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"^1.1 V "''-" '"J " V ."_iJ IVI1EKLJNG INTELLIGENCER. T K 11 M H . INVARIABLY IN A D V A N CK. SIOKNINU KDITION. Uy mail (in advance) per annum 87 50 fi raontbs 4 OO fl " .. a OO 1 " 75 Delivered by Carrier, per week 15 I KI.WEEKLT KIHTIOW. I'i;i:l.HHF.D EVKRV TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. giiiglu subscriber*, per aunnm..?. $5 OO * <> months ? 50 3 " I a* i ? r? o Clubs of rvh,each, per annum 4 OO ' " (?months ~ <*<> ? ? ;j " i oo Oiio ro;?y extra t<> clul^ of lt?u. v;i:kuly kiiition. J IJIII.rSUKD EVERY THURSDAY. HJiuh* vubsoribers, per annum H$2 00 ?i months .. .. 1 oo 3 .. rso rin M?i iivo anil upwards, each 1 no " ** " 6 xnon... 75 t sue ropy extra tc getter-np of club of ten HATES OF ADVEKT1NINU. DA II.Y?One square, 1 insertion 81 oo " ? 1 ???- * IUI " " 2 weeks ft OO " " 1 month .. H 00 Special notices, per square, each insertion 1 25 IXK-ni notices, per line, each insertion 15 WKKKI..Y?One square, 1 insertion....: 1 OO Kacli additional Insertion, 00 Jjocal notices, per line, each insertion 20 stir Ten lines or less make a square. e?rTrau?*Uiijt advertisements cahh in advmicr. Makriaoes and Funeral Notices, 75 " ''..when under six linen. simple announcements of Deaths, gratis No notice will be taken or community! ions not accoinpauied by a responsible The name will be considered con 11 i.-i;; jil. but must in all cjises accompany letU'V :?> a guarantee or good faith. t?k"Fl '?: NO. 15 <HTISCY S'JBKKT. FJUCW, HAGANu & HALL. P&OPRIRTOBS. | noM*AY nOKMNO, NAIU'II 22. Tin: 41111 QUJslIO'.. The House Foreign AtTairs Committer commenced the consideration of the Cuban San Domingo question Friday* T'ho State Department, in reply to the letter of the committee, stales that the Government is not in possession of any additional liiioruiiuiuu irum iuo cuhhtries beyoud that which has already been communicated. The committee proposed to consider the question of giving the President authority during the absence of Congress to recognize the insurgents of Cuba whenever they have established a dc facto government, and to extend a protectorate over San Domixigo, with a view to annexation wlu never the people in that island express a desire to that end. Without coining to any conclusion the subject wis postponed until to-day, when it is expected the chairman will be authorized to report the resolution. The representative of the revolutionary party in Cuba, who has been clothed with auahority to confer with our Government and ?>k lor recognition, telegraphs from New York that he will bo in Washington -o-morrow. A m:w monthly paper entitled the fT<*.s? Virginia JJaptist Rccoi il lias been started at l'arkersburg. Its mission as set forth by itself is to explain the "doctrines, ordinances, government and mission oi tlio church of Christ." While it will "advocate the claims of a common Christianity, and will seek to promote the spirituality of the churches, it will be mainly devoted to the support of the interests of the I5apt ist denomination of West Virginia." Tin: whirligig of time bring its rev-iit.cM The insL time Mr. Andrew Johnson passed through Lyncliburgh, sou!horn writers assured the public, his ijovi* was tweaked by an Indignant Virginian patriot. Now ho has passed thai way again, and Lynchburgh lias given iiiui a reception, and an opportunity to relate tho history of hits life, from the time he bacame an alderman, down, . A 1'iTTSBUuau telegram says information has been received by the authorities in that city that the national bank at Fairmont, West Virginia, had been swindled out of ?1,000 by a sharper, who succeeded in having a check for the amount cashed at the institution. The check was sent to a bank in Pittsburgh for collection and it was there that the forgery was discovered. Tiik authorities of Washington and Georgetown have asked Congress to authorize those corporations to sub scribe, I no iirst one million ana me second two Iiumlred thousand dollars, to the alock of the Ijoudou and Hampshire road, which it is proposed to extend, making a shorter line to Cincinnati. It is pretty well understood that George 11. Pendleton can be the Democratic candidate for Governor ol Ohio, it he wishes. He has been waited on by Democratic magnates, and a serious consultation held upon the matter. The result will be developed in duo time. Secketakv Boctwkll is much pleased with the condition of the Treasury A3 exhibitd in the customs and revenue receipts, which, since the 1st of January, have been unusually large^ and increasing steadily. The income from taxes which will soon come in will swell the tigtiret* largely. ? - (Jn i>it.?That the lion. John J. Jackson, Jr., Judge of tho I!. H. Circuit Court for West Virginia, is or was lately in Washington, looking out for a Heat on the Supremo Bench of the United States, in ease the Court should be reconstructed. Whew! what next? Skcbktauy Cox says the President has fully determined on the policy of sending Quakers to deal with tho Indians, and will soon begin appointing prominent members of that society as superintendents and Indian agents. ??? - -? -? General Siikuidan has recently expressed his preference for Chicago as a Itlupo nf rouiilattnn uiul it ia wlorotn.Ml ho contemplates establishing his headquarters there, whenever it shall lie practicable. Tin-: l'arkersburg 7\mcs is inloruied that the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company will soon have trains running from Baltimore to Cincinnati without change of cars at that place. Horace says that the darkest day in any man's career is that wherein he fancies there ia some easier way of gaining a dollar than by squarely earning It. Tub colored people of Washington City are trying to make arrangements for the establishment of a newspaper there, of which Fred. Douglass shall be the editor. HIKTKNUKK OF OFFICE I<1W. Tlie NtrtiKcle In tlio Sonnto for II? KcpcaT. tWashington, Friday Evening, 1 March Kith, lgt!9. J The troublesome ^enure-of-Office matter is still klug in Washington. Nothing else is thought of. Nothing else is talked of. It is a question who is most interested in the debates, and who is the most anxious for the result, the President, the Senators, the Representatives?or the office-seekers. The President wants to change the present Government officers, or, at least, those of them who were appointed by President Johnson, because he-believos he can get better