Newspaper Page Text
WHEELING INTELLIGENCER. T E 11 M W . invariably in advance. IflORNINU KDITION. Hy mail (in advance) norannnra 87 50 .. ? months 4 oo t ? .. a on i " 75 Delivered by Carrier, per week 15 tkmvkeuly edition. ITKMHIIKD EVKKY TITKSnAT, THCIWDAY AN I) SATURDAY, S;?. ;ie subscribers, per annum....~......^.55 OO " ti months 2 50 3 " 1 25 1 " 50 cinusof nvttfCiacli, per annum.. 4 OO ? " ' ?> month;* 1 oo a " i oo ino -t?py oztra to clubs of low. WEKK1.Y KOITIOSf. I I IIUHBED KVKIIY THURSDAY. Hiii ?l? :ul?wrll?crs# por annum 82 OO " (\ months .. lOO i " 50 <;iu m?r rtveand upwards,eacb ] 50 " " M 6 mos... 75 i >nr ropy extra to getter-np of club of ten kates of advertising. DA ILY?Ono squaro, l Insertion 81 oo 1 w " " 2 weeks fi OO " " 1 montli 8 00 H|>ccial notices, per square, each insertion 1 25 Loral notices, per line, eacli insertion 15 WKKKIjY?One square, 1 insertion 1 OO Kach additional insertion, ftO J>ocal notices, per line, each Insertion 20 Ten lines or less make a square. wtnui^ot advertisements cash in culr ivoice. Makkiaoks and Funeral Noticeh, 75 when under six lines. simple announcements of Deaths, gratis c??r No notice will l>o taken or comrnunli iitoiis not accompanied by a responsible until*-. The name will bo considered confidential, but must in all cases accompany le!r ii-:s as a guarantee of g<xxi faith. vrriwi NO. u PilEW, HAG AN 8 & HALL. rcomiKTctna. 1'IIF.SDAT n?RXI.\(l, 9IAIK I1 aJ. Kentuckians have some strange politiral notiouH. Their legislature?" Htrongiy Democratic body?lately refused by a largo mnjority to pass a bill encouraging emigration to tho .State. The main argument against the bill seems to have been that an inllux ol Northern and foreign laborers might in time overthrow the political status of the State! Alas for old Kentucky! ?A'. >*. Times. Wo here in West Virginia cannot very well reproach Kentucky on this snore. Our State is nearly six years old and seven L-ogislatures liavo sat in her capital. That an intlux of population, with its attendant influx of capital, has always been and is to-day the comminuting necessity of West Virginia, is a proposition too plain to need anything but statincnt. There is no other matter of public concern in the Slato in importance at all comparable to this. What art* all cur boasted natural resources?our iron and coal, timber and water power, our riches of mineral and Noil?without a population to make something out ol them? If our State were made of solid gold it would bo poor without people to mine it. Aud so, rich as we are by endowment Of nature, we are poor for lack of people and their labor. And without these we always will be poor. Kealizing this, and discouraged, no doubt by the continued indifference of the Slate authorties touching this great matter, hundreds ot our best citizens aro leaving the State and setting their faces towards the more enterprising and promising West. A few days ago we chronicled the fact that some sixty passed through 1'arkersburg in a single day. Tl?nst? who im? art* thosu tiiat the Slate can least alTort] to spare. TJiey are the live, energetic young men who want to do something, but whose energ'iea are cramped and aspirations chilled by the stagnation around them. Not only, therefore, is the State miserably poor in population, but it is yearly growing poorer; and yet its Legislature has never done anything to replace these lessen or increase the population from abroad. In saying fhis; we except the appointment of a "Cqjnmissioner of -Immigration," as it xvua called with a sort of grim humor, because the creation of such an office, without any provision whereby it might bo made useful, cm scarcely be regarded as anything but a joke. Now we are not particularly blaming the Legislature for refusing to arm Mr. Debar with largo appropriations. We never thought Mr. Debar the best man for the work, supposiug the whole work is to bo confined to one man, lor many reasons one being that all his thoughts and Mforts have been directed towards Europe, whereas tiie Northern and Eastern States of this Union are the field where our greatest labors should be ex peuded, not of course neglecting Uer111:1113'. Wo notice that Mr. Debar 1ms recently published a letter or two in one of the Parkersburg papers re~ Heeling very severely on the last .Legislature, from which wo infer that his i-ll'orts as an ofiieer of the State are about to cease. We feel 110 special interest in the quarrrl between Mr. Debar and the last Legislature, so far as it afft'cls himself personally. If our legislatures were ol opinion that Mr. Debar was not the man for the work, or that the plan of having u "commissioner" was not the best one, why not have upset that arrangement at once anil made some other provision ? The thing to be regretted is that they did nothing. There is no future lor our State except in this direction. The very reason assigned by Kentucky for repulsing the outside world is a pregnant reason why the Republican party in this State should use the powor it now has to push on this work. If it is not done, the time may como when the Republicans of the State will realize n great opportunity lost. Wo have timo and again tried in a feeble way to Impress upon those charged with the public concerns of the State the profound importance of immediato and ample provision for inducing the immigration of desirable settlers from abroad. Being reminded ol West Virginia's short comings by the unpleasant fact that at present there is more ??inigratiou from than immigration to the State, and by the paragraph at the liead of this column, we. refer to them ??? a iiu]W u1 jluplcaaiiift volera of the Slate the duty of sending up here next winter n legislature in" Htmcted to provide for this prime necessity. ? ,, Gov. Hayes, of Ohio, had u long and highly satisfactory interview with the President, on Thursday night last. The Governor speaks in the warmest terms of President Grant's ability and determination to do his duty, nnd thinks there is not tho slightest danger of n diffeiencebetween President Grant and his Republican friends iu Congress. Tli<! Spcclnl Agcum. From the Tribune. Among tho atinoancemenls from Washington is an unpretending 'ittlo paragraph to the effect that the 1 ost111 aster General has revoked nil commissions as special agents of tho Post Oflice other than those under pay and assigned to duty. The meaning of this is that hereafter Gov. Kandall's crowd of adventurers and conlidence men are to be stopped from traveling free over all the railroads and steamboats of the country. Whenever the Postmaster General wanted to oblige a friend, or send some striker off to cook np a Convention, or manipulate a caucus, he mado him a Special Agent without pay. The commission