WHEELING INTELLIGENCER. T E U M S . INVARIABLY IN ADVANCE. IHOKNINU EDITION. By mail (in advance) per annum 87 50 ? months ! OO 8 .. a oo 1 75 Delivered by Carrier, per week 15 TR1.WF.EKLY EDITION. Pt:i;LlMIED KVKRY TUESDAY, THTJBSDAY and "Saturday. Hli.?4iesut'?rrll>erH, perannnm 85 OO 44 " fi months 50 " * 3 1 i?5 " 1 " 50 Cluiw of flvo.eacli, per annum- 4 DO 44 " 0 months .. J5 oo :i 44 1 OO On** frtpy oxtrn to dubs of ten. H'f.KUlJi nuniuii, l Um-IflHKD EVERY THURSDAY. m!iu:!? .nlisrrlljoni, per annum .^..$2 OO " H months..._ 1 oo 44 :i 14 .. 50 <;in;*??r live and upwards,each 1 50 *' 44 44 6 mos... 75 ?me copy extra to petter-up or club of ton ZlATm ?r ADVEKTISIMi. DA 1LY?One square, 1 Insertion ~$t OO 1 week- :t oo 44 44 2 weeks n oo " 1 month - H OO Hpeclal notices, per square, each Insertion 1 25 Loral notices, per line, each Insertion 15 SV MKKI A'?One square, 1 Insertion 1 OO Kach additional Insertion, 50 .Local noUceH, per line, each insertion 20 o-tr Ten lines or less make a square. aa-Trauttieut advertisements cash in advance. Marriages and Funeral Notices, 75 when under six lines. simple announcements of Deaths, gratis e?r No notice will be taken or communications not accompanied by a responsible itatiif. The name will l>o considered confidential, i?ut must In all cases accompany letters as a guarantee of good laith. tEkiMttM.k'gmmi ?.*> ai:M: MO. 15 dUlMCT S'lllECT. b'liKW, HAQAN8 & HALL. raopBiETuaa. U JillM.SDAY 9IOKMXU, MAUtll 21. Tub Postmaster General has comuicnced lopping off the twigs lirst; and on Saturday several hundred notices of removals and appointments wero sent through the mail, all of thorn 10 i postmasters holding potty offices. Tiie appointment of Mr. Thomas l. Tullock, who is secretary of tho republican executive committee, as chief of the appointment division of tho Treasury Department, is regarded in Wash" ington by tho Democrats as a positive indication that all tho conservative and democratic clerks In tho department are doomed to the official guillotine. Tuk Mctlicuisi.episcopal Luuruu <>i tins United Slates, it in announced, will, next June, decide the question whether thy laity shall hereafter be admitted as delegates to the conferences. All the membors of tho Church, male and female, will vote; and in order to ascertain, in an informal way, the views o 1 tho denomination on tho subject, a series of maus meetings of friends of tho change will be held through the country. At the Cabinet meeting Friday last the subject of the various oflicers at home and abroad was discussed at length, for the purpose of deciding upon a general course of action on the part of tho Kxecutivo department. The question of removals was particularly considered, and tho united opinion of tho President and Cabinet was that no removals of Republican officeholders should bo made except lor cause, until the expiration of ilieir Mic.Wili.ky introduced iu iho Sennit" on Saturday a bill authorizing tin* corporations of Washington and Ueorgotown to subscribe for the capital stock of the Loudoun and Hampshire Itiilrond Company, of "Virginia: ten thousand shares to be subscribed for by ihe corporation of Washington, and two thousand shares by the corporation of Georgetown; each share being for $100. To raiso the means necessary to pay for such subscriptions, the corporators are authorized to issue their bonds payablo in thirty years, bearing six pec cent, interest, which may be delivered to said companies iu payment for the subscriptions. An engagement between Schenck and Butler was expected in tho Hoiisb of Representatives Monday, but did not come off. Butler after reaching the House and recounoiterlng the position, sent at once to his oflice and hurried tip an additional stock of ammunition in tbe shape ol documents supposed to be copies of the telegrams and suppressed evidence from the flies of Ihe Impeachment Committee, which Butler claims will make good his charge against Sohenck. Uen.Schenck's friends claim that he can prove Butler was bought off by the whisky men while managing the impeachment iuvubIiirnTion ?mi that he is retained as tlie attorney of oueol the largest whisky establishments at :lie Kast. Tub Senate is making progress slowly on the Tenure-of-OIlice question. In tlio caucus Monday afternoon, after we vera 1 .short speeches had been delivered, a motion was uiado by a lending member, with a view of harmonizing the contlicting opinions, that tlio whole question of repeal, modification aud suspension bo committed to the Judiciary Committee, with instructions to present u new bill embodying certain features which are to take the places of the first nnd second sections of the Civil Tenure Act. This motion was unanimously agreed to, with the understanding that they would make a similar motion in tlio Senate next day, and tlio committee would thereupon prepare a measure allowing the President to appoint his Cabinet, and to make removals during the recess of Congress without tendering liis reasons therefor to the Senato, but requiring him, within thirty days after the meeting of the Senato in December, to send a list of nil appointments made during the recess. It is expected that the bill will embody the other features of the original act, and also a clause repealing the original law. The committee were to conler with l'resident Urant, and inform him of the action of the