Newspaper Page Text
'the intelligencer. ~ rUBLIUJIKl) DAILY AND WEEKLY, 3 (HUPDAY KXCtrrtD.) ria:w. CAMrriELL & iiaiix, I TBorntrroM, No. 35 and 27 Fonrtocath StreoU Cnct'opy.Ono Yar 0? ooiThroo Wonlhi.?...?3 00 HI* Woulhfc..?w.M. < OOJOtie Afoniiu 03 L'cllvcred by Carrion la city, lBfl. p?* week, 1 BEMI. WEEKLY INTELLIOENGEIL iMbliihed Wcdceadays ind Saturdays, Uqo Ycar.?M fio|bljt JtoDtha 36 TtfK WEEKLY INTELLIGENCE!!, Published Thursdays. Qjtu Year 00|blx Montiui........... 00 (ircat rodueUou to Clubs, Head ior sample copy and circular*. Addrw*, JKBW, CA3I1'I1ELL Jb IIAllT, Whooliiig, W. Vft. lEuterod at tho J'twtofflco at NVTiecllug, W, Va,, m saoond nlwm matter.] Ike WHEELING, W. VA., OOTOXIEU 111, 1087. 'Uio Uimtio County tiluuj;titer. Tho brolal murder of Iter. Mr. Ryan, In Koono county, iu being ferociouoly aveuged by tho ptoplo of that county. Jcalouo of tho good name and poacoor their county tho people have rioon almost aa ono man to briog to omit punishment tho perpotratoro of the doviliah deed. t It is easy to understand how tho poople of Koano fool aboat tho vanton butchery nf Mm onnrl nhl nrencher whose lifo hud been spont in peaceful miniatry. Tho mo* tive and manner of bis taking off wero in tho highest flenso revolting, ana hio frioude and neighbora would have buon leea tliun than human, or more, if they had not pursued .with offi(t vongoonce tho villains who did tho deod. But tho law is not dead in Roano. Ia o;dto of this allocking crime Riant) is an orderly county in which life and property are under tho safeguards ol tho law. Tho moans adopted to puaioh the murderers nra not*coinpUmanUry to tho administration ol juitice in R>ane, where a fair trial would have resulted in justice of a leas rutlo but more satisfactory character. It would havo been inllaltely better to givo tho hangmen a job and do tho busineEB in a regular way* Tho murderers goi no moro than they deaeived, but for tho sake of tho regular coitreo of jnotica the thing could have been hotter doao. Wa do do not need lynch law in West Virginia. The State ia strong ononzh to do without it. Tho C'nro of tho Innauo. Tho New York H'orM't roporter who, under tha nemo of "Nellie Brown," has been turning inaide out the Blackwell's Island Inaano Asylum, has performed a great Eervico for the unhappy onea who aro obliged to spend their daya within tho walla of a madhouse, snd for tho public, wbicb has to support thoso establishments. For the things which are true of Black well's Island aro largely true of other madhouoes, and tho private are no bettor than tho public. The story would bo boyond belief if it wero not in lino with other similar experiences aucl did not bear upon ita face tho indelliblo stamp ol troth. Tho World Bent the young woman aot to "tear out" the asylum but to toll what sho oaw and heard, bestowing cenauro or praiso where either might bo desoivcd. The work seems to hr.vo boon done in a spirit of fairneos and with uncommon intelligence and nerve. That this bright young woman was examined by a host of medical experts eocalled and by them pronounced insane, reflects no credit on men whooe chief bnBinoso it ia to distinguish sanity from insanity. But this io tho smallest part of tho offending of those ia authority. Once in tho mad house, tho physicians refused to listen to tho patient, treating_hgr more as a criminal condemned than as an un iui tuiintu itijuuiug uic uuiiuercau uiiu mum skillful treatment. Tho clothing was inBoiliclont, tho food was execrable, tho behavior of tho nuraes coarso and brutal. Weak, shivering women woro plunged into baths of ice cold water, one after onother into the Barae water, until tho iluid was bo thick that it hcd to bo changed. Women blurred with akin diseases wero Boueed in and women of healthy skin pushed in after thorn. Tho bath over, tho hclplecB ones wero thrust into their garments wet, and so they Bhivered through tho long night. Nuraos sworo at the pa* tionts and baat them. Complaint to the physicians had no other offset than to increase tho beatingo in number aud ferocity until tho poor creaturoa promised to toll tho phyoiclans no moro. An blind woman was torturedmado to run against tho furniture in the room?for tho amuoeineutof tho nuraes. As tho fun ran higher a nurse spat in the old woman's ear to see her rage. The moro sane a patient's ^deportment,. the moro eho was treated as one beyond all hope. Tho World reporter declares that women as sauo as herself were confined with her. One of thein, a frail young girl just recovering from Jbrain fever, died of ill usage. The* World and ita courageous reporter havo done a public corvice which should' result in cleaning out tho Insano Asylum on Blackwell's Island, and tho cleaning! out should iacludo tho sane patients os| well as thos9 phyaiciana and nursos who have clearly shown thoir lnmentablo nniitnes3 to bo whero they aro. Liko investigations oleowhero would probably show that Blackwell's Island does not stand alone in its infamy. Why Ho wna Acquitted. All tho world loves a hero. Let a man defend his country in any hour of need nud he may bo suro of enthusiastic indulgence when ho is perhaps moBt in want of it. Mr. H. 15. Stanton tells, in his "Random Racollections," tho following incident, which occured in one of our courUi: A Revolutionary eoldler had beon in* dieted for passing counterfeit monoy. Obarlea M. Lee defended tho silver-haired veteran on hie trial. Tho evidence against him waa clear, and there was not a shadow of doubt of hia guilt. SUU, ho waa a man who'had followed Gen. "Mad Anthony" Wayno up the craggy steep of Stonay Point cn the dark night of July 15,1779, when thut fortress was carried by storm. Leo ouratned up'tho caaea with raro vehomence, graphically described tho bloody attack on Stony Point, and, with tears dripping down hia cheeks, implored the jury to acquit tho old soldier. It wan not then known that tho foreman of the jury had been with tho defendant on the perilous night. The jury wero out one hour. When it roturnod the clerk asked: "Gentlemon of the jury, have you cgreod upon a verdict?" "Wohavo." "Do you find tho prisoner at tho bar guilty or not guilty?" "Not guilty. bocauBa he helped to Btorm Stony Point!" ehouted the foreman, YOU GOVERNOR. L (ioDllrinnn Who In Under n MUii|>i?r0? (million Milken an K*i)lannUon, "o ihi Kdltor of the MdUgenccr. j but!?In your laauo of Saturday,- Ocober 10lb, wo find tho following, hoadinen an J all: "TilBin CANDIDATE KOI! G0YHRH08. "Daring tUo meeting of the Went Virginia M. 13. Conterenca at rarkeraburg laat week tho Stile Journal contained tho lollowlng: "'Wo Melliodiat preachern are not politician!)