Newspaper Page Text
**' >*' ''''' ~ *** "'kSTABLISILED AUGUST 24.1S52. WHEELING, WEST YAl. WEDNESDAY MOUSING, NOVEMBER 1, 1SS2. VOLUME XXX1.--XIhMliEH GO. @te MMifmv. OiliH't y<M|iW mill a? I'ouft 1*4*11 tli Ntretl. l.v regard to tho Inquiry raised by a WVIUIiiiiK eom'spondent, asking us lo tho loinin^or Uunfllun war vowels to UiIh country during our war, wo are indebted to Win. U. Simpson, Ki<|., of lliirt city, for some further iuforuintion. By refcrenco to a |,oiiiiiI volt lino of Harper't Weekly tor 180.'i in hU possession wo find that In tho nuinlu r for September JUl, 18011, a picture and also udt wrriplioii is given of the Nubian war vi-ifcl "Orfllobji," tlifii ?t anchor Jn New Yoik harbor. 'Hi a Weekly of November 7th ulitorially alludes to "our Hnsslun Vlailors" by saying that "private individuals, cities and jmblio bodies are vicing with each other to do them honor. For (ho noble attitude of Russia in abstaining from interference in our war has touched the In-art of every American and filled it with isratitude." ' I i llniirlNfiilou lu Ilut .NoliIII, , A special dispatch to tho New York 1 yVi'.ioic of tlie llOtli, from Columbia, S. C., , on the -Wh? rea<ij jis follows: "A largenumber of Republicans of tho Second Congressional District met at Aiken i vestI'plav, to listen to an address from E. *\|. Urayton, tho Republican candidate for I Congress. The red-Hblrted Democratic club, i in obedience to instructions from their party leaders, were on band as usual, pre- I pared and determined to break up the I ineetiiijr. Ah soon as Mr. Brayton began to i HjK'ak he wait interrupted by yells, curses I ami derisive cliters, so that lie could not bo I Jicaril. A despe/ato-looking red-shirt dis- i m/iiiiili'il from liifl horse and made a fnrinns i thi.ili at the stand, with the purpose of ] pulling tli? speaker down, but was pre- 1 vented hy liis mora Hober-iuinded coinpau- ' ions from necoinplishiug his design. t .Mr. Dmyton saw that it would not be i Kafeto continue tiie meeting and, therelore, dhuniased his hearers and returned to hi* Imtel. Here he waa followed by the reil-hliirtera, who rode their horses up into t tlie piamof the hotel and continued their abuse of Mr. Drayton until the arrival of ( the train. To show that this outrage was wholly premeditated and arranged for we have ( only to refer to an editorial artlclo that t preceded the meeting in the columns of the Aiken, S. C., Jievoriler?a Democratic ,t paper?which is us follows: j We publish the call for a mass meeting ? of the filthy, ficru'IFy crew, headed by J. ? llendrix .Mcljineand K. M. Brayton. The , jKUty is such ? mongrel concern that we do 1 not know whether to call litem the ring btrenkeil and Btriped (Jreeuback-Kadieal . pjirly or the ring streaked and striped l!:ulieal-CJrcenback party. But we do { know thi>?, that if the Democracy of 'Aiken 1 county don't turn out in fulL force on Saturday next and confront these unclean birds of prey, they will be recreant to their i duly and unworthy of their grand old Carolina mother. Let every club turn out in full force, mounted and in red shirts and . with banners Hying, llepreseutntivo Democrats will be on hand to demand a divis- . ion of time, and your patriotic county chairman, (ftoigo \V. Croft, will be there to manage the details. We say down with them! Down with them! Let them de|utt from Aiken feeling that they are re I ^11 tin:u n.-> UIU II1I1M UUajMl'UUlU UI1U IUIU* | I moiwof tliu Iminanrace! .Do your duty j uithfiillv, stubbornly and triumphantly, j fUlly in* force and down with them! Down t with thorn, or hide your diminished heads j ami never claim to be sons of our beloved olil Carolina mother again. ; This is the Bourbon idea of free govern- ] went ami free speech. This is the way tlia 1 .South is able to to Washington solid ' Suith delegations. The case is not differ- , cat from liiat of Poland when Russia i :in<) Aiwlria "made it a wilderness and i nilletl it peace. This is the way that the j South id made solid for so-called Democra- , ry. The people are very unanimous in the presence ami under the heol of such ades- 1 J?olism. lj it any wonder that there is an j sympathy at the North with Xf.ilione and his followers in Virginia in I their etlbrt to break down this despotism 1 anil liberate the people. 51 ti l'VAI. IIMON MOCK In ?w I'larr J in i i?i? ijiiiium or Trii.HiccM , f?r U?? Next Fl v*? Venn, Ciiirxtio", Oct. Ml.?With a view to proted tin! Interests of the Mutual Union . Teleyr:?i>li Company, and to prevent the ] liobsihility o( the control of its stock being used lo the detriment of any stockholder, ! or to the interests of any rival company, n majority of the stockholders have joined ] together and placed the absolute control of t the com| any's stock in the hands of trus- i tees for live years. The gentlemen selected l->r these trustees are: George T. linker, ' I'wutliMit of the First National Hank of , New York; Asa Packer, President of the .Maverick National lknk of Jioston, and ! <ieorjje U'tn. lUllou, banker of New York ami iloaton, who assume the trust and will ' issue trustee certillcates in lieu of certificaus of stock transferable on the books of ! the Central Trust Company, New ' York. These certificates will be , listed on the New York Stock : Kxebnnj-p, ami will be accepted by banks , in New York and ttoston as collateral j iHvurity, the same as stock, and will par- , <iei|?ate in profits, the only ditlerence beinj{ fimt the voting power is wholly vested in 4 the aforesaid trustees. The trustees will 8 hold thu atock for live years, and at the , IHlll.lf I It ii t lu.r'.rv.l trill lVpIkiiht i? tho IrilB. 1 tees certificates (or. stock certificates, Bhuro 1 for share. The movement luia received the 1 Warty eo?o|ieration of the stockholders,ami . it puts tho company on a permanent 1 liasis, will he greatly to the benefit of the ;>uhlu\ and will largely enhance the value <il tie company's stock and securities. It is understood that tho company is in a condition, and is doing "?? iinineiu# business, which is daily incrw.sin^ Ilia public is to be congratulated tfius being tuaured of permanent comJH-'titioain the telegraph business. Denili of a ll?y from .\ci;lrrt. Akuo.v, 0., October 31.?A caja of allied cruelty to a lad, which resulted in liia death, developed in the Sixth ward to- j 'lay. Several days ago, George Williams, \'ed lifteen, hud liis foot hurt, not 4 seriously, however. His parents refused < come home and the boy was ] ?ai?l by Horace llill. Yesterday he 4 ?ua taken nek, and as a result of exposure, I'x'k-iuw giH In jmd this noon he died. 1 Storitu of crudities q( file parents to their j Hon are fiendish, and Ijjj death is at- 1 triliutnl to ill treatment . 1 llc?!*Ii<Mi|ictir Merlins;. I, October 31.?The Union lice-Keepers' Association of Maryland,'Vir- ' 1'inin aiul West VirRinia met in Ifugerstown, Maryland, last Wednesday. The 1 following utliuers were elected for the euwing yea r, President, 1). A. Pike, Smithburg, Maryland; vice precedents, Thos. Foster, .Cumberland, Win. Anderson, Harper's Ferry, H. C. Jordan, Stephenson, > irginia; secretary, J. l.uthor lowers, Herrvvillo, Virginia; treasurer. S. Valentine, i Niigerstovn. Various subjects of import* a?ee to tlie members were discused. DICKSON'S DILEMMA. HE ARQUSE3THE IRE OF THE COURT lad a Uule U Inued for Hint ?The Opening or the NUr Uoute Jury Urlbrr; fincn-A Mold, U??l WIUmi un tbe Ht*n?l?