Newspaper Page Text
OMI.Y A tOCKET. ily a lltdaiririket. I wtar in ray bosom, wy dear. Ii TO* would icarrcly think it. Mow long it has reste«! there. Nicht and day I have worn it. _ i®.« 1 ® thirty years and more. I aid not think to have borne it 8o long with a heurt so sore. seems few days since we i.orted. Ue sailed for n far-off cl line; At first I kept brave-hohrted. And patiently bore the time. And hh letters Always tender un i t rue. To read them brought him ne u And his voice seeuied near to At last came a time of wail in.?, And silence hard to hear; My heart. Would keep debating What, charms mteht hold him theig Then f hluincd myself ho thinking And 1 feared he inii-t be ill. And I felt my hopes keep shrinking, Hut I sustained them .stall. News came—I would not receive i*. They said that my love w i- dc id; I could not—would not believe it. No matter what was said. Ke would come some golden niornim And take me to Ins -idc: 1 would get my bride's adorning, Heady to be a bride. Ah. the weary months went over, Thu weary years dragged by. Hut no morning brought ni> .lover. And still alone Slowly I grew to think, it. Grew to know it must be; From that day this little trinket, llis farewell gift to me. Has never been from my Lo-min, And I wish that when 1 die. Like a sweet perennial bloss« >m. It still on my breast may 1 1 «-. it came to cheer me. ine. s 1 . COMIC NEWS. Some folks tliink that Time lias get so olil he must be bald, for they never can "take him by the forelocH." Our office hoy suggests the persons taking him by the Mary had a little lamb. She asked n naan to shoot it, A'd «hen he went lo kill th it lamb, It had the Epizootic. A little girl described a snake as a "tiling 1 that', a toil all the way up to its head." > A Portland sea captain, just returned from a long voyage, was told by a commission merchant the aad news that his wile had died, dead?" said the captain; "well,'now, do you ; know I didn't think she was long live I. How's freights ?" The Owalonna, Minn., .tournai, sighs for a dance, a surprise party, church sociable, theat rical performance, spelling school, randy | till, or something of the kind, "just lo harrow the danse monotony." We are told that "the evening wore on," hut We are not told what the evening wore on that oocasion. Was it the ''close" of a "summer day ?' 1 i An indiscreet youth in Cairo has been lined gropriely of Buch ; i i ' Wife ■ tor yiolently kissing the Bchnol ma'am. Site w s to homely that tne judge said there was ar-u - lately no excuse for him. An individual possessing unuiistakithh* < v donee of African extraction was arrniuucd f. t larceny. The Judge, as of right, wasdign.- 1 fied, but said witli severe presence "Are you guilty, or uot ?" " 8 ar v Did you steal those clothes?" he it peat-: •d. "liolly, boss, ' Clare never done it. " "Thit man says you did." "He ain't nothing but white trash." "And what are you ?" "Me ! Why don't you know me? I rid witli : you in the procession. 