ESTABUS1'^PG IhtMMigmtr. II,fit i?, of count, no probability that Bliwl a Houm bill will pio Ik* Henata, (irotiding u it don lor the unlimited coinage ol lUrer, but there U a probability that the bill favored by the Senate Finance Committee, reetricting coinage to lour million* per month, will paaa. At lent their are beginning to think ao in StW York, lne urapAte oi Wednesday evening asja that the probability of its pu?ag? had the effect in Wall street on W*lne#d?y to infuse a "ball" feeling into oi*rstori in stocks. The New York Pod itjt thst some of the bankers are of the opinion thst folly $1,000,000 of United Slates bonds would be sent back from Earope within three months after the enactment of the bill. It farther remarks that "Should anything like this happen, the void that we bare would disappear long before the proposed silver dollars could ba coined in autficient amount to replace the gold now in bank reserves, and in,tead of an inflation we should have a c >mraction, and that, too, at a lime when di?tru?t and demoralization prevailed." It ?eemi that already some of the lately placed 4 per cent bonds are arriving in New York from Europe. For instance, the PoU of Wednesday evening says thau "TaJh ih?r? ?nmirMl in thta (or the tir*t time fire hundred and thou*! ?itkl dollar coupon 4 p*r cent. United Slates bonds, those which we ?w having been in the po-?eMion of Measra. Fitch & Hatch, the well known dealer* in govern- i ment band-, who received them in the regular couree of their business. It will be remembered that none of the coupon 4 per cento were told in thia country, all hiring been marketed in Europe by the Syndicate. These bonds of course came from Earope."i The H'elUbnri, BetliaojA Wath1 mi; to a Xnrrotr Ciauge. The Washington papers and people seem to be waking up to a lively inter* e? in this proposed enterpise. The Obimet discusses the project at some length, and announces that the firm of Wo. Smith) k Son have offered to snb* scribe $500 to the road. Another party (according to the Reporter) whose name amount. The Obtervtr appeals to the rich farm* srs along.the valley of Brush Run and Buffalo Creek to come forward at this time, while the general feeling is favorable, and make *ure of this much talked of project. It ipeaka thus of the ronte of the proposed road : "The route learn Washington by the northwest, striking the head waters of Brash Run near Hamilton Davis'*, in Caoton township, thence along Brush Ran and Buftalo Creek to the river. No grading is required in this county except a slight cut at the Davis farm. To tbe farmers between thi; point and Bethany we would ?ay, if you ever hope to have an nnlUt of thia nnfnrA it it tim? fur mn in move while the Narrow (iauge fever is at its height, or you can lay on your oaw for another quarter of a century. A Terr small assessment on your rich agricultural interest* will bring return* fully ten fold greater, by railing the price of farm* and opening up to you an easy and good market." Aj we remarked on Monday last, the route for thi? proposed road has been twice surveyed, and at one time it seemed ai if the enterprise would really take practical afcape. It came to the birth, however, and failed in strength at the crisis of its fortunes. 5ow that the pro* j*: Li again revived, and seeing that the feeling is so generally favorable towards Dtrpna mmm* nn iMinnnl r\f mhim. ? ??"?" V. .?? ?w? mr and profit with which the/ can be built and ran, it would seem as if oooe more an opening had occurred which if improved may lead to the construction road. Kiver ilewa. The marks la*t evening indicated 5 feet V inches, and swelling slightly. The Courier left for Parkersburg at 10} a. x? as usual. The Emma Graham passed down about 8 x. M., en route from Pittsburgh to Cincinnati. The M. S.Thanhoueer will to-day take the place of the Market Boy in the Wheeling and Matamoras trade. The steamers Boas and Sampson passed up yesterday vith tows of empty barges. The Wm. Stone arrived here yesterday morning, en route to Pittsburgh. She laid here until her pitman strap wal repaired. and left for Pittsburgh in the eTeoioe. The Nail Citj pawed up about 1 p. sc. with a tow of tie* for the P. W. ?& Ky. railroad. The O'Neal left for Pittsburgh at 7 o'clock yesterday moraine* The Ragon will leave for Parkersbarg promptly at 10J o'clock this morning. The Hudson is due from Cincinnati today. The Oella,Telegram and Phaeton made their customary trip# yesterday. The Express left Cincinnati last night for Pittsburgh. The Scout passed down yesterday with a tow of fire clay and bricks. The Tom Been No. 2 passed up with aa empty tow. The towboat Jake Heatherington came up from Madison Monday night, and left for Wheeling last evening, with the boilers, a halts, wheel, Ac., belonging to the Calumet.?dn. Enquirer. The new wharfboat for the Pittsburgh. Wheeling and St. Louis packets, at Cincinnati, will be ready for boainesa next week. The soagboat Woodruff ha* been clearioe oat Scioto bar. Pilot* J. Alex. Frazier and Sam. McBride are coming