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WHEELING INTELLIGENCER. T J3 It M H . i n variably in advance. SlOKNIKd KDITIO.V iiv mail (in mlvfliice) poraunum ?7 BO " 0 inoiithH ?1 oo ? " .. 1? OO 1 " 75 Delivered i?y Carrier, per week art SK(-WKKIiLY EDITION. IMJU-IIKD EVKRY TIT ESDAY, THURSDAY AN1) SATURDAY. snltserllx i*. jvr annum...... 83 OO i nmnl.'ift ii r>o :i 1 .* i no Cl.i!, ..f cnch, per .ininini * <?<> 4 44 ti months ~ *><> ? ? 41 i OO ' hh; c opy extra U) clul** of leu. rl Kl.lSffKl) KVKKY THURSDAY. t??r. ii< .:ii?sriW?Ors, j*'r i:in 11 in q.w im> It lUOlllllH 1 OO :* 44 r.o ri;i .-<?i fiveaiul upwards,each l no " 44 ftmen... 7ft ?. i.- ropy extra to getter-up of clnh of ton K1TKM OF A?V?RT1KIK(3. i).\ i l.V?One square, 1 insertion 81 OO " " 1 week :i oo " " '2 weeks ft oo " 44 1 month s oo ?poo.In.l notices, per square, eaeh insertion 1 2ft I>oad notices, per lino, each Insertion I ft W i KKI?Y-Onpw|twre, 1 insertion 1 OO tvich additional insertion, ftO lxK-nl notices, per line, each insertion SSO ce- Ten lines or less xnako a square. O'TniuK^.nt advertipement#? casti in ail' "ma"ki:1AC5ES AND FlTNERAl. NOTICES, 7ft wiien under nix lines. v,:m announcements of Deaths, gratis cv N<> notice will i>e taken or communlf.jiioiw not ac<roinpatiied by a responsible mam**. Th? name will lie considered contl.I. utial, but must in all cases accompany letj.-rs as a guarantee of good faith. Sh,oSnMlr|cnm; '<il'U!K: NO. lft (llTIXtT BTKF.ET. bUKW, HAGAN3 & HALL. |;sati ki>.v v ji iim h -jo. i'iimmdkntiai. clemency.?We lind ihe following statement in the Washing-Ion despatches of several of yostert lay's exchanges, referring to the Senatorial discussion of tho tenure-of-ottlce law: "Some Senators say he [the President,] has told them he should not be fllVnded at any Senator for acting according to his conscientious conviction h." H is not probable that the 1'resident made such a remark as this. If would betray a degree ol* assumption which we think Gen. Grant is ini'-ip.-tblo of fouling, and if ho were not has too much good .sense to express. It" ii he true, however, that President Grant really leeis himself responsible for the vote i of Senator.?, and is so for i?!-arin? as to 110 otTenso if they according to their own conscientious convictions, wo should like to see the question fairly raised ami determined, whetherSenators havo liberty ti? act. upon thoir own responsibility as kin'li, or whether they are to bo overshadowed ami coerced by the Exeon! i ve. V. Uniieisoonk has been appoint** ed Postmaster at Shepherdstown, West Virginia. The party removed to make way for Mr. Unuerdonk was a woman, Mrs. Mary Baker. Joshua Jenkins has appointed Postmaster, ltieeoon, Preston county-, West Virginia, vieo S. | < '. Uaj?ers, resigned; ami .Lewis W. Morgan, Postmaster, California, Washington couiuj*, Pa., vice Abraham S. Pry, r?*sij;nod. - - ? ? I'm: Missouri case, involving the test ?>?:h. v. ill be argued before the Supreme (*>?urt of the United States, on Wednesday by Senator Drake, in b half of Missouri, and Montgomery Blair and ex-Attorney General Inverts, in behalf of 1?\ 1*. Hlair, J r. Tin: Richmond Whig comes out in a n?*\v dres?, enlarged ami improved. Ciac T?nurt'M)r-Ollifc I<mv. The following retuarkH by tho Philadelphia Telegraph seems to us to coni:iiit much wholesome good sense: While we fully acknowledge tiio wisdom and propriety of suspending the operation of tho law for a limited period, we cannot hut regard it as a uselul harrier against tho repetition of the frightful abuses which were perpetrated l?.v the last administration. One of the ai? commentators on the Coustitu* (ion expressed the opinion, while its adoption was a debatable question, that the provision requiring the conconsent ol the Senate to a new appointment also required, by implication, similar consent to a removal; and so strong was this belief in the Senate, when the quest.on first practically arose during Washington's administration, by a removal without cause, that half the members present endorsed it, tho adverse view being adopted only by the casting vote of John Adams, who was then Vice President, and cherished the anticipation, which was subsequently realized, that he would become Washington's succes sor. Kven at that early clay Alexander Hamilton denounced the decision thus given, not only bscauso it violated the true principles ol the Constitution, but because it would tend to numberless evils, and exercise an insidous influence overall the ramifications of American government, by making even the election of constables and justices o! peace depend upon national politics. Many years elapsed before these predictions were lully verified. Mr. Davis stated in the Senate yesterday that .letlerson had made but about twenty removals, and that John Quincy Adams had made but two. But since the election of Jackson the doctrine that <4to the victors belong the spoils" has been generally accepted by all parties; and for the last forty years the business of the government has been periodically deranged, an immense horde of professional ollice-seekers and politicians have become as hungry and as rapacious as wolves, and the bitterness of political contests has been necessarily im-rt?n*i*n i<j iitt* L-uui|>iii?tiun tinite number of varied real orsupposi*il personal interests with grave national questions. The practice of chancing a hundred thousand trained ollicials, for as many ignorant ones, once every tour years, and as much oftener as a new whim seizes the occupant of the Presidential chair. Is disreputable, demoralizing,and injurious to every substantial interest. It generates a countless host of partisan Micawbers, who abandon useful industry in the hope that "something may turn up" to give them a short lease of oflice: it deranges tho public service; and while it subjects a good President to a pressure that has already proved fatal in several instances, it elves a bud one a power that may be terribly abused. .Larch: of I .and is West Vin<;inia.?A citizen of this place has sold to a gentleman from Kultimoru a tract of land, in I.ogan and adjacent counties, in West Virginia, containing 50,000 acres, for 25 cts. per acre. The land is uf the finest quality, heavily