OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling daily intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1865-1903, March 20, 1869, Image 1

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026844/1869-03-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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Wk Wh V
-- I | 9LW . /II V
I grofoflsitmal. j
Drs. Lighthill & Reid
Will vl*lt tliofollowlnc points ns follows:
Wheeling, jrom Monday, Mfirch 22d, 11)1
Saturday, March 271 h.
Washington, Wednesday. February 24th, till
Hat unlay morning, February 27th. a
AT Til K
Hteubenvllle. Monday, March 8th, till '
Wednesday evening, March 101 li. c
WellHhurg, Thursday morning, March lltli, 11
till Saturday evening. Match IStli. I'
atthe fc
ParkerHburg, Went Va., Monday, March J'
16ili( till .Saturday, Marcli 2?iti. I
ON j
Bronchitis,OffensiveBreath, "
Discharges from the Ear, "
Affections of tho Throat i
and Voice, and on all ?
Diseases, s
Defects and Deformities of "
Requiring Medical and Surgi- e
oal Aid, ?
UK. L1GHTH1LL has forme.! a Co-partner- c'
ship with the celebrated ami renowned u
Dr. J. Anderson Reid, b
Wlio for Uie irki nnoen yearn uevuiou m
attention to all (lineages arising Hi
from Impurity of tho
1h specialty embraces the curt; of nil dlsea?*?
of o
7 S
Impure Complexion, l'lm- u
ploH, Tan Spots, Freck low, v
Irrtiptlonw and Tu- ii
mors, &c?., ?feo., v
And nil derangements of the t
Patients are hereby informed that alter (
the first vlHlt they can take the treatment
home and use It until cured, without pain H
or Interruption to their usual vocation. t
statement of Mr. H. D. McLieoryet Janitor oj (
the House of Delegates.
Whkkuno, Dec. 8th, 1S6S. 1
I lmve visited Dr. l^ighthlll at the McLuro %
House and obtained his treatment lor the ,,
care of Deafneta and noises in tho ears, with 1
which I have suffered for four years; and ?
can say that I have been greatly benefitted i\
by its use, although i have applied it but
twice, and that the treatment is perfectly :
painless and calculated to produce periuauent
and beneficial results. ;
MorganUm71, H'. Va. ?
Well AftMtMl C'nre or Cutnrrli. J
DIC A. P. LIOHTHILL-Deak Sik:?Your 1
treatment in the cure of my Catarrh has had f
the desired effect, and resulted In permanent 1
good to me, although my case has frequently tl
been pronounced Incurable, and 1 had ex- t
tiuuun-%1 all other modes of treatment, wltb- ?
?iut the least benefit. My case was t>o chronic *
?i?d troublesome, that by giving a few of *
the symptoms the value of your treatment 1
can be mom readily estimated. For years 1 J
bad bet*n alllicted with a constant cold in j;
the head, obstructing my breathing so as to
necessitate me to keep my mouth open du- ..
ring sleep; latterly the dlRcharges Wauie \
Niiiidlfied and impacted In my nose to such 1
hii extent tliat i\ required the greatest exer- r
tion to expel them. BometlmeN these hara- 1
eued lumps won Id get in my throat causing i
me to liawk and scrape even by the hour to 1
rolleve myself My breath was offensive; 1
ji?y memory became Impaired. Dizziness t
and light headlness made their appearance,
and of late symptoms of paraly^M stepped .
in, and when I placed myself under your .
care one aide of my face was badly affected *
t?y this dread disease. My geuerul health 1
buffered alike, there was a constant tired, (
drowsy and debilitated feeling, with noun- ?
ergy to move or act; I felt as tired on rising in
the morning as I did on going to my bed, my *
appetite was capricious and my disposition 1
morose. In that condition I placed myself l
u nder your care, and am happy to state that (
all those disagreeable and dangerous symptoms
have entirely left me, and I once more .
enjoy the benefits of good health.
By giving this publicity you will benefit
.otliura similarly affected and oblige me. '
Yours truly, James Sovhikvillk,
Brookville, Jefferson courty.
I have known Mr. James Sommerville,
? > "irom iJrookvllie, Jefferson county, for many
I. aud can leuwy 10 uiflHiaienieiu i? uuo
jf truLli and veracity.
leopold hkllbkoskh,
Wholesale JJquor Dealer on Hand Street.
ftProprietor of the Burnett House Cincinnati.
Burnett House, February 9Ui. 18ti7.
tfo my Friends and tui Pdblic:
.it affords me great satisfaction to be able
to testify to the aaoceus of Dr. Llghthill in
the treatment of deafness, and express my
uAiiae of obligation to him. My bearing has
been Impaired for a number of yeans, at
times to such an extent as to embarrass me
Herloualy. Dr. Llghthill, under whaee care I
placed my8eIf, bus removed the dllllculty
completely, and restored me to perfect hearing.
We observo the Richmond papers
barge Unit Governor Wells, of Vir;inia,
proposed Inst October to tlie
it her members of the Hoard of Public
Vorks, to ?ell out to parties outside the
itato of Virginia all the State interest
11 llio Virginia and Tennessee llaiload.
A good deal of importance
eems to bo attached to this charge, but
re are unable to ascertain whether the
overnor expected to pocket the proeeds
or whether the proceeds went
uto tlie .State Treasury. If the latter
s we presume, wo do not discover
nything very heinous in the propoit
Tho rush of ofllco seekers at Wasliiigton
continues without abatement,
"very hotel in tho city is full from
filar to roof, and bo are the boarding
ouses. Tlioro are incredible numbers
fter every appointment. For one
articular clerkship there wero some
ays ago 110 less than a hundred and
fly applicant*;. Kvery appointment
lade sends home a car load of disapointeil
men; but appointments are
ImoHt at a stand Htill; and ho the liumier
of hungry expectants grown apace
nd the cry Is still they conie. One
aember who had been sick in bed for
wo days, and wan put under the inluence
of chloroform, asserts positivey
that when hebocamo conscious there
irere several of his constituents willing
in his room with recommendations
or him to sign.
(irantis using this tremendous presure
for office aa a lever to overturn the
onuro-of-olllco law in the Senate. Lie
ells applicants he will make no removls
till it is repealed, and therefore the
uugry horde is turned upon the stitleoked
Senators who refuse to repeall
Kepublicau Senator called upon the
'resident Thursday to urge tlio remov1
of a collector appointed by Mr. Joliniiii.
The President asked the Senator
r the man 'vas a good officer, to which
u affirmative reply was given. Mr.
Irant then inquired if there was anyling
against the collector except that
e had been a Johnson man. The
enator said nothing, and Grant then
sked if that would be considered good
fuiso for removal under the tenure-offline
law. The Senator said, "No."
