OCR Interpretation

The Wheeling daily intelligencer. [volume] (Wheeling, W. Va.) 1865-1903, February 17, 1888, Image 4

Image and text provided by West Virginia University

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026844/1888-02-17/ed-1/seq-4/

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SI * *
?akih? ;
powder ;
Absolutely Pure, p
Thl* powder nnver vf.rU*. A marvel of purity,
itrengla and wholcnomeaoMi. Mor? ooouomlcal
tiiau Uie ordinary kinds, mid cftuuot bo ?o!d In r
competition with tlio maltitudo of low tost, ahoit ?
weight alum or phonphate powderi. Mold only it? H
eatu, Hoval Bakuio I'owdcb Co., 106 Wall fctroet, v
Kpw York. nt4^wm ?aw ^
100 pieces handsome Spring 1
Dress Goods, including all the ,
latest shades of the justly pop. '
ular j
All-Wool Henrietta Cloths, j
We have them in 40 and 46inch
widths and quote them at 1
prices usually charged for good |
grades of Cashmeres.
rt? HI 0Ma<k|, ft fin !
btiu. m. OIIUUIV Ofr MUi
The largest stock of FRENCH '
SATINS, Imported and Do- J
ceived by us at any one time.
These are the pick and choice
of the largest lines shown in the 8
Eastern markets.
Geo. M. Snook & Go.:
Special lines of Housefurnishing *
goods at special prices, embracing
Table Linens, Towelings, *
Napkins, Spreads, etc., etc. t
An early examination of the
above cannot fail to interest I
everv housekeeper. ?
6E0.M, SNOOK & CO ;
lilt) Main Wt- h
? t:
So. 1113 (-bnpllue street, formerly occupied by .
Dr. Dickey. IWcshiou given at once If desired. '<
WM. L. McPHAlL. (I
doP 180Q Market street. p
fd+X Wo haro received "since
Jftuuary 1 a uew stock of
;Jt biuss boobs, c
rr&tfffw'ZZzAl. f Suitable lor
y Wedding Presents! ti
wTgrubb, J
r<>r. 12thand Market8to
Tho store room now occupied br M. A B. Bru- 0
baker at a saloon. No. 1127 Market street. &
The store room now occupied by tbo Under- N
writers' lusuronoo Comnmy, No. 4tTwelfth street.
Htort; room, with dwelling attached, Mo. 24 Kievonth
street. fl,
Tnroe-story warohouso, No. 1318 Main street.
2 roam* on third floor, coraor of Market and If
Twelfth streets. tl
2 rooms No llSflOhapllnoetreet, first floor. A
2 rooms No. 1140 Chaollno street, first floor.
2 rooms No. 1UQ Chapliuo street, second floor.
fftg ar> lvrelMh street.
?b I
Oftlcoi No*. iia aiul ?7 Fourteenth Htrcot. H
New Advertisements. A
Wanted-Male Stenographer. '?
Wanted?News Agents. ai
For Cluclnnatl?Louis A. 8hirley.
Dissolution Notlce-IIancs Wilson. K
What Tweutjr-flvo Cents will Buy-F. Hanaoer. \t
For Kent-W. H. Klucb&rt. ,
Htilnc'lou la I'rlcet-L U. Dillon A Co. 10
Notloe? Laughlin Bros.' Drug to. tfl
Btatemont of the Mutual Lifo Insnrsnco Com- w
pany, of New York-Fourth psge. ^
SPECIAL llarKuiux In Far anil Dearer f.
Overcoatings and btavy He Ik lit Saltings, .
made up In llrst-cla?B style. Mulllers,
Wove# und Heavy Undernearat coat. ,
Just received, another involco ol'our bl
celebrated Knit Jackets and oar Popular *
60 cent White Shirt. Ti
A08.1321 Si 1U2:I Market Sts. ?'
i . li
Therntoniflter ltnoord.
Tho thermoraotor at Schnepf's drag 8,\
storo, Opera Home coxnor, yoetordsy, registered
ta follows:
f7a. it. M | 3 p. m. 40
J ?. m 1? 7 p. m <1
12 m 30 ] * earner-Clear. \V
The D. & O.'s Kacnrslon. W
The Baltimore A Ohio road ran its sec- Y<
ond epocial mid-winter excursion trains to
WaalilDRlon and Baltimore yesterday. t0
Between twenty-tlva and thirty people left J
hero on the morning train and almoet as ,
large a nnmber departed on the evening 1?
train. Attached to the morning train was
a handsome parlor car and n special 01
sleeper was sent out on tho evening train. *
u? ' ?? flnt thn linn nf tho W
itvpuiw IIUIU J'?? ~ ? ? ?
to Ail indicate that the excursion -will bo
alrooet as Ihiko on tlio one ran !ut month. *'
The (are was hot $8 tor the round trip and
the tickets aro Rood for ten days. Among "
thoge on the train not mentioned else- C1
where Here Ueorsn Dnscb, 0. M. Taylor, w
Dr. Robinson, G. W. McCoy. J. W. Luke, 5'
0. S. McWhorter and M. L. Frank.
Mlia Flxlej'i KBgosomenU J"
The sale ot reserved scats Kill comtnenco
at Banmer's mnslc store this morn- T
ins for tho engagement at the Opera A
House Monday evening of Mlea Annie
Plxley. The Boston Adrcriittr says: c
"Tho Deacon's Dcchter," Kith Misa "
Annie Plxley as the bright and piquant ??
daughter, was presented last night at the
Park Theatre. The play is called a comedy ?
drama, in four acta, and is the compoai- f,
tlon of Mr. A. 0. Qunter, the author of
"M'liaa" and "Prince Karl." The dia- |
logue it, on the whole, good, and at jDI
times even sprlgatly, and the songs are
bright, taking and rendered by Mias Pixley
in a vivacious, lnstnnating style. In
fact, for the qualities of Mlaa Plxley's tal- 1
sat it la admirably adapted. wo
UUr? of Bllflor alomenl In and About
U>? City.
The Gkakd this ovening?Mattie Vick* AJi
Ofiba Housk this evening?Arthur Re- ?n
in1'e company. I
Tnr xir ?u not ft case In the Police Court
literdav morning. Remember, thia wm
Republican Convention.
