Newspaper Page Text
' CHRISTMAS GOODS! HOLIDAY STOCK! JUST BECEIVEDiAT WM. H. H KN KKO RN. JAM KH 0. UATKfs W. H. HENNEGEN & GO'S, J ^ W K L K E S . Now ami Ucftullfnl DorIroi la 1 fhii f'jfi ^ VtiV'jih! 1 0 ninmAVi^ Til?? jLuaiiiuiiu, x van, r inn \juritl, ?itrUBU<J?Il ?AND? GARUET JEWELK/Y. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, Krom tlio mcBt celebrated Mannfactnrlcfl In Knroi* and Amorlca, 4 SOLID STERLING SILVER SPOONS, FORKS -ANDF^IsTCY COMBIIIsrj^TIOlsr SETS. TUII'LK I'liATHI) HI'OONS, FORKS, TEA SKTO, UASTORS, OAKK BASKETS, ICR I'lTOUERS, Jus., Ao., Pino Silver Plated and Ivory Table Cutlery, BRONZE ANI) MAKTJIjR OI.OGKS. BRONZE FIGURES AND MANTLE ORNAMENTS. Parion Marblo Statuette, Busts, Vases, &c. WRITING DESKS, GLOVE BOXES. CABINETS, Presentation Hold and Silver Beaded Canes, Anil an omllosi variety of lioAuUful (JootU oullntila for (lie present Holiday Henson, ail ??f whioli will l>e offered ill Greatly Reduced PriooN to Conform Wilh the Rooeat Deoline in Bold. . W3VL H. HBlTlTBa-BN <5c CO., I?4 MAIM NTIUHICT, loclS ' WHEEXiING, "W". VA. PURE WHITE LEAD, V. f. HKUWJN, LIITSEE? OIL, JEWELER, ' VAltN IS1IKH, 11 AH KNLAIUiKl) AND KEK1TTKU HIH IX Mlwo, GLASS, PUTTY, Ho, SI WANUIMUTON I1ALU ' Ac., Ao., Ao? Anil now ofTora aHnporb Awortraont of i millers ATsnoP. Sol sieriim sera fare,, opposite j*out onioo. FINE GOLD JEWELRY, ( HOV4 ?AND? OO-A-Xj. ' WATCHES, Martin M'Oonnaughy, boitaulbwjb I QKALEi^iN olean, mixko and Bridal and Holiday Presents. Goal dollveredU) all parta of tho oily at the following ratoa: j CLEAN COAL, 9 oent* per txmbel. SILVER PLATED WARE MIAISII UO. H MUI llo. 7 ORJCAT VABLE1Y. | One-half cent ten porbnihel oneaob gmde _f m? a^tm ,w to Uie Island tlian tiio above j?rlccs. rSf^nS5* ^J^p^hSllf^SSn^oS?! ifikt On)art Ion at the Toll Hoifoo, at Hiwpou- JJJJJSJlt*?2J2fii2 nlou liridge or 1). Korner, on the Island, will JJ'""fSffi.?1" iiSj1J aar?-gw^.. gSftgSSBeSF?, HrlUnla Tea Sett, Drat, Uotree and Tea J. M. MoWHORTER & CO., uS%Jrmol*Uoa auw* ^ ana ,Uver OUR WATOUE^t i REAL ESTATE AGENTS, Both Oold and Bllvor, aro of Elegant Pettern, from the ^ jso. au Monroe Htroor. Boat Faotorloi In the World, Among them tho ?, w. VA. UnIl?(| 8Utfts WatcJ ^ N#J . , UOy.IHBLLOKKXOUANUBKKAI.KH- M?w.; t D tale In City and country. Tremont Watch Oo? Botton, Maw.; ... . Mi?lt*mandOo.,ChanxUeFoud^Hwit?erlabd; Uotlnewi n? will rooelvo our ciiiui.E. Jaoot, M ? M prompt and beet attention. And many other Foreign make* of celebrity. ALL AT SEDUCED PRICE* | Sign of the "Big Camera I" oom^ondiDgwiih GET TOTO TUlfl UKCLINE I IN GOLD. CLOCKS, of mrf VUMJT knil p*tUm at Photoiraplis and Porcelains FOB TH HOLIDAYS (Ladies' Wiar Store, w at u BBOWN & HIGGIN8' MADAM ZWIOK, 40 w?i Ilk it, UU ?UMU, 1 GALLERY. cmmmati. omo. M iicco : MHI|l ALI^XUflMOr \ Notioe of Stockholders' Meeting. rnilK ANNUAL MEETING OK T11B Uqi> TpWpIpvH L Htnckholdera of the Wont Virginia in- XBBSaOQ^Bt flflll JunClljf.m ttirauco Company will take place at lu <?Moe In the City of Wheeling, on Wcdno** nHSB" ? , ^ l?y, tho Gth day of January, W70. ^ ^ IDom to Order, JACOB HOKNHKOOK, VrOh'L VI O J. M. MoWSORTER, floc'y. ?lrcl? AL -VI The h*lr fnr.^K i ' jSfflBjVDi nlibed by oai>^v J Merchants' National Bank of W. Ta. S&BOB SS"\n WiiKKi.iNQ.Deo. 10th, iSfiffl. iPftr gold warranted^^r 1 The annual meeting of the ^ HtncklioldorH of thin Bank, fbr the eleo- RRATno PRflWTQj flfTDTA tlon of nlue Director* for tho enrolng year. OUAII/O, rttUNlOJ WJaLty Aty will be held at tbolr Bulking Houm on nnv!M.qm Tucftiay, January lllh, 1K7U, between tho - v , linureof 11 o'clock, a.m.,and '1 o'clock, i?.M. ^ . _ . ,! ?IkUU H. BU A 0Y? cannier. UOAL! j First Nat'i Bank of Wheeling. "OAL woats, WnniLiRO, Dcc. 11th, 13?. CAPEIIABT A cUCHEE* rnilK ANNUAL MEETING OK THE IT AVE RECEIVED A COMPLIMENT OF C L utock holder* of this ll?uk and oloctlou 11 Miner*, All order* wj 11 reoeive prompt A ??r Director*, will be held at the B*nklng attention, left at their once, Markot Rtreet, ? n?h. i?7ii hiw I below Union mreeU deo7*2w " tinuHS on llliauaji JW.I.-J tween the lioura of 10 o'olock A* m., niul 21 "U?25 UHOBUB ADAlJlOwlilT. TDrt?r^!mifoonnmrni.^ 1 National Bank of West Virginia. ' Uon of director* will bo held nt the liank- Kn^iDfifl & BflilArA ^ iok Honxn on Tneeday, January llth, iwo, ?U61UW?w UUIIOrB, iMiiween tho bourn of ono and four o'clock * Above the Water Work*, ' IMII JolIt< WAOu?fi!i?t. ?y?-K wim?i.iwu. w. VA. ~ Vmmm T,?rV ? TBI nut*?HouaMM, 1 lMSfflsasMi?'"*" mm, m am to Fitters, uo, own brandt.^ mqkribon ft <XI. oaMorko.^ Now Crop New Orleans Molasfea. aaronion from the ooantry attended to at iu\ HARHKUjgHOlCK, PICK HTKAMKK abort notice. apr?