'lie President then said no removal
ould bo made, as he should proceed
nder that law now the same as If the
enslo was not in session.
Under this pressure it is beginning to
e thought the repeal will be uccotnlished;
yet some Senators think the
lovement in this direction has lost
Lreneth by the manner in which the
jpeal party has attempted to force '
.lings. One shrewd Senator who canassed
the situation a week ago, and
gured up nine majority for repeal,
inked over the ground again a couple
I days ago, and says he can't find more i
iiau four or live majority that way ;
off, at tlio most. Tho discussion Jon
lis measure is still going 011 in Ihe
enatc, and is bringing out all tho abili- j
p of that body. |
The first bills signed by the now
^ouiilotir were tho bill to strengthen
lie public credit and that striking tlio i
rord white" out of the laws governig
(lio District of Columbia. They I
,'ere signed Thursday afternoon.
Gen. Thonuw is not going to Califor- i
ia till he has finished tlio Oyer or<i- j
nnce inquiry. The proceedings in
liis court are very slow, and there ]
veins no probability they can be flushed
under a month or six weeks, i
loratin Ames, of Cliicopee, Mass., the
nventor and fabricator of tlio Ames <
toel gun, has been on the witness |
tand some days.
ijleut. Gen. Sheridan has gone to St.
^ouis, via Chicago, to take charge of ,
he division of the {West. ,
The House Military Committee intruded
General f^ogan to report a bill
bolishing the ofllce of Chief of Staff to
he Genoral of the army. This is done
n accordance with the wishes of Gen?
rai Sherman, who says there is no noessity
for such an office. The office is
low vacant, General Kuwlins having
The lriends of Moses IT. Griunell say
*rant has promised him the Collectorhip
of New York. William Iceland, of
he Metropolitan Hotel, expects to be
sTaval Officer, and John K. Young, of
he Tribune, is looking for an appointnent
as Minister to either Japan or
Kx-Congressman Williams, of Pitta>urgh,
and impeachment memory,
?auts the mission to Switzerland.
There are about twenty-five or thirty
tlier applicants,and Williams'chances
ire only tair to middling.
Everything just now in Washington,
h of minor importance, as compared (
villi tlio Tenure-ot-Office matter. The
nterest in Congress, in departments,
it the White House, on the street and
it the hotelH, which are overrun with
>eople, centers on the discussion daily 1
joing on in the Senate, on the probabilities
of the repeal of the law. The i
egiou of office-seekers no longer press
heir claims for appointment, but enleavor
to strengthen their cases until
he moment the law is repealed, for repealed
they think it will surely be,
vhen a general charge will be made at
he White House and tho several delartments.
These places are by 110
nenns iIohiuuio 01 visuurs, mcjlaily
crowded, but the crowds for
noiillis lo come will bo something unicard
of should the Senate agree to re>eal
the bill. Ko other subject is aluded
to in conversation, and the galeries
ot the Senate are crowded during
ho entire day by visitors who desire
o listen to the debates.
Thoer-seof General J-iongstreet, nomimted
as Surveyor of the I'ort at New
)rleans, was under consideration
Thursday, by the Senate Commerce
Committee. It is understood that a
nsjority of tho committee were opposfd
to his Qonfirination?not especially
because General Longstreet was a leading
rebel during tho rebellion, but on
the ground that there are abundance of
ineu who were loyal and true to the
Liovernment, from the breaking out of
the rebellion to the close, and who
ought to be provided lor in preference
to the class to which General Longetreet
belongs. The committee, however, decided
to report his name to the Senate
without recommendation, and let it
take such action as that body may
iliink nroDer. There are manv Sena
tors who are in favor of continuing all
ot President Grant's nominations, on
general principles. It is expected that
the Sonthern Senators will make a
Bbarp light against liongstreet's confirmation.
The Supreme Court of the United
Slates has decided that it will
not render a decision at this
term on the four cases pending
belore it, involving the constitutionality
of the laws making
United Stales notes a legal tender.
These important cases were all argued
last December, and there has been sufficient
time for the Court to vote and
render a decision. There is suspicion
that the Court has decided adversely to
the constitutionality of the acts, and
deems it imprudent to make the fact
public at present.
?Tlu? dissection biil.asil finally passed
the Mnine legislature, provides that
any man who desired iu his life tlmo
that his liody might ho delivered to :i
physician or surgeon* shall have his
will respected, unless yt'ilhiu three days
his relations want trj hury hino; and
also that the bodies of convicted criminals
dying in jail or $tate prison may
lie likewise delivered,.unless the previous
owner should ha}-e objected three i
days before, or his IV.cnds three days ]
after death. Tim suiit;eon has to give
bonds to uso the bodj?for surgical purposes.
?Tho appointment,->f General l'arker
as Indian Commission, if it should
take place, would be curious one, for
the reasou, us the J;- Chester t'/ironiclc
observes, that ho is . defendant of tlie
Chiefs of the Seneca nation, having the
real lted-Indian blood in his veins. In
that respect there would seem to be a
titness iu the case; but whether tho rolaionship
would make liim a better
Commissioner than a more carpet- bagger
of the pale-face kind or not, it
would bo hard to say.
?At the late town election in Vineland,
N. .I., it was again unauiinoUHly
voted to have no licenso to sell intoxicating
liquors. There were several
tickets in the field, including one "woman's
ticket," nominated by a meeting
of men and women favorable to woman
sulfrago. The women, as usual, had a
separate ballot box in tho hall, whore
they came and deposited their votes.
They cast one hundred and eighty-two
in all. The Weekly says: "Wo were
told by a friend that wnile u woman,
living on Tamils avenue, was attending
the poll "on Tuesday last, iier huHband
was at work at home doing the family
?The census recently taken by the
British authorities in Northeastern
India seems to have been far more particular
and perfect than any census
whose returns have ever been made
public iu Europe or America. In a
population of 30,000,000, there have
frankly registered themselves as beggars,-17i>,015;
prostitutes,20,S00; eunueliM,
12,2T?l; pimps, 321; llattorers for gain,
220; jesters, 851; astrologers, 1,12.'*. We
should like to see an equally frank and
faithful census of any part of this
country, or any of Its harder cities?
say. for example, Washington or
?Dr. * Snow, Superintendent of
Health at Providence, K. I., has recently
been examining milk sold in
that city, with surprising results.
Among tho foreign substances discovered
in larger or smaller quantities
were burnt sugar, corn, starch, sand,
bicarbonate of soda, chalk, and other
matters. Tho prominent features of
uiost of the specimens examined, however,
were lack of cream, and a plentiful
supply of water. Of the latter
commodity it is estimated that at least
1,000 quarts aro daily sold in tho city,
making the comfortable little sumo!
