Newspaper Page Text
VOL. XVII. WHEELING, WEST VA., FRIDAY MORNING, MARCH 19, 1869 NO. 171. * ? ' ? m I ? ????.? Villi anlnnt I n<? Pol pnlan n* grofcissHoiMl. Drs. Lighthill & Rei Will visit the following points as follow: McLURE HOUSE Wheeling, from Monday, March 22d, t! Haturday, March 27th. AT TH1C VALENTINE HOUSE, Washington, Wednesday, February 21th, t Haturday morning, February 27th. AT Til K MONONGAHELA HOUSE, Pteul>envllle, Monday, March 8tli, tl Wednesday evening, March loth. AT THE VIRGINIA HOUSE, Wellsbaiv^ffhareday morulas;, March lit till St^Jurday evening, March 13th. AT THE SWAN HOUSE Parkershurg, West Va., Monday, Man 15tb, till fiatnrday, March 2uih. ON NASAL CATARRi AN D ITd KFFECT UPON THE STSTEIM!. Catarrh'conslstA of inflammation t>eglnnli behind and a little above the veil of the pi ate. and extending upward Into the no and air cavities of the face. 11 creates a pe petual desire to swallow, and causes a let lug as If something wan sticking In the u per and hack part of the throat. Ah the dl ease becomes chronic, the matter concret Into hardened lamps, the matter secret* becomes purlXorm, the breath is olIeuKiv and the voice assumes a nasal twang, whll on rising in the morning, great ellort is r quired to c'ear the head and throat. The Is often a feeling of pressure across the low part of the forehead, causing headache, dl ciness, and confusion of thought and loss memory. The sense of smell becomes impaired, tl oypfl are weak, and, as me muammauou tends up the eustaceian lubes into the into nal ear there is partial deafness with thro! bing. humming or ringing noises in the en in sleep. the Catarrhal matter Is uucoi sciously' swallowed, which, in time, <! ranges the stomach and impairs digestioi causing dyspepsia and a multiplicity or di cxirdant symptoms, which are often mi L taken for other diseases. To the foregoim add the fact that every breath of air draw into the Iuiikb Ih drawn over the disease surface, festering with Catarrhal matter, an who can deny the assertion that to nrtjlr Catarrh is to invite Consumption; Consumption is the one prevailing diseas at the present day. with which the youu and middle-aged die. And yet very seldoi do the lungs receive the primary shock Is first "a cold in the head," which resolv* into Chronic Catarrh, from which the sun* feels no alarm, until, step by step, it reacln W.? Innna -ml Hon nil Aft P> (lintS nt CUT6 are 11 tie better than blind experiments. With every incentive to enjoyment an usefulness, there are hundreds all around i dying In the morning of life, of Conhumj Hon, who can lookback six months,a j'ea or longer, as the case may bo, to a tlmu whe It was "but catarrh." JNeglected at a tin: when (jtroperly treated) a cure was possibi silently and almost imperceptibly it hi transformed the bright, raddy features ( youth Into the dull, wan listlessness of pr? mature age, as it has drunk up the vltalit from the blood and lluids or the waste frame, and now, when hope is dead, and 11 life forces one by one are ebbing away, tl mind turns mournfully backward to "whi might have been," and tremblingly torwai to what soon must be. CON8E4tUEN EM OF NEOLKCT. Those who Indorse the stupid assertlc that ?4Catarrh will get well of itseir," or curable by snulllng or inhaling the no trums In common use, will do well to r member that the local disease depends a ways upon a fermentative condition of the blo<> Medical writers are wont to hjteak or Ci tarrh as a simple local lnllainmatlon, an both its importance and rational treatmei are either wholly ignored, or receive but passing notice from the general practitione and thus Catarrh as surely predisposes t Consumption as does the day precede tl night, and is in fact the prelude to tin disease in eight cases out of ten. The disease is everywhere prevalent; pe< pie resort to such means as always fail, the give heed to the popular iaiiacy iumi iunu curable, aud Kettle Into a sort of menli apathy, encouraged by the belief that tl family physician knows all that in know ou the subject.and thus matters stand, will the disease progresses until hope is dead, ar life becomes a mockery, when comes tl stereotyped and hackneyed advice of visit to the country," "a change of climate "a sea voyage," "a return of health ih tl spring," etc.; but, alas ! the country re fern to Is that which lies beyond the confines the festering grave, and the spring is tin seaaon which blooms eternal when life's 11 fnl fever Is over. Let those who donbt this portrayal of Ci tarrh question the poor consumptive, who sun of life Is going down at noon, or watc its progress upon those who neglect Its tlm ly and Jndlclous treatment. A little win and we miss their coming; youth and healt have faded from lips and cheek, the llgl from the eye has gone out, the hands a folded ly peaceably over the still heart?the are gone. DR. LIGHTHIL] Attends to all Diseases of the EYE, EAR, THROAT & LUNG^ His speciality embraces the cure or CHRONIC CATARRH Throat AfTeotions, Bronchitis an ruimuuarjr wwu?i/iH.Mvo, IDIE^FICTIESS, Noises in the Head, Diecharg< from tho Ear, IMPAIRED SIGHT, Ana nil other Diseases leading to CONSUMPTION And to the destruction of SIGHT AND HEARINC I)R. lilGHTHILti has formed a co-partn. hIiIji with the celebrated Hint iviiownetl Dr. J. Anderson Rei, Who devoted his exclusive attention for t la?t fifteen years to all diseases arielng from imparity or THEBLOOI Ills speciality embraces ttie cure or all i eaacs of THE SKI 3ST, I M PURITY OK THE COMPLEXION, Tj * BFOTH, I'IMFLES, 1FKKCKLE8. TDMOK8. ERUllIOi AFFECTIONS OF THK LIVER, STOMACH, KIDNEY And dorangerannlH uf the NERVOUS SYSTEM CONSULTATION FRE TAKE NOTICE. Patient* are hereby informed that al the Brat visit they can take the treatm home and me It until cured, without pall Interruption to tlielX IVfflBl YOWUOh. jetjS - UhtMnMt TELEGRAPHIC ITEMS. 1 ?Tlioarmy officers in Washington J lire discontented with the late consoli- c II, drttion order, and most of those who 8 have had permission to visit General Sherman, in order to have their assign- f inputs changed, aro heartily disgusted with his blutr manners. ?Captain Armstrong, of the emigrant ,] m ship James l''oster, died of the fever at f his residence in ISrooklyn, on Wednes- ' day evening. ' ?Five convicts at .Sing Sing prison, New York, gagged two of the keepers " and escaped on Wednesday uight. One o III of the keepers has since died. t ? Kx-l'resident Johnson, Mrs. John- u son, Judge Patterson and family, and Kobert Johnson left Washington for 1 Cireenville, Tennessee, yesterday. Mr. j Johnson accepted an invitation of the \ citizens of Lynchburg to partake of the t hospitalities of their city, and will re- t main there to-day. , ? General Sheridan left Washington f b for New York last night, and will start i -h for Leavenworth on Monday, and '-J formally assume command of the Mis- li souri division in April, ? ?Mr. Jno. Kamabee, City Treasurer ? and collector of (iardiuer, Maine, and c who has been connected with the city c government for many years, is found o in be a defaulter to the amount of 850.