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WHEELING INTELLIGENCER. T K 11 M H . invariably in advance. SIOKNINO KUITIOIV. ^ By ixiftll (in advance) per annum ST 50 * ft monllui -I OO " 8 44 .. 2 OO 1 44 75 Delivered by Carrier, per week 15 TKV.WEF.ULY EIHTIOW. PCHMSHED EVERY TITKSDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. Single suljwiribcrs, per annum 85 OO " " <5 months 12 50 a 44 ... l 25 1 '* 50 Clubs of five, each, per annum 4 OO 14 t? montlis a OO " " 1 oo One ropy erira to clubs of ten. HKKULT EDITION. lTHUSHED EVERY THURSDAY. single subscribers, per annum 82 OO 44 ? months .. l oo 14 3 44 .. 50 Clubs of llvo and upwards, enclt 1 50 * 44 44 41 ?mow... 75 One copy extra to getter-up of club of ten KATES OP AIKVKKTIN3XCJ. DAILY?One square, 1 insertion 8* oo 44 44 1 week. 3 00 " 2 weeks 5 OO 44 * l month H OO SnAclal notlcas, per square, each insertion 1 25 j Local notices, per lino, each insertion 15 ! WEKKLY?One square, 1 insertion..... 1 OO Kacli additional Insert Ion, BO 1 l?cal notices, per line, I each insertion 20 < +W Ten lines or less make a square. WTranKleut advertisements cash in ad- \ vane*. | Mahkiages and Funeral Notices, 75 , when under six lines. himpie announcements of Deaths, gratis I I No notice will bo taken of communis \ cations not accompanied by a responsible J name. The name will be considered confl- | dential, but must in all cases accompany let- | ters jis a guarantee of good faith. i gams*; iirricE: NO. is MBEM. J FBEW, HAGANS & HALL. j FBorairToits. j I IU K.S?Ai:MOKM5?, M1KCH 25. J Tlic Situation at Wnshliiifloii. I The Tenure-of Office matter is now in the hands of the Senate Judiciary 1 Commit to. It is expected the Coin- j ? ...Ill tnilmr or tn-mnrrnw r#?r?nrt a new bill, omittiug from it the parts of the present law that are especially objectionable to the President and his friends. The proposed modifications, < as agreed on in caucus, according to ' yesterday's news are that the act shall not apply in any way to the Cabinet, and the President shall not be required to make out a case wherein certain persons may be removed; in other words, he may during the session of the Senate propose removals and appointments at pleasure, and leave the Senate to make such examination as it pleases, while during vacation he may suspend and appoint at pleasure and submit his action to the Senate within twenty days after reassembling. This will leave him free to act without assigning any reason for his action. Some of the Senators have had interviews with Grant and report that the Jaw if moditied as proposed will not be objectionable to him. Still it is doubtful wlietlier the bill can pass the Senate even as modified. It is not certain after all that the Democrats will vote for it. It is their business to promote dissension among the Republicans, anil if a failure to pass any act modifying or repealing the law would be likely to promote a quarrel between the President and the Senate, they may yet so manage the balance of power which they seem to hold in the Senate on this question as to prevent any repeal or modification in the end. Even if a bill to modify passes the Senate, it is not likely, unless it makes a virtual surrender of all the Senate's powors, to pass the House. So that the eud of this business is not yet; Meanwhile the noble army of patriots at Washington seeking opportunity to servo their country, run their wonry rounil from poHt to pillar, with the daily realization of that hope deferred which maketh the heart sick and the temper harsh, while their purses grow small by degrees and, beautifully less and the hotel and boarding house keepers wax fat and kick. ?Our Congressional report, received alter the foregoing was in type, shows that the Senate Judiciary Committee have been smarter than anticipated, Mr. Trumbull submitted their report yesterday, it being a substituto for the bill before the 8enato. It will be seen that it differs slightly from that foreshadowed. It does not allow the President to remove absolutely between sessions ; but permits him to suspend and appoint successor with commission running till end of next session In thirty days after the commencement of the subsequent session, he is to report to the Senate the suspension and appointment without being required to assigu reasons or cause, and if the Senate does not confirm the appointment during the Ecssion and refuses to assent to the suspension then at its close the suspended officer is re-instated. It was reported from Washington, before the substitute for the TenureofOtliee repenl bill vras introduced iu the Senate, that President Grant only objected to those provisions of the existing act which required him to communicate to the Senate the reasons for making removals iu recess. As this requirement is omitted in the substitute, and inasmuch as it is understood tlu> President w?s waited on oy the Judiciary Committee before reporting the bill, there is reason to believe the substitute is acceptable to him. The country readers of the Intkli.i oknckr should not pass by without ./.n/lino IICanin..c, ??.l T-V?: n ~?>t I cnuiu^, iuc onjiuga nun uI our intelligent eorrespondeul"Sppigel." Iu the number this morning will be found some unpalatable but wholesome truths about immigration anil tho attractions and repulsions which our West Virginia people offer to the outside world. Kead and ponder. Vice-President Colfax has taken his departure for Ohio. Mr. Anthony, the president pro tcm takeB his place in iuo oeumt' coair. iur. n.uiuuuj ?"