wooded, and some of it a plain. A short time since another citizen or this place disposed of a large tract of land in the same section, realizing some $30,000. When railroads orother means of transportation for freight and passage are opened tip to the Astern part of this State, what fortunes will be realized.? Alc.catiilria(Va.) Gazelle. RELIBIOIIS ITEMS. ?The Bible Society have finally decldeil to hold the ordinary public meetings lu May. ?There are in Great Britain 2,411 Baptist churches, comprising 221,525 members, and 3,OH Congregational churches. ?The Clerical Journal stales that live Congregational ministers linve gone over to the Established Church during the year. ?Several synagogues have been opened in Madrid, Expelled In 1592, tho Jews have never since that time celebrated their worship in Spain. ?There is an unusually large attendance of representatives ut the Methodist Episcopal Church Conference, now in session at New Philadelphia, Ohio, The proceedings thus far hiivo been harmonious, orderly and systematic. ?One ol the subjects to be discussed by the Komish Ecumenical Council is a proposed change in tho method of electing the 1'ope, according to which the election shall bo made before the i nrnonnl {>1011 m ltnn<'a rlnnlh ?n nn In I avoid tho danger of advantage being , taken by Italy ol a long interregnum to tako iioBBesHion of Home. ?The First German liaptist Church j in this country was established at . Philadelphia, in 1S1;S. In 20 3'ears they Iuivh increased to Mo cliurches with 1,518 members, ?Tiio Pittsburgh Christian Advocate indignantly denies the "wild rumor" (lint tho Methodist Kpiscopal Church is given to wire-pulling to secure political appointments lor its members. ?The Friend publishes statistics to show that the Friends In Pennsylvania are decreasing in numbers. Since 1S30 but f> new meetings havo been established, while 37 have been abandoned. ?During Iho past ten months of the current year of tho American and Foreign Christian Union it has received 30 per cent, more contributions than during the corresponding period of last triitj r TIiu nnnrnnrlul ioriu fnr f 1m voqp c Jfclll I A11U lV/? fcUU J U?l | however, amounting to $1-10,000, were 40 per com. in advance of last year. The society's work has been thoroughly reorganized (luring the past year; and it certainly needed it, aa it had greatly suffered from want of proper management. The charges lately made against the society do not affoct its grand work. ?A congregation of Seventh Day Christians in Hungary, being refused tolerance l>y the laws, have embraced Judaism in order to beallowed toexist in connection with one of the "received religions." ?Rev. Dr. Morgan Dix, of Trinity church. New York, is reported to have said in a late sermon: "As for Protestantism, considered as a system, its power is broken, its epitaph is written and its grave is dug."; ... ' Tile Auburn Couvlct. From the Indcpci\dent. It is with few eyes upon him, with few hearts in sympathy /or him, and with few thoughts stirring anybody's mind concerning him, that Mr. William II. Seward has made his liual . pilgrimage from civil station to private life. Old age brings reverence; bodily infirmity elicits kindness; disappointed ambition is entitled to pity; and domesticsorrow commands a gentle rospect. Mr. Seward is old, is infirm, is disappointed and is bereaved?let hiui receive the proper consideration which is his four-lold due; but let not a false sentimentality now prevent a just characterization of his sad and warning j career. It is a hard word to say of any man that ho lias betrayed his country: to say it unjustly is grievous; to say it spitefully is criminal; but to say it judiciously of one who deserves the fearful condemnation is sometimes a high public duty. Mindful, however, of Hint irr^nt Mi>rlntiirn u-hich nnininnnnnn erring men tho maxim, "Judge not, . that ye be not judged," wo will not nl- ; low our weak human judgment to pass so crushing u sentence upon so broken 1 a man; nevertheless, nothing that is 1 I pitiful in tho spectacle ot his downfall from the pinnacle oi his apostacy ought to prevent tho just verdict that he lei 1 as an apostate. There was a limo when Mr. Seward v.'u< the one white lily of our American politics?the ono conspicuous bearer of tho banner of freedom?tho one iilol of the party which ho afterward deceived and stabbed. IJow this man's tine speeches used to ring in his countryman's oars! How this man's dishonored name has now become a byword on his countrymen's lips-! Such is tho fickleness of political fortune. The moral ol this '*sad, eventful history" is:?to compromise one's principles is to shipwreck one's career. If, during the last ten 3'ears of his life, Mr. Seward had maintained unimpaired the consi stency of the previous twenty, what a reputation he would have enjoyed to-day! How likenstrong tower his name would have stood to | the admiring gazo of his fellow-citizens! Hut he who palters with his own conI science, and doe* public despite to his o;vn private convictions, must consent to sre his good name fall to tho ground, and to 1>m trodden under foot oi men. Toward Mr. Seward, aa a lone and desolate old man, sitting in his deathshadowed house at Auburn, our heart goes out with an overtlow of sympathy; but toward the political trickster of two administrations, tho marplot of both, wo bear a proper share of that abiding indignation which this treacherous nnlitipiim li!?a instlv wnrnud from the American people. Superstitious or A. T. Rlcwnrt. I'erliaos the most singular charncteristicofMr. Stowart is bis alleged superalilion. He is said (o ignore to a great extent tho business tact, ability and foresight which were undoubtedly the carvers of his vast lortune, anil to attribute his success In life solely to luck. And this idea is the cause of numerous ludicrous occurences in his career. When ho kept liis store on Broadway, between Murry and Warren streets, thero sat on the sidewalk beforo it, 011 an orange box, an old woman, whose ostensible occupation was the selling of apples. This business was, however, merely a pretence; the main object being beggary. As years rolled on, Mr. , Stewart became impressed with the idea that tho old dame was his guardian