Newspaper Page Text
MOXDAT MOBKISO, AlJtlCHT 28. linsley institute. English and ClMKlnl Academy. mHE NEXT SESSION OF THIS INSTI I ration will begin on Monday, September 4th, van. The School still occupies rooms above the Express Office, opposite the McLan House. I. F. JONES, Principal. aug23-lw Fair ix October.?The Board of Di rectors having ascertained that they will get immediate possession of the Fair Grounds, have determined to hold a Fair in October, commencing on Tuesday, the 10th, and continuing for four days. Wo understand that liberal premiums will be offered, and that no pains will be spared to make the exhi bition creditable find interesting. .The gentleinen who -litre' tile mfctter in charge, are energetically engaged in perfectingArrangements;-"artd should receive tlift active and hearty ts^ojSera tion of the Citizens of Wheeling and the surrounding country.. It has now been five years since we have had an Agri cultural falcon:Wheeling Ial and/and it win" now tx deeply Interesting to note the progress and improvements this interval. Witliln the last few years | many of our farmers have been giving! particular attention to the improvement of their stock, and we expect to seethe best display this fall that has ever been made &n Wheeling Island. Sinyo writing,,!he alcove, the mana gers have sent us an advertisement, which appears in another column. Wo hope oitt* brethren of the press, who are favorable to the enterprise, will aid by calling the attention of their readers to the fact that wo are to have a fair at the time stated. SVENOEIHIUND FESTIVAL.?TilO grand annual Festival of tho Samgerbund as Kocfation of tho North-west takes place at Columbus, Ohio, commencing on Tuesday of the present week. The per formances will consist of a series of concerts, a pie-nic and ball. The con certs, will take place as follows: Recep tion Concert on Tuesday evening,given by the various musical societies of Co lumbus. The singers from abroad will be welcomed with speeches, music, in strumental and vocal. A costly ban ner, donated to theSanigerbund, by the German .ladles of Columbus, will also be presented! The lnainmofh Concert on Wednesday evening will be a grand affair, over five hundred sing ers joining iu the ~ performances; of thei : evening,. . The Tprize concert comes oflf on Thursday evening, at which will be adjudged a splendid'sil ver cup, and. other prizes, to those who prove most proficient in the art. A large delegation;representing tho Man tiorchor and Jlariuony associations of this city, will leave to-morrow to par ticipate in tho festivities. They are splendid singers, and will bo strong competitors for/the ljop.ors of tfcoOcca sion. ifow TO OoMl'UTK TIIK INCOMK TAX. ?Since the publication of tho income tax list there boa been considerable | discussion as to. the xate of taxation and the amount of the incomes of those whose uumes appeur Jrathe list. ? Some persons, haVeSiof-reafi1 tiiD ltiwV suppose that Ave per cent, is the rate assessed upon? till' incomes, 'without re gard to the amount. This is incorrect. The law requires'1 that all incomes over six hundred and not exceeding five thousand dollars, shall bo taxed at tl|9 j rate of five per cent., and the excess over five thousand at the rate often pet cent. If an individual's ijicom^be, five thousand dollars per annum, the six hundred dollars exempted'*by law is deductod, and the ,remaini?R.forty-four hundred assessed at the rate of five per ceilf.'" Tf^uo income be ten thousand dollars, the rAte will bo five per cent on forty-four hundred and ten per cent, on the remaining fivb thousand 'dollars. -T7T7S ?tt- : ' 1 ' nT PLUStniNo' and Gas-Fitting.?We take pleasure iu calling.the Attention pf our citizens to the now establishment of Messrs. J. S. Trimble it Co. T|iis firm is coimposed of worthy nhdi enterprising mon who, doubtless, will use every en deavor, tft ttiv9)Mifi^fiu?M<^n.t^tliflir. cus tomers. wo understand that they Have secured the'services of one of the very best workmen in Philadelphia. They have also supplied themselves with a complete stock of all kinds of goods and materials necessary to the prosecution of tho business of pltitnbiiig and gas-flt ting in all its branctop. bttVe no" doubt of their Bucetawf/Cmd eari'ehdcf fully recommend tho new iirm to all who may.>KJtehkahythiti& in their lino of biurtn^M. j v ''Va" Suspknsion Foot Briimjk.?On Satur day evening the Market street bridge across Wheeling creek was dosed up mitl pnrt of the floating'remov^i panrtoiy to'a thorongli course ofrepAlrs. The timbers and flooring are very niucb dccayedand vUl have to iwrejlincod with new material. Wo noticed yes terday, that notwithstanding the barri cades and the dangerous condition of the structure a number of adventurous 1 ndividuais continued totfross it in pref erence to walking a few steps'ftirther to reach the Main street bridge.! I IXuok TomaWbj^?in onr office a cluster of toijiatoes, grown in the garden of J^r, 1C Kichardson, who resides on the Island. This cluster contains six lirgfc tomatoes.'all fully de veloped, jujt growing almost as com pactly as a cluster ofgrajtes. The hunch weighs almost four pounds. ir all the vinesin' the neighborhood gave such a yield as,ihit<, we could probably get to matoes at iower rates. Opened/iit OwrU'K.?The city super intendent of freeachoolk has established an office in tho City Building, where he can tje ^bftpd hyt^t*.