Newspaper Page Text
mMMigtmt: B THE FIRST PARmo. K frja MUetobvfAUaatle) i taoV to-morrow morn' llXt week I Ml tor lady! ..jr.o,IJbejfl*dwflenliBi*on?;,j, (Aifl't /uo be, Luclody V . rsmer towtr, hen elf, the ma! J yjofBldtbtnmtirrtogu. itdbirfnfiitrericemtdtohMrd ' i, jut then, to her low. grrbibguloirtiYe; the red :*a iff diefki frtw pAltr. sjar1"""^. K i J tbaa H? wIH, bluk clondi I u? irfthtDlhtDlgbu are wlodr, "IK" J ' mil JJM'll p?, f0r mo , inw JM mil, Loclodj!" ? mbad 'ram btrhind ha look -Wilmr,"teiiU>'i<uMnl. i:i tttp It preMcd wiuilo a book, H KdMolarUi whagaroiL K -lunrcand.uwonuoda. "rJnJTIo're<iwliii? roe?a. r m; *nb Jut mid* for jr?ddln'?; when I ii'Sb* jrotH wainSlta rotes then ; i<*4 won't yon ?-aay Ludndy j" .,gJdtB dime upon berchoek, Hwfjei tho quick tours filling, fn UfWtr rare ?bo would not?jioak, Lrfjtemlfht Mem too willing. f*.-Too1,,ili?MkcdI"how anltb?T litre, ill my life, you're known no; H \j vord of loro you're uld to me. H .So dxn youV-torer shown mo." i jd t? uld. "True, bat tfcoagb I hain't, Ky lurt, I'TO wished yoa knew It, H i:dtfedto?peak,andfolttoofcliit H it heart to dare to do It; sat tho my mind was fixed to go tailor oat to Indy, I wd, 'I'll haro a Yea or No.' H u aj It's Ve?, Ludndy 1" Ifj.Tom? It'iywl" iho whtipered. "when H l .earned that yoa were going, I -ad yoa hid my heart; till then H Twuyoan without my knowing!" snoo her cheek fell, wet with tie jr. H a roia leaf from above her; j i turner touch hor red lip knew? nenriiKiBsi" ?????< allllotl the eong and Ituthud the Uugh, \tA hot tb? u-tra arc utarttng, * at Jujr lb?t life can glvo la lulf osweet u lure's lirat parting 1 The Arrest of Wood bull and Clajtin. L Scandolous Publication in Woodhull'a Wookiey. i Dlstmcuhhed Clergyman and Another Distinguished Clergymyn's Wire the Subject of it. Yrum Vcitorday> Pittaburu'h Commercial.) For some days past wo have known of, trit refrained from mentioning, a publication against ltev. Henry Ward Deecher isi Mrs. Theodore Tiltou, by Mrs. VicVriiWoodhull, through the medium of Krfdhull and ClaJlMs Weaklty, a paper wbtrh suspended publication noiuo lime m>, but which seems to have been revival tor this purposo, and lor assailing the character ol otiiersol eiiually high stand* at The charges against the lady and tutlcman named are of the gravest kind. Mrs. Woodhuii asserts that they have ten criminally intimate; that they have acknowledged their guilt in ttiu presence o( the goilelca Victoria, and plead with it: not to expose them. These accusations are made with great circumstantialny, date and place of each criminal trans* -I. ..?.i iuiuu uviug girvu, uuu uuuiciaainiuo uskad the accused and accuser detailed, la limitation of her course, Mrs. Mlmll pleads that she has been persecuted lor opinion's sake, and Is now lunulas and penniless. Landlords reused to rent their premises to her; boardlrg tiuuses were closed against her; hotels wold not give her shelter; that for a mi line she had apartments at a large ilrojdway hotel, but the landlord gavo itr notice to leave, as the ladies in tho kouse had risen in rebellion, and would not remain if the Woodbull was longer permitted to tarry. Tholatter threw beritlf on her reserved rights, reluslng to go ?lJog Hi she should be guilty of no unbecoming action. Returning to he room one night, she tound ber personal effects u the hall, and a special officer barring ler entrance. She was compelled to spend it night in her office on llroad street, >oJ there was obliged to stay a considerable time belore butter quarters could be !?iL Tho "bulls" and"bears ol VV?U street combined against ber, causing her tu lose much money, and finally the own" ol the building In which she bad her flee, refused longer to tolerate her pre* ??therein. "Hell hath no fury like a woman - ourned." Mrs. Woodhull now declares ?tr against her kind, and announces that ttrhind Is against etcry man's hand. She jiw notice to all men and women?more r~.ii.umwy iuo liinw?w oowarc. ueTflopmenta are threatened by this irate woman ?l & nature to unsettle our social >ysum, The Week!)/ contain!eg the charges ootedabove, and the justification of the ^itress, was not permitted first to see the light io New York city. Thousands ol "Vita were sent into every Important anil town in the country several days [n sdvauco of its appearance there. Two -<*7 editions were required, and it apthat all wero bought up with tho greatest avidity. The mauner of detail* the charges was grossly indelicato? obscene?in lact surpassing the boldest ^nations of the most indeccnt publicatons known as tho "police gazettes," &c. Uj course this caused great excitement jn New York, Brooklyn and elsewhere, publication being denounced un|{*nngly. On Saturday, Victoria Woodfull and Tennle U. Clafllln, editors; Col. ^.present "husband" of Mrs. WoodMi; xi tn. Deny so, stereotyper, and Wm. A Smith, printer ot tho Wetkly, wero J^ted on warrants issued by tho Uniw States Commissioner, on oath o! L. V vhallis. UiB C.hftfffn linlni* thn ftirwiliu na through tho malls of obsceoo MoraI law. Tho wotnon, by ftdvico of their wasel.mado no effort to secure the I V.OQQ bill demandod by the United I ?w<? Commliaioner, warrants having bnied against them in a libel suit I i wrreipondent or the aun# ) NEW Yobk, November 2, 1872. Mora lj said about tho Woodhull ^'"In-Beecher-Tilton acandal than you ' i? in tiiu papers. All aorta of pcr ?u hare all sorts of ideas, but decent I [^plc deaire to believo and probably do Were that the publication Is a base 'luder, without a grain ot troth In it. 