was simply a universal railroad and steamboat paRS. Sometimes a single train going into Washington would contain a dozen of these "Postal Agents" whose "green seals" were flourished in the face of conductors, In lieu of tickets. A train between New York and Washington was scarcely ever without a brace of them. Men made business trips over the whole South and West on Postal Agent commissions. Of course the railroads found some way to get even with the .Department, and the Government eventually had all tho promiscuous free riding to pay for. Mr. Creswell is not too prompt in striking at tho root of the discreditable abuse. The Journal of Indianapolis, Ind.t speaking of tho Democratic patriots who recently deserted their party in the Legislature, says : The Democratic bolters were careful to go to the State Treasurer and get their salary, up to date; also, to the State Librarian .to get all tho "perquisites" due them in the shape of station?.? ?? nnctuna btumna ofr> f!nO of Ihom requested (ho .Librarian to puy liim "the cash" instead of giving him stationary, but on being informed that such 11 proceeding would be irregular, Bald l>e would take it in postage stamps, as they came nearer being money than paper and envelopes." What a thrifty set of conscientious bolters these Democratic lugitives are, to be sure. 80 , prompt were they in drawing their salary from the State Treasurer, that they exhausted the balances of the appropriation made for legislative expenses; and a number of the faithful representatives who remained at their posts will have to go unpaid for the present. Iluii. Jiiinrs I". H'IInoh mid llio Cabinet. J 'rom the Hoslun jldvrrtixcr, Mttrch 111. IVn Imnn niinn ?->%- IwIcji rnfnrrPf 1 (n I hn reports in circulation as to the offer of h liiyli place in the Cabinet to Mr. Wil? Hon, of Iowa. Wo now learn upon authority which is not to be questioned that the President offered to Mr. Wil' son first the State Department, and then threo other places successively. To this almost unexampled solicitation, which shows so strongly the President's desire to call to his side a gentleman whom the public was ready to welcome to the Cabinet, Mr. Wilson felt himself compelled to return a tinnl negative. The Cincinnati Chronicle has just passed the first return of its birthday. It started, a year ago, with n capital of $150,000, as an evoniug newspaper, in opposition to the long-established and very profitable Evening Times, with .Joseph H. Barrett, late Commissioner of 1'ensions, as editor-in-chief, and Win. Henry Smith, late Secretary of State of Ohio, aa manager. It has made a handsomo success, and may now be considered fuirly established. jfpwiaj gotirfs. ALLt'OCK POROUS PLANIEK. Kheumatism, Lumbago, Cold Feet, Pain of tho Chest of the Side, Bruises and accident**, especially of tlio wpiue, also chronic weakness or afl'ection thereof, Boro Throat, Varicose Voins, and even in tho affections of the Heart, this celebrated plaster liasbeeu ound to nfford Immediate and permanent relief. Ur. .1. ?. UIIIIIMIU, ui iiuniuiu, nuvui. "At this mom out of w rlting. a man applies Tor one, who, by entanglement in the shaft of machinery, hail both his legs broken, spine seveiely injured, and was for nearly a year entirely helpless. This man found relief very scon by the application of the l'crous Plasters. Ho was soon enabled Jo work, and now he labors as well as ever." Lcllcr from Dr. Fuller, of K'eel&slilll. Thomas Allcock ?C Co.?Ci en tlemen : Hi nee 1 my severe accident I have used as au application lo the bruised parts your admirable i Piaster. It lian had an excellent elicet, soothing . whilo drawing out tho soreness and sustaining and strengthening the part upon which 1 it is applied. E. 1). FULLKK. Pkekskij.t., Oct. 5, IStiS. A llcock's Porous Piasters are SDld by nil Druggist-*. Principal Agency, lirandreth House, New York. marlO-lmd&w VICTORY. A CONQUEST INSTANT AND SUBLIME. O'er Npilelul Nature and o'er blighting Time! Hair while or gray, or rod us sunset's sky, Assumes a Black or Browu that clmims the eye, IJoneath the spell of CUISTODORO'S DYE. Cristadoro's Hair Preservative AND BEAUTIFIER.?This famous preparation Is guaranteed to preserve the hair in its full beauty and luxurianco throughout life. If the hair is thin, it thickens it; if dull and dead-looking, it glvc3 It a magnificent gloss. It is warranted to remove scurf and dandruff, prevent the hair falling off, restore It in bald spots, cause it to curl, and keep it in spleudid order under all circumstances, and in xill climates. Sold by Druggists, and applied by all Hair Dressers. Manufactory No (?8 Maiden Lane, Principal D?pot No. 0 Astor House. mnrl'J-lmd&w ~ BUCHD. I From Dispensatory of the United states.) DIOSMA CRENATA?BDCilO LEAVES I'kopkrtiks.?Their odor is strong, diffusive, and somewhU aromatic, their taste bitterish, and analogous to mint. M kdioal. PKOl'KKTIKS AX!) URKS.?Buchll leaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar tendency to the Urinary Organs. They are glvon In complaints of tho Urinary Organs, Mich as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh or the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bhvider and Uretha, Disease of the Prostrate Gland, and Retention or Incontinence of Urine, from a loss of tono in tho parts concerned in Its evacuation.- The remedy has hIfo been recommended In Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections, and Dropsy.. Hklm?oi.i>'s Extract Bucnu is used by persons from tho agas of 18 to 215, and from 35 to 55, or in tho decline or cliauge of life; after Confinement, or .Labor Baius; BedWetting in clnluren. In affections peculiar to females, tbo Extract Bucbu is unequaled by any other rem- ; in Chlorosis, or Ketontion, Irregularity, I'ainfuluess or Suppression of Customary KviW'uationx, Ulcerated orSrhirrou3statoof tbo Uterus, Lencorrhea, or Whites. Diseasks of the Bladdrk, Kidneys, Uiuvrl, AND drol'sicat. swellinih.