Newspaper Page Text
m INANOIAL AND OOMMIROIAL Omen or Tax Daily Gizxtte. . Wilmington, Dsl., De«. 18 1872. Wilmington Quotations, furnished by J or n McLesr A 8on. Bankers, No. 6u2 Murkst stieiL } at 2 o'eloek, r. m.. te-day Gold_ 0. S. «'« rsa bar's 1862. " 1864.... ni 1 ; u 11 m 113' 1865 •J 1865 in* 4 116-1 1867 no 1868 10 40's 4's. U. 8. Currency, 6',.... New 5'« . Delaware Stats Bonds N. Y. Central N. Y. A Erie. Reading K. K. Union Pacific. 1W 112ft lit« 101?. 97*2 58? stock 1 Bualntu Noioes. Cheap Coal .—Move #6.25, Nut #5.50 per 2240 pound* for cash only, at yard South of Market street Bridge. feo21-tf Wm. J. Bhowv. To 1'ic Nie Fabties.—A tine assortment of Euglish pickles and sauces of ail kinds. Walnut und Tomutoe catsup, fresh Salmon, Lohntet*, Sar dines, Pickled and Cove Oysters, &c., ike. Also Matthews A Latours celebrated olive oils, at BOWMAN'S the Grocer's 4th and Lombard Improved Porcelain lined und Brass preservin. kettle*, Mason. Dexter, Valve, Wilcox, and other gloss, stone and tin air tight jar* und mus t /uop, s( BOWMAN'S the Grocer's 4th and Lombard. CITY NOTICES. Perfume Atomizrs. # An elegant, pleasing, simple ami useful apparatus for diffusing perfumery in ihe most economical ner. scenting the clothing, handkerchief and fur making cooling and water or other liquid«, for h burns, sensitive surface.«, Ac., also f »r disinfecting aud perfuming the sick D t hair •thing apnlicatiu •lache, inflamed eyes, I V .-Hie by „ E. EIU.MIIII K8T A OO., Ooraer Sixth and Market -tree!». Steam Atomizers, For the Tnhatution of atomirod fluid-in the treat* merit of chronic di-CH-e- *.| Ihe throat, uir |.u—aee sad tuns-. Reins -el!'-uclinx they iirmlticed an e\ en sud contiuuou- flow of-t -ay without in or labor. During Ihe vast two or Ihn hsvs -uiiplied -eversl doren of then* atomizer- and in mort care- with very -sti-fsetory remit-. E BKINifllURST A Cu.. Aimthecarief. Vomer Sixth and Market -treel lence ON MARRIAGE. Happy Relief for l oung Men from th* •■ecu ol hrror* and Abuse« in early life Man hood restored Impediments •" Marriage removed. Now method of treatment New ai:d remarkable remedies Books and Circulars sent free, in •nvalopes Address, HOW ARD ASSOCIATION. No. 29outh Ninth 8t.. PhiUdelphi «. 1*«., an Jnstiution having a high reputation lor honorah e conduct an «••lODa/ skill. led , d Pro dscti-L'aw ïmabrr jar« k Wood (Turntrs. MEW tiAS'j'l ,e ! LUMBEH VAIlll. TU# kur. •k ol L LaruMon, willcouti It* brau.'lifff, bavin? aaiurtmeul <*f M»«3on«tt LuuiU*;. , » .«tiüar cl White Flw Moara«, Arh p| a uk OskPlank sud R ti L'.dsr flhingle. 2t •S "5 l4h, «h. OwlsrR.ll«, •*(»» I'kdarBwo Pol*«, » C«dar Boat Board*, Fancy Pal««,3U 8**J°«k Joist*. Fancy Pal#«. 4ft suf" U 8ta , ff ' WsksU.Sfasl, 5)iî« ll "* L »«k, P ckrts,4Ur««t. . o.kY.oc.îo.t., 5!uSlSï Eîî° r J"*' Eallelor Pieket»aa s, WMklÏÏ! Waatadat Uths, * rborp "'**' yroa IL* 8oia*h'. wESKÏLTZ*«*'''« l,l#Äb0? « k,ud * ot lu ml.Dr titaji «etd^u th2i i* 1 m i or ,h ' lr Alt 5«. «7w."d ,'V'«Vuy ' ' *"' 1 *" roa ' maal U > ' «It.kiS I.AMBSGS'. r.' h-lll.« | Ut, M lala l iiâtlr*- U tb* b I bs«r ol' ' lu Al Il «pi»». t-<î tU f» • ill louer tard: JOHN A. HARRIS, *. E. lornfr Front And TaIiiaII Sts, WILMINGTON. DHL., I* now prejiHre t t Builoing and Manufaclurers' »ell all kind" of LUMBER, Seasoned and under Cover, At tho lowest market rates. Wilmington. Sen. 10. lsoS-tf SPRINGER, MORLEY A GAUGE, MANrPACTURBRH OF SASH, DOORS, BUNDS, AC. WOOD TURNING and SCROLL SAWING. flubs, Spokes and Rims, COACH Jc CARRIAGE WHEELS. Corver Third and Orange Streets fit 'VILMIN (iro.V. DEL ■OültEV, (Successor