* Sft.J\oth4re who may have business u> .l^na*A with him. He will aim hold a special examination on the 30th inot^ earn, meucing at nine o'clock a. TO., for thc benefit orthose teachers who were una th8 la?"?* examination held on A Very Daxqerods Nnr^jcw.?A gang nf. yraing.nanriidataa for UlAjign. itentiary infest the government hay shed : adjoining the, .'Intelligencea building on Quinsy street. Some night there will be an "underwriter'sillomi nation" in this city such as the oldest inhabitant never saw before. We de tected the juvenile thieves last night slinking out of Oielr holes like rjits, and slipping over across Hie street and en tering the kitchen apartment of Pack erls tavern through the windows, where we suppose they stole enough to satisfy their hunger. Xh'e viligans lead this sort of a life nightly. They carry -matches. in their pockets together with stumps of Cigars, and dp not scruple to smoke in their holes in the hay. Whoever is In charge of the shed neg lects either to protect the liay therein or. (and what is vastly more Important) to guard the city against a wholesale conflagration. It is an imposition, that never ought to have been submitted to by the city, to keep such a magazine in the very midst of its business centre. The property holders of Main and Market stVeets, between Monroe and Qnincy, should protest against the hay or the shed remaining where they are any longer. A Complaint.?John McLure, Esq., one of our oldest and most respected citizens, requests us to call the attention of the proper authorities to the outrages that are daily perpetrated! on negro boys in the streets by half- and three quarter grown white boys. Others have before made the same com plaint. Mr. Mclaire says that his boy cannot be sent to the poBt office excfcpt at the risk of his life, frequently coming home from errands badly bruised nnd beaten by cowardly, and cruel white lioys. Jt is an indication of very low instincts lo abuse :nny of God's crea tures, even. dumli animals, and no one not a fair candidate for a disgraceful career through life, would lie guilty of maltreating a negro, simply because it Is his misfortune to have a dark skin. Wo hope the police will make nil ex ample or two of offenders. ARRESTED AND HKr.D TO BATIu?Wo have heretofore published the fnets that on the 19tli of August Deputy Sheriff William S. Irwin attached the steamer Hard, Times for debt, anil that Capt. Perry Brown and other- officers of tlio boat refused to recognize lijjg au thority, but shoved outfrom the wharf and went on to Pittsburgh, carrying the Sheriff with them. They there settled the amount of the claim and supposed the matter was ended. Teht^rday even ing the Hard Times again arrived at the wharf, when the Sheriff and:-his aids went on board and arrested the. Cap tain upon a warrant issuqd by onp of the justices of the county. He was taken beforo 'Squire Johnston, who held him to bail in the sum of one thousand dollars for his appearance at the October term of the Circuit Court. The punishment for the offence is line and imprisonment. Heavy Business.?The monthly re turns of the clothing merchants of this city show that during the last three months their sales have been unusually heavy, and have reached an amount far beyond what is generally .supposed. These returns are oulv mado for the clothing, iptumfnctured by themselves, and. docs not Include* their sales of ready-made clothing not manufactured in tlieir own establishments. They, ess- , I timate that the amount returned is only about oncfourthof their actual sales. The total returns for May, June, and July amount to eighty-four thousand eight hundred and. ninety-two dollars, which,.according to the foregoing esti mate .would make the. actual sales for those threo months amount to the very large sum of $339,508, which, wo think, is pretty good. foi^.the summer season. lUyEit.?Yesterday evening the river j was receding slowly, with a little over 1 fbur feet in the channel. Tho Revenue lelt for Cincinnati on Saturday. She took out a lttlr trip. Tho arrivals on Saturday were, the Eagle, frouiParkersburg; Beulah, from Pittsburgh; Hard Times, from Pitts1 burgh, for'New Orleans." Tho Wheeling steamer Potomac, Capt. Fink, is employed now down below. She was to have left Cincinnati on Fri chly evening for Xxjuisville, with 550 soldiers of the 4th Reglmeht U. S. V. V. She has l?een chartered to take the place of the *ytr O/iar/r.t. jvhlch boat yflU be withdrawn lengthened^ : So says the Gazette of Saturday. ? ??