/ ial'1 a woll known West Vlr?liila Doctor ol Divinity tho other day, 'bat a good many of tho Kopobllcuna among ua unite In believing that Hon. Georgo W, Atklnoon ought to to the next Governor ol the State. Jio la strong on all ol tbo vital questions In which wo aro moat interested. >Yo mo in favor of Atkinson.' " "Tho &tale Journal added to this tho folfowin?: ' Wo aro not adviflod as to whether there aro anp conditions under which he could be induced to accept tho Roptiblican nomination for Governor, but we will rink tho remark that, In our opinion, tho Republican party could get no abler, purer champion to lead them to victory tban lion. 0. Weoloy Atkinson.'" Wo take thin to mean that Mr. Atklnaon , io deemed by you to bo tho candldato of not only tho Methodists but also of tbo State Journal, In correcting this imprefl* eion allowod mo to say that the llras paragraph which you quoio appeared among sorno lccal items in regard to the late con* Jurence in onr Ibeuo of Tuesday, Octobsr 11, whilo tho second itom was publlshod editorially for dayo provlounly in our issue of Friday. October 7. How this latter item could have been "added" by us to tho former wo don't clearly boo, and whv you should Btrlko out eoveral linos from it in order to make it lit in is not eo clear either. We only desire to stato In thlo rnnnnntion tiiflt thH Sltitc. Journal. hrtq no caiitlitlalo and that it gave Mr. Atkinson no'moro editorial notice than it gave Col. McLoan npd others prominently named for tho position. Tho editor of tbo Stati Journal, in 1x1b individual capacity, has hitherto expressed himsolf in favor of auothor diatinguialied gentlemnn irom tho lower ond cf the State, and has said and done norao things in his favor. But when tho Slate Journal gets ready to announce ita candidate, if it should havo one, and ouch announcement ohould, at (3'jm9 future date, ba deemed advisable, it will ba governed by what it thinku tho-best interests of the party de mand, and it will apeak plain enough tc provent tho noed of any clipping off 01 adding to in order to mlgrepreient it. M for Mr. Atkinson he ia worthy of any of flee in tho gift of tha republican paity is West Virginia. Very traly yours, A. B. White. [The paraanal pronoun "their," in the heading of tho artlclo above quoted, referred to the Methodist ministers, aud nc uncomplimentary reference to anybody was intendod. "O9 the contrary, finite the reverso."?Lntelmokncer ] Notes from ItUclilo Court llouso. Social Vlapatch to the Jiitclllgenccr. Hitciiie Court- House, Oct. 18.?Mrs. Anna Ayero, wife of our postmaster, J. B. Ayes, is lying at tho point of death in Ohillicoth, Ohio, whero she went several weeks ago to undergo a eurgical operation. B. F. Ayers, second assistant principal of schools here, is suffering from a broken ankle, caused by twisting it. Housten CMine, constable, was struck on tho head with a stone atPenneboro, Saturday night, and received a dangerous wound. The missile waa thrown from a secluded spot and no one knows who throw it. William Hill waa tried in tho Fadexal Court at Clarkeburg last week for selling whisky at the Kitchio county Fair. He wbq sentenced to thirty days in the jail here and to pay a fine of one hundred dollars. Oircnit Court convened here yeaterday, Judge J. M.. Jackson presiding instead of Judge Stanley, who ia personally intoreofced in some ccecs to bo tried at this term, Tho criminal docket ia light. Snub About In Fair i'luy. ilt. Vernon Republican, The liopublicona of Ohio are in no wino responaible for the new iaauo in the politico of tho State, that Powoll'a defeat would be a serious snub to Mr. Cleveland. The Democrats announced, through tho agency of the "Solid 8outh," tbat the election of Governor Foraker would bo an "affront" to Mr. Cleveland. If such is the fact, we propose to "atl'ront" him pretty hard. Where Jonah Wan, Exchange. Young Artist (displaying a picture)? This painting is entitled "Jonah and the Whale." Poaeiblo Purchaaer?Where is Jonah? Young Artiat?You notice the rather dietended appearance of tho whale midwavbotween the tail and neck? Poa| oiblo Purchaser?Yea. Young Artiest? That's Jonah. A Guide for tho AIMlcted. The following letter will show tho way to health to many a down-heartod man [and woman: Moravia, Cayuga Co., N.Y., Jan. 15/86. I I have been Elllicted for aomo yeara with 'livftP Ofimnlrtint- onunmninU ?r.HV, pepsla and prolonged constipation. I waa j almost in despair, when I commenced 1 using Bkandkkth'h Pills. I took a course j of them for a week?five or six Pills every I night. I found myself very much better, j but to make every tiling all cure, continued to take on? Pill a night for over a month. Iam now in a very fair ntate of health, and I know I shall continuo so as long aa I take ono Brandheth's Pill a night. H. 8. R. Mather. i Dr.'William A. Hammond, of Now York J city, enjoys a medical practice which nota I him $76,000 a year. Two oC fortune's Favorites nnppjf. Mrs. Henry Helfrich, at G4 Shipley St., ; San Francisco, said: "Yes, indeed, it is 'true, iny husband won $2,000 in The Louisiana State Lottery drawing of. the 9:hult.,and wo are both very glad of it. My husband baa bought a nice little property on Turk at, wbero we intend to livo in a short time." Ho is foreman confectioner ofMesars. Sohroth & Westerfeld. He conlirmcd bis wife's statement. Ho had never cxpectod such a stroko of good luck an this, After considerable difficulty I in UndiBcAVilliam