ones, and he has his own ideas about retrenchment and economy, which he believes cannot be carried out with the present office-holders. He has also the usual number of personal friends to reward. The Senators are anxious for the same reasons,only they would like to make certain recommendations for the interest of their States and constituents in the way of Marshals, District Attorneyships, and Collectors of Ports, to say nothing of territorial, judicial and foreign appointments toward which it is expected they entertain an especial fondness. The Kepresentatives want the matter disposed of, because they want to know whether they are going to be able to fulfill certain little promises made last fall, and whether they; will be enabled to strengthen themselves lor the next skirmish, a vear and a hall hence; whether thia friend can have the Post-office, that one the Collectorahip, and another one the Asaessorahip. Above them all, probably, in the Intensity ot Ilia interest and the hair-hopeful, balf-iearful anxiety for the future, is the office-seeker. The fate of the bill probably decides his case, and he is solicitous; he wants to know what to depend upon; ho wants to know if his bnnrd bill while he has been waiting in Washington is to be paid, and hia tailor, and his little debts of borrowed money. The vole will arrange all of these matters; and it is an hour in Washington of the severest trial to all concerned?to none more than the applicants, who show anxiety in their faces. They know, and Congressmen know, that it will be for the'interest of each to repeal the law and have done it, but the Senate, perhaps justly, are in doubt as to their duty In the premises. And so the discussion goes on. Messrs. Scott, Schurz, Sprague, Nye, Corbett and JJayard made speeches to-day, that of Mr. Schurz being, perhaps, considering its brevity, the ablest yet delivered. It created general comment, not only for its attitude, but lor its general choice language and the eloquent manner of i(a delivery. It is expected a vote will certainly be reached to morrow, but it is by no means certain that the subject will be decided for several days. Mr. Morton, who leads the repealerf=, counts twentv-nino votes on his fcide, and believes that number sufficient. There aro sixty-six Senators, two being absent, and those iu favor of the repeal hope that a sufficient number will cast the vote to carry the project. The following is perhaps as close a count as can bo made for the repeal: Jiiyard, Casserly, Cameron, Corbett, (Jragin, Davis, Fessendeu, l'OWier, rt'HUUi, Viuut'ii, Viiiujca, aiuiulin, Ki'lloKtr. McCreery, Morton, Norton, Pratt, Pouieroy, Poole, Kobertaon, JioHS, Sherman, Sprague, Stockton, '1 hurman, Thayer, Vickers, Wilson and Yates?UD. For suspension: Abbott, Anthony, JJrownlow, Buckingham,Cattell, Carpenter, Chandler, Cole, Conklinjr, Drake, Kdmunds, l'Vrry, Harris, Harlan, Howard, Howe, Morrill, McDonald, Nye, Osborn, Patterson, KaniSP3', Rice, Sawyer, Spencer, Stewart, Sumner, Schurz, Scott, Trumbull, Tipton, Willey and Williams?23. Absent: Saulsbury and Hamilton. Doubtful: Warner and Iioreman. Total Go. The vote on the reneal will be taken first. When it is lost, if it is, the vote will be taken on the suspension. Unless the repeal is carried the subject will be referral to a Conference Committee, and it is believed the House will insist on ilH absolute repeal, and then the light will go with an uncertain future. Army Consolidation?Sherman ituk' lug tilings cruris. ilkadquartrrs of tiik armv, "j ap.l ittant u enkral/s office, [ Washington. March is, 'Gi).) General Orders, jVo. 11?. I. All officers of infantry below the rank of Major absent. Iroin their regiments are hereby afforded the option of joining their proper companies to take their chances in "consolidation." or to remain, as at present, ''detached" or "on leave." Kvery such officer, no matter on what duty he may lie, can now apply to be relieved, and the Commanding CJeneral of the army, or of the military department in which such officer is serving, will relieve him and order him to join his proper regiment before consolidation either while the regiment is en route to, or in the department to which it is assigned by CJeneral Orders No. 17, according as the journey will involve least expense to the United States. II. Commanders of departments wherein regiments of artillery or cavalry are serving will report the names of all absent officers, and may recommend to these headquarters any of the infantry officers left out by the consolidation, competent to fill the places of the officers of artillery and cavalry so absent, with a view to their permanent transler or assignment. III. Commanding generals of departments. nnd of the 1st. 4th and 5th dis tricts (reconstruction act), may also retain, out of the officers leu out*by "consolidatinn," a number of officers, not to exceed four to each regiment, assigned for duty in their respective commands, for court martial, signal, or staff duty. IV. Signal duty will hereafter be done by the regimental adjutants, or by oflicers to be detailed by the department commanders, who will acquaint themselves with the system of signals adopted and prescribed by the chief slguiH officer in Washington; and these will be expected, when occasion requires, to qualify themselves to transmit orders by signals as well as by words. V. When the consolidation is completed, the recruiting service will be reorganized, and chielly the officers disabled by wounds or by long service will be detailed from the roster of officers "awaiting orders." By command of Gen. Sherman. E. I). Townsesd, Ass't Adj't General. Cure for In 1 t'm|?ermn-t'. To the I-dit ir vj the Cincinnati Gazette: As a physician, I am often asked for the best remedy for relieving the morbid appetite lor stimulants in those who are endeavoring to break the enslaving chain of intemperance. Untortunate fellow-man, read the following advice, taken from n New York paper. 