< IMPORTANT TO PlIOTOORAMIERS.? The following decision lias bbfen made by the Internal Revenue Bureau in re gard to tho sale of photographs. Where a party pays, say $3 75^ Cor a dozen ' photographs or sun plcthresf, tlie person who sells or delivers the pictures must Afllx a three cent stamp to each. The pretence that Aha first picture 4s worth a dollar, and hence requires a five cent stamp, while each of the remaining eleven is wprtl$,jjut twenty-five cents, and consequently requires a two cent stamp, is an evasion of the law which cannot be tolerated. It Is a matter of daily remark that, ther*) hardly, a pavement in. tho cityj In front of any property or residence, that is creditable to the premises. Ma ny of our pavements are, we were going to say, mero .stumbling blocks. We do not think tho phrase exagger ates their condition. People do Htum blo over them, so uneven and sunken are the bricks. Stumped toes and sprained ankles might become epidem ics so far as any saying virtuijs in tiro pu vuni*^ |ah> coi%qrnqfl. If! J* | gested that an order of council should j be passed compelling property holders to level up and. .relay, their pavements. Fisk Property ^ Saj.f-?\Ve de sire to call the attention of our readers! to th* Tcrvtlcrirtble proneitg adseifa. tlseOTibr sauTby Mr. Benjamin Fisher. II if pleasantly located on the bivnt or the Ohio river, a short distance above BenWoodl The buiMUug*>are substan tial and commodious, while the land is of the fioeRliqatlity,' ;? *? OantelI inan'H.Run opened-on Thursday last. The.?tt?ndanoeia represented to bo largo and the prospects oncournging. A considerable number 6'f persons left the city yesterday for, the Oaiiip ground. Thb Stoubenville Hailroadbridge will be iinished by the 10th of Septem ber, and the Panhandle road will then be iri runfalng order to Pittsburg. Ho?. Geo. R. ? Latham, M.' C.', and Chas. H. Boone, Into of Philadelphia, have associated.themselves hh.Attor neya at Grafton. The Conference of the M. P. Church will convene at Pruntytown, Taylor Co., on the 80th Inst. Pabkersburo was lit with gas for the first time on th,e23d Inst. .The Ga zelle says that the experiment was satis factory. ^ The Nuptial Tie has been described as a knot fixed with the tongue which the teeth cannot unloose. But the teeth themselves, if beautiful by the aid of Sozodont, are powerful agents in pro ducing the fascination wnicli leads to marriage. The charm, to which this delicious preparation lends to the breath, too, lias a decidedly hymeneal tendency. White teeth and a puro breath! What heart can resist them? aug aHtepd. ? ? . / Hard to bclloyo! It is nevertheless trnotliat Hall's Sicilian Hair Renewer will banish gray halra in from SO to 60 days !" City references given. For sale, with Night Blooming Cereus, Sozodont and all the popular toilet articles, by T. H. Logan & Co. and Logan, List A Co.. . aug24-3t (gfluattoniil. Bethany College. rruirs, institution is located in X ono% of tlielhog"^ | ' portionn-of the-hillc it is in Brooke county, sixteen miles north of Wheeling, and jkivi* miles /romAVollsburg, at which place, persons coming either by boat or rail, con flml lincks ready to take tliem to the Qoljfge., Situated Is.In tho country. It is removed at once from tho temptation* to extra vagancc.rind the facilitle^/or,vlce.whicli attach to- Colleges in or near targe cities^? Young men who desire a thorough education will And peculiar advantageK in Bcthniiy Col lege. She has* an experienced Faculty and affords tho best education on the lowest term*. Tho 25tli Session will commence pn the 1st Monday in October next and terminate on the lost Th urainy of June, 1800. KAClTI.TY. Alexander CAairaiji; President.' W. K. Pknijlktox, ? "Vice President and Poferaor of Mental Moral, foul Political Plii fessor of Ancient .'of Mathematics osophy and Belles Lettres. Charlks Louis Loos, Professor of Ancient I Languages and Literatui ?B. W. JdnKSOK. Profe and Astronomy. K. Richardson, Professor of Natural Pld-1 loeophy, Chemistry and Naturtd History.. TERMS, -j,: ; Boarding from 84,00 to 84,50 per week. Tuition, per session of ? mouths, 550,00. Washing; atid lights ext" MArticulation Fee$5,00. For Catalogues or further Information ad dress W. K. Pendleton or C. L. Loos, Sec'ty. aug!8-2rodAtw . . 1 r Wheeling Female College, WHEEinrG.W.TA. mms iNOTTtmoN, chartered i With full collegiate powers in l$H*and recently reorganized under a new Board of Directors,will Iki onehed as a collegiate insti tute :on tho firat Wednesday in September next. The buildings aro now being:tho roughly ; refitted and newly furnished throughout. ? In the lil>erality of Its arrangements, in the extent and comprehensiveness of its course of study, in,its methods of tuition and gov ernment and in theahillty; and:experience of its Board of Instruction ?the publlcauay rely upon its being a first-class semlpiuy. Having had many years experience in con ducting leading Educational institutions in the Eastern.ana Middle States, I feel assured that'with, the liberal patronage , and the ear nest co-operation of the citizens of Wheeling and vieinit^ the ^College will soon be able to extend to young ladlet&B the facilities for an accomplished education to be found outsid of our eastern metropolitan cities. : It affords me the highest satisfaction, to^be able to announce the engagement of a corps of teachers of distinguished ability, expe rience, and reputation- - A Normaldepartment: will be organized at an early day, having especial reference to the preparation of young ladles Ibr the busi ness of teaching. ? A Preparatory Department will be opened for such Misses as are too youngto enter the collegiate. The Institution will be conducted upon Protestant, but not unQn denominational principle#? the leading churches of this vicini ty, the Methodist, the Presbyterian .and the Episcopalian, being represented in the Facul ty. EXPENSES PER QUARTER Tuition?First Preparatory, SO; Second Prerwuntory. 