Dnwlinf. nwnrlrtnfni in tho employ of tho Oakland Gas Company, [ho said: "Yes, whoa the list was published I looked for my ticket and found i it crumpled up into n ball in ono corner of my vest pocket. I unrollod it and compared it with the lict, when, for a moment, I thought I must bo drunk or crazy, hut whon I looked again I found that Ijwas right and xay number had got me $2,000." Ho is eaid by his employers and fellowworkmen to bo an honest, hard-working man, and all seem to rejoico it hia good fortune.?.Sun Francitco (Oal.) Call, September D. daw Georgo the Third, although deficient in education, never forgot a name once lioavil np a fana Ka Inrl nmin nnnn UVMUV1UTOVU UUMUU UUViUOCOU. ' Drnco Up. You 'aro feeling depressed, your appotiteis'paor, you aro bothored with aro fidgotty, norvouB and generally. out of aorta, and want to brace up. Braco up, "but not with stimulants, spring medicines or bitters, which have for their baeia a very cheap, bad whisky, and which stimulate you for an hour and then leave you in worse condition than before. What you want is an alterative that will purify your blood, start healthy action of livor and kidneys, restore yonr vitality, and givo renewed health and strength. Such a medicine you wilt find in Electric Bittor8,anil only 50 centa a bottle it r?nunn St. Qo.'r ilrng staro. 8PSCIAI* NOTICES. FITS:?All 511b stopped Irco by Dr Kllno's Great Nerve Hwtoicr. No Fits alter tlrst day's uic. Marvelous cures. TrwUso ami $2 00 trial botUo Iroo to Fit ouos. SfeUil to Dr. KUno, 931 Arch St., Fkllft, JP? J A Vary Burl LIUIoBtory. Kho was tbo wifii of a laboiiaw man, a good woman ,who struggled linrii to fcson her houao neat and hor chlHicn well ilrrttod, bnt sho bad a violent temper. It wto Batnrday, and tho two llttlo children, Eon and Alice, were ready for an excursion. lien woro a wblto salt, which hla mamma bad made for him and o! which he I'll very proud. Just as lion waa leaving homo tho mother dlBCovored a black apot on tbo dazzling wblto ault. "VVhot'o that?" ehu aaked, aharply. "Only a deaao spot, mamma, only a llttlo deate spot." "I'll inako n greaeo spot out of yon," she exclaimed angrily, trying to strike blm. Llttlo lion dodged, bnt ran bin hoad Bealnet tho sharp edgo of tbo bureau. When sho picked blm up be waa uucouecious. * The physician found tbo child delirious and prononnced tho caso brain fever. It was quick In its work, and lion waa Boon still and cold. In n darkened room rat the uiothor by tho sldo of tbo little cofiin. Alice stole In quietly and tuagedat hor dreas. "Mamma, darling, lo lisnnio a desao apot vow?" fJoho, choking aoha, answered hor. Evkhy living thing is a mam of cells. Ufa realdos iu thoco cells, which aro filled with a jolly resembling tho white of an egg, and have an Interior centre called tho nenclena ot Hie, tho integrity and visor ot which deponclo oil healthy natiitlon supplied by tho blood. This Is clearly shown by tho manikin oa exhibition at Log?u & Oo.'g drug store, Bridge corner, Slain airoot, Wbeolins, \f, Va., and eviJonca is producod illustrating the remarkable otTect ot Kaskine. tho new qulnino, in enriching and panning tho blood and totally extirpating all diaesoo gormn. ' Kouch on Itch' Ointment eures Skin Ilnmors, l'linnles. Flesh Worms, r.lnfr Worm,1Tetter, Salt Itfieum, Krostod Foet, Chilblains, Itch, 1 Ivy FoLson, Harbor's Iteh.Kcaidllonil.Eczema. Wc. Druggists. 13, B.Wr.r.u, Jersey City, N.J. i lOllOHiFlLES Curca piles or hemorrhoids^ itchtag, protrud ROUOHoSBILE PILLS, Jgg; 1 Active but mikl7 Cathartic, Small Granules. Small Dose. For Sick ITeadncho, IJlllousness, Liver Complaint, Constipation, Anti-lllllous. : ROUGHs" CAT&RP.H ???$?$ , chronic cases. Unequnlcd for Catarrhal throat affections, foul breath, offensive odors. Ask for "Itoush on Catarrh." GOc. Drupgists. WimfHACHES'lSc. ROOGHsECORNS sorarotSs. 15c. HOTEL?. GRlWFORD BOOSE, Cor. Sixth and Walnut Strf.9 CINCINNATI, O. RATE3.... $1 r>0 P2R DAY. UUDCU NSW MAKA0BMB3T. I have taken tho management of this houre. Pat it In pood order, clean rooms and beds, and a No. 1 table-all that the market atfords, and as good as the best. All for 61 GO per day. Don't let the prico Ireop you away. It is Hard Times 1'rlccR Will ba pleated to entertain you. Very respectfully, 2T.KA.3iK ,7, ICS, mylTKotvo Maunccr. gT. CHARLES HOTEL, 1*2.. JT. R. A. SCOTT, PEOPRlKTOEl, Corner Wood Street and Third Avenao, PITTSRTTRGII, PA. gyttft'cf. S3 N" BO T>?r 4nv. M'2S .TSWELUY, WATCCE3. ETC. DIAMONDS A. SPEOIAXtS?"**. Womakothls branch onr great specialty, and aro constantly receiving new goods In I'iuo Single Stones & Jlniclicd Pairs. A few raro BLUE QStfS cl tho highest quality always In sioci. Prices lowor than any Eastern market. I. G-. miLiZuOM & CO. au!3 JEWELERS. DRUGGIST. TBAWiKR8' ttUIDE, Arrival and departure of TRAILS?On ana after Jaly 17, 1BS7-Km.iwatio.n 07 P.crnussca Mark?. Daily. tSnnday Bicapted. iMonday execpt&d,?Ewtorn fltandaru tlmo: U. & O. ii. 15.?Kxn Depart. Arrive. ZIxpri>3. f5 :L0 am '10:15 pm KxprocG 5:46 pra *10:50 cm Cumberland Acconu............... 8:Wam 6:60 pm Fairmont Accom .- ... 4:10pm 9:05 am MooudT?Ulo Aooon...M-.M. 12:0ipm HiOpui WOT. Srnrwa(ChlcvROandCol)-~~~ *9:50am *fl:<5pm Chicago Express........*. 3:20 pm *9:60 niu Chicago Limited *9:16 pm 0:00 am Columbus Acoom ?... ?... t2:25pm fl0:R5am Cincinnati Limited? '11:15 pm 4:55 am ZrupsvUIo Accommodation?... t7:45am 1C:l5pm at. Oalrevlllu Accom t8:Wam 8:05 am at. ClalrHYlilo Accom j'2:OOpm tl:40pm Bt. CIairsvillo Accom *7:OOpa tO:lSpm W.. k\ * St. Dir. Washington and Pittsburgh.... 5:00 am *9:40 am "WBShinzton and Pittsburjjh.... 8:10 am *11:15 am Washington and Pittsburgh.... *7:00 pm 6:55 pm Washington and Pittsburgh-.. 1:45 pm *11:10 pm Washington...?.,.... ............ j6:Hpn 18:00 am I\, C. A Bt. L. lty. rittaburch t7:85am t7:00pm Pittsburgh and Now Yorfc....... fl:85pm t8:4Tj pm Pltttburjh and Hew Yoifc..? }<:20pm }U:W am xn t. Rrprca, Cm. and Bt. Louli 17:85 am t 7:15 am Zxprera, Cin. and St. Lonla t V :05 pm t 7:00 pm , Express, EUsnbeurUlo and CoL r 1:05 pm r S:%5pic StonbinrilHi and Donnlwn r 4:23 win ............. o. h v. v.. n, Plttsburghand CIbtoUdu.....