1 helped to lead you home when you got 'tired' that night, yon 'member nm now ?" There wasthe "auddenest" not. pee* in that j darkey's ensethat judicial annals afford an example of. So much for the advantages of j good sooiety. ; Dont i ! How do I look, Pompey ?" said a youtp» dandy to lds'servatit, as lit* had finished dress* log 1 ''Elegant, Massa ; you look hold a* Hon." "Boldas a lion, Pompey ! How «1«» Ï ou know? You never saw a lion." * <> yes, lassa - I seed one down to Massa Jenk's in his stable." ''Down to Jenk's, Pompey'.' Why you ureak fool ! Jenk's has not m»t a lion ; Chat Is a Jackass!" ''Can't help D. Massa ; you look just like him !" a 2 3T There are some remarkalily small men in the worlk, One of the plutuies is a Hoston merchant who invited a neighbor whose goods were in peril at the late fire to store them in his establishment. The neighbor accepted the kind offer ; and, tlio other clay, received a hill from the good Samaritan for #U"> for storage. JOUNSTON & BOG I A, BOOK - BINDERS, •SD BL AK K BOOK MANUFACTURERS. NO 420 SHIPLEY STREET, WILlilEGTOS, DEI.. id Aeeoaqt Bunk* of every variety uf ruliu* i k'fifaga»inee. e Mu* ic!* N e w* pu per.* and I'ulilieiitiuna ail kind, bound In Plain nr Fancy Mylex. Both being praotioul workmen, wo uro able lo U 'Âby n ma'rVromâÜyu.ton led to. 01 uprl y ë «1 Sstate «Ngrut* J, H. FRAZER, REAL ESTAI E AGENT AKD Collector of Rents &na Bins. -A« r THIBD RT., NBAR HAIlKKr. Jinl3-diwly_ 06LE Ac. RILIfEK, BR AT, ESTATE AGENTS AND auctioneers, No. 605 Market street, (Is th» McODABY EUILDING.) opposite tk» Bank of Delaware. PSB80BAL BALES ATTENDED TU. Bavin, removed from theenraer of 4th anti Kinv ,n»| io ike ton» star» Pto, tW)Y M irket stteet. «•eolielt ordara pom our frien la which wtu bo lief with ear» aad .mmotnaai. my21_ S. K. CLOUD, Paintei and Gramer, Vo. 616 Market Street, (ll.tallK.UTj . WILMINGroa. DELAWARE. Patatl aclantilloally mile! and meibaninaHy applied. îjar ^tlvrrtiiscmfntj. AGENTS WANTED FOR C ,BU!\ S Child's Commenta Lor lil , I:r, L : ' *OR Till: HOME CIRCLE 1.2 « a,.) Knnravmtti. Th« Iwst «•>■(. rprisi " n, V hkv ,t ,,otc jwWialirii. V • S >. <40f»?>to |*fl ••êi.uUr" ad«; g n & Ci».. 37 Park It*. JV «««.»** .. .In i.r ,z.n. <s bv Mr*, // /;. Stau, more a ye I i «»ti e \ New . Sup rb » i :iurns given :tu.i y . .M, tin Ï "ÄÄrSv.''» .< ■> •ioe. rapidly • 110*1 £5 to £20 * , r r,| ' | i ,! ■a*' ,, i'*wiii.i«i! a ï !uiÎht»,.v 4 ' ,,y "••'ku.K i'<iipif*. • ; '.i? U,IU < r °'d. make more im.ney a; woi - in their s are moments r i I t|,*» ti, fur at ACCIDENTS îi.Hurc intho TR % VU.i ltS ( ,t Ct. G hU.Sbi aN Mustard. — U holesale to the trade. Hng.e Trlü-|î , AÏ;FF n l ^i!;;"î., il - «• »BK 1 >«M»i4iii:ri»i\u Ui, Vic J > ti d oiei chant eau learu al une«. ' • 1». '>>»'} Hrya.xt,'i. N IN y «lerl Hmik inail< <l . V. DOORS. SASHES, BLINDS. &c. -•■..J i'.r ■lln.lriunl «'i.inl«i|;ne t.