gtpal gurtUta. -"^ToTWST VIRGINIA, COUNti';.' i? Ju ibe Clerk's Offl'-onf ?,< CI:P 11 liid couDly. llctubo: Halo, l?j. 'J" KitKW*-8?"1' lia C'luuii-crjr. Kli nil K. Smith. ) SUMMU.NiJ. 1" ^''iJ'hTetoMiro'roMo Countr, Grwtlon: you tb*t yon luwraoo KUJftb F he U Muud io your Ulllwlck, lo?ppw w,M.r?iofflee o( Uw Circuit ?ourt of ^hlo * !? it ro?e? to!5> W4 I** *h? IJoun'w?R iX'Uy 1*1 October, 18i4, to caiwer ? bill J^SiSS Swwwd fiiLlaa ?.? wld }? 'f* wlia' IU"1 la,U "" v'. 'wL wrll, . .. - -w ...? li'/tnc?* JnBU w, Mltcnwi, c-'isrs ci our turn iv. 'fit Court uotup of raid ccuiuy, In the ivy;{ hhrcllrg, the fflin day of Bflplamb-r, IMJ). .. ' - us at) wr 011bt rfyite of ww. Vlrg i,ia. 1? jobsj*. unoaell, otr? FltHHlK^'o KmUBN. ; V. S'.ilth i* :u? inhabitant of ray bnlllwlck therein thi?5ih day of October l*f?. B'r 1 CdAS. T. liL * JlCli A *D. p. 8. K( r w. c. Hahuun, 8. U. C. OCTOBKB HULK-', 1W6. Thoobjttft of Uil* ?ult ii lo obtain a tllvnrc? from n;ii nf matrimony fr?m wild dofH'ioiru'K ?r >m an mlliUvit filed hereJn thai I ,, > - miIi. t'?- defendant, lit not a itMldeutof ? W--t VfiKiuia it hindered thjtthjdj ' ii-rr wi'hiu ?>n? month ?fu.r the date of the ,'..t :! i ?tJ'>u < f tin* onto*, and do what 1* hViv.uv in i> otect his JutertMls in UiN >uit. ?:i:iciny whereof I huve hereunto net ray til'! -ih <1- y of Octolwr, 1>AS. u john W. MITCHELL. Clerk. vuii'idMx! f^r l,,e ,lrfct tlm0 8,1W5. 1 , JOiiX W. JUTCHELL, Clerk. i IV. J. *V. fo*I?KN. Solicitor for Complainant. NOTJCK TO I ARE DHPOSITION'3. la the Circuit Couitol Ohio County, Went Virginia. Ee>ia*K.^mllh ) vn. /In Chancery. llijah K. Smith. J Take notice that the deposition! cf Rebecca R. ugjlja. Miry B;d*cod, Huo;vmi?cr, A. U. ISsS. between the hours of k,,i> ? .? ?. *0V3iminvil cku*) ou behalf of tii'l And 1'. /rum any cauu-, the using ? >] ' .4id depontlomthall not he commenced. or Mu'-ouimeiitfl >linll?ot bocomolcttil ou tlut ,1,',', .ho uiintf 1f the wme will bo adjourned ( ? : ::u:? to time until the wine thall be comKhBKCOA K dMITH, 1'liinUtf. ' By W. J. w. Co* URN, her Attorney. 10 V - UH K'S?I1H, HefewUlU Df-VTT Jeustcc jSalM. itiui'stee's balk Iiv virtue of a deed of tnist made by John ButU*i .'d and Mxf.v llutterUt'ld, hia wife, to me, dated tii- :l day of October, iu the year lfttO, and recordi<| III Trust Deed Hook No. 17, p*x? &l. iu the i ?.iiio the north half of lot number 136, on the out ride o/ Market street. iu the Fifth ward of said city, being the aame property conveyed to John }; iCTttela by J. S. Shriv^raud wife, by deed dated Jl.y1505, and recorded iu book 49, pago 121, of mm pub'te teco'ib. The l?at named parcel of real estate will he told tlr>t Talus i if Ha i.e.- One third of tho purchase aooey<' web parcel sold, or so much re ol such purduue money an the purchaser may elect to pay, c*.!i i:i hand; t.ue third thereof, with interest, fit otwjtar. and tnu residue thereof, wltli interest. in tat. years, from the day of sale, the purchaser jji vI:u t? utile?, with Rood security, tor the deferred (uymeiiU, and the legal title to b retained by th-v uuiiernignetl trustee a* further security, until such liules are fully j^aid. . . *... liJiOltGE it. CAf.DWKLL, Trustee. j . ii >x).)>imkuvky. auctioneer^ (vto, iusuvaitcc Companies. Ohio valley fire insurance company of wheeling, w. va. Or rick-So. 1200 Mala,Btreet. CAPITA! ? -.4100,000 00 mM?? general Fire Iu?urunco Btiuiiim. rarm iTop.-ftf wid Dwelling Hoiuca and content* inlUfr.-J for three or flvo year*. DUtKCTOM. Alex. Laughliil, Speldel, Hcary .sc!uoulb*ch, a. d. Ll?t, i. V. u. lUlgera, J r R. W. H&zleAt, iienry Horkhtlmor. JOB. 8PEIDEL, Prctfdont. w. f. Mrt.UKE. Secret* nr. oc7 TJNDEUWKITEItS' INSUIUNG'E CO. WIIEKUNO, W. VA.t OPFICB?No. 41 TWILFTH 8WKCT. CAPITAL, - - ~ - - - $100,000 MMX-roM. ALOSZ ) LOR1NG, K03ERT CRANGLE, J. K. i"A I'LL, UtOKGK LlOOK, J. C. ALDKKSON, Ronuor CKiHCLB, President J. K. PaUi l, Vice PrChldcnt. -M.yaKO rxuih. beoaury. 11. BkSuKSKX, Lit/ Agl-Ilt. lamina ail kind* of proj>erty at reaionablo ritea. mr>> rjiHK FK AN KLIN INSURANCE CO. or wiiKtuNo, vr. va. CAPITAL 4100,000 I'.'.su't h KptitiM lout or daroace by tiro and lightning *i; olasH-s oI desirable property, alM> lmuiuj oa the Wtatiern water*, omctu. J. X. Vince. fre'ldent, M. Reilly, VicoPrcHidi'Ut. J. L strucbletu, tice'y, Jaa. P. Adanut, Aia't Hec. DIKICTOKiJ, J. X. Vance, M. Rel'ly, L. C. 8ti/el, J. 11. llubU, U. W. tf ranzhelw. nee.rif?Kn MHVRt.KTH STREET. ttl giuamctal. THE OHIO VALLEY. CAPITAL. ZZI 4175,000 W*. inrrr President W *. B. ."1mi*>on ?..Vlcu President Dmilion England, Irelncd, France and Germany. DlHKCTOBfl. Win. A. lM;tt, Wm. B. Simpson. J. A Miller. Jonn K. Boufotd, K M. Atkinson, Victor Kosenburg, Henry Speyer. ar.'i F. P. J EPSOM. Ctibler. jgXCUANUE BANK. CAPITAL - 1200,000 J. S. Vakck.,,^, President fci*u*i.lAtiiHU? ^..Vico President DIRCCTOBS. J. X. Vance, 8. Horkhelmcr, H. I miRUliu, W. Ellingham, I-.8. ik-upuin, A. W. Kolley, John Frew, Draia iwued on Kugland, Ireland, 8cotland and ?U poloum Europe. jogy J. jnygj. cwhicr. (China, (Glass and ^neenswaw. lilt's ~ Unt I'luted Knlrcs and Forks, $:) 50 I'm DOZKS. EWINQ BROS., Market street. opp Mcl.nro Howe. JUST OPENED! A FINK UNI Of h: a.vixtaosros i wMW, Gold Band and Decorated Tea and Dinner Ware, at very low prices. J?H^rRIKDKU# Bushuss Kar- ChapUne and Eighteenth Htrecta. WCUL ATTENTION given to Repair Woe*. Asento (or the celebrated Jodaou Uoreraor. ??uaic?l. Cures Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness,! Croup, AsUmm,JlroncMti8,\Vlioop-i lug Cough, Inciplbnt Consumption jj nut] relieves eotiBiinmtivc persona In S advanced stages of the (Visomc. l'or jjj sale by nil Druggists. Price, 25 cts. I CAtTIO*!?Th? gtuninefl Rr.llu'.r?C'o:ts>iM)ru|>H i lmwMimlyIn wAlfe writ;-/* . fa HKiirTi ?iwlbwr?ourrcgUtcredTiUDrH Xi$D8r^'i? ^""'0 tlr.n-/.