Newspaper Page Text
lb MAtywtx. j i'luSW Ac Q A TwTiPIBIEIXiXj^ ! FUBUSHXtt AUO WOWUltM. | outco Au*. M IM?4 >17 ypart?uU> iwoi. I " MiiuiiiKd mv ar ExStatk Kmnatou Paicit, o( Monongalia county, died on the 14:b, aged 78. i Bishop ViiLkt, of the M. E. Church, preached at Steubenvillo yesterday. T. N. Parks, Republican, is elected .School Superiniendent down in Tyler. ? Kastsks parties are buying up all the spring lambs in Jefferson county at good prices. Mlts. M. A. Sukkts, of Harrison county, W. Vs., made S-UO worth o( butter last winter. _________ Bishop Kain will deliver his lecture, "Tour Through Europe," at Clarksburg ilitn uuaniiur Hon. cika. V. i-.Awut.stit, ot Washington county, Pa., is suU'ering from aa attack oI malarial (over. Tiiey Bay that tiie recent cold soap has been of advantage to the wheat in keeping down inmwtfl. Butteu bella lor 10, eggs 10, potatoes GO, oats 30, and hay $12, at Buekhannon, Upshur cuunty. No railroad there. Land buyers are reported in Upshur onmitv Thin will ha a. familiar aiuht some of these daya in all the interior counties. Til* rebeiveraiiou, bo to speak, Irom "Elder Kyau's case" is atill beard faiully in mo mo of ibo f*r away Weal Virginia PaPorfl? ______ Tiik Roaue couuty Interior ia enthuaiaatic for the paaaage of the Wheeling, Parkersburg ami Charleston railroad through that couuty. ? - x Elder Uiltjn \\ Ki.ui, formerly editor ol Ihu Wirt county Mtnlnr, ia going to locate in Wisconsin. He is a native of Brooke county. I.utiiuh Muxuu is buying wool in Berkeley county nt 25 cents, lie lias already bought over 30,000 pounds. The sort ol wool la not Mated. Hai.timouk A Ohio aharea are quoted at 210 bid and 211 naked, Central Otilo commoo 47 bid and 48 naked, preferred 52 bid, and 1'urkeraburg branch 17 aaked. lkaiNKiNu about tbe llrat ol July, Fullman cars will be run (rom the White Hulphur Hprlnga, IV. Va., to Columbua, 0., via the Gbeeapeake <& Ohio and Scioto Valley railrnda. ' Two learned correepondenta of the inorgantown Dominion are discuaaing "immortality," One of them aaka the other, "how can that which le mortal endure Buffering and iaat through an eternal age?" Mh, II, H. White, ul ilelton, Marahall county, aaya that he la crowded with order. from the Kaat for lumber. The lumber buaineaa aeenia to be booming juat now. ___________ Tiie rellglo-polltlcal dovotiona of Oapt. Kohert Mclildowney, of Wetzel county, are acknowledged by himaelf to be characterized by "a great deal of fervor and a limited degree of faith." The venerable Kphram Bee, ol Doddridge county?lioad of the order of E. Olample Vitia?is atill roported bale and hearty. The old man la aaid to have re tumea to me itepuuuciD ioiu irum u? wanderings in the Greenback land. Tits steel rail layers strike on P. road at Htoubonville was settled on Saturday at $1 25 por day, about half the men accepting that figure. The other half, who demanded $1 35, were paid oft yesterday and discharged. One dollar and ten cents was the original price. Ws are bound to ray that the Democratic editors of West Virginia submit to the Inevitable rather gracofully. We refer to Atkinson's continuation. We bad supposed that they would, a la Conkllng, have got down off their tripods in a rige. They have set the boss a good example, Moikiantow.n Commencement, Juno 0; Fairmont Normal School, June 10; Ulonviile Normal, July 8. I'eabody Institute will be hold in Parkersbqrg, Fairmont, Charleston and Lewlsburg on June 27, July I, July 18 And lioth respectively. The Teachers' Blalo Institute will lie held at MorK?ntown June 8th. The Clarksburg AV? ? should know better then to eny that Taylor Htrauder was finally et at liberty "because a tnan of bis own color was not one of the jury that pronouuced the verdict" of death. Such a statement Is lar enough from the truth. The verdict was set aside becauie the law under which he waa tried forbade the selection ol a colored man on a jury, and not becauao there was no colored man on his particular jury. Tub National bank of Klngwood (Preston county) has 1125,000 capital, a eurplus of 131,'.60, undivided profits to the amount of *14,480 40, wItil only (28,000 82 deposits. Ita loans and discounts amount to ?148. 