Newspaper Page Text
* The Intelligencer. ~z I'UMi?>,*,! Dully, N?-mi-Weekly and \V?cld)-. Hhal TEKMSi Tim I'alljr Intelligencer U Drllvcr.xl by Carrl<T? in Wherliiii; null ailjricriii inniia at , i#T cent* per week. I By Mall. I'uilase Free fn the Cnltc l .*Ute*. POnj J>aiiy, Oim. v?-nr ?k oo p0St Dully, Hi* Aluntfi* 4 00 . l>ally, Three Month* a 00 " Dally, Oho Month (ifl " SouiMVeekly, On.. War ~ BO the .geniMVeekly, Six .Month* I jiyj Weekly, One Veitr, 1 00 w^bu- ?jK Month* 00 * I be I Croat reduction1: to Hub*. Send for sample OOiilc* unil vlrrnlur*. A?!?lre<w 1 i'.I.U', CAMl'ISKLL & IIMIT, Tin rUHUHIIEIU, till' Son. !f.1 ?V "7 Fourteenth Street, WHEELING. W. v?. . : . I'.u- i: III U lic-i-UfiK. W. Vii., . ' ' n? WHHt-cliMM waiter) M t) -. sss: huI( He 3iMi0??ccr.t WJIKKLI.N<;, W. VA? NOVI.MIHKIC ft, 1888. .! ?? It ( NATIONAL REPUBLICAN TICKKT. Jj" FOU HKiaUI)l?T| BENJAMIN UAB'lls'uN.iiI Itidllfflii. you vick rnrjinKNT. LIIVI r. MORTON. <>/ New York. },*a roll KMUrroll^-AT'LAItOKt AUGUSTUS I*OLLA? k, of Ohio County; , T. J'. DAV1KS, of Fayette County. |?y Outfitter EI.KCTOIW. til! Jlrst-AN IHUN V .">11111. of Tyler. . . Second- k. i-.. AST, of ttououKalta. In Third?J. W. IIKA VN'KH, of I'pbur. ,Jn Fourth-J. A. UlltltONri. of Ma>on. KEPL'BLIC.V.V STATE TICKET. 01. Fon GOVKKNOIt, 'i"' NATHAN GUFF, of Harrteon Couuty. VV rou auihtou, (?F.O. M. JJOWKKS,of IJerkoIcy County, J ton TQKASVKKit, ' 1111'AM LEWIS, of Clay County. Jjj Foil ATTOHX KV O EN En At, WM. l?. HUMUM), of OHIO County. FOU I.N IKS DENT OF 8CII00M, rt1 T. It. McCIlJItK, ol Wnynu County. (|, pot: jrihii-jt hvpbehic ruvtiT, { JOHN W. MASON, of Taylor County: II. C. McWHoitTKIt.ol KauawhaCounty. hi FOB CONOIlEn. First District?O. W. ATKINSON, of Ohio. Hccoik! 1/jnirk't?W. li. tl. FUCK, of Berkeley. ca 'i fiiiil Muriel?J. li. McGINNlH, of Itul?l?;h. ? Fourth UUtrlet?C. H. SMITH. of Wood.' " FOK CtKCUIT J UIKJEH. 11 Jtmptt 11. I'A I'LL, of Ohio County. ?l JOHN a. CAMI'HKLI,, of Hancock County. ftEPUBLtt'AJf COUNTY TICKET. ? * FOR fTTATK SENATE. P It. J. SMITH, of Uaucouk County. at IIOUSK OK tittXil AT KB. (. FRANCIS T. WOOD, 1 Ht'iiO L LOOS. ? THOMAS I'KINCE, ,| W.M. DIMLAF. siiKicipr. thomas c. moffat. f 1'itOSECCTINQ ATTOKNE*. 'J' JOSKFH I). KLSON. ( ASSK.H.sOli.1. Ory?TlloMAS M. JONES. ? cofntkv?A. j. ritllULTZE. j Don't let a fraudulent ballot go iu if you can help it. v j It is America against the world. u Which side are you on? Look out for election dodges at the Inst moment. Don't forget the Morey ' letter forgery of 1880. You can scratch a name oil'your ticket and put on another in pencil, in ink t or printed in red ink. (j Goff has won golden opinions wher- ' i?vor ho has been. He will make such a (! Governor us any State might bo proud of. 11 Don't cast :i vote that you will have to fl regret. If you wan't Cwteetion don't i bo hoodwinked into voting for Free j Trade. i, Tukv are hatching something on At- 11 kinson but have not been able to (Inter- " initio whether it will pay. They ought lf to put it out and try it. l< Tuuv jumped on Uofl". See how the gallant lighter puts them down and ? walks on theui for sport. Hero is a chance ior tin? llojisUr to show that it isn't afraid to bo fair. 1' Eustace Giuson onco tried his hand * on G. W. Atkinson and made a list of it. ^ The Free Traders aro thinking of mak- i( ing their hist effort with a little of the old stuir. Let 'em come on! /; Atkinson has made a splendid light and is going to be elected. Advices from (J i?o har riiMtrirtA nr? very encouraging. n Let every Protectionist ballot go into the " ballot box, that the majority may be tie- ^ cisivo and leave no room for fraud. Tub Free Traders gave Golf another j? whack at them, and you may observe la that he has taken it with his customary 'h force. They will not print tho letter? ^ written by the Attorney General and by tr the President's secretary when GolT rc- ?o siuned the District Attorneyship. ^ The British Minister at Washington told the exact truth, though he did not ^ tell it for publication. The British gov- |? ermneut and British 'manufacturers do- la sire tho election of tho whole Demoemtio ticket, for it means the American market for British manufactures. Will To you give thorn what they want? a ic A i\vuticim.ahi,y nasty campaign has -<o been mado against -Mr. Augustus Pollack, elector-at-largo on the Republican ^ ticket. Mr. Pollack is well known in a this community as one of tho most lion- fie orable of our business men. The workinguienof Wheeling know whether he is or is not fairly open to the brutal assaults that have been made on him. of nc Tlie Cnmpitlgn for rrolcctlon, On tho Republican side the one groat issue of this campaign luis been argued ou every stump and in every newspaper.