'wtcaro those, however, who point you 10 drcnmatantial character of the nar rtiioa, the mixing up in tho aflalr, ?b witI 10 lho truth of what Is said, of Mrs. jW SUnton, Mrs. Paulino W right Davis, an Isabella Beecher Hooker, all ladies of iffraachable standing, anil ask what W have to say about ft?which, it may ?,H5'11 ,n euy way to cavil. It is I frohable that these ladles will answer for ??Mehej_fot no one thinks that tho I ~ *.fr be ignored or coughed out of ~ they say nothing, then will be I ???i enough to draw conclusions. Tho I W"?l?<owhioh most minds searching J* acta are at once drawn is Tilton's out K? Publication, some mouths ago, of SLl,e 01 Woodhull?Uio woman who I Z?!ie Present publication. That pub i^uoo iho world knowi tho character of. Wleved in Woodhull then to an vS ? degree, and one Is justified in B SH 8 that they enjoyed each others' I ?J. M 'ulljr. The man who would I !!naueh a woman, it it ""untoaable toinppoM wonld make a. iuotzger iook are ana burned to the ground in the midst ot a drenching rain; no Ore had been used about tho building; and there was no way ot accounting lor the origin ol the tire but by attributing it to an incondiary or to spontaneous combustion. The man engaged In painting and finishing Mr. Metzger's new house hnd been graining shutters lor the house in ibe stable during the day before the tire; but it was scarccly thought possible that the tire could have originated from that source. The Btable saving been burmd, the painters next day transferred their graining to tho celler of the house. That evening the inmates of the house discovered a umoke and a smell of burning cotton or p?per Issuing from the cellar. An examination disclosed the tact that the oiled rag* used by the painters in graining had been thrown together in a corner and had ignited by spontaneous combustion and were lust bursting Into a flame. This timely discovery saved the house and settled the question as to the origin of tho tiro In tho stabio. Next day anailkeg was partly filled with tile oily rags cast away by the painters and set in the sunshine in the yard. In a few hours the I rags and keg wero found to be on fire, i Very few people are aware of the danger i arising from such a louroo. auu muni jiuwcnui in ino worm. It 18 rapidly approaching completion, and In a few dayB will bo ready for business. The trucks on which it is built are very heavy and strong, and were cast especially for this plow. The platform on the trucks is 22 feet long, andlO feet 6 inches wide, and is composed of solid oak Umbers, 8 by 1C inches. These timbers are Held together by 10 iron bolts, li inches in diameter, which rnns crosswise. This solid bed Is fastened to the transom beamB by 40 bolls, 20 over each struck. Tbe inclined slide, placed on the platform,ds 22 feet long and slopes at an angle of 30 degrees, and is held firmly to the bed by 40 bolts, ol an inch in diameter, and is supported from behind by inclined poets, 0 feet long, 8 inches wide, and 16 inches thick. The entire length from the rear of the platform to the end of the slide is 32 feet. The slide is to he ironed, and an immense plow, of the ordinary shape, 18 feet long, 11 feet wide, and ft feet high, and covered with iron 310 of su inch thick, is to be securely placed upon it. On the point of this plow tlicro is to be an iron plate, steel pointed, 11 feet King nud 4 feet wide. This plate, of course, runs across the track,and only 1 inch above it. The rear of the platform will bo boxed in, making a room 12 feet high, 11 feet wide, and 10 feet long, for the purpose of keeping the snow out. It will be furnished with a door, so that if necessary it can bo loaded with iron. The monster will weigh fifty tons, and will bo operated by three of the heaviest engines on the load. The coit will be over $5,000. There will be but very few snow drifts that thlsplow won't clean out; but il it ever Jumps tho track it will be a pretty hard job to get it on again. Spontaneous Combustion. (From tho Bedford Inquirer, SSth) Several weeks ago the new stable of 8. .uwiu may UV, Ul uoauuicu uuiuuruy lur tho increase of legal tenders to $400,000,000, there certainly is none which authorizes the Secretary to use this power secretcly to tbo immense benefit ol a few, and to the injury and possible ruin of many. A "tidal wave" ol paper money to be paid lor by injury to our credit abroad iu a depression of tho price of all American securities in other countries, and by tho enhancement of the pricc of everything in our own, is bad enough at best; but, to permit it to como upon us announced and unexpected, is a wrong that amounts to absolute cruelly. This feature of the case, in the now issue of legal tenders, Is utterly indeiensible and even alarming, and it ia bo fortunate that we are so near tho reopening of Congress, when, wo have no doubt, tho subject will command immediate attention. SNOW I'LOW. The Largest In the World?A Minuter Machine lor Clearing the Pacific Kairroad Tracki. (From the Omabt lice.) The Union Pacific riilroad is having built, at ita shops in this city, a snow plow which, when finished, will bo-the largest her liiioonfidant. Woodhnllnowssjilie did?* oonfidence whioh appears tohavo been broken oB, however?perhaps the i csult of Tilton coming out of bii dream. Thli single tact oi Tllton's book?his ad miration therein conlesaed for the strange woman?