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gift ggfittyanrr. X F E INRVKAN CE. |6,00e FOR fO PREMIUM, Under the auspices ?f tlio MANHATTAN CO-OPERATIVE BELIEF ASSOCIATION CHARTERED BY THE STATE OK NEW YORK. OBJECT. The object of tbl* Association is to Kcenre n cash payment within forty days after tht death of a member of as many dollars os there are members in the class to which he or fehu belongs to h is or her heirs. MEMBERSHIP FEES. The membership fees are six dollars at Joining. (for which a Certificate oj Membership trill be furnished,) and oue dollar and leu oeotson the death of each member, or which due notlca will bo itlveii. One dollar from each raemb r goes to the widow or helru ol Ul3 deceased member, and ten cents for exrft rises of collecting. This company Is divided into TEN CLM^fiE^.KOR MKV and TJbJN Ci AbsKS FORWU3liy< awm iw wvov filled ten new Classes will be adopted. Meu and women are not allowed In the lame Classes. Everything dono to make each Class tqnal. CLASSES.* A?All persona between the flges ot 15 and persontfbetwecn the agosof 20 and 55 7 TXvil persons between tbe agea of 25 and W]^aTi psiBona between the agea of 80 and S5year8.i the ages of S5 and persona between the ago3 of 41 and 45 years. ? ... . (5?All persons between the ages of 45 and 50 years. m? All persona letween the agea of 60 and 55 years. I?All persona between the ages of 55 and 60 years. . , ; K?All persona between the ages of 60 and 65 vears. foe Classes for women are tbe same sa above. Any one that la fonud to give his or her age wrong will be expelled, and the moneys paid forfeited to tne Association. Each claw la limited to 5.000 members, Kach person pays upon becoming a member, and SI lu each time a member dies belonging to the same Class he or she may be a member A member of one Class cannot be assessed this dollar 1/a member of another Class dies, t.ach Class <? independent, having no connection with any other. ILLUSTRATION. Clan UA" has 5 000 male members. A man dies. The Association pays overwitbln forty days 95,WU to tbewJdow or heirs, and the remaining members forward witbln thirty days one dollar and ten cents each to the Astoclation to reimburse It. Falling to 8end ihU sum they forfeit to the Association ail moneys paid, and tbe Association supplies a new member to All the place of the retiring one. ADVANTAGES. Tbe advantages of this Association over ordinary Life Insurance Companies are: No panics can break It; the fees are socman, and required to be paid at such long Intervals that any wan can secure to hlsiamlly a competency upon his death. HOW JO BECOME MEMBERS. Any one desiring to become a member may apply in person, or must send CO in check, bank dralt, postal order, or. by express, the expressage being paid by the applicant. Under no circumstances will the Association be reponslble/dr moneys sent but in 'this way. Acompanylng the money must be a paper giving the applicant's lull name, age, birthplace, presentoocnpatlou, wbo tbe Certificate Of Membership Is w favor of, postoffice address, town, county. State. Also a MedlCUl Certificate setting forth tbe physical condition, and whelber In.the opinion of tbe doctor examining, the applicant Is a proper person to be Insured. Blank rorms of application for memoersblp will be sent upon application. JCach member aught to try to make new memberi: by so doing he bear/its himself. No letter will be noticed that does not contain a luree-cem, poamgo DIOIUJI iu postage. INVESTMENTS. The by-laws of the association require that one-third of the money received as new membership fees, shall do made a sinking fund to meet payments falling duo by the delinquencies 01 members. This land Is held* by liie * NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, and will be Invested In United States Bonds OB Keai Estate, or bond and mortgage upon New York city property, "which property bait be doable the value of the money so loaned. THE FUNDS. The remaining two-thirds, after paying the expenses of the association, snail be invested In Keai Estate In the City of New York, or in bond and mortgage an property In the city of New York, the interest*of which shall go to pay the current expenses of the a?*oclauon. If a deceased member leaAres no beixathe money becomes the property of the association, wit b tbe proviso that the expense*?f burial sball bo paid out of such funds, sua expenses, however, not to exceed one bund red dollars. A member falling to pay htt fee of on? dollar and ten cents within thirty days from date of notice 1 or felts all claims upon the association, and ul*o forfeits ail money pre-, vlously paid. In the pacific States this time Is extended to eixty days, a member having no permanent-residence must notify the becretary ana appoint a representative, to pay his fees. When members choose they can send ten dollars and flfty cents to the trea&nter to pre* pay their dues, which sum will pay. lot ten deaths, thus saving the trouble of lending ti. 10 each time, besides a savi ng of fifty cent*. No man is so poor that he ?an not pay ft now and 8L10 occasionally, thus securing 16.000 to his heirs. The average numoer of dollar* each person will have to pay to secure 85.000 win be 930 per year, a little over fifty cents per week.. This makes this,mode of insurance cost about one-sixth-what they would have to pay any regular Insurance company ior u 15.000 policy. All communications should be addressed to HO DEBT P. .NOAH, No. 222 F street, Washington, 1). C., General Agent-for the District of Colombia and slates Of Virginia and West Virginia, or the Manhattan Cooperative Relief Association. The TRUSTEES of the Association are; E. AlcCURDY, Ksq. " -* ELiuN T. W RIG dT, Esq., President Btar Metal Company. W. S. CARMAN, Esq., President Stuyvosant Bank, New York cit*. _ , n. W, FORD, Esq., Cashier National Bank of the Republic. l. w. Murray. The OFFICERS of the Association aro: E. McOURDY, President. ELaON T. WhiGHT, Vice President. W. H. CARMaN. Treasurer. 