to Thoma« B. Beeten,) Orange Street, below Sixth, (Bright' a Aliev ) WILMINGTON DEL. WOOD TUliNINO, Circular and Ornamental Scroll Sawing HOUSE BRACKETS, CABINET AND CARPRN TKRd'TURNï'NGS, N K WELS ,B A L- N ' USfERS. BALUSfRADES. toXuhid".h"i r ^ic| l,0> C *"l««.Wh..l Huh. rtSt'whro| T Uut7 >JulU for Cjr TAYMIR a t o » ' as HERMANN AHRENS, GENERAL PROVISION DEALER, No. 234 Tatuall Street, WILMINGTON, DEL. Would respectfully announce to his Irlands and the public thut he still carries un the Sleat busi ness at th« old ctand. and will keep constantly on h aU d the > DMt quality ot |L SUGAR-CURED HAMS. ■ . l V? I the ILITCH. SHOULDERS, LARD. POKE. SAUSAGE, DRIED BEEF. toWNtdteittoM b **° ,d whuieTlde auÄufrät iha C a«^ I'DBKUH BATH. ~ ~ No. 210 MARKET STREET. OPHH FOR GENTLEMEN ON ■«■dar,. Wadnesda,,. Thursday and Saturday from 1« A. M.. to 8 V. M. FOB LADIES EXCLUSIVELY jaaadara aad Frida 10.A.JM.. •0 4 P.M D¥*A24Sfs AVÄ5üiJ for, for sale JM fl fut froat Apply *t thuoflç«. , LOCAL INTCLLIOKNCE. s } Very disagreeable outside to-day. Insure with Woolley and Van Trump. The girls liuveouly lîj days yet of leap-year. The little ones begin lo inquire nliniit Kri* Kriugle. 1 ; m Aid aud ('outrai Loan Associât ions meet this evening. Ad tins tV Bro. have a stock of toys Hiitlieient to supply all the juveniles in the Stute. The Mendelssohn C liornl Uni ou give a grand coucort at the Masonic Temple, this evening. The "Beautiful JSnow" 1ms arrived, and left the streets and sidewalks iu 113' •J 4 116-1 1W 112ft lit« 101?. 97*2 »»beutitifiil" condition 58? Runaway. A runaway horse created consider aul« excitement iu tho neighborh-MMl of Fourth and Shipley streets, at noon, to-dHy. A wagon was completely demolished, hut no serious dsm age was sustuimd. Lkct Again. The vessels which put into Ihe harlNtr at New Castle, last week, ou account of the iev in the river, have nearly all left again, tho recent moderate w river comparatively clear of lee. Church Orknino.—T he new Baptist Church, »'Mount Moriuh," near Willow Uiovo, will be opeuetl to public worship on Sunday, the 29tli. W. L. I'urriugton, a very able speaker, trous Pennsylvania, will be pa 1 2240 of Sar Also I'atlior Imviu^ ivnik-rcil (lie ut ou the occasion. Pnu.ic Bai.k. — R N.Ä A. Me (?. M«v>re will sell at public sale, on tho premises of It. 1).Hicks, on the Now Castle road, ou Thursday, Dec. 1'Jth, several horses ami a lot of stock and farming pleuicnts. »Sale to comiueucc at one o'clock, 1*. M un D CONCKRT To-ni^ht.tlu) concert of the Momlels shun Choral Chioii will b»i given at the Masonic Temple. appear very favorable fora largo attendance, but wo are eontideut tliut the entertuinment will well repay the visit, be the wc&ther hair I At prescut writing tho weatln r does uot ■ Ill'll lUCIlt. cr Nu uni r. Krueger's evening, mid, ns usual, w. uiul select assciiililii: and allcnlivc, tin-m in liict, lively. Tile Kiilarlv, mi tbe third Tui iiiom ti. ciutdc <*:iinr' oil Iasi litciiilcil liy a en ial The gents ivr all polite vervthing giveu iv r of each veelh nt, ami irtble: ill lie l:iv eveiiin Wyoming Coi.leuk. At the recent meeting ot the Philadelphia Conference of Baptist Minister*, iu that city, a resolution recommending Wyoming College to the uttentio«i ot the Conference was adopted, and the different churches were n quested to take up a collection iu ita behalt on Third Sun day iu January next. of Money. - At the regular, monthly met ting ot Mutual Loan Association; last evening money »old a* follow* : #50 at 22»,' per cent, pre mium; #500 at 16; #2200 at 20»i; #1000 ut lOW; #250 at 13»^. Brandywine Loan Association met lost evening and told about #1400 at 10 perceut. premium. KNTERTAINMkNT IN Newark.