.Vear IVIicclIiijf, Yf. Va.
(3i?tcr* of the VUitatiun.)
A ichoo! of more than national reputation
jfrrii* i ptlonal advantages for thorough edn
(Ujon of youn? Indict iu all department*. U
b?ry of tlx tboiuand volume*. Fine pbilo
ioj U'Ttl.r.n-.nlinl aud astronomical apparatus,
Musical li-partmcnt Bpocialljr noted. Corpac.
pltso her* trained by a leading profeaaw
:;jU i. . -v. ry of rituttKart Vocal culture
(rtonllcK w the method of the old Italian nia*
Location b: turpaMed for beauty and health
Tea ?- :w of plcasuru ground*; Board excellent.
Hndrefcrcnwja topalrona inal.
0, pm li ?u iiw. *""'?T,|K niRECTKK88
iasi^oii School of ElocntioD
and oratory.
901 "M' St., N. W., Wasuikotok, D. 0,
Sixtn v il p'u*lon bcxfus Wcdueaday, Sop.
!l, [ 5i:-ti ; don embrace* Elocution.
Im.1 ' ' ' h a,,(l KnjlHgh CImmIi-*, Latin,
, :i..(!vrn 1-nnKinufo*, Vocal and In
?. u'i ??Culture.
?". i , 11'iii i?H?iilcd by anuQicicnt corp?
(ii. .a. li department.
; i ii.r imtvuand kItIa dally
, . .? nnd private Instruction given jn
. nnlul. a limited uumberofpu
,. i > luted In the family.
. hkI rt'lereucea apply tolOTKLU
.Stammering Cured.
.1 ii|>ou nature'* lawn. NoSicbjccy i
i. r -. .-AfU-'in explained to those later |
%'i; from pliyilciann, educators aud
M..,.. Inivc received benefit from the
Lth^l'of ir-srwilon. Addreaa !
BuI' IKVKNS HART, lTludpal.
W, ,!i v.ou rieliool of Klocutioa aud ?ugllnh
Un'" i M. Street, N. W., Washington, D. C.
ird 1 in family of Prlndpu.
Boots and Shoes.
I BootsandShoes
o[ Wood Qua'ity, Dumblo and Reliable, Good
>-i) Ith and low prices.
Call and buv and save money. AH goods war
nntol. I'1 - put on Miibber Shoes Fbek,
*il,ii-h-will uivf Hum double the wear than
without thuiu, at
a r. u/imhhfr'.q.
n. v/- ?- ?i
(KoUKJUt' l'l.OCK,)
112! Main Street.
r-i- ? ' =s
1050 Main Street.
Jowolry, Watclies, &c.
Attention! Sportsmen!
Breach Loading Guns,
For Fall Tnnle, 1h nowcomplete. We liuve Guns
from i"> t<? si:, nidi, rcprenvntlng nearly every
' relUM.* maker known. Our prices ure guarunten
I us low it- any lionae In the country. Cull
utxl .-? iii< iir w rlto fur priced.
Jeweler*, liiSl Market Street.
We lire Acent* for Clmmherlln I'eterh' Cnrtfiiliii'
11..'?'<> 1 > reap
Papor. Etc.
Wholesale ami Retail Dealer In
Cfwrm'. HuirherVand Makers' Straw Wrapping,
Duller Ii|?!ioh and Twines and all kinds of
Muiillla. Kelt ?n<l Itullillnif I*?|?crM.
We {my tin- hit: lie ?t c?sh price for Hags, Iron,
ilcinl'. I.eml. Old l'apera ami liooks, and all
klmUof I'iiht
Will mil fur any of'the above on belnj? notified
by |?.?-u?i ? :?r?! or telephouc, on short notice.
Hil MAIN & 111H SOUTH 8T8..
orin Wheeling, \V. Va.
Steamship Tickets.
Hi tl'KOl'K.
