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'YOU KNOW , ,IW?? '""HS w :l VS *?tol ?<'?,? M' I^SSJad ceiUSclM from tb? ? [ ![' ,, jMl ?"{?} bi,| bwn pwoouimJ i far*J ^ h mediral education, with VSteS^***>^OOF! L,v" S???5 S ^ T*5ffiIiW Ur. Hiuith curwl u?.' "Hsssa*. ^asaawsw; ^Smm itw %jJ,'ir",ySim(|TuN. ' fl,^? c"Vf, ?:UCATHKUINKf?PHv ft^SSrt Mturnetl after etch oporiUon. ffSiliMnJ??iiucPrr' .Lit-Wl'"V*1 * THOMAS COf.VlH, !c ?.la A ,M*' Miln itrtH t WhMltu*. W. V?. ^- ri?To!.Murr,rtr A)itl *r? u ' ?7:jm to all u ? mmImud *ui H jgf inJ I BM""" ? awrt ?i?HiH?rrKor.i?Mj'i:-,,I h<ui boen ic/!or Je>r? ainl " ?,u'1 bJ """J I?by?ictan? krl'TMptH- Miullh Mid 1 hid a Upu-worui uJlotVi I1""'1 rcui?T*(l uiouiior, I OK faction#" ratii CoypuiNTs -Thrw yetra lu rioapiUla for (miIk ci?* ine wtullar ml faaUKW ia auch caaua. hrtoLi rund of Catarrh, JNtttaaca of Huart, Iiiff ttomarh, Kldnryi, fktn, Blood. Normta Atit kiDi and WMkacvmof Men aud Youth, Hcrolul* ui iiihua tMtlfjr to toy ?uice#a. fttaieuwJ wiihoul tfw katle. pulirti at dliianaj may U treated Cj Int tar and g'l^M-iUn luarnntaad. A chart for Mlf oxamluatlou HSIOO rrcrlpi of two throa-cool ataiupa, and adrlca "SS^uSofl it oBca fraa. Offlce houra from 9 a. ?.i?jp. tn., dally. Huadayi from 2 to 5 p. u. CaJJ atu M'lran. ,1, E. WMITII, M. D.# ,PM Wo. ?1 Twelfth Ht,, WhoallDK, W. Va. Laughlin's, Worm Syrup -THEPerfect Vermifuge! ?nut? inn nnru if SII Will iHiLuntn IN THE UNITED 8TATE8 WboHulhr fain, Who Frot and Cry, Who Have Hid Breath, Who ilavol'ale Facet, Who Sleep Poorly, Mould I'M I niiKlillii N WorraNjmp TheCblld'lSlerple Diet Ur bod, Tha Child Who Wakt* In Terror, Thi Child Whoee A|>p?Ute la Vortcloai, The Child Whoso Appetite Varloa, Mould t wI.murIiIIii'n Worm Nyrnp Tha Child Who Dooe Not Thrl*#, The Child Who la Emaciated, The Child Willi Internal Irritation, The Child With hallow Complexion, Mould I'm* I.aiirIiIIii'm Worm Nyrap No Intense Ho Dangoroue Ai Worm*, Mo Child li Free from Them, They Cium Dfieaie ThemiwlTee, They Aggravate Other ComplalnU, lM? !.hukIiII?'n W orm Njrnp* I m-11 r>m aj ?u rmmnn " !? "? ? . VALUABLE DISCOVERY By MRS. JULYE MYERS. tail; and Healing Salve! I'r.w 2> and 60 conla per box, The D-awing and Healing Salve Mfitaibunc'ei, fui'iin and abxssts, without Ihc ?M ul a km ft', The Drawing and Healing Salve turn cut, buru* ami Huh wounds. Thii Drawing and Healing Salve tur?ti}fl|*ias and ringworms. The Drawing and Healing Salve turn pl.u and |Hiliotit><l Ilea It. The Drawing and Healing Salve eurai r.rint Intlauimi Joluts, ctillulalna and Irfit Wits. Mrs. JulyoMyers' Rheumatic Core !i I nrtrln cure (or rhpumatlain, reuraltfla, weak illlliiMti.f I ha Uinta kflfnrii flnhm (fiaiVA(. 'Price II |M*r bottle. 'Trial bottle 10 Mflti. F?t Hie, vlioliiilw and retail. by UMIAN A CO.. mMln<? ('nr. Brlilaw urd Muln **>?., Whaling. "lnliipfDMblxto the Library, Orjyiuan, Uwjrer, PbmiiD.tdltor,IwRier, Httirient, ?nd all ol any Wilni Id lilt who deilre knowledge." THE AMERICAN REPRINT or TIIK I ifupti enun (NINTH EDITION.) IJlUdbjTHOUASHPKNCEHUlYNKD, LL.D .etc. "CooTeiilfnl, compact In lorm.and accord mil with the Uitei ol Aui?il<ftn lookbujm," Ihllffflt work It hnrnn.l |..nrull lUl'IIlUT IH 111tliboril*iml MhHintlte rluurter to?ll ilmllir toil*. 'I he contributors ir < the mmt ilUtlnnulitmj ini orUlml thlnkm nnil wiltrr* of th*? iTwent *n'l ilih?r??t. Tin* twirls th?? nln'h re?i?ton In ? ipvi>of otmnif humlm! jrir* (Into III Inception, Hthl*r?prlnt-a ripy In wry p?rllcnl?r ot the Btlil hrJltlm-li lh? tut mid cheapen work etrr ?f-rrd tn the Ani'rlnn j* pie. The article! ?re tltUn In a ini*t nttracti?e itylo and ttiei|tiantlty ol sutler In eath rolurne in one-third a?estir per fol? itatlhanlnant o'hereyclof-tella *ild *1 Ihe Mine nM The work cnilalm thmimi'ln f enjmlnRi on ifrliml *nxl, riiI li prlnte-l Ironi nilrelr now t?e m?4m press'y for H. It will lie compiled In wool t*?nt)-one Im|hmU1 octaro tolmnos. Sold Only by Subscription. For iprlmcn paReispply to the undera'gnwl. l?lr?etolh,p*r tol it W) leather 6 00 H? I Turkey M rorfo 7 00 gi'l'Vll nit t,?k,ejtrs 100 Full Turkey Morocco, xl t, eitri 10 00 G. T. CRAVEN & CO., W ill 143 Riot Strut, Clnolnnitl. Ohio. I Summer Music Books yoi to your country or IfMlde rp?M?nc#' t4 our tsr^l1?nt c-?l'???tlotin of focal nnl ItlltfU* ?wu Bdiir. tlir iiciuli'tUe c*Ulofart, or ikr(i| o?ln|: Gemi of Strauss. ILi*'*' " w"? Genu of the Dance. !,'?rdM",a0 Inrliido fidtlf >11 IM tWi * ? Gems of English Song. RWSl" Sunshine of Song. J?0,rrt''" ,"? hitr general collttUftflt ol Operatic Pearls. " ?o?t of tho htttor lM?n ,'v'*; ,t!|l'?my lontrrtent tohntf ?n hand. But tlMi copy ?i| wch of our popular bright Now (Inoroo Kiwi .Jill?" ?' (Miti v inifciiii",'? nill" tn?* pMk*! J'ta iX*'SfJMeU '? "* J*"* * (11)5 l*?.a ?,jpT4h? ?? hw hid a An* ran In tt"?- ?i ???,./'"2.!.h" ?,n ?IM "i n ,r (II/, tntlnlta* ill); ?nd m?a? X,,,,V5,;,rsiji?wl" "n't ,h" l"'Mfrtt.M "I'll put*. Mon & Hoaly Chicago, III. jjgl C.'TSON & CO,, Bolton. *??W &*aK351t8k MEDICAL. n l.\ E1II1CU LHJIID OB DM JOB* I LJ That Acu at the aarae time ou UT3S ZI7BB, TBB BOWSLSM I] ABD TBB SIDBXrS.K M iiwhy are we 8ick?|i VI JkcuvM V4 allow tfuu gnat onjans /jR UdUevm c.'vjijcd ur torpid, and jxiiioKoutWW ^thumurtart t/irrtfnn fur?d into On Uovd mm M that thouldU exptlltd naturally. M ii will surely cure mkioney diseases, vi PI liver complaints,U fcjl'ILEll. COMiTll'ATlQ^, tUlNAHV CJ 1*1 DIMEA?E?, FEMALE WEAKNE?iaEl?, II AM>*EUV0l'? DUOUDEUti, H cuu?<>i(7/rr< action ?/ J/km urijans ami U H rttlorlti'j t/itir poiotr to throw op dlmiu. I M Why nulTcr lllliou* pain* and achcst ll H Why tormented with Pile*, louitlpatlon! W U Why frltfhtencd u*rr dliordercd Kldneyat W IH Why tnduro nervona oralck hcadacheal || Uu KIIINK Y-WOUTcjmi nJoict in MA. El It U put up iu Dry Vegetable Furn, In till II El calm olio patkAtfuuf which luakrf nit <juart4 ofH V medicine. Also in I.Wjuld Yorm, very ('un?c?