^, * 6:10am f 8:88pm atonbonvUfc Aooommod*tlon- :85 am f 8:85 pm i I i-iiw., ?BH iUiifc KUU vuiiiaxu, TJU.UV am Tuiwam Wollmrllio soooamcdation | 6:12 pm r 6:i5pn GloYOlKid cm. A Pitlab'j Xxju \ 2:12 pa \ 8:&sam I U^IHA Wi Il>?< I | XtprchB, Cleveland, 3. and W.. 112:35pm 3:C5pm Massiilon Aoooo*....^ t 5:00 pm 11:25 am I at. GlalmilieAooam I 8:io?n 9:55 am St, OlfllmtUfi Acoom... {10:25 am 1:85pm | at, (Tltlmllla Aooorn.. f 2:05pir 5:85pa St. Cl?Urivillo Accom 6:10 pm 8:C0pra I Local Freight and Accom...^. G.30p m \ 7:30pm I Ohio Jtflvor Ziallroad. 7:45 am *11:20 am Psssancer.....^................ 12:15 am 3:15 pm rusanccr 4:80 pm 8:80pm grglgh;...~~...~~.......... 8:15 am 6:55pm B. Z,& O. Railroad. Eellalro & Zanesvillo Through Passenger leaves Bollairo at 8:40 ft. m., arrives nt Bcllalro ut 4 p. m. Woodfflold Passenger loave3 Bcllalro at .4:20 p, in., arrives at Bcllalro at 8:20 a. m. BummertleldAccommodttion loaves-BolHlro at 1:00p.m.. arrives at Bollatreat 10:45a.m. "TITHEELING & ELM GROVE R. R.Y Y On and after Mar 2, 1887, trains on the Wheeling & Kim Grove ftallro&d will run as lot. iow?: LMTOS WHMILTE: 1-cara Wheeling n, 5:S0 i.. v, 2:00 p. Mi C:10 a, u, 8:00 p u 0:10 ?. 8:00 ' 7:00 . <00 ? 7:00 " 4:00 8:00 " 5;CO ? 8:00 " 6:00 " 9:00 c:lo 11 9:00 6.10 10:00 " 7:00 10:00 " 7:00 ' 11:CQ u B.-OO ? 11:00 " 8:00 " i2:tX3 K. 8:5a " 12:00 M. ?:S0 ' 1:00 ?. v. 10:10 ? 1:QJ ?. k. 2:00 ?? BUNDA V8?Ix?ve at 7:W a. jn.&n4 rtin every hour until 9:00 p m. Loavo Wheeling rark at8:00 a. m. anil run overy hour until 10 v. a., exoept Ohurch Train*, which will leave tto Tark at 9:15 a, n., and Wheeling at 12:15 p. m, ?pS0 0. RIESQH, Superintendent. NKW ADVBIlTiaKMKNTB, "ITTANTED-AN UPSTAIRS GlRL ? Y Y Inquire at 83 Virginia itroot, la'and. oclJ For sale?uard coal rtovk.WM. BCUWKUTFKQKR, 1119 Jfolaitrcet. odD* t\t ante d?cook?mu8t come Y Y w*U recommended. Apply at 1183 Chap* Hue atreet. rem For rent-the store-room, no. 1100 Main itreet. now occupied byua. Immediate pomcailon. W1CKHAM A UO? Buo U\U Exchange. oclQ \\tanted?ladies to work on VY our Vancy Qoodi for the Kolldayi and Winter trado. bent any dlitauoe. Full partlou* lam freo. /ddrcM, KLIOL MANDVACTURING COm 43 and 45 Kllot dt? Baitou, M?m. opto Horse at auotion-this (Wedncaday) morning al 10 o'clock. I will Oil to lil|(boel bidder, ut Market and Kleventh alroou. oho handsome Bay Homo, lound, ana kind In ail barneta. Bold only lor waul o( tue. oclfl W. 11. HALLKR. Safes-agents and business MEN. Wo oto manuUctutlmt and lolling in' dopcndout of any Safo King or Tool by pliclnfl upon tho market threo altoaof Flrol'rcot tiafea al mich low prlcw that Farracm, ProfciMonal and Ktulnou Mon can afford to purchase, HUi, jtfxlM ISincheai weight, ?0J pound*; rctA.ll price. 8tt; Bmallor and licgar altea in proportion. lUro op portunltr otlorod. ALPINE dAKK CO., Clnctnuatl. Chit). ocl'J was ^nnounoeuent. Mrs, Anna Gushing Wilson IIkr returned from Europe, acd U now teadj ti rccclvo her patrong and friends. oc!9 TO CONTRACTORS. Boaled Proposals will In rcceWail at tho oflloo o A, 0. Egortcr until BATURDAY, O'JTOBEB 3!i, 13S7,' at 11 o'clock ni? for tho comtrucltonof tho Whgol log Railway Compauy'a road frja Toath atraot t> Uogsa'Run. 1311b hoondonod "P/opoaala lo bulldlrgroad." Spsclflcatioai can ba scon at tho olllso o! A. C Egf iter, 1812 Main street. ocl'J t-P4"? ?3 SiS A C ,HV 10 Actcb ol Mnd, suitable for market garden ing, with founo nouw?. birn. orchard of apple! pears, pi uns and quince*. RcittH for 8.00 00 pe annuir. Cmbobaujjht lor8?,0W; is Bltuated o thoh'ii east Iram Koll and Twenty-ninth strooi aud distant tuerclrom by the road oau xnllo aud qnarter. iil% Am Farm on Glenn's Run, ono ml'ocw of rat'road; fracio house, 100 fruit trier, a acrc small JrulU. HO Acri Farm, 5 miles wc*t of ITataoiora*, t arrc8cleared, framo house, orchaid, btra and ntn Me. convenient to church aud school. Filet I1.M0. 81 Afro Farm, 7 miles eist of Proctor Station Wetzol couut7, \V. V*. Prlco, 81,300. li) Acra tferm 1^ miles northeast ol 8h>torsvUU Tyl' r county. W. Viv Price, 8.MG0. ;550or(?00 Acres at Bclton, W. Va.; will polio exchange for cIVy property; ?50 acres clcared, oi which tncro la 1,500 fmlt tree*. Prico 825 pi,r acre 225 Acre Farm on Middle Wlfwllns crcek, tnre rajlei from Trladelphla; 100 ucica clcarcd, gooi timber on balaoco.' 50 Acre Kurd near Trladolpbla. Lot northeast corner of Main and Tvroaty-?!xt! stTceta, frontiugCO foot on MainBireetnudrunntni beck an equal width to alley, with h9 roomct brick houho on front aud a ! roomed brick hous on alloy; tho comor or soutn half of ?a!d lot 1 unimproved. ThU properly cau b?i bought lo S this in lets thau tho value of the 'of, taylni nothing about th?? va'uo of brick hoosts that couli not bo duplicated for 53,OCO. Homes numbered 23 aud 25 Twentieth Rtrco' ?nd grouudweetof tho Eaao front'lig 41 foot o more. FOE DREIVT. Four Rooms In rear part of 2520 Main street, 8? Two Kcoms, 1614 Woods n'rcct, 00. Two Rooms. 61 Twenty-third street, Three Koomed House on Eleventh street cacto Biltlmore street, 8700. OTAMESS A.. X?JSXJtTr9 Real E't&te Agent. U. 8. Ptnilon and Claim At toruey, Collector and Notary Public. nc'O rpRUSTEE'S SALE of Kimberly Farm. By virtue cf two deed* of trust made to mo bj P. L. Kimberly and wife, oue datoa October 2S 1881, aud recorded in tho olllcoof tboClarkof the County Court cf Onto county, West Virginia, lr uccuoi "i matrons ftu, ii, ua pige <?>, ntid tr< other dated AURtist 5,lfiSi, ana recorded in sild C ork'Rolllce in Deed o' Trust Book No. 21, pagt 3jlj I shall sell at pnblla auction on NOVEMBER 10, 1387, coromcuelngaUOo'cIook a. M?at tao front dooi of tho Court IIouHoof said couuty, ia tbo city ol Wheeling, the following described t?ro tractJ ol laud situate in tha District of Triadelnhla, county of Obloaud M-atuo! West Vlrplula, that is to fay: FmT-Besiuulngrntastiko In the oid lluo be tween the Mills and Clark farms, and on tha ?auth wert llue of tne Wheeling, Pittsburgh it Baltimore I'.f i'road right of war; tu? nee, old call B. 5V/? W. ^beating iu lc82 d. 55? 