" MEDICAL. DR.J. E. SMITH, so. 81 TWELFTH STREET. . V,. ill< ptanldllrt>uc?f U thy t? 1U w:j'i,?lienU. "m l'lcmulnf ijMai toe ?rtti? viuyo Hul l h*v? ilult OS I-'1:1', .rni idrl! ?III' uiuac wbo ton ounMlttd urnb,'?|iluuOj)?.rienco?lja UmilUrilj ..j.-niMieUii uUorvunwol urn^ i?ulUrUii? ?"J "tritl uunUan U B?SflS&JSSpSSSivJBt? fl0>I 10 PROOF . , bmi] liver IHmjumsi and ttlieupatUmSj^-Jrribly. "NoiWiW ce?ed tai help me; Tern' i) ^ ^r. smith cured me." ?T^uutl!,:loUl ZJUT. PHILLIPS, Wheeling, W. Va. . tL.ivnai of None, Inipdrwl Voice.-fluf. ^ v Inr wUeni mcdlclut tailed to help me. ptoiUJ wJUii'KUily.'"JjjJjJg* CIIADDDCK, of SiH.ai?l"l A Co., Wheeling, W. Va. ?{ I'li'cruted Stomach.?'Tieatment iVt. I,u-relief. Dr. Smith cured l*^w iilii!il>H HOLT, Iniurance Agent. l,KW '"[xlulaR?1 WASHINGTON.111 ^!S?S W-SWS gblm. I"- tol|f|S| UATUICWKB CAIS, M?Tki l >lr?t, WhMlluf, W. Vt _.s?HWv "I Kniun, l'rul?i?u? uM Hli*?.T2wu U!> to die and Pronounced incurable. Jlfiheared ne without Yalta." WASUlNUTOli DKT.ANY, Martin'! Ferry II 0 Udd writes:?"Dr. Smith'* profosNloual Jirtaa lii iny family havo been most satisfactory pj I oumniiiid him to all u a guutloman and a ^'j^al'Ktilt) says:?" I had been ?uflooring toVnn >?*"? "' treated by many physicians (or !bwi? *. I'r- Smith said I had a taj>e-worm aud 1 /(,i huir* rvmoved a monster 101) hwt long." itmiie ttonplslnu.-Three year* In hospitals for &.O. give u?e t-fcullar advanugei in such raaca. *Sn.,il?.iir?'l ?f catarrh, diseases of heart, llvor, kidiit-yri, skin, blood, uervoua affections Slwi-akniNM^ of men aud youth, scrofula and Smba u?tif> to my jilrtciirfi without llio knife. juicuu st a distance way ho (rented br letter and etitftleiigiuruiiluvcl. A chart (or self examlnaJoiwiton^vliit o( two three-ccut stamps, aud ?i!i? returned tree. , __ i (ioulutlmi m oqloo freo. Ofllce hour* (rem 9 a. . .to J r dally. Sunday (mm 2 to 5 r. *. Call iSlurai. J. K. smith. M. D., So. 91 Twelfth St.. Wheeling. W. Va. VALUABLE DISCOVERY 111' miw. ;<2 myers. Mneand Healing Salve i'rlcc ii mill 30 coil la per llox, Tito Drawing uud Healing Salve jur?mrbunrt??, fvlmm and absesscs, without the 4 of the knife. The Drawing ami Healing Salve itfjniti, bums mid iieah wounds. The Drawing ami Healing Salve (tfmHi>i'U?Hiiil ringworm*. Tin' Drawing and Healing Salvo |uh plli'l ?ll'l folnonwl flesh. The Drawing and Healing Salve . ?vt? torn*, iulliunc?l Joint*, chllblalna aud frost h? > In. Juljo Myers' Ithoumntle Cure iictrUlnciiro (or rtiiMiinutlMin, nouralgU, weak Wi*. t>r*lu>. KtliliK-.sM (if tho Joint*. wvere aches. 1 gu|K. Ac. I'rlce fl |*'r bottle. Trial bottle 10 x fornle, wholesale and retail, by I/Ml AN A CO.. iMI-nw r?r. llridgo wild Main HU., Wheeling. THE JIAIIVIiANU MATEItNITE, llil w. i. Street, (s?r Hanover) ' llaltlmore, Mil. | till Inntltiillnn I* ft Homo for Women InConflno* n Ktt Miliiihli* Ihtoiiu ran bo hud at nil time*, * rtrriin- Mflm-M prlvnoy prevails. For term* uud u ItnildAlli, mM r iM ^ ?'-mt TFIK MATRON. ? EDUCATIONAL. u [SCHOOL FOR GIRLS! 0CTRITY, MOTIIKRLY CARR, OOOD BOAIU>* LSU, DKMUIITKUL LOCATION AND R1LUON AULK CI IA KG EH. IT, DE (JHANTAL ACADEMY, NEAR WHEELING, W. VA. MWHy fourth jrenrof thU well-known school Ircrli, under the ehurgo of the Mater* of tho VUlfeopetuoti the FIIWT MONDAY Or 8KITKMHunt, nikI ciiiilluuefl ten month*. hfilimtlred Ht nny time In tho action. TV** who desire to place their daughten In an WtaUon illorilliiK exceptionally good advantage* kiLtvi) o( healthful mid deligutrul locution, ex* Dnt bi?nl, thorough discipline and liiHtructlon, ittetuinhol life-long teacher*, In every depart* : Rvl female ttliieuilon, Including tho modern ?w mid innilo, at very reasonable rotc?, . for* catalogue of this school. AddroM D1RKUTKKSB Or TUB AOADKMY ? . OF T1IK VWITATION, MT. Dxoiantal. Jflt-M* Near Wheeling, W. Va, BT VIRGINIA UNIVERSITY,' pE'lcMttmentaof study: text book* furnished ItCWT; calendar arranged to suit teachor*: ex* *? lor one year from II16 to WW: non-sectarian. R?l. thutmik-h. FhII term beglna BKTI'EMBKR Ml. Attendance I rut year from 28 counties of Vlijlnl* mul from 8 Htntwi and Territories. t*t uf ituiloiitu larger than for ten yean pro.VFormuiofiipa and other Information apply to Acting Problem, D. U. PURINTON, Morgan 5. * wt Vs. pKOF. RICHARD STAHL, MATE or THE BERLIN CON3KHVATORY, Mrr or Pimm or Organ playing theoryjunl i Composing. | wyn aujr U- left at any of tho music stores of rf9 1 ?1 ? f FINANCIAL. 1 gASK OK THE OIIIO VALLEY. ; MM!.,.... 4175,000 I RJI'm. ....Prmldont ' a&XrK)N Vlnn.pN?litnnt tta I General Bunking- Business. I. . , DIRECTORS! Wm. B. Blmwen. AjMiller, John K. lloUdord, Muta, Victor UoBcnburg. . K' r. r. JCT80N, owhiw. ] [SCIIAXUE BANK. J w?t. - iw.000 ' Prwlflont raU?o?u? Vlw-Pmkwat . CIMCTOM. J1?*. H. nmkhftmef, f?11"', W, KWughun. iftnE AlW' K?"^ i my .1. johbi. rwiiitr. : LEGAL NOTICES. WNSTAUI.V.S NAI.K, ' ' r?tin, 1 Mow Jnmw St. Outer,? i?m* i.. ; JiiMice of tlm Pence, Union ^nut-AN xnrt.) District, Ohld county, W. V*. rxcmilon tome directed In the wuiftirsuif, | |mV(. levied ujton, anil will, ^THETIIinu KAY OF DKCKMIlKIl, 1M1, Btf'Kf"! h> "'clock a. m.nnd 4o'clock f. J . r w mk< (if m (kirchwid & Vnnco, ootttw qf LWm ai". In the City of Wheel;;l Ohio, nn.I fitnto of We?t Vlitlnlft, kJi'1\,f 'the hlRhest nnd bent bidder, the rnjiiiwtllioil ].< r->tml tiro|)CflJf to-wtts 1'limlm.Mt hummer*, one pair rom' '",lr vnlves, imu mnnlf bellows, ?Hu "rv''''m,t tnnchlno, otie drill, one z *i? "ii. " ! "i.