-1This medicine increases tho power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy < action, by which the Watery or Calcareous ] depositions, and all Unnatural Enlargements are reduce'!, as well as l'atn and In- I llaiumatton. ] Hklmhold's Extract Buchu has cured i <?veiy caso of Diabetes in which it has been i ?iveu. Irritation of the Neck, of the Bind- ] er, and Inllammation of the Kidneys. U1- ] ceratini of tbo Kidneys and Bladder, Reten- t tlon of Urine, Diseases of tbe Prostrate 1 Gland, Stono in tho Bladder, Calculus; J Gravel, Brick-Dust, Deposit, ami Mucus or ] Milky Discharges, and for enfeebled and f delicate constitutions, of both sexes, attend- 1 ed with the following symptoms: Indisposi- i Hon to Exertion, Doss of Power, Loss of t Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak i Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wake- < fulness. Dimness of Vision, Fain In tiie t Hack, Hot Hauds, Flushing of the Hotly, ! Drynass of the ttkin, Eruption ou the Face, 1 Pallid Couuteriauce, Universal Dassituile of j the Muscular Bystem, Ac. < llkl.MUOL.n^s Extract Ruchd Is Diuretic t and Blood Purifying, and cures all Diseases 1 arising from habits of dissipation, excesses ^ and imprudences in life, impurities of the 1 .Blood, &c , superseding Copaibi^in affections 1 for which it is used, such s? Uonorrhma, i Gleets of longstanding, and SjfpfiHItie Ail'ec- t tigns?in tticse diseases, used In connection s with h klmnoLD'd Hose Wash. t Sold by all Deuggists and dealers every- c Where. Beware oi counterfeit*. Ask for c Helm hold's. Take no otber. Price?SI 25 1 per bottle, or C bottles for Sti50. Delivered to c any address. Describe nymptoms iu all c communications. Address II. T. WELMBOLD, i 6?l, Broadway. N. Y. 8 None are genuine unless done up in steel- c engraved wrapper, with faoslmije of my c Uiremicai Warehouse, and signed 1 H.T.HELMBOLD. I iebi5-<xKld&eoww special gottcts. 1802. 1847. 1868. In 1802 tlie grandfather of Dr. Tobias lntrodnced the Venetian .Liniment in England. It was a success, although the price was a guinea a bottle, ills late Majesty, William IV., used It for Chronic Rheumatism, and was entirely cured after suffering for two years, his attending physician being unable to effect a care, and he wrote a letter of thanks, which is now In possession of my uncle, In Liverpool. I have offered SlOO sterling for the letter, but It was refused. In 1W71 put It out in the United States, and now, in 1S6S the sale is immense. Thousands of families are never without It. It is safe and innocent to apply externally, and to take internally. For twenty-one years I have warranted It to cure the following complaints: Cholera, Diarrhea, Dysentery Croup, Colic, Cramps, Vomiting and Bea sickness, taken lniernauj; ana unromc Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Bruises, Old Sores, Toothache, Frosted Feet, Swellings, Insect Stings, and Pains in Chest, Back and Li tubs, externally. It never folia, if used as directed. For Cholera and Dysentery it Is certain, If used when flrat attacked. No one once trying it will ever bo without it. Sold [ by the Druggists. Price, 50 cents and one dollar. Depot, 10 Park Place, N. Y. lnarlO-lmdAw Happy Marriages. Essays for Young Men, on the Errors, Abuses and Diseases, which creato Impediments to Marriage, with the humane view of treatment and cure, sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia. Pa. JaH20*:tmd<&w . DARBY'S PROPHYLACTIC FLUID! a mmnnmr irn tup wnmn i n uiiiiuuiiiiuii iu inli vruiiuu . We challengo the world to produco a better or a stronger recommendation for any article for any purpose than the following: November 1st, 18CS. We very clieerfally unite our testimony in favor of tlie great merits of the valuable disinfectant manufactured by Prof. Darby, and known as uahby'd PROPHYLACTIC FLUID. From the reputation of Pror. Darby a? a scientific gentleman, from our own knowledge of this preparation, and from the general eHteem in which It is held wherever known, we have no hesitation in recommending it as one of the most valuable household articles with which wo arc acquainted. Rev. H. N. McTyiere, D. D., Nashville, Tenn., Bishop M. E. Church, South. Rev. A. A. Lipscomb. D. D.. Athens, Ua,, Chancellor University of Ga. Rev. Richard Puller, D. D., Baltimore, Md., Pastor Baptist Church. Pres. P. A. Chadbourne, Maillson, Wis.; Pres. Univ. of Wla. Joseph Le Conte, M. D., Columbia, s. C., Prof. uuem, nuci ueoiogy, Univ. ol a. C. Rev. T. O- Summers, D. D., Nashville, Tenn., Hook Ed. South Moth. .Pub. House. R. T. Brumby, Marlotta, tin., formerly Prof. Chcm. llniv. Ala. and 8. 0. Rev. J. M. Bonnell, Macon, Ga.t Pres. of Wes. Fem. Co]lego. Rev. W. C. Bass, Macon, tia., Prof. Nat. Sciences, Wes. Fem: College. Hon. Thomas H. Watts, Montgomery, Ala., Ex-Governor Slato of Alabama. Rev. I. T. Tichnor, Montgomery, Ala.. Pastor First Baptist Chnrch. B. B. Davis, Esq., Montgomery, Ala., Merchant. Rev. L. M. Smith, D. D., Oxford, Ga., President Emory Collogo. Rev. A. G. Stacy, Charlotte, N. C., Pres. Meclc. Female College. Rev. *J. P. Pierce, D. D., Sparta, tin., Bishop M. E. Church, South. TT XT Q^/x^ltAnn iJ-UJLL. jUlIOA, JJL. MLUJJliOllO, Craw fordsvl lie, Ga. Rev. C. D. Elliott, D. D., Ncshvillo, Teun., Pros. Nashville Female Academy. Rev. G. W. F. Price, Tnskegee, Ala., Pres. Tub. Female Col logo. Rev. J. Hamilton, D. D., Mobile, Ala., Pastor Franklin St. M. 1<J. Church, South. Rev. A. T. Mann, D. D., Memphis, Tenn., Pastor M. K. Church, South This list might be increased to Include the name of almost every man, woman and child In thoHouthern States. We have only given a few of the more promiuent, whom everybody knows, and whose opinions they respectFor salo by every druggist and country merchant. Orders tilled by the proprietors, .VOI1N DARHT A CO., HU Williams Nfreel, Bi. Y. "WTfiold l?v J,AUUI?L.IN, SMITH A CO., Wheeling, W. Va. marlti WALTHAM W A T? n TTTP.R To Buyers of Watches Everywhere. The greater part of tlie Jewelers of the United States keep Waltham Watches, ami cordially recommend them to their customers. notwithstanding the fact that less profit i? mode on these watches than on any others generally sold by the trade. The reason of this is, that the reputation or the Waltham Watch renders it an easy sale, and the result is, that, although the dealer does not make as much money on each Individual watch as ho may on the sale of other watches, he Is still the gainer through larger and livelier sales. There are some, howover among the trade, who do not give the Waltham Watch the hearty support which It deserves. This portion of the trade fancy there is more money to bo made by dealing in watches about which the public are ignorant, jtndln which there is lees competition, and are content to make an occasional sale or such watches at a large profit. It Is this class of dealers who, when asked about Waltham Watches, use that kind of language which leads tho customer to buy just such a watch as Is the most profitable for tho ilealer to sell. For tho information of persons about to buy a watch, and who may bo unfavorably allected by the representations of those unfriendly to our watches, wo call attention to the following suggestions: Since tho manuracture of watches was Initiated at Waltham, the Company have made and sold about 400,000 watches. In every town and village of the country some wearer of a Waltham Watch may be fonnd. Let tho party al>out to buy ask this owner of an American Watch this question : HAS YOUR WATCH UiVEN YOU SATISFACTION ? We are