27 W.J 161 SG ICO p0l03 to s sugar tree stump (formerly calKtl two sugar trees): thence, old call N. 57J W. (in 1882 N. 61? \Y.) 4ok ooles to a stake: thenco, old call N. y/f Ji (la 1SS2 N. 3-1 E.) hO 3G-100 polca to a buckeye; thence, old call N h? E. (in \m N. 41? tC K.) 44 67-100 poles to lift right of way of the stid Wneellug, Pittsburgo it Baltimore Railroad; tnenco with the Fame M l 17-103 poles lo tho beglunlug, ticojitJos, however, so much of tho sold property as Ja hereInaJter dweribed oa KxciptlOiiB "A," "U," "C," D' and "G." >"xj. A.?All tho coil, limeitono aal other minerals uadcriyicg the sold tract of tract of land which coal, Umtaione and other minerals together with tho prlvllege30f mlulogaud taalng away the same, were conveyed to tho Alauchujter Coil Company by l-hllo L. Klmberly ana wife by deed dated (jctober 1,1S?3, and re jorded iu the otlico of tho Clerk of the County Court ol Ohio ccuat7, West Virjiiula, lu Dcod poox No. 7?, paga 01, subject to certain conditions and pgreemonta csnccrait g tho mine opeaiog to bo made and tho right ol way lor a t'am-road, which conditions and agreemeals am to be considered aa part of this exception hs fully bs though here repeated at length. i'xe. B.?The suriace of a parcel of land containing one-half of ru aero of laud mere or lsi?^. which WJRcanveyed to the said Manchester Coal Company by tho said Klmbery end wile by the deed last above montlonod. ?xc, C.?So much ol the eurf?co of slid laud a$ was conveyed to Henry IS. Klag by Phllo L. Klmberly and wife ny deod datel August '25,1S3I, and rrcorded in the Mid dork's olllce in Dead Book No 70, page 219, and coutklulng about oae-thlrd of sn acrj. kxc. D.?Fo much of tho rtid land ns wes conveyed lo John 12. uiator byPhilol, Klmberly and wife by deed dated June'20,1SS5, and recorded in th.iaot'l<?lnrlf>>inmi<n III rWiUlnftl- *!/? T? containing about twelve acrc3of land. Etc. G.?so much ol tho ?ild tract os was conveyed by the said 1\ L Klmberly and wife to Samuel B. Coon by deed dated May 16. 1885, and recorded la said Clerk's olllce, In Deed Book No, 70, page &W. Tne said tract of laud to bo so told 1b nnri of the same property which was conveyed to mloL. Klmberly by Hainuol McCoy's executors and others, by deed dated October 5, 1?82, and recorded In the said Clerk's olllce, in Deed Book No. 73, at rave 407, which property originally contained elglny-slx and fe0-100 acies. Skcond?'1 ho followiue described pnrcol ol grouud: Beglunlug for the tamo at the McCoyKlmberly corner on tlio Bteeurod Hue, southerly side of tho Wheeling. I'lUsburch iialumore railioid: tliensc with the McCoy-Kimbcrly lines S. 11? 30* W, 42.97 poles to tho Buckevo corner; theuced. :t? W. 60 8ti-lu0 poles to tho Mo'Joy corner on iha Kuox-hoberts tract line and wltn tho last mentioned line N.6iu W.2G poles; thence by a direct line to a point on the southerly lino of the Wheeling, I'lttsbuigh tSt Baltlmoro railroad, which point Is 20 poles wcstwardly along said railroad from tho beginning corner; thence with ruld line ol sttld railroad eastwardly 26 poles to tnc beginning, contulnluR tun 110) acres, said nronerly being part of the farm nnown us tho Mills' farm iti Trladoiphia district, Ohio county, West Virginia, and tho same properly conveycd 10 Philo L. Klmberly by George ?v. ctccurod and others br deed.dated March 10, 1SS3, and recorded In tho Clerk's oilico aforesaid iu Deed Book No.74,paRo4. Excepting, however, so much of Uio said tract of land last above described as is hereinafter described us EiccptiuUS "E," and "G.'? lira K ?Ho much of the tald tract as was conveyed to Jonu McDonough by I*. L. Klmberly and wiio by deed dated April 9, ihSl, and recorded in tho said clerk's olllce in Deed Bcok No. 75 at page containing ouo acre. Exc. F.?So much of tho said tract as was conveyed by tho saltl Klmberly and wlfo to Martlia E. Sago by deed of data oh April ll, ISSt, and of record in tUo said Clerk's oflico in Deed Book No. 76 at pace 321, contiiuing one and 1-3-1 aires. ErO. G.?so much of the s&id traut as was conveycd by tho said i\ L. Klmterly aud wifo to Hamuel B Coen by deed dated May 10,1885 and recorded iu said Clerk's oflico iu Deed Book No. 70, pago 63S. 'i'EHMS OF SALU?Oncthlrd, or as 'much moro as tho purchaser may c.'ect cash lit hand on the day of sale, and any rcslduo in two equal Installments, payable in ouo and two years lrom the day of sale, with interest from that day, the purchaser to give his notes for thft deferred Installments, and to ticcuie ihe same by deed of trust upou tho prop I it IJ auu luomauvu i>uiiutua upuil lllQ UUllUlUgS 10 the satUlaction ol the trustee. | Title believed good, but silling as trustee I shall couvey ouly sucn title us Is vested lu me. 1 W. HUBBARD, Trustee. W. It. 1IA.LLER, Auctloaeer. ocl9 Tti8 Best Natural Gas Burner! Litllo & Dillon Xatnral Gaa Buruer for Srates aad Stoves. Wo guarantee thl* burner to be almost noiseless uud mero durablo than an other burner. 'Ibis burner H in use by many ol tho moat exacting people ol Wheeling, who Mill tally reeommena iw use. The burner ifl bo constructed that It can bo iomoved from.tho grato without the aid of a plumber, In the event tho gas should be ahut off and the parlies waut to mo coal temporarily. i*artlea desiring to renew thoir burners before tho cold weather tctila should call aadexamlno them, t. a. little, No. 1610 Market Bt., 1st door abovo Postofilco. ocl8 i QUO. K> STIFBli ft CO. 6E0.E.STIFEL Sd CO. Huvo h Full Line ot flr.lafifffir's W a a WWWg|?l W SANITARY WOOLEN Under Clothing > No such goods were ever before offered to the American public. They excel in quality and fineness ol wool, in softness and delicacy of texture in the various weights, from the lightJ est summer quality to the heaviest for winter wear. 