- s (KM). His father promises to make good t the amount. r ?The I'eabotly Institute, of Danvers, " has had a full length portrait of bo <?eo. Peabody presented to it by Mr. J r- Pea body. r ?Saint Patrick's day was celebrated t s- ?t San Francisco by a civic and inilita- c ^ ry procession and banquets at the Occl- 1 ?. dental and Brooklyn Hotels. While a o-' tiring a salute, in the evening, aboard ^ re the steamer Chrysopolis, oil the occa- a ft wion of the reception ol the Kiumett ^ v'~. Guarda from Sacramento, a keg of pow- a der exploded, wounding eighteen or jie twenty persons and damaging the boat r k- considerably. f ?Depot master Parker, at Concord, r *" N. II., was nearly murdered by Irish rowdies Wednesday. a (i, ?Peter .Neary, Wiiliam liutterily, u Maatin Dully and Thomas Dushain ' n, were tried on Thursday, for setting lire r> 4i to Rutland (Vermont) Town Hall and J, d another adjoining building in Decern- \ ft her last. Two of the prisoners Wii- \ liaui iiutterlly and Thomas Dusliain, j ^ wore found not guilty. 1 ii ?The General Railroad Aid Law ^ ^ passed llio Michigan llouso of Kepre- (j ut sentatives Monday, and is in the Gov- ii ** crnor'H hands. It will, no doubtT be signed. j ,tl Dr. Garrigues, of Kast Saginaw, was y is appointed SalL Inspector. ?, r" ?George K. I'helpa, 1'resident of the y " Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance C| Company, died yesterday, the ISth 1 ih instant. ^ pf ?George Harp, a brakeman on tho J y Grand Trunk Knilroad, was fatally In- i jurned on the mail train at Buffalo, f lo New York, on Thursday. i i} ?Dr. Mudd, who was lately released j r . r?>.. orriro.l ,? R,.l_ llllll* lIIU */l J xuiiugnn| ui < > f ... ^... (, timore yesterday. y m ?Senor Morales Leous, has arrived i: ? in Now York, fully empowered by Preu- 1 ft- ident Cespedas, as minister from the " (f Provisional Government ol Cuba. He e H-* goes 10 Washington to seek recognition 0 id of the Revolutionary Government. e ?General McKeever, Adjutant Genr; eral of tho Department of Missouri, tel- I ie egraphs to lleadquarterB in St. Louis, J lt that he lias news of General Custor to t ?. March 2nd, at which time ho was start- p " ing from Medicine Bluffs, in the Wachi- f l" ta Mountains, to come north. General r ^ McKeever adds that no later iuforma- c n tion could possibly have been received t l<? at Fort Lyon,at which post tho report of \ the capture of Custor seems to have v originated. ," ?The Dolawaro Senate by a strict \ Id Pnrty vote Thursday', rejected the pro- t '?f posed amendment to the National Con- v *l stitution. * t- a ?On Thursday afternoon about live t ?? o'clock a powder magazine and torpedo y ;h factory, situated in Church Kail about * two miles north of Titusvilie, Ph., ex- * h plotted, killing three men named A. r>. e " Grillln, W. S. Biils and Henry Todd, f J2 and fatally injuring Col. P. Davidson, g the proprietor of the works. v ?The overseersi of Harvard College have nominated Charles W. Kliot for s President of the University and will 0 submit his election to a future meet- ( J ing of the corporation. He is a son of ? llou. Samuel A. Kliot, and at present is a professsr in the Institute of Technology. Mr. Elliot is thirty-eight 3'ears 0 . of age, and was stroke oar of the first ? I boat's crew of Harvard, and represents 1 ' young American element among products and friends of the College.. I ?About 2 o'clock on Thursday morn- I j- ing, Christopher Griggs, of Hamilton, ^ * Ohio, was aroused by some one moving ij about his bed room. On inquiring t "who's there," a pistol was tired, the shot from which entered tho right side r of Mrs. Griggs and lodged near her t spine. She is still alive bat in a preca- r rious condition. The robber had taken $7*>0 00 from nnder Mr. Grigg's head 3 previous to awakening him. A man who boarded in the house has been arrested on suspicion. ^ A New York letter says that ownerB j of property along Broadway have be- s gun to tremble under the impression I l ? that an Arcade Ksilroad Is soou to be j begun along that thoroughfare, which | means that tho whole leugtli of Broad- 1 5. way is to be dug out to a depth of ' ? thA nnanA to be roofed , OCtCUlCCU iv?l| ~ ?J - - ( J over and lined with a double railroad ir- track. If it is at all likely that the Legislature will charter a bill for a d railway of this kind, what a pity that more than half a million of dollars has already been laid out in repaving . Broadway. The pavers have been hard ?t work ever since last summer, and now it seems (if the report be true) that all ihey have done is to be undone. >. ? i kksxdknt Grant's new Cabinet has US. keen a source of great anxiety to a large number of people, and perhaps to none more than newspaper correspondents. Bat now that tho Cabinet Is 1 fully nnd finally agreed upon, and the ' new Secretaries have entered upon the duties of their respective ottices, it would be well to do them the justice of at least spelling their names correctly. ra The Secretary of War is Rawlins, with- , L"? out a the Secretary ol the Navy is Adotpli E. lione; me i-umuimn?r.uen- , oral is Creswell, with only one and r there Is not a final "e" in the name of L the Attorney-General, Mr. Hoar. . The mob of office-hunters now in E. Washington is far greater than it was when Mr. Lincoln was inaugurated eight years ago, and of course infinitely greater than It was four years agoThey spend their time principally in tor boring, intriguing, drinking and "biowf"; ing." It is a demoralizing business, both for the individual and the country. (1EKEKAI. MOIEfi. V ?A Masonic Lodge is about to bp >pened at Fairview, Hancock county, ? iVest Virginia. ?The last olbcial act of Mr. Washjurne was to countersign Mr. Fish's om mission as Secretary of State, and he first ollicial act of Mr. Fish was to :ounterslgn Mr. Washburne's comwision as Minister to France. K; ?In the Maine Legislature, last week, jj ine member, a doctor, moved to amend he Capital Punishment IJill by provi- 10 ling that chloroform be