||,.,u,i punch, one lot of Kft.?!''"'"'punch,oneframeoffice and fixml i'?rt. Hnid lease will expire p^WMjrof Aiikum. IW. W.,. , HOHF.RT BOND, Constable, g^J^'h noW " Thr hfrt r/nmnlf. tot tyl* M nn.f thr hl'lhffl >'m?tur?i Ola Aro. and iHiiy othur illaoiuoitlmt lcHo 1 v mall to every one. The Hpeclllo Metllolno la Did by all tlriimlat* at fl per ixuknge, or alx tmck- 1 gca for IS, or will be sent by mall on receipt of the 1 aouej or ldJ'c"[l1lg aIUY UBDidMK co I iinirtiio, n. Y. Sold In Wheeling Or Uughlln, Bra*. I Co. ialo-TTlliuw l'?AW,aa a I Quickly and lAwTHIflnl Permanently Dr.Stiuon'iAiUmiifamdj M||nPnJ aMsK CUnEw <1 allltiSratlfn'la'l >vfn. Ild *n?m?rjl tnugh ami madt tsnfrtorvitlnn fan. I nnwitrepaU ntoW wtthnul muontng." If your drug* ?t does not SmP It. aeud for treatUa n^^mon|ala to^ Ml BroiadW, Wffw lfo A. MERCHANT TAILORS. EARLY FALL CLOTHING C. Hess & Sons, MERCHANT TAILORS, Jorner Main and Fourteenth Streets, tiwo the plcflenrc to announce the receipt of the Int Rhlnincnt for the appttMichlnif full nconon of ilcgnnt ltneaof auiuotmblo goods, luitwl for Men, Youths & Boys, n orery required quality and rtrle. In addition to ibovo will be found a lino Hue of light weight OVERCOATINGS or curly cold weather and especially Adopted for hi* clhnnto. All of our garment* nro made in a mperior manner, by the moat riklllful. exitorieuml ind careful workmi'ii to Ih; found nnd nrc perfectly HUlilonnhlo to tlio form'of the wearer. Alaoin stock t full line of Sentlemen's Furnishing Goods! An early call of Inspection iaconllally solicited. C. flKBfl >% SONS, Men*', Youth* and Ikivi' Ontiltter*, y|H for. Main and Knnrtinnlh PI*. S. S. MAims & CO'S. 8UPBBIOB OBAOKBH8 AND Pan Cake Hour. Tnnr.ik? flour l? Jint whnt ll.? tmiMA Implies*. flour for l'rt? Cake*. The .llredlom fbf me arc wl it eoM wntrf or*wpfi milk, make it batter mid hnkent onre oil ft hot RrltLlli*. rills *0111011 Itl much chi*.i|>cr t'lKii lluck wheat (lour. 4**ASK YOUII dttOC&fl FOft IT.-S1 odd New York Water Crnckci's, IMi'EntAtjCHAMt'AOJJECttAdKfcM XXX OYSTKIl CKACKKIIS, EXTRA SODA ClIACKIilW, WINK (.'HACKICRS Art Itipcrlor to nil other*. When ton buy crackers ask for MAllVINS, ami rionttake any otl.er-, for thej are the but. Office ami Works 01, 0.1, 03 nnil 0? Liberty ftlrret, Retail Department, to 1'irtti Avftittr, 1'ITTNIIttltOII, PA. fou samnr ah anocwis. [S> PENSIONS. WaitwfxHi'xi JWI P?ml?n. UJMUr thoauMi ire ?. fm 1 iinH i? an !??* ? of r?n*lon. WMow?. orJM A iM [Mil/!/ or mi*th*r? of mmmm riMUkigivlB|Ev?oiBK?tXi. UcCbauUl Editor* IntclUKeucur: It having again been my good fortune to be numbered urnong a well entertained audience in the MU De Chuntal Hull, I am incliued to uttempt a .description of the evening'* entertainment, cunaiatiug of the following progrumme: Dick Sniveller'# recovery from tu Dlckeaa "Mr?. tjullp'* Ten Party." SUKHNo BKACTY. First ncuuc?The Fairy GlfU. Second M-euu?The Centennial Clumber. Thlrii fccene?The Auakculug. CAST OF CHAHACTEB3. dickens. Dick Snlvaller Mist Anna Lyon* The Marchloutau. MIm Clem McDonald Qutlp. M inn .S lisle ?1 (greaves Mr*. Ouilp mIm Mary Donahue Mrx Jlnlwln Ml* Mamie O'Brien Mrs. Oeonpj Ml* Amy Nash llie vwduvv MIm Anna Lyons mlkkpi.no beauty. Sleeplug Ileauty ? MIm Marie Navlns. I'rluee Ml* Daisy Duulap. King MIm Jennie \WInou. Queen ? MIm Lottie House. rrie?t Mn? Mamie O'liritn. Lord Chancellor MIm Anna Lyon*. FAIUIKH. Tlianla Mb* Annie IticUel. Firefly MIm Joule Campbell. Kiuetta MIm May lliufay. Violetla. MIm lb?c Met i raw. Heliotrope ?....MImCarrie Whiutker. Convolvulus W Mb* Nellie Maher. t'aiuelia MIm Hum Miller. KNIIillTM am) i.adikh. The scenes from "Old Curiosity Shop" were ootn wen pmnneu una delivered, una the effect upon tho audience was similar to tho one described by Holmes, in the "Height of tho Hidiculous." Smiles broadened into grins, and grins to downright ha, 1 hu, bus! Dirk Swiveljer's recoveiy produced the grins, and Mrs. Quilps Tea Party readied the climax. Ail thu voung ladies did so well that it is hurdlv lair to 1 particular!*?; still, the characters of"Quilp" j and his mother-in-law being the most dilli- 1 cult to personate, I suppose Miss Susie Sit1/reaves and Miss Mamie O'iirien deserve 1 to ho especially mentioned as having rep- ) resented these characters most successfully. . Tho amusement caused by these scenes 1 from the inimitable Dickens was still nt its 1 height when tho curtain once more arose, * displacing, in place of the grey walls of Quilps establishment, the elegance and luxury of a palace. On a throne to the i right the royal pair awaited tho moment which was to muke their little one u "child l of Heaven," through the sacred waters of baptism. On ono side stood tho nurse, in ^ whoso urms reposed the sleeping infant, t while from tho other the reverend prelate i marched forward to perform the ceremony, t when u bund of fairies arrested his ste]?s, | and he retreated in dismayed silence, t Titania, whose long, fair htiir (lowed below , her waist, reaching the hem of her robo, r the latter one mass of shimmering silver, \ stood before tho court surrounded by spir* |: its fair and bright, bearing in their slender t< wands virtues inestimable, which, at the t bidding of Titania, they bestowed on tho a happy babe. Scarcely was tho last gift c presented when, from tho opposite side, Firefly, tho wicked fairy, sprang upon tho |] stage, and in bitter revenge thut ho was tl uninvited to this marvelous christening, ?, doomed tho innocent princess to untimely |j death, which cruel destiny should be j, iiccompllshed on her eighteenth birthday, < , by tho prick of a poisoned distal!'