? occupies the position to which Mr. Wade was chosen four years ago, and which became so important when impeachment impended. The Indications are that Congress will not adjourn for three weeks, and possibly not until the lam of April. Mr. Sumner thinks not until some time in May, and the Senate will probably remain a week or two after the House adjourns. The Reconstruction Committee has authorized its chairman to report a bill tor the organization of a provisional government in Mississippi. Tlie IVnllcnllarjr Mnununiicn'Indignation hi Menu<l**vllle> Mousdsvillk, W. Va., { March 22,1809 J Po the Editor of the Intelligencer: You are aware, air, that near the close >f the session of the (late Legislature >f this State, a comnflttee of that jody was appointed to investigate some lerious charges made against the pres>nt Superintendent of the Penitentiary it this place. The examination of witjessea lasted for three days. I was iresent during the whole time?a calm, jnprejudiced looker-on?and I must lay I never heard a more numerous )r convincing array of evidence of ;uilt than was produced on that occasion. The testimony was abundant And clear that the Superintendent had applied material of various kinds belonging to the State to his personal use ? irul heneilt. and had not charged hitn- j self with the same. This whole com- , munity concur in the opinion that he had defrauded the people of the State in a serious manner. The committee was of the same opinion, and made a report to the legislature to that effect, and recommended his immediate removal. How, sir, why was this man kept in office, and why was the action of the legislature so tardy ind vague upon a question of such serious import? There must have boen some sly cunning maneuvering in this saso in order to shield and protect this guilty party, and I know of no person more thoroughly acquainted with this peculiar kind of tactics than the Senator and Delegate from this town. They are known here as possessing this trait of character in an eminent degree, and t have no doubt but what they brought :heir whole powers of this kind to bear ;o silence and prevent a lull and free nvestigation of this matter. One of these gentlemen at least has had a hand in running this penitentiary-machine iown here. Both of them may have iiad an axe to grind, hence their efforts to delay proceeding with the case, that the legislature might adjourn without taking action upon the report of the jommittee. Their action in the House and in the : Senate clearly demonstrated the fact that they maneuvered to kill time, rhe delegate must have the bill laid upon the table and printed. This ' Jaused an unnecessary delay. When ' ihe bill found its way to the Senate ' Jhamber, the Senator put it in his ' pocket and kept it there three or four < lays, giving out that it was lost. All this was doue with the hope, no doubt, ] that the time of the session would expire before this thing could be consider- , 2d and acted upon. The Senator and Delegate manipulated this case to suit ' their own particular interesls and ' 1,-iews, regardless of the interests of the ' people, and they are held accountable > for this officer remaining in a position 1 where lie baa still further opportuni- I Lies to defraud the public. I have many i other things to say that would bo perti- ] nent to this question, but I lorbear to iio so now. 1 may have something to : communicate to you attain in reference to this matter. A Union Soldikr. Are jravplniK: AjjciiIh Profitable to 1' lis I IM'SH Mcu? An InterrNiln^ Inquiry. To the Editor of the Pittsburgh Commercial: The "old iron man" says, call them all home, pay them off, and start anew ! The time was, in my recollection, when we sold our goods from our own deHks, had all the business we could do, and obtained far better prices. Liook at the facts now ! For example, an incident of late occurrence. Four traveling "bores" met at a certain city in the west, all having iron to sell, each instructed as iu iiiiiiiuiuui ii^ui ro| iiuaici j ucjiiuicu on every face, anti a lixed determination to well in every mind. The consequence?one party selling at 3>? cents, others leaving iu disgust, some manu- , facturers bit, and a repetition of the same nonsense at the next town. How foolish ! Why not act prudently and wisely? There is competition enough at home; why increase it by competition abroad? Can we not sell our goods from our own desks? I answer yes! freely and at remunerative rates; and that we cannot do through ageuts. A man to act as agent is procured at a salary of $1,0(JU to $4,000 per annum, travelling expenses paid. The agent wiser than his employer, reasons thus: My continuance in this position depends upon my success iu making sales. Very well, this being the case, sell is the watchword ; sell at the best ligure, but sell. Then most probably, this follows in a letter accompanying his iirst order: "Figure low and time extended ; could not help it. Other parties here otl'ering iron at mime ligure. You want orders, and I did the best I could. Please lind order. Will do better next time." Who does not recognize the above as a truthful representation of an every day occurrence ? llow can figures bo maintained at snch odds? Let us go back to the old stylo of doing busiuesa?sell at home, put a fair price on our goods, be firm, write often, make a good quality, be prompt?and our books will show a better state of things at the end,of the year. 1 cau understand the necessity of an agent In introducing a new* article r?t frmth wiiqIi hiffnra nurfnmorr nrlliu like, but (io not recognize any such necessity in putting iron, nails, glass, etc.. into a market that must have the goods. Then again, has it ever been thought of? We are, by this employ of traveling agents. placing our capital, be it $25,000 or $500,000, oftentimes into the hands of young men, it may be of clever and nice young men, but nevertheless into the hands of young men of immature judgment, quick impulse, nervous excitability and reckless action; and this is a fair representation of "young America." liow strange! how short sighted! and yet it is not the fact? I admire "young America," and give him credit for his youthful daredevil spirit in overcoming the late rebellion, but while this is commondable and should receive our highest regard and heartfelt thanks, the truth is tiiat the youth needs to be checked and " *->J I'll niiU UUU1C, UUUD LUC older ineu think and guide. Again I say, Look Into It. Kccord of n Strong t'oiii??niiy. The National Life Insurance Company, which received its charter from the national Congress iu July last, has already made its record in unmistakable characters. With its agencies as yet only in process of organization, it has, as we learn, issued