administered co 0 persona 011 the scaffold. Another m loctor opposed the proposal, ns all iliysiciaus admitted that the adminisration ol chloroform was dangerous to Wl ife. The amendment was rejected. oij ?A policeman In Memphis received 1 challenge last week from n uiau whom jj le had arrested for being drunk and ..c llsorderiy. Hotb the cliatienger and the U n?n??n nrnmnMo fir irrested. J th ?A burlesque, on the latest sonsa- G\ ional plan, has been constructed and >erformed in Ijouisville, which gets its >lot from the Ku-lvlux lvlnu and the st Vhisky King. The title is "Bo-Peep," di he name of the hero who runs an unlerground distillery in Tennessee. ^ ?Among the other experiments on p >igeons recently made is that of freez- 1 ng their brain by a spray of either, be Niis produces unconsciousness, but not Tt leath. When the brain thaw* the pi;eon goes on with what it was doing ust before the experiment. ?According to Professor Nordenskl>ld, oi the {Swedish Arctic Kxpedition m if last year, the Polar ice is far more in pen in the Autumn than at any other eason, but the idea of an open Polar tea is chimerical. The pole must be eached by sledges, he says, or not at ill. ?A conductor's duty on the Pacific Railroad involves certain personal isks peculiar to the far West. A gen- st: leman who has recently passed over m he road relates a scene he witnessed on th me train. The conductor told a roughooking traveler that he wanted his fare. 'The h?1 you do," was the only an- of wer. The conductor persisted. "Wall in lere's my pass," said the traveler, pre- Ai enting a heavy revolver at the otlicial's Ti lead. Another huge fellow interposed so t this point, presenting a pistol to his pc ellow passenger's temple, with a me- th lacing look, "None of that utranger; ' air play, shell out." This settled the co uatter, and the faro was paid. m ?The salaries of the different 111011rchsof JOuropo are given as follows by "J . German statistician: UtrxanJerll S"V-50,000 or S-3.C0.J a day * ^ Lbilul Aziz f?.000,0(j0 or 1S.00O a <lay' JapOleou 111 or 14,*219 a day* 1' 'ram-in Joseph -1,000,000 or 10,0)0 a day* hfl 'red. William 1 .'>.000.000 or K.'JIO a day* ox 'lctor Em man ue 1.. II.IUO.OOO or O.blO a day* in 'ictorla li,!t(>i),000 or 15,270 a day* aabella II l.soo.oa) or !,Gi3aday* 1111 .eopokl 000,0(0 or ^.OUaUay* to In addition to this salary, each of hese individuals is furnished with a ozeu or more lirst-class houses to live rc n without any charge for rent. ^ ?Advice to those abont to go to law : ju 'irst ask yourself this question* "Are ou morally in the right ?" If the anwer is "No," go to law by all moans, ou'll he sure to win.?Tomahawk. jjn ?A meeting of the friends of the Char- el< iera Valley Railway, will be held at ' anonsburgh, on Saturday, the 20th of tai -larch, at 1 o'clock, i\ m., and at Wash- pr ogton at 7 o'clock the same evening, to mi lear the reports of the several commitees who have been engaged in procurug a transler oI stock from original ook.s, so as to be made payable monthy at tivo dollars per share, instead of Se [ was oiiginally subscribed, ayable after the work was done, ihouhl the committees tail by that time d secure the transfers of two hundred nd fifty thousand dollars, the question mi /ill have then to be determined whetli- wr r any further effort will be made or at wi nee abandou tho prosecution of the to nterprise. At ?The Commissioners of the Panlandlo Kailroad are to hold a meeting tj1' n the Court House, Wellsburgh, on be 2iUh inst. The $25,000 required by oe Ueir charter has been raised, and the co natter begins to assume a definite 11 mi. This road is to run from a point ^ lear Hteubenville on the Pittsburgh, *'c <UiUllluua huu oil Xiuuig muiunu iu utu own of Wellsbnrph and thence to ttn Vheeling. Brooke county hist fall oted $100,000 to further the project. ftD ?The town of Now Cumberland, Vest Vft., and the whole country tor wo or three miles around, is provided . rith light "free gratia" by the burning . as which rushes from a well, situated t "Deep Gut," about one mile above ' he town. This well was bored sevoral cj ears ago with the view of finding oil. Vhen the depth of six hundred feet jj /as reached a tremeudous volume of c as rushed out, and still continues to j scape with apparently undiminished W( orce. It is regarded by all who have W( eeu it as beiug the most oxtonsivo gas Wl forks extant. pr ?Largo numbers of Northerners are he aid to bo making money by raising ranges in Florida. ?Bamboos have been imported from Miina to California with a design to ultivate them in that State. , ?Charles Gildemeister, the architect a if the New Pork Crystal Palace, died ch t Bremen, Germany, after a protracted on llness, February S last. est ? A tiirnnp effort is mnkiner in St. joais to secure direct ocean trade with dt jiverpool, by way of New Orleans. et> ?Mr. George Peabody was at liri^lian at last accounts,but has found little lenetit for his failing health in the sea ireezes thdre. ,j{ ?The burning of dead bodiea is be- sli ig strongly advocated in Paris. It is Ut honght that the French Assembli- may or uake cremation legal. isi . m* on LK IJirOBTAST INQUIRY? A ItCFORM NKEIIED. * (] 'o the Ktlltor of the intelligencer: As there has been mnch controversy n reference to school teachers and ichool superintendents, <Vc., 1 should >e very glad to know whether our pubic schools have attached to their school louses enclosed grounds for scholars to ,jf ilay on, and if so, whether teachers al- tt, ow their pupils to break and destroy tl, >ther persons property which may un- j>, ortunately adjoin that of a school jj louse? And I would further ask. as it ,[ s a very important matter, whether eachers in schools, which may not ex- |r, ictly come under the head of public Jj ichools, think it is riglit that they pay ?a 10 little attention to what their scholars lo when at play as to allow them to lestroy the property of others who, perlaps, pay school tax enough to edu- nt am a dozen of scholars per annum? If :eachers, public ami private, are not J," jompetent enough to compel good be- ia javior of their scholars when they (the ? :eachers) are informed that their schol- q. ?rs do not behave in a proper manner, ? ind allow them to trespass upon the , rights of private citizens in and about a_ ;heir premises, then the teachers are to t)lame as well as scholars, and a reme- S( jy for the evil shonld be had. J/arcA 18, 1869. CITIZEN. It is a ploasant piece ot fashionable Intelligence, that the dirty fashion of sf long skirls, and the horrible