- The Indies of iiic r ir?»t Prcstiyterlan (.'hurcli, of Newark, will ! iu* an entertainment of Tableaux in the College orator\ on Iridav and Saturday evening*, Dec. 20th ami 21 *t, roiuuienriti Admission 25 cents. 1'roc at half past seven, ds to be npplietl to handelier uud lanqiK in thi iniited to attend. lor t ht AU i I »ayin \s huit h. Markets.—B utter 45a50per )K>uuU; eggs, 4da4J per dozen; Chu kt iis, #la#| 5o |>er pair; duckt f!a|l 7o d°.; turkoy*, #1.50a#2 25 each; potatoe*, 1» per half peck; sweet potatoes, 25 do.; cabbage, Jab per head; celery 6al4 per bunch; upples,16a20 per half peck; apple butter, 20 per quart; citron* Sa 10 each; cider 20 pei gallon; beef 15*26 per jtound; veal 16a20 do;i»f»rk 10al2 do; mutton, 16*20 do; liver 10 do.; corn beef, 8a 15 do. of Horses Stolen. -some time ngo, vaJuaMI** Mack horse* wen* stolen front tin* »table» ' ,r - Bnl»t. I -irtcr, on French Mrcct, below 8cc • mmI. A .search wo* immediately instituted, and ye* ten lay, Mr, Porter hi* Min, in Newark, N. J., t had traced the robh«*r* to that phi etl the horses. Tin* thieves, h«m II vigilance, and VCd : despatch from the effect that he and reeover r, succeeded ! I ill i llldi I'llpillj csplure. In-I'IUV k Ageni'v. T . . , , Messrs. Woolley Jt Van ! ."'I.'" ' •'"'"'nul Building, adjoining the : ! ri ' 'HfcntH lor Hu. oldi'-t and uioxt rcli ' l '' l 1 " 11 . 11 ' iimurjincc l'(iiii|isnic«, mill |',,r the lead loreigrt Coinpj Liigland. Hie Royal, of Liverpool, -No difficulty need be experieneed in •lection ul a good *oiind ( usure, v b pony, by thost hilc all lossch Hi*iained lllldei » by them, arc promptly paid at their i-liihc I Hili.-ic, : •lllce. lluiiSE kiLLKb.—A day or two ago the train north on the Wilmington A Heading lUdroad. due at Laurel Station ut ubout ti 30 F. M.. when within some 2ÜU yards of the station, ran into two {.oraes »tending on the track, beloiigiiie to VlT ?| b ht t C Th " l,!, K^uge ear was thrown all the trark, no other injury was don*. After almut two hours delay the passengers were per m« 1,1 I RO a f ' lr . W :" V re J uiti "K Mr. Steele's " 11 t ' u,,, ' d<;ra,,1 ''' " s 1,0 valued his property the •II ian tue to that t ?Y BN ,? n 10 Death.— U n Sunday night last Letitia Carter, an old resident of Little Britain township, Lancaster county, aged about SO years, was burned to death in her room. She had' lived alone tor some years, but latterly a Mrs. Carothers had been living with her for the uigcarH of her. of tok <111 Ihe evening sUteti, by some means tier clothes took fire from the stove while aione, anil the blaze was seen by the neighbors, who aluiined Mrs. Carothers, but before the Haines were tubdued the old lady was dead Instranck.— Messrs. Woolley A- Van Trump ndvertise in unother column, a statement of the affairs of the Insurance Company of North Amer ica, lor which they are the agents iu this citv. showing a most excellent financial condition. I roperty could not be insured iu any better Com pany than this. They also announce that the 1 hennix Insurance Company, of Brooklyn, N. Y.. have opened to them an open Marine Policy, en abling them to make binding, at once, insurance on shipments to and from Wilmington, l'hiladel phi.i, * ew . î 1 or * c ; or el *e»here. Their office is No. I, Juin nut Building, adjoining the City Hall. The Thicks op Pi< kfotketh.—W hen n Irit-ki* played aiiywhen* by (ilekpoekeU, it is w* 1 id. pul all coni iu u u it lea on their guard atainst «I. lest the device *hould !h* imported and! airain Hurcessmlly practised upon an unHUHpeetinir i>nl> [!''