Newspaper Page Text
DMth #f t Brnther of th* Emperor of Onrmnny. BtM.ui, Oct. IS.—Prince Frederick Henry Albert, brother of the Emperor, died lo-day. Prince Frederick Henry Albert, whone death in Berlin t i-day ia announced in the above de spatch, was a younger eon of King Frederick William III, of Prussia, and of the Prince#« IxNiiae of Mecklenberg-Htrelitz. being a brother of the Emperor William and of the late King Frederick William IV. He waa born on the 4th of October, 180k, and in 1830 waa n.arried to a daughter ef the King of Holland, by whom he leerte a ton and daughter, and from whom he waa divorced in 1849, being subsequently married morganatically to the Countess of Holtenau, who had been his miatreaa. Prince Albert, like all the members of tite House of Hoheniollern,received a military education,and aaw many yeara of active service in the Prussian . During the recent war with Franco lie commanded a cavalry force at thu head of w hielt he took part in the famous engagements around Meta, in August, 1870. lie #ubsc<|ucntly par ticipated in tbe march on Paris, and in the ope rations around Orleans. arm/ Troubles of the Colored Cadet at Annapolis. Annapolis. Od. 12.—Thctrouhhtsof coloroil CaJet Conyers began on thu day of his entrance into the Academy. On that evening an attempt was made to push him down stairs, hut it failed. T.ast evening, after dusk, while the midshipmen were in line, a number of cadets—20 it is said — broke line, set n|ion tho unfortunate bov, anil kicked him without ceremony. "Look out, massa, what yon are doing," was the remon strance of the colored cadet. An officer rushed in, with a drawn sword, among the crowd that gathered around Conyers, and stopped the at tack. Conyers could only recognize one of his assailants. It is not known what has been done with the latter. The cadets will have nothing whatever to do will» Conyers except where they are obliged to. lie was seen to approach a cadet and eivily ask him a question regarding some duly or position, lint thu midshipman ad dressed was olTduty, and not the slightest at tention was paid to Conyers. Two colored at tendants were placed as a gaurd over Conyers, and these also were beaten last night. Conyers has now been here just six days,ami has received in that time twenty demerits : but at the Acade my a very small matter brings a demerit. Fitzpatrick, the Arkansas land rover, seems to have full swing for a time in Crittenden county region. His followers are negroes who lielongton secret league, something like that which the colored men of North Carolina sua tain. Our dispatches present a forcible picture of this bold bandit entering a church tilled with negro worshipper* and compelling a large num ber of them , to join h is band or he lined for neglect of July, according to the obligations of their order. Fitzpatrick is an outlaw who seeks to avoid arrest and punishment by surrounding himself with these colored conscripts. The facility with which|he does this shows what a dangerous ereoiy to law and order is concealed in the secret, oath bound organizations so com mon in the disordered, misgoverned States of the South and South West.