round from St. Louis, at the wheel of the E. H. Durfee, en route to Pituburgh. The towboat Jacob Heatherington armed at Cincinnati 'from Maduon on Tneedaj, en rout? to Wheeling with the ttichinery belonging to the Calumet. [By Tatepaph.] Pitoboboh, November 22.?Hirer 3 >?t 9 inches, and rising. Weather cloud/. Both rivers rising above. CixctKUTi, November 22.?Eirer 8 leet 3 inchM. and fnllinir Arrivod? Kxprtw, Pittsburgh; Nanhville, Naah ille; Bautn, Memphis Departed?Exprw?, Piltabargb; Naahville, Wheeling. Dnuliog rain all da/. Nashville, November 23.?River ria"JgjMl; 6 feel on the aho*la. Departed ?Hilltnan. Cairo. _ Cairo. November 22,-Arri red-Whale, ft LooU; Citv of Alton, New Orleans; New Oilbaxs, November 22?Arrived --Willie, Oaachita river. Departed? I BY TELEGRAPH. ASSOCIATED fKM RETORT. TO TBI DAIZT IHTKLLIOKjrCU GENERAL NEWsT The Pope'i End i Quntisn of Diy? Only. A Mexlotn Conspiracy onthtT txan Bordir. Mr. Ewing DiteuuM lh? R??umption Aot in th? Houw. CONGRESSIONAL. HOC8E. Washikgtoh, November 22. The following bills were introduced and referred: By Mr. Mills: Authorising the Secretary of the Treunry to pay to owners the sine of all cotton seized by Treasury officials since Mar 30,1865; aleo for the payment of all debts contricted by the government in certain Slates aince the close of the war. TJ? II. r? *_? n At oj Mr. rruKiio: * or me organization of the Territory of Oklahoma. By Mr. Davis: To exempt steam plough machines from payment of duty. By Mr. Stone, of Iowa: Creating postal savings banks. Mr. Crittende^aaked leave to offer a resolution calling upon the Preeident for information a* to the failure of the Union Pacific Railroad to operate ita road and branches agreeably to the provision* of the several Pacific Railroad acta. Objected to. Mr. Hale, as a question of privilege, offered a resolution discharging the Com* mittee on Elections from further consideration of the contested election of Belford vs. Patterson, of the Slate of Color* ado. He stated that the case had occupied the attention of the House ten days and then had been referred to a committee,that had been done 27 days ago and nothing had been heard from that committee, "and u far as he could learn there van no indication ot any majority report coming from the committee. Mr. Taylor made a point of order that thin wad not a privileged question. The Speaker overruled the point of order. Mr.Stephens, of Georgia, concurred in all that the Gentlemen from Maine (Hale] had said. This was a question of very high privilege. He thought that the committee ahoald report at a very ewly date, but suggested that the resolution be amended so aa to direct the com* mittee to report by Saturday next or they should be discharged from conaideration of the subject. Mr. Harris said the committee expected to report the first day of the regular session. Mr. Cox, of Ohio, said if the Houm should take this case from the Election Committee, as it had a perfect right to do, he could not see how the committee, Hfltlnn Inaf (Ii* mnA^uuia ?f Uiuiu could farther act In any caae. [Applause on the Democratic aide.] He thought it due to the Democratic members of the committee to make a abort explanation of what had occurred in the committee. A Republican member of the committee (Hitchcock), who had been absent from the committee and whose mind was in doubt about tome matters connected with the cue, had suggested to him (Cox) to request the committee to delay immediate action, and consequently if there had been any delay the Kepablican members of the committee were responsible for it. [Applause on the Democratic aide.] The resolution having been amended as suggested by Ur. Stephen*, Mr. Sayler moved to lay it on the table, Agreed to; yeas 155, navs 94. Mr. Wood stated that he had intended to call tin to dar the r??nlntion wnnrtpH by the Committee on Way* and Means for a final adjournment of this session, but as the Senate had adjourned till Monday he would not call it up. The House then returned the consideration of the deficiency bill, the question being on reconsidering? the vote of yesterday rejecting the amendment of Mr. Waddell, appropriating $700,000 for steam ?e?rice in carrying mails. The motioo to reconsider was laid on the table; yeas, 144; nayi, 117. The bill was then passed. The 8peaker stated that the special order, the bill to repeal the reaumption act, would now come up, and'the gentleman from Ohio (Eviog) waa entitled to an hoar to cloee the debate. Propositions to allow the members who had offered amendments to occupy the same time tn explaining them waa made and objected to, and the regular order insisted on. Mr. Patterson aiked Mr. Ewing to yield the floor to him to offer and explain his amendment. No objection telng made, he proceeded with some preliminary i remarks, which were soon interrupted by objections. Finally be vu allowed three minutes by Mr. Ewing, and he went on to say his amendment, if accepted by Mr. Ewing, would make the bill satisfactory to his side of the House and (as he hoped) to