Newspaper Page Text
A LIST OP THE NAMES OP PER* tA. son« liceoaed to retail food«, wares and mer I iodise, produce and other property, manafac r V? kinds w.itaoever. Persons licensed L 1 intoxipntintr, liquors, peddlers, tarera keep IJ. entinx houses, eating houses te sell liquor, J>* insurance, fire insurance, rending goods bjr ■iinple, real estate agercies. brokers, private ban ■er.->. auctioneers, photographers, stallion, lawyers, ■onveyunren, doctors, dentists, circusses, catching ■had, ca* v • or fish of nuy kind, from the first day i 1 9 S& b ''> A'P- to the first day of April, A. w,t " Die sum by them respectively paid for bach licen. e, to the Clurk of the Peace of New L.istle County, for the use of the State of Dela ware: MERCIIANDI«SK-A. A ash. A. Wingate $9 00 Appleton. .lohn »S bo Atherly, Taylor eVndorson. .lohn Austin. M A tax Armstrong,W W 6 mo 5 U'o Allen. Lowis II 6 in **35 60 Ärmst rung. W io U " bis» Allcorn. Jaiuei Alien, Pencort Allen, k' C 6 UU G 0 U »00 oo 90 ' r, no I, Bird, Thosll 0 m<> $6 0 » Bickta, August l»k )()0 Bradv, John Brown, James Beeson. Wm P 10 00 Birio, John ,6 mo 5 00 Bailey, Lewis ** 5 00 Bickta, Dan *1 " 5 00 Ball a Stanton " 5 00 Brack in, Thos " â 80 Brown, Jas C 5 UU Clark,(leOrge Curran, James Capelle A Bro Carter, Chris B Cann. S W. tax Cleaver, ( 1(4 Gtno Conaway. Elias " Corry, Thus Crumlish 11 II " Dodgson.Henry A Dsn" Devi Dilahey, .lohn Ennis. Geo W Evans, ET Bernard. R W G mo f> 00 lie tty, AI Brown. . 1 : tues Beeson. Win P Barr. Edw H Boyer A Bailey ** 5 00 Beaty, Robert Brown, Pusey P " 5 00 Bond. Alex •• fi oo " 5 00 * 5 00 " 5 00 " 5 00 e< 100 G 00 " 5 0 U * 5 00 L. 111 Ou I Chandler.C B G mo «5 CO G 50 I C iapman.Wiu II " 5 t'J 10 M 0 JI Cook. John B 5 < ) I Curran, James 1 • ) I Cranson A Copper 500 5 001 Cole, Elias Jr 5 00 I Croes. Joseph M " 5 00 I Crozier, Jas T " D. I Donnelley.ThosjrfimftOO $10 00 I Dickinson.Barton "SOU landie A E o ou | Durham, Peter «Michael 10 00 1 G 00 I Dixson, James E. 17 00 j English, Henry |6 00 IS 50 I Eaton,Curtis B G mo 5 00 " ft 00 ** 5 00 • 600 "5 00 ' 5 00 Waith G 0 U " 5 00 " 6 00 "5 00 Fisher, Richard S $7 to . Fenimora.Henry G $'< F redd, Grue, S tim 5 TO Flaxg Emerson .6 in 6 Frank, FL • 5 ou | File, i, G " 6 Freeman.A A U II 5 TO | Farrell, Martin " 0 ( J - GriSe, Theodore 36 00 I Guyer, Gideon 6 mo 35 oo Geary, Rob't P 0 ou Gould. Pierce " 5 CO Gould, Pierce 17 Ou | Gooden, George " 5 no Goiilev Johns oo. Green. Wm ftn H 00 Qallaher.Jchn R ** 5 8 ou I C) 6 00 GsiUher. A Getry, Abruhim l ) I'assen, Patrick $10 00 | •vatt m. Heitt liino $6 TO Jlaasoai, Wm 6111 llauby.Josetih " 5 00 laves, Joseph P « 60 . Ilrwlev A Walter " 6 Honby.sam'l 6 0 Hurst, äem'l I Holton, Wm H isx 1 35 | Hamilton. W« Harman. I A " 30 I Husf id, P U 11 ,-'sen, Patrick C ra 5 TO Hoikin. T 11 Uigffins, L F " 6 00 I Harry. 1 B Hall, John F •* 5 00 iM,h|, Wm Hoopc", Hadley " 5 oo nanna, Robt lliokol,Clement " 5 to | Harper, Chas , . I * J Ising A Lan» «mo $5 0 .) J »mes, S C 6 mo $5 00 JacksonfiMarshill " 5 00 | Jone.*, Andrew B ** o oo " 5 00 o m •• 509 6 q 0 " 6 UO " 5 0 " 6 U 0 " 6 00 K. Karr, Wm P _ $7 00 | Races. Wm Gmo $6 00 Ke ey. Thos D tax 1 25 | Kinney. Lewis C *' Ke ey, Patrick 6 00 | Kirby, Thos K«Bey. Michael tax 1.50 | 5 00 ' 5 00 L Lilly, Henry Lodge, H W tax Larkin, Samuel Lynatn, Penrose Lee. John N Lee, John N Langley. Joel Lovell. Rich Law. Frank II o 00 » rno 5 00 4 00 CO 6 00 6 m 5 oo ** 61 » " 5 0 .» " ft 00 M. «MeVey, FranMin «*. « * l Martin. Isaac W Gin 5 00 MoMininnn. Win Ht» «Miller, Wm o oo I Martin, Joseph K ' Messick, Roch us 9 7 ')»> I W Her, Frank O 7 oo I Mites, Jun us B Goo j Mil house, Enoch