* fact provocative of suggestion and Inferenoe, and in iome aort a starting point?thU U all there ia In the preaent caso not coming Irom Woodhull herself. How lar n will go toward forming apart o( the pm and emu of the matter in the qloda of each u take an intereat la the scandal, It la not necessary }o speculate? though' it la fair to presume that mpit minus will at once travel back to the book and that scandal. The opinion appeati to Grevall among decent peoplo that while It a matter which cannot be Ignored, the truth will explode the itory and expoce the plot and plotters?and tor this moat perauni will be content to wait The Paper Hour Inflation. (Piom tlo N. Y. Po?t.) There were rumora a month ago that the Treasury Department at Washington, in the absence ol Mr. Boutwell, hid takes the responsibility of lulling four or five millions of greenbacks for the pnrpoee, It waa assumed, of easing the money market. The monthly statement of the Treasury conflrma these rumors, as the amount of legal-tender notea In circulation Is reported to be $300,692,816 50, whereas the amount regularly reported under that head, for the last four yean, ha* been (856,000,000, thus showing an Increase of tho public debt ana an Inflation of the paper currency of the country to the amount of more than lour millions and a half of dollars. That this waa done in Mr. Boutweil'a absence from Washington la certain; that It Is contrary to his flnanclal policy as Secretary of the Treasury Is equally well known, Mil there is much reason for supposing that it was done, not only without his authority, but contrary to Ills wishes and without his approbation. It is to be oamcstly hoped that that is the fact. Wo do not know, though wo can conjecture, tho ground of argument relied npon to delend this act ot the Treasury Department. Whatever authority lor it can bo found in law, whether doubtful or otherwise, we presume Congress will attend to on its reassembling. No possible pretcnco of authority lor an inflation of the currency and flooding the country with irredeemable paper dollars should bo allowed to exist upon the statute book. If tho Secretary of the Treasury can Issue fire millions under the assumed authority of law, ho can, by tho same law, iasuo forty millions more. The exercise of such a power, we think, would be disastrous; but we want some better safeguard against it than arguments, however cogent, against entrusting any one man with power bo enormous, or that may prove, however conclusively, that the exercise ol such power will be to the last degree disastrous to the beat interests ol the country. How dangerous a power it is wo see already in the issue merely of this lour and a halt millions. The publio was not advised of any such proposed action, though there is good reason to suppose that individuals were. These fortunato persons were enabled to prepare, to their own gsin, for the inevitable change of values which such an addition to the currency ol the country would instantaneously bring about, which the general commercial public, without tho knowledge, must just as inevitably suffer from the change. Whatever authority ot law Royal Lire ? Balmoral. Nothing can be simpler (writes the correspondent of a Scotch newspppcr) than the daily routine of Ufa >t Balmoral Cattle, and thli hu alwsy* been the rule with her Mj^Jeatjr when free from tho trammels of slate. The old servants at Balmoral will tell you?speaking of byegone days ?that in Prince Albert's time Balmoral was a picture of domestlo felicity?"a home foil o' laughing bairns" "And ah!" said o?e, who bad been a larorite nurse, "the Prince was fond o'his balrnles and they doated on thoir father. He used to play with them In tho corridor?and tic damn and glee I The Queen, looking out oi her room, would aland and watch them with a smile on1 her face. And when the fun grew boiiterous, she would raise her finger with a gentle hush?but the mither'a heart wai wi' them." The Prince ii everywhere held in loving remembrance. Her itsjesty'a habits are rery slmplo. About seven she prepares tor rising, breakfuU at nine; after broakfast she baa has her dispatches to look after, for even in her mountain retreat the Queen's "mind Is ta'cn up wi' the things o tho state." Then follows private correspondence, a heavy item in the Queen's list of duties. Two peelal messengers convey the despatches to London, ono to relieve the other, as they travel day and night. Luncheon is at two o'clock, and in tho af. ternoon the Queen usually takes an airing in her carriage. On tho lawn in tront oj the castle a ptcturesquo white tent stands, And herM&lflfltv niuuM mtmh nf hnr tim? in that snug llttlo earner. During meals the Queen* piper plays in Ironi ot the windows. Ot pipers there arc several. I believe; Rosa, the Queen's piper, is chief, anil it is a sight to aee the handsome old Highlander iu lull costume, marching proudly to time as bo plays a pibrook. The "pines" uro a sight of themselves, with their rich velvet mountings and gay streamers, and Royal banner floating In the breeze. The Queen dines at halt pa>t eight: her own tablo is spread in the library. Hinco the Prince Consort's death her Majesty has not made personal use of the dining-room; the ladies and gentlemen of the Court dine there. It Is one ol a suite of magnificent apartments, all of which are carpeted with Stuart tartan, the hangings and draperies being Victoria tartan. The ornament in tbe rooms are all Scottish in their tendency. The library, which is the Innermost apartment in the Buite, is a cosy, comfortable room, small by comparison with the others, and it has a look of brightness with its glittering books and cheery fire, and snow-white table cloth and twinkling tapers. There is no oatentious display, however, In the Royul sanctum. The arrangements of the room are of the simplest character, even to the dinner-table. A very select party dines with her Majesty, not even the Princess Beatrice, unless oa extra occasions. The Queen spends much of her time alone In