> Lj trated, for thuwi that cannot rvadily pruparu it. 11 N t Vlt art* with wjiial efllcluncy in either form. U QET IT OF Yot'lt DUUQCIST. WICK, *1.00 N M WELLS, Ult'llAUDSON A Co., Prop'*, M 11 (Will Kind the dry port paid.) BFBIUOTOX, rr. H 2A*K tiio ruciirurtx dyipepllct, bllloua iul lenra, victim* of terc nud ague, the worcurla dliooaed pal lout, bow th?; reooiercd health, cheer (til iplxlU and good ap pUit*; they will tell yoi by taking BIMMONS LIVER HIidULATOK, Thi Cheapest, Purest and Best Fam lly Medicine In the World. For Dyapenela, roiiBtlpatlou, Jaundice, Bllioui At Urki, hick lleailacho, * oilc, reprculon of bplrlti HourBlounrh, Heft11 Burn, do., do, Thleumlvalled Houthirn hruiidy ! warranted no te oontati; a elegit particle o( Mercury, or any iltju rloua mineral au balance, but 1* PURELY VEGETABLE Containing thoie Southern Uootaand He'l>a, whlcl an allwlae Providence baa placed In counlrlee when Llrer Dlieasea moat prevail It will Cure all Diseases Caused by Derangement of the 1.1 w and flowfla The svmiiioma of Liver complaint aie a hitter or bai taate In tne mouth; naln In tbe back, ilJeaor lolnta often mlalaken for rheumatlaiu; aouritomach; loaao HI'lttilie; bowela alternately coalite and bx; head ache; Iom of imuiory, with a p-liiful eviiaatlon o having failed to do aunethlug wlilcb ought to havi beoadone; drbllltjr; loweplrlu; a thl'k yellow ap pearanceof the akin and ojea; a dry cough oltet mlat kon for consu mption. Hometlnica many of thee symptomsattend the dieeaie, at othere vary few; but the Llvor. the lanee organ In th? bo y, la general y the teat of the dlaeaae and If not rcuu ated In time, great suffering, wteich edneaeand Deeih will eneue 1 can recommend aa an eflraclous remedy for die eaae of the Liver. Fleartburu and Dyapepelp, Himmona* Liver Regulator. LkwisO. Wundkh. "Wo have totted Ita virtues, potentially aud kn * that for Dyspepsia. Blllnusnesa, and I hrohhlng llea-l oche, It la the beet medicine the world ever aaw. Wi have tried lorty other romidlee Iwfore fclinuions Liver Kegel 4 tor. but none of ihom gave ua more that temporary relief, b it the Begulator not only relieved but curtrt us."?Ed. TaLMaaru aku Mkummurh Macon, Ua, Manufactured onlr bv .X. II. XtbllulJH to CO., PHILADELPHIA. Bold by all druggliU. mUB'Mwr JfOSTETfJg^ liters Why 8uff?r Needleisly With thft cont uialnn. apnainodle tortnrpa of ferer am iwuu nod bllloua remittent, when Hoa'flttcr'aHioinafit Hitter*, acknowledged to be a real rurntltoof nmlnrli fdrera, will rrndlcilo (bo catian of ao murh auflerlna No I I'M effective la thla lunlimint alternative In caav of conatlpatlon, dyippsU. liver complaint, rhetiua Uim, ana In R'ncr if debility and noi vou? wrnkneM For mIh by all drugglata and dcalera generally. m^wwyAvr Mjyyyj^jF Curea 8crofula, Bryilptlta, Plmplea and Pice Oruba, Blotches, Bolls, Tumora, Tetter. Humore, Belt Rheum, Scald Head, Borea, Mercurial Diseaaei, Female Weakreaaea and IrreRularltiea, Diulneaa, Loaa of Appetite, Juandice, AfTectlona of the Liver. Indlseatlon. Biliouaneaa, Dvapepaia and General Debility. Direction! In eleven l<uij;uaBc?. A 'mine of llunWk Wood tlMer* will Mtlifjr the moil iketMlcal that It I* the Greatrtt AUkvI Purifier ?n earth. Pltir*. (1.00. Till IL Mtt, 10 tart*. FOSTER, MILBURS & CO., Prop'", Buffalo, N. Y, noill iit i iiiihuimi mw ? -"i n"" Whmllnn. , HOP BITTERS^ (A Medicine, net n Drink.) coKTAnta nor?, nrcnc, manduaiib, DANDKMON, Ajrti thk TVnurr akt> n*rr MKntrAtQnALt' ti r.M or au. otiutR liirriM. Til 13Y CTJItE All nincwrsof th?Ptomwh, Mood, Lltfr, KUInrrmantl UrlnurrOrirAn*, Ncf tou?ueM.sii'rnlp^*npitiBnd eapecl*lly Female Complaint*. $1000 IN COLD, -<83 win b* l*td for * eawttW win[not cnrf-or^ help, or for or lujurioui A?*yotir fnr Hop Itfttera Ami fry them before you ilrrp. Tnke no other. D T. n. !<?n Absolute Ami IrrfMIMirnr* for lirtwketine*, ti?f nf opium, totoicco and tiAfcotlci. _______ firm roil CtitcttAft. t All ?to*? i?H Vjr draprlit?._ A POSITIVE cum WHhootraedtfinrt. _ Allan'. Soluble M?dle?ted Bongls llttntpd Oct. In, 1876. <?m bo* No. I will eure any o?ee in four deyeor iMt. No a will eure the moet obetinMe em, no nettef how long mnding. .. . No neue*?ne dote# of wbebe, MHlht, or oil of m delwoot, thet ere c*rt*i* to produce dyepepeia I destroying the contlnia of the atnmach. Prico It M. Bold by ell I>ra|<l9M, or meilfd i receipt of rrlco. For further partleulira tend for Htoler. p. o Bo* inn. j. c. roy doMiwtew MJfthn Rt., Now Tort. AN HOOD RESTORED. A tieilm of early impudence, earning ncrroned Mllty, prunatnro decay, He, knvin* tr?ed in n ururr known rcmfdf. hM dlfrofrtrd a itmni* mot I of mitaura, which he will wad fraeto hla fallow-* tan* Addraaa ...... J. H. RKK7E8. Mttawviw II Chatham 8t.,M,T ?fo InMligciiffiv n ambit. Mr. KukUy litis KoiiielllJiiff lo Mnj Rlilid< lug me Couullutf I ruubl*. Noo Yobk, May 8, 1SS1.?Jiat ilore plantin my loot onto the deck nv the steemer that bares me Irom my native shoars, and makes a Iriah Patriot uv me, in Faria, I must pawa between drinks, to expreaa my delight at tbe turn things is takin in Waabinton. "Tbe "Harp ot Erin e'ioon," where I bev been stpyin (or some time, wuz a seen uv the wildest egmcitement last nite. Teduy M'Grsth, wbtch kin reed, brot us the nooze that the grato Coukiing bed determined to stick, and that Robertson's contirmashea ?z Collector nv the Part uv N'oo Yoik wood be resisted to the bitter endNobody kin imagla the delita that pre lid the entire party. "This eendd the Bepubllkin pirty," K> Teddy. "Tbiagivea Noo York to the Dimocriay," ye'led Tun O'tjhamthneaay. "And it elex the Dimocr&tic candidate (or the Presidency, ami turna the kentry over to the Solid Nouih," i-jjckilited me, with t yea Billowed with einoahu n. "And with Hit) Dimocriay in power we shell hey onlimitid green bat,": aid Patay M'Gionia. "And with the Dimocriay in p ownr wat chance will the nigger hav uv vo tin?" aed Col. Mcl'heltor. wich ia ou here to aeothat I actilly aail for Kurope, and don't, git back to the Uorneia. "An we shel git the Noo York Xegialacher and not be bothered any iu ?rt about j wat Tauimauy doua in the city," yelled . Dennia O'Brien. , "And wo ahel liov control uy the I treasury arm ua tne fqueezin onrseiv bp, r ted a re<l fac>* l K?Dt, wich wuz driakin . whisky every live minit*. "Anil we uhel hev a Dimocratlc Gongr Is, , and tlie appropriasbens (or (be South that r we hev waited lor bo long, and our (Jonluderlt soljera will bev tbeir pay and penahuns," said Deckln I'ogram, who is here . to aasiat Col M'Pelter in seein that I git nway in aich shape that I don't git back. "And all that the Kepublikina made by . elsctin'Garfield will be lost to em, and fve , abel posaeaa the land," aed a Tammany politishen who jiat dropped in to partial' pate in the jolllficaahen. I sot there quietly musln, takin my drinka whenever I wua Mkt, "Grate bevinx," I eed to myself, "what a world ib this! In the words ol tho poit:? "Urate (J (Ml, ujnn wal alewlor tbreii > llang ewlailiu things.