. Titania, indignant at this insult to her n power,*yet unablo entirely to set aside tho 0 mundutcof another, modified tho woful j, sontonco by commuting^it to one of "gentle ^ slumber," which, however, must last till ii virtue, greater than tho vice which caused $ it. should oiler itn a lice lions at tho shrlno ? uf "Sleeping Ueauty." Tho scene closed (j with a very pretty tableau. Firefly, clothed j| in scarlet and glittering with gold, cowered ji under tho father's curse, hurled upon him from tho throne, whilo Iwyond the bright ? mid fleecy robes of his fairer sisters formed i>; n rainbow of hope, promising ultimate vie- jj lory over his malicious spell. ? 'I ho second scene displayed a social evening in tho royal apartments, in which the ri king descended to a game of chess, at the (| foot of tho throne, whilo queen, knights j, and ladies were grouped around with care- j, less grace. Tho heroine, then a maid o- t{ ulghteen yearn, glided among tin,' asseml c bled guests, thu petted child of rank and 0 fortune, displaying in her fair exterior the j, bewitching effects of fairy gifts. After some momenta passed in conversation (which j, limited space prevents our giving) Marjory H ran oil' to see her old nurse, but on her | way discovered what she called a "new- n found treasure; something old and quaint," \ u ditidjf. Wo strongly suspect tho spirit of v Firefly must have left it in her way; for it was of gold; and no sooner had she pricked her finger, and all had fallen into tho con- . tennial slumber, than Firefly once more appeared, rejoicing over the ncnoinpliBliment of liiH threat, waving Ii'ih wand v over the sleeping forms of his victims, and h weaving IiIm spell more closely runnel . them. Ho seemed, indeed, an enchanter, ? for, rising and spreading Ii'ih circling waves, j there passed over all a vivid light of nn- Q earthly green, till the whole seemed bathed c in fairy brightness, and the scarlet hue of . the wicked Firefly remained thoono bright c and living ?j>ot in all that sleeping palace. : One of Kubinsteln's favorite melodies do- t lighted the audience, as the third scene i diwplayed a second time tho enchanted palace. * Our readers arc sufllciently acquainted with the old fairy tale toallow of our omit- t ing a description of the denouement. Suflice t it to say, tfie Prince arrived, yielded his i uflections to tho Sleeping lleauty, and with I a kiss'on her hand broke the fell chnrm, n which still held the court in fatal slumber. ' Tho curtain descended on a tableau beau- * tiful as the last, but over it was thrown a , dillcrcnt light, leaving all things as they J should be. "eoulour do rose." Among the J actors of tills little drama wo must not ice c especially for their graceful and effective acting, Titania and Firefly, and regret that timo and space prevent our dwelling on each in particular. L. 11. K. ( TlioCntHltrillion for the Ni>enkerifil|>. j CJiIcngoTlme*. I Tho facts about tho candidates for | Speaker ought to bo put for convcnlonco of < reference in compact form, thus: 8 Burrows?Two terms in Congress. Served on tho Committees on Fxpenditures in tho Naval Department and Interior Department, Claims, and Private Land Claims, y No previous legislative experience. c Davis?Ono term in Congress. Served c on the Committee on Invalid Pensions, t No previous legislative experience. ? Dunnel?Kivo terms in Congress. Served * on the Ways and Means Committee, 1 Claims, Public Iiinds, Commerce, Fx- J penditures In the State Department, etc. \ llad^xiwrience of two terms in tho Maine legislature and otio in tho Minnesota legislature. lliscock?Two terms in Congress. Served on tho Cominltteo on Flections ntid Ap- 1 propriations. No previous legislative ex- J perience. Kiwson?Four terms In Congress. Served ? on tho Committees on Ways anil Means ? (two term*), A|)|>ro|>fi?tlon?, rocinc mil- , roixln nnd ranking ntnl Currency. Nerved \ In llie town llmuo In I8U8?'7!1. linn been Flint Aiwlntnnt I'onlinnnter (lenernl, Com- 1 mlmloncr to tlio Inlermillotiitl l'ontnl Congrcnnol 1803 itml 18(17, Ollnlrinntl o( lie(lUbtlMN Stnte Coninilltoe ol Iown. Wiu n delegntc tn tlio convention Hint notnlnnIcil Alirnlinni Lincoln; Mlnlitcrto Vlcnnn. Keller?Two term* In Congfew, Served on the Committee* on War G'litlni* nnd Elections, l'rcriouilcglnlntlve o*|>erlonec, one term In the Ohio Hennte, Orlh?SI* term* In Congre**. Served on tlio Committee* on Wnjra nnd Menn*, Foreign Atrnlrn (chnlrmnn), Hovl?lon ol the Uw*, e c. A member o( the Indiana Sonnte lor ?lx term*, nnd |irc?ldent ol llinl bodv. Minister tn Aimtrln. Ileeil?Two tefirtl In Congress. Served on the Committee* on the Judiciary nnd Tcrrltorle*. Metnlier ol the Maine WisIntnre In tAttorney llcneml o( Maine In 1870, 1871 nnd 1873. dun* r.nnnth tor ftome ParpotM. northern Tier Reporter. (Inllcan I* wine enough to rcnllte bin danger nnd Mine enough to be hung, which will, without doubt, be the meani ol hi* taking off. WAIT* Mitt Sophronby Waddksworth, aged 35, was reading the fashion notes, ana when she struck toe paragraph, "Babies are fashionable this season, she fainted dead way, and remained unconscious fifteen minutes. It was all the fault of the intelligent compositor. The item should have read7> Rubies are fashionable this season." Something of a difference, you will observe, though both