angel of good luck. and this 1 impression took so firm a hold 1 upon liis mind that, when he removed to Chambersstreet, he, in person took up the old woman's box, and removed her to the front of his new establishment. In further illustration of Air. .Stewart's faith ill tlie Irish traditional belief in "lucky" and "unlucky" persons it may be mentioned that alter the completion of the St. Nicholas Jlotel, an undertaking in which ho was largely interested, and when the building was just about to bo opened for the reception of guests, the millionare, standing in tho drawingroom, ejaculated ; "It is now finished ; 1 hope us tirst visitors may be lucky people." A gentleman present, who heard of Mr. Stewards cire for the aged ap- ; pie vender, remarked, "I presume, sir, i you do not in reality care about lucky i or unlucky persons," to which he lm- 1 mediately replied, Indeed, J do. There ] are persons who are unlucky. I sometimes open a case of goods and sell the , first from il to some persou who is uu- I lucky and lose on it to the end. I * frequently see persons to whom 1 ! would not sell if 1 could avoid it." ] Tin? Financial Chronicle, which relleets the opinions of the solid business ' men of New York city, thus speaks of ' lion. George S. Bout well, the new .Secretary of the Treasury: "Now in Mr. 1 Soulwell we have an ollicer whose public record and private character are equally without reproach, lie is too honest to use the vast powers of the Treasury to disturb financial affairs, either from caprice, or with a view to make money lor himself or his friends. He is too wise to recommend or adopt any timid, halting or narrow policy. At critical junctures of the money market every fibre of the body politic thrills in response to the doings of the Secretary of the Treasury, and it is because of Air. Boutweira proved fitness for the special task intrusted to him that his appointment is bailed with such general satisfaction and confidence. It is announced that the venerable Gideon Welles, late Secretary of the Navy, is about to undertake a journey to Europe. ?p?ial pottos. ALLCOCH POKOUM PLAHTEK. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Cold Feet, Pain )f tho Chest, of the Bide, Braises and acci" p lents, especially of tho Hplne, also chronic 1 veakneps or afl'ectlon theieof, Sore Throat, Varicose Veins, and even in the affections . )f tho Heart, this celebrated plaster has i>een otitic! to afford immediate and permanent e!lef. Dr. J. \V. Johnson, of Hartford, writes: ^ At tills moment of writing, a man ar ipplies for one, who, by entanglement In Lhe shaft of machinery, had both his legs jroken, spine severely injured, and was for in nearly a year entirely helpless. This man jjj found relief very soon by tho application of the Porous Plasters. Ho was soon enabled bs to work, and now he labors as well as ever." jjj Letter from Dr. Fuller, of JPeekafelll. Ki Thomas Allcock A Co.?Gentlemen: Since ny severe accident I have used as an appli- qu ?tiou to tho bruised parts your admirable -p Plaster. It has had an excellent effect, soothing N ivhile drawing out tho soreness and sustainng and strengthening the part upon which B I is applied. E. D. FULLER. Pekkskill, Oct. 5,18G3. JJ Allcock'a Porous Plasters aro sold by all Druggists. Principal Agency, llrandroth House, Now York. marlU>lmd<&w " 1802. 1847! 1868. J In 1S02 tho grandfather of Dr. Tobias Cc utrodured t he Venetian Liniment in Engand. It was a success, although tho price B ivas a guinea a bottle. His late Majesty, N; William IV., used it for Chronic RheumaIsm, and was entirely cured after suffering J or two years, his attending physician being ^ inable to effect a cure, and he wrote a letter >f thanks, which Is now In possession of ray incio, in Liverpool. I have offered *100 iterling for the letter, but it was refused. In 847 I put it out in the United States, and H iow, in 1SG9 the Hale is immense. Thousands M )f families are never without it. It is safe ind luuocent to apply externally, and to E ako luternally. For twenty-one yoars I m tiave warranted it to cure the following :omplaints: Cholera, Dlarrlioa, Dysentery J Jroup, Colic, Cramps, Vomiting and Bea- M sickness, taken internally; and Chronic Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Bruises, Old Sores, Toothache, Frosted Feet, Swellings, Insect Btings, and Pains In Chest, Back and Limbs, externally. It never fails, if used as E lirected. For Cholera and Dysentery it is ;ertaln, if used when firit attacked. No one JJ >nce trying it will over bo without it. Hold ^ >y the Druggists. Price, 50 cents and one lollar. Depot, 10 Park Place, N. Y. marlO lmd&w VICTORY. \ CONQUEST INHTANT AND KUIiLIMK. ? J'er spiteful Nature and o'er blighting Time! N Hair white or gray, or rod as sunset's sky, Assumes a Black or Brown that cliaims the It eye, ! Beneath the spoil of CUISIODOKO'S DYE. Jj Cristadoro's Hair Preservative m A.ND BKAUTIF1 Kit.?Tbis famous prepar:ilion is guaranteed to preserve the hair in *! its full beauty and luxuriance throughout M I1IU. XI IUB liuii 1.1 mm, n iiiiknuim it, u * ? ?? mil dead-looking, it gives It n magnificent nf ;lo3s. it is warranted to remove scurf aud Jandrnll', prevent the lialr falling off", restore qm it In l?ald spots, cause it to curl, and keep it re in splendid order under all circumstances, m md in all climates. Bold lty Druggists, and applied by all Hair Dressers. .Manufactory No.68 Maiden iJine, Principal Depot No. (? Astor House. marlD-lmd&w W STEELING SILVER V/AIIE AND FIXE ELGCTRO>X>LATEI? WARE. >i THK UOIIHAM MANUFACTURING CO., ' OF PROVIDENCE, K. I., having the largest manufactory of Solid Silver Ware in tho m world, with the most improved machinery, and employing the most skilled labor,/ue enabled to otter an unequalled variety of new and beautiful designs In Dinner 8er- U vices, Tea Services, and every article special- cc ly adapted for Holiday and Bridal Gifts. er They offer also their well-known and un- is rivalled Nickel Silver Electro-Plated Ware, er in which they have introduced new pat- ol terns of rare elegance. Tho Solid Silver is tli guarantee! to hoof sterling purity by U. S. re Mint assay. Tho Electro-Plate is guaran- in In tho fltindt W ware. Orders received from the Trade only, w but theso goods may l>o obtained from re- gc sponsible dealers everywhere. e\ Triulf Murk ?