11 is the best prescription I have seen, and if you lollow the directions you will need no other, and be made as linppy as many others have been in our city. Medicos. ' Receipts to cure one of an appetite for liquor are constantly going the roundi of the papers. A friend who has tried it gives us the following receipt: Have steady employment, and give it strict attention ten hours each day, except Sundays, and then attend chiircb service retiuliirlv. When vour day's work is completed go lioiMo'nnd upend your leisure hours. If your home isa slot pleasaut, set yourself about the agreeable task ot making it so. When you go out to public amusements take some person of pure mind and steady habits with you. Under this pleasant treatment the sight and smell of liquor becomes loathsome." Post.m aster General Creswell is setting his Department in order as rapidly as he can, considering that his force of assistants is not yet organized, lie has taken the special mail-agent service in hand, and by an order issued Friday has dismissed all agents not assigned to districts nnd all Dot under payor holding travelling commissions, lie also makes the commissions terminate at the end of one year, instead of being continuous, as now, in order to secure greater efficiency in the discharge of duty. A. number of Postmasters who visited Washington for the purpose of seeking reappointments were informed Friday that absence from their posts would be considered as proof that they were neglecting their duties, and they immediately left for home. Sir. Stnnton'ft C'outlltlou. l-'rorix the Ni w Yurk Tiibunc. The President lias long known, what Mr. Stanton has assured his friends, that under no circumstances would he again accept office. This was Mr. Stanton's resolution when he retired from the War Office, llis health Is wretched. The long and bitter service of the war broke down a splendid constitution, and tho great Secretary, we regret to sav, is no longer what he was. We hazard nothing in saying that if there was any offioe which Mr. Stanton would uceept, it would be gladly given to him. lie can take no office that would add to the luster of hiB name. ffpKfa! fboticet. ALLCOCH POKOUS PLANIEB. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Cold Feet, Pain of tho Chest, of the Hide, Bruises and accidents, especially of the ttpine, also chronic weakness or affection thereof, Bore Throat, Varicose Veins, and even in the affections of the Heart, this celebrated plaster has been ound to afford immediate and permanent reiief. Dr. J. W. Johnson, of Hartford, writes: "At this moment of writing, a man applies for one, who, by entanglement in the shaft of machinery, had both his lege broken. Hoine severelv in fared. and was for nearly a year entirely helpless. This man found relief very soon by the application ol the Porous Plasters. He was soon enabled to work, and now he labors as well as ever." I?ettcr from l>r. Falter, of I'cekHklll. Thomas Allcock d Co.?Gentlemen: Blnce my severe accident I have used as an application to the brui6ed parts your admirable Plaster. It has had an excellent effect, soothing while drawing out the soreness and sustaining and strengthening tho part upon which it is applied. 1?. D. FULLER. Pkkkskill, Oct. 5,1869. Allcock'a Porous Plasters are sold by all Druggists. Principal Agency, JBrandretL House, New YQrk. marl9-lmd<fcw 1802. 1847. 1868. In 1802 tho grandfather of Dr. Tobla* lntioduced the Venetian Liniment In Ensland. It was a success, although tho prlcc was a guinea a bottle. Ills late Majesty William 1 V.t used It for Chronic Rheumatism, and wasontlrely curcd alter suffering for two years, his attending physician being unable to effect a cure, and ho wrote a lettei of thanks, which Is now in possession of iu> uncle, in Liverpool. I have offered JC11H sterling for the letter, but it was refused. Ir 1817 I put It out In tho United Htates, and now. In 1SC3 tho sale Is Immense. Thousand! or famines uro iievor wunoui 11. uih hhu and innocent lo apply externally, and tc take internnlly. For twenty-one years J liave warranted it to cure the following complaints: Cholera, Diarrhea, Dyson ten Croixp, ?*jlic, CrampH, Vomiting and Bea sickness, taken Internally; and Chroni< Khenxnatism, Hums, Cuts, JJruUes, Oli Hares, Toothache, l*'ro.sted Feet, SwoliingH Insect Htings, and Fains in Chest, Hack ant Limbs, externally. It never fails, if used w directed. For Cholera and Dysentery It ii certain, if used when llr^t attacked. Nooni onco tryhxg it will ever bo without it. fc>ok by the Druggists. Price, 50 cents and on< dollar. Depot. 10 Park Place, N. Y. marl'J lxndAw VICTORY. A CONQUEST INSTANT AND SUBLIME O'er spiteful Nature and o'er blighting Time Hair white or gray, or red as Bunset's sky. Assumes a Illack or Brown thatchaims tlxi eye. Beneath the spell of CKISTODORO'S DYE Cristadoro's Hair Preservative /vnw liUauiii iiiUi?Aiiia iniuutw I'lvfo* atlon Is guaranteed to preserve the hair ii its full beauty and luxuriance througliou life. If the hair is thin, it thickens it; if dul and dead-looking, it gives it a magnlflcen gloss. It is warranted to remove scurf ant dandruff, prevent the hair falling off, restor< It in bald spots, cause it to curl, and keep i in splendid order under all circumstances and in all climates. Sold by Druggists, and applied by all Hall Dressers. Manufactory No. ?8 Maiden I*ane Principal Depot No. B Astor House. marlU-lmdAw Happy Marriages. Essays for Young Men, on the Errors Abuses and Diseases, which create lmpedl meuts to Marriage, with the humaue viev of treatment and cure, sent in sealed lettei envelopes, free of charge. Address, HOW' A ItD ASSOCIATION, Box 1', Philadelphia Pa. JaxLO-amd&w Msa jiu\ L,TJS Pj^^JVECnflBLE SjCI LI AN ^a&i^IiLWJWER. DISEASE OP THE SCALP PRODUCE UK AY HAIR ANDBALDNE8S The use of HALL'S TE6ETABI.E SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER will restore It to its natural color and pro> mote its growth. Onr Treatise on the Hair sent froo by mail R. P. HALL A CX).. Nashua, N. H.. Proprietors. febZMmeodd&w WALTEAU WATCHES. To Buyers of Watches Everywhere The greater part of the Jewelors of th? United states keep Walt ham Watches, and cordially recommend them to their custom* ere, notwithstanding the fact that less prollf is made on these watches than on any others generally sold by the trade. The reason or tnis is, that the reputation or the Waltliam Watch renders it an easy sale, and the result is, that, although the dealer does not make as much money on each Individual watch as he may on the sale of othei watches, he Is still the gainer through larger and livelier sales. There are some, however among the trade, who do not give the Waltliam Watch the hearty support whlck It deserves. Tnls portion of the trade fanc> there Is more money to be made by dealing In watches about which the public are ignorant, Hiid in which there is less competition and are