37; Flint Collcglaie, 88; Secohti Collegiate, 8$. Junior, 810; Senior, 812 50; Latin, French, German, or other language, 85; Experimental Sciences, 82 extra, each: Draw ing, 8r< Painting in Oil, 810; Pastel,tlt^Ctay on, 88; Music, on Piano, 810; Use of Instru ment, 82 50; Vocal Music, 810; Fuel, 2d and 3d quarters, 50 cents each quarter, .../ Boaro-84& Fuel and .Limits. 85; Washing, Weekly Board, from Monday to Friday night, 837 50: Fuel and Lights; 81. Bills both ipr tuition and board payable in all cases at the commencement of the quarter Sept. Cth, Nov. 15th, Feb. 1st and April 18th. ? ? _ l. c. Loomis, a.m.m.l5n July 20,1865. President. ST. TINCENT'8 Classical & Mercantile. College Mil EKLIXV. W. VA. T>l6llOP WHELAN TRUHTB THAT TOE D sucecss of his eflbrts in behalf.of female education . Will recommend, at onco to tlie faVor of thb ~publi6 this institution for, boys and youtfg men, which1 he hopes to make all that is desirable as a school for youth. * The modern language will be taught by gentleinenttowhqm they aro vernacular, and who will afford to the pupils occasional op portunities^' . Jniena?a 10 provide such ?nd. apparatus as may elucidate, umliA.'iVLK.y' ''I1.?'*"* <?tl'o stuille* of Nat. WSSSS* superintended wil1 ?'O open tntho public, but .w?!?.,'??. received na bonriera. in wlvance; tl?p <ase the fig m.w ,u,iuw indicate tho cash-ln-ndvnnrv* u?iuction will be made for absence or for moval when a quarter. or half-seraion ? has been commenced, except in case of sickness. THOB : (WIIfcN PAID IN ADVANCE.) weeKS ,1 " ? ... cirn iyi 'SS8 - U- > < '> COCO CREAH FOR THKOHAIK. Coco Cream for the Hilr. " Oooo Cream for the Hair. Away with yoorOrey Hair. Away with your Orr-y Hair. No more rancid Pomades!! ' No moife rancid Pomades II you want something elegant, If yon admlne delicious Perfume, If you desire soft and silky Halt-, If yon want your Hair preserved, If yon want youir Hair to grow If you want to prevent prematura Baldness, If you want to be rid of Dandruff, Use the Oooo Cream. ; Use the Coco Cream. Use the Coco Cream. Use the Coco Craam. Use the Coco Cream. Price 3S cents a bottle. ? For sale by LAUGHLINS & BUSHFIELD, ' Wheeling, w. Va. EVERvofnsSHoran use HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER-rThat splendid preparation tor Uie Hair, whltlrls fcst becoming so iiopnlar and so much enquired for. I No one who has used It will ever give up i Its use. It is a Vegetable Compound, and contains no injurious properties whatever. iSaiEa&! It is a splendid Hair Dressing. ?gndca' jmfl: used by the flret worthless Imitation In the market. 1 For sale by all Pnteteti*. _R. P. HAlSC A CO., Proprietors, T. H. TJOGAN4 CO. and IflOAN^lST^ W- Va,Vlio1S1fo?kB'^ 4 COLGATE'S HOJIEY SOAP. ?nils celebrated TOILET SOAP, In su<?flnl vereal demnnd, ismadelVom the ClioIcCTtma terials. Is MILD and EMOLLIENT In Its na ture, FRAGRANTLY SCENTED, and ex tremely BENEICIAL in its action upon the J'or'Mleby .all Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. marlMydiw THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARK'S Celebrated Female Pills sfstesassHg* MsgSSPaa TO MARRIED MDIIS, It'speculiarly suited. It will In n m,<? ^ty. B?n &<">??>thly peri'it wlthSgfc .CAUTION! ^ they nro sure to brine 011 mir. iSpiS^u! "SLt? m?ius have foiled. 011 oUier FuUdirectlons In the pamphlet around each bottle?UUrug8fat?- I?lMOneDolIarper Sole United Stntes Axrent. N Tt ji?nn Cortland 18L. N. Y ? ^^'??OTernn^b" ?tummaStU0 TO INVALID SOLDIERS 1 Artificial Legs, Arms and Cratches. GREAT IMPROVEMENT IN THEIR MANUFACTURE. NesBsfiasBfm very resp't, your obed't fiervt a a a John kisincR, WitfSfa,hdm"> -TO . ?J?" Fkisskcx, ARDnLhr"Ji rae asssa^ssssssa ftaarSr^ For forth For farther particulars call on or addrisii j CHARLES BEIUXR, Ajrt apr28-ly **? ? fBy authority of tlio Leglslaturoj ^0np?!^ Amendment to the Constitution of the State of "West Virginia. yw? ?ri ftom." .. .. , Adopted, March 1,18H5. G. B. CALDW^iiL, ATTORNEY" for Aliti MILITARY Claims, Back Pay, Bonnty, Pensions, Ac. aarotttce?Melodcon Buildlinj, rooms form-, erly occupied by Caldwell & Boyd, oppose I Bank of wheelmnr, (upstairs).) ' ' ; | rkkkkknck! His Excellency A. I. Bore man, Governor of Wert Virginia. P. P. Pelr rolnt. Adjutant General of "west Virginia. j 8. Brady, Cafchlcr Merchants' and Meclmnlcs' Bank. Di C, list, Cashier Bank of Wheeling. mh7-?mdtwAw ; HIGGINS' GAT.T.EYR^ Monroe Street betwpen Main & Market,: Photographs-plain or'ftnished In Oil or India Ink, from llfb or coptoa ^CARD f'HOTWIRAPliS?Pnltlcolar palna taken with thtaoopular?yI* of picture. ? photograph ALBUMS?At Ion tluui variety of CHT.T & rosewood prame8 will always be on band at rauona ble pticeo. '? d?J? DAR IRON?Round, -ftom 3-16 to 3 M. g^gJ^gggB^AnvaiS^-VVajTjeand 'Hoy*'4 P-ffHIIJ}RETH*BR<i; ? ?'