are dear little things. A woman who carried around milk lu 1 Paris said u naive thing the other day. One of the cooks to whom she brought milk looked into the can and remarked, with sur- i prise: "Why, there is actually nothing , there but wutcr!" The woman having | satisfied herself of the truth of the state- i uient, said: "Well, if I didn't forget to put in the milk!" "Mo," she said, confidently, "Henry has I asked me to marry him." "And you ac- ' ceptud ?" was the query. "No," was the J reply, "I didn't: ana neither did I reject i him. If I can keep him on thestring until j Christmas, he'll make me a handsome r tresent to induce me to say 'Yes.' You t now I've beeu wauting a watch for a long } time." } ' "Will you hold my baby while I look * out for my baggage?" asked a woman of a > ruiiway man employed in a Chicago depot, J the other day. "No," said the mau, "hut J I will hold your baggage while you look A out for your buby." lie held a baby for a o woman once and she never cauie back for it, and that was what made him so careful. g An Kujoyable Evening?Job Shuttle has ? abandoned going to the theatre altogether. J When he wants an evening's enjoyment ho bancs his wife's new "Rembrandt'1 ti beaver on the gas bracket, sits behind it, * un?l look* at it intensely. He get* just us || much iw ho would.going to the theatre, and t< saves the price of a ticket. }j A pretty woman in bluck posses the |, window. "Looks liko a pretty young t widow, doesn't she? Don't you like to see J n pruttv young widow? A pretty young widow Is ulwuys u pretty night," " x es; so a long as she isn't yours." b At a popular restaurant a clumsy waiter * jpills a tilute of soup over the overcoat of a guest. Fury and desolation of the guest. J the waiter, calmly glancing the clock: "It ?, s all right, sir! Don't worry! It's 7:45, w md our soup don't grease anything after JJ loven!" n ?M M HOSOB TO WHOM DDK. JJ In Important DvcInIou by the i'ommlu- " lonor of PatouU. |{ 'ittiburgh Comnicrcial-Qiuetto. hi For some time past Mr. Jacob Reese, the veil-known iron manufacturer and inviyi- ^ or of Pittsburgh, has been conducting a Ight before the U. 8. Commissioner of l'at- A mts against Thomas and others, to estabinl? his claim to priority of invention of c. ho basic dephosphorizing process in the [j| nanufacturo of iron. Air. Keese yesterday 1 ecoived word from Washington that the 'ateut Ollico had decided in his favor, and c| viH claim of priority of invention was es- (/. ubliHhed. There were several owes, and ci ho claims were baHed upon tho testimony [v fwitnesses showing that Mr. Keese con- ^ eived tho basic dephosphorizing pro- lx ess in 1805, and that ho built a '!' asic plant in INK!, and reduced lie basic dephosphorizing process to a Ki ractlcal success in 1807, by tho use of " ime linings, lime additions and the over- Hl low. In the practice of tho Bessemer pro* Hi ess it 1h impossible to remove any of tho J11 hosphorua from the metal, consequently (8 io pig iron could bo used which contained Li ver one-tonth of one per cent of plios* j'H horns. This required ttio use of what are ? nown as non-phosphoritie ores and thus M ncreased tho cost of Bessemer metal from ' .i to $0 per ton above tho price of other Jj] ig iron. Now, by the use of Mr. Kcese's Ml ephosithorizing process,all kinds and qualles of pig metal may bo used in tho uJ kssemcr and open hearth practice, and. as N't lie Keeso process eliminates all foreign Jj. latter, a better quality of iron and steel ? (in bo produced (at much less cost) than ] y any other process kuown in the art of ai ictallurgv. jjj Heretofore Thomas and Gilchrist have ;,/ ccelved tho honors duo to tho invention of 87 lie basic dephosphorizing process, both in J1' luropo and in this country, notwltlistand* !u| ng tho porsistent declarations of Air. Keese 37 liat ho was tho prior inventor. Tho do- j[[ isions in these eases show that tho claims 4\, f Mr. Keese wcro well founded, and that ml io is entitled to tho honor as well as the Jjj irolits arising from tho basic dephosphoriz- i ng prqeess. As the Bessemer process con* bi: umed over one million of tons of metal in Jjj 880, and will consume fifteen hundred Ht liousand tons in this country in 1881, tho er lonellt to the public from tho basic process ^ . ill bo readily seen. wl 1 ? H6 NournlKla na a "Warning," ^ ijixton I.iuu'ct, co Tho great providence of neuralgia?or {J irlint commonly goes by that name? w hould bo regarded as a warning indica- e promptly placed under treatment. lufTercrM From Kidney and Liver i'l Trouble* he direct result of vitiated blood and weak irganie inovcincnt, will llnd Simmons Liver cj tegulntor a true remedy for thesocomplaint*, ci t imparts new lifo to tlio blood and renews Ik ind strengthens tho entire system, by pronoting the liealtiiy action of the liver and HI ildneys. 'i liuve been troubled with liver complaint, vt ;idney disease and bad blood for a long time, rti have used Simmons Liver Regulator, and 'Jj t lias done mo more good than all tho medl- fj! ine I over took. 1 would not Iks without it. m Gko. h. Pratt, ui "It. 8. Deputy Collector, 2d Dis't Go." ' It Ilemlft tlieliUt )f all other preparations or medicines. In C1 ases of nausea, headache, dlwlnessor irregti- tn arltiesof the system, Hurdock Blood Hitters n,' lave no equal. They never fail in aflbrdlng Fl ininedlate relief. Price $1 01), trial siio 10 PI1 :ents. p, For sale by Laughlin Bros. A Co., Whole* M ale Druggists, Wheeling, W. Va. On Thirty Unjn* Trial. u Wo wlH send Dr. Dvo's celebrated Electro* J' Voltaic ltelts and other electric appliances \?i in trial for thirty days to young men and ilder persons who are afflicted with nervous Kti lebillty, lost vitality, etc., guaranteeing ?t> needy relief and complete restoration or Igor and manhood. Also for rheumatism, {J leurnlngia, paralysis, liver and kidney dlfll- if ultlcs, rupturis and many other diseases, *ti llnstrated pamphlet sent free, Address Pi 'oltalc licit Co., Marshall, Mich, ttiimw !