* ' ' Here wuz the Dimoecisy uv the Yoonlted Htntea prostrate at the leet uv Its foai. j. 80 desprit wuz the outlook lhat I mvaell hev consented to be aeggaile, and abandon the old ship in despair. There Is gre it i questions involved,wich both parties cont older vital, Jlat at this juncture there ! comes up the question uv the appoint1 ment uv a collector, and our lots go ail to > pieces on to it. Wood that I cood hncit \ oat and Kit back to the Cross Ko?ds. JSII kin tide over the next three yeera that post-oflls is mine shoor. Oonk'.ln won't ' yield?the Kepublikin party will split up becoz it seetna that Oonklln is all ther is uv it, and our Heaven begins at once , Thus I mused. Thank Gad lor Oonklin! \V? immciitlv tianfr rAnnlnnflhfmii nnrlrtr. ' ninn Hen. Oonklln, and aahoorin him uv l Hie support In this struggle of every ' olio present, W? urged him to contlnner the lite agin the President to the bitter , end, and to apnre no pains to prevent the confirtnishun uv Robertson and all uv (Jartleld's nominations, end then we went and took down the portrait! uv Hancock that wu/. hanfjiii on tho wall Bnd put up . one uv (Jonklln In Us place, wlch we haled with throe cheers and a tiger. It is very plain to see, and It pleases me, that the grate Noo York Senator holds that tho Itepulilikln party wu* made tor him instld uv his hein made lor the Republlkln party. It's a good Idee. What difference does It make to bltn, anyhow, what btcomen nv the nigger, the Nashnal debt, the tariff, and alch, if he ain't in public life to be iloatld by them questions? 1 wunst knowd a reformer who sot down and cried when slavery was abolished. "Why weep?" asked his friend, "bevn't yon accomplished, the desire uv your life?" 'Too true?too [rue, but what am I to git to Congrli on now that I hevn't got no cause? Why coodn'tthe nigger bev been kept under till I wuz ready to die?" The great Conkiing he/, made an im tnenae lame uv the causes that go to make up the Republican party, but e( he cau't yootllfxB Ita success to hia own benefit, rat good la it to him? Ho ia the kind uv man I like. He hez to hov followers, ami he ia going to keep em faithful by keepln em In provender, or he will sink tho ahip. Oh how I wiah he ! bed bin a D'niokrat. lied he bin one ov ii ua, 1 wood not now he on the eve nv mak ' ing a eggsile uv myself. Ills rallyln cry, "The iipolla or death," soots me eggaackly. I ehel never git over loviu theae inde' pendent Republican Senators. A independent Senator la one wlch firmly be levee in Reptlbllkln principles, but alluz votea with Ilia Dlmocrlay to ahow that he is reely independent and can't be controlled by party cawcuases and slch. JII V113 VY UV I IJ COO liUMJpilUatSWUn > UUU II wan't to go to Europe at ell. Kf the great Henator from Noo York keeps on e? he hea begun, my chances are belter at home. Better a I'ostoflla In Kentucky with a shy at contrax, than to be an Irish patriot abroad. An et this Qtegosson In the Itepubllkln party we shel her It et shoor er. time rolls on. Hut Inezmuch er. Conkilnj! may be left after all, 1 shel wait, The wise man is never in a hurry. I shel wait and see. PuTttOLBOM V.NASBY (tlopelul.) WliMllitg nud WfllRbtiri United. BIcubrtiTlllo Iloin'd of SiltinUy. Thursday aiterneon Otis Newell opened up the station At Whee'ing Junction for the very unusual purpose of holding a wedding therein. It appears that Mr. liedges'of Wheeling and lilifs lllankensop, , a handsome yonng lady oi Wellsbnrg, had made'an anpnintmeut to meet the Hev. i" Mr. Smith, of Holiday's Cove, at his real* dence at Ji r. m , nut wnen in By got to tne pareunia he bud left for Steuben ville and they put out alter him and caught him near the station. It was the nearest house and the minister and the couple went there, and Oils fixed up and fcet out his best furniture and flew around generally and at last had everything in readiness and the ceremony was performed. The bride was handsomely attired in blue silk and both bride and groom bore every ap* penrance of wealth and refinement, which means that It was a runaway match. Here's to them, mav they never get off the track, and may they stop finally at the Heavenly station. I Deem ll mjr Duly to Tell the World what Dr. Rwavne's Compound 8yrtw ' of Wild Cherry has done fur me. I had a violent cough, night sweats, sore throat, great weakness, with severe attacks of hemorrhage, gave up all hope of recovery. I am now cured, a sound and hearty man Upward H. HAMMN, Engineer at Sweeney's Pottery, 1834 Ridge Avenue, Philadelphia. * Over twenty-flve years have elapsed * and I Mill remain a healthy man. ? Jinny an* fttifferlttg from (ViMd." Pry, parched, sore throat, losing flesh, bron* of chlal and asthmatic attacks. All these dangerous symptoms are entirely cured by "Df, "* 8wayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry." "7 The first dose gives relief, and the worst on cough and sore lungs yield to its healing properties Bold by all druggist* at 25 cents and ft. The large si*e is the moat economical. Mwraw ^ Rnb It In. NJaeob Tioeckmin. 