??' '? aMlteteSt. 7fi w?.8ADMK?.'B. PLAHTATIfW '"'1'n ''1 Commissioner's Notice. TK CHANOEBV;,, IN l IHE. oirouit! 1 Court, {Of OUI^ttnwIy, WM* Virginia:, I Alexander Hcyumn, Atonzo ILorWg, AdmluLstratnr of tlie Estate or JVMKfcon L -Sangston, Deceased;;; 1 By virtue of a Uecree made and entered In this cause on the 25th day of Mar, 186S* it was adjudge<l( ordered* aiuldecreed that this entire be referred to one of {he C^mmiotopers/if this Court to audit, state, and settle the Ail mini*-1 t ration aceotmt of the said I^orlng, and ret>brt the an me to Court, and' also ascertain and re port what debts there are against the estate of j said Sangston ;still unpaid, and. also the real! property - belonging to .said estate, describing the separate parcels thereof,,andwhere situ ate, and what Jjart thereof IS encumbered by deeds of trust orotherwise, and the amount of each encumbrance, and to whom, due, and that he give four.weeks nptlccv by advertise ment thereof, published In some newr printed in Wheeling, at the time and p taking suchaooount, ahd that healso/l advertisement, give notice to all >p?.~,.? claiming to be credltomof the said estate, that they, at the lime and .place .to be; named ,by provetfieamoun?of thefr rt^eicR^d^taSn pain or having:their said supposed debts ex cluded from payment by saki. estate, in case they do not respectively at said time and placd prove the sairte,and that his proceed ings in the premises with any special mat ter he may deem pertinent, or which lie may be required by said parties, or any of them, spe cially to report, and that new process orsub poena issueagalnst the Infaut defendant John A. sangston. CojtsriasidsEK's Office. ' 1 in L the accounts, Ac., as required by the said de Tee. All persons Interested are'hereby notl ed to attend.. HANNIBAL FORBES, aug22-90d Master Commissioner. ~ TAX NOTIOeT The TAX-PAYERS OF OHIO COUNTY will take notlce.that I shall he-prepared to receive the State, County and School Taxes for the year 1805, to, the several Township?, at the times and places hereinafter mentioned, and that a deduction of 2% ]>er centon the State Tux wil lie ullowed to those who shall pay all their taxes 011 or before thb-lst dayof Octoljer, 180T>, at.the Slierltrs ofllce, or at the times and places specified, viz: Washington To.?At the First Ward Hose House. September 18,11) and 20. Madison <Tp.?At the Hope-Hose House, Sent?mt>er21,22and.28. . - ? Clay Tn.?At the HherllTs Ofllce, September 18,10 and 20. , Union Tp.?At the Rough ttud Ready Hose House, September 21,22 and 2& : v . Centre Tp.n-At the Fifth Ward School Honse, September 25, 20 and 27. .Webster Tp.-r-At Isaac Freeze^? Store Room, (Henry Echols* old stand,) September 28,20 and 30. ? . Ritchie Tp.-?At theSontli WheellngSeliool House, SepteinlKjr it) and 20, antl at Adams' 18; at A. A. Allison's - Siri i t h Shop September 10, and at Atkinson's School House Septem ber 20. . _ Libert3'Tp.?AlVallcy ? roveP, O. Septem ber 14 and lo, and and at Samuel Bell's Store, West Liberty, September 10. > .. ' JOSEPH* SEYBOLD, augiT-tm octl BherM'of Ohio Co. (Dally Register copy till Oct, 1.) ? JfvUJ l a New Crkkk. W. Va., Aug. 14. *05 J ATOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT Assessor's Office, U. S. lNi*ER. R?Vi, 2n DIS. W. Va. Nkw Crkkk. W. Va., Aug. 14, "OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~ 1^1 the lists or valuations and enumerations of property, subject to tax under tlie "Actio Srovide Internal Revenue to support, the iovernnient, to pay Interest on the public debt and for other purposes," approved June 30, 1804 and t|?e amendatoiy act approyed: March 3d, 1805,'made and taken by the seve ral assistant assessors (of the divisions herein after mentioned) of the 3d collection!'district of West Virginia, will remain open for the examination of all persons Interested for the space of fifteen '(15) days (Sundays excepted) from the date hereof viz: First (1st) division embracing the county of Morgan; 2d, Hamp shire: Oth, Taylor: IQtli.Preston; -11th, Mon ongalla. On the 5th Of September, at Berk eley 6'prhigKon the7th and8tli -ntSeptem ber, at my Office at New Creek; on the 12th of Scptnnber nt- Ornfton; Oil tlio nun Of Sej> teinber, at Morgantown; ob the 14th of Sep tember, at Kbigwood. <? At each time and place mentioned app< will be received ana determined relative any erroneous or excessive valuations, assc... mentor enumerations made and taken by tlie Assistant Assessors. All appeals must be made in writing, specifying the particular cause, matter, or tiling,, respecting wldch a decision Is requested, and shall ? moreover, statethe ground or principle of inequality or error complained of. %>:? - auglO-gw T. It. CARSKADON, Assessor. Dental Notice. TTAVING SOIjTI ODT MY PRACTTCE II# TjL Destistry to Drs. Surglson & McOormlck, 1 would cheerfully recommend them to my many patrons