Newspaper Page Text
d*kmo PQWDiH. W ROYAL MWt ^ flfj *4KJHC POWDER Absolutely Pure. Mada from Orapi Cream Tartar.?No other prepara* llou ma*e*?uth light, flaky hot bread*. ox Iuxurioui liMtrv. Can be**t?n by DyiuotiUca without /ear ol tbu ilia reiultliitj from ha*Ty lndlfceeUble food. Bold only In caaa. by ail Orocara. tt *YAL BXKlULi POWDKU CO., UBW TOBSC. HAW DRY QOOD8. I. BLUM & BRO. Ofler;hli week the but value in thafollowlfif: ... ?n? uit tru in Afir ultra DbAt.a niUftOj HWivn ?HM| C0L0BEDS1LKB, COLORED frILKri, bUMMEB HLKS, tiUMMEB BILKW, BUOCADEHlLKtJ, BBOCADB 8ILK*, BLACK UATINd, BLACK 8ATINB, COLOBED BATINS, COLOBED HiTlNH, BLACK VELVETB, BLACK VELVETS, COLOBED VELVETS, COLOBBD VELVET*, ILLl'MINATED VELVETS, AND SATINH. Wi 11c Grenadines, liUNTINUd, BUMTIMUO. 1,000 plccci drt'M matcrlala bought at the late aalea odiTfil now fully 23 per cent cheaper than oilier liuus? 4 oilor them. Housekeeping Goods Reduced. TOWKUJ, TOWELS, ? TOWKLW, A special bargain, SPRING WBAPSl Wo clonn out our entlrn ttock of iprlng Jaoketa, pntoio a, liavolncka ami allk doluaua at a reduction to ui?k? room for toiauthlog ? !??. Uuy now Don't Ueiay. Uooda offered thla week will aell cfl at ouce. I. BLUM & BRO., ltO-l Miiin Htrcot, rn?2ii Dentihtiu\-to those that deto aav? their nutuinl teeth we would at; that wo are now better prepared than ever before to 0A>)le thorn to do 10. By the oaeol an Elkctuo ftUiiMtfTio I'liUouKH we can aud are making better aud hHndNtnor Oold Fillings, with inore mm to our fatlenU, than have heretofore been made In this city or el*?where, without the aid of tbeKlootrlo i'lugger, W.tnt wo aay we can prove by MtoaJ demsxiltrauon, Call aud aee for yourielvaa, JAMES M. HUBUIMON A HON. |nl Wo 114M Mwfkut I't.. Whaling. W. Va. FOR MUNICIPAL JUDGE. A. BOLTON CALDWELL, Ufa *l?n Noii. iia ami in JTonrleoatii Html, Nttv .KIvprllMtuetilik Htraw Uooda, Silks, Ac.?Porter A Donaldson. The Marvelous Orxanina ? Mellor, iloene A Hendricks. Hilka-I. liluin A Uro,?[head of local.] For Halo?House. llliiinea of Normandy?Lyric Opera Company. Notice?Frank Henney, C'loaiiiK Out?J, H. Uhodea A Co. Hugara and Flour?Jos. >Speidel A Co. Rofrigeratora?Neabitt A IJro. Auction Hale?W, 13. Humes. Thompson & Hibberd?Practical Plumb* ere, Una and Hteam Fitters. For Cincinnati?Andes. Wanted?Finlaheru at Dressmaking. For Kent?Front Hoom. Time Table?Pittsburgh, Cincinnati A Ht. Louto hallway, YQU ahuuld set the lightning oleanser for cleinlng silver. For tile by URUBB, the Jeweler. 'J lieriiiuiiicier H(H!onl> The following ahowa the range of the thermometer, as observed at fichnopf's drug store, Opera liuuae corner Haturday: IBM. J Ml. 7 A. ?. 12 M. B I*. M. 7 P. M. I 7 A.M. 12 M. 8 f. U. 7 P. M 73 82 *5 80 | M 78 79 74 SUNDAY. 1880. 1811. 1 A. Me 12 M. 8 P. M. 7 p. M. I 7 A.M. 12 M. 8 f. M. 7 P.M 68 VJ 8'J 72 | VI HI 82 78 wkat1ikh indications. Washington, I). U., May 23.?1 a. m.? For Tennessee and the Ohio Valley, light local rains, partly cloudy weather, 'east to south wind*, stationary or slight rieo in temperature, and rising followed by falling In <lm nhln Vttlhtv and the southwest. For the Lakes, slightly warmer, partly cloudy weather, local rains in the Upper hake region, winds nhiftiug to southeast, stationary or slowly lading barometer, THE usual merchants' lunch at the Naw MoLure House Savple Rooms dally. Might fire. Saturday night there waa a very bright light illuminating the heavens over the lower part of Martin's Ferry. It was soon discovered that the flames had originated in a dry house connected with the keg factory of Park & Co. The dry house was burned down but the lose will not exceed $100. | Nlnlo l>m|ivrnure Convention. The West Virginia Btate Temperance Convention will bo hold In this city at the Fourth Street M. K. Church on tbo28lhol June, Delegates Irora nearly every county in the Btate nave signified their intention oi being present. Gov. St. John, ol Kansas, will likely he here anil explain the inwardness ami outwardneae ol tiie stritiftent liquor law of liia State. The delegates while here will be entertained by the realdents of the city. Army of Writ Virginia. The army of West Virginia, General George Crook, I'mident, will meet in this uliv nn n. olnn! thn 'Jlit nf Henlflmhar. A very large end enthualaallc meeting was held at l'arkersbtirg last (all and some ol the enterprising veterans ot the late war, In tlila city, should begin at once to take measures lor llie proper reception anil entertainment ol a large Influx ol visiting soldiers at the time ol the lteunlon. Wheeling has exceptional (acilltlea lor doing tide sort ol thing, and those Interested should see that It la done. _ New I'rorrM in Mflnl Working A practical mechanic over at Beilalro, Mr. Joseph Hoaweii, boat blacksmith it Ilia ilellilre nail work*, has succeeded in ilolpg what it ia said eminent aclentiata have essayed repeatedly without ancceaa, welding copper. Mr. Boawell has eiperlmented for aorae little time at this, and on Haturday succeeded In aocompllahlng the deslied resitli, without tlm me ol any foreign aulMlance eicept borai. The remit la worthy of notice, though Mr. Boawell la of opinion that It will not lie of practical talne, owing lo the facility with rhltb ibe metal can be otherwlae united. miuw wtiH Uftltatrnl I Bio ilir inKlllKBeer t'alu kjr Sc lu Mrporlcl*. i What baa become ol Charlay Horn- ' brook's Park? Cou. Pbytom, Clerk ol the Houceof Dele- clt gates, has bin "acts of 1831" ready for dia- ou tributlon. th A Young colored boy attempted to tap th the till lu Zimmer'a bakery Saturday mornlog, but unBucceaafully. ;Q David Harsot ?aa arrested by OUicer cr Brady yesterday and lodged in the lockup w on a charge oi drunkenness. wi Stanton A Davkni'obt have received ail ? the magizioea and periodicals (or June, tr and all are iplendid numbers. di Tag funeral of Frank Marshall, tbe La Belle nailer, waa largely attended by bla . fellow workmen laat Saturday. " I'abson Wanes' value waa returned, by the ladies who, through mistaken iden- M tity, carried it off from Laah'e atore. v Tint ntw residence built by Mr. J. El- If bert, corner of Seventh and Market streeta, a adds greatly to tbe appearance of that lo- ti cality, g. Tun Qaa Trustees are having a gas main laid down from near tbe terminus of si the street railway in North Wheeling to- n 1 li? rr? Turn t vruru iuo iuji ax m. Har. J. D. MoiryiTr will preach Ihe * Baccalaureate (or the college gradaatiog ciua it the Second Presbyterian Church " Monday evening, June 5th. Joun was ilned fi and coats ' K'Squire Philips, Saturday, lit abusing tte Porter. Kate also wants $300 for al- c leged defamation of character. c Dn. Fonu, of the