express matter sent to Frmklin i'elegraph *»iH-e. No. i »V est thirl street and Madison. K the the Depot. 1 orders left with Mc.Mull« -j receive prompt . P. ST' »!,'/. Den I Sur't W. A U. R. K t A Seal delivering agent®, will . as iv tf for ßale ana for Kcut. IT^OK N.%l.fV —Dwelling No. l.i *8 .l,.*f. , - j X 1 son street, for sale. Lot mo i, e ; iront " and s.i jeep l'osses.-i. n ••mnediat*' Apply to JOHN A. M V Kits oct 1*5 hi* •II S'IL who pOR H ! M ill sell cheap, fur w <y of light bay Horses. (T?V'>rsinglw. Work. 1 ■'* 4 liPiuiru o; i b W ill diiv where. doubl.; ! : * i'll ANDLKK. " lliuilu'ti.u. Del. Rio wtf I OT FOR SALE 1 à »nxliit. Price : '.o h street. er Thir l a P-. i. •»■? hr id if by said and \||*!> »t F re • pOR SALE. PKSIUADL!: BI'SINL - - .-I'AM». Si Thi'r"". 111 . undersigned, i«- •?. offers at P aid*. dire the i ale I ic d ' i: Vi i i -i - treet, w h m l TRI M M I \'«i I: ha io - a -i DRV ijonDS lulled hy M. v S. pro ducted. This is to eng.ur d. e-dulD opening :-r estahli he Apply -n th** preini u.inghur-t A Cm., e* r .set-Jo it I'd ! i I f ' patr..n; MRS. m. i; ri:lt or t'. / .lam.- Rdr. f F. i t oixth as I Mail». tree!-. f.»f pOR SALE. V A small 1 ubiilar St**. hor*e power, -uilal.le f»*r tor heating purposes, pi lice. "I Holler, .al- .t th lriv ing a -mall *■ t:i i'»' T'«n. Apply at tli •f Il t D KLAWARK AVKNl k L «»!' F«»U S.\L".-I II feet Iront. Apply at this .,rii. ,* ! poll SALE. Dwelling ILmso. No. A'.J Marker street. - V J feet lr*»nf, th King street. P-* tt?r l«*t running through r (h*t»»hcr *.® f . lv'. EDWARD LETTS. \ I. ER ED NET l in • iit*ml7 a* I^'»U SALK—a Lot 1- » ost Filth street, bet we Erankl uutr***tn. A is. hutnlrcl feet tr*.: Vi: 15 Iv wt this offre. F' TIIKEK DESIRAItr.i: IH'II.DTNi» 1.0TS : an Jackson street, between Sixth un«l Seventh. 1 C. I*. JO 11 N ."V (at «rnt. " F OR RENT—Rooms in the soeond «t. Darette building, 4U> Market street, .-uliable •.f ihe u for offices. • * ■ \ ! 1 FOR RENT. ■k The subscriber offer® for rent hi® Store HI Sian»l opposite the National Hotel, Middle» is there «•r Deal I / an«l uny for i town. Del. One «>f ns good st in is in the State for the Omni. Li 1« i husinen® Will close out the Stock on reasonable term®. Possession given immediately. A. T. BRADLEY. Mid I ietown. Del. inay25-dAw $itnation$ and fifty Wantrd. (Advertisement.® of three linea nre inserted under th * head twice far 25 cent?.) \1TANTED-Ry a »tout, hearty young man. f ▼ ageti !H, ;» .«ituation in which he «»an make hiinüclf useful. Apply at '»15 West Sixth street. tffrgt* _ \1LT ANTE D A man to 9ellgo«>ds out of a f f on commiiwion. Reference required. Apply at 2"3 Market street, Wilmington. Del. oet!5-2t _ \tTAN TED—A »COMPOSITOR. XT A pply at this office. 'yy* ANTED-A Boy. Apply wagon r at TUIS OFFICE. 'I'UBKISH BATH. No. 31« MARKET STRKF.T. OPEN FOK OEI.TLEMEN ON Monliiv». )Vodn«»lay». rhur»,t»r >n,l Suturdsx from 1» A. M.. to U P. M. IFOR LAD1RS EXCLUSIVELY KVA. M_ . TecfJavr aaJ Frifa vt-tr tetP.M public Snlrs. 12 BUILDING LOTS at pi nuc mi.E. Aid l.o , 1.1 ;l t I'uhlic riale, on tho premises. Saturday, October 19. 