-i.'flli<> JohnW. Unit ?3 I nuBP?!35ffiCTaiSilBy<3S?c'^2HB853S3 HTOP CHKWIMV TOUACIO! Olii^v JLan^oVf PlujjSj Til K (SUE AT TUHACCO ANTIDOTEI frlr?? lO Ollll. ftulti by ill J itvugl(lMia, j Epithelioma!1 Oil SKIN' CANCKK. j, Forccv^n year* 1 su litre? with a ciarir on vnj faro. All thosiinp'.cKmediai uorc Hf pHod'oul- c ievlnto the pulo, but the i?iu-o muUuuHl i" grow finally cxtrndiiic into my note, from wlifch nrne r a 7?!Jlo?l'b dlarhii'KO v? ry mipoive fu liaracter. It w?* alcolulUmeJ, an1 tan .yed * kn?i d?l Abonteiyh* tn?at%,saco I wan lu AMmta; nt the t honso of * friend, who w itrotiglr raMn.jn?:'!o-l ? the it?o of fc.wi't> r-poci ic that ) detcrm ued to t mkeueflbrtto procuro it (n tbii i wm me ' com'ul. and b-v'Aii !u us-. Hp Itillitci cc of the * medlc!n Kiraewlnt t? ttio ore; butaooatho JoUadhqiUod wu allayed, and t I begun to Improve Rlttir tijM tint f?.w holla's. .Vy * fcfo Ml UVhlli Iirt?iiy iMl'i'iiui, i UUI J Istronger,aid abotodotrtiy kiad o1 work. The * cancer on uiv fucu be$aa ('?dwcrtuee and tfio tifoir J, lo btio!-i? relative to chip j cur?. Miw. 'f ic E A. ?eDo*.iu>. AtlnuU, Oa , Augu>( 11 1W6 I hnve bad a oancor on my fA*c for rornc years ? extending from one cbcek bono acro*? the u tu h hit extent Ihat ft It wttf ftinutL-UsbMriiblf. I i-iuiu?iced un i*g ..wilt's -pu'IQcfn Mix'-, 16i\ and I?v? uiod eight bottle* It bMglrcc the g*oat?.?t r-iiof byremov ^ ing 'ho luliAuma'ton and re*loric? my jren?ral " heallh W. Uifctfi*. Knoxvlllf, Iowa, Sept. 8, 18S5, * For many veara I v a*- a mflcror with cancer of " tbe now, and having Iwuu cur.-d by thn lis - of d. S. b d., I feel constrain d bvo serve of duty to sutertog _ humanity to make thb sutoniei.t of my ?*>;. . tWth tfc? fonricenUi bottle the canter b.g-n ?rii:c- of a w>re of any kind on my none or face, nelhor is my nrs-1 at _ all teudcr to tbe touch. 1 have taken a'jout two J d< jurn bottles S. ri. 6., and a>a kcund'y cutd, mid I know that ti 8. *. efleutel ?i;.? <*? after every anowu reme-'y w;s tried and hn l fal'od. itciiKWo* )' For: Gaines, Ga, May 1,1*85. a I had heanl ot th? wonderful cures of Swi't'a Specitiu. and resolved to try it I commenced r tilting it lu Apl:. 1MI. My geti^rsl twalth was 1 mu m Jmpr ved. yetthocaucer wkicrt wts i t my breast con tin (n't ?o sr>jw >! ?? y but nut.' y Ti.o j. bn?'*Vi Krow and h in *c quite bwy j lei* thst 1 mirft either I hve 1: rut or >li? Hut it < nimeneed discharf 1j/ iu\ntMe? cf ilmot M?c* thick 1' hlood. :tc/iul?uc?i nciirRiifuuwl t-i'ix>20i tintil Febraar . wlfn i: was ejtlr.l; tin and well. Be lay Wood. i. oelieJCtt, 1*1 zcoulli Co M ? , Juty n, 1N.a*er 3. atlart'-u Qa. Bl N Y..JHW Ms t oi."V DAW ? F?>r?ale livL'v u'i^Qo wiul t.ntigh'in Hr ?< Jt?*(itOt iSoweio cojtlrc, l'aln In )' tho head, with e dull onaatlon In tho back purtt 1'uia uccu-r tuo unct.'ccrtlQilr. Fullaeaa after oat! a sr. wltb Inclination to cxci tloc of LpUy or wind, Irrltabilltrcftemper, Lorr fiplrltai vritb a.fcetiax of bavins aecleetcd hobio dttty, Wcarlace?t Dlzzlnrs** Fluttering at Che lloart, Dots birfarotho eyes. Headache over the rlgbc cyo. U??tle*?nt-nn, with tj:ful dreams, llisidr colored l*ria9f aud ? CONSTIPATION. TTTT'S I'lIAS aro especially adapted to ouob curs, one doao effoou sucU a ebanp-'offcollnzr.fttoastonlslithcsutrcrar. They Znrrcoae the Appetlte,andcaiuetho u body tr> Take on FleuM, Uiim ibo ?y?tcia Is p nourished. on?I liy (heirTonic Actiou on tba HlKMUvflOritaiu.K'JJulcrSJouUar# pro.luii'r!?' ? Ur?r? > I Mttrray St??IV?Y? ^ TUTI'S EXIftiDT S5R8iPARILli <: Renovate* tho body, maUtn; lioCltby Ik'-sij, * cJiensthen# tho weak, repair* the waste* or tho systoai with purw blood ami lard muscle; , ton?M tho nervous ivstem, invigorate* the *' [ rain, and Imparts tlio ri^or of ciauhood. 1) (il. Paid by drmrtjlsM. ? . g OVVIVK 11 IflurraySt., New York* a Surface Indications 1 0 What a minor would very properly term "sur/neo itnlieutiotts" of wltat is bene.*itli, c tre iho I'itiipIt'H, Stirs, Soro Jiycs, , } toils, and < utattooes Kriiptions villi i which puopio uv? nmjnyvU in ppriux ami 5 eariv summer. Tho diet o mutter iiecutnu- J luteu (luring the winter mouths now makes its preseueo felt, throu^'Ii Kit lure** cuueavors i?? c.\|?i u *icii that footers * (11 the blood and may de> i :"!ive mid u?iir.llulary organs, wlfli n fceliii'/of enervation. lumnior. mul weariness?often llirlit ly xpokfti of ?> "only ? nprln.^c fever." TIk.hj *?! ?! evidences tliut f Nature Is not able, unaided,to throw off ii the enrnmt atoms which weaken the vital" ? forcos. To ivpdn health. Nature must l?o 8 ttftutUius of ? the cures efti'i'tcd hy iu-otuo from nil parts 8 of tho world. It K in the InuiriTfipTof B the il-.n. Frauds Jewctt. cx-Stato Ken- I ?!?