not afraid to advise those wishing to buy a watch to guide themselves by the answer. Being satisfied as to the quality of tho watch, the buyer has now only to satisfy himself that the Waltham Watches are THhJ UHKAPKST as well as the best. On this bead we have a few words to say: It is a well known fact In manufacturing, Lliat the greater the number of articles manufactured by ono establishment, the unaller will be the cost of each individual artlclo. Keeping this in view, our polioy ' lias alwayn t een lo sell our products ut the 1 lowest possible price in order to secure largo sales, and thus enable us to manufacture : watches at a minimum cost. WJfl BE- : lifKVK IN SMALL. PROFITS AND A L.ARUK BUSINESS. Thia policy we liave successfully carried oat, ana the result is, 1 that to-day we manufacture twice as many ' watches as all the other factories In the Uni- ' *d States put together. We can, therefore, ijToril lo ieU Cheaper than they do, and actually J to sell Tiventy-Jlve per cent Cheaper than they 1 lo quality for quality. We would further remark that ln|increas- ^ ng our production we have constantly lin- < iroved it* C^UALdTY AND ITS VAK1ETY. ? A'e have had the reiusal of nea*ly all inven- l ions Intended to Improve time-pieces, and 1 lave adopted all tlxose, and those only, < vbich have proved "lo be really valnable. we have retained iu our employment every lead of a department we have ever had vhoso services were of any Importance to J he Company, and our present corps of designers and master mechanics caunot be equaled In this or any other country. In ] utdition to this we make gold and ailver :ases, not only for our own movements, but or those of other factories, ours being the ' inly establishment that turns out watches complete In every respect. I As these Watches are lor sale by the trade generally throughout the United States, and it a retail profit made: most reasonable by ompetition, the Company invariably deline orders of a retail character. SOBBINS it applet Off, Gon'l Ar'to i 183 Broadway, N. T, 1 fbb3-2md&w gew ^dptrtigfrntatg. Health Officer's Notice. HOU8EICEEP ERS AND PROPERTY owners are hereby notified to cleansc their premises before toe 10th proximo, towit: Open cellar and garret windows?swem and whitewash cellars?cleanse and whitewash privies, ntables and other outbuildings and remove filth of every description froze the yards. On thelOth day of April the Health Office] will commence his house to house visits,and all persons falling to obey the terms of thii notice will be liable to a fine of fJO. JAMBS E. BEEVES, M. 1)., mar23-2t Health Officer. For Rent. ANEW DWELLING HOUSE, containinj seven rooms, and finished attic, cor nerof Market and Dlvh ion streets, Centre Wheeling. For further Information apply to mar23-lw* JOHN BRINTON, For Sale at a Bargain. /^pnnwn uivn unARH WIN S^doVsnSi. uinxed 'Venetian"Wlnilov Shutters, all oh good as new for Bale low bj mar'A'i ? M. KKlLb\. WASHINGTON HALL. THIS EVENING, Will be presented 8ir Edward Lytton Bui wer's much admired play of tho LADY OF LYONS ! To conclude with J. O. HEFTON'B origins ComicBurletta of the HR.ISIH: LIO lET I Wednesdav Evening, March '24, J. O. BKPrON'S BENEFIT. Iu rehearsal, FRENCH SPY,AFTER DARK FIVE FAST MEN. Admission, 50 cents. Reserved 8eat?, 75 cti Heats secured at Hall from 10 a . m. till 4 i\ w Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at Tji mart2 "W: RKEl), Business Manager. "Cursed _be_Canaan"! PETROLEUM V. NASBY WILtLi 1JKL1VKU IHDMllOJ UUu \jl-% is Lecture in Wheeling this season at Washington Hall, ? ON ? TUESDAY EVI2NING MAIM ll 30. Tickets 75cti Keservod Heats - -- -- -- - 81 W Hale of reserved Heats commences at Rlieib Music Htore, on Friday morning, 2ttth, at 1 o'clock. mar28td THE STATE IMMIGRATI01 and RELIEF SOCIETY of WEST VIRGINIA Incorporated October 10,1868. This benevolent bociety is nov fulJy organized and ready for subscribe! to memberalilp. All persons of good healtl and morality, of the age of 15 to 60 year* without regard to sex, can become membei of the Hociety. All those wishing to join th snme, will please meet at the ollicooi thouii dersigned ou Saturday Evonlnir, Ulnrcli 27, I86C at 7 O'clock, To subscribe their names and leave their aj cheerfully given at any ffme by *" BEWNO KAMMEK. Olllco on Market street, upper end of 111 Gill Ward Market. mar23-2taw Flour, FlourOAA BARRELS "AVONDALE." /iUU 600 do. r "Gem of the West." oW) do. "Sunbeam." 3f0 do, "Cornelian." All No. 1 family llonr; just received an for sale by M. KEILIjY. Fancy Flour. 1AA URLS. Gebbart's "White Lily." XUU In store and lor sale by M. REILLY. Garrett's Philadelphia Scotoh Snuff. 5HA.KKEL,y ASSORTED UL.AUUEKB. 25 Boxes packs. Just received and for sale by? M. RFULLY. Lard Oil, I (\ BARRELS EXTRA NO. 1, XU in store and for sale by M. REILLY. Bacon, Bacon, 1 A TIERCES Davis' Sugar Cured Hams. 11/ 2T>,ooo lbs. rrime snouidcre. 1(1,000 lbs. Clear Hides. :{,U00 lbs. Star Breakfast Bacon. Justreceivod and lor sale by M. KB1LLY. Lake Fish. A ?\f\ HALF KBLS, HERRING. 4:1/U 100 do: White Fish. la store and for sale by M. HEIf-iLY. Java Coffee. Off MA.TH Choice Olil Uovornmout Java. ,CD J QKt rocolved anil for sale by M. ItKILLV. Cider Vinegar. p-rv BARRELS Pure Cider Vinegar. t)U In store and for sale by niar2;{ M. REILLY. National Savings Ban! of Wheeling. Whkklincj, March 18fi!>. I To the Comptroller of the Currency, WcisJtinc ! ton. X>. v.' Sir: It Is liercby certified, In pursuance ( Bectlon. 4'2 of the Act of Congress entftle "An Act to provide a National Currency si cured by a pledge of United States Bondi and to provide for the circulation and r< demption thereof," approved June .*1, IStt that, at a meeting of the Stockholders of th National Savings Bank of Wheeling, locate at Wheeling, In the Slate of West Vlrgiuii duly notified and held pursuant to law am the Articles of Association of said Bank, a theoflice of said Association, at Wheelin aforesaid, on tne 7th day ol January, 1869, 1 was voted by the Stockholders of said Assa elation, owning more than two-thirds of it stock, that saia Association go into liqulda tlon and be closed. ju icauuiuujr w nciouj, j. iioyd uj tiou of the Board of DLrectiore or said Asso r???% elation, hereto subscribed my name {) and atllxed theseal of said ahkocIji L. 8. j-tion, at Wheeling aforesaid, the da: J and year above written. ?-v?