-r-? rxn Triulo "NV A. ft ^ RltTfro Jn J'iitto. rn UOKIIAM. MAiN UFACTUK1NU CO., ri Salesroom No. 3 Maiden Lane, N. Y. ot nov3>d?&w4%m ^ ^ Happy Marriages. m' Esroiys for Yonng Men, on tlie Krrors, d< Abuses and Diseases, which create imped I- bt montH to Marriage, with the hurauno view J1 of treatment and cure, M>nt In Realod lotter envelopes, fieo of charge. Address, ITOWA!?> ASSOC IATION, Box P, Philadelphia. U: Pa. JawiO-SmdAw II 7 "** * w ^^^jvE^ Lf/rCILIAN " QgMsiiZMEWER. | DISEASE OF THE SCALP hi PRODUCE GIIA.Y HAIRANDBALDNKaS! tli The use of JJj IIAI.L'M VEUETAUI.E ?* SICILIAN HAIR REN EWER * sa will restore It to its natural color and pro- w mote its growth. ^ Our Treatise on tho Hair sent free by mall, su R. P. HALL A CO., Nashua, N. H., Pro- tL prietors. febZMmeodd&w JJJ BUCHU. t I From Dispensatory of tho United states.] rf? DIOSMA CRENATA?BUCHU LEAVES jn Properties.?'Their odor Is strong, dlflu- pi slve, and somowb at aromatic, their taste bit- W terish, and analogous to mint. tl? medical Properties and Uses.?Bnclm hj leaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar w tendency to the Urinary Organs. W They are given in complaints of the Url- h< tiary Organs, such as UraveT, Chronic Ca- w tarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of tl: Lhe Bladder aud Uretha, Disease of the Pros- sij Irate (iland, and Retention or Incontinence e<] Df Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts ax! concernod in its evacuation. The remedy ca lias also been recommended In Dyspepsia, fo 1 " 1 ' PnlnnnnilU A I'VipflnllH Ol Exud Dropsy. ' cc Helmhold'c Extbacjt Bucnu Is used by persons from the ages of 18 to 25, and from ge So to 55, or in the decline or change of life; at after Confinement, or Labor Pains; Bed- co Wetting in children. cl. In atrections peculiar to females, the Ex- K tract Buclin is unequaled by any other remedy. as in Chlorosis,or Retention, Irregularity, Painfullness or Suppression of Customary ? Evacuations, Ulcerated or?chirrous stato of the Uterus, Deucorrhea, or Whites. DlHEASEH OF THK ELADDER, kldneyfl, UlCAVEIi, AND DROPSICAIj HWELLIMOS,?This medicine increases tho power of Digestion, find excites the Absorbents Into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous "C iepositions, and all Unnatural Enlargein eats are reduced, as well as Pain and In- m Humiliation. p HELMHOLn's Extract Bdciid has cnred * ' every case of Diabetes in which Jt has l>eeu ] given. Irritation of the Neck, of the Bladder, and Inllummation of the Kidneys. Ulcerati ?n of the Kidneys and Bladder, Retention of Urine, Diseases of the Prostrate Uland, Btone in the Bladder, Calculus-. Uravel, Brick-Dust, Deposit, and Mucus or Milky Discharges, and for enfeebled and ? rtotietlmtinna. nf hoLh hatrn. Attend* r* wl with tho following symptoms : Indisposi- J tton to Exertion, 1 ^oss of Power, Loss of to Memory, Dllticulty of Breathing, Weak Bt Nerves, rrerabllug, Horrorof Disease, wake- ot fulness. uiuiness of Vision, Pain in tne ] Bscfe, hot Hands, Flushing of the ljody, ? Drj ness or the Bklu, Eruption oil tho b ace, railUl Conntenanee. Universal .Wissitude of the Muscular System, Ac. 1 IIEijM hoi.d's Extract Buchu la Diuretic JL and Blood Purifying, and cures all Diseases < arising irom liaolts of dissipation, excesses -* and imprudences la life, Impurities ot the ' Blood, Ac , superseding Copaiba in affections o forwhlcn it is used, sucTi as lionorrb<ea, " tilectsof longstanding, and8yphllitic Aflec- ' tions?in tbeae diseases, uned in connection with Hrlmno j/d's Kosk Wash. Sold by all Deuggists ana dealers every- J where, Beware of counterfeit*. Ask for ~~ Hohnbold's. Take no other. Price?$1 25 per bottle, or G bottles for 1650. Delivered to _ any address. Describe symptoms iu all communications. Address O H.T.HELMBOLD. O? 691, Broadway, N. Y. _J None are genuine unless done up in steelengraved wrapper, with fac-slmhe of my Chemical Warehouse, and signed n h. tThklmbold, 4 febl5-eoddAeoww ffpKial jgotftig. A "T=P -rz?"Vr"7C=^ ROPITLACTIC FLUID! CHALLENGE TO THE WORLD! Wo challenge the world to produce a betr or a stronger recommendation for any tide lor any purpose than the following: Novkmbku 1st, 18GS We very cheerfully nnlte our testimony favor of the great merits of the valuable alnfectant manufactured by Prof. Darby, id known as DARBY'd PROPHYLACTIC LUID. Prom the reputation of Prof. Darr as a scientific gentleman, from our own lowledge of this preparation, and from the neral esteem in which it Is held wherever iownt wo have no hesitation In reco friending it as one of the most valuable msehold articles with which wo are aclalnted. :ev. H. N. McTyiere, D. D., ashvllle, Tenu., Bisliop M. E. Church, South. :ev. A. A. Lipscomb. D. D., Athens, Ga., Chancellor University of (Ja. :ev. Richard Poller, D. D., Baltimore, Md., Pastor Baptist Church. res. P. A. Chadbourne, Madison. Wis.. Pres. Univ. of Wis* oseph Le Conte, M. D., >lumbla, B. C., Prof. Cliom. and Ueology, Univ. ol 8. C. Lev. T. O. Summers, D. D., ashvlllo, Tenn., Book Ed. Kouth Melli. Pub. House. I. T. Brumby, arietta, lia., formerly Prof. Cliem. Univ. Ala. and H. V. lev. J. M. Bonn ell, Macon, Ua., Pres. of Wes. Fem. College. lev. W. C. Bass, aeon, Oa., Prof. Nat. Hcleucos, Wes. Fem. College. [on. Thomas H. Watts, ontgomery, Ala., Ex-Uovornor State ol Alabama. lev. I. T. Ticlmor, ontgomery, Ala.. Pastor First llaptist Church. I. B. Davis, Esq., Montgomery, Ala., Merchant. lev. L. M. Smith, D. D., Oxford, Ga., President Emory College. lev. A. G. Stacy, larlotto, N. C., Pres. Meek. Female Colltge, lev. . P. Pierce, D. D., Sparta, Ua., Bishop M. E. Church, Bouth. [on. Alex. H. Stephens, CrawforilsvllJo, (in. lev. C. D. Elliott, D. D., ashvlllo, Tenn., Pres. Nashville Female Academy. lov. G. W. F. Prico, rasfeegee, Am., 1'res. tqh. remainLuut^e, lev. J. Hamilton, D. D., oblle, Ala., Pastor Franklin Bt. M. K, Church, South. lev. A. T. Mann, D. D., emphis, Tonn., Pastor M. K. Church, South This list might be increased to lnclade the lino of almost every miiu, woman and illd in theSouthern States. We have only veu a few of tbo more prominent, whom erybody