>r of JI,'i??:ichusetM ami ex-Mayor of , 9 Lowell. 'Mho only preparation tha{ doc* . real, lasting good." 1 rnnrARnn JIY ? Dr. J. C. Aycr & Co., Lowell, Mass. c Sold by all Druggists: Trice $1; Six bottles for $5. g 1 : i TO M*vc. S?r ALTIt THr I ?vrn "P ?* nne??. 0 nwiwnfisffllflmoira : IIIIM V IJ^J'C/du.ruu \w/uu . i?a U?li?blc R?m?tr io? Li'1'Oimp'sinU act illseau?#?l bjr aJenxrvl <>r torpid l.jvtr, w I?r*E;< !*, CoB'tlpatlAa, j. J*-util? Hfwlnrho, Una, Hh?uin?ii AMfX.V SXMlOINfi. Tftou?omi*of 'eKtlmonI-its orovu ltd AXT wrimnrwii.t. tr'.i. v .< 1 rw ::rroT?rt'i*. greaV C-n-Jh. tloaa, fvcr(m bm^I Aiur. ila"mro"-K^/J^UR?SCOVUl tlud, Heal* 8i*r??, rm i Iteatorca the betiM* Jjo/iyFEVEfl ?^2 of Tiute, Hearing J> fefe. 1 Hmoll. Atfolck He-j^L y ^49 lief. A Poaitlve Our* ckeam" balm ho gained an onrU>)!i- t.H AV-,IPPI/cn reputation, dUpUciiiK 1*#%T CJB* VKajrf all other preparation*. A particle hi *pplle?l Into each ntwlril; no p*lu: agree* bio to use. Price frchrmalloratdrugglaU Hem! for circular. KLY ' juwthjum, Pru?t*u, uw?*>, x. y. Kpn i Silt MtdlwVML SSiiuil V7 FohrtoeMh Htr??U A UOOl> YOU NO MAS. The Proof Which lis fubmlU?y rail one another i y their Christian names ? ., "It haa been a lovely party, hasn't it, liss Jackson?" "Lovely, Mr. Wilkina." "I have known you a long time, Miss ackson." " "And I have known you quite a while." *; "I've often heard my water *peak oi ' ou." pi "And my' brothcr is tlways talking bout you. . "Is he ? I h*ar so much about you that \ ieel quite at bune with you." "It is a lovely nh u dine. I like Philip and Ferdinand, and?" "What do you think of George?" "That's your name. George!' "1 beg your pardon." P "Ob. nothing; I was only repeating the JJ ame." " What a lovely night it is, isn't it, Miss Idith?" . c0 "Oh, thore! George Ayiikins, what did on let me slip on that cobble stone for?" cc "'Pon my word, I didn't do it, Miss dith." "Well.?ire are home, or I am, Mr. w ieorge!" u"X ?*:u very sorry." 11 "to am I. I'm very much obliged for s our escort; I've had euch a lovely time." "And en have T." "Good niirht. Mr. Wilkins." t "Goou uigiu, i?iwa Jackton." m "Good night" nt "Good nigUt." m "Good night?Edith." "Good night?George." FAC'i'tt FOll FAUMEItd. yj The hay crop in the northwest has been 8t n abundant one, and will largely com- w ensate lor shortage in other crops. ai Every dairyman should have an ice ^ ouse well filled. Nowis the time to erect J tie ice house and be ready for the bar- f est. J The value of the horses and mules of ^ lie United States is placed at $1,014,770,00, mules bciug worth $101,404,000 of the ggrcgate amount w If, upon weaning a calf or other young At nimal, it is to far separated from the darn 5j bat one cannot bo heard by the other, I) rom one to three days will suffice to ren,er them quiet. England is estimated to have lost from outagious lung plague, between 1S42 and 800 o,54S,7f>0 head of cattle, valued at 400,000,000. During the following nine ears the loss is estimated at $1,000,000. Lettuce and spinach are winter crops, w ,nd the aced inay bo sown even as late as " tow in some sections. Spinach may be w own broadcast, but the lcttuco will bi brive beet if transplanted in cold frames. Bets can be bafely wintered on their V ummer stands. if properly packed in dry , crests leaves or dry sawdust. Dry sand w 3 good, by making a hollow wall or case round the hive and tilling it with dry and. All who havo good, movable frame a lives should know that you have at Itatt $ wenty pounds of honey ior each stock to Si ast through the winter. This .will apply o all kinds of hives?round log or equare iox. a Tho whey that is left after making ,li hetse is not a sufficient food by itself for PB tigs or calvea, but its deficiencies may be !Jfj implied by the addition of pome bran or Jj hipstuff; it ia then a passibly good food Oi or pigs or swine. g Unhealthy milk may be divided into wo classes: First, unhealthy because vi ecreted by an unhealthy cow; second, by J. bsorptiou of disease from tho atmosphere, m ir by becoming contaminated from the 0] iddition of impure water, etc. Professor Mayhard, of tho Massachusetts Itato A#ricultuml Experiment Station retorts that repeated applications of murate f potash, and judicious pruning, have c?i e^torcd peach trees to health which had badly effected with yellows. to A good thoroughbred Berkshire boar r< rill greatly improve any herd of common ,04s' Almost any farmer cau afford to 1 my such a boar at the price now asked, n'fact, we do not see how any farmer rho raises hoga can afford not to buy. X nnil nnu'v tnnkhrwl of hlaar.hincr irr elery, where grown on a level surface, it. jj o inclose it by a 4-inch drain tile clipped m ver tho plant when a foot hteh. The ?i eaveo grow over the top, affording sultt- jj[ iontshade, and the contined btalks whiten M erfeotly. When pigs are allowed to sleep in damp Ji laces tho result will often bo stiirueaa of a he joints, rheumatism and diseases of the pine, due to taking cold. Dryness and varmth are essential to the thrift of young mrh, especially on tho approach of cold |j veather. u