Woek vu begun on the second house
i tbo old fftlr ground property by Mr. 1
henerleln, tbe Island tinner. mo
Th* bean bake and entertainment at G. ^ei
. It. ball last night, was a great success.
iversl distinguished strangers were pree- AUI
i ...l. tne
16 bliu opukci
Tub moflicele announced to come off at of 1
tamer's this evoning, for the benefit of bin
te Second Presbyterian Church, has been
navoidably postponed. ^
Tab very creditable showing; of the Ma- !
ial Life Insurance Company of New ml
ork, for which Aldorson & Atkinson are poi
io local ageuto, appears in the adver- f0l
sing columns this morning. (
Tub B. A O. pay car arrived here from y
itteburgh over the Hempfieldroad about ,
o'clock yesterday afternoon and before
ieht had all the employes at this point Gr
aid otr. The car will go on West this |ra
lorning. ha
Thbbb was a drunken row of no small m]
roportionn at Fulton last night, in which 0(
, bar keeper was struck over the head do
rith a chair and badly hurt, and a well- w(
mown young man from the city badly cat 0r
n the back. tic
Ed. Krb8s, a young man employed at A
lenney & Blum's brewery, had his sleeve th
aught in a rapidly revolving pulley th
rhich he was oiling yesterday, and only es
scaped a horrible fate by the weakness of th
he sleeve, which gave way after he was th
jruised badly. Rl
At the regular meeting held last night w
)(the Butchers' Protective Association ol
iio Ohio Valley the following officers t0
vero elected to s?rve the ensuing vear: M
?resident, Louie Zieckler; Vice Fresi- JJ
lent, Charles Loelller; Secretary, Quatav &
H. Modick; Treasurer, William Bayha; ?
trustees, Charles Kohrig, Chris. Kalbitzer di
ind Charles Meyor.
Phibidbmt Sbblbv, of the Wheeling J(
3aBe?13all Association, yestorday morning
iispatchod the }500 guarantee bond to the [
president of the Ohio State League at Col* ^
imbua to be placed on me. me ooqq ib hj
i guarantee that the club will fialali the "
jeason and is endorsed by citizena whose
denatures were passed upon by tho pro- D
>ate judge. An important meeting of the ?
League is called at Columbus on Tueeday. 0I
Ysstekday afternoon two gentlemen c0
mtered tho oflice of Chief of Police Smith BU
it the City llall and asked ior a moment's flD
alk. They stated that they were in p(
learch of their deter, a bright and pretty a(j
tlrl 18 years of age, who ran away from
lome abont two weeks ago. and was re
bought to be in this city. The Ohief at fj,
ince notified his force, who will make a
lare/al inquiry and find the girl if she is m
till in the city. A
Itrjuigers lo the City and Wlieoliug Folks Jc
Abroad. T1
Mrs. Minnie Gibbs. of this city, is the lo
inest of the Misses Clarkson, of Charleson.
Mr. James Todd left on the B. it 0. road ac
'eaterdav for Washington, where he will 2!1
te for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heyraan, of the
louth Bide, are rrjoicing over the arrival
if a little daughter at their home.
Col. William Exloy has gone to Florida
or the benefit of his health. He loft
Vedneeday and expects to bo absent ?
bree or four weeKs. jj'j
Mayor 0. W. Seabright has gone East ci
n a business ana pleasure trip comoineu. ??'
le left with the excursionists over the uj
iaUimoie & Ohio road. En
Mies Bydney Heiskell entortained a t0
timber of her lady friends at lancheon, _j
t her home on Chaplin street, yesterday
fternoon. It was a charming affair. mj
Mr. J. Koeenfield, of Baltimore, and w
amlly, after making a pleasant visit at Qi
tie residence of Mr. 8. 6. Bloch, retnrnod Ri
ome Iwit evening on the B. &. 0. road. cli
Mr. and Mre. Charles W. Conner and 5
tie Misses Conner were among those who wl
5ft here on tho Baltimore & Ohio yeater- mi
av for Washington and other Eastern th
oints. tei
Mr. J. H. Close, the well known wool e8;
rower of St. (Jlairsville, and Mrs. Close,
?ere among the Baltimore & Ohio's ex- Pv
nrelonists yesterday to Washington and lnl
taltimore. f
Hon. A. W.Campbell left for Washingon
last ovening on the Baltimore & Ohio, r
le goes to look after the interests of the i s
teel manufacturers before the Committee {'
n WayBand Means. 0 ?
Mr. John 0. Pendleton and Mr. Frank j
. Jepson left over over the Baltimore & thi
ihio road last evening for Washington Be
nd Baltimore. They will probably go to De
ew York beforo they return. thi
F. W. Pierpoint, Eiq., eon of Ex-Gov- ga1
rnor Pierpont, of Fairmont, was among de;
le Convention arrivals here. While in J
W City iur? xioipuiit nutv-cwumij imaaou ?u?
leaal examination before Judge Boyd. Hi
County Treasurer George Robinson ont
imo over from St. Clalrsvllle yesterday Ea'
i see how the West Virginia Bepubli- J"
us (eel. He was enconraged by the ap.
sarance of things and the talk of the th*
Among those ^registered at the SUmm
ouse yesterday were the following West ...
irginians: J. W. Mitchell, Parkerebnrg;
. H. Mahone, Charleston; 3. W. Mor- ,
iw, New Cumberland, and J. W. Adams
id A. J. Voaburgh of Bayenswood.
Mr. F. P. Nnzum has been made ? Sy,
otary Public for this place by Governor tht
'ileori. At the same time His Excel- the
ncy commissioned W. P. Floyd, a No- the
ry at Logan C. H. Floyd is the man ioc
ho has been eo active in trying to get tnc
ib Logan county men released from the me
entucky authorities. He la a brother of me
)hn Floyd in Secretary of State Walker's ed
Bee. the
Bonator N. B. Scott and Mr. P. B. Dob- pat
ns, Cashier of the Dollar Sayings Bank,
111 leave for the West this evening,
bey will go to Arkansas and Colorado. Fol
r. Scott goes to see his wife andcbil:en
and Mr. Dobbins goes to seek relief ?
i the Hot 8pring? from the inliammato
rheumatism with which he has been pa>
rely distressed of late. They will prob- Asi
)ly be absent for a month. spe
... Fa)
Jllatide OhIi'i Court.
Squire Davis committed a man to jail
'ednesday night who gave the name of con
aac Burke or Elias Burt. He eaid he ">>
as a farmer, residiog in Ohio. He waa Jjjj
.TV araoK anu wtiuuenuK uiw vuv jun- mv
te's oliieo, Constable Thomas D. Bennett add
ok him up to the jail for the justice. He ^
u committed lor ten days In deltnlt of ton
le payment ol one dollar and cost*. The b""
stice also on the lamo night committed W
jail, in defanlt of 1100 bail, a woman not 1.s
good fame, named Lilly Hamilton. She
aa committed for thirty days. Officer 4.:
irney made the arrest. 9. s
Joseph Rayner, who was arretted seval
daya ago on a warrant sworn ont by J. J
9 wife, had a hearing before Jnstice V j
avis at the Jail office iaat night on the
larsool adultery with Jennie Carr. He ? ,
as tinod 1-0 and coals, and in default of 10.':
lymont waa committed to jail for ten ti
lie. u>rc
John Blake was committed by the same J'.'i
atice on the charge of lunacy.
llnlugMore rirniiaxit
I the taste, more acceptable to the
>mach, and more trnir bencticlal in its T
tlon, tbo tamoaa Oalltornia iiqnid frnit , ,
medy, Hyrnp cl Figs, Is rapidly superling
all others. Try it. One bottle R?*
II nrovii its ranrlte. 8old by Logan <4 ?j
1, Anton 1'. Hess, K. B. Burt and 0.
inkemoller. At Bollaire, by It. N.
>"?' po?