> HRADLI v ( 1 : K HIR | 4,54 x |» ov s f York l'he fin, ■i»m ■ * p" H hut «very father and ^ 1 /o/Ar»* should have. I|i It ro 1110 ! Lith ■ graphe i on line j a ■ »«r. i.i the very bos: :ner, T c Id end mg of color is perfect 'ent. 7 »o*>/aae jiuitf, receipt of One hollar Mze. 19x24 I N. \ tVN it R A V I Mi AND I'l tt Mi Co , Hox 4 t _4 Til w EE] flïïjHg i ; i Im 1 > r |'llC W L'Olily bill II. - ONLY 01 A YEAR S PAGES, ; ~ u i N York Book-keepers, 4 ishIiiu «i»*h 4'oml»int»lioia lui» ; l.r«s«*r, with a Fat. Paper Si/.cr u| m| Ivory li i 'J' 1 " r attnchyil. It replaces the sizing, restoring i the i* it* -r *■* its original finish. It r« n«ierî* erasure unnotifeable. ^ New tiling. Agent** wantet. II. T. ' Cl dli.MAN, North Hermingfou. Vermont THE O' ST 1AMII.Y PAPER. i'll t: Itr.sf AOHl l Lit It A I, PAl'Elt. Til 1 . I'd -T Pol.I I JCAl. PAPER, nit: rest - iora paper. dllE rest KA.MIIoN REPORTS. i ni res r c.\ if EE market Kumrts it"i I E.' 1 (If.ikkai. AIakskt Rteokis I HE P.E-I PAPER hi I.R Y WAY. THE WEEK.. Y NEW YORK SUN. light im ces •VI ■"> ' u m n j . M n voir.. r l..-s than 2 r.-tiir » 1 N A Mr»* fill. SYN. X, v York Citr. ■ .flour, .feed. Su. me: t{\e»i:it »' t\ao.\ COMMISSION HOUSE. Mo. 300 and 302 E. fourth St. X cl tnplCkcly irgunixcd and tilled with at; 1 liiJST BKAirBS OF FLOUR »- : r F . t • full lino of Feed. ; now preps vat«; t-iinilies* ■*«>lllMl at rat*» tr « it if. Iven • t., call and .V*. i. Ac./i .. "p liM * It: t .. ,1 f. i 1 it :> t : j j „ , . _ „ _ ~ . n — . . _ ; J U / / Ur L I U T H ! N G f hire. > -I * lev * ere 1 to an> pa « 1 I ho city tr< J. HA K KLEV i 1 20 MARKET i>T. 120 et a ■u can GOOD AND CHEAP 1 ! M . i- U .■ ! tr d vv. I1-* t.'.l Stuck »f t! ! i \ , j ; ...l . ■I'd! V HA VIS. i NT λ Tall and wint-;l J. LÏ. MÜHLHAUSEN, F ASH 3 ON ABLE TAILOR, HA 1 \ I N (i ST »4L b, J ; U\ N v > U.UIXUTUN. 1 , 11 .. 1 W r ! :ip l Ihe puh • hi» < i 'icrtuan. Li.g - nicrc.- Cua'iiigs n a! «• in' ally -n È Jl i l •t!i •u l»f t'. ' ! ! import. " on ,i. a!way" getting a genuine '■r u i "• article at this e^tablUhiucnt. (jlEOHCHi McCALL, Mcrchnut Taiilor, No. 1-1 Mutkct bt., Wilmington, Pel. During lui in hi .4 entire Spring -»tool» ot M» C LO I'HS. CASS I M KUMS and V l sT I NOS. 'j* 4 is now prepared to •ceommodate his custom -*■ er" and the public generally with garments, which, t«>r ne.itnes» »*t li r and finish, cannot bu ex celled by any house in the city. •d the aervieesof Mr. M'tn Switt. one ot the best cutters in thu country, he feels * tident of giving sati-fa tioa to all who may tnvor him with their latronago. Satibfüttiou guaran teed. ai>l GORGE 11. ASH. 1 MERCHANT TAILOR, No. "11 MARKET STUKFT, (second stury of '* Building.) WILMINGTON. DELAWARE. A fine assortment of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES an apl-ttd Morr VESTINGS constantly oa hand. Durness. li. TUOA'.l FDM A DrxO.. Saddle, Harness and Collar Makers, 000 West Front Street, WILMIN GTOX PKLAWARK. YY. A full assortment of Single and Double Farrijige, Cart. Dray gÄ RJjind Wagon ilarnes." eo.i"tnmly on hand and made to order. Lf^ All Jobbingpuuctual* " ly attended to. luuvn-lyd. m F. C. LEHMAN, FRESCOE PAIMTER. IL'xIiL'IK'I'. I'll Tnylur Mrrel. Pint Office lie* t»T, iy :-ly WILMIN TON. DEL ; GRE VT AMERICAN