known, and whose opinions they (rpect. For t-alo by overy druggist and country erchaut. Orders filled by the proprietors, JOHN DAItUT A CO., 101 Wllllamfi Street, N. Y. WSold bv IjAUU HLIN, HMITII A CO., 'heeling, W. Va. inarm WALTHAM BATCHES. i) Buyers oi' Watches Everywhere. The greater part of the Jewelers of the nited States keep Waltliam Watches, and irdlally recommend (hem to their custom8, notwithstanding the fact that less prollt made on tlieso watches than on any oths generally sold by the trade. Tho reason tills is, that the roputation or tho Wal lam Watch renders it an oosy sale, and tlic suit 1h, that, although tho dealer does not ake hk much money on eacli individual atch as ho may on the Hale of other atch03, lie Is still tho galuer through larir and livelier Hales. There aio Rome, bowror among the trade, who do not give the rallham Watch tho hearty support which deserves. Tftis portion of tho trade fancy icre iH more money to be made by dealing i watches about which tho public are Jguo,rit, and in which there is lass competition, id are content to make an occasional sale such watcnesat a large profit. It is thin ass of dealers who, whou asked about raltham Watches, use that kind of lanlage which leads the customer to buy Just icli a watch as Is tho most profitable for the jalor to hoII. For tho information of persons about to ry a watch, and who may be unfavorably Tec ted by tho representations of tbono uniendly to our watches, we call attention to 10 following suggestions: Him-e tho manufacture of watchcs was Inlalod at Walthain, tho Company have iado and sold about '100,000 watcho*. In rery town and village or the country some earer of a Walthain Watch may be found, ot tho party about to buy ask this owner of 1 American Watch this quosLlon : 11 AH YOUK WATCH CilVKN YOU HAT faction ? We are not afraid to advise those wishing buy a watch to guide themselves by tho lswer. Being rationed as to the quality of io watch, tho buyer has now only to sat isfy ,niseif that the Walthain Watchesare THK rlKAPEST as well as tho best. On this ?ad wo have a few words to say: It is a well known fact in manufacturing, tut the greater the number of articles anufactured by ouo establishment, tho nailer will be the cott of each individual tide. Keeping this in view, our policy is always neen to sell our products at tho west possible price in order to secure large lea, and thus enable us to manufacture atches at a minimum cost. WK BKIKVE IN HMAIiLi PROFITS AND A A.RUK BUSINKBtt. ThU policy we have icceesfully carried out, ana tho result is, iat to-day we manufacture twice as many atches as all the other factories in the Uni * ? W (i oiaie? jpui? u^dmjci. f?c m*.., w.v.v"'>? ford to tell Cheaper than they do. and actually ) tell Ttventy-Jlve per cent Cheaper than they > quality for quality. We would farther remark that In increasg our production we have constantly iraoved Its QUALITY AND ITS VAKIETy. re have had therefuBal of nearly all invenjns Intended to improve time-pieces, and we adopted all those, and those only, hicli have proved to be really valuable. re have retained in our employment every )sd of a department we have ever had hose services were of any importance to e Company, and oar present corps of dejners and master mechanics caunol bo [ualed in this or any other country. In iditiou to this we make gold and silver sea, not only for our own movements, but r those of other factories, ours being the ily establishment that turns out watches mplcte in every respectAs these Watches are lor sale by the trade nerally throughout the United States, and a retail profit made: most reasonable by mpetitlon, the Company invariably deIne orders of a retail character. OKB1NS) APPI.Kl'ON, Uen'l Aff^tfi 18a Broadway, N. IT, fob'S-2 mil Aw [JACINTHS & GLASSES. ^ FINE ASSORTMENT, Jlist recelvod at '?o?1 R. HnilKTMO'S. 1IIK MEMBERS OF THE JOINT COM 111 ottlin lota I onlnlaliira investigate matters pertaining to the ate Penitentiary, will meet at Mounduville i Monday, tlie 171h day of May, i860. mayS?dfrwtd Jt'HN M. PHKL.F3. Teas and Tobaccos. nn half-chests a. p. y. h. and 4\J Oolong Teas, freeh Imported. ia boxes Ola Virginia Navy Tobacco. W Caddies Old Virginia ttpnn Tobacco. 10 boxes Old Virginia Twist and Bright unda. fa boxes Monitor, Is and >A*t Navy. ? boxes Russell's Honoy Lew 10s. In Blare and for sale by HOWKLL, BLOOMKIEI.D <6 CO. lanfl Bedcords. DST KECEIVKD AND FOR BALK AT reduced prices, Kitty Do?en Hemp Bed. rnartl CHAH. H. KKRRY. Common Lime. nn BBL8. WB3T WHEELING LIMB Ull in barrels* P.O.H1LDRKTH4BRO. gw ^flwtrttsewfotis. PITrSBDRGH, WHEELING, AJ"> ^|?Sl? Patatog Daily Steam Packet Line. 8TEAHEK ItATABD, Oapt. Geo. D. Moore, leaves Wheeling 'for Marietta and Parkershurg, every Monday and Thursday night at 9 o'clock. 1 8TEAHKR FAYETTE, Capt. R. C. Mason, every Tuesday and Friday night at? o'clock. KTEANER ?RKY EAGLE, Capt. C. Lt. 15 k en nan, every Wednesday and Hatnrday night at 'J o'clock. NTKAHEB FAYE1TE, Leaves Wheeling for Pittsburgh every Monday and Thursday morning at 7 o'clock. NTEA.1IER UKEY EAGLE, Every Tuesday and Friday morning at 7 o'clock. NTEASIEB HAYAKD. Every Wednesday and Hatnrday morning at 7 o'clock. For freight or passage apply to THOH. H. MONO, Agent, Office 34 Monroe atreet. NOTICE?Passengers aud shippers should preserve this advertisement for future reference. For Rent. HOUHK WITH SEVEN KOOM3, BATH Itoom, witli Btable attached, Hituauul la a pleasant part of the city. Has a nice fiout yard and everything: convenient. For further particulars enquire of K. P. HUBBARl), At Hubbard A Bro'n, Market Htreet. nnu2Q-2t J^ROWN A 1I1UU1KN, 127 Main St., Wheeling, W. Va., PHOTOGRAPHERS, And Dealers in FOREIGN & AMERICAN CHROMOS, Plctnro Friimn, I'lclnre Nnlln ror?l null TnHnplN. Purlor llrnrkPln, do. SQUARE Fit A M ICS MADK TO ORDER. N. II.?(Jallery will be open lu ttie cvnnlnjf. marl!) Flour, Flour. PA BARRELS BALTIC BEHT MADE. iHJ 100 do. Uebbart'u wmte wneau 100 do. Ked Winter Wheat. 100 do. Bakers. . 100 do. Ldlly Wlilte. 300 do. Family aud Kxtra reliable brands. All offered at lowest declined price by ina>20 L.LST, MOKKiHON A CO. Buckwheat Flour. 