content to make an occasional sale of such watcnesat a large proilt. It Is thif class of dealers who, when asked aboul Waltliam Watcher, use that kind of language wnlch leads tho customer to buyjusl such a watch as Is the most profltablo for th uealertosefl. For me lniormauou 01 pc-rexjun huuui. u buy a wtitch, and who may be unfavorably sfTected by the representations of tho&e unfriendly to our watches, we call attention ts the following suggestions: Hinco the manufacture of watches was initiated at Waltham, the Company have made and sold about 400,000 watches. In every town and village of the country some wearer of a Waltham Watch may be found. Let the party about to buy ask this owner ol an American Watch this question : 11 AH YOUft WATCH UlVEN YOU SATI:*FACTION ? We are not afraid to advise those wishing to buy a watch to guide themselves by the answer. Being Fatisfled as to the quality ol the watch, the buyer has now only to satisfy himself that the Waltham Watches are THK CHEAPEST as well as the best. On thif head we have a few words to say: It is a well known fact in manufacturing, that the greater the number of article* manufactured by one establishment, tlie smaller will be the coit of each individual article. Keeping this in view, our policy has always i.een to sell our product* at tlie lowest possible price in order to secure large un.i tlnm Aimhlft us to manufacture watches fit ? minimum cost. WE BKL.IKVE IN SMALL PKOKITS AND A LAROK BUSIN EfcJS. Thi< policy we have successfully carried out, ana the result Is, that tcw-day we manufacture twice as inanj watches as all the other factories In the United States put together. We can, therefore, afford to sell Cheajter than they do, and actually do tell Ticenty-Jlve per cent Cheaper than they c to quality for quality. W e would further remark that In Increaalng our production we have constantly improved its QUAJL1TY AND ITS VAKIETY. vV e have had the refusal of nearly all inventions intended to improve time-places, and have adopted all those, and those only, which have proved to be really valuable. We have retained in our employment every hend of a department we have ever had whose services were of any importance to the Company, and our present corps of designers and master mechanics cannot b? equaled In this or any other country. In addition to this we make gold and silver cases, not only for our own movements, but for those of other factories, ours being the only establishment that turns out watchee complete In every respect. As these Watches are lor sale by the trade generally throughout the United States, and at a retail profit made: most reasonable by competition, the Company invariably decline orders of a retail character. KOBB1HN a APFLETOBf, ?en'I Ar'li 182 Broadway, AT. Y, fob3-2md&w T") ~F?,~R~S7"7S PROPHYLACTIC FLDIJL A CBALLGHGE TO THE WORLD! We challenge the world to produce a better or a stronger recommendation for any article lor any purpose than the following: November 1st, 180S We very cheerfully nnlte our testimony in favor of the great merits of the valuable disinfectant manu facta ted by Prof. Darby, and known as DARBY'ri PROPHYLACTIC h liUID. From the reputation of Prof. Darby as a scientific gentleman, from our own knowledge of this preparation, and from the Seneral esteem In which it la held wherever :nown, we have no hesitation In recommending it as one of the most valuable household articles with which we are acquainted. Rev. H. N. McTyiere, D. D., Nashville, Tenn., Bishop M. E. Church, | South. Rev. A. A. Lipscomb. D. D.. Athens, Ga, Chancellor University of Ga. ** a -w?11 tv t\ kuv. nicnara r uiior, u. ?s., I Baltimore, Mil., Faator BaptlBtChnrch. Pres. P. A. Chadbourne, Madison, Wis., Pres. Univ. of Win* Joseph Le Conte, M. D., 1 Columbia, 8. C., Prof. Chem. nntl Ucology, Jnlv. ol 8. C. Rev. T. O- Summers, D. D., Nashville, Tenn., Book Kd. Kouth Moth, i Pub. House. R. T. Brumby, ; Marietta, Ga., formerly Prof. Chem. Uulv. Ala. and H. C. Rev. J. M.Bonn ell, Macon, Ga., Pres. of Wen. Fern. College. t Rev. W. C. Bass, i Macon, Ga., Prof. Nat. Hclences, Wes. Fem; College. Hon. Thomas H. Watts, , Montgomery, Ala., Ex-Governor State of Alabama. ; Rev. i. T. Ticnnor, ) Montgomery, Ala.. Pastor First liaptist Church. I B. B. Davia, Esq., ; Montgomery, Ala , Merchant. : Rev. L. M. Smith, D. D., Oxford, Ga., President Emory College. , Rev. A. G. Stacy, t Charlotte, N. 0., Pres. Meek. Female College. i Rev. c . P. Pierce, D. D? i Hparta, Ga., Ulshop M. E. Church, South. J Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, [ Crawfoidsville, <la. : Rev. C. D. Elliott, D. D., r Nashville, Teiin,, Pres. Nashville Female Aciulemy. ' Rev. G. W. P. Prico, TuHBegee, Ala., Pres. Tus. Female College; I Rev. J. Hamilton, D. D., i Mobile, Ala., Pastor Franklin Ht. M. K. Church, South. 3 Rev. A. T. Mann,D. D., 1 Memphis, Tenn.( Pastor M. K. Church, South 3 This list might be increased to include the name of almost every man, woman and child in theHouthern States. We have only given a few of the more prominent, whom everybody knows, and whose opinions they respect. For sale by every druggist and couutry . merchant. , Orders filled by the proprietors, JOHN DARllY A CO., 3 101 WllllAuiM Street, N. Y. WHold bv LA.UUHLIN, BMIT1I A CO., Wheeling, W. Va. murlU CARPETS! 1 i J. & Ix. HiliilNJJHiJLi ? UU. Aio now receiving their I Spring Stock of Carpet?, &c., And are prepared to ofTer as good slock aud at a* low prices as any oilier house r In Hie Trade. They have all the new , sty les of lirussete, '.i Plys, 2 PlyH and beet assortment of ingrain CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, AND ; WINDOW SHADES. J In the Market. FURNITURE. They hivo also the largest Btock .of Fnrnlturo In the cily. PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, DINING-ROOM SUITS. i And all styles of Furniture In the market, both of THEIR OWN MANUFACTURE, Cincinnati ami other makes. They Invite an vxnmliiallon of tlielr choice utoctt: J. & O. MENDEL & CO., t~u niiin nireci, WHEELING, NV.VA. P. S.