$*13,000 per annum in the pockets of the
?Tho prohibitory liquor law in
Maine is vigorously enforced by the j
muicipal authorities and by the citizens.
Many of the liquor shops in .
Ellsworth have suffered visitations
lrotn the sheriff's officers, and are in a c
state of chronic fear. Lnst week the t
office of the Eastern Express Company
was visited by the sheriff and a large
rjuantity of liquor consigned by Hos- j
ton parties to liquor sellers was seized, j
Tli3loss falls on the Huston owners. J(
Other means of conveyance must be
devised for such merchandise. ,
?A case of domestic scandal was un- 1
der discussion at a tea table. 41Well,
let us think the best of her we can," t
said an elderly spinster. "Yes," said s
another, "and say the worst," b
?A lato divorce case in Chicago do- n
vol opes the fact that an old man, after
aiueteen years of wedded life, married
three other women in rapid succession,
and maintained four separate establishments.
?Anna K. Dickinson, finding herself
at Des Moines, too late for the train
which was to carry her and her lecture |
in Mount Pleasant, nobly hired a loco- }
motive, and rnrio thereon to fill till the 1
engagement. The trip cost, her $100,
find the lecture returned her tflf?0. Miss
Dickinson may be depended upon to 1
keep her promise. If some splendid
young fellow could only prevail upon
lier to make one !
?Tlio Pennsylvania Democracy have
already commenced drumming up a
candidate for the next presidential
campaign; and, by way of listing the
popular feeling toward General llannock,
they propose running him for
Governor of that State.
?The iron. Kills Amos and the lion.
William Gaston are both spoken of in
Massachusetts us the successors of
Judge Hoar on the bench of the Supreme
Court, and Governor Clatiu is
generally conceded to be the successor
of Mr. lioutwell in Congress.
? Keports from Canada say that a
very extensive emigration of Trench
Canadians, from the South St. Lawrence
parishes, into the States is now in
progress, many of the emigres, in their
anxiety to become citizens of the Union, "
hurrying oil without selling their 1
homesteads and farming-laiuis.
?It i8reported from Washington that (f
Senator Morton expects to pass Ilia bill, j
before the close of this session, provid- x
ing for a system of tree banking on a (
gold basis,
? h
Mr. Williams's JLelter Denied ami Wll- 1
llitnih (be Fattier or (lie Kesoluliuuu. j
l'o the Editor of the intelligoncer: s
Craving your indulgence for a brief j1
reply, 1 see by your issue of Thursday 1
lawt, Mr. Williams, the Superintendent r
of Schools, has goue to the record for c
proof, but as ho has plenty of time for J1
such researches as well as ample oppor- L
tunity, ho must go a little beyond the
minute book, and turn to the motion of 1
the 18th of November, 1S05, as signed c
by me, and he will tind that it is in his, c
Mr. Williams's hand writing,and every 1
word his own. 1 think the lirst resolu* R
lion or part of the same, referred to a v
case in which the male Principal iorced
his female assistant to spank a boy 1
large enough to spauk her. Mr. Wil- 1
liams requested me to bring the matter
before the Board, which in courtesy to 1
him I signed the resolutions and hand- J
ed them up to the President in order }
that the matter might be considered.and '
I am positive that in consideration of s
the subject. I stated to the members r
tbat;tlie resolutions were Mr. Williams's 1
own, hence the reason they were re- c
ferred to tlie Superintendent, so let
Mr. Williams coine on with his further
expose, after which if permitted I
think I will be able to show that if his
time was of any real value to the schools
ho would have less of it to spare for a t
newspaper controversy. t
CoiitrlbulionN to llio Prwis. (
The Boston T'ranscript truthfully i
says: "Persons who send communica- *
tions to editors to help them 'till up* 1
their columns can have no idea how \
hard it is for the fraternity to get their t
own articles printed." Nearly every (
day, when the forms are closed up, <;
lands enough mrftter excluded to make f
up another entire paper, much of which I
must go into the waste basket, never to
reappear. The selections made by pre- t
ference are those which appear to be of i
most immediate interest to some class i
ofreadjers, although they may not in- t
terest rill. No paper can contain all the .
interesting matter that crowds for admission
to its columns, and the chief i
work of th^ editor is to select from the j
mass. His judgment may err, but it is <
very doubtful whether an unpracticed i
hand would do the work as well them- i
selves. There are thousands who think I
they could do it better?until they come i
to make the experiment: and in that t
the ablest and most learned have most
lamentably failed. t
London, March ID.
I<?tor advices from Itio Janeiro state
that Lopez had collected an army of
forty thousand Paraguayans, and Is
fortifying Orasse, a town in the interior.
Madrid, March ID.
Tho troubles iu Andalusia still couliuue.
At Jerez De La Froutera
:ho opposition to the Military conscription
culminated iu a battle bo wceu
tho insurgents and thetroopB.
1'ho engagement was short but very
ierce and the insurgents were defeated
mil routed and six hundred of them
lakon prisoner?.
Miramnn at the head of 900 Caflists,
iad appeared at Pulema, in tho maunwins
near Almeric, and troops had
icon despatched to that neighborhood.
Vienna, March 19.
A Itoyal decree has just been pubished,
establishing the trial by jury
'or ollunces against tho present law.
Washington, March 19.
Tho bill continuing tlio educational
mil collection department of the Freednen's
Bureau till January 1S70 was
The bill establishing an oflice of Aslociate
Judge for the Keaslern District
>f Texas was referred to the Judiciary.
At the expiration of tho morning hour
ho tenure-ot'-ottice act came up as the
liittnished business.
Mr. Scott resumed his argument to
ihow that tho power of removal from
)tlIco is within tho jurisdiction of ('onjress
and may bo regulated by legislaion.
Messrs. Sprague, IJayard and Corbett
nade arguments for the repeal.
At 4:10 the Senate went into execuivo
session and soon after ad journed.
A resolution to refund $lf>.000, advance
money to Milwaukee, for im
>roving tho harbor. Keferred to the
Committee on Commerce.
A bill that agricultural lauds sold
or non-payment of taxes in late rebel
Slates, be sold in sub divisions not exseeding
40 acres each, and so much only
inkl as will discharge the legal obli#aion.
Keferred to tho Committee on
'ublic Lands.
A substitute for tho Alaska fur proecting
bill, was referred to the Conine
rce Committee.
A bill granting lands to Minnesota to
mprovo tho river at St. Authony's
''alls. Referred to tho Committee on
'ublic Lands.
The House took up the Indian appro
>riatiou bill.
The House then weuL into Committee
>1* the Whole oil the Indian appropriaion
bill, Mr. Judd in the chair.
Mr. Dawos explained tho bill.
