Newspaper Page Text
- daily gazette. ü. P. Johnson, WaveRIH N»o>»* TO> * Thu Daily Gamtti I» published every afternoon. except Sunde») et 416 Merket street, "d «rved by carrier! to subscribers in »II P«t» end .the surrounding towns and Til^ee. für »i cent* » week, £r«bl. weekly. Yeovlr sntaor.ber. 13. InadfBmn. _ The DELAWARE GAZETTE. eeUbliebeJ 17»». u lmrcest and most flourishing weekly in the Ï, A. o\S*E.« r Inner clreulation than any other oi ui pito/utor. fublKhud «very Friday morn lag at <2 a year, in advance. Th» Commit»»» of On» Hundred. The Louieinua Committee of one hundred are ou their wav to Washington. They have not been made to turn aside from what they deem their right hy the dispatch of Attorney General W II The Committee was appointed to wait . the President, and acquaint him with the conditions of atlldrs there. Perhaps lie will refuse them audience, as he lias ai llama upon true even dare to ready directed them to be informed timt bt» mind had been made up. Their presence will deter mine whether the rigid of appeal and protest have been swept away with other rights of which the people of Hip State have been deprived l>y (■raut and his advisers. Justice may be denied them, jays but thev arc freeman a> y el, and ; that the right of appeal ami ot protest stripped from them at the word ol an\ President («mut had best not turn His fellow-citizens of every party are re urdiug his action w ith un intent and distrustful Interest. His re-election, we can tell him. avouched no approval of ids past, no confident trust of ids future. It slgnilled no more than that a small majority preferred to trust the Gov ernment in Ids hands, rather than In those which today are mouldering to dust al Greenwood. The dead will not return to life, but President Graut mav inspire a nation w ith a Httcrcr regret than was felt by those who wept at Horace «•rce lcy's grave. • not aware I he IIVW, ran be «Yii tutor, deaf ear. r. Tea Ci ltehe in California is now prononnri'd u failure by the San Francisco Afin causes arc uukuowu to given by several persons claiming to know some thing of the matter is that onr climate is not adapted to tile shrub. The cultivation of chicory is extendiug, nnd ork, oue iu it sav.-i tlie it, but the explanation there are uow tbreo eompauies at Bacruiueiito county, auother iu Y olo, and a third iu 8au Joaquin. The Sucrcmento company com menced last spring by ]»lantiug seventy acres, and will next »spring plant one hundred and eighty. The average yield Is fifteen ton of green and three of the roasted root to the acre. Tk« Funbbal of Edwin FoititKST, is said to have been not lees impressive than the recent obre quea of Gen. Meade. A delegat club of New York, headed bv Mayor Ilall, Wes aieigned a pljco pall-bearers were Col. John W. Forney, James (lake*, of lloeton; James Lawson, of New York; Daniel Dougherty. Dr. Jesse K. Burder, Samuel D. Gross, George W. Childs, aud Colonel James I'age. The funeral service of tho Church of Eng land we* conducted by Itev. Mr. Nowlin, ot the Church of the Incarnation, and llev. Mr. Boyea, of St. Paul's. An escort ot about fifty carriage load* moved from Mr. Forrest's residence to St. Paul',Church, where Mr. Forrest's body was iu tarred in the wait which already held the remain, of the mother and two Bisters of the dead actor. The Philadelphia Press says Mr. Sumner's plan for hastening reconciliation, by obliterating from the Army Register and the regimental colors t bi nâmes of the battle* of the late rebellion, is not a new idea with that Senator, growing out of hi support of Mr. Greeley. Ho first advocated it leu years ago, when it met with more favor than it did on Monday. Time is not always a healer, and sometimes serves to widen dissousious. of the Lotus iu the funeral cortege. The Anotukk Kiiucil. Dekatlter.