|nycr?*lt Jliken Some Very I'erllnfht Uriiurkt. "Washington, October 31,?The Grand Jiuynmuj into the Criminal Court this morning with a number of indictmentw, presentments uiul dismiBaaln, and after goin# through the form of prctsentinv them, placed the following communication in the hands of Judge Wyiio: Wmiukcito.v, October 28. i & S. Hutchinson, Jfy., Foreman tif ihe Grand Jury: Sin:?I was drawn uh a juror upon the regular panel of the March term ot the Criminal Court, and at a iuuritlcu of mv business interests and personal health, reluctantly accepted the servico and faithfully performed the uuuleasant duty usai^neu me until the etui of the term. In Juno the .Star Houte case came on for trial mil, notwithstanding my earnest protest, I was accepted and sworn as a juror to try ihe case upon law and evidence. During the progress of the triai I wan approached by an agent if the Department o( Justice named Henry A. llowen, who represeuted to me [hat tie was authorized to see me in reference to the case. lie made the dishonest proposition of ollering $2,500 to influence iho verdict. The following day, August 24, lie forwarded a card to my address, milking vupointinent. I immediately reported the rausaction to Judge Wylie, and informed urn of what had transpired. The crime is )f that character which aljects the rights mil liberties of citizens, and'is of such importance that I respect fully, but earnestly, eqnest your Honorable Body should investigate the charge, and that I may be lummoned before you to present the facts, (imported by corroborating proofs. 1 aiu, air, very respectfully yours, WILLIAM JDICKSO.V. His Honor road the paper twice, ami urning to the foreman,aaid sharply: "Did von say that tiie grand jury revived this paper?'' uYm?, sir," lie answered. "Do you know by whom' it was rajeived?" ' "Nothing more than that it was revived." . i "It is a highly improper commnnicaion," said the Judge,''and you should :ake no notice of it. It is a paper coming i rom a party who insiats on being brought I K'foro von "for the purpose of vindicating limself. We have no otlicial knowledge i lo who signed it. Tije court will direct he clerk to iilo the paper in open court i md that rule issue to the person whose i name appears to have.been written to the 1 wjier to show cause why he should not be minished for contempt "When shall the rule be returnable?" iskt'd the clerk. 'To morrow morning at 10 o'clock sharp- , ,y," announced the judge. The Grand Jury then retired and the T?iiJar business of the Court was resumed, aut.the introduction of the letter and the iction of the Court created quite a Eeusa- ! ion. TKYKKS I IIIKI). Hie Nlnr Kouic Jury Hrllicry' C'um-n 0|>cunl Y??*t?rUi?y. Washington, October 'M.?The first of lie jury bribery wises, that against Arthur L'uyue, colored* came up in Police Court o-ihiv. Governor Wells and Mr. Kerr for lie Government, were iu attendance, i'ayne was attended by his counsel, Messrs. Padgett, Newman and Davies and Pagette. Mr. Jlrewster Cameron, Co I. Kobert G. loRersoll, Seward McLaineand others, who liad been connected with the Star route trial sat within the bar. After the presentation of several aflidatits Juror Brown was called to the stand and Lold the story of Payne's attempt at bribery in substance, as already related in the press, Upon cross-examination the witness said lie was informed through an auonyinous note that Fall was working up this scheme. Witness "did not believe they had any Intention of paying $2,500 for his vote." He lid believe that it was a job to send him to the penitentiary. The defence eudeavored without success to obtain a statement from the witness of the conversation between himself and Uov. AVells, The prosecution objected and ttiu Court sustained the objection. The witness said that ou October 12th last lie made an atlidavit (what is known as tholngersoll aflidavit), but upon objection [rom Governor Wells the defence prevented the questioning of the witness on the subject, the object being to contradict him. 1'lie original atlidavit was then produced und witness was examined upon its sub-* ject matter. Witness denied Fall's name , liad been mentioned in the atlidavit, and when the document was exhibited to him , uontaiuing Fall's name in interlineation, lie said he thought it had been inserted ifter he swore to the ailiilavif, which he jaid was in Col. Ingersoll's handwriting. , Lt was not true he used Fall's name on that occasion. So much >f tho aflidavit as stated that Martin (another juror) was to be influenced, kVHH untrue. Ho did not remember who ;old him Col. Itigereoll wanted to see him, 1 jut he went up,to his ofllce and made an ! Ulidavit, whieh followed the one made before to Assistant District Attorney VIoore. In his conversation with Payne, ! Jio witness made au appointment for" the ol lowing Monday. His object was to Hud ' )Ut the man behind Payne. He regarded Payne as a dupe. This man, lie believed, , jnd written the agreement destroyed. Witness denied, laughingly, that ho had sver offered l'uyno $150 for the written ' i}?reemeut. The Court remarked that the matter beoro it was not whet her a juror had been sribed, but whether ho had been approach ed. I Mr. Davis replied he understood thai; . -ie was now trying to make out by the wit- , less'own words that ho was unworthy )( belief; that he had made ailidavits con- j mdictory of ono another. ( The examination of the witness was resumed. lie denied he'had first learned of :ho existence of the written argument on Seventh street when lie drank withTaynf-j witness never told Win. K. Lowe ho Liiougiii uiuru was luuney m iuc ouh iuuiu business lor him, the witness. Ho voted i [or the appropriation made by his lodge to , send Payne out west. Did not remember whether or not ho moved tho appropriation. The cross examination brought out no point of importance. . 1 At tho request o! the defensa the further ; jxamination of Brown was adjourned until to-uioriow in order to allow them to obtain 1 by subpojna upon tho Attorney General ' itlidavits collected by special counsel Wells. ' A. 13. Williams, called to answer for the 1 affidavits of Nelson and others, )?aiii hp h?d 1 returne<l Nelson's affidavit toSelaon, Jlia 1 reason for bo doing ft as he did not believe this was an honest prosecution, that tho . paper was wanted for no honest purpose, [iii4 for the protection of witness, Nelson, who would lie called before the court, he had done this. . Williams was bskcu u no was present ' \i\d participated in the preparation ot i what won subsequently published as Col. i ingenjoll's interview ? 