The discussion was participated in by
tfessrs. Wood, Beck, Axtell, Dawes,
jawreuce, Maynard, Juliet), Benjamin
ivifll others.
At a quarter past 4 o'clock tho comnittce
rose and reported the bill to the
Jouse, anil it was pasaed.
The Speaker presented a commit nicaion
from the Governor of Massachuetta,
with the action of tho Massachuotts
.Legislature ratifying tho 15th
mendment to tho Constitution.
Adjourned until Monday.
Nuw York, March 19.
Senor Morals and I^atona have arived
in this city as Ministers from the
'roviaiouHi uovernmein. 01 * una, ouuur
iXtmiA is fully empowered to treat with
lie Government of the United States
Dr a full recognition of (ho revolutioiary
government of the Queen of the
Lntilies and bears a commiHsion to take
fleet from President Cespcdes who is
ow in command of the revolutionary
orces. He will proceed to Washington
ft once.
A small boat containing 12 boxes of
iitro glycerine, was dlscoved under a
trharl at tho foot of White Hall street,
'esterday, enough it is said to blow the
ower portion of this city and Brookyn
to atoms. Tho stufT was taken be'oud
tho city limits by tho harbor poice.
A Herman peddler mimed Henry
renace, belonging in this city, whh
'esterday nearly killed and robbed at
Veehauken, by a desperado named
Villiam Aikens, who escaped.
The papers in the case of James Lo;an-No.
2, charged with robbery and
uurder, were submitted to the Grand
ury yesterday morning, and the J)isrict
Attorney contidently expected that
n indictment would be found against
jOgan in tlio course of the day, so that
i sutlicient return to the habeas orpus
ase, which was postponed uutil to day,
nay bo made. Hhould the indictment
>e found, the trial will take pluce next
veek before Judge Barnard, at the
ourt of Oyer and Terminer.
Tho Tribune's Washington despatches
ays: Tlie cause 01 uenenu
>eing nominated as surveyor of the
>ort at Now Orleans, was uuder conideratiou
to-day by the Senate Commerce
Committee. It is understood
hat a majority of the Committee were
jpposed to his continuation, not espeially
because General I^ongstreet was
. leading rebel during the rebellion,
nit 011 the ground that thero are an
ibundance of men who wero loyal to
he government from the breaking out
if the rebellion to the close, and who
ught to he provided for in preference i
o the class to which General Liongtreet
belongs. The Committee, liowver,
decided to report his name to the
ieua'e without recommendation, aud
hat that body take such action as they
nay think proper.
The Time's dispatch says that the
tew public dsbt statement will show
he precise condition of the Troasury
>ooks at the close of business on the
:1st iust., instead of being withheld for
everal clays as formerly, to await the
eturns from New York and other im>ortant
points. This is a radical
Havana, March 1!).
The Insurgents have burned five of
he largest plantations in the jurisdlcion
ot Saijua La Cbica, one near Cienuroh
nnd unother near Macaqua. It
s positively asserted that the Insurant
enerals are about to carry out their
leferred plan of burning everywhere.
K detachment of Insurgents have left
Uvarez well mounted to burn plantaions
In the vicinity of Jubaeoca.
The planters are terrified. Autheqtic
uformatlon from the Insurgents admit
hat many plantations have been bum!d
within the week.
Another Steamer has arrived from
Spain with troops. General's Buccle
md Kacolant were passengers. The
roops have gone to Uneritas.
An engagement took place between
he troops and insurgents yesterday,
aear Alvarez. The insurgents were
outed, and on dividing one force lied
:o wards Macaquaand the other towards
lacuri Grande.
An engagement has taken place at
Knaracabullo. The official account reports
130 insurgents Killed, and only
:>ne Spanish soldier wounded. The ininrgents
are activo near Bolondorion,
?nd troops from Matanzas have gone
:here. When the battle of Sicra Cabita
a-us longht Qneseda was sick with the
imall-pox, and Ortega commanded.
The insurgents are carrying off the
slaves from the plantations and making
them soldiers. The number of Insurgents
in Saqua and Kemedias districts
is estimated at seven to eight thousand.
The Equerra piantntions near Trinidad
have boeu burned. The Ave placet* i
burnt in tho Saqua district produced !
nine thousand hogsheads of sugar an- i
Dually. The insurgents liavedestroyed
the railroad and telegraph between
Alvarez and Macaque.
I'rom Albany.
Aliianv, March 19.
A resolution was adopted in the As- '
seuibly to-day, directing the President ,
and Treasurer of the Krio Kailroud to
report within ten days in writing under
oatl), to the Speaker of the House, the '
exact amount of stock of said Company
now outstanding, also the amount in
detail of tho funded and lloating debt 1
of said Company up to and including
the dato of the passage of this resolution.
?. m ~
It Ivor mill Weal tier. i
I'lTTMBt/nciH, March 19.
Weather cloudy. Therinoineter 32?. t
The Monongahela river Is six feet anil I
six inches and falling.
Cincinnati, March 19. ,
Weather cloudy. Thermometer 40?. (
There was some raiu last night and 1
this morning. <
?:? i
Dry tiootlN.
From the Aeto York Independent.
Trade cannot be justly described as 1
dull for the season, but it is certain '
that it is not so lively as our jobbers >
i-- * .?..i!/.inulUfr ami Ilia llllllirul i
(Hilt Ul'I'll ll mil i |>nu lip?|
result has been a willingness to accommodate
buyers by h small redaction of
prices iu iho leading articles of domes- '
tic manufacture. It was, perhaps, un
reasonable to expect an instantaneous ]
revival of trado tlje moment tliat the
inaugural ceremonies In Washington
wore over; but that seems to have been
a pretty general feeling among our dry j
goods dealers, anil their inevitable disappointment
has led to an unreasona- t
ble depression, because their anticipa- |
lions were not fully realized. It la
pretty generally understood, however, (
lhat the market is by uo means overstocked
with goods, and that a
moderate demand for the leading staples
would result in au increase of c
prices. The larger holders do not man- .
ifest so great a degree of impatience to '
elfecl sales as the smaller houses.
iM.tKKKi'.s itr ii:i.k?;kv i-n.
New Yoiik, March 11). 8
Cotton?Shmle lower and rather 8
more active; sales 2.500 bales at 2S|4a t
liSXc lor middling uplauds. c
i-i.ouu?Closed duli and 10c lower; 1'
decline chielly npon medium and good i
grades. i
Ukain?Wheat?Dull and nominally c
la^c lower. Ilye?Nominal. Oats? v
Dull at 7;lc lor western iu store. Com ?
t^uipt atSGaSTo for new mixed western; ,.
old western mixed very dull and nominal.