--G en. D. I Stanton, was put on his trial, in Baltimore, on He was the late Collector of the tali charged with Monday. Internal Revenue district, and is cmbezxling From the N. V, Tribune. THE LOUISIANA TANGLE. Th» Présidant Called on for Infor mation-—Significant Conduct of Republican». Washington, Dee. Id. -The I.ouiulaua bn-i nee« was brought up in tlie House to-day I»y :t resolution ottered by Mr. Cut, calling on the Freeldcnt for infonnution us to why the Execu tive of the United Suites liml iutcrlen d in the uf falrs of the State of Lousiaua, und to give ail the facta iu reference to the conduct ol Judge Durcit, in order that the House might determine wlmt stepi ought to lie taken in relercnce to his inter ference iu tliu political affairs of the State. A number of Republicans objected to ihc phraseol ogy of this resolution, saying that its object was to assert that the Executive had intcrlered iu Louisians affairs. Mr. Cox, who had at the start left off a preamble lie hod written, agreed to put In the words "if not, in bis opinion, incompati ble With the interests of the public service," utter the request for iufonnulion, but w ould not mod ify it any further. The Republicans voted the resolution down, and Gartiold at once offered another requesting the President to furnish such information as he might have relative to the af faire in Louieiauu, and the action lie lias taken in regard thereto. This was adopted without oppo sition. Later in the day Boardmun Smith, a Republi can member Iront New York and a mendier of the New Orleaue Special Investigating Commit tee of last session, offered a resolution instruct ing the Judiciary Committee to inquire whether any legislation is necessary to protect the people of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Alabama against the dangers threatening their liberties and to guard against the occurrence of civil war, and also to secure to them a republican form <d government. This resolution was agreed to without opposi t tion. Coming, as It did, from a supporter of the Ad ministration, ll furnishes oue evidence, among many, that intelligent members of the dominant party are beginniug to look with uppreheubiou upon the action of the Federal Court in breaking dowq the,HUt£ Govcruiueut ill Louisisua, of menacé to the future peace anil liberties of the people of ail Uie Slates. A great number of lead ing Republicans, 111 both Houses, ssv that if un\ Federal Judge iu a Northern Stale should repeat Darnll's proceeding, the people would take arm« st once and resist tue enforcement of his decrees. Except among the Southern Republican», it is hard 10 find any one in Congress who fully justi fies UureU's action*, although there arc insuy who think thmt the Presideut cannot well do otherwise than uphold bis authority until his de cisions era overruled, or he is impeached. Even some of the Louisiana members admit that Du reU's decisions are oitregeons, and they only Jus tify them by offsetting them against some of Wannoth'e high-handed proceedings in the pact. The end Justifies the means, In their opinion; tuid as tha end in to keep tbeir party in power, they are not disposed to complain of any means that wlU accomplish that result. lull A good deacon being asked to subscribe for buying • cbandellar