274 Clinton street, Buffalo, Itw N. Y.. says he his been using Thomas' Kclec* In trie Oil for rheumatism. He had such a lame n* hnck that he could do nothing; but one bot"* tie entirely cured him. 8?lrf hyjaughlln Broi. A Co., Wholesale . Druggist, Wheeling. rtu Landlord Law or Vol VlglaU. Klilori lauUlfauw. The qaeatlon ia being liked every day on the street and also propounded in the newspapers, why da cot caplullala and " men having surplus means at their com- j mand at once erect small comfortable dwellings, auitable for certain classes in ol the community whosB earnings do not ^ justify them in paying over six, seven or eight dollars per month for rent out ol H their limited income. And this matter ia ! urged on the ground that real eatate has ever been considered the safest either for investment or security. Thoae who have tried it are the beat judges in the matter, jj and their experience in the paat will " enable them to decide as to the properity a of such investments. Why eo ? Because 5 the law cf the State la altogether one sided aa it exists, relative to the landlord and K tenant. A party enters your property; JJ the agreement or mutual understanding " mar he vernal or oy leaae, auu us may, u and often does, iquat down lor the entire pl year, and dually lie leavea without paying ?, a dollar oi rent, or perbapa only the drat ui month alter he enteia, and even then you 4! may require a lav auit to eject him. In- IJ stance* are not uncommon where ownera ?' of property have not only been obliged to " allow tenanta to leave, diacbarging them *' oi all claims, but even paying them noney to get them out. Putting then thia kind ol investment on one aide and ita producta c on the other, you can andeiatand how it o, cornea that capltalia are ao alow in going [J, into auch inveatmenla. Cannot something ft be done to remedy thia matter? It would 5J be a general benefit to the community. c. ClTlZBNS. jjj * n, It Is no longer an Mia dnaiu or boasting to h sttirrn that Fellow's Hypophotpbltes, wherein *'< are united nature's forcts, will str'ngthsn I1IUI1 ami make his life not onlv endurable, n. but apsrkling with rude and j youa health. c," Fellows' Hypophoapbitea supplied the ingre- IH dienta which constitute healthy blood, aud gj imparts the elements which give vitality. jj| MNI'AW c* ? * ? ' Ml For fnlllnir, PreiaaiarcUraj Hair Vm g Iiondon Hair Keatorer, inaurea new growth, Nc Loudon Hair Keatorer, Keatorea the color. gc London Hair Ktatorer, Kxquiaite dreaaing. Bi, London Hair Keatorer, The only cleanly and jj}< London Hair Keatorer, effectual Hair He- ?j' London Hair Keatorer. atorer in tlie market, dc A toilet luxury entirely free from all ob- d? noxious or unpleaaant odor. M. ruYaiciANa ubb and bkcommknd it. JJ1 Some eight yeara ago my hair commenced jj! falling; top became quito bald. I applied ub "J.on don Hair Color Keatorer." My hair Do not only atopped falling, but ia now growing finely, and 1 consider it an invaluable article for restoring the hair. J. W. Abel, M. D., (, DruggiBt, 1024 Beach street, Philadelphia, c! Price 75 centa a bottle, six bottles $4. Bold i by Drugglata. Mwraw. al "To Enjoy Life, Have Nfrouff I.nngfl," ['[ Free from cougha and colda, good appetite. 4 7 rafpuuhlnirulAAn. 11ha Dp.fiwavna'H (Jmiinound in Hyrup of Wild Cherry," the beat remedy for ao week lungs, bronchial and asthmetic affections o 1 ever discovered. Bold by druggists at 25 cents 0p and $1 a bottle. Mwrtw. Cei * > ela Mr. Wm. E. Coli.K8, Superintendent of the am Waihburn Iron Company, Worcester, Mass., |i remarks: All I can say In regard to tit. |l Jacobs Oil is, that it Is the best remedy I have wl: ever seen. It has been used iu the Iron at Works with wonlerful results among my Mi men for burn*, cuts, bruises, sprains, etc., and Ju nuver failed to help them. I shall nover be Ju without it in my house. Ai ? ? ? 1 ] PILES! PILES I PILES! uk A Knr? Care round Ml Lnnt. So One [!,, Need Naffer. A sure oure for the Blind, Bleeding, Itching vj and TJIcerat d Piloa has been discovered by Dr. Williams (an Indian remedy) called Dr. Williams's Indian Ointment. A single box J" has cured the worst chronic cases of twenty- "'J Bv? and thirty years standing. No one need sutrer live minutes after applying this won- J?[ derful soothing medicine. Lotions, instru- !?' ments and Klectuariea do more harm than f." good. Williams's Ointment absorbs the i tumors, allays the intense itching (particu- " larly at night after getting warm in bed), acts Jvj as a poultice, gives instant and nainlers relief, j"11 and is prepared only for Piles, itching of J", the private parts, and nothing else. ' n'-.l *!,? IT.,., r \t turn, nl tirl imwi niint tun udu. w. <u< '/vwumuji wi .17. Cleveland, says about Dr. Willlams'a Indian Pile Ointment: I have used tcorea of pile J'j] cures, and it all'orda me pleasure to say that I JJr have never found anything which gave such . Immediate and permanent relief as Dr. Wll* Vjt llama's Indian Pile Ointment. f J Forsaleby all druggists, or mailed on receiut of price, $1 00. B0' West a McOonahey, Druggiat* and Apoth- < ecaries, Bank Building, Bridgeport, Ohio. W. Logan. List & Co., Wholesale Agents, Wheel* >P' ing, W.Va. mwfaw Ju ? ~ m Nc Trouble Nnved. set It h a remarkable fact that ThomaV Kclec- M' .trio Oil is good for internal an oxternat use. For diseases of the lungs and throat, and for JJJj rheumitlsm, neuralgia, crick In the back, wounds, and sores, it Is the best known remedy, and much trouble la saved by having [. It always on hand. V Hold by Laughlin Bros. A Co., Wholesale Al Druatrlais. Wheeling. I 0 m ? mi Holbtra! Mollirmll :Wolhrr?!!I J"' Are you distnrbed at night and broken ot your real by a sick child angering and ; crying with the excruciating pain ol cut- Oh ting teeth? It ao, go at once and get a u bottle ol Mrs. Wlnalow'a Hoothlog Syrup. Ho It will relieve the poor little sufferer Immediately?depend upon It; there la ono mistake about It, There la not of! a mother on earth who has ever used It, who will not tell yon at once that It will ^ai regulate the bowels, and give rest to the , mother, and relief and health to the child, we operating like magic. It la perfectly aafe ci, to oio Io all ctsei. and pleasant to the taste, (7 and la the perscrlption ol one ol the oldeet llo and best female physicians and nurses in va the United State*. Sold everywhere. 25 II cents a bottle. uwriw ? ? Ml To Persona Jibuti! to Harry. Ml "To persons about to marry," Douglass Jerrold's advice was "don't;" we supplement ?n by saying, without laying in a supply of Mi Soring Blossom, which cure albuminuria and uu other kidney and bladder complaints. Trice 00 cents, trial bottles 10 cents. Em Bold by Ltughlin Bros. A Co., Wholesale Ch Druggists, Wheeling. fsi st? " BLACK?DRAUQHT" cures dyspop- ' lia, indigestion and heartburn. P? For sale by Logan A Go. he qtl V lalble Improvement. nO Mr. Noah Bates, Elinlra, N. Y., writes: W "About four years ago 1 had an attack of hll* 0 1 lous fever, and nevir fully recovered. My 1 dlgesllte owns were weakened and I would m be completely prostrated /or days Alter using two bottles of your Burdock Blood Hit* 6 ( ters the improvement was so visible that I $2 was astonished. I can now, though 01 years I of age, do a fair and reasonable day's work." *n Price 11 00, trial si/.e 101 ents. 13 Bold by Laughlln Bros. A Co., Wholesale Druggist), Wheeling. I 10 "WINE OF OARDUI" cure* Irrogtilur, ? palnlul, or ditlicull moiutrunlion. 