800 30. The Joiimil Bays that money Is not plenty In I'reeton, and commanda more than 0 per cent. The Morgantown roit saya that at the laat Bile of money by the Building Association there a higher price than ever was realized. The I mill Hnnllon In Ireland. ?tlitorl InleUll?tir?r. Permit me through the columns ol your journal to addreai a few words to the cltltena of Wheeling on the land question In Ireland. 1 hold that the land belongs to the people who occupy and cultivate It. It la their natural and God given heritage. This fundamental truth, appreciated by the moat primitive tribes, formulated hy every great legislator from Moses to John Btewart Mill) touches the marrow of Ireland'a grievances, and neither repeal nor inleraltam, nor twenty parliampnl# In college-green, can bring peace nil proaparlly to Ireland without a radlc?l change In the land loatered tbore lor centnrlea. The land la the blrthwrlght nl the people, theprlmul eomce ot theirantlenance; ami they mutt hold it m proprletore, not m tenania; hold II by right, and not merely by landlord anfferaiice. I am glad that the threata ot coercion have not atruck the people ol Ireland dumb, and that Ireland aprlnglcg to Ita 1 feet la not going to lie atruck down by a 1 lam V.nollah ilalBamon. Trobsbly In the whole conrae of Irish history no tnch Important crlelt ? the present one b?* evererleen, end npon the nction ot the people ol Ireltnd to-d?y will in > great measure depend the future of tb Irish citiflo. Well and bravely have the Irish peopl Fought the battle up to the preeent timi ind 11 tbey have the courage to go on i they have done for the past twelve monthi the days of lindlordtam in Ireland ai numbered and the greatest evil that evi cursed a nation will go down before tb united might of the people. But if the adopt a different policy now, if they ato ihort in their onward courae, accept i iny half-way measures, through dread i a few months in prison, and go back I the old begging policy that brougnt thei nothing but the contempt of their enemia then the world will say that they deserve nothing bettei than their present cond Lion. It may be aald (as It is) that tl cause which we are at present advocatln will amount to nothing. Well, that ma be so, but you must remember, fullov nlil?una thai un lira aiilinir anil Riulatir our friend* and your friends, who are no bravely fighting for Ibeir homes and tin sides, aud to save Ibeir children from di grace and Ihe pangs ol burner. Amid all the theories of laud refori you must not forget the principles upc which the Land League was started, nam ly, that the land waa made lor the use an benefit of all God's people. Yes, the Ian was made for all the people, and the cbil born in a cabin baa oa much right to t) land as the landlord whoapends his stole money in the jmrlieut ol crime and infam through Europe. The land for all the children of (iod our motto, and not for the few idle droni who acquired absolute ownership of it b fraud, confiscation and brute force. Th is tbe cause that Irishmen of all creed Proteatant Orangemen. Presbyterian Uotbodisls and all others, as well i Catholics, are lighting side by side forti day in Ireland. These are tbe men an this is the cause we are advocating and ft which we ask your aid anil sympathle fellow cltizona of all nationalities, politic; parties, creeds sod colorsFellow citizens of American and Iris birth, for it is to you 1 appeal in partlct lar, is not the memory ol England's crirui and treachery igainet Ireland and Auie lea fresh in )uur minds to day? Is necessary for mo lo rewind you ci tutu crimes in order to tret your aid and ayir patby lor the struggling Irish people, or I uk you by the memory of their suffering by the tears oi the wretched mothers an the cries ol the starving child, by ever leveled homestead and by every uesolai hearth, by village and city wantonl burned and by oceans ol innocei blood shed to prop up and perpetual their devilish and tottering goverumeu to enroll yourselves members cf the Lau League in this city and aBslst tluauclallyan by your sympathies the Irish people no struggling for