-' a. P. HIUJRKOH, Cashier UOTICE. The National Havings Bank of Wheel lug organized under the Act of Congress entitle* "An Act to provide a National Currency se cured by a pledge of United States Bond* aud to provide for the circulation aud re demotion thereof." approved June 18M. lo cated at Wheeling, In the State of West Vlr glnla, is closing up its affairs. All note hold ers and other creditors of said Asaociatioi are therefore hereby notified to present tin notes and other claims against, tne Assoc fation tor payment; S. P. HILDKEUfl, Cashier. Dated Wheeling, March 22, 1889. mar22?2m ' ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF Real Estate and Leasehold Property. Ah assignee appointed in the matter of Jessie B. Mellor, Bankrupt, J will, on Nntnrday, April I0tb, 1869, At the front door of the Court House ol Ohio County, in Wheeling, offer at public Bale, the following described real estate, that is to say: the uudlvlded three (3-5] fifths part of a part of lot No. 2, in Square No. 25, on Hampden street, in the City ol Wheeling, with the improvements. Said Improvements consist uf a commodious frame dwelling house, two stories high, containing six rooms andkltonen, with outbuildings. Also, the undivided three (3-5) fifths of a leasehold with the Improvements in sixteen ia\ foot nr amnnd fmnMnc nn nn tori RtrMt. Ln UieClty of Wneellng, being the properly now occupied by Geo. McMasters aa a ?adJlery and Harness establishment. The lease on the gronnd rnns to April lit, 187-1, at a ground rent of eighty dollars per annum, with ilia right to remove the building at the Bxplrat.on of the lease. Belling as Assignee I will convey such title aa la authorized by the act of uongress, commonly culled the Bankrupt Act. The title Is, however, believed to be unexceptionable. Terms of Sale?One-half cash, the balance Ln sixty days* Title retained until deferred payments are made. mar22-ts B. G. BARR, Assignee. Dissolution of Partnership. FTIHE FIRM OF A. w. PAOL.L, <t 00. WAS i tuts day dissolved by mutual consent, John Morgan, Jr., retiring. March 16,19&. A, W. PADLL A CO. The Imslnem will bo continued by the nnilerslgued, under tlie same name as heretofore. A. W. l'AUliL. maris J^ F. PAULL. JTstnlJllHlietl in 1h37. ; 1869. SPRING TRADE. 1869. r ? I i BAUUEL M'l'LKLUN. CflKsTEU D. KNON M CLELL AN & KNOX. ; Mnnnfrtclnrers and Jobbers of BOOTS & SHOES, > no. 05 main street, 'r WIIKKLISn, W. VA. ' wk invite the attention of f V Cash Bnyers to oar very large assort merit of UUUTd ANI) SHOES for the Spring and Slimmer Trade Which, for extent, variety ami freodotr from all irregularity, is not nurpassed. Our stock in larger than any other in thii j city, and in prices, We con Successfully Compete with any Shoe House in the East or West. For the proof of which, wo invito yon to at examination of our stock. All goods warranted uniform in qualifv. mar23 M'ULKLLAN A KNOX. i. [. An Ordinance alO PROVIDE FOR AN ANNUAL, ESTI . mate of Expenditures lor each curren year. lie it ordained by the Council of the City o Wheeling : f Hue. 1. The several committees of Couuci shall each, at tho first regular meeting o _ Council In April, or immediately thereafter ' report to Council a careful estimate of th< amount of money required in its own department for tho current year; the severa o Ulcere of the city shall assist said commit tee in their proper departments in making up said estimates. c*kc. 2. The Council t?hall, on receivlni t said reports, proceed to consider them, and having amonded them, or either or them, 1 found necessary, shall by resolution tlx ant determine the amounts of money to bo ex 3- pended in each department of municipal af >. fairs for tho current year, and in no casi shall the amounts so fixed be exoeeded. h Meg. 3. It r hall not be lawful to tlx the rah 0 of taxation or of water rents within the citj until after said amounts of current expensej ~ shall have been fixed, and tho assessment f lists of water, real estate, personal property i ULIIOADIOH, aopj uuu iicminea hiihu uavu uwi duly made by the afisessors of each. Sue. 4. It shall be the daty of the Clerk o each branch of Council to record in hlsmin utew, to be read to Council, the sum of al appropriations made and expenses lncnrre< during each month, and also the whole Hun from the commencement of the year. 8kg. 5. This ordinance shall bo in form - from Its passage, and all ordinances or part of ordinances conlilcting with this ordinance are hereby repeale<i. ^ Passed Council March ltflh, 1869. 'H mar23-lt ? An Ordinance * mo AMKNU AN UllDINANCE FOR CBE 0 J ation and appointment of a temporary i- officer to be called the Health Officer of th< City of Wheeliing, amended so as to read a ? follows: For the creation of and election o a permanent officer, to bo called the Healtl Officer of the City of Wheeling. hec. 1. lie it ordtuned by the Council of th ? City of Wheeling, That there shall be electee by the Council of the City of Wheeling, a the lirst meeting thereof after the annua e election (or as soon thereafter as practicable] an officer to be called the Health Officer whoso term of office shall continue until hii successor is elected and qualified, and lit shall receive from the city for his services i compensation of not more than eight hun dred dollars per annum, and said salary shall be paid oul of the City Treasury as thi . salaries of other city officers are payable, d Bsc. 2. The said Health Officer shall hav< and possess all the powers and authority which are given to or conferred upon thi Panitary Committee or Board of Health o Wheellug by sections thirteen (13), slxteei (16), twenty (20), twenty-one (21), twenty three (23), twenty-four (24). twenty-six (2G] twenty-seven (27), thirty (30), and thirty-on / >jv Hm nniinon/>A Antlllpil nn nnlinanr ~ lii relation to the election, powers and dutle of Sanitary Committees and Board of Healtl of Wheeling, and which Is recorded am published in the printed Ordinance Book o the city, bearing datel8tf7, pages 3 to 7 incln Hive, of the supplement, all of which shal be taken and regarded as applying to tht Health Officer, his agents and other person - employed by him nnder this ordinance. Stcc. 3. To enable the Health officer thi better to discharge the duties of his office, hi shall have authority to niakefe rcqulsltloi In writing upon the Street Commissioner fo the removal of all nuisances and offensivi accumulations in the streets and alleys; am if he deems it essential to the more tborougl cleansing of the gutters and sewers, he ma: also command the assistance and service o the Superintendent or the Water Works, ii supplying water for that purpose, and, wltl the consent of the Council, he shall hav power to employ agents or assistants, labor - ors, or other persons, when necessity re quiros; hut in timo of threatened danger u the health of the city, when the occasloi shall be too urgent to allow a oonvenlen time to consult the Council, the said Healtl Officer shall have power, and it shall be hi duty, at the cost of the owner or ownen shall he or they refuse to comply with thi terms of his order, without delay, to orde and