'katiko and Dancing to-morrow even- N
1 at the Alhambra Kink. Ladles adssion
10 cents. L
Mightily Unmngea,
100 dozen Damask Towels at Ho each, few
irth 20c. Stoki d Thouu.
I One Looked Altar by th? Other at a i
tegal*r Meeting Held Lut E??d!o|< h
Kuuttn* Keporte?Mure tmpmra for i
the Library?Increase la HltchU. 2
.'he Board of Education held a regular F
nthly session laat evening at ita cham- 0
' In the Public Library building, t
are was very little busineaa ostaide of 3
i routine, and everything was disposed '
n very ehort order. Preaident Dob- '
m presided and all the membera were ]
?onf urcotif Mhmm. Whallv. Shaffer. t
ller, List and Dickey. Ai soon as the J
an tee had I) sen read tho committee re* j
rta were taken up and disposed ol as 1
lows: The Committee on Accounts i
leented bills to the amonnt of $280 26,
tlch were ordered paid.
Che Committee on Buildings and 1
ounda reported that the fire escape con*
cted for, for the Union school building, j
d been pnt in position in a satisfactory ]
inn^r, and recommended tbat tho bill
$300 for the same be paid, which was 1
no.. Other bills aggregating $106 35 t
sre presented by this committee and |
tiered paid. On the recommenvlain
of this committee Klevis, Kraft .
Co. were ordered paid $1,631 60, j
at being the snm doe them on ,
e new Washington school as shown by r
timate No, 7. The committee was an* j
orized to have wire screens placed on ?
e windows in the basement o! the ,
Itchin building at a cost not to ex*
sd$37. ,
The estimate referred to shows that up .
date the work dono is estimated to
aount to $20,517; this amount less 25
ir cent?$7,370 25?leaves a balance of
2,370 75. There ban been paid on for- i
er estimates $20,t>0(> 25, leaving $1,631 60 j
le at this time. ,
The Committee on Public Library re- ;
>rted bills aggregating $9160, which (
Bre ordered paid. The committee further i
ported that a lady bad offered to place ,
the library at her expense for one year, j
fie Voice, a weeaiy paper aevoiea 10 pro- (
bition and the temperance caaae,and reimmended
that the offer bo accepted. It
so recommended that the St. Lonis Globeemocrat,
the Philadelphia Press and
ublic Opinion be added to the lifit at prosit
subscribed for; also that an additional
py of the Intblliqxnckb and Register be
ibscribed for, aa one copy of eacn is not
ifficient to meet the demand for the pairs.
These recommendations were
The Committee on Finance reported in
lation to the authority Riven it by the
jard at the January meeting, to negotiate
loan of $0,000, that it had found it
>ceeiary to make a loan of only $4,400. ,
lao that it hpd ascertained that it would
i necessary to borrow $1,500 to meet the
tyment of the seventh estimate of work
me on the new Washington school. j
lo necessary authority to negotiate this |
ain was granted by the Board,
The report of Superintendent Anderson 1
the schools for January was presented ,
id ordered filed. Following is an fib- ]
ract: j
si 111 If g |g.
KHOOU. ft U |.= 3 If | f I |
pHykr -5i
a < < ? 3 ?_ 'a < i
...ui?.? 11.1 on on no no 7a in? fjii
dl*JU 610 4*fii 92 M 78 157 14 621 \
iv _ b?J 608 07 85 llh 179 16 674 (
ilou 674 471 83 t>6 117 146 15 CM ,
UIITm 636 418 70 ? 26 130 13 693
ibtitCT 617 440 7? M 79 114 14 623 J
.Chto Ktt Gttfil 122 BM 13*. 'il5 W 76ft ,
lured... 18* 1101 22] 89 77 89 6 257 j
rotai - 42m3439|~6iif~w|*744 1053 H0lf4669 t
Ln the German Department the onroUant
for tho month waa as follow:
aehinptou, 20; Madison, 12; Clay, 75;
alon, 47; Centre, GO; Webster, 00; c
tcbio, 53; total, 335. The numbor of 1
isfioo maintained was ill), there being 1
classes in each echooi except in G:ay, ?
lich hae 0 clowea. The numbor of Gerin
parentage waa 1?J5; those of other *
an German parentago, 140. Xronr J
when vrexo employed at a salary of $30 1
ch. |
The Huperintendent'a report waa accom- *
nied by that of Librarian Wilaon, show- J
g the circulation daring tho month of 1
nnary. There were taken out $f the c
irary in that time 6,370 volumes, an J
erage daily circulation of 255 volumes. c
the reading roam tne circulation waa
31 volumes. The amount received
m fines was $L2. This report waa alao 1
lered tiled.
Superintendent 4-nderson also reported
it Mr. Ed. Wells had presented the
ard 'with a handsome drawing of the t
w Washington school, of which ho ia 1
3 architect, nicely framed, and alao a t
?el and block for the use ol tho Preai* i
at. The proper thanks were returned, g
Or. McCoy called attention to the fact t
it 330 pupils are now enrolled at the i
tchie annex school, and that thus far 1
ly 297 seats had been provided. He
ted that the Committee on Buildings tl
il Grounds be instructed to furnish the 8
o vacant rooms (u the building, and a
s was ao ordered. This uoinmitte waa t
0 Instructed to report in relation to a
ice for ths annex property. Arrange- h
nta were made for an extra teacher aa
m aa needed.
1 few minor matters wero attended to I
i then with a general sigh of relief the n
?ru nujuuiuou. iuoio noon mipo viood ' <
D|! pa; through their exercises in the b
nnaaiam last night anil once or twice c
i racket the; made nearly stampeded si
> Board. The dumb bells and ono of fi
i vaulting horses In the "gym" are C
ated right over the Board's chamber I
1 at times the noise almost drownod the a
mbers voices. The concussions S
da the chandeliers swing and threatenthe
ceiling. Everyone was glad when
i meeting waa audcpUor these reasons
ticularly. ?
: (ha Animal State Fair te be Held Next
September. c]
'he Superintendent! ol the 8peed de. ?
tment of the West Virginia State Fair
lociation have prepared the following
ed programme for the annual State
Wheeling Stakes, lor foala of ISM, owned in
Statu ol wcat Virginia, Belmont and Jefferson
Dtloa. Ohio, and VVaahington county. Pa. To
one hall mllo beau, two la three, to harncea.
ranee Ice MO. payable f& with nomination,
l: $6 AiiKUnt 1, when colt la to be named, and
remaining 810 to atart. The Fair AtaociaUoo
?lioo. Divided, flnt 60 per cent, aecond 25 per s
; third 16 per cent Colu ollRible to atart muit
wned In the said state or countlca 'JO Hay* be*
Uio tiny of race. Iu cue of walk-orer the
10 entitled to all the ontranoe Act and hall the Vl
ed money. f
Sunning, fi-mlLo head. 2 In 8 1200 D
t;3lclaaa Trotting 400 p;
Running, K-milo heat*, a In 3 .... 2fi0 fl
1:40 clan Pacing 400 "j
THUMDAV, iiitimher fl. FJ
Sunning, 1-mlle hcati, 2 In 3 400
t;2U clan TrotUng 400
1:00 olaaa Trotting 400 n
fwdat, sotsxbei 7. j,
Running, ^ mlle hoau, 2 In 8~ .. 290 n
1:30 dan Pacing 400 ?