fashion of panier dresses are entirely out of styie w for spring wear, and that short dresses, si generally with two skirts, are to be worn on all occasions. To make up ^ for length and paniers, however, an tl unlimited number ofskirts?two, three, b or even four?is to bo allowed, and flounces <nl libitum. tl si The rumor of the capture of the gal- si lant General Custar by the Indians is v happily not correot. His long hair t< would have made a magnificent scalp- b lock. e 5Y TELEGRAPH. EUBOPE. EitULAND. London, March IS. The governments of France and Belutn are arranging a conference for the acuaaion of the mutual commercial teresiu of the two countries and to liBidbr what modifications can be ade in the recent law passed by the >lgiura Parliament, prohibiting rail?ys from being trausferred from lor?n companies. A strong protest from Ireland against r. Gladstone's bill for the disestabiliment oi the Irish church lias been iblished. It is signed by over one ousand Irish noblemen and laud mors. The cotton spinners of Preston, have ruck on account of the proposed reiction in wages. Hisiiop Macrarie was consecrated at ipe Town, on the 25th of January, -otests ngalust his consecration have en received at the Dioceses of Cape >wu and Natal. Nl'AIN. Madrid, March IS. Celestino Olozaga, nephew of the late inister to Paris, n/as killed j*eaterday a duel. Ho was a member of the )rtes, one of its secretary's. WASHINGTON. Wasiiinoton, March IS. President Grant signed the bill rengtliening the public credit at 45 inutes past 12 o'clock to-day. This is e first bill he has signed. IJeo. B. McCarter has been appointed r the Secretary of the Treasury Chief the Bureau of Engraving and Printg, and Goo. Kice, a clerk in the First uilitor's oflice, Superintendent of the easury Building. Win. A. Kichardn, of Boston, has accepted the ap>intment of additional Secretary of e Treasury. This morning the Committee on Kenatruction considered the Georgia atters without any result. It is unrstood that the committee is equally vided regarding Miaaiasippi, the point difference being whether tlie Presi11L of tiie United States or the lleaambled Convention, shall appoint the ovisional Governor. The committee IVtJ n^reeu UJ ICJIUII uir kjrunu' Mill tending tlie time for the removal of eligible civil oilicers in Virginia, with i amendment extending its provisions Mississippi. The Missouri case involving the test tli will be argued before the Supreme mrt Wednesday by Senator Drake, behalf of Missouri and Montgomery air, and ex-Attorney General Evarts behalf of F. 1*. Blair, Jr. Henry C. Niles has been assigned for ity in the Treasury Department as iefof tho appointment division, lie s long been one of the principal ?rks in that ollice. The rush of oltice seekers on Secrory Boutwoll was greater than at any evious time during the present adinist ration. ca|>e of ConviclM from Nlic Slujf l*rlMOu. vcu Wouci<Ie<l and tliolr Keeper Slraniflcil. Si no Sinc?, N. Y., March 18. Between three and four o'clock this sming,Thomas Forrest, night watch, is seized and gagged by li ve convicts 10m he was taking to tho mess room get breakfast for the other prisoners. , the mess room they seized and gagd Edwin Craft, the night guard, and 9n made their escape from the roof, aft was dead when found, having on strangled by the gag. Two of the nvicts were subsequently arrested in barn at Tarrytown, and tho other ree will probably by recaptured soon. >rrest's injuries are slight. About one o'clock this afternoon other squad of convicts made an at2k. on the guard at the middle dock d rushed on him with huge knives, on overpowering him. They then viug supplied themselves with arms mi the guard house, boarded the 1 )op Kxchange which was lying at the ck and attempted to drive the men liore. Alarm had spread, however, d a detachment of the guards came 1 wn upon them and a lively mus- 1 try lire took plac; the convicts ' ially surrendered. James McCanley, nvict. was probably mortally wound, and Allen, another convict, badly funded. Five others were slightly )unded. The otlicers and guards 1 t?re unhurt. All is quiet at the ison to-night, and an inquest is being Id on the craft. CUBA. Havana, March 18. Daptain General I)ulce has issued proclamation making important 1 anges in taxation. The direct taxes plantations, cattle and country real late, and the war tax recently imposed , merchants and tradesmen, are reiced 50 per cent., and no government ntributions payable within the last larter of the fiscal years 1S6S-G9, will collected. To compensate theTreasy lor the loss of revenue insured by ese reductions, the following new du s are imposed: On Muscavado sugar ipped under the Spanish flag IGc, and ider foreign flags 20c per 100 pounds; i every box of sngar under the Spanu flag, 75c; under foreign tlags; 87c; i every hogshead of sugar under the mnicah flair. 81: under foreien flags 7.0; oil molasses OOcper bogabead; on m, ?1 per hogshead. All tbe above ities are in addition to tbe war taxes cently imposed on commerce. Sentence of n Noted Villain. Hartfolit), Conn., March 18. In the Superior Court of tbls city toty, James Wilson alias Davie Kently e notorious burglar was sentenced to ,-e years imprisonment In tbe State rlson for committing a burglary ill artford. aud seven years for a burary iu Plainvllle. lie Is already in ison serving four years, time dating on) December, making 1G years in nil. e has heretofore escaped from Alicbiin, Ohio and New Jersey prisons, here he lias time yet to serve. In siting away from Michigan he froze itb feet and had them amputated ar bis instep, lie pleaded bis own se to-day, and said the jury might ive curiosity to know how be was med, "that be was shot by a rebel shell i tbe bloody field of Gettysburg, larles Ketesalf was arrested with 'llson and in for four years also, was und guilty of burglary but was uot ntenced. ; range and Shocking Tragedy on a MlHKlulppI Steamer. Uhioa?o, March IS. A special from Cairo dated to-day, iys as the steamer Belle of Memphis nded at Darnell's landing, three men 1 named Darnell got on board, armed ith rifles, but not looking any way ispieious. They told the captain to md at Island No. ten as another party iBhed to come on board there. As the oat landed at Island Ten, three men by le name of Lane appeared on the ank, and one" came on board with his 'ife. As he started up the stairs he as Bhot dead by the Darnell's, who len ran back to the cabin deck and Liot the two .Lane's dead who were landing on shore. The Darnell's then rent on shore and called