To insure safe wintering of your bees cut JJ wo holes through six of tho centra brood tombs, near the centre or about one-third A >f the way from the top of the combe, so a he bees can naes and repass and thusreach ' heir food. The holes should bo about an nch in diameter. The New York Sun says it is very I] itrange that so many farmers still adhere !" o tho practice of allowing the grass in J heir meadows to become over ripe before it jegintoing to cut it The result is hard, ti woody hay, that is so indigestible that it is J lot healthy for any kind of itock k G ASTRONMICfJ ()SSI le. Koa) Goixl Tltlngatu Uitderatniid Uow Tl. bliuuld be borvi?d, Thf /Mfi \!a'l Baiter to bo Kvpt somo time of cotir thould have salt added to it, but for ever lay use is much better without salt; tl lelirate flavor of butter in mined the in nent salt ii added to it, and it is a fc unate batch of butter that does not tal rom the salt a rank, fishy, or other fc sign fhvonthe moment they are blonde Tar'ioos reo!pe? for cooking i*eet pot o?a are glvca, but only ?n old aoMI sho cl!mo?l the inonntahM a T?mh? ind marched through GeoJyia, kuot vhflt this vegetr.bfr i* when property pr >areJ; i. e., I)?m! 1 slowly in tho aehwj' rood (fence rail) tire, and served hot wil ixpendition sauce. "Schrod," said Gen. Benjaniiu F. Bull' o a representative ?jf Tlir Cook, "ia a die mown well iu Boston. .You will tind ?n the bill of fare of good Bjston hotel ."ake a email codfish, clean it thorough!; ipi'n and draw it, bpiit it. and lay it J nth the back down; pour Rait ami waU -h prepared brine?over it. and I^t it li niuht. In tho'inornim? ilrrJn him. nil iroil bun, llrst faro down and theu wit tack down, in pier ty of good buttw t ian's froth cod and it isn't Bait cod. It cbrod." The topic of hou-cakes and corn-dodgei i tbns settled by a S nibem writer When tho old negro took nuikej a dodge lie mixed home water with corn inval i he bread troy and works it up in a sti ongb, take/) h handful and pats it into a biong ball between both hands, an ropa it into tho pot that ia boiling th icon and greens, and a* the pet boils th hito ball of douivay weed ig how, an>l baked their min-bread 01 lem. llence tho hoe-cake." At a diuuer party iu Fr.v c\ not loni 51, dv&S'rt was brcnght in in n new r:n. A long fray wfeen Fp^iari-d to In lied with hard boiled eg*a wvui placed bo ire the hosted, who gave eacfi gueat ? mple, and nuured over them fiumn air ' syrup or dresaing. In aetrango countr: 10 tourist is always on the lookout fo lil things, but this seemed to cap tbi iuiax?hard boiled e?gaat aawell dinne irty for dessert. But it waa aoon dis >vered that the white of tbia bogus egi aa blunc utaago and tho yoke was madi : quince jelly, egg sheila being used fo loulds. iliiEi'MATisM, and similar disease-a, eaua^i y a low state of the system, ato cured bj ring A yer'a Saraaparilla. da w Medical science ia able merely to akir iiah on the outakirta of human maladies le progress of which is to often depend it upon peculiarities of mental anc liyeical organizatir n.?Albany RiprM I would recommend Kly's Cream Bain ? any one living Catarrh or Catarrha sthma. I have suffered for live years s< could not lie down for weeks at a time nee I have be*n using the Halm I car 9 down and rest. 1 thank God that yoi re r "in vented such u medicine.?Franb . Burleigh, Farmington, N. H. ttLmm It is proposed to lay pneumatic tubei r conveying letterj in one hour Iron jndon to Paris.?Chicago Ntwt. ooford'4 Achl F>.oi?|tSitet*, Valuable It limitation. Dr. Daniel T. Nelson, Chicago, says: ' ] id it a pleasant and valuable remedy ii digt-slion, particularly in overworks . n." It is time that the postal autboritiei irre :t it or stop the pretense of fast mai )t?een the ureat b-isiness centers of the mutry.?Philadelphia Timet. MvBon, aged nine years, was alllictet i*h Catarrh; the u*e of Kly's Crean ilm ellVcttd a complete cure.?W. 12 amma.v, Druggist, Kiaton, Pa. 50 cenU package. See adv't. rrhsjkw In England the belief of our propperitj so tirinly fixed that an English com ission is about to btgiu an ixvrstigatioi our labor system in order to atcertaii tr secret.?Omaha Ret. A Cftio Nut llrjruail II? lp. Dr. M. H. Hinsdale. Kenawee, 111., ad see use of a remarkable cure of Con imption. lie savs: '\A neighbor's wift aa attacked with violent lung disease id ptonounced beyoad help from Quid nnsumption. As a last resort the fatnilj ?? p^reuaded to try Dli. WM. HALL'I A lis AM FOK THE LUNGS. To the as nianrnem 01 an, uy uiu time biie nut led one half doz?n bottles she waa abou' 10 house doiu# her own work." rrh&iw Tho Chinese will, wo hope, be cordially elcomed in the East. In fact it wonl< nonnt almost to a national blessing i QOO Chinese were to sot tie in Boaton.cnier Tribune-Republican. Bhkstepped down from the *toair.ei'adeck, Am! trod the * oucy Island suid: Her glittering teeth nbowed not u speck. Her biea h whs ike tboxephyn bland, The*.- H crt'ects were csii?ed, we know, By SOZODONT'd twice dally How. Lad leu ho use SOZODONT have only to opei leir lips to piove its excellence. Thei Lute, gleaming.spotless teeth, and fragran reatli will tell the story. There is mori 3iuand for this wholesome and unexcep onable preparation than for any othe: antifrice in the market. One day its usi ill be universal. HalUtnoro Liv? stuck Market. Dmci or tb? Cjoaxktok Live Stock Y am*, \ aioNUiY. yet im; l&a. / arcrtPT* or tux wkjuc. serc? - ; 2.01 leep and lambs ~ -. 