Eighth ward, wsb call- v ed to the residence of Officer Kennedy Saturday night to let the arm of his little I son who bad fallen from a gate and broken ii it. . Tut Wheeling Blile Club shot a tele- h graph match last Saturday with the a Chautauqua Hide Association of James- tl town, N, Y. Wheeling 305, Chautauqua 208, P A lai1qb crowd of Stoubenvillains came || down on the Abaer O'Neal Saturday and [' listed into the wlndowa of the buildings " on Main and Market streets for a couple of 8 bonis. ? A laror number of people of all sexes _ lift tbis city Saturday night for Parkers- [, burg on the Diurnal, accompanied by Kramer's band. They will return this B morning. j Tub reception held at the residence of a Mr. Gregory Warner, last .Saturday eve- r nlng, on the South Hide, was u r affair. T. T. Cockayne furnished delight- c ful music for the occasion, J Fbof. Wji. Bakkb, the world renowned ? magician, has accepted a call nud [I will give a performance at the Loan h Exhibition at Bellaire. The Professor tl will Introduce some wonderful tricks. Tim Wheeling Bicycle Olul) now numlieis about twenty members, somn of whom will go to Cincinnati next month to . attend the National meeting there. They will make the trip overland, riding their bicycles dear through, j Barnky Oiiow was held In $1,000 by a 'fquire Sample, of Valley Urove, lost Sat' 0 u:day tor poisonicg dogs belonging to r Abram Dean. Crow has been much ,annoyey by sheep killing curs lately and | "doctored" a couple of iambs, which 0 Dean's dog ate ol and died. Fine Sample r of,Crow. v Last Saturday afternoon while Gol, A. c J. Sweeney and wife were calling at the li resilience of Mr. C. II. Deiters, at Edging- t! ton's lane, their one year old son, Leonard, 8 was attacked by a spasm, and despite the attention that was lavished on him the k little one died in a short time. Mr. and fi Mn. Sweeney have the sympathy of all li who know them, in their bereavement. v Tni grape sugar project is no longer problematical but an assured fact, and we ? feel confident that before another year '' goes by that the works for its manufacture will be in active operation. Prof. Dwight ? is busily engaged in perfecting his process 11 and says that by tho time the works are 0 up he will have the best methods for man- v ufacturing both sugar and syrups In the ' world. j In our extended report of the Medical [ Association last Friday morning wo load- ' vertently neglected to montlnn the splendid " awlilliltn >l>i Km lulmnnil Itnnl/lnu and ! Logan A Co., the first named gentleman J having a collection ol very raje drugs and ^ chemicals, and magnetic batteries of all descriptions and elzus, while the display A of surgical instrument snd appliances of Logan A (Jo., would have dono credit to a New York house, " As ukfoiu announced, the High Tented P Kechnbitesof the United States will hold il their annual Council in this city this 1 week, commencing to-morrow. On Wed- n nesijay oveolng a mass temperance meet- 1 ingwill beheld atthebtate House Hquaro, a addressed by prominent members of the order from abroad and local speakers of ti popularity. On Thursday an excursion, V picnic and anniversary celebration will be fi new up ai ureen s grove. w . tl I'KKNONAI,. tl n l'oluti About People nt Home nml w Abroad. 6 Ool. James Speyer ia,registered at the McLure. J Jake Kemple in registered at the 8t. ti James Hotel, Washington, D. 0. j, Mr. J. E. Bellviile ia visiting his brother c Col. J. M. Bellviile, 'Tewiky" Agent at c this city. u Mijor J. V. L. Hoilgers arrived in the J city Saturday, coming from Denver, Lead* ? vilie and Gunnison. h Mr. II# B. Snow, ronreaentlng Dr. 0. W. J; Benson, Celery and Chamomile Pills, { Baltimore, Md., ia at the New McLure Home. | Ool, J, B. Peyton, Olerk of the House of j, nelcgsten, left for ble home yoaterday. , He will be on hind it the White Bulpiiur t, tliia summer ab usual. ? Ool, Wm. Keyser, Second Vice I'reei- n dent of the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, nr- 31 rived in this city at 12:25this morning It and will go to Washington, Pa., at 0:45. n Cyrus K. Orr, Assistant Superintendent ? of the Louisville and Nashville Kailroad, " ia visiting his friend, Austin IJeach, of the Rrguter, Mr. Orr la on his way from Ala- ? iiaina to Toronto, Canada. * Edmund Docking, of Wheeling, J. W. L. ? Baker, of Martiniburg, and Kd. L. Hoggs, of Cbarleaton, the recently appointed ? OommlselonerB of Pharmacy, will receive J; their commlsalona to-day. I tin* tla n P Matiton nt (ho Ifnttflli Htreet Church of this city, will preach the IlaccalaureatB sermon to tho graduating class ol the Pittsburgh Female College on Bnnday evonlng, June 12th. K 0. Y. I.ucm, the well-known music man ol Wheeling, km In town to day making arrangements (or the Appearance o( the m Oliitnea ot Normandy next Friday eveu* 11 log.?Saturday'* /Stnbmrllle IlernlH. fll 0.1). Thompson, Kd. Rogers and W, W, Hi Wetherald.ol Whesllng.arein tho city to- o day on bnalneea connected with the Amal- in gamated Iron and Bteel Workers' picnio el at Heaver, June tth. Mr. Rogers is 1)1b- [r trlct Deputy ot the Wheeling Dletrict.? m Nnhintau'l Hlnibnirillr Itrrnbl. The Louisville Krprmot a recent diite D contains the following appreciative note 'I1 olO. W. Atkinson the now United States m Marshal for this State: "Ool.U. W. At- >< klnson, special agent ol the Treasury l)s- ' partmsnt for the Internal Revenue Service ot thU BUte, was confirmed by the ?t Senate Wedneedavae United 8tateeMarshal of Weat Virginia. Col. Atkinson has hi made a good and efficient officer In the *1 department in ihll State, and his numer- fai ons friends congratulate him on hia auc- to cew, and regret hii departure." ^ Tin secret of recruiting the vital principle Is discovered In Tutt'a Pills. In liver affeetlone, dlulneat, headache, cos- " tlveneie, dyspepsia, (evera of *11 kinds, dysentery, llatnience, heartburn, eruptions Jv ol the spin, nervonaneea, billons colic, loea w ot appetite, and all troubles of the bowels m, their curative effects are marvellous. De They are truly the afiicted's friend.I wl BBUM BMIiai m l)alBf In llile Cllj?CrtmUetl Male it Ibluia at lb* Depota - A Look t round Towd. While wandering aimlessly around the y Saturday and other days last week, x commercial reporter ?n struck with e general business appearance o( things at be encountered at every torn. A rge number ol country merchants were the city, the wholesale quarter wan owded with moving vehicles, and the note quarter was as lively aa at any time itbin twenty years. The depots and barves were filled with goods awaiting asportation and at several ol the freight tpots an additional force of men bad