to the captain ) take good care of Mrs. Lane as she ad been respeotably raised. lhe aase of the difficulty ia not known. CONGRESS. i SENATE. R Washington, March IS. ^ Mr. Conkling introduced a bill to reg- i ulate the proceedings of the Jadiciary, a which is substantially the same bill as v the one reported from the committee at i the last session. On motion Mr. Sherman's bill sup- c plemental to the act to provide that the 5 national currency be seoured by the c pledge ol the United States bonds, was taken up. Mr. Wilson offered an amendment s which was read. The expiration of the * morning hour put the bill over and , brought up the bill to repeal the tenure- i of office act. Mr. Morton ronewed his argument in a favor of the repeal. Mr. Davis was in favor of an uncoil- 11 ditional repeal. . Mr. Krownlow then obtained the 11 floor and he being to feeble to read his " remarks, they were read by the Secretary. Mr. Urownlow opposed the re- 1 peal. 1 Mr. Scott next obtained the floor, but immediately yieled for the motion to ? adjourn. Mr. Trumbull then announced that , he would press the Senate to a vote be- *; fore adjourning to-morrow. Senate then adjourned. HOL'SK. The joint resolution to remove the stables, saw mill, dee., from the Capital t grounds was passed. u Several resolutions relative to contested elections, were referred to the ? Klection Committee. Mr. iiooper, from the Committee on Ways and Means, reported 11 bill to amend the act of July, 18GS, imposing j tuxes on distilled spirits and tobacco, r which was ordered printed and recom- / mitted. 7 Mr. l'arnsworth, from the Committee on Reconstruction, reported a substi- ( tute for several Joint Resolutions as to the removal of civil officers in Virginia g and Texas. After a debate the joint resolution and amendments were, on motion of Mr. Ward, submitted to the Committeeon c Reconstruction. Mr. Hingliaui introduced a bill to c amend the act of July 20th, 1S50, providing for holding United States Courts in cases of sickness or other disabili- ^ ties of the judge. Also a bill to secure B and protect treedoui of transportation and commerce. Referred to the Judi- (j ciury Committee. n Adjourned. 3 HOI' I II AMKKICA. ti A TI?o riiriiKiiayau War?I'roMpeclM or fl Peace. 5 New York, March IS. h Late letters from Brazil state that u Lopez is steadily organizing his army d from the remnent of bis old force and V the natives who lied before the Allies at ft Cerro Leon. He has issued a procla- a mation urging his people not to give up or disband, and they believe emphati- * cully in all he advices. There is not a 1' native son in tho towns occupied by the Allies. Assunction was completely sacked, d not even tho houses of foreigners were d spared. ParanhoHt, tho Brazilian Minister for c Foreign AtTairs. has been sent to the $ Allied camps 011 the l'latte to prepare 1 the way tor peace. It is believed that he is directed to harmonize the ditticul- ? ties prevailing amon^ the Allies. f< McMahon is still' with Lopez, aud consequently cordially hated by the Brazilians. Financial matters arestill unsatisfac- u tory, and (he Montevedian Hank has suspended. ? v Kivcrnnil Wonllipr. }l Pittsburgh, March IS. c Weather clear; thermometer 3G\? a Monongaliela river 7 feet 3 inches and K falling. ^ Cincinnati, March IS. ? Weather clear ; Themometer 40?. L COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL. e ? ? b nikkcra ut teleurapii. b New Yokk, March J8. 7, Cotton?Less active; slightly favors buyers; sales of 1100 bales at 2SJ^c for middling uplands. el Fr-oun?Closed linn for low grades; g good inquiry. f( Grain?Wheat?Nominally lower, w Rye?Dull and heavy at $1 33al 115 for n western. Oats?Quiet nt 73o for west- f< ern in stor?. Corn?In moderate re- f< quest at 87a8734c for new mixed west- _ urn. Provisions?Pork?Quiet anil steady [ at $32 2oa33 25 for new mess, cash and H regular. Beef?Dull and in buyers c fnvnr. fini Meats?In fair reuuest and steady. Bacon?Dnll without decided h change. Lard?Quiet at 18al8,Wn for a fair to prime steam. a Eons?Steady at 2la2Gc. v dry (100ds market. As intimated lust week. Prices of leading makes of prints have given ei away to-day }4c per yard, and are now hr low as they will (50. Buyers C consequently have taken hold of these a goods now with more alacrity. We 1 quote Sprague dnll at 13c; Aliens and Kichmonds at 12Xc; Conestoga at 12}ic; the Lancaster and Oriental are steady si and in fair request at 12%o. In other b descriptions of staple goods no particu- ? lar change. The Green and Red Bank f< bleached muslins are selling down to U 12)fc, and the seven-eight widths of si both makes at 11K<J< MONEY AND STOCKS. Money?Active; sharp at 7 per cent u on call; some weak borrowers paid 7 percent gold; banks generally doing ? little for street. There is still an uneasy feeling relative to the course of the market for the next two weeks 8 which delays bull movement. There are reports of locking up, but no visi- 1 ble signs thereof. Commercial paper ? dull at 7al0 per cent. The Camden A. ? Amboy Railroad yesterday, negotiated c 800.000 pounds Bterllng of their bonds in Loudon exchange, which is like- , ly Boon to come on the market, which * has depressed rates; and prime 60 days bills closed at 108%, with good bills at 10S??al0SJ4; there was rather more de- . mand at decline. ( Goi.d?Lower; opened at 131!<f; and t closed at 180?sal30ji; the room this afternoon was a scene of great excitement and the business transacted was enormons.Koreign bankers sold 8,000,000 or 10,000,000. The strength of the mar ket was a surprise, but large suori interest undoubtedly checked the downward movement. Kates for carrying were 2tt7 percent In the morning, and j in tbe afternoon tlat for borrowing. Governmkkt Stocks?Act! ve and high with great excitement and animation in the afternoon on tbe large Euro- pean orders for bonds. The new 65's 1 and '67's were in demand, having been lately introduced at London and Frankfort, and the purchases aggregated close to $10,000,000. Coupons ,SI, 116^allf>?i; do '02, 119;a'all9X: do '64, 115Kall5!,; do '65, 1173^all7?i: new do, 113Xall.'l.;i; i do '67, 113JSall4: do 'titi. jmw 105Xal0G. Stocks?The market hag been irregu- r lar daring the forenoon; New York Central fluctuated between 158JVal59Ji, t on Albany reports concerning the bill introduced in the Senate yesterday; Pacific Mail fell at one time to 90%; Toledo was strong, and Northwestern advanced; Erie was weak and lower. The market was Bteady at the twelve 1 o'clock board, except Toledo, which fell J from 107K to 106??