- ini No appeals have been nuule to paession. Nobody has been abused. So far as the Kepuhlicans could control it this t0, has been a campaign ol ideas; Kepub- nu licaus have addressed themselves to the th intolligtinco and the iuterest of voters. (!u If the Republican argument has been jjjj the strongest, is not the Republican tui party entitled to your vote? 1 ? thi The Mi<iinlii|{ ??r n Vote. tic It is to be supposed that when a man W1 goes to the polls to put in his ballot he [JJ will, through the medium of that ballot, lie aak for what he wants. thi Does the man who roads this want ^ the policy of Protection continued and perfected to socure to him his employ* inj ment at fair wages? Or, does ho want nc tho American policy of Protection laid * aside for the British policy of Free Trade? "" The Republican nominees, from liar- ?0 rison down, represent the policy of Pro- $ tection. Tho Democratic nominees, tio from Cleveland down, represent tho to British policy of Free Trade. pe, No voter of intelligence can mistako jn the plain issue. Ho can have wlmt he Hto wants by voting for the men who will y0, give him what he wants. A vote to- sat row will 1m for or ngainrt Protection in tl r or ngainst Free Trade; Which gg litl?? trad lint Up ?l*r? Niilmtnwou Klrctlou liny. ie law requites Uio saloons to bo rje(j cil "U election (lay. Tha law is reii- wm iblf and right, passed /or a good pur* 111 . The requirement in that the iking bouses be closed from midnight : i)...mni.iil.lii fin.1 irnnd 118 IJ?:nielli. nvMuuu / * n ? Uw is it id generally disobeyed with lack e ur of prosecution. he local authorities do hot need to tjlu en indod of the law and their duty tlio lor it. All thUthev-tHMlerstand well, pet j n minder that may be timely in that jj^1 y are sworn to enforce the law, and ^jj t they ought to keep their oath. This am die*, of eourge, to all days, hut there 'Sat pt-cial reason for the closing of the au< jonrf on election day, and a successful , j,,, >rt in this direction would he en- Mr sc<l by the public. tht rhe way to enforce the law is to go at uul do it. Then ,thos-j who are dis- Hlu tt'd to^violato the law will believe that an 5 ollleers of the law are in earnest. no ? OVi The Third fnrty frlmi. art .\ peculiar electioneering document ho s been addressed to "the temperance jj? ten of West Virginia." It is signed ^ VtL. McCuekey, Chairman Prohi- tri m Committee First Congressional dis- tu et. Note these two extracts from tlie cument: Ii ilie amendment Is carried neither I party will enforce it. Its enforceL'nt deiiends upon a party whose existt\ is dependent upon its enforcement. TIk^ candidates of tin* Prohibition 18 rtv in West Virginia urc all men of u*rling integrity. It is not with these < jit ciiii-n u question of olHee, for not i'* ?'f them expects to be elected. n< These extracts are very interesting jjj mil tig. What are the Third Party men g riving at? They declare that neither ci the old parties would enforce the pro- {!' ibitory auiondiuent if it were passed. ? ' liey say in the next breath that their d< uniidat-es do not expect to be elected; {[ hich shows, among other thiugn, that j| it y understand this feature of the situ- .hi ion. k If the amendment cannot be enforced J-j ntil the Prohibition party is put in ower to enforce it, what is the uso of loptingthe amendment? This is the I.S..I. vnlli. I tHt'lf M IH .1UUII ? Uit'll HUMIIIU^ n?r>n>- fter reading the circular. But why do J' lie Third l'arty men make these decla- *J lond at this time? They have been x barged by prohibitionists who arc not J! bird Party men with desiringthe de- jj at of the amendment. They have been r barged by prohibitionists who are {{ tqiublicans with putting a tickct in |? lie field for the sole purpose of drawing 1: oUs away from the Republican ticket :j' ml thus defeating the Republican nomi- J ees. < They defeated the Republican nomiieo for President in 188-1, and they did ^ by these tactics. There is less proba- w ility that they will succeed this time. v A JuHt Verdict. 'J Van Baker has had two chances to es- .< ublish his innocence of tbo frightful iouble crime with which he was charged. r< n order to meet his complaint that he 13 :ould not get a fair trial in iiancoek ounty ho was given a second trial in *' nn^Dtontlv 1 irOOKO county. Iiu who mi ably defender!, as lie should have { leeh. 2s o man ever had a fairer chance. ' Sotli juries found him guilty of murder {\ i the first degree. The verdict is in jj arinony with the evidence and violates v 0 reasonable presumption. Baker ia i lelcy to save his neck, but a life sen- v tuco is no small penalty. f, I10N. A. POLLACK'S CIIAKACTEU 'ufctidiMl III nl'i act teal JlaiiiivrliyitLoiid. int; trade* Uiiloniiit. Tito following communication from p, resident Waesmnn, of the Ohio Valley jl rades and Labor Assembly, which up- ii eared in yesterday's (.Sunday's) issue of jj >o NcuX'LcUcr) is worthy of the careful :tention of every laboring inau, si Wheeling, Nov. 3, 1888. ff (IUorofthc Newt-Letter: 1 notice in the Jitguier of above date i ii article in which "Jackson" assails nt only Mr. Augustus Pollack'/i labor word, but in an underhand and un- i* umly way attempts to blacken the V larueter of a man who stands above re- s< roach. Then "Jackson" tells the people trough the columns of the Register that i I SSI, the convict labur bill having ?( ilt-d to pawj a joint resolution was ui rafted by a Democratic member from lis city and piloted through the Legifi- Ji1 turn, "by the teims of which no con- j,< ii..u m actor eouiu ouuuu mu u*uu? ?, r more than one year at less than a jj ip ill a ted price. This, "Jackson" claims ni locked Mr. Pollack out. j'? Ho much fortlic communication. Now ^ l us look into this a little closer. Who i) its it that madeJt possible /or Mr. Pol- ;.V ckor any other man to employ convict bor? Was it not a Democratic Legiature that-pave* any ninn the privilege J)1 avail Hfnroelf of that law and did not her men btd along with Mr. Pollock r t hat same contract ?. W by 7 Because Democratic law passed by a DemocratLegislature pave them the right to do . I fail to see why "Jackson" harps strongly ou a system that hat! its jii rth under the Datnocrutic SUito govnmentand was united,to maturity by Democratic legislature ami is even p? ?w endorsed by a Democratic reform JM ministration by letting the contract $ r wagons to the convict labor of Ten- w ssee. Wl I refer "Jackson" to House Journal March 1&S1", pp. 400*411, where PI I will Und the following; 'Theconvict J* jor bill having been defeated, Mr. W. , Hubbard offered the following, which . < ' is adoj.ted: *tu House Joint. Resolution No. 20, relat,?