caucus, and obtain bis views oi the subject, and, as far as possible, make their action conform to his views. Another caucus will be held today, when the committee will report and present the Iruits of its action, and, if satisfactory, will submit the bill to the Senate, when, of course, it will be passed, and sent to the House for concurrence. It may be considered a big work if the thing is disposed of this week. Adjournment will then follow, it is expected, within a fortnight from the present time. ? Uon, C. D. Hubbard baa returned to liis home in Wheeling, after four years of service in Congress. An actiVe worker, always at his post, :be has grown lu favor with bis constituents with each session of Congress, and has won golden opinions in Washington, for his strict integrity,?Rilchic Star. MMSKBaaaWKaQMMMManBKMWMCMWaaMSaWMMana 1'oul-l'rantllBl Women Talkcrn. New York haB.iuBt had n novelty In n press dinner, at which the rights of woman assumed the form of a privilege to man. Last Saturday evening eighty or ninety gentlemon?editors, reporters, magazinists, and correspondents?met nearly as many ladieB, most ol them representing the feminine literary talent of the metropolis, at n public dinner, in which the ordinary social distinctions of aex were as utterly ignored as if the entire company consisted of gentlemen. The Tribimc says of It: The tolerdtlon of female presence during the post-prandial speeches at the Burn's dinner a few weeks ago in this city, was announced to the world as a startling innovation, for which the managers of the affair received much praise. The New York press had anticipated that innovation last year, however, by a "breakfast" to which tho SoroKiH Society was specially Invited, and at which the ladies were not only allowed to keep their seats during the speaking that followed the eating, but Wfro absolutely compelled to endure a live hours cannonade of rhetorical missiles, hurled directly at their heads from^l sides of the room, < by men who not only ignored their i feminine frailty, but presumed upon a superhuman endurance which IIHllUOl OCA (Junncaoco. x iimiDlIug oci such an acknowledgement of woman's right and woman's power must have been to the porosis, the breakfast was, after all, a mere enlargement or the ordinary sociul custom which makes a woman depend on her husband : or attendant gentleman for nearly every kind of entertainment. The ladies had nothing to do but to eat, smile, look their prettiest, and be patient. There WH8 a radically novel principle involved, however, in the Delmonico dinner last Saturday evening. Tho ladies not only listened to after dinner speeches, but they made after dinner speeches. More than this, the ladies were not invited to join the gentlemen; tho gentlemen were not invited to join the ladies. The ladies and gentlemen were invited to join each other. Most astounding innovation of all?that which is most signitlcant to those who are interested in the progress of woman's rights?the gentlemen did not pay lor the ladies. With the natural generosity of their sex, they allowed those ladies who chose to do so to pay ior themselves. In all preliminaries of the dinner, and throughout its entire conduct, the ordinary distinctions of sex were ignored. The 10sult was the most delightful convivial cccasionjwhich any of the gentlemen, at least, Iiavo enjoyed. llio Tcmirc-or-Ollico Uuestlou. Washington", d. C., March 22, '09. Tho ltepublican members of the Senate wore in caucus to-day from ten to twelve, and from two to U:o0 o'clock. Tho morning session was devoted to discussion growing out ot tho introduction of a resolution suspending the act to tho close of Urant'n administration. Tho old arguments for and against suspension were repeated and tho session came to an end without an advance in an v direction. The debate showed eve rybody wanted to relieve the President Irom the check and embarrassment, and that a very decided majority were opposed to repealing it. The special friends of repeal were opposed to being bound by a resolution for suspension, and the session broke up without taking a vote. Tho afternoon session was devoted to an earnest effort to find some ground on which all might stand. It was apparent that repeal could be carried, and it was doubtful if tho House will agree to suspension. Several conciliatory speeches were made. Messrs. Trumbull and Morton, representing those who talked most for repeal, said they would agree to any measure leaving" the President tree to mako such changes as ho thought advisable. Mr. Sherman finally moved to recommit the bill now pending in tho Senato, Which suspends tho law till next winter, to the Judiciary Committee. Further debate followed, in which it was substantially agreed by all present that a now tenure-of-ofiice bill, retaining the featnres of the present law and excluding all obnoxious provisions, must bo carried through the Senate, and probably through tho House. Tho proposed modifications are that the act shall not apply in any way to the Cabinet, and tho President shall not be required to make out a case wherein certain persons may bp removed; in other words, ho may during the session of tho Senate propose removals and appointments at pleasure, and leave tho Senato to make such examination as It pleases, while during vacation he may suspend and appoint at pleasure and submit his