40 For sale by Logan A Co. ?" Sew Wall Paper and Carpili. Two dray loada of new style wall paper, flr and hordera to match, and one load of new carpet?, will be sold cheap lor caah. Fifty y plecea new dreaa goods, at ten cents per yard. Call aoon, at John Koemer'a dry |i Stioda, carpet and wall paper emporium, Da [on. 2019 and 2021 Main atreet, Centra <1 Wheeling. ?JJ "WINE OF 0ABDUI" makca roay * ch?ka and clear compleilona. ml For sale br Logan A Co. of ? ? ? he GARnuKctH, Felons, Bolls, Bores of long Rli etanillng, inch u Ulcer*. Abeeesea, etc. ,r positively cured without the aid o(a knife or poultice, by lining Mrs. Julya Myers Drawing and Heeling 8al?a. Pllea, Sail 1? Rheum, ErtnlpelM, Soft and Ulcerated .. Oorni, Ohlllblain*. etc. it baa never failed to oura. For eala by Logan A Oo. ?** u> . Take am. At thli lime of the year a good Turkish eo bath will do more to cleanse oat yonr ays- bt tern snd pnt yon In good order for the ih mmmer thin ten dollars' worth of medicine, The establishment Is on the east U lideof Market street, below Fourteenth, (o WMAMCIU AMP COMKECUL. ! * Toil *o?ej ud Blocks. Niw York, May 2L-Mo*ir-2Ka3 j* int. Primo mercantile paper 4alK percent t?rllng exchange, banker's bllla steady a I 83tf, demand M Wtf. Govibkmkmt Bovoa?Quiet and firm; size: I '81 are now quoted ta extended on th< ma of 3K per cent. olud BUtw ta ol ISU, coupon* 103*, w Tim, oouponj v Four and a haliv, coupon*. ?? ~116V nr Voon, ooudom.... ?? kdlo ! of 1196. . 111 lUiLxoxn Bo*d??Active, but Irregular. Stati Bobdb?Moderately active. raUlana Conaola*... <i2X| Vliginli 40 l?ourlte^ UewDffftrrffd IS . Joaeph .........injf Virginia cowoia, ex IDOHNIM<<<MMH<HM 7* I malUMd coupon?... MM ? dsw.....~. 72 i 08u Stocks?The market open d strong and nerally higher, and the dealings were char iterized by a tirm tone throughout' most ol te entire day. There were occasional reitiona caused by realizations, but the general ndtucy was in the direction of bighei icea, and the market cloa-d strong, at 01 ?ar the bi>st figures of the day. The ad vanct i the day's transactions ranged from \i to i per cent, the latter in Central Pacific, iluota Central selliug up to 414, Houston A Jiua 4, Rock Island 3, 0 , C. 0. & I. 2% and orthweatero per ceut. Some shares show fractional decline from yesterday's closing lotationa. Speculation was on a large ecaU id at times characterized by a buoyaut tuue. Tranauctiuns 609,000 shares. t. bane* .....U17K Oklo r?ntnJ..,..MN... M1* F. boails ...118 U K. a W................ 57 P. Land UraoU.Hllfi^ Peoria, D< & E......... 40V P. Sinking Fuad?m ,Ootarlo4W?otMu iww ihlgU aw.,.- h131 i., b. 1 w.MWM mh . rtol uu, rsjl'i b. c. *. * ?.hm 7s n a i. n. iu i A . T u ?n r a7?.". zz ?Do .. .r.."... w If i'a ? 1U?J? W. W.L. d P, MU ?k bland. .1.7 ? Do plJ .. W$ nam* Hannibal & St. Jo?.. ill stWi]Di? *MU Hand du Joe 115^ d F Ml Iron Mountain 8i\ lnolaOantnd \W4 at. L. dS. F.. 47U'CK Do pPd 7,% dl -14a* DonJ'd l'i,.>w,H .losjj t prd ?i43? aflTdw.o . uQ iv YorkOaaU*]....)M>2,fanaaid Tuu, fiSU urlam ??Jl4a | Union Paclflo \'1\% k? Bnoro........., Central Padflo, . r,y. nada Southern 81 IHorthern Paclflo 45 ohigan Central.... HSUIDopl'd 80U la 6o.'< Lou&rllle d NMh,....ioa la pitl ? ?ih Loularilled Chat.,,.. SO irthwaatarn..MMM.UHlJH 0 ^101 irthwaatorn p(d.....U4 Houstond lexaa..... ?7 Paul? I?H E>?"?r * K. 0.......-U?H Paul pfd ..181 W oat am Union 12:1 Paul d Minn MU Pacific MalL 67* Paul and Omaha... 40% ddanu Kipreaa ?i?l i pfd 107'-4 Walli, FMgo4Co....U8S lawore d Lack* 12fiU American. 87* d H.... United BUtaa. 68tf lawaie d Hud...ttri^ Qulokallw la iv Jeraoy Central. 104U Do pi'd. ........ ..*66 adlng. flo% Caribou 8k tedMlaa 47 Central drlaooa 4# pi'd .......-118 Homa Stake. 34 ?. d Okln- 81T4 Standard .... d 0. I'a pfd 47 il Bzoelilor 4 J< di).... 88tf Llttla Pittsburgh 3y4 d lOrta|Ontario 18 C.;d 1. C .81)2! *0 Sored. |Ex. dt?. Niw You, May 21.-Cotton firm at 10X lo; futures irregular, dosing steady. Flour iu; receipts 11,000 barrels; exports 13,000 rrels; superfine State and western $4 15a 0: common to good extra $4 75a5 0J; Rood choice $9 10a8 78; white wheat extra $6 25 25; extra Ohio $4 85a0 75; Bt.Louis $4 90a f5; Minnesota patent W 23a8 00. Wheat, tionsa shade stronger, closed heavy; repts 236,000 bushels; exports 125,000 bush; ungraded spriiw $1 18; No. 2 Chicago il Milwaukee fl 20><al 20j?; ungraded red lOKal 28: No. 8 do $1 22tfal 23; No. 2 do 24Kal2ftK; No. 1 do $1 it)*: ungraded lite $1 22; No. 1 do, sales 42,000 bushels. $122ul23K; steamer do $120; No. 2 red ly, sales 330,000 bushels, at $1 24%al 25J4; ne, sale 408,000 bushel*, at $1 22tfal 2V/t; ly, sales 208,000 bushels, at $1 lUtfal 20 igust, sales 120,000 bushelf, at $115&a W4. Corn, cash and May Hale lower; later inthsash&de stronger; trade more active: eipta 409,000 bushels; exports 72,000 abels; hot aud unsound 33a4Ua; graded 44a57^c; No. 3 do C0J<a51Hc; ainer 65^a603; No. 2, fiOJ^ar)7o; No. 2 white j; No. 2 May 66^a?0tfc; June 65^afi5Kc; ly O0>ia5OHo; August fiGKofiUo. Oats, led strom? ami white heavy and lower; ttipta 29,000 bushels; western mixed 44a ;; white western 40a53c. llav, demand rand market firm. Hops, yearlings 12al8c; w York Btute 12a23o; eastern and western i22c. Coffee quiet and unchanged. Sugar maud in good demand; fair to good reinc 7Wn75io. Molas8eH unlet and tin tnged. lUce quiet and steady. Petroleum let but ilrui; United 83>fc; crude 6Xa7Xc ; ined 80. Tallow lirm at OJfaH O-lGc. Rosin u at $1 OOa'i 00. Turpentine steady at 80tfa ). Kggs llrm at 14Xc. Pork quiet and uninged. Heef quiet and st'ady. Cut meats ong and quiet; long olear I8 87M: abort ar $0 87X. lard lets active; prime steam L Hall liiK* Butter in good demand and m at 10a27c. Cheese steady at SJfsOMIc. ntber i n good demand and atrong; hemlock e mwxc. 3hicaoo. May 21.?Flour quiet and firm, heat active, firm and higher; No. 2 Chicago lug $1 04K cash; $1 05?