G 0 J J McVaugh.John I Merrideth <f Bro "ft on 4 50 I Meves.Clemens 7 40 I Mitlin, Chas 6 m 5 oo I McFurlan, Milton '• 5 •• 5 MO I " ç 00 McAlister, James Munir., James Mo- rison, John McKey, Wm 11 M' te, Andrew J Morton, Wm 11 McDowell Jc Pierce ■:> eo 7 oi r , 00 00 6 1*0 00 5 00 tax " 5 »»0 May no, Thos Miller, Joseph .Martin, A turn ft oo DO N. Nichols A Co 6 mo fi 00 0 . O'Roqrk.Cha 6 U 0 6 Go j Fuser, Jessa D •) u»" 5 oo '» < 0 J Phillips, Lewis ** 5 oO " 5 00 J Plunkett. P X Co > Robinson. X Young 6 mo ft Roberts. Geo W 6 in 5 00 Roberts, John 0 '* oo P Pickles, Ä ichai iah Palmer, Wnj C 6 m Richardson, A Read, »ieorgu Robinson T E x Co 7 H I s. Strahau, Jas R Sa ville, Alex h 2 o I Beal. Wia P 6 oo Steele. Jas V» uo I «mith. Jas S 6 5 o I Sat ter wail h, G T bm> Solutnon, John Sharp, Thos A Seele V. F. S i.a \ Stone, Geo W Smith, Samuel * 5 on Stroud. Edw Schaflcr. John G " Starr, Aloses.)r " •• ou .Suttou, JaaT ' Shari*. Thus A Sawdon, .Us Jr Salomon. John J * 'iuylt.r, Cii'el ou 00 Starr. I ! iah S,u th. Wm P Scott, Henderson ' 5 oi* I Stecu.John J ■' 1 1 Starr,. Jeromiab •* ûo f» oo 0 in» Sharpies, Geo Shulmin«ter. Fred Sanders.Daniel w ipple. Henry C • 6 00 OO (G !• OO I o I Towns Tignor. James J. Hiv'd Cm 6 IK) V. yicker«. Josep'.i 11 6 m< ft (KJ, W. I Wallace.John S 6 mo ft oo Wright. Emory Wyatt & Garrett 11 JO I Walton Joel M •• ft Waterman. Jos lax 1 2 »» | Wagner,Albert *' ft oo Wilson, Thomas *• ft to Weil a Ring wait Weir.Marshal! N 6 m * Ward. Henry " r * t ilson Kdw '4 C * ' nrVejl 4 ijull " 6 ou J Wolke r, James '* ft tison, Wu» 6 I Winter. Herman " ftoo Wilson, John Jr •• ft oo >* J Williams.Win " fio> •' a im Y. Yerger X Bailey »> iim ft 00 MANUFACTURERS. A. Aspin. John Austiu. Hiram Butz, Jacob i lyown John K Bowen à Speakman 7 60 Alexander A Latti mer 16 26 I Bissell, Henry »Ml Blejwing, Lewis DO I Bader, J 6 m 5 (> D 6 m> 500 H. hn M 00 lo oo I Brewer, Joseph 7 00 a Catanack I Son Craig à Bro Chambers, Josep E 6 DO Curlet:, David P Churchman,C * W H 3 I do 15 00 Cox, Stephen T C'ark .Abisha C 5 -e k, H K Cle and.T K A Co 6 m 6 00 Connor,J A A Co " 6 o 0 690 8 60 6 00 ]600 8 ;'.o D Del. State Carriage Works Darlington pawning k Dure, Uenry F Downing Allooper Dickey, C'll 13 ip , Sain'l 6 TO Prie« 2 , W 6 TO E. EdcmoortY'ks 6m « W ■ Ktrin,, Chas H «m 'ôTO I F. 1 Fisher. John O 6 8» | Fall. C J A Bro Fh>yd A Brisa Fink, U eu lit Fitipstriek. John Oau Gibson. Geo C TO I Green. Francis Jr uTO Uared.GeuL. Î'TO lluutû iosVuh ««» I (jib.on, ^ohn W ÿ]_Gan«rt 7 um#i î Ulnk.on.Thos Jr tax à» Hlter, Thus B 7 ou Mail 4 Myers U 2 « Harlen A Uullinxaorth Co 71420 74 41 11 to Eat'pseMan'fCo taxi 2 » 7 â I French A Dodd 6 m 6(0 Ü. 8 20 xe L Uenxe.Anton HopkiPS.Joho W Hiokuien. Lewis Hosbebeok à Son 6 u >6 uu ♦l l Kl fi ou fi oo I * J Just, Herman Jones. Thomas W fi DO King» Chas C ^elley, Scjun'l Lockert Ford tax 2 ID Lee. Robert fim 6 00 Milford, R W 6 DO Mitohetl. Pass II 10 oo Marshall à Meir 6 00 «McCall,France à Co fi 00 Moss. Robert D 6 40 MoCoomba, 11 8 ftdWfi feiiî^blît* 7g Miller. Uenry 7 6 ttXMurphy,Kd#*d D fim 6 oo Norrett, Jacob J enningten Bro** 6 56 I Peoples, John N usey. Joues i Co J 8 ft oo pyle, Lambo^n Pierce.J Wesleytex Ml Jonc , Robert II Jaoksoo »Sharp Co 205 o^ kerns < Webb Keougb,Martin 6 m 5 uo LeCnrpenter * Co 6 m 5 00 6 Oil 8 0 «) • 00 6 C Tl M. N. 6 00 P. 0 20 ti 1HJ I ne» Khoadi CTO .John B 6 TO Î 0 TO bond». Wm A Cm 5 TO Rnmbo.Oeo Rabinion. Wm Ries, E L Jr Kiebnrdion, bimset 7 TO M ti 50 °2 TO 6 TO t Swift A Courtnev 830 8 * «5 ou I dpeakman.Wm T 6 m 6 00 - soil " 5 CO Sileoz. John 3 Smith k Tamer Scrafton, Wi'son dpeakman.Wm T 6i Seott, Jam«« T ' Stew, rt, And «TO 1100 27 64 Simpson. F O Sftw*rf, (Jhae rew !9 T, Tarlor, H Viney, John «at Wilson, Edw.rd ono Weaver. II P JJ,'nd*"r. Wm H «TO Webb Wm H Wh'ÄM" 1 10 7 TO WU iir 0,ti B * COn Washington,,! no H «««J Wilhelm, Andrew Zeiidur» George 20 0U V, ft DO W. 8 TO « TO 8 60 RETAIL LIQUORS. SSMMJ'S" „ 40 to; Morris, Wm lUe^iï u "i 1 40 w McClaffcrty, John 4 » to \t«. n ' J Vi 1 40 00 I Plunkett,Phil A Co 4o î! n * y ' 1 40 oo I S»Ville. Alex Mulligan. «Michael 40 00 1 PEDDLERS-FOOT. Armstrong, R'l A ft »4 TO I King. Clins C Aj*t er i R . * *1 * Co 12 50 I Sandy, Peter i r! 1 * L. W n k '" " f* ft 4 *D I Meetesr.Ed S II A Co» a& k 4 æ| M 'ôride.John*^ 40 « FamenfFrank" \ g^l A L f V. R e .«Ä r h„ P V. Vjlv.ndovere.A D " 4 TO Hassen. Patrick •* 4 OU I .. 4 Do I Wall. Michael TAVERN KEEPERS. 4 OD 4 IM' Oil 4 no •* 4 0 ) Anthony. Wm W Albert» Henry Bicketa, Frank Burk, Patrick Bendler, Albert Brady» James Bonner» Bernard Burke» James Burke» Myles Bakey» Peter Boyce, John Chase, Mary Choat» Jobn W Conway, Michael Colwell, Daniel Carney, Patrick Colton, Michael Collins,Daniel Connell,Patrick Dr nohue, Michael 4000 Dockerty, Daniel 40 00 Dougherty.Patrick 40 00 pever.Churle« Doyle, Jobn G Donohue, John Doherty, .John _ Dougherty, John 40 00 Ewing, Henry P Elliott, .lohn Kinigan, John bisher. Andrew Feldinier, Henry r oid, John P (iroeu, Cornelius 1 ÖO 00 Garrett, (loo A Gegan, James Gam, Alary Galcspie, Alex Glenn. John Gonnun, Thomas 4 o Hook, Waldron C 5 o Hughes. Joseph Hicks, Daniel 4 o oo Hartman, John 6 o oo Harrignn.Edwd 4 o oo Jjyctt. Jacob B 4 ooo Hughes, James 4 o oo Hlibers. Fred 4 o oo Harkins. Michael 4 o oo jjaughey, Edw'j J oo Heal, James L jo oo 50 00 50 00 70 00 40 UU 40 00 40 CO 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 4 J 00 40 00 40 00 40 0 :) 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 Jenny, Nicholes 4 o oo Keating. John 4 o oo Keenan, Richard 4 o Lippincott. I C Lai ly, Patrick Lally, Mary Lynch, Michael Lally. Thomas 4 o oo MoLal lion. Owen 4 o oo Meenan, «Michael 5 o McCall, Peter 4 o oo Maguire, Hugh 4 o oo Moore, Hamuel 4 o oo Mulligan, John 4 o oo McGrath, Martin 4 o Mans. John MeCandra. Jobn 4 o Maroney, Patrick 4 <> Mark, A nton 4 <> oo Niedemier, Joseph 4 o oo ODonnell, Chas Pearce, Benj Patton, Dan! Phillips, James ..._ JJidgway. David BCo oo Raymond, Lewis 4 o oo Reynolds, Mary A 4 o Robinson. Wm II 4 o oo Reece, Wm Stranb, Henry Simpson,Wm P Smith» Geo P Schrnit. Louis Sherrer. Wm Scott. Maria Smith, Geo P 4 o oo Shaffer; Jobn G 4 o oe Sheridan, Thos 4 o oo Schuler, Christian 4 o oo Tenwages, Aug. Todd, Wm Tenwages, Aug Traynor. John _ Waite, Joseph T 4 o oo Walther. Emile Wright. SuMin _ Whitson. John B 4 o oo Walther, Fred 4 o ao Watson, William to.oo Wagner, William 4 o oo oo 7 o oo 4 o oo 4 o oo 4 q oo OO t '0 oo oo 00 4 o oo Go oo 4 o oo 4 o oo C 40 00 40 00 40 00 40 00 el oo 40 00 4 >00 40 0 ) 4 U 00 4010 40 00 4 o on 4 o oo 4 o oo 4 . 4 o oo 4 o oo 100 0 ») 40(0 40 00 4 o oo 4 o oo 4 o 4 o 4 0 OO 4 o OO 4 o oo oo 4 o 4 o OJ 6 o BATING HOUSES. Foster, R II Fullmer, Joseph Hoi iiniio, Fre i KATING HOUSE TO SELL LIQUOR. Fullmer. Joseph loo Jloldmiin, Fred loo oo oo J Man.