—Tribune. Conxtderablo comment ha9 been expended on the fnct that Mrs. Laura D. Pair and an other notorious woman propose to take the lecture stand during the coming season, and the possibility that the venture prove pecun iarily suocessf ul Is attributed to alleged Amer ican depravity. The fact is, tne custom is of English origiu. Some fifteen years ago an English murderer named Spooner, wno es caped conviction on account of the affinity of the chief witness to his guilt, took to lectur iug, and was successful iu drawing immense crowds. More recently the claimaut to the 1 ichborne estates has n pocketing popular sympathy and pennies, and has told the his tory of his alleged wrongs to interested thou sands who would have listened to the eloquence of hpurgeon or the pleading of Gough. Every good citizeu must deprecate this pandering to a morbid curiosity, if derers are allowed to champion their cause before the people, there is no knowing where it may end. Even wife-beaters may think proper to appear on the public stage and ex plain their reasons for the introductiou of this brutal Euglish custom. with apathy mur Absinthe, the most perniciouaof stimulants, which is consumed to an enormous extent in France, and especially in 1'aris, was almost unknown except as a medical agent before the eserian expedition under the reign of Louis Philllppe. In Oran and Constantiue fever made sad havoc in tbe ranks of the army, and the doctors reconnneuded the soldiers to mix absinthe, which is a bitter extract of worm wood, with their wine as a preservative against miasmata in lieu of quiniue, which was tes» costly to be generally distributed. During the whole of tho campaign Hie army drank this mixture, and also mixed absinthe witii their Itraudy. The habit was tetained by the troops after their return to France, and the liquor now known as a!>siutho first became a popular drink at Marseilles. Thence iu advaucc slow ly throughout France, aud has tinallv become tlio favorite drink of tiie country, though its effects upou tiie health ami especially upon the brain, are of the most deleterious charac ter. In Cayenne. New Caledonia, and other French colonies, its consumption is very great. There the colonists drink it in undiluted quan tities, aud the consequence lias been a fright ful increase in the mortality. As a means of sure and speedy suicide, absinthe is scarcely excelled by strychnine. Al The Leb-buko Poisonino Case.—T he trial of Mrs. Kmily Llovd, un thei-liargeof |H)isoning Iter children, Maud and Anna, will begin nt Leesburg, Va-, on the 21st inst. Advices from there state that there is no doubt of lier insanity. .She is having wearing apparel for travelling, and expects lo leave for Canada in a few weeks, where, she says, she is to l>o married. She ad mits purchasing arsenic, but declines to tell what became of the missing package. Professor Tonry, the chemist who made the analysis, will be able to show a portion of it taken from the stomachs of the children. Fniinent counsel have been engaged for the Slate anil prisoner. FOREIGN NOTES. On* #f the newest rifles submitted to M. Theirs pom ernes tin advantsge that the cartridge to soil it can he manufactured even on lise field of battle. A monster banquet at Chambéry, in France, for which a thousand persons had subscribed,was peremptorily forbidden by the authorities, two weeks sgo. There ar* 22,500 ragpickers in Paris, who gather up every night, according lo etatiatics, 60,000 beeketo full of rags and thrown away garments and boots. At the Bed Bee entrance to the Suez canal _ live of Lieuten ant Thoa. Waghorn, the pioneer of the overland route to India, Snow fall in Sheffield, BnglanJ, on the 21at of Im( month. There wee at th* earn* lime a thunderstorm, but there stands a statu* ; and in Ih* af* DO cold. Mt A LIST OF THE NAMES OF PER. to rotait good" wares and mer chandise, produce and other property, msnnfac •"tors of all kinds whatsoever. Persona licensed era *eiTOI?** 1 H<, ", or '' paddle:», tavern keep. Î! I* 'J?* hou î"" .