sen employed to load up departing cars. At the P., W. A Ky. depot there was a rge miss of freight of all classes being inidlv loaded into the cars, and when all ere tilled there was a long train of them. Kails," mm mr, aeneviue, iiuvu ueuu ury brisk lor Eome weelts, but within a iw days limy have been letting down just little, although they go in liberal quantity every ilsy. Out road is doing a very Did lusiuecs now." The Tuacarawaa road is also doing its :iare of business, although a little reloved (row eligible shipping placed in ilia city. It has, for some time, had a 'barf at West Wheeling, and its towboat, :. J. Grace, is constantly employed In uifting freight sent into and from this ity by this route. Nails and iron are ant West in immense quantities over this jad on account of its facilities for .rapid raneit and good ratee. A great deal of ustom bas also been introduced into tbia ity through this medium that baa proven ery valuable. The Cleveland A Pittsburgh sgent at Iridgeport, Mr, Trueman, says tbis road i also doing a very good freight business, td one trial is stuadiiy increasing. The ' 3-1 -1- -r __i llMIUL'no uuiug IB U1 a |OUDrtti uuniA^koi, iid at once indicates the healthful condiion of trade at all points touched by It. At the B. A O. freight depola there are ilea of freight nearly aa high aa the care tietnaelves, awaiting the convenience of tiose loading, The freight constated irgelv, we noticed, of merchandise in the hspe of groiwiuf, dry goods, house-furishing goods, Ac. Ulaeaware in contldrahle quantities was strewn about the latform, and alao nails, iron aud sheet rou. "Expreaaige tua never been so largo ince the inception of the scheme," said Ir. G. YV. Ilensbaw, the U. & 0. Kiprees gent at this city, "and it is widening and unifying every week. It began neceaeaiiy rather small, that is I mean now as omparcd with the more pretentious idling' Express, but it is now at work ou scale that Is not to be deepised. The ah, meats (fresh I mean), fruits, vegeta<les, produce and miscellaneous matter hat amiually go from Baltimore West and rom Chicago and Handusky East ia someliing marvellous, and, as I Bay, eacli week lid uionlli it is becouiiug greater." Talking to the 0., T. V. & W. and P., V. & Ky. agents in regard to nail ratea, hey snlil that the rates to Ht. Louis were iow -'5 conts;to Chicago 20; aud 15 to )etroit. Kiver rates vary, although they re much lower than rail rates, as boat perators can carry much cheaper than ail way# can. Capt. .Win. Ooulson, agent for the Pittslurgh A St. iouis line of boats, informed ur roporter last night that tlie present ates for nulla to Ht. Loula from this city ma 1-4 cents per keg, and for iron Id onta por hundred. The Granite Slate ist Saturday took away 1,200 kegs from lie Top Mill, 840 from the iiolmont and 00 from lienwood. Tue St. l.awronce took away about 2,000 ege from the Riverside landing, and 500 rum the tiel I aire mill. She also took a irge number from the Belmont, for Mashlire. The Montana will take away a quantity f iron anil nails from this city Wednesiay, for Ht, Louis, The Fannie Tatutn, Andes, St. Lawrence nd Granite State have each within the get ten days taken several thousand kegs f nails from this city, Bulialre and Bonrood (or points heiow, most ol this going a St. Louis lor distribution through the V est ond Northwest. These nails are sent rom all the mills. Tho ,i!tna mill has ieen industriously at work all this -year, nd its iirududs have gone largely South nd Southwest by river packeta. "Taking t altogether," said a gentleman to ua a ay or two ago, "there is a very bealtby lusiness doing hereabouts at prosent." L WIlctllHK Hoy Walks Into UJallDCllou. Yesterday's Cincinnati Enquirer contins the following account of the chumion pedestrian of the Buckeye Slate, who, i will he seen, is a native of Wheeling, 'o win distinction of any kind from Ohio len is particularly worthy of note, and 'racy's friends will be glsd to hear be has ucceeded in doing sot Kdward Tracy, the holder of the pedesrian championship of Ohio, wss born In f heeling, Virginia, July 4th, 1850. His itnily removed to Baltimore when bo was uite a young man, and It was in that city :iat be began his pedalistlc career. Ills rst public appearance was with a man amed Johnson in a twenty mile walk, ihich he won with ease, llenextcontendd for the championship bolt of Maryind. The contest took place in Oonordia Ilall, Baltimore, and Tracy won, -alking 100 miles in 23 hours. 35 minutes, uen tho best time on record. This was 11871). Shortly after William Wadman ballenged 1dm, and he beat blm for the bninplonshlp of the State, walking 00 dies In 20 hours. His next snd final autest for the belt was at Frederick, laryland, with William Van Ness, whom e heat, walklnir 101 miles In 10 hours. f'er that ho came to this city nn<l took art in Knglehart's tournament at the Highland House, lie waa sick during iln walk, and camc in tilth, though he stored 320 miles In the Beventyno hours. Ilia next appearance as at I'rice'a Hall In a seventyvo-bour go-os-you-pleaso, where he waa icond to George Oliambere, miking 340 dies in seventy-two hours to Uhatnbera' 30. lie next won the champion moils! ir Ohio, at Dayton, where he went 355 liles in seventy-two hours, it being the ;cond host traveling on record. At Midletown shortly after he went 343 miles in jvonty-two hours, go-as-you-please. Hia ist psrlormance was at Chicago,where he an second to Ilarriman, making 023 illes in tlx days, tho second beat record. Ir. Tracy is five feet eleven inches high, nd welubs 102 pounds when In prime alklng condition, lie left for NewYork ist nlgbt. We predict that he will prove teaser to some of the speedy ones there. Mrellon Exiracln. The Kepublican City Kxecutive Comilttee held an informal mealing nt the ity Building Saturday night, but did Dthlng of importance. The Democratic City Kxecutive ComIttoe met in the First Branch Hall, City nlldlng, Katurcliy night, Wm. Myles pre ding. John 8hort?, a member from the cond ward, lent In lili resignation, and iia Mathews, the saloonlst, to elected bis piece. All. Caldwell, K)q., wm ecled to 1111 the vacancy in the committee Dm the First ward, caused by the reoval ol George Hook from that ward. The (net that a large proportion of tbe pmocratlc voters In tills city are "ased to illng in ohaiiea" Induced tbe appointent ol a comuiillee to teonre low blda sm liverymen lor hacks lor the use ot tbe oresaid on Thursday. The polls will open at t a. k. and close 6 r. x. Thursday. Ueneril Caldwell is very democratic In a solicitations, Dot ignoring any man, id will converse with all) bat Clov. Jelr's devotel bis mention "exclusively" his Teutonto friends. The election has not etclted the Sixth ird a psrtlcle as yet Ma. \V*. B. Coii.ts, Superintendent of the aihbdfn Iron t'om|<any, Worcester, Mam, AH I can my In regard to 81, robs Oil Is, that It is the belt remedy I have rr seen. It has been used In the Iron orks with woniertnl resolta amon* my ?n for burin, cnts. brnUes, sprains, etc., and < ver tallrd to help them. I shall never be < Uiout 11 In my bouse. Bu.nui'4 thi WbMllUK Tlallura iltruDKlnl to lb* t)r: Loan?Iba Art Ucpurtuitui. Saturday night the BelUire Loan Exbibltion waii bo jammed with people as to col make a eatialactory inspection ol the carl- ' oeities almost an impossibility. At an P'< early hoar the large building waa well filled, and people continued to pour in it | until nearly closing time. Among the iai audience were many Wheeling people, 1)8 and tbey contributed not a little to the au. entertainment by congregating at Lucas' o. music booth and furnishing some delight- Hi lul vocal and instrumental music. 111 A popular feature of tbe exhibition is the art department, and in this connection *' the following account of tbe contents from the pen of our BelUire correspondent will be interesting: th The section of tbe exhibition that is de- tb voted to the art department is certainly ? one of the chief points of attraction to 00 viaitors. in an expositions, irora me uen- -? tennial down, tbe art galleries are tbe w moat popular parte. Thia ia tbe lirsc time an; collection ol paintings baa been maile or attempted In Bellaire, and lie succesi r< moat in a great measure be aacrlbed to tbe i ladiea in charge, Mrs Jobn Blgelow and i Misa Carrie Randolph. Tbe work of bunting up pictures and soliciting contri- , butions to the diaplay waa considerable, 60 and they itill have a daily taak in taking je care of the pictures and answering tbe in- ai nnmerable questions. Tbe catalogue will save much answering questions; but its compilation, as far as regards tbe art de- ~ partment, ia rendered very difficult by the " neglect of ezblbitora in many coaea to give ni the titles of the pictures and their own jr, names. Several landscapes, among them a forest scene, with the llgure of a hunter sl.: among tbe trees, are nameless, aa are a 01 number of small paintings and drawings. ?' The pioture, lifaalze, of "Old Abe," tbe 10 celebrated war eagle, la exhibited by tbe painter,a Wisconsin artist, who baspainted a similar one for the Wisconsin (State , House. c.' A pen drawing by A. O. Bauer la aa ul uood as aucb a picture can be made. The subject is King Lear rejecting Uordella. Tnree portraits that hang side by side attract much attention, as the persons ni themselves have been seen oiten by many ^ who recognize at once the likenesses, They aro a painting of llishop Koeecrans aG by a pupil of Ht. .Mary'sschool, Oolumbus, andtwocrayondrawingsolBishopsWhea- *' Ian and Kaln, by Johu Myles, ul Wheel- 51 ing. J Miae Kckey, of Uount de Chantal, haa a 01 number ol pictures here, and shows her skill in water colors by a bunch of llowers; M In crayon, by the picture of a gleaner; and in oil by the head oi (Jlulst?licec Homo. tl Miss Welsh, of Armstrong's Mills, also has n water color sketch of a house. Water colors, as gonerallv usrd, cannot cc show to advantage beside the deeper ill shades of oil colore. Miss Welsh also ban 01 two oblong ebony panels of llowers in oil T and some drawings. m ftomeo and Juliet, an engraving, be- tl longs to Mrs. Chas. llhodos, as do a pair ol ei oblong landscapes hanging on either side m of Old Abe?paintings In which the can- pi vnss is covered with interlacing branches Mi of trees in the foreground, and yet the ills- tl: lant parte of the landscape are seen. p! On one of the pillars are Bome excellent at placques of dogs heads, by Mies Olara ai Forbes. And on another Is a particularly gi bright placque of a dog holdiug a duck up from the long grass. It Is very lifelike. ai On a pillar, too, are a pair of poucil 111 drawings, of the most delicate kind, by ai Ben H. Paris, an entirely Belf taught ama- hi teur. i lie woou scene m in me Btyie inai gt hw added so much to tbo beauty ol the di pages ol Harper's magazine, in the pictures ri ol W. Hamilton Gibson. cc The only other pencil work is a small w sketch by Ed,, He, the youngest artist represented, has also a crsyon drawing ol one ol Kaphaol's cherubs, . showing excellent work, on the eyes especially. >' Another copy ol this cherub, dlatln- 0 guished by having wings, is tho work ol MIbs Alice Kinsey. She also has one ol " the very best landscapes present, an oil painting ol the Source of the Dolaware. J. 8. Carter eililbltfl a pair ol excellent [}' large steel engravings. That line steel engraving loaned by Mra. J. T. Mercer, of I.andseer's celebrated "oionarca 01 me uien, wins many au- , miring glances, A pair of pictures of a '? stag before and after (be fight are also et he . ?' Tbe painting of a soldier Is a portrait of Dr. Kim, when Unterarzt, or assistant U surgeon, of the 3d Prussian cavalry. i, Mies Lizzie Anderson has a number ol " small landscapes, two small to be showy, D but well and carefully done. hi Right opposite these Is a large oil paint- p< ing of the same subject as one of Miss d< Anderson's?Blersladi's California Hnnnet. ue This is by Mrs. Ker. Dean. She has quite co a number of paintings?a Bunset scene fo suggested by Gray's Klegy in a Country ar Churchyard; tbe SusquehannaRiver, the Is Bubble Blower, and several others. Glen Tilt, Scotland, Is tbe one that seems to be Y most praised of her works. Three Wheeling artists?Storm, Farts ac and Mylea?each have a number o( paint- Ri Inge. 0! Btorm'e, FallatafT telling the -r wonderful talo ol his valiant deeda to nc I'rlnce Hal, la the most noticeable picture a , present. A smaller picture, of FallatalT 0( and Prince Henry sitting by a table, fa an a, older work of the same artist. The Okess w| Players, too, la his, aa might be known by the peculiar coloring, which even the tyros who vltit the Loan have learned to recognlie. ,. Mylea has a variety of pictures?the 1 two crayons we have noticed, a paatol por- da trait ol' himself, and oil palutlngs of The dii Two Orpliana, owned by Mrs. It, K. List, and "Grandfather and Grandmother. 