Newspaper Page Text
H VMM. .. ïh. Lori 1**4«: ke reign, a bo»4; Beroad the aroh ofhenven. And day b» da», in tender lor«. HI* flits to m ■w »Iran. And whan in tronbla and in «riaf. The Lord ia always near ur; And. wban wa aak hit sweat ralief, In pity ho will hear Ha loads us in his own right way. With tender care unfailina; And we hit precepts to obey. Our (kith in him prevailing. The Lord is love, and in that lore Tho soul has life and faror. A Anal rest in realms above,* _Through Jesus as our Saviour. us. Slow Poloonlr^rrom Croon Wall ec^.nH hlr J lc i an . !? We>ter n Massachusetts üiîl U> I • tady„patient who for aeveral weeks, had been suffering from nausea, sen* eral prostration, and other eyinptoms of Sow poisoning. Failing to discover the cause of n.w m*™' as a ,ast re *° rt the doctor re quested her to move from her chamber, the which were covered with paper of a shade of green, so light/ Indeed, that in the evening it could scarcely be dis tinguished from white. After leaving the r Mini the symptoms immediately disappeared, i 18 Patient rapidly recovered. A sample or the paper was forwarded for analysis to theSutechemist, at Hartford, (Mr. Joseph Hall, of the High school.) and was found to coutaln a large quantity of arsenic. Mr. nail obtained the poison iu tue various forms of metalic arsenic, yellow tersulphate, silver ar senite, and arcenious acid or common white arseuic. He estimates that every square foot of this innocent looking paper contain^ an amount of the poison equivalent to five l ains ot arsenious août or double the fatal do f Tor an adult person. This, in the moist, warm weather of J uly and August, was amply suf Ji-ient to keep the air or a room constantly impregnated with the poison, and any persou occupying such a room would be as certainly poisoned as though the arsenic had been tjk j n into the stomach .—Hartfwd Courant.% The Oldest Odd-Fellow.— it was stated some weeks ago that John (J. Potts, of (Jalena, was the oldest Odd-Fellow In the United States, having been Mtiated in 1825. This has brought out WiMuu Austice, of Philadelphia, who says he wasNBRted in 1822, in Washing ton I-odge, Baltlmole; then the only lodge fit the United States. While Mr. Austrice was in the N. G. chair, in Baltimore, he says some Philadelphians applied for and obtained a charter to open a lodge in that city. Mr. Aus tice then removed to Philadelphia and joined the lodge there. V ICTIMS OF THE MISSOURI DISASTER.—In the list of passengers lost by the steamship Mis souri occur live servants of Mr. Cleaveland. who went out to take charge of the Vidlnl Hotel, at Nassau. The company allowed them to go under that designation at half price. One of thorn was Cecil Cleveland, of liulfalo, who served in tho war under lien eral Hanks; another was Joseph Throckmor ton, at clerk in Philadelphia, and a women named Mary Hiank, of Oneida county, who was going to Nassau as a housekeeper.. 120 MARKET ST. 120 Is where you cab get a GOOD AND CHEAP SUIT OF CLOTHING, Made from a lar Latest Styles of sei>17-3m g* ttn*i well-«elected stock of the Fall and Winter Good«. JOHN DAVIS. 