1 This question Wlim) to answer, ami appealed to tlio Court. Tho question was temporarily waived, Witness knew a subptena was out for ! Nelson's affidavit when he gave it to Nelton th|s morning. ' ; Gov. Wells renewed his question relative I? the SogenoU interview,. M-ngaiu the \ witness declined to answer, His objection f wuh BuntftineU by tho Court. Witness acknowledged that. bo had Je uucrnteJy, for tho purpose of avoiding a *i Muli|]?uii4it given tho affidavit to Nelson. Ho did this because ho wifllied to compel the Government to briny Nelson into * court. Witness made thin declaration in a cool, defiant luuuncr, charging Governor Wells with having a dishonest purpose in calling for tho paper. J ie wild that ho acted entirely upon hi* own responsibility in this matter. Incersoll knew nothing of his purposed. lie did not know where Footo's c affidavit was. Ho believed it had been *' returned to Footo several dnv's ago. He * decllned to tell where Foote 'was, ami in t answer to an implied threat from Governor Wells to have him punished lor concealing < tho whereabouts of a fugitive from justice, ho said the charge against Koote was ouly c a miwk'JHi'unor and he, Williams, could t not be forced to give such information. , Subpoinas were issued for Colonel Ingeraoll, i Nelson, and Uaker, a clerk in Colonel Ingeraoll tjemploy. Adjourned till Umuoi row. * ?? f i ml i un a .vi' im1hksom.. f Dob Tcllft IIIm Sltle of the Story, and t MnkcH Noun* KrllcclloiiN. ( Washington*, October 1?U?Col. llobert ^ G. Ingeraoll was interviewed upon Special j Counsel Wells' report in tbo star route j bribery ease. Col. Ingeraoll says; "lhave read the report, and I urn very much obliged ; to Wells for making it. lie has corrobo- 1 rated itiy Htatement in many particulars, 1 and has furnished so much evidence in j favor oi its absolute truth that 1 feel under certain obligations to him. I charged that Fall was employed .by the government, at 1 $10 a day. Wells admits it. That Nelson v. was employed at SoO a month. Wells ad- r mits it. That both these men were hired t because Full said he and Nelson had bribed j Brown in a former case. Wells admits , this. I ulso charged that Fall employed 'j Foote, and that Foote brought Payne to ? Fall, that Fall got Payne to offer Urown \ $<"2,500 for his vote. Wells admits this. { The only difference between Wells' t statement and mv own up to tins point is ^ :is to tlie form of the written agreement , Fall wrote for Brown to sign. Alt the evi- c deuce taken together shows without one shadow of doubt that Fall was employed , by the Department of Justice, and that in g the interests of his employes Fall endeuv- s ored to corrupt llrown. It is admitted by the Department of Justice that Fall not only jjjude an improper proposal to jurymen, but that he carried his impudence to the extent of making improper proposals to the Department of .Justice. Wells substantially admits Fall did go to IIoIinead and did tell him that all the other lurors were under tne uati 01 suspicion, null j tUutbe-,Holincml,wu8 the only juror in whom j [lie Attorney-General had any coutidence. c Llolmeud did not regard this conversation f. us tin attempt to bribe him, and 'so stated, f Hut, aa a matter of fact, to approach a f| juror in that way i9 just as reprehensible tl us to oiler him money; it is iufamous. g Ihe re-nl question, and onlv question really B in thecase is whom was lull acting for? j Was he acting foi the Government or for c the defense? Suppose it turned out that the deiendants were paying l'all ten dollars i day and the Department of Justice nothing, would it be possible to make any human believe be was actjug ior the Department of Justice ? It is admitted the Department paid him $10 a day, and the supposition is he was at work for his employers, anil without some positive testimony to the contrary' we are compelled to believe what he did for the Department of'J ustice. lie savs he was engaged by the Departinefff"ahd worked forth? Department; that it was his business to find out whether any jurors had been approached, and whether anv jurors { could i>e approached, and no objection made by the Department to that kind of business. it lias been charged a hundred times that after Fall was discharged on thV 17th of July, he was reemployed under the nnm,?-nM?MlSll ?n<1 l.n u-oi WftA f?. information furnished in a uriminal prosecution, and lie received it under the name of V. Hill. On the 24tli of Octobcr, Fall beiug- somewhat 'uneasy, ia mind wrote a letter to Nelson, as follows: Jiu:?1 am told thai the Government will abandon me and sav that 1 tried to bribe the juiy for the'defense, nud also that you and I. bribed iJrown in the Long case. I do not believe you gave llrown a cent. I will stand by you if it comes to the .worst. Should the Government abandon me I expect your support, and you may be asHurcd that I shall nut let you sutler for anything you have done for the Government, through me.(.if the Government arrests me, it will be an net of persecution as you know, and I must light to the bitter end. 1 did what was done for the Government. Yours tiulv, [Signed!. F. II. V'.m.u "I am content after this to leave the public to deeide whether FuU was employed by the Department of Justice or by the defence; There is a secret service fund in the ^Department of Justice. On the ist oi last'July a bill of $'.'5,000 was appropriaI ml f/li* l1li? r,t orlrvwxi ?l.n investigation of ojlicial uct*?, records, Ac. 1; Because available it will not do to say the Government had no money then. Arrests ti have been made and those changes have I been fulminated against jurors for the pur- ] nose of inaugurating such a reign of terror (] in this district that the next jury will be y Afraid to acquit. No ureater outrage was lj ever perpetrated in this district tlmn tho g, Arrest of William Dickson. The arrest was based upo'n-thb aflidavit S of ltowen, the very mail who endeavored f, to corrupt liiin. The Department of Justice d endorsed ltowen by arresting Dickson, tl rimt department, so ashamed at first at IIUVIUK Hi'iiuiuiuu 4JUH UIJ n)i?i ji agreed 10 :hro\v the responsibility of big appointment upon Secretary Lincoln, now accept a ' Bowen as a truthful and competent witness, anil with his talimony is willing to ivreck the reputation'of an honest man. si S'o American can read the report of , Wells without feeling humiliated by the , idinitted action of the J)dpartnieqt of Jim- 11 lice. The Department of Justice should si not aict the detective or spy; and when d [he [Department ifj charged with having g icted illegally and improperly it should not . invoeti^ute itself, but.should ouen wide its f joorsaml records and invito the scrutiny I.1 jftlxe world, * P A IU.hop's Annlverwiiry. h jS'ew York, October 31.?The fiftieth an- ^ Mveieary of the congcprntion of the vener- \\ ible presiding Bishop Smith, of Kentucky, n ivho was consecrated October 31st, 1$3?, e nul who is the only surviving Bishop of a the four consecrated at tlmt'time, was cele- jj brated this morning in St. Paul's Chapel, j, Brief devotional services were held and 8( Rev. 3)r. Dix read the formal addi ess of f, congratulation to Bishop Snuth, mid at its j close presented him with n massive gold p chalice and paten. Bisliop Smith made ? reply, and Be v. i)r. Potter, on behalf of ?i the iloard of Missions, presented him with v a jsejp/resolutions. ^ H'OIUHU'M IIonip 3|l?Hlo||Ury Spplel^ . J Cincinnati, October 31.?The Womap's li Home MissionarySociety,Mrs. Rutherford \\ U. Hayes presiding, occupied the entire w forenoon in consideration of the report of tho Committee on Candidates for Mission- si urifcfl, aud adopted a schedule of questions T to lie used in the examination of candi- tt dates. 