>' ttt *H sl< Never to I?nle to Mend. in Thomas J. Anlen, William street, fast S tuflalo, writes: "Your Spring Blossom hfi* A vorked on mo splendid. 1 had no appotitc; ised to sleep badly and got up in the morn- t* ng tin refreshed; my breath was very ofTen- ? tve and I suffered from severe headache; ,{ inco using your Spring Blossom all these m y inn torn s have vanished and I feel quite w full" I'pIpk Rl) rnnli trlnl linfllAt 10 mhIi U Bold by Uughlln ilroe. A Co., Wholesale T druggists, Wlieellng. W. V?. J, Whj Will Yon jj' Mow a cold to ftdvance In jrotir system and *< bus encourage more serious nialndles, ouch .. is Pneumonia, Hemorragcs and Lung ^ troubles when an Immediate relief can be to n readily attained ? IIorciirb'i Oibmak Bratrr tas gained tbe largest mle In (he world for the F jtlfe of Ooufthi. Colds and the severest Lung d [Mseases. It It nr. Doachee's famoni German [^resolution, and l? prepared with the greatest 3j ?are. and no fear need bo entertained In ad* Ji ministering It to the yonngest child, as per n Hrectlons. The ssle of this medicine Is tin- b i>recedented. Blnee first Introduced there hns ?! been a constant Increasing demand and with* ant a single report of failure to do Its work In unyeate. Ask your Druggist as to the truth V of these remarks. Urge sites 75 cents. Try ?i lUnd be convinced. rrhMW > t-t-t ^ OtumtiM, Felont, Dolln, Born ol long < Mitndlng, lUcli u Ulcer*, Abmasn, etc., poll- V lively cured withont Iho Hit) of knife or > poultice, liy using Mri. JblveMjers Drawing and (failing Suite. Piles. Halt Rheum, Krr- ! ilprlu, Soft and Ulcemtwi Corm, Chllblnlnt, ? |feVIthu^trwttUrttoww. rajkHnty ? I rniscxu iiocdxixicuL Hew York Money and Stocks. Nxw YottK. November 3a?XossY-4 per ceni per annua. l-"? per cent per diem, elating at ( per ceot. Prime mercantile paper 6*7 percent. Sterling Exchange baukera biili firm at 14 b0>? demand 94 U)* GovKft.vxc.vnt?Strong and H*K per cent higher, except for exteuted fia, which arepercent lower. fc\ 8. 6a, extended...JOlfi Lehigh ? Wlllu. -lit) t\ si. fie, extended 10-.?;'St. P. ? *x. City Uta.109 4)^t, coupon*. 114 V & Pacltlc bonds lata.117 4a, eoupoua -ll"fijtr. P. Laud tiranu ...113 Padllo cTof *?1? 1UU ll'.P. S.F. Bond*...?ltf Central Faclde, lfct...ll6jJ TexjuPiiclUe l'dg'U. 76,Vl Edeaecoud* U)$i lex. Pae. K.O. Dlv... twjj offered. Kailhoau Bon im?Irregular ou a modemte volume of busluesa. Statk SKCcuTtu?Dull and generally nomlual. LouUUna CouaoU..... Virginia tW. XI Missouri <* lliw: Virginia cousula, ex* St. Joseph lu?^ tra mat. coupons... 75k renneaee tk 73K Virginia deferred 17tf rcuueatee tin, new.... ?J?ul Offered. Stuck*?The market wtu Irregular at the opening, lutgeuerally weuk and per cent lower, and lit he early dealing* price# recorded a further decline if )(ak per cent lu the general llat and l't per wut In Erie preferred. The downward toudency, lOWever. waa checked at the tint hoard, and uuder ho leauerehip of Nashville Jt Chattanooga and ^ouiavllle ?b Naahvllle an advauce waa recorded, auging from % to U,1* per ceut, Northweateru. el. *aul, Lake Shore, Jalchlgau Central and New fork Central being also prominent lu the itupmveueut. The opeulug flgurea were at the accona cull, u the llual dealings speculation hecuuie weak und ather feverish, closing quotations allowing a deline of^to Hi per cent fnmi the highest point, foahvlUe Chattanooga. LouUvllle ?fc Nashville, llchlgau Central und Denver A Itlo Grande being iiiwt couaplcuoua therein. 'fhe feature of the railuud bond market waa again lu Uoniou, Hartford nd Krle tlrata, which advauced to from 74 aud losed at "u. A week from to-day, December 6, It U expected a ew scheme will be developed. It la learned in u eueral way that the new ltoard will coutttlu rej?re. ntatlveaof the elevated railroad*, of the Krle, Del ware and Hudson. Delaware, Laekawana uud W cairn Jitmsv Central, uud powibly the l'enn*ylvajilu eulrul. That road bu furuUhod ul FUbklll on lie liudsouwithu good uartol the coal tonnage hlch now gtH* to New England by water; tliul u ow Hue Ihj buil I fmm Dunbury, Collu., tu the leriluusof theSecond Avenue Elovalod Kuilroud upjwu Ut this city, which will seek passenger travel i IkwUtu. uud thut tho mud I hi double hacked 11m Dauhury tolloalon, tho money lor which puruse ha*already l?o?ii raised. ThU, ill outline, la ho scheme which caused a heavy buying in Umds hlch are exchangeable for tho stock of the reormixed Now Yurk and Now England ruail. Dicker* f these scheme* are InlluentUl iu luuttera of 1110oy uud llioeonlml of business iu tho stock market, Tho rnouoy striugaucy acted ugulusi an udvuneo, ut tho report* of a settlement of the Trunk lino ar nut only sustained tho price*, but carried them txjvo yesterday's price*. In moiuo stock iu which le short intercut was Urge, like Umisvllle <& Nashllle. there wua a aharp ri*e, and tho feeling of the treet" la much more builUh tliun It was. There a* talk to-day of an early meeting of tho director* f the Chicago & Northwestern itullmud, when, It a* said, tho dividend on common stock would be iUod to 4 per eeitt, making 7 per wilt for the year, i that the road would la.1 clear for higher dividend* i preferred block, ruollleially it i* given out thai io earnings of thU compuny for live mouth* lioiint to/Jupcreent on ImjIIi stocks for the year, notice of an increase in the stock of the Denver it lot.nndc rather weakened thu market for thoK! iurea. Dealing*, a* u rule, were ou a fairly laige lie. Transactions, auo.oou ?huro*. daiua Express. 