Prince Albert's room. She comes quietly in to dinner, with her knitting in her hand, end retires early. R is well known that her Majesty is a woman of'method, and were it otherwise she could never get through the amuunt ol work she does. She is very fond ot the open air, and in ail weathers she is to be seen abroad. A rainy day does not keep her within doors; in ber waterproof and umbrella she defines the elements, It is quite a common occurrence to see her walking In the grounds under a drizzling rain. The weather, in fact, hns no influence upon the Royul programme. So lar as concerns her Majesty s "constltu- : tional airings," a good stout umbrella carries her bravely through a pelting rain or powuering snowdrifts, whether on foot or seated in ber open nrriage, or trotting on her Highland pony. But there can be no doubt our Qneen is a hardy woman; at least, she has no "line lady lancies" in the matter ol constitutional delicacy. She docs not bother with supcrlluous wrappings wben she luces the "snell" mountain breeze; she dresses consistently with thu climate anil the weather, and s fresh, comely, sensible lady she is in her comfortable plainjacket and broad brim* mcd straw hat. The Queen's walks and drives are not confined within her own policies; she crosses the Dee almost daily, and is quite as olten seen on the opposite side of the river. Shu always uses an open carriage, but not always the same. Sometimes it is a wagonette, sometimes a low pony pheaton. No guard ol honor accompanies the royal equipage, however. Her trusty attendant, John Brown, sits on the box beeido the coaebman, and when there is not room for him there, he rides on horseback by the side ol the carriage. No fuss attends the Queen. An outrider a little in advance ot the royal carriage clears the road, and tho Queen goes qnietly en her wsy with a smile and a nod for any oflo who chances to meet her, But as a rule Her Majesty is not intruded unnn when she venture* novnnil th(* tovhI domains, unless on Bunday, and then It is strangers only who run after her. Tlic cottagers do not annoy her, and she comes and goes without molestation. Indeed. they make a point or keeping ontol tlie way when tiie white horse ol the outrider appears in sight. Should the Queen, however, happen to come unexpectedly upon her subjects by Deeeide she is deferentially acknowledged. The Queen and her ladies frequently "picnic" iu the woods, or on the hillside should it bo handier. Materials to make a Are and cooking utensils are taken In the carriage, and tea is made on the green sward and handed around iu rustic fashion without any ceremony. At these niternoon "teas" tho Queen has no special chair of honor. Iler sent Is pretty ottcii on the clump of a tree, with ber cup in. her band, or any other casual resting place that turns up conveniently. Excursions are made also to various placcs of interest, and every corrio and glen within reach has been visited by ilic Kovol Family. It would bo well indeed, if some of our languid, fine ladies at Newport and elsewhere, who never stir out except in a carriage, dress in silks arid satins changed thrice a day, and can exist only in a constant whirl of vapid society, could take example from tbe simple wholesome pleasure of tho first lady in England. The maiden name of Mrs. Greeley, who died at Now York on Wednesday, was Mar; Y. Cheney, and alio was bom at Litchfield, Ct. Her only relative is a brother living in Connecticut. Mr. Greeley first mot ber at the Graham House, an Institution erected in New York by Prof. Graham, the originator of tbe branbread dietetic philosonhv. and conductcd on thoso very frugal principles, Miss Cheney was at the time a school teacher, an ardent batterer In the vegetable and bran bread system, and a great searcher after the knowledge of books. Mr. Greeley was investigates the new philosophy, and thus lormcd an acquaintance which ripened into lire-long affection. He sturdily pressed his suit to success, although he had to follow the object of his affections to North Carolina, where she went te pursue her school teaching. On the 18th of July, 1830, tho iVeto Yorker, which ha edited, contained the following marriage notice, at the end ol a long string of advertisements: In Immsnnc) church, Wirronton, N. 0.. on Tnewlij morulas, Bed Init., by Hot. Wm. Nor-' wood. Mr. Hormca Qreelay. editor of tho Am Yarktr, to Hlu Miry y. chooey, or Wirrufam, rornttfy ot this city. Seven children blessed the mitrlige, of whom two alone remain?Ida and Gabrlelia. iiigaeii m&ricci price will bo paid, and a convenient place to unload. ocll TilBODORB PINK Jb CO. pHOICE BULDINO LOTS FOR \J palo, op- o?lto the Steamboat Landing, on Wheeling Island. Prlccs moderate and termi eair. TUBODORB FINK. Tho*e wlshlne to pnrchu? can toe tho ploto! said lots by calling at the Feed 8toro of Theo! (tore Fink & Co., otoie to tbo Poit Office, m | John street. ocil BE8SE X lAKAMlE'S Bill of Fare. OTJTEnnI Fried COo. i Stewed 40c. Kiw 40c. Urolled 60c, Droll .?d on Toast 75c. I'cuf steak eoc. Tork 8U?k 50c. Mutton Chopi 50c. Veal Cntlctta 50c. Vbnlion Steak s.tOc. ??