4,39 Total - ....13,17 [The quotations given in our llva stock report* at oae ot the retail market, except when oiherwii itod.] UCK8 or BKf CATfTJC AT Tilt MAESlTf T#? WDtt jry bent on Mle Uvday C0&5 CO iumj generally mted tlr?t quality .. 3 SOM AO ediumorgood fair quality 2 ?6a1 diunry thin itcery, oxen and cows 2 C0h2 SO ctrcme range of prices. 2 0Jn5 (o oat of the aalc* were from 2 Sua I 3 VniU TKK ClTTLK 1RJ". I'.KVOKT&D FHOX. Irginla. ? 2,? tut Virginia. .'. 14 aryland 3 ;?lo - 2 Total 2~9I RKXAKIU ON BKXy CATTUL The arrivals during the week amounted to 2,91 *d, against 3.&V1 l11 head, against 2,010 Imit week aud 1.WJ he* e corresponding week of hut year, and were h Uowv. > Baltimore butrhera. ........ .. O >country dealer*. .. .. .. ...1,2!) > JbuUsrn buyers......^..... 7 Total tales. . ....2.01 Th* number f i go<*d cattle offered on iho Hill u iy was quite ilifiite I, ranch of the greater portiu; iheo'erings consisting of medium and eoinmoi ,ul? s. Trade wugenerilly fair. The betu-rffnidc iow little change in price; f.?r, being in lightsuj y. value* were well maintained. Other grade ost dealer* thotiKht, were off a slight r action mattering quality and make-up of bunchei ice* ranged at 2*4?l'h a lew ettra heav !eves, a"Id by Myers Ji Houseman, at Sc. Mot lea ranged from 2H? to Vftu THE IWIXI KARKKT, rrlvala tbU week .. .........~..5,l vru la?t week. Tradeu fair toRo?),ftt?ii?vliai i compared with tat week'* fl?ur.?. of rlnat t >-day i\i toSHn, wita cxtm * ?bado hljjhe: uuo time tat year h<** wild at CaY^c, the iiiur KiUrr, nival* lb ! week .. - 4.X rrlval* tat week * ..??. 4,8; rrlvali one ytarago b,< UVABU. The oflerlngi though K m In number by MO lieai re In ex-tin of a v?ry "low demand, a* butchei v buying very ajxrluRly. and Ultra Is little or n ntride demand. Tho er*ml !{*r?hW**Ufit e mM M fervor High r, Cleveland, Columbus Cincinnati hj 4 latJlduBvoIls cloietl with * uetjnm o(3H i crrcnt. e- V.+.&, 1 :??{; U. 9.4SR.113K U?u-wo, im; ..r Pacific C* of '95, VA\4i Cetrrni i*n>in?? It wis, ' Kite tftcouds, >' %: l^chMt At Wllfctab&trr. oi'd lu li/J>4: Louisiana rjia?olfl. fU; MiM*ourl<>, St. Joseph,ilCAi; .St 1'. AS. <'. Sr.-ts, lelf. T'juUc?en ? ?, fa, old, 52; do u*w, W; Texas Pacific Land \ U rants,do Ki<>(irande,'u. Union Pacific Uinta, ill UNj?;do lAlulUniit*. 10."), do Sinking lund. V20%: it Virginia fa. ?u; Virgin'.* Consols, extra matim-i* H coupon*, do deferred i&: /.damn Express, * 14'; A mertotu Kxprtatf, 101: Canada Southern, Yt 44%; Centritl Pncltlc. 43; Chesapeake A Ohio. t%\ n dotir>t*preferred, 18%;do mosd.-, 11%: >!,C,U. _ A I., Denver A ItlO Grande, llfjfc, Erie. V2!VA\ r do prefer*d, -?5; Fort Wayne 1JW^; Kama* A I? Tira.. '.T^i; Luke Erie A Western HJi, Lalae Shore, el 81 !4, I-ouisviilo A Nashville. 415?: LouUviIIi%"New T t, Alb.vtiy ?v Chicago,XS; Memphis A Ch*r.e?vm.'?UV4: L 11 Michigan Ceu>;: NVw York Cen* tr-1, 10 \y. O&Jo t.cuti&l, Ohio A MiMdwdppI, r? ViJi do preferred. VJ; l'a."iiic Mail. 56% - l'tts burgh, in: fUadlng, 'i\%\ -t. Lou!* A S?n Francisco, 2%; do ; reierrct, 40; C., M. i: f t 1'aul, 8t; do ' r preferred. 1 <3%; Texas Pacific, vl%: Union Pacific, tt &.%; Unltwl ? aten Express. \\\, s?t L. A P., |f 10; do preferred. 17%; Wells-Forgo h'xpre?*, 117; n Western Union, 76Ji l)r?iiil?iulf4Hnil Provision*.. Nkw York, Oct. 2?,?Flour, receipt* 10.025 btr- | e r,0 o bushel* rp?)t; No. 2 ' sprlii<;v4c; uiutruaed r j.l?JK;a1l0i; Ho. 1 whtte?"c; R ungradnl wlilwlWe: No. J ritd Noyemlter OGaU'^c, losing at Wrif.i lSjoerabcrUSaWc, closing a S8J?c; JhtiiiHiy yy,Vn?l 00;^. uio.iul'?ti ji o.^ Febnitry !* ;; oi^ttl ICS, Clod- ? at si 01 yA\ -??y w , .'fl.sou bushel<; exi>oru bushels; wile* MS,en bosbols future*; '."J ,im> buahel? and io arrive; ungraded 4i*.r?l!4?:: No. i. lie: November i Hea40^c, cIosiuk ut -. 4t%c; February 40^a4(^c, clo*Ioj{?t 4tl>>c; May , 46'4c, doing at 4U>$o o?uh higher und more . active; receljit* '&.7M l>u>he!s; expOTlR. 18C5H ? 1 bushel*: we?tern SUa^uto; white ?lo. 33s4Cc Hay tr 7 quiet and kteudi y held. Colleo options fnirly 8 . active, c losing llrtn: mucs ? ,IXW bags; Oetobcr fl , 6.itoa703c; .November C.l)ja6 U'c: December i i ti 'JS*7 00ct Ittuiintv 7.ftk>' VcKrtmrw l.ctmt 1 4 r March 7 16c; Way 7.JCe 6a*S3a quiet aud ? steady; New Orleans no* crop, 6JafiSe. Turpeui ttue dull at 3t?%c ?.hkv:d. ?gg? fctoady with n fair - demand; receipts va.lto package*. Pork dull and Koiuowlidt nominal; me-a spot St MM iu for lutpucied. Bejf tierce dull; city extra India mm 817bGa'200-J. Hulk lneuU llrin talcs: pickled t tliouUlcra 4^,; d<> hum* Lard lower and lca? active: weatern steam hpot quoted at f 6.17)?c: sales. November* t> 14-6 lie; t>eeeiol?er C.lLati IGc: January 6 tic: February 6.31 aT> S2c; Much O.Wc; city steam 6 lOalj'JKc lluttcr firm-ir; weatetu b*2Ic. Cheasedull and nondnal. # Ciucaoo. Oct. 28.?'The wheat market lluctuntel i rather wildly to-day, withlu a moder-t-i niuge. . The marktt opened at H%c for December and rosj i Hiidd^uly to bifac, but tbe pnisure to se'l wum very m sharp at the outid e Ok ire aud the price foil oil" flj quiealy t? 7;y:, fiuevuutlng between that jh>Iut | and to>?c for an i our. The prediction of llght.