• B i« said I hat, in the court of lutbixen al Koine, recently, a gang of thieves introduced ilieuiHem*» among a crowd assembled to hear a most exciting cn*e. During the argument* the attention ol everybody wo* altmeteil hv u i,i, t | winch llcw in circle* around the head* of the judge*, lawyer* and frisoner*. ii wu* a Htrata irem invented l»y the pic kpocket«, who tiepin to idy their trade lurioualy Ihe niouieut the l.ird wa* » t loose Pretty *0011 there was a general cry of ' pickpockets," but the watched, puraes, and handkerciiiefs were pone, and, doubtles*, the light-tingered tçentr)' were shoutinir »* indiiaiantl v as an vlMffdy else. J new " How there i* TO IIihtivgi isii a Yoimo Fowr.-As general movement among our readers lav« < R U wii < i U r' CC foWl " for "* e "PP"»"*iug holi i. > . ' ' , ,IC " lu " lter «f interest to many of ■ him to know howto distinguish between the .Voting and old eaudidates for table honors. . „ h ? 1 oun(r ' Brke V haa a smooth leg and a soft hill Oto tiwk?'" iT 111 briffhl "" d to" fett mol« — have » .» 2 "'"'y* Btifl fcet - Young fowls l ..m.ti.M d<>r 2 ,"' »"'»to, leg», and the bremst -ï? ld * rf 7v dily lo ,he teneh of the tlnger - Iht liest are those that have yellow leg»." The ieen I 2a| eg * ' ^ ° ld r ° WlS look " 9 *f had seen bard sen ice iu the world. Young duck» feel V? de eL" dW ' h , e , wiu «' and ">e web is tknsparent. I he best are thick and hard on the breast. Young y J? 0W 1 5 Uto ' "<» toe feet are yellow ut supple ; the skin may be easily broken by the head of a pin ; the breast is plump and the fat stomach. An ® P °* e " for tho a Holiday Goods. *- 8 '* BUTLIB'i LiBOI AMOXTJtIMT. i ab« holiday season U dow «««r at hand, and, u i a aat ml conaaquaaea, the aalaotion of a anitebla! Chr.a'maa pissent ia causing great aolioitude in 1 tha minds at fathers, toothers, «stars, brothers and losen. With a desire to releisa all anxiety in toi» respect, we refer esaiybody to tha large as sortasant kept by E- 8. ». Butler, No 420 Market rtraet, eonadent that it they oan not hen get sup J^ i^tmMt bin to the earnest seeker after holiday goods, is at once ussfulfprac-, tical and ornamental. To begin with, that* are warkboxaa and writing daaks, of tha most aqai ita design and finii h in impur mache, rosewood, ma hogany and leather,—what •■ladye faire" would not be delighted with auch a Christmas present, I and swear eternal fealty immediately upon its "tCT îhar. are tadle.' toitet .Und., dainty little atra<n, sweet and pretty looking euough to adorn I the dressing room of the tairtet and proudeit dam ■el in the Und. Young man, be aura to take a »er ond look at thi a ». Of ladle*' natcl.ol«,there it a 1 pr jfu* on, of all style*, ■hapea mud eisee, very, pretty, and l«6.iring that appearance of practical ÄrÄrÄÄtaza"«"'* minons. iu VH nous styles, and w«ll. provided willi the dainty implements of female industry, are liberally dispfeÿml. and, will doubtless by their handsonisappearance,materially assist some young mau, in selecting au appropriate present for bis sweathesrt. Of the stock of fancy goods it is useless to at tempt to speuk in detail. It is simply immense, and embrace, everything in this line, that tha in genuity of man has yet produced. There are al bums amt opera glasses, inkstands,and peuholders, of ulniost every conceivable device,pticket books ill all stylea, all of which are emineutiy suitable for holiday goods. Then cornea Ibe moat uaeful department of all— the literary. Now you have your choice of the moat appropriate presents which cau be uiado.