'm And the peculiar mode of weaving the Stocknet of which they are all constructed, imparts an elasticity with life and freshness not to be found in goods of any other manu0 facture. The Natural Grey "Wool is used, and being wholly undyed and of the r finest quality, its softness j; recommends it to the most 1 sensitive. Each garment j is made double over the J chest and abdomen, thus ) affording needed protection 5 at all times to the vital organs and conducing to the general health. It is firmly believed that no attack of pheumonia will occur to i those who adopt the Dr. Jaeger Woolen Underwear. 6E0.LSTM&C& 1114 Main St.1 1 0C7 I BABIES! Wo beg to call yonr attention to tbo fivo follow Jng reasons why you should buy this Corset In pruicrcnce-ioauoiners. i\onoor the flvo advantages havo ever been accomplished in any other Corset. .We havo thousands of voluntary testimonials from ladles who havo worn HerIabtw CORSET. its the BEST, because l j IT IS THE ONLY OORSET EVER MADE 1 Of that will rcduce the glze and increase the Awlj length of the waist of Flesht Ladies without Injurious tight lacing. AT IT IS TilE BEST SPINAL SUPPORTER /fl over made, and it supports equally well the "Uj abdomen and all other parts of thobody, Q 1 IT IS PROOF AGAINST PERSPIRATION* I III ftnt* ra?Muro* WR neither corrode or soil the vndcriuar, strctch or break at the walnt. The bones never move or come out in wear. Til IT NEVER CHANGES ITS FORM, i ?n a'way8 reining Its original shape; it ii invaltiablo to young ladles, because It romoves and prevents stooping and round shoulders, ri ir IP TIIE PROPER MEASUREMENT IS j|T M TAKEN, no Corset maker can m?ke one " '"J to order (at any price) thatwlllfltaswelL or wear with as much ease and comfort, or give such a magnlllccnt form as "Her Majesty's." PRIMfiFSS nc Wilts nn u v updo . iiiwt.uw ui nHkuu uu.| ii. i>| mr no. Kept in ntock and rccouimcndcd by Oeo.E.fcStifel&Co; S07-W0 WHKKMKQ. W. VA. STATIONERY. rjlHE UNEXPECTED SUCCESS 01 Our Special Ealo of Standard ' Books iii Sets! Has encoumzcd us to add other Authors to the i line. And now wo can assure our patrons that thoy cau buv at homo as cheip an anywhere, and , set about all the Standard Books tnat are worth , having. *0*Look at tho Books and Prices Outiide our I Doors, More Inside, and more coming. STANTON & DAVENPORT. 001 s . Wall Paj)er AND BORDEK8. We have rccclvcd many Kow Btylea of Gold and Bronze Papers, And Bhall offer them at half tho usual prices until October 15. Joseph Graves & Son, au30 20 TWELFTH STREET. RUMMER AMUSE51ENT8, Base Halls, FIHEWOBKS Newspapers, B&tU, Masks, ron thi Mazarines, Glovuu Books, Croquet, GLORIOUS and Hancocks. FOURTH. Btatlonery. C. H. QUIMUY, , leSO 1414 and lf>07 Market Rtreet WHEELING BAKERY. Crackers and Cakes! Among Iho best selling Crackers to-day aro ' Marvin's Eagle Butter Crackers. The only Butter Cracker on tho market that Is packed bo that_eycry crackcx Is taleablo?none MTWo are headquarter* lor Extra 8oda CracknIR.on,B^cJ^1 ftn(101nRcr Snaps, Big Cooklca, Urt Whocls. Ginger CakM, Water and Sugar Cracker*, Milk Biscuit and Hard Tack. Always order Marvin'* Superior Crack era from jour groccr, and get tho best made. BojpecUully, *u2i WHKKTJNQ BAKKRY CO 11 GEO. IW to Enounce the Arti> / ISECONDS' / 0 ?or? / I NEW F / H ?AND? / Winter / Embracing' all the / ol this Season's Im I SILKS, ' urn pf 1.1 ComMo Fancv Gop Gloves, P Seal Ski' Anil Jac i | Plush 0 I Misses 1 || | I New Stoc I SECOND STOCK; 1 I op 1 I JYew FallI i I WINTER I GOODS.; i STAxnAim A.VT> wTrmc uTACimN'KS PUltNITURE AND CARPETS. ?__ _ Power ol tho dollar can never bo truly known until you viall ft 15 IF -1-1 GLrt- 1 ti.MMSlO.S, 1124 IMLAJENT ST., DEALERS IN" Caroets, Furniture. OIL CLOTHS, &c? &c. You will then flud^lhat you have tho POWER to mako one dollar go as far as a dollar and a half used to. This is no theoretical talk, it has been proved by praotico. It Is there you will learn OF Bargains that will glvo you a thrill ol pleaauroand mako you feci on good terms with storekeepers, the world in general, and G, Mendel & Co. in particular. THE Purchasing power of the dollar is not always known by tho quantity secured In return for it, the quality must also be there. 0. Mendel & Co. makes a happy combination and gives you both, Glvo them a trial and they will savo you many a* DOLLAR. hotjsefurnisiung hardware. QARPET SWEEFER8 IT THE Hardware and House Famishing Store \-'i; > :r "OF . ' NE8BITT & BEO. an 27 "YyATER FILTERS, COOLERS, PBEEZER3, LEMON BQUEEZEBS) And ali;Bcasouable Goods, at GEO. W. JOHNBON'B SONS', W1 Bin Main Btrcft. WAJUli PAPER, BORDER*, ETC. JjUtfE 8T00K OF Wall Paper and Borders To ty) found at I. D. PRAGER'S, The well known Decorator of Dwelling and Public Buildings, N0^17 ELEVENTH BTEEET, mrli Near Upper Market. [/AND WINTKR OOODB. Goo, R. ?'i TAYLOR. [\ 1150 l itVl* \ MAIN STREET ,a\ Oi H\S \ AVUKKL1NO. tock! ALL 1 ji 1 (iOOUS Choice Novelties portation in vaveis LUSHES, n Suits, ids, tosterii \ i Satn? \ tets, \ n early inspcct'on ""'i k solicited. \ W, TKESTANDARD lohunrcd SUtchofifln thn "Rljinrtnr?1'?P?aHtit?Wonh<, ly-flvo on the old stylo shuttle machines, with tl number ol revolutions ot the treadle. lis means that two operators on tlio "Standard" a i pome amount of fewlnethat three can accomplL icr machines with the same motion ol the treadle, ire than this. The cllort required to movo tbo trood more than hali that rcquirod on the old Btylo m lie means health saved, time saved, money rave lost delicate lady can operato the "Standard witho\ to her health. comakers and seamstresses can rcduco their bnrdei ilf by the use of tho "Standard." rWe are Agents lor Ilarpcr's Bazar Pattern Shec x>ks, now ready. Call on or address, hv. L. Rose &: Co. 55 TWELFTH STKEET. I. M>10 LOGAN A CO. iS AT THE TOP! LOGAN &> CO.'S Excelsior Baking Powder For Purity, Wholet omeness nnd doing good work, is at the top. n BI3CUIT. ?nd( BiTfER OAKE3 made with. -u.. ouu juvn m jour mouin II honey. Motliex's Tell XJs THAT LOGAN & CO.'S PLEASANT WORM SfflUI la tho moet effective, eanlly taken WORM DEdlKOYKIt Rod GUILD'S PHYSIC tliey have ever used. iLOdkAisr & oo. Druggists, Bridge Corner. M:17 PICTURES, ART MATERIALS, ETC pORTKAIT FR AMES I ALL BIZE3. In Natural Wood, Bronze, 8tecl, Gold. Largo stock, twenty Pattern?, prices low, at NEW ART STORE, 1222 Market Street. J ocM E. L. Nicot.I,' r uu xuuliiU'UY ? QABINET PHOTOGRAPHS ONLY $3 00 PER DOZEN. HIGGINS' GALLERY, ap23 42 Twelfth Btreot. ItEAL K9TATK AQENT8. q. o. SMITH, Real Estate Agent AM) STOCK IIHOKElt. Special attention given to Collecting Kenta ant the General Management ol Bcal Estate. Can iui olah the bent o( rcforencea. tnrg \9to Main Bt.. WhroHng. W.V?; BUSIXES8 CARDS. J^J&uaiAJN d UO., Agcnla lor tho Celebr&tod Eooeo Patent (ndestruoiible Wrought and Malleable an Ino!f GUAIID. ASSIGNOR'S HAM. A BSIGNKIJ'S BALK ?Of? Valuable Ileal Estate In tlio City of lVlioelliig. Br virtue of * Dcod of AMtenment mado tr Jacob lioiKcr and 8. Hun Pernor. bin wife, to 1110 m Am'kogc, dated the 27tli daj of September, A. 1). 