~Undertaking Promptly Attended to. roarlO "Church of the Strangers," , NEW YORK. Visitors to the CJty or New York are Informed that they will flrnl Divine Service > every rinnday, In tho Large chapel of the University, Washington Square, at 10>? a. i m.,auda: 7^ p. m. Tho evening service in I Hummer is at 8 o'clock. Waverly Pisco, 1m. mediately north of tho New York Hotel, out t, of Broadway, runs west to Washington . Square, on the east Hide of wnich Is the Unli veraity. Tho entrance to tho church Is the . main door of tho University. University j Place cars run from the door of the Fifth I Avenue Hotel, to the door of the Church. [ From the St. Nicholas and Metropolitan, take the cars corner of Broadway and . Broom e, leave at Waverly Place, and go west . one block. At ihe a8;or House take Unl> veraity Place cars, leavoat Waverly Place, i and go west one block. Strangers will 11 nd cordial welcome, and polite attention. ThePastor Id Kev. Dr. Deems, who do! voto3 himself to the spiritual interests of strangers. If any be sIck, let them address , him a note by mall, "as Pastor of the Church i of tho Strangers, N. Y?" and it will reach him. The ladles who compose the Society . of ihe sisters of the Stranger," procure > medical, legal, and spiritual help forstran-. J gers In perplexity, distress or sickness. Address, "sisters of the Stranger," care Kev. Dr. , DEKM8, N. Y. If you are coming to New York soon, rut this , out rind paste it in your memorandum book. > ? ? > HYACINTHS & GLASSES. , FINK ASSORTMENT. Jnst received at ; marl E. BOOKING'S. I 1 rnllE MEMBERS OF THE JOINT COM[ JL mittee appointed at tbe late Legislature ; to investigate matters pertaining to the fcitate Fenltentlary, will meetatMoundsville 1 on Monday, tbe 17th day of May, ist>9. inaiK-dAwUl JrHN M. PHKLP^ NEWARRANGEMENT. IN ADDITION TO MY IMMENSE BTOCK of Hats and Caps for Wholesaling, ' I liavo fitted up my first floor for doing a Fashionable Retail Trade. Ami now offer at ORE ATI. Y REDUCED PRICES, an unusually large stoclc of First Class Hats and Caps. Bonght with great care recently in New ; York for cash. mar!3 HAM'L N. PKATHEW. Cheese. O r- BOXES CHOICE FACTORY. ZO J ast received by i L1HT. MORRISON a CO. Stockholders' Meeting. fTIHE STOCKHOLDERS OP THE OER_L man Turner Hall and Members of the Society, are respectfully Invited to meet at Turners Hall on Tuesday, the 6th of April, i at 7 o'clock In the evening, for the purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing term: maris-lawi'w F, OfcJKR, Secretary. I $eur gydrfrtiseuients. For NaativlIIc-DirectThls Day (Monday), 22d inst. ?. ^ THE fine First Class Btcamer T iltf)tviru; YORK. CapL H. C. Klchg^MtflMioDd, will leave Wlieollng for Ofarkaviiie aud Nashville direct, to-day at 18 o'clock:. " For freight or passage apply ou board or to marre-lt T. H. MONO. Assent. For CinclnnatS Louisville and St. Lould. 4 (Regular Tuesday Packet.) ^ The splendid side wheel passenger {JEfc^fansf earner OOLDEN hAGLK, (-apt. JEsEMeeAMOfl K. Davis.wIH leave a*above announced, on Tuesday, 23d Inst, at 3 o'clock 1\ M. ! For freight or passage apply on board or to _mar22-2t T. H. MONO, Agent.__ | For Nf. Louis, Heokiik, llnvcnport, Galcnn, Dubuque ana Pit. PahI. Wednesday, the 14th lust. ^ THE Fine Fas eDger steamer l ullflCjjfrO i ASUUW, CapU Andy KoblndSBBwEasbon, will leave Wheeling for all poiutu ou the Upper Mississippi Klver on Wednesday, 24th March. Apply to T. H. MONO, Agent, marl2 3t Office 31 Monroe Htreet. WASHINGTON HALL THI8 EVENING, lJy apecial request of the most prominent citizens or Wheeling aud Kitchletowu, THE GKEAT EMOTIONAL PLAY OF EAST LYNNE! MISS ANNIE BEFTON, In her great double lmpeivouatlon of LADY ISABEL AND MADAME VINE. T" ' nwHmin wii h thH murine farce of HARVEY THE 1IARON ! Thursday, March 25. j. o. b&pion'd BENEFIT. Ill Rehearsal, LADY OF LYONS. FRENCH a fy, after dark, five fast men. Admission, 50 cents. Reserved Seats, 75 eta. Keats secured at Hall from 1U a.m. till 1 p. m. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at marta W: REED. Business Manager. Notice. All persons are hereby notifled to move all obstructions from the uireets and Alleys in frout and rear of their property, which has been placed their by itiem, as all Ordiuances iu relation to the streeta and alleys of the city will be strictly enforced, without lo^ptot to persons. -.xzi STEPHEN CliAKK, mar22~lt Street Commissioner. 5E^BI^OV\ajl,. r|1?E UNDLKblUNBu 1IAVK HKMOVEU X to their new Ware jUooiuh, nortli east cm truer Market Square, Centre Wheeling, where may be found everything la the ZFTJ-ROSrITUEE XjIUSTIE. Thankful lor past favors, we Invite attention of the public to our new house. Work made ?o order. UN1)KKTA KINO promptly attended to. mar22-2w WM. ZINK A SON. Assistant Assessor's Notice. rpAKK NOTICE THAT I SHALL ASSESS i all peihOtiM wiio have neglected to make leturu o/ their lucouie from the Insit luformutton 1 can obtain, and add 50 per cent, thereto, If not returned by the 8f)tb iust. KOiSERT 1'KAlT, inat2i-lw Assistant Assessor. New Spring Shawls. WILL OPEN THIS MORN1NQ UK A I. Palseley Shawls, with white and blacta centres; French Printed Cashmere Shawlt in great variety. mar22 J. B. H HOPES A CO. The Last Chance. WE WILL OFFER THIS MORNING 2 pieces Heavy Black Alpacca Popllm at 37y*c; 20 do. at 50o. These goods are worti \umilly Just double what wea*k lor them. mnnfi? J. S; RHODES A CO. To Make Room, WE OFFER THIS DAY 200 YARDS ALI Wool Plain Delanes at 25c. tii ar!M J. H. RHODES A CO. Old Fire Arms Wanted. gPKNCER CAKUINKH AND K1FLK8. Henry Carbines and Killes. Sharp's Carbines and Rifles. Colt's Anny and Navy Revolvers. Colt's Dragoon Revolvers. Bin I ill & Wesson Revolvers. Remington Revolvers. Liberal Cash Prices paid for the abov< kinds or Arms lti any quantity, from a single arm upwards, either in good order 01 broken. Address CH AH. II. WI NTH HOP, mar22-2t Troy. N. V. PRATT & SEYMOUR, 335 Broadway, COllNKK WOKTII ST., NKW YORK, CANTON MATTINGS ?A? SIFIEOI.A.XjITIIE. EVERY GRADE OF ALL MANUFACTURES IN CHINA OF 4-4, 5-4, 6. i Willie,Red Check unci Fr.ncy Hntllnits Offered to the trade at the lowest possible prices. ON EXHIBITION? A. GREATER VARIETY TUAN AT ANY OTHER HOUHE IN THE UNITED STATES. soliciting the particular attention of the trade to the above, we aro very respectfully, l'RATr A NEYMOIJK. N. B.?2,000 Rolls Just in Store. maigi-dAwIt List of Letters KEMAINING unclaimed in the Pont OHice at Wheeling, on Monday, March 22, ISoO.; LADIES' LIST. Allender Emma J McMullen Jane Allison Mary J McUahey Minnie Boriaan Louisa McClean C a Clark Mary Mason Minnie Charlton Lettia Marshall Cathaiioe Connor Mary Porter Mary Ann Canlgan Mag Pipnr Adeline Cline Elvira Kiddle Margaret Caxsel Elizabeth Keeder Lavlna E Daley Mary Jane Klchardnon mis* E E Durand Margaret Itoselin Pheb.i Daily Bridget ttlucblor Hannah