for the church objected, say ing: "Now, what Is the use of a chandelier f Af ter you get it you can't get anybody to play on it. CurloutfMarriag»»—St.tlgtle». To people of n statistical rather Ilian n mil mental turn, the mathematics of marriage ia <lif. fereut couutreis nmy prove nn nltractive twin» of meditation. It i. round .lm. young men fromf fifteen to twenty years of age marry young wo men averaging two or three years older than themselves, but if they delay marriage until they are twenty to tweuty-iiveyears old, their spouses average u year younger than themselves; and thenceforward this différence steadily increases, till in extreme old age on the bridegroom'^ port it is apt to be enormous. The inclination of oc togenarians to wed misses in their teens is an every-day occurrence, but It Is amusing to find in the love-matches of boys that the statistics bear out the satires of Thackeray and Italzac. Again, the husbands of young women aged twenty and under average a little above t wenty-live years, and the inequality of age diminishes thenceforward, till for women who have reached thirty the res pective ages are equal; after thirty-five years, wo men, like men, marry those younger than them selves, the disproportion increasing with agi*, till at lifly-live it averages nine years. The greatest number of marriages for men take place between the ages of twenty and twenty-live in England, between twenty-live and thirty In France, and between twenty-live and thirty-live in Italy and Helgium. Finally, in Hungary the number of indix iduals who marry i>* 7*) in a thou sand «ich year; in England, it is tV4; in Denmark *f Paris showing f»H in Delirium Widowers indulge in sen 59; in France, 57, ill in tin* Neteerinnds, l way, M. three or four tiuu f* as often as wid ample, in Kngland (land of M are <M) marriages of widowers own; in Belgium there l0 pj. Old Mr. Weller ware of the widows," » ment ed by a maxim i Lippincott's Magazine. it v t::; in Nor • I marriages s. For ex . Bardell) there ni list *J1 of wiil Franee, 40 'lie e 4* t paternal advi ght Hiirely to I beware of ! apple American girl, ant and spacious .im aged to Btaiuurck'n son is ci u Paris is building pltheatre. fiiiod brandy i- . aid I** he mosses and lichens. lade in llusMii froi ta atao oue of Madame Tit.» General Slier sand's "wax tiggers." '•This is the rock of aires," said the father, after rot king two hours, and the baby Hill awake. The following advertis vincinl newspajicr; Address-." ent appears in a pro r as h ing. si.-ters want "Tw A Wheeling m ill i. doing* > at the f'ign •d corn, » am*d timnltu* . of "FI cny, boeuf buckxvheet Hour, l isons. umbrellas. " Old Lad v Old Lady—"1 see you r.*eo\vr Shopman "Y«**», iii'in, lots ol Vi —"1 want the one l loM last Moud: y " Tliev arc making p iper of mire grass in tieor ti»I* l»» 1 - quantities. gia, but in limite» nn tto i* also used for the s: '' purpose. It is suited that the private fortune of the cx •d to him on tin' ill be ret nr King; of Naples Titian that he abstain trot all political in triguc. DobliB saya lie always ndvueated "coinpnlsory education" until lie tried il mi hi - favorite mule, since wlih-li lie is satislled it will prove a failure. It is quite tin- tiling among tin trlaiis of ( leveland to wear ; shade as I throat of the horse they ride The Norwich Bulletin says lilt rate gentleman, building, lias purc hased Mark Twain's'I It' to study up ci I,lie ol ll same raps the epiz hi, li "A it h a \ irw t •reeling :h i i • tl>.' imta ami lin* »*tlu*r in: Not long since, Darlington, K. C., county scat of the county of the same name, was destroyed hy lire, and now we have ( heslerville, the county seat of C'ln ster, gone the same way. In both cases an incendiary was at work. Is the gentle African, unsatisfied avilis his complete tKiIttical control in this unhappy State, deter mined to render it a desert by some speedier means ?