1'kovisions-Pork Quiet and uucliang- t
ed. ISeef?In moderate request and ii
steadj-. Bacon?tiuiet and unchanged, j
ti!trtl?mill aim siuauy ??. ^in^uu, K
dry (ioods market.
The break in prices has become more "
general and there is great excitement ^
in tiie market to-day. The Pacific mills H
have reduced the price of their goods to ti
lli}?c and the goods are selling rapidly,
as are Atnoskwig which has been reduo- jm
eel to lli^c. Cottonades are offered at '
reduced prices as are also fancy Cassimeres
of desirable makes, which are
soiling at a loss; price generally have s
found a level and trade is about start- 'I
ing in right esrnest. Printing cloths
have declined to 8c and more slowly ?.
oven at reduction.
Money?-Market stringent up to 2 9
o'clock, and 7 per cent gold interest
freely paid by brokers, but subsequent- 11
ly the demand abated somewhat, and
loans were msde at 7 per cent euriency.
The large amount of bonds in the
hands ol foreign bankers, which have a
to bo carried, pending the sale of the G(
exchange against the increased do- jj
maud for money, and adds to inoiue- w
tary distress. Those bankers who are
generally lenders are now borrowers.
There is no currency coming this way, ai
ami the country bauk balances hero d
are unusually light, and in Ihe event
of any extra accommodations being y
required by country banks to bridge
over settling day, Wall street would
have to pass through a sovero ordeal, V
though the stringency might not be f?o 81
severe as last March and April. There
are no positive indications of a lock-up,
but should a resort bo had to such a V
: ? * 1 -1 ?*anllir u n>irpn?'ll t u It
llli'HBUrw U' nuuiu fttvuv.j
matters. Discount ilull. b
Steruso.?The market *fs dull and c<
heavy at 10 HJ^alOSJ.c for (10 days and 1
10SJSal08??e for sight. ei
Hold-Unsettled; opened at 131J?, ci
fell In 130J?. advanced to 131?? and d
closed at 131. The transactions were fi
heavy and there has been considerable ci
excitement. The rates paid for carry- d
ing whs l'iu- per cent., and for borrow- tl
ing 3 per cent, to Hat. Theae ligures
indicate that large short Interest are v'
somewhat remarkable in view of the tl
stringency of money. b
Uovrknmrnt Stocks?Are irregular h1
and unsettled, and generally lower;
closing steady. Coupons 81,ll(i}?allGJJ;
do 'til, 11SM119J4; do '04, 1143-iallS; ?'
do *05, 117all7!i; new do, 113Kall3%; n
do 'U7. 113?iall3%; do'CS, 113^8113%; r<
10-40s 10o}ial0 b'A. ?
Haii.wav Stocks?The Railway mar- J'1
ket during the forenoon was strong and _
active and the niarketcontinued strong r
Express Khaurs?Wells, Fargo &
Co., 30?ia31K; American 41a4l>?; fi
Adams 5SJ?a5'J; United States SlJgaOa; J
Merchants Union 1Ui17. U
5:30 Prices?Pacitic Mail, 91%a91%; "
W?Hti?rn Union 38a3S^?: New York
Centrnl, 1592ial59%; Erie WA; HudBon,
139*140; Harlem, 35a37; Reading .
U2!4"92J4; Terro Haute 35a3S; Wabash, fr
nViaGTA; St. Paul Q9Xa6{l%; Fort Ht
Wayne 120>ial20%; Ohio ?fc Missis- di
sippi 32?aa32;?; Michigan Southern
Pittsburgh SSaSSK; Toledo 11
lOGJ^alOtiJi; Northwestern 85KaS5>i;
Lake Shore, lOIJi; Cleveland, Colurn- bus,
Cincinnati ifc Indianapolis 63;
Cleveland, Columbus A Indiana Cen- /
tral43. V
ClllCHtfO. It
March IS,?Flour?Very dull at $5 00 4
al!37>i for spring extras; $7 00 for winter do
and ?4 00?1 76 lor spring supertine. ?
Ohain?Wheat?Tolerably active and '
lJ4alJ<c lower; sales of No. 1 at $1 11a
1 15 for regular and fresh receipts; No.
2 at $1 09*1 10J4; No. 3 at ?1 OOal 03;
rejected at 93a, closing at $1 ODal 09}4
for No. 2, sales of No. 2 at f i 10% seller
April,) sales since change at ?109J^.
Corn?Dull and unsettled and Jic lower;
sales of new at 53a54c; no grade ot Ola
52e, closing at 53}^a53J*c for new and
ulaul^c for no grade, sales of No. 1 at
GSs seller last half of April; t>Sc seller
May; No. 2 at SSJic seller May. Oats?
Dull and ;aalc lower; sales of No. 2 at
51JJa53Hclor regular and fresh receipts,
closing dull at 52o, sales at 52c seller t,
month; 52>?a52Jic buyer the month and t
50c seller last half of April. Itye?Fair demand
and Kale lower; galea at $1 17a
1 1n ? ?'l fMDh ro/ifllntunf No. 4
? AO IUI IC^UiOi auu 14.VOU *wv??f 1
and $1 lGJial 17 for fresh receipts of J
No. 2. Barley?Dull at $1 S5 for No. 2. _
Hoos?Dressed Hogs?Quiet, closing
steady at $12 2i?al2 70, dividing on 200
pounds. Live?Dull and weak at $9 30a ,
9 00 for fair to medium; $10 OOalO 62}> for J
good and $10 7oall 25 for choice to extra _
prime. i
Beep Cattle? Dull and neglected. J
Cleveland. j,
March 19.?Flour?Dull and unchanged.
Grain.?Wtoeat?Sales of l.SOO bnsli.
No. 1 red winter at $1 42; No. 2 do. L
held at $1 2S. Corn?Sales of 1 ear at 8
71c. Oata?Sales of 2 cars at <J0.
Oil?Petroleum?Market flat and C
nnsettled; no correct figures cau be
given lor refined, but prices are noinin- *
ally lower. f
March 1!).?Flock?It'nil.
Urain?Wheat Dull; no sales. Corn
?Firmer at Cos fur ear. Oats?Dull;
sales of No. 1 at Goc. Barley?Dull Ht
fl 95a200 for No. 2 State Kye-Unchanged
and dull.
Cotton?Dull at 27!<c for middling.
Whisky?Dnll at wattle.
Provisions?Mess Pork?Dull and
closed at $32 00. Bulk Meats?Dull and
lower; they were offered at 12Jial4Kc
without buyers. Haoon?Nominally
unchanged aud no sales.
Larij-Dull at 19c; no buyers at bet!er
than lSJaC.
Butter?'2c higher and Rnarce; sales
3f fresh at 40a45c.
Haas?19c and steady.
Dim?Lard Oil?Quiet at $1 55al (50.