1872, A ' 1 ••••':r^ l 'V"i' 1,11 *- iiuilJiuK Lou front V ; ' " ",'• 1 -'carte» thoolrv ' '["'J 1 " 1 1 ' " I"«» are high and beautiful i'lui.lo.o i ' lae large iiiansnm house ot l*hili|. "'un, T Hva r • Ho Aim. lloce 1,1 • '» bo sold tur whatever they will IM )' term®. 'H i h E A M ILL Eu/au Jt'îî BHW,,T 'Ä oo irmc, <• A VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE, Containing 198 Acres, > ,| in New L'ostle Hundred, on the t n 1 » ! Ultf ^ ro,l i Cattle to Wilming on. Delaware, about four miles from the tonner and->ne mile from the latter. Tho 1 r quality and in *'• !l!' land i< ot • ultivat truix. m Fruit T * ur: n « § £, , state of A pple Orchard «»f the finest in tall learinjr, besides a number ot other t tio* various kinds. Tho improve I'Xt.n.ive ill,.I cnnifilete. Tho Muhmob 1 ,r ' r '* iinii -uh-tantinl. oontaininx ]u larve 1 I» ,i !• runip Kitehen attacherj, with r " Ml aboro. fho Barn 13 lai feet lune, •arnre lur tun 3 ,,| hay, an.J "tabling tor ti.-a-t ■■ t - 1 -, ■ k. 1 lie i.ranary 13 largo anj . ti. with r.>rn mb» una rarriago huu-o at U "0 and oihcr uutbuiliing», which ha» been - t bri* .ni h a bout U'r Ti.. • 1 ; '•re? of thi? farm on . . I'riimo Dwelling '.axis, with'ali ne" a to odd nur-, row cultivated r * vo j, cr ttnnum. i r raiuo Tenement Huu^c.- 1 , suitable î *d farm l ands. I a N s a truck jrar ien ■iHinz !•• \ for th ii ituation "f this larm i «te. having . • ■ne of the finest in ^»fendre view of the Dela r rivi. r. t .i*' * itj ot \\ llimngton ami the adjacent n U |h . f' r. " r 'i ,r, ' i' 1 , r ' u,,1 her of fine building «itei . , ,'i ' 'I ; * M 1 1 he conveniently divided into a uutuiier ot small farms. rare opp.-rtunity f..r capitalists to invest 1 m the vicinity ,.t Wilmington is mg in value. -d ! l.v the day of Oct her. it will be -old at I'ufdic -ale on th, i hi : rapidly inci It n . lay. 011 the premises, at - '■'•dock. p. in. ■i *y 'o suit purchasers. ."«.LI. a MILLER. • Market street, xt-r, . r Wilmington Del. ^ * " ILLIAM H. LAMBS0N. pi.— i. in. j-dtaw ii w un the premises. M.-k" ipidi N ». "r ADMINISTRATRIX'S SALE. tr< Ly virtue .1 .ourt of the "t. New LVtle *••» tcifiher, A. D. I an "rdcr of the Orphans' •d Delawaeo, in aud t . made the *1 day of Sep will ho exposed Cl Ui -ale, Iu*-. at I hi* house . t Patrick 0*D».n ' b. i I" I tire«*ii lrec/'in'.»th Ward, in thecitv •*• \\ tliuiiigtou. on SAT I KDAY.tho Unh day til " 1 ,1,er ' A 1 V 7 * 'f : o'el .'k. aitern.M n. thefol i -wing u-crdv.l Lands mid Tenements, beings I fc.-' it« ot i h<* late George \\ . Mou.-ehy, de • itred t ) be sold lor the it 1'ubit" Ve ■ he K mu 'Dent ••! hi- *i*• D ? « N ■ 1. Situated iu - tli * Dell F: !' 15 r bwinc hundred, known *nd •- tod-tine 't the l< lhiwing rir*»t All that true- of Und bounded n the ea.-t by land late ••! W u . Lnght. <• fj"' Fuiicurd Turnpike r* ad. mi the y-uth by . Hid !.ue <»t Ren ,i in in Lrnderunui. in-w *•» J*diu *' • D'ii . and on t e n. i th hy land lormerly ot lter V coüiput ition thirly 1 — All that ih« south Val!*'y turnpike deseribed lra»'l thence •tv. ■ 1-perches rly belonging !*• ir Die «ol hall t I. i I a .d » ire: -t" de ■ r ilic \\ il: t • Il •r lor the ih. uth .1 er f t l ui I b Mm i Si* If y ; th e llh tDO é; ! .i» lie il M I. th* h • degr*'e .