•»tins houses te sell liquor, life insurance, Are insurance, vtndmg mods bv sample, real estate agencies, brokers, private bin* f *'"• auctioneers, photographers, stallion, lawyers, eonvsyencers. doctors, dentists, circus, es, catching ***?• «»tchins Ash nl anv kind. Iroin the first dev of tlotober A. U., IS7I. to the first day ol April, A. U..IS1A with tho sum by tlieui respectively mid tor each hern,e. to the Clerk of tlieTeuce of New ®a*tja County, for the ure of the State of Dela Hi MERCHANDISE— A. Aash. A. Wingate |S> 00 I Allen.Lowis II Appleton. John Si 5»| Armstrong.W r A therly, lay 1er 6 «K) I Allcorn. Jainc /«mterson. John 6 (<> | Allen. IN-nco i Austin. M A tax Armstrong, W U 'ia»".6 o<» H 0 inn|6 00 m H - % 0»l| Allen. FO 01 Bird, TliohG 6 m«» Biokta, August Bradv, John Bromi, James Bcesuii. Wm P Birio. Jt'hn Bailey. Lewi Biekta, Han't * Ball i Stunt, m s«;o> loo no K W b ... y, oo • 6 «0 • ,00 ' 5 00 y, Alex Brown, J i Beeson. Wiu p b oo 10 H Barr. Edw II Boyer A B.ulry " Leaty. Robert mo *» o*» ' f> oo r> if r, 0<> i: :» no .« SO r> if> n. I'u-tt y I* •• 6 00 track in, Thos • Jas C Bond. Alex :,IF) Brown, C. Clark, GeOr^n Curran, J. fil »ï» I Clianillrr.C K b mo8 - < II " r, t m -0 Ciiapinaii.W Capollo «Sr » lm i Cook uliii B 1 Curler, Chris I Corr .1 ' » IN) Cull II. fc) W. tax Clcu 1 ■ Cr; >n .V Cupper tli ' f. 00 Ct away,Elms " Corry. Thus li.-h H II .Henry »V Cole. Elias Jr . 'D I Crues. J M»h M ' (M) > it) Cm I l C< D.'.lv B«»nnelloy,Thnsjr b l(Hh ><N)| Durham. Beter t Di<'kin«on,K..rt<>ii ' DeN antlio A I He Miehuoi 1 Dil • I . J «tit b oo I Dixu.n. Jauie Is. i: is. Gcu w ?7*n»| Enxli,h. Henry 1-7. " I Eaton,Curt is B •• Em \: i F. Fisher, Rirlinnl S 87 Fc ni iimro. Henry G 8 • l'iaei un.'m "" Frotl-I.Gracc .*4 un *'H» Kl Frank, K L ••h» | Kile, B G l Free a,A & II H - I Farrell, Martin ** •« G. Grihe. Theo.lure Geary, Roh't P Goulti, Picr«*e luyer, Gi.lcon » Goulti, Piere r Go'ulon, Ge Guiilcv John S Green. W m G :i II ah er. A Uo.ary, A »ira h un • Gu Mali er, J ohn B " S K 0«l H Passen, Patrick 510«M. 11 ut ton. Heitt HILO t H an by, Joseph Hawley »V Walter ** Hurst, »Suni'l i ** • llatnilton, Win 11 liste cd, I' F. * 5 Rayes, Joseph 1 Han by, Su m l b «h» Holton, Wm II lax I 11 , Hansen, Patrick 0 m Higgins, LF H "skin, f II Harry, i B Hehl, Wm Hall, John F Hoopes, Hiulley ' Hinkel, Clement " "" I Hanna, R«;bt •" I Harper. Cha L *v J Isinx »V Lam; «»«» | Janie.*, S (' Jackson,Marsh ill 1 . r »uu| Jones, »Andrew B " .» K. Karr, Wm P 87"» I Kates. Win bin«» $«'• 'h> Kelley. Thus I) tax 1 2 « | Kinney. Lewis C *' : Kelley, Patrick tin« | Kirby,Thus •* ; Kelley. Michael tax 1 .> Lilly, Henry Lodge, 11 \\ tax Larkin. « w amuel Lynam, Pent «»so tiinû Lee, John N " < r > »m«» 8-"" L. b Lee, John N Langley. Joel tio«» j L««veil. Kit h Law. Frank II r ni" 6 W» 4 51. McVoy, Franklin «'» SleMinimin. Will McAIUter, James Martin, Jauics Mo« mon, J»>hn M< Key. Wm 11 Mote. Ami row J Morton, Wm Ii McDowell »k Pierce tax Mayuo, Thos Miller, Joseph Martin, Adam Nichols A Co G mo O'Kourk.Chai Martin, Isaac W G; Miller. Wm Martin, Jos 7 oo j Mossiek, Ru rh E ' bus Miller, Frank 0 Mile«, J Goo I Milhouso, Enoch G Oo I McV'augh.Jolin I Merrideth «{• Bro 4 50 I Moves,Clemens 7 4-» I Mi tli n. Chas Gtn 5 00 I McFarlun, Milton ' '■ 00 " '"y. U G r . 5» . 5 00 O. u OO P. Pickles, Z ichuriah GÔO I Pusoy, Jesse D G in Palmer, Wiu C 6 m I Phillips, Le *' ** * 5 00 I Plunkatt. P Jfc Co *• • 00 R. 7 50 I P.obinton.i; Young H I o I G mo 5 i' Richardson, A Head, iiuorge Robinson T E X Co 7 .50 | Robert.