insurance to an amount exceeding seven million dollars. This we think is a very marked success?it is so much needful work well done. The Company does a strictly cash business as being in its judgment the simplest and best for both the insurer , and the insured, and it never com pucaies us aiiairs with eitner notes, loans, or dividends, aud thus leaves no door open to misapprehension or , disappointment in the future. While the principle of 4iso much insurance j for so much money" is rigidly adhered i to, and every policy has thus a tixed | and determinate value, all accumula- , tions that might otherwise be declared as dividends at some future time, ? arc discounted in advancc, and the ex- I act pro rata is counted in with the J auiouut of each policy when it is , issued. i Managed by men of the highest ? financial ability and undoubted integ rity, protected by a large paid up cash J capital, and possessing all Bhe elements u?<? ^itcu auttoaa iu ullit'l ailllllar enterprises, we should expect this would become one of the most successful institutions of its kind. Sew Hampshire.?The full returns of the recent election held In New Hampshire, are given by the papers of < that State, as follows : lintire vote for Governor, G7,SOO. Stearns, Republican, has 35,773, and Bedel, Democrat, 32,057, and theje are 30 scattering. Stearns' majority, 3,710. For Congress, Ela's majority in the First District is 1,700; Stevens', in Second District, 1,000; and Benton's, in the Third District, 600. The Senate stands ten Republicans to two Democrats. The House consists of 193 Republicans and 139 Democrats. Republican majority, Hi. The Secretary of tlio Treasury, in a :onversation Tuesday, is reported as ndicatlng that be will pursue the poliiy indicated by tbe joint resolution carried through the Senate by Mr. Sher- U I nan. lie believeB tbe Department may 30 so conducted as to result in bringing >ur bonds up to par in foreign markets it an early day. That this belief is well 'ounded seems to appear by letters eceived from well informed sources ten u London, which state that arU be President's Inaugural ia every- ^ where well received; that the public m r iredit law is taken as an evidence we jjjjtf nean to be honest; that all indications FL.1 joint to a speedy advance of our bonds, by < ind that we can undoubtedly negotiate knc i new loan for the full amonnt of our ilx per cents within the present year at raei ive per cent., and perhaps at four and hoc i half per cent. que In one of the appropriation bills of ast session, Congress included an item Nal >f $7,000 for repairs and preservation >f the property at Mount Vernon, to be R( >xpended under the direction of the A Superintendent of Public Buildings. _ [Everything about the bouse and -Kf grounds is to be put in good order at ince. pj DIED. WARP.?On Wednesday evening, March TV) !4,18G9, Mary, iufant daughter ol James W. u ind Maria Ward, aged 13 months. Col The funeral will take place from the resilence of her parents, on Sixth street, be- R( ween John and Centre streets, this (Thure- jfai lay) 25th, at l o'clock. Friends of the famly are Invited to attend. * R. ABDILti.?On Tuesday, March 23d, 1869, at M I2K o'clock, Mis. Cathakink abdii,i,, aged >5 years. 'J lie funeral will take place fiom the rest- I Rf lence of li. H. Rennard, on Fourth street, aetween John and Qulncy, on Thursday ifternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends of the fami[y are respectfully invited to attend, at* a gottrgg. S A1XCOCK POROUS VLAH1EK. Rheumatism, Lumbago, Cold Feet, Fain Mo )f the Chest of the Bide, Bruises and acci lcnts, especially of the spine, also chronic g weakness or ail'ection thereof, Bore Throat Varicose Veins, and even in the affections jf the Heart, this celebrated plaster has been -Kt ound to atlord immediate and permanent relief. Dr. J. W. Johnson, of Hartford, writes: At this moment of writing, a man ipplies tor one, who, by entanglement in the shaft of machinery, had boLli his legs 1 uroken, spine severely injured, and was for H nearly a year entirely helpless. This man round relief very soon by the application of Lhe Porous Plasters. He was soon enabled lo work, and now lie labors as well as ever." l.eller from Mr. Fuller, or FcckHklll. Thomas Allcock ?t- Co.?Gentlemen: Since lv( my severe accident 1 have used as an oppli- T nation to tho bruised parts your admirable Plaster. Mo It lias bad an excellent effect, soothing while drawing out the soroutss aud sustain- -p lug and Rtrengthenlng tho part upon which ** it Is applied. K. ?. FULLER. Me PEKKSKILI., Oct. 5,1863. Allcock'a Porous Plasters are sold by all chl Druggists. Principal Agency, Braudreth giv House, Nov/ York. marl9-lmd<&w 1802. 1847. 1868. In 1802 tho grandfather of Dr. Tobias introduced the Venetian Liniment In linglaud. It was a success, although the price was a guinea a bottle. His late Majesty, Wi William IV., used it for Chronic Rheumatism, and was entirely cured after suirerlug for two years, his attending physician bolng unable to effect a cure, and he wrote a letter of thanks, which is now in possession of my Y uncle, in Liverpool. 1 have offered XlOO * sterling for the letter, but It was refused. In 1S47 1 put it out in the United States, and To now, in lb'CS the sale is immense. Thousands of families are never without it. It Is safe ^ and Innocent to apply externally, and to Coi take internally. For twenty-one years I ers have warranted it to cure the following ^ complaints: Cholera, Diarrhea, Dysentery Qf Croup, Colic, Cramps, Vomltiug and Sea- tin sickness, taken internallj; and Chronic Rheumatism, Hums, Cuts, Bruises, Old wa Sores, Toothache, Frosted Feet, Swellings, wa Insect Stings, and Fains in Chest, Back and fijei Limbs, externally. It never falls, if used as directed. For Cholera and Dysentery it is It < certain, if used when first attacked. Nooue fjj1 once trying it will ever bo without it. Sold rft| by the Druggists. Price, 50 cents and one an dollar. Depot, 10 Park Placo, N. Y. ?fa ninrliilmdAw Wi " ffll; VICTORY. |j? A CONQUEST INSTANT AND SUBLIME. bu O'er spiteful Nature and o'er blighting Time! HfT Hair white or gray, or red