61 A Woman Kcnrcil to Dcnlti... MijHPFT^. flctojjef 31.?Mrs. John n Rchufr, taking ft ligfyt [evcjr, jmagiucd it h was tynhofd, frotu .whlplj 'pfeyefaj 'ofljef- [f family had diet!, and in spite of all her 1| physicians, could do, stio grew worse and e died from fright. \\ rWO DIREFUL DEEDS.] . i ! rHE ACME OF TRAGEDIE9. lu Iourc Mother Nhooti II?r Thru Children aid Will- Ilmrlf-A II ??rt rinding Krem-Tlip <lrlef of the Huibind tuil I'atlier?A Peculiar TrirtJjr la Itkinui. Nkvv Yohk, October 31,?Jim. Samuel Joiiijiu, iiifutl .'JO, wife of Dr. JCihvard 0. ieguln, ti noted ctpecIuUst on diseases of j he bruin, killed lier three young children hia afternoon, and then killed herself at 11 AVcHt Twentieth street. There Is 110 ither cause known for the horrible tragedy Imn the Insanity of the mother. The ehilIron wero Kdward I>., aged 0, John Van )ujn,ngcd r>, and Jeannette, uged 4. They vere nil shot through the head and in Uintly killed. The mother's death was as Hidden as theirs. The frightful feature of he tragedy is the manner of the murkr. Mrs. Seguin took the children o an empty spare room at the top of a ivo-story house in the absence of the msband, and when the servants were en;agcd in the basement, and locked herself n with them. The servants believed they uid gone out for a walk. What happened n the room will never bo known, but vhen Dr. Amidon, Mrs. Seguin's brother, tailed at f> o'clock, and with his suspicions irouscd by tiie long absence of tlie family 1 imilo 11 Heurcli of the house, this mother * mil children were found dead, nil shot 1 (trough tho head, _ The children!}' handH j vere tied behind their backs with whipcord. ' L'hey were blindfolded with handkerchiefs, u md from all appearances they must have J jcen shot while playing at'blind man's ' Mill* with their executioner. Tf?ey were c lead for at least an hour and a half, ami I vere quite cold when discovered. Three J >i8tols were found in the room, all heavy .l :alibre, and all had been used. t Airs. Sequin has been despondent from . )hysieal causes for some time, but she has boa n no evidence of inanity. She was a mall, slim woman, of nervous temperneat. Her domestic life was very happy, md there was no family troubles. Dr. Seguin returned home about 7 i'clock and upon hearing the dreadful ie\vs was utterly prostrated, lie is in a tutu of mental distress anil under I! lie care of physicians. Dr. Seguin ^ a a noted specialist in cases of " nsjinity. His father was equally ho. n lis wife whs iroiu Massachusetts. The n. ouple moved in the best society. The mnily Jived in a five story brown stone 0 rout English basement house, elegantly S imtishei!. The room in which the tragedy ook place is on the fifth lloor and was carcely ever used by the family. Three 1 ervants in the house noticed during the k ay that Mrs. Seguin was in a moody a ondition, which she had been iu e sr several weeks, and which ler brother, Dr. A in Moo, termed r] lie blues. About 11 o'clock he called 11 pon her and she said she not feel well -v ml hud written to Dr. Henry Draper, who J,| ill if Imi'ii invi'tin? ?n /lino wit I. 1I1.1 f.. T icforii his visit. This note she asked her 11 mother to send, lie took it jokingly and Cl nld her they would all enjoy themselves. e )r. Ainidon called on his sister at 3 o'clock n ml was told that she hud gone out for a walk '} lie returned ut live but Mrs. Seguin had v idt rehirned. The hall boy accidentally n ucntioned that the door of the spare room 11 aw locked and the key was gone. A slid- w ten suspicion seized the Doctor that Mr?. n. !egnin Imd gone to Central I'ailc and " Irowned herself and children, lie ^ ould not explain why he thought this. " le immediately went up stairs ami burst 0 he'door open,when the horrible sight met H' lis eyes. Almost in the middle of the 11 loor lay the body of the eldest boy, Ed-' vurd, in a pool of blood. Partly in the v loset lay Mrs Seguin, grasping in her 9 land a big, pearl-handled revolver. 11 Inside tiiu closet lay the boy John and he girl Jeannelte, There could be no a loubt the mother had taken the children K nto the room on a pretence of playing J dind man's buff. She hud led the two " ounge st into the closet and locked theni in a, kiiile she murdered the oldest boy. The 11 >iatol with which he was shot-wasn target 11 iractiuo weapon with a barrel 11 inches a ong. It lay beside him and the bullet lay (1 m the lloor. It had passed through his t lead. The maniac mother ilion Is iroceeded lo the closet and with 8 heavy thirty-two calibre revolver, *] k'itli winch she afterwards blew out her (l i\vn brains, shot her two children. Dr, " kmitlon cut the strings that bound the ? hildrens' hands anil laid them on a bed. 11 The police anil coroner were notified at r' tijge. Nothing was found in Die room to 11 xplain the motive for the terrible J' rime. The woman hud held the " veapon close to her victims' heads, 81 or the handkerchiefs on their faces were J1 turned. The face of the little girl wore a ' oolc of innocent surprise. On the table ny a bn* ol cartridges and a third pistol. " 'Dr. Hegnin, when he returned was taken n o hix ollice and physicians Miminoped. P le acted as though nis faculties were gone. 11 la caught si?bt of the picture of Jiis chilren on the wall anil broke into a horrible, P . ailingcry that wrung the hearts of the P isteners. Physicians fear he will loae hiw " crises, 11 None of the servants beard the noise. 8( udden insanity is the only motive known e! jr the deed. Mrs. Seguin was neatly 8! rp?<w>d. Thi? i!hililrf>n \vo?? Invnlv 1inl?? U lines, nml all the family she bad. * v ' ii AUHANSANTKAUEUV. P > I'rtliHT Si)|plf|ftN t?n?l tlio Noll Co in nt Mm 5, HMMIop, pj Ljttlk Uock, October31.?Several weeks Tj nee an old man named Isador Cassett, e: jr thirteen years stationary engineer in U1 jo St. Louis $ Iron Mountain machine jj tops', in Amenta, opposite (bja pity, was gi iseharjjcd for frequent ncgleot ?f duty, ioco lie repeatedly en id ho would suicide, .bout two o'clock this afternoon ho nroi-o om the dinner table at his residence on CI lurkbam street, hade his family good bye, ai ut the muzzle of a pistol to his temple, tc red, and fell. dead. An hour q iter, his son, Deno Cassett, twenty-seven . ears old, hut who was not home at the 81 me, crossed the river to Argentn, deter- tc ijnod tq a>enge his father's death. }|p fc utered one of the ipaphine shop offices i. tid enquired for Master Mechanic ftlchr ti rdson, who had discharged liia father. _ liclmrdaon was absent, but CI. T. Uarnea, . is clerk and time-keeper; was there. Cos. ,? ;tt began cursing him as the causo of his * ither'a discharge, drew a pistol and ordered ? larnes to get on his knees and beg j. ardoii'. Barnes expostulated, when Casett 0j ^claimed ho would kill him anyway. _? One, two," and while.pronouncing the JJ ord "three," thrust the pistol into Lames' jj tee. counlea one, two, nriit fired. As the [j icilip auuuuiiiy bfooiieu in an enort lo -""j 6} up, \)\e bullet struck Barnes* in tlie (orn- H1 end. tlassett fteq anO hid |j) a'piu'n^R of {J. illowp, neap the \yater'9 edge, vhefe lie {j :??arrested anil brought to this city. * Harney who in a younjr married man, is J: till living, hut is mortally wounded. J: here is no doubt that it was Caswtt's in?ntion to kill Kiclmrdson ami Barnes. The JJ trange feature of the affair came out in the jslimony of,'Mrs. Casselt