*. Geo W Gm 5 ^Roberta, John G ** 82« deal, lfm P G oO Steele, J:t* Smith. Ja* ;> .Satterwdilh. G T Starr, Isaiah you Smith- Wm P Scott, Header*« Steen,John J Starr, Jeremiah Sharpie*. G ShuliniD'ter Fred " -» Sander*.Daniel " -5 Sipple. Henry C *' '» Savin- Juuie* uu Strahan, Ja* R S»»ville, Alex Solomon, John Shurp, Thos A .Seeley. E S tax Stone, <100 W Mnith, Samuel 1 Son G 111 5 0« « mo '« i (> uu 5 1 o»» 5 uo Stroud. Ed w Schütter John G " Sttrr, Mu Sutton, Ja* T Sharp. Tho* A Suwdon, Ja* Jr Solomon, John J ' ô'H Jr i " 5 UU 5 0) " « u T. Taylor. Caleb >' m > J ,kl I rown^enJ. Hw\l «' " '• " 5 Tijnur. Jautcd Oil,*' \ Liter*. Jo*eph H W. G Wallace.John S b, n . Walton Joel M M'agnor. Albert Wilson. TUouia* Wilson. John Jr ' Wright- Emory Wyatt J£ Garrett Waterman. Jo* tax 1 Weil * Ring wait Wtir,Marshall N «»m * 11 ; ö "•» I WiFi» u». W Ward. Hei.rv : Wilson. Edvv\l 0 ' .n : •I Wulker Ja » Wm», r M, Worrell »V Hull Wilson, Wm S . Verger A Hailey « up* .MANUFACTURER-;. A. '« I> " 1 Alexander X Latti • Alpin. J uhn is. But/. Jacob I Bint'll, Henry J! Brown, John Iv Bleking. Leni* 7 '>o I li;»,le Dr,* lohn Joiei.h Buddy, W Bryer. J » It. O' Q cc.ik mi. in 7 1 " D f. 1 • ('atanack a St Craig A Dm Chamber*. Jo»cp E <« CurletDa. ..: P Churchman, C W II <1 I «'ox. Stephun i' Clark -A l»i.*ha «'lark, II k Cleland-T K.V C.n'.n Connor-J A X Co I Dure. II D.m ning a Coopt r Dickey. C li Del. State Carriage r ID 1 ; 0»» Works Darlington. Sam'l !'* Downing »V Priee 24 '•*» E. EJgmoorW'k* Gm Fisher, J«»hnG Fl«»y«l ,V Brian Fink G FiUpiitrielr. J«»h Gib*on< «leu Uar ed, Geo L Gibson, J ohn W Ilinkson.Tho* Jr tax f»«« 1117.o r, Tho* B 7 '»»* Hall A My Harlan X HoHingw<»rth 7H2') » Ewing. Clin*R «m-» * ,>4 ' Fed. C J X Bro Knt'psoMan'fCo taxi 7 • I French »V Dt»«LI Gm • K. G S« 7 1 tl 11 fax '.«»»» I lireen, Francis dr lould Joseph Gouert • «leorgo I. Uon^e.Anlan ttol'kips.John tV lltekmun. L.-wi- ' llushslxvk A Sun IK, {) Jn 0 I .v J ii»' I .lonss. Robert 11 s it >K' I JacksoD-Shari> Co 2"*' Just. Herman Jones, Thomas W Kin®. Cha* 0 Kelley. Siiui'i Lecker. Tent tax 2 1» I LcC, irrealer -v Co «in ' Lee Robert Üm b MslforJ. H W f. iw I Mitchell. I* Marshall A Meir i','« 1 1 M,-Call, France a Oo « Moss. Robert D « 4" I McCoombs. Il S MeKinsoy. Tobias tine I Mocey. J 11 0 tax Melchoir. Nuibaniel ti «»> I McCauley. Robert 7 o" Miller. Henry 7 •o I Murrhy.Kdw'd D """ Norrstt. Jacob PannineUn Bro 's i> *si I Poopiee, John N Pasey. Jones X Co 38é "U Pyle, Lambo-n Pierce, J Wesley tax 5U Rambo, Ueo Robinson, W m Rioe,KLJr RicharJsoüibamuol . Silcos. John S « on i Swift A Courtney 330 Smith A Turner W t»J Siieaknian.Wai T «rnj Serallon, Wilson 0 OU I Soott, Janies T •' Simpsou, F C ltw I Stewart. Andrew ô oo Stewart, Chas K. •'» t'» 1 1 Kern* -* Wel»h 7 RM J Kcou vit. Martin tint i > 00 1« It .«» •* oo P. i 20 i in» a R. 0 on I Ritchie, Jahn B ti .v> I Kilo. Il M , „ ' 2" DO 22 0J1 Khoadr, Wm A Om 5 <*' m> 27 til bv A. T. Taylor, James U Viney. John «m Wilson. Edward eooi Weaver, Il P Windsor, Win II n Oo Webb. Wiu It Wtl. Rolling Mill 105 .SI I \V illiscrott X Itaron Wheeler, .lus S 7 5o tu Wanhingtoiit efno II # M> I Wilhelm. Andrew Z. Zeiplcr. George 20 00 V. 500 W. H UU 0 65 H 50 tiuo It ETA 11, LItlUOll». Dullard. Wm Hi itlith- W m F Harlan« M .1 Murray, T h oui as Mulligan. Michael 4 1 »« pi. Morris. Win 4 ) H) McCladcrt y. John 4«f Ou IMuiikett.t'hil A Uo -tu uü Sa Ville. Ale* »•» -pj INJ 40 00 P KI) DL EK S— FOOT r.