— World. lothtuq. Are You Ready for Christmas ? If you are not call on JOSEPH ROW, »I« 1AABKEÏ STREET, hi« large and beautiful slock of and a» IKEII A X D YOUTHS»' CLOTHING •rtment of (Ilovef. t'nder Tocather with a fine «bins and Drawers; Uver-sbirls. Bons, Collars and Cuff«: lloseiry. Suspenders and e\eryibing per taining to gem lernen 's wear, iu endless variety.— You cun have jour Clothes Made t<» Order, fit and «Ole cannot be excelle», ns »heap as ready-inutie, and cheaper than elsewhere. J. ROW, decM :tl«i Market .<t., Wilmington. Del. :t 120 market st. 120 I« where you c.iu »ret a GOOD AND CHEAP 1 SUIT OF CLOTHING, Made from a larr* ar.d wtll-Kelfclctl «lock-of the l*:ile«t Styles ol Fall ami \\ inter tb»»!*. _jJOJUM DAVIS^ aei'lT- .tin • » 1H7 FALL AND WINT-Ä. J. H. MÜHLHAUSEN, FASHIONABLE TAILOR, NO. 415 KINO HTRMKT, WILMIKUTON, DKL. j Where he invita« htacuatoniera an I the i ub lie generally to call ami examine hi« well m» lrcted ami extensive «lock t.f (tariuhii. ling li«h and French Cloth«*CagFiuiere«. Coating« •and Venting« of the tatest importation alwHy» on and. Cuftumer« can rel t ui>«n alway« retting a genuine rst claSH article at thi.s utteblishuienf. 1 Q KÔKQË McCALL, Merchant Tailor, No. 121 Market bt., Wilmiugton, Del. «. Having Uid in his entire Spring stuck of > |l CLOTHS. CASsIMEUK.S and VESTINGS. U ia now prepared to sccommodate hi* custom JULers and the public generally with garments, which, for neatness of fit and fiuisb, cannot be ex celled by any house in the city. Having secured the services of Mr. W m Swift, one of the best cutter* in the country, he feel* con fident of giving HliAfection to all who may favor their patronage. Satisfaction guarsn him with teed. SORGE U. ASU. apt is do of 1 MERCHANT TAILOR, yc. *»• MARKET STREET, (second rtnry of Morrow's Building.) WILMINGTON. DELAWARE. , fine ai-portmentof CLOTHS, CASS IM ERES nnd , PSTINGS constantly on hand. apl-U THE MAKERS' UNION COMMISSION HOUSE. No. 300 and 302 E. Fourth St. t Now compUUlV orgBuittd boJ filUJ with • «11 th« BEST BRANDS OF FLOOR in the market, together with a lull line of Iced. Rye Flour. Cora Meal, its., du., are nog prepared to sell to bakers, storekeeper* and private families By the Lead, Barrel or I'uuiul at ruin cheaper than can be boutbt in the city. Parties will find it li their advantage to call and examine betöre purchasing elsewhere. part of the <-iiy free ot j. barkley. Seoretary of Directors. Goods delivered to any chalve. 7-dly mmmm —~ CdMftttiOU&l. - w — fTäfNOLfö " • A ' »»*** — nieeilMl k BlthsDllBvIl IBIlltUl» ^ Day ^ Boftld , ng SchOCl, WILMINGTON. DKL.. Odods Fall Term, Septenilwr 2d, 1*7* Bend In ear beaotirsl Catalogue TNdTKUC DRAWING tv27 T1UN nnd PAINTING. »ply to A. T. SCOTT. Room 6. S. W. corner cf Eiclte. and Market street«. sePtft-ddm Hnfltirstitt (foraiianifs. J JO» 1 IK%£8TME^T. INSURE TOUR LIFE IN THE DELAIABE MUTUAL LIFE ISSUE. CO. Purely mutual, Kates lower thau other mutusl company. ^ «, ,, . Surolut ample for all coofThgenrics Table of rates and >ther information promptly furnished on iipplicutioa to tho Home Office, Exchange Building. 4'oruer 7lh and Market Ml«.» WILMINGTON. DEL. Agents wanted in all parte ol the Hate. Liberal induceinenis offered W M. CA N BY', President. sep2S lui F.'