(o the employment of convict labor; Sol lifsolvrd Hi/ tin Legislature of II Vd I7r ji< tin, That in the opinion of the legisla e. the labor of convicts in the peniitiary shall not be employed in the mufacture of tobacco and cigars, and b directors of the penitentiary arc roosted to act iu accordance with this in ion as soon as existing contracts for ting convict labor lor such mauufac- ed re shall expire. m< l'liis effort to belittle Mr. Pollack in af| d eyes of the workingmen, and par- cn nlarly the eigarmakers of Wheeling, ,;,n II not succeed, as they have a warm j.ti :ard for and are indebted tt> Mr. Pol- U7 i. f.?- "wmxiinn nnn kind act iu their nn half, and they are not going to have jnj b wool pulled over their eyes by aukson" or anybody else when .111 op* J)0 riunity offers itself to return the coin. frc uient, which they will do by support- mi : him for elector-nt-large at the polls j8 | xt Tuesday. Oosuad Wasskuan. vjt 1 - e j MR. >YA&EMAN EJlHlASIZKb l)e 1 Cant in \tmtvnlnj'* "Newn.Lctter." K0' Mr. Pollack Abljr Vindicated. j1"' V* Alitor of It* InUUiamcer. J?r Jm:?Since writing the communican in the Sunday News-fatter in regard the article from "Jackson" which ap? j ired in the RtgitUr, I find it necessary ||jj order to make it more plainly under- ^ od, to avail myself of the spaco of iir valuable paper. What I want to ^ T is this: The manufacture of cigars En Ijo WeatrVirgioit penitentiary was x*?l and operated by the State und e into direct competition with the T" 0 in tbia city, iind ?*?pt'cially Mr. nek's trade, as the .State turned out same line of goods. The State ear- w< on tbo manufacture of cigars for e time at a lot**. Mr. Pollack found ecessary in order to crush out this petition to take control of the mauu- di' lire of cigars at tbo penitentiary, is u is a well known fart to all cigar* te cers of Wheeling. After Mr. rob I) : obtained the contract lie inline* tl dy ceased nuinij/hcturin# the cigars, ui ich came into directconpetition with 1' cigars made in this city, and took up ti manufacture of a cigar which coin- lit edwith a similar grade of goods that T re brought into the Wheeling market E the* Standard Cigar Company, of the egheny penitentiary. The circular w 1 stickers referred to by the Hon. d uuel A. Iv. Jackson were gotten up tl 1 printed ;by the working men con- a ted with, labor orgrnizatiotis, who in ti itwav showed their uppreciutiatlon of u . Pofbck's many kindly acts towards w iiu. Mr. Pollack knew'nothing of the 'J [ ulars until shown theui after they ti ii Vou. r uxtnf it under- |i iiiui'u |'i(iiivu( ??? * ... nil right here thut I did not receive p v* stock in Mr. Pollack's cigar factory, r do I lind it nectary t > come out t it a fictitious signature. I wrote the s iele to refute an attack made upon an ( noruble citizen. Now. if Mr. 8. A. K. ti ekson's motives were honorable, why \ 1 he not do an I have done, and not do t an undermining rodent and hide hi* c te identity under a spurious sigua- 1 re? " Con had Wasskma.n. t Wheeling, IK. ]'</., Nov. 4, 1888. < W16T VilullMA'ij VOTE. 1 10 Voto III ikk I for l'r?*ulilviit mill lu 1sk1i | for CoiigroMMimu. , Following is the voto by counties in ; S-i uud ISSt) in this Statu: l t'luvluu']. Maine. 1 :ocntii>-w, pern- jtcp. iriNiur J/Jhl l.-il rkeley l.KiO 1,76:1 one ?.... -170 5162 mxton 1, til Ml 'ixiki*...7>i7 7ol llwll 1 ,i*?J 1.41llhoun 'ifilJ jw uy SoO "f'? xlflrldgu .. wa I/jm lyi'ttc. J/M 1,7A3 inner I.e.'" < 74 runt :H0 M6 x-ouUrhr. j,k;i l,oi"? 1,74* -hu uncock 4-V? IW 1.116 574 urrjftoti ? -'.N'J " 2,:xi l.'WI 1,812 ill'eixm 1,61nimwliu 2.K26 *1.1! ill wU l,H4) l,;m Int-jln ^ W4 fij? iitIoti 1? urslmil l."i?l 11 .ton 2.?C7 -I4"'i? ercer. *-?i7 <101 lui-rul 1.077 ?*? otlotitfilliH ,.. I.'.W ioiiroo 1,|"6 Vt?J organ lv Dowcll .. - <? 1^ l. ll.lllL- - ?? , &?' > iiio 4,:cu? Kit 6U6 Iiwanl4....,? CM Oi', ocjihouUtf M~ Hmou .*.? i,w? 2,?? uttmm .. 1,102 1,'ja.l uUmuIi 7 "it W? innlolpli ............ J.Ill) foi tlullie 1,2*1 1,7-11 'MI HI" .. ...... 1.1 in) iiniincrf. U?.'?s h"l nj'lor 1.147 1.421 lU'fclT -i:t5 JJHD ylur ia.l.'MO 1.4W "hljur OS- l.jr.7 'nyne .... i,7tf? 1,090 V tutor. .... 427 ' 171 ctzel J,IM7 4,OAS 'in ny> yj.j 'ooi! .. 2,:uo 2,721 i>omlui;.v~? iNi 20c Tojnl ....r?7.:U7 Gt.oyrt Itiralliy 1.221 ?r rent........ W.1M *17.71 tsattcriug M'l Tutul I3il.>i Of tho "ffnitorinjj" votes iu 18SI, tt!9 were cmt >r .St. Jnhu, rruliibltion, uud tnto for Uutler, : rue A buck. Copgrt***itnml Klitotlirii 1888. KH!>T PISTIUCT. lioir, Urunnoq. fV<cr?. Hop. 1'uiii. J'fO, | Iraxlon - i>w l.iu Jruuke 722 712 101 'mltlrlrige l,:iiu l.ois llincr 7ii i.osl ... i (MtlCOCk.... .*.? ? JRI5 ittrrkuu 2,1174 1.074 o1 0Wl? I.lul 1,040 20 | Mg } ? I r k ettol '8 *' _" T0,nl 17.55# 10.7J2 IW I'irdlUy * } .H or (vii r*'-8- 43 flittering Total vote> nisTiticr. Wilson. Flick. Slier. Pcm. "oj?. ?'roarbour. J erkcley ~~ 1'gJ I *? ? ST: ^ ?g g I m: ml , WW 6r utiotigullu - M<?> -?i*V ?==,| J ^ SE=:|.^ "i ucker ._jMJ ,na Total 17,112 W lurullty ? JJJ W-W 40Al? MtteriiiR ?.* Total Vote >?"?>?> TlllltD nlSTMCT. ClaySn*?lcr. Brovrn. jmniI. Item. Hep. Pro. r-r::;r=r 2} ffi < rwuwter, - Mg "jjjj ?1J uuinrUn AjW ' ? |T oLotveU ? jjM j Wl w ?