«or*. Wm Kennedy, John T oo I Thom I & Look 26 «I o Thompson ALo.k loo vo LIFE INSURANCE. E'lUitahle Assurance, N Y Phucnix .Mutual. Conn Van Trump A E Wooley A Trump Wright. John W Silvers ii j i . n American ' * • i lar 5 o Excelsior • i Y 6 . Manhattan 5 o oo Vi n 5 o oo FIRE INSURANCE. Brack in, James M VENDING GOODS By SA.Mi'L E l Moyer, L c.o oo Mudgett Wm 11 &o oo Orr,Rob't L k Co 6 0 « *gden. Geo a Co 5 0 P»gg"tt, C J A J T •• •■ * Paschall, J -hn M 6 ...... oo Pfaebzer A Br<> Reigle. Jac<>b J- Co 6 .» to Shapleigh.M rs «t C<> 5 o .... Townsend; Rub t Y 6 o ou \V atson 4 Janney 6 - «*.. Way, J T «k C** .'hj .hi Y erkis, Wm & C * 6 *> •«» Weyl. N A U»* 60..0 REAL ESTATE. McKe' «van A High- I field 6 «* t>o J f*o Bellows, Martin 5 o oq C bipman x White fio oo Custer, J 8 A Sun lo oo C ooper ;t Conrad 5 o oo liyer * Biddle o Gray hill. J B A Co 6 « oo Grose. Wm B Howell. II C Sc Co 5 o oo Hill X Vins enger, 5 Hah n, Weatherhuld At Co li Keller, Godfrey 5 Low, Andrew C Lippenuott X Riley"O oo Ou o oo oo 00 oo Ingram.Geo W X C > 6 o uf BROKERS Ingram,Geo W AO-J".» ou | Childs, M M C PRIVATE BANKERS lu ou Cleave« Bi'*'s .* C AUCTION ERRS. 1" '*'* 1 Enos, Sam'l *M * I 11 uk ill, \V A ! Lank. .1 > Menough, Aosh Riddle, Ilùàui ! ."•> | Ash. Jacob Cann<>n, Abraham 1 " oo | liranbury. II J STALLIONS. Ogle. Beni N McCoy. Jam« Robotbam. J-'hn S 1 : 1 1 1 . lo Pierson, George lo i.o LAWYERS. Bradford.E G.Sr Fraim, Rob't C Guthrie, Samuel Higgins, Anthony loou Spruance.Wiu C lo lo .Hi lo. M loo.. CONVEYANCERS AlcvuUister.^aiu A b IVoctokT"'' Fr " ok Jones, W C Kitiengen, L Maul I, 1 > .) Monroe. Adeo Short idge. E G Tantum.. I K Vallandingham.J S lqo>M r ernes, Cha« F Black. Rob't M (IUpin F \i Baker. P R Bullock. Wm Camer<>o. John Order». M T J Kllison. L F Field«. Wm Grc en leaf. Robert 1 « Hamilton, Wm N V>oo Ileal, Pusey Goslin T J Sh M lp. E Masonic Hall Co Wyman, Prof J 0 HNP. SPRINGKR.C.P, New Castle. Oct. 2 d.! 1872 . lo oo 1 1 « lo, 1 1 ! 1 ! IW lo. :is^. Vaudevent.r, A / lo CIRCUSES. JUGGLERS DEN 6 T 26 0 Rrgmter's Order, Rkoistrr's Orrici, NiW Castle County, August 15 th. 1872 . Unon the application of Daniel Mulherin and Cor nelius Green. Executors of Roseanna Meenan. late of Wilmingtou city, in said county, deceased; it is ordered and directed by the Register that the Executors aforesaid give uotice of the granting of Letters Testamentary upon täte of the deceased, with the date of ing thereof, by causing advertisements P osted within forty days !»• date otters, in six of tue meat publ _ County of Xo^ 0 »stle, requiring all persona hav ing de.uiiiuLi against the Estate to nreeent the same, or abide by an Act of Assembly in suoh case made and provided. And also cause the sain to be inserted within tbe same period in the Delaware Gaxette.a newspaper published in Wil mington, and to becontinud therein 'two months. Given underthe h dund Seal of Gffioe ol ) L. 8 . r the Register aforesai,at New C»atle, ip New Castle County »fureaij.the day and year above written. B. GIBBS,Register. the Ks craatina t J be of each ie pieces of the » NOTICE. AsiperHonshAvingolaimsexeinflUheEsteteoftle deceased must |>re«eut tbe same duly attested to the Executor« on or before AuausGIfttb, 1873 , or abide the Act of Assembly in such oase made andnrovi ded. DANIEL MULHERIN. OOKNELlUg GREEN. Address—Wilmington* Del, Execute! au «22 2 TAM KS FRANCK, H0U*E, SI8N AND «HIP PAINTER P.U*KU HANGKH, A No. 512 KING STREET, Next iuor cclcw Post Offiee, Wilmington. Dc.. Would reapectfully Inform his friends and tbe public generally, that he is cow prepared to do all work in nis liu . such as House, Bien and Ship Painting, Graining, Glating, Paper Hanging. Ac. Ail work intrusted to his care will rocol?ope»aon»l attention Country work attended to. G EO. W. BUSH .ell. the beet market pries. Coal at the lower! mvl !9 î!rg ©osfls, Botins, &r. 209 NEW STORE I 209 SMITH & WEST, 30»; MARKET NTREET.; W E have now opened a handjotna.and 00 m plete line of fanoy and atapla. DRY GOODS. « a J comprising all the newest designs and most reli able makes. In our domestic goods we have full lines at the lowest rates, and we soiioit an exami nation ot our stock generally J SMITH A WEST. "AO(I Marketstreet. ) |y! 4 -W ao WM. II. SHARP, No. 4 East Third Street, Das opened a full assortaient of; NEW AND SEASONABLE DRY GOODS' Handsome Dress Fabrics, splendid qualities of BLACK SILKS, JAPANESE SILKS, die. Always on hand a full stock of MOURNING GOODS. of the latest styles and most reliable makes. A line of ,DOM£STZO GOODS, At the lowest rate«. ^ WM. B. SHARP* Mo. 4 East Third ffireel» WfLMliVGTON. DE k; ai r 4 ly a OPENING. 