1887, admitted to recard Poptember 28, 18ft7, and recorded In tho ofllcoof the fJlork of the Couuty court of Ohio county, Wc?t Virginia, In Deed of Tiunt Book No. 20, I will acli at public auction at the front door of tho Court llouno ot tald county, ou WEDNESDAY, the 10th DAY of OOTOBKB, 1SS7, commcnclna at 10o'clock a. v., If uotaold at private ia!o bofare that d?y, the following ptoperiy, tnat Uto ?ay: Part ot tot No. 87, iltuate at the corner of Mulo street and Alloy 7. tforuj*rly kuown km Market alley)* o" tho rau ?ldo of Main atrctt and eottn of ??id alloy, in tho city of Wboellox, ohto county, WratVlrclula, and bounded u foT* Iowa, to wit: JJcglunluRattho point of Intonation of Main Btrcot and Ibu abovo namod alley, thenco northwardly along Main itroct iweuty 1'JO) feet men aud onehall (7H In.) incbea, inoro or lew, and luunlor back oaitwardly from raid front line, with tho uniform width ot twenty feftt ?even aud oue-balf luchra to thu depth of ninety-four feet C)\ ft) and klje lnchci to a private alley, ten foet wide, bciiiR a parallelogram SO feet 7% Inchea in wliHh nti(l V4 f^Ot 0 lrcheM in lenilttJ. Hint hhutltt? ou tho w?t on Main iroot, south on nald allov, east on ssld prlvato alley and north on a dltoci lino from m!d la?t named alloy to taldWsln it!cot; also tbo right to umj Mid prlrato alloy In common with the adjoining lot owners, being tho s*mo property which wa? bcrctoloro ownod by Jacob lu>'?rt ifceeaied, And John 0. tollman, Jointly, l'ho Interest in said property of said Jacob ltoicer. deceased, being devised by will of ?aid Jacob Eur' Kcr, dicouod, to tho Mid Jicob liorger, ouo of tbo parllcu ol tho tlrai pnrt, and tho luteiest of the laid John (UIotTmau In the said property being convey, cd to Jacob larger, one of tho parties ol tho Urit part, by John 0. HoRmau and Cftthorino bin wllo, by deed dated tho 4th day ol April, A. 1), 1370,ami now of record in tho olllco ol tho Clerk ol tho County Court of Ohio county, West Virginia, m Uwd IJookKo. 65. twgo ISh fiMd will of Jacob liergor wm duly admit ed to probato and recorded among tbo rccord of wills In said Ohio comity, West Virginia, in tho Clork'a oQleo of tho Circuit or County Court ol mid county In tho year 1M7. HkcjNI>-aIw), tho following dcRcrihcd real t*. tatoiu the city of Wheeling and county of Ohio afomaliJ, Ulug bounded nnd doicrlbod ai follovrs, to-wit: l<oUi /orty-tli'co (43), forty-four 141) and tho westerly half ol lot forty-bye (15), ou Z\i;o'a Island, In that part of thaoltyo! Whoolliig laid out and added to mid cl?y by lleury Mooro, uustoo of KbcuezerZauo, being the eamo properly heretofore conveyed to Jacob Dinger, ono ??f tho parties ol tbo first pari, by Dsniel Peek and Johu U. Pendleton, sptclal oomiflhtloners .In iho chancery e*usa then pendlrg In tbo County Court of Ohio conutr, A'tst Virginia. whorcln Clam V. McNulty aud W. A. McNulty. her husband, wero plalutltlfc, aud Kwtng JoliilUK Tu Mid conveyance by deed undo the 8Uth dRV ot April,1S77. and duly recordel In tno cilice el tho Clerk ol tho County Court ot Ohio county, West Virginia, in Deed Book No. CO, r?mo 584. The proper! jri first abovo describe!, real cstato, Mtuato on tho corner ot Main street and Alley Seven, will bo offered tor tale tlrst, and wh?u sold will bo sold m a separate parcel. Upon this lot of ground there Is a thrcoulory brick building, formerly occuplcd by Jacob Berger an ? leather Tho second abovo doscrlbed real cstato, to wit: Lots 4', 41 aud westerly half of lot 45. situate on tho iouthea*t corner ol North Ilroad tiay and Mwy. land street, Wheeling Islaud, will next be offered for sale, as a wholo or lu parcel*. On tho westerly half of Lot No. 45 thero Is a fino two-story brick dwelling liouso, now occupied by J. B. Sheppard, F?q Terms ofBalk of tho abovo described real ostate: One-third of tho purchase money or so much more as the purchaser may elect cash pn tiro diy of sale; one-third thereof with Interest in one yiar, and tho residue thereof and interwt In two yean from day ol sale, tho purchaser to glvo his totes with good security for tho deferred paymeats. and the legal title to bo retained as further security. 1 will also, until further notice, offer at private silo tho stock of merchaudise. coasting of Leather, Fhoa yiudlugs, Sadlery Hardware, dad* lery, Blankets, Kobea, Whips and all other stock, goodB and personal property, at wholo-alo or retail, now contalnedln too building, No. )032Malu street; tbo *aid stock of merchandise, above described, being tho same conveyed to me hh assigneo by Jacob Berger, in tho abovo mentioned deed oi assigumenL Terms ol mlo of porronnl proportv, cosh in hand, J. V. L KObaUKs, Assignee. W. H. ILALi.gR. Auctioneer. segJ COMMISSIONERS' 8ALi:8. AT.E OF THE OLD FAIRGROUND I'ROl'ERTY. Ono liimilreil nail Soveiity-two Desirable Loin on Wheeling Isluud. In pursuanco of a decree of the Circuit Court of Ohio County, W. Va, entered on tho third day of June. 18S7, in the esse cf Oglebay and others against Brown and others, the undersigned special commissioners will, on MONDAY, OCTOBER 31,18S7, beginning at 9 o'clock A. If., soli at public auction, at the front door of tho Court Home of Ohio County, Vest Virginia, tho tract of-land belonging to tho Northwest Virginia Agricultural Society, known aa thnnr/n park fittOUtf!) proprhtv I Wheeling Island, north of Zano street, and west of ! North iluron street, and containing, when wea*I urcd to UiC ton of the river bank, twenty-two and ? 