— The glory and beauty of the workbox and writing desk will bo dimmed and effaced by time, and they wiil be laid aaide and perhapa forgotten. But here nre preaenta, in this deportment,which are produc tive of the groutcat delight, and the most laating impression. For your raerbauical friend, what, more valuable present could you select than a years subscription to the Sri entijic Amiri, an, or the American Artitan, thereby* enabling him to study the real art of bis occupation, and keep him self posted iu, end practically benefitted by, a thorough knowledge of the leteet and most useful mechanical invention!. For your lady friends, here are all the standard magazines of literature and fuhioa, toe numerous to mention particularly but all of excellent quality. For your literary friends you can select, from a large assortment of holiday editions of tbe works of standard authors. Hero are Miltor, Burns, Brysnt,| Shakespeare, Tennyson, and others, all beautifully bound, aud splendidly illumtxated—wonder* of the typogrepi cat art. What miud can suggest protent* more hoadtinu and appropriate. For your juvenile friends, you will had a large assortwcut af stand ard juvenile workr, suitable for the youth of all grades from the wee toddler iu his A, B, C*s, to the mature sehoo boy. Awoug this assortment, we cannot refrain from particularly mentioning the works of that king of juveuile writers, "Oliver Optic, ' whose productions are likiug pleasing to old and young. Then there are checkers, choss, aud all other games, dear to the childish heart. But. 'll* useless to go further, though we have not mentioned half. We will just say, in conclu s on, tl a 1 in addition to all these, Butler keeps on hand, aU the newspapers, periodicals, magazines, and latdst publications of the day. In fact, there is nothing iu his state, but what is suitable aud appropriât* lor a holiday present, aud therefore, those who have been thus far unable to décida where to purchase their Christmas presents, need hi in a quandary no longer. the of be : W so ? Balls —Last evening the Orion Assemklv Kata a very pleasant ball, at the City Hall; a small but but select company was present, and the eveniny, spent 111 a very sociable manner, with no disturb ances of any Kind to detract from the enjoyment. Last evening, Seminole Tribe, No. 7. Imp. O. ...i.- u 0, . r f" W .. C " lle ' K* T * * 8™ ,lJ >*11. «t Yar nall a Hotel. Between eighty and ninety couples were present, and everybody enjoyed themselves immensely. A supper was indulged in, at which oysters, turkey, amt numerous other good thins, of this life, wore liberally provided. The affair was very successful. The Waahmgion Fire Compauy, of this city, *)■ already making preparation* for theiruuiiiml ball, r *i vlî. j a î A * aa0llic Temple, onftthe evening affai'f 5 ° f Fel,ruary ,loxt * « w* 11 bo » grand oe ing PENINSULAR NEWS. The oyster trade at Crisficld is lively. The Worcester A Somerset Railroad The Aunamesscx paye. as frozen over, last week. R1 he Masons of Crisficld last evening. None of the line of Eastern Shore strainers lost a trip during the cold weather of last week. Stephen Culver, of Princess Anne, was thrown Injured WtlKU " " uc ''"V llwl week, and severely Wild Darks waters than now. quantity of them. County Commissioners of Somerset rountv meet on the 14th of January for the purpose of making changes In taxable property. The Crisfleld obdenis nre like what Henry Clay (llserilied the Ohio river to lie—dry one half .»r the year snd treezed lip the other liulf. The