aitlou to the Senato within twenty days after reassembling. This will leave :riiriMtrmJ oaoinrninrr nnw IIIUI ucn lu ?u?. Tinuuuh r?"o ? reason for his action, ana tlio feeling among Senators to-night is that the measure in that modified form onn bo reported by the Judicary Committee and adopted by Congress, and that it will bo satisfactory to the President. The Committee will meet to-morrow or next day to put the conclusion of the caucus into shape, and if the present disposition on all sideB to liarmonizo continues, u now bill will probably get through before tho end of tho week. Sum Totai. oi-- Gbeat Lirut,\iui:s.? ! ?'1 wiiaIi t rs rl r\ nrtth fltnttnn_ M u ua *c uau iuuuu IU uu n 1111 umnunarii'B, first anil last; have turned over a thousand pounds of them, perhaps; have watched new editions rising in stately fashion, and found the best were set on Webster's sure foundations. What we have written of Webster's work, while it has been all truthfulness, has also been in all love. We have a warm tilial feeling for it and lor him: grateful to Webster for earliest lessons and for latest teachings; gratelul to God, that, while Ho gives us English for our rnotlior tongue, he gave us a man so worthy to record and expound it; meu so worthy to continue the work he so nobly begun. And we put that mother-tongue to a sacred use when we utter the truthful words that the three books are the siun total of great libraries:?the JJiblc, Shakespeare, ami Webster's lioyal Quarto.?Chicago livening Journal. . ? ? The New York Evening Post (Republican) has along leader attacking President Grant for vacillation and inconsistency iu bis course with referenco to appointments, showing that after the President had said all recommendations for subordinate appointments must come through the heads of departments he had made several appointment without the knowledge ol any member of his Cabinet. Tiik New York Tribune says of the repeal of the Tenure-ol-ollieo Act: 'There is no question involved which would autagouize the President and the Senate. The Senate is in session, ready and willing to act upon any nomination that the President shall see lit to make, and is.certain to confirm at least ninetynine iu every one hundred. Until at least one is rejected, we perceive no plausible reason for the repeal or suspension of the Tenure-of-otlice Act. What next from California ? A San Jose paper relates that a shower of fresh meat has fallen upon a spot in that vicinity. The ground to the extent of about Ave acres was covered with meat, which fell from a clear sky. One pentlemau who was standing in the lield was pelted with the little chunks, and auother made quite a collection of the lraguients to show to the editor*. DIED. MAYGER.-At Bnrksvllle, Ky., March 14th, lsuy, catiiarink, wlxe of Kicaard Mayger. The funeral ^wlll take place from the residence of U. \V. Pamphrey on John street, Wednesday, March 24th, at 10 o'clock A. v. Friends of tbo family are respectfully invited to attend. ABDILL*.?On Tuesday, March 23d, lS59,at 12*4 o'clock. Mis. Catuahink ABDii,L,aged 65 years. The funeral will take place from the residence of B. H. Rennard, on Fourth street, between.John and Qulncy, on Thursday I afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends of the famli ly are respectfully invited to attend. 21* ? ffpgrfal JZAZJZS VEGETABLE SICILIAN l^^mRENEWER. Is the only Infallible Hair Preparation for RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL. COLOR AND PROMOTING ITB GROWTH. It In the cheapest preparation ever oirered to tlie public, as one bottle will Inst longer and accomplish more than three bottles of any other preparation. Our Renower 1b not a Dye; It will not stain llie skin as others. It will keep tlie Hair from falling out. It Cleanses the Scalp, and make* the Hair Soft, Lnstrons and Nllhen. Our Treatise on the Hair Bent free by mall. R. P. HALL A CO., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors. For sale by all druggists. mar24-lmeod-d&w ALLt'OCR l'OKOUS PLABTEK. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Cold Foot, Pain of the Cheat of the Bide, Bruises and accidents, especially of the spine, also chronic weakness or affection thereof, Sore Throatf Varicose Veins, and oven In tlio affections of the Heart, this celebrated plaster has been ound to afford immediate and permanent relief. Dr. J. W. Johnson, of llartford, writes: "At this moment of writing, a man applies for one, who, by entanglement in Lhe shaft of machinery, had both his legs brokon, spino severely injured, and was for nearly a year entirely helpless. This man found relief very soon by the application of the Porous Plasters. He was soon enabled to work, and now ho labors as well as ever." I*ettcr from l>r. Fuller, of PeeknKlll. Thomai* AUcock tfc Co.?Uentlemcn: Since my bovere accident I have used as an application to tho bruised parts your admirable Plaster. It has had an excellent effect, soothing while drawing out tho soreness and sustaining and strengthening the part upon which it Is applied. E. D. FtJLLEU. Pkbkskili., Oct. 5,1sg3. Allcock's Porous Piasters aro sold by all Druggists. Principal Agency, Drandroth House, New York. marl9-lmdAw VICTORY. A CONQUEST INSTANT AND SUBLIME. O'er spiteful Naluro ando'or blighting Time! Hair wlilto or gray, or red as sunset's sky, Assumes a Black or Brown that cliaims the j eye. Beneath tho spell of CKISTODOKO'S DYE. Cristadoro's Hair Preservative AIHIJ liPiAU I iriCift.? Aiwa lauiuuo | ation Is guaranteed to preserve the hair ill its full beauty aud luxurianco throughout life. If the liair Ls thin, it thickons it; If dull and dead-looking, it gives it a magnificent gloss. It is warranted to remove scurf and dandruff, prevent the hair falling off", restore It In bald spots, cause it to curl, and keep It I in splendid order under all circumstances, and in all climates. Bold by Druggists, ami applied by all Hair Dressors. Manufactory No. 63 Maiden Lane, Principal Depot No. ti Astor House. marlO-lmd&w 1802. 