1 twelve hundredths acre*. Tho tract exttuds, and will be sold, fully to tho river 1 Under the authority of Enid dccrco. the said comI inlwiouers bavo caused tho property to ho divided into parcels, and have laid oil'street* andalleya through the samo. A plat showing the arrango>c racut of blocks, lots, streets and nitty#, has been to rrenared. and may bo seen at tho olllcc of Georgo Hook, Clerk of the rounty Court of Ohio County, m -Printed copies of said plat may, oa and after Octoih bf r 1st, be had of the undersigned. Tho property will lint bo o'Jored as a whole, afterwards in blocks, and then in lois.'asshown ou a. the plat; and will bo sold in whichever way mny appear thu most advantageous. * hen offered in -j blocks, tho blocks numbered 5 and G may be oileraJ od together, as ono parcel. Whon offered In lots, two contiguous lots iray bo offered together, if m bidders no deti'o. If tho whola tract bu sold to ono purchaser, tho streets, all6ys und lots may bo tij disregarded. He, iu such case, becomes tho purchaser of tho streets and alleys within tho boundaries of Uio tract. If any block bo sold separately to one purchaser, he, of course, may disregard tho 9 lot liues within tho block, but alleys must bo opeued. If tho blocks numbered 5 and Oho told together to ono purchaser, tho street ruuning between tald blockB. rnd the alley running through blockfi, may bo disregarded, at the election ofsuch - purchaser, to bo made and declared at tho timo of the purchase. If ho so elects to disregard, (and closo) said street and alley, then tho south end of "* said street -where it passes through block 7, fronting on 55WJO strept. and extending north to tho alley parallel with Zane street, will be sold as a lot, or lots. There aro on said Fair Ground tract moro than Uvo hundred and thirty treen.of which nbout eighty aro Lomtardy poplar. Of tho rcm&iuder, tho great?r part are maple. All of tald trees are well grown, probably moro than half of them having trunks a loot or more in diameter. TERMS OF BALIS-Such purchaser to pay lit hand one-third at least of his purchase moucy, ami as much raoio thereof as ho may choose, and tho I residue, if any, in two equal installments, bearing interest from tho day of sale, and payable respectively in ono and two years thereafter, the deferred poymeuts to bo secured by notes with good personal fecurlty. But if any purchaserlpay in baud one-half, or more, of his purchase money, his notes for the deferred installment of tbo same shall bo taken without norfoual security. Iu every chj-o, however, tho title must be retained as security un" til payment In full. * WXf. KR3KINE, GEORQE jii. Caldwell, ojmuiui v,uuuiii3aiuiient, I certify that bond baa beeu given bysaldepo cial Commissioners, as required by said decree. JOHN W. MITCHELL, bc20 Clerk of sflld''oiirt. COMRII68IONERS' 8ALE OF VALUABLE EElL ESTATE ON THE NATIONAL. ROAD. I lu the Circuit Court of Ohio County, W. Vo. C'ato Cuter ") vs. >In Chauctry. Wrn. A. Carter, ct al. J Byvirtooof a rtccreo entered in tbo above cn? titled cawo on the7th day of October, A. 1). Ib87t tho underslgued Special Commissioners will, ou TUESDAY. NOVEMBER '-'3,1S87, beginning at 10 o'clock a. u., sell, at public auc? tlou, at the front door ol the Court House of Ohio j county, West Virginia, tho tract of land of which tho lato 8, H. B. Carter, died seized, fronting ou tho national rond, and lying on the west and cavt of Mt. Calvary Cemetery and Wheeling Park. This tractof land containing 110 acres and 3? porches, will bo ottered flrstas a whole; and then in four different parcels, viz: Klrit-ABmall parcel front inn ou the pike and lying along ML Calvary ceme*" tery, Rnd containing between three or four acres. Second?The west parcel of said tract, also front* - lug on tbo plko. containing aoout 65 acres and 11 polea and having upon it tho house, barns and other improvement*. Tho two foregoing parcels will also bo offered together. Third?The middle parcel of eald tract, containing 48 acres and 35 polcj, and reached from said road by a lane between Wheeling Park and Mt. Calvary cemetery, and having upon it a house and other buildings. This tract will a'so bo offered in connoctlon with the two parcels beforo named. Fourth-Tho eafct parcel of said tract, containing 82 acre?, 3 roods Z and 32 poles, lying immediately in tho rear of Wheeling Park, and reached from said National r.'al by a road between tho park and remotery. ~ This parcel and tho lau named p&rcol of 48 aerea and 35 poles will also be oflered together. The Ins: parcel of 32 acres. 3 roods and 8l pole*, hu been laid oil in eight lots, varvlHK In bjzo from a Utile above tbreo-fourths to a little above six acres, and this parcel will bo offered lu lots aUo Sales will be mada in manner in which tho most money can be reallztd. Plats thowing tbn ar rangemcut of tho different parcels and low offered asabovearoon fllo vrith tno pnperB In tho case, nuucauuu oven Ul inocmcc OZ Ibo UmJCIhlgllfUl KDcclal commlMioncrti - Tkhkm op salk-OnMhlrd of tho purebwo monoy, or na much mora thereof a? the purchnser ? may elect to pay, iu cau.h. und tho balance to bo paid Iu two equal installments, pajablo In one and two y ton fro in date of sale with Interest; uotw with pcnonal cecnrlty to bo given thcrelor, aud title to bo retained until lull payment of tho i>ur? chMa monoy. T, j. HUG in, 11. B. DOVKSKR, Spcclal Commlisloners. j W. h. Halle p., Auctioneer. ^ I horoby certify that bond has been given by tho above namtd special coinmlsnlonura as required by law, and the decree In tho above entitled cauie, JOHN W. MITCHELL, _ QClB Clerk Circuit Conrt Ohio County. _ CON F JtCTl ONE H Y. JJILA.GS, FIREWORKS, Japanese Lanterns, &c., &c. ) A. lug, A:rlT?l thii morning, Rod lor eulob] N. 8CHULZ, i "*23 1819 Market Street* . 1