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THE INTELLIGENCES. h| l?r [ >M TZftXiaTbaXLY: &? gMWPTM<yw- -*? "*| T?r*rmw*tl? ?2 MiAk ? o ' < - *wnth_ . 9 ^", ? Utanw! Vj tmrritrt!? rtij. Uc ya ??k. r- OH ***** yw^TOLT: ^ m T1RJ or KTIKLTKg Om JW H I#' fix ?*s^i II? K- . OmsmlKUA*u*tJ*te todiurmmfttccvt P * jMrrm- ftlW 4 CAMPWIL rintef. r.?*?. KaJ! tlWnwl *t ti* fvrUftet ii m |g^: >> 8<W tt?n?T; E" WHimitt. w. tjl. JftTC7*~M B," Tmz tamolbtt Oauuk* in toe National v.' HMKclRepresenUtfirahaaat la* agreed |i' . opoo a bill providing lor the tramniwiou I' . of money throogh the maili by order (of ?_ , ?Qtos lev thin 35, which ? sow the loweat p. . limit,anda*high aailOO.ihooghnoceden exceeding ?50 tie tamed under theYrveent h . kv. A flight redaction is also made in the 35; to ?ocey order*. &' Mcttal relief mcietit* j?rwj*r weC in Franc? and are Urge in number. Tbeif fe ' present nnmbcr b no fever than 6y52>, ol g?-; which 1,916 are aothorixed by the govern??A ment and 4,163 hare been otberwiw ap I. meabcnaip is more van * Billion, and tbe women members alone ' smaber opwird of 100,000. Th? KXxJ 'capital exceed* WjtM.WJi X coogrca ol mQ tbe societies is propose 1 Tux Toronto OUr is worried by tbe Mialks of crime in Canada, the records showing that in law) 49^74 picssoaa, 01 1 oat of erery 10C in the I>ominion, were charged with tome offense sninst the law*. Of coarse, in a tense, tbe figom are deceptire as some habitual criminals appear before the courts *ercrxl times. Bat the most uncomfortable fart to the 'ikU is that Ontario tlxm* op badiy in comparison with her sister Prorioces. Soktbodt writ** of feminine type-setten: "As a daw, female printers are .diligent and worthy. They never 'aojtr,' they nerer bother the editors for chewing tobacco; they never prowl around arcon* Hj: iwsuuw<|aivi uic i W?M uiww, UK< I' never get tbemselrea full of bodge andtn |. to clean oat riral print shops; tbey nev? g," ' Swearabout thebarines manager; they dc not smoke nasty oA day piper, tber never fj' strike tormore par; tber do nc< all-de to jjjp ' editorial matter as 'slab' or 'bog-wash'? abort, tber are pauent, gentle, con* . aoeniiocs and reliable." II'. , As exchange asks **11 it is possible lo |. txansmii a portion of the power of Niagara uv through eiertric aires to a j?oixat fifty miles |; distant, why sbouM it'not be passible to B* transmit the whole of that power, which %}[ now goes to waste, a distance of 500 01 |\ HftQO. miles? TLe French electrician, M. h ' DepWjbj demonscraied by exj^rimem ? the poasbtlitY of doing the ionner, and the | - axomplshraexit of the other seems to be K only a iwsaon of perseverance, jfe. "Tbe time will therefore come when k- - every watenail, erery mill errearn, and erery rivulet even can be utilised as a i; motive force in cities, towns acd village, f The sttom ensine will become as antiquat|i ?dastbe obi-fashioned oil-lamp is now. |pr Since electricity Las been proven capable F^. of being used aa a motive power at all the [? grand desideratum has bren to discover ^ some means of genera tine it ax a less cos I than has been possible heretofore, and the result is that the aquatic force which hxi been of but very little use lo man heretofore is to be made his most valuable servant. The question of deadening th? | electric ligbf, which has bung like a cloud * over its future ia the capitalist's mind, and r has dimmed even its brilliant rays, is thereby solved, for if the force can be had for thi t mere taking from every run nine channel oi water in the land, why, then the main cost is at once swept away- When, ? further, this force is carried, with the sjr ^ sstance of a simple wire, to any point I where it is needed, industrial revolution will have been accomplished, the consequence of which it is difficult to measure in its entirety. The tides being likewise ' added to this available force, there is mort w than enough far all tlie present and future demands of the world. As Profeaeoj Thomson, the English scientist, said recently, a tenth part of the tidal energy in ffi; the comparatively insigoiScant valley of P; the Severn would be alone sufficient to |;V. light every city in Great Britain, while anI': other tenth part would turn every loom, kindle and axle. The day may not be far on when the streets of 'Xew" York are Era lighted by the Falls of Niagara, and its p.v multitude of pres.** and machines of all sorts turned by the same agency." ? C?L Ben Yeerls* Mound lo tly Wind. V; Knua and liose MU1 ObtirartiaiK p" Kit. fe" We are gratified to see that the member g for this Congressional district has reversed Efe his DQSition somewhat on *H? By bank question. The other day be voted p; "with the Democratic majority in opposing c;,... the motion of the Chairman of the Comxnitiee on Banking and Currency to make j|| the question cl the extension of the expir' lug charters a continuous order from and ? - alter April 15. On Monday, however, he I';: fsvored the Chairman's motion to set apart jV 2? April 25th as the day, and spoke in its favor. fcenna and lioge, as a matter "of course, fey: voted with the Democratic obstructionists. For their benefit we copy the following |m?