BUOILKH, eclipsed by the IN ationnl Broiler, R. MORRISON'f. 4Ub Ship lay a tree t. T HI Calli*nd«eti (Brnt$ ^urnisbittfl Cd U x; Ti o M W ll H -3 / u C *i i I =: K J ; * 1 .1 M te r 11 r lTIK C-ELE r.KATM) 'y. PARAGON SHIRT. N H H m -*î » M H Oi Send for Self-Measurement Circulnr. J. p. DoumiTEi:. No. 410 Market Mree*. Wilmington. Hel. mylT-lv <5 % Sr jyi YOKE SHIRT 603 MARKET ST. W/L/vHHGTOW DEL. Stores, îTimvare, &r. rpmniAk n. No. S03 MARKET street. Will fell cheap for Cosh S 7 0 VES, IiA A O ES A ND HE A TEES, j Also. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, in eluding n general assortment of Wood and \\ illow Ware. ROOFING. SPOUTING, repairing an 1 oa rhanging of Stoves promptly attended to uprl-tiin [? a T. DEACON, No. 11S MARKET STREET, WILMINGTON. DEL., Has constantly on tilo.a complete rnenf. of the best issort COOKING and HEATING STOVES, iru'ludirthe Otiole and -ther Illuminators. HILH'S SILVER PALACE and other Parlor Heaters. The superior UNCLE SAM KAN UK, l heating. The he.-t Portable and are?. A full lin** *d H.-u-e keeping ll.»r«lware. Tin and Jap «une 1 \f Tin an«l Sheet lr«*n Work, F unfit, ». Spouting nn«l Jobbing promptly ti. rooki R uRcl-ili Hroting F *» e i ti H. F. PICKELS, Xux. 7 and » I:»kI l oiirlti hircel, Wtl.MIXOTOSr. DKT... Sole Manutacturcr of the Celebrate*! Wrought Iron Gas Consuming Healers, \!"t*. a g " i »""ortincnt of Cuokkio, Pari.ob Hkatino Srov ks. COOK STOVES. F irme-. Kerular. Continent.»!. Niagara, t'ity. Ir*»u Sides, lr I. Magee. ft"!: .n i M nio.r. M •rand l Clmrtn und Carbon C Kange. !.. Hium Sine PAKLOK AND HEATINH SI'OVFS. .Morning tllorv. Deacon Light, SunnvMde. (Jeiu t»a" Humor. Pearl, d*».. »lo. •! > Parh.r Cook, Tropic, Sun. •Mid Magnet. Daw Pari Ac . »Vc. Light. N ■tient of llnusekeepina llnrd* tuulSiieet Ir-*r* Work, Roaüua, ^prut Al I: g. .ic N li.—Old stove • bought. poIJ or exchanged. ip! tt ünsurattre ifomitanifs. Tin: neu i asill tot till MITII. 1 L l\SlilM\l K tOMP'V, Offlcei-INSTITUTE BUILDING INSURES AOAlXST FIRE Houses and all other kinds of Buildings, with their contents, For periods of tin» varying from three month« t a term of years. Maeacers. W 11,1,1AM TATNAEL. WILLIAM CANDY,' JAMES HRADFOlxD, GEO. RICI'AHDSUN, JOHN GUYKK. SAMT, OANBY Cil AS. W. lloWLAKD. CLEMENT H SMYTH. EDxV M» UK1NUHUKST. JAMES RUDDER. El'W AHD T. HEI.l.AH. A. P. SHANNON, ASHTON RlCUAFDsoN.GK.0.11. HATES. M M.CI.EAVER. WILLIAM TATNALL. Prw't tvbi" Sah'lD. Smith S*c' DELAWARE FIRE l.\M IU\(i: lORFAiW No. 008 Market Stroct, of WILMINGTON. DEL. Charter Perpetual, iisar* tûxet lerui of years, or. ^arpotual Znsmranoos at Qieatly Beduced Bates. Losses promptly tfdiu-*ted and paid. Injure against losfr or damage by any other company. tai»r.' 3 T»:> fire!«« lot» as DIRECTORS : „ Gao. W.Spauks. Wu.C»XbV. Fbavcis Bauuv. Iohr P. MpLkau, Wu. H. Swivt. 4VU.G. Gikuuns. Joua R. Tatut*. Gat». W. Dish, Gau. W. 8 roK,. W ILLIAM OAîiBY. Prwil.nL t. L. Gtlp*». bkT.tarv, »nrÖ-TU I JRIMENKW TIMOTHY SRBD, SPINACH. C.ibbwo. Kile an 1 Littue« f>r fillsuwin*. MuvIurJ au! Celery See! Mr pu-ktinr. nt W. CUA.MULEKV. fill Market itraet. pH Railroad £iu». P.'