> ? ?g ?B ? IcUoliW W1 ?JJ V, M-Illll 111 tits ' " J VI ilolftb 740 -j;* iMiucru ttrt tt?7 3'J pjiliur 717 cosier My 212 youilug .......... -ii>7 436 roui iTwii i-i.oi i w; ii ml I ty W5 rcvnl W..VJ 47.55 J.85 i'Otul1 YOU' 211,461 KOUJtTlt DISTINCT. HutchUosg? Iiisoii. Smith. Hem. Hep. Pro. ,l>ell l.NW 1,4:11 us ,ihouti~ nj7 '?-> 2 rlisoii.. 1.7.V.) I,7u7 -JO iinoln ' <- Jo l*on....~~. - 2,014 2, 171 M iMMtiiUs 713 M'J li ituiwi) l.W'J 1.1-1 11 tcllie - 1/2&0 1.575 1?| i.iiw l? nyuo .. 1,618 3-1VJ 3 Irt ?74 813 a iw<L ... .... 2,-58 2.7J.. 1U? roUL 16,:Ot 15,687 bte urulity 717 r if lit .. .. 50.29 48.00 1.71) uttering I roUil vote .... 02,680 rho Legliilaluto of Wttt Virginia of 1887-88, indH: Dcm. Pom. Hop. uihj. imto - M 12 2 I UK % ?)", olnt Iiallot ? S 41 V A ltouner at Atorgnntown. rlaf Carrtrpondcncc of thr InMllQcnccr, Morgan-town, W. Va., Nov. 3.?-The publicans of Monongalia county clostho campaign of 1888 with a rousing :etingat the Court House square this eruoou. Notliwithstandingthe threat- < ing weather of the morning the people } ine from all parts of the county, Judge , u'ia W. Kintf. of Yoongtown, Ohio, i w the orator of the day unci delivered J tj of the best speeches made hero Uur- c e this canvass. fudge King told un Intkluoenoeu re? rter that bo expected great things mi West Virginia this year, for the lie amount oi earnest enthusiasm that manifest in this State would presage lory in Ohio, and ho honestly believ- ? fWbii'v could not buy victory for the t nW-raey. Monongalia county is in J ad trim forthe election and it is con- t> I'Utly expected she will give 1,300 maity." Democratic boodle is as free as ter and every effort is being made buy Wm.J* Wilson into Congress. okkat benefit has been secured to . } poor by the introduction of Dr. ll's Cough Syrup; for it now only ? t'8 25 cents to euro a cough or cold. < i .?? - g riiK Dress Maker's friend?"Mile- ? d" Spool Cotton. i THE EDITOR Iff THV' "BUDGET ike* "Javkiton" to Tank nnd Defend* Mr. Pollack Affulunt Unjimt Charge*. The 1191110 of Mr. John Elitnann, the ill known editor of the Ohio Valley udfjcl, win signed to ? ringing card, liinh appeared in yesterday's (Suniy's) News-fatter, asking which party responsible for the convict labor sysin in this fe'tate. lie arraigns the euiocratic party for having continued int system, and repels the false and njust attack made on lion. Augustus ollack in an anonymous communica* on over the aigh'&ture "Jackson," pul>ahed in Jaturday's issue of the Jieyistrr. he following is an extract from Mr. Ihmann's communication: "Mr. Pollack is not the kind of a man ho boasts of what he has done or will o^ There is no more liberal man in iought, speech and action in our State, nd while he believes that on the proactive tariU* issue the Republican party > right and the Democratic party rong, he has never said anywhere that Democracy is treuson.' His public utterances are known. Why not answer lis arguments instead of resorting to ersonal abuse? "The latter part of tlio communicaion alludes to Mr. Pollack as having oiiie eight or nine years contracted' or the eonyict labor inmates of the itate penitentiary, and claims that he lired them to the injury of every cigar naker in the State, the facts in the :ase are that Mr. Augustus Pollack had teen suH'cring some time previous tp hat period when in self-defense he wa> :ompclle!l to resort to the leasing of that abor, from the Intense eompruiiou 01 .lie Statu prison in his line. Tim goods ivere made by tho State and often sold for less than the cost of material in order to throw them on the market. It was for this reason, to get rid of a most dan* serous competitor in tho shape of this great State of West Virginia, that lie was forced in a measure to hiro the labor. "lie made no money on tho contract but it did remove. Statu competition, which was the end in view. Even today Mr. Pollack can show goods which he has in stock made by this prison labor, which he woqkl not think of offering for-sale, sis it would only injure his established trade. "Mr. Pollack has been solicited b> those connected with the management and control of tjjo Moundsvillu penitentiary to again renew his contract, bul has refused to have anything to do will it. The persons who tried to secure hii contract for convict labor in making ci gars are all members of the party u whjch 'JnefaP!)' belong, While it i) seven years sii e?cigars were made in iLm penitentiary, the Democratic legislature has continued year after year to contrae the labor to the Webster Wagon Com pany, to a broom manufacturing com pa ny and to a whip manufacturing comjia "If Democrats were to hold Mr. Pol lack responsible for what ho was com pel led to do years ago in self defense, U protect his trade from the coinpetitioi of tho State prison (under Democrats control), should pot these Uenjocrau hold'their party responsible for leasinj. this convict labor year after year to othe; contractors, in spite of the protest and petitions of the workingmen of thii State ? "If it is really in earnest in itspositioi on the question of pqn^ract prison laho: in the State Penitentiary, why don't tin Democratic party abolish it? Jt had ful oontrol. Is it not a clumsy argument t< attack Mr. Pollack for what ho did ii defense and whom they have solicit ed frequently to renew his contract,Jwher it is that very party which maintains thi OHitejW in the State prison ?" Woniiurlul Cure*. W. D Ilovt A Co., wholesale and re tail druggists of Koine, Ua., say: _\V< have been selling Dr. King s Now Difl covery, Electric Bitters and Bucklen, Arnloa S|ilyi! for (our years. Huvi never handled remedies t^at sell as well or