- Prices were a frac- j tion better at the second regular board, and before the close of the day there 1 was a general ad vance in prices, Pacific Mail touching 92, while Northwestern * was the feature and advanced to 84%a t 84% for common, and 92a92X for pre* ferred, Express shares duLt and lower, ( 5:30 Prices?Pacific Mail, 91Jia91^; Western Union 37,7<a3S: New York Central, 159Xal60; Erie 33>*a33?f; Hud- i on, 140B140J4; lieaaing -.iiaiii it'rn lauto 35a38; Wabash, GOJiaOT: Mt 'aul 69K?70; Fort Wayne 120!ii 1203^; Ohio & Mississippi 32>ai 2?i; Michigan Central 117; Michi ;an Sonthern 97a97Ji; Illinois Centra 39al41; Pittsbnrgh S6?iaS7; Toledo 106;', ,106%; Rock Island 12S?ial29; North pestern 84KaS45i; St. Joseph preferred 13 \4", Chicago and Alton, 152 Express Shares?Wells. Fargo <1 Jo., 30Jia31; American 41%; Adami 9!^a59X: United States 55X?5lj; Merhafits Union 15%alti. Cincinnati. March IS.?Flour?Dull; family a 0 25a6 50. Grain?Wheat?Dull; No. 2 at ?1 3S !orn?Quiet at G3a6Ic. Rye?Held a 1 45. liarley?Quiet and dull, closing ,t fl 90al 95 for No. 2. Cotton?Dull and prices nominal; Diddling at 27Kc. Tobacco?In fair demand; sales ol 84 ihds trash and lugs at $4a9 40, and lea t ?10 70al9 60. Provisions?Pork?Mess is higher ales 800 bbls at f33, buyer April, ant 32 50 cash; it is now held at $33 cash Jdlk Meats?Held at 13al5V?o, but n< o'oo Rnnnri Otiiof Kti t firm of 1 Ja17? 7iic for shoulders, clear rib and clea; ides. Sugar Cured Hams?Firm a SJialOo. Lard?Sold at IDo, but it ii lot offered at this rate, though the de iiand is light. Butter?Firm at 3Ss42e. KdCis?19a. Oils?Linseed dull; retailing at $1 03 lut forced Bales were made this afier toon at $1 00. Ij'ird oil unuliauged. Petroleum-Dull at 3;ia34a for re ined. Seed?Clover dull at laJialGa. Groceries?Sugar?Firtn and in fai lemand; Cuba at 13alic; Porto Kico ant few Orleans at llslSJ^c; sales 140 hhdi elined steady at ltialT^c; the latter rati or hard. Cufl'ee?In lair demand; salei 40 bags fair to prime at 22a24%c. Molasses?Firm; sales 200 bbls Now >rleaus at SOaSOc. Beef Cattle?Quiet and stendy al 4a7 50. Hocis?Steady atOallc gross. Gold?130^4, buying. Exchange?Firm at par to 50 pe: ent premium buying. Money?Market active at 10al2 pei ent. Cblcago. March 18.?Flour?Dull at 84 40a47; or spring superline and $5 OOaU 37 'A foi pring extras. Grain?Wheat?In good speculativi emand at 2a2J<c lower; sales of No ; t?l 13al 10; No. 2 at $1 10'ial 12; No at $1 02al 04; rejected S)5a97c; closing nine at ?1 10'4al lOJ^ for No. 2; salei f No. 2 this afternoon at 81 10. Corn? loderately active and JiaJic lower ales of new Ht SlJiaSSJic; no grade ai 2Kh53c; closing at 54a64Vic for regulai nd 51Jia55c for Iresh receipts of No. 2 nd 52>ja52^c for no grade: nothing oing this afternoon. Oats?Quiet anc /eak and lulJic lower; sales of No. '. t 52,7aao4c; sales at 52c, buyers March nd 53>ia53%c, seller April. Rye? tuiet and KaKc tower; sales at 81 l'JK for No. 1 and 8117 for No. 2. Barsv?Neglected. ileitis?Dressed Hogs?Quiet and lira l ?12al3 00 and closing at ?12 25al2 75 ividing on 200 lbs. Live?Opened ull but subsequently became moreac ive and 25c lower; sales at ?(Jai) 25 rtii ornmoo; ?9 50a9 75 for fair to medium; lOalO 75 for good to choice and ?11 12>^fl I 25 for prime assorted lots. Cattle?Beef Cattle?Steady; sales t $5 25a5 75 for Butcher's stock; ?<>ati 75 3r stockers and light steers, and$7a8 0i >r good to extra shipping steers. Toierto. Mahcu 18.?Flour?Dull and nomi al. Grain?Wheat?Market 1c better; 1 48 for umber spot; $1 53 buyer April; /hite regular ? 1 IS}4: No. 1 white Mich t ?1 OS and closing with less firmness, lorn?lc better and only moderately ctive; No, 1 at 07c; No. 2 at 63>?c; nc rade at 62|?e; yellow at (?8o. Oatshade better; western at t>la01 Mc, and losing at the latter price. Kyo?2c etter at ?1 30 for No. 1. Jiarley? ?ull at ?2 12a2 15 for Can&dn. Seeds?Clover Seed -v^uiet at uO. Receipts?1,800 bblf. flour; 5,000 bushIs wheat; 37,000 bushels corn; 7,00C ushels oats; 400 bushels rye. Shipments?1,500 bbls Hour; 3,701 ..oknln ntliuat' 1*10011 COMi: uaucio n uvu>| ? , ,100 bushels outs. ClevelRUil. March IS.?Fi.ouk?Market unhanged, steady and active; city made 10 25al0 50 for XXX white; ?8 SOa'J 75 irXX amber; ?7 50a 7 75 for XX red winter; fU f>0aU 75 for X red country lade; $7aS 00 tor XX red and amber; 3 25a7 00 for XX spring; ?!) 50al0 (H ir XX white winter. Hnekwheat Flour -18 00. Grain.?Wheat?Sales three cars No. red winter at fl 42; No. 2 do. held t $1 30 nominally. Corn?Held at 70c. ata?Held at 60c. Oils?Petroleum?Market dull and lactive; asking rates 28a20a for Btandrd white; in car lots the highest offers re 27a27)<jc; retail lots are 2a3c adance. St. I.onlH. March, 18.?Fioub-Quiet, nnchangJ and firm. orain?Wheat?Firm and unchanged, orn?Firmer at (J.sa70'.\ Oats?Lower t 57a62c. Kye?Unchanged at $1 28.1 30. Barley?tiuiet and unchanged. Whisky?No sales. Provisions?Firm Pork?Higher in mall way; sales at $-'t2 00a32 50] ulk shnnlders at $12%c in boxes iacon?Firm and more doing at 14t )r Bhoulders; 17c for clear rib; and 17M< ir clear sides. Lard?Held firmly ales country and city at 18;<alS>?c. nilHiinhrr. Maecii IS.?Klouu?Firm and pricet nchanged. Grain?Wheat?Firm nt $1 l'2'A foi Co. 1 in store. BnfTAlo. March 18.?Flour?25c lower foi prlng. Grain?Wheat?Neglected. Corn? )ull; sales 4 car? new at Sic on track mts?Neglected. Barley?Lower; sales Canadian at $'2 00 on track. Others nn hanged. iUEEN OF THE SOUTH PORTABLE GRIST MILLS, for "lOKN MEAL. WHEAT FLOU HI SU act J MTOL'K KKEI), BOLTING AI'l'A IATUH, HMUTTERS and HILL WORK WENFRAIXT. Onr Mills nro bail! froxt choice hnr BlocfcH, select 7\ ed nt tlio Quarries li rsCnlJ Krancfl, by Ihiihc at mil I ?en"d * for I>e-scriptiY< /#19HTr 1 Pamphlet containing ' B II\ 1 treatlf-e on Milling, sen fill mail free. Address laaiic htranb A Co. Cor. Front A John st* , feb4-3mw CINC1 NN ATI, O VEST VIRGINIA COLLEGE AS GOOD AS THE BEST, Vnd Cheaper than tho Choapest rHia INSTITUTION IS OPEN TO STU dent* of both sexes, and all grades of ad 'ancemeiit. The summer term will com nence TUESDAY, APRIL, 18, 150*9. Address, REV. A. D. WILLIAMS, A. M., President, Flemington, Taylor Co., W. Va raarl8-4tw _ rOTEULIOENCKR JOB OFFICE, L No. 15 Quincy street. )RAY TICKETS AND BILLS OF LAI)INC PROGRAMMES ANDTOSTERS. CHECKS, NOTES, RECEIPTS. 