the other side. His amendment wu to strike out the first and second lines of the bill. The enacting dame, with that trifling amendment, he would be content. Mr. Garfield asked consent that the time of his colleague (Ewing) be extended u loog as he desired to speak. He thought that was a courtesy due his col* league. Objection was made. Mr. Ewing then began his speech. He aid it was a characteristic of popular governments that the people gave their exclusive thought to one leading subject. Thus before the war slavery was the controlling question; daring the war it was how to maintain the government; since then itwss how to govern the Southern states, and now it la a question ol debt and currency. It would have been hap* py for the people if theyhsd considered these questions esrlisr. Thsy would have been tared, among other things, the paseage of the act of repudiation and ex torlion of 1S69, bj which contraction sixteen hundred millions of the public debt was made, and waa changed to the detriment of the people and to the ad rentage of the holders of pablic securities without consideration to a snm of not less than fire hundred millions; and they would hare been sared that stealthy and rascally act for the demonetisation of sil ter, and the crowning acheme ol tbe money power for the oppremion o( the people, the resumption law. Be argued that when the reaumptioa lav vaa paaeed the Tolumeof currency In circulation vaa only $733,000,000, and that ?u only $260 per capita mora than vaa in eirculation in 1800, which Garfield had held np to admiration aa the yaar of tourxi boatneaa and eound money. That act had pot In the handa of capiulUta the control of the indoalriea of the go vernment. Proceeding to diacnea Secretary Sherman'e conatroctlon of the la* on the anbjeet of retaining legal tender* he taid: That gentleman vaa very apt to change hia Tievt, because in I86S he told the people ol Ohio thai the payment of United Statea booda in coin, while on their face they wen to be paid in lawful money, would bs repudiation and eitortioo, and yet within all months after warda In had reported In the Senate thai the act of re- I pudiatlon ud extortion ma falaelr i labelled "An Act to Strengthen Public i Credit." If It van poeaible, Ewlnf continued, to anbatltate fSM.000,000 of (old tor (reeabeckr and If that (old, ao aubatltuted, would remain in circulation, J oat greenback money Ilka there would be no ear; great tnircbief dona by the reaumptioo act farther than a oaaleaa increase of the bonded debt to ISM,000,000. But the trouble waa that the attempt to make $364,000,000 in (old take the plane of (reenbnclt money in the currency waa utterly impoaeible. Gold could not remain in circulation In the prwot condition of thie country, ud ?err greenback redeemed ni ao much withdrawn from the elective currency, and lie proportionate eff ?twai the reduction of ralue*. He eaid that before the greenback era there neter had been kept aloat In thif country more than $214,000,000 paper money, with *385.000,000 gold in the united States, Hioce ISM the tinea In the country had produced . $1,247,000,000 In precione metala, and yet there waa not In the countrrr three-fifths of tht little Tolome of coin that there waa in I860. Where had all the gold and lilrer gone to? It hid gone to pay the dabta of this country and there waa whera it would all go?all the coin that could he acraped together in the Treaaury or banks. This waa the gteat debtor nation of the world. No nation owed, outside of its own bordera, half tha amount which tha Doited Slates owed. Mora than half of the bonded debt of the country waa held abroad and there ware State, city, railroad and other debts due abroad, tbe aggregate coin Interest on which ran from#]00.000,000 to$150,000,000 a year; from $3,000,000 to $5,000,000 a year were paia xor snipping end u ? much more for the expenses of foreign ] travel. So the annual drain of coin from < the United State* was from 77 to 275 1 million*. How wet that to be paid? Not ] by the balance of trade, aa might be laid, < because that balance for the last seven ' years had been $4,000,000 against thb ] country. This interest was therefore as ' a rule not paid by the balance. It waa > paid partly by shipping $66,000,000 a 1 year of precious metals. 1 Discussing the preparations for re- 1 sumption, here we are, said he, within ltf ' months of reeumption with $733,000,000 j of paper money to be floated, and with ' lees than $40,000,000 of accumulated gold 1 in the Treasury and banks. He declared 1 that if thb country were entirely free from debt specie payment could not be 1 resumed without contraction of the cur- I rencv by at least one-half. j Where, he asked, were gold and silver to be got ? Could it not be got in loreign market*? That had never been done and never could be done. The silver and gold minee of the country could not in twenty-five years furnish all that wai t needed, even if the gold and silver could i be kept .here. Whether this mad 1 scheme of resumption were repealed now c or were forced on until popular indigna- I linn (hm i? ?a 1 > ? v ?