hoard of Emigration ut New York lias •II I Its charge nearly two thousand destitute Ital ian immigrants. Two hundred of them have gone to \ Irgluia as railroad laborers. Should tue influx continue, a large warehouse will prob *' rcnt ®d lor the accommodation of those Immigrants, ft ard's Island being now crowded to U» utmost capacity. It is expected, however, that most of those now here will have etuploy meifl in a few weeks. gave a jrraud suppe r, t end were never more plenty in these Sportsmen are killing any uu G BRONZES, | RUSSIA LEATHER, PARIS AND V/fNA " n.'.T'r^ylTo.^ 1 *" 4 "' " heUi '» REAL LACE HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES'. GENTS' AND CaiLDRBN'J !L0s ' j, '» Wa cordially invita tha puMie to axaailra thanü N 1 GRANVILLE WORRELL. M AEOMIC TEHPLF. Wilmiaaun. Dal. dcelO Board of Trado: i MBÜI1KG OF THE MANAGES! LAST EVENING. i , ._- , _ , . "** l V'* 1 "f *.*!* Manager» or the 1 . **• bald in Ihe rooms,last esen In t' ' ,c * President Ua in tbe chair, to accordance with the auggaations'conlained in the recent report of Ihe Committee appointed to (uggest a plan of operalhmi for securing in creased representation in the State l*gi»latare, f" d <«h" alteration» of existing laws, "" milUw *«• appointed : Committee to present the objectionable fea lurw . "*• tax laws, end recommend their alteration :—Wm. H. Swift, Edward Betts and Wm. 8. Hilles. I Committee lo urge the lepesl of all tsx on Loan Ameciations-Geo. 8. Capelle, H. M. Br '... . , I donnante« to recommend a modification of ** le h,a,t —Wm.T. Croasdalr, a "• Mendenhall and Geo. 8. Lobdelk a 1 The resignation of E. T. Iiellali, an a nu mbt r of the Board of Manager*, wa* read and ac cepted. ÄrÄrÄÄtaza"«"'* ,,,e «y turned, DAILY IfEgTINGfl ON 'CHANGE. were present it the meelinp, to day. The following receipts and shipments were recorded : receipt». Û911 pounds of merrhant iron, 20 luira of goot skins, 25 hogsheads of tobacco, 109 bags of sumac, 3000 bushels of wheat, 200 tons of coal, 20 Ions of plate iron, 450 bushels of lime, 8000 feet of lumber. Nineteen member* SHIPMENT*. 8110 pounds of paper.28 barrels of snuff,three Cirriagea, 1200 pounds of rags, ten tons of pulp, len Ion* of car wheels, ten ton* of merchandise, thiee Pullman car*. 50,000 cigars. Colics Case».—-O nly three cases of drunken ness hate been disfiosed of bv Mayor Siumis, »inte last roport. Fifty cents' and clmIs in each : case. Dm Not Want to Cay.—A couple of worthies slopped al Dickinsons Hole', a short lime «go, snd whew they were ready to leave Objected lo paying tlioir hills. À suit was brought against them, before Esquire Frazer, snd judgement obtained, which brought them to their senses, and they "ponied up." After paying, however, they abused the landlord roundly, and without cause or provocation, for which offence, another warrant was issued for their arrest; but gelling wind of the affair, they sloped on Hie noon train, yesterday,before Ihe warrant could be served. Kk Organization of the Immigrant Aid .Society —A number of our farmers met at the office of Geo. \V. Cummin-, Sr., on Saturday afternoon la»t aud re orgauizetl tliu Immisrant Aid Society by the election of the followinu gentlemen us officers : President, Jas. \V Mitchell Estj., .Secretary Chas. II. Register Esq. On Motion, The following gentlemen wer* appointed a committee to confer with Kmisra tion Agente :--(»eo. W. Cummins, Nr., «fames W illiam-, J.W. Mitchell aud J. K. Johns Esqs. ' T he meeting adjourned to meet at Foxwell » Hotel, at 2 o'clock on Saturday afteruoon next —Smyrna Intelliyenecr. Improvements atCbispield.