Frost Palcy Rosser Sarah Forfney A E Klgget Minnie Friddle Drucllla Read Mary J G isho Eliz ibeiii Kosamont Clara ftarrls Julia E St Victor Jane Hogg Anno Herig Anna HaipenmrsGR Taylor Magg'e Heuty Mary Tucker LuJie KelauLt Dorcan Veunnstraiul Lizzie Loveridge Maria 'J Wise S i;ah Ann Lauuuu Kale Wright Annlo Lope EC Work Annie Lorory Mary A Wyatt Libby McNlchola Margaret Miss Mary L. D. GENTLEMEN'S LIST. Anderman H Kuhn Wm AudrtWH J KucxJohn Bonam James Low W P Brum calvlu Lanery Charley BurkJohn Manion Wm Baggs John Markham A H Burwinklo Harman May W H Bendell Harry Miller Wm Broody KJrk Mlnnford Samuel Boj its Michael Mlnsnall K S II Black Wm H 3 Marshall James V Blake Willie Magee Kbenezer Cous;ck Cornelius McCabe Thomas Uarroil Lewis Mcuonnei James Uaruenter Jauies McCoy John C Curley John rt McKlnley a Drake Win McKuillan Alex DruleyNIck Nicholas John Dreuner Nathaniel Newton J M Day Nicholas W Orr William Dlelrlck W a o'Ncil John Donegan .Lawrenco Ogleby, Watson & Co Dougherty John Powell John Davis Kdward A Porlerfleld John Fuller bimon Pearson J Gray Samuel Kimble Washington Gallagher Thomas reeves John GaXTaey Edward Robberson George Garner Charles ; Btautberyy A Co W H Hafer Win B Smith Patrick J Hobbs It B Bprigg llouse Prop'r Healy Michael 2 BiampJobn lieckenthorn Chas Bbrodes J S Holmes Bran lis Hhipman James W Hartley Geo 2 Smith HeDry Houston J W Smith Oapt H W 3 ? ? - a Mnnflol.1 I> A H&mon Thomas VogelJobu M Harvey KeDjamln Wallers Jack 2 Harlblng Augum Wallace Jaraen Head rick W u Waltxeas J U Jacob* John Wells Alfred C. J. RAWLINO, P. M. Bedcords. JOST RECEIVED AND FOR HALE AT reduced prices, Fifty Doren Hemp BedourdM. mart! CHAH. H. HKKKY. Hydraulic Cement. 1 A A BBLa. H. 01*40 N KIVEH CKMKNT IUII tue best In use. P. O. HILPBKTH A HHP Piaster "Paris. f A BBLS. CALCINED PILASTER PARIS OU (Phoenix Mill*). P. U. HILDRETH <fc BRO. 1MV14. 44** I ? ~ ? | sRtm Qimtttmntt. JOHN ROEMER, i Nob. 31 and 33, Main St., cextuk WIIIiKLING. IT GIVES MK PLKASUKE TO INFORM my friomls ami the public In general that 1 have ill store and aui daily receiving large additions to my stock or Fancy aid Domestic Dry Goods, Housekeeping CJoods, Carpets, Oil Clotlis, Wnou- Mnr fH. Ac.. Ac. liavlog the "[Largest Variety and a more general assortment of artielts directly anil lodlreotly connected with a Dry Goods, Notion and Carpet Establishments* combined Into one mammoth establishment, which enables me to buy and sell a much larger quantity or goods than any two establishments In the city In our line, and in consequence of whloli I can buy and sell them at less prices! Studying economy in every department; having no rent to pay, I can do a larger business at less expense than any other house in the trade. Keeping a large number of gentlemanly and competent Salesmen, the most fastidious cannot fall to be pleased. Special attention is Invited to a few articles of our stock. PEIITTS, A largo assortment of New Styles. 10. 1'.}-$ and 15c. Buffalo Allapaco* 10, 50, tiO, 70, k??, 00c. 81. Pure Mohair Lustres and Poplins from 50ato 81 50 Fancy and Black Silks from 81 25 to 83 50 per yard. Bombazines,Crape Batherla, Alexandria Cord, and many otner styles of goods suitable lor mourning. WHITE GOODS, A large assortment of all thedlfTerent makes, Swiss, Nansook, Bishops Lawn, Victoria Lawn, Ho ft finished Jaconet, Striped Jaconets, PlaiJ Jaconet.", Brilliants, Piques, Urauedein Veiling of all colors; Klannclsof all kinds and prices. CLOTIIS, CASSIMERKs Satinets, Jeans, Caslimerets, Ac., the laigest assortment In the city, to accommodate Merchants and _Meichaut Tailors at Kastern VTlcaai aiso, xaiioit*' rrimmiujjM. TNI u 8 1 i n 6, A largo assortment of Blotched anil Uubieacht d Irom 10, 12, 15, lti. 18, 20c. Bleached ami Unbleached Sheeting 5-4.0-4,10-1. Unen Wheeling or superior quality 5 4, 10-4. A largo supply of Liinen Table Cloths, Table Linens, JNapkius, Tow lings, Ac., of the brst quality and exeodingly low prices. Shirting Linens 60, (k?, 75. 8"i \ Si, 51 25. Shirt Bosoms 20, 25, 8.?, 33, 4rt, 50, 0J, 7^c. l)rcKs Trimilliiifi:*, In great variety and at low prices. Kid 1 Wloves. a full lino of beat quality, 81 25, 81 60, 81 75, 52 00. Fancy Uloves?A general assortment at almost any price, J.adles and Gents Handkerchiefs, from 5c to 82 apiece. The best t? Cord Machine Cotton In the world at !H)c per doz. JIOSIEKY?The largest assortment of ladles' and Gouts* Hosiery iu tho city, at almost any price. , Marsalles, Houey Comb and Lancaster Quilts. Cloaks and Shawls In great variety | and at low prices. Carpet Department. Special attention Is given to this Depart[ ment. Having a sepaarterooin intbeestab1 llshment for Carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Hugs, Matts, Ac., Ac., Window Blinds, Fixtures, Ac., enables as to compete with any bouse in the trade and offer great Induce mentsto cash buyers In that department, having Carpet Irom 80c to 81; selling the best , 2 ply Ingrain All Worsted chain and Wool tlilingatSl peryaid. Call and see for yourselves, If you wish to save money. The best quality of Cotton Carpet Cha'.n. 3 ply at 40c; 4 ply at 43c, and 5 play at 45c. White Cotton from M to VJ fnr Terms are Strictly Cash. Buy and solliug for cash you can alwayH tell what you are dolDK, for cash will secure better bargaiuH than credit, believing that by iudustry, honest dealing and economy, we cannot fall to benefit those friends and customers that may be pleased to favor us with a call, 'ihoreforl respectfully invite an examination of our stock of all cash buyers, either wholesale or retail before purchasing elsewhere, and oblige inar22 JOHN ROF.MER. gBoww A mutaiNS, i 127 Main St., Wheeling, W. Vs., PHOTOGRAPHERS, And Dealers In FOREIGN & AMERICAN CHROMOS, l*lctnro Frames, IMcturo Knil* Cord and Tassels, I'arlor It rackets, Ac. SQUARE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER. N. II.?Uallery will be open In the evening. marlO Flour, Flour. KA BARRELS BALTIC BEST MADE. 01/ 100 do. Uebbart's White Wheat. 100 do. Red Winter Wheat. 100 do. Bakers. loo do. i^lily White. 800 do. Family and Extra reliable brands. All ofTertd at lowest declined price by jnartO LIST, MORRiSON * CO. "Rnnlrmhoot TTlnnr 5 BARRELS for sale cheap. inartO LIST, MORRISON A CO. GET THE BEST. felster's DnalrijpJ DictioDary SOOO KneravlnK"; IHIO ra^o^ <{nnrlo. Price 1812. 