Petroleum?Dull at 33a35c for retined.
Goi.n?130Ji, buying.
March 19.?Flour?Heavy and no
C.rain?Wheat?Closed dull and low?r;
Bales amber at $1 4ti for No. 1; white
Michigan at 51 OS; while regular at
?L 47; No. 1 spring at $1 2(i; ainber buyir
April at $1 50. Com?lc lower and
;lones quiet; sales No. 1 at G6e; No. 2 at
>2}?c; no grade at 02c; white at U6c: yelow
at 07c. Oats?Quiet ami uuchaug)d.
ltye?Unchanged. Barley?Nomilally
Hocis?Dressed nominal.
Seed?Clover quiet at ?9.
March 19.?Fi.our? Dull anil weak.
Grain?Wheat? Unchanged. CornBetter;
Bales at iiSs71c. Oats?Better;
isles at 57aC2c. Rye?Unchanged; sales
it ?1 '28*1 30. Barley?Quiet; sales at
>1 SiM2 25 for prime to fancy.
Whisky-Nominal at S'JaOOc.
Provisions?Quiet and unchanged.
Pork?Sales at JU2 50ao2 (>2. Bacon?
Shoulders 14c; clear rib 17c; clear sides
~Mc. Ijttrd?lSKalSXo.
March 19.?Market dull.
Flour?Sales Minnesota bakers at
57 25; No. 2 spring ?(J.
Grain.?Corn?Sales now at 79.; on
rack. Barley?Sales Canada at ?2 05
Seeks?Clover?Sales at ?I 50.?9 10.
others unchanged.
Mahch 19.?Fr.ouu? Dull and lower;
;ity XX $5 75.
Grain.?Wheat unHettied at $1 ioj3
or No. 1 in store.
Telosrapli Items.
?A i I u van a letter states that the
iteamer II. Burden which left Jaekouville
for Cuba, with arms, amtnuniion
and men for the revolutionists, whs
orapelled to put into one of tho 11a>auiH
islands by an accident to the
aachinery. She discharged her cargo
nto two schooners, one of which sueessfully
landed in Cuba and the other
k-as captured by a Spanish frigate.
?In the Criminal Court of Baltimore,
^bursday, the case ol Klias Ward, of
few Jersey, indicted as n non-resident
rader, was taken up aud a fine of $-100
inposed under the State license law.
Ln appeal was entered and the case
ent to the Court of Appeals of Alaryand.
This will be made a test cane,
nd if the Court of Appeals sustains the
tate license law, it will be taken to the
upreme Court of the United States tor
nal discussion.
?The five convicts who escaped from
ing Sing 011 Thursday, have been reaptured.
?Crandall's stove store, in Greenwich
Ireet, New York, was burned on
'hursday night. I.oss ? 12,000.
?By tho explosion of a Still in Alex,
cliofield A Co's., Ketinery at Cleve
iuu, J?'riu?y morning, mainew >v naon
fthallirm was instantly killed, and
own Cowan, gas titter, probably
lortally hurt. Thev had entered the
till which was empty lor repairs, and
owau struck a mutch to see his work.
?On Friday morning at Cincinnati
negro thief, John Moss, being detecti
in stealing and pursued by the poce,
rail 10 tlio river, jumped in and
as drowned.
?The steamship Georgia from Port
11 Friuco arrived at New York, Friay
morning. Among the passengers
K. L,a Roche, llaytien Minister to
?Tho success of tho National l'oace
eslival at. Ko9ton is now Becured by
The New Illustrated Edition of
/ebsteu's DicmoNAitv.?This seemdrv
and certainly ponderous
ook kins its peculiar charms, llere is
Elected and tersely set down a vast
uantity of various and useful kuowlJge,
such as is lndispensible to eduned
men and women. Ilere a bunred
and fourteen thousand words, defied
with a clearness, fullness, presion
and wealth of illustration, that
enote tiie soundest scholarship, and
ic most entire fidelity to laborious deiils.
Altogether the work is a mari*loils
specimen of learning, tase, and
lorough labor. We praise it heartily,
pcauso we believe it deserves the
sartiest praise.?New York Albion.
Tiie law of 1800, defining the qualitiitlon
of Congressional Printer, proibits
any one who has interest, di?ctly
or indirectly, in the publication
1 any newspaper from acting." This
lies out, Clapp, of Buffalo, who is
oth owner and publisher of a paper.
L* March 1st, to the new rooms at "Bridge
oruer," opposite the Grant House, wliere
ley will continue the WHOLESALE
RUG BUSINESS under the firm name of
We respectfully solicit the continuance of
le generous patronage which has hereto re
been extended us. With an ample
ock, and increased facilities, we feel consent
that w? can render satisfaction in goods
od prices to all who may favor us with 1
leir orders. LOGAN, LIST CO..
Wholesale Druggists.
fel?27 Bridge Corner.
J 25 Palm Windows,second hand,suitable
ir dwellings or hot-beds. Boors, Mantels,
c. For Kale by
feh'27 LOGAN. LIST A CO.
IW.UUU 20,000 ?JH Fiain iiams.
djo/mjo lbs Shoulders.
1U0.000 lbs Clear ?s Clear Illb Hides
100 Tierces Prime Lard.
60 Kegs * "
50 Barrels Extra Lard OH.
2jo Bols Juno Family Flour
200 do Htar do do
loJ do Hwan do do
230 Half Barrels Lake Fish.
50 Barrels Vinegar.
fit) boxes Factory Cheese
uj do Concentrated Ly
Knrfialrt bv
15 Bales Jute Wool Twine
atid for sale low for cash.
Calcined Plaster.
11 \J phla make, received by
Ne Plus Oltra Lime.
UU fresn burnt, received by
L No. 15 Qulucy street.
HOW BILLS ror Country Merchants.