1.&WIS BANDERS, Secretary. LocAx. Agents WAwtko In every county and town, and applications from competent parties "for such agencies, with BQllaole endorsement, should be addressed to the company's General Agent, ? _ ROBERT F. NOAH. Mo. 222 F street, between Fourteenth and Fifteenth sis., Washington, D. C, General Agent for the District of C olumbia and stales of Virginia and West Virginia. tep30-3m . Choice White Wheat FAMILY FLOUR, >- -V. Mr"-*- ? ALSO. PURE RYE FLOUR. A few barrels of each, Just received and for ttleby * PAXTON & OGLEBAY. Jft29 No. M Malp street. Miners' Strite, Miners' Strife! Strike of the miners of JL the 8beildan Coal "Works ban been satisfactorily adjusted; the men have resumed J?orfc Those wbo wish to procure a supply ior winter ahould- leave their orders Immediately. FRIGB UBT. ?7c> S Clean M yr./a ? u u ? 4 to Parlor in ? " " 5*00 AUmeafuri warranted. nOffloe Hherldan Coal Worto?Market st., I gQ BBLU. WIIjMINQTON TAR, large bbli BKRBX. Wom anfl jKattonerg. 1868. 18Q8 FALL TRADE. The largest Stock of Hew Wall Papers IB THE OIT*'. ^ FDLL, SUPPLY OF School Books, School Stationery, &c? &c. An elegant assortment or Calf and Morocco Pocket Books, Gold Pens, Penolls, &o [ A fine stock, of FAMILY BIBLES Prayer andHjmn Books, Blank Books, Memorandum Books. Inks, PenB and Pencils, Writing Paper. Envelopes, &o? Ju%t received and for sale Wholesale and roiail at tlie VERY LOWEST FfilCES, BT JOSEPH GBAVES, SO. SO HOHKOE STREET. sepl THE LARGEST AND THE BEST AND THE CHEAPEST LOT OF ? American &'English Wall Papers! IN TUB CITY, Id AT CAMPBELL & McDERBGT'S, _ MENDKL*8 BLOCK. marlO Religious Book House, 22 MONROE ST., WHEELIHfl. I T>1BLES AND TESTA MENTB, JJ prayer hooks, hymn "BOOK8;' THtfOLSOICAL BOOKtt, MUSIC. BOOHS, MONDAY SCHOOL BOOKS STATIONERY, Ac. Ac. geo. W. 8tonkr, Agent. Jcl9 gruggists. 'i Klewzer. F>R CLEANING SILVER and PLATED WARE, for sale by T: H.-LOGAN A CO., . i . 47 Main street. : i. - - ' r'S T ?y~ Hair Brashes. QHOE, CLOTH A*Ni( NAIL BRUSHES, 0 new and handsome styles. Just received And lor sale by T. H. LOGAN A CO., and 1 OH AN, LIST <* CO. Burpett's Goods. . tjilavoring extracts, J* Toilet Goods, Aa, lor sale by T.H. LOGAN A CO., oc32 and LOGAN, LIST A CO. DRUGS, Chemicals, patent medichnkb, Perfumery, Soaps, Brushes, and Toilet Articles, In great variety* fox sale at reasonable prices by THOMAS ~J. FINNEY, DRUGGIST, . v'v'j ; ? iMi IV ; ytrr.rrr SonthSnd of Stone Bridge, CENTRE WHEELING. Physlclsns* Prescriptions filled with care and aocraracy. Kespetttftuly invites a call. sep80 New Drug Store. mhe subscribers having bought 1 out the Drug Store opposite tbe Post Office are prepared to furnish their friends, and all who may give them a call with the beet articles In their line. Everything usually kept in a First Glass Retail Drag Store wUl be found here.<idU>to ple? our patrons isa guarantee of success, we will eeqareli. We make a speciality of puttoas up PHTHICXAHB PBJCSCaUFTIOKS?Which will be done neatly, accurately and at all hOOZB, | at low prices to suit the times. mar25 BILYisx <* Cheese. 1 35 52525?' J fewettg 5Ej = ": " ' . Oxtoby & Duffield, ^g HQ - n '. j H^fi s MAIN STREET. WATOHES OLOOKS, JEWELRY , ' AMD S p ? c t a c 1 e s. I * 'MTSpeoIal attention given to repairing Watches, Clocks and Jewelry. Bole Agents for Graver A Baker's Improvi ed Family Be wing Machines. Je24 gjftmjwnt Satining. 1868. FALL & WINTER. 1869. IOBM t. LAKOr. J. E. ICiLLXAir. J. T. LAKIN & OO. HAVE RECEIVED ONE OF THE largest and best selected stocks of Foreign and Domestic Goods In the city?consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, YESTINGS Ain> Over- Coatings, Which -will bo made to order in the latest styles and at reasonable rates, for all who may favor them with a call. Also, on hand a fine assortment of Furnishing" Goods, consisting of everything tliat 'a necessary to the complete outfit or a gentleman. Give us a call before purchasing elsewhere. J. Tt LAK1H A COM merchant Tnllora, jSTo. 25 Monroe street, OCtS WHEELING, W. VA. 1868. FALL. 1868. THOS. HUGHES & Co. Merchant TAILORS, No. 89 Co** Mohbok ahd Watkh Sts., WHEELING W, VA. WOULD RE8PEGTFULLY INVITE the attention of their patrons, and. the puDIlo gen (-rally to their large and varied assortment of Foreip- al Domestic Cloths. Oassimeres, Vestings, ANtJ GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods! now being reoeived: and which will' be 'sold AT THE. LOWEbT REMUNERATIVE FIGURES. A splendid assortment of READY-MADE CLOTHING, EQUAL TO CUSTOM WORK, constantly on hand. sepT THEODOBE PINK, Wholesale Dealer in Produce, Qnlncy at., bet. Main and Market, jJAS^JUBT RECEIVED AND FOB 10 trs-Gocb F. Davis A Co'a Star 8. C. Hams 6 44 " " .... Dried 5 hbds Shoulders. ft * I Clear "l-'f 60 bbls Pollock's Floor Vlncennes, Ind. 36 ' M Atltttlfi ** * ? M GebhartfB Best, Dayton, Ohio. 60 " Dew Drop, Hamilton. Ohio. 60 M- ' Peart Mill#, Cincinnati. 5 tons Chop Feed. 10 tons Bran. 1,000 bushels Oorn. , 26 bbls Pore Cider Vinegar, warranted. lelB .