*ui aud Ekim 50c. Wrrta 60c. Oblckeoa 50c. Freah Hah 50c. Day Boarding |5 00 per w?ck, NO. 13 MONROE STREET, 00tS5 1 ? -..W, FOR THE CORE OP All dlseasoB arising from An Impure Btate of the blood. Ourea Ulcer?, Kryaipelaa, Bcrofnla, Debility, Cutaneous Disease#, Bore Eyes, Plmplea on the face, Salt Rheum, Mercurial Dlseasea, and In short, la the Best Spring and Bumrnor Mefllclno over offered to the public. TRY IT. and bo eon? vincid. It la a purely vegetable preparation, compounded from the finest Roots, Herbs, and Leaves, which nature has provided for the ills or man. Not a slnglo grain of mineral poison enters Into its composition, ao that while it affords roller, and effecta the most wonderful over dose could Injure tho moat tonder infant Thle Medicine Is for sale by all Dragglsta, everywhere. SOLD 8T ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. Prepared only by R. E. SELLERS & CO. PITT8BDRQH, PA. J CM | jyJ"EW FIRM? THEODORE FINK & CO., John street, Opposite UcrapQold Railroad Depot and close to the Post Office. Vot the salo oi Baled Hay, Oata, Straw In Balca and Bundles,.Corn, Oats, and ail kinds ol Mill Fetd. Wo have a good atock now on hand, and prices modorato. Call and see us. WllEBLINO, Oat, tl, 1871. oc*l -RANTEDIOO tons baled or lose Bay. IOO tons baled or loose Oat* Straw. 0,000 buthels Oats. higher; cholco white $3 05a2 10; fair to prime $1 75a2 00; choice amber $3 00a 2 05; good to prime red $185al 95. Corn ?Scarco and firm; mixed western 03c. Oats?Weak; western mixed 39c. Kye? Quiet, 80a85c. Provisions?Very dull and nominally unchanged. Whisky?Firm at l)4ic. " Toledo Market. Toledo, November 4.?Flour?Quiet and unchanged. Wheal?Irregular; No. 2 white Wabash $1 75; No. 3 do $1 00; X wbito Michigan $174; No. 1 white Michigan $1 GO; amber Michigan (1 44a 1 44}; No. 1 red |1 53; No. 2 ?t 44Jal 4 ; buyer November $1 45}; seller December $ 144. Corn?Quiet; high mixed 41c, new 39}?; low mixed 40s40}c; new 88(c. Oats?No. 2,271c; rej?cte4 28Jc. Chicago .Market. Chicago, November 4.?Flour? Quiet but steady, difficulty in delivering checked trade. Wheat?Steady; No 1 spring $1 18) No 2 1 07la$l 07 j. Corn ?No. 2 mixed 32c. Oats?No 2, 20Ja 21}. Hyc?58}a51. Barley-Fall No 2, l);taC4c. Provisions?Dull btitnnchanged; nothing doing In pork or lard; green bums sold at 8}a8}c; short rib 15 to 20 days in salt 7}c. Whisky?SOc; a sale reported at 89Jc. Tub greatest medical dis COVBRY KNOWN 10 MAN. LINDSEY'S ImnrnvRrt Rlnnri SfiarnhRi Cincinnati Market. Cincinnati, Not. 4.?Flour?Stanly with a moderate demand at $7 10a7 80. Wheat?Ked (1 43sl K; white ?1 70. Corn?Old 41a42c; new S8a39c. Rye? G9v70c. Oats?Quiet at 2"&33c. Barley ?Unchanged. Groceries?Finn with lair demand. Oils?Unchanged. PorkNominal; no stock. Lard?Sales of steam at 7|c; kettle 7}a7fc. Balk Meats?New shoulders 5c;. clear rib sides 8c; clear 8}c. Bacon?Shoulders?Sales at Oc; clear rib side 10Jc; clear 11c (or old. Dogs? $4 30a4 40. Whisky-88c. Baltimore Market. Baltimore, November 4.?Mour? Dull but unchanged. Wheat?Active and which were not large, In Pacific Mail, Western Union, Lake Shore, Wabajk, New York Central and Onion Pacific, Tho Commercial says tho Chicago A Southwestern bonds declined at Frankiort from 83 J to 85, on tho announcement of the company to pay currency instead ot gold on their coupons. The German hankers refuso to accept the currency otlcrcd Instead of gold on the coupons ol tho St. Paul Ic Paciflo road. To-morrow being election day, there will bo no session of tho Qold or Stock Exchanges. New York IJry Goods Market. Nkw Yohk, November 4.?The week opens with a very light movement In all branches of trade. Cotton goods ara strong and prices generally steady, bnt with rather less firmness. In some makes of bleached shirtings, although quotations are unchanged, the correct price lor Wamsutta bleached shirtings is 17 Jc, lower prices having been inadvertently given by jobbing houses. Rolled jacconnetta In good demand at reduced rates. Prints are also in fair request for filling orders and stocks In first hands light Foreign goods quiet COMHtHCHMHl HSE JUIIKKTN KV TELEGRAPH New York Money ua Stock Market New York, NoTcmtwr 4.?Gold?Ac tive; transactions rery large; price nag log between 1114*118*. The chief Inter est was in the loan market, where tb< borrowers were compelled to pay as liJjjl as i! per cent for use till Wednesday. On Arm, It Is said, paid $80,000 to keep It short contrarto. Clearing, 1137,000,000 The Treasury (lisburied $304,000. Momtr?Htronp a greater part of tb< .1.H .. I.i.t. ... 1 O.l. . . uoj> juauiog 119 U,BU 09 ' ??; closing ftl per cent. STRBLIKG EXCHAHQB? 10S|. GovRRKMKKTa?Dall and slightly low er. United BtAU.* 6? of *1861, ooapoar UOJi Plto.twentJw(t88l) lllj Five-Twenties (1664) Ill* MrMwcntlcs (1066) 111A Flte-twcntl* (1866) new 118^ Flvc-twcntlcs (1867) 114)) Pive-twenties (1868) 118)] Tcn-Forile? 108 Currency 6's 114 New Plrcf 109 St\tb Bonus?Dull and firm. Stocks?Have been intensely dull throughout the day. In the forenoot prices were generally steady, with the ex? ception of Pacific Mail, which declined 1$ per cent. In the afternoon pricec were strong, with tho principal dealings, . A GOOD BREAKFAST IB 8ECUR-C1. kd whan the Blacult or Bitter Oakaa an . nlHd with Lofts, Uit*Oo'< ;; Excelsior Baking Powder. * It la an popular Una mt, boeause II li ? TBK BUT IN Via MA RKKT. J Be lara ytm gai Ute ganolnq. oetlt J -gUtBSH TOILBT G0008. I. Arcadian Pink-now and doUfbtfol Perfume. Bochercho Extract*-new ana elo^ant, Hpopif# Bags-tor trartlirra. B Nail Cleaners?cheap and convenient For aalo by LOGA^, LIST A CO.. ocU? Drofflatt^ Bridge Ooraer. QTOP THAT OOUGHINQ.-DR. U Chapman's Hoarhound Balaam will do It. Good for old and youa*. Tba children taka It readily. It doea not conatlpala or debilitate. f ; TITAYNB'fl CRAB ORCHARD i Y V Balta, Hindoo Palo Conqueror, Kerr'i i System Renevator, Plercs'a Purgattre Pallets ' arte by LOQAN, LIST k CO. T OGA1T8 ARNICA.! LOGAN'S AR? -Li NIOA l-Banlshee Pain. Um It InlUira. arnica, NeanlglA, Bom Throat, Btaladt,BweULOQAN, LIST it CO. ! J^AUQHLIN BR0THEK8 & CO., | Wholesale Druggists, WniELINO W. VA., No. 81 MAIN ST. i Dealers In Paints. Oils, Dye 8tnff?, Ac, DraggiiU' ? tad Qrocera' Qooda. O A BAGB PEPPER, SINGAPORE. Zi\J ft Big* Allspice. 