—T he lea~ "K 't** Messrs. Kennerly & Brother, of Crisficld, have recently had built, at great la b0 v. r ? nd «pnse, » strong and substantial wharf, reaching from the shore 425 feet in the harbor and nearly to the verge of the channel, so that vessels carrying au hundred tons can load and unload with ease. On this is laid a double track, witli cars for the conveyance of freight from outer extremity of the wharf the office. At the base or starting point of this wharf, is a large coal and wooayard— the true Purpose of the enterprize-lieavily stocked with the best and cheapest coal and wood, the latter by the cord, or sawed and split ready far family use. Adjoining the yard ? tt two ® tol Y building, 20 x nu feet in size, the lower floor of which is used for stow" to a» mi aiso ior office purposes, tie the upper floors y when com pie tea, will oe used as a dwelling. But the crowning con venience of the enterprise, is the building of a plank and shell road, JOO feet in extent, lea." ing from the coal yard to the rail road track, thus affording easy and safe access fiorn the main land to any part of the wharf, with teams, tins of itself is a consumation which merits our hearty congratulations. of .»r SOCIETIES. XKITWaS THI, HYDMIxa. t ,Tia? c L ub ' thirJ ,tor r ,ro "t. Morrow's building, 211 Market «tnat. sÂî°4; oof ' ,t °" f -' HÄÄfiSt 1 u OF> ° dd F " llnw " Morning 8Ur Division end Market Sts. Delaware Council, No 2, O (J A M, at Me chanic«' Hall, 219 Market 8t. ïtoït:th J 8t W " CU ' N ° 13 ' ° u A M, at 702 ° F * at Good ° f p ' at Kni ' fh " o, OÄÄ 604 Market s\. F ' * & any Ho lows' , No 2, S of T, at 5th uu G ° T 2 Y* N - CHANDLER'S. 611 Market street. d.*£. °* toute ® na Sintin« Canary «wjgjofj* Onrislm*» preraot. decD 7 GREAT REDUCTION, IV. M. KENNARD Sc CO. mLL cu ?L" E 5äS§oSi5 , 5«vW ,rav * 1 DRESS GOODS. On Monday, December 35th, And continu« it until everything of a Fall end Winter nature ia sold. Ab tbe Stock is still large the reduction in pri ces will be greet bo ea to ensure their early sale. 306 Market Street , of r SttbU* J*U|. PUBLIC BALM. Will besold at Publie Sala, with-el ré serva. THUR8DAY. Dmmbar 1» 187* 1 at 1 o'clock, p. on the nramiam o/ H V D. Hicks, on tha New Castla road, 1 miles from Wilmington, nei - Moore, the following: i Ho Charlie, kind end gentle In alt his milain lS miautas; oaabay mai nie. Bna sis», gond workar sud drivas: 4 Low«, two fra, Tn Marek ud twe ia Mag toi milkers; 1 Brood Sow; a vary enoiee ah Poultry, consisting of Brahmas, Bleak I Le.horn snd Golden Hamburg; llhmllxi 2 market dsarborni; 2 night aalt waganfl, cart, 1 new Moor« plow, 1 new Twin harm. . ... tivatorc. double and stngla traas, 2 sets ahain pKw harass», 2 sals ropa harassa, 1 doubla sat wagea bar l# haroaMLi sat carthamaas, 1 smile set carriage harnaaa, bfldlas, oollars. It. - crowbar». 1 dearborn poia 800 bean poles, let of poudreiic, hot bed .ash, on net bed shatters: also, a lot fresh Perk: »hovels, spades, fork,, boss, ko ; about INI buahsi, Dai turnips, ISO bushals HuUhsga wi'iüor'' î5î«V p °® I,,T nicely trsnehad tSr wimer; lot ol Pearleta potsteus, 1st of timothy hoy, lot ol oorn blade«, milk pans, arswm «ans. churns, ko; I cook ttova, oilcloth ea floor, win dow 'Skalier, coal oil lamps, half peek and half busnsl measures, lot of new grain bags. 1 flrmla ut6 ice cream Ireezer, and maay other artialca too numerous t" mention. m Tit KM 8—All sums under 150 cash, above this amjunt a credit offl months will beeiven byeivtsm • !. 