before the C'oroer. She stated under oath that an agreement had been made in her presence etveen her husband and son that the ^ >rd\tr shou|t| commit suicide and the ti Ittcr ki|l j]ichtjfd?5h. She tfljeyed the it ompflcl waH the result oT'a frenjy, l)utit C ,-i\8 strictly carried out, t} rut: TAltit't' conniiNio.VM wuiw. Vo Cliniiicr* ?r lin|>orlfiitrc Likely (o It* Kfrominrliilril. , Washixoton, October III.?'The hIoiiojraphlc ro|)ort o[ tlm Ktnteincnta made >ctoru the Tflrill'Commifwloji b nbout comdctcd, mid It i? expected that within n rook It will ho in typo and ready for ill#ributlon. Under the law craitiiiK the loinmlsslon it wns niude tho duty n( the ?iibllc Printer to distribute copies ol the estlmony to Scmilors nml lUwiwntntirM ust as Justus printed, bo that by this mentis, is well as by the epitomized reports pubished in the newspapers, a general fnmilarlty with the views, wishes, and opinions >f the general public on the subject of the arid' may fairly he presumed on the part >t members of Congress. Hy the time that ho House Committee of Ways anil Means neets, two weeks from now. the complete eport, pronerly indexed, will be on their able, ready for consideration anil such iction as may bo deemed mlvisaible. As to the recommendations, of he commission they will not be made cnown until officially known to Congress it the opening of next session. The comnission has held sessions for just twelve seeks?the lirst live weeks being spent at Branch, and the remainder of the ime in visiting cities in several parts of lie country in order to ascertain the conlition and wants of the various local inlustiies. Thus, three days were spent in Boston, two in Cincinnati, three in Chica;o, two in St. Louie, two in Baltimore, six n New York, three in Pittsburgh, ami hreein L'hiladelphia, while still shorter isits were made in Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Des Moines, Indimwpolis, Vthmta, Savannah,Charleston, Richmond; iv neenng una omer cities. Altogether the lommiesion traveled about; j,000 miles, ield public sessions for nbout TO days, ,nd heard the statements of between 500 md 000 persons. The printed record will 111 about 2,000 pages, und as there was m!y one official reporter, and as a large mrt of this time was spent in traveling, he rapidity with which the record has ?een prepared for publication is retnarkaile. .It is the opinion of persons who have md unusually good opportunities for judgug of the sentiment of the torn mission luit no radical or importaut changes in the xisting tarilF will be recommended. Their eport will rccommend, perhaps, a slight ticrease of duties here, a slight decrease liere, together with some insigniHeant adions to the free list, and wherever it is ossille an abandonment of compound uties (that is, of ad valorem rates comined with specific rates) will be recomicnded. It is also probable that import Ilk uunu^LB in \^11S10JU JJOUMO reglliatJOU.S, bto clearances, consular invoices, (Intied r charges, and such matters, will bo sujrested. These are more particularly within lie province of Commissioner, McMuhon, ho iis an oilker of the New York Custom ouse for many years, has an intimate nowledge of that "branch of the subject, ml is favorably inclined toward the views ntertalned by importers and merchants. ks to tho action oi the commission in rgard to special interests, it is believed by ie well informed aud disinterested obsercrs above ref erred to, that,notwithstanding ie persistency with which the potters oi 'renton, N.J., and East Liverpool. Ohio, rged an increase of existing duties on hiuaware, no change will be reconunendd; that a reimposUion of the duty on quiine, as persistently urged on the part of lanufacturers of chemicals,.will uot be ad-' ised; that the duty, on raw wool will either he abolished in the interest of wool lanufacturers, nor increased in the interst of American wool growers, but will relain practically as at preBent, and even int the action of the Crcsson convention f peisons engaged in the steel and iron uainess in favor of increased rates on iron re and on iron and steel in their various ;ages, will hardly be endorsed by the coin lisaion. In fact, that the general result of ie report of the commission will be in faor of making the least possible number f changes (and none of them important) i the existing, tari 11*. The Commission is now in daily session t the Fifth Avenue Hotel in Xew York, oinj? over the whole subject item by item, nil thug makliig'up its report, tlintit may e ready wlton Congress meet/*. Senators ml members of the House of ltenresenta* ivea now in Washington, together with inny other persons interested in public flairs, are already beginning to discuss the uestionp, "What will be done with there* iort of the Tariff Commission at. the next essiou ?" "Will any action be taken on the nhject. Or will the report and testimony jeet with the fate of nearly all similar ocuments and be packed away with the lasg of printed rubbish which accumulates f ovoni onoetnn V -...I.A t.U? I 1 VV,VV J i HUSK MilU IIUVU llilll lost experience oi Congressional i>Kanl it an extremely improbable?in (act, I most beyond the bounds of possibility? liAt uny delinite and comprehensive la'ritl' ?Kislutiou enacted nt the coining fssion.' Its limited duration of three loritbs, (or actually, tivo months,counting oiii the expiration of the Christmas holiays,) precludes the possibility of such full iscutsion and such consideration of the tpnerous interests involved, as must tu|?e lace beforennj'ecnepil tari||' measnreoiin ecomeu law. liven in long sessions, with je appropriation bills, and many other ublic and private measures stirring for reeedence, there would he little-chance ir a hill that would require at least three lonibs for its considerations. The Men , !CMj to prevail among those beat acquaint >. n.i.i wunkn.!., mtti 11 it uuicuiiy lliu uu* i re of both political parties to have the . irifl' promptly nml comprehensively re- i ised and modified, tho only practical jeans of doing so would bo to have a bill assed next session providing for the meet- i ?g of the Porty-eighth Congress on,say the i ih of'March next, for the special purpose i f Fonpidering am] actjn^ o?> Hint subject. I : seem.", however, that there is very fytlo ] spectation of the passage of any such bill, | nd the present probabilities indicate a ostponemenl of general tariff revision lip- i II the regular assemblage of the next Con- t ess in Depember, 1JJ83. I 1 ho I.ltfUor qucMiou |ii Uliio. , C|?evbi?.\nP| October 31.?Although the i impaign In over yet tho liquor question nil its future continues tobean absorbing ' ipic oi popular interest in this part ol ' hio. The question is, how will parties lake themselves next year with reference i this issue ? As yet little of this talk has ' iund its \yay jntfl (lie political newspapers, ( at ft srciit'deol of it will be heiifd.