<al 05# no; $1 C69falO0X July; $1 02# August, 1. 8,03caU 00; rejected 74a80c. Corn untied, lower and very weak at 43o caah; 42X 1%0 May; 42a42tf June; 42tfa42K July; 43c iguat; rejected 87Xc. Oat?, cash atid opna higher {at H8>? cash and May; Ko June; 85KcJuly; 27Ho August, itye lier at $1 IS. liurley steady and unchanged 05c. Pork steady with a firm demand at i 60 caah and Juno; $16 05 July; $1600 iguat Lard demand fair and market firm ?10 77U caah; I10 77X bid June; $10 80 )8Jtf July; 110 82tfal0 85 August. Bulk at* firm and higher; shoulders $5 00; short 1 IS 45; short clear |8 80. Whisky steady $1 08. rhe following shows the fluctuations In the ioago grain and produce market Haturday, reported by John M. Hoon A Co., brokers, 1. 1160 Main street WhMl i'nm ftaU fork tMnl June. July. Jnne. Juno. June June, ned*... 104* JOftk 42* MK IIOiu $10 e?l........ 109K iwitf A'I% Hftk 1M7H1UM) [heat ICQ 107 4J*t 8tfjf 10 47H 10 M veal?. 1WH 109U ii% MH 10 2?S 10 78 rliuon- iff iff ? X 201 w Philadrlpiiia. May 21.?Flonr fairly active; stern $4 00; Minnesota extra $rt75a0 25; ulce extra $5 fiOaO 00; Minnesota patent 00a7 87\i \ winter patents $0 C0a7 25. Kve lir $5 60. Wheat firmer; No. 2 red eletor $1 25; No 2 redMay$124^al 25; June S2al 22fc; July $1 17Kal 17K;-August lSVial 13Jf Corn quiet; rejected on track i60c; hot at frrain depot 3.1c; anil mixed ly OOjfaOln; June COKaCOjfc; July 55J$a Ko; Aukust SOJtfafiflJilc. Oats demand fair d market ilrm; No. 2 white 55c; No. 8 do 3; mixed 63o. Provisions demand fair and irket llrm and unchanged. Butter, fancy tree and firm; others dull; prices unchanged, igs, demand fair and market firm fft I3tfa. ireae quiet and easier; creamery lO^allo: r to good UKalOKc. i'etroleum quiet and ody at 7Xo. Whisky flrmt r at $1 00. Dhicaoo, May 21.?Tha iiroyers' Journal rerta: Hogi-Recoipta 7,500 head; shipment* 2,000 ad. Mark<t active and 1* 0 higlirr. all sold lick; common to good mixed packing $5 70 10; good to choice packing and shipping jdbm ou; 10 ujnu iu, mainiy jo uon 10; Texas pigs $4 00. Uattle?Receipts8,2C0 head; .shipments 4,700 ad. Ati sold, nn line here; good to choiro Ipplng $5 76afl 10; common to fair $9 ifia )u; distillery $4 26a5 CO; butchers' plenty at 6(Ja<? IK): stackers' and feeders $3 O&aft 10. 9hee|>?lieceipts 200 bead. Good demand d very scarce; common to good shorn 7fiaft 00; Itncrlor to choice wooled $1 OJa )0; all sold. DincinifAtl, May 81.-Cotton quiet At \ic. Flour unchanged. Wheat stronger; ). 2 red winter II12. Torn strong; No. 2 izcd 4Vc. Oats quiet nod firm; No. 2 mixed Me. Rye firmer; Mo. 2, $1 27. Barley dull d nominal. Fork quiet at $10 OOalO 7ft. ilk meats firm; shoulders $fi 70; elear rib 85. B*con scarce and firm; shoulders 02M; clear rib 0 12tf ;olear $0 02H. Whisky m at $1 04. Butter quiet but firm. roLtoo, May 81.?'Wheat quiet; No. 1 white Ichlgsn $1 14V<i am tor Michigan $110)4; >. 2 red spot tl 16X: June 11 14X; July 10; Augu-t $1 00\i\ tear $1 06; No. 3 it ton and Michigan red $1 11%: rejected 01. Corn easier; high mixed 49c: No 2 r)t4flXc; July 48fto; No. 2 white fiOc; re!ted 47c; damaged 35Kc. Oats quiet; No. spot and May 48Me; No.2 whit* 44c. Nkw Yonic, May 21.?Dar Ooots-C'olton are bhiitb in ntwiw unuun, aiiu low grsuw bruwn and bleached goods more firmly Id. 1'rlnta and lawns remain rjtilet, but ngl-nina are active and scarce. Drew goods b moving slowly Heavy casslmeres,worsted itlnes arid overcoatings are moving fairly i account of back orders. Foriign goods tlet. New OftLtm. May 91.?Cotton firm and gher; middling lOJ^c: low middling 9He; od ordinary 8M0. Net receipt* ftfift hales; cm 600 bales i export* to France 1,000 balea; the continent 0,030 balea; stle* 2,600 bales; xsk 176,890 bales. CtftOtJttAfi May 21.?Hoos?Qnletbntfirm: mmon and light |4 OOafl00; packing and itchera' IS 8fta8 80. Keceipta 1,400 head; Ipmenta 070 head. PrrwatraoB, May St.?PmoLiuM-Activa; nlted certificates firm at 83fcc; refined 7Kc r Philadelphia delivery. ' CELERY. r t As a Remedy for Nerv ous Diseases, i ' [ What the Medical Professlc | say About it, and The Good Results Attend in Its Use in | Headache, Neuralgia, Nervousnes Indigestion, Sleeplessness and Paralysis. CELERY Uaa only come into public neti 1 within ths lost few years as a nervine, b 1 scientific experiments and experience ha ; proved beyond a doubt that it coutrola ne > vous irritation and periodic nervous and si< | headaches to a marked degree. , Iirowu Bequard says that Celery conttii more nerve -food than any other vegetab substance found in nature. Celery was or discovered and used as a wrvina by Front physicians in J807 Hut * combination of tl : EXTR ACT OF CELK It Y A N1) CH X MO MIL I which has been recently introduced to tli i profession and the public by Dr. C. VV. Bel son has produced such marvellous results i curiug nervousuess and headaches, aud>t ; peciallv nt*rvous and tick headache*, iinura i gia, paralysis, indigestion and sleeplessnes mat u uuu excited public attention and new naper comment*, and many physicians hav tested the merit* of this preparation wit beat results, as quoted below from a few. Wliat I'll) nlclitun Hay. "Dr. Benson's preparation of Celery an Chamomile f ?r nervous diseases is the ma i important addition made to the materi inedlca in the last quarter of a century."?D, J, W. J. Knglar, of Baltimore. "Dr. Benson's PiJJs are worth their weigh in sold in nervous and sick headache,"?Di A. lI.8chlichter.of Baltimore. ' Dr. Benson's Pills for the cure of neural# are a success."?Dr. (i. P. Holman, of Chrii tianburtr, Va. These Pills area special preparation, onl, for the curd of special diseases, as named, am fi<r these diseases they ai e worthy of a trial b, all intelligent sulFerers. They are preparei expre'slyi to cure sick headache, nervou heada'he, dyspeptio headache, neuralpis nervouinesl, paralysis, sleeplswnees and in digestion, and will euro any case. Price, C cents, postage tree, bold bv all drUKgl?! here. Depot, 100 North Eutaw street, Haiti more. M?,?f MISCELLANEOUS. L. GLtttJtiJMKAMP tc CO. Manufacturers of strictly Fli-Nt-CliiMN Currlnirud, Of titry description, Also dealers In Harneaa, Lai Covers, ilorso Blm-lcts, 75, 77, 70? 