-ly til/ Argoiy. Pormloby -?. _ . .? HIT, MO&RIHON AIX). JllBt B000iV6(L A * ???? IMPOKTATIOIf.OK BOOTOH "f ApplO?. a Jx Aie, and a aaperkxr article of Khln? ?, lQllAHUBLHONCONHlGNMKNT, AT AW* Claret W?ne. A ^ 14 lust, MOKniauN * uo'H, roayi: a w. fbahzhkim a oa _ 8*? STONE &THOMAS Golden Bee-Hive Store, 174 Mntn Htroot* WIWEL1NG. SECOND STOCK .-o*Winter Dry Goods. PRICES GREATLY REDUCED. OURBTOOK WAR NEVER LAIUJtCtt OH1 MOIUC DKH1UABLH. French Merinos ltodnood fully 3? p?r cent, itaatlfal Uooda, all Oolora, W lo 76 oouIs per yanl. Silks, BLAOK KILRH fUlJ DilKHH HILKfl dowu 20 por oont. Wool Delaines, (Doublo Wkltiotfw low an>'<754 06QU. Dress Goods or nil tlRADKB 20 to 40 por oont lower. Alna,na,s BEAUTIFUL LUHTKR,wortii 76, ill 60 oonto. Shawls, The largest and moat doelrablo Block wo ever offered. 1'rlcoH rednoed fully ouo- third. Arabs and Arab Shawls Worth lio 1)0 nt r 00; worth 18 00 al 13 00. A cholco koIoo tlou of i'altcnu. Repellants, :? pieces In Htoclc all Htyloe nud tirodoft, very aheap. Blankets Of ovory grtulrt xml price; the bent awortmonl In tho oily. Flannels. Wo keep the Heaviest and Bout lUr Khnnol In tho oily. Prints, 10,000 yArdA heel makm nt 12X ceiilfl. Wnslins. HLKAUUKI) anil IHIOWN At lowest wboleNilo prices Furs w In foil Una, for LaillOH ami tieutfl, K?*ninU)?<l nl iom price* than uuy lintuw In tho . dly. Carpets, Olli O LOTUS, WINDOW KLINDB, OAKl'KT CHAIN, In full lino. Ill Goods Sold Cheap for Dash! Call and examine for youiHOlvet. dectt d&W Bt6WB ft THOMAB. 3. W. FR&NZHEIM fi~C0~ No. 157 (Haricot Mtroot, WHKKLINU, W. VAM IMPOBTCRfl A WnOLSSALB OIALIU IK PrtTiairvn A Ddtnuafin T.irmnra L UlOlgU W J/ViUOOVIU UI1j|UVlD| 11 Have Jo/it received by DIRECT IMPORTATION, Another Involoo of 3TJPBBTt)B COGNAO BHANDY FOR MKDIUAL tUUHOBKH. Mho keep oonhtaktly on hand at Wholoaaleand KeUll, t tie ?URE8T, BRANDIES, WINBM, OIN, AU? THK OLDBBT RYK AND BOUKUON WHWKKlB; IND T11KKINK8T UATAWBA ANDOONOOKl) WIMfld, Of Oar Owa lUuAMtare, TtaQT art also exclusive Acenta ft* {poor's Standard Wino Bitters, L reliable AppotUer and Tonic, and an oxelloat prevoDtlve of oomplalnla Incident to bm5l7mflr8C*O.W. FRANEHBIBI a 00. OBOOBBIBS CHOICE PENNSYLVANIA BUCK New Corn Meal. New Hominy and Grltt*. v Jereoy Cultivated Cranberrlcn. n New Dried Peaches and Applet*. b Aim ore'? Mlooe Mottl. a fluo Apple Cheese. .. New York Cheese. V Knglfoh Dairy Cheeso, 1 WIuhIow'h Canned Corn. It Blinker Dried Cora. v Canned Freeh Fruits. v Canned Fresh Fmii. isiyer and Hoed Ion Halslus. 8 Valencia Halslni. * New Citron and entrants. v tlweet Komanlte Cldur. i| Lea*Perrta* Worcester Banoe. English and Freneh Mustard. ? An aseortinent of Pnre Spices. f "Crocae A BlackweUV' Kni. Plekloa. 1( Vlth n variety ol other good*, received at a W. D. MOTTK'ri, i. No. 9 Odd Fellow's Hall, Monroe Bt. .i jd wB | ? HATS & CAPS I s * NOTnER L&RUE BTOCK Or HATH B 1 and UAra for Men, Bqys and Children* Just reoolvcd at y JIAKPMU * BUO.U n q SCOTCH CAPS! i ion BBCRIVJO), AHOrHEK 1 Or OF I I the imported Moiott taps. Also PUtt APH, OOiiUAKB and (ibOVfcH. u deoia HARPKlt HRO.U OVJJMiilM. |A UAKHKLB KAHTKRN CULTIVATED " JU In good order, and large barrels. For wale by R. J. MMYTS. j VII!UI.KtL n A BAKRBI* JKKBB* riUKLKS IN t> [Q vinegar. Jm reoaly?nijj ?MTT[I ? DMHncnnk ? |f> BOXRB NKW YORK UUflHBN J fa"-b?g DHDBIRN. n trroROEBTRPHllIRE BAUOH <*18 and jj Cra*?SUokweH'< PlokU* M?ort?d. fi ultra Oil. oSISSi-i London MniUnX pound ouu. WIUMIow'H Canned Oom.. rat m?bf ^ J BMTTHi A dMl Oat Market & uolnoy HlreaU. 4lf]| H MAln HlfMli v IkfjtMltynftj: II HCUOOL DATS. Htlll ilti the achool home by the road, A rugaea beggar sunning* Around ltatlliiho sumachs grow. And blackberry vines are running. Wltbln, tbo mnrtflja deck la Men, Deep aoarred by rapa oflloial; Tlie warping Jloor, the battered sent*, Tbo Jack-knlfo* carved Initial; Tlie charcoal froacoea on Its wall; , Its Uoor'u worn Bill, botraylng Tbo feet that, creeping alow to acbool Went aiormlng out to playing! Long yeara ago a netting ann Hhoue over It at aettlog; Lit up ita woatem wlndowpouea, And low eavee' loy rrolUug. It touchoJ the tangled goldon curls, And brown eyea rail or grieving, Of one who still her atepa delay tu When all the acbool were leavlug. ?or noar ber stood tbo Utile boy Jler oblkliib favor alngled, cap pulled low upon a race Where pride and bhame were mingled. Pushing with roatloaB feet the anow To right and left he llngereu Am reaueaaly her tiny handa Tho blue-checked apron Angered. Ho aaw her lift her eyes; ho frit Tho soft hand'd light eareaalng, Aud beard tbe tremble of her voice, Ah If u fault confessing. ? " ? ?U? TTvlU, 1 halo to go above