1873. FALL AND WINTER. J. H. MUHLHAUSEN, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, MO. 415 KING STHKKT, WILMINGTON, DBL. | Where he invite« his customer« and the pub lic generally to call and examine his well _ lected aud exten«ive stock of Germau. Eng dish and French Cloth«« Cassimeie«. Coatings and Vestings of the latest importation always on hand. Customers can relv upon always getting a genuine firat'Olass article at ihn establishment. se QEOROE MoCALL, Merchant Taiilor, No. 121 Market Bt., Wilmington, Del. Having laid in hi« entire Spring stock oi CLOTHS, CASSIMERES and VESTINGS, is now prepared to accommodate his custom er« and the public generally with garments, which, lor neatness of fit and finish, cannot be ex celled by any house in the city. Having secured the servioes of Mr. Wn Swift, one of the best cutters in the country, be foels con fident of giving «ati«faotion to all who may favor him with their patronage. Satisfaction guaran teed. apt ^JJEORGE U. ASH. MERCHANT TAILOR, No. 911 MARKET STREET, (seoond story of Morrow's Building.) WILMINGTON. DELAWARE. A fine assortment of CLOTHS. CAS SIMERES an VESTINGS eonetantly on hand. apl-tfd UP TOWN SHOE STORE I LADIES. MISSES AND CHILDREN can cet •J AND MADE BOOTS. SHOES and GAI TERS made to order at the very LOWK:*T PRICES. Call and tee my sample« and learn my price« before civinx your orders *1 elsewhere. LIDIES'. MISSES' AND CHILDKEN'S Boat and Cheapest Machine Sewed Boote, She«* and Gaiter* In the olty. for anlo nt No. 10 Wait Eighth . Do not forgot to oall and *ee how champ buy nt No. to West Eighth atmet. JAMES M. HOLMES. No. 10 Want 8th street, 3d doer from Shipley, Ailmond'a Building. Wilmington, Del. lire you can apj-lr J^ÏW BOOT AMD SHOE HTOBE, 401« LOMBARD STREET. The aabaoribam have on hand a good aup- na h'r of wall-made Boot*. Shoo* and Gaiter*. ■ wbioh they will sell at vary reasonable price*. ■ Coatom work made to order in tho bast man-^M Bar "f tt abort notice. Repairing neatly and glVatV^VmSl *™ t0 ' ^ b * pub, ' e * r * ' nTlt *d to marfi-tM. * MEREDITH k BRO New r *hoc More AOANY, ^SxjlUtopaned loots and Shoss iifa'iisfflS.'ssH'—"-I".',, E x ?.tL«oTu2ä c Sg?5" u u ' TnTcHANDLER'S, 1 6U Merkel itrMt, •* *it teiAlmntm. W. B. ALLMOND ft BRO., Oo.nnr 8th and Markat Straata, and Bran* dywlna Villa«#, GROCERIES TEAS, »PICES, Sc c.. See. also i* LOCVUV MOUNTAIN AND WHITB AN COJlL. Order, for GOAL let! et the Tard la Brandy. Vil or at their flore, eernrr 8th Bad Harset iipm i "■ » —2.440lb*. to the ton. BP HEW GHOCEKV STORE, M. W. Car. Fwrnrth aw# Market Bt.. WILMINGTON. DEL. É The undenlgned respectfully in fltf neunoee to bi* old friend* and public generally that be haaoumplet-BHi mw MdffÄh r ' ,Md h " 0 ' , ' ned wltb « ««"tk L«v2Sîï 3KR i K ? ,S ' J0 ^ RS , AND MOLASSES, ^»^"Âÿ..'ïu d | P .rfo" i,eJSUM " OU a* ytup -."\ A •" klnJ* Of MolaMe*. Rli «™î n n ïïu L »* uir ». M*ric*ibo, SiïiJrr... iv d i.^" t *.' , i u f*?fc , L h * fine,t Eloek anU nit « Jeifl'k^ a d Wheat Family F| 1)U r. Il WiJfSÏT,» f* 1 ml1 . kl "d« of pure Sniees, Sara nes. all kinds of Cannad Fruits, French and Knslifh romatoV^îT!! K V S ?**• '^»Inut, Muihrmm and American Pickle*. Jel nhn»^*.