give such universal satisfaction There have been some wonderful cure; effected by these medicines in this city Several cases of pronounced J iiwump tion have been entirely cured by use o .. I .1114.u <.f kinc's iS(>\v I)in I oovery, tafcop jn connection with Elcc ' trie Bitters. We guarantee thorn always Sold by Logan & Co. 1 Oh! What a flopper. fjtlw, Rose & Co. lmvo (lopped ol the high prtoe charged for Sewjng Ma ehiues, and adopted an entire neW sye tern of selling. No canvassers employed The agent's eouiniissioa given to tin customer. Head advertisemeut on tin other side?"How you can save fron $15 to $35." Catariui cured, health and ewee breath seeurcd, by Shiloh's Catorri Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nflfjal in jector free. Fob lame back, sido or chest, use Shi loh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cents. Shiloh's Cough and ConsumpUor Cure is sold by us on a guarantee/ Ii cures Consumption. Bold by W. E Williams and C. Monkemillcr. boti lUl.l). IIORNRROOK?At Philadelphia, Pa., on flatur fay, :t, idM, Col. Jacob Hons nuooK. ? Funeral notice hereafter. mjMPsToNE-On Sunday, November A, 1888, a J'J o'clock in., Ai.ruKt) C., lufaut Kon of F. H und V. V. Hi'uiphtuuo. Funeral from Wladvor Hotel thli (Monday morning at 10 o'clock. Interment private. SCIIMID r-On Sunday. November4, lfcvs. at 1:3 O'clock u. in., K. 11. Schmidt, In tlie.Mith ycai Of iliNUgV. Fuuoral will tfike placo from his late residence Hoggs' Run. Wednesday moruing at 1> o'clock. I'rfcndHof (ho fnmfly are Invited to uttcud. Intcrmcut at Greenwood Cum' etcry. YOUR EARS Ought to have a(ton(fou perhup*. If to, B. will do you gocd, removing ull inorganic matter, the direct cutuo of ^leafncM. It will also Hiil your digestiou. Wltnoa the following teatl* moulalu: Could Hoar a Tlok Crawl. Mr. C. ? Hall wwtfl from Shelby, Ala.. Febniary v. 1887: "I could nut hear It thunder. I hrnnl of II. H. I).. ukoiI two bottles, and now aiu hear a tick crawl lu the Ion von. ? "I Cave Up to Dio," Knox vn.i.e,, July 2,1887. I hnvo bad catarrh of tbo head for ?lx went to a noted doctor and he treated me for It, but rould not curv inc. be Mid. lwiuovcr fifty venni old und 1 #ave ut? to dlo. I bail n tlutrenIiik t'onub; my cyw woru hwoIIcii and I ani conlid* ut I could not have lived without a change. I rent nno i>ot one bottle of your medlclua, used It. and felt Letter, i hou I Kot four more, aud tbank God! it cured me. tie this any way you may wl?b for the gooil of mllercr*. .Mm. Matii-oa Nictiow. 11 Florida street. A Preacher Cured of Dyspepsia. Mu coftUKEE, Fi.a., Leon Co.. July 20,1886. I have been ft miflerer from Indigestion and tvnpepftlA for a Ions time. and Jwve tried many eraediea, but until I whs Induced by my friend* o try your B. R. B. received no relief, but id nee hhIuk It bnvo fonnd more relief nnd comfort bau from any other treatment I b?ve owd. lopinc you will forward to my iuldre?a your fttlc S^' patre book tarpr&crltiUpD,alio evidence if cured. Bend at earliest date. , ? It in*. Ron t P. A Book of Wondorsi Free, All who dcilro full Information about the | an?e ami euro "f Blood l'ul?oti?. Scrofula or cTofulou* Swelling, Ulcew, Sorw, Khotimal*m. Kidney Complaint*. Utarrh, etc.. can mure by innil free, a ropy of our 82-page Illuatrai'tl Hook of Wonder*, filled with the tnont wonicrful and startling proof ever before known. Addre*, BLOOD BALM t;0.. Atlanta, Ga. LOGAN & CO., nofrtMW Wholesale Agent*. ' Special Notices. ~FITS:?AlTpiuMoM'cil lr? bjr Dr. Kllnc'l I real Nerve Restorer. No Flu alter flmt day'? ?ie. Marvelous curva. Treath* and 9200 trial ottle free to Fit cases. Bend to Dr. Kline, Kfl j icb iireet, I'hlladelphla, Pa. mwfaw New Advertisements. pOTATOES! , At Bottom Market Prices. ' R. K. GIFKEN & CO.. noB * 1820 Hnln 8treet. WhfolUnt. W. Va. K?D FIREI $ I 00 Per Dozen. Full weight, at K. n. LIST'S, no-'t 1010 Main Street. JgAKEKY FOR SALE. A flrut-classed, well equipped Bakery cau be purchased, together wltb the good-paying trade It enjoys, for u reasonable sum. A desire to en gage in omer ouiiucw ib iuo rcw ?? to sell. Address, , t noS M. K.. thisolUcc. Regular Tuesday packet forP&rkcnburg, l'omeroy, Galll-, t polls, fronton, Huntington, I'ort*- ? month. Uaysvlllc. Cincinnati uml*?"""" * Louisville. The elegant passenger steamer ( -ANDES,Cluu. Muhleman, Com'r, Mart F. Noll, Clerk, will leave for above points on Tuesday, Nov. 6. Ht 3 o'clock p. m? Kharp. Passengers and freight rceclptcd through to all points West aud South. For freight or luuwoge apply on board or to Po5 FKANK HOOTH. Agent. | THE STONE BRIDGE IS GONE And I propose closing out my entire stock of Goods within the next Ninety D?ys. The low of i hi' bridge has so damaged trade in Centre \Vhce!lu? that I am going to leave that section of the city, aud for that reason will Bell at a sacrifice all my stock of CLOTHING! UNDERWEAR, (font's Furnishing (foods, Valises, Neckircar/clc., c(c. rrioea arc inarKcu away uown mi mo rureuucr'* own figure*. Call andl>c convinced of thU fact. Thin 1* your hurt chance for a bargain at the old reliable stand of the oldest Clothing Merchant In the elty ol Wheel lug. C. STEINFELD, ! oclff-Mwr No. 2100 Main Streot. ; Cold Weather Music Books. i The chill November winds, the whirling with ered leave* that tap ngalntd fh" w indow imne, harmonize well with the nweet mufio and the ) i heeriul MtnisH tlmtnre to make wintet home* attractive. With your fuel, brlug in a goodly . limit it v nf nil* lirilMit " NEW MUSIC BOOKS. ' Thcto new books are every ilny more in favor: 9 CLASSICAL 