> |>kw, muui|iuuu uau to be waited (or till it became possible, and until a volume of coin had been accumulated in the country lancer than the volume of paper money. Equalization would not be resumption. Paper money might bs brought to par with gold, and still there wobld not be resumption. Replying to Garfield's argument, that no one would want coin on resumption day, and taking up Garfield'* illojtration of a farmer who sold his farm for $10,000 and would not take hir-pay in-gold but in bill*, he said it is not a question whether the people want gold or not; it if a question whether the Jim Fisk'sj the Jay Gould's, the bankers, broken, importers, and savings banks want it, and they certainly will want it litter than the Secretary of the Treasury will be able to give gold to them. At this point of the speech, Ewing's hour expired, and Garfield moved that the time be extended. Objection was made by Chittenden, uuless a proportionate time be allowed to the other aide. The Speaker.decided that the objection came too late. Mr. Ewing proceeded with his speech, and spoke ot the enormous depreciation of values, which he attributed to the resumption act and which he estimated at on?*third of wHnla ? the resumption law as a practical confwcation by law of three thousand five t hand ml millions of property. Three- 0 fourths of mil classes of people in this n country were debtors, and it was their Q hard earned accamulationa that were be- f ing wrested from them by this robber* c law. He spoke of the loss of the labor- D ing clawes as amounting to three millions t! a da v, and mentioned a statement made d to him recentlyiy the Pr*udent of the 0 Dayton & Southeastern Railway Co.. to q the effect that hundreds of men were offer* a inf to work on the road for bread, nothing ? said he for clothes; nothing for wives and a children; nothing to lay up for winter; Ct merely enough to keep the poor human D body, that was doing labor, sbte to exer* d cise the necessary force. Oh, God! that 8i bread thould be so dear and flesh and b blood so cheap. [Sensation, and ap- ( plause.] The law, he continued, was not going tl to stop with that fall of values. Who- i, ever hugged the hope that the bottom d had been touched haa only to look at the ? tacts uf know that lower and lower fi ground had to be reached. A further n tall of values bad to he witnessed. There g had also to fcs witnessed an increase of C: poverty and suffering, the practical con* tl fixation of property and a repudiation of j a large part of the public debt of the ? countrv. He appealed to the money j| men whether they would persist in their Q scheme of infatuation. Had they ti heard enough to warn them that they bad better stop. What meaning had the labor riota that led almost to civil war ixmontha ago? The meaning of them p was that labor had been trampled upon 2 as much as it would stand. Go, said he, to a an j of our cities and see the hundreds and n thousands and tens of thousands of pale, a wan, raaged, hungry neonle. I have seen p them clubbed out of the parks of New fa York City at night; men who went there e hoping to lie on the gaais and get a little t fresh air and a cool resting place. The 1 thing has been pushed i tlona of ita fellow-men; a power to which oar unhappy civil war give birth, which , hu grown eo enormous through unjust , financial legialation, which now "beatrides our narrow world likefa coIomus," which inlaidisee the pre*, which captnree statesmen and parties and makes them ita subservient tools, which hounda down ind vl lilies every public man who dares , raiae bla voice againat it. Ita enormous and ill>gotten gain haa a heart | of atone not to be touched by human | ivmpatby and compaasion. 1 appeal to the masses, to their failhfal repreeenUtives (I thank God) of both par ties,on this Joor, that the trae aim of the govern* , rnant la ?! > ~uu) t. >...1 . at number; tod whoever by legislation ' >r olher wjse, changes the values of a contract it aa caned is be who remotes hia leighbor's land-mark. For twelve years . put the legislation of this country has Men dictated, oue would think, in LornMtrd street or Wall street, and the , people have been plundered by 1 >very fresh enactment They bare 1 uffered the fate of the giant Galli- J rer when tied down by the Lilliputians. 1 Fhank God they are abont to rise to J )orat the bands which their petty foes iare futened upon them while sleeping, md to walk abroad again in their own J najeatf. [Applauae.] 