\vithiii< 1 10 next six months. '|'he people nre talk- I m of |t, unci numerous stvong bodies are < ; work In all parts of tho State advancing i 10 cause of prohibition ns against liceiisa, i i in that form the question will come up. i prominent Democratic leader does not esitate to sav that the next State platform ' his party will contain n plank favoringn rict. and sensible license. He says that i i that they,will receive the support of the- | rjuor element, that of the Germans, nnd int.of all,liberal men who.believo in reg- J latins an eyil that qui tieyeS bo sup- , ressell. I'jn tha^pase,!'says he,'.'the Ke- 1 ublicah convention pin'up oiieoHhrce 1 lings?come out squarely fpr prolubitjon 1 id s\m the temperance vote ?U?t \\o\M :herwisc dosert,. pronounce for license, ad' fight with us in our field and with n imperance party in addition, or dodge 1 ad please nobody." s Itnllroad C'olMniou. . ' Cincinnati, October 31.?A Charleston, ft Va. special says: Yesterday a construeon train on the.Ohio Central railroad ran Ito'a flat br,' af lock fl," killiiiti "\VU}ia\*i opejand, .|ajj|CB Sityit)i and Anurew Snypf, ;\tu| seriously injuring Win. JJrown. | ~ WASHINGTON NEWS. I NOTES OF NATIONAL INTEREST. n Appropriation* for th? Current Tear? L^ttuiatcd ^ Itmhut* fir the H?w? Time?HubbrlPi ? ( liftrful Talk Ut girJIne the Nut llouir, (j Hound* on the llllaoli Sltaatlun. Q, ej Wamiixutos, Oclobcr 31.?The Treaa- J! iiry Department hns ut luat completed its y stutement of tlio amount opiiropriatcd at !' it.v .IV gkooiuii 111 iliu VlCIICIill iltion hilts. It bus not been possible to do F 1 this before, because the computation made J\ , necessary by.reoBon of the extension of rp tlioappropriation# ofto/it year thirty-five w, days in the present fiscal year were not ... completed. The total is$251,428,117. To ai this should bo added the Geneva award, f0 amounting to about $10,000,000, postollice i? expenditures $12,000,000, and indefinite cj permanent apppropriatiotis, including the Sinking. Fund, S12<J,000,000, making ja the total current liabilities during the fiscal w year $429,428,1 jr. The Geneva award in aj appropriated as a specific fund, and will j0 nolall boused tliis year. Nevertheless it C( is a charge aj?tiiust the Treasury, is set 8j apart as a special fund and can not properly be counted in the cosh in the Treasury. There is not much probability that the w expenditure under the bead of indetllnite p( sppropriatious will be less than the ?120, jj, 000,000 estimated by the Treasury, so that f0 the total current demand liabilities of the Government during the fiscal year of 183,'J, j( subject 10 dnift any lime by virtue o? laws ^ already passed is $-1-5,428,117 07. ftI On the other aide of the ledger is to bo ?e plact-d the $100,000,000 of revenue which RI ih the estimate of the Secretary of the QI Treasury, and which will not be exceeded by any considerable sum. it. No one in the Treasury thinks that the receipts can exceed $-100,000,000, and of course the $42,000,000 of postal receipts A above the deficiencies, are to be added to the revenues, so that the total revenue of the Government for the fiscal year, according to the estimate, will be $442,000,000. <U) Ah the current demand liabilities are th COO,000, the actual net surplus revenue.for yc the current liseal year, after setting apart ,, the money appropriated for specific pur- Wl poses, and making an allowance for the be interest on the public debt; will be about *)'i $12,000,000. re I'l it I.I C IMtl.Vlt'.K ltOU.MI.H l'KOUKII nl What lie lla* to Nay ItrtfHrtfliiic theOullook In I IIIiioIm. 1't Washington-, October 31.?Public l*rin- ed ter Hounds has returned from u visit to his nt home in Chicago. In tho course of a con- lit versation with a correspondent to day in fr< regard to the political situation in Illinois, sp Mr. Hounds said: "Our friends feel a great deal more conlident than they did jj two weeks ago. -I talked with all the cl prominent leaders who are managing the hi eauvass, before I left Chicago, and they expressed great confidence that the Kepubli- 8lj cans would hold their own. So fur as the pi Congressional delegation is concerned, we ra expect to carry all the Chicago districts, M and while we may lose one or two outside di districts, we expect that any such losses sh will be oll'set by gains in other parts of the he Stat i'. he "What is your judgment as to the polit- ca ical complexion of the next Legislature V" cu your correspondent asked. u ; "It is impossible for any man to form a li\ Judgment In regard to that," was the reply. w< "We hate a miuority system of represeii- ht tation in IlliuoiH, you remember, and that ce practically prevents anything like an accu- a ! rate forecast of the general result on the is Legislative ticket." an "There have been some rather harsh m criticisms upon the recent removals in the Government Printing-office," the correspondent remarked. . "Yes, unjust as well as harsh," Mr. Rounds responded. "The facts nre these: Congress, in the last act making an appropriation for tliisofltee inserted u pioviso o\ that not more than one half of the sum wt appropriated lor the current fiscal year i,;. shoillcl ImPVnMwW llnrJn.r <l.? ll~? 1,11 months. It was found Borne time ago that ^y at the rate we were woikine we should th exhaust more than one half the anpropri- jnj ation before January 1,anil,of course, it be- |a. came necessary to reduce our expenses. Be- . sides, we really had more force thi>n we m could work to advantage on account of the fee delays in returning proof from the^ Census inj 0Ilice and in furnishing ,copy which had been expected from ihb Department of Agriculture. The assertions that employes were discharged because they belonged in the District of Columbia and were non- ; voters, and tliat any were discharged for ' political reasons,are both untrue. -A'careful iinspection of the ofllce was made and only r:. the least cdlcient employes were discharged. jJ0 CUEKUrUI,TAI.K. k'a - : wl Ilubbcll TIiIiiUh I lie .Next IIou?<> ol ltc|>- rei rcMculaliveM (n fitirt', DK "Washington1, October 111.?Mr. Ilubbell's otl cheerfulness would have made Mark Tap ley gloomy and sour with envy. The lie- jjj publican party never needed it so much as Co now. llubbell seemed to have taken the at contract to furnish it in quantities lo suit p0 the demand to be paid for by department t0 :U:? ? -- ? biiriivn. 11 in Iigurua oil MIU utJXl JIOUSU, nt!| mention of which bus already heen made, it. rtrc based qpan the fallawing'calculattons: wi Uo says that there ...are one linn- ke ilred and thirty-four sure Rcpubli- (i0" can districts, aud one hundred and thirteen sure Democratic districts, and seventyL'ieht districts doubtful. He ia sure the Republicans will carry at least forty-six of these doubtlul diatricis. Probably cerlajq *'* ible Republicans in Qhiq who will not be in the lies'- 'CangYqea would be Klml to * lipow what a r^al sure Republican district the looks like, but 31 r. Jlubbeil refuses to pari stc licularize. ' , The chairman indignantly denies that he 1 is'tobc supplanted by Mr. Chandler or my other man, and snyatho committee has ree lieen ably managed. nn. As Mr. llubbell hasn't been in the city , >ix daya aineo the campaign opened, there tl,r h no self-adulation about this btatemeut at The committee is still working very hard, ren ind will continue to do so until next Tues- 0j lu!"' ,, ind A FicixlUti Mother. in C11au lottksvili.k, Va., October 31.?A ,'olored woman, at a depot in Albemarle ^ iounty^'attempted, last night, to dfowtt aw lier 2 year o|d boy. She was ca\ight In the ou! \ct. A doth v*'as tied over tho boy's face ,nc iuu a rope tied tightlv around lug throat, Pr(. ind she was hauling nim up and down the 18 1 jtream, It is thought the boy^ will not rccuvwr.,-, iue iiiuiuer W11H placet! ID Jan. j ?irSc Wliormbiiiil. nt Mm. Ncovtllp. II. 