contract for the immediate cleansing o UlSlnreCUUR or lmprovemBUi III HID aauimij ? condition of any lot, grounds or tenement within the corporate limits of the city, ant he shall have authority and right to ente upon any grounds, or lot, or house, in tin discharge of the duties of the offlce. skc. 4. If the owner or owners, agent o: agents, occupier or occupiers, of anygroum f or tenement in said city shall rofuse to com ply with any order or notice nerved upoi him or them by the said Health Officer o: his agent* for the removal of filth or lmpu Titles of whatever character connected witl such ground, grout?ds or tenement house o: .. houses, including cellars, privies or otho r buildings, and prejudicial to the health o the neighborhood or in anywise offensive and for the thorough cleansing or disinfect u iug of the same as he, the said Health Offi cer, shall direct in his order or notice for Im 9? proving the condition of such premises, a Ite: J" ten days notice given in writing, he, she 01 they shall forfeit and pay to the City o ? Wheeling a lino not exceeding twenty dollar, u for any such lailure or offence. and the salt Health Officer shall report his proceeding! J together with the name or names and resi 1 dence of sucb persistent offender or offendf ers. to the Council. z ?kc. 5. Be it ordained, that section 80 o " said ordinance or supplementary oidinanci H shall be taken and regarded as applying tc ~ the said Health Officer, his agents and per sons employed by him under this ordinance " in case of any resistance or obstructed men ' ace or threats made to him, his agonts, oi '? other persons employed by him. " 8kc. <>. That said Health Officer shall, bef fore entering upon the said duties of his offlce, enter into bond with one or more seciirltles in the penal sum of one thousand dol lars, to be approved by Council, the condition of which shall be for the faithful per formanco of the duty of the said office, and l also take the sevoral oaths required to be - taken by other city officers; and if saitl i Health Officer shall neglect or refuso to on force any ordinance now in force or that may - hereafter be enacted in relation to sanitary - regulations, when notified In writing by any . citizen, within a reasonable time, he shall i forfeit and pay to the city a fine of not lest 3 than five (5) nor more than ten (10) dollars, . to be recovered and collected as other lines Skc. 7. Be It ordained, that no person shall be eligible to the office of Health Officer, unless ho be a regularly educated practicing I physician. meg. S. That the Health Officer bo required to vaccinate all persons in the city that are not able to pay for it, and he shall also attend city prisoners without cost to the city. 8hc. 9. All ordinances heretofore pawed coming in conflict with this ordinance be ' and the same are hereby repealed. Passed Council March 16th, 1869. [ H. F. FEEWY. City Clerk. For duclBinatf, Lonisvllle mid Nt. JLonls. r (Regular Tuesday Packet.) ! . The splendid side wheel passengei > [jc^^^sieamer OOIjDKN EAGLE, Capt. > Amos E. Da vis. will leave as above ' announced, on Tuesday, 23d inst, at 3 o'clock 1 p. m. For freight or passage apply on board or to | mar23-2t i>. M. MONO. Agent. For St. I.oiiIn, Keokuk, Davenport, Galena, Dnbnqne and St. Panl. Wodncsday, tbe 24th Inst. THE Fine Fasreneer Steamer f^flSjlCil/ASGOW, Capt. Andy KobJnAaSM*6on, will leave Wheeling for all points on the Upper Mississippi Kiver on Wednesday, 24th Marcli. Apply to T. H. MONO, Agent, mar*?2?3t Offlce 34 Monroe Street. THE UNDLB8IONBDHAVE REMOVED to their new Ware Booms, north east i corner Market Square, Centre Wheeling, where may be found everything in the IFTJ -RUITTJRE lilZtsTIE. Thankful for past favors, we invite attention of the public to our new house. Work made 10 order. UNDERTAKING promptly attended 40. mar?-2w WM. ZINK A BON. W-A-IsTTiEID. TWO (2) GOOD JODKNEYMEN TAILORS and one Sewing Girl; Steady employ. ment and good wagea will be gl vcrn^ maris -lw No. 69 Main Street. Omliv/xj. wvi IMPORTANT FOR THJ That the Handsomest STOCK OF SPRI IN THE CITY, IS r. BEUES & I 114 MAIN Their Especial Attention is In Comprising Heavy Black Oro Uralu Silks, lit Ar DRESS Of every Color and equality, at psicee ranging of Colored Bali lift * OUR DRESS GOOI Cannot l>o surpassed. It embraces Irish Fop Frencli Poplins, ttlaco Poplins, Striped and f Black and Colored Alpacas, of tlie most ha 811k Warp Black Alpaca of Klegant Quality. White P. K.'s; Plain, Striped, and Btirred, L and Spring Shawls, in an me very wu?i myi Latest Novelties in Parasols. Call and see t I IThe Celebrated Seamless Kid Gloves. Also, We also olfer ?00 Honey Comb Q.nllUi at SI 5 2D Dozen Elegant French Corsets at Si uO ft 50 Dozen Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs at J 1000 Yauls Russia Crash at 12*4 cents p?ryai Table IJnens, Irish Linen?, x>apklns, Tow . duced prices. A full stock of Clotlis and Cass I meres for Me AS r marZl J JOHN ROEMER, Nos. 31 and 33, Main St., CJ3NTUK WIIEKLING. IT GIVES ME PLEASURE TO INFORM my friendfl and the public In general that ' I have in storoand am daliy receiving Inrge additions to my Htock of , Fancy and Domestic Dry Ms, i lloiiHokeoplug UoodR, Carpets, Oil Cloths, kugs; Malts, <Sc? 1 Having tho Liargesl Variety and a raoro 1 general assortment of artlelcB directly and 1 Indirectly connected with a l)ry UoodR, Notion and Carpet Kstabllshmeuls combined into one mammoth sslablisliuient, which enables me to bny and Bell a much larger onantltv of goods than any two establish meats in the city In onr line, and In oonsequtoice of which 1 can hay and sell them at ' less prices! Studying economy in every de, partment; having no rent to pay, 1 can do a ' larger business at less expense than any 1 other house in the trade. Keeping a large [ number or gentlemanly and competent 1 Salesmen, the most .fastidious cannot fall to , he pleased. . Special at ton tlon Is invited to a few arti[ cIch of our stock. ! PE/I1TTS, ! A large assortment of New Styles, 10, 15>? ; and 15c. Buft'aio Allapncos 10, 50, GO, 70, feo. 90c, SI. Pure Mohair Lustres and Poplins ' faom 50c:to 91.50 Fancy and Black Silks from , 91 25 to 83 50 per yard. Bombazines, Crape Batlieria, Alexandria , Cord, and many otner styles of goods sulta' ble lor mourning. r -WTECITE GOODS, A large assortment of all tbodifferent makes, , Swiss, Nansook, Bishops Lawn, Victoria 3 Lawn, Soft finished Jaconet, Striped Jaco3 nets, Plaid Jaconets, Brilliants, Plaues, 3 Granedeln Veiling of all colors; Flannels of t all kinds and prices. [ CLOTHS, CASSIMERKs, { Satinets, Jeans. Gaslimerets, Ac., the largest : assortment In the city, to accommodate Mer1 chants and Merchant Tailors at Eastern j Prices; also, Tailors' Trimmings. } I M u s 1 i n s, r 3 A large assortment of Bleached and UnI bleached from 10,12,15.10.16, 20c. Bleached ? and Unbleached Sheeting 6-4.0-4,10-4. Llnr en Sheeting of superior quality 5?4, 10-4. A ' large supply of Linen Table Cloths, Table > Linens, JNapkins, Tow lings, Ac., of tbo best ' quality and exceedingly low prices. 