The Stcainnbip Victoria.-t.OO) tons, is Intended
to Mil Irwin .New York W idnl'ttday, November'Jl,
ukluf! pawcDtters lor <JH)mltar. Uenaa, Leghorn
?n.| >H|ilfs. Kxcurslon til-Vets goad for one
Tfnr. ran l>o made availahlo fur return passage
Imm I.lrrrpool ??r Glasgow by return Anchor
Line Meumrr. TouriMs for Egypt and the Holy
| Latul enn book through to Port Said, Suez and
limalla, conniTtlnjc ut Naples with the steamers
of the Orient Line.
For furthi r information apply to
China, Cldss and Queonsware.
Table Cutlery, Carvers, Sc., Sc.
A1?u. tin elegant assortment of Library and
Ststi-l Lumps, ut reasonable prices.
.??i' lll'.t Mnln and lVJi XVqier Wtrvotn.
The Toy iiio Child Likes Best-If.
Jffc to Biiiig Blocks,
HoalOicao. r.iroo Colore.
A CLtrtn I'lttscTT fbr childt
E"!KVevP? **n "W"- *'or or
IIWl | ngo<>U avcratf? box.
V*?-* |K Hc.-.rHrtlvoTntaloru? wot
jK.>:fruu on apiilicatloa to I
F. Ad. Bichtor & Co.,
A t.iuuicM)>papor?dlvIdedlutoriTATK3
*?KKS 0K8 * ^ fcCUt 0U wl,l'^Cttl'0U~"
To tho*e who want their advertising to pay,
WM-Hti odfer no bettor uiedliun lor thorough and
in- iiv,< work 11 in 11 iho various mccIIouh ol our
brucr Local List.
(1EO. P. HOW I'LL A CO.,
. Newspaper Advertising Bureau,
^*wr.*w id Eprnee Street. New York.
To tiii: ruuuci
TIjihc ilonlritiR to miko a handsome Chrintmai
In the *h?|? of n i'ortrait, woftld ?lc
well Ui irivc uh their onlem curly iu the famou
wiwui Avoid tintuTcrMry haute In execution,
J>e ore making Crayon i'ortmita at about oue
lull our foruu-r pricc.
J"tis \v. mvi.w. Portrait l'aliiter. ool'J
"By a thorough knowledge of Iho natural law
wall ii govern tho opcrationa of digcation an
nutrition, noil by a careful application of th
np.o pru|icrtics of woll wlcctcd Cocoa. Mr. Kpi
provided our brcakfaat tablet with a del
mil' V llnviiml luii>..rutn>w>ili>ti maruvnlKinall
kf*vy ilocton' bills, it la by tho judicium ui
01 roch nrtlclee of diet that n coiutltutlon l?i
?* untdttoliy tittilt tip until atrnttg enough to t
a at every tendency to dlaoAMyMwiilreda of au
Ue maladlea are tl<>?tiiiK nr??muR? ready to a
lark wherever there In a weak ilTlnt. ?o mi
many n fatnl abaft by keeping ourtelv
ell (ortlOod with j?uro blood and a proiwr
BotirUhod frame."-'Civil Service Uatette.
Mad? imply with boiling water or milk. 80
only in half pound Una by Urocera, labeled thu
?? ul? in ItmniritKii at the Advertising Bureau
FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa,
JBEfrBcwurcof Copyrrrfsitt. mrtlo In fit. LoUlvQ
ELYS Catarrh
Cleanses t h
HealsthoSores*5^ /
Restores t h-ClS
Senses of
and Smell. mWw y
TItY the cintE. HAY-FEVER
A particle in applied tuto ouch noxtrll ami i*
agreeable. Pric* fiuccuw at drujrgiMa; by innll.
reffiitcrvd, fiu cent*. ELY BKOTuKRB, M Warrun
utreet. New York. jug-Mwraw
W. L. Douglas' Shoes.
Bewaro of Fraud, a* my nanio and llio price
aroRtainped on the bottom of nil my advertl*ed
fliiMs before leaving thu factory, which protect
the wearers mcnl v?t liiKli price* ana inferior iritodf.