ARDH AND BILLHEADS neatly printed
^ a=s* It luM *?; 1 > V,wN^?r#
<?gj sae^ -3g|^< I
^ ih\J. W. Poland's "?4*
-aj&tem ^Atk* i
White Pino Compound
throughout the country. alter having
been proved by liie Ujst of eleven years, in
tlio New England staled, where lis merits a
have become us well kuown jis the tree from o
which, in pari, it derive* it* virtue*. p
Tlie White Pine Couiitoniul Cares ^
Sore Throat, Colds. Coughs, Dipt her la, Bronchitis,
Spitting of Blo<xl, and i'uhuouary Affections
generally. It Is a reiniirkahlo It - h
medy for Kidney Complaints, Dlalietes, dif- B
Acuity of Voiding Urine, Bleeding from the C
Kidneys and Bladder, Gravel, and other n
complaints. 01
The White Pine Compound. "
"It was early in the spring of *53 that this J
compound was originated. A member of my
family was afflicted with an irritation of the
throat attended with a disagreeable cough. I hi
had for some months previous thought that
a preparation having for its basts the Inside
bark of white pine might be so compounded
as to be vory useful in diseases of the throat tl
and lungs. To test the value of it in the case t\
alluded to, I compounded a Email quantity tl
ol the medicine that 1 had been planning,
and gave it in teaspoon fill doses. The result hi
was exceedingly gratifying. Within two hi
days tho irritation of the throat was remov- d<
od, the cough subsided ?nd a speedy cure it
was effected. Soon alter tills, I seut some to st
a lady in Londonderry. N. H., who had been rt
suffering for some weeks from a bad cough, si
occasioned Lv a sudden cold, and had raised dl
mucus streaked with blood.~ She soon found
relief anu sent for more. She took about
ten ounces of it. and sot well. J. B. Clarke,
Esq., editor of the Manchester Ually Mirror,
made a trial of the same preparation In the
case of a severe cold and was cured immediately.
He was so highly pleased with tbe results,
and so confidentof success attending its
sales, if placed before the public, thai no
finally pursuaded me to give it a name, and
send it abroad to benefit the Mitteriug. In
November, 1855, I first advertised it under
the name of White Pine Compound. Jn two
years from that time there had been wholesaled
in Manchester alone one hundred dollars
worth, where it took the lead of all the
cough remedies in the market, and it si ill
maintains that position. There Is good reason
for this; it Is very soothing and healing
In its nature; is wanning to the stomach and
pleasant withal to the taste, and Is exceed- K,
Ingiy cheap.
44As a remedy for kidney complaints the
White Pine Compound stands unrivaled. It or
was not originated for that purpose, but a a
person in using it for a cough was not only ot
cured of the cough, but was also cured ol a In
kidney difficulty of ten years standing. Mince tn
that accidental discovery many thousands is
have used it for the same complaint, and es
have been completely cured." cu
The above was written by Dr. Poland, In
18<J0. Since then, as in Manchester, the di<
White Compound has taken the lead of all
Cough remedies, as well as a preparation for
the cure of Kidney difficulties. In eveiy city,
town, vl lage and hamlet throughout the j
Now England States. ,,,
The remedy is as pa?e and pleasant to take * 1
as It Is effectual. ,
The White Pine Compound, j*
- rr J ill
nuw flUglOUU uummuoi ot
Under the Supervision of Kev. J. W. Poland
For Rale by LAUGHLN, SMITH A CO., Jj/
Wholesale Druggists, and also by GEO. B. ^
maris eod-dAw.
re i
N UTS. co
Blackberries, Pine Apples. Fresh Salmon, 1143
"Wlnslow Corn, Jellies ICatsup. Pickles,
Sauces, French Mustard, Ac., Ac , ,
For sale at the very lowest market rates he
l?y III;
D. K. IRWIN & CO., $
mnrlO ye
t) Golden l>rlps; 1*>
23 barrels Baltimore and Philadelphia *?w
Syrups. tiu
r?f) half chests Gunpowder, Young Hyson we
and Oolong, fresh selected Teas.
For sale by P^
marl I MOHHIBON^A c;o. ^
Boans and Hominy.
?)U Iltuint). Hi
i'5 Barrels Kdinbnrg Hominy. of
Just received, lor sale by Jdt-T,
Dried Fruits.
j * " Apples, Hriglit.
For sale by
Clover Seed and Timothy
f/\ I1AUH PItl.MK CI.OVKR HEKl>. til'
OU Bags l'rline Timothy weed. be!
Just received by ar
C O F r E E.
iWU A few bags Choice Old * ellow Kin.
10 poelcotsOId Jhvh. ?
J unt received by _
o^Rf>- %
- T )?
^ Or
^rOV Z\'
Repellent Umbrellas, r:
I'rlces wltliln Hie reiirli ol all. iej
Keep the wearer dry, do not soil the dress in<
or floor, and will not turn "inside out." n?:
All will hear inside the above nm?#, nono de
others genuine. r 1
At Wiiolesale only by
.122 and 321 H?rkM Kk, PhlliMlrlphla.
Sia llriiaUmiy, Hew Vorli. o/
febl7-Xm W e? Wat
Nnrscryinen. Florists and Soedmeo.
l*j mailed on application. 1,1
Vr?- 1 b'rnllu o>ul i irnnmftnlnl TrPeH. \r|D .
Ac. ~ Ke
No.'J Rosea, Greenhouse Plants, ac. fn
No. :* Heeds and I'otatoes.
fel>2{*4 wdeod
Socond-Hand fe
Cards,?Drawing Frames,?Oiatseand Fine at
Speeder*,?Dead rtplndle TUroatlw, ? A'arp- rat
em,?Dressers, ?fce.
For description and prices of these machines,
feb9-2taw?rn low ell, Mhss. u
PniLADELPHiA, March 10th, 1969. H
that we are prepared to otfer for your ]
inspection, our usual assortment of <
Oonslstlng of the fewest Shape* Ju Straw.
Silk and Oimp IIato, Bonnkth, <*< ; Velvets.
Silk Goods, Ribbons. Flowers, Feathers, |v
Ruches, Urape*, Blonds, Braids, Ornaments,
Ac., Ac. We shall be happy to wait on yon
at your store or receive your order. I ncet
low for cash. Yours. Ac. H. WARD,
Nos. 103,10a and 1U7, N. Second St., Fhila.
marl3-eod _____
r A BBLJ3. WILMINGTON TAR,large bbla *
OU oO M Common Rosin.
6 " Pale
On hand and for sale low by
The great Kemedles for all Diseases of tlip
loofland's German Bitters
Is composed of Uieimrejuices (or, as they
re medicinally i * termed KrtracU)
f Roots, Herbs and I I Harks, numlm; a
reparation, highly I I c o n c e n t m ted,
ad entirely free? ?*?from all alcoholic
Jbnixture of any kind.
ia combination of all the ingredient* of iho
ittera. with the purest quality of Santa
ruz Jium, Orange, Ac., making one of the
lost pleasant and agreeable remedies ever
tfered to the public.
Those preferring Medicine free from Alioolic
admixture, will use
[oofland's German Bitters.
Tho^ who have no objection to the com
.nation 01 ujo diiiciv, as Kutim, win umi
They Are both eqnalty pood, riuI contain
ie same medicinal virtues, the choice 1*-veen
the two being a mere matter of taste,
ie Tonic belli? tile most palatable.
The stomach, from a variety of causes,
ich as Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Nervous !*.
ility, etc., Is very apt to have Its functions
ranged. The IJver, sympathizing
as closely as/ Alt does with the
omacli then bel Icmw affected, the
wnlt of which 1^ that the patient
iffera from several or more or the following
oustipatlon. Flatulence, In war. I I'lies
Fulness of Blood to tbe Head, Acidity
of ilie Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn.