1'IANIHT, Piano Classics, t-0ng daisies, Song Classic* for Low Voice*, Classic t Tejmr Songs, Classic Buritone and Hum Songs. , Eachfl. PRAISE IK RONQ UO cent*. $1 '^0 J?urdo*.) is Ibe bent new Sacrv'd Mus(o Book lor Home aud Yejtry singing, LET HIE CHILDREN SING from Menard's Hongs for Kindergarten und Primary Schools (.'10 cents) or Jenk\ Hougs aud Games for Little Ones (82) or Cnihbcn's School Songs (3T? rents, ) fcioo per doz.) All have very sweet child's , songs. G1VK YOUR AID ItlgCtUug up ft rousing Rood , evening Shoeing Claw to use song Harmony (CO ' cents, $'> per doz,) Full of most interesting ; music, Sacred und Secular. Song Manual, p Hook(5o cents, M 80 pur doz.) is uiso a good collection, mostly secular. J TKLL Til K TEMPERANCE PEOPLE tbut no " better Temperance Song Book has appeared thuu Bells of Victory (:& cent*, fctco per do*.) l XMAS IS COMING. Send for H*l?of Christmas r Cautata* and Corals, ? ANY HOOK MAtLEP FOB RETAIL MICE. I OLIVER DITSOH ft CO., Boston. . C. if. Dmos & Co., M7 Broadway, New York. 1 nm-?Th.vvr ; FOR RENT. No. 2318 Market street, new dwelling house, six rooms and bath-room, natural and illiiiniuuthiir giu 8!" 00 No. 122 Alley 15 ~J. .... 7 00 No. 'ilh-i Maiu street, store-room ....10 00 No. 141 Adey 14 C tXJ li No. 22I5 Market St., store-room and cellar..... 15 tx? r No. 2217 Market st.. store-room and ccilur...l5 00 u No. "<213 Market street, third floor ft 00 8 No. v.M'J Market street, third floor f> t<i 0 No. 1012 Maraet street, store-room aud two rooms SO 00 No. lo.IT Market street, store t-ootn 10 00 No. HU0 Main street, bar-room aud fixtures, 3 three room* and cellar 20 CO , No. ir>6 Nineteenth street, :: roomed house... 0 00 No. 07 Eleventh street, a rooms and cellar... 0 00 } FOR SALE. No. 712 Main street. No. 46 Eleventh street. No. 'J 120 Market street; ground a full lot. if No. S'J Fourteenth street, ground ? half lot, price 91,00t). Terms easy. No, 2228 Main street, 15 rooms and attic, 83,300. No. 2<kM Main street. 81.700. No. 2:$ ami 2.") Tweutieth street. r No. CO Zane street. 81.200. No. W Zanc street, Si,C00. No. 130 Twelfth street. JAMES A. HENRY. ileal Estate Agent, U. S. Pension and Claim At3 torney, Collector and Notary Public. :. I'ersoual attention glvcu to Renting Houses, , Collecting Bents, Purchase aud Sale ol ileal Es1 tato. I prosecute Claims for Pension. Bounty. ?fce. Notary Commission tiled in Pension otllcc, Pension vouchers certltled, Deposition* taken in k Pension claims; Deeds, Leases. Agreements and other written instruments o rewired. The Col 1 lection of Accounts u specialty, aud prompt re turns made. tio'> Office; No. lf.12 MahkhtStrhht. ATTENTION, VOTERS! t ' ' At tho coming election tho pooplo of West Virginia are permitted to cant their ballots for or HK-ilnst the liquor traffic. There In (hinder > that this grand opportunity may be undervalued - or misunderstood. The Prohibition Amendment 1h like the other amendments, in that it is In no way connected with any |M>llilcal party. Whichever way a man may vote ou it will not t help or hinder the success of any part jr. It Ik well known that thtrc is no more dangerous foe to society than the liquor saloon- It l? hurtful ) to all honest and respectable business. It debauches not] ruins our boy * by tho thousands every year; it indict* untold misery ou helpless > women and chlluren; it debases uinnhood, and " It is a most fruitful cause of disorder, vice. poverty and crime. It is a blot upou our christian , clvillxa ion atul a mcunce to our institutions. A . vote auainst the licensed saloon Is a vote for so' ciai order ami purit . (or business prosperity I ?ad fur religions and moral progress We, there, fore, appeal to every good citizen of every |>olltinKmil anil tuartr tn v.itn "Knr HntHlintlnn" nf , the Prohibition Amendment. Signed by 8. Kaunkut Jonks, I'. E. Wheeling District. J T. McClubb, hwtor U. 1*. Church. M. F. Uhydin, North htrcet M. K. Church. I). A. Cunningham, First Presbyterian Church. C. B. Oiiaiiam, JUne Street 51. h. Church. W. U. KliiEtUAKKKK.Chnpllue St. M. EChureh. CM ah. TnKUBCHKi,, (Jormati M. E. Church. E. 11. Iiounhi.askh, En*. JSvati. Luth. Church. N. li. Atwook, iJihciplcs' Church. (tKOHiiK W. (J him km. Thomson fhurch. C. W. Ct'suino, Fourth street Chmrh. I., W. Third 1'resbytcrian Church, it. A. Kxkd. Simpson ? hnn h. ii. h. iu.aimiri.1., Female College. (j. E. Lrtiikbby, Fulton. W. H. Coons, Secoud l're?bytcrlan Church. nrrt AUCTION THIS EVENING!" Wickham's Auction House No. 1103 MiiiKBT St., Wheeling, W. Va. Dry Goods, Clothing, Dnderwear, Ovorshlrts, Notion*. Jtoot* and Shoes, Watchcs Jewelry, Plated \V*re, Cutlery, Muxfcal Instruments, Fancy China Vases, Cups, Saucers and others iirtlclo* too numerous to mention. I'rlTnto Sales ot Auction Prices. "Furniture. Ac., Bought and 8old. Money Advanced on Articles of Value. nol C^UNS, RIFLES AND REVOLVERS. X unnt* At Ran.. Sn 1113 MarketBL. are agent* lor tbo celebrated Keystone Double Barrel Breeoh Loading Shot Oun, and other make* of Qnn?. Rifle" and RcroWcr*. Al*o I'linmberlnln'n ami Peter** Cartridge*. Flno Povket and Table Cutlery a Specialty. All tho above poods at remarkably low figure*. oc.1 nwMff HOPE it BRO. THE OELEBRATED FRENCH CAPSULES OP MATHEY-CAYLUS A tent of 30 TEARS hax provod, th? rrrat merit of thin iKiiiuUr rvnirJy. bjr tbn r?