** e Ir" Mh ..? l .. Batt ® r , Baker'» Cocoa and Chocolate. Vormaealli. Macaroni. W«hlng Soap in SIS nlît' y ' ï?i l,t •>*v«r Glo»* Starch, Cur pïïîîü2^ÿ5' , . Cit î on, A' ul î r » • Minoe Meat, bried n?,ct, h r a B d i k PP tf' ^ ran berrie«, Uroom*. Fainted PniSlif' Bru»ho«, Sperm, Adamantine and Talloe Candle*, and all article* ueually kept in a well n*. sorted Grooery Store. Call and examine my stook. JAMBS CRIPPEN. J. MARSHAL HARLAN, I (Sueeeieor to Edw. L. Klee.) Ü ROGER AT THE OLD STAND. No. 8 E. SECOND ST., Opposite the Li wer Merket House, WILMINGTON, DELAWARE, Finr Teas, nines Jt Linn, rs Choice Family Flour. Champagne Wine, Superior Ham*. Claret Wine GilUng and Cotton Twine. Choioe Old Scotch iul.,4 ' nd Ry * Wtlekey*. HERMANN AHRENS, 6ENERAL PROVISION DEALER I No. 234 Tatnalt Street, WILMINGTON. DEL. Would respectfully announce to his Iriendu and the public that he still carries oo the Meat busi ness at the old stand, and will keep constantly on hand the best quality of SUGAR-CURED HAMS, I FLITCH. SHOULDERS. LARD, PORK. 3AUSAGE, DRIED BEEF. t . , CHEESE, TONGUES. Ac.. Ac. All of which will be sold wholesale and retail at the lowest city prices. lie returns his past favors, and of the same. thank« ntoect to his many customer« fo tfully solicit« acoiitiuuanc t Jlour, £ttü. Sic. JAiriEM N.niru, No. 400 bhiplcy Street, Wilmington WuOLKSALK AXDCRkTIII. DkaI.KR lx] TEAS, ^COFFEES, SPICES AC. 1 ^,'ab , \oung Hyson, Black. Geecn and every lwrll" e80riptl0n of Teas. Coffees. Spices, Ac., ot Hmg|j|3çuperior quality on hand and tor «ale at ^HsaDlow figures. All articles bought at my store are warranted. Retailers supplied at New York and Philadel phia prices. The public are respectfully invited to give — maylio-t a '"sail THE BAKER«' UNION COMMISSION HOUSE. No. 300 and 302 E. Fourth St. t Now completely organized and tilled with [all the B£ST BRANDS OF FLOOR in the market, torether with a fall line of Feed. Kye Flour. Com Meal, Ac., do., are now prepared to sell to baker*, atorekeeper, and private faiuilio* By Ike Lead, Barrel or Pound at rate, cAeaper (Aon can bt bought In tht city. Parties will find it to their adrantaxe to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere. Goods delivered to any part of the city free ot ohatge. J. BARKLEY, Seorotary of Director*. 7-dly «cal Sütatf J. H. FRAZER, REAL ESTAI E AGENT AMD Collector of Rents and Bills. KAbT THIRD 8T„ NEAR MARKET. iunl.l-diwly_ OULE At JUILLEKe REAL ESTATE AGENTS r AND: AUCTftjNEERS, No. 005 Market street, . (In the McCLARY BUILDING.) opposite!;the Bank of Dal PERSONAL SALES ATTENDED Tu. «wire. Haring reuored from theeorntr of 4th and King street« to th« large «tore No, 606 Market street, we solicit ordsrs from our friend« which will be ■Had »Uh any* aad promptness; RLATCH I.r. Y'H IMPROVED N« ernenne ft«» Weed Femp. h Sïïï^£? r Âirv>S2;t.'r',6 d . A 1 mtäJäxx&J&iä»viSv. ta — d r withdrawn without removing tho „ Pump or dMnrhing tho joint».— S Afro, tka Copper Chamber, which MV withdra „ Pump or A AlSO, U« v*rr-» -■ — u i wwaaawna 2 never crock» or aonlo*. and will 3 outloat any * -■ H dealer* ^"Ærj^LavçnL.v.MTr. MB CummarcoSt. Phlia., Pa. other. For aale by «vary wham. Real for id Priew-Liit. 1 ßtmt, fistor», ir, 'pnoMAa b. an##», No. 30a MARKET. STREET. Will Mil cheap for Caah MOVES, HAAGES AND HEATERS. AI»o. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, in VViflow War« n#r *I M80rtm ® ,it of Wood and . —. ROOFING.