.L. ftn.riv, Sec'iy, THE AMERICAN POPULAR Life Insurance Company, * OF NEW Y ORK. _ . SOUND BISKS CLASSIFIED as in Fire Insur ance; hence best lives insured 50 per eeut. better a.i vantage than elsewhere. THE SCIENCE OF LIFE APPLIED TO FIRE 1N*sUR/NCK. t , Pure^tock -ret guarantees returns to the long lived. Sound Lives in Four Separate Classes, at pre miums vaiyiog with the risk in each els««; each class beiug us it were a separate company. Moderate'present cost and ultimate large return? WM. D. DO WE, Agent , No. 2 Bringhurat'* Building. Corner Sixth and Market Hreeta. Wilmicgton. Del. feblßtf tf>rnt$ ^urnishiafl * Ed ► o Ö Z w < •4 U o c W PS +i C w tù te f U \ H 4 oz > c , t THE CELEBRATED H 5 O 's'. > H PARAGON , 8HIRT. H *4 so n H n U M Ut Ci H « - Send for Self-Meeiuremeot Circuler. J. P. DOUG11TEN. No. 410 Market Street. Wilmington. Del. jaylT-lv i % I An $ vT Ik rA * PATENT m YOKE SHIRT fa03 MABKCT ST. A DEL. a Ÿapn* îlanflinps. WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES . AT A. B. JONES, NO. 618 MARKET STREET, All the Latest Etyles now rendy. PAPER HANGING nently executed Experienced workmen sent to nil parts ot the Statu. sep23-dtf gools & j^hors. tlW BOOT ABU SHOE »TOME, 401M LOMBARD STREET. The subscriber* have on hand n good «up* HA ply of well-made Boots. Shoe, end Gniter*. H which they will sell nt very reasonable prices. ■ Custom work made to order in tba best man-^^V ner und et short notice. Repairing neatly and pr< rnpily attended to. The public era Invited to iv« tbt m a call. mavS-ttd. MEREDITH A BRO N J ^ HEAVY STOCK 01 PR1NG k SUMMER CHEAP BOOTS AND SHOES» Mrrond St., » doors Went of Market. undersigned respectfully inform* bis triends and the public that ho haa on burnt BRI u large and well selected stock of FALLffHJ AND WINTERB00T8.SH0ES andGAI-^■ Rfc TliltS, suitable lor Ladies, Gentlemen, Misées and Children, which are manuixotared from the beet ma terial and muds in the beet manner, and willbe sold us low us the same article can lie obtained in this oruny other city. Ladies nnd gentlemen buying nt my store will have the advantage arge and tx whieh le eel fashionable or shoe. Th i ublioarecor The riet! «sHortmoDt froM an d'n eut fitting hoot tlially invited to call and examine my stock and team my exceedingly low price«. j)'26-ly JOHN K. BABCOCK* New Bout mu maioé fttore. J GKO. S. UAGANY, - No. 2 WEST SECOND STREET between Market and Shipley has ja«t laid in a large ami varied ant«rtin«ntof Bootsand Shoes for Ladies,Gentlemen. Boys* Jliwea and Children, all of which ho proposes to sell at priées to snit the present times, and respectfully acki the public to r M and examine hU «took. gtocfcf, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. C. I. BUSH, MARKET h'rrii ilVl' WILMINGTON. DEL.. I.'celling JEWELRY, PIaTED WARE end CLUCKS REGARDLESS UF CObTS. to close out the stock. Gold end Silver Wntche*. Gold Veit. Leoulino and Oner» Chain* ten per cent. Ii;»a than any other Jeweler in W ilmlnaton. nVPUlae cull nnd *ee the priée». Repeirina promptly attended to^ _____ l " 1 '" PRESTON AYAHS. 8.11,0 PRACTICAL WATCH MAKER and denier in •FINE AMERICAN AND SWISS WATCHES, CLOCKS. JEWELRY. SPECTACLES, EYE GLASSES. SILVER WARE. Ac., . & 404 King 8t. f Wilm;ngton f Del. Particular attention raid to repeirinir in nil ■ branches; also, chancing spectacle alaises. Il ns a good assortment of «lasses eniistanlly on nsrni. The public are cordinlly invited to cull and ex amine my stock, snd learn my prices. * wept l - its bEORCE JACK. No. 80S Market St. WATCHES JEWELRY. AC., - BPEfrrAOI.ES k EYE GLASSES— jE^TSktiULD. SILVER AND RUBBER FRAMES. We claim from experience to nut every peeulierity of impaired vision, and in guarantee satisfaction. Our faciliti©:' are such that we ran exchange a tasses in any shape.frainetosuit the customer in a lew hour N. B.