33 N£W STYLES OF LADIES' CLOAKS NEW DRESS GOODS, T» BLACK and COLORED SILK, SATIN. APAPACA. MOHAIR, FRENCH and IRISH POPLIN. o r "■ ÿ H Our Cloak and Dress-makiog Department is *r the management of first-class Cuttern and Fit un j« vo ters. -5 M. L. LICHTENSTEIN § ^ 426 Market Street. ÎS jfuruiturr, &r. S LEWIS F. ADAIR, oo * to .... ou «*.. .hi •«» llii Kinfç Street, Wihuiagtoa. Hhs on hand at his Furniture Worerooms. a large assortment of I FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, Del. consisting in part of Bureaus, Bedsteads. Tabl Chairs. Sofas. Lounge*, Settees. Looking Glasses Mattresses, Blinds.whioh will besold at the lowes city prices. The public are respectfully invited to call, examine his goods aud learn his prices. ai»H tf Q«I.K A MH.I.ER, (Successors to S. à T. Me Clary.) No. 605 MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON. DFL.. . es uf ou FURNITURE WAR t ROOMS. A full Ware i.-r » Call be to mav 2 !(tt siofiueut'of the latent style« of Cabinet >aleat the lowest prices. purchasing elsewh OGLE A MILLER. COTTAGE i.o FURNITURE .Hi M AT L. F. HIGGINS', No. 221 W«st Second Street . WILMINGTON,.l>El«a novlTtf rn TMK SKCOSU STKEKÏ »FURNITURE m N. S BOON I) ST.. 1 'IIII.AUELPIIIaT - 337 Tha Old Stand e.,tal>iisbed 2 ( , years,triuaiphaal la ft'ITRIVITrRE. STORE, Daring the recent depression in busiaeswe laid in for cash cheapest and best assorted stock in theeitv, which we are selling at reasonable prices. New Patent Sofa Bedsteads which make a good bed a night, suitable for sick room or offices. COTTAGE and WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS. Straw. Husk. » xcelaior and Spring Mattresses. *%.Parh»r uits Uoiiulstered in any stvle to suit purchasers. IN INS BROS., .'( 7(7 N. Second St., above N ine, oast aida. Philadelphia. . Cor late it the the sain the ol be the febt-lv Furniture and vemtiMn Blinda. J. A J. N. HARMAN, No. 410 KING STRKKT. tVILMINMTON. DHL. We respectfully infurm the oitisens ot Wilminxron aud thesurroundinx country that we continue to manufacture and keep large au,l long established wareroouis. Furniture of every rariely and style, consisting of Mahotrauy. Rosewood and Walaut Furniture, suitable for parlor, diuiux-rooBi and uses. Ourassortment of Furnitureisas larteand varied as can be found in Delaware, and all articles sold at ostabliakateal are warrented as represent»!. Vanilla« Hlinds of the most fashionable designs mado to order and kept constantly on hand. We also manufacture and constantly keep a large eortment of Spring. Hair. Moss end Husk Msttresa J. A J.N. HARMAN, 41 « Kin* street. on hand at the es. ini Delaware Carpet House, 309 Market Street, above Third Straet WILMINGTON,: DKL. in The cheapest place in the State o buy yonr CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, MATTINGS and WINDOW SHADES. Id AT HENRT ORBBS'S, 30 * Market •treat. N. B.