'Cfrtc.tno, October 31.?A London, Ont, special says: Jlra. Scoville, insane aislcr ol jjj" lluiteau, arrived hero Sundqy night and ha registered under ttn assumed name at the Jei JVoumseli Home. Her daughter, Bertha, is with her. Slio says she came here by ltc itdvice ol friends, and will remain till b ] pew (r(a( ca|i bo wufed (or hfr, uto The i*ul>lle' Debt. "tc Tho estimated reduction of the public an debt for October is about S15,250,000. The amount of 8 per cent bonds issued iu ex- on change for 3J per cents is about $25!),000,- BC1 (100, leaving $119,752,500 uncalled 3J per OTHsnuistanmui; excliangablQ into Us at the option of the lioUlen*. ?? ' in Fa urn articles of nil finds restored lp V" llieir/ original lirTOty by Ui>mon(\ Dyes.' HP Perfect i\nd simple. ('rice 1(| cents, a'all liu drt?HS,slai uwrw coi TEIKOH.U'H TOI.IS, cw ltnlc? Ailn|il<*?l hy (lie Out ml ami Southern Amerlvutt 'ft'lrgrniiti <'o. Titu8VILI.e, October :U.?TI10 following ites, to be charged In addition to tho rule > Valparaiso, have been furnished by the 1 entral ami Southern American Telegraph ompany: Usjmllata, Argentino ltepiiblie, mo dollar for ten words, and fifty cents for ?ch additional ten or fraction thereof; fendoza, Lupaz, San Juan, San Luis Villa, H [ercedes, three dollars for ton words, ami vo dollars for each additional ten; Rio ^ oue Villa, Maria, Cordoba, Oarrientn, * njnl, Sante Fo, .Santiago, Del Kstero, Sidtu, {' ucutnan and other places in Argentine, u iree dollars and forty cents for ten words, l" ul two dollars and twenty cento for each c Iditional ten. The t foregone are y r telegrams written in the Spanish nguage. Telegrams in code, in pher and in foreign languages art! chary- n I one-hulf rate extrn. Telegrnmsjn Span- J h to lluenos Ayres, four dollars lor ten . ords, and three dollars for each addition- ' ten. If written iu code, cipher, or in 11 reiyu lanjiimees, ono dollar and fnrlv e tuts pei} word ^Including the address and (jniilnro. For telegrams in Spanish to r ontividco, charge rate to Buenos Ay res tl id add one dollar and fifteen cents for ton g ords, sixty cents for each additional ten. ti jr code,cipher or foreign languages,charge uenos Ay res 'rule of one dollar and h rty cents per word and add three dollars u id forty-five cents for ten words and one li )IIar and seventy-fivn cents for each nddi)nal ten. Telegrams for Pernambuco r id Rio Janeiro, three dollars and lifty.two L nts nerten words; Uio.Ginnde,twodol)jus ? id fifty-live cent*; St. Calurinn, two dollars a id ninety-one cents. j, ClIAUIiKS RoW'II, i\ ?Sciperintendent. c A KKVOI.TIMJ CKI.UK. * NfSro O'otitiii 11H it Diifilurilly Otilriip h iiit n Yomitf .Miirri?'<l Womuii. U CUMUKR1.ANI>. Ml?.. Oct. a I.?A tl itrage was committed Sunday evening on "j e person of Mrs. George A. AVolfe, a t| lung married woman, by a colored man, g liom it Is thought is known and it is ?' >ped will be caught. Shortly arter f? w dock Sunday evening Mrs. Wolfe, who s, Bides on a farm near the Bedford road, I tout two and a half miles from Cumber- tl ud, was returning from vespers ut St. " iter and St. Paul's church. She proceed- (j 1 out the Bedford road and then along a w irrow path through the woods toward her >use. "When about half a mile g) 3tn home a young colored man rang from the woods anil seized lier. le struggled violently and thinks she 11 rutuhed her assailant severely in the eye. ft e finally overpowered her, however, sulli- rt untly to tie her hands together in front of n| ;r with a handkerchief. He then tied >r feet with a piece of rope, and when she 81 as weak from her struggles and hound, n cceeueu in accomplishing his lien dish p. irpose. After doiug so he untied her and P n a way in" the opposite direction, o. rs. Wolf was very weak from the h 'sperate and determined resistance ei e made to the assault, but made !r way to her house, where she iuformed ;r husband of the facts. She thinks she sl n identify the man. From various eirmsta rices Mr. "Wolfe has reason to Buapcct 15 young colored man, Wesley Fisher, who n res near Mr. F. X. Mi 11 man s place, and >rks with his father as a blacksmith, and y s swore out a warrant for his arrest. Otli- h rs were after Fisher yesterday, but up to ol late hour he bad not been captured. It t\ stated that Fisher hears a bad reputation a id has heretofore made attempts to com- ci it a similar crime. NN.IUKH IN DIMULY C0.1IH IT. sj Fierce Fight Between n l^-thon auil nn AiiiicoihIh. T Baotimoke, October131.?At half-post 1 p' . lock yesterday morning, as the private re itehman at the Dime Museum was going ^ i rouuds he had his attention attracted J)] unusually loud noises coming from the gi ird story of the building. Upon hasten5 thither he fouml the python, the gest snake iu captivity (seventeen feet) ^ deadly combat with an anaconda,twelve :i iung. now long tuey uuii been lightg the watchman did not know, but lie y*8 that from tlie time his' attention was raeted by the noises up stairs until 7:P?0 3 hour for going oir duty, they kept up u ntinuous warfare. When one vouhi m his aim ?n<l strike the le of the cage the sound could be * Jtinctly heard on the ground or uuditoun tioor. The python, aftur numberless uts with iiia opponent, seems to have 'c thercd all bin strength lor n final alttick, vi nch wan made. The anaconda was m iuy, and placing themselves in an al- L rat upright position they made ior eneli r0 lier with fearful rage. After having air- ,IL :u uu uiun:ueuuiy comuat lor fully six w urs the python made a last desperate age uud succeeded in getting the anatida'a head in his mouth to the depth of T< leaat three feet, and holding it in this sition for some time at last commenced coil itself around the anaconda until it '.ually ground and mashed the life out of us The watchman says he never wants to O.tness another such battle. He had no y to the case, and even, if lie hud it is ubtful if ho would have had the temerity V4 undertake to separate the reptiles, - Jy I HON WOKKKItH AT VlllVAfiO, "j rrctl Try I nt; to ArruiiKo u Comjtro* llllNe ?U ttlC WltCCM (lllfNlllMI. Chicago, October 31.?Representatives of s Amalgamated Association of Iron and ' |l el Workers of this district, President rettand the mill owners, w ho failed to fi' eo upon a schedule for next year at the ent conference here, have been holding Dther meeting in this city for the past ^j1 ee days. There was a wide divergence tt. first, but an agreement was tlnally " ! chcd to-night on a scale of a reduction nJ 20 per, cent compared with the prevail- el< [prices. The workers, however, are lirm gn demanding that this agreement be sub. qu t to a revision May 1st, next. Tlie mill pv nersare firm in demanding timt t.H s agreement should cover the entiro year, th \ ^hc oonference a^ain adjourned with- wi I a perfect understanding. As two jai mths yet remain before the timn fnr t??n I .... iposod -now schedule to go inlo elici t it mi jelievedmiagreemontwill bo reached. go K CnUldMO Itlm-h ii|i i,|, M I'" uwi.bncb, Mas., October31.