* SPOUTING, repairing and changing of btovea promptly attended to. aprl-6in ex* E. T. DEACON, No. 118 MARKET STREET, WILMIXUTON, DEL., lias conetantlx on tale a complete aeaort ■ ment of the beet COOKING and HEATING STOVES, including the Oilole and othar Illuminator*. Alio, BIBB'S SILVER PALACE and other Parlor Heater*. The aaperior UNCLE SAM RANGE. w.iuj k i n t l * n ^ The beet Portable aad knlnin-fi 1 i5* ,in * furnace*. A full lineof llouae keening Hardware. Tin and Japanned Ware. t A |P, ÄQ(a Sheet Iron Hork, Roofing, Spouting and Jobbing promptly dona. «ape H. F. PICKELS, Km. T »U.I • Ceil Fwnrth ktreet, WII.UIXUTOR, DEL., Sole Manufacturer of the Celebrated Wrought Iron Gas Consuming Heaters, Also, a good oa*ortincnt of Codkkio, Paulok I lKATINU STIIVkk. COOK STOVES. Fiinner, Hevular, Continental. Niagara. D . iker City Inin Side*. Iron Clad, Magee, ■gBl.nie and Monitor, Miner and U. S. State*. r^SUU k/'Z g a und Carbun Cook, Diamond State PARLOR AND 1IEATINO STOVES. ( . llo f. y- Bemton Light, Sunnyaide, Oem p'! d i Magnet, Dawn Go* Burner. Peerl. do., do. parlor Light. Novelty Parlor Cook. Trupio, Sun. «À. u, 'r l " r *®i a ''ortment of Housekeeping Hard iîi Ao Tln * Bd Sheet Iron Work, Roofing. Spout if. Bpl-tf 8tove3 bought, «old or exchanged. itt$uranrr U*ompaaU$. the kew castle cim/cty MliTUiL INSilRM COMP'!, Office:—INSTITUTE BUILDING, INSURES AGAINST FIRE Houes and all other kinds of Buildings, with their contents, varying from three months to WILLIAM TATNALL**WILLIAM CANBY.t l,iMivi D *, ,OHD ' "E°. RICHARDSON. JOHN GUYER, SAM'L CANBY CHAS. W. HOWLAND. CLEMENT B. SMYTH IRW'D BRINGHIJRST, JAMES RIDDLE. 1 EDWARD T. HKLLAII, A. P. SHANNON ASHTON RICH AKDSuNdJEO. H. BATES M . M,CLEAVER. ' s.„*. n b WILLIAM TATNALL. Pree't Sam l D. Smith S^c'rv fabln For period« of tim a term of year«. r DELAWARE FIRE HVMIRAWCF. tOXMNY No. 608 Market Street, WILMINGTON. DEL. lut»;, Charter PerpetuaL r it». term of years, orj Perpetual Insurances at Oraatly Reduced Rates. isnr* Losses promptly adjusted and paid. Insure against loss or damage by fire'f any other company. lu>o a« . ^ ,, DIRECTORS: Gr°, U.aSpARxa, Wm. Cabby. Fbancin Babbt, JuttK 1*. M. I.sar, if«, I1.8WIVT. Wu.G.GiBioMa, John K. Tatcu. Gm. W. Ilt:9H. Guo. W. Stoxi. , WILLIAM CANBY', President. F. I*. UlLPix. heereterv. anviO-TO «4 EXCELSIOR ^Life Insurance? f<3 i C* Ä» COMPANTT, ■*3 =î or *4 NEW YORK. % 2 All Policiet at the option of hold»r».\ 6, * Conrertible into Annuity Rond», <Au*i> 3 pronding for old ago anti agai/ut öutinou^S ^ re versai. ~ ?; in A II. UKIMSUAW, General Agent, No. 4 WEST THIRD STREET. WILMINGTON, DEL. ? Du. Jiihnstox. Medical Examiner, fehl.ltf -.* -s H ^EW BOOKS AT E. S. 11. BUTLER'S, Book, Newspaper and Stationery Store, NO. 420 Market street. A Reprc«antirtive Life of llor. Greeley. Cloth 62.C0 Fables and Legend«... ** l.&o The Neither Side of New York Only Three Weeks. Arab a. The New Timothy. Sailing on the Nile .. Thrown Toge'her.«. Caper—Sauce.... Olrig Grange.. The Whisperng Who would hare Thought A Seven Month«* Run. The Japanese in America... Angelina Gushi ..... " Get Thee Behind Me. Satan. " New Books reoeived a« soon a« published. 1.20 1 . 