3 Shirting Linens 50,60,75, 85 s, 91, 91 25. Shirt Bosoms 20, 25, 8t>, 35, 40, 50, 00, 75c. | Dress TrimmingH, t 1 In great variety and at low price*. Kid 1 (i loves. a full line or t>est quality, 9125,91 so, 81 75, 82 00. Fancy Gloves?A general as' sortment at almost any price. Ladles and r Gents Handkerchiefs, from 5c to 82 apiece. : The best 0 Cord Machine Cotton in tub r world at 90c per doz. ' JIOSIKKY?The largest assortment of La1 dies' and Gents' Hosiery in the city, at almost any price. 5 Marsalles, Honey Comb and Lancaster Quilts. Cloaks ana Shawls In great variety | anil at low prices. Carpet Department. Special attention is given to this Dcpart. meut. H aving a sepaarte room in the estab lishraent for carpets, Oil Cloths, MattingH|f r Bugs, Matts, Ac., Ac., Window Blinds, Fixtures, Ac., enables us to compete witn any ; House in the trade and oner great induce , mentuto cimli buyers in that department, having Carpet from 80c to 81; selling the best . 2 ply ingrain All Worsted chain and Wool . tilling at *1 peryaTd. Call and see foryourr selves, if you wish to save money. The best . quality or Cotton Carpet Chain. 3 ply at 10c; A ply at 43c, and 5 play at 4-tc. White Cotton Chain from Nos. ? to 12 for 45c. Terms are Strictly Cash. Buying and selling for cash you can always tell what you arc; doin*;, for cash will secure better bargains than credit, believing that by industry, liouest dealing and economy, we cannot fall to benefit those friends and customer* that may be pleased to favor us with a call. Therefor I respectfully Invite an examination of our stock of all cash buyers, either wholesale or retail before purchasing elsewhere, and oblige in art 2 JOHN ROKWEB. New Spring Shawls. WILL OPEN THI8 MORNING REAL False ley Shawls, with white and black centres; French Printed Cashmere Shawls in great variety. uiar22 J. 8. HHP PER & CO. The Last Chance. WE WILL OFFER THIS MORNING 25 pieces Heavy Black Alpacca Poplins at 20 do. at &0c. These goods are worth usually Just double what weafik for them. m*r22 J. B; BHODE8 A CO. To Make Room, WE OFFE R Til IS DAY 200 YARDS ALL Wool Plain Del an en at 25c. mar22 J. S. RHODES A CO. Old Fire Arms Wanted. gFENCER CARBINES AND RIFLES. Henry Carbines and Rifles. Sharp's Carbines and Rifles. Colt's Army and Navy Revol vera. Colt's Dragoon Revolvers. Hmilh A Wesson Revolvers. Remington Revolvers. Liberal Cash Priccs paid for the above binds of Arms la any quantity, from a sinfle arm npwards, either in good order or roken. Address CHAB. H. WINTHROP, mar22-2t Troy. N. Y. Notice. ovkhhker3 of the poor, > Clerk's Office, March 19,1869. j An adjourned meeting of the ! Board of Overseers of the Poor will be held at the Ooart House on Saturday, the ' Z7th day of March, 1869. All persons having claims against the county, contracted by the members of the Board daring the last year, . will flle the same In this otllce on or before that date. Proposals from Physicians for attending and fnrnlsblng medicines to the , paupers at the Poor House and city town- ! ships, Including Kltchie,will also be received. By order of the Board. marto-at JOHN C. fOBTER. Clerk. I Assistant Assessor's Notice; ] mAKE NOTICE THAT I SHALL AS8K88 ' I I all nersons who hava neelM*t^i mokn . return of their Income from the best Information I can obtain, and add SO per cent, thereto, if not returned by the 30th Inst i m ROBERT PRATT, 1 marZMw Assistant Assessor. S LADIES TO KNOW, and Host Attractive NG DRY GOODS CO BE FOUND AT SANDERS'. STREET. vited to the Silk Department >avy Black Taffeta Blika, for Ladies' Baqnef id S X X. K S C from f 1 SO !o 55 OU per yard. Also, a varlet for Trimmings. )S DEPARTMENT 11ns of all dolors, from SI 50 to $3 00 per yari) lain, for Suits, from 50 eenfs to fl per yard, ndsome colors, from 37*4 cents toil '25 for . ?ma LaoeHhawLsand Clrcnlars, Hllfc Cloaks 68. hem. (new styles of Alexandre Kid Ulovai Oa piece. piece. 0 cents a piece. eel. sis anil Housekeeping Goods, at greatly re n's and Boys' wev. At KUKS A HANDEIIH'. 114 IVXalu Htreet. j ffimbaot gatioyittg. A M. ADAMS OPPEKS HIB BTORE-ROOM FOR SAL. I or rout from the 1st of April, 1KH9. COST, COST; AND ZBIELCTW And will sell His Ready Made Clothing AT COST. TO CLOSE OUT Before lie removes to his new stand ON MONHOK HTREEl jau 19 gtg <5ooa$. D?Da?TWQ I U AUaATWQ I UHlbU ?Uil U i UHAUUXXlll KJ k NOW OFFERING, FINEST 10-4, 11-4. 12-4 White Wool Blankets -A.T COST. AUSO Fine Frencli Merino, worth 91, for 75 cents. Fine Frencli Merino, wortli 91 25 for 9 1 00. Fine Frencli Kin press Poplin for only 65 cts Fine English Merino for only 45 eta. Fine Mohair Dress Goods, wortli 50 ctfl for 25 All otlier Dress (ioods at reduced price. FURS! FURS!! I am closing out my stock of .Ladles' and Children's Furs at CG8T. Shawls, Knit Break fust Capes and Hood! at REDUCED PRICKS. CARPET CHAIN; A superior quality of 4 and 5 ply Cotton Carpel Chain, the best in the market. A full assortment of all kind!) or UomestU Goods, of the be?i;Fabrto and Latent Htyle al the LOWEBT MAHKET PBICB. All who are In search of UOOD HAK> <1AINR will do well to give me a call before buying elsewhere. TKHMS?Nell casli. Small Pronto, and Quick Hales, at HENRY BOEMER'S, No. 36, Eant Side Slain nnd Blddle Hti Centre Wheeling:. janll MORE NEW GOODS! GOOD QUALITY RUSSIA CRASH AT 12'i CENTS JPKK YARD. MOHK 11UCK TOWKLS AT i?! CENTS EACH. Spring Shawls, New Style. LIHEN IIASUKERDII IEt'8 AT 12VC CENTS EACH. Plaid Nansooks, Scotch Cambrics 4c, Jiwt received by J. H. HMITH, marfi No. 122 Main Htreet, 1868. Fall and Winter. 1869. THE LiiROEMT, THE BEST. and The Cheapest lot or FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS a1vd NOTIONS in tbi city is at FISHER & SEAMON'S lis MAIil NTKKKT, npU j )KOW\ * Hioam, 127 Main St., Wheeling, W. V?? PHOTOGRAPHERS, Ana Dealers In FOREIGN & AMERICAN CHROMOS, Plrtnre Frame*,' Picture Rail* Cord - and Tamelx, Parlor Bracket*. Ar. 3QUARE FBAME3 MADE TO ORDER. N. B.?Uallery will be open In Ibe evening marlU Notice. The annual, mretinu of the Htockbolriers In Greenwood Cemetery Forthe election o( Directors, will be held at the office of the Secretary on Thnnwlay, the i5th Inst., between the bonra of 2 and 5 I'docRP. V. R. C.BON HAM, marl8-ul Secretary. ("vUASHIA TONIC CUPS, tor u at K |J BOCJCINUtS Drag (More, No. t. Odd Fallow*! Hall., ?t<amftoat5.?' For Bnneivlllc. m-m The fine Passenger Packet JULIA r ,ll?i>No. 2, Capt. Coulston, will leavu dBSBP" above, to-night at midnight. freight received and bills of lading hIKi,. ,i until * l". M. | BOOTH, IiATTELLK 4 CO., maiM-lt Agents. For Cincinnati, Lonlavllle and Hi lonla. ?mm .The line passenger steamer fflZJmOLDKM KAUI.E, Capt. AMOS K J^^SSsDavis. will leave as aboviTuesday, ZU1 Inst., at S o'clock p. K. If or freight or parage apply on board or to BOOTif, BATTELLE & CO., mai23-St Agonts. ' ?0t ?