-Chnrlca t| kmibe I, candidate for tlio tetala- b rP atlnd'cd 110 property of Win. Jen18, of a civil saitanil caused ha i arrest on a criminal suit (or libel, in i|, v ng charged him with immorality, hi nltina was field in $:>,000 hail, ' jJJ '* ?"?>? H?n?e? 'I ti7i7l,l|.? |1(>1V?, i'|l|l.Aput.ntu, October Sll.-Tliree four- lai ry brick houses on Xiyhlli atreer, below ?h bio, .being altered from dwellings to ai ires, fell last night, blockading Eighth ev u i>ouio Simla -lira Mm Hies, includiiii; <lf i persons, lived on the premises. Only uf e person, Mrs. Margaret Fuuicy, ivbs w. lously iniurwl. j)( All A rcHI In I t'ccmnllou. !'' [.pri.R RofW, October 1? the sjihurta ol Hot Spring, while n E<; mil ot dpinVeii hoodlums WPr(. u||tj.1L, Willi tlie corpse of fcdwurd Murphy u up wiui upset mill exploded uni the c, rj>B0 wu buruei) lo a crisp, HOUSE COMMONS. rHE DEBATE ON THE CLOTURE. "J?f JirJthJi Forrtt in Kgjpt?.4 I'lrm UUtr Elected to the ItilliD I'trlUnifBt-OUJ. itone'i Coqutlry With Hie IrKh-The Vroponltloa* Which Jif ulll Hutnult. ixcial Cable to (ho WYi.cru AwoHutwl I'rcwi. Imsims, October 01.?In tins House of Jommons to-dtiy Sir Charles Dilke, Under oreiKii Secretary, said, in answer to a [Ucntion, that 110 ncKo'fiationa liml boon literal into with tho L'nv'iirnmnn lu nf 'rancoiuul .Spain in relation to u eohimeiial treaty since lie had last communioaUd ?itli Parliament upon the subject. The Conservative members of huiialent held a meeting to-day, fc'ir Stafford Jortheote, Conservative leader, being in he chair. With very little opposition they eeided to combat the operations of (ho loture to the bitter end. The debate on the procedure rules was L'sutned. (."Jibaoii (Conservative) moved tiat tho crucial amendment of the cloture liall not be carried unless two-thirds' of hose present at any session shall vote in ivorof the exorcise of it on that narticu* ir occasion. He pointed out and uracil ,pon the attention of members that thlH fgislative body would jjo longer be tint recst in the world, but that it would he ossible, if the cloturo be decided by a are majority, for any government party ,'itlt a compact miijority to suppress full peeeh in the House, and that such a majrity might, if they chose to, legislate for ne country with the mouths ot members loscdand the minority helpless to renriv. ?nt their constituents. Gladstone explained' lo the House -(lint e offered dining Ibo session-last May to dopt the two-thirds majority rule, hoping lereby to forward the business of the ession. As that object was not attained ten (to felt justified in the withdrawn! of mt proposal, which was merely a plan lo ive a defective system, and one which he ould not wholly approve, lie denied there its any desire to gag 4he minority, and lid his only wish was to restrain unneeesiry debate*against the evident sense of tho louse. Gibson's amendment would hat'o 10 effect of transferring the rights of the lojority to the minority^ lie would not mke this question a subject of appeal to le country, but he begged that the House ould not assent to Unit amendment. C?U|iiclry, eoiiil Cable to tlie Western A?ocinUil 1'rcw, London*, October III.?The Globe anounces that Premier Gladstone, in return tr the Irish party's support on tho cloture solution in tho House of Commons, will, t the first opportunity, introduce a fresh :hcme for Irish legislation during the ext session. It will embrace as its princinl features the further development of the revisions of the land Act in the direction [ tho peasant proprietary, extension of the anchise, and n scheme of local self-goy milium. p Tli? Krlllsli FOK'fM, k;cIii1 Cable to Western Awoeluteil 1'rew. Alexandria, Oulober Sl.?Tho iolul ritish force now remaining in Egypt will umber eleven thousand. They consist of vo cavalry reginieiita. nine. battaliouH of ifantry, five battalions of artillery ami one [ engineers. Cairo will be occupied by vo ami a half battalions of infantry anil battery of artillery. The company of lgiueers will occupy'Alexandria. A Slop I'lMvnrU. >eciul Cable to the Western Associated I'rcss. Komi:, October til.?Four months niro occapieller, just elected, Mas not known nblicly except as a circus rider, lie was icently imprisoned for wounding Angelo ognetti and lias just been released from rison. A portion of the press ex press disist at his election and consider it a tlis ace to Parliamentary institutions. Plot AKufnsI J?*vh III Moravia. Vikxna, October 111.?A circular issued y* the Governor of Moravia RtWoa posiveiy thai an anti Sumutic fueling hati 2cn provoked "by the Socialists of that gion, who have planned to destroy all iu manufactories which are owned* by ;ws, thinking tlioy will thereby compel ic workmen to join their association ami avo their Jewish employers. 'I'lirkKti AlTaii-M. Const a sti noi'lk, October 151.?Lord Puffin haw been instructed by Karl (IrunHe, Secretary of Statu for Foreign Detriment, that during his mission ho is to m/er with Vof^t i'afiha regarding tho irrupt practices that have obtained in the I ministration of the nlfalrs of Turkey, ith a view to cojreeling thum. A WOMAN'S ItDSt; n I'rco ll<*r Ilusbaiiil From a ivhou mow it ttorKftf. Atlanta, Oa.: October III.?At tho Augil term of the Mall Superior Court Jirilt iborne, a well known character, was conctedof robbery, and sentenced fo live iars in the penitentiary, llo has been biffin jut! since his sentence, pending i appeal on a motion for n new trial, is wife has frequently gonu visit him, and (o carry him sjecl articha of food, fche went hut turday evening about dark and asked lerUr.Gaincs if bIio might bo permitted to jy all night in the cell with her huslmnd. iter some hesitation her request was mted, but she was told Unit such ftt lont visits would not be permitted hereler. All was quiet in jail during the jjht, and after sun up Sunday morning u Slierill* let the woman out. Ho not lice her face, nor look at her particularly >se, as was his habit when openingthb te to let any one out, to keep hiseyea , tho crowd of prisoners inside, to event a rush from them. Tho woman pped quickly out, and no mom wan ought of the affair until two hours afterird, when Osborne's little girl came to thti 1 with a lot of woman's clothing and 1 I /- 1 v-.l ' iu uci luuici Him hum men) to Iter other. She was told Iter mother Itad no, but when the child insisted that site d not, tho sheriff a suspicions wero ansed, and lie went to Osborne's cell, lere he was surprised to find Mrs. O.* trne crouched up in her night clothe*, d iter husband nowhere to he seen. She d dressed him up in her clothes, und us secured his escape, lie had gone by u house and left the woman's apparel ta i veturned to his faithful spouse. Two circumstances made the deception iry easy. Osborne's wife is a woman of rge frame and fully as (all ah he. Then e always wears a very largo sun-bonnet, id when, slie meets a person keens botes invariably averted. When the Sherill' gcovered her trick ho felt badly sold, but ter some deliberation let the cunning oman out of j ill in the sanio attire that ^d servod to liberate, her husband. Search is been made for Osborne, but he, doubt* bs, has made uood his escape. 11 is wife* emu to be very proud of her successful homo to y* J,'"j 01,1 ?l AIHNTAI. depression, weakness ()f ?,?. nifJS ilnr pydtHii, K?nci?l Ml.nUtli, benefitted ' uajnK lirowu?l?on iiiKera, ,UWi