—Re* Carpet woven to order.'at tha «horte« otiee. and iuweit market r»taJ lyU-Ig IwurnnKt «JorapaaLs. THE HEW CASTLE CUt HTl _ N t 1 ,, i) L .. A j i i ! MliTDAL INSURANCE (OMP'Y, Office:—INSTITUTE BUILDING, INSURES AO.aINST FIRE Houaea and all 'other kinds of BnUdloga, with their contents, For periods of Urn varying from thrae months to a term of years. «MAKAOKRfl. WILLIAM TATNALL, WILLIAM CANBV.» J A M KSBRADFö RD. OEO. RICHARDSON. JOHN GUYER. SAM L CANBY CHAS. W. IIOW'LAND, CLEMENT B SMYTH. KDW'D BKINOUURst. JAMES RIDDLE. KDWARD T. BELLAII, A. P. SHANNON, ASHTON RICH A F.DSON.O EO. H. BATES, M M. CLEAVER. „ , „ „ WILLIAM TATNALL. Pre.'t Sam'l D. Smith Sw'nr fehl« DELAWARE FIRE ■KSUBAWCE iOMPAKY No. 608 Market Street, WILMINGTON. DEL. Inter, orate Charter PerpetuaL iBBor' tiA«f term of years, or Xerpetual Insurances at Oieatly Bednoed Bates. Losses promptlr adj tuned end veid. Insnrn against lorn or damage by fire*a« love as any other company. ^ „ DIRECTORS: Geo, W.Rpjitp. Wx.c.xbt, Fsàxcis B iter, Tohr P. McLe.e, W«, H.Srin, Wm.G. Gieeoxs, lose R. T*tom. Gao. W. Bc*h, Geo. W. Stoss. _ - „ WILLIAM CAN'BY. President F. L. Qilpix. Secret ary._ anr»-":« k; a EXCELSIOR Life Insurance I 3 ! t ^ *3 j £ ! 5 ; 2 * COMPANY, T» or 'O ! NEW YORK, r All Policies at the option of holder*. ' "■ Convertible into Annuity Bonds, thusxj ÿ providing for vUl aqe and n/ainst business H reverses. -5 § A II. GRIMSIIAW, »leneral Agent, No. 4 WEST THIRD STREET, WILMINGTON. DEL. ^ Da. Johnston, Medical Examiner. feblJtf 1 ÎS S THE AMERICAN POPULAR Life Insurance Company, OF NEW YORK. SOUND RISKS CLASSIFIED as in Fire Insur ance; hence best lives insured 5 u per cent, better advantage than elsewhere. . TIIE SCIENCE OF LIFE APPLIED TO FIRE INSURANCE. Pure^-teck—vet guarantees returns to the long- 1 lived. Sound Lives in Four Separate Classes, at pre miums vaiying with the risk in euch class: each class being as it were a separate company. | Moderatetpresentcost and ultimate lan ' WM. D. J)OWK t Agent No. 2 Bringh CornerlSixth and Market -t ■st's Bui! Lu*. its. feblfiti Will irgton. Del. Railroad ïinrs. Short, Quick and Through Route! TO THE WEST AND SOUTH! \ WILMINGTON AND READING R. R. VIA COAT ES VILLE. TU ROUGH,TICK ET 8 TO AI L POINTSJSOUTH AND WEST. Train No. 1 leave Wilmington 6 ,.k> a. m. neeu with Elmira Express. Train No. ft leave# Wilmington ft p, m. Connect? with Cineinaati Express. Baggage checked through. No charge for traaefer of baggage at €oau*ville. For information as to route aud rate# applv at Franklin Telegraph effioe. No. 2 West Jd street, or at W. à R. Depot, Front am* Madison. apfitf Con - C. STOLZ, «lea'l Sun'. W. À R. R. K. WILMINGTON AND READING fi R ot at Spring Arrangement. Ob .end after ■•■May, Aegasl O, 1873 , Passenger Trams will leave Southward os follows TRAINS Noe. 2 . 4 . 6 . 8 . . A.M. P.M. A. M. P.M. Lear« Heading et 7 00 4 üf> 10 35 " Uirdsboro', 7 35 4 3 '. 4 40 U lu " Coatee ville, 2:0 624 « 20 1 40 •• Chadd eF d, lU 2 n 7 2 f> 7 :<o 3 ;il Arrat WilB'gton, 1115 S 15 « 1 . 4 45 ] äCND.T Leave Coote«vUl« 4 . 00 . Chadd's Ford 5.05 and arrive at Wilmington at 6.00 p. m. TaatnaLtava Nos. 1 , 3 . 5 . 7 A. M. P.M. P.M. A.M. L've Wilmingtou «' 6 30 146 6 no lu .n " Chadd's Ford. 7 25 S 3 » 6 ui 1157 '* Coateeville. 8 20 3 3 « 7 U 0 I 4 J Arr at Btrdboro', V U) 5 25 s «5 4 10 " Raadiag. lu 20 6 50 4 50 Trains 7 and 8 ora mixed or market trains. Susdit lass. Laave Wilmington at 8 . 00 . Chadd's Ford 8 -* 5 . and arrive at Coateeville at 10.00 a. m. CONNRCTIONS: Ckodd'e Ford. Trains No«. 1 . 3 . 5.7 and 8 oonnnstfor Philadelphia, and i and 7 with trains from Philadelphia: Nos. 4 and 7 connect with trains from Bnltimom; aBd Nos. 1 and 6 with trains tor Baltimore. No. 6 with train for Port Deposit. At Coateevillo. train! Nos, 4 end 5 connect for Philadelphia, and trains Nos. 1.2 and 3 with trains from Philadelphia: al Bird»Wr»' trains Nos. 1 end 7 connect for Philadelphia, and train. 