you, Because, "~tho brown eyes lower fell,? "Bocause, you nee. I love you." Still memory to a gray haired man That sweet cblld-faoo Is showing. Dour girl I thograsMsoo her gruve ilave rorly yean been growing! He llvo? to learn, Id llfbto hard school, How lew who pass abovo him I .anient tuelr triumph and hli low. Llko her,?because they love him, DAKSK'A CAT. A California Story by Hark Iwaln. Whenever Diok Baker, of Deadbone Gblob, was out of look and,'a little down-hearted, be would fall to mourn* lug over the loss o{ a wonderful oat be used to own (for wliere women and children are not, men of kindly imfraise take up with pela, for they most ove something.) A?U bo alway spoke of tbo strange sagacity of that cat with the air of a man who believed In his secret heart that there was something butnan about it?maybe even supernatural. I heard him talking about thin animal once. He said, Gentlemen, I used to havo a cat hero, by the name of Totn Quarts, which you'd a took an Interest In, I reckon?most anybody would. I bad him here eight years?and ho was Lhe remarkableet oat lever see. He was a large gray one or the Tom specie, ?nd he had uiore hard, natural sense Lbsn any rami in his camp, and a powar of dignity; ho wouldn't a let the jov'ner of UallfornlA be femlllarwlth iiim He never ketohed a rat In his life ?'peared to be above it He never jured for nothing but raining. He tnowcd more about mining, that oat lid, ibitu any <uaa I ever see. Yon ouldu'i tei 1 lilm nothing about placer llRglog?ami uh /or pocket mining, le was just born /or It. lie would dig )ut after me and Jim when w? went jver the bill prospecting, and be would rot along boblnu us lor aa muob an live ullee, ir we went so far. And he bad be bent judgment about mining ground -why you never see anything like It. iVhon wo weut to work, he'd scatter a tlanoe around, aud If be didn't think uuoh of tbe Indications, he would give i look aH much aa to say, 'Well, I'll lave to get you to exouse me,' and vllbout another word he'd hyste hi* lose Into tbe air and shove for home, Sot If Ibo ground nulled him, he woul(} ay low aud keep dark till tbe first pan vau washed, and then be would sidle ip and lake a look, and 11 there was iboutslx orsoven grains of gold be vaa satisfied?he didn't want no better irospeat'n that?aud then he wonld lay lown on our coals and snore like a loam boat till wo'd struck the pocket, lud then get up and superintend. Well, by aud by, up comes this quarts ixcltemenl. And everybody wan lulo t?oyerybody was picking and blastnginstead of shoveling dirt on the hill Ide?everybody was putting down a baft Instead or scraping (be surface. Nothing would do Jim, but we must aokle the ledges, loo, and so we did. Vo commenced putting down a shaft, md Tom (Juarlz he began to wonder vhat In the Dickens it was all about. Ie hadn't never soen any mining like hat before, and he was all npset, an rou may say,?he couldn't oometoa lght understanding of It no way?II van loo many tor him. He was ilown in It, too, you bet you?he wan down in It powerful?and always appeared n consider It tbe cussedent foolishness mt. llut tliat eat, you know, be w?s ilwaye agin new fangled arrange- . nents; somehow ho oonld never abide tm. You know bow It Is with old labile. But by and by Tom Quam inula to get tort or reoonolled a little, hough be never oould altogether nnlerstand that eternal Kinking of a shaft nil never panning out anyihlng. At aat begot to coming down In the shaft, ilmselr, to try to cypher It out. Aud rlien lie'd got tho blues, and feel kind |' norIItry, aggravated and disgusted? mowing as he did that the Hills was unulng up all the time anil we warn't naklng a cent?ho would curl np on a :unnys?ok In the corner and goto leep. Well, one day when the shaft ras down about eight fool, tbe rock ;nt bo hard lhat we had to put In * ifast?Iho first blasting we'd over Inno since Tom Quart7. was born. Lnil thou wo lit the fuse and clomb ul aud got off about CO yards,?and urgot and left Total Quartz sound asleep n the gunny saolc. In about a minute re seen a puff of smoke burst upon! f the hole, and then everything let go rllh nn awlul crash, and about four I ollllon lonsof rook and dirt and smoke nd spllulors shot up about a mile and half Into tho air; and, by George I Ight In the midst or It was old Tom J Inarm going end over end, and asnort- I nn an/I a ftimadna Mini u Iiliiuflnn anH r ranching for LblnRfl like Mil possessed. J tat It warn't no ubo, you know, it J rarn't no use. And that was the last a re seen of him lor about iwo minutes nd a half, and then all of a indden 11 { egln lo rain rook%.and rnbbage, and ; Ireotly lie come down ker-whopabout { an