1 " A4 the cloae of his ipeecb, which wu istened to with the closest attention and ntereston both aides, Mr. ? wing yielded lia ann* In \Cf pnai mamj *I..i * l _ MV ,w ?' * w? i, ?uu UIUTCU uiat lue ETouse adjourn. Mr. Bale endeavored to have the 1 Elouse adjourn until Monday, hot hit pro- 1 x?ition waa rejected, aod the Houm adoorned until to-morrow. KANHISUTO*. " fc The Kellogg-Npaflord Cane. Wajhihotoic, November 22.?The Comnittee on Privileges and Elections this oorning closed the evidence in the KeloggnSpofTord case and decided to make ip their report after hearing one-half lonr'a further argument from each side. J rhese argument* take place this aftertoon, immediately after the adjournment * if the Senate. The vnl#? in the mmmlilM 4 his morning, though not on the main < ineation, was indicative that the final i rote io the committee will be 6 to 3 in a?or of seating Kellogg. General Sherman was again before the Committee on Military -Affairs thin morn* ng and furnished an epitome of the re- F torts received by the War Department & or last year aa to the trouble* on the J ilexican frontier. He went a consider*- ? ile length into the question of the diatri- ' >otion of the army, and expressed the & ipinion that if the protection of Texas 8 eqnired a military force of 4,000 men b he protection of the northern belt of the o ountry, for the width of one hundred J nilee, from the Britiuli line where the *' lionac and other hostile Indiana range, roald require at the same ratio 40,000 sen. The Senate Committee on Commerce ji manimoualy agreed to recommend the n onfirmation of John T^Thomaa aa Col- I ectorat Baltimore. Report* were also a; rdered to be made op on a number of b i neon tested nominations, bat no action a raa taken in regard U> tbe New York $ lastom House appointments or any oth- k r similar nomination*, excepting that of rbomaa, which have been aubjecta of conroteray. The Senate Committee on appropriate agreed to recommend the passage f the Paria Exposition bill with amendlenti increasing the amonnt from $150,00 to $175 000, limiting the expenditures r jr clerical aerTicei to ?15,000, but in- n reaeing the salaries of the twenty Com- ? lisaioners from $1,000 to $1,200 each, auhorixing the Commissioner General to b eaignate what special subjects the rari- ei us honorary Commissioners shall report e; pon; providing that the Commissioner * ppointed by the President to report ipoo the Exhibition at large shall be Iso designated "Assistant Commissioner leneral/'to perform tbe duties of Com- 8 lissioner General in caae of the letter's eath or inability; and, in concluaion, - irismg oui me provision lor an exhibit y the Executive Department* of thia ri iovernment. K A committee of citixens. representing 101 pay era and others of Washington, ad an interview with the President toay by appointment. He was presented (j ith a statement ol the condition of af* ^ lira in the District, the object in the ? reparation of which is to induce Conrest to pay a proportionate share of the ipenaes,say one-half, for the sapport of m local government. The Pieaident oald not promise to recommend in his 11 nnoal message, aa requested, the grant- * ig of soch relief, bat assured the com- u uttee that he would do all in his power > advance the intewata of the city. A Jlexicau Conspiracy. q Xbw Orleans, Nowemher 22.?A dis- y atch from Hatamoras say a: During n 'uesday night and Wednesday morning hlUIl b(M>n mwnlnwit !* uppoad sympathise -with Laredo, were rreated and confined in the military riaon. ThU action it is understood has e< een instigated by the discovery of a a onapiracy in connection with K?obedo, rho it ia alleged is organising a force in ^ 'exM to cross into M&iico in the interest g f ex-President Laredo. General Caval j, as officially called the attention of the faited States authoritiea to the fact of le existence in Tezu, near the Rio e| Irande, of a camp of armed Mexicans n rho are evidently prej>aring)to cross, and K ildng the United states Government l > cause the neutrality law* to be so- u >rced against those who are undoubtedly jj slog the territory of Texas to organise mvolntiary movement in Mexko. Incinnali Ciraeen aidtke Sugar R CiscnrxATi, November 22.?A petition J i in circulation among wholesale grocers ere asking Uoogreae to make the datj d lanr to mnch per poand, regardless fo t color or quality. Coffee dealer* at a P teeting held to-day, reaolred to reaiat le efforts of New \ork broken to con- '? rol the ahipmcnt o 1 coffee from thence, i determination la expressed to look to oiota farther aoatli for a aupplj of affse unleaa New York parties recede et om the rales adopted there in regard 11 ) receiving and shipping. ? Iceeauaeadatleu ot tbe Blgaal '-1 Officer. ff W ASHinoToa^of ember 2L?The Chief igaal Officer of the army, in his annual port, reoommeodi kgiilatioc (or the c tore complete organisation o( the Signal u airioe. d FOREIGN NEWS. WABISOTES. Ami l?r the Tirk. CoMRAamoru, November 21?The tenner J. B. Walker, (ran New Htm, with utu and ammunition tor tbe Turkish Government, bu arrived. Lohpok, November 21?Operation* Mir Btutcbuck indicala a diipoeition on tb* put o( U? Turka to attempt a repetition ol Mehmet Ali'i twUot tor relievln( Plevna by threatening Caarowltch'i army and tb* Danube croaeingt. Bali, maa Paaba eeemaitill incommaod on tbe Lom. t'KANCE. A Ueniad on ItHabai. Flan, November 22.?The RtpMqv fhauaut, Qambelta'a organ, demand!, that Praaident McMiboo aummooa a con-1 gress ot the Senate and Chamber of Deputies to pat an