1.3 ana f. for Rending end North, Knet and W est. _ Cxearsioa tiakot* will bo sold for .nil sutions for Buaday train going northward; this train will atop fur P— « « »*»• «~^§^ L2i General SuoerintenJeit TRAINS At PENNSYLVANIA HAILBOAU. _*? aud ama mordit, oct. 7.1172 WKoT PHILADELPHIA. Trains leave Depot, Thirty-second end Market Sts. Trains arrive at Depot, 1 hirty- Brat and Market Sts. _ „ . *"» 11 np Wseleerd. Paoli Accommodation daily, except Sunday. 6.20 a.iu., h. aia.ui. and u. m„ l.n p.m., «,40 p ui und lu .30 |>. m. N i attar a Express daily, except Sur day. 7.30 a. at. t 'sundùy V |ôo*a m ^" llra *' IIire ' 5 dally, except Mail daily, except Sunday....... 8 00 am. Fast Line and Erie Kxp.duilyee. Sundayl 2 . 404 pjn. Harrisburg Arc. daily, e veut Sunday, 2.30 p.m. Lançai ter and I ork Ace. daily, ex. Sunday 4 . 10 p.m. 1 arkceburg Train daily, except Sunday, 5 . 30 p.m. Cincinnati Express daily, «Southern Express daily... Pacific Express daily. Erie Mail daily.. . . Paoli Sunday Trains......A .40 a,in and 6-40 P.m. Lini'iniiari Rxp. only to Uarriaburg on Saturdays Erie Mai! Saturday meht ruua only to Williamsport xor Emigrant^ Exprès.-. Train, leaving 10.50 p, ro. daily except must be procured and bagrage delivered nt . 1 « Merke« 8 *. by 5.00 ,, , » p w, York DlTlelom. m a TO ' a r «'A- 15 - *■*' ■a 0 ' 11100 »»d lw.wü. .C 00 . Â..ÎU and 0.45 p.m. and 12.20 nicht Emigrant train for New York. 11.30 p m.* ' Way Trains for Bristol, f .,25 and lo.'O a m. Way train for Trenton, 11.30 pm. i) "J O»'» ?! ir Uolmesburg and Bustieton. 5.00 p m. ÎÎ 20 2 ig hu" 7 7 23 » "• 6 45 P "• "d 6.45 p m train connects at Trenton far Lambert - ville an t Way Stations. wampon KENSINGTON DEPOT. wÏÎtIto*»* J i" 4tle ' an - 7 -TO » m. 12.30 A 7.15 p m. Way lrain for Now Brunswick,__ 2210 p m ^5 a r 'p S in ^a ' D, ,Ur Tr ® atun - • m and 4.00 and W.ajt'l raina fer Trenton. iO.OOam. 3 20 , 5.00 en Wey lrain for Bristol._....... 6 .oo- D lm. KOR BELV 1 DEKK DIVISION. ^ e a n ^' D - Lambertville. Eat ton, Soran Way Train to Lambertville A Pennington.I 6.00 am. L tom Ac. 4 TOpm 0 "' L " mb * rtvi11 '. Easton, Serun Accain. for Befdidere and Pennington. MAhKETSTHSET FKKrY. .. , , Amkey Uliiaiae. Accommoda, for New Vork via Amboy, w ey trams b>r Treotoo, » Uu and 10 TO noon and 4 00 . 5.00 and é 00 p m. A 2 C 0 o"u"m 1 * t ' O * '" r !, * W York Ti * P,rth A"*">y, Accomin- for New York via Jersey City. 3.00 p m. Way Train for Burlington. 6 31 » dim jy"f 4 "-pd* . lor Bordeotown, ».uu and 1 L 30 P P^m*** Trsins for Long Branch 6.30 a m an j KÎore^Tr'f 0 !! , ' i «H, t,to r n - 6 ,J0 » n> and 32 »p m. i hk(.re.-s Trains for Pemberton. Long Breneb and m and £i 5 h p'm. * ,ul luck ' rlun R * llr0 " 1 *- * i Trains for Mt. Holly, 12.30 end 11.30 p m ! W^lrams for Pernbertun. IO.OOam. 2 . 45 , 5 . 0 Uand G ..50 p.m. '.».UU P.m. 11.40 p.m. 11.40 p.m. p.m. 5.30 p m. 6.30 am. a in. 12.00 • p m. d 2.00 »leeping Car Tickst« for tbe Wet eon be bed on I applicationi»t the Ticket Office, 901 Chestnut street. ** Depot, Thirty second nniiMa?ket bu ! t °r k D * on Transfer Company will call lor and deliver Baggage at the Depots. Orders wil j receive prompt attention, and Railroad TimeCard ! Cftn a 1 *« be obtained at the following TirK rt ncprnpo ) 8 °*?Ü Chestnut street. TICKET OFIICEi:< No. 838 Chestnut street. ; .Dd at the Depots end __ A J. CA.S 3 ATT, general Mamattr. FhilaiUi •'tua, wunungion and flaitt more Railroad, TIME TABLE. 4 «tv, Juu# 3 J, 1 S 72 , Tiaina will Imi« hi »«.1 Wmii.uiiIoü AYeuumaw fa.loWr ■* 30 "g »I Ell kvi(u:ni 6 lât ! 