as suuset's sfey, Assumes a Black or Krown that chaims the eye, ltli Beneath tlio spell of CKISTODORO'S DYE. Cristadoro's Hair Preservative AND liEAUTIFIER.?This famous prepar- Rn atioii Is guaranteed to preserve the liair in 1 its full beauty and luxuriance throughout life. If the hair is thin, it thickens it; if dull to and dead-looking, it gives it a magnificent am gloss, it is warranted to remove scurf and dandrnfT, prevent the hair falling off, restore oh it in bald spots, cause it to curl, and keep it hei in splendid order under all circumstances, and In all climates. mn Bold by Druggists, and applied by all Hair snj Dressers. Manufactory No. 68 Maiden Lane, Principal Depot No. 6 Astor House. lov marlSMmd&w salt ; wa Happy Marriages. ?? Essays for Young Men, oir the Errors, sue Abuses and Diseases, which create imped 1- the ments to Marriago, with the humane view of treatment and cure, sent in sealed letter affi envelopes, fiee of charge. Address, HOW- (io AHD ASSOCIATION, Box P, Philadelphia. Pa. Ja;-il0-3m'd&w ing pre BUCHU. [ Prom Dispensatory or the United states. 1 ha' DJOSMA CKENATA?BDCHD LEAVFM Properties.?Their odor Is strong, dlffu- nef slve, and somewhat aromatic, their taste bit- wn terlsh, and analogous to mint. the Medicai, Properties and UsiM.-Buchu slei leaves are gently stimulant, with a peculiar eqc tendency to the Urinary Organs. attc They are given In complaints of the Url- casi nary Organs, such as Uravel, Chronic Ca- for tarrli of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of oul the Bladder and Uretha, Disease of the Pros- con trate Gland, and Retention or Incontinence a of Urine, from a loss of tone in the parts gen mnpfiriiwl in Its evacuation. The romedv ui c baa also been recommended in Dyspepsia, con Cbronic Rheumatism, Cutaneous Affections, cllr and Dropsy. KO Hklmkold'sExtbact Bdchu is used by persons from the ages of 18 to 25, and from ft 35 lo 55, or in tbe decline or change of life; ... after Continement, or labor Fains; BedWetting in children. In affections peculiar to females, the Extract Bnchu is unequaled by any other rem- "= Bdy. as in Chlorosis, or Retention, Irregular- u Lty, PaiufuluessorMuppression of Customary Evacuations, Dlcerated orSchirrous state of the Uterus, Leticorrhea, or Whites. Diseases of the Bladder, Kidneys, a Gravel., and Dropsical swellinos.?This medicine increases tha power of Digestion, and excites the Absorbents into healthy action, by which the Watery or Calcareous fT depositions, and all Unnatural Enlarge- \\ menus are reduce'!, as well as Pain and In- o (lamination. cor Helmuold's Extract Buciiu has cured every ca^e of Diabetes in which it lias been zlveu. Irritation of the Neck, of tbe Bladier, and Inilammation of tbe Kidneys. Uiserati -?n of tbe Kidneys and Bladder, Keten- A . Lion of Urine, Diseases of tbe Prostrate f\ Liland, Stone in tbe Bladder, Calculus. U ravel, Brick-Dust, Deposit, and Mncusor Mi iky Discbarges, and for enfeebled and Jelicate constitutions, of botb sexes, attended with tlie following symptoms: IndispoelLion to Exertion, Doss of Power, Doss of ? Memory, Difficulty of Breathing, Weak Nerves, Trembling, Horror of Disease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, Pain in tne m Back, Hot Hands, Flushing of tbe Body, Do ness of the Skin, Eruption on tbe Face, Pallid Conutenance, Universal .Lassitude of tbe Muscular System, Ac. A Helmhold's Extract Btjchu is Diuretic " und Blood Purifying, and cures all Diseases arising irom habits of dissipation, excesses n" and imprudences in life, impurities ot the Blood, dtc., superseding Copaiba in affections for wbicb it is used, such as CJonorrbfea, Uleeta of long standing, and Syphilitic AU'ec- m tions? in these diseases, used in connection ?? with Helm bold'a Rose Wash, Sold by all Deuggists and dealers everywhere. Beware or counterfeits. Ask for Ilolmbold'a. Take no other. Price?SI 25 mi per bottle, or 6 bottles for 96 50. Delivered to I any address. Describe symptoms in all con communications. Address Wh< H. T. HELMBOLD, -rr 691, Broadway. N. Y. None are genuine unless done up in steel- Tba engraved wrapper, with fac-eimije of my tlon Chemical Warehouse, and signed -w H. T. HELMBODD, proi febl5-eodd&eoww m i m xjBiiiiiittJiin uxixb tv JH. ?petial Notices. ~T~\ A -pp -P5-S7~'<=1 1 iOPHYLACTIC FLUID! j CHALLENGE TO THE WORLH! 1 re challenge the world to produce a betor a Ktronger recommendation for any cle lor any purpose than the following: f November 1st, 1868 re very cheerfully unite our testimony c avor of the great merits of the valuable nfectant manufactuied by Prof. Darby. . known as DARBY'd PROPHYLACTIC LJID. From the reputation of Prof. Daris a scientific gentleman, from onr own >wledge of this preparation, and from the 1 eral esteem In which it is held wherever >wn, we have no hesitation in recomading it as one of the most valuable isehold articles with which we are acinted. )v. H. N. McTyiere, D. D., , alivllle, Tenn., Bishop M. E. Church, . South. 5V.1A.. A. Lipscomb. D. D., thouH, Ga., Chancellor University of On. ' 3 v. Richard Puller, D. D., Baltimore, Md., Pastor Baptist Church. - 68. P. A. Chadbourne, Madison, WIh., Pres. Dntv. of Wissoph Le Conte, M. D., umbia, 8. C.( Prof. Cbem. and Geology . Univ. of 8. C. 3v. T. O. Summers, D. D., shville, Tenn., Book Ed. South Meth. i Pub. House. T. Brumby, ] rietta, Ga., formerly Prof. Chein. Univ. 1 Ala. and S. O. J )v. J. M. Bonnell, < Macon, Ga., Pres. of Wes. Fem. College. 3V. W. C. Bass, < con, Ga., Prof. Nat. Sciences, Wes. Fern; < College. on. Thomas H. Watts, ntgomery, Ala., Ex-Governor State of 1 Alabama. 3v. I. T. Tichnor, ntgomery, Ala.. Pastor First Baptist Church. B. Davis, Esq., Montgomery, Ala, Merchant. 3V. L. M. Smith, D. D., Oxford, Ga., President Emory College. 3v. A. G. Stacy, irlotte, N. 0., Pres. Meek. Female College. 3v. c . F. Pierce, D. D., Sparta, Ga., Bishop M. E. Church, South. on. Alex. H. Stephens, Craw ford svllle, Ga. 3V. C. D. Elliott, O. U., shvllle, Teun., Pres. Nashville Female Academy. 3V, G. W. F. Price, usbegee, Ala., Pres. Tus. Female College. 