ottlug and Pacing races will bo mllo heau, "
e In Ore. to harness. Entries cloie August 27,
I p. m. All running cntrlea clone September i
flr.v. g. kd.ms.vdel, li
UP BauwN, ft|
BofcEET Annuo*, h;
Superintendent*. 0<
Can't A(ake Anything Like It.
have been practicing medicine for J1
nty yeans, and have never been able to J1
np a vegetable compound that would, "
i Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly w
, effectively move the liver to iction M
at the same time aid (instead of weakig)
the digestive and assimilative 01
rers of the system. or
b other remedy within my knowledge af
fill its place. sfa
. M. Hikton, M. D., Washington, Ark. in
Carpel lUmoanta, Q|
left, aboak one-balf former price, at tb
Stoxi <Jt Taoxu'. mi
>t tta? O, A. B. to b? Muittrtd InThU Evm?
log In This CUr
Another Grand Army of the Republic
oat i? to be formed in this city, which
rill make three poets in active operation
lere. This new organisation oi veterans
rill be mtuterml in thie evening at Grand
Limy oi the Bepnblic hall on Main
treet. It la to be composed entirely ol
irominent dtiieni, a majority of them
iniineu men, whoae work or business la
if eoch a natnre that they cannot find
line to attend the meetings oi Holllday
'oat, which are held on Saturday evenngs.
The new poet'a roster will be a
pod aiaed one to start with, and U it exacted
to grow rapidly. Members ol
iolllday and Stephens posts will asalst in
he mustering in of the new poet Bemils
are joining the Grand Army in all
tarts oi the State and the order is daily
lecomino mora and more Imnortant.
?he old'fioldiere find it a good taring to1
>and themselves together once more.
Lu Employment Agency that Beemi to
Slave Departed.
Some time ago two men opened en em>loyment
ugoncy, calling it the "Fablic
Jecord," and located in ? second etory
oom on Main etieet above Twelfth. They
idvertiaed to fnrnlsh employment iree,
>nt charged a pretty liberal fee. Yeaterlay
two men called at the office by aplointment,
bnt the men were not there.
:t waa learned that they bad taken their
neale at VanKenren'a reatanrant, on
Cwellth street, and a reporter called there
;o inquire abont them. He waa informed
;hat tney bad laat been there Wednesday
it noon.
Liat evening inqnlriea were received
ibout the concern by mall. Nothing
jonld be learned bnt what ia given above.
A Well Knuwn Teacher Disappears.
Word cornea from Parkeraburg that T.
B. McCain, formerly principal of Waehngton
school, of thia city, and of late
pears principal of the public school at
teredo, Wavne county, haa taken hla son,
in only child, and departed for parta onKnown.
Thia happened about ten daya
igo, and since then nothing baa been
ieard of either father or son. The report i
jontinues aa follows: "H& wife expected
him back in an hour, but not re;urning
that night she instituted a
learch, without result. An examilation
showed that the father
iad removed most ol hia own
ind hia son's clothing from the house.
3e left hia wife without a cent. Mrs. Mc-i
Jain haa written to her parents, who live I
n McKeeaport, Pa., for assistance." Mc*
IVaaKinnfftn nnnniw
l/WU WIUID U?IB MIVHU if ngutM^wu VUL4U>;,
>f which he is a native. He had not been
isre long before it waa known that he waa
tonkins;. Despite the efforta of friends
o atop him, he persisted in drinking till
10 was finally arrested as a common
lrnnkard. Then he lost his school.
Mattle Ylokeri.
Mattie Vickera has come and Wheelng
has commenced her annnal ran on
he Grand when her name heads the pro*
There waa standing room sold last night,
ind so it will be to-day and Saturday.
Vlisa Vicksrs haa always carried exceptionally
good support, yet it most be said
Wheeling people have never seen the win- I
lome little actress ohino to so great an|
idvantage or so well and admirably supported
as she was last night. The entire
)ill was a "go" and a success from start to
inlsh, and having been presented here on
ormer visits noeda no extended notice.
To-night will be the especial bill (reMated
Saturday night) with special stago
letting, toilets and appointments for
Wheeling?"Ohornb, the Pearl of Serpent
Hountain," pronounced by the press and
)ublic Miss Vickers's greatest success.
)a Saturday there will be a matinee for
he ladiea and children.
Arthur Kelnin's Company.
This evening Arthur Beban'a comedy
tompany will present "Love in Harnees"
it the Opera House. The following ex>ressiono
about tho organization are from
;ood authority:
Mr. Rehan has done his work bo evenly
hat he has furnished the members of his
ompany with an excellent opportunity
or displaying their talents and giving his
latrons a delightful morsel of wnolesome
tumor. The idea of the play was very
pell elaborated, and the dialogue was
laraiy less Clever man mo maaHKunient
if the plot. The representation of the
ilay was moat successful.?N. Y, Coinmerial
A perfect mosaic of light comedians.
The only gilt-edged company
raveling.?Pttroit Free Prett,
Leaving For Home.
The first delegates to depart were those
telonging to the counties down the river,
lie? left on the 4 o'clock Ohio River
rain. The Brooke and Hancock men
rent up at 4:2o, and at 5:45 a large deletion
went out on the B. & 0. About
wonty remained in the city over night.
I large number of them will be back on
tie 29th to boom the tstato.
President James P. Foster, of theNa(onal
League, and his charming wife
tarted for New York on the Panhandle
14:35. They were both delighted with
heir visit here.
Gen. Goff left for Washington laat evenQ*
, ,,
Byrnp of tflga
s Nature's own true laxative. It is the
lost ewily taken, and the most effective
amedy known to eloase the system when
Uious or costive; to dispel headaches,
olds, and fovers; to cure habitual contipation,
indigestion, piles, etc Manuictured
only by the California Fig Syrup
lompany, San Francisco, Gal. Sold by
>ogan & Co., Anton P. Hoes, R. B. Bart
ad C. Monkumoller. At Bellaire by M.
[. Mercer.
Five pieces of Wool Serge reduced from
100 to 00c per yard, at
Stonk & Thomas'.
WrUJog Maelilue?.
List of writing machine* taken in exbange
for the New Caligraph. Will be
)ld cheap. Address Edward L Rose &Co.
One Wo. 4 Caligraph, price 150.
One No. 1 Caligraph, price $40.
One No. 1 Caligraph, price 130.;
One Hall (new), price $30.
One Oranaall (new), price $60.
OneCrandall, price $30.
One No. 2 Remington, price $60.
One No. 2 Remington, price $40.
tags of th? Water and Movomenta of tha
The Courier got away for Parkersburg
eeterday morning with a fair trip on
oard. The Ben Hut is this morning's
acket in this trade.
The river was stationary at this point
II day yesterday with a depth in the
baunol, according to the gauge on the
ivee, oi leetb inches,
The Scotia passed up at Da. n. In the
inclnn?ti-Pitl?bar(jh trade, end the Fashm
paused down in the same trade at
oon. They were both loaded with big
The towboat Advance sunk is pool No.