|-ld Uwnwe Infavoi with Iwwllo* I'ttrrtdanawrrrwlwro. Iti??n*riorto all other* fur th? nf?v prmui't *n?l coui|<lrt? cure ? Cealt |>er bottle of 64 C*|wuUm. OU*N k CO., 1'ARlC Jel(W? QH AMBER : WARE! New Ooodi Juit arrived. at all prlcw. ] EWINO BROS., nol 121S Mulct SU, opp. McLuro Home. Ceo. C. Sttfel & Co. 5e0. e. stifel &c CO. Underwear! We have given special attenion to this department this leason.and now havo on hand :omplete lines of Gentlemen's Ladies' A Children's Underwear I In Ilallirlftfun, IVIillo, Ribliod and Jlprlin, Sou riot, (Coclilnral dyed), Camel's Hair and Austral Inn Wool. -ALSO DR. JAEGER'S CELEBRATED Sanitary Underwear! Which has been Redubed 25 per cent from the regular price. LARGE STOCK OF BLANKETS! White and Scarlet. Comfortables AT ALL l'HICES. Geo. E. Stifel & Co., 1114 MAIN St. J. S. Rhodes & Co. SPECIALSALE ?of? CLOAKS The largest stock in the State. Correct styles and low prices. Ladies' Clotb Newmarkets. Ladies' Cloth Raglans. Ladies' Clotb Jackets. All the Desirable Styles of PLUSH WRAPS Children's Cloaks In endless variety, to fit all ages, from 4 years uwards. New additions made daily in Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks. J. S. RHODES# CO. no3 oictuuutJi y Wo .bavo recently replenished our stock of these flrstchui ko4m1m, hiu! give nKunrmi tee with every Knife sodomy i'air of fcetwors uoId. Stanton & Davenport, No. 1301 MARKET STREET. oc27 ( Blank Books and Stationery!. Day Books, I Ledgers, Journals, &c., PENS, INKS AND PENCILS, WALL PAPER and BORDERS, 1 Baby Carriage*, STANDARD HUNTING FLAGS. Urroit itock Mid trrcntcit variety In tlie Slate, bold retail at wholwmlc prlcca, by JOSEPH GRAVES, Htf AC TWELFTH STREET. UAliJLH, Bats, tasks, Gloves aid Belts, ; Croquet and Hammocks. Book*, MagaaJnes and Papers, C. H. QU1MBY, Boowelier and Newsdealer, i Je9 Koa. 1414 and 1MJ7 Market Street. ' Jy[ONEY TO LOAN = >n First Mortmc Security on Ohio Bcal Estate, rom ono to fTro years. B. T. HOWELL, Insurance and Bcal Katate Agent. a Jy20 Bridgeport, Ohio, o Ceo. R. Taylor & Co.? GREAT Ri ?OF PRIC Geo. R, Tay DRESS DEPART *11 MarlfoH Unu/n Scl mi luuiatu vvnui nui ' fine alTwo 40 inches wide, down STILL FINER ALI 40 inches wide, down FINEST ALL-I001 48 inches wide, down ALL-W001 39 inches wide, down FINEST ALL-WOO 42 inches wide, down Henrietta Cloths , FINEST C 46 inches wide, dowr Broadcloths, all colors, Broadcloths, all colors., Broadcloths, all colors, tiroadciotns, an colors, Broadcloths, all colors, $isr?We invite al and see the barga and other departn This change of this morning, Octc GEO. Rlf C. Mendel & Co.?Fu THE NE\A _A?bd/?Lj JR We arc picnaeri to announce large arrivals of ] attention i? Invited to tv cholcc, complete and a most Charming Efleets lu Parlor and CI DINING-ROOM, HALL & ?Single Pieces Misce CARPETS, LINOLE Rugs, Mat In every Department we offbr unparalleled In Goods "f quality Iteyond qtioftlou, and to thine v the STRONG INDUCEMENT OF LOW PRICES, I as well as the Choicest stock Is that of G.MEM Furniture Mn 119A MA m 1 V/ At M A ??*i a ^^Undertaking a Si Political. Campaign Goods BANNERS BURGEES WITH CANDIDATES NAMES, U. S. FLAGS, Every Variety, CHINESE LANTERNS, CAMPAIGN TORCHES, &c., ?AT? J. W. LOANE'S, 15 X. (Jny St., Baltimore, Mil. Send for Price List. nn'-Hrnvr Plumbing, Cas & Steam Fitting. Geo. Hibberd & Son, Bnocenon to Thompson & Hibberd, PRACTICAL Plumbers, Gas & Steam Fitters, BRASS FOUNDERS, SPECIALTIES.?Natural Gax Sappllo, Steam TMllnv and Ventilation 1314 Market Street, WHEELING, W VA. WAll work promptly done at most rcuoniblo price*. mya yyM. HARE & SON, f&ACTICAL PI umbers. Gas and Steam Fitters, No. S3 TWELFTH ST. All work dont promptly ?t rwonable prim. I70R DODGERS r AND SMALL HAND BILLS, Go to the Irtkluobhckk Job Kooxi, Not, 23 ad 27 Fourteenth street, where you can be aoommodated atihort notloe. Reduction of Prices. SDOCTION Fin )ES! ? Am lor & Co.'s t GOODS 'MENT. ? ?le I :onishingIy Low Prices. g otserges, *;. ' graui to 48c, worth 60 cts. J}:, l-wool serges, ? to 65c, worth 80 cts. l serges made, g to 88c, worth $1.00. i almas, 1 to 72c, worth 85 cts. " 'L ALMAS MADE, f i to $1.05 from $1.25. T and Drap d' Ete, ? QUALITY, ) to $1.05 from $1.25. 88 cts, from SI.09. is , $1.05, from $1.25. ? $1.48, from $1.75. -a $1.65, from $1,90. ^ $2.20, from $2.50. ? 1)0 0 m. l I interested to call ins we offer in this Ti Tents. ? prices dates from )ber22. mmoj rniture and Carpets. -p / STYLESI ' JOI EAD71 j S'cw Goods, Ircah from tlio manufacturer*. Your ircCully wslcctcd assortment of tho Newest and lamkr Slits,1 ' KOO : LIBRARY FURNITURE. ot illaneous Furniture,? g s'D? 28 DBS, OIL CLOTHS, I s, &c., &c. 1 (Iticcracnta to buyers in tho way of High Clans ro add unlimited variety in a'l now novelties and by which wo aboil demonstrate that the Cheapest EL & CO. I _ goo & Carpets s IN STREET. 2 jecialty. V& Groceries, Etc. ll"' M. REILLY, WHOLESALE Grocer, Pork Packer, j T1 AND CURER OF THE rcu< e*tn Celebrated "SlrawlwiTj Hams," |]c? HOS. 1309 AND 1311 MAIN STREET, Fo WHEELING, W. \A. Jg Mr own Curo of Choice Smoked Meat* dcllr- == ered dally from my Pork House at Manchester. TO* LARGEST STOCK Of X GENERAL GROCERIES ? Coui IN THE 8TATE. Tru? auet Hou Headquarters for Taylor's Patent and Family Floar, ss half ? four Headquarters for the Cclebraftd Alaroma Coffee. ? HA th Role Agent for Dupont'a 8porting, Mining and BlmlncI'owdcr. ]<* J ?,1 BUCKWHEAT FLOUR. = Fresh Mountain lluckwhcat Just received. It la the first of the acMOD. NEW CORN MEAL, n ltoth I'earl nud Golden. Fresh Oatmeal and Rolled Oau. . New Hominy and ('racked Wheat. f UTLeaYo your orders at CONNER & SNEDEKEE'S, And KM Flno Goods nt Low I'rlctn. COR. MAHKKT AND FOURTEENTH STREETS. ml I n f- tnoc Musical Goods. -Ll _ . - - - TlH* JORUMS FOIi SALE CHEAP. == Id order to reduce our itock wo offer Rosewood 4 Hickle-Plated Tenor Drains, If with rod* or cord, at ipcclal prlcc*. Ufl We alio have a Urge atock of Bam Drumi and m nkii f.w.baumeb4c0. *1 Amusements. OPERA HOUSEr~ TRDAY EVENING, Nov. j0i * 'm"*n nActo! 