0| This latter Is a plctnre of an interior with _e excellent effects of aunlight and reflected light on the figures of the old couple. Grandmother's holding oflf her knitting to iR, seo a dropped Btitch never falls to be sum- ?] mented on aa "10 natural." Another u,. crayon ol his is that of Muegge, tbe Wheeling news dealer, on which a great v deal ol careiul work haa been put. y' Farla' pictures are all oil, and nearly all ue. portraits. There|ls a view ol Cheat river 1, and a placqne with his boyhood's home in "J1 St. Olairsvllle. We bare nienlloneil thp 0,1 portrait ol 8. Q. Morgan, and there is one similar ol Stephen Gresslnger; a bright picturo ol hie own child, Tom; full length figures of Mr. Tracey and wife, ol Wheel- , ing; Mrs. John Cochran, of Wheeling, a life sl*e, lull length portrait with ail tbe pri details carefully worked up and yet kept sol subordinate to the portrait; and a placnue u. with a portrait ol Artjr I'araona, painted . with pure, unmixed colors. mr, ijung, n nieuueuvniu amateur, nas the beat fruit pictures in the exhibition. B'r Three peaches with some grapes are "J1 nsturnl enough to pick up, and the effect ?' Is heightened by the reflection in the Ur table. Two bunrheB otgripes, one of dark p.1 and one of light grapes, companion piclures, are just as good aa the peaches. The J1"1 Pet, a pUcque, Is his also. Plaoqnea, to be 9, seen well, Should never be varnished. "1 Among the host fruit pictures is one of P" an upset basket of dead-ripe peaches by Miss I.lsile Anderson, that we forgot to mention wllh her others. 1 Mian t.lli Itnait'a ll!>1 ?111. l._ . . 1UIIO uio iiobu a ? niui/uiiuo UII I, null uo (g^] beiutifnt lace and rich, ripe coloring, la H,i much praised. Nhe baa serersl other ' pictures, too, I Mlaa Carry llhodoi, of Qridgeporf, 1ms <P< aeveral of the beat paintlnga ol ill on exhibltion. The three heada ol Pharoah a horaee, in black and white oil colore, has , ' ill the spirit ol high mettled horaoa themMl Tea, and piloting ol I lirge dog, with ,or the light filling lair nn him ind bringing * < blm Into loll rails', ia much priiaed. The smaller picture of "Margnirete" Is ilio bars. Miss Little Forbes' "Jealousy," with a }jj)j mm half-hidden In the darkneae drawing H2 Ills aword in hatred of hla forlnoate rival c,n( who ia with the lady In the lire- not, tronnd, ilwiyahiai group in front of It. Boi Mlaa Doddridge haa I small picture on by I ibony, of two babies In i shell. at Hirry l.atnre, I youthful artist of Bel- l"rr lire, shows painting of i acene on the are meet of Bcotlind, thit Bis excellent effects if iky ind witer. T Klchirdi 6 Bailey, ot Wheeling, hive In llgh I comer a number ol article! ol white >nze, which will he added to this wet-k, _ ong them a medallion portrait made m i photograph. 01 the same ia the ge figure ol an angel standing in the ner. Cwo of the great curiotlUsa are tbe two itureaof beads with lioea ao drawn ol rou them as to look oa 11 tbe glaaa over d im bad been broken and a few pieces of g lad slipped down behind. Many a bet made over tbia, many not being able to J lieve the evidence of their eyes until k pplemented by that of their fingers. B the only specimen ol carving ia that of p L. Uurray, a Bellaire fine atonscntter. , t AthihltH nnniA nmrvHlmtnl v cut fruits tl flowers ol X'eonaylvania blue stone. 1; rhere are no paintings bere by those J 10 are known the world over as artists, n it the display is all the more creditable . r that and shows an increasing taste lor " e art. General surprise is expressed a*, f e large sharo Bellaire has in this depart- 0 ant and yet we know her contribution a aid be much enlarged and wo hope the iportunity will some time again be given show what we can do. leiuL YOUTH* mrlb of Ibo kerim or Keriuuui bj Kev. Dr. Mwlea at ttow Fooilb Hired W. K. L'hurrli I.hnI Sllfhl. The Hev. 0. P. Jiasden last uiulitpreachI th (uurth teruiou on Uoine tile. Kubct the "Model Youth." Tut, 1 Tim 4 id 12. i outh una lla tueiiiHU cjiimiatriHia, eticu 1 buoyancy, playltlloeaa, hopefulness. { 'hen ibeao firo wanting tho youth Is To cruiliitheeo Is to lako color I am (lowers, flu J tie*', birdaonua an J ' tnrUo Irani morning. Pfomnturo age? , d childhood? hot-house manhood are | jt God'd plan. Let the young on youth' ,1 and tha child have lla childhood, While this la true, lot uu avoid the other ttieuie ui idleue^a, indulgence and Bin. | ou li ii the eowirg noaenu. Then , laracler la firmed and direction given to i jatiny. The text give ua liod'a ideal and model inth, "au example to tiie believera" and , "in wohb" jt only in) public teaching in doctrine j it alao in daily cmuertalion. Correct in ( mtiment and prudent in language. Language ia an expresaion o( the char- i :ter, and yoa can judge ol the man by la worda. Impure aud vile language inucos an impure and vile character, Purity I thought and chaate and correct oonver- i itlon aru the two great factora in charac ir, IN BltUAVIOn 1 io word traualated "conversation" in the 1 ixt, might bo more properly rondered ; ndiict. your deportmont bo in liarlony with your words. J jmllcman Is i i? well-behaved under all circumstances, his requires Obrlstian inanlr.od. A man ' lay keep his word, l.e lluent in conversann nonaml imntloln Ma haarlnn nnliali. I IIU| vnilj miu (Jliliuu iu ma uvHiium I'uuunI in manners, versed in otiquettu, yet ba I 3 gentleman if be indeed got iu animal 1 lesions, glutting, or drimkeiineBB, jme people know liow to behave leoieelvea in certain company and laces and very rude at other times id places. Some are concentrated smiles id aggregated sunbeams in society, aud owling lione and stinging wasps at home , mil are very alUblo and kind to tho rich id harsh and vulgar to the poor; dlgniid and sedate in gome place, and apes | ul buffoone in others. To bo well helved under allrireuMifancMConstitutes the mtleman. The christian gentleman is ascribed in the i&'.h chapter of First Uor- j nthians, which is the most concise and implete philosophy of of etiquette ever 1 ritten. 1 "IK LOVE," 1 Two things are essential for character j id usefulness, vis: Thai the hit fmilhj , lould be developed, and the ob|ecte of ve the noblest and tho best, We cannot ve country, home and Mends too urll. | '? may love them loo tcduiicly. When the love (or the earthly father, I rather, mother, sister, wife or child, baa i sver been deep and true, yon will nover i git the pureit affection for (lod. The love ficully must be dovelopod I ion if tho object Bhould be earthly, but I leso human trelllsea will all Ull aud un- i sa the affections entwine around God, i ernity will find us bankrupt in heart | id happiness, "lit rAiTn" nbellef makes the future a blank, and ( u no real motives to study and labor. ( oubt makes everything uncertain und c is no steadying element and propelling 1 iwer. Intldelityjia a negation, Intern t in the crystal palace of faith and gives i no home or shelter in the desert. The urage that comes from faith is essential ] r success in life. Faith lathe explorer . id Inventor of tho ages. Life without it < a ship without a pilot and destlna ion, 1 "in ruaiTT." j Quthful Innocence unstained is the rarest c id most beau lful thing on this earth, t iputatlon, like water spilled on the | otina, cannot ue gatnoreu up mam. in- j icunt memories wilt make a heaven? jullty recor'l a hell. The grandest thrill delight that can come to a eon! ie the nsclousneae of purity. Happy those bo have no staine anil scars on the soul. f Allot her nl(lr> or an A in ollul Ntorjr. u Tho Sunday IMer, in on "ebulliin" ol sympathy for coal mlnern, yester- n y reflected upon the conduct and con- s Hon of the Top Mill coal hank, and c long other things said that the "hose" o the bank, Joseph Hamilton, had ap- r sled tn the managers of tho mill to c medy thin. This sentiment nan elicited ? the Hidden death of John Desmond tl it week. Last night we reoeived the d lowing, which will explain Itself: c< lion Intelllseneer. 