end to the crisis of the ilectioo in Paris (or a Deputy in place of Jnlee Grevy. who sit* for Dole, fixed for December 16th. The difficulties in the formation of the new Cabinet relate to tiie Min inter of the Interior and of Joitioe, for which Develche and Depeyre were propoeed. Other appointments must be made. Paris, November 22.?It in now laid [bat the Ministry will be finally constituted tomorrow, bat will not comprise any Senator or Depaty-, tbi mi or muxcb. The weekly statement of the Bank of Prance shows a decrease in specie of 5,200,000 francs. ITALY* rbe Pope and the Preach Pil* (rlmw. Loaoov, November 22. ? A special rom Borne saya that the Pope received iome French pilgrims Taeedav and aooks i few word* with great difficulty. The tabltnee of Toicc ud hit luflerinj, which. >u apparent, made * melancholy mprenioo. He wu carried by (oar men. Komx, November 22.?The Pop* lotxnded audience* because of indlapoeiion. SSilLUID. Bum ot England MatcmcBl. Loamw, Norember 22.?The weekly tatement of the Bank of England ahowi in increase of apecie of 276,000 poandi. Kunitr the Jl nrderer. 8t. Louis, Not. 22.?Frank Bande, the uardertr, wu remored from the city lotpicu tuu afternoon and placed in a ell in the calaboose at police headquar* era. He ia ateadily recoyering from his rounds and will be taken to Knox conn* y. libs in a lev daya. Ramon are still ile that he will be lynched before he caches Gibson, bat it la generally beiered that Got. Collman will aee that very measure is taken to prevent it. A man whose name ia aupposed to be fixon or Dixon, probably a resident of ome interior town of (Illinois, jamped rom the central arch of the bridge Ao? ay and drowned. MiedaadKe-Sebed. Mobile, Ala., November 22.?A large roportion of the property aeired bj U. ' 1. Special Agent Cuter at Paacagoula sod eleaaed by Jndge Ilill, is now aeized by liaaisaippi and Alabama^ nnder writs rom the state Court o 1 Mississippi, and eld by a Sheriff, who is attempting to eise the balance. Secretary 8herman, y orders, has laid a practical embargo n the whole coast of Jiiasissippi by renting clearance to all lumber vtsseli, J dreign and domestic. Embezzlement. Cihcisnati, November 22.?It has lit been discovered Lli&t George Fleu- i er, formerly book keeper for Theodore J tarmiller, who made an assignment last pring, embezzled a large amount from is employer, Mr. Barmiller. The sum betrayed will reach from $20,000 to 25,000. Fleiiner has left for parts un- ; mown. _ leather Indication*. S Waz CDiimiT, ) ! Orncaof thzChufBiohai, omen, v j wumzfltoz, d. c-, not. 23?11. k.j . raoBAHicxnzi. < For Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, j Uing, followed by falling barometer, ' ortheast to southeast winds, generally j >oler and partly cloudy weather. , For the Like region- ruino. (aIIavmI i 7 falling barometer, northern to walh- . ut winds and partly cloud/ weather, < rapt rain area* and lower temperature long the lower Lake*. Marine Hewn. ] N?w York, Norember 21?Arriiedtearner Pommerania, Hamburg. Qomarotrw, Norember 21?Arrived -Wyoming, New York. But Funcraco, Norember 22.?Arired-Steamer City of Peking, Hong ong Tit Yokohama, Failed. Chicago, Norember 22.?Saunatag & J o., importers of crockery and china, 1 ire failed t.i?h!i:it? .1! I ' 15,000; aueta, little better than nothing! , Meeting ol Director*. X?w York, November 22,?The disctori of the Erie Railway met to-day od formally empowered Receiver Jewelt , ) facilitate the reorganisation scheme, Bnalness Cnbununnnli, < CmcMMTi, November 22.?Phillips & ! o-i hanker* ot Georgetown, Ohio, failed : wterday. Liabilities $85,000; asset* are ot given. ( NIKOKTKLEUKim ! ?The Oldham (England) ftrike i? endi, the mulen withdrawing the noticeq/ ! redaction of wages. ?It la believed that the Revenue Cntir, Deiter, is cruising in the vicinity of riatol, where a vessel it laid to be lotul- Ig with snpplies for Cuba. ?I?is i Evaxsvilu, November 21? Weather 1 oody and damp; wind north, and light: ! lercury 46 lad 47". River 7 S-10 feet ! 'ant. Down Johnson, Sallie Carney, ane and low, Evensville, Qrey Eagle ? p?Smith, Arkansas Belle. JBosineaa i *>" i Allegheny Cattle. &ast Liberty, November 22.?Cattlj? i eceipts to-day 38 ears through and 17 of ird stock; total (or three days 510 head . irough and 1,139 yard. Market ia an- ! landed. Hogs?Receipt* to-day 2,850 bead; total >r three days 11,220. Yorker* $4 35*4 40, , blUdelphiaa U 40.4 60. 811H1P?Receipts today 300 head; total ?r three day* 6,100. 8ell?ng at $3 00*4 00. ? 1 Dry (Jood*. H?w York, Norember 22.?Business intinues quiet with package houses and . ght with Jobbing noose*. Cotton* in loderate demand and steady. Prints firm. 1 r. Cotton dres* goods and ginghams f?ir> t r active. Woolens inactive. Foreign i ooda dnlL Pctraicnm Market. ! PimB01oH,No?finb?r22.-Pnroleuia- . rad.actin |l ItifM Parker' , forimixli.t. ihipmeot; raisad it UXe PU1?