- closing words of an editorial in the Louisb'-. vDle Courier-Journal?% Democratic paper ?edited by the "tariff for revenue only" ??;.' plank manufacturer of 1SSO?Mr. Walter?? son. He is to be credited with good sense on tbe Rational bank question as compared with tbe obstructionists of bis party ?/, . in Congress. He says: . Tbe experience of the country with this fcy system are eminently satisfactory, as comv* , pared with tbe Stale-bank system which (St;. . preceded it. There bat?been no losses to B&vV note-bolder?, and the losses to depositors E^ , have been insignificant Under tbe old SSl'r . State-bank system, one was at all times in danger of having passed ujon bim tbe note ; of a broken bank, and on nearly all tbe bank-notes in circulation there was a ' greater or less discount, necessitating frequent resorts to brokers, and constant inH&r,' conveniences, irritating annoyances and 'J':- losses. A discount on tbe notes of any ifc;.1 National bank is a thing which is and has been unknown in any pan of the United Sftr States. Prior to the resumption of specie ??: Payments gold was at a premiam, of course, gV oat National bank notes were then at all Rgfc v times at par with Treasury notes or greenjag*';';, ' backs, as they hare been ever since both EtV ' With greenbacks and gold. s Kd)-'' ; Certain Democratic statesmen in Con ffi-fr';, grass (as well as Republican) are enemies of the National Banks. Ignorance, prejuaffc.-" dice, cranky theories of a self-adjustable Bra .patent conency, like a perpetual motion dock-work, originating from nothing, ooe! < * rating without watte, and running on rorEg^ever without check, shock or friction, ander ?P"v-' the impalw of a Utopian confidence in a ^ financial millennium?we are not adflfc; ,v dressing oar arguments to either of E^'.'theae classes. Ave have nothing to say either to bigots,ignoramuses or cranks, bat ' . to men of common sense and practical or mjjg;. theoretical knowledge, who are aware of ra&'/the fact that money tarn very plain, everyday affair, that it is either bard cash or Its paper representative, that it can not be r.J-? made from nothing; that credit is danceroat unless it csn stand the teat of HqaSla| tkm, and that gold and silver are the final tnachattiae .Only tfacM who can appre ciaie theae facta caa ondtiacand the ngoTn excitement amoaj oar Ohio neijh bonovertheptMftd tb?PoodUx In ba pnn * m* inttrot to the Mai 01 the liqaor qneatkn In almoM ererr Stale Union. Therefore, tlx loQaviaf iuafnalke Balliaon Anal to what ia going on in Maryland (a Demo cntie rtate) oo thia qaeatfoa, will be lead with intenat Mocb intereat ia fcein* taken tbroagboai the Sute in the ninth annul meeting <x the Maryland Temperance Alliance, whidi ia to be odd in Baltimore next week. IVI fpin will he prtaeat Iron temperance a* aaeiatinna. churcixa, Sunday achcnia and rdipooa and reform ?a?n<iitinm throofb ont the State, and it ia expected that tlx assemblage all] be the Urpat oI the kind everbeJd in Baltimore. CoL Geo. V. Bain, of Kentucky. and the Her. William H. Boole. of New York, hare been inrited to be prcaoiL Prohibition el liqno) thnach local option, already ex;**i in U>e following cmtntits of th? State: Calvert, Cecil, Talbot, Kent, Princi Georfe'a, Montgomery, and Caroline entire In Someraet and Dordxater coontiea pro bibitioa preraila except in one diatrict 01 each county. It alao preraila in ahoot ooe ! half oi Frederick ana Qaeen Anne't nan . tie), aa well aa in fire datricta ot Waahing toncoanty. There are alao eereral localitia elaewhere in the State in which prohibitive i ex ota, indodinj iix different (ana a ' Baltimore county. Ptanimaon to vote ot the prohibition qntctioo waa obtained lot , leten coantxa at the recent 11 inn of tlx Legiilature, namely, Howard, Arundel (furen Anoe'a, 'three diatricta. Hartford Worcester, > ?x datricta.: Dorcbeater. ?m< > diitrict.) Somerset, lone district.! Beeides . these, there ia to be a Tote on pcohibitioi in several localities throogboot the State. A b?wi Atn?rr. Bob Inservol] has been asking the one* lion : Wb^t shall ? do to be caredT Now th? is a very peculiar question anc cannot well 1? answered, withoat first in f ?fairing: "What's the matter?" Hare tck i had bad lack ? or what are jroo sa&nnj with ? Probablr he refers to the remark* bk winter we hare experienced and be ii suffering with a severe cold. 11 the lattei should be the cue, we would refer him t< the Rev. Mr. N. R. Grabb, Schwenksrille . Pa., who wrote as the following a few day r iza. "It is now nearly two Tears aince" 1 commenced to use Dr. Ball's Cough Syruj in my family and I Seel frank to asy'tLa > it saved me many dollar* for doctor'bills . Oar biz and4ml?M&Hdren take it and i never failed to give relief and eifecta core For Croup it cannot be over rained. 