foot off from where we stood. Well i reckon bo was p'raps tho ornerlst t aoklng beast yon ever see. One ear 1 r'HH Rot back ou his ueck. aud his tall * /as atove up, and his eye>winkera whh wloged olf, and be was all blacked np rith powder and suioko and all sloppy rltli mud Hnd slush from one ond to lie other. Well, sir, It warn't no me a try to apologiao?wo couldn't ssy a rortl. Ho took a sort of a disgusted jok at hlaself, and then lie looked at a?and it was JnHt exactly tho sa^o as r he had sold?'Uoma, majbo you lilnk it's smart to take advantage or a ut that ain't Imd no experience of 1 uarix mining, but 1 think different'? lid then he turned oil hie heel and .lurched olT homo without saying nother word. That was Jest bin style. And may be uu won't believe it, but alter that you ^ ever boo a cat so prejudioed agin uartz mining as what he waa. And y-and-by when he did get to going own In (ho shaft agin, you'd a been r HtontRUcd at ihh BHgaciiy, me minute re'd touch otf a blaBt nnd the fune'd t eglu to Hizzle, he'd give a look as J; luch as to eny : 'Well. I'll have to set J ou to excuse tno,' and It waa aurprlB- " ig, the way he'd abln out of that hole t nd go for a tree. Sagacity? It ain' name for It. J rwaB Inspiration! _ I Haiti: 'Well, Mr. Baker, thla pre|uloe agalnat quarta mining waa rolarknhle, considering bow he came y It. Couldn't you over oure him of . . ?' Curo him! No! When Tom Quarts ras not onoe, he waa alwaya aot?and ou might a blowed blm up aa muoh n three million tlmea and you'd never 1 broke him of bin cuafled prejudice . gin quarta mining.' Tho affection and pride that lit op j inker's faoe when he delivered thla Ibute to the firmness of bla bumblo lend of oilier daya, will alwaya be a lvld memory with. me. ] ThhPhiladelphia soup aoolotloa unBtentatlonaly mitigate a vast deal of ie palna of penary. So Bays (be North Imcrican. ... At Mlddlew.y, IVm VlrnInU, the tlary of Poetmuter la ^lDcrcancU from HO a year (o (130 from Int J?nn*ry, Una, ABRAHAM XilIfOOLN la living to Fiuukfort-on-lhe-Maln, anil the story of ber Intended marriage la denied by oorreepondent of the New York Time*, who adda 8 'flba oocuplea a amall apart* ment In the Immediate neighborhood of the boardlng-sohool attended by ber youngeat son. Tad. Ube Uvea In the humblest style, doea not mingle In aoelety, weara mourning np to tbe proeent day, reoelvea no gentlemen vialtors, baa never realded In the Urand Dnohy of Baden, nor been at or near the Baden Court, and la entirely unacquainted with the count with whom ber name haa been coupled.' Dn. O. M. Bourrh, alxty-foar years of age, a vegetarian, and for thirty-live years a total abstinent from llquora,tobacco, lea and oollee, started from Oily Hall. In Han Francisco, at midnight on the lDili lost-., and walked through to Ban Jose, a dlatanoe of.flfty-flve miles, aooompllablDg the taak In eighteen houra and fifty minutes. He oonnted the number ol Btepa and found It to be 101,708. < A Lynchiiubo paper aaya that a number of gentlemen In that olty are about to renew the bualneaaof manufacturing tobacco, enoouraged by the ballet that under tho present administration of the aovernuient tbe revenue regulations will be rigidly and Impartially enforced, and that therefore, there Is aouie prospect of protit from the legitimate operations ol tho bualneaa. A New Discovery I! PhalonJs "V^rLIA;" Salvivyonfor the Hair. For Restoring toGfhvHair its Original Co!ok Piialon's "Vit^a" differs Utterly from ajnhe "dyes," " colorrrs,"/ ! " restorers " (?) in use. It acts on. a totally different principle. It is limpid\fragrant, and perfectly innoctfcujs, precipitates no muddy or flaStoJulent matter, requires no shading up, and communicates no\tain to the skin or the line J. No paper curtain is nectary to conceal its turjji<t*appcarance, for the simple reason that it L not turbjjT It is, to all intents and pu/ioses, anew discovery in ToillbiChemistry. EST Pli^a^s " Vitai.ia" is warranted to a change in the color of thclhur within 10 days after the firstVipplication, the directions being carefully observe^X IT IS AS AS WATER! and jf as no sediment. Pricc, 6ne Dollar per Box, CONflljNINC TWO Homes. Sold by amsDruggists. If your Druggi^ has not " Vitalia " on hand? write, enclosing $i.oo^(nd we will forward it printed iitfely. Ehalc^N & SqN, 517 Broadway, N.I> Read! Read! Read!! I'UKB OK I) YHl'HPttl A AND SCROFULA. PAUKKMBUHO, April 19. T. 11. LOQAM, Kki.?Dear Btr:-1 wrote to fou no mo lime Rlnco for a bottle or Brent- . linger'* Fluid Extract of Hanuiparllla and Dandelion, and luu-a Hay that It haa acted 3pou me like a chann. I bave boen afllictxi (or near two years with Dvapepala; twothlrdaof tho tlino 1 vomited from oue to Lhree tlmen a day. 1 bad glvon np tho Idea ' ir ever getting well, and Indeed my frlenda Had glvou up ail bopea of my ever letting well again. Added to thla, i Buffered with tho Scrofula very muoh. ttlnoe lMt feplambor ouo Hide of iny neck waa ono enLlreaore. oomposed of nme eeveu running . urea. The uao of one bottle baa much improved mo. My Blomacli la relieved and my nock hM improved beyond my moat -aantulno expectation*. 