1.50 l.-» 1.55 1.50 15 1.5 Pine 1.26 1.75 it~. 1.75 1.50 1.50 1.50 JOHNSTON & BOGIA, BOOK - BINDERS, AND BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS. NO. 420 SH1PLET STREET, WIUHXOTOX. DBL. Account Book* of every variety of ruling and binding made to order. Magoxine*, Mtuie. Newspapers and . all kind* boand in Plain or Fonpy 8tylea. Both being practical workmen, «* are able to naraatan entire aatiiUetion. Order* by mail promptly attaadad to. at aprly IMil rg»* Stars. PEWITS ÏLVAWIA BAILHOAU. Trains leave Depot, Thirty-second and Market Sts. Trams arriva Depot, Thirty-first and Market bu. - . "»*" l.lme W asteranl. .Il daily,eicept Sunday,6.20 iÄnlfop.^i. 1U0 *■ 6 - 4U Niagara Exprès* daily. etcept Surday, 7.30 a. in L Sunda"«.Va n m Kl " iri1 Klpr " s daily ' ®* c * pt Mail daily, except Sunday- -- 8 OO am. H rei'.hneî"» "î P ' <«•«» •*• Sundwlî.ïï.p.^ 1* "Isburg Acc. duly, except Sunday. 2 ;j 0 d«i L a aster and York Acc. daily, «.Sunday «wS S' P* £■*"* J™" daily, except Sunday, 5.30 p.m. rit burg Lx press daily, except »Sunday 7J10 p m Cm Qoati Express daily "'»"««'v -wnii. Kris Ä'VlFs a? ■ V ;•••• -8.40 a.m and 6.30 p!m! r'* n,, ' h 'r» n » only to Williamsport * >rfctinigrant Express T/a in, leaving li* *iu m daily except Sunday,ticket« inu-t be procure«! and barrage delivered ,t lid Market « , fork Division »■fSn 'V.ff ?ST-ïy!?vI- ; ' i - "•»> »/d 11.00 a.m. and i-ov, J.wi. *»..10 and 6.55 p, n, and 12.1* 1 *> ierbt Accommodation for New York. 7-30 ; * 1 wSlfTÄu 1 »?! T f0r N * W }- 0rk - l> U*. V« J v™L i î ren ,V on M '' » ni. 4.2« and p 19 Jffi h f unday Trams..7.30 a in.6 55 p m. and KENSINGTON DEI'OT. ilolmeebarc A Bu«tleton, d.45 a m, 13.00 noon. 5 15 . end 7,A p m. 3.10 p.m. ■ L . Way Train lor New Iirunswick . 2 15 i> m K 5 0uTm. rainS IWr Trenlon ' ~ ui and 4.UU aud Way J ' l ri r " r " f *r Trenton, Ib.CO a in. 3.15,5.00 and ' FOR BELVIDERE DIVISION i^ eott ' n ' Lambertviile, Eo,ton. Scran ,.. ,on ,V 4c -' '••"am. and I.OUp m "an , dIüi D p t m LïlUberlVine ^ am. \ V " y . Tr î'"',. fü , r Eenningtun 10.00 am and 5 00 Aecom.forBelviaere5.0Upm. MAHKETSTRaET FERRY. Amboy Ulv.nlon. fj . r u N i® w V< ' rk vi » Perth Amboy and WaMonmouth Junction. «.30 am. and2,1upm. Way drains for Trenton, 8.0u and 1(J uu am i2uo noon and 4.00.5.U0 and 6.00 p m. a ' wIÎtÏÎ'iI 0 ? K S w ? crk J«r»ey City. 3.00 p m. Way Train for Burlinirton. « oil i m S» y lr »' M .for Bordentown. « 00 and 11 TO [. m Exprea* frein* ior Long Branch 6.30 a m and'i.OU K 5nd*!u0p* m r 1U * ht,t0Wn ' » m and 3.30 p m. E 'f r j'Sm,*ih n .',n° r o'o- b *î. ton ' Lon « Branch and mand lï' u m. * nd luck ' rl0 » "eilroad*. 7.3,i a S> y / ur ;V'- H«By. 12.30 p m and 11.30 p m. 6*30 p m f Pe " berton * *0.00am. 3.45,5.0Uand Sleeping Car Ticket* for the Weit ran be had on Ind i C t*th» n n tth *-r!. cket ,J 61 CbeetnutetreeC A«VntïtP.t P .' > I ,Th,rl ï.' l, * 0O r" d aDi Market Su. foriîdS.îL- ^e Unton Transfer Company will call "rBaggaireatthe Depot*. Order* will IÎI iùt , rom . p . ta,le . nt ' on ' " n,J Railroad Time Card can also be obtained at the following TrcrtT nenn..«. ( '■'0 1 Chest nut »tree!, TICKET OFFICES: ^ No. 338 Chestnut etrect. I n , .(Mo 116 Market «treet. and at tne Depots and lerry named above. A J. CASSATT. 