1847. 1868. In 1SU2 the grandfather of Dr. Tobias introduced the Venetian Liniment in Englaud. It was a success, although the price was a guinea a bottlo. His late Majesty, William IV., used it for Chronic Rheumatism, and was entirely cured after suffering for two years, his attending physician being unable to effect a cure, and he wrote a letter of thanks, which ls now In possession of jnx uncle, in Liverpool. I have offered ?100 sterling for the letter, but It was refused. In 1817 I put it out in the United States, and now. In 18G3 the sale is immense. Thousands of families are never without it. It is safe and Innocent to apply externally, aud to take internally. For twenty-one years I have warranted it to cure the following complaints: Cholera, Diarrhea, Dysentery Croup, Colic, Cramps, Vomiting and Seasickness, taken Internally; and Chronic Rheumatism, Burns, Cuts, Bruises, Old Sores, Toothache, Frosted Feet, Swellings, Insect Stings, and Pains in Chest, Rack and Limbs, externally. It never fails, if used as directed. For Cholera and Dysentery it is certain, if used when flr-t attacked. No one once trying it will ever be without it. Sold by the Druggists. Price, 50 cents and one ?lrtlloy llnnnl 10 Pnrk PlflCO. N. Y. marl!Mmd&w Happy Marriages. Essays for Young Men, oil the Errors, Abuses anil Diseases, -which create Impediments to Marriage, -with tho hnmano view of treatment and cure, sent In sealed letter envelopes, freo of charge. Address, HOWARD ASSOCIATION, l.ox P, Philadelphia. Pa. Jaii20-:?md&wC WALTHAM WATCHES. To Buyers of Watches Everywhere. The greater part of tho Jewelers of tho United States keep Waltham Watches, and cordially recommend them to their customers, notwithstanding the fact that less protll is made on those watches than on any others generally sold by the'trade. The reason of this Is, that the reputation or the Waltham Watch renders it an easy sale, and the result Is, that, although the dealer does not raako as much money on each individual watch as ho may on Uio sale of other watches, he is still tho gainer through larger and livelior sales. There are some, however among the trade, who do not give tho UHllliniu uw:ii iiju ucmij ouJIJ/U4 L nuiuu It deserves. Tliis portion of the trade fancy tliero Is more money to be made by dealing iu watches about which tlio public are ignorant, and in wiiich there is loss competition, and are content to make an occasional sale of such watches at a largo protit. It is this class of dealers who, when asked abont Waltham Watches, use that kind of language which leads the customer to buy just such a watch as Is the most profitable for the dealer to sell. For the information of persons about to i buy a watch, and who may be unfavorably flireclfKl by the representations of those un- 1 friendly to our watches, we call attention to the following suggestions: Since the manufacture of watches was initiated at Waltliam, tho Company have made and sold about 400,000 watches. In every town and village of the country some wearer of a Waltham Watch may be found. ] Let the party about to buy ask this owner of an American Watch this question : HAH YOUK WATCH GIVEN YOU SATISFACTION ? We are not afraid to advise those wishiqg to buy a watcb to guide themselves by the answer. Being satisfied as to the quality of the watch, tho buyorhas now only tosatisfy bimself that tho Waltham Watches are THE OHEAl'KST as well as tho best. On this head wo have a few words to say: It is a well known fact in manufacturing, that the greater the number of articles manufactured by one establishment, the smaller will be the cost of each individual article. Keeping this in view, our policy has always i>een to sell our products at the lowest possible price in order to secure large sales, and thus enable us to manufacture watches at a minimum cost. WE BELIEVE IN SMALL PKOFITS AND A LARGE BUSINESS. Thin policy wo have successfully carried out, anu the result is, that to-day we manufacture twice as many watches as all the other factories In the United States put together. We can, therefore, afford lo tell CheajHT than Ihcy do, and actually do sell Tioenty-flve per ceiU Cheaper than they do quality for qxuiltty. We would further remark that ln|lncreasingour production we have constantly improved its QUALITY AND ITS VAK1ETY. We havo had the refusal of nearly all inventions intended to improve time-pitce-s aud havo adopted all those, and those ouly, which have proved to be really valuable. Wo have retained in our employment every head of a department we have ever had whose services were of any importance to tho Company, and our present corps of designers and master mechanics caanot b? equaled in this or any other country. In audition to this we make gold and silver cases, not only for our own movement*, but for those of other factories, ours being the only establishment that turns out watches complete In every respect. As these Watches are ior sale by tho trade generally throughout the United States, and at a retail prollt made: most reasonable by competition, the Company invariably decline orders of a retail character. HOBB1M8 A AFPLKTOfl, UenM Aff'la 1?