1 have never been backward in recommend > ing it to my friends and neighbors. Taoruros testify to the cares that vr ' Wifgin^ Lungwort Compound has accom plisbed. Try it. For sale by Logan & Co. and all drufitistt. DIED. LiTHtT-Oa ToewiftTtsvsisc. April 1*. t*a. t ( 1 ociaek. S'.na Lxmi. la me itth yeare* his ape Fa=*rri irxz fcfc iiu rtc&da&er. cones tf Focij Ifth ac4 2Hot, naert?. aortiet u ) c'?2eok i T**zAt ci the Uailr aw iarj^d. latesmcot & i Mocat CaiTtry Caaeurj. (OnrimU yjttat copy ) BOG EES?On Huvikj lAtnm, Asefl IT. l?K ?t?o?<t. X?xava T_. 6?ji&itx U /?:? p. ?zk J?6e luct^v a?e>l tfiees awai d twe&ty-c* rue*? when *i si* rrtLiex** at hrr imzts'j 5OL TS ft*:* Fto? ten*i. cc Wedaodaj r-^w, , u J9o'ci?i. Ia'^rs^a: pr.r*ie. CCWSI-OB H'KASJ *nert^<a. April IT. MB* a tii '{?"*" Ja1U* ?- J? *** ?ix:j-inl yt*r <FuaerU ina hii lot rattcaee. Sa 24 JmA <n*\. co Weoistadkj *!:?r&?oa u 2 o'efcel Fr'.rzA* <i Uxi'r ?r* lari^ v> ?a?4. Ciilat FOR RHEUMATISM, Meuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of iht Chert, 6ouf, Quins/, Sore Throat, Swellings oat Sprains, Burns and Scalds, uenercj aodii/ faint, Tooth, Bar and Headache, Frosied Feet and Ears, and ail other Paint and Aches. Ko Prrpcitica e? ?*rf? eqruh Pr. Jaoom Ox u t rA?ap Encn*I Ecsed?. c/ SO Cent*. iMfrercw^B^t^h'Sa can h*re tb>*p tad pcatfiTt proof cf 6? ctoi. i inxvcsag a flma Kryrma. BOLD BT ILL B2U06I8T8 iXD DEALEM IX JCEDICHE. A.VOGELEK & CO., UmlHrnmrr. Md^ V.E.JL TBATKLEBy GUU)B.~ a?r4JTgM or T?A3?f-wainjy? ror i. fsua- I daj. k- v. A.x.Lr.x.1 r.x. S.AO.LE fcja ** fc? Ont 0. Dtr ? *li 11:15. W,P.AB.Mi fcltt 1:10 430 A. SC. | a*T. A Pita ?C lft?0 J: 1CV I Lib, F,c.43tu. t-s ta lar to lit 'j!t CL.t.V.*W. ! iac'TTSIim AMXIXAL or TUJM. eon6*7 A.X. r.M. r.*B.AO. L K_ LJ 1*14 4.A A.*. A.W. r.M. Ccmt a Dtr fcW fc? lfcU fc<8 W.,P.?B.DIt'i 1130 '.MB fcfij F.IL P.M.JA.H. Ot. * r.ttt IL-a Scife 7*7 ?d 1.1. A.*. 1,1 A.K. ML r.K. P..C. AEtL_ 10:17 7JQ *J7 10J7 ?n 702 C. T. Y. * wj InftW ''&! ! T7:isl_ t bailT UC*M &aat*j.' { 9ie&bearlue AteocaaoladoB.?This train dc* lac the day {Uki bu?r*rd a?d forward mww , JUrUn'i Perry and B.Hai^; ?topp4n*wketi wqniro! *i th? SberauM Basic, JBSctrWe, Wml WbeoUm and GraTd am. tMurikoAwaanndtftn. "^yHEELING AND ELM GROVE R. R On fcad after SATt'BDAY. APRIL fch. :fi:,eu oa tbt Wbeeilxtg tad Ba Gtxnt BtOnmi will ran as Jolknrt: Can will l?*?e lha dty {comer EJereati wd Martet ilKW),a?d Hmma't at taii.1. idytj.. %. j riir.& c-ar. m. WW - It A - | ISO - -SB " 7:41 M lk? " Itll " 7.40 fc20 " 12:20 f. M. I 420 " ?.-? M too" UOO " wc - *?0 " ** " i? - 1 fc# - ygj Soadaj* esceptod. 3Z& KLEUiL apr? Pqwrintfnd?nt Oiixun. nt. sauta. C. KRAUS & CO., (Iiubw to H. Brhmnftarh A ObQ MPOBTEBS AND DEALERS or rotznar axd doxjbtic Wises and Liquors, Brandy, GIN. 00HH11J A5D WHHDBL No. 1133 Market Stioet, Vol VHHLONL W. YJL ''V' MEW W1BBBH. \yG1HL TO OOOK. WASH M alt* iMnKlmBiU ?w<Tg??wr^iM?itiin.l. Iir.? TtTAXnB BT A YOCXG WOJIAS? 'jBLyfiasfint 5* v" Lost-a locket with the 1X1 tul-Vmom Me fto*?f*|fc<4 Mr??! MfiaiW?K ImMitfllW pud far tta mm* If kwtar ft ? ttii < ?. mpf* V GIVEN AWAY. Zimmerman Fruit Dryer *? m i a?mmm eetn ca,c..,i....i.a opium?? opjuit Aai MinMw Bimmmon > tnm M ? ? en ?wi rw?iini< m ^OTICE 10 TBS PTBUCL IMstbyilvtMCfc* tfest! vffl Mb* m?m< U*Ur?tfmj ur tebii Mtitricj tj bt ?Ut V'.-Tttt* h ??4 Xhcpabtte ut Urrt^ la (nm4 itai to *fc mdii a ueCtrt dcU* la ?? bum. JOES GOSBORX. mmmra. Apcfl my ^DMISUTRATOB'S SALE. "a ?ATTRDiY. &e 2M itj U AmC. I ?01 tn wrt tottfiu t?W* *??Wi iV!u?trLoM ??ct at lb* Uu sua* J. M?rv*niJ. ?t So. 171 Stllceoli Will, tftkcrauxactaittie odor* 1.x. Tnai ta?h W. H.HALLEK. PITTSBURGH A ST. LOCIS . in* s PACKET USE. JflBfl tohkXM ?JOSS L- RHODE?, wu lam Wb?*'lax TUle DA* At acm ic. UnLfTil> ET*2**fle. PkAwafc C*I*o isd & Lucti CAPT. COCLfON. . Aftat. St Juao Hoc*!. ' Vi'TICE I I fcJTtftAM a<j*a Btkrrj la rs&Ktkx *iti ay Co*J?tictJuT. *ryi l=> prr^u*^ v> tarnM tutit* ?&3 Wfiaiir* Ck*em *?<; Cms a bori acC.c. E*r? cc. t*zA it* ta*?l In Crete*. CooitcSccurits tad rmiu ia i** tilj ;?ca?i tUtiU-e. rii-s. toocdr-v Ctll ?* tddrtr* THOMAs r. HXYJtAX. ?U Ktla fit Tt-fffcoat So. !4 tp?l> QI115D OPEXING. SOrP tad LUXCH boa Hi. to 10 r x at the Central Saloon. 1523 Market atreet opposite the PoatoCce. GEO. W. SCHBCK, aprl* Proprietor. TyATEP. FILTERS. The Jevett Water Filter ia the only nerfet article of tie kind eT?r invented. Call ant . ?*e them at XESBITT A RRO.'S, , apr',9 1512 Market Street. J^NGBAVKGS, ENGRAVINGS. . A fall line of the above and French Wale - Color Flo-am oa exhibition at KIRK'S ART STORE. : aprlfr \V& Main street. ^JASOKIC funeral notice. Ti* cembtr* ot S?>3 Lcvict No. 30. A. F. A A 1 SC.. are ?aa??I, tad ibane Ofaio Loir c So. 1. *b?*;ta* L"l*f So. S. tad 2u*.? Loljt So ?. tad a3 injocraia* JUtJtr Muoa* la r?d ?usd la* are lamed la c?rt At tbe ^ n*? :r; W^tmenUf aftetsooB. *prtf Jf. l?i. i: co* ocWJ f ihL> to txteod the fanecal oi oar dt*eu?d bmfce Ji&od.CooL LOCK H. ALB SIGHT. W. H?t? s JtifP WHEZtEB. tattuy. tprl* ! vroxEY for i?ix.