1 feel muoh enoouraged, md thlak by the use of ono or two bottle* < nore, l Hhall be rolleved entirely. You will plenao wnd me two bottlea by the boat. YiM>ra,reapeotrally, J. W. 110MKK. fcO.mMJLJ L-LN. icxthaouuinauy uukk or mkkcuU1AL DlHfiAHK. Dbau Dooroa:?You know what vumy xmdlUon when I called upon you. Ivu i mroH all over, literally oovored wlUi nasty >lack Hcfttw, nud so pained la my Joints at light, that eleepor rest vm utterly lmpoailulo. My oousUtullon seemed entirely jrokou down, and 1 was almost In deepafr >&?Vor being cured, having tried many pliyiRlans, and tuted numeroua preparations >urportlng to be remedies, without tho east algn or euooem. Hut 1 am now happy o lay, thai after using ihoee Ave bottlee of ronr Barroparilla aud Dandelion, and only .wo boxes or the Pill*, 1 beoarae perfectly * tailored, have retornod to my post ou tho hmu, aud feel at this lime aa stout at ever i lid lu my life. Please acoopt my thanks, md bellove me ovoryoun. BAUUKL MAYS. Til DB. llBKMTLlKOBK, Prepared at the Ohemloal Labratory of BftENTLIN&ER ft DBRRY, Ho. 151 Market Street, WHBKLlNtt, W. VA? And aold by all Drnggtota of the Oily and nrroupdlug oountry. SSfij Waltham Watches; < ? . j i4 Plate, 16> and 20 Sizes. ] ri Tlltfi MANUFAUTUUB OK T11K8B Hue WatcUofl tno Company havodevoul all the Mlonoj and skill In the art at . heir command, and oonQdently claim thai 7 or flnenea and beaniy, no leai than for the creator exoallaoaaa of moohaD leal and tclntino oorroctnaa of dealgu and execution, heae Watches arc nnanrp?wd anywhere. 1 In thu country the manofactnre of thorn lue grade of Watches la not even attempted xcept at Waltham. For aale by wh. n.Hunaii*oo., .lOI IftlaltrMt, I octfl-am WHBBLIWQ, W.VA. Closing Out Sales. IITK WILLOFFBRTHIB MORNINUTU tv mak* mm tor ClirtotraM uooih ooui >!. lugs lot or Bamnaua of VIp&ou, Flannels and Dress floods. wahaooaronrmiuraatockof j ?*noy Dmm Ooodf, Shawls ao., At New York ooat and less. J, H KHODKH A CO. ' Furs at Cost. A I.L OUR COMMON P1TRH *T (X)8T. A fV folvilnd OolUr ?nil Mnir Mr tl 00. tlMIH J. 8. ItllOUKH A CO. grg gooflg. SPECIE PAYMENT ! GOODS REDUCED. -TOLESS HAD SPICK PRICES. FE,I2Sr07SI norrimac ana mi ouinr riniicCiWB nuim miaftcenta. MUSLJ.N8. Good yard whlo Muslin at 12K fconu. FLANNELS, Uood FIadqoIa from 86 to W oeiitn. DRESS GOODS. A lArgo And oomplAte aeleotlon of Drew Uooda from 25 oouli to II. CLOAKS. OloUiB And ChlnohiliA UkMtkii At lcsi than halt their oo*t. SHAWLS. . A Iairo urartmont of Broche. Fatuity, Ralubow, And other styles, from |1 to 990. BLANKETS. lUaMKta from II751 to 16. Furs, Furs, Furs, At flrwt ooflt, to dam oat a terje Uno of Pino Mink and Real Kltch; also Ublldraiv* different kinds, having left a row old style largo Vlctorlnes, wblcb 1 will noil for lea than tiolf their oosi. CAKPETS. Carpets, Oil Cloths and Hogs at oost. Good Oarpota at 2Bo, SOo, 45o, to Beit at II. CLOTHS, &c. Olotbs, daaHliueroj, Jeans, Hosiers, Motions, / ClloveH, Men's and Women'* Undorweor, Ao? An. AT Nos. 31 and 33 Main Street, CENTRE WHEELING, W. VA. JOHN ROEMER. deoll FURS! FURS!!; CHEAPEST :FDRS HI THE CITY! A Good Set ot Real Mink Furs For Usly $20 and (25. i i A. Fine Set of Fitoh for $20, . AMD ? 1 A Tory Good Sot of Fura From 8400 to $6 00. BlULDRIiN'S FURS, i.AniR<?> j.'im nnons.'1 I GHNTLBMliN'S FOB COLLARS, LADIES' A CHILDREN'S SHAWLS, CLOAKINO CLOTHS, ARABS. AND WATERPROOFS. BOULVARD AND I KALMOItAL HKIUTS. DRESS GOODS. I n HanilrtoraeLIneor PlAtn and Kanoy Urcw Uooda, which axe offered hi VJSRY LOW PRICEH. flood Past Colored Calico 1 at 12 l-2c. Plaid Flannel For 25o Pur Yard. t Kino Cleveland Burred Flannel*. Hoavy Frwport Barred Klannelw. UuMlmere Joaun aud Tweoda fur Alan ami Wear. LtdlON' and Child rem Wool and Morlno , tfowo, Oloven, IJnuu and Lace Handker- . dileto. J Boys' Book Glove*, Woolen (Jlovea and klltlona If auto Merino Dmwere and Undonhlrt*. ^ FLOOU AND TABLE OIL OLOTlf, Window Blind* and Fixtures. PUK1IKHT4 ARD6-PLT O.LKPICTOtlAtN ' 1M Tine CITY. AJ.WAVK ON HAND. for ftoeap Oooda Mil Qo#4 Itarmlna ? to HENRY ROEMER'S, , fo. M, Hmilh KM4 (tar. llata * BliMlo 1 WIMU, OKNTRIi) WHSKLMQ. nov!5 New Fall Goodsl ' K OOMPLBTB A9S0RTMKNTI 1 J A LL OOODH BOLD AB OHBAP AB AH Y 1 t\ House In tbo inty. Blllu. Poplin* ami Plaid Drew Gootkj ' Knb Cloaka, aiiawb, Small Sbatrlfl, Print*, Weactaed aod Worn Moillne, Table iJnen, Napkin*, Bed Hlauketa, all kIsmi. Hwiory. J low, Ageut lor Ibe Maula'A Purl* KlJ Jlovo, Uio immi Ulovo imported. J i 11. BMITII'AS. i*1*5 No. 121 Main Htreot. yttrium! Drtumg. 