10,000 Word* and Meanings not in other Dictionaries. Viewed as a whole, wearo confident that no other living language nas a dictionary which so lully and faithfully seta forth its present condition as this last edition of Webster does that of our written and spoken English tongue.?Harper's Magazine. These three books are the sum toUU of great libraries: the Bible, Shakspeare, and Webster's Jioyal Quarto.? Chicago Kvening Journal. 'iiie New Wkbstkr is glorious?it is perfect?it distances and defies competition?it leaves nothing to be desired.?./. Ji. Haymond, IjL. D.% Pres't Vassur College. Tbe most useful and remarkable dium of human knowledge In our language.? IF. ?S\ Clarkf ^President Mats. Agricultural College. Welister'sNatioiial Pictorial Dictionary 1010 JPoges Octavo. OOO Engravings. l*rlce 80. "The work is really a gem of a Dictionary, Just the thing Ur the million."?American Jtaucaiiotiai juonuiii/. "In inauy respecLs this Dictionary is the moat con venient ever published."?Itoche*(er Democrat. "As a manual of refer?nee, it is eminently fitted for use in families and schools."?N.Y, Tribunf. "It is altogether the best treasury of words oj iU size which the English language lias ever possessed."?Hartford l*rex&. Published by G. A. C. MEKK1AM, Springfield, Mass. mar2U ~~ Proposals. Officii of the City Clehk, ) Wheeling, W. Va., March 17, 1869. J OROPOSAL8 WILL BE RECEIVED AT _L this office until 3 o'clock 1*. m.ouMoqdav, March '-2d, viz : For renting the City Scales for the whole, and also a separate bid for renting each Scale. Tho Council will decide the bids according to the best Interest of the city. Also, for keeping the Town Clock in repair. Also, for hauling coal to Water Works. marl'J 8t H. F. FEENY, Ci'y Clerk. Notice. overseers of the poor, ) Clekk's Office, March 19,1869. j An adjourned meeting of the Board of Overseers of the Poor will be held at the Court House on Saturday, the '/7th day of March, 1869. All persons having claims against the county, contracted by the members of the Board daring the last year, will file the same in this office on or before that date. Proposals from Physicians for attending and furnishing medicines to the paupers at the Poor House and City townships, including Rltchle.wlll also be received. by order of the Board. m?r?n-XL .irthn c. portrr. pimit Ne Plus Ultra Lime. 1AA BBL9. NE PLUS ULTRA. LIME, JLUU freab burnt, received by P. C. HILDRtgTH A BRO. r-{\ BBU3. WILMINGTON TAH, larce bbls DU 3U " Oommon Rosin. S " Pale " On hand and for sale low by my8 CHAM. H. BERRY fflmhant gailorlgg. ^TMT ADAMS 1 OFFEKS HIS STORE-ROOM FOR SALE . or rent from the 1st of April. 1809. , < COST, COST, AND | ZBZELO'W". And will soil His Ready Made ClothiDg AT COST, TO CLOSE OUT Before lio removes to bis new slanil O MOMtOIC feTUEKT Jau 19 Sty (Boads. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! NOW OFFEli I NO, FINEST KM, 11-4, 12-1 White Wool Blankets _A_T COST. ALSO Flno French Merino, worth f 1, for 75 cents. Fine French Merino, worth 91 25 for SI 1*1. Fine French Empress Poplin for only t>5 cts. Fine English Merino for only 45 cts. Fine Mohair Dre&s CJoods, worth 50 cts for 25. All other Dress Goods at reduced price. FURS! FURS!! I am closing out my Mock of l^ulles' and Children's Furs at COST. Shawls, Knit Breakfast Cape* and Hoods at REDUCED PRICKH. CARPET CHAIN. A superior qrmlity of 4 and 5 ply Cotton Carpet Chain, the best In the market. A full assortment of all kinds or Domestic Goods, of the beat Fabric and Latent Style at the LOWEST MAHKKT PBICE. AH who are In search of OOOD BAKtl Al>s will do well to give me a call before buying elsewhere. TEKMH? Nett Cash, Small Profits, and Qn!ck Sales, at HENRY KOEMER'S, No. 36, KmU Side Main autl Blddle Sis Centre Wheeling. Janll MORE NEW GOODS! GOOD QUALITY RUSSIA CRASH AT 12J5 CENTS PER YAKD. MORK HUCK TOWELS AT 22 CENTS EACH. Spring Shawls, New Style. LINEN HANDKEKilllEFN AT 12>f CENTS EACH. Plaid Nansooks, Scotch Cambrics Ac. Just received by J. H. HMITII, maiO No. 11*2 Main Street. 1868. Fall and Winter. 1869. Tllli lt<; lOH'l', THE BEST. Ann Tli.? Cheapest LOT OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS Ann NOTIONS IN THK CITY IH AT FISHER & SEAMON'S 110 MAIN NTHEKT, Bep24 SPRING GOODS! JOHN H. STALLMAN, (hiiccksmor to john t. i.akih A co.) MERCHANT TAILOR AND 1IEALBK IN Or E NTLE M K N'S Furnishing Goods, No. 25. Monroe street, W1IEELIXU, W. VA., RESPECTFULLY INVITE* THE ATtentlou of his patrons and the pnblio generally, to his new and elegant stock of Cloths, Cassimeros, VESTIN GS, &c. AIko keeps on hand a large variety of Gentlemen's Fnrnisbim Bonis, Consisting of SHIRTS, HANDKERCHIEFS COLLARS, HOSIERY, CUFFS, UNDERCLOTHING Ac., Ac., Ac. All of which will be sold at an EXCEEDINGLY LOW FIGURE. JOHN IK. NTALI.nAN. manfl-ly Notice. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Htockholdera In Greenwood Cemetery fortlie election of Directors, will be held at the offlceor the Secretary on Thursday, the 25th InHt,, between the hoars of '2 and 5 o'clock v. M. K. C. BONHAM, mar!8-td Becretary Dissolution of Partnership. THE FIRM OKA. W. PAULiI# A CO. WAS this day dissolved by mutual consent, John Morgan. Jr., retiring. March 1G, 1S&. A. W. PAULL & CO. The business will be continued by the undersigned, under the same name uh heretofore. A. W. 1'AUliL. maris J. F. PAULL. ~W-AJSTTEIID. I TWO (2)UOOU JOURNKYM EN TAILORS and one Hewing Girl; Steady employment and good wages will be given. Apply to H. LINUKN, maris-1w No. TO Main Street. Common Lime. on A RBLB. WKBT WHEEUKU LIME 4UU In baneln. P. 0. HILDRKTH A BUO. ?t?m&0ats.i! For Cincinnati, MnUTllle anil Mi. toab. . The II ne pamnnr steamer r iHflf EAULB, Capt. a MOM K JCSSSfcUAViH, will leave an above roewlity, ?id InsL, at 3 o'clock r. h. 1" or freight or pamaze apply on board or to BOOTH, BATTEL, L.E Jc CO. mara-at Agent*. got gent. For Rent. House with seven rooms, bath Koom, with Stable attached, Bltuat<*i In a pleasant part or the city. Has a nice Tiont yard and every thing convenient. For further particulars enquire of E. P. HUBBARD, At Hnbbard A Bro'fl. Market Street. inru2Q-'Jt For Bent. Th e store-room occupied by Messrs. Win. Sumner * co., known ?n the Wheeler a Wilson Hewing Maclnn? office. and filtnated No. 98 Main street. Fur particulars apply to messrs. wm. bumner & co. marl9-tf To Let. rnHE BUILDING, No. 46 MAIN street, I now occupied by Forbes A Hawley. Possession on tbe first of April* Apply to marlS-tf W. I... McAKKK. For Rent. Store room in fruit house. p.?. session given on first