-s3,?? -rivf > aTA tiyKJ*3-i doi^ta; tor?-<w jetr. oa cafa?KB teml citj nt! efMU. or at^?!u?ar7 rertcczl ?ca - rtty. HSC TnlTthaaJad icAut< forone year. o: ' calaemsUted dtj c?u:? ?cun:j. SUQ(i> St* tayjrol dclltrf/ fee e?* or bow ye??. co aaiaraast^red rtti esate d:/ pn>r*?r >1 iv. lack^ncaiQi^r^TSlPRauUSl. ICIRn t*?a?Ce Mad--MBau.>. > Apj'.y to A LEX ANDES bjN2. Licta*-! Lefcl ud Broke; 1IH M?rk?-t urtet.? 7%zrtit't EI?dt. a;gl?* pROPOSALS FOR TIMBER. Ohio fcrx* Ixrtovwcrr. Davu ban Da*. SEALED PROPOSALS. In duj>!k*te *112 be re ?1t?4 u thi# o&ce qsUI aora. on Taax*i*y. thi i?h <Ur of Mtj. 1?*? for thedtttresy tt the Da*i liUsd !to. fitasMd.?6ilhe Ohio 2i??r. ift nib' be'.o* o! itout WCW it. H. X Hjuar* Tiiai*n SJl.lOO f:. B. V. Pkafc; ?,??? ft B M. 4/XU iia- ft. of W2itxf. ITit ?.-r to b* dlriitii is to i<x coatmra For it*cifictsiO?J tad farther ir/ora tioa as^ly u thUoSce.ortoTaf*. F. A. Miito, Oona <2 Ei?1 aaert. P. 0. Box TO, Piiabcrsh, l*a. E XEE3ULL. K#j. of Er?ir.?n C. S. A. U. E. Eajsraer Ot&cr.?' ff?*. T bird tStrtc*. t^rl? QocaojUi. O. April 10. IVfc CiUT the Wjrwt naefc of Ao? ia the dty. A rri t*1? of eraoetfcle tcod? dxily. Sor .Bprirjr tad Summer Trafle. Jfo: ur.2*noui by *^r boc* ic th? city. Ahead *i ?oa}*iitcr?. Hue iht Seen liiit of children"! ihocs. Art vtVMli*4 by ft*, by :>ace. 5ow Lire the nobbier: lo? eat ihoea tad tlipptr* 4c ia ?U the ;-feviilinj s^to. Ead?*Tor to j^aee ore tad alL .loihfcf niirtttwau<L iiooii nntattd. Cir* Itw. > Tooth pick. Box A London Toe Lttti nothing cadoae to aarft yotr cvatCtnct. Is all dejartoenti we cam * rcu. ?tc*rk. fcea at ?nd exAnina oar prv.w. litre ja?t what 703 want reasonable and chaap. lO Twelfth Street. tyrVm* Q.RA3D EXCURSION" TO THE CINCINNATI MAY FESTIVAL.! THE FTEAMEE ANDES. Capt (baa Mailaznaa, 3f. P. 5oIL Cerfr. *11 zsaae aa exccnioo ttip to the Cincinnati May >? tiral. Jearic? Wberiinc TlfSDaT. JUy ltd. %t 3 r. X-. arririac at liarinnr.I Thomlay socc. as< will rttarn "Friday at midnirfit- th*? ??* w..? docl?u tisc* to a:t?i<3 !osr Becctctte? IT fckio* the A twit* yva c*n u:?a4 aort ivactrj than by UkiOf M.BJ Cth^T ?M*X3?Z. Tb? WbttrllSJ Oi*rz Hozk Orcienn will tvrnbh tt? r?e*e dux fc; Um irip. Btnrtxotctarcrdcs^tvirF?re for the rouad uip, laaadic* U*rf wfciie It the city. >10. ?pt19 OPERA HOUSE. OSI SIGHT OSU. TUESDAY, APRIL 2oth, 1SS3 *" "-w OPENING OF THE SPRING SEASON. FASHION ABLE EY2XT 07 THE TEAR M'LLE RHEA, I SUPPORTED BY T. Newton Gotthold. And kcx Selffttd Cosj*ar oj Artists, in ; Much Ado About Nothing, I Etrh pertccxaasce tiroa is the Englbh Lasguaee, AdmbeAoa SO and 75 eratt; Referred F?*te tl OC. . Sou od wle at *l!aoa it Baames'i ccsic tux* ot i *od fcfto-rstarday. April ad. ?prl> SILVERWARE ! New Designs will be opened THIS WEEK AT I. G. DILLON'S, 113 market street. Prices Very Low. ?Wi gOCIAL, Sl'PPEB A3U JEG-BBEAKI.VG at the ziw street chtrch. wednesday eves 1x0, april lmh. EptlS J. S. RHODES & CO. Amomt oar new (Hdsnbmtiiciin of (ncd> tint m tbt bat nlot im glna in DRYGOODS We hare a case of dark 4-4 Fercaliz** . which ft are selling at 10 cents per yard. We hare a case of tip-top Fast Colored Prints which we are telling at 5 cent* per yard. We hare a case of Easu* Crash which we - are selling at 10 cents per yard. We hare a case of Madras Dress Ginj&ams | which we are selling at 10 cents ^er yard. ' We have a case of Fast Colored Turkey Bed Damask which we are telling at SO cent* per JM* J.S. Hliodes&Co. 1152 MAIN STREET. > k f Agents for Rerur Bitterns, St John S*ring Machine, the Pearl Shirt and Maysrille Carpet Chain. apr!7 ; EASTERN DRY 600DS STORE, Marshall, Kenned; & Co. 1U0 Main Street. BARGAINS FOR x 1 THE week:. So. 1?Cheney's Brocade Silks $1. r S*Ttr>oIJ bttore>r las than SifcX So. 2?An Extra Good Oulitj of Black Silt at Sl.Ii. Would be Cheap at t?W a yard. Xo. S -Aaolhpr l'a.<? Anamf Drta Goods - at 121-ic. a Yard. * Same Goods aj we bad s~ch a ma on Ittor*. ; Calicoes, Ginghams and Muslins > Cbtaper thin any other Store in Town. ; BLACK GOOD^A"SPECIALTY. | MARSHALL, ^ENHEOY & CO,, . llin MAIS STREET. GROCERIES AKD TOBACCO. I QHOICE ONION SETTS AND CLOVER SEED. Twenty barrels choice Onion Setts. One fcnodrai hags choice Clover See<L Headquarters for ARBUCKLE"S ROASTED COFFEE, the best nor roasted. Sole Agents for PH<EXEX PATENT FLOUR! The best in use. Ask roar eroctr for it and take r.o other. Yoa will find what we claim I for it the best. Larp-st stock of GROCERIES IX WEST VIRGINIA. JOS. SPEIDEL <fe CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ( mh24 1416 Main and 141? Sonth streets. ; $1000 REWARD WILL BE GIVEN IF ANY ! GLAZIH6 OR INJURIOUS HATTER ! Can be found is ' . ' MADDUX'S AURORA ' UNGLAZED COFFEE. ASK FOB Haddu's Aurora Coffee. WHOLESALE DEPOT IT S.BAER& SONS' Silver lake Flour House. niliM ] , JMSE CIGARS. Henry Clay. Commercial Traveler, No. 6, Jljr Choice, C* pi tola, Peoplri PoflT and Pear- J ; lea Cigars. All first-class brands. Alto a . stock of Fine and Staple Groceries Ai veil as Oranges. Binanas, Sea Foam Wafat, and other seasonable delicacies, at GEO. K. MoMECIIEN'S, 1300 MARKET STREET. Telephone Ka F -9. apr!3 ONION SETS ! 