1869. PALL AND WINTER. JOHN H. STALLMAN, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND DKALKH IN GENTLEMEN'S Famishing Goods, Ho. 88, Monroft SlrWI, WnUUNU,, TJ AVINO JD8T RETURNED FROMTHK JlX Kant, would call Uie alleullou of bis patron*, and the public generally, to kla new and elegant stock of YaU and Winter Uoodfcoomprlalag FRKNCnA ENQLiSIl CLOTHS, CASSHEfiES, VESTINGS, SCOTCH COATINGS, Domestic fassimeres, 4c., Which will bo MADIfi TO ORDKtt on tho ibortost poodblo notice, and At reahonaulu wuces, Rna mtlafcctlon guaranteed. AIjoa complete wnortraent'nr Faratohlng iioods, conilflting of BHIRT8, HOARFB, Hi'HIICBY, DOLLARS, HDHrKNDKBB, GLOVES. OOVFS. UNDKKHillRTH, HANl)k KKUHIKKti, TIES. DBAWKR8, TRAVELING BAU3, A a., Ac., Ac. JOUR n. HTALLVifl. BOpiP ; 1869. 1869. FALL AND WINTER. JOHN L. RIOE, Merchant Tailor! No* U8 Monroo Mtroot, WIIKELINOi W. VA., STT70ULD RKHPKCTKO LL Y 1NV1TK W the attention of hta ctwtomotH und the ubllc Konorolly to hb Large and Oomplou lock of Fall and Winter Goods, Constating of all kind* or Foreign nml 1H>> lUtSlla CLOTHN, CANNIMKMKM, vmiiujN, ELTOBH, RRAVRKN, (lUIKOlllLUN, *C.| A?, Ac. The most oomplelo itocfc of Gonta' Furnishing GoodB In tho city, which will be sold elioap. Call and examlno bofore purchasing. SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER; At tho hhortort possible nollco. owl Iihto seen red llio aervloei of A. J. , A.UAMH, one or llio late Ann or A. M. ! Adams A Co., wbo will be pleased .to Bee his old cnsUiruoni at thin house. ocl2(J , 1869. FALL AND WINTER 1870, CHAS. PFAFFENBACH, Merchant Tailor! No.7B Main Hired* OKXTRE WIIKKUHO, y^OUIO) CALL T11E ATTENTION OF j miunnuii mib |>uwjiu Kiintuniiji K? um large and Mock or Kail mid w In lor J nods, numprlHlnn Qlotba, Casglmerea, Vestlngs, Scutch Coatings, 4o? Which will he mndn to order on tlio nhorUMt uotloo mid Ht the tho In wmh prices. A too, H?omplolo BMorluioui or Wert Fontisbinc Hi Unuflirhig of Hosiery, BhlrU, CufDi, Jlovoti, I'ollurH, Hchiui, ] Jmpondora, lira worn, TIok, i tlaudkerchlofs, uudontbirw, ac.,4c. I 00 IS OH AH, FFAKIfKN H AUU. j 1868; FALL AND WINTER. 18(9. j i'HOS. HUGHES,1 Merchant j TAILOR!; Ann di?uk in ' GENTLEMEN'S i W i m r* 1 1 PTirnisning ttooasi; i VO. JW Oor. IMM? A Wit lor MrwU, WHEELING, W. VA? ] WOULD KKHFROTKOi.LY UALL I'll8 | attention or hla patrons, anil tho puIh 1 louonurally to his extensive and cart/idly tctttrd Block of CLOTHS, CA88IMERE8, ; I .?AMD? VESTIUGS, | Now betas rooelvul, and to which ho | daily adding from ttie I I eahtkiin mahkkt. a mil lino or I UlIllTH, DKAWBKH, UHliMtrtUIKW, | HOHIKUY, TUCS. NJAKKH, TOLIjA It*. , Ac, Ac., alwayN on hand. i An ologaut amorliiiout of [i JgADY-il ADE BLOTniBB Of oar own Manatnclure. mul intas Kqtml to Eon tcril Work, UauiUntly In Hock aud lot aula M .VERY LOW FIGURES. wrim TtioH. miamx. 0TT. HALL A CO.. Aoatrra roH "PAIBBANJL'S ; STANDARD SCALES UBALBKH IK I XI A. It U W A It 10 lyfrlf ?< ?>.. WHKKMWO. W.?? Gunpowder! Gunpowder! IIAV1NQ TUK KXCLUH1VB AGKNOY JPL In thin elty for the "Da Pont Powder i Hills," 1 have alwuvs ou baud In masaalue t iut^Guupjily nf all kind* of |*?wder rann- i nfiiciored at Um above named mills, via: Kino Powder In wholo, half aud quarter mo* mile kouc HportliiR In camiiMtenq al*o Bhuttlng and Mining Howder In motal ke*r, Patent aud Water Proof Ha rely Puae for Mauling. PorMtoat lowest market prloeo. A liberal dlaoount will l*J glvnn to poraons mlertng powder by the quantity. Delivered free to steamboat* and cam. jnart-ly M. KKiiiLY. * Seines, Seines. 1AM t'llKI'AKKUTO KUItNIHll HtilNKH unable formnnllNtrr?auivitflhort nntlro. t!U AH, H. 1IKKIU. Niw. M ami IV Water HI. gUflUBi. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, For nil tlir? purposes of a Loxutivo Moclicmo. ^ I'erhapMiioononiediJka cine ^ *o iiui v?*i .'-ally iy required by uvery* SY hotly iiH uiatiiartic, nor w.