00,e w, i h »«>™ved *»dorser, «rttli in terest *dded. or a discount of 6 per tent will be msdo Tor cash. K. N. A A Met! kfOOBw" WM. A. MIIKILT,. k gct'r * d^ffgtow Ti pFIILIC SALE OF A^LARüE ASSORTMENT af can trot 1 of of CHRISTMAS TOTS! Will bu Hohl at Public Hale, at 114 Msrkst straw» enunuenems „„ W«l,„«l»y sfternoon! ÎJioSüfô 18th, at 1 « clock, ami continue uutil all are sold * go aiaurtment ol Uhrislnsa Toy«, of aveiy variotï I ilescription. 1 ho.o wi«hing to Durchs«, Christ it"" !*"«• w.'Sta fo weH to attend inn sale, as good biirgsms can be oblsined '»'LB » MILLSR. K ' "'"fflS In r am CLOkllV.UIIl SALE. Lumbar, Horses. Wagons, Etc., AT PUBLIC' SALE, Saturduy, Dacnmber aUt, 1873, At tho »Saw Mill, foot of Wost street, 000 feet Pino and Oak Lumber, Board*. Planks ..ntling. etc. *8 40.000 t^ningle«; 10.000 feet <»f Pine Logs. Several Lumber and Lit WatoM, Chains. Grow bar*. Cross-cut Saw«, Iron Bog*. Log-wheel CkitBi lack le Block«, Bat tenu, OfHoe fixtures, Saw- **' mmg Machine, etc. • Three good Horses several sets of Her- 74 Tf % nos«, Cutting box. Feed box, betide* a great variety of articles not enumerated ^ ^ Nile to commence at 10 o'clock, a. in. Terms easy-will be announced at tale 1 W STIDHAM WALTER. 1». «.Ml 1)11 A M A: »SON, Auct r*. decl4-6t 200 , M fum MANHOOD: now i.osT, now reitobcdi Juu I'uhli-heii, , D , w aditioa of Dr. Culverwcll's celebrslad the rsilicsl care (without msflietna) ol 8permstorrhies, orbsmlnsl Wank ne-. Involuntary Soiuinsl Lonea, itapotan« Mental smi I'hysicsl lnsapacity. Impediment, MsrriiiRe, etr : hIso, L'onaiiaption, Kpilepiy,« and bits, induced by -elt-indulxanca or sexual axtiaY 'MIL to aganen. ln a sealed envelop*, only 6 cant*. The celebrated author, in this admirable a««** clearly deuioiiMrates, frem a thirty year** idimijs. lui practice, that th. slanaiu, „^"VuiSS^V -oir-uhus. uisy ha radioaliy cured without tha daa Keroua u-c 01 mtarpsl wadicinaor tha apalieaiToa ulthe kmlc; imiutiiia uut a mode of eara at oaea aiuiple, certain, snd ettactual, by uisaas of wkish every sufleror. no matter what hi, conditio be, uisy cure himself cheaply, privatelf calif, *£lhis Lecture -b-tnld be in the hands of «van youth sud every matt >L the land. * 8eut, under seul, in plain envelope, to anr ad dress, on receipt ot six cents or two postsaastsmas by addrsaatnx the publiabers. •■««• 50 A cem.! ,r ' c,, " v • rw •"' , Ualds. prias, Address th* Publisher*. SrW •o CH AS J. 0. KLINE t 00, w-ryNsw Y*rk, _«nsi.A a Dp, a tt 2t)taw Jlour, Mttû, &r. in JAW es «Mire, No. 400 »bipley Street, Wilmiugton WtfOI.tSAl.K iND' HlTAtL DtALfefe Iff a TEAS. COFFEES, SPICES- AC. . Young Hyson, Black. U.esn sad y desenj'tmn ot Teas, L'offsea, 8pie«>, ta. BSBulmUu'raT y °" "* ,tr *» All articles bought at my «to ta ata warraat«d. Het.ilers supplied at New York and PhUadsl pbia prices. The publie sre rerpeetfully invited to «tv« __ MOTÄ-t «very , of " * QBE*T 01*4.1%INW OP NEW DRESS GOODS, Such as Silk«, Snieens. Mohair, Poplins. Plaid« *e.; all eolorsor \ elyeteeas: araatof Alapkamk tha ebeapest in the city.ftomdi coals up to »LilTuri. assortment ol Cauiiuerv: «Do. a floe tot of ' " * BROQUET AND PAISLEY SHAWLS, .adies' Cloaking of all descriptions, fine lot ot Blankets Flannels, Striped Shawls, .Sfusllns B^i m^nt'ot ■"■• ' l, ' u style Prints. »ZtLon LADIKV AND CHILDREN'S FURS. All kinds ot Notion-, Fancy Hoods and Trimmiaas yourte If*»r -fr novi5 _ #at5 ma «am. Y>\3 THK ^4 ti v ^ 2 East Third Street, wiLunraro« i ■l* S. K. CLOUD, Paintet and Grailler, Ho. 61* Market Street, WILMIN&jnîSuISfcAWAEI. aMd!ï£ •vlfltMUflaily mixad and »«abaaÿaÿy ^HE GREAT AMERICAN BROILER, ECLIPSED BY TM8 IX ationai Broiler, iaaat