0'eneral .tfonu ger. Mt. p in. W N Philadc •'tue, WUnungton ana ßaiu aore Railroad, I \\ A A TIME TAHLE. ifoialiïe ® « "rjfoàd *ud *7«**?* HAiireeil, at Hetnogtou with Juuction aud hi Breakwater Kai.roed, Heefurd with Do reheat* r end Delaware KaUrced at Dwlinar with Kaeuîn ihn« Railroad'. Äl 6Ai,#bur J Wicomico »ud Pocomoke ** 12.18) M. (»undava excepted ) Baltimore and Washington, atoppios at wflmins Terr j ville and Kavre^dtMirac* g ». ln f tOB with train for New Caatle. «XFWÈ^ TRAIN at 4 ou y. M. ffiSUf excepted ) Baltunoreand Washington^toaplneatLheattr "fh ^"'üglon, New port' ritan Uor.-i.-OrM., P«ri jm.u'. mj M. ui ,ll». r ****ïf.«l m! tZT' Moarc " "r* Korlolx.will nk. »iLmixstox trams. »top b#4W*.D CO-Wt »uai'£ll,d-li*hl*. , leave Wilmington at 6 dU P. m. . M. train trom Wiimingtou w. l ounc Arsenal Juncuou by street c+r» w ,, train tor New York ~ ™ PU1LA. ASI) BA L rv. CAST/ all Mations ou U Connecta a at Ou Sunday The 6.43 A M. a l'c put*. rf/. /. IRAI etoppiag edeâuhie end Hiinmur* C»ui Leave Pbiiadeipui* i«k 1. n 7 Cbadd'a Kurd «lava *u<i 1 Heilro i>4*pk>V.ll t'd ».m. »ad 4J«> lO-Do a. ui LMp.m. pailadfinhie ~ • I'biUdFlpLi* i»*l feaiurdâj» 2.3*« d. uj all StftUfui lnwrr!l I : «wsi »•»Phi «y* h • r LI fi gk is *» 2.20 p. tr. Wedueadays train *top«t at Lamohin. Lea?» Port I>epo«ii for PhllAdalpLie, t tf.23a. m aud 4 25 p.m.; Ox lord lor Th 6.1i) a. m.: Lbaud'* Ford tor Phila.leU.hin 4. Mindftj, loafe Philadelphia (■ r Oxford s.;» l«*7« oxford for PnilAdeiphia 3 40 p. m. Tra.n* leaving WilrUoetoo couect at Lamokiu Ji l.Ji) p. iu. traîna tor Pn i;tl Eailroad. THROUGH TRAJA'S ARUM BALTIMORE. ' U *k**l*^J^* N ' «4 iUJii, 12.2U P.M..5.42. lu.SU. P. 51 . _ . „ CBKJTMtrOB rbtLADMLtaii. LMX . R CH88TKK »I 7.M, 7^2, ».33, *.!» .u.i 1 (.*!s A. 3* IUB.*.4I. 4.41., 7.46 iuu 10M 1* 41. groinBoU:mt* yail»3.lpbi> 1.«.,- B.lumor. at 7 J* ». a. Way; ,.w*. a., KxnrM. : * :.i 1'. *1 . 8*. pr«««a. 7.S0 P.M. LxDree* 10.4'» P. M Kiurvae. Vrom B^timore^o i*or t D*po*lu»nd iuteimediatv«tationa Aoeoniiuodation ox 7.IIO i.. m. Tb«< 7-Wa. m. hilfoUelplua au-1 icei 4 w .11 P >.i with I adelpuU end B .ii r LEA .lafroiu Pori D.[.o.itwUn.»T.Perr» rttt..14 47 3.41. forfi.lkiator,.n*l iuterin.*li,te ktoas. . TRAISS rox XiLTlllOKK. ft» 12.DC eu<l S.ll a. ftn.i 4..V r 12.32, 2.13 xn i 111 02 a. m Leave Che«ier Leave Wtiauagion 3.17 r. m. 1.I& XCSDArTSAlXrsOU BALTIMORE L*a«MBAllllm>r.»l7 24 r. a., .loppiuc »I 4t»gmn tufto* . Abtsrilifeu, U** re-Ue-irft ec«*. 1'err? n. North Kae». Klkti-n. N*>«v*rk, 4| pur». Wilmington, CUvtuüa», Liaw »■' KKNNK i «BiwriDlnQilsDi Tfi-rry Nr« Uhl * AUkl L Ur. For* bomemeaa in tne Went. fill PENNSYL /ANIA CENTRAL R. R. WKSTKRN ACCOMMODATIOM TRAIN AND FAST EMIGRANT LINE, OH PITTSBURG. And all plat*» in là t \Vttt, South»»»! at. Jforth»*»t. HVtHE gHORTMT AMD BUT BODTR.'ftft ThislinealTordsanoqnalledindacementx tc par »on*desiring a cheap andoxpeditio-ts passage toth t Weet. and deserves particularly the attention of al suoh as desire to availthamselvesof the Homestea t Bill passed by the last Congrees. ThePenneylvaniaCentral Railroad, with its coc netting tines, ia by 137 miles the shortest ronte to Chicago and other prominen tplaces in tne West,ant* isalso