^, !fr A ftf4uo I K tl't II A W Arinstr g Chas C 12 «O ! Sandy, Peter H tt 4 PU| Meeiuer.Etl S 11 A (,'uMH) It I til • 4 00 •• I U» 4 0» t MO t'had 01 trk. ' wen k,W I 'fil M Bride, Joli * 4 oo | 4 oo t Kab«»liu. Ail' ; 4 * 0 I ** I * 4 4 001 Wall Michael TAVERN KEEP EUS. Anthony. Wm W Aîhert, Henry Rickct.1. Frank Kurk Patri. k Ben,lier Albert Brady, J. r. I Burke. J. Bu« K t'oyle, Patrick oo «0 00 Carbury..Morris Faunii- Flunk Fckur.Murk Hagan. Join, 1' • no 1 1 Vutideve A H •• I oo ** 4 00 " 4 no H ii Patrick oo if 0<> 00 Jenny, Nndiolc? Keating, John 4o oo •ii (W 4. . •) 00 Richard 4o oo t.l Lippincott, J C Laity,Pati ick Liiliy, Alary l.ynch, Michael < t 4lMNi 40 U0 4o no 4.100 40 00 40 IN) 4 • IN) III HO 4.j i uni 4,. 1 IN) Lully. T'h sMeCullioii, Owen )•» o« M eon an. .Miehuoi fn» o< M- '.'all, Fetor HukIi II» 00 Myles I'cter Buyer .1 « »t* n •M «ry 00 -» Ufa (M) 4,i Ch t. J.J. \1 I • uel uy, »M ich ne I C< b) t)j 4MIU .MulliKan. .1 ..It MeGiuth .Martin 4 > « 4o u. Colwell, unie! Ci e> I iitrn-k ) Maiyt, John f«u oo »M. Cimdra, John 4 ii on Cult.. it, .Mirhad C«»lli ;i--1 );i (buinell.B: t . iel 4 » Muruuey, Fat rick 4 i Mark, Antuu "liue. Mu had *«)0«» { Nirdeiuier, Joseph 4o o«> kerty. Daniel 4u«o | ODunuoll, Clias , lie rty. Bat rick 4*>H) i l'careo. Boni C .Charles 10 on I Patton. Darnel 4«) oo \ PhiBipN, J unes Rid« way. David B »' 4u IH I I) U» ou i> Do 4 Duylo, John G "" 4 |i«»n'>huo, .It. h 4«m herty. John u^herty, .! !in 1 «hhj| Reynolds. Mary A 4 Rohinson. Win H 4«> a \ Wm «St ran h, Henry .Simpson,W m P 4 «'•'0 I .Smith, Geo B lo «h» I g,-h HMH) I Shrrrer, Wm A lo » if» I Seott, Maria tt) i*i * Smith. G ou P 4Ü'N) | Shatfer; John G » . Sheridan, Th«*i 4«> »»> «Kj | Schulor, Christian 4 » » > ou i Tenw. ixe«. Au*. *. -.) oo Todd, W lu oo I Ton waxes. Aux Traynor, John te, Joseph T 4 llarriyun-Edw l 1 » oo Walt lier, Emile 4 l yctt. J.ic .»> |; 4„oo| Wrixht.Sun Huches, J.uu s lu ou I Whitsun, John B 4«» o« jjGbers. Fryl lu uo | Walther, Froi lue. liai kins Michael 4uuojW»Uon, William 4u uo Hauxiu y. Ed»'d J 4o uo | Wagner, William 4«» no Huai, Juiucä L *" ( H» I lUyinon 1, Lewis I« l». t. I 1711 tt. John mu. .1« lin 1 MM | R II) O. lo «ju oo Fisher. Amlrrw lu Fcltlmier, llenr » F« «ni. John B 4o ro Green, t. G.irrctf. i Gerun, J »U «M> 4-• ury •. Alex laies, • ienn. Juh l.» .. G. an, Thouiu.i Hook, Waldron C Huches, Joseph lliuks. Daniel 4. ) i' Hartman. John •u ou W: o 'h> 8-"" 5 a i»u I EATING UOUsKs. Foster, K II Fullmer, Joseph 2i oo I Hanson, Wm 2û Kennedy.John T 26 Thompson A Lock 26 EATING HOUSE TO SELL LIQUOR Fullmer. Jnsepii lou lloldmun, Fred 1 oo Hoi iinan, Fred W» Thu zVL mk lo ipi U«) oo LIFE INSURANCE. i Wright. John W I Silver is . American • « • K'luitihlc Amiran -N V 00 Pli> ix Mutual lar •*>« E Conn Van Trump A K Wooley .V Vau Truinp : 1 \ T • Mauliattik 1 FIRE INSURANCE. 5» Brack in. Ja M VENDING GOODS BV SAM •», F | Moyer. L Mudgett, Wm 11 Orr.Kob't I« 4 C«» 6 Ogden. Geo à Co r. Piggutt. C j X ■' T f*o Past-hall, J«»hn M "«» o ou Pfaebsorjfc Br» 6« 1 Reigle. Jacob X C«» 6" ipleigh.M S »t 0«»6u Towii*en«B K«?b't V Watson « J ,»n nr y ou Way, J T X O* 00 Verki?. Wm X C" »•o Weyl. N X Co REAL ESTATE. Bell w.i, Martin '*«> Chiptnan A Wnito •• t'uiter, J S X Sou •'» Cooper J- Conrad , r * Dyer a Biddle . f Gray hill. J li X Co •• W111 B ;» iluwell. 11 C X Co ft Hill A Vinseuger. » llaho, Weatherkuld »V. Co Kollo,, Godfrey •> Luw, Andrevv r .ft Lippcncott »V Riley'» 00 U O u OO . • 00 ftu uu uu i (> McKfivan X High ti.ld à lugram.Gco W X Co to u BROKERS. Ingr.uu.GeoW *Col«*iuo | Child*, M M PRIVATE B INKERS. Co lou o" Cleaver Bro'j 1 C-> uo AUCTIGSRERS. n*le.Benj N . Jam 1 ■ • ■ I Enos, Sam'l M link ill, W A , J"hn S B» I Lank, Wm J Menough Joshua A*h. J acub Branbury, II J lu M I" Kob.dhi J 1 « u Riddle. Hose. 1 . » n u"ii, Abraham 1 lo .,0 STALLIONS. leorgo ■Lituuel . Anthony •um Wm F Pion« lu LAWYERS. I I Bratifor.i.E G.Sr Krai lo R.»b't C li: 1 'ONV EYANFFRS. i" • 1 I Met' iliHter.Saiii A 1" ■ l "»« I \ 111 . »eut Frank B« .... Bla 'k. Ilob't M l»"F foRS I W »' • r F B lu.