'M? 01 Amt" it. C. Goodwin. jJ.I'A0 ' Company, in ? (;??,! i i wncdyol mv,.,,, by Slarlc Slehu.J, cullU,;!""' URNED UP! Ami l lie One-Act I'nrcc. Lend Me Five Shillings! Mk. GOODWIN" In both play?. ml?Ion,75 and 60 cent*. KewrrM vit? 8?uu on ule at C. A. IIouk-'h Mu?lr st?n.' to rominfnw Thur??nv. NovomWr? rand Opera House, 0. C. CKKT11EU, Lessee nml ilntugcr, W Enpjctntnt lor il?- Week Uommenrtn. MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5 " O Mrttllll'f. mill l.n too Thursday Night. v " V l'io* e Intent iccccwtul lour tct Kuutlunal ct>m? lnuna, A New Tramp In Town. 0 people'*comedian. I>AVKMiror.h ti . IU'<1 art Me. Mis* l.AI'KA Moos "| ' ill company of Dramatic anil M-;v . Songs ana Dance*. J.J., Ajrrot. Imtaion, 15. 2". Ufl'l V) rent*. ?fntfiMV fiand36coilts. Reserved nmu u..?0. ' cLuro House Pharmacy. irtCE?ThcoliTtlou returns will lc rent (mm Hageon Tuesday cvynltik'. n,,. For Rent. OUKKST veral Ofllcea ami llooin?. "OHK-HOOU tOt'i MAIN *TUKKT. Hlging Kooiub In Unity's Block. If in.'i i.. - I OR RENT. be New Business House just completed at I No. 10(17 Main Slivct. to main bUiittCM room if ?'<' let. fined t? 1 all modern Improvement;-. .\j>:-l> t.. JAMf* I. HAWI.I V. 10 v'<.. 11-? M'.'ii M _ General Nolicos. OTIC*: OF DISSOLUTION'. ie partnership heretofore exlttlng ntxU-ritt n.uneof Crnwfonl A Morris l*thl> -lay u?l (-ounent dissolved, > J. ?"r.? v;..r.'i tis. Any iwraon having claims niratuM tu firm will present theiu to either of the ua iKUi'il. O. J. CHAW-(MillJACOB MORUls. Tonrnl. iron. mr.'OTICE To Natural (ias Consumers. land alter November J. Ibsn, tlw office ?f Natural (inn Company of West Virginia will peu for the transaction of business from St. lilt 11 fi p. in. (h-.N r OTICE. i chnngcil to Jacobi it JwiiU-iy, the |*itccfi nlnlog us thoy were before. MOHUIS JACOBS, 1SKAKL 1SKSBKK0. HKKI.ISfl.OPIoIHT'X'i. NNOUNCEMJBNT. Ac Votm of Ohio County: am a candidate for the office of I'rMccuting ornoy. and respectfully wlidt your volca ?i election to Ik; livid November i>, If.v. Truly your*, 4 JOK II. M.gQN. For Sale. 'OHSiUKOIi KENT?THISUukiiw Block, Hiul '.v.'l corner Mum ?u<l Biuy-llrst Mreetf. Tim corner More-room; 31 r lied rooms; nlfo furtilftlifd room* for ItK'ht IKOKfC'pIDK on It'UMHIUIMC UTinK m HIHII1 liw ?. Kmiulront No. aoiy or up ktuirii. Mr?. IN UOKMKll. 'Oil 8 A LB LOW. 1,000 acres, wo mile* from Miildlobournc, Tylor county, Vn., ^00 acre* of Which Is in tine timber. W. V. HOiiK A IWO., o2 i:ti() Mnrkft "trct't. Ingine For Sale. no 12x20, (-10 to .V) cMlMHtiMl horn- i-mvrrl; il a* new; only run itlxjut i?? ytw, with t of care. Will K'll thin KdrIm f?r *450. <o delivered nbout Dm-'iuUr 1. .Smv in um it 1"' DLOCH BROS. roOKS FOR SALE. Share* Warwick China Company. Shnrc* KUon OlnuCo. Share* KJvcr?idoUlH>?>f'oinj?any. { hare* LaBolio Null Mill. Share* Juflfowon Null Mill. Share* Belmont Nail Mill. S1,arl..Wh?nuBtkc.;l?H.S?PS, fl Kn. 'Ji I'-vi'llll' FOR SALE. IhJ'enn itreeu. ut very low . good fl roomed llouko ?t htri< ' a' Sublo Brick If odmv 77 olid t'j Vlrxliila rtrrrj. I M;ll separate or both together, my i nil modern Improvement*. ivcn lioomid llonw, ia7 Ninth lirwulwu),* il property nt much le.-w timn eo?u Front Itrwtl Kilt iiwiniui ;r lot; nil in cootl cuiuljiii'ii; 5 ive U<Hitiir<l IloiiH', i'j Sorih Js/umiway; ?il! I JO h pled rant homo. x Roomed llrlck Uoiih', touthwont cnrur riy i-Jahlli und VV?mm| street!), at u Ur^nln; |?uy for Invi'Httnotit. ivolllnjj Houica, large uti'l small, ahvayi on <1 fur rvut. 08 0. 0. .SMITH, lyjn Mnln Unci. FOR SALE. I ) Twcntj-fonr Lot* in Caldwell's Add* I lion to the City ol Wheeling; M Lots are bounded on thenorth by Twent;- I h *tnft, on tho t-iutt by Hllmure ?trv<'!; on -With by the liandlitu llomesUiul, at. J on wwt by the H. & 0. K. H. 4 leir proximity tothenlmre nawM lera them excellent ?Ju* for n!<twitf<-? blfahtnents. net fold In thirty dHys will bo Mid ?t put- B uutiou. r tcrmi and further information tpjjiy to W. v. IlOfiK >v UK<>.. ISUO Market Htrrct, Wim.CAM M. Hash LAM, If. fl. W. (Jor. riiwt.Hno ,i - . Trustae s oam. UU-STEE'SSALE M virtue of a deed of trust nu'If bj ',js : Ictt to 11)0 IU triple.', H ed in the ofllco of tiio ?."lerk <>/ '!l,> "l of Ohfo county, H't#{ Virv uln,it. i: 1 ' 't Book No. 27,'J>uj;oGi, I will '? !! a: l ' on lit tiie north front <loor of tai ' c of Mild couuty, 0:1 H SATURDAY, NOVKMBKIt 17,IWS I Qcocinif Rt 10 o'clock A. m., the f<.!Jowfn? riheii property, that M to - j;. I of lot miniIn-red one hundred ?? / ? . frontlinron the caac hi :eof Mirnt H ie KJfth ward of the city of \\ iiicJIr.;'. < :' ty. Went VirKiniu. H o title J? believed to he Rood, l>ut i> lee I will convey only tlie title vi-?tcd in b? ud deed of trust. ?.v* or Hau:?Oiw thJr<l i?nd n.? mor.'i " '0 purchaser electo i?> |?iv In ?t?Ii on r.v ilo, tlie balance in twoe<jnal ii.-i ' ' :??' H "id two year*, note* U-arimf int' N>t <" l?y of Mile to be Riven i"r tin* <lefcrr?-! tn.nnd the tftlo to txr retained Ubtii { } H tis made In full. W, J. W. COWDES, Tro?trr H Jt^JtAU.r.K. AwHoiwt. 1 ^ Professional Cards. W.ATKINSON, j OTORNEV AT LAW, I AND Ucncral Iiuuranro Ajrrxit, 1S18 Market Bt., Wheeliar. v* H 'CoVectiont promptly attended to. ollcited fn WliwliiiR, will i" " in?ur*n? ?tj?i VInfill!*. ' I""'' - ^ Kjj/yf jiKtiiuf,*"!1-.1".'" - I Bjteg? ???S2l *'"rI ?tord thomas, I