the quickest,cheapest and best route toal prominent places in thebouthwest and Northwest. Passengers ore forwarded in comfortable and airt Passenger Cars, famished with otshioned (cats with moveablabacks, water tanks.stoves, in Winter.and with such othar conveniences as are requisite for th oomfort ef families. Through tiekots a sold to all Prominent plaeesit. tho West,Sontkwoa and abont ha) the nsnal first class fare. Children under five years old as free, and children between theagesoffiveandtwelvc years pay haU Prtoo. Baggageohecked and forwarded by the ainetraio with the passengers. Eightypounds of baggage car ried free to every fnll passenger. Tho train leaves daily exceptSandays, and tickets must be procured and baggage delivered attheottoo No.116 Market street, by So'clock, P. M. By addressing the undersigned ha will forward b return of mail, nwe ofoharge, aolrcnlaroontaining eomplet* pries tot, a map,a aorrect copy of the Pennsylvania Railroad Comp pait^Ulnhi.^ÿ-îî^r^f 8 ''*^ fhllad ' p ear. •iphia G EO. W. BUSH Mil* tka best Coal at market price« the lowest avl Short, Quick and Through :Route TO THK WEST AND SOUTH! WILMINGTON AND READING R. R. VIA COATK8 VILLE. THROUGH,TICKETS TO ALL POINTalflOUTH AND WEST. ne^r^hVuÄSilZ 1 to,t# " W0 a * «Uh' i, C„^nn. 1 "Ê"£ i ]" i,,,t0B ' #1 "• baggage checked through. >o charge for transfer of baggage at Coataavllla. ror inlormation as to routa aad ratas «pnl# at Gen'l San't W-aÎlAÏ!. or awitf DELAWARE BAILROAO LINE. SUMMER ARRANGEMEMT. On ana after MONDAY, July 2ttk. c e* folllu»*". lSund,T " excepted.1 Train* will Pantn atr. MokiHwakU. faMeagfr. A. M. Mix*. P.M Delmar, Laurel, Seatora, Briageville Greenwood Farmington Milford, Harrington. Felton. Canterbury. Woodside, Wyoming. Dover, Moorton Brenford Smyrna, Clayton, Green Spring. Blackbird. Townsend, Middletown, Mt. Pleasant, Kirkwood, Rodney, Bear, State Road. Newcastle, yfo Wilm'gton,arrive !U15 Philttdelphia,ttxrivell.45 P.M. I 05 J''tdS(nurr. A.M a :44i 7 25 1010 10 30 10 35 10 45 10 5Ô II «V 1110 *oi 11.15 3 35 11.35 3 65 11.50 4 30 13.05 «60 13.15 6 05 AM. 7.00 7 30 12 30 6 60 7 30 7 35 13 45 1 1« 6 67 7 40 1 06 60 7 5e 1 15 61 8 UU 135 «I 8 10 140 65 8 15 145 7 0« 8.06 1 40 1 Ô6 8 25 716 8 3.1 2 UU 7 24 8 40 215 7 34 8 45 2 20 7 54 9 06 236 8 13 ^15 2 46 V25 suo 843 »50 3 06 y 4u 3 16 y 45 3 33 916 3 55 9.60 5 25 11 30 P.M. Bakiirore. arrive SOUTHWARD. 8 10 3 50 /* iissenger, P.U Mired. F. U. 11 Su 7.30 PhiUJeli'bij.. Bull.more, W ilmiiiktoa N . 1 astle î?l>ite Koal. Bear Koancy 5uC . 40 6 25 256 6 45 H 7 uu 7 u7 12U Kirkwt. 1 Mt. Pic,«*. «, Middletown Townsend. Blackbir« , Greeu Sprior. Clayton. Smyrna. ( Brcutord, Moorton, Dover, Wycminr, Woodtide. Canterbury, Felton, Harrington, Milford. Farmington, Greenwood, Bridgeville Seaford, Laurel, Delmar. 2 37 I The Mixed Train.will run sutdect to delay* inM^ den: U> Ireight busme**. end will stop ouljat .u tiun* »here time naiven. ' *" t v NKW dASTLE TRAINS. « w * '°r Wdjmngtun and Philadal' A-M. Leave Philadelphia at U.C 0 M aad \\ llmington at 1.10 P. M.. for New Ca»tle "" ...... SMYRNA BRANCH TRAINS* Additional to those above, leave Smyrna for Clay ton 11,3:* a. iu., and *.35 p. m., LwveClavtan tar -SmyrnaH.4*i a. m.. and 2.00 p. m., to make «mneê South' th train ' ,t0 and trom Haver, end stations At T0WNSEND C Snb fbfkfn" County and Uu..n Anne * A- Kent Railroads. Muean At Railroad.