143 | Do preferred HIT; I ton & Torre Hun to. MJf North western VJS/jZ Do preferred D5 i Do ore/erred 142*4 merlcan Express.... W |Now York Centra),...DIM)? , U, .1 N mi) Ohio Central lii', iiiada Houthorii G3 Ohio ?Sc MlsslwlppL, 4i)ji U. it I. C 20); Do preferred 107 itilrul I'adflo M Ontairo it Western... :u% ii'sa|>eakoit Ohio.. I'aclllo Mull 4.V4 Do Ut preferred Panama l'.?:? Do 2d preferred aiVI'., D. it K 40 llcago it Alton i:!J>a (', it I* l;W Do preferred,, 140 uoudlng titiW , n.Aq...... fi:w Itock Maud 135 lie., bt. u it N. O... MO .St. L.,k Him Krau 43) j 8, it C f?H l)o preferred My. ?t o tt3k Do Ut preferred....lu't'.. .'luwaroit UudsoiiJiH it. hull Ium'.J Idici.it We*l'u.l2ti^ Do preferred 122)2 ;ii.it Klo lira tide... 7V)J Ht. I'aul, M. it M 11M>! *lo 4ii Ht. I'aul it Omaha... 40% Doprefered HI Do preferred ItriU, . Wayne,,,....., l;Mi Texas i'uclllc Alii >t Hi. JoNoph u.? Union I'aclllo til'.']* Do preferred 112 l!uilo?l hiatus K*..?? 7m ulcm 200 W., Ht. L l'? 41% \ uiHtoii % Texua 00 Do preferred 84)2 luolsContral WMj Well* Fargo Kx ? d? 1), it. W 60Vkt Western Dillon H.Vk mm* I'aclllo 41 ICnnt TeiillUflMce 14,'i iko Erie A West'n... 46 Do preferred 24 iko Shore Vt!K Cartbon 2m >ui*vlllo ft Niun... DM^itVntnil Arltonu 1U ,N.A.?tO 70 iKxwNor 1 itU.UIpreferred.. 10 illoinestake 17'6 Do 2d prcferretl 0 Utile I'ltUburgh WK impluktCharleat'u 70 Outulro 31 l(!hlK*n Contml U3H Quicksilver li [nMOiiri Pacilia. IU'iV4 Do preferred 01 jbilo it Ohio 8rtU Silver Cliir. A% ?rri* it lCiwox 12&H Htunuard 2JBJ nhvllle it Chut Wk Hutro llj iwJenwy Contnil.. IKj.'i Itoblntou i\Z ANV, preferred.... 67 Southerit I'acltlv ov; irthern I'aclllo 40)J Offered. fEx. Dlv. Wkw York, November TO.-Cotton flrra ut 12 l fi-loc; future* atoudy Flourqulet; recolpta 12,ouo ihIicU: ex|Mirta l,7oo bushel*; Hiiperllno weatoru d State II 4fti5 20; eomtuoii to giNMl extra &'i00a ?; go(Kl to clajlep DOuU 00; white wheat extra 2M9 00; extra Ohio ! '? '25n8 Z'?; Ht. l^oiil* M Ukt'J 00; luiiosotu | hi tent prtK-e** J.s ouaU uu. Wheal opened iluiilo eaMer, but nfterwunl* U>cume atrong mid vancoHl SaJie, clo*lng with lew utretigth; receipt* ,tW0 bualieU; exjKtrU42,000 btmhel*; No. 2 nominal tl :W; ungraded spring 91 Hal ir>; ungraded red 2.1a 1 41; No. a do |l8i; uteamer No. a do il 20; ? 2 renl tl 8V%al 4o)i lor new mid old; Ixed winter 91 :h?; ungnuiisl white 91 aiul %W, ). 1 do, talc* 7,0u0 bUKhel* at 91 aTjkal :tt; No. 2 J December, wile*, 620,000 biialiol*. at 91 aK' .u JW'i, t'iusiiig at 91 :?); January, wile*. 030,UiU nheia, at 9i 42a 1 42W, cliailug ut 91 42k: Fel?ary, aale?, <121.000 buidiela, at 91 44^al iWi, Joiiig at 91 4l/i; March, nile*, l.Vj.OOo bUHhoU, 91 40^'al 47, eTodngiii91 47. Corn &a%<' high* , eloalug weak and deelliilug; reccipuo.'.ooo butdii; exjtorU 210,000 bushel*: ungraded (13a70c: No. , .fl^c; steamer Wljic; No. 2, (WaClWe; No. 2 Idle rMTJMc; yellow 71a72c; No. 2 Deceiubcr 67!i HWc, closing at 07Hc; January 70a70kje, closing 7w: K'bruary 71 V72c, closing hi 7IJ^; March p; May 73>y. Oat* easier and fairly active; reIpts 14,000 bushels; ex|)ort? none; western mixed ataxic; while 6U?iVlc. Hay steady with a falrdeand at U6a>0e, llo|? quiet aii<( firm: yeurllngs a22c; eastern nnd western 22iVAK?; New York ate22a:Wc. ( ofTee dull and unchanged. Sugar ill and unchanged. Molum* quiet and tiniiuiged. lticc in fair demand and steadily held, troiouin dull and iiomlnal;l'nlted 7l)>?!; crude u.?riour quiei ami tin* langcd. Wheat active, llrm and higher: No. 2 ilcago spring |1 'Arml lV,i iwlr, 91 SM& Novum>r ami December, 91 20al January; 91 27k ibrnury;No. 8,Ilia. Corn active, llrm and highutM^iiiAVo caalis WfflMKv.November; f?s2wu Dernier, w^Wke January: (MJfnWWe May. Oats lrly active and A khado liluher at 41^0 caah, Noimbcrand December; 48Jfca4le January and Feblaryi 4.j%n46o May. Kye steady and unchanged, trley flrtuor nt 91 01& Dreaded hog* notiiinalat 75a7 (*?. Flaxseed caay nt 91 4fta1 4H. l'ork modately active and higher, old Hit "ft; new 917'A *h, November and December; 917 47kalW>0 Janiry; 917 67^17 70 February. Lard active, firm id higher at 911 20 cush and November; 911 'AM 20,'4 Decemlieri 911 87Hrtll 40 January; SI I ftJUa 5ft February. Bulk meat* llrm and unchanged, hlaky stonily nt 91 17. Call?Wheat eaaler, deIned Ua^c. Corn easier; deellnod Vie. (Jataeaalcr it not quotably lower, l'ork unsettled and lower 9K1 IwalO 4U December; 917 40 January; 917 00 fbruary. Urd dacllned ike. The following aliowa the iluctuntlona In the Chiigogmln and produce market Wodnenday. aa retried by John M. Hoon A Co., broker*, So. 1100 aln street; Wheal, Corn. OnU. l'ork. Jer f6? Flour quiet and endy. Wheat, western firmer. No. 2 winter red, ot and November 91 Mkal 31}*: December 91 8IVH 8r'i',January H3.S%al JWMj February 914lj?nl \l. ?ni, western firmer: mixed spot, Novemlwr and icember MUc; January WH- bid; February 71a V- Oatssteady. Kye dull at 91 00al ?l. Day siidy: prime to choice rcnliaylvnnla I1U 00n2fl 00. ovlslons steady and quiet; me** jwirk SIM ah, ilk meats, shoulder* and clear rib tides, packed. 