3V. J. Hamilton, D. D., bile, Ala., Pastor Franklin Bt. M. E. Church, South. sv. A. T. Mann.D, D., mpliis,Tenn., Pastor M. K. Church, South Ills list might be Increased to Include the noe of almOHt every man, woman and Id In the Southern States. We have only en a few of the more prominent, whom irybody knows, and whose opinions they pecL or sale by every druggist and country rcliaut. irders tilled by the proprietors, JOHN DARBY 4k CO., 1G1 William* Htroot, N. Y. ?~Sold bv JiAUUIILlN, SMITH A CO., , leellng, W. Va. inarlti WALTHAM WATCHES. Buyers of Watches Everywhere. 'he greater part of the Jewelers of the ilted mates keep Waltham Watches, and xilally recommend them to their custom, notwithstanding the fact that less profit nade on these watches than on any othgenerally sold by the trade. The reason tnlH in, that the reputation or the Walim Watch renders it an easy sale, and the ult is, that, although the dealer does not ike ns much money on each individual ,tch as he may on the sale of other .tches. he is still the gainer through lar and livelier sales. There are some, howar among the trade, who do not give the iltliam watch the hearty support which leserves. Tnis portion of the trade fancy ire is more money to be made by dealiug watches about which the public are ignoit, nnd in which there is less competition, [1 are content to make an occasional sale such watches at a large profit. It is this as of dealers who, when asked about ultham Watches, use that kind of lanugo wnich leads the customer to buy just h a watch as Is the most profitable for the iler to sell. for thn Infnrmntlnn of nersons abont to yawatch.and who may be unfavorably ected by the representations of those unendly to our watches, we call attention to 3 following suggestions: Since the inanuiacture or watches was Inited at Waltham, the Company have ide and sold about 100,000 watches. In cry town and village of the country some arer of a Waltham Watch may be fouDd. t the party about to buy ask this owner of American Watch this question : 1 AH YOUrt WATCH GIVEN YOU BATFACTION ? Vo are not afraid to advise those wishing buy a watch to guide themselves by the . swer. Being satisfied as to the quality of 1 ) wntch, the buyerhas now only to satisfy nself that the Waltham Watches are THE KAPEST as well as the best. On this 1 id we have a few words to say: 11s a well known fact In manufacturing, it the greater the number of articles mufactured by one establishment, the aller will' be the cost of each Individual lcle. Keeping this In view, our policy 3 always ueen to sell our products at the irest possible price in order to secure large os, and thus enable us to manufacture tches at a minimum cost. WE BEfclVE IN SMALL PROFITS AND A RGK BUSINESS. Thi* policy we have cessfully carried out, anu the result Is. it to-day we manufacture twice as many tches as all the other factories In the UnlStates put together. We cart, thertfore% /rII IU ICH U/KU/'C ? WIUM mey uv UIIU uiiuituy icii Twenty~flve per cent Cheaper than they quality for quality. Ve would farther remark that ln|lncreas; our production we have constanlly lratved lis QUALITY AND ITS VAK1ETY. 3 have had the refusal of nearly all lnvenas Intended to improve time-phces, and ye adopted all those, and those only, ich have proved to be really valuable. > have retained In our employment every id of a department we have ever had ose services were of any importance to i Company, and our present corps of deaera and master mechanics cannot be laled In this or any other country. In lltion to this we make gold and silver es, not only for our own movements, but those of other factories, ours being the y establishment that turns out watches uplete in every respect. a these Watches are lor Rale by the trade t lerally throughout the United States, and * i retail protit made: most reasonable by ipetlUon, the Company invariably dele orders of a retail character. JBB1NS A APPLKTON, CJen'l Ajf 'W 182 Broadwuy, N. Y, iM-2rad&w gyttcnuys. snj. BTANTOM. a W. B. ALLISON. (iTAXTON A' ALUSON, ttorneys at Law, ? WHEELING, W. VA., TILL PRACTICE IN THE STATE AND ' Federal Courts. fflce on Fourth street, east side, first doo th of Monroe. oc3-ly WILLIAM P. HUBBARD, rTORNEY AT LAW,; c 114 Marie?t Street, j! a lie Door Below SIcI.iire ITonse, r t WHEELING, W. VA. ar!2 HEAT0NAPABKINS05, J lTTOKNEYS AT LAW, rbet St. (One Door Below 91c La re i Homo), J WHEELING, W. VA, ? arS-ly c K/E3VEO"V^^_rJ. 1 JE DNDLRSIQNED HAVE REMOV ED j to their new Ware Boom*, norm east aer Market Bqusre, Centre Wheeling, re may bo found everything In the 'XT -RlfSTITTTIEaJB IiiaSTIE. mkful for past favors, we Invite attenl of the public to our new house. 'orlv made lo order. UNDKRTAKING ; mptly attended to. t afti-Zw WM. ZINK * SON. ? &tw giflrgrtigtmeotfl. ] 'or 9t Loniv, Hannibal, Qnlncy, Kcoknb, Burlington ft St. Paul. Friday morning;, 26th Inst. "r%mm The A No. 1 Passenger Steamer [ GLEN DA LK, Capt. i. W. Hare, ICmZmSbwIII leave Wheeling: for above -oinLb diiect, on Friday, 2tith Inst. { For freight or passage apply to i r. H. MONO, Agents, * mar?5?2t Office 34 Monroe Htreet. For Rent: rHE DWELLING ON CENTREPTKEKT, now occupied by 8. G. W. Morrison, ontalning nine rooms. Apply to A. J.CECIL. 1 Centre Foundry, No. 25 Main Btreet. I mnr?5-tf a (1IIUS1IAN N1EIKHI1 Z, PAPER BOX MAlvEll. 1UNGE PACTOBY, WHEELING, W. VA. IIT1LL MAKE TO ORDER ALL KINDS T f V or Fancy and Plain Boxes, for Drug;tsi8. Cigar Makers, Confectioners, Ac., Ac. mar25-lm ^ Foundry Iron. DC TONS RACCOON FURNACE No. 1. QtJ Just received by mar'25 LIST, MORRISON A CO. AUCTION SALE , of FURNITURE, &c. A 8 I AM (QUITTING HOUSEKEEPING t\. I will sell at public auction, at my reslleuce, on C Tuesday next, March SOtb, Inst , ' Without reserve, mv entire stock of House- f lokl Goods, consisting of PARLOR. DINING-ROOM. KITCHEN and I BED-ROOM KURMTURE. JARPETH, BEDS. HAIR MATTR\SSES, I CROCKERY REFRIGERaTUR, oec., Ac. Also, 1 Bay Canadian (Cob) Horse, 6 years )ld, saie in harness and pleasant under sadlie. 1 Dray, 1 Cart and Gearing. JOHN TEECE, ? West side of Eoff Htreet, Jd door below Second St., Centre Wheeling. Sale commences atU A. m., precisely. GEO. E. WICKHAM, naar2S Auctioneer. NATIONAL ! LIFE INSURANCE CO.: OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, WASHINGTON, 1). C. ('barl?r?l by Npeelnl Act or ('ongresN, APPROVED JULY 25, 1S68. Cash Capital, - - $1,000,000, , paid in fdi.l. 