, on the Monongahela abont three weeks
jo, has been sncceeeinlly raleed and after
aving hid a few repairs made was start- ,
1 oat in the towing bnalneee again.
The ateamen John Walton, Coal City
id Tom Lyaie, of the coal fleet, passed
awn with tows ol coal yetterday, and the ;
ennett, Time and Coal Oity psaeed np j
1th emptlea. The Goal Oity was acting ,
i helper to the Walton. |
The Loots A. Shirley ia dne to-day from '
Iscinnatl, for which point ahe will leave i
i her retnm trip at 3 o'clock to-morrow I
ternoon. The Shirley ia a large atanncb <
gamer, and enjoys a deserved popularity 1
her trade. This fact ia largely dne to t
ir clever officers, Dept. Tom Hunter and i
erk Oharlea Beeves, who are always on t
e lookout to serve their patrona in a f
inner that will please. 11
[Continual from Pint Pag*.]
[chews] ud first 111 the hearts of >11 West
Virginians. [Heiibffbd cheers ]
Gen. Gofl said be was glad to see so
Urge a crowd here, and lie was glad to be
here. He regretted tbat be bad not been
preeent a day earlier; not tbat It was not
as pleasant to-day, but alter tbe convention
bad listened to his friend Flick
[cheers] to Mr. Foster [cheers] to Col.
Caldwell [cheers] to Mr. Campbell [great
cheering] to his friond Mason [renewed
cheers] and Mr. Habbard [load cheering]
to Prol. Jones [tnmnltuoae applause, long
continued] there could be little left for
him to say. He likened himself to Huth,
gleaning alter the reapers, but said had
tbe reapers in those days reaped as closely
as have tbe speakers ol yesterday, poor
Rath would have louud little to toward
her toll.
iiat, tno ueneraiconunuea, ic is aiwayo
in ordor to talk a while aboat the grand
old principles of tbe Republican party.
[Applause.] He paid the Democratic
inaaaeaa high compliment for their honesty
and sincerity, and held up to view
the folly of abusing the opposition.
The presence of these delegates here,
their interest in the proceedings and the
speeches, are indicative of the fact and
fully demonstrate that we are soon to replace
the soldiers in rank and that the
party that saved this nation is again to be
entrusted with the reins of government.
It means, my friends, an uprising among
the people and that the people themselves
are going to be up and acting when they
realize that danger is abroad in the land,
and that something must be done in order
that prosperity will greet us in the future
as it has done in the past. [Applause ]
Now, I am not one of those who believe
that we can have a victory In November
next unless we work. It Is no easy job.
Our friends, the enemy, are strongly entrenched
in power. They have tiie Na?
tional Government, they have the State
Government, and we are nover going to
dislodge them unless we organize, nnless
we disseminate the true doctrine of republicanism
throughout this State and Nation,
and you will never do that by mere talk in
conventions. You muse go among and
meet your people in vour own counties
and districts, and speak to the men who
are to cast their ballots in November next.
You will never do it by passing around or
passing through. I never believed that
all the good men are in the Bepub*
lican party, but I believe that there
are as as good men as God over let live in
the Republican party.
But the Democratic party has also good
men: they have good leaders, they nave
'l I- inmonononanlr
ujdauvuikokd ui }iunc<t " 1w?j dunkhb*)
and they have possession and are not
going to yield it now until we havo a deaporate
Remember, yon have them by yonr
doors, yon have them in yonr midst, they
are here with us to-day, we want to
consnlt their interest and argue with
them and Btate fully the facta as beBt we
can, and get them interested. Yon want
to go into yonr school districts and talk to ,
them, and when you have gone there,'
mark what I say: You will find that your
Democratic friends have gone before.
Did you ever notice that if the Republican
party ever inaugurated anything
good the Democratic party always follows ?
You aro going to find Democratic clubs
all over West Virginia.
I am glad we have honorable competition.
We will be ready at the cross-roads
and blacksmith shops to talk to our
friends, and wo want to make it a common
duty at all these places to acquaint
them with tho facts so they might use
them in their club organizations and conventions,
and let us appeal to tho people.
We have two or three things to talk about
when we thus go before the people.
When I was coming out from Washington
here yesterday a gentleman aaid to
me, "I suppose, Goff. yon are going out
there to talk tariff to those people again'/"
"It is true." I said, 'Twill talk it whon
11 please, and I believe it don't lie in your
mouth to call me to account for it" [Applause.]
And I told him why. I wanUto
remind you of the fact that this testimony
we havo must be gospel truth for the
Democrats of my titate. I want to call
yonr attention to (ho sad affairs in this
State?that be woo supports tho protective
tariff idea is not in accord with the
Seat Executive in Washington, and is not
accord vith the Presidential Magistrate
of the United States in the matter of freo
trade and tariff, [ipplanar.]
When my Democratic brotnet tells yon
that there is no reason to fear, that it is a
false alarm, Grover Cleveland says that
the only Issuo that la worthy of consideration
is the question of free trade or protective
tariff. [Applsuee-] Well, I don't
exactly boiieve that, because I think there
are other great mauera worthy of consideration.
Neverthertlieless he has eo
spoken. I believe you don't hear anv
party unanimously for protective tariff.
I am in favor of a high protective tariff.
[Cheers ] I don't care who differs with
me in that. I would not cbango for all
the friendship I have or all the votes of
this nation! | Ohceri and voices, "That's
right 1"]
He complimented the wisdom of the
Fathers when they founded tho institutions
of this country; when they ordained
a protective tariff; and said that the
men who In 1881, Invented the Southern
policy and enacted that no protective
tariff should ever be passed, wero wrong.
I believe that the first President oi the
Republic, the immortal Georgo Washington,
waa right when he signed the act
passed by the first Congress establishing a
protective tariff. I believe that our latest
Democratic President,and;I bopeto God he
will be the last [loud applause] was wrong,
and it is a shameful disgrace that he uses
the powar oi bis high office to destroy 1
that protective law; I believe in the theory
of colonising the West, In the theories
of Henry Clay, the favorite son of the
8outh, and not in the theory of the present
leader of that section, John G. Carlisle.
I believe In the doctrine of Sumner,
of Chaae. of Lincoln, of Grant, of Gar- ;
field [each name loudly cheered] and not
that of Calhoun, of tho shining leaders of
tha nli) Hnnfh of RrA^KAnrlHoa and nfhnra >
now representing the New Sooth at Washington.
Weet Ylrglnii ought to bo and I b?iieve
will be a Republican State. [Great 1
cheers.} The Republican party has made 1
yoor party whas It ia to-day, and did it in 1
spite ol the oppoeition ol our Democratic
friends, and they know it well. The Kepablican
party built up your institutions
ol all kinds. Call the attention ol the i
people at your homes to those /acts. Now,
when you meet Democratic friends, appoint
them soliciting committees; let
them KO out on the highways with yon
and to your farms; invite them to your
clubs; let tho<e who are about to cast
their first ballot be careinl how they cast
it. Tell tbem this magnificent country ol
ours was made by this party what it is.