- ' ' J f A>TFI)-A(a;MK-873 to 9200 per month, everywhere, male ami iemale. to introduce the GENUINE IMPKuVKO COMMON SKNBK FAMILY HEWING MACHINE. ThlaManhlnewlll stltch.hsny ftU, tack, quilt, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a moKt supsrtosmahner. Price only 918. Jfoily~ warranted, for Ave yf arm.' We will pay ?tOOO for any machine that will ?ew 1 astrougefr,more beautiful, or morip. elastic' seam than oure. It makes the "Elastic liock Stitch." Every seoond SUtch. can be cat, and still tHb cloth cannot be polled apart without tearing It. We pay Agents from 175 totaooper month and expenses, or aeommlsslon from which twice that amount can " OAUTIoS Do not be Imposed upon by I other parties palming off worthless Csiat-lron [ machines, under the tame name oc otherwise. Ours la the only gennlnavahd really 1 practl<yil chrap^nTachine manufactured. CHARLES SEIBKE, P'-BBBS ?jBaMsagmin?w.T "***? UktMrtMujtmr. POULPLAY. A NO VK 1j. BY CHA8. BEADS AND DION BOUCICACXT. CHAPTER IV. Sarah Wilson left off crying, and looked down on the ground with a very red lace. General .Rolleston was Amazed. l4Is she safe ?" Is who safe ?" said he. "He means my mistress," replied Wilson, rather brusquely ; and flounced out oi the hall. ' ? "She is safe, no thanks to yon," said General Rolleston. "What were you doing under her window at this time of night?" And the harsh tone in which this question, was put showed Seaton he was suspected. This wounded him and he replied, doggedly, ".Lucky for yon all I was there." "That is no answer to my question,'* said the Geueral, sternly. "It is all the answer Ishall give you." "Then Ishall hand you over to the officer, without another word.." "Do, sir. do,".said Seaton, bitterly;; but he added mors gently, "you will be sorry for it when you come to your I senses." At this moment Wilson entered with a message. "If you please, sir, Miss Rolleston says the robber had no beard. Miss have never noticed Seato.n's face, but his beard she have; and O ! if you please, sir, she begged me to ask him, ?Was it you that fired the pistol and shot the robber?" The delivery of this nngrammatical message but rational query, was a ray ol light streaming into a dark place: ft changed the whole aspect of thing's. As for Seaton, be received it as if Heaven was speaking to him through Wilson. His sullen air relaxed, the water stood In hlsetes, he smiled affHciiouately. and Bald in a low, tender voltfe, "Tell her I heard some bad characters talking about this house,?that was a mourn ago,?so, ever since then, I have slept in the tool-house to watch. Yes, I fchot me roDoer wild my revolver, ana l marked one or two more; but they were three to one; I think I~maat have ^ot a blow on tho head: for I felt nothing?" Here he was Interrupted by a violtffit scream from Wilson. She pointed* downwards, with hereyes ((luring; and a little blood waa seen to be trickling slowly over Seatou's Blocking and shoe. "Wounded," .said the General's servant, Tom, in the-business-like accent of one who had seen a thousand wounds. "Ol never mind that," said Seaton. It can't be very deep, for I don't feel it"; then, fixing his eyes on Qeneral Rolleston, he said, in a voice that broke down suddenly, **therestands the only man who has wounded me to-night, to hurt me." The way General Rolleston received this point-blank reproach surprised some persons present, who bad observed only the imperious and iron side of his character. He hung his head in silence a moment; theni being discontented with himself, he went into a pas-' sion with his servants for standing idle. "Run" away, you women," said he, roughly. Now, Tom, if you are good for anything, strip the man and staunch bis weund. Andrew, a bottle of port, quick!" Then,-, leaving him for a while In friendly bands, he Went to his daughter, aud asked her~if she saw any objection to a bed being made up in the houqpfor the wounded convict. Opapa," said she, why of course not. I am all gratitude. What is he like, Wilson? lor it is a moat provoking thing; I never noticed his face, only his beautiful beard glittering in the sunshine ever so tar otT. Poor young man! O yes, papa ! send him to bed directly, and we will all nurse him. I never did any good in the world yet, and so why not begin at once V General Rolleston laughed at this squirt of enthusiasm from his staid daughter, and went ofT to give the requisite orders. But Wilson followed, him immedi* ately and stopped him in the passage. "If you please, sir, I think you had better not. I have something to tell you." She then communicated to him by degrees her suspicion that James Seaton love with his daughter. He treated this with due ridicule at first; but she gave him oue reason after another till she staggered him; and he weut down stairs in a. most mixed and puzzled frame of uiiud, Inclined to laugh, inclined to b*-augry, inclined to be sorry. The officer bad just arrived; and was looking over some photographs to see il Jamea Seaton was "one qf his birds." Such, alas! was his expression. At sight of this Rolleston colored up; but extricated hfmself from the double difficulty with some skill:, "Hexain,'.' nlH hn tinnr fMltn'w linn huKuvnH like a man, and got himself wounded in my servic# You are to take him to the infirmary; but mind, thef must treat him like my own son, and nothing he asks for be denied him." Seaton walked with Teeble steps, and leaning on two men, to the Infirmary: and General Rolleatou ordered, a cup of coffee, lighted a cigar, and sat cogitating over tbla strange business, and asking himself how he could get rid m this young madman, and yet befriend him. 