-r I . ecelpts at all primary point*, Mid thefictthat X | 1G5 0 0 btHiels had u-en taken for Bhinmcur.causcd > a ralv which aent Dcccuiber up to 'J>ic aud cl. a.d ) at 8S>fc Hour steady and unchau.^d Wheat u. euio H" low? r, adduced ?ic hoI i oil J?c under ' largo ouering*. udfanretl ltfc under u gooddtI mind, aud, influenced by the report of whtat b?I I gtaken r.ere lor Miljm cut. declined %e. rallbd . Vfi aud dosed >?c higher than ye tc.uuy; salea L ranged: November eb*tu u\ >t?ia8eiic: < December S7j?sM>V?c. c o-o l at 8-5ia.V?Jic: May n'.Hj^v, closed at yoJ,o: No. 2 spriinc 8CH-iW5%o; , No.3?prina7 a7lc; No.2red 9 c; No.3 re > 7*c C ?rn f* ' opened stiong jmdJ^hlghcrand closcd about tha * I >a?re a* yesterday cash 4 yjUl^c, cloocd at ll'<$e; Noreinb*" 8yJ-Ja$?jJ*s, cloml Mic: year ?7l^a:i7^c, closed at 37&C. Oati quiet aid firm; c*sh 2b}io; , November /n^av^o, cK?*d at 25^c: May^^a 1 2l>J4c, closed at.iattjjc. Rve?t*uiy; No 2, Glc. JBarl> y quiet: No. 2, ws'~ Flaxseed ca-y; No. 1 fl 16. r Mess jiork ruled active aud e:i y i-arly, but clcted 1 at only flight dtel ne f:om y??terday; pa*h I s HA Noveuil>er S* i7>;a8 20; December |8 2>? ? I Jmiiary f3LOa'JOl>:, closed ui9i 02iier: ca>h I 5.86c; November 5JJ0a5 December 6 8-Kft I I 6.85c: January (i.'Jb&flXp Boxe?l meats quiet: J hnuMom 5 4ai:t.S0c: ??>ort rib 4 8Cc; i-hort c ear I 5.l0d-'?.l?c. Whisky itsady at gl 13. Sugara un, changed. Butttr in goo^c: No. F v ? 2 mtxud No 2 mixed October JVVja ^ a l^c; November 4'J^a4'J>^; December 4C?^aJ^c; J?uuary45%a4b>.?c. ?-aU. ileniand lair auu priciM *1 firm: rejected wuite33a.'ClJ^c; No 2 mixed 3:li4a 1 31c: No. i white 37V4a3S>6c, Willi 4;'c bid aud Ijc &sski d for Mo\p*e No 1 while; iuturea firm: OcUdier cl-*ed iic h'enur: No. 'J whit.- OcluU r ri November3i%a&Xc; December 3ia35Ko;'January ? 35Ho3cc, rrj . Cincinnati, 0,0ft 2*.?Flonr in Ulrdcmard; 33 family 1Ua4 35! fancy 515^4 85. Wueat in f*lr ?* domand and stronger; No, 2 rediMaUic: receipts 5 ICOUO buabel*; ?hipmeuyi 17.(00 bushel*, corn -s dull: No. 2 mixed 4?>{c. Oatnteiuly; No.2 mixed 5' 27>{c. ttye firm; No. 2, GoC- Barley d. l'orfc dull ut }4 75 l*rd firm At 5 8'c. I Hulk meat* quiet: jdmulders 8 00c; ?bort rib f? 10c. 7: l JIacon steady: aluulden 3.75c; Hhprt rib 5.75c: short char G.lOc Whisky firm at 1107 Hot er '. * heavy; ext;a treamery liia Oe; fancy dairy Mi.8c. I SuK*r quiet ami utulutugel. Ftjgn Heady at 17c. ' t Cheesj eatier and unchanged. r, Oct 21?Wheat, wstern higher and T: quiet; No 2 winter ted apot'JlaiWe: Novemlwr VA? Jl W%c; December 'MV^i'JSKc: January %%att7o; Feb- ""l J runry f-v^cafl 00. Corn, wostern a'eady awl mow 1 active; nixed ifotSfnTiOVtc: October toe; Novem, b-r-Uvj^Mfo; yoir45l?ufcc: Jauuanr4i%a4>%c; 1 February 44%!i4-l}4o: Oatt steady and dull; weaturu - white $ia3V.; do. mixed 2)*SGc. FiOViMmia easy. Mlm pork 810 00. Lard, redued 7%c. Fix* firm Ht ?I 4)Sa 1c. Codec quiet; itio carubcK, ordinary to fair 7%a-%c Tolido, O.. Oct. 23.?Wheat eloTCd quiet aud firm; So. 2 caah or November 9 yic: L?eo*mber 90Ki:Jiuiuary88c; February99>ked. ft Oau uncvangci; No. 2 canh 2fic; November 2?1fc'c; May Clover *teady; 1 rime mtdluui and 1 mh |5 50; .November 15 55 asked; December t5 57 J$; 1 Jauarv $3 0 j. r Lire Stock. 5 prt*: initio? Roocij'U 8h00 head; ?lilpu>ent* 2,- OH . 000 head; market weak on nil but best shipping jJB ? steers; ahlppitiK siccra 843*5 50: stocken nud vr* r fester* ti i'mS 6': cow*, bull* And mixed fl Mb riju 9 3 SO: through Texans 12 0 o3 OS; wertrrn rangers fctcody; native# aud half breed* (.H25alt0; cows S 82 7.S.3 12k wintered Texan* 8' ".Sua 25 Hogs > liereiptj 40,000 bead; shipment* 7,000brad; marki t ??] active ntid 10c lower; rooah and mixed ?i 2fl?8 40; '""J. parking and shipping 83 4u*3 CO: light weights it 20 m a.< ?i?; Hklpa 52 6o*3 tw. Sheep - HeceipU -1000 brad; "" hipment.1 l.uoo bead; znerKf-t dull and *t ady; 3 unlives 12U)*360; western ?2 0J?3 20; Texai.* 82 00 1 a3 *.0. 2 Eakt Libxxty,Pa., Oct W.~f'attlo slow; ptlrre - ?j Ota.% 50; fair to good SI 60*5 00; common 11 60* 6 4 60; roCi-lntA ?7s# bead; shipment* 456 bead; ship- ^ c menu to New York yesterday 20 ear*. Hop fafrljr R c ?c: ive and tlrm; Philadelphlaa W 'J *4 03; Yorker* I fj 70a< K5; receipt* 2.SUJ bead; shipment* 2.0(0 B1 bead; ihlnmcnu to New York yc*W day 17 earn. -beep fairly active; prime $3 50ut 75; fair to goo-i f:? 0jh3 A); lamb*82 60a 1.0; receipt* 1,400 bead: shipments 4,COO bead. Cincinnati. O., Oct lis.?Hoffs Mow; common and light 8275*. ('.*?; packing and buichcta 3 30* , a 05; receipt* 6,SCO head shipments 8oJ bead. Patrolaam. 3 Oil City, Pa, 0>l 2*.-Opened At fl 10; Qrj hlKbeat 8111%; lowest fl COjj; closed At f 110K; II , mIcm 1,351000 barrel*; clearano* C,022.000 barrel*; ^ charter* 20 Mi barieis; ahipmenu 7S.MM barrels. IlHAbPuKD, Pa., Oct. 28.?Opened at 81 closed 3 at 81 I0>i: highest fl 12; lowest fl U)?; r.tna 71,'J."? (arrets; total shipment* 7.4.SOJ barrels; char Sal ten 2 J, 365 barrela; cioanuicc* 2,OJO,UXJ ban el*. 