-k. W i. : 1 ■ o *"* I Kitteng 1 »Maul I, D.l ' »Monroe. AJeo SlmrtüJire, R «J i intiun J K Vail 1. : 1 .... Gaiuei'.i. John ... U»,.. M T J , J : 1. 1 Kill -»n. 1. F i !•* " Flo Id-» W I : t. Ruber «iingham J S I «1 ! N 1.I F I. 1"UJ l-..'.. I DENTIST.S. !" "" I N andevent r, A /. I.I lRCt SES. lo ««o : hel|-. E Ma 0 I'.O Jf'jULKRS .Pro! W y in. .lillIN I '.».-tlo, 0 -. -M.I1V SPRIN'tKIt 0. »•*. /uiniturr, &c. LEWIS F. ADAIR, II«» Kin" Stnvt, Wilmington. lia* on hand at hi* Furnit rfl fikst-cMjAS8 furniture, rt of Bureau*. Bedstead*. Tahir* c*. Settees. Looking !Ïln»i*eH hieb will bo*..ld at the lowes sapectfuUy invited to ine hi* goods and learn hi*iprice*. Del. >!Warerootu% ent of * ,>4 ' tl ■c Chair: Malt r Sob Blinds. 4he public : Ol tv i all ,*% LI S' A nil.l.tlt. (Succcs*,»r* to S. X T. McCiary,) No. G05 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON. DEL.. () IK, ' 7 o" •' oo FURNITURE WAR t ROOMS. i A full assortment (of the latest styles of Cabinet tor sale at the lowest prices. Call betöre purchasing elsewhere, mayittl w > 00 OtILK A MILLKK. COTTAGE .«» FURNITURE •* oo i 20 AT i in» L. F. HIGGINS', No. 221 West SecondJ£Street , „ ' DO 5 <*' m> »WILMINGTON, |DEL. novi'tf hardware and fHarhiiimi. GREEN# 4»U V Sc Co. 1 T 1 "" a ; f* Look Mail nave always on hand i afall assortment of ; IKON AND STEEL. 1 Best brand* of Auieri ^ can Hämmere i A Kolleti J nt Bars, Kiiirli.-h Refine t Bars of all sires. Band, \i" Hoop, and Hit Ir««n. , best Norway Nail Hols ; and Auger Shapes, tlal- *'» vanned and 15 !.»« k Hievt I '. .Successors tr Pedriek, Green A Co.. Importer« and DealerM i IRON AND STEEI BITUMINOUS COAL, GALVANIZED IKON, COACU-BUILDEKS' UAKDWAKE _ _ S. E CORNER OF THIRD AND NIIIPLEV NTS., ÏW uü Ae. O i s \éf til O oo 00 no Iron, . tar German Swede,Spring, Tire Machinery, ar 1 Tap Steel. .Smith, Coach, an 1 other Hard* arc— Horse Shoe Ilorse .Shoe Nails, Borax. Bolts, Chi ers, Mall Km . N \s Way »le Cin«ti les, sSi»«>kes Felloes, Shaft*; van*,Oil Carnets, Rat t mot t. E Leather,and Coach liar Iwa Galvanized Nails. Bahlnt M ca Tin, »Sheet Zinc, A>\, Gri Rollers, Back Chains, A Smiths' and other To .Sledges, Hammers, Sim •Smiths' Drills, Tire Be anti Hies. Ail of which will he sold nt v sale ami retail, for March 2. IhôT.— tian»^ I Ax ; P Way Way N1 « "ï 1 I A l««l melee ro of nil ki \ I » t Ji Is; I r. •pell. V. tl.Ke i; I»- A Is Anvils, Vire* Be||..w II«. in sc K ai K f. . »< I* : omlor-», T* ek < 1 loi Wav sh nr appr. oo on o«> Kxp lit HR «iTI. It Ii \ t & |'o.. ; ou ! A IMPORTER ; AND MANTFACTERKH ' AGENT; !•'»•!< o« uo no t U MON, «ju ' oo \ i j )) 1 Kxj ro STEEL, H Al! I)\V A Ri! «M> « : I . ^ W A N B ap| COACH MATERIAL, Have the Largest Stock of (*ootla li tlu> Stath, oo in their line. an« I Best As«nrte«i Stuck in the Unit« «I State U«) Nos. 205 a 207 Shipley & 210 & 212 Orange Streets, WILMINGTON. »K!.. On ESTABLISHED ISST ' MG NT! RE & JAMES. ê DEALERS IN. BUILDING AND FANCV L? HARDWARE, uu ! Li u CARPENTER'S TOOLS. PAINTS, OILS; BLASS *C. o" lr ; ALS". I I KOSKNDA LE CKMRNT 204 Market Street .,0 WILMINGTON âpr2^-l ^ H o p5J ^ j LO £ « . , 5 J «i ÔÛO i ■ .... V DC fû X o 5 ^ tO a 4 0 i 3 j "3 A o J2 Y .... 