If n dealer uiftni W. L. Donglna Mioe# at a reduced
price, or uvit lie lias tlieui without my tuuiio
and price slumped ou the bottom, put blm down aa
. The ouljr calf f?3 SEAMLT.SS Slmr nmoolh
liurt tlio fit'l, ea?y a? liand-*ewod ami 1V1I.L
\V. I.. DOl'dLVS 8 J SHOK, the orfeind
anil only hand-Kowed wit W *hoe. KqiinU custom-made
?Ii6m costing from J'l to f9,
. w. i? pouch shoe.
ltallroud .Mm ami (.otter Carrier* all wear them.
Smooth ln?ldo a* n Haml-Sowcd Mioe. N'oTaeVs
or WaxThread to Imrt tin* foot.
XV. I? DOIJOf. AS ?2.5? SIIOi: U unrxctlltil
for heavy wear. I lest Calf Shoe for llto nrleo.
SIIOi: I* flu* host In the world for
rough wear: on? pair oiijclit to wear a man a year.
is tin? host Bchooi Shoo In the world,
Shoo kIvc* the ?mnll lloya a chance to wuar the
best kIhm'h In the world.
All made In Comrrcs*. Ilntton and I.aro. If not
vbo^IZTON 'L'<niA8srl,u ^
Stone's Cash Shoe Store,
Logan & Co.
These Gool Mornings
Iliscult and Batter Cake* arc In uroclal favor at
the breakfast table. To net them lu their iwrfectlou
of crisp wholesotneneKa you need to Uho
? -
txceisior DciKmg i uwuci.
Remember.?No purer or better Powder raado.
For Surgical Instrument* nnd Appliances,
Trunnes. Supporters Shoulder Brace*, Syringe*,
Khutlc Stockings, Deformity Apparatus, die.
Druggist*, Bridge Corner.
Fresh Goods. NewStjles
In Perfumeries, Toilet Articles, 4c.
Arc opening late I'.voices of Shoe Brushes and
Tooth Brusbcs. Cull nnd examine.
Drngghti, Ilrljgc Cornor.
Pearl-Top Lamp Chimney.
This is the Top of the Genuine
Pearl Top Lamp Chimney.
All others, similar arefmitatibn.
' Insist upon the Exact Label and Top*''
Fob Sale Everywhere. Made only ev
REO. A. MACBETH & CO., Pittsburgh, Pa.
r* L
ofl ??*)? ? *|W| twuiu (Mhwi
>v?, Kpitqmp, tit,
J*LI If Mtm u dlrMUd. y Ki tdUr
ir? * *. Trr?iu? and $} tri*l bottU fr?? !
1 ,WV U1' ' "K "? Klla.lal.kl. P..
T Pbn||)iu. BKWlRKOrtMlTATLSU t'kACDS.
Id 1 ' ~
d- qaKnetphotographs
'R Only $3 00 Per Doze
K No. 42 Twelfth BUMI
ffie Ititcllijentct.';
OHIO. I No*. 'JO will ?1 FourtMeuth Nlrri-l. "
t al
[ uheat business ul.vs takaue. si
8?r.nlrTlioiiu?<l M?n, KepreMQllutK??rjr a|
. llraurh at Trade mill I'll 111 inrrrr, l'orxlo jt
for Unrrl?on nod Mortou In Now York ]]j
New Yokk, Nov. 4.?Lower Broadway pi
was thronged with people yesterday af- ^
ternoon to witness the start of the lie- e(
publican parade of business men. The x
u-,.n<lw.r tlMIH much f.lin Kfimp 1IH thnt of St
lost Saturday, when the Democratic 'a
business men paraded. The rain came
I pouring down steadily from out of the
leaden skies, but this did not seem in
any way to dampen the ordor of the
J paraders. Inspector Williams was pres- p(
ent in command of a large force of police y<
in Lower Broadway to start the procession
and keep.a pathway cleared for S<
its course. Promptly at 1 o'clock the ^
procession moved, with Grand Marshal
| C. B. Mitchell at its head. Ten mounted ^
police officers cleared the way. The ui
Grand Marshal and his aids, all mounted,
followed. The rain continued, and with
the inud on the streets, walking wus jn
! laborious. ^
The American flag was omnipresent of
| in the ranks of the paraders and on the w?