10 Bushels Silver Skins. 20 Bushels Yellow Stra&burg. > 15 GOOD OWES. B. J. SMYTH, nihil Cor. ihitomd 14th 8U. JJASSAGE TICKETS. totp Uckrti to ud Irom Earopt by tea (twmhlp lino, it lovat rata, lor ad* at H. F. BEHBECS1, tprll 2217 aod 2219 lUrk?t Stmt . awroirwattgjg THREE LIV TWO OF CONSUMPTION ALL WELL KNOWN Gf We make the following extracts from Dr. ratory Organs: Dr.O K.>'nwjf, Cincinnati, Ohio: /tar f?r-l bare had Asthma for over teaJ entirely cared. 1 hare no difficult* in brratii So laaf uage wild exptw my delist at hat woo 14 not for thousand* of doltan tipgfani your treatment I am punicg &*b and anir I hare tried every remedy, but never found t cured ray hnrband of Consumption. who ha?j my friend. lira. Jacob Meyer. mtrcLant at N and tas firm up for death. There t*o case: it all lo your medicines and new improved C I am. with great rtspect, your obliged asd A Toons Lady Sartd bj- ( The daughter of a wealthy farmer of But!< hood, was marked It the fell disease. Const friends. She bad all the symptom? usually i continual cough and difficulty of brc*thinr. and hectic lexer. She was weak and emac?ai attended by oiben, with no benefit. But bj ment she at once began to improve, her imp mother writes me. until during the second w healthy." bavins gained twenty-four pounds the dear young daughter, which tells of the i treatment: T* Da. 0. E. Stwros?Thsr Sir?Feeling a de* I feel it my dutr to state to you for the benei my daughter, Marie Louise &cbant*. when I Consumption. In the month of Us* October suffering from a continual cough. tightness oi attended *itb catarrh. sore throat. right t-arcaystns of fever, with other trouble* pecu 11? advised by my father, Mr. JoLn Auobi for treatment. When I took her o you tber coughtcr at least ercry few minutes. Sbe Lj bou?? a Urge portion of tbe tiro*. She bad i pt* worse all tbe time; but I am happy to i treatment. ber improvement was steady and twenty-four pcuuds. and ?u fat, tuey and b( is a happy, healthy girL For this peat charge in ber health, we fell Hamilton, to too, whom too have also, as it tbe lungs. For your skillful treatment, aided by tbe t these two ca?*. we feel sincerely grateful. as <^aaict?d. That you may continue to do as t lies, is tbe fervent Kith of our lirta. With great respect, we are yours ti Confirmation Str Since tbe above letter from Mrs. Schantx ? and additional communication from ber: 0*15 E. NrwiK.5. M. D.: Rerpected Docjcrfor the good you done my daughter, for by yi tor. you can no: imagine bow my heart acLetbe tood prepared for her. and then fret up. a Spray now?his aoee u a great deal better. This being a fair day. Louise will take this a difference between now and last September, room, and could cot jco up stairs without ?y litspectiully, Asthma a Pc We extract tbe following from a social ietti atter my treatment, in which she- states that s as though she had never been sick in all her Mr. H. f. Thieiber, a prominent wholesale Asthma, Catarrh and Primary Consumption: I>E- 0. E. Kmoy. Cincinnati. 0.?Xfar Dr. that 1 am cured, as I hare exposed myself a Asthma would come beck. 1 hare helped c!< of doors, and an: just as free from cold as if ] could not have dune before noles I was laid proof that I am cured. In regard t? no more au*? for it. I icust come to a c?ofe. i you bare shown to me during mv sickness, a i have found under your care. 1 will do all Truly yours. Consomption Associated With Bys] tu A well known citizen who* puce of busim 1 I>a. 0. E. Xnrrox?My Kind SirIn-the L ed to you for treatment of disease of myluni by you. My condition then *uone of jrreai suffering from a severe cough. lc*s of 2e?b. n hemorrhage, accompanied with great p*in in tbe greatest j?ain following almost anything ] you promptly helped my cough, the night s? soreueasot or stomach, arid my appetrt* an prompt benefit I derived from your inhalatio ly grateful, and cheerfully recommend your i A.4 lh#> Vruivtwfra r\f *h*t it hn itnn/fvA lion, as I was. *-igak? please accept nav grate Yours very truly, Asthma am Cured in leas than'one month. The recipe which explains fully her condition and reco? De. 0. E. Xnrrox?Ikcr Sir?I am most ha; and treatment given to me by too. I have Ui chial attack, and 1 can cheerfully recommem forms of disease of the respiratory organ?. ] ers as you bar* been with n>e, 1 beg to reiurr Yours very truly, Catarrh and Pol The following letter (peaks for itself. Heci charged, cured: Dr. 0. E. Newtos-Lou ?