tbeir Uod-given right Native American citizens, do I ask you I de more (or the Irieh people to day tha tbey did lor you iu your most trying timi since 1770 to the present day? Who were they, when In the depths i winter, the tracks ol your barefooted so diers could be traced in the frozen sno at Valley Forge, sympathized with au contributed molt liberally money to pu cbase shoes, clothing and other neceas riea lor oar soldiers then lighting to Iri America from the yoke of the same lords tyrant that to dty oppresses Irelaud ? lli tory answers?"Nine Irish merchants the city of Philadelphia." Has not the blood been ahed on all your battle Held and have not tbelr bones whitened the Lli and vallies of your country from the Pot mac to the Bio Urande, yea even to It Ulty of Mexico? History says yea. The I do not uk you lor anything unjuat. know that you are a liberty-loving peop and that your aympathiea are with tt oppressed oi all nationa and that you hai nobly responded to the calls made upo you by the Irish people at all times. At now that the tngiiah Government hi thrown down the gauntlet lo the Irit people by aiding the landlords to colle ront Irom the people lor land they do ni own, you will not hesitate, I hope, to gh your aid and sympathy to thelrlsh peop struggling to Ires themselves from the yol of a tyranical government. Again, tollo citizens, I invite all to come and join tL League and help the noble lew who conel tute the branch in this city, to make what it ought to be, an honor to the city i Wheeling and a financial success lor tt Irish cause. A Mkubsd or tiix Land Lxaouk. 1)1 KU. BKIHTEK?On SllQilir mornlof, Mar M, IM1, 7<in n'nlnok. Mauy Infant ditwhUr of Jol U. and Autilt Uteiter, aged 0 month* aud 'J dajra. The funeral will take place (ram the residence her parent!, this Monday afternoon at 4:30 o'cloc Friends of the family are respectfully invited to b tend. Interment at Mt. Calvary Cemetery? thecreat' -ill btRMANREMtlll. FOR iilUiftTOi Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest,'Gou Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swellings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Fa and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Prciwriitlon nn earth wiu?l? Sr. jAmn? on. 11 rhmp External Kernel A trial entails but tlie comparatively trifllftff ontlf of no 4'ontN, ntid pvorv one sulfrrinft with |?? can have chcap and txMltlro pnwjf of its claims. Directions in Eloven Language*. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS I MEDICINE. A. VOGEIER & CO., 4 it%tA.. IT M. . OPERA HOUSK Friday, May 2? Engagement for one night o( the eminent tragcdl Lawrence Barrett! Snnported t>y a itTong dramatic company, npon whl owailon he will appear In two playn. The perfjn nee will commence with Bhakeapeat'i piny o! MERCHANT OF VENICE. 8HYLOCI TiAWRRNCB BARRB1 Concluding with Rolwtion'a comedy, In 8 act*, ol DA.VI L> GARHICI MR. BABRBTT U QARRIC AdmlMlon?Ptrqnel and dreaa rlrrle, 111 no**t rhaige for renrrw Mfl) Olllm, J0ret.ii; rtiervi Mti 78 centt. 8ettt on ial? at Biumer'a mailcitoi Bale lo tommenee Tuwday, May 34, at 8 a. m. raaal jj_j^uun Bioouri ? dvbo, Importer*, Dttltrt IBd M?naf?clnmt ol MARBLE STATUARY Monumenta. . Wantlei fjrUl.r.'Sl.b., 140 Weit Baltimore St, iftd Oornrr Kdrth tnd Hormmmt 811. ?r??ln?u4 EaUn.Mlornl.kfd tot. l?a?WM? BALTIIIOBE, IID. e MKW ADVIRTIHIIIMTI. _ a WANTED-COMPETENT FINI8Hu IT EtU at dreae making Immediately. Apply to 9. MM. L. M. ATKlMfOM. 1113 Mala atreet. matt " POR RENT?WITH BOARD-A NO. 1 ' X corner front room, aecood floor, no* vacant. On* 0 of tbe moat dialraole roome and locatloni lo Uia city. ,r MHd. b. L>. THUMPaoN, Coroar EoS and blxtaentb e atrceta. mafl 7 1EWETT8' PALACE REFRIGERAp tJ TOH*. jf Quteo Ktfrlgeratora, Cruwu Belrigaratora, 31 let Chaata and Water Coolera. 0 Another lot Juat received from tbe factory. Call n ul.? U... ? ?od!? 4 Ba0 i Bj matt 1311 Market a treat, pORSALE. 16 Eev. Cballaot'a beautiful homo lo the orchard la ig for aale. Fire loU, beautiful lawn, greenhouae, good .v shrubbery, ?' od outtiulldiop. Uouaa oootaii a nine / (Wrouuu, pleaiantaud conv*uleut. Water bandy. 