~ Broadway, AT. Y, fob3-2mdriea ueei. 2 TIERCES DAY IB' 8UUAK OURED. For Halo bjr H. J HMYTFT. Goshen Cheese. ROXES CHOICE GOSHEN CHEESE, Just received by K. J. 8MYTH, mar3 Corner Market A Quincy His. Dissolution. rilllE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE J. existing between tlie undersigued under the tlrm uame of Forgey A Jlugbes is this day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons having claims against the late firm will present them ior settlement. Those knowing themselves indebted will ploase call and settle. ALEX. H. FORGEY, W.M E. HUGHES. WiiEKLrNO, February 15,1869. Having purchased the Interest of Mr* Hughes 1 wllloontlnuo the business at the old stand, 120 Main street, where I will be pleased to see all former patrons of the nonse. and any new ones who please to call. Iebl7-tf ALEX. H. FuKUKY. NEW ARRANGEMENT. IN ADDITION TO MY IMMENSE STOCK of TTntii and flanq fnr WhnlnHaHnc. ??o? I liave fitted up my first floor for doing a Fashionable Retail Trade. Ami now offer at GREATLY REDUCED PRICKS, an unusually large a took of First Class Hats and Caps. Bought Willi great care recently In New York for cash. maris HAM'I. B. PRATHER; ~ ZR,:E:&?0'V\a_XJ. THE 17NDLRSIGNED HAVE REMOVED to their new Ware Rooms, north east corner Market Square, Centre Wheeling, where may bo found everything In the iF-UTaZENriTTTZEaiE Xjizsns. Thankful for past favors, we invite attention of the public to our new house. Work made 10 order. UNDERTAKING promptly attended to. mar28-2w WM. ZINK <* BON. Plaster Paris; tr A BBLS. CALCINED PLASTER PARI OU (Phoenix Mills). P. C. HILDRETH * BRO. gtttf Wanted?To Rent. t>* a Family of three grown" per_D sons, a house containing seven room*. References given. Address A. D, maitMf Care Intelligencer office. For Sale. A SNUG, SUBSTANTIAL. frame house of Ave rooms and an attic, slmated on Walnut street, near Fulton. The lot of ground upon wbich the house stands is ICO feet front by in deep. Possession April 1st, 1869. Apply to THOS. O'BRIEN, mar24 Real Estate 4-gent. Administrator's Sale. AT PUBLIC AUCTION ON MONDAY, the i9fch Inst., at my residence on Fourth street, next door to at. Matthew's Church, commencing at 10 o'clock A. m.# I will selJ the remaining household and kitchen furniture of the late Francis R. Armstrong, Also on same day lota numbered 2 and 3 in block 28, In the Buena Vista addition tc Wheeling. Bald lots are at the Junction ol Monroe, Sixth and St Charles streets. Terms:?Cash for all sums less than 150 Note with approved security for all snuai above ?50. J. D. l>u BOIS, mar24-ta Administrator. WASHINGTON HALL. Benefit of tho great immortal and unapproachable Comedian of the age, J. O. SEFTON. This Evening, W. Leman Real's great lifeliko drama In 3 acts, entitled the FIVE FAST MEN ! Bam Slap - - - - - - - J. O. Skfton To conclude with the grand military drams in three acts, of the FKKNCII SPY! Tony Bavard, ------ J. O. Skfton In rebuarsel, LONG tTIUKE, HTRKETS OI NEW YORK, AKTKR DARK. Saturday, Last Grand Matinee Admission, GO cent*. Reserved Beats, 75 c(a Heats secured at Hall from 1(2 A * M. till 4 1*. Bf Jloors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises ai mai24 W: REEU. BnMnem Manager. Public Sale. mil E UNDERSIGNED WILL OFFEIt AI JL public sale, on TneHilny, Marcli 301ti. 186!). At 1 o'clock p. M.t near the Sherman House In the town oi Martinsville, the followlnf articles: 3 flue Show Cases. 8 Marble Top Tables. 2 flue Ollt Mirrors. I god a FountAln. Yi dozen Common Tables. 25 yards Ingrain Caapet, Several sets Chairs. IceCream MateilaLs and Fixture*. I dozen Pictures. 1 Wash Stand. l Tropic Stove. 1 Parlor Stove. % dozen Cbaliug Pans. J Water Cooler. 1 Silver *'ard Basket. l Sofa, 1 flue Marble Imngo, aud other ar tides too tedious to enumerate. A. D. A I. NEWLAND, mar24 lw Martin's Ferry, O. French Army Lotion, RECEIVED AND FOR SALE BY LOGAN, LIST A CO. Ayres' Worm Candy. 1111E REST VERMIFUGE IN THE MAR . KET. For sale by LOGAN, LIST A CO. Harness Oil. JUST THE THING FOR FARMER* Draymen . Liverymen, and all who wan lO nutsj) Lilt? Ji u?rueao ju (uuu ?? udi . In quart aud pint cans. For sale by mar24 LuOAN, LIST A CO. 1868, Fall and Winter. 1869 THIS L.A11GEHT, THE BEST. AND Tli? Cheapest LOT OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS AH1) NOTIONS IN TUB CITY IS AT FISHER & SEAMON'S 116 MAIM NfREKT, sep24 "Creed _6e_0aEaan"! PETROLEUM V. NASBY \fijl LL. DEL IV ER HI S Fl RST an d ONL1 T T jivciuiciii Yruwmig niiaauuouu Washington Hall, ? ON ? rJ? IJ KSDAY EVEN ING MARCH 30. TickolH - -- -- -- ?5ctt Reserved Beats - -- -- -- - 81 IK BhIo of reserved scats commences at Sheib' Maslc Htore, on Friday morning, 26tli, at 1 o'clock. marggld National Savings Banl of Wheeling. Wiikklino, March 22,18C9. 