3 o. § , _ . T /, z S' y r. ^ Ï w Ä / 5 CG * ÛQ t» H! 1 2 H ; Q i &ym « Sei ' ««o <c Q Î s-.? <r 0 W H fci. Chi is to pt a Ü & © * ©S 4 : y: s © £ « the the 's & Q B o C ' S © w «-J -Ä ) « ° m o 85 ! tn JOHNSTON & BOGIA, BOOK - BINDERS, AND RLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. NO 420 SHIPLEY STREET, WILaiSOTOK, DEL. Account Books of erery variety of rulins an J bin,lint made to order. Maaasines. Music, Newspapers and Publications ol all kinds bouud iu Plain or Fancy Styles, Both beinx practical workmen, wo arc aide to aarantee entire satisfaction. Orders by mail promptly attended to. »rrly a REMOVAL ï THOMAS MITCHELL, FURNISHING UNDERTAKER I» RMpectfulij informs his friend* ami • public gener ? By that «. W. corner of Fifth the ho has re ,n l French moved from tbs •treet, to NO. 41* KINO- HTRKKT Where hois prepared to sirs his personal -ttention to the bu.iaew of l ndertakinx in all its „ran,- tu s. Also, ocent lor K. S. Karly's Patent Rosewood Burial Casket. Uo has also purchased the right to a,e -lockton I Shppler , Universal Corpse Preserver. •nee. No. 103 West Seventh St. I A oetlT «£— -».mB PENNSYLVANIA BAILROAU. T . , w^f^rMpTiA 0 . 07 - 7 - 1872 - Trams leave Depot, 1'hirty-secondand Market Sts 1 rains arrivent lie pot. Thirly-fir.t and Markst Sts. Slain l.lne Westward. "" h Accommodation daily, except Sunder. (Up a m ^«.m. and a. in., l.ib p,m.. 6.40 p.m. ; f* i;, S ar ,-f K*prc.-s daily, except Surday, 7.30 a. m Look Haven and Elmira Express daily, exoent Min «lay. 4.U) a. m. Mail daily, excei-t Sunday..... 8 00 a.m Line and Erie Exi«. daily es Sunday 12.4« »n,.« i {îmu'è a, 'Vv, ro's 5, TV 1 Sun .' u >',- 3.30 p.m. ; bu-v TrVi »iT—; 1 'T. ■ ».Sunday tJUp.m. 1 ^ •utue , i, Iwi-re** daily. . ... V.ÜUî»!in* J nt ili^ 1,.\ i-res tally.. II.40 v m* Kfi«d uly. .. .... 1140 u!in' \i" ■ >ui«d.iy i ruins.8.4U a,ui* , L ." n,y '*1 Harrisburg on Saturdays' ; brieM.n j'.uuidiiy niehtruii* only to Williamsport *'» r .Kmiirrant 1 vpre- T.-ain. leaving If.50 p.m I '. |ÎI,IJ l ' N vi't :'Uiiil;.y,iK kct*iu U »t bo |«rueured and deliver. I at .Li Market aSt. by 6.00 p" . lSew l»rk IliiiNton. * § ' In ■ n "■-^nnd 11.00a.m. and . , ». il h ». 1 1 1 . p.m. and 12.20 night, [ i rain l;-r New \ urk. 11. U» p m. 1 n v P r Lnstul. and lu. 'Oaui. P m. d Bustlet .n.6.00 pin. • • a m, 0 4 » p m, and ' Km . Kniigr; Way 1 r Way Tni Way Ti.ii N1 ,,- jY ' rk | " 1 "•tTiieiiAhrÄ,* 1 f " r KEN>INdTMN DE EOT. e. i«iirg a Lu-tlcton.« a m, 12. tO.i 7,16 p -wick.. tor '1 ronton. It.« b r 1!••Irnc- burj Jay Train II«. m. t^ r N 1 . P ID. ui and 4,«ju and 1 I rams t,. r i re ■ n. i .iu ' Wav J - Trenton, 10.00 a m, 7.30, 5.00 and Way irTin f*.r i..Ui' : i:^it,E,VKDivïsïiiN. ,10,,: ' to - X- ' 7 I M Pnt ' n ' lUilje rt ville, Kattun. Scran Kxp ; ï Irenton, L.uubirt ville, hiMton.Scran ■ tup. l.b" p in. ! A . b.r Lel.lidero and f*rnriinsrîon Al AUK ET .-T It EE T KEllllV. A m ht», ■»), I i. for Nui V .ri 5.30 p m. ion. AmUy, ... I a e t 0.30 a m. U «y Ira ter i'rent« . 12."0 r.u. n i r. I I : ' • ?» t« Ne? V rk ia Perth Amboy, via Jersey City, 3.00 n . \ t*e 0 i Way frai., t j )) •«> A-« ï - ! 1 Kxj r- - f"r N. r i V r' p m. 3»» P m. Bur.lenfo . , JH_ n 'h • . *,) a m an«l 2.UU H • r «i, l ' ÎT Isur.Rl « )■ L1 : Kxp.Tr:iir:«f. r li t ■ «>."0 a b, Lunx Branch n jvi i «pb:crt«»n Railroads. 7. : «1 3.;'» P m. I bepfu lr. -■ t t 1 nd J tli 'Kyi W - y | •O' | Mf. Holly, 1 j n and ll.-'JOp m I naher ton, lü.D'am, 2.1-, *.ü») and S toi ,"., e l ,M"'r U r '" r,he ^an l.cha.l on h. , li». V B - krt "«hf®. ■* 1 t'hvstnut str#®t, 5«. nt- ,t h7 'ni n i'' e, ' 0 . n ' 1 1 -Mwvkev s,*. i, n n « ran-ter < . ln|1 any will o»ll i tuer ioixv.ive at tbv Depots, cir.iers wil «ttrnti-.n, and Knilr. nd Time Card ■» al Ibc toit rii-Ki f nnii'cc «?"•;*,') «-'hwtnut street. I I -K 1.1 Or r 1C l-.': No. ».