4 ' For further lofjimatlon Inquire ef g li&V. U. W. CHALFAKT, \ w ma Martlo'e Ferry, 0. J^OTICE. ^AkmnAimT/wmnV C-Uil JC JOl^ X * . 11 The builntaa of a confectionary la conducted at ?? >?'? | J Wumums, w. Va , Agent for a. tanner. J Mar 17,1881. buM id OEGULAR TUESDAY PACKET ,e XVfor I'arkoraburg, Pomeroy, UallipoIU,. nmu k ? Ironton. HuutlogUin, Portawouth, Maya^HgKtig ,n villa, Cincinnati and Loulavlllo, iy elegant paaaenger aUuuier NbW AliuEa CRM. Mculkmah, Muter. Mack gam bli, Clark. 18 Leavee TUESDAY, MAY 24, at I p. m., poalid tltoly. Piaiengeni and freight receipted tbrougb to iv alli-ulnta We?t and South. For freight or paaaage I ? apply ou board gr to C, U. BOi/TH A80N. | tatt'"'a AganU. J; Tuotion bale. 19 ** ? On Monday Morning, May 23,1881, ( Beginning at lOo'c'ock a. m., I will aell at public auction the entire atock of H| BOF?S, UELTINU, " PACKING, TWINE, . FidUINIi TACKLE, ic. In the ropo store belonging to the aatate of J. W. ** Kerry, (irct-awd, No. 1312 ami 1314 Water atreot. <b Hale wlihoutreierre. A Hoe ehanoa for bargalna. Turin a cub. J [. W. B. BUM Ed, I It W. H. Hallii, Aduinliirator. ' 16 Auctioneer. naM Tiinunnnu o mnnrnn ? I nUmrdUH QL niDDLnU, d 5 j! PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, y Gas & Steam Fitters, 'I 13U Market St., W Iim1Id|, W. V?. l! Deilera In all kinda of lead, wrought and cait Iron u pipe*, aawer plpea and cbiunty tope, at?ara and d water gauge*, aipkon puinp?. aafelj value, bath tuba, I w ilutv, Ac. boie aganta for the "u Celebrated Cameron 8team Pump, D ,u And Urderwrltera'Gai Machine. Ordera from the r oountr7 promptly filled. maM I SUGARS & FLOUR! W ill Important to ? Grocers. i0 ;d The largest Block ef ( ?S U G A R S' ir H) In tbe 8Ut*, bought before the late advance. : Phoenix Mills Patent Flour,1 in I N/.H ill,I In Ivn lha hut In nlfl Tr? H anil InnvAiio le jour uiei on flour' * """* **"" JOS. 8PKIDEL to CO., |j WHOLESALE OBOCKBS, lH >"*M H17 Main itrwt. ^ Every home can now have a Musical 10 Instrument, and play without spending months in learning. Any tune can be played on the Organina; sacred, dance or popular music. Prices from $10 upwards. 0000 LIVE AOENTI WANTED. First com?, flr?t wred. Bend for Circular to ?< Mollor, Hoene & Hanrioks, k. 70 Fifth Avoutm, rittaburgh, Pa. it- Exclusive AgeuU tor WMtara Pennsylvania an! fa, acq.) Wwt Virginia. = LYRIC OPERA COMPANY I Will mike b ' GRAND EXCURSION On the STEAMER ST. LAWRENCE, To BTEUBEN VILLI. OHIO. Friday, May 27, At 8:80 p. m., returning ?t 11 p. ra., to perform the beautiful Optra Chimes of Normandy, AT GARRETT'S HALL, With fullorchratral accompaniment, powerful chorua, ^ elegant coatumea and acentr/. Round trip ticket* 11. Tlcke'a and date rooma can ha around at Lucat' inuale atore, 1141 Vain atreet. WOTB-Onlr g'O tlckata will be aold. tna23 J. S. RHODES & CO. i t. -CLOSING OUT! ? * in Thli witk we will oloia got yirtf Midi Engllih oaihmerai la ill tha daalrabla N thades it 25o pir yard, Thli week we will oloii aut white broil oaded piques it 12 l-2o. Thla week wi wilt oloaa out old fiititoaU ' all wool blaok Frenoh marlao it S8o. 11 Thlaweakwt will oloaa oil ooraata thit (h wa aotd fram $1 la SI BO for BOo. , a? ^ This wiek we will oloii oit rial llili thread glove* it 28o pir piir, . ? I t All thtat birgilm irs It bi bid only it K the Cuh Dry Bond* Hum if 5 I. S, RHODES & CO. j Aurontn tor 1 ] Bazar Patterns, 8t. John Sewing Machine and Mayivllle Carpet Chain. - matt ' WEST VIRGINIA. BTBNGIL AND &W&ML1T ITBEET. etncfllort tod poitofle* tuppUai prorajrtJ^fiirBUhrt. % DRY 00001. NEW GOODS JUST OPENED BY RFO R TAYI flR Uhva III IlllkWIli Mack Plaid Grenadinai, Brocade Grenadinai, Nuni Vailing, Lace Bunting*, Cream Satins SREAM MARVELEUX !ream Silk Brocades, Black Plaid Organ, Black Organdies, Black Lace Mitts t Colored Lace Mitts, tun Umbrellas, White India Lawns, White Persian Lawns, * Zephyr Ginghams MADRASS GINGHAMS, lomestlc Lawns, Lace Neckwear, Bretonne Neckwear, Black Marveleux SUMMER SILKS Slack Gros Grain Silks, Black Henrietta, Black Grenadines, Veil Crape, &c JUST RECEIVED. GEO. R.TAYLOR malP G. E, STIFEL & CO DADACni P rMnnOULO AMD SunUmbrellas A / have \ / opened \ / our secohdx / line of para80ls \ / and sun umbrellas. \ / /PRICEsX /ARE LOWER\ /styles more\ /varied and stock\ ! larber than ever. ^ /,t\ /will\ /a f f 0 r d\ / us plea8ure\ /to exhibit sa*e\ /and quote price8.x G.E.STIFEL&CO NO. 1114 MAIH STREET. IIIIS! HIS!! HIS I! 3HLLOW8! BEIJLOWS! ! BELLOWS!!! Al ihl foaMUrj Iron front, 1422 and 1424 Main 8lmt. rA.COM BNYDEB. Ml ; PROTECT T] ^ijggpf Thousands of Graves ar We take plwuure In announdni to the public that w Proof b?lf.Locklnf Grave Vaolt, which ? ma robbing. WebeveonadtiiaaVaulttnovoatihlhttl u ioipuctioa ol MUUe. ROBERT LUKE, Having secured the aenicca cf a flr?t?claaa eeatern um!< any time, oleht or day. Ttlephone No A?*3, l.iiki-'a ! (TJ iT'A CrJ CTJ "cTJ &TJ IT. CTJ PWMBifflPWtPtDMaj Porter & B ! WHOLESALE HEAI Straw Silks, Goods, Bib Crapes, Floiver Veilings, Co Cor. 5th Ave. & Libe, irwwwwwrrwwww I * ^ PRUQOJSTB, Read Our Advertisement [ DENTONIQUE. Ad excellent TOOTH WAHH, m good aa the beatand much choaper. Prlca 85 ccnti. LO'JAN A CO. _ ' ] Brilliant Furniture Polish Will make planca anil furniture look almost aawell _ aaoew. Price 25 ocuU. IA)UaN 4 CO. t Snre Shot Insect Powder And gua combined, Beat and cheawit ibiug out. I Price 28 oenta. LOU AH A CO. Invincible Bed Bug Poison 1 Will do lit work quick and aure. Frio?2J conta. > LOU AN A CO, GOETTINGS PERFUMES E Equal to Lublna', All odora. Bold by ? LOGMAN Ac CO.. , Druggists, Bridge Corner. ? n?a7 N 1 ALWAYS GET THE BEST, j . Reed's Cough Syrup ' la (he best preparation in the market for the oure of , Coughs, Colds, ( Hoarseness, Bronchitis, \ Whooping Cough, &c, THY ITi < Price 25 Cents Per Bottle. Bold by all dealers in Medicine. HOUSTON & BINGELL, Proprietors, Wheeling, W. Va, \ I _Jil! I t jy^INERAL WATERS, All kinds of natural mineral watori on draught to-daj. r IMPORTED WATERS: The celebrated Blue Link, Seltzer end Saratoga Waters. All waten drawn from original barrel or bottle, Ice Cold. EDMUNH BOOKING, Agt., Phtrmacjr, Mo. 1 Odd Fellowa' Hall, man WhMlIng, W. Va. FURITURE, UPHOLSTERY, AO. ^ pUROHA8EIi8 OF OABPETINGS 1 Can now Ond a fine aisortment of choice goods In ( Velvets, 1 s Body Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, T>nn? T_ 1 , jucn b AugrtliUBi J Cheap Ingrains, AT LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. v miE3STJD Sc SON., ' ap2 1068 M<ln. street. FURNITURE AND OARPBTS. = We bare the largeit and moet select Block !u our lino tut brought to Centra Wheeling, consisting ol FINE HMD & PIIM SUITS1 And n Urge line of Carpets, Oil Cloths & Window Shades Which we will Mil ailnv as goods <1 like quality can be bought In the market. ?all and ace ua and get our prices and you will buy ol ua. Undertaking prompt'y and carefully attended to, 7 L daj or night 1 Wm.Zluk <&z> Bon., mh!9 Cor. Market and Tw>nty?aecond Bta. QARPET8! OARPETHI 75 centa pet yard, A nice pattern of BRUSSELS CARPET! ? Mot remnants, but whola rolls at 78 centa per yard ? KHIKND A WIN, rn 124 inw Main Bi J PMOTOOIIAPM Y7 7 ( 1^ 1 PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, , 3l mill Iffll MniHt I'mt. jjon't you forget it, > Kill CABD PHOTOOBAPHS, 11.00 ran dozen. ! myH BROWN'S HAt,l,KHT. M Photographs, !< to Fine Photographs Only $1 Per Dozen. PLUIIIIRft'H. T ' IIM M?lmirwl, Whwllnt. j[ QRAYON PORTRAITS AT MYLES' ART STUDIO !? mhS NO. ilM MAIN BTRKRT. HIMO. HE DEAD. e Robbed Annually, e are now agent* for Boyd'a Patent Burglar ma tee to bo ap?rfect protection agalnat grava iua at our baalnoag noma, and aaraaatly tolicU Funeral Director. it taker, Mr. W. G. GARDNER, will anawer calla at Uferv Office. Wo 1430 Marfcet atre?t. mbl7 H W* Hi fll rn fl, m m m I Donaldson, 3QUARTERS FOR Laces, born, Nets, s, Ladies' rsets, Neckwear. Hy St. Pittsburgh. STATIOH1RV. W HANGINGS. ARTISTIC DECORATION FILINGS AND WALLS A ortWALI Y. Papers in Stock, (Not simple*,) varying In price from light Cents to Ton Dollars per Bolt, Come and ?oo before purohaaiog. r. O. ORR&CO., mhll 44 Twelfth atrwt ^t'RING SPORTS drollery, Croquet, Luwii Tenuis, BASE BALL GOODS ill of the bcit makea and incut reasonable prlcoa WIijIbmIo and Itetall. CITY UOOIC STOKE, anM 1301 Market?I root-. MERCHANT