1HOW BILLS for Country Merchants. :ARD8 AND BILL HEADS neatly printed MANUFACTURERS' LABELS. SSURANCE POLICIES AND BLANKS The Corry (Pa.) Kerosene Oil Work 4 recommend the following as a simpl - manner of determining the lire test o kerosene oil: "Take n cup or a turn * bier, fill it nearly full of water (pre vionsly tested by the thermometer ti . bo 110~ or 111? Fah.), then take a table " spoon full of the oil, of which it is de ? airable to test the igniting point, iui uierse it in tbe water, and stir for i moment or two to permit the oil t< , reach the equal temperature of th water, pass a ligbtpd match very closl' over the surface of the oil once, whlcl : always lloats on the water. If it doe r not ignite, it can be safely used, but i ' it does ignite, discurd it, however lov tbe price may be; this is a fair and sun test as far as sarety is concerned. Tbi , other so desirable point? duos the oi f burn brilliantly and without cbarrini the wick??the experience of ever; . family will soon detect. Something depends upon the wick, and somethini upon the lamp; but properly manufac ; tured'oil is the main thing needed." ' Hoa Cholera.?A large number o t bogs have recently been condemned li 5 New York city as unfit for food, and in. vestigation showed that the animali had been ill of hog cholera in the West and bad been shipped to the Kast fo sale. The history of this particula drove is very singular. The bogs wer at Chicago, being fed at a distillery The distillery having been closed unde Government orders, the hogs were de prived of that kind of food. Thei gums and teeth becomlngsore from tbi kind of food, they could not be fed 01 , hard corn, consequently they were im "* 1 nliinnn.1 /* tllQ u!oqk a iUBUj?ici_y am j'j'tn wmw ?? ? Buffalo they were pronounced diseased Some seventy being found dead amonj them, they were not allowed to bi slaughtered nt that place, but were for warded to Albany, where they weri slaughtered and dressed, and reshippei ' for New York. r 3Ui.srfUanroMS. ROSADALIS > ' r TI1K GItKAT i Blood Purifier. I CUKEJS - Scrofula in its Various Forms > such as L Consumption in its earlier stages. En large r uient ami Ulceration of tue U lands, , Joints Bones, Kidneys, U turns, r C11 ionic Rheumatism, Eruptions ??f tlie bkin, Chronic Sore > Eyes. Ac., Ac. also SYPHILIS, IN ALL OF ITri FORMS. ! DISEASES ~0F WOMEN, Loss of " Appetite, Sick Headache, Llvei Complaint, Fain in the Hack, Imprudence in Life, Gravel, ! UbNEKAL HAD HFALT11, ^ and all diseases of tlio Blood, Liver, Kidneys & Bladder ? 11' 18 A PKRFKCT KKNOVATOH. ffa-ROSADALIS eradicates every kiud ol humor and bad taint, and restores the entirt . sywtem to a healtliy condition. ?k*5*lT la Perfectly Harmless, nevei producing the slightest injury. ! ?fl"It is not a Secret Quack Remedy. Th? ; articles of which it in made :iro puhilfrhetJ , around cach bottle. ^ Recommended by the Medical Faculty and Many Thousands of our Hest > Ci Miens. I OVFor Testimonials of remarkable cures see " Jtosadalis Almanac" for this year. i'reparkd only 11y DR. J. J. LAWRENCE & Co I 211 UAI.TIMOItK BTRKKT, , BALTIMORE. MD, For Nolo liy DrugriflNtA Everywhere. augfl-lyw _ __ CORN SHELLERS. WOOD'S SINULE IRON SPOUT.; ' Double Iron Hpout. i liurrall Seperator, all iron. > Union Hopcrator, all iron, (wrought shall. Virginia, Hand or Power. FEED CUTTERS. Male's Copper Stri p Cu 1 ters. Gale's Lever Cutter**. Eu reka Straw and I'odder Cutters. Eureka Masticator and Fodder Cutlers. Telegraph Cutters. Sinclair's celebrated Propeller Cutters. Clothes Wringers. The "Champion," with patent slutted cof and curved damn. The "Novelty, with double co^ gearing ' and curved clamp. Celebrated "Union" Washera Wringers ( for sai.e nv r PRYOR BOYD & CO., Agricultural Warehouse, 1S<* 2? MAIN HTKEKl. sepll ATTENTION! AN INTELLIGENT AND KNTKitrm slug young man of good address, car - buy an interest In an established inedica specialty "of the highest respectability, where he can learn the profesNlon, anil ge the pith anil experience of fifteen yean i nractlCM. For further Information addreni ! Lock Box No. 25, Allegheny City, l*a. maT-*-2wd<tw J. A. CARROLL & BRO? ; MARBLE WORKERS > JOHN STREET, EasJ s'de of Htone Bridge WIVKCLIKU, IV. VA : T\/fONIJMENTH, TOMB AND I1EAI [ 1?I Htones, Mantles, <>rind Stonei, Arc, constantly 011 hand and finished to ordei Also. Plast/tr Paris. kci>H-1vw STATE OF WEST VIRGINIA, } VACCINE AfiENT'H OKKtric. v, March 10, 1S09.) AH RE^DIKEH KY LAW, I HEREBY announce my readiness to furnish gen nine Vaccine Matter, without charge, t every citizen of thin Htate.-andzcidier in tli armies of the United States, and in the ser vice of the State, who inay apply therefor. JOHN V HITl'P, _marll-3td&?tw Ktat-e Varciro Ag*nt. Genuine American Watchei * * 1' T rtrrT Uninno Ab ? Ui J Xiu n I DVERY WATCH GUAKANTKED iT. J_i special cert illcate from the A mericaj Watch Company. Hllver Hunting Case Watch 313 0 Gold Hunting, 16 Karat case (tilled) 55 (] , Gold Hunting, 8oli<l lb Karat ca&e bo o Gold Hunting, Ladies' Hlze 70 i? Silver cases are equal to coin In fineness. We are sending tnese watches by Kxpres with bill to coilect on delivery, alloving th purchaser thr privilege of opening thr jtarkag 3 and. examining the Watch before parting. An; watcn not proving satlstactory will he ex changed or money refunded. Address lor full particulars, and descrip tive price list of watches, tito. DOWNING. marll-lmw TOO Arch Ht. fhlla.. Pa 1 Hydraulic Cement. 1 AA BBLH. HPIJHON RIVER CKMM1 1UU the best in use. 1. F. C. HLLDRETH & BKO, ^uwa?, 9 ? ? HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, AND HOOFIiAND'8 ! GERMAN TONIC. Tlie great Remedies for all Dlneasee or the R LIVER* STOMACH, OR DIGESTIVE 0 OKU Ays. B j Hoofland's German Bitters b Is composed of the pnre Jnices (or, as they f are medl clnally" | f~ termed Extract*) ; of Roots, Herbs and ft I Barks, making a preparation, highly I I concen trated, and entirely free * * from all alcoholic p admixture of any kind. 1 minPT.Atm'fi aERMiN TflNIf! } Is a combination of all the ingredients of t he . Bitters, with the purest quality of Santa * CVur Hum, Orange, Ac., malting one of the *? most pleasant and agreeable remedies ever * offered to the public. Those preferring Medicine free from Alcoholic admixture, will use [ Hoofland's German Bitters. Those who have no otyectlon to tlie com* blnation of the Bitters, as stated, will urns , HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TOt, J. r They are both equally good, and contain r the same medicinal virtues, the choice be0 tween the two being a mere matter of taste, the Tonic being the mo*t palatable. The stomach, from a variety of causes, r such as Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous Do hi 11 