*w over any be% funi ho universally y *> / adopted Into iims in \ A ' every country uikI I /AWITP fcs / among nil chumex, :w V o? ,#/ Uil* ihiM butenhieiit V - _ PIIwaive ! ///. The r" obvious reason h, that ill*ammo relia - hlo anil far more ellu'in.'il reineily than auy other. Those who have triiil it, know that it cured them: Umwo who have not, know thai it run* theirnelslibor* autl IVIen.l*. unit all know that what it does ouco it dm* al way- - that it never mils through any faultor neprlectefiti?r<iiit|tofitiou? We liaveUiotiMiuls upon ihatij&nd* of ccrtiflcatea of their remarkable cure* of the following complaint*, hut *uch euro* an* Known in every nelxhliorhood, and wo need not publish lhein. Adapted to all agon ami eomlltiouH malldinifltc*; containing neither calomel norany MflerioiimlriiL'. thev mav he taken Willi HOt'ely I'V nnvlMHly. Their migar-eoalim; prmtcrvoH them wt liCfh,amlmakes them plea aul to take, \*lnl?? being purely vegetable, no harm can arise lV???u lltcir m?e in any quantity. They operatu by their powerful influence <>u Hit* internal viiircnt topurify the blood ami it Info healthy action ? remove tho obstruction > of tho stomach, bowels, liver, and other organ.- of tho hcniy, restoring Uiclrirregularnetiou to health, ami hy corrcrliii;:, wherever they exist, sut-li de rangomeulrt a an- tin; Ur..t ori;:m of diiienne. Miiuil'- liivcliomi are given lit the wrapper on . tlii' !??v, for tin* following complaint#, whlcli these i'UL- ra|iii|ly cure: ? Kt>r lly?pi<iMlu or liiiliffMlloii. LUtlr<i?? I.u alitor ami I<un? of Aiiiirtilisthcv should hi) taken moderately to stimulate th?* > twin ;n h, an.I restore it? healthy torn* ami action. For I.Ivor Complaint ami iu v:*ri??MM >-yn?|?toniK, Hilton* Mirk llrat!, arlM',JuiiHiliri> oi-Wrwn HU'ltiim, Milton* Colic ami lllliouM IV v ? ?-*. 11 icy rdiuiihl be jmliciou.-ly Liken for eaeh ca^e, to correct the diseased action or remove the obstruction* w Inch C.II|S? il. For D.VMtulcrjr or Hlarviiiea, hut one mild dose i* generally ret|tiirtol. For ItliomimtUut, *ont, Mravel. Palpiiuftou of i!<i< IBcarf. l'aiii In die *ldo, Efnrl* ami &oin?, thev should lm continuously taken, hp required,to change the diseased action of the oy?U?iil. Willi Hitch change tlio.- e eeiiipkiinbi disappear. For l>roin..r anil SlropMieal NHcllinu" tln-y flhould In' taken in lair,e ami frequent dose# to produce the effect, of a drastic purge. For ftiiitpwudon a large iWe rhonlil be taken n? it produce* tho deflred effect by sympathy. Am ii J)linn r I'M. take ono or two I'llh to promote digestion ami relievo |lu> stomach. An occasional done stimulates the r'Lom.ielt ami ImiwcI* Into healthy action, lestore* the appetite, ami invigorates the system. Ilence it Is often advantageous w licit* no serloun derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often llmlfl that a dose of these I'IIIm make* him feel decidedly Iwtter, from their cleansing and renovating effect on the digestive apparatus. Dr.C'. AYJiJl?t CO., Vradical Chirm!*!*, l.OWV.t.h. MASS., (T. N. A. nii.mRii.nnrmspi'i'Ai. IWTABIjIKMKJ) AH a BRPOtilC PIUlM QUAUKJCUY. TUK ON tit VLAVn WHRRH A OIJKN "AN HV OBTAINS#, fAllJOHNMOM hi* dleoovtred lUo nuwi \j (Jerlabi, Hpeedy. and only Kifectual Remedy lu the World for Woakifew <?f tbe BAckor Llmbfl, Hlricturra, Affliction* of the KUliioya and Bladder, Involuntary Dluchar808, Impotoucy, Uoneral Debility, Norvoiihnew, Dyspopela, languor, l.nw HplrJ!ii.CJoufusion of IdwM, Palpitation or the Heart, Timidity, Trembling,- Ulinue?of Bight, or GMddluous, of the Head, Throat, None or Bkln, Affection* of tbe Liver. Lungs titomach or Bowelo-thoNe Terrible UlHunlem arising from Solitary Habit* of Yontb-secrpt aud military practice* mora fatal to llictr vlo tlnwihau tlie none ofMyronn to tbo MnrlnorN of Olyw**, blighting tlielr moat brllllunt hope* or anticipation*, reudcrlug roamago 6u\, Impouslble. VOUNU MUM specially, wbo nave become tbo victim* 01 Solitary Vlco.tbnt dreadful and deNtruutlvo habit which Riluuallyaweom to an untimely grave UioiutaudA of Young Mun of Uio nu?t nxocllont tuleulH and bilUlnut InUjlUct, who might otburwlM havo entranced llnUmlu^ OoiiMtora wlUi tbotliundora or oloqnenou, or wako.1 to ooiUicy the living Jyre, may call Willi fall conlldonoo. MAKK1AUU. MtuTled Perrons, or Young Mou coulem plating marriage, being aware of Phyalclal Wouknem, Organic bcbiliiy, Doformltbw ipeedUy onred. * lie wbo placoo blntvsir under tbe carool Dr. J. may rellgloualy confide lu bis honot wacontleman.aud confidently rolv noon bin ttkllt ah a physician. OlttiAN 10 WKAKNKStf. Immediately curod and full vigor restored. ThlsdlstroaUng afluctlou, wblch rondeiM life nilHernble and marriage lmpoaulblu, lu Uio penalty paid by tlio victims of liupropur lululgenooa. Yoang pcreonB are too apt to Bommil oxiwm from not bolng aware of tbe ireodful couJinqucnrGSthalmnyenNuo. Now tvbolbat understands tbo antyoct will pretend to deny tbal tbo power of procreation Is lout Hoonur by those fulling luto improper habith than by tbe prndontr Konldtw being leprlvod of tliopleasuroof lioallby offliprliig. Luo mail aeriou* auu ueuirucuve KynipuuiiH