TAILORS. SPRING GOODS! D. HESS Ac SOTS', Cor. Mala md Fourteenth St*., Aro now rectlting their SPRING & SUMMER SIOCV CONBIBTINU UK ;loths, cassimeres, diagonals, cheviots, &cr :o which they Invito (he attention of dote buyer Alao ? full line of 3ents' Furnishing Goods Hftvlag the Urgrit line of goodi in the dtj u>( mploying none but the LSJUiWX' WUKIliHJbiW Jo would Invito mil In want of a new milt, or part o ault to give ui a call before purchasing clwwheri. C. IIESS Jto SON. who PIANOS AND OROANfl. UCAS' MUSIC STORE REMOVED TO Vo. 1142 Main. St, New and wcoml-bmd Flanoa and Organs at urn irgalnw Call >nd naminn. inbao 3IAN0H FOR RENT. Several good Pianoe tor Ri nt Dn Reasonable Terms F. W. BAUMER, wHl Wo. inn Market itmt, 1?ALF PRICE 811EET MUSIC. All new, standard and elaselo sheet mailc, bfi l!tlone and latiet Iriuir fan b? Had at tllFSIB'SMUHICmTORH ;d? Wnhlnntnn Hull, T.tltlh ttrnl, it hall prlr> bn liHHt iinimmt In lb* Mj. Hernial .itrrt? i. Behubfrl, Llloll md I'llBrl fdlUnnl. wnil*l JIWELHY AND WATCHES. jlNE SILVERWARE tit rtwelttd Iron the follow log celebrated lie torlea: RFF.n A BARTON, Ginnton. Mm . WILCOX N1LVBR PLATB to IV tvMtB. Conn. ftOGKRfl,bMITH A CO, Merldirn, Conn. MKKIDBn RII VBR PLATK Ol , Merlden, Coon UOhHAM M'f'0 CO., ProTldtaf >, R. I. J PINE ELECTRO-PLATED WARE rtrry tbe Ibote main of go* ria, and can guarante luponor claw of artlolei, \m ld?fi the largest atcel I loweat price#. Rwpwtfnljy, X. Gk r>IL.X,03ST. ma4 ^ EW BOILER WORK.8. Mannfacturrra of portable, itatlonarr. raarlm lima,brmchlng, chlmoeya, tan ka, atllla, doora, ahot '?and a'l klndaof heat y ihwtf iron w*rk. WealM accondhand bollma. For I nformntlon apply t COX A MORRISON, ? * No . |M8 Market atreet. Telephone C?21. Pepsin ip tcial attention. Tetmi uonable. roie DRY OOOQ8. EASTERN DRY GOODS STOfif Marshall, Kennedy & Co 1110 MAIN STREET, PARASOLS ! PARASOLS ! PAKASOLS The Cheapest Una irer brought to tbl? city. UIotc Frlugn Licea, Ladies' Umlerxiiruiautf, Ladle*' tikiria. Full aui complete ftiaortuidut ol Lisle Thread Glove! At oxtreiueljr low piico^ " *- *- * ?_ a _ special bargains in Law**. Lad la' Undergarment* within 5 percent of man (uc;urcri ptL-tw. SFRiaSTO SKIBTS A large auortuient, urjr cheap. Hnadquurtera ( UUck Uooils and UoiuelurnlkUlug (Jood<. Si, iec &c oo., mai'i HOUSEFURWISHIWO OOOD8. Sim pi B. Fisher &Sons STOVES, Cook and heating all atylca, ilaca rnd price*. B< manufacturer* of the Gladiator & Valley Stai Stove The moat popular oook atom In tbe market. ( J.argeat Una of MarbUiaod, Blato and Iron .MANTLBE Id the vcit. Lalwt dealgni. Prlcoj that cannot undersold. We contract to M>t uiantlca and gra rouipluio. All work dorio by a practical aatf Everything In the grato lino kept In itcck. i grates met to order. Job Casting Done Promptl Whcloale and retail wareroomi, , 1616 (o 1622 Market Street, Wheeling, W. \ ap'22 ' HOUSEFURNISHING GOOD i MANTLES AND GRATE I COOKING AND ' HEATINGSTOVES Special attention given to ' QBATE SETTnXTG k If your crate aniokea, la dusty, or glrca but II hent, the ToliKID In warranto-) to remedy the e Chrnp I Beautiful I Very Cleanly 1 Easily attac to old grate Ironla. B. F. CALDWELI 1007 and 1000 MAIN BTUEET. LOTTERIE8. ?9 1 THE OTTOCKY STATE LOTTERY C I Uaa bwn la ?zUUnc? over 40 jeers, and no draw baa ever been postponed even for a single da j. WDM The nut drawing lake* place In public at Corlngt ! Kj,t on ^j^ir 31 LlflT OP PRIZES. 1 Prise of flA.onoia lift l I'riu of r,,Ml? 6 1 Prise ?f 2/XW la 2, 1 Prise of 2,0(0 I- S, 6 I'rlrMi of l,iw> ? , 10 Prises of BOO ere 8 ' 10 Prlsaa of MO are a, W niiw 111 IW mill a, 100 PrUrl of CO are fi 2") Prliw of 20 arc* , 4 000 PrltM of 10 aro ....... 8 1,000 PrUfl of Bar* B 27 Approximation Prlica amounting to..i....M 2. lt 1,878 Prla? amounting to SCO TICKETS, II. For further particular! addreu _ M. J. .KI0HM0ND, B99 Broadway, Ni York, or . H, J. RICHMOND, Covington, Ky, Th? nr*t follow) t>| drawing JUNK IS. j m?2t?2i.M.27 >1 By virtue ot a d^j ?i. toy, wife of John W. Aim Cudfi ^& w ? her blllt>KQd> to' tlu J tilt njj ?V dated thtVth ilaj of a,h! corded In ih. Cll,k'. ll?? ?."" JUm? Ohio, wi'!?!,? f ttiSlfJJ Mo. II pi|i 67k I iSs?'1 '**4 u t.V*--'' tloDt duorof I tic Court llnu '? luttw1 !. TUtBDiV, tbTjOTVI'^X^ bUlunlo, u 10 o'docff B?V. W IliffSf.