I buildings and windows along the route c0
of the procession. Multitudes of people
I thronged the route. Crowds of sightseers
stood on roofs, in windows and ?
doorways and cheered the diirerent or- 1,1
ganizations as they passed, and the
paraders frequently joined in. Many of in
???? nnrn.loru nn liorMi'hllck. lliell l)?
whom nobody ever naw astride a horee j?
before. Among them were such well- ha
known business men as C. D. Mitchell,
C. H. Wnlrous, W. F. Sehaeffer, Joseph at
M. Ilazeltine and F. li. Rich. At the mi
head of the proceKsion was a line of ht<
policemen who srrved to keep the crowd ini
back from the street and permit the tic
paraderw to march without being im- (
peded. . p?
Then came the marshal and his aida, nn
and immediately behind him came a ox
string of twelve horses in double line, j)j
drawinir a trurk bearing the model of a (jH
steamship. The vessel was intended to
represent the Dolphin, which wasat first
declared to be unacceptable to the Gov- F"
ornment. but in now considered one of
the best vessels in tho navy for const tiefense.
Alongside the model were seventyfive
men in scmucn'ft uniform. They 1131
came from tho dock of tho Wards' Line <
of Havana steamships and carried a ban- wa
ner inscribed: "The Democrats killed at.'
John Roach, but his spirit goes inarch- sto
ingon." coi
One of the most striking features of ^
the parade was the line appearance of
the Amcrictts Club, of Pittsburgh. {V*
Tlfere were 275 men in line, headed by a n
the U. A. R. hand of thirty pieces, of cm
that city, and each man paid his own ?el
expenses. The men wore tweed suits ]
and white hats, and each carried an um- pj,
brelia, around the outside of which were y0
the stars, while the ribs wero alternately
red, white and blue, thus making the wjj
National llag. When they wheeled out 0f.
of Liberty street to take their places in wn
the parade behind the Philadelphia ?
clubs, they were preceded by a standard .1
inscribed: "Pennsylvania is at your P.1?
back." At a given signal the umbrellas rl.v.
were raised and opened, cauHing a de- .
cided sensation. Tho strangers were }nJ
cheered incessantly as they passed Jp1
along Broadway. Jpj?
When the Wall street business mon 1,1
swung into Broadway from that street, J
headed by tho Seventh Kegimeni uana. ??
there was a big shout from the crowd da)
that lined either Hide of the street. First ?on
came the Coffee Exchange, followed by Boi
tho tobacco men. Every man of the B.,
latter had a leaf of the tobacco plant acc
fastened to the laprel of his coat or a Cai
mammoth plug of the popular weed zen
suspended from his neck. The Brokers' j
Cl|ib was one of the features, in that clu
each man carried a cane to which wjis cas
attached a suial) American (lag. When a ^
they wheeled /row Wflll street into the
Cr7>a<Jwav with perfect step, they were ity
loudly dfifttred. They were evidently rjaj
favorites, for as ih?V passed up tho street Tq
they were greeted with chcer/J from all but
points. 'j
Then came the members of tho Con- \ra
Bolidated Exchange, tho other associa- ^jr
tions tiling into Broadway from Wall fol)
street being the Produce and'Marine |je,
Exchanges, the Custom House brokers, (jeJ
the Cotton Exchange,the A. r. Whitney jjv(
Bowling Green Harrison and Morton J)rt
w?^b5n,?mon'a Protective Association frPfl
and the Coal Trade. Then came the gjjj
others in the following order: Tho law- ,
vers from Pine street, the insurance men 1
from Cedar street and machinery and y I
railroad supply men from Liberty street. V e
Next were about 200 men, all carrying J1"J
at "shoulder arms" canes,in which were "
mounted red, white and blue plumes. JJJ
Behind these came the jewelers from lia
Maiden lane and the wholesale drug, oil ovi
and paint trade. The hide and leather
trade, tho wholesale boot and shoe i
trades hardware trade, Westside mer- vr
ehants and War Veterans' -Association,
the paper and associated trades, the
bookHellere and stationers, the carpet
and railway and steamship trades, dry lu
goods and "Columbia College students, ?T'
umbrellas and parasols, central division jL'
dry goods, hatters, furriers and straw Iv1
goods, wholesale milliners, gas fixtures .