3 PrrwBi'Boit, Pa. Oct Petroleum, active and * ' irregular; National transit cer ideate* opened at by I e 81 lOjf; clcsel rtroug at 8i 10>?; higbeat 81 12; 1 lowest 8100. ' Titcsvillk. Pa., Oct. V.-Opened at fl 10k; odi< hi,'neat 81 11%: lowest fl 09?: cloned at 81 10,S; 1 shipment* 78,600 bariela; charter* /J.3C5 barrel*. " Nkw York. Oct. 28 ? Petroleum Arm; Unltoi T " ckaod ?t IllO.S. I 1 Dry Oboda. O > New Yf*ic, Oct 28.?There haa been rather moro a bualneu through t>um- rati* onleni for aupplerDent? ?ry awrtineuwof * mlscjUAirooiacluricitr. With * ngeutft ami JoUtnr* tbl* kind o( \>u?lnw? in gen- ? ' cral, and ft vetrg>xxl tr?Y 1 ?v???*+?r r. Kent Estuto iV^eut AND 8T0CJ^ BROKER, pedal attention given to Collecting Rent* and general management ol Real Katate. C*u fur h ln?t of rdcreuu*. irin 1?n VATV ?T.. WhMtng. w. v>. TUTCI1I.S0N A GARVIN', L AtTORNKYS 0 to the INTKLUOKNCER JOB ROOBffl, Noc. 1 IJ7 Fourteenth street, where 70a aea be mom lated *l than notfcej S.'ogait Sc (Co. l Mmon Sensi IN THEOTEN! ? 1. Dr, Mott, of New York, fed number of liogn for Rome weeks o bread made with Alum Ikkla Powders. In every liwtaBM th doga lost nppcthe, slcliened, an some died. At the same time h fed other dogs on bread made wit pure Tartar KaMii? Powder, wit L ?o injury to appetite or health. 2. The use of alum iu bread 1 prohibited by law in somo places because it has been found to injur health. 3. Some people buy Alum liali ' ins Powders because tliey ar , cheap! Is it real economy, wliiel to save a few pennies now, lays i foundation for iii health and doc tor's bills later out You are on the safe side in nsini , LOGAN, LIST & m | KXCELSIOU Baking Powder! Which Contains no ALUM 01 oilier injurious ingredient. See that our address is on eacl; box or label. Address all orders t( LOGAN & CO. Proprietors and Munufiiduier*, Succewore to l.ojpin, List A Co.. Wheeling. W. V*. Bledtcal. KEEP IT IN THE HOUSE! Belter Tliau An Insurance Poller. ODBERT'S GhoIeraAntidofe IS WARRANTED TO CURE Diarrhnta, Dysentery, Flux, Cholic, Cramping Pains, Cholera Morbus And Cholera, CTiIEK MONEY REFUNDED. IthMRUTcJ many Mtcr. V?cd by many rhyslciaus. FOR SALR BV ALL DUDQGIST8, LAUGHLIN BROS. & CO,, O" BOLE PUOl'KIKTOKS, No. 1208 Main Street. aniS Trh.Ut I)r. .X. E. S3IITH, No. 1404 Chapllue Striwt, Near Fourteenth btrect, Tlio bout evidence of a physiclan's sucttjsi 1* tht testimony of bin pitieutx. Tuo Incrnuiiue demand*. (or my proto?*loual uirvler. Smith rnrad tn< without knUe in At? weeks. THOMAS COLVDi. WholwuiJo Grocer, Main St., Wheeling, W. va. Olceratlonjt of Rectum, Prclaj>;u? ur.d 1'ih.a."Wa* given npto die and pronounced incurable Dr. Smith cured me without knife." WASHINGTON DKLANY, Martin'* Forry. Rev. H. O. Lodd wrlu*:?"Dr. Smith's profes slonal services In my family have bu-u m?t satis (MCtory, and I commend him to all m ? Kt-ntieauui Mid a ikillful physician." * "Mm. Margaret Knlk n?7?: "I had be* a irofTerini for seven years and treated by many phydciani foi dyapetaia. Dr. Smith said I nod a tape worm, and In eight hour* removed a a?oiut?r 109 feet long." Female Complain:*.?Three year* in honpluJs foi female*. gire me peculiar advantage* in mu h >a?ea I'erooux rured of catarrh, dImams of heart, liver, ktomaeh, kidney*, akin, blood, nervous affbullon' aalhrna UMiify to my I 111m cured without tho knife. lutlenu at a dUtance may 1-c trc*te?l hr letter and natWvrtlon guaranteed. A churl for eff-exAmlittlion seat on receipt of two thrco-cent And advice rem mod free. Confutation at office (rue. Ofllrehour* from 9 a u. to 7 r. K., dally. Call on or addren. JOHN K. SMITH, M.D.. No. 1404 ChapUuo fit, Whaling, W. Va. ' DR. MQTFS FRENCH POWDERS. Will core IHaow* ol the Kl Jnrfs, Gravel. Gleet Stricture*, aud all Urinary and urethral Mtww KcrToui and Phynlcal Uebtllty. Bcmlai'l Wcaknma \xm of Vlfor, Premature Deollpe In Han. KatIj Decay, Impou.ncr catucd by error* of youth, ex CesPCM, dec. tiyphllii In all it* lormi, ?cr<- thro*' and naao, ulcer*, eruption*, acrofnia, tetter, atl > rheum and all blood and uln dlw.^w. Kema'j WeaknMi apoedlly cured. Sonorrhft* cured In I daya. Prim 8 00. Sold In WhwIU.g, W. Va.. h] S.P. Bootras, Ijjqap A Co., Druxzlrt. Beut ] : mall^led ?* ^ ICuit'uO anilGlnlitol dnys. Ill your (lrtigttivt for it. HI I Sent to unyn?Idri?NH ! Ill Nil YflflR MF6, CO. SpriClflilll, a PENHYRUfAL "r.wirwrtiTfR^ FNP.I IRH? Tin- Crliriitnl ntiil Only (imoltif. Ratruft ! r.1.: *?e.f H .irllilrM ImtUIWn*. "Chlclir-U-r"* r.??:u!i*v< i1 TO LADlEtt. < I > . ? *??? >?. iv-tt BifaBaV 1 ^RELiWUslS'cURE " r-ffy A fj*?>?iie tu.n of one of the moil ) '* * noted '? ! i iWui * rci dift-in lh< U S. frtn* fr'ifci!' lor tlir curt <>f Sf?fV?ni It* blllly, ? Manii?w?t, WtfMknrM uM >rui;giji? r^n fill it Mdreu on. WARD & CO.. Louisiana, Mo. gtans??rvtalion, KNNSYLVANIA C0iIl'A.0F InioMi.iiiKiiit :H; *;cii jj:?: S|lI ^ icuotr crow,. n:;2 0.& n ?:<>: .... K-jr. S:Jvj w LirerrooL 7:.V.i i2:Wi ?:? 1, Hocbcrtcr......^. a:6t' I:JM " AlicshvoT ?:10 a:v<.j I, Pltttburgh 9:5o| 2:J6J 7.t i....j i ....i i RaventiA. '.1:08 -J:.'-.; u Hudson 11:80 5:1' a Sawburjj..^.. 12:251 6: J, *3?TQhmd 12:V>| C:,*'! p wbfft TO aluasci a.nd chicago. a.m. A. V. [ r. m. | 1'. u. AclInSre 6:26 lU:Co! 3:^. ~ > BriilKi-iort 5:47 10:JVj A . M*rtiu ? Ferry?v,... V.5< 3.4" 4 . is b Yellow Cr*>lt 7:2? liMftl r 1 |i i i 11 Welbfvllle 7:4? 