*trt. For Bent. THE STORE-ROOM OCCUPIED BY Mean. Wm. Bnmner* CO., known m, the Wheeler <* Wilson Sewing Maelnnc ? office, and sltnated No. 99 Main street. K..r particulars apply to MEBSKH. WM. SUMMER A CO. marl9-lf To Let. fTUIK BUILDING, No. 46 MAIN 8TRKKT, X now occupied by Korbe* A Hawlt.y. Possession on the flrst of April. Apply to marlh-tf w. L, McAFEE. r For Rent. STORE ROOM IN KBUIT HOUSE. Possession given on Dm day of April. ai?> rooms in the main bnlldlng, with cellar rapacity to store apples or potatoes. Enquire of J. K. BOTSFORD. marlg-tf i. For Rent: ? A FIRST KATE BUSINESS ROOM UNft A Uer | ODD FELLOW? HALL, MONBOK ?T. ' Possession given any time. THO?. O'BRIEN. marl I Real Kitate Agent. For Rent. Several new bobinb8s rooms in Gnuit House Block?new addition. - ja?tf l1kwi8 A woodmanhbk. For Bent. A DWELLING HOUSE ON ZANE street, near new church, containing seven rooms, bath room, Improved kitchen range hot and cold water, all in Unit rate order. Applvto GREEK A LA INU. r Jan5 ffTJwi. 1 For Sale. A ONE HORSE FOWKE ENGINE AN1? Holler, will be sold separate or together, inquire at 38 Monvoe Street, over Mong'H Oyster Depot, marl8-lwFor Sale, Valuable Property SITUATED ON RANDOLPH ST., MAKTIN'd FERRY, Ohio. connlstlng of two lots, upon which is a good two-story Brick House containing six rooms and an excellent cellar. There is also on the premises h good stable. For particulars enquire on tne premise*. marls-lw JOHN REYNEK. For Sale. rvnk [:r, h. p. engine, boiler ani> U Bmoka Stack. One let of Mall Keg Mrchinery, all in complete running order. Will be sold separate or together. For particulars can oa or aaaress PDKDY, HOG AN A CO., mar11-2w Monndavllle. W. V?. > For Sale. A FINE ELEUANT TWO BTORY Frame Dwelling with nine rooms, good celliu and wash hnmu, all In good order. Tbe most desirable situation for a hotel stand 1 u the town of Moundsvllle. close to the depot, on the second bank fronting the Ohio river, , and convenient to the Court House, with _ shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes, <*c. Will be sold at the front door of the Court House, oil Tuesday, the 30th of March, 1889; If not disposed of before that time. For particular*! apply to John M. Armstrong, on the premises. or at Kobt McOonnell's law oDoe. maitita JOHN M. AKM8TRONM. 7 For Sale Cheap. rnHE FOLLOWING BIZEB, SECOND _L Hand Steam Engines and Boilers: - One 16 Inch Cylinder, 4 feet stroke. " 14 44 - 4 feet 44 M 19 M ? 4 feet 7 " 16 inch 44 7 44 '! 14 inch good as | new. * Ooe 5% inch Cylinder, 20 Inch stroke. One Tubular Boiler, good as new. One Double-Flued Boiler, 82 in. by 14 feet. One Upright Single Flued Boiler, 44 in by 10 feeU Also our three story brick building. 32 feet by 70 feet, with two lots attached on, Web6ter I street. Centre Wheeling. Apply to ' mar5-lm HOBB8, TATt LOR A CO. For Sale Cheap. ANE OFFICE DESK, 4Y% teet long. U One Burnslde Btove and Pipe. Two Hmall stoves. uue M(UHIe upugub OUUW (jHBO. One Counter, 14 feet Ions. Windows, Doors, Mantels, Ac. Apply soon to LOGATf, L.I8T, A CO., . maris Bridge Corner. To Manufacturers and Coal Dealers. PUBLIC SALE. AT THE FRONT DOOR OS" THE COUKT Hou?e, Wheeling, W. Va, on Satnrilay. April 10th, ISO, at 10 o'clock A. M., that valuable coal property belonging to Robert H. Woods and wm. H. Woods, sltnated :: in tie*, above the City or Wheeling, on the Kant side of Uie Ohio River. The upper tract contains 21 acres of surface land, with a coal privilege or MIX acres: the tract adjolnlni:. 31 acres of surface, with 74 acres or coal. < " the latter tract Is a good tenement houiut and out-bulldlngs. with water irafflclcnl fur manufacturing purposes. This property l? especially adapted lor a mill site, the coal, x six (8) feet vein; outcropping 160 feet above low water mark. Plats or the above will be tarnished auil information given by Robert B, Wooil", Esq., Recorder, Wheeling; W. Va. Terms, in ado known on day or sale. UKO. K. W1CKHAM. Aacuonmr. _ Trustee's Sale. By virtue op a deed op trust executed to me by diaries H. Bender aud wife, dated the flrmt day of February. A. D., 1X88; and or record In Deed Book Si, Folio 302. In the Recorder's offloe of Ohio County, state of Went Virginia, 1 will sell at public auction, at the the front door ol the Court Honae of Ohio County, on Hsuday, the 12th day April, A. D., 1869, the following described property or paroela of ground, that In to Bay: Two lota Hltnate til > the Connty of Ohio, and state of West Virginia, lying on the welt aide of Coal street, in cafdwelrs addition to the Oltr of Wheeling, and designated on thOv plat of said a.l, diuon as low numbers seventy |(7o) ami aevonty-ohe (71) with tho bulldlngu thereto belonging. . ' T Xernu.caab. Belling as trustee I Khali oonvey inch title aa la Tea led in me by vlrtno of aid deed of trust, . mar!3-ta A. g. ROBISBOIT. Trustee. Tot Sale. TWO FINE BRICK 8TORK-ROOMS witb dwellings attached, containing 7 room* each, with gas and water, situate in Centra Wheeling, on Main street. Terms intul** , Oasy. Jacob hornbkook. feb22-tf Factory for Sale. OUR FIVB-STORY BRICK boildino. With FOUR IXXTO auaehed, contain In s COXHODlOUa BCIIBISIM, for UBee, WareUoasn. Slnekamliii Shop, etc. Also. with the above. One Knglnr, MM. p., Fly.wiieel, and m Bolter*; One IilneoftllialUag.etr. The above property la well adapted for manufacturing purposes, and fh axneiinnt oonuiuon, ana next square to the Pan oDc? Terms, part cash, and reasonable time. NORWAY IRON WITO. CO.. Iyl5-tf Oor. ttn ana Clay nt* For Sale. A FINE BRICK DWELLING HoUhr; with eight rooms, cellar, cistern, Ae_ lu good order?a desirable sitnatlon, at the west end of Bridgeport Obto, comer lot 70 by 100 feet, with a good wellTlarge barn will' granaries, Ac., and lot ornamented* wltl> shrubbery, fruit trees, grapes. Ac. will be sold on easy terms. Apply to DR. H. OAPEHABT, Bridgeport, Ohio. Or at Offlcoiw Sheridan Ooal Works, Mar- i ket tUo^po. Union St.. Wheeling, w. Va. HYACINTHS & GLASSES J^ FINK ASSORTMENT, Jrest received ?l marl E. BOCKING'H. Ne Plus Ultra Lime. 1 A A BBM. NE PLtte ULTRA LIMK. XUU (ran burnt, received by P. C. jjUiPBKTH AUK'1-. ? e-fv BBLB. WII.MIMOTON TAR, large hi) " 0\J 3U " CommonRosin. 6 *' Bale " I On hand ami for Bale low by mvK OKAH- H. HKHKV PlftRtfif Pari H f A RBLB. CALCINED PLASTER PAR> I OU (Pboenlx HUH). _ P. C. HILDBBTH * BB<>