- I FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL BY TRLSQSAPB. Hew Work Inn aa* IImImc K?w YOU, November 3B.?MOKIY6afl per cent. Prime mercanttile paper at 6Ma7 per cent. Cnatom receipt* $25.1,000. The Aaaiatant Treasurer diabnraed $298, 000. Cl Bokds? Irregular. Stat* Bokds?Steady. Stocks?Dnllneaa atill continue* a chief feature of the Stock market, and there la | very little diapoaitlon to operate ontajde. I The market was firm in the early dealings, but waa extremely doll and weak daring [the greater portion of the afternoon. Towarda the close there waa a fractional recovery. Tranaactiona aggregated only 89,000 ahorpa. of wH!?k l&nfift . T.h-.ui 5,000 northwestern common, 10,000 preferred, 19,000 SL Paul common, 14,000 preferred, 8.000 Lackawanna, 3,400 Michigan Central, 2,000 Illinois Central and 1,800 Weitern Union. Wcatern Union? 7IJf North weatern com- S6K Qutekaflrw 1/ North weatern ptt? tS% Qufckailrer pid U Ne? Jmmj Ceotral 14 fweite MaII au Be Full? Maripoaa lk 8L Paul preferred _ 71S Maripoao preferred. \% Bock latand 10; Panama.? 124 Ulaaourl Padflc.^.. Doleo Padlc 66? Hannibal A SL Joe. 1M Lake Shore 47% Central Pie. boodaJOTl? Illlaota Central Union PadOe boodalOSK PltUborgh..? 7?J< Land Granta C.CC.4 L S3 Sinking Fund >5^ iUeait. Chicago, November 22.?Flour?Steady and unchanged. Wheat?Uuniettled: No. i unicago spring *1 09X, cash, $1 OSJtfa I 09 November, $107Vial 07K December, $107y, the year, $1 07Xal 07X January, No. 3 do $1 03)4, rejected 93JJc December, rejected 22c. Bye?Quiet at 55c. Barley?Firmer at fttc. Pork?Irregular at $12 00 cash, November, December, and the year, $12 !7>L.. 1 r.?^.",rom fire?" srtMi dinit rj?iGreen Mf?t? -Quiet; thouHerHK^XdiidMSXiSKp. L;VnB Batter?Dull and unchanged. l&7i J *Bdu '""I " Blt52e?ntlJn"':h?ng?l attl 05. Hoos?In fair demand; common $3 90a m&hS?y0M * pKkiDsW30*4i> Chicago (MUe aidnt, Chicago, Norember a.?The Drmr* lournal report!: uattle?Keceipta, 2,700; shipments,*!!,* 00 Native shipping at $4 00*5 50, batch* >rt quiet and weak, bulls $2 00a300, cows (2 6oa3 10. Calve* nominal at $350*5 00. rexan stock, inferior quality and weak End I lominaJ. Colorado* $! 85a4 00.; ' Hogs?Receipts, 1,400; shipments 3,000. Steady and unchanged, except light, which ire 5c lower. Prime ripe shipping $4 60a 170, mixed packing $4 35*456, light *4 40a 145, all sold. 8HxxP?Receipts, 650; shipments, 620. Ifarket fairly astire at $2 85a3 75. Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 22.?Floor steady and unchanged. Wheat- Qniet ind steady; amber $1 4Sal 46, red 91 42a : 43, white $1 45al 60. Cora?Firm; ydow 65a66c, mixed 64a65e. Oati?Qniet; * white western 37a38c, western mixed 35a t6!rfc, Provisions?Quiet and weak. Pork -$U00al450. Butter?Unchanged. Cheeae -Unchanged. Eggs?Steady and Arm at !5a26c. Petroleum?Dull and firm; refined 3}4al3%c, crude lOtfc. Whisky?Wist* i ?rn $1 10. I QHAS. K. DWIGHT, j PRACTICAL CHEMIST, apnmdtoMUaonhl tomlat* oalm 4 Ki Om, Ubmmm, Miners! UbonMtr m. Mlk u>d dupllM MO aM DUPONT'S 1 Wheeling Powder Agency*. I have tt ill tlnMtfl t Isrgi ttoek or Hit abava celabnttd Powfler, ; ili: RISa, Sportlog (la mm), Blasting < ind liaise, li matatlo paefcagaa, wMcli I wlD Ml >t whokitlc at ataaafaatimv'i prion. I ka*a Portabla Naiazlaaa of . dlfTerantslzsa for shipping aad will defivir Uraa oa can or boat TMa Powdar ; Is aaaqualad la ainaftli and quilt}. j?u n., m? 4mL MBB AND MAB1NJS Insurance Comp'y, OF WHEELING, w. VA. BTJMJMBTM MM. Capital, flMMMMI. omc* aauuiumtn. lima, on UN mam i*Junut tcrauu Ate *111 innut ftrgwi oo lb* Wmtrrn WiUn it current nim runup 4 th? public rwpfctfuUy ?2SSL rmcrosa ?m!3sL I KM* iiSSS-* J c ovncna W. B. 8mw, IWt W. c W'""' ??T V. P|MIL jsjjfsasaaa OcugtmiiCT.jLlMimaolldHr. BH. Peabody Insurance Co. WHEELING, W.VA. raid Cp Capital - - . gl00,000. Writ* modmta Uhm on Dnlllin Tm Pro. I?m, l?4w MnantUt lad Uaatetntia rati, ndca C>no ilitia??n wtitn. StBCCTOBE: 8L P. BIMrttb, SSxTiiSiSlii, SSfcSr I German Fire Insurance Co OF WREELIXQ, W. FJ. OffUM ln1M7. Otpital (filly pmii np) 1100,000 Soxplo*...?? 20,000 John Owtertoi. F. 8UM, Attgnatus Polite*, Ph. Srfeuehle, Anton Beymas, Win. Klietn, AurustBoU, Frank A Wuebcr. A.C. Egertrr, Fred. Hcbtnk. OOce?No. 15151tA*nr9r., abort Genua Bui. , Insures Boiidiop of all kinds, Manobclurlng Eeubfishmenu, Household Furniture, Fun Property, etc., afaiaat laaa or danuse br Fln?. JOHN OaTEKLmo, Praft F. RIE8TKB, Stc'jr. WM. 8. FOOftE. iatX 8*t>j. Jtl7-w CARDS -tin OIROULABS. Our faollHies by way of Ma- ' stalnery, and the large tine of fine ! Stock on hand, enable at to do ' Cards, Circulars, &c., in the very test style, and at ungrecedentedly I low prices. We shall be pleased lo show specimens and give ' trices. FREW & CAMPBELL, | i i INTELLIGENCER OFFICE, 1 1 25 and 27 F??rt?Mth 8t ! kay, Mcknight & co.,! i ODIUL Aatxm FOB Till Blake Steam Pump.; I S i |l IORE THAN 8,000 IN USE. Setting, Howl Cordage, Machinery, And Suppliet. 