12:20 !?:'> f>:lO & Bayard 9:S7 a:5. 11 tiuanco 32:25 4:fcj .. r. *. Canton _ 1:4ft S:C0 ... Hamilton .... 2:M .VI* Mannfltild 4:12 7:40 J OtosUilte b:25 8:10 .... * IJlflfi 10:50 a.m. Port Wayne 4:0ft 12:40 Chlc?ro 8:aoj 6:Q0U.~..1.....~. All train* dally except fcuuday. Trains leave Cleveland (or Wheeling kt 8:00a. ci? *2:10 p. m., arriving at 4:SS p m. and 7:58 >. -n k J. (1. ToMUNskW, | PiuKuger A Rent, Wheeling, W. V*. K. A. FOKH, * Geu. Pm* and Ticket ARpf t. Pittsburgh. ?'?. j '.lamks mcckk K. <.? >>?" *' v t?i? r PITTSBURGH, ClNClNSiVDi A si. f I LOUIS KAIl.ROAI??Pho Handle Kent- . lime table for Eu*t mid Wot corrected to Au?;iwl ) SO.i&S. Train* Icare Tan UanCl'i nUlloa, t of Klcventh fclrvc-t. near public landing ca fallow, ) 'lentMlgtamUrd t K:os Arrive?Wellsburg... .... 7:28 1:25 4:11 Btcubenvllie .... 8-00 2:00 5:*} U:C4 , Pittsburgh 9:30 8:30 6:10 ....^ a. y a.m. : ffatrliburg 1:10 1:10 2:% Baltimore : ...... 5:2a 5:25 Wtuiblujrton ~ 6:40 6:3C .... . tblla.Iulnhla....... 4:?s 4:2$ 5:? Now York. 7:(X5 7:00 A:u ...._ r.M. r.m. p.m. Borton 3:00 3CO m/a*. ooino wjcsr. r'?c jlKun u t>r I KTATioj't. Kap u Mxp'c Mall, e'ra'r. p.m. r.m a. V. km f^ave?V/hoellug^. 8:^ 3:ii 6;j?. I2:lt Arrive?ytcubeuvllle 9:03 b:2t> K:?o 2;'<1 Cadiz ? -i) Dennlsou........ 10:40 7:20 9:30 4.06 A. M. N'cwxrk - .. ... 12:40 U:S> G:5? r. ji. Itolumbujt. 1:4.% S:0C Leave-(,'olumbun 2:00 12:66 Arrive?Dayton ~ 7:30 .. - Clnciutiati....... f?:10 ......... 4Mf> ......... Indlauajioll* U:45 ......... 10:2f; ...^.. A. If. 3t. Loul#,...... ?. 7:30 7:1* 'Chlrayo *:r?' . ' ' All train* dally except Sunday. Pullman'* FaWcc Drawing Koom and Sleeping Cars through without change from StoubCttvlUo Kast u? t-hlladelvhla and New York. West u> Coiumbtu, Cincinnati, Louisvkle. Chicago, In.Uaimj* oils aud St. Louis. For through tickets. baggago checks, abiding car accomn:odatIuu>. and any further information V3 JOHN . lXJMUNSON, Ticket Agent At Pan Handle Station, foot of Eleventh street, or At City Ticket Office. und?oo1Ibk. JAMEB McCHKA, Manager, FltOiliurgh, Fa fe. A. f'OfcD, Gan'l Piua. an'l Tlr' Ac-' w? Pa? com. a.x. p.v. A.U.: Lcaro-Whecllng. 6:3* 3:25 Arrlro-Bauwood 8;5s 5:tf 8:65 Moun-brrllle ... 7:15 4;to #:40 Clarlngton. 7:55 4:45 11M Proctor....? 8.07 4:57 11:43 p. New Marti iwrillo 8:25 5:15 12:25 " Bardls,........ 8:34 5:23 13:60 SUlenvllie ... 8:50 6:40 1:?5 Frlsudly MaUunwraa; ?:C3 6:Vk J:HJ fit. Mary* .. 9:Si G:25 8:?0 Wlillamstown (Marietta) 10:20 7:io 5:10 Parker>bnry. W. Va. 1U:M 7:45 g-30 oowo Kotrni. i 1 |D?iiy|l>*lly| Aci I Pan;.! Pua. 1 mm . A.M. r.m. A. hi. > I/*vft-P?rkeribarg. - 6:0 C:18 Arrtvo-\VUli4nuiU)wn(M?rrtta) f..A. i .Oi i:M I St. Mary* 7:1 ? < >.' . Friendly (Matamow)... 7SS 6:'^ 11 :CJO t tilfltcrkTlllo 3:00 6;t0 11:25 . r. m. I Hardl* 8:U b:W 12:07 New Mirtlnivllle.. 8:*? t:t. Whgc:lng, W. VA. JgALTIMORBA OHIO RAILKOAD OO. On and after NAY 8.18M. pflMcnyer trains will 1 run a* follows?'Wheeling tic*'.1: , No. i&. No. 1 * , *a?t bound. Local. No.87 DaJly No.83 Dally leave? a. m. p. X. A. V. a. m. p. x. Wheeling ...... 6:36 4:10 6:40 S:lo ' 5;?fl . BeUalre ..... 6..v> 5:? . Mannlneiou^. 7:30 ...? r Arrives at r, x. r. x. ? Grafton. ...... 4:00 11.-Or. 1:10 10:18 ! Cumberland- 2:40 7:C0 2:W WftMhiugton City- ft:?) i>. Baltimore 7:tt) 5.30 No. SS. IH and 87 >t?i> at nil Htatlon* ~ No. 2 Hoi 4) No. 1 w*r. BOUND. No. 14 No. 12 Dally Daily *uli7 Leave- a. m. p. x a. *. p. v. r. x. Wh^Uno 0-4? ?.!f- l.-u.l 1 BelUire... J. aho \':V> lbitt. n'm Arrive hi mi. ' a. x. ZaneavlU# 11:20 ?:0l> 12:1ft 10:lu l .10 Newark 1:J0 10:.Vi 2.00 1 Coluinbu* 2.10 11S.1C r Cincinnati 7:2s k\w 7:W ; .^unduiky ? 6:30 b:.* \ Indiana poll*. U:oo 7:y, ' . A- M. f. Jt. 8t Lonla ... 7:rX) C:iO fl:M | Chicago., _ 6;40 A'j:0n 7:26 1 KaraaaClty a;ro y;r? 9;oo llonu?L.vIi;o accommodation 1mt?* Wheel!:!* ?t 11:85 a. n.. an J arrive* at MoundarUle at U:!6 p. m. dally except Sunday. Manulugum accommodation at 4:10 p. nv. ZaneaTilie accommodation Icavcb Wheeling 7:tt a. m. aud 8:40 p. m. UclUlro at 8:10 a. m. 4:15 p. in., dally BurnUy. ' 10:25 p. m. train through to Cincinnati vithout . chance, with it. A O. Sleeper through toCincinnavi. B. A 0. Bleeping Can on alUlirotigh trtCu. r Through Coach from WDeeJIaz to Cincinnati on No. a, leafing Wheeling at 9:li a. w., arrlviug it t ''iiiclnnatl at 6:60 a m. t Cluac connection* arc for all point* Socttt f and Houibwt?t, North and Nortbwvat, maim* tot* i a dealrable route for colonhla and wr-oiji noting r to thff great Wert, and to nhuic particular attention r la given. Ticket* to Ml principal point* ou iuIc at Dej-ot. Sleeping car accommodation! can bo stcurtU at tapot Tlckct Office. T** ui., u-?n/ uiviit ounn?y; p. iu., Oulif, K. L/JED, GeucraJ Pamnngor Agent. H. DUNHAM, Otaer&l Hup't. J. T. I.AS^TTHT. PAW. Apt. Vli-H"..'. (Commission ftttecliants, fe. DwiMroci, a. D. Ko-ii poon, GoocraO. Of D. En!wton A yoN, SpccU.', B. DAVKNPOItT ^ CO., COIMilMIISSXOlSr mleri In Oniu, Klour, Bead a, rrorMon*, ChMM and Dried Fruit*. M IT w>gmwfiTnM?t (l'_v*rn LL KINDd OF UOOK AND JuB PRINTING ncftUjr and promptly eiocuMal |t