.iladc "tua, WllmiEfcion auc Ca U mote Ballioad, Tl M 1*4 TABLE. oiuiiiHUC.i:.' Moi.drfj, June 3«., IJ72, Ti *\txn u.gim. Att-eu** ,o* t, . v A. Ai . ^h.n.ilKys eieej i*j ) t a. j.oi cm ufi ! I „.t WAI-MA1L THAIS topp: ng tlhil KvgulMI ti iHlIolin; V; .n/ C'a V\ Hr« liM.llWNIH Krtlltn.,.1, hi I! leak A Hin h.i < J.i.lna ll l.hlll liai ru.til'll w th Jmiction iiorctif-Hler with l.a i. • .1) V. U'S: il . CiUDiihVH «•ICPpttoC.) i j^ l «PP K.till Ort l . biXri.K.-*** tÜAl.N lUlUllllil •* Min] V\ i.m i'*n y vili* luinclou willi i r Xi K Kr*e* ni A IN i M i — .(.Mina*y t» »Kcepted,) .. il*li:mor r an j v» üniiiiikiui* .-*i.»|*{'iii « ui« , i bur II* i l<lll SUUli.ÜUjIUlO i* i , .N**vvttrk,K ville. il bluy C1h> M i Mt. , »V ;limnyu>u. 5*'v. j , CbarU-ci* » iu.Nortli-K i i* *-. Alierdefi,, 1 cri j h n N Kill 1 LXl'Uh? lUlllkflOII H»viv-«it— 11..J*' I .M .*1. .toi OhII; ■ihnnil W*Mh . *)mont, Wil rerrsviliu. l * l 'i'twnru 11 i K • >r f jrtreun iltiui u* . M. Tr»ii. Mh L State W Nulloi K , «. 1*1»* WILMXGï OA THAIS':. *•♦?! «t-n 1 , lu.46 ali 9 bw ppibv Î.KXVK i iill.AOLi.1 HlA 7.U0*u i 9uü daily Del.K. i.. l,k.A\ h W i I.M1 NOlUi» l NVilnjinrton. . . Ai.. IJ . I ri»- 5. M. a nnect» w.lft t» s* 6.50 au<l e.f* A. jl. ,2.1m, 4.1X1 1 7.IV I*. M Tbr s.p* a. Unentfi *ini i'nù. leave W ilm UVlnu rile li.4i A A kf>' i. a 1 JuiiOti'U w Yur rL I LA. A SU BAI.IL), 'h! Pliil liait v' N. »St li lt ••••'. « *u ? uuuay 6.JO M. U \N 1 IJi ». ylU I. A. -M. J' lh A I .*•> • "l-pu.g H.i. I 'pi i 1 : 1 .u hr ' M H ' I I* \V.| ' HI». • • • . I k' l ° ! « 1. 1 : I l"'!, II Ik I • ;.i»i h. •so i *• 1'IiIIh«1*1|1.i M !.. J, Tra 1 > Ill ■ a« p. *. -!a» tk Hi lsatU'.km Jui'C 4.0" p. u,. W c I tiki l 't U TRAILS ri:o:t La LilVuLF. LEAVE Wil.MlN«,Ti..\ f M F lu.:**. i:> : p.m ^ , t >0(£ 1 UH-tlU.rVU.À. A / & «. Il fEli *1 7.2b. 7.6J. p. y n. - a. ir IJJS». 2.41. 4.41, XI From HhU •f** ly I Ulla iw.pUik . !.. • *•* kxr ' • ttHlfi tu* i l.a A- M. W»y .M.iii; y,.u prw*.* 7.2UF..M. From H*litinore. ■> »■ • ii "u t'. M AccomiuoJ* 4 io*i Atefrota l'on Depo* it w i 111 «*»»♦• i «» t Vil le *lt> 47 A.M . toi Hh.i.uu; » ml : u ru«e l;*ie .- ii» TR A /JS.S FO R BAL TJ M< /; y LeftveChenier.'U li.otf „u i^.ll a. u l.t*Ve W.tUi.UKluii HL 12.iz, J l.i ni 5.17 r. ■ il . i% » li,.l. *1 t L) - 'i . <i,e J. V. l, U' A A A At surr a r trais n.o:,i saltiuur; . Lea... «t ; ij r a., j ; a I -try Pt'Jrf!., UrtVIr-Uf , hi kit n. ,V : •»la.oltl. p*»i i, \\ tiuaiay.*. I'KNNSY LVANiA. KAILIlUAu. - At os iMl AKHK MitMitY, f*rC. " FUI L 4l.»KLFIl 1 A. leave L'i | ot, 1 i.irty-.-* 1 rain." arrive ;»t I *t i-ot, 1 1 , irr; Trui . i »Market ^t". , :• tirst nit. i Market M.-. .Tiulii lain« f*a«»li Accommodation daily, cm u.rn.. 8 3<)<i.m. und 1 i .lu a. m.. 1. d 11 . u. •.!" I *.HI. IM I*. Nh a Kxi rvN» daily, » x pi ? S • d Fimna hxi r . ui. .Mail daily, except Sunday. fra«t Line anti Erie Lxp. daily e < Harrisburg Ace. dai.y »my. S daily, vx tpt Ui. Loch 11 a v Sunday. »."0 « Ob • unlay 1 :.4 i*.m. x- « i t un iaily, « x. > Fark«?