* pr i^'lj, llul Uiou,; ftl ?* JjUwn,'& ouaibt-ie.1 KTM m, lj 'k ?lt B*M??d LVrall'. iddm,,"!.5"J> 114?u" ? with the InipiuTriurnli iud |!~ VT <* *3* property kubvn at th? '-GonuS^ 1MM omiUL-O^B11' >J ."*4Wl purebut taonry u ih. m? i,, "MB ???? ID ?UI tl>. taia 1" ? > ?C?V,'Ji uie, with ioterwt on the ditwriff 101 l;<i,/. U. dijolale,ih?mu?h,SSrSS,taLl,u??tfl ,n * -curi"' feJSfiSfiS? W. H. Hat i bb ?t ^ ! rjIRUSTEE'S SALE.~ ~~3, By ?lrtuaof three amr*] d^. , 0, me, the under*!, ntd Umi? 7? i . ""'" in wUe (Cbtrlia H. iMtBtf hir hM^ut!' d,,rU "J rawmA IJKS H **5 office of (be ?lerk the T| *< O oount/.Weat VlrglnU, u folio Jk?L/jwi * 0* day of June, 1874,aud recorded lnDi?i Ne. 7, pagta 102 ind luj; tfeptuibcr, 1874.?. d rwonUdftliddT^ *M< 5 No. 7, pa^ea M6.7. ai d ute dafedhit.'-1"? W J May, 1875, aud recorded in i*e|?# i'ji page 5h>, 1 aball aril, ?t public .J,1"? MhI door ol the Court Home, lu the Ohio count j, W?at Vlr?lnli, on 7 U **2 eATOHDAY, AW?l 10 iu. commencing at lUo'clow a. tn ifc.Tii , acrlbt-U pnprriy. that U|0 uj, it'u JjJf?;1* Ik ?*f the tuuib ball ol lot buuterni fi-L, W. Bbrlyer'a mldltlou to twt u. bring altuated on the ?outhw?t CtiSr ii ^ ? (loiMtlr "nmih iim) 'ierly Centre atrtet) airret, In the , log, Weat Virginia. It bilng the umaL^L"** r ?cjed lo aid Indiana In fur. by WuSfifc* or srftawtf: K^,0.b!kMUU"'w-1 "*5S Sig Tumi or -onHht d ol ih? mithu.. "J > iou<b uicr*j u lb. purdan, EftS* lumil, tlienmuu In UuiiiuiI h,i i *' "uI*' and twBlH inouthi, .ill, | ?l?q pbrchawr gltinjool?,nui?l l,, ,i,ld o|'.J'H H ?(i(.rj*id JO IrlMol Iuiiiun, |?J?Hi fb? uuj lo llie Ulil impHli I. M _ feet, but Mlllng u truiu?, l .1.1*,., ; UUcMUmuJla I I AucUooeer. T * The above ia'e it priipiunl until HATttiin>. f *Y M, Ml, .110 Jck& fc? tbo 1'OUII Houm. w. f, llllBUAHli m" l'*? Th? ?l>r?. uIk if po*lpuiiutl until Siiuni,, a, Mi?l0o'el?u!?., .lib. i ,7'V5 I Couit House. w. V, UUBaiHi>, _?!!$ TM. ASSIGNEES' BALE OK VALUABU HIOI'EUTV. stLI The undanlgmd h?reby nl*o notice that kflWll I)f the authority waled In thru b??dMdjZ? )lfl meat undo by Bobert lowan and tCrS da'c-d the 80th day of March, ism. andmw5S2 tn the Offlc? of t<>e Uei k of the i ountr CourtdS. county. Wtat Virginia. In l>?d Foci hif! Spasea 2. 8, 4. Sand 0, and ntuonii the public luii* ordaof MaiahalUoun'y, We?t Virginia. |nW? No. 8, at pagca 670, Ml. 572, A7.< and 674 tkitw oiler foraale at public auction at thelioitdLi the Court Houae of aald Ohio couuty. In ikidt.l Wheeling, W. Va , on / weti}< dATUKDAY, MAY 14, A. D. 1UI, comnienclng at 10 o'clock a. ra., the folloiim,, ' si"?1 f"1':;" 'i ?!'' '!'! ? mSS llfty fet't on the weat eldo c f Jacob mtret in Jr.. ?1 buck one hundred feel to an alloy, uil |vt ?-?* dlrictly oi'i oelte to Ion (our and flu<<n JmUm hoi wet it FopUratroetaud bullion all'Tlak-i addition to aaldolt*, and being the mu? lU|f j?'u ed to wil.l Kobert Cowan liy Mniy Anu Uud-im husband by deed datul July ai. 187(1, uj record among the public land r?onlatf uMgu county. In Deed B<kjIc No fift at pagt* :mI;al?Bit?i. col of land near the wiuthwratern ci.mer ol ?i county, fronting on the wert tide ol J?obium* hundred foet and iuiuiodlatilr north d tkelettf Kiund conveyed by Jtieph lUldirfir acdr?,'? ridge ft Hurley, and "running Ink ow tub* feet, and being the iniie prnpcrty (urveyed wj;u Cowan, now dec a?ed by aild lltldlnirr and iUtu deed dated April S, 18.'i7, and rtcordtd lot h?(i?> Iy mini iri?iu?,iu I'rvu ?>uu* ?>u. 11,u |?(t lot ol ground (routing fifty (<et on tb? w?t ?< < 3Jicol) itreet, and being on# hundtri in<J;tl!j!g from lb* (outheait corner ?