day of April. Abm rooms in tbe main bnllding, wltb cellar capacity to store apples or potatoes. j?ntjnlre of J. K. BOTBFORI). raarJU-tf For Rent: . ifir?S4T RATR BIiaiNKSa ROOM UN .A. der X odd fellows hall, monroe bt. Possession given any time. THOM. O'BRIEN. marll Real HJlJita A Rem For Rent. SEVERAL NEW BUSINESS ROOMH IN Grant House Block?new addition. Ja27tf LEWIS A WOODMANHKK. For Sent. \ DWELLING HOUSE ON ZANE Btr? t, J\_ near new church, containing seven rooms, bath room, improved kitchen range hot and cold water, all In first rate order. Apply to UKEBHALAINU Jan5 gpt Mslt. Property for Sale in Wellsburg, W. Va. Desirous of going west, the us deraiened offers lor sale desirable property in Wellsburg?two good Brick store Kooms and a first class Dwelling House.witn vacant lots. The dwelling, If not sold, will be rented with or without farnltnre. tl?right to repair outside will be reserved. The subscription for the extension or the Panhandle Kali road through the place having been completed, this Is rendered dcfelru* ble property In mauy respects. inarfl)-2t Campbell ta r k. For Sale. A one horse power engine an1> Roller, will be sold separate or together. Inquire at :t9 Monroe Street, over mouk s nonoL marlS-lw For Sale, Valuable Property SITUATED ON RANDOLPH ST., MAKTIN'd FERRY, Ohio. contl?tlugof two lots, upon which Is a good two-a to ry Brick Houso containing six rooms and an excellent cellar. There Is also on the premises a good stable. For partlcnlara enquire on toe premises. mtull lw JOHN KKYNKK. Fire Engines For Sale. THE CITY OP WHEELING OFFERS for sate roar(4) Hand Fire Engines, four (J Keels and a lot of old Leather Hose, on very reasonable terms. A rare opportunity Is offered Ibr towns hi this vicinity to purchase Are apparatus at very low figures. Apply to TH03. J. BLAIR, Chairman Com. on Fire Department. mar!6-lw For Sale. t /-iNEJIB H. P. KNOIsK, BOILER ANU U Hmoke fetack. One eet of Nail Keg Machinery, all in complete ranning order. Will be sold separate or together. For particulars call on or address FUKDY, HOG AN A <X)., marll-2w Moundsville, W. Va. For Sale. A FINE ELEGANT TWO STORY Frame Dwelling with nine rooms, good cellai and wash house, all In good order. The most desirable situation for a hotel stand In the town of Moundsville. close to the depot, on the second bank fronting the Ohio river, and convenient to the Court House, with shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes, &c. Will be sold at the front door of the Court House, ou Tuesday, the 30th of March, 1859; If not disposed of before that time. For particular* apply to John M. Armstrong^ on the prem ibco. ui nil iHiut iMcvuuiiou m inw uuiw. mat61b JOHN M. ARMSTRONG. For Sale Cheap. THK FOLLOWING BIZ EH, HECONI' Haml Hteam Engines and Hollers: One 16 Inch Cylinder, 4 feet stroke. ' 14 " " 4 feet ' - 12 - " 4 feet " 7 " " 16 Inch " " 7 " ! 14 Inch " good as One 5}4 Inch Cylinder, 10 Inch stroke. One Tubular Boiler, good as new. One Doable-Fined Boiler. 32 In. by 14 fe?t One Upright Single Fined Boiler, 44 In t>) 10 feet. Also onr three story brick building, 82 feci by 70 feet, with two lots attached on, websier street, Centre Wheeling. Apply to mat51m HOBBR, TAYXOB A CO. For Sale Cheap. ANE OFFICE DESK, 4K feet long. U One Barnside Stove mid Pipe. Two Small Stoves. One tqnare upright Show Case. One Counter, 14 feet long. Windows, Doors, Mantels, Ac. Apply soon to LOOajA, 1JBT, A CO., marl8 Bridge Corner To Manufacturers and Coal Dealers. PUBLIC SALE. At the front doob ok the codkt Hoa<e, Wneellng, W. Va., on Saturday. April loth, lf??, at 10 o'clock A. v., thai vn: nable coal property belonging to Robert H. Woods and Wm. H. Woods, situated 3 mll<? above the City or Wheeling, on the Bide of the Ohio River. The npper tract contains21 acres of surface land, with an*: Srivliege of 121X acres: the tract adjolnlnc 1 acrea of snrfkce, with 74 acres of coal. ?.? the latter tract 1s a good tenement hon*' and out-bulldlngs, with water snOlclpiiift" manufacturing purposes. This properly I* especially adapted for a mill site, the coal.? six (0) feet vein, outcropping 160 feet al?>v>' low water mark. Plats or the above will be fhrnished ana information given by Robert R. Woods. Ksq.. Recorder. Wheeling, W. Va. Terras, made known on day of sale. UEO. EL WICK H A M. marl-Vim Auctiotun'r. Trustee's Sale. By virtue of a deed of tru.<i executed to me by diaries ti. Beudt-r and wife, dated the first day of February. A. D.t 1868, and of record. In Deed Book j-'. Folio 3t>2, in the Recorder'* office of Obi" County, tttateof West Virginia, I will m*.i at public auction, at the the front door the Court House of Ohio County, on Monday, the 12th day April, A. D., I8dtf, the fallowing described property or parcels ? ' ground, that Is to say: Two lots situate lu the County of Ohio, and Btate of West Virginia, lying on the went side of Coal Htre*?t. in Cafdwell's addition to the City of W1?h-ilng. and designated on the plat of raid addition as lots numbers ffe?enty 1(70) ai??t Beventy-one (71) with the buildings theret" belonging. Terms, cash. Belling as trustee I shall convey such title as is vested In me by virtue Bald d< ed of trust, marl2-ta a. o. robinson, Trustee. For Sale. TWO FINE BRICK STORE-ROOMB Witt* dwellings attached, containing 7 roomeach, with gas and water, situate in CeutitWheeling, on Main street. Terms mail* easy. JACOB UORNBROOK. febB-tf Factory for Sale. OUR F1VE-8TORY BRICK BUILDING with FOUR IXXFH attached, contain li*. COMMODIOUS BUILDIIGB, for Office, Warehouse, BfacMimiH' Mil op, etc. A tan, with the above. One Engine, 80 H. p., Flj.Wtanl, and Z Boilers; One I.lneofNliartlng. nr. The above property la well adapted manufacturing purposes, and In exc*-lli*>'[ condition, and next square to tlie Fonto die* rcruiH, part cash, and reasonable time. NORWAY IKON MTtttO., Iyl5-tf Cor. 4tta and Clay For Sale. A FINE HKICK DWELLING HOU*/ with eight rooms, cellar, cistern, At'-.1" good order?a desirable situation, at tu* west end of Bridgeport Ohio, corner lot 7<> l'> 100 feet, with a good well, large baru wjjjj granaries. Ac., and lot ornamented' wit" shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes, Ac. Will w? RBold on easy terms. Apply to UK. H. CAPEHAKT, Bridgeport, Old". Or at Office of Hberidan Coal WorKa, M**' Set St.. oppo. Union St., Wheeling, W. N * janl'6-tr . . K Quassia, tonio.buia, tor ?'.? BOCKING'S Ilnil Store, No. 1, W E fallow1! Hall.