12knD 75; Imeon, shoulder* Ill 37 U; clear rib lea III 00; haro? |l:t OOaia 7ft. f.nrd, refined, 912 V, atler linn; western packed Dtoifte; roll 2Jia20c. tg* llrm at l%i2Ue; limed Wc. Petroleum nominal. >flVe dull; Klo cargoes Hkaiojie. Sugar llrm; oft 9Ja1 atnmg Texan* 92 nOa.1 '2>; iminon tomwTlilm Isinita.'iMh ??.?! mi IM; Mlecteu wether* l? ooaTi as. riftdJfVAtf, November#).?Cotton utendyntllke. lour mler, family fl m-, fancy unelmniicd. Wheat nil; No. 2 red winter 91 H7. Com lienvy; No, 2 ilx^l ttlc. Oil* Mrongi No. a mixed 4*e. Rrp nlet It II m. Iktrlej- In fair demand; No. a full 110. Pork In fnlr demand at 117 Main oo. bard ?< ve and Arm nt $11 20. Rnlk menta mid tmcoti nlet mid umbnnjred. Wbl?ky steady nt SI l.v cnuInatlon wlf* of miUhM *or>fK MO barn-la on a Ih%a of II la. nil lief quiet; rnitmery 40r; choice fwtem Ri-wnn28c;eholce Central Ohio2Hc. T01.W10. November 80.?Wheat eaMer: No. 3 red [Kit 91 idadied: l)e?-oml?er 91 M; Jmuiary |l JlTAi; ebmary91 37J',; M.irrh II .1?,'. Corn quiet; No.2 [jot MJje liewnlter; January: held nt to'i lay. Honed?Wheat quiet; No. a red m*>i II .t/; Id; November nnd DreemWrll TOW bid. 91 !H*J *ked: January 91 :?Vj bid. 91 MUnnked: February 1 H7^: March 91 3*.';a bid, || tnaAcd. Corn quW: fo. a ?|ft held at fWWe; I>erem1?er 02V bid, ?2?fo iked; January Mo bid. W)fo n?ked; May ?7|.tl2]ic. uf*r Heady; Inferior to tood common IwaOMe: owmon to jwna rommou AmaHO; yellow clnriflrtl Masto, Mplaawi active and Arm; common MaWcj tnutmrTBtt?e; fair <0a?o. Tom.xj U fgw?d ? ngttgaSH s ?n KM 7 I 2 n'mmmrnm c El^gljMgPSy Vnn paini'lia <'?lilu >!aw> I'liwmt 1 all Uboiucii of tho TL OVER 1,000,000 BOTTLI BALSAM OF TOLU-s ASTHMA, SOKETHUOAT. CUN^MPT10> dimscsof tho THROAT, CHEST and LUNGS pouuded U3 iii the celebrated TOLU, HOCK a jiroiHjrtiw, it attbrda u diffusive utiiuuluut am luus been relieved. nAIITIHM V Don't lie deceived by unprinci uHU I lUil I r0CJj and Rye in placo ofour T( icnted urticle made?the genuine bearing tho Proprietary Government Stamp on each bott PUT UP IN QUART SIZE B LAWRENCE A- MARTIN. Proprietor*, Chlca Sold by DRUGGIST, GKOCElt C. WKI/l'Y dc RRO., Wholesale AgeuU, who v OCl-TlllMW BAKINO POWDER. iS?! ,sf Mm d ThU Baking Powder U mnde from strictly pure grape cream tarter, nml every can U warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded by LANG, (JRA1IK A BAIRD, I . MANOrAtTOFEM. lean HOB Mnlii wtr?'Pt. Wheeling. PLUMBING OAS AND STEAM PITTINO. npRlMBLE Si I.UTZ, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, HIS Mnrliot Street. llful Iiic mill Tcnlllnllng or public buildings, dwellings and factories n specialty. Ml.il rpiIO-Ml'SOX (t HlBliKKD, riUCTICAL PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, 1814 Market St., Wheeling, W. Yn. Donlern In nil kinds of lend, wrought nnd ennt Iron pipe*, rawer pipes nnd chimney topn, steam nnd water gauges, siphon pumps, safety valves, bath tubs, Miiky, Ac. Hole ngonU for tho Celebrated Cameron Steam Pump, And Underwriters' Onn Mnelilne. Order* from tho country promptly filled. mnlflt QAItDKN HOSE, Tlie best nnd chonprst garden nnd hydrant hrwe In the city. Also a new lot of tho Intent deslRiis of CliutHlclioi'M vV- llraclcots. All orders promptly attended to. LUKE FJTTON, mh!M No. 1110 Mnln ntrect. :yyM. 1IA HE A HON, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, OAS AND 8TEAM -FITTERS, No. 88 Twelfth street. All work done promptly at icasonnble price*. ia7 " PHOTOORAPHT. JQON'T YOU FOKGET IT. * * 1 NICE CARD PHOTOGRAPHS |1 TER DOZ. I * ?.* TonH BROWN'S GALLERY. PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDIO, no 12fii Market utrcct. QIIAYON FOItTIUlTS AT MVLKS' AIIT STTJDIO, sn3t Kn. 21M MATH STRUCT. . Sum STEEL PENS Rnmplr l?o*? fit rilffcfSfit style* of Petty** Pcniretit for trial by mall, 0:1 rwlj>t< f Jicrntn. Willi- Aanit*, Ivison, Blnkeman, Taylor & Co., Wlitt- VtUIK. AOotmir, Cold or Bore Throat should be stopped. NprIccI frequently results in an Inctirnnlo lung disease or consumption, itrowti'i Jtronchial Troches do not. disorder the stomach like cough syni|?sand balsams, but net directly on Iho Inflamed parts, allaying irritation, give relief in Asthma, Hronclutiff Coughs, Catarrh and Throat Troubles which 81 liters and Public Speakers are subject to. For thirty years Itrowu's Ilronehial Troches have been recommended by nhvsiclans, and always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by wide and constant use for nearly an entire generation, they have attained well-merited rank among the few ttple remedies of the age. Bold at 26 rents * box Yerywbire, ttkmw ? T8AM8P0BTAT10M. "* Jg ALTIUOEE & OHIO BAILBOAB 00. S ?,uu, puacufu mint N will run aa follow?-*WfaeflllngTime: uut MDJID. gSly DaUj No* ** SSlj A Leave? p.*. A.M. A.M. ML H Wheeling ?... 2:66 &50 6:65 5:86 r Belial*!:. ..... 8-.O0 10:00 &W J Arrival at? ST. X. r.M. a.M. r.M. Graiton. 7:14 1:00 1L* M6 ft r.M. A.M. S Cumberland 4:47 4M 2:80 ? S8= *1 a a.m. Breton .. 4:?i 4:16 K Doily except Sunday. P Wo. 7 and No. B ?top atajl Stations war* WQV*U. No-6'Ddiy liiliy D^ily0 Leave- r.M. a.m.|r.m. r.m. 14, Wheeling 8:50| 9:8rt 1:80 11:16 ? Belklre. 446 lfcltt 2:10 1L60 Arrive at? 1 r.m. I a.m. ZanoaviUo ? *10 l.M 4:46 *17 Newark ? 