0 Please correct a statementln the Suntlng * m lntlrr. May 22(1, concerning me con- ,, mning the Top Mill coal hank, as the b id coal bank Is In as good and safe rnnng order an any bank In Wheeling, and ? llge n Joseph M, IIamii.tom, * t( If iflBUHgVri The flrniit llntiip Hale, >' rho burnt portion of I lie Uraut House Dperty, at Tenth and Main ntreotn, was el id last Saturday by Auctioneer Halier to mry K. List, for 122,700. The purchase Jj; liudeaail that vacant ground east of the ?i araer House, extending an far na Tenth " eet and as far back as Market street. " r. Met by tills purchase Is now possoesed all the property recently known an llie P. ant House, havin|| at a former sale light the Kramer Honse, or that part of !' 3 house not destroyed by the lire. He 9 not yet indicated what his inienllon |r in regard to this valuable property, but tk s likely that It will not remain nnimjveil very long. ?i Tratiafeni nmrnl Kafatf, J the following deeds In tee were admiti to record In the Recorder's office hi nrdnyi leed made May 21, by I. F, Joneo, iplal commissioner to Oeorge Kice, lor I/ No. 4, in I lie town ol Potoiqtp. Con- I< erallonJoW. Bt )eed maile Heplember 27, 1870, by Gi drew Wilson and wile to John Hlatner, J)( lot Mo. 6, in square No. S, Klghth '? id, Consideration >800. g| "Women Kerer Ihlak.* J I the crabbed old bachelor who uttered m! isenUmentcoii'dbiitwUnns the Interne ught, deep atudy and thorough Invostlra, I of women In determining the but meal9 to keep Ihelr families well, and would ">j ithelr naglclly and wisdom In selecting f,?' f Bitten at the beet, and ilemonitrnilng it ? leeplng (hair lamlllea In perpetual health, I mere nominal einenae, he would be ed to acknowledge that audi aentlments "" base.eaa and fslse.?Picayune, awraw "JJ bt Phicnix Patent Flour, whitest and ?< teat In Me, m?th hi tAIK FaOUKKM. irtclora Mealing mi ibe tour! lion**? ^ lbs Work Going on liiii>lillj-n.ilo for j Holding tile Voir M for Oclubtr I bird ta CO Continue nix Daja, Jtc. ?f An interesting and hai uionioua meeting * I the Baud of Director*] oi the Fair aseo- "j ation ill held at lUcorder George } look's office on Saturday uvening. Those reeent were Ueaars. Anton Rejmann, Id. Mendel, G. R. Tingle, U. L. Ott, M. G loilly, M. Loltua, Robert Campbell, and ? hilo Kimberiy, The Committee on ft iroumla reported that grading wae rapid- J' r progreaaing and that by the end oi ten j aya probably, that work could be com- u jenced on the track. No plan ol build- n age haa aa yet been determined upon and 1,1 irevioua to the adoption ol one divera j{ ther onea in diifurent Ntatu will be in- p pecttd by a committee. a The Board, upun representation and ad- ii ice oi the Committee on Grounds, de- \ my an rdditionai slip ol laud Iroui Mr. p mUliU, ~fr. 1 ? 1-1-- r Miijf| nuiiiu ?ua uuuiwu un ruuouuttuie u arms and which will make the fair o [rounds decidedly more roomy. > Mh Campbell stated that during the I, veek the grounds had been viaitfd and i impeded by many ladles anil geuiUuien t ind there was a unanimous eipretsiou of t i pproval with teferunce to the Belectiun ol c lie situ and the adaptability and various idvuntsges of the groundj lor the purpose. Mr. Reilly nlso expressed himself as pleated with the work done. I Some recommendations for the furmaion of a number of committees was made md a committee consisting of Messrs. M. I,. U.t, Ueorge K. Tinglo 11ml U. U Johnion were apuoiuted to select proper uieuiuerR and detire them duties. Mr. G. B. Tingle recommended a committee to be named by the chairman, with K. W. Campbell, Esq., as prttidun' of it. lo invite the President of the United State*, West Virginia'* representatives in Uongresa and the Governor of the State to be present at the nnenlng of the fair. Unanimously csrriei The President of the Board, Mr. Beymann, named Messrs. M. Uellly and PJillo Kluiuerly to act with Mr. Campbell. On motion of Mr. Bobert flimiihull Mr Havmann maoaililail tn tkn :omuiittee. Quite a diacuseion ensued as to Ihe best lime of holding the lair. The Secretary reported that other fairs in this section would he held as follows: llurgettstown, Washington county, Pa,, September Oth to Hh; Pennsylvania State Fair, at Pittsburgh, September 6th to October O.h; Pittsburgh Exposition, September 5th to October 0th; Wellsburg,' September 1:1 h to ltith; St. Olaireyille, September 14th, i I5tb, and lflth; Parkersburg, n6 date ret; j Steubenvilie, 0., no (air. ' It was linally decided to hold the first annual West Virginia Imposition and Stale Fair on October 3d, 1881, and coutinne to the evening ol the 8ih. Alter some further talk of no general interest to the public Ihe meeting adjourned 1 to meet at the call of the Kecoidiug Sucre > lary. IXtlDIUIUII TO NTKUIIENVllae. rile i'blnien or JWuruinmly t'nni[lullj rile Mteamer Nl. Lawrence? liruuier'a llnml nail oilier UumI T tiluie. Certainly every muBlc lover in Wheel- | ing, and every one else for that matter, ffho Is lond ol an evenlug ol unalloyed pleasure, will want to go to Steubenville next Filday afternoon on the steamor St. Uwence. The Lyric Opera Company bas chartered the boat to carry them up and [jack, audtomeet thlsexpeneea limited Dumber ol tickets will be sold to exourlionista at the certainly low price ol $1 sach. When six tickets are purchased by uiy ono party a stateroom is alloted, free if uny extra chargo. The diagram ol the itaterooins is now at -the sluro of 0. Y. Lucas, Mo. 1142 Main street, and where tickets can be purchased. Kramer's hand joea aloug and will discourse good music 11 n and down. I)Allrdnu witl Irn11.1 hk> l,u i indulged in, and Lho officers of the boat promfso to furnish refreshments on the iown trip. At bteubenvillo, in Garrett's Hall, the , Jpera Company will give "The Chimes of | Normandy,' and from the interest excited Uready iu our up-river suburb, the prob , ibilities are that a fall house will be present, ^ Another ftirlkc. Tho nail tenders in all the mills iu this J lection, except the Benwood and Bellaire, ire out for an advance of 5 cents per ma* shine which the operators refuse to aoede. Hie places of the dissatisfied workmen i will be filled by others. ' * 1 Don'! Hi*nl Tin*! NlnfT," fs what a lady of liiston said to her husband when he brought home some medicine to mro her of tick headacho and neuralgia winch >ad made her miserable for fourteen years. 