as safe and reliable operators in air the various departments of Dentistry. .They agree to fulfill my contracts. Persons in want of superior work will find It to their interest to call upon them. E. G. WINCHELL. J. M. SURGISOX, D. D. S...S. B. M'CORMICK.D. p. S\ j NURGIHONA WttORMICK, (Successors to Dr. E. G. Wlncliell*) DENTISTS,! No. 145 Market Street, augO WHEELING, W. VA. Notice to Tax-Payers. Office of Collector Inirrrial Revenue. V - Dinirirt of Wext Vtrpinia.y' "VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN iTO THE IX Tax-Payers of WeUol.Tyler, Pleasants and Marion Counties, t-liat the Licenses and Incomes .assessed for 1805, ore now due and payable at the following places and times designated as follows: where and tphrn pcrj/ ment in tut be m*Mle, or tlie law as quoted be low, will bo strictly enforced:. "Sec. 28. > ? ? And if any.person slinll neglect to pay as aforesaid for more than ten days, it shall be theduty of 'the collector or his deputy to Issue to .such person a notice to be left at his dwelling or usual place of business, or be sent by mailt demanding the payment of said duties or taxes, stating tlie, amount thereof; with'fee of'twenty cents for the issuing and nervier* such- notice; and! with four cents for each mile actually and necessarily traveled In serving the. same. And If fetich persons' shall not pay the duties or taxes, w.ltli the penalty aforesaid, anil the feo of twenty centsnnd mileage as- aforesaid, within ten days after the service or the send ing l?jr ipnil or such notice, it shall be the duty of the collector or liis deputy, ipcollect the said duties or taxes, anaree of twenty cents and mileage, with ten per 6entttm penalty as aforesaid." * o . ? '? , - I will be at Burton August'29th'arid 80th; at Mannlngton n 1st and 1st Beptembor; Worth - Ington -Jtli aud fith; Fairmont 6tli and 7th; ttasuettsville 8tli and. Dth; New Martinsville 12tli and 13th; Middlebourne from 15th to 18th: at Slstem-nie Iltth, and at St. Marys 2QU*and 2lKt?fcptember.' Tax-Payers will please he present at the ap pointed timesaiid places, or leavethe amount of their laxfti with some one to pay for tlienii and thereby save to themselves tho per cent Age and costs.' JAS...C. ORR, * ' ? ? Collector First District W. Va. . ? HAM'L BUbl^NQSIiY, augl5 . : I>epnty Collector. MtL wm. d; ifA-ttpLAft JiAYtDg pn?. clin??d the Inferwt or Mr. W. W^ulfc!". ie firm (if Pryor, atiller A:' Cb., the IwbP &ess.will be conunnedunder'tlieflrm1 or Pryor, Handian^Cfr. . juil. No. 2t Honroc Sir., WheeHnr,1 ?HEP CONSTANTLY ON ITANO A large .. and ndendld?fimorttheut of Faimlydnd idl BiblekaU styles and prices*. ? . i - "rayer and Hymn Book* of alj denoniina nsandln every.Ktyle'or binding. ? j i Geological and Religions books in great rlety. :/ i ?- ???? T. ? : ?' ? ?? na stock.of Sunddy School library. Qncs the warita of Knnda* ScliooN of eveiy t&iA liberal donation to all Sunday 8choof* WOOD'S PEIZfi MOWER. L T.I. ifcrs ^ylTH AIL. THE LATE IMPBOVE J'* Valuable"Real lEst&te, \ :t6*bb 'Aoi/b ! OCTOBER 10th, 1865. ii\t ?< Nui ? ? - ? ,*?m?* "PURSUANT TO THE AUTHORITY JL vested in us by resolutions adopted at a meeting of.the Stockholder of tlie Belmont Iron works Company, held on tlie twenty third day of August* vHttS, the undersigned, agents on behalf of said corporation, WILL SELL AT AUCTION, 0,e Tnewlny, Hie lotto clay of October, 1865, commencing the sale at 10 o'clock a. m., all that valuable real estate; and appurtenances In the (Tth^Waid of said citykuown as the^ BELMONT IRON WORKS AND NAIL FACTORY, Bounded, as follows: west by tl\e Ohio river, north by Division street, east by Main street, and south by the property of Messrs. Caldwell & Lancaster. " , _ also, the Coal Mihq .In said Ward, now worked by Isahl corporation, and the railway connect lng said mine anil the rolling mill. Also, the real estate and coal property be longing to the said corporation in and adjoin ing South Wheeling, including that .recently purchased, pf JDr. J.-a-jfidnpbell:. andt the choses in action connected therewith; and 21 town lots in South Wheeling, lately purchas ed of the M. & M. Bank and others, and lot Na>l ln Caldwell's addition to. the rtty* bf Wheeling, south easterner of Main.and Di vision streets, with five tenements thereon. It Is supposed- that the coal property to be sold wit lithe works, is sufficient to supply tlie works for thirty years. t . Tho said real property to l>e sold on the fol lowing terms, viz: one-fourth cosh, and tlie residue, with interest from the day of side, in three equal instalments, payable In six, twelve and eighteen montlisfrom said date; the pur Chafer or tlie' rem estate to take the stock on hand of materials, Iron, nails, tools and cliat ?* ' ^~*o be made whom tlie purciinser i? to cnoosc one, tno undersigned agents another, and the two sochosen a third, the decision of any two of the three to be binding; and the stock .so taken to be paid for in equal instalments at four, six, and eight months, with interest from day* of sale. The deferred payments on both the real estate mul slock to bo Secured by paper satisfactory to the upderalgued agents, and a Hen to bo re talncd on the property until payment in fnll. The purchaser siiall nave the option .of pay ing 1n hand the whole purchase money, or any further portion thereof than above Stat ed. .TAMER PAUI.L, iC. J>. HUBBARD, R. CRANGLE. ?Wheeling, W. Va., Aug. 20,1865. Sheriff's Sale. Sherman & Cole, vst L. C. Frost ?? Co. Samuel llazlett, ?