, employes, Kustside business men, build- ^
ing material, Up-town Business Men's
Association, New York University stu- a
dents and the dental students. . B<
Above Chambers street the scene beg- lo
gared description. Crowds obstructed
the sidewalks, and the windows of tall Bi
buildings on both sides of Broadway G'
were filled with spectator*. In Chambers to
street and for many blocks above, march- er
ing clubs waited for over two hours after
the head of the procession had passed
them before tho right was covered by the ril
organizations starting farther down
town. In fact, the extreme left of tho ?
line was not in motion until after 5 ??
o'clock. j"
The greatest enthusiasm provailed all
along tho line, excepting in tho vicinity JJ1
of the New York Hotel, where, on ac- ^
count of Mrs. Blaine, Jr., who lies there ^
ill, the music and cheering was silenced. ?s
Here and there the bewildering display
of the stars and stripes and Republican c.fl
insignia wero occasional Democratic j.j
decorations of bandanna, papers bearing ,v
Chinese characters and pictures of President
Cloveland. Tho paraders flaunted
tlieir little American flags and hissed tho
bandanas and groaned at tbo portraits of hi
the Democratic candidates. =
5 Turning into Waverly place tho coir
limn found the same waiting throng.
- The windows of the University, so far Is
as they commanded a view of the parade.
were radiant with pretty faces and
resplendent iu patriotic decorations. 11
I Up Fifth Avenue the column moved, at
passing the headquarters of tho w
where the cheering was intense. Tho pi
- headquarters were decorated, and tho
banner bearing thr portrait* of the candidates
waved over tho cheering thous- A
ands. If possible, the crowds increased
as Twenty-third street was nearcd, and
thero nbout the reviewing stand and
all available points of observation people
crowded each other. From tho
handsomely decorated stand at the edge
of tho park Messrs. Warner Miller, Hon.
- ? ?.: i? n?in??i c v P rsnt.
giT and General John C. Fremont ro?
viewed the parade from tho reviewing
stand at tho Worth monument, MadiBon
~llou. James G. Blaine watched the pall
geant from one of tho windows of the
Filth Avenue Hotel. Hownasurround- I
od by Colonel Goppinter and bis (ami- ]
U ly. The party seemed more than pleased i
ttbo vast throng of Republicans conregaled
in and around this vicinity u
ell as tbe martial appcaranceo the pa
idere. Mr. Blaino expressed bis _regret
t not being able to go on the wvtawim
and. The work during the week, to
sther with Uie (act that he bos to speal
t two meetings in Brooklyn this even
ig forbade hiui mingling in tbe excite
It is estimated that at least "0.000 mer
irtii-iluiti'd in tlie parade, "liile ap
reaching the reviewing stands, Broke)
William J. Osbourne, one of the pnrad
8, dropped dead and was borne away
short distance above the reviewing
and the parade was dismissed. Tht
st company passed the stand at 7 p. m
The floating debt of Spain decreased
1,000,000 pesetas during October.
Detective Lowenstein, of Chicago, will
robably recover. lie was resting easil)
Tiie report is confirmed that Herr Von
,'hloser, the Prussian .Minister of the
atican, has been recalled.