-outh .-ni ad 1' deg ) th.* t I i"C ..t beginning west >-> d-ie t -aid r* ad t! ! : th h * l'.pe hes •'• ntuiumg • ixty-äight fP'.o t I II I. hi* So.-2 All thaï le r ! t marsh, Mtu.ite in the *tU Ward, *>r lute Ltliuit, iie. cased, I*» t i» • t Willi, I" D• I »• l hv I. I t \V : : :, • »y I » ; . I and ' r I« Ac • Mi tl n I ; . , . * f Un 1. with »* in the s fol • -*ut lu rly side of ■ 1 Ma li-M.i streets. •ec P Hue the " • ualed ;• Id.-Mibetl at « t "i; t Vi * t • d. Ii three inches Ir 11 It •i then I* ! to -Idler • tive ted t»> -terly p irallf l to Sixth street r; theuco seventy Sixth street and t* i ly -i \ lee ii and u .juarter led ...m - I*.- th * cuntenr® what street ;.i"ri"c i t i , 1er t lift ! i I .1 d I F. i t i,* itd I Id -ubicct to the he . id ... be trad# of la "I \ f t » II b.* _• î v »mi and terms . t'-aii made \ in.ii.;- irair.\ . or by h r Atl».rna>', HAP.!. !. \ :t liKN i R. PSTICK. Clerk **i Orphans' Court. able No w bat IS i Wilminc in tho city lue. No. 3. Aplra t; '«reel, near Jefferson The ill be sold it tho same time ■-.gut-. 4 tlio pureba-er R M 11 Id* M. MorSRLKY. Administratrix ! -, * [ r■ (>cr it's :ir-' tir> k I r nptk.\ ; unies N i. J \ ;!u ihlo ai ,r!»h. i rut idly i • II lot'.iliM I •«Il .1 • ■ '»t.l 1' *1« I • n l • ! l'uülu' OF : l'îtrilllllg I lfllMiU, 1 The Wribcr t irminp I 111 RSDAY. *CT"1D lv. Iv ihout to do ill .«ell iitTi 1 (Al (h : at Id ■>*.*!.u*L- —m. d IT • he pr Miit-e«. in New Castle ild., «*n the « House L tue, leading tr«>ui the r^ad,between " iiMimjt, u:,t New iVtle.ihe tullowins dcfcrib anal pr- perty. vii: head . t K«)*>d w three vears : A. M.. \i i ••rk and driving horse», t> > six month «•«»its. fr. • f w lli'ffl : . , cows, some * now milking, and others will soon bo , } |..t>rot tine w. rk «>xen.l superior grade Durli i»»i oull, two y* irs old: 1 heiter, two years old: * la: I s . .»ts. 1 farm wagon. 1 hay wagon. 1 ■ *x a-art. • w ice! h T«e rake. lDennantown wagon, nearly new: 1 shitting t p buggy wagon. 1 iron har vester, l ; ! n in «wer. Bickford A Hoffman drill. \ an inkle tan, . i enn.-ck corn sheller,Telegraph teed cutter, oi ler mill, grindstone, wheelbarrow. 1 double ».ft earri.iLC harness, set single harness, wag >n burnt ««. plough gears, bridles, collars and halters, cow chain*. 2 pair twin harrows, 1 squar* ! arr "w. 1 A harrow. S cultivators "Moore ploughs. 1 large Peacock plough. 1 in all Peacock plough. . shore's, hoes, cradles, mowing scythes. Ac. About ^1 tons tuuothy hay. a lot of marsh hay wheat and oats straw by me ton, oats by bushel, barrels «ùd« r. and many other articles. Conditions of Sale—All sums of fifty dollars an under. « a«h: all sums over fifty dollars a ere lit six in«mth« will be given by purchaser giving bankable note with approved endorses, withintar est lr«.m day of sale, or 5 per cent, «ff for cash. „ . %I . W.U. LAMBS0N. Cglx x Mii.lkr, Auctioneers. »kV> Market -treet. Wilmington, Delaware. A «1-1 w 1 fork liquors. JAMES BAXTER, Dtx.r* IN 1TSV rosrmz «su uns.STic VINES AND LIQUORS, NO.13 MABKKF STBBET, W1LMINUT0N. DEL "■art l«v