'BUANCH OFFICE: ' FIRST NATIONAL, BANK BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA. Where tbe general buRlnem of the Company la transacted, and to which all general cor- , reHpondeuce should he addressed. t (HI'K'KKS: i CLAKENCE H. CLARK, Presl lent. 1 JAY COOKK, Chairman Finance and Exeo- - UllY C V.IIUU111 HIT). I HENRY 1). COOKE, Vice-President. 1 EMERSON W. PEET, SeereUtry aud Actuary. Tbis Company offers tbe following ad van- I tages: It 1h a National Company, chartered by special act of Congress. ISO*. It has a paid-up capital of $1,000.0,. o. It offers low rate* or premium. it lurnishes larger Insurance than other companies for the same money. It is definite and certain in its terms. It is a home company In every locality. Its policies are exempt from attachment. There are no unnecessary restrictions in the policies. Every policy Is non-forfelta* le. I Policies may be taken which pay to the Insured their full amount and return all the premiums, so that the insurance cost9 only tfce iitterest on the annual payments. Policies may be taker? that will pay to the Insured, after a certain number of years, during life, an annual Income of one tenth the amount named In the policy. No extra rate Is charged for risks upon the thn llrpu r?f fomolM. It Insures, not to pay dividends to policyholders, but at so low a cost that dividends ] will be impossible. < Circulars, Pamph'eta and full particulars given on application to the Branch Office of ihe Company, or to ' JAY COOKE A CO., Washington, D. C.. General Agents for D. C.,'Del., Va. and W.Va. GEO. ADAH8, Local Agent, I Wheeling, W. Va., Ohio County. mar25-eodd&eoww. MORE NEW GOODS! < GOOD QUALITY RUSSIA CRASH AT U'-Z CENTS PEK YARD. MOKE HUCli TOWELS AT 22 CENTS EACH. Spring Shawls, New Style. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS AT 12* CENTS EACH. I PlAlrt Nansooks. Sfioteh Cambrics Ac. Just received by J. H.8MITH, maifi No. 122 Main Street. National Savings Bank of Wheeling. Wheeling, March 22,1869. To the Ocmijitroller of the Currency. Washington. D. V: ttin: It is hereby certified. In pursuance of jectlon 42 ol the Act of Congress entitled An Act to provide a National Currency secured by a pledge of United States Bonds, L iud to provide for the circulation and relempllon thereof," approved June 3, 1864, . hat, at a meeting of the Stockholders of the National Havings Bank of Wheeling, located it Wheeling, In the State of West Virginia, ( iuly notified and held pursuant to law and , .he Articles of Association of said Back, at he office of said Association, at Wheeling " iforesald, on the 7th day of January. 1869, it rvas voted by the Stockholders of said Asso- . station, owning more than two-thirds of Its ' itock, that said Association go into liquldaion and be closed. In testimony whereof, I have by lnstruclon of the Board of Direction* of said Association. hereto subscribed my name, f [) and affixed the seal of said AssoclaL. 8. J-tion, at Wheeling aforesaid, the day f j and year above written. E tt. P. HIL.DKKTH, Cashier. t NOTICE. The National Savings Bank of Wheeling, organized under the Act of Congress entitled An Act to provide a National Currency seured by a pledge of United 8tates Bonds, ind to provide for the circulation awl relemptlon thereof," approved June 8,18W. loa ted at Wheeling, in the State of West Vlr- f lnlfL in Hrwlnp no 1U &tfnini. All nntA hnlri- " ra and other creditors of said Association a ire therefore hereby notified to present the iot*s and other claims against tne Assoc laIon lor payment. 8. I*. HILDKETH, Cashier. Dated Wheeling, March 22, 1869. mar22-2m National Saving's Bank of Wheeling; Incorporated January IStli, 1869. CAPITAL, - . *100,000. J tJTONEY RECEIVED ON DEPOSIT 1?I Interest paid on Special Deposit*. Note* mil Bills discounted. Exchange bought and old. Collections made on all points nnU pro -i eeds promptly remitted. Discount day?Monday. \ DIRECTORS. "homas 11. List, Robert Pratt' iobert (Jlbson, K. A. M'Gabe, . O. Thomas, James McCluney. 8 U Banal. THOfl. H. LIST, President. J. McCLDNKY, Vice President, T B. P. HILD&h.TH.. Cashier. Plaster Paris; f BBLB. CALCINED PLASTER PARI E )U (Phoenix Mills). P. 0. HILDRETH * BRO. IMPORTANT FOR THI That the Handsomest i STOCK OF SPRI1 IN THE CITY, IS T BRUES & S 114 MAIN Their Especial Attention is In1 :omprtBlug Heavy Black Oro Grain HlUta, Hei Ant DUE S.S )[ every Uolor aud Qnallty, at puloes ranging nf (!nlnrml Hat inn OUR DRESS GOOD Cannot be surpassed. It embraces Irish Popl French Poplins, Glace Poplins, BtrlpM and PI Black and Colored Alpacas, of the most hai Silk Warp Black Alpaca of Klegant Quality. White P. K.'s; Plain, Striped, and Barred, Li ind spring Shawls, In ftll the very latest style L?ate?t Novelties In Parasols. Call and see tt i IThe Celebrated Seamless Kid Gloves. Also, We also offer 330 Honey Comb Qnllts at 81 5C 20 Dozen Elegant French Corsets at 91 U0 a p 50 Dozen Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs at 1(1 1000 Yards Russia nrash at 12%, cents peryarc Table Linens, Irish Linens, isapklns, Towe ill cod prices. A full stock of Cloth? and Casslraeres for Mei BJ mar23 c gmiaflemeotfl. WASHINGTON HALL. Ihts Evening, W. Leman Real's great llfeliko drama In 3 acts, entitled the FIVE FAST MEN ! 