7h the Comptroller of the Currency, Washing /mi /t I Bin: It in lioreby certified,In pursuance c section 42 of tlio Act of Congress entitle* "An Act to provide ft National Currency so curcdbyn pledge of United States Bonds aud to provide for tlie circulation and re demption thereof," approved June :i, 1SB-I that, at a meeting of the Stockholders of th< National Savings Bank of Wheeling, locate* at Wheeling, In the Slate of West Virginia duly notified and held pursuant to law ant the Articles of Association of said Bank, a the ofUco of said Association, at Wheellni aforesaid, on tne 7th day of January. 1S61I, l was voted by the Stockholders of said Asho elation, owning more than two-thirds of it stock, that said Association go into liquida tlon and be closed. In testimony whereof, I liave by instruc tlon of the Board of Direction? of said Asso elation, hereto subscribed my name r ) and allixed the seal of said Assocla L. B. J-tlon, at Wneeling aforesaid, the da] I J and year above written. S. P. HILDRh/TH, Cashier UOTICE. The National Savings Bank of Wheeling organized under the Act of Congress entitle* An Act to provide a National Currency se cured by a pledge of United States Bonds and to provide for the circulation and re dempUon thereof." approved June a. 1804. lo cated at Wheeling, in the State of West Vir gin la, is closing up its affairs. All note hold ere and other creditors of said Assoclatloi are therefore hereby notified to present tb? notes and other claims against tne Association lor payment. S. P. HILDKETH, Cashier. Dated Wheeling, March 2J, 1869. mar22-2m National Saving's Bank of Wheeling Incorporated J an nary 15tb, 1869. CAPITAL, - - #100,000. Money received on deposit Interest paid on Special Deposits. Nota and Bills discounted. Exchange bought and Bold. Collections made on all pplnts and pro oeeds promptly remitted. Discount dav?Monday. DIRECTORS, Thomas H. Ust, Robert Pratt1 Robert (iiboon, R. A. M'Cabe, J. 0. Thomas, James McCluney. J. Ll BtifeL THOS. H. LJBT, President. J. McCLiUNKY, Vice Preuldent, B. P. HUUDRKTH, Cashier. For St. Louis, Heokab, Dnvenport Onlcnn, Dnbnqne and St. Paul. Wednesday, the 24th Inst. - w THE Fine Pas enger BLeamei f A3GOW, Capt, Andy KoblnJCSSSh^on, will leave wheeling for all points on the Upper Mississippi River on Wednesday, 24th March. Apply to T. H. MONO, Agent, marl2 3t Office 31 Monroe Btreet. Bedcords. JDSX RECEIVED AND FOB BALK AT reduced prloas, Fifty Docea Hemp Bedcords. mart! OHAS. B. BERRY. IMPORTANT FOR THE That the Handsomest a] STOCK OF SPRIN IN THE CITY, IS T< BRUES & S 114 MAIN ! Their Especial Attention is Invi I Comprising Heavy Black Gro Grain Silks, IIoa> A1"1 DRESS Of every Color and Quality, at pslces ranging ft of Colored Ball us fi OUR DRESS GOODS Cannot l>e surpassed. It embraces Irish Poplir French Poplin*<, Glace Poplins,Htrlped and Pia ' Black and Colored Alpacas, of the most hand uinr XA7q*-" Hinnic Alnaca of Elegant (.Quality. White P. K.'s; Plain, Striped, and Barred, Lac and Spring Shawls, In all the very latest Ntyles. Latest Novelties In Parasols. Call and see the I IThe Celebrated Seamless Kid Gloves. Also, n< We also otfer 8JO Honey Comb Q,nllts at 91 50 ? 20 Dozen Elegant French Corsets at 91 uO a pl 50 Dosen Linen Cambric Handkerchief* at 10 c 1000 Yards Kassia Crash at YlvA cents per yard. Table Linens, Irish Linens, ftapkinn, Towels duced prices. A fall stock of Clotli9 and Cassimeres for Men'* : hi* mar23 I &tw Health. Officer's Notice. Housekeepers and property owners aro hereby notified to cleanse /their premises before the 10th proximo, to wit: Open cellar and garret windows?sweep and whitewash cellars?cleanse and whitewash privies, stables and other outbuildings; and remove flitli of every description from the yards. On the 10th dav of April the Health Ofllcer /will commence his house to house visits,and (. all persons fail!ng to obey the terms of this * notice will be liable to a flue of 920. JAMES E. REEVES, M. D., margt-2t Health Officer. THE STATE IMMIGRATION and ti ti t t xi xn o n t tp t v XV ?j 11 X JU X' U V/ v/ A JU JL Jk OF "WES T VIBG-insriA. Incorporated October 1!>, 186S, This benevolent society is now fully organized and ready for subscribers to membership. All persons of good health and morality, of the age of 15 to 60 years, without regard to sex, can become members of the Society. All those wishing to join the same, will please meet at the otliceoi the undersigned on t Saturday Evening:, March 27, 1869, C I at 7 O'clock, To subscribe their names and leave their applications. AH information and particulars cheerfully given at any time by benno kammer. omCO on Market street, upper end of the 5th Ward Market. mar23-2taw ^ Flour, Flour. . OA A BARRELS "AVONDALE." /wUU 500 do. "(Jem of the West." 300 do. "Sunbeam." 3t.1l do, "Cornelian." All No. 1 family Hour; just received and for sale by M. BEILLY. Fancy Flour. 1 A A ?BLS. Uebhart's "White Lily." XU\/ Iu store and for sale by M. REILLY. Garrott's Philadelphia Scotoh 1 SnulT. 1 K BARRELS ASSORTED I1LADDER8. tl 25 Boxes packs. J ust received and for sale by | m. reilly. ) I<&rd Oil, | ft BARRELS EXTRA NO. 1, 1U In store and for salo by M. REILLY. W If Bacon, Baoon, k 1 f\ TIERCES Davis* Sugar Cured Hams. ? 1U 25,(100 lbs. Prime 8houlderrf. V 10,000 lbs. Clear Side*. 3,000 lbs. Star Breakfast Bacon. {y ? J ust received and for sale by ft > M. REILLY. " I*ako Fish. A /\f\ HALF BBL.S. HERRING. 