'As for Sarah Wilsou, she went to bed discontented, and Wondering ather own bad judgment. She saw, too late, that, if .abe had held her tongue, Seaton would have been her patteni and her prisoner; and as for Miss Rolleston, when it came to the point, wby she would never have nuraed him except by proxy, and *he proxy wouli have been Sarah Wilaon. However, the blunder blind passion bad led her into was partially repaired by Misa Rolleatou herself. When she heard, next day, where Seaton was gone, she lifted up her bands in amase ment. "What could papa be thinking of to send our benefactor to a bospltalT" And, after meditating a while, ahe directed Wilson to cut a nosegay and carry it to Seaton, "He la a gardener." said she, innocently. "Of course he will oilss his flowers sadly in that miserable place." And abe gave the same order every day with a constancy, that, you^.must know, formed partof this young lady's character. Soup, wine, and Jelltea were sent Irom the kitchen every othet day with equal pertinacity. Wilson concealed the true donor.of all those things, and took the creoit to heraelf. ?By thia means ahe obtained the patient's gratitude; and he showed it so frankly, she hoped-to steal his love as well. But no! his fancy and his heart remained true to the cold beauty he bad served so well, and she had forgotten him apparently. This irritated Wilson at last, and she set to work to core him wllh wholesome, but bitter medicine. She sat down beside him one day, and said, cheerCully, "We are all *on the key/ecf just 9ow. Miss Bo Ilea ton's beau is come on a visit." The patient opened his eyes with astonishment. "Miss ton's beau ? ? i'Ay, her Intended. "What, didn't you know, she is engaged to be married ?" . . "She engaged (o be married ?" gasped oeaioa. Wilson watched him with. a remorseless eye. "Why, James," _ said she, afler awhile, '-did you think the likes of her wonld go through the world without a mate?"Saaton made no reply but a moan, and lay back like one dead, utterly crusbe\i by-thls crnel blow. : : A bnxom middle-aged nurse now came up, and said, with a touch of severity, "Come, my.good girl, no doubt you.mean well, bat you are doing ill. You had better leave him to ns for the present" On this hinf.Wflson bounced out,add left the patient to his misery. At her next visit ?be,; laid a nosegay on his bed, and gossipped. away, talking of everything In the world, except Miss Rolles ton. ' At last she came ioa. pause, and Seaton laid his band on her arm directly, and looking piteoualy in henfaoe spoke .his first word. 'Does she lore him?" 7 '"What, atill harplng" tmherf" said Wilson "WelU she doesn't hate hlm^ I suppose,or she would not marry him.'' ; "For pity's sake don't trifle with me Does ahe love him 7" "Li. James, how can I tell ? Sb< mayn't love him qalte as much as ] oould love a man that took my fancy1 (here she oast a languishing stance ou Seaton); "but X aee. mo dlflfcrende between her and other young ladies. Miss is very fond of her papa, for one thing; and he favors the match. AV and she likes her partner well enough, she is brighter like, now he is in the house, ana she reads all her frienda' letters to him bo lovingly; and I do notion she leans on him, oat walking, a trifle more than there is any need for." At this picture James Seatoh writhed in his bed like some agonised creature unfler vivisection; but the woman, sparred by ieaiousy, and also by egotistical passion, had no mercy left for him. "And why not?" continued ahe; ''he Is young and handsome, and rich, and he dotes on her. If yon are really her friend, yon ought to be glad she is so well suKed." At this admonition.the tears stood in Seaton'a eyes, and after a while he got atrength to say, "?r know I ought, I know it. If ho is only worthy of her, as worthy aa any man could be." That he la James. Why, I'll be bound you have beard of him. It is young Mr. Wardlaw." Beaton started np in bed. "Who? Wardlaw? what Wardlaw?" What Wardlaw? why, tba great mnrnhnnt. hiasnn- Tro.nii be manages the whole concern now, I hear; the old gentlemanr he Is retired, by all accounts." "Cuksb him! curse him! corse him! yelled James Seaton, with his eyes f laring fearfully, and both bands beat g the air. Sarah Wilson recoiled with alarm. "That angel marry him/'3 shrieked Seaton. "Never, while I live; I'll throttle him with these hands first." What more his ungovernable fary would have uttered was interrupted by a rush of nurse9 and attendants, and Wilson was bundled out of the place .with little ceremony. .~ He contrived however to hurl a word after her, accompanied with a look of conceptruted rage and resolution. "Never, I tell you,?wbilfcl livb." At her next visit to the hospital, Wilson was tefusedadmission by order of the Head Surgeon. She left her flowers daily all the same. After a few days she thought the matter might have cooled, and having a piece of news to communicate to Seaton, with respect to Arthur Wardlaw, she asked to seo that patient. "L<eft the hospital this morning," was the reply. "What, cured?" "Why not? We have cured worae cases than his." "Where has he gone to? Pray tell me." "O, certainly." And Inaalry was made. But the reply was, 'Left no address." Sarah Wilson like many other women of high and low degree, had swift misgivings of mischief to come. She was taken with a fit of trembling, and had to ait down iu the ball. And, to tell the truth, she had oause to trenible; for that tongue of hers had launched two wild beasts,?Jealousy and Revenge. When she got better she went home, and coward-like', "said not a word to living soul. That day, Aurther Wardlaw dined with General- Kolleston and Helen. They were to be alone for a certain rwl >1 o nu ma half an Hour Ho. fare dinnejr. Helen thought he would and was ready for him on the lawn.. . They walked arm-in arm, talking of the happiuess before them, and regretting a temporary separ&tion that was to intervene. He was her father's choice, and she loved her lather devotedly; he was her male property; * and young ladies- like that sort of property, 'especially when they see nothing to dislike in it. He loved her passionately, and that waa her due, and pleased her and drew a gentle affection, if not a passiou irom her in return. Yes, that lovely forehead did come very near Wardiaw'sshouldor more than once -or twice, as they strolled slowly up'and down on the soft mossy turf. And, on the other side of the hedge that bounded the lawn, a man lay crouched in the ditch, and saw it all with gleaming ?yes. Just before the affianced ones went in, Helen said, "1 have a favor to ask of you, dear. The poor man, Seaton, who fought the robbers, and was wounded,-^papa say* he is a man ofed'ticatlon, and wanted to be a clerk or something. Oould you find him a place?" "I thick I can," said Wardlaw; "indeed, I am sure. A line to White <fc Co. will do it; they want a shipping clerk." 