3am Slap - - - - - - - J. O. Sefton. ro conclude with tbo grand military drama la three acts, or the , FRENCH SPY! rony Bavard, ------ j.u. bkkton. [n rehcarsel, LONO fcTHIKE, BTHEET8 OF NEW YORK, AFTER DARK. Saturday, Last Grand Matinee. Admission, 50 cents. Reserved Beats, 75 cts. *eats secured at Hall from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at 7%. mart4 W: REED. Business Manager. "Cursed be Caanan"! PETROLEUM V. NASBY! WILL DELIVER HIB FIRST and ONLY Lecture in Wheeling this season at Washington Hall, ? ON ? rUKSDAY EVEN I N G, MARCH SO. rickets - -- -- -- -- -- - 7Sets. Reserved Seats - -- -- -- - 81 UO, Sale of reserved seats commences at Shelb's Music Store, on Friday morning, 26th, at 10 y'clock. mar-Si td Health Officer's Notice. Housekeepers and property owners are hereby notified to cleanse their premises before the 10th proximo, to writ: Open cellarand garret windows?sweep and whitewash cellars?cleanse and whitewash privies, stables and other outbuildings; and remove tilth of every description from the yards. On the 10th day of April the Health Officer , will commence his house to house visits,and *11 persons /ailing to obey the terms of this notice will be liable to a flue of >20. JAM EH K. REEVES, M. D.f margt-2t Healtn Officer. THE STATE IMMIGRATION AND RELIEF SOCIETY OF WIE2ST VIEG-I1TI _A.. Incorporated October 19,1868, This benevolent society is now fully organized and ready for subscribers lo membership. All persons of good health and morality, of the age of 15 to 60 years, ( without regard to sex, can become members if the Society. All those wishing to join the ??me, will please meet at the oiliceof the undersigned on Satnrdny Evening, March 27, 1869, at 7 o'clock, rosubscribe their names and leave their applications. All information and particulars sheerfully given at any time by BfcNNO KAMMKR. Ofllce on Market street, upper end of the )th Ward Market. mar23-2taw Flour, Flour. daa barrels "avondale." 4UU 500 do. "Gem of the West." 300 do. "Sunbeam." 3111 do, "Cornelian." All No. 1 family llour; Just received and tor sale by M. REILLY. Fancy Flour. I A A BBLS. Uebhart's "White Lily." LUU In store and /or sale by M. REILLY. Garrett's Philadelphia Scotoh Snuff. 5KAKKEIi'j ABSOKTK1J 1JLADUEKM. 25 Boxes packs. J ust received and for sale by M. REI LLY. Lard Oil. I A BARRELS EXTRA NO. 1, 1U lu store and lor Bale by M. REIL.L.Y, j Bacon, Baoon, { f f\ TIERCES Davis' Sugar Cared Hams. Ll/ 25,000 lbs. Prime Shoulders. 10,000 lbs. Clear Side**. 3.C00 lbs. Htar Breakfast Bacon. Jaat received and for sale by M. KEI LLY. ( Lake Fish. i fif\ HALF BBLS, HERRING. ] ir'JU 100 do: White Fish. 1 In store and for sale by M. REI LLY._ Java Coffee. MATS Choice Old Government Java. CD Just received and for sale by M. REI LLY. Cider Vinegar. Z(\ BARRELS Pure Cider Vinegar. ) 1/ In store and lor Bale by mar23 M. REI LLY. Assistant Assessor's tfotioe; rAKE NOTICE THAT I8HALL ASSESS all persons who have neglected to make etnrn or their Income from the best lnfornatlon I can obtain, and add 60 per cent. ~ hereto, If not returned by the 30th inst. ROBERT PRATT, mar22-lw Assistant Assessor. "partridge riTILL SELL AT HI8 GALLERY AT T V private sale his large stock of A.'bums, frames, Fancy Pictures, Stereoscopes and ?< /lews,a quantity of Likenesses of citizens tnd a variety of other articles, -a.t oost! AUU UXBLUy UI lUCIU, AT LESS THAN COST!;. I Yon can get bargains there this week. All :lnds of pictures taken from S a. m. to 5 i?. ] [., without regard to weather. mar8 I). NICOLL & BRO. a AVE JUST RECEIVED A BT7PPLY of Cashmere, Angola and Haxony 1 rains. 1 2-4 and 8 Fold Zephyrs. Uerwantown Wool. 1 French Dressing for Ladles' and Children'* hoes. French Boot Blacking. ? Pearl. 811k and Velvet Drem Buttons and rimming*. Marseilles Trimming. I Knitting Cotton, best make, all nnmbers, * crnbblng. Dusting, Window, Sweeping. J eather. Velvet, Shoe and Whitewash i trashes. Traveling Basket* and Leather Satchels. Chamois Skins. marl 3 LADIES TO KNOW ind Most Attractive *G DRY GOODIE O BE FOUND AT SANDERS' STREET. rited to the Silk Department ivy Black Taffeta Bilks, for Ladles' Baquei 1 SILKS "" "* *- ? ?? ? ? !?-?-? a T-arlnf rrom iiowio oo w per jmu. xiiow, ? ???for Trimmings. S DEPARTMENT Ids of all Colora, from SI 50 to S3 OJ per yan Hiu, for Suits, from 50 cenls to SI per yard, idsome colors, from 37*a cents to SI 25 for ima Lace SliawLs and Circulars, 811k Cloak ? lem. new styles of Alexandre Kid Ulovei. f a piece. ieoe. ^ cents a piece. Is and Housekeeping Goods, at greatly r< k's and Boys' wear. At ?UES A HANDE118\ 114 Main Street. ffimftant gailorlag. A. M. ADAMS OFFKRB HIS STORE-KOOM FOR SAL or rent from the 1st of April, 18#?. COST, COST; AND HijjT iQ W Anil will sell His Ready Made Clothinj AT COST, TO CLOSE OUI Before be removes to bis new stand ON MONHOK teTREK^J jan 19 CARPETS! j. & g. mendel & cc Are now receiving tbelr Spring Stock of Carpet?, &c Anil are prepared to offer as good stocl and at a* low prlcen a.s any otber house In the Trade. They have all the new styles of Brussels,3 K'lys, 2 Plys and beat assortment of ingrain carpets, oil cloths AND WINDOW SHADES. In the Market. FURNITURE. They h<tve also the largest stock .of Fura lure In the city. PARLOR SUITS, CHAMBER 8UITS. DINING-ROOM SUITS. And all styles of Fnrnltnre In the marke both of THEIR OWN MANUFACTUBi Cincinnati and otber makes. Tbey Invite a examination of their choice stock; J. & 0. MENDEL & CO., 126 Main Street* WHEELING, W.VA. P. S.?TJndortaking Prompt! Attended to. marlii Oxtoby & Duffield J _bJ WTP.T .ITi-FP.Ft, 103 Main Street, OPPOSITE nEHCIIASTtt' II1IH. Have in store a large ntock of American A Hwiss Watches, gold and Hllver: one and eight day Clocks, Of every style an price; handsome Jew elry aetta of latest an most fashionable dc . ^ signs; Solid bll vgt and Plated Ware; lioid, Silver ana *teel Spectacle*; Gold Pens and Pencils; and Fancy Hoods generally; Clocks an spectacles sold s wholesale and retal We bny all oar good direct from mannfar , , , . turers ana importer Special attention glv?u to the repair of batches, Clocks, JewJlry and Bpecta:les, and all work guaranteed. Bole Agents for Ore ver ? Baker's improv ed Family Hewing Ms chines, a machin which has stood twee _2? ty years' test HYACINTHS & GLASSES ^ FINK ASSORTMENT, Just received at marl K. ItLK'K I N'U'H. gKOWS A HIOOIN8, 127 Main Bt., Wheeling, W. Va. PHOTOGRAPHERS, And Dealers in FOREIGN & AMERICAN OHROMOS Picture munn,' Picture Ralla Con and Taaaela. Parlor HracJteta, Ar. UiOAKK FRAMES MADE TO ORDER N. B.?Oallery will be open In the even Dg? marlU -A HBL?.WIL.MlNUTONTA.R.lar*ebbl )U SU " OommonHooln. 