*, same 31. ?fc M. Bank, u same Saml Trimble, 44 same By virtue of attachments ?in the" above entitled causes, and with tlio.corifcent of t he Attorneys for the PltUh tlllk.-and. the; Defendants,. L. O. Fnxt?fcOoV, tuid also to satisfy t he following named taxes, dre., foi-1 lie year 18(15, to-wit: A proportion*0r tli'o State, County, School and City Taxes charged hi the name of A. Allen Howell, on the store rooms on-Main street, In, the city Of Wheeling, lately occu pied by tlie'sald L. C. Frost ?S Co. t?s per agree ment in the lease, tip to the 15th day or Au gust, 1803. Also, the State, County, School and City raxes on th'd personal property assessed to the said L, C.. Frost ?fe Coi., together with tlie Income Tax, Water Rent and Gas Bill. I shall proceed Jo sell at Public Auction, at the warehouse on- Main street, lately occur pled by L. C. Frost & Co., on Tuesday, the StlMinyof September. 1865; at 10 o'clock, a. m., to the highest and best bidder, tlie fol lowing described property, to-wit:. Twenty Plough TJcalns, 20 Plough Handles, one Horse Hay Fork, 12 assorted Corii Shell- i ers, :j.Warehouse -Trucks, 2 Grain Drills, one; Model for Sugar Furnace, one lot Extras for Straw Cutters and Corn Shelters, one Thresli ? Bpcuts lut Grain Drills, 5 Grain Cradles/ ? Victory Mills, one patent Hog Trough, 21 Shovel Handles, 0 doz. Fork Handles, ono Board' Sign, 3 Rid dles, 3 Clothes Wringers, -!27 Cow Bells. 3 pah licdge Shears, 8 Monkey Wrenches. 11 pair Pruning Shears, 8Pruning Kulves, 4J4 dozen Garden Trowels, 3 Garden'Forks, tyC dozen Sheep Shears, 10 Corn Knives,6 Lawn Scythes. 1 Apple Parer, 17 lbs. Ball Twine, 1 case Fruit Boxes, 2 Picks, 10 Cow Chains, 7 pairs Hames, 0 l?okes Scylhe lllfels, 1 barrel Whisky, 1 desk, 6 Sugar Min Rollers, 1 box Glass, COO lbs. Sugar Mill Castings, 2 Stoves, 1 bushel Blue Gross Seed, 1 Marble Wash Bowl and fixtures, 4; Books, 4 Platform Scales, 5 Churns, 225 lbs. castings ror Sugar Furnaces, 8 Sugar Evape rators, one plough. ' Terms or Sale?Cash. ' JOSEPH flEYBOLD, aug25-td Sheritt" Ohio County. For Salo, mHEVEBY DESIRABLE PROPERTY -L onjFourth street, known as the residence or A, p- Woods, deceased, .with stabling. Ac.. Complete; also the property at the head of Monroe street, corner or Monroe and 7th, above the .Episcopal Church, and the late residence of G00. T. TInBle. l'orlnfonnatlon relative thereto, inquire or ? GEO. T. TINGLE, aug2l-2wd Gas Coiiii>any.'s Office. PUBLIC SALE Of IiOtM In itie City or Wlicelliip and Nonlli WhoollnR. IWlLT, SELL AT puftLTd auction, ?on Friday, the 1st tiny- -of-September1 next, at the front door.of tlie Court House of Ohio county, commencing raid sale at ten o'clock" A'. jVf., "Lots numbered 126. of.l<nt .129, Lqls 158 and Ififl, all on Zane street: also Lots H and 12, In Ttttclile's addition^2d ward. ALSO, IN SOUTH WHEELIKO, Lots 1,2.:i, 4,11 aud 12, square 20. ? ? Nos. 11), 11, square 13. 41 11,12,squdl?80. " 5,15; square 88. " 1,2, square fl. " .14,15, 11, square 21.) , " 2,11,12; square 4l " 5,0, square 44, -oV, 2, square 10. v?viii, ui uur-iiuni 111 11^,,,. ._.llln.N six and'twelve II10I)tlis \v!tli Inti risT on lieu, nnVutil' P. Ri ABM8TRONIJ naga-fal Agpnt. Valuable Property for Sale, IN AND.NEAR Sardis, Monroe Co., Oliio.' ? ? r clumping my-buslnewr! w... ...... ? ..lis, comprising ft tnrm near Sardls hnd one mil? from the Ohio xiyer.coutalulug one hundred and eigh ty acres, ninety acres of which are clearqdaud under cultivation, with young orchard of choicelYriltti^efc. _ A fiirin near Auilts, one and one quarter I miles from the Ohio river, containing 120 acres, fifty acres of which are cleared, with young I orchard now l>earing, containing four, hun dredtrees, of apple, peach, plum .qndrclieny species. Also, my large BRTCK (steam) FLOITIN 1 NO MIIjIj, at Sard Is, containing two run or four feet hurts: engine. 12 Inch cylinder, 2 fcet'fitroke. two dou^la tiucd boilers Thin Mill is Hltuatwl in tlie mid6t of a Una grain growing-region and now enjoying a fine pa tronage. It is completely provided with all modern improvements, and i* in line running ordeh ! " "" ? - - ?- ??? one of which I .now reside. Two storehouses, in ope of which I am at present doing business. . ' EDWIN IIORNimOOK, augO-lml iS'imlls. Monroe Co.. Ohio". Ave Apple trewof choice^???