Tell them that it is due to this party that
they are prosperous; tell the manufacturer
of fire brick that if the tariff is taken off It
will strike down the mills and factories
which need fire brick. Gentlemen, if
they take the tariff off of fire brick you
do not need fire clay. Yon will hare no
use for coke ovona or ore minee nnlen the
Republican party ia successful next November.
He spoko again of the activity of the
Democrats, and said that they were always
it the heels of the Republicans in all they
lid. He bad read in a metropolitan paper
ibta morning, that the Democratic party
as the particular friend of the public
ichools. Hs did not blame them for this,
ie did not blame them for using every
indeavor to bolster up their failing cause.
Sut he wonld like to make an iaeua in
hia State upon that little matter. He '
laid it waa true that the Democrats bad
wen ratber liberal in their support of the
ree schools, but It waa so simply because
bey could not help it They had found i
the school laws upon the statute booki
when the; came into power, and they
conld sot do otherwise than enforce
those statutes.
I turned over some old flies the other
day in which 70a were pointed to the
magnificent school system of Virginia and
told that the Republicans would destroy
that system. Some of you remember that
eyatem; I do. It was a disgrace and a :
shame. Contrast It with the magnificent
system of free ecboole In your State to- .
day. Then in one corner of your school
you had a bench?a pauper benchi-that j
was your free school eysteml
When a child wanted to go to school, '
he had to go to a County Commissioner
and get a pauper card. With this badge
of poverty they came to the school room and
begged a place on tbo pauper bench. :
They would not stay there. Children
pointed the finger of fcorn and said "Pauper
Your child came home with that card
and Hung It in your face, and while your .
face burned with shame you could do
nothing. That was the tyranny of the '
law and there was no appeal. God save your
children. Ood save the children of I
my Democratic friends from that degradation!
I am glad the Dumocrats now lore that
system; it is a good conversion. [Laughter
and applaoae.] They really appreciate
the good ol the tree achool system,
just aa years from now they will come
arotrnd and tell abont the advantages of a
high protective tariff?which the Republican
party secured. [Cheers.]
The speaker would add this question to
the one Grover Cleveland bad anbmitted
to the people; not only education, but
national aid to free schools. [Cheers.]
He was glad to cay the Blair bill pasted
the United States tienate yesterday [applause]
and tbat that Menate waa Republican.
[Applause.] Now it mnst come
np in the other ernl of the Capitol, and it
wiil have a hard row to how there. But
things are better than last time-, then
they had forty odd majority In the House.
Sow they have bare twelve. [Oheera ]
But the BlairblUlain moreoanger now i
than It waa then. Why? Because the 1
Democrats are seeking any excuse to re- '
duce the tariff. Their claim is that the .
protective tariff causes the surplus in the
Treasury, Keduce the surplus or wlpo it '
out and there will be no effort to paas the
Blair bill this year.
They continually harp on the surplus.
They never knew what a surplus waa till
thoy came into a Republican administration.
The eurplns is not as much as it
ought to be. I wish it was greater. [Ap- I
planes.] Wo have splendid waysoi disposing
of it. We need a National navy.
The Democrats will tell yon tbat the Republican
did not give jou a navy when
they were in power, took at the appropriation
bills passed then and you will
see why. Yon will eee there provisions
tacked on by Democratic votes, tbat none
of this money shall be used to build new
The need oi sea coast defenses, river
and harbor improvements and jnat pension
allowances, was briefly touched; but,
said the speaker, there is a better way to
reduce tne surplus. Take off all the
tariff receipts on raw material imports and
van only reduce the revenue $15,000,000.
Where is the other $85,000,000 to be made?
Read the President's message and will see.
tie proposes to take it off mnnnfactnred i
products. That means take It off labor, .
and I for one will never cast a vote that '
could bring about this result. [Wild ap- ,
plaufle.] I would rather shove up the
walls ot protection, and give the American '
market to the American worklngmen.
The cnange In the condition of West
Virginia: the incroase of railroads and
mines and coke ovens and factories, was ;
attributed to Kaoubttcaa laws ana Kepubllcan
policy. Other sections need the
same improvements. Can the; be made
with coal and iron ore on the l'ree list?
So men build railroads lor ion? They
build them when there is something to
haul over them.
Ho told of seeing West Virginia coal ,
last week in Boston harbor; of visiting '
Weet Virginia woolen mills and the communities
that grow np around them, making
A diversity ot interest and industry,
and creating a borne market for agrlcul- .
tural products. He analyiad the growth ~
of cities and the oiuses that tend to build
them np?all owing to Republican polioy. J
The "free raw material" cry of the 1
President and the Democrats was help ,
np to ridicule. [I
Dr. M. 8. Holt m'errnpt'yi from a seat
near the stage and said when Qen. Gotl's
late competitor read the President's mcs- '
sage he said "Thank God, the light Is "
breaking I" J
(Jen. Goff?That ii just what I sup- ?
posed, he would say j yet when he was 11
couvasslng the district he was wont to n
say, "If Gen. Goff wants a yard of protec- ,
tion I'll take two yards." [Derisive laugh- '
ter.] I do not measure my protection by
the yard. I want it as broad as the continent.
[Great applause.]
The illustration of the fact that "one f,
man's raw material in auother man's flu- ci
Isbod product" was cloar and convincing. n
WhuneverGen. Goff spoke of quitting
the audience shouted, "Go on." At this J
point, however, he apologised for conjoin- (,
Ins bo much time, saying he hoped to ?.
meet the peoplo of West Virginia before _
the time of election and talk to them on _
tliPQa Imnnrfant oiiki jnfn nnt a -i a rnn^i.
dato for any office, bat as a private citi- n
zen. He aspired to no office. He wished
to bear aloft the banner of Republicanism
and protection as a private soldier in the
ranks. ?
When tho General flnishod his remarks R
and took his scat loud and long continnad d
applnnao shook the very walls. e:
And the Conveuitou Adjuarns?The Btate &
Lenjfuo, ^ n
Chairman Flick at this jancture-called e<
to the 8!a*e President Shinn and ttye other
oncers of the State League. Mr. Shinn iZ
was received with hearty applause and
returned bis thanks gracefully, and briefly
addressed himself to tho yonng men of a
the Republican party iu West Virginia ?
and asked ail to co-operate with him in
making the League effective for good. He
wa9 heartily applauded when he concluded
and Ohairman Fliok retired from
the chair and President Shinn assumed
the gavel.
There was some opposition to adjourn- A
ment, but after a little informal discussion
the Convention adopted a resolution
of thanks to the people of Wheeling for
their kindneso and hospitality, and the
Convention adjourned tine die on motion
of Mr. White, of Marshall county. ap
Organize A Permanent Aaaoclatlon and v..
Elect OiUeeri.