*b'irg Tr. Fitt-ti C nc umly, c: daily, f.-- to ally -•Lilly.. Ua-ly. I>d i •' : Ext x ' T tali I.Xl 1. j P. . t Oil *' *• ; - > ; .'-«»Ultlf 1 H.uti** l. x i r*— • Mail i .i.y. iuy rrains» Ei i« Mat! >a turn ay nia ht ri Emigrant hxpre- 1 , t Fault > , .. U 11 : ;. i •I r : Ici» ■ ,l;,ily rxrr OU,.. lay. bag.iigti «lel i, ♦ r* d at . •> ■ .. -,*•{ ■ •'»a lurk IM \ isittii ■ Exprc.«" for N»w 1 • • f I ; 7.F-. v •. i •'•J •' »-«•*- I A at. i l_. ; A*-.-*. l.udat I* N«-w ^ ,rU Niw \ ! K. »I I il lit U GY if* "I il 11 P« '|U N« day it.til. .d I i 2 .-l> night. : ILdlinesl iirg A Hu-tl» i u. Ei:xsiNi;r«»N i i:fc»t. l ' I' I W ay 1 rain : r N'nv Hru: * s tor I or Trenton, P Ir ,A 4.-M ac i •oi p \ W *v Tr ims , '• an* l «t n. i Ft'li hEL\ IHKIil 1 * ! \ ! -1 » < N. 1 •!< F.xh •n».-fi. L . .i* Way ! Lan.i-i i t \ ui* ., u f< ; ... i* V l-.ti I Ac . t*.r Felv ide* » I.i M H • 1.1' FdKK\ . AtllbOV 15 I % .tollt I» la. l, r Ne " ' »1 A o. v... i c h Ami at. i l via .M 'll ■ i Way Trails Trento .\ ! \"f. 1 Way Tr, M .*> frail, tor R r-1, Exp Trau ■ |. ■ lllal.t-!. tr J t.'.:,. ; I'.vp • lr n:.<» 1 hcr i and luckcri'U ! Mt. 11 ti I ! y , 11 .. i , •»•rton.O 0 7. !.'-ng Jo nc! J ill.-ad.-«. 7 ; • ■ ! \V.»> liait - l \N v Irain- t r ,l . I U id. p.i " P Meeping i r 1 ,ck* t.- f.-r the W. .*., n be had ot: ! applic iti. n t rhe I'icKct Ufiice. •."'! t'h* >tnut-tr^ ct. ! d at the He, **t,Thirty ."ecotid an i Market ** Agents ot the 1 t»>r and d* li\ j i •n frati"for Company U.iggaccat th*' Depots. •li Cali Order" i I K.l » lr l l e prompt »ft- utn*n. btaiued at the following can ul?o Fließt nut street. ('hepttfUt ."tree' i TICKET OFFICE: No. IN 110 M net street. and at the Depot« n 1 1 ' a .:. i A.->a ir. ,u XV Short, Quick and is Through Route TO TU K WEST AND SOUTH! ■«■Tr-r-ipatriara WILMINGTON AND READING R. R. VIA VO AIE.'VILLE. THROUGH TICKETS TO AI L FOlNTsISOUTH AND WEST. Train No, 1 leave Wilmington'>.30 a. m. Con nects with Eluiira Express. Tram No .6 leaver Wilmiagtoo f* p, m. Cunue t." with Cincinnnti Expree.". Baggage checked through. No charge for transfer F«>r infortu.ition ti oiiggase at Coatcsvillf. 1 rates apply at Franklin Telegraph office. No. 2 V\ est 3d street, or al W A K. Depot. Front am' Mad s.-n. t*> route C. STOLZ, Gea'i Sup't W.A K. R. K. eobtf P HILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON ^ BALTI MORE RAILROAD. >PKClAL notice. On and after WEDNESDAY, October lSth, 1871, a passenger car will be attached to the freight train leaving Philadelphia at vt.UU p. m., lor Wil mington. The train will stop at Stations as follows, whe.i • ignalled: Gray's Ferry. 9.12 t>. tn L «carotta ».» P.m'; Chester, 9.41 i>. m; Lauiokin.9.4 > p. m: l hur low v'.l'.i p. m; LiuwooJ, 9.