'O, bow good you are!" said Helen? and lilted her faco all beaming with thanks. The opportunity was tempting; the lover fond; two faces met for a single moment, add one of the two burned for five minutes after.. The basilisk eyes'saw the sofc collision; but th6 owner of those eyes did not hear the words -that earned him that torture. He lay stUI and. bided his time. General Rolleston's house stood clear oi the towu, at Uie end of a short, but narrow and tortuous lane. Thla sita-; atlon nad tempted the burglars whom Seaton baffled; and now it tiempted Seaton. Wardlaw must pass that way on leaving General Rolleaton's house. At a bend of the lane two twin elms Stood OUt a foot or two from the hedge. Seatou got behind these at abont ten j o'clock, and watched for him with a patienoe and immobility that bodrd ill. His preparations for this encounter were singular. He had a close-shutting inkstand and a pen, and one sbefit of paper, at the top of which he had written "Sidney," aid the day of the month and year, leavipg the rest blank. And he had the revolver with which he had shot the jobber at Helen 'RoUjMton's window; and a barrels! that arm was loaded with a wan shot. , t^>jofc poifTjit* b kd. ] ; LATEST FASHIONS! *Sg? Ladies' and Misses' <. nr r? a -rrr* T\T>TinnT*r| LiliUAilo, Dfi?i&bJ!S>, Saquea, &c? 8co? Made to order, or Cat, Basted and Fitted, without malting ladles may prefer. patterns f\V LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S GAByj menus of all kinds cat by measure, with directions for making up, AT THM Dress and Cloak Making liaTAJiLlSIIMENT OF , MRS. KYLE AND MRS. WATKINS, Ml MAIM STBirr, (Between the Hoop Skirt Btore and P. Kenn?dr"J WHBKLXJSQ. Thop receive the N .FasMons, aod Trimmed Patterns, From Uie Koit BrtlaWe Benreea. augll-dawly ? .. . : M-iC? Copper, Tin, and Sheet Iron Ware. liJBMOVAX,. 1HAVE REMOVED MY WOBK-SHO and atore-Boom From 179 Market to 105 Mala Street Where T will be pleased to see all my oi customers, and aa many new. oneaaaohoos* to give me their patroftage. -I have a foil assortment of all Kinds ox ware usually found in such establishments, and am prepared to All all orders for anything manufactured from Copp0r, Tin orfgbeet Iron. I have several first-class Job Workmev and will do' any work promptly and ati low rates as any establishment in the State. ftw-iyr <atb.?.iomwOT:Lara OIL ipXTBA. FALLBTBiUWD, octx - i.iarf MQRR?e^T * oo. Befined Lard OiL 1 r BABBEtB EXTRA, sep!7 'Sw, Maa^OH * CO. iWJXN} ??K 7- 1?6H. I iMiimufcju.w ? f^w ww yj iw i|ni||i ig,i | HhWal Mnr niiTT r7iy aw > "VCEBCBTANTB or FARMERS de^nj r jyi any ot the above tor their Faio. o , Wuitkk trade or aw, should add reus ! R. H. ALLKN dt CO., I . > P.O. Box876. New York RICHARDSON'S. NEW METHOI fob ThePianoforte IS Unexcelled! Unequalled! and Standard Book of Instruction, Employed by the Beat Teachers, The Brat Schools, The Beat Conservatories, And all Individuals vwho desire to obtain a Thorough and Practical knowledge or Plane Playing, Thirir Thousand Copies are sold Yearly audit is no exaggeration to say, that Quarter of a Million Scholars WAVE BECOME ACCOMPLISHED PIANISTS by using.tbls Book. It Is adapted alike to the youngest and to the oldest; t*i the beginner for flrst lessons, and to th? amateur, for general practtee. tfent postpaid. Price 13 73. oiaVER DITSON A CO., Boston. CHARLES H. DITtJON ? CO., New York. AGENTS WANTED scale ob rtMALM, TOR tub LIFE of GEN. GRANT. ay u*5et c. demixq, under the Sanction Hud Authority or Uen. OrtANT himself. The moat Intensely interesting Biography ever published In America. 6SS Octavo Paget, complete in One VuL . Pricef275. An extra copy tcilZ be given free of charge to any person who will tell three cop e* and remit Jor the tame. Agen a are reporting astonishln^.sales of this Work. One- agent reports 70 subscribers In two days; anotrier 83 subscribers In oue day; and many others from JO to 2a per day. Those deairous of a pleasant and loer ?live buslnees will apply immediately and secure a choice of territory. The largest commissions given. For particolais apply to or add ma B. f. 8QRAN1QN a CO., Hartford. Ct. BOO K agents wanted. To solicit brrTan for Dr. William Smith's D1CTXONABY OF THE BIBLE. The only edition paollshed In America, condensed by Lr. Smltn's own hand. In one large Octavo volume, illustrated with over 115 steel and wood engravings. A boos that Is needed In every family, over 30,UX) copies sold witiiln three months. Agents and subscribers see that you get the genuine edition by JJr. Smith. The Sptingfletd Republican. (the leading secularnewapaperof .New England.) says. "Oils edition published by Messrs. Burr dt Co.. is tb6 genuine thing." The CongregaUonlut, (tne leading religious Journal oi tivw England), sa>s "whoever I wishes to get, in the cheapest form, the oest Dictionary of the Bible, should buy Otis." .agents are meeting with unparalleled success. We employ noUeneral Agents,ana offer extra Inducements to Canvassers. Agents Will see the advantage of dealing directly with me tu?* FoFdftscriptlve circulars, with full particolais and teims, addre?i the Publishers, J. a. BUKK de CO., Hartford, Conn; AGENTS WAJJj rKl> fOB "The GRAY-JACKETS And how they JLdved, Fought and Died for Dixie, with Incidents and Sketches or Lite in the Confederacy." The Spieiesi and Cheapest War Book Published. Send for circular and see our terms, with a full description of the work. Addros, JON*a Bros, a Co^Philadelphia,Pa., Atlanta Oa., or, St. Louis, Mo. OT A lMTirn EVERY family to have the W All xEaU, splendid Imperial Steel En<ravink or Hon: Hobatio Oktmucb; Price II Bmall sizes of bSYSoufi A Blaib 26o each. Also, the "National Hand Book of Kacis nnd Figures" for every voter; price II 60. 