A meeting of the Republican editors ol ?<
the state wbo wore in attendance it the ^
Statu League Convention met yeaterday
ifternopn at the Lincoln Glob rooms. ht
rhere were proaent W. M. 0. Dawson, in
KinRWood Journal, A. B. White, Parkeraourg
Stale Journal, R. P. HcOormlck, Grafton
Eagle, T. T. McDoagal, Oeredo Ad- mi
ante, M. 8. Holt, Weaton llepublican, J. i
E. Halt, New Mortinavllle Volunteer, Cb
lamee Mclotire, tame, J. W. Barnes, r?
Uiddiebonrae Star, A. B. Clarke, Bock- '
ilrinan Banner, G. R. Melntoah, Hunting- ve
.on OttztUe, J.jW. Bnrcblnal, Moundaviile :
Herald, Bamnel Jacob, Willaburg Herald, tot
X B. Hart, Wheeling IxTiiuonicn, p,
IV. Morrla, Ritchie Gazette, H. W. Braiee,
Fayette Industrial World, George T. Goa- wi
lorn, .South Branch Uautte, Petersburg, i
r. M. Hay den, Weaton World, tar
Ur. 0. B. Hart called the meeting to orler
and named A. B. White ae Chairman. ,
dr. Dawson waa made Secretary. Wb
On motion at Mr. McOormick it waa re- wo
olved that the permanent officers be a ?rt
'resident, Vice-President, Secretary and *
Vtwarer, and on motion of Mr. Dawaon cto
be aesoclatlon waa called "the West Vlr- *
inla Republican Editorial Aaeociatlon." 1
Meeera. White, Hart and J. W. Barnee J"
tere named eucceeaively lor Pretldent, Lr
The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New Yoik,.
RICHARD A. XcCURDY, President.
AS88T8 ?#118,806,?51f88.
Insurance and Annully Account,
~ "Na Amount. jj No! Amount.
ttUclt* ?sd AnnulUt* Id ioQ ^ aooo ^ oArt tQ || ^oUdM jrnd AnnulUet In ~~ ~
uaraaa~:r.? smsm nuR*^{Z::::~- 'ffiq H?:g;S?!
1M.3M $468.266.671 25 __ lM/av _$4M2M.671 ft
Dr. K?renne Account. CV#
ro Balance from lart Mount. ?104.7i 9,734 81 B; Endow menu, Purchased Iuiur"
Pnmlum* .... .... ..... 17,110,1)02 62 ance*. Dividend*,Annuities aud
Intercut, Rent* and Premium on ^ Death Claim* ... _ H.iM.42a ai
?M ?*?.?? ? .. Cnmatalon., Con.mw.Uoi
Taxes and ail other Expenses... 8,649,&14 44
_ u Balance to new account. 110,061,718 68
>127,839,6M 77 $197.889 686 W
Or. Balance hbect. Cv!
ro Reserve for Policies In force and By Bond* Secured by MorutaKo 011
for risks terminated 4112,480,050 00 Kcal Kstate $49,615 26s w,
' Premium* received In advance ... *2,314 36 " Unltod ttuues aud ottiur ttoudi... 4348?tm o
" Surplus at four per oent 6,294,441 56 " Eeal Kstate and Loan* on Collateral!
..... 20,169,178 87
^ " Ca*h In Bankiaud TiuttCoinnan?
lea at lutereat.... 2,619,862 C6
44 Interest aocrued, Premium* de
ferrvd and In transit and Bun<i'iM
2,m,m %
tiuMum mJ innjttti ivM t;
1 have carefully examined the foregolug statement and find the same to be correct
A. S. WATKRHODflfi, Auditor.
From the surplua abovo stated a dividend will be apportioned a* usual.
Risks Risks
Year. ' Aasumod. Outstanding. Hurplm.
188 4 184.681,420 $881,<89,286 ~$4.7tt771
188 5 46,507.139 861981.441 J ft Ol'2684
188 6 66,8*2,719 893,809/208 fl.643.M8
188 7 ***** 69,457,468- 427,628,983 6,294,442
Nkit Vohk, January 25,1888.
ROBERT A. ORAMNU8, Vice-Prealdent.
ISAAC F. LLOYD, 3d Vioe-Prwldent. WILLIAM J. KA9TOK, Secretary.
Samuel K. flproullfl, F. Ritcbford Starr, Julian T. Davlet, Nicholas 0. Miller
Lucius Ronliuon, LewiiMay, Robert Sewell, Henry H. Rosen.'
temuol l). Babcock, Oliver Harriman, H.VauBenuteUorUrugcr Juo. W. Auchincloai
lieorje 8. Co*. Henry W. Smith, Charles R. Henderson, Theodore Morford. '
John D. Develin, Robert Olyphant, GeorgoBliM, William Babcock.
Klcbard A. McL'urdy, George F. Raker, Rufu? W. Peckbam, Preiton B. Plumb,
lames C. Holden, Jos. Thompson, J. Hobart Uerrick, Wa, D. Washburn.
Hermann C. von Poet, Dudley Olcult, Wro. P. Dlxou.
ilexaadoc H. Rice, Frederick Cromwell, Robert A. Grannls,
AIDEBSON & ATKINSON, Agents, Wheeling, W. Va.
0. P. BBK8EK & PONS. (Jmoral Agents, Baltimore, Mil.
f our immense and varied stock is very necessary if you want
some choice bargains. You cannot afford to let others
get ahead of you. Time is money and
While you are hesitating your neighbor takes
advantage of our - '
We have on hand the choicest stock of seasonable goods
which can be found anywhere. It must be depleted so we have
narked everything down to the lowest notch. Come and see us
ind look it over, you will find a large assortment of
Carpets, Furniture, Linoleums, Oil Cloths, Rugs, Mats,
You will save time, trouble and money by buying from us
it once.
"Wo Have Saved. You Money in the Past.
And if you will only continue your faith in us,
"We Will Save Yon Money in the Future.
1124 Main Street.
tut declined. Mr. Dawson wu then MARTIN'S FERRY*
itected and the members refused to let rouuco.. ghort-1-.r..n., Not..-Bon?.
dm decline. Hold
H. W. Brazee was elected Vice-Preal- Thni.nohiin
lent, J. W. Burchinal, Secretary, and ^oUughita millwu offyeatcrday for want of
ieorge K. Mcintosh, Treasurer, Dive Bay spent yesterday among frlendi in the
Messrs. McCormick, White and Morris Mingo mill.
rere appointed a committee to prepare a Fr.nk Mxeri, oqailngo, wu tlio sua! ol Noml
eclaration ol principles and constitution "6?k'
nd report at the next meeting, and the 1,111 ' cu":ill,U) ]u
eerelary was requested to nrge all Rs- ?? .... .
.in... nM.An^ ?????,? . Jolin "0Ck u laid up with rheumatism, athu
ublican editors not present to become homo on Bocond street.
lembere the Aeeoclation. Mr. William Llnphardt. of the Ohio Valley Wlue
The meeting adjourned to reassemble at company, ii la rlttiburgh.
airmont, May 15, in the evening. Prank Wallaoeand Walter Darrah were In lien
wood yesterday on btuition.