1/lber'jr stiwl ltoposltory, W Kenn avenui', I'liUbuigh, Fa. apl CDCE"THE SCIENCE rHElE OF HEALTH" Is a book thai has been rend by thousand^ and pronounced both interesting nml in* structivc, and should be read by all think* Ing people. It explains the principle! of life and death, and the origin of dts eases. Those who are lettering from \ci*I* ouh lf'cdfcttcxs, Lost I'ltallti/, CVftavrh, Aulhmu, or a pn^lh^ositlon to CoiiHiiinptloiit will imd it an incalculable boon. A copy of the ScleilCC of Health will be sent free, by ad "'""'"B H.BidAUlIJSN.HI.U. 130 IVoat Sixth SlriMt, Cincinnati, 0^LLAN LINE ROYAL MAIL STEAMSHIPS Baltltuorftand Liverpool via Hallftx, N. 8.. and Bt John*, M. F, flvnrj alir>rn?te Tuesday.. Que too am Liverpool everr Huturilay. Thla rout* prmenta un prmtUnlf (1 advantage! to louilita, enabling thorn t< view tlii* mrgn'tlrent fernery ol tha l ower Hi. Law ronce. In addition, th* dlotanre irora Qucbrc to Mr erpoo! la 600 mlloi rhorter. and of the rcduced dl taace 1,000 mllei la Inland navigation, redutlnu th< aotual ocean voyago to a mint mum ol A dayi. iixtri hlpi from Olaiguw. Oalwuy Quicnotowu and ton iluiiderry dlr?ct to Beaton. For puiiatf* or Inforuta Ion apply to John Ballle, H. F. Behn-naor Thnma II B Jliuo, agenta at Wheellnir, W. Va , or Leve i Alden, O. P. A., W7 Broadway, Now York; 201 Waih Injcton bt., Boaton; 107 South Filth Ht.. Phlladel phla. roal9nwMw fb PFWQIflWC I?or Hoi.Dir.Rg, ;Wra rCnOIUllO WlduM, fat ticri. muiLtu or / 'frv\r,,,Irtrfn. ThonianilljritcDUltfd. I'mtlmnfflrrn V\ I I,j'?rnnitfr,wip.*y?orru|iwire,T?nci>?omm LLMKl r nnj Th?tin*ml< of neuilnnrrf mil / ol.ilrr* i'iiillicit to l.Nt'UKAHK and 1J0U.NTV. lV Ai PATENT* procured for Inventor*. Muidltf* II UllnJ warrant! i>rw*rt</.lionrhtandiold. ftoldlrn I " 'J1 M'Cy 7.ftnr ri*ht? at onct. 8* ml II Ohtanpa for ''Tlii Clt(>rn-8o|dl#r." and Paa.lnn Ifrrr *ni1 ' l?w?. banka iuil laitrnctlnni. W? H I I thnoMiiiliof Pentlnntr* and ril?Mi. mj (gat W;, FANCY CARDS FOR COLLKCTORS. PR1NTER9, CARD DEALER! and ADVERTIHER". *<nmplra ol fft ferine, ultl price per set, 100 and 1,000, plain and printed, aant t< anr addren for AO coins, stamps or money, whirl will be refundel on return of the samples. Catalogs and twelve samples (. r two 3 cent stamps, AIM, h' the dor.en, no two alike, at 6.10 15 2 , 25, AO, 85, 40 50 and TO cenla a doten. Card Album*, all I rlres from fl 25 tollOM Card Wafers 500 for 20 cents TrlfetV Monthly, else of N. Y. Weekly, ore year an< lOOcardi, all dlflor^tit. II. Hamp'eropv free. F. TRIFET, 27 School street, Boston, Ma an. i CQQQ * jear to Agents and expenses. gOoutfl $333 FREE. Addreea F, 8WAIN A CO., Augusta Me TO ADVERTISERS?LOWEST RATE* for advertising In t.040 mod newspapers sent free Addiesa GEO. P. HOWELL A 10., 10 Vpruco atrcet Nee York. matMwMw RFATTV'Q i" useful stops 5 set DLHI 1 T Orwla, onljr |ffl Planra *125 up Mrlll?s. Catalog. Frrk. Address BE ITT Y, Wash Iflgton. N. J. _ new Rinu ri iinni Ilk If IIIUII ULVUUI rartons* Vurgatirti Pilli tnnko New Kick Wood, and will comiilctcly ctintifro tho blood in thocntlronrstom In tlirco months. Anypcrmm who will tniltn 1 pill enrh tilplit from 1 !o IS wrok* WiftyborMtorrd to sound boftlth. If tnch ft tiling bopotnlblo. Pont by mnll for 8 lplfor stamps* i. R.JOnsnON A CO., Jloiton, Man* formerly Hangar, Me, n ABENT8 WANTED EW 5 tins Machine ever Invented. Win kniUpairof Itocflniw, with HEEIj tnd TOE complete, In to mltiutet. It will tin knit ft treat Tartet* of Xancrwork for which there Is tlwtjt ft ready market. B*-nd for circular and iertni to the Twombly Knitting JUchiat co? ?J0 Wuhlnfton 8U ikatoo, JU? hi RAWLEY SPRINGS, Nair Harrlionburo, Va. 8000 fe?t nbore tidewater. Cananlty & tuff1 hotafp, with accommodations for 700 bumir. Ap Jolntmenta flr?t els* Open Jnne Int. |2 50pe IT} Sin per ??rk| 140 to $50 per month. For fur ther particulars, tddrtta C? A. 8PKlf> KKL. Trrat Harrisonburg, Vt. tn?2lDAi? J M. OLOU8TON, D1ALIIIff Grain, Bround Ftfd, Baled Hay, Slraw, &o BOOT!! ST., ftKAR MARKET ST. BRIDGE, Will pty the hl|b?t ntiket prlct for Wheat, Cor tnd Ontt. )a1* fJIHE BIROIl BEER HEADQUARTER] li at 9111 Main itreel, WhM'lof, W. Vt. Dr. TufVa Ilirch 13eei Thatannlre, original Article la mado thir#, an1 I not forth In an*dr atream mtf week-day In th year, to ralreah a thlraty world. Arfdreti ordara t TtJFTR .1 CO, i?.n am Main Ht, Wheeling W. Va. J} O, LIST, JR., Pork Pftokcr, And caret of IhrMltbnud Chnlm Uoti, whit an now r?dy and for aala at ap6 21 FOURTEENTH STREET. My B C. Meaia at* all branded ">,1*1'a Cheater." AnillliAttd wonrimr.ffnhM ; 11 UllI coredInMtomdnyi.Tenyearif* 111 111 |v|t?hlUh*d| lino cnred. Wrlla n?t? VI IV III lof cai?.b?. Mitaa, qolocy, Mich, DRY COODR. . BRUES & COFFER in SPECIALTIES 8, 9 CO ut vo ir:k ' as I THIS WEEK >e lilt aI 8, 5? h a it a r. it i NECK WEAR a i, 0 H AND Easter Novelties To b? found on)/ at our home. P s BRUES & COFFER. mh4 STONE & THOMAS NEW SPRING GOODS! i NEW CARPETS, RUGS AND CURTAIN GOODS Frioos Down! Down! Oar a tick la Urge and ftnrtlvr, embracing I full 1109 Of 4 i | DRESS GOODS i SILKS, j . CASHMERE RAYE, BUNTINGS, &C. BPH I All llimumi IN Carpet*, Rugs, Window Shades, GRENADINE CHINTZS, &C. 1 NECKWEAR, B r For ladle* and genu, I'rfcra 90 par cant lover thin erer before offered. New Qoodt Received Dally. ! STONE & THOMAS, 3 ,^030 MAIN STREET. . POWWIgBION MEHOHANTg. juun m. BSCS * ixi., :' WHERMNG, w. TA, IT. bar tad Mil m CmnnWoo In euh ?r ta - Atrgla >11 llmla >ad ProrKloo. dMll In b; tlii UDifSRO w*ra 01 itwib. ?h? wi?*i?|>nio COB ranDlMtlon btimtm onr offlM in! th# Bo?rd of Tr*d? Prompt utrkM wportt. thietfo OorrnpoadMU Ofutr.M lit * nrC71M Ml* itmt mft ? 13. DAVENPORT. (Ut?o! LIFT, datky porta fa HIS, ffbntlni, WMt Virginia,) - General Commission, (fill, Floir, SUM, Chiiu.Eto,, ho. im la salli Brincr. CHkoiM. TBAMPOBTATIOM. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI AND 8T. I LOOM HAILW AY-PAN HANDLE BO DTE. 1717 #|i? C2Z'.JTi^J.:~5grv-u? -.BPr;' ?w ww^r^irn>r'Trir Tbat Tabic lot Eut tad WmU corrected to MAT 25J, 1EU, iraine leave Fan Had die Depot, loot ol Eleventh mwMjear Public Landing, daily except tiaxuUy, M eoum jurx. ? ~~ Pltu. E??t Fait Paclf Ao?' Wheeling I lap, hxp'i E*p'i Exp'e Kzp'a oom'a Leave? a. m p. m. p. y. a. u. p. m Wheeling.-..?.... 152 1.07 ?:M 8:27 AM Ani?#? WolUburg. 