1 >«I ol comer Broa . AY-ilAIL THAI:. Jay* excepied) fk.i « UUi.UgtùL l*w»rr kAi'.ro Li H ch KsilrosU ana Uatniu'iou with J K* ! CIIO 0 l>'jictieu»r«r wiiii £«Mi*ru w.m Wicouiico su<i Pucotuoke Bre* Kai. iJ Lt-litw Ke iiri ^»k! lUiilu* l RXPKKK't TLA IN B*ltinaor« *ud \V*e »•ny .xi I . M. (iuuJaye excepies.) tut glun.atoppiüK Wilimutt,*«, -Ue-tiFAC«. Uupvvii mi Wit N» w c'MMt'e. 4 uo r. M. iAuutiMja exct»pi*>d,) ur * 4 »hiu tf ion^w»ppin S MlCheMier,T)!iur uioiit.WiIiuiugiuo.N fib H '.1 f ib um aXPRKfius TKA 1 .N mi Bm'.Iiic, r***uU W ; ClMT CbMrl«su«vu, p«xrt - •-.W . Fill* , H -UlKtli t 1 WILMISg riLV Suppiug it Mil Sixuuua »»«.t» - 5 ,^ 5 ,!»!! 1 m!m' ti*| K . k. for >iii ôr i mu\i Tuiluiir | lkavk wu.aiiN*. it ' * u l ' 15 *' M > NlüHTEXPRfc lUVluU.Mt lUlüiÇtOO. il^i'.M.JMi'.T.iorLalt c-MliJ W MMtl , CiMJUiuO», W«J u-Kaj:, reiryvtll«, MagoiU. Huriuik, wUt lake t H. N h O-tifMC*. Of, I'MMMCDgeristtir Korire*« Ai 12 uu M. T i s. uu .1 Wiim'.ugiGO. M..* 12 . 10 . 2 . 3 u, 6 .M lu a.M.,2.üü, 4 JC b, ■ P M »1 I»-: ;. ri.«« i ■ A il ou lot fï lib ib \ i*ij i : km. n K. Ha i « , i. i Iv \. h \\ , 2.o . V lb i> I i»u 4 . ri»«* ; p .1 I'iluS.lf'l H-. '"'"j ■ * ioi I bilMUM.ob 4 25 y. iu.; O lot I'b;UU«fi>biM il*<lelDbiM 4.20 p.iu a .23 a. u hibuJ'M K of I'bi tit lux V ; : i'U.LI \S ) • ^ \ »ip MtiU li K 2 l tka: n a ai i iivk - lii-.h . 12.20 P.M..5. k . 7 .A 2 . S. 3 Ô. S. 4 « »!:• P k, Jb K> .-I KK »1 7.2 .VHK .. y L K A 0 * . li MJ 56 l Plul P, 7 i I a IP w, LY P. M . k» ■ y P Al 1 •orii.ej. i lit«! uieuiMirtui;; R. • li ' •» V. 51 «ill 4 «( u Pori I>epo# it will l jfePer oliMte » 16 47 V 51. La: oirikLii . u TKAI.SS FvK BALTIMORK. ■ts.ll a. a , MtiU 4.35 r.a ibglou mi 12 52, 2 13 Mad 10 Ü2 a. a.. 1 .4 cl s:>.i r TkAis must balt.'mokk out«* Mt 7 25 r. a., «topping Mt 3lMg L«mvm Caohier Lam»m Wi , 12.06 s.i: y SU LoMit.It B»il Putt d VI rtb KmmI. Klk Now UntOD, >•« c mu 4 CbMtai. • UMkriUiOOdMl«* at or - l, Wi)a.itkgu>t>, CUymoiit, Lu.» m v KKsacr Fora U einest tau m me Weal. fiBHiSMi PENNSYL 7ANIA CENTRAL R. It. WKSTKRÜ ACCOMMODATIOM TRA!> AND FAST KM 1UKANT LINK, R flXXSBXJUa. And all plaet* in t.U Wt$t, tjjuthwist at. Northti«»!. tSTlO« IBORTUT AMD BEST ROUT!.' O H. , .... ThtsltneaSordsunequalledindueenientf t. per »ousdesirtu. a cheap aud expeditions passage to th , West, and deserves particularly the attentioa of al such as desire to arailthamselvesof the Uomustaod Bill passed by the last Congress. The Pennsylvania Central Railroad, with its era necting hues, is by 137 miles the shortest roate to Chicago and other pruminentpiaces in the West,aad is also the quickest,cheapest and best roate to al prominent places tn the Southwest andNerthweat. Passengers or« forwarded in comfortshla and win Paaeenger Cats, furnished with cushioned seats wita moveable backs, water tanks,stoves, in with such other conveniences a. are raqatsite for th somiort ef familiea. , Through tickets n sold to all prominent plaeeein the Weat.Southwes and North west, at abont hel and the nsunl Irst class fare, Children under ire year, old as free, and ehilarea petween the ages of £ve and twelve years pay isalf 8 Price, Baggageche, „'ed and forwarded by the with the passengers. Eighty pounds of bi tor riad free to every full passenger. The train leav u daily- except Sundayupd ticket . 1 for mus: be procured aud bogsoge delivered attbeeBce No. 116 Market street, by 3 o'clock, P. M. 1 By addressing tbe undersigned he wUl forwnrdh ana return ufmail, free oi charge, actrcttlarccntataktg complete price lift, a map, a eorrect eopy; for Homestead Law, and give snah othar inlorsaaueB atop may ha desired. FRANCIS FUNK. Agent ° f,h 5 o P *?lTOl?^Ätell. f FkiM»l»kU? J u»e M. X 9 HM train take«« sor-