*55 p. m; Cla>m*»nt. lu.Oi p. m; Kllerslie, >0.18 p. m: artive Wilmington, 10 .. P u. . ioctail H. K. KENNEY. Swp't. as C I EG. W. BUS U s 1 tba bast at tho l.xwes 1 f market price, mT 1 I •* *jl ' DhLLÀNrAUjG BâlLBOI. SUM J» kilt ARKAKGKMEMI. f—tl.mi. On .nu alter MONDAY. July 29th. r^eTTÏTli.wti U l " s '' « c «* ted J Train» wul MOKT1IW X kll. Delmar, Laurc!, Bcaloru» Btiuge\ ill« UreiusoDil Furmingti /'»•«enger. /»••enger. Mixed. A. At. n.ou 11.15 11.36 KM 3 00 3 25 3 55 11.50 ;4 3o 12.05 12.15 4 50 5 0 j AM. Milford. llarnukloii, Felton. C'a nier I Woodside, V\ yoruing. Hover. rton Hr« »lord 7 12 30 12 45 5 25 6 50 >ury. 1 <0 •lu 1 05 ti 0 V « 1 16 öl 1 25 « 00 0 3 M H 10 1 40 0 5 « !.. 145 7 04 bluy r i a, C1h> ton, Green Sptiog, Hiiickbirà. lownseud, M i a** iet*.wù, Mt. Menu,ut» tt.o. 1 40 s IN» • 71ti 7 24 7 34 7 54 A ' 3 40 »46 0 06 y 15 «25 9 50 215 2 20 235 3 13 2 45 »28 K oJ, i O »43 .aitey, L ,ar. State Road. 946 Newcastle, 9 50 W îlm'gtoii, arrive i:; ] i Fhiiadelphin.arrivcll.45 KM. 1 05 /'•imrnorr. 3 06 " i-' 3 15 3 20 3 3.4 3 55 y.50 1130 KM. Foltin aotlliWAHD. Pliil i ielphi.'., liait itnore, v' ila im ton N. * gst1 4 »St ite li lt . arrive 810 /'ti««enger, r.n 5 UC 2 40 t* 25 0 45 3 50 i tirai. r- m. 11 7.30 S 30 le lo 2 66 10 . 1 20 H» 36 I.« 1 0 'J 10 45 10 65 7 00 7 07 11 ' M t. : 11 lu 11 :■*' ii 4. I Middle;*. 7 40 7 of s 00 8 ( /• A Id ».40 8 20 2 25 town ' HI». 2 45 . . *. ! f»te**n St ring. 11 • Clayt !.. 3 15 (umc; •so y m. i P-Ptl, M oortci,. 12 li* 12 1 . 1 > 1 ^. Ill » 4*t » 45 4 mine. ! *. 4u 4 1U W 12 c ror/y. f t.t* Ilarrin M liter. i F h r m i n t'j y 4 4u 1 2 <l 5 U5 ' f. 1 3 i.reenw < l. Cri'lgeMilo feeat'-ni, l.a urel, Helimir. ii» 3; » 1 t 2 lu 15 îi 40 t„. t w,il run fubjeet to delays inci dent to freight butin«.*.«, and will ."top only at sta tions where time t.-« given. * NEW CASil-E TRAINS, heave Ne', t asti» tor Wi ilnnueton and Philadef V. . * ' -*'• Eea.e 1 inlsdeli bis at 13.(o\| „s at l.lo P. At.. t,, r Sew C»«tle * L " , sMYHN A HHAS'Jll ïKaÎns!" ü^V' ede»' e Mojrna for Cl»y l, Sr SS-' 11,1 LeaveClayton lor »nu 2 . 1 *'|.. ui., to make cunnee U' o nith trams to anti Iront Liover, and stations CONNECTIONS. A A,6VYK^, I ,' 1 5 : ,lr',' a h O K '"' L ' oun ' y and Ule ''"Ohttid and Delaware A w"t'if 1 K,iuroIi!' V ' " il! " he JancHon and break A Kanrod'* 1 ^ Wltl1 ,Ij * ^"«hester and Delaware At A,: - with , 'he Eastern Shore Railroad and t* icotmco and Pooomoke Kailroad. *1. F. KhN N FV. Supt. i h - At Ui. WILMiNGTON ANU KtAUiNU R R MS: Ejjfic ttiiwa W ititv*r Arranuement. . t Oil HIM I Mlt«*r Mmiilny, Uc - traun »««t™-»'»' 1 «™ ember 'j. 1*72, • ti a.* lolli'W* : , ., N A.M. F. M. A.M. Lea' t* h t*i i ng .at . 4o » r I ■ . 4 •'21 f. Jlj 7 -< 7 U 15 k 15 K NukrHH'Akb : M. F. M. p.M. I F .i, A r |t Wt w t. ti. ll i • ns Lt: à H A1N »> N vs L'vo it i. ■ gt*»:i t. .* : t rd 7 y 5. .d ill . 7 uu k u ntig. logo 7 ti , 'j.NNECTIgNS. At U limit Philadelphia and » r «• K.tilruitd train.".— t* eel lot;.- aitU train.-* to . •' ; . : r i ah i*. I . \ ■et • * l «t 1 I •> f* r PkiU " i- r i InlaUali hiu. t t* r Fort Hep* "it. h tram.- tor 1 •!< iptil.i 4 . 11 . <1 with irait, 1 , nu it n '.«li t.'i *d llurri.-tiiirg. ll lr .i - N»'!». 2 upü.i tra - to and tlotu I i. Fla I.I I -v i; 1 an I 3 connect northward Inudelphia and heading ni 4 w it j .. uthward boun i train.