2 BagaClovoa. 100 Mate Caisla. Por tie by LAPGUL1N BBOB. A CO, O^n LU3. NUTMEGS, PRIME. 100 Lbs Maco. 500 Lbs. Moatard Beed. 100 Lbs. Jamaica Olnarcr. Poraaleby LAUQHUN BH08 A CO. tJAA LBS. CREAM TARTER, Pure. UUV ceo Lbc. Tapioca,veryflnu. SW Lbc. ba^o, Pearl. 500 Lbs. ttylce*. eeloct and Koc??1o1>t'"'"' LAUUUUS MHOS.* CO. ? A BOXES CASTILE SOAP. 0\J 150 Dozen Colgate's Honey 8o*p. fBO Dozon Colgate's Gljcerlno Soap DO Dozen Cashmere, Booqoet and Knucy Boa pi, Puraaiobj LAPGIILIN BROS. A 00. 1 AA LBS. COOPERS SHEET XUU ISINGLASS. 100 Drs. Cooper's Gelatine. la Dm. Cox^a fielatlno. &0 Bozos Chocolate. For aale by L AUGHUN BROS, ft OJ. CA LBS.BERMUDA.ARROW ROOT t)\J BC0 Lbs. Canary Seed. 600 Lbs. flemp Seod. fiO Lbs. Cnttle FlahBone. For aale by LAUQHUN BROS. A CO. 100 KB^g^BICARB0NATE 95 Kegs Sal Soda. 10 Kegs Baltpetre, refined cbrystala. 5 Kegs Saltpetre, gracnlnted. For aale by LAUUHL1N BHOS. * CO. on BBLS.LINSEED OIL, Western. Zl1) 10 Bbls. Tnrpmtlno. ft Bbls. Varnish Copal. 8 Bbls. Lacker, tarpentlne For aale by LAUGHLIN BEOS. 4 CO, KEGS WHITE LEAD IN OIL. (JUU 10 Kegs French Zinc in OIL 25 Kegs Red Lead, dry. 1000 Lbs. Colors in OH. For sale by LAUGHLIN BROS. A CO. sepl4 Hardware, Ac. x. M'ctraxou&b. j. a. hours, almx. aoains Jas. McCullougli & Co., Wholesale audEoUU Dealers In Hardware and Cutlery, CABINET A BUILDERS' HARD WARS, Carpenters', Coopcrs'^Machlnista' and Batchers' No. 41 MAIN ST., and S5 SOUTH ST., uuu uuur auuvo uacuu ouyuer, WHEELING. W. VA. BfLook for the Sign of the Bed Clrenlar Saw. ap!8daw JACOB 8NYDER, NO. 80 MAIN SI., Three Doors Below Qalncj, WHEELING, W. VA. Wholesale Dealer in Bar And Sheet Iron, Norway Iron and Nail Bod. Cast, Shear and Spring Steel, Nails, Spikes, AimlB, Vises, Springs, Axles, Sot Pressed Mats, Washers, Wagoa Hnbs, Spokes, Felloes, Smith Bellows, Sledge*, Plaster Paris, Ne Pins Ultra Lime, Common Lime, Cement, Jfcc. _ap? JD8T RECEIVED -100 BARRELS Ne Plus Ultra White Lime, T lmn-Jn kHla Plaster Pirii, Land Planter, Cement, Belmont and othor brands, a fan ropply jnit received and for sale by JACOB 8NYDKK, ap6 89 Main Street JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, 1,000 New Cider Barrels, Iron Bound. JACOB SNYDER. iepl8 READ! READ! READ! If yoa want the moat Economical Cook Stove BUY THE AKLINGTON. If yon want the mo?t Dnrable Cook 8tore made, BUY THE ARLINGTON. If yon want the moct Coovontunt Cook Btovo made. BUY THE ARLINGTON. If yoa want the Cook Stove that bat itood the Test of Time, BUY THE ARLINGTON. If 70a want the best Cook Store made for Bak* in*, Boiling, Broiling and Boasting, BUY TIIE ARLINGTON If yoa want Peace, Quiet and Qapplnese in your house, BUY THE ARLINGTON. Thousands of them in Use And never one known to fall. . am n rucDvufucDe v w m v b v tan ww nun fci MADE ONLY BY JOSEPH BELL&CO., Bo. 33 Main Street, JdH Boots A 8hoes. gBTABLISnED IN 183 7. G. D. KNOX & CO., MAXTOAOTUBro XND J OB Bl 01 Of BOOTS & SHOES, No. 65 Main St, OCM WHJSELING, W. VA. MW 1VIU.W J'UVIIB Mill* UIS |IUUII? aonorally, his re tarn to the city and his reanmpIon or lcMoni npan the Piano, Orcan and Violin; aleo his readiness to make repairs and tune Pianos and Organs. Messages left at Shelb's Music 8tore for lossona or toning, will men with prompt response. anlO-8 DR. VAN NOIUIAN'S English, French and German Family und Day School POU YOUNG L1DII3 AND CHILDREN, 11, 78 and 75 Bait 6lst ftrot, New York. Will commenca ita Sixteenth Year, September 38, 1872. For fall Information aend for Catalan a. Address ai above, at 75 East Gist street. aepiOW*8 jjjjT PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN. Capes, Flan and Torch ea. ifl'MUuPi Bend for Illustrated circnlara and Prieo Lists. /illUKil E.KDBkSDsUS AbOSS, iHyjKlv ^uscrArrL-RKi^, Q a. QUIMBY, DBALER IN nOOKS, PERIODICALS AND STATIONERY. All the popular Daily and Weekly paper* and Monthly Magazinea furnlsaed to city and country lahtcriBera at Publleher'a prices. Market street, ten doors abort Poat Offlco, Wheeling, W. Va. Educational. "^"JEST VIRGINIA. UNIVKlirilTY. Established by Congress; adopted by the Stale; aided by the benevolence of Individuals, societies, and other Institutions. Flvo Departments of Instruction?Literary, 8cicntlflc, Agricultural, Military and KcRlnocring. Also a thoroughly organized Preparatory Department, In ch&rga of a largo Faculty of accomplished, scholars and successful educators. Fair. Ten* begins September 4th. Wikteb, December 4th. Spbino, March 34tli. Commencement, Juno 19, 1873. Total expenses from $150 to |230 per year. Loan to those boarding In clubs. Bond for Catalogue, containing full particulars, to ALEX. MARTIN, President. Mqmaktoww, W. Va , July 13,1871 |j? jypBIC LESSONS. FK07. W. C. KRYTBR would rwpectfWly UinmirM *n till fnHn?> '? > ?? --?> l JOHN RKH), Proildont JOaiAfly. Ul'DBGRAFF, Ctah'r. my? Attorneys at law. SCO. O. DWHHPOUT B. B. DOTKSE DAVENPORT & DUVENElt, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, WHEELING W. VA Will praetteo In tho Statu and Federal Coarla. WOfllctt on Fourth street, thrco doors north of Monroo. Q W. B. ALLISON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, WHEELING, WK8T VA. WU1 practice in the State and Federal Courts. %T Office on Fourth itxect, eaat Bldo. fir?t door north of Monroe. jyjo a. h. oociiiian. mt. r. hudbird. QOOHKAN & nUBBAUD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Offlca on Fourth itroot, two doon holow tho Oonrt Homo, _ . ? wnsELwa.w. VA. Practice in tho CooiU of Wwt Virginia, and Belmont and Jefferson counties, Ohio. mmrporaUt January 16, ISM. CAPITA!, ... 