>-My health. I. stomi in every. We are having the most sc through this season all right 1 shall hare no I your books and card* to a friend in Lsdonia, write to *ou immediately. He has consun spoken of and recommended you to several o Please accept my warmest gratitude and sin a very small recompense for your great kindi A letter from the accomplished danghteroi lies in Kentucky, .which she has voluntary w; tofore bad a doubt as to the curability of'Cal De. 0. R Xrwros?Itcar Sir?i take the lib Most expressly do I extend yon my sincere ti in my ease. , Ytt, I feel perfectly well *psin. ter titan I ever have in five years. I Lope thi taken pains to publish in your booV. will be I presented to you for treatment, and many s disease. I know a great many persons who * only be convinced that they would meet a \tt\ by quacks ol doctors, made believe by them convince some of them that ther* reigns one, when all others fail. Long months or years ri and skillful attention again. But through sii claim you as our phvfician; and if serious afl lim* Bftil mrrnrn ? will conclude with my bat wishes for jour si promise to use my best effort* in your behalf Patients are treated and cured u well at bo ment and Instruments are sent toaoy part ol Povtoffice Order or Check on the Bans for tbe Testimonials The following list of names are of well knon and who haTe examined most carefully the * meats which I hate recently introduced, and them; being new, useful and easily uxrd. He Hating been afflicted with Xfiaal Catarrh a treatment for the tame, we feel that we can r medial appliances in ibis disease. Therefore, we unhesitatingly pronounce the improreme the treatment of Catarrh, rix : tbe Saaal Spr and his Long Dilator, to m invaluable as a hitherto intractable disease, as by their use hi one his formersuccesvful treatment in *uch a the aid of his specific medicines. We find no trouble in using either of tbe easily undentood, and are also quite durable. Ut. O. E. ?wu>a*# Specific and lb and Lung Dilator, used by him, if they de&in fully jonra, etc, Tbonui 5. B/jyce, of Boyct is Konett. 22 I>si too K. IJenry A. Flak. Cocusi>tWj Merriuat. 10) West Court *t- Bntdence. SO BtytalUcr ?trtet. G. G. Wright, KngzaTer aad euacii cotter, 1C7 Eace lUttL John W. Joct*. llT. Btaklkk street. Ccrtntttn, Ky. Jnoes A ixrroo. XIUjttxj at Uv, *2 Uotiira iv Mary Heyn. W Bt>w a kml Mr*. M;aaie Vt'e&ktaf. la I**dley street. Henry term. 17 Mtry.sutrt. Jsoob Mey<r. V6 Bream ttrcel Jda Wcteneci. 23Eut Slulb stmt. John Erialmtyer. W Breoea Kretrt V. II. I>gotM?ro. 357 PlaCUy street. L. C. Toner. Lfi West Third Ma H?T7 schiaudd*. XC Bare rtntl, Mr*. C. I>. (iiteaiBntr, Ci Cuitn are, J. H. B?a?b, L. M E. B.. Cincinnati MnC. 1>. Wt*x. for daoefcter Vtifle. 44 Daytoo C. Aoctttt ?na>oti?. steward. UrtJncr FWtwwxi.Uarinnatl and Turae?oy Parfcet Gocapaay. J. a. barby, SXt ?a*t Third street. Fraak Miuti. Trenton, Butler county. O. Marie Looise hchant*. Irmtoa. boiler cocety. O. D.G.Cof4do. architect. 73 lastdla St.. Newport. Ky. Mr*. Manaret GUUtbo. Brrry are. BdteTue. Ky. J. JL Ctonini. wtih American Expttm Co., 1 ?lavtel street. Geo. *. Boa. 400 Bkhmond street. ORXN E. ranicux a Xo. 33 SmlliJeld Street, Antborof "Ctncerwu Dmm?m and Tomon "Dimm of tbe IWmn," -A Hiatorr ol on JUittie Cholera," "Jtemtrln on Out ol "Scientific *ad Uatumai Medic*! Tram ? ESSAYED AND ONE OP ASTHM/ nms of cwcihuti. X E. Newton * Book on Diseases of the R? ClSCWSATt, 0., May 90l 1SIL rear* iMtsr&t April S, Ittl; ua w ing now. I used to W scarcely able tovhisp injr placed myself under roar treatment. the dreadful feelings I had befoie I beg nation daily, and feeling twenty jean yoacp eraanent relief uaul I met yon. You a I been riven np to dir. and also the hoi band x 135 Bremen meet, who had Co&sumpti t! know are now weU and hearty. J ait rib: old?n Instrument*. grateful friend, Vc. Casus Ssrsa. No. 11 Mary Sutet, Cincinnati, Ohio, urins Her of Consumption. r county, 0., who joat budding into woou itopiioo. in the opinion of her family a nanifeated in this dreaded affliction, harinj I?un and opprenkxi in her lung*, night swe; ed. with entire lone of appetite, and had be the use of my inhalation and general tr* rorement being "xteadr and rapid." as I ooth of my treatment she was -fat. rosy a Head the letter below from the parents ;reat benefits from my new and aueceaai rrros. Bet!tr Coonty, 0., February 5). 1SSI ir? to do yon. and all other* all the good 1 a &: of others similarly affected the condition applied ju yon for treatment in her case I toc?k my daughter to yon. She was th I breathing, grvat fain in her longs and s:d sweats, hectic fluah on cheeks, with dai iliar to her age. and an entire lota of appeti rrger. and Mr. John Shrock. to take her to y e w*j hardly any ceaation of her cocgb. & kd become so w?k as to be confined to t *en treated here, but without relief, as s ?,r that under yosr inhalation and genei rat>:J. and in the M-rijnd month she had caln aliby. tbc nc- worts, plays and rides, a ; like recnajmeodin? Mr. Frank Deuscher, were, rai*<*i from the dead, from disease we of yocr new and improved instruments, rou have made two families intimately i uucb good for others as yoo bare for oar tai uljr, Josot Satxm and Catha*etx Scaxsrz 011: as Holy Writ. as written, I hare