'The Lost Cause,'* the only complete democratic history of tlie war; prioe IS. Samples sent on reoelpt of prioe. Agents wanted. K. B. Treat a Co., Pub's, 654 Bi?Mlway. Hew York. WAVERLY novels. ILLUSTRATED EDHI05.-25 Volumes?Price only 86; or, 23 ??? per Vomme. 13 VOLUMES MOW RtCAUY. A sample volume sent to any address, by mall, oa receipt of 25 cents. Penions remitting 90 for the set, in advance, will receive gratia a splendid portrait of Mlii WALTIK fcOUTT, suitable for iramlng. I>. APPLETUN a OO., Pabllahera, Nos. ?J, 92 and 9% Grand bt.. JJew Y6rk. AGENTS WANTED FOR THE Hffiniol TTlofnwn ftf 41ia 11/on VUXUXOi llio tUJ. J U1 bUO VVOi, Its Causes, Charactert Conduct dc Results. fir Hon. Alkxamdxb H. btephins. It* ready sale, comolned with an Increased commission, make It Uie best hubscrlpUon book ever published. One agent in Easlon, Fa., report** 72 ?n~>scribers in three days. Another in Boston, luS auoscrlbers la four d Bend /or circulars and see onr teimi. and a lull deecilption of the work. AddreRw NATION All FUBLIHHING CO., Philadelphia. Pa.; Atlanta, Ua.; Cincinnati, Ohio, or Si. Lonta. Mo. 1 Art A AG EN Id WASTED In all partsol 1UUU the U. a., to sell onr Immense Jist oi nearly 100U different BOjKs. H1ML.K ? and PHi/iXMiitAFtl ALBUMS. Every family want* sotnelulng iroui It. Catalogues lurnlancd froe ou Bppltc*tion, and boolu Henl post-paid to any audreasou receipt oi price. Oduva??Uig books eoutalning the list with pile-a, together with blank Sheet* and printed headings for enrolling a llstot names sent free to any one on receipt of 60 cents. Anybody can sell 1U) to 1000 of the&e boaas almost any where. For terms to agent* and other Information, address J. E. POi'i'EU A (JO., rablisheni, 614 dt KIT bunom kL, Philadelphia. Fa. GOOIMPEEDN FODSVA1R PEMR.00 lines written with one pen of Ink ISO blotting. One dozen assorted samples bent for 25 cents. Agents make 110 per day. Addreaa-GUOLMPKfcD at CO? ?t Fark How, New York. - . 49HHA A TEAK AHM LXPKSNES TO *6UUU AGEftTs to lntrounoe the Winsox BKwiao Machjnx. tititch auke ou both slues. Bampie* on 2 weeks trial. Extra Inducements to experienced agents. For lurther particular, address the Wilton qkwibq MA chin a Co., Cleveland, O.; Boston, Mah^ or St. -L^nls, Mo. ?900 Per Month sure and no money required In advance. Agents waou-d everywhere, male or female to sell our Patent Jive r leu ling White Wire CtotHea Lines. Every household should have this article.'? N Y. irib'e. Addre 8 AKlBiOAfl Wire Co., ?S William St., N. Y., or 16 Uearborn su, Chicago, ill. WANTED.?BALESHEH to travel for a Manufacturing Company and sell by Btmp e. Good wages are guaranteed. Addre?, with stamp, H. IX Ha*c iirtON A CO., No. 418 Ufceatnntau. Fhlladelpnls, Fa. $OKA^ Month Guaranteed. Sure ray. ?alaric* paid weekly. Agents wanted immediately everywhere throughout the Honthem (states to selfour Patent EvzrUtslimg While Wire Clothes Liner, call at or address the Uiaauo Wikk Mills, Phil ad eiptna,Pa. - ? $1 9AA A TCAaTO AO?NftS to sell (pl^UU ihestsr annuls sewisr Mmetafacs. Putt particular* free. Extra lndnce meats to experienced Agent*. Uail on or addrew W. G. tViUSoN A CO.. Cleveland, O. Boston, Mail, or at. Eos Is. Mo. mo GOOD TRUSTr ACESTfi-We will L guaranty per week and expenses For particular*, address G. W. Jackson & Otx, miltimftnlt Md. 1AADAT VOK ALT*.?&IXNOII, loon tiprinffl U*e* jVdUrcflB ^ J? Foixaa AWAT0H FREE?Given gratis to even live mauwbo will act as agent In a new light honorable business, paying ?S0 a day /*o elft enterprise. Nohnmbag. Address K? Mo5bqb Kxnnxdy, Pittsburgh ,Pa.' qnO ACRE*In Nurseries, Peach Trees 6 "WV small Frnit plants, fiend stamp fa descriptive and Instructive catalogue; *. bakmabo, 8till Pond, Kent Co, Md. 1 . 1 A8UJS ft INTKKflLlXTENT FEVERS > "*H. 8. BIIUHi M.'D.,n(nr offers his reme p^"?? , Qy. J ia LI wid one woek jraffl cjen^, as a failure or relapse alter ita^xae ft thousands of cases baa never, been reported LSTvSlStSSSSSZ 'jJSSfi&K# UduaudoUm oared.mailed /rrr. Hut agent in yoar place, send direct Com, l>oca. A??nU wanted. Try tt. l-rloo Wper !> < * nbmaggpnpt^MMma etfllira 4 1 O-. Proprietor., 9 Beekman street, Sn YorteClty. . BKAJPnSS, CATABIH, WMFWA S^utaS^JJSSTS;:3fSJ5"SSS!S oelpt iree or chine to any one rtmlltrb afflicted. Address J*raM^I*, care Msjoi M Mlin . W. J, will i*S3*a by morn man eoi rect pictnrt ^ss.,ass?s^,di5sa O. Drawer No. 8, FuUootIU?, New York. ?I??- &avertt$tmettt0. I~TOBACCa ANTIDOTE"iM/ARRANTBD to remove all dxsULK/or VV Zbtaeoo. This f nut remedy IS an exOftllent mppctlxer. It purines in? blood, lni vlgarates tiia system, poeooases great nouxllblOK and strengthening power, enables the { stomach to digest heartiest food, makes sleep r refreshing, and establfehe* robust health. Smoker* ana Cheu>cr?/or Sixty Years Otrtd*? Price Filly Cents per box. poet tree. Can be . sent any distance by mall with perfect safety. A treatise en the Injurious effects of | Tobacco, wlCb lists of references, testixnoni' als, <fcc_ tent free. AgentS wanted. Address Dk. T. R. ABBOTT, Jersey City, N. J.. earFor gale oy all Druggists. t 1 AAA AGKNTd'WANTEU hi aU part* of 11/UU.theU. B,, to sell oar Immense list Of nearly lUOi different tOOKH. BlRl.KH and PHoroGRAPH AitBUMS. livery family wants something from it. Catalogues furnished free on application, aid books sent post paid to any sddrets on receipt of ptice. Canvassing books containing the list with prices, togetner with blank sheets and printed heading for enrolling a list of names, sent ireeto any one ou receipt of 6Q cent*. Anybody can sell 100 to 1000 of these books , almost anywhere. For terms to agents and i , other information; address J. K. fi/iTKB m , CO., Pub's, tiU at 6i7 Sanom street, Pnlladel ; Great Distribution by the Metropolitan Gift Co.?Cnsti Gifts so tbr ntnonnt of 8330,000.?Every Ticket Draws a Prise. 