80 WATER ST., ' Pittafcarth, Fi. JrtW PRINT ING, , i men u 1 Sards, Bill Heads, Circulars, Posters, Receipts, Or, u Uoi, tjtry Variety tod 8lyl? of job work:, AT THE LOWEST PWCES, It U? ' IMTEI i icrurro ncpinc ii uLfciuLiiutn urnut.. j Vuw Type, 1 New Prenea, > i*D TH1 JEST STOCK IN THE MARKET 2t awl 27 FowttMrth BL Iff EATS AND LARD-SUGAB LTX Cowd Cutwd Haas, Sugar Cvrad Canrw , rf dhoaWm. ?upi Curwl Cuirawl Brrakbat Ba- < aa, Plata Shoaliva.Oaar adaa,8acar Carad Driad ink, IrwtaIran wm*At Iioqmdaily; Eatttoreodaad Laaf lard, la Tkrwa, Banala aad Half Ban*, Jla MIlLTl 1 frll ttWaad IBUMBBBrt J BUSH?MACKEREL, Noa 1, 2 and 3 j F la Bamii, Ball Barrel* and Klta. Lake Bar* ' login Half and Quarter Barrel*. Halt Water H? lag la Ban* aad Hall Banala. la ttoraaad , 'm aalaty M. RK1LLY, ISM aad 1SU Mala tSL ??????MM?M? COMMERCIAL Job Printire. lit tba tiMitio* of 'J Artistic lob Printing . There i? ao offlee io West Virginia that hu a reputation equal to that of the ' .'^4 INTELLIGENCER OFFICE. I Their toUitiee for the execution of the beet elan of work ere not excelled by any - -j establishment. "'Tm CHECKS, SHOW CARDS. . i ?" ??" > will ?nd thebutvlm to ret their FBINTKD BUHNES8 STATIONKEY ia tint-dui itjle, ud at rnaoubb price#, if at the INTELLIGENCER JOB OFFICE, 3$ k V Foartetath, Stmt. " "UitqutsUoMMy th? b*t intHnW ?ork ( tb? IUn4 la to WwM." Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. SaUrstftt* Pnu, ' Tb? veteran Magadne, which long ago oatgxev lt? original title oTxhtUnc MmUJy fcBaSSS Dot in tbebaat abated the popularity It von atthe outut, bat tuu added to It In many waya, and haa kept faixlr ibreaat of the time*. thashe to the en* irrpri* of the pabllahfra and the tact and wiadon ? iu editors. Fa. whatever i? beat and aaoatnai- . V ible In the literature of travel, discover/ and flis lion, the average reader of tc-daf looka to ffjnxr'* i quarter oia century ago; there ii the Mine admirable variety of eontenu and the aava fraahaaat iudiugg?tlveneM In Itaeditorial deparUneatinow is then.?JSoetf* Jomnal. TERMS: Pottage Irae tealSahecriberela theUnitedStates. itoWx yuptsi**, one year ?4? M S4 W includes prepayment of D. it poetage by J ilte publisher*, f Harper'a Periodicals, tooqeaddnaaferoMjeor, 7 00; pottage free. An tine Copy of either the Mfsint, Wm**t r Baxar will be wppUed gratia for e*ery dabFkm' fmbtcribtr$ tlU 0) each, paid far by QeumaiUaoM, ^ ?x Otfitm one jmt, without extra copy, for Back Numbers can be supplied at toy tine. Tbe Volumes of the Msguinw commence with be Nanbcn for June aod Decenber of each yen. Vhen no Line is specified, it will be ud?itadd hat the wbacaber wiahea to bejin with tbe curt-nt Number. A Com rl?e Set of llarjxr't MajatSmt, oov eoasrising 65 ^oJuuies, in neat doth binding, will bo ent by express, freight at expense of innchaay, ur f2 23 per rolome. HlajJe rolwaWby MO, B oetpaM.f3?). doth cun, for blading, 64 ly null, postpaid. A. Complete Analytical Index ( tbe flrat Ffty 'ulumnof Harpa't Magazine hai been published, enderiog available for mfenace the Y*n and rarld wealth of information which coostUntea this eriodical a perfect Illustrated literary cyclopedia. vo, Cloth. f3 0j; Half Calf, |5 2S. dent postage ; repaid* ^subscription received far Harper's Periodicals "Srwtptptn arrwtotU copy tkUnhwHmmmtmUkut lhaennu anbr of Ibtrorr ^ IH Addna H1BPEB k BU0THEB8, ' New York. ' ' v -M f YALE LOCKS, sasf.'naste 1 uxxa -t Vila Look MTg Co. HENIV E.^OWHJ.Pm. onici urn mn. xjV-X Mi Cam, ayttaod . ' JTBUSTEFS SALE OP TRIADELPHIA^ PROPERTY. By r'jtw of a Dwd of Treat bade by Bum mar and Mary lav, hie wife, to th* undented "nuttc, d?ted February 4,1878, recorded in Treat j took No. I mc?S4,o(Um lead weonl.of Obia wumy. I will wll at the front doar of the Court Iguaeof Ohio county, on B1TUBDAY, October IU, 1177, Smaaendmet 10 o'clock a. the fallowing de? aibtd real eautc: All that lot of ground amutta od lying In the town of Trtadelpbia, Ohio county, i?est Virginia, designated on UupUtof aid town m lot ntmbered luty-aerto (?7), with the tw?> aenti tb#r?to ytnnftm. 1 be tide U bellered to be perfect, but I wtlleoaey inch title only ai U verted In ae by add dead if tnut. Trnoa nvAavv?On^tUfJauli " ? wo equal Iwtallmenta it alx andtwtta months i rtdea?4 by satiable proalaorT aetca, thatlUo obertUnMd uatilnrmeot lafniu ' VTh. CALDWELL, Truatw. W.j.W. Coto?, BoUdtar. wpl-8 WEST VA. UNIVERSITY, 1877. MORtiAnrrOVm. 187Sr Tkis Inttltatloc ol Lrarntng, under the Pra^de*. 7 of Be*. J. B. Thompnn, A. M.,ia en Wring upon imw enof nroeperlty. During the Spring Ttrm mtclaH, theattendanceof itudenu ?uuerM< d oter C5 per eat. It haa a lart? and acbolarly faculty; a beautiful, healthful tclmonl location, xaple UdcotUc and thiloaopfalcal Appata* > Library eonatantly growing; a curriculum of th? ttoit thorough character, a tazwianl of fcholarahip uraeowd by bo American lnatliatton at kmutM* Tub Cipowb an urn than at any other placa mown to nflbed equal advantage. Tbe Fall una wgins September fith; the W lawr term January d, and Spring term March ?th. For full intoraatloo, eaulognea, 4c, addraa Ut PratfdeaL GEO. C OTUftOiaS, tHenurrofBinata Acocar 11,1177. antfwS WHEELING, W. VA. riibtdraw; a t borough OonaMrcUl com. and to gti*H thorough iMtrneflan io iot vu Um 200 USSF"* my 11 LWT, OATCffCKT * TAMEM.