received the following ki Tuorrox, 0.. February 24,1881 -I cannot Sad words to express my gratitn uar skillful treatment the is spared to us. I* ti to *-e Louise sit down at the table, look ad not eat eTen one bite. Frank is using t letter to Trenton, two miles from here. \Yt , when she bad to as* a cane to walk across 1 iug down on tbe stairs to rest once or twioe. Catbszisk Scuasti rmanent Core. ft from Mr?. Oeschle. of Peoria, I1L. some til be is now permanently cured and feels as w life. Tiro case was recommended to me merciiant of that place, whom I cured Feosu, Jus.. April 24. ISsI, ? There is no doab: in my mind b gocd deal in the hut month to see i! : -an bouse, bare perspired freely, and gone c I had never been sick in all my life, wbicl up in bed for a w?*k, so I think it is eo > iL? Inhaler. I will send it to you, as I hi nd thank you for all the interest and kindm nd I hope thai many more will find tbe rel 1 can for you. Axsa OrscHii pppsia Promptly and Satisfactory red. us is at 133 Bremen street, writes as follows: >5 liztxrs Btzjxt. Cwcarsan. Feb. 24, l$7a Mter pert of November last i was recommit a and dys|<epsia by throe wfco bad Seen cur t anxiety to me a? well as my friends, as 11 lgbt sweats and fever, loss of api-etite a tllV wVi.U AAltHMtoJ ? ? -1 - - .unuuiuuiiun ?ai nuusg! I tried to eat. By your inhalation treatme reals and fever ston disa ppeared; as well as t id direction soon became natural. For t n and constitutional treatment I feel extren treatment. from ruy own experience, as wi titers. to all persons suffering with oontam ful acknowledgments and believe me, Jacob Metes, 1 ilronehiti*. :at of the care writes the following letfc CxscjxsjA September 5. iscoi ppy to inform you, that from the consuiuti fu relieved from a severe Asthma and Bro 1 your new and successful treatment for i ioping you will be as successful with all oi i my sincere thanks, and sign mvself. Makt Kjitze?besceb, 409 Hum street ypiLS of the Nose. lived five months after the patient was d Cuumuc, Tex.. January 21, 1531. &tn most happy to inform you. is entirely i vere winter ever known in"Tex*s. and if 1 j fears of bad tealth in future. I sent one Teia.*, several days ago, and begged him iption, and is petting worse rapidly. Ha Users who have this disease. icert-it wishes of myself and all our family less to me. Truly your friend. Cabbib E. Dale r one of the oldest and most respectable fan ritten for the benefit of those who have hei arrb: Fiauokx, Kr., April. 1ST a erty to address you a few lines once xuoi iinks for your kind and successful treatme wu j/i wu ?t.u nappy 10 snaie mat 1 Xeel tM t care of niy c*5e of Catarrh. which you ha the mwis of your having many such ca? afferera getting rescued ln?m that dreadf roald srillingly fly to you fer relief could tbi rminent cure, but tiiey have been intiueno tbattatarrh is incurabie, until it is hanl among the Lords of Creation, who can cu cay roll by before we may need your kind a: ckncss or health may we have the boner 3ict;on should darken our household at &] nd Invited, may you obey the invitation, iccttsand happiness through a long life, ai through the luture. Bopect/ully yours, J tux a. klcfc tne as if I saw them every day. The Trei the United States upon tne receipt of $30 ( > firrt month. from Patients. m persons who have lately been treated by o rotting and application of the new iiistr i which they testify are ail that I claim f ad below mhat they say individually: CiscvcyxTZ, January, 183]. long time, and having received mucft sped rcuhly understand any improvements in i from actual ex wrrience with the Instrument nts lately introduced by I?r. O. E. Newton. i *y or Atomizer, the NuoPharyngeal Louch means for tne successful! treatment of tl e is now enabled to place in tbe hands of ai way that they can now cure themselves wil Instruments, as they are quite simple at Every penon who nai Catarrh should u e Nasal-Atomizer, >"a*>-Pharyngeal Douch a prompt and radical cure, very respec Jenase Sargent. to rmith Brett Mr*. L Young. I>7 Laurel Kttti. Esther Trart. M5 Vint street. Mr*. Link M. *nl'Js. <5 Era street, Smrpott, Sr. MrKS.tCoUkt,ifE*rtPoorth?tie?t. ^ IiU Z. Ktliuia. s W ibun Uaoa B:o(btrVm, Se KitUnbocse street, ErraCnK. Uterty, Ind. Mrv & H*iber?l mtfeare. Price's Hill C. TbootoW. Merchant, 5? E*ot Mfttt Jfn.'jto.Yt W. Neaie, lor daughter Conine.! Was Ma:b rtrwrt. W. M. JamU. ex-fe^erf*, Ubertv, Union Co, Ind. Mrs. Gen. Hade. Madlmaviile. jiaaiit?n Co.. O. Strv Ed. tothktng. ti UoWn ttreei. Xmon, Kr. Ml* Eacacl Alun*. dautbutrol CT. Adams. WboJ s*2e Iron Merchant. M&Wtsrt Court street. Mr*. Hia l>. BaUr.Gfcrfcsrafc. Texas. Mi-Uarrie Dale, Clark# Ilk. Texa*. cht*. C. Grace, ir> L-'Salle Crwt.Ohiraro, I1L Mr*. M. I>. Pan 11. Sedamsvifle. Hamilton Countr < Quo. W. Lewis, Uutance. Tenn. Edwin Boo3e. o! saytier A Ho&Ie, TTbolmle u? chants, 101 Walnut sixceC OTON, ??. r>., >D ifmiioi, Corner Ponrtb inue, PilUinrjh, Pi. i," of tbe Bopinton Oram, tbe Hot