4:UU 100 do: White Fish. 1 n more and for sale by M. REI LL.Y. Java Coffee- ? QCJ MATS Choice Old Government Java. /CO Just received and for sale by f J M. KKILIjY. I r Cider Vinegar. BARRELS Pure Cider Vinegar. -c OU In store andror sale by * mar2< M. BEILLY. , Oxtoby & Duffleld,: JEWELERS, 103 Main Street, "i " ii J OPPOSITE MERCHANTS" HANK. y a I Have in store a large stock of Amorlican & Swiss Watches, _ gold and sliver; one and eight day Clocks, Of every stylo and price; handsome Jewelry tetlsof latest and , most fashionable de- x J Bigus; Holld b 11 - J 1 ver and Plated Ware; uui u, on voi ?uu Steel Spectacles; Gold " Pens and Pencils; ! anil Fancy Goods S generally; Clockfl and " 1 Mpectacles wold at .* wholesale and retail. A I We bny all onr goods 1 direct from manufac? torero and importers. 1 Spocial attention giv" en to the repair of " Watches, Clocks, Jew- f elry and Bpecta- v cles, and all work guatanteed. Sole Agents for Gro? ' ver A Buker's improv" ed Family Sewing Ma7 chines, a machine which has stood twenmai'JO ty years' tent : HYACINTHS & GLASSES. T' ' A KINK ASSORTMEHT. P 1 Jnst received at marl K. BOOKING'S. A . T Notice. C1 The annual, meeting of the Stockholders in Greenwood Cemetery ' for the election of Directors, will be held at 1 the office of the Secretary on Thursday, the ' 25th Inst,, between the hours of 2 and 5 o'clock p. V. K. C. BON HAM, maris-td Secretary. ^ Dissolution of Partnership. _ The firm of a. w. pault* a oo. was t this day dissolved by mntnal consent, ? John Morgan, Jr., retiring. lri March 16il9&. A. W. PAUL*Li A CO. 12 The business will be continued by the undersigned, under the same name as hereto1 fore. A. W. PAULL. marl8 j. f. paulil. Fl Assistant Assessor's ITotioo. nUKE NOTICE THAT 18HAX.L ASSESS P _L all persona who have neglected to make return or thelrlncome from the best Information I can obtain, and add SO per cent. BC thereto, if not returned by the 80th Inst, KOBERT PKATT. ] marZMw Am la taut Aasesaor. l? Calcined Plaster. 1 AH BBLS. FliASTEB PARIS, Piillailo i, 1UU plila make received by 11 p. o. hhjOkkth * bko. LADIES TO KNOW, ad Most Attractive [G DRY GOODS )BE FOUND AT ANDERS', STltEET. ted to the Silk Department ry Black Taffeta SlikH, for Ladles' fia/inefl, S I Xj K S ora f 1 CO to 95 00 per yard. Also, a variety jr Trimmings. - ? > vtmaravrm i UJtirAttTiKIJCii^l JL is or all Colors, from fl SO to 13 00 per yard, In, for Suits, from 50 cents to fl per yard, [some colors, from 37*i cents to 91 25 for a na Lace SI)awfc and Circulars, Silk Cloaks, m. bw styles of Alexandre Kid Gloves. i piece. ce. :enta a piece. and Housekeeping Goods, at eroatly rei and Boys' weir. At ,UES A SANI)E118% 114 IVXalii SI reef. gKMrtaot tailoring. A. M. ADAMS )KF?KS HIS STOKE-ROOM FOIt SALE or rent from the 1st of April, 18r Piles, Ac., Ac.?is wlthonta parallel. One BTson says of it, "I would not be without a ox in my House, if it cost 95.00, or 1 bad to avel all the way to New York for it,"?i\T. '. Evening News, Sent 6. All Druggists in WHEELING sell It. "UUSTAit S Standard Preparations ARE HIS JEAUTIFIER! THE titter-Sweet & Orange Blossoms One Bottle, 11.00?Three for 19.00. His Oostitr's" Bat, Roach, *?., Exlermluatora. CoitarV'Bed Rag Externilnntoni. CoMtar's" (only pure) Insect fowder. "Only Infallible remedies known." "18 years established in New York." 2.000 boxes and Flasks manufactured dally.' !! Beware!!! of spurious imitations." All Drugglgts in WHEELING fell them.' Address "Uostar," 10 Crosby St. N. Y." r John f. Hknky, (Successor to) 1)kma8 Barn*s a Co.; 21 Park How, N. Y. old in WHEELING, W. Va,, by T. H. LOGAN A Co. LAUGHLIN, SMITH A CO.. and KDMDND BOOKING. mar20 CARPETS! . & 6. MENDEL & CO. Are now receiving their pring Stock of Carpets, &c., ntl are prepared to offer as good stock and at as low prices as any otner house in tne Trade. They have all the new styles of Brussels, 3 Plys, 2 Plys and beet assortment of Ingrain IARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, and WINDOW SHADES, In Ibe Market. FURNITURE. ley have also Uie largest stock .or Furniture In the city. n ARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER SUITS, DINING-ROOM SUITS. nd all styles of Furniture In the market both or HEIB OWN MANUFACTURE, nelnnatl and other makes. They Invite an examination or their choice stock: .1. & G. MENDEL 8c CO., 128 Main Street. WHEELING, W. VA. *d a tt i x-u.- ? ? vuuarbuKiiig jcromptiy ttended to. marlO jROWR ? RIOOIHS, , 17 Main St., Wheeling, W. Vs., PHOTOQBAPHEBS, And Dealers In DREIQN & AMERICAN CHROMOS, Irtnre Frames. Plftnrc Walla cord and Taaaels, Parlor Itraekela, Ac. IUAKK KKAMES MADE TO ORDER. s. B.?OaUery will bo open In the evenS marlO No Plas Ultra Lime. |)n BBLfl. HE PLDB ULTRA LIUE, JU frceb bnrnt, received by P. C. HILDRKXH A BRO. io JOHN ROEMER, Nob. 31 and 33, Main St., CBNTUE WimJKLlNU. EOGIVES ME PLEASURE TO IHFORU my friends and the public In general that ave In store and am dally receiving larse additions to my stock or if Fancy aii Domestic Dry Goods, Housekeeping Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, KugH; Mutts, Ac., Ac. Having the Largest Variety and a more general assortment of articles directly aiitl Indirectly connected with a Dry Goods, Notion and Carpet Establishments combine,! Into one mammoth establishment, which enables me to bny and sell a much larger quantity of goods than any two establishments in the city In our line, and In convenience of whleh I can boy and sell them ul less prices! Studying economy In every department; having no rent to pay, i can do a larger bnalnen at leas expense than any other house In the trade. Keeping a lariit, number of gentlemanly and competent salesmen, the most .fastidious cannot fall to he pleased. Special attention Is invited to a few articles of oar stock. ZPZR/XZSTTS, A large assortment of New Stories. 