511AUREL9 for sale cheap. inargQ LIST, MOKKISON A CO. Oxtoby & Duffield, CrZETsfiriEIIliIEIR/S, 103 Main Street, n; hikkcii antv hank. Have In store a large Htock of AmerlleanA Hwihs Watches, gold and silver; one and eight day Clocks, Of every style and J price; handsome Jewelry setts of latest and tuuhUinnhle do igiis; Solid h 11 vor and Plated Ware; Hold, Hll vor una Steel Spectacle*; Gold i'euH huU I'eucilH; ami Fancy UoodH jienorally; ClockH and wpeciaclt-M sold at wholesale and retail. Wo buy all our goods direct from manufacturer* and importers. Special attention ttfveu to the repair of i Watches, ClockH, J ew elry and ispeclacIcm, and all work guaiaitteed. . , . Solo Agents for Urovor<fc Baker's improved Family Sewlug MachtneN, a macliiuo which lias stood tweninar-'O ty yeara' test GET THE BEST. Webster's MriM Dictionary. 3000 Eiiyrravlngs; 1S404*akc9 <|anrlo. l*rlce ;$1S. 10,000 HV)r</.* nwf Meanings not in other Dictionaries. Vlewod as a whole, weare confldont that , 110 other llvlug language na? a dictionary which ho lolly and faithfully beta forth its present condition as this last edition of Web, ster docs that of our written and spoken .English tongue.?Harjtcr's Magazine 'these three hooks are the sum total of great librariet: the Bible, tfhakspcare, and Webster's Hoy at Quarto.? Chicago Kvening Journal. The JNkw w*i?8tek is glorious?It is perfect?it distances aud defies competition?it - leaves nothing to he desired.?J. II. Raymond, IjL. IK, Pres't Vassar College. The most useful and remarkable eomjtendium of human /cnou'ledge in our language.? IF. 6'. Clark, l*residvnt Mats. Agricultural College. Welistcr'sNatioiial Pictorial Dictiouary 1010 JPoetch Octavo. OOO EngrrAvlnif*. 1'rlce $tt. "The work is really a gem of a Dictionary, Just the thing f< r the million."?American A'dueationul Monthly "I11 many respocts tli is Dictionary is the most convenient ever published."?Rochester Democrat. "Asa manual of reference, it Is eminently fitted for use 111 families and schools."?iV. Y. Tribune. It iBallogollior me nest treasury 01 woruu of Us size which the English language has ever possessed."?Hartford I'rcxx. Published by <J. A.C. MKKKIAM, Springflekl, Mass. iaari'U__ HOUSEKEEPERS! HOUSEKEEPERS! Mon Women and Children ! Men Women?and ObiidrenI BEAD?READ. "Cooling to Scalds and Burns," 'Hoothlng to all palnfnl wounds. Ac." "Healing to all Bores, Ulcers, Ac." COSTAR'S BUCKTHORN SALVE Is the most extraordinary salve ever known, its power of Soothing and Healing for all Cuts, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Chapped Hands and Skin, for Sore Nipples, for Plies, Ac., Ac.?is without a parallel. One person says of it, "I would not be without a Box in my House, if it cost 55.00, or I had to travel all the way to New York for it,"? iV. V. Evening News, Sept 6. All Druggists in WHEELING sell it. "COSTAR'S" r?i 3. JJ dianuaru ric uaiatiuua ARE Hid BEAUTI FIERI THE Bittor-Sweet & Orango Blossoms One Bottle, 11,00?Tliree for 12.00. HIS "ContAr's" Hut, Roseb, Ac., External* mon, "Coalar'B" Bed Bnc Kil?railnM?ra. "I'onmr'B" (only pare) Idmci rosder. "Only Imalllule remedies known." "IK years eatabllalieu In Mew York." "O linn KnToo qtiH Vina Ira mnnnfa nfn ml datlv ? !!! Beware!!! ofspurious imitations." "All Drugglgts in WHEELING *ell them.* Address **uostab," 10 Crosby St. N. Y." Or John F. Hknrt, (Successor to) Dvmas Uabnks a Co.,21 Park kow, N. Y. Sold in WHEELING, W. Va? by T. H. LOfcLAN A Co. LAUGH LJN, SMITH A OO., and EDMUND IjUCKlNG. mar20-Iy For St. LoalN, Galena, Dnbnqne, Has* catlne, Davenport and St. Paul. Saturday, March 20th. ?? _ The A No. 1 Passenger Steamer i^ffSjtMESdHNQEK. Capt. Jesse Dean, dESBSSkwlll leave wheeling for above poinut direct, on Saturday, 20th Inst. For passage only enquire of T.H. MONO, Agent. marl0-2t Office 31 Monroe street. | j|tw QamMtmtnts. WASHINGTON HALL. This Afternoon, at 2 o'clock, THE ORE AT SENSATIONAL DRAMA Of LANCASHIRE LASS ! Kuth Kerhy - - Mias Annie Hkfton, In tho Evening, NICIv OF THE WOODS To concluUo with tho JPTJLttD Q,TXIE-EUST! Admission, 50 cents. Reserved Seats, 75 cf#? Seats secured at Hall from 10 a. m. till 1 p. m. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at 7%. maigQ W. REED. Bnwlness Manager. Proposals. Office ofthk City Ci.krk, 1 Wif gklino, w. VA., March 17, 186a. f PROPOSALS WI LI. ilE RECEIVED AT tills office until 3 o'clock p. M. on Moodav, March 22d, viz : For renting the city Scales for tho whole, and also a separate hid for renting each Scale. Tho Council will decide the bids according to the best interest of the city. Also, for keeping the Town Clock In re| pair. Also, for hauling coal to Water Works, j marlO Ht H. F. FKENY, City Clerk. JMOVIUU. ovkrskkrs of thk poor, 1 Clerk's offick, March i?, 1889. j An adjourned meeting ok the Board of Overseers of the Poor will ?>e held at the Court Houho on Saturday, tlie 27tli day of Marcli, 1869. All persons having claims against the county, contracted by the members of the Board during the last year, will file the same In this office on or l?efore that dato. Proposals from Physicians for attending and furnishing medicines to the paupers at the Poor Mouse and city townships, including Riictalo,will also be received. by order of the Board. mar20-3t JOHN C. PORTER. Cleric. Property for Sale in Wellsburg, W. Va. Desirous of going west, the undersiRued offers for sale desirable property in Wellsburg?two good Brick store Rooms and a first class Dwelling House,with vacant lots. The dwelling, if not sold, will be rented with or without furniture. The right to repair outside will be reserved. The subscription for the extension of the Panhandle liallroad through the place having been completed, this Is rendered desirable property in niauy respects. mar2D-2l CAMPBELIj TARR. SPRING GOODS! JOHN H. STALLMAN, (SUCCESSOR TO JOIIN T. LAKIN A CO.) MERCHANT TAILOR i AND DKALKKIN O 3^ N TIJ E M F, N'S Furnishing Goods, No. 25. Monroe Streef, WIIEELINO,W. VA., RKHPEOTKUMjY INVITED THE ATtention or bis patrons and the pnblio generally, to his now and elegant stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, VESTINGS, &c. Also keeps on liana a largo variety m Gentlemen's Famishing Goods, rousisting or 8I1IRTM, IIANDRKRCHIKKA COLLARS, HOSIERY, CU FFH, UNDKRCLOT1ILNO Ac., Ac., Ac. All of which will he sold at nu