ty, etc., is very apt to have its functions r deranged. T li o /^\ Liver, sympathizer itig as closely as/ alt does with the stomach then bet f comes affected, the 11 result of which is V/ that the patient - suffers from several or more of the following t diseases: . Constipation. Flatulence, Inward Piles 2- Fulness of Blood to the Head, Acidity Q of the Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight In the Stomach, & Hour Kructatious, Siuk1 Ing or Fluttering at the Fit of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head. Hurried or Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the Heart, (?lwik tm? or Suffocating Sensations wheu in a Hying Posture, DIiuucnh of Vision, Dots or Wobs before the Sight, Dull Palu in the Head, De*Vclency of Perspiration, Yellowness of the takin and Eyes, Pain In the Bide, | Hack, Chest, Limits. etc.. Hodden Flushes of Heal, Burning iu the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Kvll. and Great Depression of Spirits. The sufferer from th?*se diseases should exercise the greatest caution iu the selection ot ' a remedy for hl< xa caHe, purchasing only that wihcli he/ 1 Is assured from his investigations and 1 w inquiries, possesses true merit. Is skll V/ iiiuycom pounded, is free from injurious ingredients, and lias established for itself a reputation for the cure of these diseawss: in lira connection - we would submit Lhose well-known remedies? Hoofland'a Gorman Bittors, AKDj IIOOFLANh'H UKRSIAN TONIC. PHEPARK1) it Y Dr. C M. J A OA'S OX, FU1 LADfc-LPlii A, PA. Thirty-five years since they wero first in1 troduced into this country from Germany, during which time they have undoubtedly perftumed more cures, aud l>eneflted suffering humanity to a greater extent, than any other remedies known to the public. These remedies will effectually cure Liver . Complaint, Jaundice, i>yspepsia, Ciironlc or Nervous Debility.-Chronic Dlarrh<ea. Disease of the Kid LJ 'neys, ami ail Diseases arising from a || Disordered Diver, Ktomacn or lutes?*? tines. DEBILITY. Resulting from any Cause whatever; PliOKTKATION OKTflE HYhTr.M, Induced by Severe Dabor. Danishi|>s, Exposure, b evers, Ac. r There Is no medicine extant equal to these ) remedies in such cases. A tone and vigor is imparted to the whole system; the ap]>etlte is r strengthened, food is enjoyed, the stomach digests properly, the blood is purltleJ, the ? complexion becomes sound aud healthy, I the yellow tinge Is erad touted from t he e\ es, a bloom Is given to the cheeks and the wc-ak and nervous invalid becomes astrnnu and [ healthy being. 1'KRSONS AD VAN CRD JX LIFE, Ami feeling the hand of time weighing heavily upon them, with all Its attendant i 11m, will find in the use of thl? MTTEKH, <?r the TONIC, an elixir that will InHtill new lile Into their veins, restore in a measure the energy and ardor of more youthful days, build up their shrunken forms, and giv?? ' health and happiness to their remaining years.. NOTICE. It Is a well established fact that fully one hall tho iemale~Tr~ portion of our population are sel I dom In the enjoy1 meiit of good I j health, or, to use their own express-? ?'ion, "never feel well." They are languid, devoid of all energy,extremely nervous, and have no aj-pot lie. To this class of persons the BITTERS, the TONIC, is esi>eclally recommended. WEAK AND DEL.1CATE CUILDKKN Are made strong by tne useor euner o! these rtmedlOH. They will cure every ca*?? ) of MAKAHMU8, without fall. Thousands of certificates have accumulated In the hamlH of the proprietor, but Hparu will allow of tne publication of but a few. Those, It will be observed, are men of note, and of such standing that they must be >*lieved. _ TEHTI3ION1AL.8: Hon. (ieorice W. Wuodwnnl, Chief Justice of Che Supreme Court of TV*., writes; Philadelphia, March 16,18?7. "I And iioofland's \ German Bitters' Is a good tonic, use /\ ful In diseases of the digestive or- /?\ gans, and of great benefit in cases of??^-debility, and wmit of nervous action in the system. Yours, truly, OKO. W. WOODWAKD." lion. Jamen Thompson. Judge of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania. Philadelphia, April ?8.1868. I consider "Hoofland's German Bitters" a valuable medicink in case of attacksof Indigestion or Dyspepsia. I can certify this from my experience of it. ; Yours, with respect, JAMES THOMPHON. From Mr. ('has. W. Ilnllar. Kkedkbick City, Md., Kept. 11, iw?9. From a conviction of benefit arrived from the use of Dr. Hoofiand's German Tonic, although In general averse to Patent Medicines, I cordially recommend the "Tonic" to all suffering with Dyspepsia, as no other medicine afforded me such prompt and pormamanent relief." C. W. HALL AII. From Rev. Jowepli XY. Hennard, I>. I>. FasXor of the Tenth Baptist Church, J'hila. I>r. Jackson?l>ear Sir: I have been frequently requested to connect my name with lecommemlatlons of different kinds of medicines, but regarding the practice an out my appropriate nphere, l have In all camw declined, but with^iy -ya clear proof in va" r 1 o u s instances. X and particularly in \ my own lamlly, or I XI the use or l?r. ? Hoofiand's Oer-^- * man Bittern, I de, part for once from my usual course, express my full conviction that. for general debility ' of the rj/ttem, and evpervdly ftrr IAv-r Vrmiplaint, Hi* a safe aiul valuable preparation. Jn Home cases it may rail; bat usually, 1 douht - not. It will be very l>eneficlal to those who suffer from the above cause**. Yours, very respectfully, J. H. KKNNARD, j Eighth, ImjJow (Joatfcs HL if From Kev. K. D. Fend all. . AiSuUmt Editor of the Christian Chronicle, j Philadelphia. 1 have derived decided benefit from the ' nseof Hoollan's German Bltfers, and fefl it rny privilege to recommend them a? a niont - valuable tonic, to all who are suffering from ?;eneral debility, or from diseas** arising rom derangemeutof tne liver. Yours, truly, _ ,w , r I K. D. r CAUXION. D e Hooflalid's German KfracJIf* are coaater felted. Hee thtttthe-f?X signature of c. M. JACKSON 1h oil Ui? I ? wrapper or each bottle. All olhern I / ?re ^aDLeZf?11 at 3 Btiwt, FVAN8, Proprietor. Formerly C. M. JACKSUN A Co. * PRICKS. U Hooiland'H Uerman Bitters, per bottle 81 00 n " * " naildozen 5 00 o Hooflnnd's Gewnin Tonic, put tip In quart o bottles, 81 60 per bottle or a hair dozen for o 97 50. ri)o not forget to examine well the ars tlcle you In order to get the genuine, c FOB BALE BY ALL 7. DRUGGISTS AXD STOREKEEPERS EVERYWHERE, is.! T. H. LOGAN & CO., Wholesale Druggists WHEELING. Wholesale Agents for West Virginia novZ7-deodAwe?w