1100,000. Money received on Dopoelt. Interest pild on 8p?cHl Deposits, Notes sad Bills dlraranted. KicWo WM sad sold. Collection, mide cm ^?iIList,I>ral"0tolwt Pratt, Bobort Qlbstrn, it. A. McC?b?, J. C. TTiomaj, James JtcOlilney, J. h. OUIOl. THOS. H. UST. President. a t> CTrrnoi-i'JVice President. _B. P. HILDRETfl, Caahlcr. 'JHB PEOPLE'S LANK! OPP1CB, NO. 69 MAIN 8THSBT, WHIXUHQ, w. VA. o *<?ey received on (lfpoeit Interest paid ot Specl&l Deposits. Notes aad Bllla DlBconrtod. Exxlunfle boat/hi ?nd boIcL Collections at borne or from abroad promptly attended to. DttEoToaa: John Held, | Christian Heat, Jobn BanrtUn, I John VocUerT Bamnel J. Boyd, Richard Carter. Andreir Wilson, | John P. TrnBchel, Tknmii i' Accounts of Merchants, Manufacturers, Bank | ers and others solicited. DnaoTou: JOHN S. BOTHPORD, President. >. Jacob Hombroob, Chester 0. Knox, Goo. W. PranrJiclta, A. W. Campbull, Jacob 8. Bhodes, Henry M. ifJKor, JohuL.CIobbn, T. J. Campbell. janldAW QBOHQB ADAMB, Oaahisr. UTEEOHiNTS1 NATIONAL BANK ow wear viumu, it wuiili?. Capital $500,000. Deals in Gold, Coupons, Uonde, Commercial Paper and Bill# of JSichaugo. IHT1KMT PAID ON SPECIAL DEPOSIT?. Oottectioru medt on aU pointi and proceed* prvntyUy remitted. Heroine B tamps, New Fractional Currency, 1,t I and 5 cent coin constantly on hand. nraioTOKs: tN. Vanco. i John Ilondlan. 8. Delaplain. | R. J. Stono. T. Sweeney. I Wm. Balloy. A Wllwn Kelly. W. b. Goehorn. A. Wilson. J. NBL80N VANCK, President JOHN J. J0NB8. Oaahier. mjlday RATIONAL SAVINGS BANK 0* WIIHIfflfl. Financial, D. 0. LOT. /O0ITH BXTBOZA mwnr x. tar. somom ukb. Baakoi Wheeling, wmcsLim, w. va. CaplUl,...; 1190,000. BWOKIOtOIM rnuoXALLT IUJU, UD W UnXTUB OTn $300,000. I Haurra Diroiin urn ltaumKTll'Aru. IxchLrJl 'Ootn-dnra ind merlins -Bpj' Md Hilt QortroraoM, BUM, Cltj tnd RillrondBonds. It Ixtckkit nm n tntou. ssrocm. Spec W ?t?nUon (Ires to coUoctlom. V1 D. 0. LIST, FnOdeal. O. UJfB. Cuhlor, JOB. HK\ 11UL1J, Aailfltut CilMcx. idU "TVKP08IT01W SECURED BY INU dlvldlAl Liability. *. aujwui t. aiaatfi ?. a. aocun. THE CITY BANK Deals la Bllla of Exchange, United States era, B^kJ.^nk^&nd other*! on Xuc^eH' c points in tha United Btatoa and Canada. Drifta in rami to salt purchasers on all the principal Cities and Towns in Germany, Great Britain nad Ireland. Inturoat allowed on Special Dodos! t/>. R. CRAHGLB, President. 1. DALMLL. Vice President. f. H. 3CCL&9, Cashier. rnarli PIRBT NATIONAL BANK WiOfflBOilNO. United States Depository. Capital 1250,000 A general Banking. Exchange and Collection Certificates or Deposit issued and Interest paid thereon. I Ruvenno stamps for sale In sums to salt. New Fractional Currency and 1,1,8 and 5c coin ; slwavs on hand for the acoommedatlon of the I Diiblle. / Insurance. Life Insurance Co. 1 OP VIRGINIA. Capital?$283,000 00 A. U MoiLWAlNK. fleetdent D'AUL'Y PAUL, I v,? D. U FKNNAKT, f Vice President*. BIM'L b PAUL, Becretary. D. D. KACKLBR, CoDwilllng Actuary. JUDQB JOHN V. LAY, Bup't of Agencies HOME QFMCX-PtUrtburg, Fa., With Local Doarda In all tho cltlea or Virginia, In tho District of Oolembla, and In Wost Ya. Life Policies wo now generally conceded to be among the molt certain and dealrablo of Investment*. This Company, managed on principle* of strict economy, offers tlio lowest rates of pre* minms, consistent with safety, and lower, we bellove, than any other Company doing buslnws in the Utate. Ita success Is an established fact. Ail reserve from premiums, as a security to the policyholders, auditlonnlto the capital stock, Is invested by tho Local Hoards, wllbiu that locality from which It 1* derived Being convinced by their knowledge of the Integrity and prudence or the gentlemen who compose its Directory, and by a thorough examination of its plau uf organization, tnat It it In every respect a reliable Company, the subscribed cltUens of Wheeling, who havu themselves sub scrlbod to 1U itock, and organized as a Local uoara, reel warranted id rominenainif me enter* prlsu to the favorable couslderatlou of the people of the State: ROUT. U JORDAN, President. B. M. Eoff. UaviiLLyuu. S.B. Ljnn. ileo HL TlcgU n. 1J. lfubbtrd. (it? K lt<>y(L Wen. V. Homo Luclni 11??ko. Wm.X.ITnRliwi CurranMfnflH. liobt.BlmpHuu. W. V. UOUU X UKO , Ui'U I Agents. DK. W.M. J. II AT ICS, Jr., Med. Kxauiwer. auJl _ JNUUKI'OIIATED 1803. CJlAltl Kit I'M HP KT UAL Capital 8200.000 00 Asaetts 362,315 60 Franklin Insurance Co. WHEELING, W. VA. Office, (In Company's Building) 83 Monroe SI. DIRECTORS. SAMUEL McCLELLAN, President J. N. Vance." M. Rellly, John H. Hobbs. Thos. P. bhullcroM, G. W. Franzhelm, L. C. StiTel, Geo. Adami, Geo. B. Caldwell. GEO. M3NDBL, Vice President. C. M. COBN. Secretary. A. L. WILEY, General Agent Total Income to Sato $646,987 56 Losses Paid to Date .. m,M It JZ25 JJURE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPART OP WHEELING. INCORPORATED IS 1831. Takes risks at the lowest rates on Bolldlogt or all kinds, Furniture and Merchandise. DIRECTORS. A. Wilson. Wm. 8. Goshorn. ThoB. O'Brien. John Held, Sr. E. J. titono. Alex. Rogers. AlT. Caldwell. Wm. A. Wilson. Omoi-No. 6 M'LDRE HOUSE BLOCK. A. WIL80N, ProsldenL JOHN ItEID, Bm.. V. l'ree'L C. HwCOLLlSH, Sec y. }j9_ 271TNA FIRE AND ilARINR IN. JMJ SUKAtf Cft (,*0. OP WHEELING. Capital, - - Si00,000. dihwtom: ffn. B. BlmpaoD, ffm. 0. H'wIIhh John K. BoU<lord, T. M. Dodson, Pollack, John L. Hobba. James R. McCortnej, Tbia Company having boon fall/ ornalMd, la now prepared to tM>r- upon 8aildln?fl of all kinds, Merchandise, Manofcc taring letabllahmenu, Parol taro and L'arjjooa of all kind* on the Applications for Insurance will be promptly Attended te by the Secretary. Office