—F l rst store above Third street. Repairing in nil Its branches ç evei case 4V* sepü'î-Iv FINK WATCHKN, CLOCK» »nil JEWELRY. At tlo. 15 East Fonrth Street YVILMIN The undersigned would rcsi-ect _ folly cell the a'tention of Indies ^fiKM^^mKaud rentlemeo to his linn as 011 - ment ut U atcoes. Clocks, Jewelry. Silver amPPIul ed Ware, all of which is entirely new end embraces the latsat and most approved etyles. lie ssKsspe cial attention to his American Lever Watch, winch iea eaperior article, both in Ünirii end lor correct neu ot time. A good e«*ortmentvof clocks, jewelry and silver and plated were always on hand, at low figures. Everything guaranteed as ronrcsenicj. liepairing of ail kind, promptly and really dom Î n reasonably terms ■nblic jnact fully «olicitcd. J. CLAYTON MASSEY, No. 15 E. Fourth street. patronage re« ooCTfitf Sanli$ and lanHfns. PIRtT MTIOML 111 fi K or Wit.MINI! ion Doponitury ol tho Public Money«, r AND Financia Agontol tho United Slat Of' RDWARD BETTS. President. O. D. ARMSTRONG, Cashier. $400,000. CAPITAL, The Collecting and Exchanging of Govern ment Securities attended to for a small commission. Philadelphia snd New York Exchange furn ished to regular Depositors without charge. Directors meet on Mondays and Thursday at 8.S0 A. M. for discount. •ii ao-iv The Mechanics Savings Bank, Mo. 4 West Third St., WILMINGTON. DEL. Office ofien to receive Deporits and make Pay ants daily, exoert Bunders, from i». ni., until ana on Tuesday and .Saturday evenin«. * to 8 o'clock. From m. MANAGERS Lams 1'svKT.e, ( H.RI.IS » I'.'.IIK. Charms McClosx.y, T. M. Ooi.k, Grorok f. Gri'rk, „ C. F. Johnson, KNJAMIN F. TuWNS.NI>. r allowed to borrow any fund* ol the .Trrsk Fharfk Jahrs Bbadvoid. Charms B. Loir, Janks II. Brans. J. P. Walks. Kvan Rick No Ma lu.titution. JAMES BRADFORD Präsiden A. II. URIMsliAW. Becreury and Treasurer. Ie»-Iy THE ABTIZA-ns SAVINGS BANK, Vo. 602 Market Street, Wilmington, Delaware. Open to receive deposits deity (Sundays excepted) durian the ueuel business hours, end on Tuosdav and Saturday evenings from 7 to k o'clock. All the profite of the Bank, after the puyincn t o necessary expenses, xre devoted to the benefit o the depositor,, snddivldends arc made semi-annu ally in April and October. Since the organization of the 1861. the dividends have uniformly been at the rate ofelx percent, per annum. Dividends not drawn are rexarded us deposits, and at once become entitled to participatein future dividends. No manacar Is allowed to borrow any of thefumta ntrusted to the Bank. MANAOtKRS, Bdw.kd DiBLcruroH, W.HSwipt. William 8. IIills,. Gxoaon W. Bun. N. R. Bihboh. Epwaxd Betts, A. Hiooins, Gxoeui S. Catri-li. UtxsT F- Dcrk. Charles W. Howland Job H. Jackson, Clrhent B. Shyth M.L.LlOgTgNBTllN. {VMH. HILLES, President. Gso. W. Bush, Vie. Präsident. oct23— 1» Jos, P. McLEAa.Treasurer Sonar« & Traars. OTTO & BUTZ, MxNurxOTCRRRS OT SEGAKS, NO. 9 WEST FRONT ST., ■i.m nt OO-ffeeer Knlvu* foe *ato _ Sign ors. JAMES 8AJLTER, LlALtB IV PVVV TOBBIOV ilD DOM «HT 10 WINES AND LIQUORS, NO. 13 MARXIST STREET, WILMINGTON. DEL mar2-dlv in to H. C. SN1TCHER, M. D., BOB Delaware Avenue, Opptmte the Baptut Church, WiUtUTOION DEL. fPry êo9it, Nota, __-W 