jf botli Uxly mid mlud arlao. Tlio hvhIcui Miauiiea duranvod, tbo i'bynlclal aiid Meutal function* Woakuuwi, Lam of l*rucreatlvu L*uw?r, Nervoua Irrllablllly, Dyapopabt, |?aiKtatlon of the Heart. iiidlgciUon, Court Itloual lability, nnd WaaUug of Uie Hnuu* Uuugb, CoiwuuipUoji, Decoy Mid Detail. DR. JOHNSON, Member or the Royal College of Burgeon* London, O nulu a to ofoiiouf Uie moat emi. turn 1. College* In Uie United 8tatee,and tbo uid elflewburoj ban effected koujo of tbe mota Mtonlahlng caruM that were ever known, many troubled wltb ringing la Uie head auil Mrs wbon asleep, great nervouanuw, being alarmed atindden HoiiudH.baKljfuUiatw, with frequent blushing, attended aouieUiuoMwiUi iernngomeul of mind, were cured Jaimeilalely. XAJtK PAltTiUULAK NOTICE. Dr. j. addramsaU tlioao who bavo injured Ihemaelvea by improper indulgence and miliary bablta, which rnln boiii body and mind, unfitting thorn for oltbor bunlm<?, atudy. ho' jloty or marrlago. ' Theao are some of tbe sad and melancholy Mtota produood JiZ "ft*1*. habit* of youth, vis: WaakneaaortheEackand LimbH.i'iUiiH in tbe Head, Dim new of Hlgbt, LoaaorMo*. ralar Power, PalnltaUon of tbo Heart. Dyspepsia, Nervoua Irritability, Dorangemontor [bo Digestive r unctlonn, tieuonU Debility iymptomaor Consumption, Ac. y Mentally.?Tbe fearfhl el&cbj on the mind are much to bodreaded. Low of Mem. KSrSKSKS DUtruat, Love or Solitude, Timidity, Ac., are lome of ibo evil* produoed. ' Thousands of pexaom of all aeoa can now ludge wbat la tbe cauao of tbelr declining Health, losing thalr vigor, becoming weak, pale, nervoua and emaciated, having a aln> nilar appearance about tbo eyoa,Oom:b. and jymptoma of Couanmpuoa. YOUNO MEN Who have injured Ibemaelvea by a certain practice. Indulged in when alone, a habii iMjuontly learned from evil eompanlona, or at Kliool, Uieofltect*of wbleb are nightly foil, sven when aaloei), and, If not cnrcd. random marriage imixwlblo, and destroys both mind anil Iwa v. ul Kill 1.1 UTinlV Im tnrvlI >. ,..l.. What n pity that a young man, the hope of rtto country, tho pride of hlf parent*, uliould bo watched from all proapocla and enjoy* tnonta of llfo by tho coueeqacnco of dovlaLine fwm tho path of nature. and indulging In u certain hocrot habit. Bnch poreouHmnxL, boforo contemplating MAIU&IAUK, reflect that a mund mind and body are the umjhI nooewary requisites U> promote oouu tibial happlnew. tmlood, without tlithe the lourooy through life boooineii a weary pil^rliiuigo; tho ptiMpccl hourly darkens to the view, tho mind boeomoft shadowed with ?lc? mtir and tilled with the melancholy reflcc lion tlial tho happiness or another bocoinat blighted with our own. DIUKAHBBOJr IMPHUMUUMfi. When the misguide*! and Imprndent vntfc* ry of plommro flndR that ho him Imbibed the totals or Uiis painful disease It too ofteu bapiteuM that an lll-tlmod sense of ahame or iread of discovery deters him bom apply lug La those, who Jrom education and n?pertabllity, can alone tiefrlend- trim, delaying til) tho constitutional symptoms or this horrf Unease make their appearanoe, such an ulc< rated Horo throat, d leased nose, iioctpmni ttalUB In the houd and limbs, dimnemof slight deHfnof*, nodfson the Bhlu-bonos ana arms, Ulotclics on tuo head, flwo and extramlticN, piognMHiig with frightful rapidity, Ull nt Itml the palate Of ti?e month or the honiw Dftlie none fidl Island tho victim of this awful dlseasa twohnw a horrid ohlecti commiseration, till death puts a period uita ilreadful HuPerinc*. by sending htm to "that Undiscovered Country rmm whence na Iravellor retnrnn." lttaaMKLANtMIOI.Y KAtrr that thounandM fall victims to thin terribledisease, owing to tho niifklllfahiMM of Iguoiaut providers, who, In' the use of that DKADLY POIHON, MKKCUltY, rnlu the constitution HUU iu?ku uiu luniuiiu Ul iUC III UWrUDIQ. DK. JOllHHTUH, onto Mo. 7 Honlla Frmlfrlck NtrMi, Left haml Ride coin p. from llalllMoroi?lre*t, w (tow door* fiom tho corner, Kali not to o* nervu the niune and number. * No letter* recolvod tinli??p<*t paldani DontHlnlnc aiUunp to t>? on the rci>iy, t'er*nuM writing should tdate Utfo,andw<iiJ Kirtlnu or edverUiiement dwrlhing hj iu|* ;hh. The UocUir'fclJiriX-'M A hanjpi In hli office UfJJUKttKltKM'i' OK HiK I'llhiW. the many lltotwandi cured at thLi mtel? llHhmeut within tho lust twonly years, ai d the nninorouN Important unrglrau OpornUonH Informed byI)r. Johnidon, wltniwwd l>y the reporter* or 77ie (fun and ntnuy oilier pai hh notiewior which have appeared again mid HgHiu In-fore the public, bu>tidi? hlNnUtiullng mm a gcuUoman or character and impeclublllty la a raQiclent guarantee lo Uio'.afflicted BKIM DIBKAUKU Hl'KKDlLY t'UKED. raarl&-iy