Disgust for Food, Fulness
or Weight In the Stomach,
Sour KroctatioiiH, Sinking
or Fluttering at the fit
of ttio Stomach, swimming ? f
the Head, Hurried or Dilth-ult
Breathing, Fluttering at the Heatt,
tokiug or Sutlocating Sensations when
ill a Lying fosture, Dimness of Vision,
Dots or Webs before tno Sight,
Dull Pain in the Head, l)eil
clency of Perspiration, Yellowness
of the Skin and
Eyes, Palu ill the bide.
Back, Chest, Limits, etc.. Sudden
Flushes of Heat, Burning in
the Flesh, Coi.stant Imaginings of
vril. and Great Depression of Spirit.--.
The sufferer from these diseases should excise
tbe greatest caution in the selection ot
remedy for hi* s v case, purchasing
tly that wlhcli he/ 1 is assured from bis
vestigations and % / nujuirit-s, itossesses
ue merit. In skil lunycompouudcd,
free from Injurious ingt*dieuLs, ami 1ms
tabllslied (or Its*?if u u-j utaiion lor the
roof these disease-: in Urn connection
3 would hubmlt those well-known remote
Hooflanti's Gorman Bitters.
rUILAD^LfHlA, i'A.
rhlrty-flve years since they were first ineduced
into this country fiom Oeimany,
iring which time they have undnuliiiiiiy
rformed more cures, and l>enellted Miller%
humanity to a greater extent, than any
her remedies known to the public.
l'hesM remedieN will effectually euro I,iver
impiatnt. Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic or
jrvoua Debility.-" "yi Chronic Diarrhoea,
sense of the Kid LJ ?neys, and ail Dlsra>
arising from a I ] Disordered L?iver,
imacn or lutes-*? tinea.
'suiting from any Cause whatever; PIJOSL*
RATI ON OK THIS HY?Tr.M, luduced
by Hevere L*abor, Hardship, hxpo.su
re, Fevers, ?fcc.
rhere is no medicine extant equsl to there
inedles in such cases. A tone and vigor in
i parted to the whole system; the appetite is
engtlieued, food is enjoyed, Uie stomach
gents properly, the blood is puritfei, the
mplexion becomes sound and healthy,
e yellow tinge is eradicated from thee* esta
torn is given to the cheeks and the weatt
d nervous invalid becomes astiongand
talthy being.
ul feeling the hand of time weighing
avily upon them, with ull its attendant
s, will And in the use of this BITTKICS. or
h TONIC, an elixir that will instill new
a Into their veins, restore iu a measure the
orgy and ardor of more youthful days,
ild up their shrunken forms, and give
altli and happim*** u> tlicir remaining
if is a well estAbiisiieu ract uiai imiy oiuI
f the iema!e*Tr~ port ion of our
potation are sel I dom In the enjoy;nt
of good I jhealth, or, to iim<
?lrowu exprew? ?^ion, " imver f? eJ
ill." They are languid, devoid of nil
Prgy.extremely nervous, and have no aj*
ro this class of persons the BITTKliH,
u TONIC, la especially recommended.
(Vie made strong by the use of either 01
i*se remedies They will cure every case
MAKASMIJS, without fail.
rhonsandsof certificates have accumulutin
the hands of the proprietor, but space
II allow or the publication of but a few.
lose, it will bo observed, are men of note,
d of such standiug that they must be l?eved.
Hou. tJeorjce W. Hooilwiinl,
Chirf Justice of the Supreme Court of I'a.,
delphia, March lf?. 1s#j7.
And Hoof land's k German Bitters' is
good tonic, use f\ ful in diseases of
b digestive or- r~~\ pans, and of great
netlt in cases of-*?^-debility, and want
nervous action in the system.
Yours, truly.
oko. w. woodward."
XVon. jRincH Thompson.
iUjc of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania.
i'll i la nci.i'ic ia , April 18.18CS.
'i consider "Hoofland's Herman liitterK"
^ALUAIILB MKDICINK lu C.tKO Of attacks of
digestion or Dyspepsia. 1 can certify this
mi my experience of it.
Youra. witli respfot,
From Mr. riiiw. W. flallur.
Fkkdkbick City, Md? 8opt. 11, 1K65.
Krom a conviction of tieneflt arrival from
0 u-se of Dr. H Gotland's German Tonic, aluugli
lu general averse to i'aient Mcdlies,
I cordially recommend the 'Tonic*' t<?
1 Bafleriug with Dyspepsia, as no other
edlcine afforded me such prompt and j;orariiHnent
rom Kev. Jowepli II* Hcnnaril, |>. |>,
fruUrr of the Tenth Baptist Church, J'hila
l>r. Jack*on?D***r Sir: I have been fluently
requested to connect my name with
commendations of different kinds or
~dicIn?N( hut regarding the practice as out
/ appropriate sphere. I have In all cases
cliuid, but wlth~^iy clear proot in va0
u h instances, X and particularly tn
yown family, of I XJ the use of Dr.
xitlaud's uer-*- ^ man Bitters, I ?iert
for once from my unua 1 course, ex press
y full conviction that^ fur general debilit>/
the system, and especially for J Jeer Voinlint,
it is a safe aiul valuable preparation. J ?i
me cases It may fall; but usually, i donhl
>1, it will be very beneficial to thoi-e who
fler from the above causes.
Yours, very resj?ectfully,
Eighth, below Coates Ht.
From Kev. E. I>. Fenrtall.
vnsUtnt Editor of the Christian Chronicle,
1 have derived decided benefit from the
?of Hooflan'd German BitierH, and feci it
y privilege to recommend them as a inont
iluable tonic, to all who are Buffering from
neral dabllity, or from dlseaMH arising
>m derangementr?f trie liver.
Yourw, truly,
Hootland's German Remedies are con merited.
He? that the-r-^v signature off. M.
kCKSON is on the I 1 wrapper of each
ittle. All others I fare counterfeit.
Principal Office.T and Manufactory
the Merman Medicine Store, No. 631 A lie 11
Jeet, pUM'Sm EVANg ProprleUM.
Fttnnerly C. M. JACKSON <fc Co.
Ofifland'H German Bitters, per bottle SI (Mi
M M Lalf dozen 5 (jo
oofland's German Tonic, put up iu quart
tmttle*, tl 50 per bottle or a hair dcccu for
V 30.
wrDo not forget to examine well the ar?le
you tuy. In order to get the genuine,
T. H. LOGAN & CO..
V h n I o H111 o l>ruKitl?t8
Wholesale! Agents for West Virginia

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