>f Heidi nun'iori|lultid and running' back on- hundred lett, b*lt<g tbnu K. lot conrnyed to laid John Cowan, not dmi*4 n (ra laid lleldlriger and wife l>y died d?t?l April), it* , r and recorded Id the Ohio cnuulj pulillcUud rmni 11 j In Deed Book No, 43, at tt??e 1(1; lmt two plecei ol land rtstn what If callrd In the will ol uA Jib y Cowan, drcraaed. the "Home Kat?te," ihdMtii utun li the dralrahle nildence ol fa|>L Rob*rt (i* an. the aald t 0 plecei hating be?ti detiwdlifiji Kobert Cowan by till lather, uid John Ohio, iii (m. will li recorded fn W III took No. 1, it |*<? n, 1 the Clerk'i office of the Circuit Court ol Ob ? county. SAlaoa certain lot of ground In Virihill ?nr?, Weat Virginia, near the Ohio count? line, natle , Irg a parallelogram thllty-one leftby onikitW i (ret, (routing on the rlier ro-d i'd ruonlrg i?t 1 an f leren (out alley, said lot being known 11 lit h S In a dtvlilon Into lota made hy Julio M Kohailaed a acre tract, the elrweu (not a ley ilormf u ? uied for the purpoee ol inning over the an li ik _ aarne manner and to the nine men* (kit ?aii* Q aileyi are u#cd, hold and enjoyed by the p> T* O laal mined lot waa conreyed lo Opt. It htrtCita hy W.J W.Cowden, truitee, by derddiwdlkltol day ol July, A. L> 1870, and recorded in lb Heihnll couuty laud retordi In Heed Book 811 w 800; and alio all the right, title end liiUrat ? veyed to the underlined by laid dud U impotent In the propeity, real and |>eiionil,tltnBw Hun Mining Company, iiran being ?n uodlnMiw k twenty-Win Interna therein For a luliw dnrrlyO* [ of the real eotate and cojI tirop?rl;ol iaid?a|Uf J reference li here made to Mid dreu ol inuimli i deed lo John (' who and othera dated AptHLlU^ and rrccrdid In Marali*ll county lend roeli I Deed ll.ok 10, at p??e !II5; to a from (ur? K cm pie and wife and other* lould Jtbri <c?un< other*. dated thei'Jd dar of Fi-hrunrj, I'M. ?J* L cord ml In Muralmll countr land r?ojrd*.uf4 * " Book 10, st pace 31V; to a ifwd to John ?mu4 others dated February 10, IMA, and morMttaai ... DwhI Roolt 10, at pitge Slit; lo a deed loJoHCHM 'V? and others dated July 9 I86S. ami mt>r<l4l*0i 7": county land rpcorda In Diod Book 4",?t i*c* DW to a deed to John Cowan and other? dded Jim. IM3, and recorded In uld Deal Hwk 47, it w?l and 110. Tmmb or Hal*?One-third of (hit p.rka money, and aa tnuoli morn thereof ai the putt* l may elect to pay, csih In hand, the rteldue liti* f equal Instalment! bearing InUreit from ike#}" Bale, secured to tho latlalactlonof the und'r.m and payable respectively In tlx, twelve and uiontba from the day of ?ale. _ H. H. DOVKNKR. AL*llfcD CALDWEIU ? J. C. llKRVKY, inctlonrpr. The shore sale until Hiturdif, U'f 28, 1881, at 10 a. m. at Mtue i.l'ce. H H ImiVKKEP, A I, Pit ED CALDWFM, inalfl Tnr*^ PHOPES8IOW<LC?RP3. 10. jQH, WM. II. TIIOJI1WN, HUMffiOPATIlIC I'll ran IAN iKD (CBUEU.1, IO/lce and realdetce l)? Twentieth itr-et, WhNlltf. W. Ti Offlco houra: 7 to'J a. u., I to I p p. m. &<'L Q 0. SMITH,; ? ? ? m..u n?fllr*f. eon, IK?4! JSstate, ijoaa ana awc? ? I J?"*!'1 ?"?ntion (Inn to niktiu inti ?l IN I tuaimaui ?i u?i I "M l,,ln " **"" * - " I JlflOMAS HWKKNKV, I BAAL tSTATg AUKKTAKD Mrfjlf MUC, I ,0001 Office No. 82 Elerenib ',6001 0 v7" J'U'cbaae and ?r|l reil mm >nd >' ,000 I Bf,w/,D? ,nJ collect Inr ri-iiwdd-I iwouoW fpdilt/. M m I f.1' buMneu eMrtuted to me wjji nttt ?lth ft 0001 "Mention, ;S5 D"'T' o. EDWAuiJf,000 I ; PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON, 'JHUI Chftpllne and Twenlj'irtond Utrttu I i700 1 . 'Cylla hjr telephone enitrrrd proapff11 H I imire. rtnr or night '?'L I ?|1KANK N, WILCOX, ?W ARCHITECT & SUPERINTENDS, I I 9?r!2f'n,urtDM (orapurir'* BnlMltl H I ^I>EXANDEK BONE. HrT _ Ndiry Public, Smrii lasliM i" M I I . , V I I fcani nejrotlafe*}, HtreM fought * *>J? I fchflnu and Minulutijrtrt' UonU opwM'S H inJ cloeed. ErtatM rtilM. KM* J'?j I "> I D! K*nta wlJerted. Maium ifcntrt ,^j I OolJectloniproiuptlr rewliu-j. Admr**']}. | btultiMii ro 'Mpt nd nro ronfldiotUli/ MM?*" 9 I Bend for Circular to R*leranr*? . H I . 1318 Afarkct utrwt, (frnnglri f"! f, H HI t?8 flttr 11'- " jgI. *TTOHWtY?. I li XAT J, w. uuwii'EN, ~ WLI" ' ATTOB.VKf AT I.Aff. - I Ho. 1222 (.'banllne Pt., WheeJIni, W. H, # J Prompt attention M ail hrj?lnf??. 2 J n. Cow den, r ATTORNEY AT lift Hffl P Wo. IM2 Chipllne Btreet, WhX'llrt. ff. 7| ?H 2 OAMIBAL forbeh, JN XA ATTORNEY AT LA*l (t OlBco, Cniitow Honne, Whf^Hrir '* ^ ?* H <* TAMES P, ROOKRR, ' '-"'"I" 9K H?, 1207CbipllMBtfWt, cppwt*,nr f*. | J Wbwllnt, W. T?. S j. I (D OoltfttlMI pwmpUy o^# ,n I ft tlthont d?Uy. _?? r D^^vruv,,,,^ I