° N ' Wl,h ,h * iiaryl " d »"A Delaware A water*RaUroa<?.^' * U " ,h * Jun «'«" and Break A KaU A o l ad KD W " h ll, • DorchMl,r "J Delaware At DFLMAR, with the Eastern Shore Railroad and \\ icomteo and Pooomoke Railroad _ H. F. KENNEY, Sum. 11 : 41 2 25 11 4<* 11 4.5 11 55 1218» 1216 tAJ 2 46 8 CU 8 < 5 8 1(1 3 15 •ne) « 2li 8 2U 1 8 25 12 30 1-40 12 5u 8 40 4 00 8 45 4 10 8 56 iki yuu a 06 4 40 1 20 6 66 b a 1 26 • 15 1 35 5 82 1 45 5 <0 2 10 2 20 615 6 40 7» at WILMINGTON AND READING R R s l>rine Arrangement. Oil a»«l after Monday, Animal *, 1S7S, Tram, will leave Southward a< follawi lnAIAd Nos. 2. 4- 6 6, r u j. A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. Leave Heading at 7 ÜU Birdsboro', 7 35 Coaresville, y .t) Chaild « F d, lu Arr at Wilm'gton. 1115 4u5 10 35 4 36 4 40 II 10 8 24 (3) 140 7 30 3 31 3 15 H15 4 45) . r. ... Scndav Taaix. I..»veCoate»rille4.00. Chedd'. Ford 5.05 and arrive at \t ilKingtun *t 6.00 p. m. T«irvi k *'*l. Lk *, T * NotTHWaan: TRAINS Noe, 1 3 . 5. 7. „ ... A.M. P.M. P.M. A.M. D.y* v'luttnaloo a 6 TO 1 4,, 5uu 10 Ä» Ihadd s lord. ,26 2 35 600 1157 loateeville, X 20 3 35 7 uo 1 40 Arr at llirdboro'. 0:0 5 25 S 45 4 lii . Keadtny. 10 u) 5 30 rratn* , and 8 ere mixed or market traîne ..... . Sett Dar leant. 0 « llmington at s.ix). Chxdd'« Ford ».:. r *. end rrive at loatesville at lO.uü a. m. a, rv CONNECTIONS: At Chadd s Ford. Trains No». 1. 8.5.7 and 8 r,' n mPh f r r t'; h ." ad v phi v *?4 s««tTwuh Sun* trom Philadelphia; Noe. 4 and i connect with trains trout Baltimore: end No». 1 and 6 with train« Baltimore No. 5 with train for Port Depoeit pt^i .tfwtos Noe, 4 and 5connect tor Philadelphia, and tratnj >oe. LÎ and 3 with train* from_ Phtlade phtaj at BiptUhoro' traîne Nei l and . connect tor Philadelphia, and Gains i,3 ana 7. for Reading and North, Rum and West. " Excursion tickets will bo sold for all station for Sunday train gotng northward; this train will stop tor passengers at any publie rond eroeeing „ C. STOLZ. __ General Superintendent i V Le* lor Pmokeh L À'u.r!)ad! l1i1n<JT01 ' - ^ VBiAhOT h On and alter- . a passenger car will be attached ;to tho In October Uth, 1171. U i*o.-**rnger ^»r win oe attached :to tho tmight Gam ^leaving Philadelphia at 9.00 p. m.. tor Wil The train wiii *top at Station, ax follow*, when Mgnuiled : Gray * Ferry, 9,12 p. m, LoaaretLa r.m': Chester, 9,41 p. m; Lamokin, low 9.49 P. m: Linwood, 9.58 p. mi P. m: Eller* lie, io.18 p, m: arrivew toctaui iirri % P.*; p m . •r REDUCTION in FA88AOX RATES ANCHOR 4.1 ME 8TEARERB Sail, xvear M tnttasnix xxn Satra Taoenter* booked to and from any Railway Sta tion or baaport in Great Britain. Ireland. Nor way, Sweden. Denmark, Germany. Franca. Hol land. Belgium, and the United State* * Cabin tare from NEW YORK to LONDON LIV KRPtWL- G LA SGO W müd'oERR Y by Wedn«* enS iftfo"*" *** By «■twdny'e Uearner* DM EXCURSION TICKETS. HIM. INTERMEDIATE, MS. bTHARAGT Ms payable in Cnrmney. Parties lending for their friend* in the OU than try can purchnm ticket* nt 'sweat rate*. TorTy ,h,r mtoMtfv&MszfvSk I SON SA aei-lnrtw-