« I.he-tnut Jtreet. «•» « «f l'epots and E^y  r . l 'hoVe'. ree,> A J. t A».\ 1 f, (Jeneral \lunaoer. ap| li p als« • i * WILMINGTON AND READING R R .- 1 ! Arrangement. J iirier Monday, \ucu«it .1, PaiFenger^rrairK. win leave Southward as follows À.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. lo.r> 4 . 4 40 11 10 G2» 6 21) 14«) v, , i ^ " lJ ' NPA V 1 K A I V, M h Chad l'> Furd ' .«<. and arrive p. m. Lk*\ k North N.-sl. A M. P.M. P.M. A.M. On niifl TRAINS' ■ h. Leave Reading at 7 n ' " Birdsb '* CnatesvilL, " Chadd « F d. 1 Air .i' V, iliu'et" 1 I Leave C««at • i ! I e 1 t 'N ilmingt. n .« Truss fUAI.N L? i loi î 1 « 10 2») IV Furl 1! 57 40 :t! I lb * 45 4 10 4 5b li ' ! Train* : d market trains. Ch add's Ford 6 iii-.i e T Li vc Wilmingt .ip». and : ar: ate.* O'NNLCfluN i'Td. Trau?* N At Cha.Id'* 1. JC 5. 7 and 8 i 7 with tram t «ect with train« with train» fur t-r i'ort Dej o*it. . 1 and d. Ii ii.a, ami Piiilalciidii. lr ■ Nu. t ai l 7 von from B,.i ; ai. i N \ h irai Ar C le. ira N. •iinett tor ; I'utladelph • > d ;; itii tram« I I Uolphia; at Dir i--r l'iiilaiitdph 1 North, Fa J-bur •' tram» N . 1 . and tram» Î ana all »tathm« fur train will »top • •»«ing. C. STOLZ» »l«*ncral Superintendent lut li ami \\ t*»r. in Kv. • will b 1.1 ft 'tig northward; tli ' -»ny 1 -ut>11>* r«.aJ . ia> ; tor 1 p'orft liomnacoaa m tôo Wobî. ft#* PENNSYL/ANIA CENTRAL R. R. WKSTKKN aCCOMMOPATIOM THAI» AND KAST KMIfiKANT LINK, ° y< ! 'ITTSBUHa j *''I pl'ft* in tie »Vsf, thvthnett at. , Nortkxoejt. i^'TnR SIIOKTK8T AND HKST HOUTK.*«A i - n.i 1 me«ttor.Dnne.malledinducement!« t - par 1 anti oxpotluifi* pM**agr toth , tion ut al ol the !l«<iue»tea ' . ii W «•.- r . d.l. » ulnrl> th it d. I tli \\ Bill i by the la. t C The I ad. with its cor hortest route to the \\ e»t,aiii J d best route to al *t and Northwest, mtortable and air» •ishiuned seat* with v e». in Winter.and ure re juiiite tor th #o!d toalliTominent places»* and Northwest,at about hal fare. o years old a« free, and children pay ii:vll gacecheckcd and forwarded by the ametraio ith :he p i-conger*. Eighty pound» ol baggage «ar ts! treo to every lull Passenger. '-'daily exeept^^Sunday.«. and ticket mu b»' procure«! and baggace delivered attheolliee N«> U«> Market street, by ;> o'clock, P. M. llv addressing the un.ler*igmsl he will forwardb return ot mail, tree ol charge, a circular containing note Price li t. a uiap.a c.'rreet copy;* d Law, anti giv e «uch other information FRANCIS FUNK, Agent 01 tbe Penn«y 1 vanta Railroad Company, Phii.i.i.k- *Ï'Î' ""..•Vl'S*. 1 1'i.iUtlal vais Pr.»iadeli*bi%* June 24. liW al Kail li S. is by 1 vs the n tpiuce» i M Chi l Other pr. is il the quickest,eh t »I« ment places th tb pt 1 arde.l i 1 -en Passu i*hed with l »vcable back, tl. é uch « f ho iter tank : 'tivcnionci «•mt'urt cf t ili Through the West, the usual tir*»t cl Ch i Id re k love dort. ) *t nve and twelve ye: heag' ! B Th li., -ten may be desired. P 1I1I.ADKLPH1A. « ILMtNUTON MOKK RAILROAD, SPECIAL NOTICE. On and alter H FDNKSÜAY. Octoher ISth. 1»71. , sr will be attaehed to the Irsbikt train lea Vine Philadelphia at f.ui p. nt., tor Wil Binston. the train will stop*» Station, a, «allow,, when -tunalled : tlray . Ferry, 1.12 p. nt L.zaretto ».» ; t bester. !>.41 p. nt; Lamokin.9.4A p. nt; Thur lowt'AP p. m: Linwood, 9.A5 p. n,: Claymont. D'Jil : hllcrslte, 10.18 p. m; arrive Wilmington. HUt) -ocLDI 11. p. KKNIibT. Rnp'L u BAL a l<;i&*eng«*r c: i*. I» m . 1 s. I JNNTHUCTION IN DRAWING and PAINTING. Apply to A. T. SCOTT, Room 6, 8. W. corner of Eights and Market streets. , ssptS-dSm I /7L K0 - »•»«• «he best Coal at the lowest W market prices gR