1 It the first attack thereafter, it was adminis ered to her with such good results that she lontinued its ubo until cured, and was bo en- . husiastic in its tiraise, that she induced , wenty-two of the best families in her circle \ o adopt it as their regular family medicine. * rhat "stuff" is Hop Bitten.?Standard. MWFAW KIVKK NOTES. J The Diurnal returns with her excursion rom Parkersburg this morning and leaves ( t her regular hour for that port. The Andes is due to-day and departs to- 1 uorrow taking with her a party of ladies and entlemen on a round trip excursion to Cininnati. It is useless to refer to the pleasure f traveling on this steamer. No boat on the f iver has more gonial or careful officers; no I rewismore trustworthy and obliging; and o craft on the Ohio hss better accommodaions for its guests. Assurance is therefore oubly sure or a pleasant timo for all who acDtnpany gallant Captain Charlie Muhleman n tills trio. The season is delightful for such n excursion. The big piles of lumber on the whrtrfyes- " rday looked as though some one intended uilding this summer in Wheeling. Henry Heamon Buys that the next son of a a cook who awakens him at 0 o'cIock In the ( lorningto ascertain if he has skiffs for hire % ould con1 uit his safety by having his pantalons well sheathed with % boiler Iron.' Kiver last night showed seven feet in the launel and stationary. Weather yesterday warm and clesr. The Scotia is Jdue up to-morrow from Cininnati to Pittsburgh. The Bait Va'lev was seiwd ?t fltntitmnvtlta ti Saturday for debt by n Marshal and two Pt Bputies The secure wai illegal, however, rid the tellers themselves were In turn ar- * tiled and the boat rolewed. She left last Ji ight for Pittsburgh. * ?t. Louis, MayM.?Arrlvnl-Matide, M?ni* lila; Uelle Memphls, Vlcksburg: Grand i'afic.Bt.VaUl. No departures. The river lias _ illen 2 inches, with 24 fett 7 Inches by the m luge. Weather clear and pleasant. L CMctmit, May S2.?lilver 11 feet and fall- E iff. Wtatber fair and warmer. Departed? :otla. Pittsburgh. 1 IvOtnaviLL*. May 21?River still falling this JJ< retting. with 0 feet 8 Inches In the canal and |!J feet 8 inches in the chute. Business dull, 'either cloudy, with indications of rain A rriralsand departuree-Bllver Cloud, (.'innnatl to Tennessee river; Pittsburgh, HttaIfgh to fit. LottH; Kyle, Cinrinnati to New . rleans; Golden Crown, T*ew Orleans to Cln? -J nnati; Jleti Franklin, Cincinnati. th? Cairo, May 81?Arrive*!: Oenovleve. 8t. )uls; Com Millar, Cincinnati; Dick Kill ton, >ulavllle; Greyhound, Memphis; Polar ? ar, Little Ragle. My Choice and City of II wnville, Bt. Louis; Hopkins, ?vansville. I Started i Genevleva Mom phis; Cons Mil* r, Memphis: Dick Fulton, New Orleans; ?Iar 8tar, Onto river; Baker, 81. Louis; eyhound, Ohio rlvor; Greenville, Vicks- T rg; Hopkins. Kransvllle. River ?8 feet 9 jhesand falling. Weather clgudy. TU?fi ? >raeter 80? ? It Ton Art Atek, Brail fJ1 3 Kidney-Wort advertisement In another A nmn. anil It will explain to roil the ra- n, i al wethod of getting well. Kidney-Wort II ?a?e you more doctor's bill* than any ler medicine known. Ac|Id* with ipfclnV rr*y on tlie?Idneji and liter. It corn the Tc rat di?ea>ei caused by their ilera-g ment . e It at once. In dry and liquid I, rm. L1 ihof II equally efficient Ilia liquid lathe lent, but the dry la the most economical."im daM An Old Dcclorli Advice. It was this: 'Trust In God and keep your >we)s open." For this purpose many an old I xstor bss advised the habitually costive to -J ke Kidney-Wort-lor no other remedy so ? Fectually overcome this condition, and that l ithout the distress and griping which other ~ edict n-s cause. It is a radical cure for piles. 1 on't fsil to use it,?Traiulated from the Hew J inker /situny. MWttW 0 ^ ? r, Poluu ou Ureail (aOOde. Tho stock of Black and Fancy Dre6a oods we are showing this spring is every s eek receiving moro and tuore attention ou our appreciative and esteemed pa- ons. First, because great care has been 1 tken in the selection of well-wearing J abrics (Lupins for instance), on account f their well known durability being fully ^presented. Second, uew Fabrics, or de- J igns, are found on our countera almost aa , uickly aa tbey are shown by Esstern t ouses. Third, buyiog direct from imorters and commission merchants, we . nve our customers many dollars. So well i this becoming known to the residents of : V heeling aud vicinity, aa well as to many arsons throughout the titate who do usiness with us through the medium of ] ur Order Department, that our trade this i easoa is far beyond any in our previoua ^ luainwH experience. All gooua sent outids oi the city 0. 0. D. can I) a examined ' ie(ore accepting. II not satisfactory ream to ue at our expense. Not one par- ' el baa been returned out o( 378. I. Bluu & BRO, No. 1104 Main Street. ] Ask (or Phujnix Mill* Patent Flour, the 1 rent made. imu . t'bolce Hilar*, Virbfuna, Pmialra. Jke. Mesars. John li. & A. Murdoch, tho well \ mown ftorlats ol Pittsburgh, offer at vholesslo and retail an lmmeuse atock of he choicest and beat grown tea and aonthiy rosea, verbenas, paa&ies, heliorope, colens, tube roaea, feverfew, petuilaa, gladiolus, dahliaa, etc. They also uaku napeeialty of furnishing fine ffowera ind smilax for weddings, Tunerala and itber occasions, Prompt attention given o telegrams. They have no agency in Wheeling, bo all orders should be adIreaaedto No. 112 Simithfleld street, Pittalurgb, Pa. All wool laco burning at 25o. All wool laco hunting at 25c. All wool, plain bunting, 16c. 27 inch Panama Bulling, 8c, 27 inch plain uud fancy dress goods, 12 Jc, Yard wide pldid nainsook at 12)0. at JoHX EMailKIMKllS, Eleventh, betwem Main and Markot. Ilon'l l>l? In lti? llouae. Ask druggists for "Rough on lists." It Blears out rals, mice, bed bugs, roaches, Hiew. vermin, nuts, inppom. 