EXCEKDINUhY hUW FIUURK. JOIIH II. NTAI.LMAN. marl tf-ly Vinedressers. milKEE YODNU SWI8SMEN, WITHL out families, Intelligent and industrious, want situations as Vinedressers, or will take charge of a Vineyard on any terms not requiring capital. They understand the business thoroughly. Apply to J. H. DIRS DEBAR. marlK-8t l'arkershurg, W. Va. TVT /\4"J r% a XI Ubll/O. rilllE ANN DAI. MRETING OF THE L Htockholders In Greenwood Cemetery for tlio election of Directors, will l>e held at tlio office of the Secretary on Thursday, the US til Inst., l>etweeu the hours of 'J and 5 o'clock i*. sr. K. U.BON HAM, _marl8-td_ Hecretary. Dissolution of Partnership. THK FIRM OF A. W. FAULT, A CO. WAH thin day dissolved by mutual couHent, .John Morgan, Jr., retiring. Marcll 10,ISfitf. A. W. FA DLL A CO. \ The business will be continued by the undersigned, under tlio Kame name am heretofore. A. \V, PADLL. maris J. F. PAUI-.L. W^HSTTIEID. TWO (2)GOOD JODRNEYMEN TAILORB and onu Hewing Uirl; Steady employment and good wages will he glvien^ maris -lw No. CI* Main Htreet. Q E T YOUR PICTURES FRAMED -AT- ' E. L. NICOLL & CO.'S, Market St., Opposite MP I. lire Hoiiho. maris CARPETS! J. & G. MENDEL & CO. Are now recolvlng their Spring Stock of Carpets, &c., And are prepared to offer as good Block and at as low prices as any other house in the Trade. They have all the new styles of Brussels, 3 Flys, 2 FJys and best assortment of Ingrain CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND WINDOW SHADES. In the Market. tfUKJNlTUKE. Tlioy have also the lirtjest HlocS .of Karnltare In tbo city. PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, DININO-ROOM SUITS. And all styles of Farnltnro In the market, bo til of THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, Cincinnati and other matcro. They Invite an examination of their choice stock; J. & a. MENDEL & CO., 126 11 ft In Ktreef, WHEELING, W. VA. P. S.?Undertaking Promptly Attended to. grnrio Hydraulic Cement. 1 Aft BBLfl. HUDSON RIVER CESCKNT LUU the best In use. P. C. HJLDRKTH * HHP. Plaster Paris. r A BBL8. CALCINED PLASTER PA KIM OU (fUoonli Mllis). JP. C. HILDRETH ? BRO. fflmftatit gatttfrfpg. AM ADAMS OFFERS 1118 STORE-ROOM FOR HALE or rent from the 1st of April, 18C9. COST, COST, ANU BELOW; And will soli His Ready Made Clothing AT COST, TO CLOSE OUT lteforo ho removes to his new stnml ON MONUOB 8TREEU Jna 19 g*lj <3ooa?. _ BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! NOW OFPERINCt, FINEST 10-4, U-4. 12-4 White Wool Blankets -A-T COST. ALSO Flno French Merino, worth 11, for 75 oentii. Fine French Merino, worth 91 25 for SI 00. Flue French Empress Poplin for only 05 cts Fine English Merino for only 45 cts. Fine Mohair Dretu Goods, worth 50 cts for 25, All other Dress Goods at reduced price. FURS! FUKS!! I am closing out my stock of .Ladies' and Children's Furs at COST. Shawls, Knit Breakfast Capes and Hoodi at REDUCED PRICES. CARPET CHAIN. A superior quality of 4 and 5 ply Cotton Carpet Chain, the best In the market. A full assortment of all kinds or Domestic Goods, of the best^Fabric and Latest Style al tbo LOWEST MABKET PHICE. All who nro In search of OOOD BAK(1AJNH will do well to give ine ? call befor< buying elsewhere. '1EKMK?Nett Ciuili. Small Pronto, ani) Quick Hales, at HENRY ROEMER'S, No. SO, Eaat Side Main and Blddle ?U Centre Wheeling. J anil First Stock of Spring Goods. I17EARENOW RECEIVING OUR Firs Yy Stock of Fashionable Dry Goods. We commence the season with a determi nation to do a much larger trade than ever With an Increased number of salesmen, anc largest Block: of Fashionable Goods in th< city, at NOTORIOUSLY LOW PRICES, W< must succeed. J. 8. RHODES A CO. TITl-i -J *D T.'a VV XX AIU 4. .JUL O. oc: PIECES WHITE.PIQ.UES AT EVER! At) PRICK. Just opened. mario J. B. RHODES A CO. MORE NEW GOODS! GOOD QUALITY ROSSIA CRASB AT 12) 3 CENTS PEK YARD. IMOUK HUCK TOWELJ? AT ZL CENTS EACH. Spring Shtfwls, New Style LINEN II A N D U E K C 11 I E F N AT 12S CENTS EACH. Plaid Nanuooks, Scotch Cambrics &c Jiibi received by J. II. SMITH, mnif? No. 12*2 Main Street. SELLING GOODS _A-T COST! WJMH1NU TO REDUCE A LARUE Mtock or ALL KINDS OF WINTER GOODS French Merinos, Poplins, Delaines, Alpaccas Flannels, Shawls, Cloaks. Balmoral**,Undershirts and Drawera, Blankets, Coverlldn. Cloths, Cash! meres, Jeans, FURS OF ALL KINDS Also a latgo stock of Calicos, Mnsllns Table Linens. Hhlrtiug Linens, Hheoting Muslins, Ac,, Ac. ALSO CARPETS! CARPETS! Wool, Brussels, Hemp, Cottage, Listing Huga, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Ac., Ac. Col'd Carpet Chains, Cotton Yarns. Batting Ac., at OLD PRICES, lor CASH, at JOHN BOEMEB'S, 3Vob. 31 A; 33 Main Street. Jftn22 1868. Fall and Winter. 1869, THE IjAHGKHT, THE BEST. AMD The Cheapest LOT OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AMD NOTIONS IK THE CITY IB AT FISHER & SEAMON'S lis MAIS STREET, aep24 NEW ABBANGEMENT. IN ADDITION TO MY IMMENSE STOCK of Hats and Caps for Wholesaling, I have fitted up my first floor for doing t Fashionable Retail Trade. And now offer at GREATLY KKDUCRI FK1CKH, an unusually large stock of First Class Hats and Caps. Bought with great care recently In New York for cash. Hiarl3 HAW*jl It. PUATHRR: Cheese. r* r box E? choice factory. /j,) J oat received by _ ljht. morrison a co. Gold Wanted. H1BHB8T RATES PAID FOR UOLI Silver mud Coupons. novl'J UsT, MORRISON A CO. For Cincinnati, LonUvllle A St. Loah. .The fine Passenger Bteamer K. K. HUDSON, Capt. J. T. Haskell, will leave a* above, Bat aril ay, tho2uth ! Inst., at 3 o'clock r. m.For freight or paartage apply on board or to BOOrif7BATTJ5LL.E A CO., marl9-2t AgeiiUj. Jot gent. For Bent, The stobe-room occupied ky Memrs. Wm. Hnmner A C< 1., known as tli? Wlieeler A Wilson Sewing Machlnn office, and situated No. M Main direct. [ ,,, partlca'arsa^yw WM HDMNER A c<( mar!9-tf To Let. THE BUIL13INO, No. 46 MAIN feTREKT. now occupied by Korbee & Hawlny. ,ilft flnjt 0f April. Apply to marlS-tf W. L. McA KKK. For Rent. Store: room in fruit hodhk. i\*. session given on Qfflt day of April. AIho rooms In the main building, with cellar capacity to store apples or potatoes. ^Enquire of J. K. BOT8FOKD. marl6-tf For Bent. A BRICK HOUSE ON WHEELING Island, containing