7:27 1.41 6:26 9:18 7 2* oMUOfDTUiOnMMMtM KUU ?15 6:10 1U:SU &1Q Plttibuxgh ?... 10:00 1:40 7 85 A. M. A. M. HArriiburg 1:40 0:55 Baltimore......... 7:40 ... Washington....... . &:(/.* Philadelphia 5:15 7:35 ......... Snltlk. 7 a iftaa r. u. r m. Boa too.... ... 4 ao fclt .. aoiitti wmr. ~~ Pao. Ctn. W?i, Ac- | AcExp'a MiU.ooiu'u ooiu'o L4MT?- k. M. P. M. a. M. P. M. P. M. Wheeling 9:27 4:52 6:62 107 &54 Atrrir*auubanrWa... 10:80 1:05 1.00 2:16 6.10 P.M. Cadla.................... 12; 10 7:55 ......... ........ Dannlioa. ... 12:101 6:06 ......... mw* I A. M. Niwark 2.(9 LOO ......... ^ ......... OoliuaboaMmMMMM. 6:20 160 ? Learo? a. ?. A.M. Ooluuibui.........^. 6:40 2:45 ....... 6.35 10.09 ArrJrt? p. m. DayU?....mMm..,. 6:86 6:00 ........ 10 80 2:00 Oactooati 1:00 fcM - Ufl# 8:00 IadUaipolll- 11:00 1*88 ......... 12:86 6:t0 8?. Louie..?.. 7:10 1:18 8 1* ......... Chicago............... 7:80 8:00 ?uo faddo KxprnM luavna wheeling daily. Tralua louring Colum bus at 8.40 r. u. and 6.85 a. m? run daily. Through Chicago uxprou leaveeColumbni dally, except Bunday, it 6:00 p. M., with eloeplog cat ituchod, arriving In Chicago at 7.10 next morning. Berth* can bo secured la advance al Union Depot Ticket Office, Colnuibut. Pullman'e Palace Drawing Boom Bloeplng Can through without change from titebeijvlllo Kaet to Philadelphia and Maw York. Wuat to Columboe, Cincinnati, Louiavtlle, Indlanapolla and Bt. Louis. For through Ticket*, Baggage Chocks, Bleeping Car aooumuodaUona, and any further Information, apply to JOB. M. BEIlKVILLB, Ticket Agent at Tan Handle Depot, foot of Eloventh stvout, or al Oliv TlakttUBLoi, under McLimHoim, Wheeling. D. W. CALDWELL, Oon'l Manager, Coluinboi, O, E. A. POBB, flwl| Paaa. and Ticket Aunt, Pltteburgh. Pa. PLEVELAND A PITTBBUKUU B. K? \J CONDBHBBJ) TIMS CARD, as bp rgagjtfffiafl rrtytThHjttn'i On and after Mot. 7th. 1680, all Tralni will fM dally (exoept Hunday,) aa follows i 1 Through Tialna to Pittsburgh 2 Through Trains to Cleveland, 2 Through Tralna to Chicago. Pullman^ Parlor Can Mtween Weill villi and Cleveland. Hotel and Bleeping Can ea all Tralna between Al* llano# and Chicago. Aooem. Mali. Kiprw, LeaveBellaln 6.66 a.m. 10.60 a.m. 1.66 r.ui Bridgeport 6.C6 ? 11.00 ? 2.C* Htaubenvlllie 7.04 11.67 101 Weill vllle ... 8.10 1.80 r. m 1.60 Buchaiter ...... 9.18 2.26 M0 11 Arrlvt? | i PiHahuruh lan.fM I # OR H *1* il ArtooM.T^..?..'.^Z!!.7 11 12.90A.mi Harrliburg 1 l.M AM, 4.10 " Hfltlranr* 7,30 ? 7.|0 M Waahliiglon 9.C2 11 9.03 11 Philadelphia... 4.15 11 7.40 I* New Yonl......... 6.m lo.ta Button 4.40 P.M. 6.10 PM. TO CLEVELAND. Only Ave houraand twenty-five mlnaUnI LKATH. Aoom. KzprMI. Bdi*lre.....? .. 5.55 a. u 1 88 P. Mi Bridgeport. 6.05 " 2.08 11 NUu Mil Till* 7.04 " 8.01 11 Allimice .. 1.00 p. M 8.10 Ravenna 1.40 " 8.88 ' Hudson 2.0U " 6.20 CUvaiand 8.15 11 7.28 TO CHICAGO. Only 18 Houral luatb. # Aoom. Kspreee. Bell aire L. 8.85 a. M 1.88 P. M Bridgeport 0.06 11 2.05 11 HteubeuTllle 7.04 11 8.01 11 Yellow Creek 8.48 '? AUUnoe 1.20 P. u 8.85 ' ManifleJd 5.40 " 9.20 " Ft Wayne. 12.01 a. u 2.40 a. m Chlca|8 6.00 " 8.00 " HttubenvUU A<xtinnuxliitkm?lA?yr* ftellalre at 4.41 p. tu., Bridgeport 6.00 p. in.; arrlrec at BtaubanTiile at 6,00 p. in.; lean* BteubcnTilie at 7.80 a. m.; Bridgeport at 8.52 a. m.; arrive# at Itoiialra at 9.08 a. ui. Tlckou and Baggaxo Checka to all principal pointi In the Ka/it and weal can be procured at the Ticket F. H. MTKUH, flwiwral Fmengw anil Tlnkut Agent gALTIMORE & OHIO RAILROAD CO, uu and alter UocfliuU-r IV, iSsO, fawuger Train I wll run no follow*?Wheeling Tlrao: Kait-buuud. *No48TNo. 1 No.7* No. i Dall y Dully Loare? a. m. a. m. A. m. p. u, Whoellng 7:00 8:40 1048 6:08 MlAlre. hi 8:4ft 10:40 8l28 Arrival tt? p.m p.m. p.m. p.m. Gr*ilon. 8:M 12:88 8:00 9:15 Cumberland 4:40 7:40 iS't Waahlngton City 0:48 8:80 Daltlmoro. 11:03 7:10 PhllAdnlpfaiJUM ? 8:00 i:lB New York 8:28 ........ 4:00 a. m. Moiton 4:20 ft-18 Dally except Bunday, No. 7 anr 43 atop at all Blatlone. Wait-bound. No. 'J No. 8 No.10 Dally Dally Dally Lmto- a, m. p, m. p. m. Wheeling- 9:1.1 1:80 11:18 Btllalr* 10:00 2:10 11:80 Arrive at? p. m. a. mi Z*n earl lie i:UD 4:51 8:17 Newark-.* 2:00 8:45 4:38 Columbua |;80 7:25 8:10 A.M. PJnnlnnalt . O.ftfi < *! M.4A A.'tk Bandaiky 7:00 10:00 P.M. P.M. tfldllDBpoUl 11:00 12:85 12'U i. M. dl. Loola.* 7:80 7:M 0:00 A'"' Chicago. 0:10 7:30 8.20 A, M. ganiaa City 8 afl 0:40 B. A 0. PhIim, Drawing Boom and nit uplng uara oa all night tralna. Cloao ronnoetloni are made for til polnti Booth and Boulhwrat, North and Worth writ, making this a deal* rablo rouU for colonliU and paraona moTlng to th? graat Woat, and to whom particular attention la glT?n? WHKKLINO, PITT8. AND RAI.TIMOBE DIV. U?? WbMllngM ?:25 a. m. 1:40 n. tr. 5.10 p, a. No tralaa run on thla Dlvlalon on Hundiy. TlckeU to all urlnc-lpnl point* on rail at Dtpoti Offlct open at all nourt during tho day, Information to tho trarellpgpuWIo rhwrfollj glraa, B. T. |)KVKIf>. HanM Ayort.FwKrS.M'* T* FINANCIAL. ~~ SPECUUTlMr in. Ho, ?so tino, Inreittd In our n*w momy making ro'oprratlve plan of ?p diluting iI'M aton 1 ant Incom# and lay* the foundation to a fortune. Sand for our haw punphlat, fro, FLKMINU A MIU.RU, Ilrokeri. 28 Maichanta Build I eg, Chicago, fill. gANK OF THE OHIO VAUKY. DtPITAk ........?(ITfl.OOO, WM. A. Iivtt, Pruldent | WM. B. BlMWof, Vlca P, Dow ft Oenewl Banking Bualnett* MlwrOBft Wo. A. iMttf I William B. Blmpaoa, J. A, Miller, I John K. Botrfortf, A, M. Adatn'i I Victor Boaenburg. "a'J? ' * p. Jhwok, nuhio. JJXOHANOK BANK, Capital ~ $800,000, j ff, tancr. M.pimonrft J tMUKL LAtHJJLLUV Vici Pruidivt, bllKTTO**, J. If. Tinci, j B. IfoiiRintn, 8. Uunnuii, [ W. KLLUTOIMM, l. R. rmpLAt*, I A. w. Kaur, Jonn FitWi I ft)* Tnnw .T. Jmri, flMMw. KPUOATIONAL. ~* lyccT uiDPiiiii iiuiurnpiTw jiui unoiniR umiLnoiil, Sin* d?pnrtmt*nu of titi-ly; text-booka furnlitaed I eoatt Mlendtr trranxed to mft tMOhMft n< ptniw for one jmt from flTfl to ?900| non-w?. oirlin, liberal, thorough. Wl! term ' mini f*?p? t#mhfr l*t, Jttmidftnco ltwt jMrfromM ooonttei of l??it Virginia /rom 8 futct ?nd Tir? rl'crlwi. for cfttnioiatt *nd etlir>r fnforronttoa tpplf IdlMPrtildwit t. H. Thompwm, Mvrxtntows, w?? v? _ jgOOK PRINTING? II lh? Dnnt lift* M IMUITRLLIHKHDIH JOB BOJWS, Tkt dmMI wolt. Prompt 104 lo? frt?t