-, in train truiu I'htladelphiu. C. MOU, '«er.eral Superintendent Fora iiomostoaa m tne West. t. u Kail i l : , 1 55 a PfNNSYLMNIA CENTRAL R. R. • ■ . I U E>TKKN aCCOMMODATIOM TRAIN AND fast emighant line, I T T S B U R Q. ot: ! ct. ! j O TO. i And *ii placet in the Wett. Eavthtee.t at. Sort!, tatet. i i tS'rnB SHORTEST and bkst roctk.-Wk. ihislinc atfords •i uailed i n<lucements t.- per sou- tc.-iring a cueap and expeditions pa.-suge to th 4 ' ' t deserve? particularly the attention ol al -'fh ;i? » 1 «'"' re to a vail t hemselv t*ut the iio'uestea 1 ijtll passed by the last Congress. The Pennsylvania Central Kailr<>nd. XV it r* its ecr uting lines, is by 13. unies the shortest route to Chicago and other protninen fpitiee.« in the West.and is also tlie quickest,cheapest atul best route to al prominent f lares in the>outkwest and Northwest Passengers are forwarded in comfortable and ai Passen «er Cat n » i- ".itucu in *. u iuio r* a o i e ana airi «.furnished with cushioned »eats with viMiEoii.i-'t.«. water tanks.stoves, in Winter.and r conveniences as are requisite for th witt. such other conveniences as are requisite for th • •t tiiiuilies. Tnry.uh tickets a sold toal! prominent placesi< the >V est, >-juthwes and Northwest,at about hal the usual first class fare. Children under five years old as free, and children petween the ages of five eud twelve year» pay kalt priee. Baggage-checked and forwarded by the fciaetraio with the passengers. Lighty pounds of baggage car r:e t free to every lull passenger. The train leaves daily except Sundays, and tickets *t he i roçured and baggage delivered at the office No. 11 A Market street, by 3 o'clock, P. M. llv addressing the undersigned he will forward b return «.t mail, tree oteharge.acireularcontaining etc price lift, a map, a correct copy stead Law, asd gii e such other information F*M NCIS FUNK. Agent otthe Pennsylvania Kailroad Companv, U6 Market Street. Philadelphia px-O.ltulrbl" .1 „IX. *?4. 1 EAA R. -mi le:e t* may be desired. t." MICHAEL McGEARY. U i OULD reepecttuiiy iniorm me friend« and the public that he continue« to keep on 5 -mi the 'fge«t and bo."t assortment of Gentlenmen e a L a lies ti d Boys' \ew anti Second-band Clothing at or uf the best quality, at Xo. 51 tt T Ca 1 1 Street Also, his large "t*u k of Boots. Phoes and Ladies Gaiters, of the best style, is worths of attention be i? r ? I'?,*' ha mg elst where. A large assortment 01 lie.i Clothing. Blankets, Sheets and Spreads con* st.inth* on hand, lie teels confident that ho i" able to sell goods lowor than any other person in this r,t > • Give him a call betöre purchasing elsewhere, . 1 - he will give satisfaction to a'.l who may favor hint with their patronage. • % Highest cash •per. Glass. Zin 1871, Wil whe.i ».» hur lu.Oi .. price, naU 1 Ra*«, Iron, Brau k. Lea! and all ,o,ida in hi« li® • M. McGBARY. W ilmiaataa. D x R enn Err square a<'àdeSy _ ânbîbemi N ARY. Chester t^)unty. Pa. Whole exp« naa bUORILIDUE k KOMBIS Tatnallst 1 1 SI *>• * ■ ucr week, oetUilf