Springs ol Altitun," "An En CleariiigOntSales i. FOR TWENTY DAYS W? vfll aril FOB CASH, far htlltMr eat, *LA?GE VARIETY of LADIES'DRESS GOODS V* it. J XXBRACETO s COLORED DRESS SILKS, CHENEY BROS* in? Figured and Fane; Black Silts en 5 IRISH POPLINS AND PLAIDS. of fa! Ai? a LARGE VARIETY of a. of Inoccc nnnnc uiiloo uuuug 1* Alto oar fall stock of rml ? Ladies'Gloaks.Coat: of 1 ia AKD K DOLMANS, AXD BLANKETS de ac at BEltXAXTS OF At CARPETS 3! ^ ! LACE CURTAIN GOODS ay ?ut At a GREAT BARGAIN. Tt ______ lef ,5 STDMF & THflMlS W>1? m"* 1 11 PURHITURE, CARPETS, SC. s HEADQUARTERS FOR 1 FURNITURE pAND : CARPETS inill b u. Furniturelssi rarer ft I f Oar Kr* Pifrfrw *i* no si Carnets Mpmbr J? UUI |JulUlPEST?TiodffGRiLNi III. Onr ??ottna?t of Roji i? to li IIIYO I^ wbndar SjnH<A. YE 1111V A . Y"* .^<feQt >-TTLa. ERCSSEL u- IIUCUlTiPEsrtr.udBuroiiMi re?Linoleum Oil Cloths r# AH v}dlh? *xtd ettadud i Window Shades!!! re fruexns for and rrirete Iftrtlllacs. id 3 Rattan Ctiairsiili * full Hoc of the WakefitM and lieymxiod Bra*. Folding Chairslss ie* the three leading factories of the country. uj Chamber Sets!#!! | Parlor SetsliSII th any other home la th? dry. ^ UNDERTAKING. CqkoUsUt on hand all the latest style*. MET alu ca&tts. casjs tod wood coffins inxnbhed on sbon notice. FRIEND & SOU e- rnh3 PURXITURE AXD CARPETS. . We ban the largest tad most select rtock la oa Use eTerbroochtio Centre Wheeling, eaosktlnsoi f Fine Chamber and Parlor Suits, And t large llae of Qtrpcts, Oil CIoUm aa4 Window 8ktd?s Which we will adlM low as goods of t&? qualm eta be bought ta thenar***. call and m m tad gat oar plots aad yon wttlfcvy of oa UNDERTAKING tj* Our. Muttt ud Twwitj-t?ntxl an ,y.v ''F-L'^LTX/Mle \ ii ail Mnccvn- vmxLj '*** w*s> i gA. anivzrm UCASQ? ud M Buv^t lzli -v?v.. a. \*r. DB OUST1L ACJLDrnB ^ *IA* rtZX^x. tt.Ti. B it tvt ImSVU ? ? u \ ySwt ? ?*>* >1 **?*. "VQlH i T^irtr?*isiaw aft*w*fc. 1 AMiv. w )'** u?: H \ IIVKTit- fTutn25l^B l STST^ * **-? v v **-? ?^*a \ Sm twV- a**"-*# Ci.- v.JB u,'. H 1 yETtnaat irf c. fTrry 2'^H \ Wi ?? ksajt oCva-ti-x. .v.ut^ -2 ^NH^B xbuu>. w. ^ Mt6SsaQ^m?^M ytrftti/sj/ldp 1 te??r.-v^^ss \sH -^ M rgSr ;,'-v-^;l TO mm mn \ ?TTX' ' ** '' *** tafclf?jjy < ,.^H ?3S t wJ2vb?3? * - **? 1 r:A^ ?fl ^3s^H ISSlSVW* uttfcmjSsi^B a ?. ? -wpat ti'. il'miBNi, the jutlaj 5 1 f - i^JTXJ 2? >' Vnra- v*. bus :n ess ai&& OTEPHL> M -n[, CirpetUr iti BtlMfr. ]^| Britk Bs^itus -.: iafpcrusM^V- '- * > i: ? -i. ; w :uitaj|Z(^B 0ttt4?Oj?tV. i.-,? -,r^ SS^V-':: iKXiaKA ?? ? t. Su. ?Trv^H fettiW'*r' . Mr taifitM % jq-EW BOILEB $ I ifnBiwtum c< feScotn, t*m H tafka. twci-f t- Z.-.-ZK. 'Jta, riiTZt^B toi-M* - i- -? -'lT7 D?>r? Js Mcccii-u^i _. -i Frr <*&? | .v? 5imrtcaL re*ftac*C~-Z. *?7?ia?)?CA.uvra* tatH s*0au&*. ; JJ a tra, il, POKK PA.GKEB I iaicd? & *?i? <*'-'.*-Tk>i '"HI7!!! Oil'l wiltfc ?- ? as * r. u. i- -: -r > u >i "rrnyTH nnaJM ). Jl7 ?. C K?*? a L. ircu-i "Ltt'i (^i.H TTOT VIRGINIA fcTESCH IB > V SZXL vozii s?. :m juexit ?iLrn *Knun, }{t-5i*t=i*? rf ~v. v.. t'XA 4nO( ept??l v '.-* i.>"- -" Wri'nrtn"^B . C*?*L^n *1*1 <fr.\r >jt fc&btt ?n? u|3 > _ga n.caa M Q WILHE1Hg?w&T aaacanwi -c. i* '. nrt!j v>4oi?a|fc tr*ot fzn- -..% .: ! ?- : .. .. euj* Ufa, Soio^r. ?e ?--,?* iut&?>cc * ? :< ;?i- : v. :.oa^tia I SUfk? i j.11- ci0~>hi.\~~ 17crr~~ ar^sstsr==s^ ,/G t? ,j? I ;L . c*-r - . :r*:^B 1W/1: * - !t? iJl', v.; .17 U* iniiirv j.a H tfS ; -ia* I OCa.^- ITU* j*** p.,. ... I f !l_if? Vr^\''--j^" AT Li?' f fat- y. V4. ***- - : ary W,JI? fl ?I I^LEUSLii: b,sK ,K ? ?|*f"wr?ir-. 7j?aui? I 1 Usae??.^ '- -'S.,, ? odtWT. , ;:. ?rtS8 15^ rt?'J ox. >,r |?ir Mxwat i^- ft- --atWlFatuadd is&?z**st ^tjssw qorm% * jfe-^t''fccUS,orkft,to' I |r J ??gtf mMatgtu":* V' mmbI* fl |T^^"Snr~ 'm I Jistkt of Ik, lvJf,. x?tJrj rall|kri (ngtOife, J COMMISSION UERCHAXTSiI B. DXTKCKK, v a K "!OTO>. H ? Gc?nl 01D. iV: '- 3 i poo, If?? ? B. DAVEM'OKX fc CO,B commission la Sat rv-ur -v-'-'!> _ isi Wfi! Fniiti. j fl '.r vn--r,s>n- A =T.. nnrK-fl. M I MJM8IKG CAS AND STEAK FITTII4 I rjlBMBLE 4 Ll'TZ, H ; PLtJMBEBS, I 3 Gas and Steam Fittfiw ? HIS U*rU>t Street I ? Hratine and rrati lit iar of public I dwelling ud CiclorlM > sp??B ?a34 - H 4 "JIHOMPSO.V 4 HIKDKP.D, a PRACTICAL ri.l'Mlir.KN Gas aid Stem Fitt I 1S14 JUrkft St, IVfcHIn?, W.U I IVaLVn hi icads oi }e*l. *I ' in*,, taij rhir.n-v u.^.W?5 r*ir: nv.prt. dnboa pueja. h.'rty ulra. ** tab* isats Ac So* for tic 3 Calsbratec Caran Steam Pwsfi I lad Cadcrwrten' (-i? Vf 'S r. ^ I J^UKE FITTu.V, ~ I . Practical Piumber. Gas and Steam fW I I 1416 Main ?rect. B AH order* pr\wj>tlvjit?o;i'M to. _g^B WM. HARE a SON, r nucrncxL PLmBna ga? and f nTTF.fw-. X* a T*clftb . All wort 4oo< pwcr'i) ? rv~??ui W? fw? > i _>? ?| J^ITVT KiCH BLOOD. PARSONS' PURGATIVE Pttjj-i Klto Xtw Bi.-h Bka?1. *a J * ' 1' /'"? '* ^*5 ( HM blood in the ev.irv Aajrpewoc who*111 uk?- c:.'e pii: ?? ?> lli(?S > OM to twtlT* w*rk? n*j N, rMlcrvi In ?U1? ? If rack *lMr*k* pewit :? . MMiahMjMg, 4 (a. Beaton, Mm., formerlj B*"**1 i ' '