Blx roomit, and pleasantly situated. Also rooms suitable for offices. In laj new building on Monroe street. Apply soon to 1>B. E. A. H1LDRETH. Fourth Street, opposite Court Houso. , mar!5-lw Pop Rent: , A FIKST KATE BUSINESS BOOM UN ODUFELLOW'S HALL, MONROE ST. Potion given I marl I Real Estate Agent For Rent. SEVERAL NEW BUSINESS ROOMS IN (Jrant House Block?new addition. Ja27tf LEWIS* WOODM A NHKF. i For Rent. A DWELLING HOUSE ON ZANE street, near new church, containing seven rooms, bath room, improved kitchen range hot and cold water, all in first rate order Apply to GREER A LAINU. Jan5 &m Jfalt. For Sale. A ONE HORSE POWER ENGINE ANI> Holler, will be sold separate or together In<iuire at ^5 Monroe Street, over Moug's I Oyster Depot. marlS-i^ For Sale, Valuable Property SITUATED ON RANDOLPH ST., MAKTlN'd FERHY, Ohio, consisting ol two lota, upon which I* a good two-story Briofc House containing six rooms and an excel1 lent cellar. There Is also on the premise** i? good stable. , For particulars enquire on tne premise*. ma"S1W JOHN REYNKK. Fire Engines For Sale. THE CITY OF WHEELING OFFERS for sale four (-1) Hand Fire Engines, four (i Reels and a lot of old Leather Hose, on very 1 reasonable terms. A rare opportunity Is offered ror towns in this vicinity to purchase Ore apparatus hi very low figures. Apply to THOS.J. BLAIR, Chairman Com. on Fire Department. marlB-lw For Sale. ANE?35 H. P. ENGINE, BOILER AND U Smoke Stack. One set or Nail Keg Machinery, all In complete running order, t Will be sold separate or together. For particulars call on or address rUKDY, HOGAN A CO., marll-2w Monndsvllle, W. Va. I For Sale. AK1NKELEOANTTWO STORY Kranic Dwelling with nine rooms, good cellar aud wash house, all in good order. The most desirable situation for a hotel stand in the town of Moundsville. close to the depot, f on the second bank fronting the Ohio river, and convenient to the Court House, with shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes, Ac. will be ... ? > /?Oiof Vtnrt Hnnm I DUIU Ut MID . Tuesday, tlie 30tb of March, 1860; If not dinposed of before that time. For particular* apply io John M. Armstrong, on the premise!!, or at Kobt McConnelTs law office. nmHitB JOHN M. ARMSTRONG. For Sale Cheap. THK FOLLOWING SIZES, SECOND Hand Steam Engines and Boilers: One lt? Inch Cylinder, A feet stroke. 44 14 14 44 4 feet ?. 12 M ? 4 feet " 7 44 44 16 Inch 44 44 7 44 44 14 Inch 44 good ?s new. Ono 5Yx Inch Cylinder, 20 Inch stroke. One Tubular Boiler, good as new. One l>ouble-Flned Boiler. S2 In. by 14 feet. One Upright Single Flued Boiler, 41 lu i>y 10 feet. Also our tliree story brick building, :?2 fen by 70 feet, with two lots attached on, wotMtei street. Centre Wheeling. Apply to marf.-lm HOBB8. TA\ IXJR A CO. * For Sale Cheap. ONE OFFICE DESK, 4% feet long. One Burnaide Stove aud Pipe. Two Small Stoves. One Kiuare upright Show Caso. One Counter, 14 feet long. Windows, Doors, Mantels, Ac. ? Apply soon to LOUAN, LIST, CO., ' mar!3 Bridge Corner. To Manufacturers and Coal Dealers. PUBLIC SALE. ' A T THE FRONT BOOK OF THE COUKT J\_ Hoa?e, W nee ling, W. Vs., on Saturday. April 10th, 1E69, at 10 o'clock a. m., that vh:uable coal property belonging to Kobert ?;. Woods and Wm. H. Woods, situated :t miltabove the City of Wheeling, on the KaM side of the Ohio River. The upper tract contains 21 acres of aurfiace land, with a coal privilege of 121X acres: the tract adjoining. , 31 acres of surface, with 74 acres of coal. t?u the latter tract is a good tenement hon^and outbuildings, with water sufficient f??? manufacturing purposes. This property i' especially adapted for a mill site, the coai. n alx (#) feet vein; outcropping 160 feet above low water mark. Plats or the above will be furnished and information given by Kobert B. WotxK Esq., Recorder, Wheeling; W. Va. f Terms, made known on day of Bale. GEO. E. WICKH AM. marI5?lm Auctioneer. Trustee's Sale. Rlf VIRTDE OF A DEE1> OF TRUST m oxucuxn 10 mo oy unarm w. Ben?"'r and wife, dated the lint day of February. A. D., 1868, and of record in Deed Book o-. Folio aw, In the Recorder's office of ObU? County. State of West Virginia, I wlUneil at public auction, at the the front door of the Court House of Ohio Ooanty, on Monday. the 12th day April, A. D.t 1869, the following described property or parcel* ot ground, that la to say: Two lota situate in . the County of Ohio, and Btate of West \ irginia, lying on tlie west side of Coal streej. in Cafdweli's addition to the City of Wheeling, and designated on the plat of said addition as lot* numbers setenty 1(70) hh<* seventy-one (71) with the buildings tberet" belonging. Terms, cash. 8elllng as trustee I shall convey such title as is vested in me by virtue ot said deed or truBt, mar 12-til A. tf. ROBINSON, Trustf*'. For Sale. rnwo FINE BRICK 8TORK-ROOMS will' X dwellings attached, containing 7 rrxnueach, with gas and water, situate In Cent'*' Wheeling, on Main street. Termn niailu easy. JACOB HORNBKOUK. febg-tf 1 Factory for Sale. OUR FIVE-STORY BRICK BtJIX.UlNt). With FOUR IXJTS attached, containing COKHODIOC8 BUlLDIItiN, for "OfBee. Winbau^ BlaekmlU' Shop, ole. aw, wim uie aoove, One Enrine, 80 H. p., Flf-WtaMl, ami a Bollerm; One Um af8haft)n(, etc. I The above property la well adactal fur manufactorlngpirpSse.. ud 00?f^U^' 8<l?Jur? to the Port office. ??smranRtt . 1yl5-tf Cor. 4th mm> Olay For Sale. A FINE BRICK DWELLING HOUHK with eight rooms, cellar, cistern. 4r? in good order?a desirable NltnaUon. at il?' west end of Bridgeport Ohio, corner lot 7t> t>v i 100 feet, with a good well, large baru Willi gTanarlen, Ac., and lot ornamented will' ' ,rult trees. grapeH, ?o. Will i? | uu omt tonus. Appjy (O DK. H. CAPKUAHX, Bridgeport. Ohio. Or at Office of Bheridan Coal works, Mnr> Unionst^ Wheeling. W. V*. Just Received; r ff{\ BOXES VIRGINIA BRIGHT T<>- W OU bacco. 35 boxes R. * R. and Fancy Twist Tobacc<' W ' extra fine I>. K. Va. lot A Navy " 75 caddies Virginia Bright 10aA J4&. 100 " Dark Sweet 10s,)ig A Navy ji. All kinds smoking and line enl CtirwuiK Tobacco, Clg&rt and dnutr. uttered ui u*trade at tho lowest rates. W. T.BINtiLETON. S novo No. 83 Main st.. Wliwlii't- B , /-\DAS8IA TONIC CUPS, tor sale ,at f; y BOCKLNU'S Drug Blors. No. 1. IW? Fallows Hall.