at the National Bavtngc Bank, No. I McLure Boose. WTL B. BDCP80N, Prea'L WK. C. HAND LAN, Vloe Pm*. J.R.MILLBB, Bec'y. sprl4 pkabody in8uka_n(jk comp'y AT WilKaUNG, WEST VA. CAPITAL. - T - . $125,000, With tie prime#* of increasing the same to $500,000. DIBBOTOKS I William Bailey, Alonro Lorlng, Dr. Wo. J. Bale*. A. M. Adams, ; Andrew J. Fannell, James F. Barnes, Henry Stanm, Thomas Hughes. A.J.Cocll, I This Company bavin# been In successful opcr atlon for nearly two years is prepared to take risks at fair rates on Buildings or all kinds. Merchandise, Manufacturing Establishments, Furniture, Steamboats, and cargoes on the "western Rivers and Lakes, also to Issue perpetual policies on Dwolllngs and Stores. This Company being composed mostly ol our leading business men, recommends Itself to the favorable consideration of the insuring public, and solicits their patronajce. Applications for Insurance will be promptly attnnood to at their office, BAILEY'S BLOCS No. lOti Market street. WILLIAM BAILEY, Pres't. A LONZO LORING, Vice Preset N. O. ARTHUR, Sec'y. W. H. AONEW, Ass'I Bec'y. Janil Dentistry. Nitrous oxide or laughing OAS. i am prepared to administer Gae for the extraction of teeth, at my office on Main street, near Union. splS C. A. WINQBRTBB, Dentist Teeth Extracted Without Pain I By the use of NITROUS OXIDB OR LAUGUING OAS. 0T Pilling Tt?th made a specialty. nyll M. SUHOISON, 147 Market 8L J)R. K. K. WORTHEH, DENTIST! McLAIH'S BLOCK, H-juroc Blroot, between Main and Market, tnfit Q THBMa. V VA THE BEST B utter Crackers ARB MADS BY C. T. ZIMMER &CO. Atk your Grocer for ZIHMER'B ep?7 I CLOTHB, ..uu,u# English French tod German, of ?T?y testara ini color. . .'mM *?*?<? CASSIMERE8, ,..5, . ?, 'Z Eoxllah, French and Americas, tn M mOtm " rarlely. 300bc)ecto4P%U?ra?torBolTUIOfl cxclutiTeiy. VE8TING8, . w i J '''? c?l] In Plaah, OMhmcrt ?n4 Silk, of hit itjr!?ind gnC*. Shirts Made to Order r7 From actual meaiuiement and a fit ruoowi. THOS. HUGHES k CO. ?p? MM "DEFINED BU0AH8?100 BARRELS XV UMcUd(i><lw,koii(kt IximttekMaafr TWce and for mIi low. l . . oct?) 1.18T. DAVgNPORT ? PAW. pHOICE RIO OOFFEB?18J BA.OS \J itrtctlf choice. For sale by OCtW UbT, DAVENPOKT * PARKS, '.Z-4. Merchant Tailors," AMD DZXt.EM Ifc ' , 1 i i v .H Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, Ho. 85, Conor Monro? aad Water 8ti., I rC, WHRBLINO, W VA. Now have the pleasure of offfjlujf to the citizens of Whcelint; and vicinity the largest and boat assorted stock of ?ui. Cloth8, Casaimeres, Vefitingi and Overcoatings Ever brought to this market. With lnrwae?d.._ fsclllUes In oar WoUK DBPARTMRNr. inrthe addition of mjvural oxperthandflfrointh.i Hastern cities acit an incommMsMlactloftiiiCi.ffu-lety of goods, we hope to rtttato all order*. nuniited to our caro In a manuer unxurpMsed by any similar establishment In the*?* , rftiilU Onr stock compriies 1 fl U1 J OVJ5RCOATINQB, >) ij Is CblnchllU, Cutor, Ediedos, Hotcow ttd Esquimaux Bo. yon, ?ud Ku? KtlKW. The attention of my customers and pabllc generally la invited to my extensive stock <ff PALL and WINTER GOODS, consisting of Black. Bine, Brown, Olive and Green Oloths, Granite Diagonals and Tricot. A fall line of English Meltons, snlteble for suits and Bnn? OTKDOOaTS. SCOTuH CHEVIOTS Of every style end color. Also, a complote stock of French, English and Domestic GASBIMRRRS. Also, a full line nf VESTINQS. Bilk, Caihmera, Velvet, White and Fancy Marseilles. I will guarantee a fit, as I employ none bat Ami ' best workmen. I also invite attention to my large stock of Cents' Furnishing Goods, Embracing all the latest noveltl es, such as White and Fancy Shirts, Merino and India Gunse Undershirts, White Jeans Patent Faaialoon Draw* era. Suspenders, Half Hose. Bilk and Linen Handkerchiefs, Bowl and Tiea. the latest atyle , q Paper Collars. Whl to Shirts made toordor; aflt guaranteed. Call and see mo at my new and handsomely arranged store, 75 Main atteaUCenr i trt Wheeling. 'lllL tl : sepli 0. W. 8EABRIQBT., 1872. Fall & Winter. '1172. THOS. HUGHES & CO.. Shirts Made to Order, Aud a perfrct fit guaranteed, r.j J. H. STAIXMiVNA CO. _!a5e _ 187*. .i.l... 0 Winter. 187*. C. W. Seabriglit, MERCHANT TAILOB, ! No. 70 Main Street, CRN TUB WHEELING. | _ AND UBALMW IN Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods, NO. 26 MONBOH ST., Wheeling, W. Va,, Arenow receiving a Urge and elegant stock ?f goods lor Fall and Winter Weav*"^' Embracing all the new ntyiesimd designs t?aai< ly found In a Fashionable Merchant Tailoring MUbUihmcut. 'fCT&t Fronoli & English Cloths of every oolor and texture; Engllah, French, Sootch and American Caasimerei; Chlnohll- . j la, Oastor,English Helton and Beaver Overooatings; Veatlngs In endleea variety. Wo arc prepared to make there goods - to order In the Latent end mo?t Fashionable stylos. We alio bave a large Block of GRNT&' FOBN16UING UOODH, Including ttery thing adapted to men's wear. 1872. FULL MD WINTER. B73. i >?. . . . 3HT John L Rifei* MERCHANT TAILOR, ?AND? * Gents' Furnishing Store, ? MONRO* STRUT, WllM*LlH9% W. VA . Most rvMpi-cKuUy lnvltca hti coatomara and tbe public generally to call and examine h!a Urge and complete Block of * CLOTHS IN JCVKBY SfUDft A mil Huh of Doeaktna, Kngltth aM French Wortt.'H ? - , nuu oumyuui, OCOIW WM* viols, Birlpo and Hairline ruetm-rea. Bosllftb Melton* and Uvertou Twllla, and Kngllah KefM)?. , My Block of FUKNISBfNU 0001)8 U ooaplete In cvtrr tnrtlcular SHIRTS MADE TO ORDER. BhlrUi made u? order nud uuarauieed la nwy particular ,, j cr-i'all aud czatulii? Uefot? purcUaatiiff elfewhere. JOHN L. RIOI. oetW New Goods. New Goodsl J. 11. STALLMAN &C0. Merchant Tailors,