2:63 6:40 4:16 is ColumUu* 8:3tt 7:25 6:10 A.M. ie ClnclunaU l:0fl 400 11:10 ll flanduiky 7;00|?...... J& >CK AKD argi lb, Asthiuu, l'ucumoula, Coiuuuiptlon, u rout, Cbext anil Luuga. IS CONSUMED ANNUALLY, ilway* btion ouo of the moat important weapoi led by tho MEDICAL FACULTY against t* Muhmunuof COUGHS,COLDS, BUONCHITU i in iu incipient and advanced stages, and a I, but it 1ms novur been w advantageously con lid UYK. In additiou to iu Mouthing Daliami 1 tonic, to build up tho system after the coug pled dealers who try to paliu off upon yo >LU, ROOK and UYK, which is the only Met signature, LAWRENCE & MARTIN, on th 0TTLE8 FOR FAMILY USE. go, 111., and No. 6 liarelay itrcel, Now York. 8 and DKALKltS Everywhere. rill supply the trade at manufacturing prices. HOUSBPURNISHINO GOODS, ttif ****************** f\TAR FOUNDRY] B. FISHER & SONS, Manufacturers of all kinds of Gookand Heating Stoves. Bole manufacturer of th? Gladiator aud Valley Star Stores, Fislior's Mmid S. Mew pattern cool and wrv?rf rook; the lutoHt aud cheapest. Largest line of Marbleized, Slate and Iron Mantel! In the Wont. A good mantel complete for lc? that twenty dollars. Hand pal tiled encaustlo mantels the Intent and nuwt nrtlstiu designs. We routmct U set mnntela complete; nil work done byaprnctlca workman. KKNCKH-Wo have tho bint fence, o various patterns, In the United Htatea.and the price cannot be undersold. Agents for Babcock Fire Ex tlngulshes. Job outings done promptly. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL WARRROOM8, 1010 to 1022 Market St., Wheeling. Ya iwa26 R V flAI.nWV.IJ Ul X VXUIV II JUIMJ Heating Stoves, # Slate and Iron Mantels, Wood Mantels EUOASTIC TILE. ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK 1507 & 1500 Mo in Street, te15 TVIIEElilXd, W. TA. JpAl!I.01l COAL VASES, 1'AltLOIt KIltK RKTfl. rAltt.OH PENDEIlf A largo usortmeiit of new stvlr*. nt NK8IIITT It BHO.'fl, no!7 M2 MflrJuM Hlrirt. "miscellaneous, Garmore's Artificial Ear Drums. Aa InrfntH and worn bj Mm N^rjai Ihl KaliralfdMf rariiiiMf jaari.ha htara jrltb Ihaa, a*?n ?hlip?ri,diitlneilr. , Art, w?t batfjltblfc and ram-tin in p-?IUo? without aid. I)iierl|itl*a (.Ircalar frta. C AUTION I I>n not b* d?r*l*ad br bugaa aaf dfnmi. Mlai ll tha nnlr lurraorul irilflelal air Dram anufiettirtd. John Oarmarr, B.W, Car. It>i it Rata WU? Clailnaatt, 0, pWACWdA'L"T"'i^E aarafffl^w! tld?rHfrom tha ?ra ofrtipoBiikllltr op to matarltr.ia r* no??. Ao. JMpnittninttmU mi nrtttWhnni, 1 hf volnraa afioaadf la trialnt thoaAt*, fara larenaitlot a>i tattniaenprnoB-aaaia. Fo}I*pma ealafH Pl?t?t~faaJ rCtl ErC KO WlV* rite New. York .Weekly ttltntaa from ywpi tHthbor unit urn If It la nnijnat thf Nrwajiaw-r yot w?nt. IthMWfjrthliitf {TheUtr?ttifir?frMn?np?r1?, r f?"t fre? to any addrei*. announrlni HROAMQ I* * ** i*ron. fturjrtral treatment, death, fnneralob?el< fathoonly antnentlr and fatly lunitratMiifenfotir mar bred Prwldent. Mneatefl portralta. fextra Ural U ''jklkirwaN *tio*itTirliitaiM Co., ftilladalphlar* DCIIOinilO notoirttdf rCndlUrid?tde?l,fat?i?r(.n?ik(r4 tt W71 hltdrvn. fhtnr?.tarieai? trlet li Luft r? ?nUuT3'tort. 6:06 44 2:10 44 Jteubenville 7:04 44 8:10 " Yollow Creek 8:48 44 Alliance 1:20 p.m. 6:86 41 Mansfield 6:40 44 9:20 14 Ft.Wayne....*. 12:08a.m. 2:40a.m. Arrive at Chieago 6:00 41 8:00 44 titkuhkn VltJ.k and wmutviu.! accommodation.? I^aws Bellaire at 4:40 P. m., Bridgeport 4:66 p. M., BteubenvlUe at 6:06 r. M. Arrive* at Wells* viIIm at 7:06 p. m. Leaves Wellsvllle at 6:40 a. *., Bteubonvlllc nt 7:3ft a.m., Bridgeport at 8:40 a. v., arrive* nt Bellaire at 8:6* a. m. Ticket* and twjaaso checks to all principal points in thu Eu*t mid West can be procured at tne Ticket Office lu Bridgeport. K. A. FORD, General Pamenger and Ticket Agent. D. W. CALDWELL, General Manager, Pittsburgh, Pa. I TJITTSHUliGll. CINCINNATI A ST. l IT IXJUI8 HAII.WAY?I'ANHANDI.B ROUTE i Time tabl^for East and Woat corrected to OCTO { BEK 80th. 1881. Traiiu leave Panhandle Depot, foot of Eleventh treot, ucar Public Lauding, daily, except Sunday "to'Jgttli - ooino jcast. ' Pitts. Eait Fut Pac. aoWheeling Time. Exp'* Kxp's Kxp's kxp's c'm'n I 7:36. ?... Harrisburf *8;M Baltimore 7:40 Washington 9:02 . Philadelphia 7:86 Now York 10:86 p. m. Boston ftop!..... ckiinh west. Phc. tin. West Ac Ac* Kxp's Exp's Mall c'm'n c'm'n lcsvo- a.m. p.m. a.m. p.m. p.m. Wheeling 9:02 4:47 6:47 2:82 6:4t Arrive? Steuboiiville? >:M 5:40 7:651 3:46 8:10 ' ? Cadla 12:10 7:30 DcnnUon. 11:60 7:80 "?? * ~ 1005 Cqlumbtll 1:10 11:26 ii Ix-are? i. ji: jf, Columbus 1:40 11:30 1:16 10:0t Arrlvo? a. u. t. k. Dayton...,, 6:sn 10:80 2 00 , Cincinnati 8:00 4:00 11:20 1:00 t, u, r. m. Indianapolis...,, 11:00 12:20 12:20 B:U a. m. Bt-Loul* 7:*t 8:10 8:1ft - Chicago 7:inj 7:40 7:40| Sunday exprew leaves Wheeling nt 8:62 a, m., an rlvw\\elM.urg 9:20a.m.. Steubvnvllle 0:66 a.m., making cl(* ply to JOS. M. B&LLKV1LLK, Ticket Agent, at J?aE handle Depot, foot of Eleventh street, or at Cltf Ticket Office, under McLtire House, Wheeling. ? . 1). W. CALDWELL? Oen'l MnnijgeUltuburgh, Pa. Oen'l Psss. snd Ticket Agent. Pittsburgh, Pa. , COMMISSION MERCHANTS. JOHN Mi 1IOON A CO., Urokcrs In Grain, Provisions & Oil. But anjwll nil nrnimwlltlM dealt In on Chlnio 1 Bjaru of Trade, both cash and future on margin, # coiuhwrondiwml F. 0. KAMMKRKR A CO., n,,-? B. DAVKNIVHT A CO., Tlioe. B.BIMPBua.Oi city, jell B. DAtMPOIlT, C. II. KOOI.WfOJI, ' General. Of D. Efentaiton A Bon, Bpee lal ! II. DAVKNPOBT At CO., aoMiMiseioisr . Dolm In dfalnJTjur^PforWotii, Cheeae ; 0 1*7 WARItlMftTOM ?T.. f!trtn*no BUILDERS, Hamilton, Mc