16c. per box. SIOQOREWARD Tell Your Friends You b?T0 found tlia light plica fir Sood Workmanship, Fashionable Styles, and Low Prices IN Men's Buslness&DressSiilts IN Jheviots, CasslinBres, Cloths, Worstuds, &c. Boy's and Childrens' Suits n every new atylo and aultcil for ill uim, nt price* raging Prom #3 no to T"or fair oqulralont for your money, go to OEHM&CO., ONE-PRICE CLOTHIERS, 32S Market Street, Adjoining Optra House. nn21 ROOEHIES AND TOBACCOS. S. BAER & SONS Ofler to the Trade Lower than any other iotue In the State SUGARS, Best Selection In j 5REEN COFFEES SYRUPS, ; B^COIsT,; SOAPS i I AND j TEAS.] Detore yon nny onme and examine onr ock and we will do right by you. , |< ; RflFR H QflNC Mi wviiU) j Silver Lake Flour Houia. iRANGH STORE.; [ tikeplwaure In Informing (hi good peopla of > itih W lin*lliiK that I hate eaUbllahed t branch I ne on the prrmliM lately occupied hjr Mr. H T. ^ iwford, 842 MAIN B1HKKT, waere they ?111 find full llnq or St'pla and Fancy Bricifln t At Ibo rame price u at hudqtmlcri. The llrarch *111 bo tanniced by Mr. W, E. KPIIKN*, who the mora tb*T anow the better . 7 will like. R*peclfiillj, L U. >J. SMYTH, " IEIII HUD FBtSH Mill i RRCRIVRD O'DAY, DAILY R*wpt Bunday. U i*ia n ntJnin'UB - .. miit iff t, 10 TltAVELEUSi 1,1 re Yon Going to Europe. w liSTt ron who am willing tocamtf 11 to ? l-omitt your ticket* at ~II F. BRnURHH', glgphona 'ft. *n MlrlH ?fa? OK.DOHOKKS AND DM ALL IUJI0 ?* A >1 lho,l n?|M, ui II STSJ 8U ma amt. JOR RENT?T U ET W O-fcTOKYKPirv - dwtUlM. Ho. W Thln??nth cwSit, wm? and kl'cfcen. W?t?r wdguihniUiUu^U uue* le In tho belt ot order. Etuulicul lurnrS I 1 rrLK. tt ? tit-nth ?tm-u * W*E* pOR RENT. " ^ I titore Boom. 2112 VUia itrwt, n?* WuiW war Soeley, Plumber, ihrwi Uw ua?i, uu i ?l MUU-, lUblo U) cvBliaot city. " k^uiittot H. Kuauti, CtHEHAL WOHCE8. I ^JOTIUE. 1 CLUK'I Ovvtci tOlBD OV Couvmtoxtu.) I WukKUSU, M?y 16,1M1. J la order that the bualniw I Ohio couuty i,? ical year ending M?y 31,1&41, m*y U clo*\l, bu\ic* H l hereby glten to til p<-r?ona having tUluu mit* I Id county to preetnt th?> uuu (ui iiiymeut on u *lor? flbdJNLaKAY, lh?'iSib tc?t * m jAd.B.^AHRlER, imlttMTBi Hath, pro tem. ~ fOa~SALK. 1 nOR BALE. * 1 AdealrabU mld?nce at MaitWe Kerry,UMo,i? I ioUn'a addition. It la a twoatory Uuu-e, wnuiu jm room* a good well and all nrcmit y caoruiiM* Che houaa and premise are lu ?.<oa or.u? naff FUkD "BtwilCI. ? th? pnaw POK SALE. JLJ^ Lots in Pleasant Vallev m? MaUooil io?i| iqJ i^i Jn ^''in rpHB QB4Y FAKM FOB CoDlklulns stiout Hum. iliuttttl In (in, ftS"'/. J?""!.!1"" ?>{?Irout "lUlllpbla. Wici t3,6u>?pari l j. CU*^KltTliEHw?i " inhxt O'JAS. i? mwi.hi1' M>" Whf.lL,. W, Vl POBBALE, ~ Four lull ol jroucj on Siulh I' - ?? .. 13, 84 and 35, lu Hok'l Jdltlon. The m,.u lou dow (or ule In the Seventh ward ol thtdly, ?PM ??AAC IRWIN. Art pOR BALE. Three hundrAd and soTenty-flve icrei ol liiiM Utio of tf. A 0 K. U., fifteen utiles tail ol WbssilcL 1 wo hiimlred aciee In choice * bite oak, m >iu and hlck? ry Umbo. Oue bundled and filtj under cultivation. W. Y. HOUU A BRO., mb26 iBUMarkM itmi pOH SALE-DESIRABLE BUILDIKQ I hereby offer for aale 450 loot ol grounl on Fit teouth alreet and 400 lotl on Fourtwntk UmLta thU city, Id lota ol 20, 40 or CO feet, lo suit i>urrkiiut 1 ho above import; la i he only large uhcool Kr(llB| uow vacaul la lbs city convenient to tmiiMnut the moat derlranle to be had lor rwM.nit* im properly la near the Central (ilau Worki, Wt??e Wood and McCullocU atrcota ami known u f-trlnrt Garden. ii. Z. HHUtVlJR, uihl lilt Mtlnnrwt JOSEPH HARRIS' NUR8EKIK8, t) MOIJN UiVII.LK. 78,000 Apple Trees, two, throe, lour and tve j?j# 5,000 Peach, one (frotn bud) year. 6,000 Plums, one ami two years. 0,000 Quint co, two and three years, 6,000 (Therrloe, one and (wo yeari. JW.OOOflSvergreeni, mostly Junli cr. Irom ono to tin feat. The abovoare thrifty ami In goodc?Q<]ttk>al? transplanting. Will aell aa low ai tbe lot ml c?. respondents aollclled. Addrocs, hAMUKI, MJU LKB, Moundsvllle. Nursury U ona mile ?ni k Moundavllle Demt. PITTSBURGH REAL ESTATE r KJKNTS AND Oil! lull* TAKE NOTICE. I 00 aoiei cl goid coal lands at <'olilsr'iriiiihaii4 1/200 Meres In Mrooke and Hanro k oountm, u* nowefftred. Als'ractof title, aamplea ol ouiul plat at the office. CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. A two'itory brick homo In Kail Wbtflloi, stv, for 11,100. For live Iota north ol Twelfth street, fSOOonly. 11,90) will buy a flee and commodious twc-itM? brlok houae and lot on Kelt. |MW lor most dtiltibls Irauie dwelling and lot on alley 1'J, Centre WheelUg. Two cheap cottage building! on the Island 133! Miriift street, WhwIlM, W.'Vi. V Notorial builneia anil roal mi*to. >ni7i - -n OAtt AMD STEAM HTTINC, WANTED! Everybody to call it Trimble & Lutz's Plumbing Eafablishmarit, I41S Market Street, And txunlno the LUTZ PATENT Iron Hydrant & Street Washer, The Best In the Nirkit. They ran be repaired wllbout digging op pu pavement *r yard. skit QARDEN HOSE. The beat and cheapeat garden ami hvJr?ntb?eeli the city. Aleo a new lot ol the laNt tlnelgoi el CluiucInllorHiiiKl Hrnelictf All order* promptly attemlpd la. ? LUKEFITTOK, luhgfl rto. H fl.suunwt ^yM. 1IAKK A HON., Praotloal Plumbers, S&s <t Steam Flttwi Mo. 33 Twnlfth St. All work done promptly it rtMontble prlcn. BUILDERS, . Hamilton, mcgkanahan a matT11KWS, Brickmakers, Bricklayers AND BUILDEBS. tat I mate* made on application. Hiaitfurnai* ""N mill, glaii bouM ami potttry work mule a i|*?h laity. RED BRICK ALWAYS ON HAND. All work nuiranteed. Offloo t No. 1412 Market StrMt. Office telephoneC?81. Yard telephone C?II. apl2 ^ gTEPIIEN MiOUUOUGH, Carpenter and Builder, All ilterMlone made on oil liulMlnp. wjMjJ'' 7a, akvllKhU and nrnlflM particularly MM**' I tore front! put In and it?rr? altrrfd. WajV otintera and anelfln* itted op on ihort notlw ai* ob work promptly attended to Hiop at Mr. Bfy ialer'a old Hand, Alley Thlrtwi, rrar of .apJW. U*|clenf?Wn *>*. 'IQTUHia AMP ART MATl"mU?; BOX vvjRiTirvc; papbb I will cloMont a nice lot ftf boi wrlilni ,l >w Bjurea. Home lite aljlee. W. 8. HUTCHIJM* PockHbooka at fe?t to do*. 2!ii |fUXE 3ICTURE MOULDINGS New Block, new itylw, Juit Merited??ibeM ?U? oil** Art hiore. _ , -irM(f ... ?p2n K. f, Ht")LL*jL 1RAND [xcursion to Cincinnati ON T'/fK STJflAMICa ANUKS. HHHilnclnnatl. *nd will "/ry id rettirn for 110 for t'.i# rotm<l tr r. tali and lo?l*ln? durlr.* thMta/ al'11 1 he aecomitH daUort of (hit bo*i ar* B0vn ? any put at In tre nrp?r rlfW il (Mod li alwaja on boarJ ar-d 'urn.1'11" tll#, ii? Bile. F?r?UtaronminranT othfrlnlorra 4 in CHARI.W HIIIIJJUUK, < i WBMiinit, w. v?. UPT BKCEIVKI). in ?l?K?nt llw? of l>"'r ,, ijolloi Win, DlCtnUd Chimbff!Ill W tin on him! > Uric il? t ?' w'" r lirlow Bbailw, ot lue l?IMl "I"* ... limn mi/p'iu, |)l|t n? Mil" "*hUIISOKII'TIO.N BOOK AOENOV, trsti MnfJft Btroef. rnK WmtM, mam ind I' "/J?!!? u ,'iiJ <1I'lrtorlal Family Blbl? poMHWd 1Jt lea; alio, Una boon.