10, 1'.' and 15c. Buffalo Allapacos 40, 50, 60, 70, 00c, II. Pure Mohair Lustres and Poplltix from SOeto <150 Fancy and Black Silk* from 11 25 to S3 50 per yard. Bombazines, Crape Batherla, Alexandria Cord, and many otner styles of goods suitable lor mourning. WIEHTIE GOODS, A large assortment of all tlio different make**, Swiss, Nansook, Bishops Lawn, Victoria Lawn. Soft finished Jaconet, Striped Jaconets, Plaid Jaconets, Brilliants, Pique*. Uranedeln Veiling ol all colon; Flannel* m all kinds and prices. CLOTII8, CASSIMEKUh, Satinets, Jeans, Cashmerets. Ac., the largest ' * ' ?!? ? InanvunmtvlltAhlir. HBWrUUDUL ?u mo "'J t ? ?. ? chants RDd Merchant Tailors at Kasterti Prices, also. Tailors' Trimmings. AX usline, A large assortment of Bleached and Uubleached from 10, 12,15,18.18. 20c. Meacbe.1 and Unbleached Sheeting 6-4,9*4,KM. Unon Sheeting of superior quality 5-?, 10-4. A large supply of Linen Table cloths. Tabm Linens, Napkins, Ton lings, 4c., or the bent quality and exceedingly low prices. Shirting Linens 50,60, 75.85o. 91, 91 20. Hblrt ltosoms W, 25, 30, 85, 40, 50, ?U, T3c. Uress TrintminKs, In great variety and at low prlcex. KM oloves. a mil line of best quality,f 125, II so. II 75, (2 00. Fancy Oloves?A general assortment at almost any price. .Ladles ami Uents Handkerchiefs, from 5c to 12 apiece. The best 0 Oord Machine Cotton In the world at 90c per doz. HU91KRY?The largest assortment of Ladles' and (Jents* Hosiery In the city, at almost any price. Marsalles. Honey Comb and Lancaster (?111119. uioara ana bdawui in great vaneij and at low prices. Carpet Department. Special attention Is given to thisDepartment. Having a sepaarte room lathe establishment for carpets, Oil Cloths, Mattings. Rags, Matts, Ac., Ac., window Blinds, PUtnrea, Ac., enables us to compete wltu any house in the trade and offer great induce mentsto cash buyers 111 that department, having Carpet from 80o to ft; selling the beet 2 ply Ingrain All Wanted Chain and Woo! filling at ?1 per yard, cali and sea tor yon rselveB, if you wish to save money. The best quality of Cotton OarpetChain. 3 ply at 40c; 4 ply at 43c, and 5 play at 45c. White Cotton Chain from Nos. 8 to 12 for 43c. Terms are Strictly Cash. Buying and selling for cash yon can always tell what you are doing, for cash will secure better bargains than credit, believing that by Industry. honest dealing and economy, we cannot fall to benefit those friends and customers that may be pleased to favor us with a call. Therefor I respectfully Invito an examination of our Btock or all cash buyers, either wholesale or retail before purchasing elsewhere, and oblige mart! Join HOtMEH. MORE NEW GOODS! GOOD QUALITY RUSSIA CRASH AT 12J? CENTS PER YARD. MOBB HUCK TOWELS AT 22 CENTS EACH. Spring Shawls, New Style. I. IN EM HANDKERCHIEF* AT 12X CENTS EACH. Plaid Nanaooks, Scotch Cambrics 4 c. Just received by 3. H. SMITH, mare No. 123 Main Bireei. New Spring Shawls. WILL OPEN THIS MORNING REAL Palseley shawls, with wtiiteand blacn centres; French Printed Cashmere Shawlin great variety. mar22 J. 8. HHODEB A CO. The Last Chance. W E WILL OFFER THIS HORNINU 2'. pieces Heavy Black Alpaeca Popilnx at 37%c; 20 do. at 60c. Theae goods are worth usually just double what woukfor them. niHt22 J. B; BHOPBB * C< To Make Room, W\?^r^TnHI^tY^ARDS aij mw22 J. B. HHODEB A CO. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! NOW OFFERING, FINEST 10-4, 11-4, 12-4 wmte wool Blankets _A_T COST. ALSO Fine French Merino, worth II, torts cent*. Fine French Merino, worth tl 25 for II <>>Fine French Kmprees Poplin for only ?i i-Ui. Fine English Merino for only ? eta. Fine Mohair Dress Goods, worth SO cts for All other Drew Goods at reduced price. FURS! FURS!! I am closing ant my stock of Ladle*' an-l Children's Fare at COST. Hbawls, Knit Breakfast Capes and Howlat RKDOblCD PRICKS. CARPET CHAIN. A superior quality of 4 and 5 ply Cotton Cftrnfltllhfiin thahmrt In ?"> -??5L_* A fall assortment of all kinds or Dome**! if Goods, of Uio bt-Mt Fnbrla and .Latest Btyle ?i the LOWEST MARKET PRICE. All who are In search of UOOD HAISUAINH will do well to glye me a call liefon1 buying elsewhere. T?HUU?Nelt Caali, HmaU Proflb). ft'"1 Qnlck Hales, at HENBT EOEMER'S, Ho. 30, East Hide Main and Blddle Ml" Centre WliMllnf. J anil (S) FB ??" coV^7 WK1GHT8' itepellent Umbrellas, FAST COIiOB. Price* wlltilu the raacb of nil. Keep tbe wearer dry, do not soil Uieilrei* or floor, and will not lnm~innlde out." All will bear Inside the above mark, non*1 others genuine. At Wholesale only by WBIURT, BBOTflEBS A CO.. 322 rad 324 Bf nrket St., Phllwlfll'"1" *24 Broadway, new Tort. febl7-3mWed8at Stockholders' Meeting. THB STOCKHOLDERS OK THE ORR" man Turner Half and Members of i" Society, are respectfully invited to meetr?l Turners Hall ou Tuesday, the 6th of Apr' at 7 o'clock In the evening, for the purjH*of electing Directors for the ensuing term marlS?law2w F. Q8KK, Becreu*ry._ J-fl Bfta. WILMINGTON TAR, large M>" t)U 30 M Common Ronin. 6 M Pale to^andIbraal.l?wbyH BJJJJRY