209 NEW STi SMITH & WEST. I «O»; n/lKhET SÏIBET.J VV E have now opened n hendbonie^kadhoA-/ > >V plete une of toner and staple % DRV GOODS. cmniirisiiiK all the newest design« and most rail* ni»lu makes. In our domestto goods we have fall line« ut tli© lowest rates, and we loltaitam eiMii* nation ol cur »stock generally. ITU k WEST »•* Mark et* treat lyll-lv AVM. 15. SHARP, No. 4 East Third Street, lias »poised a full assortment ol* NEW AND SEASONABLE DRY GOODS H ind. omo Dress Fabrics, splendid qualities of BLACK SILKS JAPANESE SILKS, Ac. Always on hnr.d a full stock of MOURNING COOD8* of the latent styles and most reliable make«. A lino of iDOMESTIO QOOB8| At the lowaft rxtee. WM, B. SHARP J K». 4 I n.I Third »tract, ai rf-lv OPENING. 33 N£W STYLES OF LADIES' CLOAKS, NEW DRESS GOODS. BLACK d COLORED FILK. SATIN. APAPACA. MOHAIR. FRENCH nnd IRI&H POPLIN. (Mir Clunk nnd Dns* niakina Department is an der the manacement <J first elnss Cutters and Fit tcis. M. L. LICHTENSTEIN '<26 Market Street. ^uvniturr, &r. LEWIS F. ADAIR, 11 G XiitR Street, Wilmington. Del. 1 1 as on hand at his Furniture YYtreroo®«. a tarife a/sort ment of h FIRST-CLASS FURNITURE, conFiPtinK in part of Bureau*. Brdstvads. Tahiti ('hairs, ^oliis*. Lounge«, tSettvvi. Lookin«Ql«M«a Mutt roNse«. Blind«, which will he cold at ln« low«« city prie©«. The* public are rctpcctfullj invited to cull, examine hi« Rood« and learn hi « price«, ■pft-tf REMOVALJ THOMAS MITCHELL, yu n y i s n i y a vs oeriakmr Reipectfully informs hi« frieiid« and nubile goner lly that ho has rt tuoved from the N, W. corner ot Fifth ant French street« to NO. 41» KING KTHKKT ho is prepared to give his personal * ttention to the business of Dnttertakin« in all its oranehc t. Al«o, agent lor K. S. Karly's Ratent Rosewood Bunul Casket. lie has also purchased the right to me Mochten «k Mieplor'« Universal *'orpso Preserver. H» N»*. West .Seventh Kt. Wh oetF % C2I.C A Mll.l.t:R, (SucceiHors to S. A T. Met Mary.) Ko. COB MARKET BTBSBT, WILMINGTON. DEL.. o FURNITURE WARc-ROOMS. A full uKSortinrnt of iho hiirat btyl«fl of CabtMt War» tor «ule at the |n»«ht |>ii<'c«. Call before l uit liu-itiK tl«» •bore. mayiSitl OtiLK A 11ILLKR. COTTAGE FURNITURE AT L. F. HICCIN8 1 , No. 221 West Second Street kWILMlNGTON.IDEI*. noviTtf g. THE SECOND STREET mmmm mFURNITURE «TORI, 3:tT N. SECOND ST.. PHILADELPHIA. H> a. The Old Stand established JOyearr.triamphaat in ftlTRWITVRE. Daring the recent depreesion in businaa we laid la fer emb cheapest and beat aworted slock In the eitv. which we are selling at reMoaable price*. New Patent Fois liediteaae which make a good bod a night, suitable for sick room cr offices. COTTAGE and WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS. Straw, Husk. c.Ri-eleior and er ring Matlreesea. Wrarlor uit* l>i>h«l*ter purchaser*. e ta init I ViismL N. Second St., above V feb4 —It Furniture ana v omtian Blind». J. & 3. KHARMAN, Nu.tlOKING STREET, WILMINGTON.DEL. that we continue to manafhetava and knap ■BREBonhund at oar large and lang established WRreroom«, Furniture of every variety aadetyle, consisting of Mahogany. Rosewood ead walaat Furniture, suitable for parlor, dining-mam and ohumber uses. Dur assortment of Fnrnltnrgliaa tug*nnd varied ns can be found in Delawnrs,nBdnUsrtialaaMldat our establishment are warraated M reggwseated. V enitien Blinda of the moat fashionable digigni made to order and kept eonetanUg an hand. Wa also manufacture and constantly keep n large as surtinenl ol Spring, Hair, Moas and Husk Mattreeo ' die IUag (hrnaL cs. ini