5. Cash Gifts, - I - Each (10,000 10 " - SJOUO 20 - ... " 1.U00 40 " 600 200 " ... "100 300 " - 60 _80 Elegant Rosewood Pianos - - i acb 5300 to 8750 75 Elegant Koeewood Melodeons - " 75 to 150 850 Sewing Machines - - " 60 to 175 250 Musical Boxes' - ** 26 to *0 500 Fine Go id Watches - 44 SUto&JO Canh Prizes, Silver Ware, ac., aU valned a Vi,OOOyDtO* A cnance lo draw any of the above Prises for 25c. Tickets descrloing .Prises are sealed in Envelopes and well mixed, on receipt of 15 cents ? Hkalkd Ticket Is drawn without choice and sent by mall to any address. The pilze named upon it will be delivered to the ticket-holder on payment of one dollar. Prizes are immediately sent to any address, i y express or ret >rn mall. * en will know what your Prize Is before you pay for 1U Arty l*rize exchanged for another of the tame value. Mo Bisnks, our patrons can depend on fair dealing. References.?We select the following from many who have lately drawn Valuble Prizes and kindly permitted us topubllsh them: S.T. Wilkins,Buffalo, IV. 96,000; Miss Annie Monroe. Chicago, Piano, ?6B0s uuuu XJ. aiuutv, liUUiayilie, |I,UU J11H Kmma Walwortu, Milwaukee, i'uno 3XX), Rev. K. A. Day, .New Orleans, ?S0* We publish no named without permission. Opinions or Use Frouk-miB firm Is reliable, and deserve their snoeew."? UW*&/ Tribune, Aug.8. -*Wo know them tobeafair dealing Urm."?JV.y. Ueraid, Aug 2s. "A friend of ours drew a $5ou prlre, which was promptly received."? iMxxly Jiemt Sept. 3. Mend for circalai. Liberal inducements to Agents, tatisfaction guaranteed. Jfvery package or sealed Knveopes contains ohe CASH GIFT. Six Tickets for fl;13 for?2; 35 for S3; lio rorfi6. ail letters she nld be addiesstxi to * HARPER, WIL8GN A CO 178 Broadway, ?. Y. Watches for the Million. The Oroide Gold Watch Oo. manufacture, on strictly Mrfentlflo principles (style, finish, and color, 18 coral gold. ) a facsimile Of Hie most rare and costly dcscrlpUun or OoU Watches. They are manufactured with Bunting Ctuts, (ladies coid gentlemen's), have stlperb Swiss movements, jeweled, engine-turned with compensation spiral spring, JBcnlroad Conductors, Engineers, Expressmen ?the most exacting of onr customer*? nave thorougnly demonstrated the strength, durability, accuracy, and utility of the facsimile WaUham Watches, and pronounoo them invaluable as reliable time-keeper*. Fine Swiss Movements. fl5, Patent American fae simile Waltham Watches, full Jeweled. 120; Uaronomter Balance, J-5 each. Elaborately en graved Willi new and novel designs. L.*cU watch warranted by special certificate from the oroide Gold Watch Co. Also.magulflcient Oroide Gold Chains, S3. 16, and 17 each, sent every where, to be paid for on-dellveryOur cnstomeiB are supplied rsxx vilh the Plckpockot Detective and Watch uoanl; also, mailed separately on receipt ot SO cents. The Genuine Oroide Gold Watches can only be obtained by ordering directly from us. JAMES T. UONUU&& CO., Import, and Manufacturers. 195 Kroarfwsy, New York. ygglral gnstromrntg. MUSIC! WILLIAM H. SHEIB, IOD BABKKT NTBEET. SOLS AX1 K N T FOR | Steinway's Pianos! TTS TVKIWAIXT RECOGNIZED AS THE 1 J ifoif Perfect Aarw made In Lhn world, m eel vine t be MntlUoM Hednl at tha Part* t air over more than 400 other Pianoa. Ftlll aanoriment at l**? than factory price*. Price llsst free. KNABE'S PIANOS long tried, by the MnMcal Profession and given a place In the mnsitfal world, mod*id to none, for Fewer, BrUHancy, Durability and Tone. All Pianos have fsUcaat Acrnff* Arrangement. Send lorredooed Price lJ?t EMERSON'S PIANOS The cheapest and best piano* mads in ttos United States. Prices from 1390 TO ISM. Ail Pianos warranted five year*. KABOH * HAHL11H CABINET ORGANS I acknowledged superior to any other Organ ly over20001 the first mnslclan*of Amenoa, and over SO of the best mwdcians of Europe, Receiving at Paris In 18*7 THE FIK&T PE1ZB MEDAI* Tbey-are recognized In Europe as In America the best of their data. Prices 175 to 8?00. E8tey's Cottage Organs are nnsarpaased for quieJatem of arfimlation, Rotatdneu and Purity of Tone. The only Organs containing ibe Vox 11 Osaka TaxasOLo. Send for price list* or O.gan-. Pianos and Organs soldjby payment o' XUMTBLT 1HSTAXLB Special attention given to orders Ihr Sheet Music, Music Books, Small Musical Instraments. Musical Goods & Strings. Bend for circulars, fires by mall. Jan24 Teas and TobacooB. OA HALF CHESTS G. P., Y. EL AND Oil oolongTes*. 75 boxes choioe dark navy and 10's tobacco. 55 bozes> iralnia twist and bright poands. i 85 boz? W.H. Qttst uvy sod lOi. - r - SO boxes Russell and K navy and 10'*. Jose received and Cor tele by MO WELL. BIU- IgLDAQO | ! THTELUGEVCEB JOB OFTICX, i J X No, 15 Qolncy street. f I r CARDS AND BILL HEADS neatly printed. ; MAJTOFACTIIBESS' LABETA INSURANCE POLICIES AHD JBL&BX&j ? DBAT TICKETS AND BILI/5 OP LADING i PROGRAMMES AND POSTERS. I ?i GHJECKB, NOTES, RECEIPTS. HOW HTTJA tor Country Merchants. p5St~" Ayer's For restoring Gray Hair to its natural Vitality andCoIor. A dressing which * jnjll -at oncc agreeable, /gjg^SM healthy, sod effectual h foe preserving the Smjr MR hair. Faded or gray hair is toon restored IffHjKHKk to its arigindP color CfflVKraKf with the gloss and SHGb freshness of youth. Thin hair is thickened, -falling hair checked, and baldness often, though not always, cured by its use. Nothing can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied and decayed. Bnt such as remain can be saved for usefulness by Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clean and rigorous. Its occasional use win prevent the hair from turning gray or falling off, and consequently prevent baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which make some preparations dangerons and injurious to the hair, the Vigor can only benefit bat not hum it. If wanted merely for a . HAIR DRESSING, nothing else can be found ?o desirable. Containing neither oil nor dye, it does not soil -white cambric, and yet lasts long oh the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and a grateful perfume. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Pbachcai. AND Ahaltiicai. Chemists, LOWELL, MASS. PHI OB $1.00. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For all tbe purposes of ? Lwativo Mcdiclnn. Perhaps no one modiMm cino Is so universally required by everybody as a cathartic, nor was ?rcr y rr^Y any before ?o universal ly adopted Into me, in J^Ki every country and luuonx 1 A _aHrJ all classes, as this wHd lA\"yYrnSf! but efficient purgative t v fill. The obvious reason is, that it is a more reliable and fhr mora effecremedy than any other. Those who have tried it, know that It cured U?m?: Ummo wlw? faavo not. know that it cures their nciglibors and friend*, and all know that what it does once ft does always ?that it never tails through any fault or negle<;tof its composition. We have thousands upon thousands of certificates of their remarkable cures or the following complaints, but such cures are known in every ntrtghborhood, and we need not publish them. Adapted to all ages and conditions in airclimates; containing neither calomcl or any deleterious d S? they maybe taken With safety by anybody. Their sugar coating preserves them ever fresh ami make* them pleasant to take, whflo boinff purely vegetable no ham can arise from their usoln any quantity. They opera to by their powerful influence on. tho interna) viscera to puri/y the blood an?l stimulatolt into healthy action?remove the obstructions of tho stomach, bounds, liver, and other organs ?f tho both-, restoring-their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such derangemcnu as are the first origin of disease.. Minute directions are given in the wrapper op the box, Ibr tho following complaints, which these Pill* rapidly cure:? should hetaken moderately to stimulate the ?t?m acirnnu raiore i? ncaiuij win auu For Ll v?r Conaplal n t and IU rarloun ijfwpto ill 5, Billon* llrailMchr. Nick Mwdjjchp. Junndirc or ?w? 'JBIllotu Colic and Billow, *?,<??, Char alWtJJbo Jpdirlnnsly taken for eachca?e, to correct thu dlsoaned action or rcmoTO the obstruction* wtilch cause It KgrB7MBler;or Dliirrli nn but onu mud do*e is jjcnerally required. For- IKkramatiim, Goaf, Grarrl, Palpitation of ctee Heart, Pain In tin iM?, Buck ami lx>iiu, they should be cOntinuouflj taken, a* required, to change the diseased action of the system. With HUCh Change UlOM OOtPJ>lnlrU? disapitear. ' For Dropaysnd Dropsical Nwrlllnir* tbey should be taken in large and frequent doses to produce the cffcct of a drastic pur^e. ,v- t For MnppiTHion a lanre dose should be taken as it produces the desired effect by sympathy. As a Dinner 1*111, take one or two riUe to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels into healthy action, restores the appetite, and invigorate* tho system. Hence iris often adTan tageo us where no serious derangement exist*. One who tfcels tolerably well, often finds that a dose of these 1*UU makes hba feel decidedly better, from their cleansing and renovating effect on thqdlges* tivo apparatus. DR. J. C? A.TER Jt CO., Practical <Them*et*i lowelZ. mass., r. s. a For sale by T H.LOQAS A GO. ?. febs-eodAw ly = "west vibqinia AGRICULTURAL COLLEGIA mHE PALIvTBRM OF THIS lMSTTHT^' J. tutiou will begin BJOT**WOt lhe scope of tbe College, bealde a PRKt'ARATOttr UiSfARTMENT, srobrkca tail and tborongb Gourdes of Instruction In Mathematics, Ancient and Modem IxmouaQC*, Philosophy, General Literature, Ike frerfust, ^^^-SSTKJS^ Board Inj need not exoeed from ?I90 totro per annum. in respect to Health, beantifolaoenaryand favorable Moral surroundings, the place Jm 1' AlL'SI^MARTIN, D.D., President, and Professor of Mentai anu jdoral fnilowopby. r.&iiTov.AJL, Viee J-r?irttnt, PwUMfff of KnftUsn Literature, and Principal Prep'y , ^vSi! J??u Waxvca, A. M^Profemorof Hatbematlca aod ot Military Ticlips. a.o. cTavans, a. M., Profewor of Natural Fblioeophy .and of tbe Natural Sdsneea. Hkk&t w. Harm an, ul^ Professor of Ancient and Modem Languages and l^lterauutekW.MIllxb,A Mo, Assistant In tbe Preparatory Department. (iro. M. Haqaks, Ksq. ^superintendent of the Grounds and BnlklingS. Hugh w. Bbook, hTu, Zeotutr on Physiology and Hygiene. Hon. Johw a. DiiaUMjedtnrar on GhrC and Oonstltutlonal Lair, . * : ALEX, MARTIN. MORO AMT3WIT, Wmt Va. aogl, " Jtr. Barton's Tobacco Antidote.. YuaorbtomoniUMsam Touxoco. A .1 iiy? I pSllll ?hrnrmUm. sad B sls? ? qrsiWrtf/^ sad* _ ' Br.. !Ut rxAK. Ac?sU wioUd. T. B. AMOTt, JayQatj, X. J. r'"-~4~Wf5wS m.yr maun, jggsftarfiE^.- <>?&|p?? jsafegsgsagsaj^aaifle^ hjlCtaiia 1 ^/Z FOR"SALE BY ALL DRUOO T*^k < [>?fi?r> X Cbpyrtgtod-] - j. . > aH. BOOTH. ~ X. O. JZU.Y. ^ "* T.?unu? nraouDB' BOOTH, B?miX>.? Cd, nrauii Ajn> xRULniuiip tar i.:; FAULT GBOCEBIES, Bwrt WMM, Fi HImii, w FBSSH * CPKKD MKATB. LAKX ICR * "^"""T^rTB tirt nrr Corner Monroe and Water Btreeta, TH u>Niiiuuoi^^iiM^te-to)d8r X there la a Wharf Boat, and It ! t be design gthe flxm to do altaWMi^ andjfrongnkAveuLa and funLish^a^dtelrahle lnionrrit ion partainteyitlJaf^^cv ' ji . **" . . ?' j*l Asbe^UeBoof CoatfogUb. Qcgqag^ TTefED FOR COATIiCQ AKrC BKPAmU INQ. Fety Omtml BtUngla and Tin ^AA SBB. IXCtLIIOB BAKU F0I.1T500 -^.gassgssd^5 dMll aMaln au*M.