6 " Pale On hand and for sale low by my8 CHAM. H. HKHRY Wantifi.s Wanted?To Rent. By a family of three grown persons, a house containing seven rooms. References given. Address A. D . mai24-tf Care Intelligencer Office. i w a -ntt'-ri-n ' m WO (2) GOOD JOURNEYMEN TAILORH X and one SewiDg Ulrl: Steady employ ment and good wages will be gh^en^^jyiply marls-lw No. 69 Main Street. gtv <50009. ' JOHN ROEHER, Wos. 31 and 33, Main St., t- CENTUK WHEELING. ' TT GIVES ME PLEASURE TO INFORM X my friend* and the pnbllo in general that 1 have In store and am dally receiving large additions to my stock of , Fancy aid Domestic Dry Goods, Housekeeping Goods, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Kngs, Malts, Ac., AC. Having the Largest variety and a more general assortment of articles directly and indirectly connected with a Dry Goods, Motion and Carpet Establishments combiner j into one mammoth establishment, which ' enables me to bny and sell a mnch larger j? quantity of goods than any two establlfthmen La In the city In our line, and In conse? quence of which I can buy and sell them at ^ less prices! Studying economy in every department; having no rent to pay, I can do a larger business at less expense than any other house In the trade. Keeping a large number of gentlemanly and competent Salesmen, the most fastidious cannot fall to be pleased. . Special attention is invited to a few articles of our stock. ZE^IE^IZEsTTS, A large assortment or New Styles. 10. liy, and 15c. Bnifalo Allapacos 40, 50, 60, 70, tw. SOe, >1. Pore Mohair Lustres and Popllui from SOc-to 81 50 Kancy and Black BJlk* from = II IS to 13 SO per yard. Bombazines, Crape Batlierla, Alexandria Cord, and many otner styles of goods suitable lor mourning. E WHITE G-003D3, A large assortment of all the different make*, Swiss, Nansook, Bishops Lawn, Victoria Lawn, Sort nnlsbed Jaconet, Striped Jaco1J i.. ?i.> HHfllaTila Pinnn Uranedeln Veiling ol aJl colors; Flannels of all kinds and prices. CLOTHS, CASSIMEREH, Satinets, Jeans. Cashmerets, Ac., the largest assortment In the city, to aooommodate Merchants and Merchant Tailors at Eastern Prices, also, Tailors' Trimmings. 3X uslins, A large assortment of Bleashed and Unbleached from 10,12,15.16. IS. 30c. Bleached and Unbleached Sheeting 5-4,9-1,10-4. Linen Sheeting of superior qnallty 5-4, 10-4. large supply of Linen Table Cloths, Tabic Linens, Napkins, Toolings, Ac., of the best finality and exceedingly low prloes. p Shirting Linens 50,60, 75, 859, f 1, f 1 25. 3 Shirt Bosoms 20, 25, 30, 85, 40, 50, 60, 75c. Drcns Trimminffs, In great variety and at low prices. Kld moves, a full line of best qnallty, 91 25,81 Co, fl 75, 82 00. Fancy Gloves?A general asn Bortment at almost any price. Ladles ana Gents Handkerchief^, from 5c to 82 apiece. The best 6 Cord Machine Cotton in tin* world at 90c per doz. irrtarvov a??.?mant nf I L dim' and Uents' Hosiery in the city, at almost any price. Marealles, Honey Comb and Lancaster r Quilts. CloakN and 8hawls in great variety L and at low prices. Carpet Department. Bpecial attention is given to this Depart raent. Having a sepaarte room In the establishment for Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting. Hugs, Matts, Ac., Ac., Window Blinds, FlxI tures, Ac., enables ns to compete wltn any ' bouse in the trade and offfer great induce ments to cash buyers in that department, having Carpet from 80c tofl; selling the hen 2 ply Ingrain All Worsted chain and Wool tilling at fl per yard. Call and see for yourselves, if you wish to save money. Tbe be*t quality of Cotton Carpet Chain. 8 ply at 40c; 4 ply at 43c, and 5 play at 45c. White Cottou ? Chain from Noa. 8 to 12 for 43c. Terms are Strictly Cash. Buying and selling for cash yon can always tell what you are doing, for cash will secure better bargains than credit, believing that by indntry, honest dealing and economy, we can ' not fail to benefit iliose friends and custom'? ers that may be pleased to favor ns with a call. Therefor I respectfully Invite an examination of our stock of all cash buyers, either ( wuoietaie or retail ueiore pnrciiamng elsewhere, aiitl oblige mart2 IOHW BOEMEB New Spring Shawls. WILL OPEN THIS MORNING REAL Palseley Bbawis, with white and blacl centres; French Printed Cashmere Hb?wi? In great variety. mar22 J. 8. HHODE8 A CO. '* The Last Chance. WE WILL OFFER THIS MORNING ? pieces Heavy Black Alpacca Popltu? at 37J4c; 20 do. at 50c. These goods are wonii uiuaUj/jaat doable what weaak for them. tq%ra J. 8; RHODES dt CO. To Make Boom, "TTTEOFFERTHIB DAY 300 YARDS ALL VV Wool Plain Delanee at 2Sc. m?r22 J. B. RHODES * CO. n BARGAINS! BARGAINS!"! NOW OFFERING, FINEST 10-*, 11-4. 1M y White Wool Blankets COST. ALSO ' Fine French Merino, worth 91, for 75 cent*. Fine French Merino, worth 9125 for SI uo. Fine French Empzen Poplin for only 65 eta. Fine TCngllah Merino for only 4ft eta. Fine Mohair Dress Goods, worth 50 ct* for *JS. All other Dress Goods at reduced price. FURS! FURS!! I am closing out my stock of Ladles' ami Children's Furs at COST. , . Shawls, Knit Breakfast Capes and Hckw*' at REDUCED PRICES. d CAHPET CHAIN. r* A superior quality of 4 and 6 ply CotH" d Carpet Chain, the best in the marl tet. *- A full assortment of all kinds of Domes*11' Goods, of the best.Fat)rlo and La test Siyle the LOWEST MABKET PBICB. AU who are In search of GOOD BAKd GAl^S will do well to give me a call before it buying elsewhere. 1. TERMS? Nett Cash, Hm?ii profits, and la Quick Sales, at Z HENRY BOEMEB'S, Ho. 88, Eaat Side Mala and Blddlr M* Centre Wheellnc. J anil - Davis' Sugar Cored Hams. - K TIERCES JCBT RECEIVED BY , ' D K. J. SMYTH. ? Corner Market A Qulncy Dried Beef. 2 TIERCES DAVIS' SUGAR COREL1For sale by R. J. SMYTH Goshen Cheese. i. QQ BOXES CHOICE GOSHEN CHKK=l f J list received by R. J. SMYTH. mart corner Market A Qnlncy NEW ARRANGEMENT JN ^ADDITION TO MY IMMENSE HTO"1 | TT A ? ? ? naia ana uaps for Wholesaling L I have fitted up my first floor for doiui * I Fashionable Retail Trade. And now offer at UKEATLY REDIH'*1 PRICKS, an unusually large stock ot First Class Hats and Caps- ? ' Bought with great care recently W >v" I York for cash. n?ar!3 SAB'!, a. PBATHK" Calcined Plaster. 1 flA BBIJ3. PILASTER PARIS, Pbllm1" iuuptu? ? ? *. I Ne Plus Ultra Lima -I nrv BBLS. NE PLUS ULTRA. UMfcl 1UU fre-h burnt. ^ 4BK0. ^