*1; ^GmS^iaS^ ^11 ^iuT TlieirmundHare finely M* price, terms of j names at tlie < rde on the pien Xuxs Mi MinOTjWHBBMKO rei NTJKBEBKD DR. T. J. KISNER, EIDERS HIB THANKB TO ALL XH06E __ -who have favored htm with their conO lenoe and patronage, and would Inform hla Wheeling, W. Va. .where he may be consult ed in reference to their disease, the nature and character of which the Doctor Is able at all times, and under all circumstances, to describe and to assure of tho probable result and dura tion of treatment. He practices the Eclectic System of Medicine, using mild but effective remedies, supporting instead of depre**lnK the Vital Powers. The medicines usttU&y eases, Dr. Kisner will give lite attenUon to the treatment of all varieties of Chronic disea^. That scourge of the human race. Scrofula, in all its varied forms, viz: purulent Discharges from the Ear;so-prevalent among children. Purulent Opihalmla, Ozena. Enlarged Glands! Ulcerations. Cancers and all varities of Skin Diseases, will receive his special attention.? 'Tzsamsmm Nervous and Spinal Affections, Epilepsy Rheumatism rnd Paralysis, Diseases of Fe^ vous Diseases to which they are subject, he treats successfully. The treatment of CHIL DREN will receive the same attention as here tofore;/ All copulations and communica tions strictly confidential, and will receive prompt attention. Night calls cheerfully an swered. Office hours from 8 to 12 A. M., l to 4 undo to 9 P.M.- . , . Junjy * DR. SEEL YES tfjOoE) ta-JxirW TIos'MC LIQUID CATARRH REMEDY. ?TfllRE 1VARRANTED-?I IP DIRECTIONS ARK FOLLOWED. tftr.Callfor Circular describing all symptoms. SYMPTOMS * THE SYMPTOMS OF CATARRH" AS they generally appear are at first very slight. Perrons find they have a cold, that they have frequent attacks, and are mrtre sensitive to the changes of temperature. In this condition, the nose may be dry, or a slight discharge; thin and acrid, afterwards liecom ing thick and adhesive. As the disease be comes chron 1c. t he discharges are Increased In quant I ty and changed In quality; they are now thick and heavy, and are hawked or eouglied off. Tho secret ions are offensive, causing a bad breath; the voice & thick and nasal, the eyes are weak; the sense of the smell is lessened or destroyed; deafness frequently takes place. Another common and important symtom of. Catarth Is that the peraon Is obliged to clear his throat-in the morning of a thick or slimy i mucus, which has fallen down from the head during the night. When this takes place the person may be sure that his disease is on jits i way to the lungs, and should. Iree no time In arresting it. The alx>ve are but few of the many Catarrh Symptoms.. A. Mingle Bottle will last a mouth be used three time* a dnjr. ? >' DR. D. H. SEELYE & CO., Sole JProprietors, Chicago, Illinois, And for sale by all Druggists. BfcCABE, KRAFT ft CO., wheeling, Wholesale Agents for Eastern Ohio andWesJ Virginia. f62S-ly OATABBHj DR. R GOODALE'S Catarrh Remedy. THIS MODE OP TREATMENT IS The Acme of Perfection! It Cores Hay, Rose and Periodic CATARRH. ' It Cures CAtarbh- In all Its Types and Stages. It Cures uatarRh, and averts Consumption. It Cures Catarrh and Pain tathe ^Temples. No violent Syringing of the Head. The Sense,of Taste and Smell Restored. T7IOR CENTURIES CATARRH H 1' flml ihn drill nf nlinHnlntia nn/l'ci I fled the Skill ofphystdahs -No mwlicnl work contains; DE will eradicate It. Nothing save Dr. Gpodale's remedy will break it up, radically destroying the principal of the disease, and precluding the jjosibiutv of a relapse,' No form of Catarrh can withstand Its search ing power. and no mode of treatment ever af forded such Immediate rolled or gare such, universal satisfaction. ' It penetrntiM to theva nnd exterminates It, rool From the Commercial Advertiser. Hay, Rose, and Pkrtodic Catarrji.? Dr. R. Goodfde s Catarrh Kemedyahdtnodebf treatment, not oply aflbnls the ?** iief In every variety of Catarrh, butifc'eaoinf guislies the disease forever In all its types and: GoodaieVNcw Pamphlet on Cathrrh, ft? fver fect mode of treatment and rapid cure. Infor mation of priceless value?send or call at once. C. It. Parkjcr. Sole Agent, 7& Bleeckgr St., New-York."-. ? tfiTFor sale: bv T. H. IXXJAN A CX).,and LOGAN, IjIBT ? CO., Wheeling. noygMyd&w ?<* ??' LAU GnLlNfS OLD HOME BITTERS, ? -OB- . " '" PRIDE OF VIRGINIA. To Cure Byspeprfh ? .To Cure DyKpepnla ' To. Cure Dyspepsia emit e Bitters. i Bitten. 1':. ?||: Use the Old Home Bitten. Use the Old Home Bitten. ? i. ,. U?e the Old Home Bitten. For Heartburn and Flatulence. For Heartburn and Flatulence For Heartburn and Flatulence : For Heartburn and Flatulenoa t.?>;... TTse the Old Hoine Bitters. . ITse the Old Home Bitten. r: i 'so the Old Home Bittern. Uso the Old Home Bitten. Use the Old Home Bitten. Loss of Appetite Ixmk of Appetite Loss of Appetite Ixws of Appetite Restored by Old Home Bitten. Restored by Old Koine Bitters. Restored by Old Homtf Bitten. Restored by Old Home Bittern. ? Restored by Old Home Bitten. The Weak madeBttonjr 1!!" The Hlek made Well ft f ' ? The Old mode Young! 11 The By uslnu Old Home Bitters*? By using Old Hoene'Bitten. f ? , w mtngOktHomd Bittern;! v By UfiiiK Old Home Bitten*, u a if Railways gives satisfaction. It does wlmt ^reclaim. .. >. It sells nipkily. ? r.. . u It is ?xkMbi4 aeldrty'of Stomach. It is a healthy stimulant. I! Is chemically compounded. Sold by MerclianlswuF^raffiWflgenerally,. Manufactured only by 13.!.*?? p;p| Jn* 10 Tleraes I f r . .. 100 pieoo.clcarKldes. Jnut received by ; . XJBT. MORRISON * OO. N>i^ctory SI^E8