TU. EireralM Uomtnlttae. Tho MImcj Znno. ol Wheeling Mud. rotnnml
TheLsagae Executive Committee met !Vlm(S[,"er ? VUH o! mv.nl il?r? with Iriond, In
^eInS7,",'o^T? 'l,dj8Cr 'J?. n?tl. William, .nwrulned qaiU. number
ok and lav out the work. It waa de- of yonns lady and geutlemen friends at her home
ided in order to mako the working body on Third itroet last evoning,
sore wieldy to entrast all the duties re- The night turna at both tho .Etna and standard
airing prompt aotion to a sab-committee S!S?wm?Sh!SwfeS01 oi ?M*Tb0 (1'7
irvfiMtt o't Th^'l ea eh Mr "Atktamn '"n* "e?. tho North H.nov'or Mreet hutcl.tr,
try ncott, 01 the League, Mr. Atkinson, fell from a wagon yesterday, badly cutting his
[r. Dawson and Mr. Gibbons, of the com- wrUt and scarring hu face and neck.
dttee. The constitution oi this sub-com- Tho "Ideal Uncle Tom'sCabin" Company cleaied
iltteo insnree the harmonious working p"1'.n" *"
f lhl?, oommittto *nd 'he Eepnl,"c*n Conildertble lnterent Ii .Iretijr benlunlns to bo
eDtrol Uommittee. awakened In political circle#, aud the aspirants ior
ofllresbav ? put tho "feelers" out, and au unuaualThe
Second District tionvautlon* ly lively time is looked for at the cotnlug olectian,
Immediately after the adjournment the considerable interest la manifest on tliia Hide of
IxofMitivA rtAmmktAA r>f th* fWrmrt firm, river In the Republican Convention in Wheel.xecuuve
uommutee 01 tne oeconu uon- Itlg Th0i0 wb0 miiAe tho trlp on th0 .jlnjtx
reesional District met on the Stage and Wednesday night are highly elated wUh what they
ecided to issue a call for a convention to ** *nd heard.
ilect a delegate and alternate to repre- A ipectal meeting of City (touncilwaicalled yea?t
the district in the Presidential BJgf KldSSffiS
on at Chicago, to be hold at Fairmont on mao, of this City. Two other, citizen* wanting
[ay 16. This is the same place and date ^.coo worth of the bonds, will procure them from
amed in theo.ll issued by the Stato Ex- "wvrero 1101 -.'.a *edn?
native Oommittco lot the convention to u. c. MllcU k*.', will he ? ouai<i.t? lor
ilect delegates at large. The Second Dis- Mayor at the oomlog election. Mr. Mitchell bu
let convention will be held at 9 o'clock flll?d thla otlloe before, aud hla jurisdiction while
i thn mnrnincr prcilfling mt Mayor of the city la knowu bv all to
i tno morning. ?ave ^ ^ j \t lt b
??* safo to say that he will give thoiuuuo universal
Mas. Cbow. "Chile, bay a bottle de ""iSSi'y" ndSM0 mC"'*CI"
alvation Oil, it cure your rheumatis 11
irt'in. 25 cents. for rent.
From 6c to 10c ner vurd saved bv bnv- "R00M TO RENT?WITH BOARD
P K'rw.U.ouu 122 Flftwmh itwl, dl?. ^
uiciiaiue a1 contalulnsnineloonut- So. CI Flltconmm.
HKL.I-.AIKK. Iel5? P. M. AI,KX*KllHB.
simple Woman llari.nl to DcntU-OUier TTIOR RENT?A BRICK DWELLING
Item*. J? containing tlx rooms, .Ituated on Z?ao itreet.
Hay here la worth 114 per too. hlMil tonl rotioo.blo 10 food lontnt. Inquire
Fnuik Mall Is on tho tick lut ol J. ADAMH,?t ftmomco. Ja?_
Mn. Jaaee O'Neal hu moved to Foetorla. Tj1 0 K RENT ?THE DWELLING
M.?h?l Duby u out apln alto. . .hart {gSSer" PSSloHPlS
J. R. Purnoll, Jr., labettor now, ml itilo lo bo Apr" ' APP > "? " "AI-ZK'.'. deu_
P. Branor, ui Wellivllle, wu down yesterday on f Dwelling House, 1116 Chspllne rtrcet, at proslslncsa.
ent occupied by John B. McLain; natural ru. hot
SKS*"PU'him **?> *"? ?T?
A United SUM pMiodlM detoctlro waa In the Kl"?"u"tt"it' ?
Ij yeelerday. "COR RENT,
Ben Williams and J. M. Kaln, of Pittsburgh, are ?}
Mb** Rachel Burton and Delia Topp, olClar- ^01 For Rent.
gton, are visiting here. FOUR Largo Dwelling*, modern improvements,
ludjro Andenon. who bu been quite nick for TWO Store Boom*, with dwellings attached,
ireral weeks, was able to walk out yesterday. A number of Offices and LodRln* Kooma.
lamcl Kcllj fmthl.old place In the bank, bay J? "1 Small Ho^ inquire of
I recovered sufficiently to resume bit duties. . H. 1-ORBK^. mj(.hap.<ne t._
Lfr. Travers, traveling psasenger agent of Uio T>IANOS
Icsro <ft Sortbw-jstern railroad, was In the city XT
Hr. Krank Althoff will run a bakery in oonnec- FOR RENT.
iu with the hotel business. He has rented the
ntral Houm. \v? ba? auroral rerj GOOD PIASOJ that we
it. if. Dent, of this county, has received a pension
- partial blindness. Ho Rot six hundred dollar* will rent at a very low figure.
ck par and nlxtcon dollars a mouth.
Ir. William Oar, who was kicked by a horse not *** *' w* B*tTMKK '* (- Jgslnoe.
near KeUey.ls able to be around and ttsap upvt
libave only oneacar, just above thoeyo. n UK A*
fr. 8. Q Hamilton U both manegor and Secre- ^..BinHwrnotB No 03 Twelfth street, In Wuh*
rot the Bellslre Window Olau Company, Mr. , 8 JPJfrHnMdlnsi now oocuplwl by Wm. Hk
OteT baring resigned to take effect ?o tint ol gffij ?Sffi^Ttt7prUl "IS.
il month. D " j v. I* KODGKJW.
lenrt Over will learo shortly for Muncle. Ind., ? . w.n Aunrtition.
ere be expect* to build a new window glaaa Secretary Washington HaUAejoclat ^
tki.HewllUetill liUmileiUJtoIhUtiolillj, uro M.ln <nn?i_
ck, clay, etc. T710U RFNT
k poor dementod Irish woman, Biddy Lee.she H '
1 commonly called, was burned to death by her * ? ???... t?nMtde?P,
the?catching Are at the crate belote wblch Rbe A New Threo-rtory Buaint* House. iu> teeiawy.
1 standing. Hhedlod in horrible agony. ( .to bo erected at 1007 Main street. 1( leaned now
ohn K. Kelly hai brought anotlier sirlt against renter1! rlewa could be consulted retarding
Pennayluanla Uomnany for a man who was . . baIMln- to be erected.
l off tke train at Klrkwood for not pajluglUa 9*?01 ^iaia* wmorw HAWLEY,
s and being drunk. Tbo man sues for ll\QOO. Ja2 JAMJ? u uaw

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