Zenns Thompson's large carriage faery
at Portland, Me., was burned yes
rday morning, Loss, ?30,000; insurice,
The Rotary Shuttle Sewing Machine
ainpany of Foxboro, Mass.. has gone
to insolvency, with liabilities of over
The court has ordered that tho affairs
the American Exchange in Paris be
nund up under the supervision of the
Advices from Saigon say that pirates
tacked a post, consisting of forty men
the foreign legion and seven pagodas
Tonquin, and killed but one iluii.
A terriile explosion occurred Saturday
the Champanac coal j>it in the Dertment
of Avryon, trance. Eighty
iners were killed. Twenty-two bodies
ive been recovered.
Burglars made a raid on thcpostofiicc
Ola Orchard, Me., early yesterday
jrning. They blew open the safe afu'l
>le cash and nostage stamps amouift"
TU? irliiuu front. nf Hih ?f
k iu ?xjku. * ? ?- ? -e
huh shattered.
James O'Conner, a section boss, ami
trick Kinney, a laborer, were struck
d instantly killed by a Philadelphia
pros train on the Central road, at
vision street, Elizabeth, N. J.,yestery
The opposition party in the Danish
Ikething are using every eirort to de,t
the Government s plan for the celeition
of the twenty-lifth anniversary
King Christian's accession to the
rone on the 15th inst.
,'2uito a perceptiblo earthquake shock
s felt at Memphis Saturday morning
) o'clock. People asleep in the upper
ries of buildings and residences were
isiderably alarmed. Its duration was
lyafew seconds.
\11 of tho down-town exchanges in
iw York City will close from Monday
jht to Wednesday morning. The
atom House will be open from S) to 10 j
ii. only on election day for receiving
tries and grunting clearances of ves-1
s. |
)avid .T. House, mnnngerof the House
?ctric Company, was arrested iu Now
rk Saturday morning, on a warrant
ued in Cincinnati. He is charged
h defrauding Dr. J. V. Hurley out
$i,.r>00 by false representations" in a
tered stock transaction.
."hrco children of Dr. F. 8. ]{eid were
ying on the banks of the Grand
er at Gait, Out., Saturday, when one
ihem fell into the water. The others,
trying to rescue their companion, also
in, and before assistance could reach
m two of them, girls, M'ere drowued.
b other, a little boy, was rescued,
i peuuon oi ino u. a. i\. uuu uh?<:i>d
Eastport, Me,, whs forwarded Hfttur'
to Secretary Bayard, asking bin peral
attention in the extradition case of
it, who ahot ltatson at Cumpobello, N.
recently. The petition says that on
ount of the feeling existing on the
ladian border, no naturalised citiib,
if given up, could have a (air trial,
it Chicago Saturday Judge Tuley
irged the Jury In the Bowman divorce
e, and soon after the Jury lirougnt in
rerdict finding the issue in favor of
! complainant, establishing the validof
Mrs. Bowman's common law marge
and granting her a divorce. Judge
ley diij jjqt pnfer a decree of divorce,
t he will do so some tjme tQ-d:jy.
"lie prairie lire is still raging fii Kious
lley township, Minn. Henry Kay,
s. Mollie O'Connor, with her babe
ir weeks old, ami a Mrs. Murray and
r sijftoen'year-old son were burned to
ith on rid^y night. Three other
bs are reported lost Tlje value of
itertv destroyed, including hay and |
tin in sack, buildings, etc., will not
I short of $00,000.
Joptyin O'Shea has written n letter in
>ly to tho one written by Sir William
rnon Hnrcourt, in whioh the Ifltter
ted that at the proper time ho would
:e steps to contradict Captain O'Shea's j
temcnts made before the Parnell cornttee.
In his reply Captain O'Shea
tea that ho will not imitate Sir Wilin
Vernon- llareourt in discussing
idence given under oath.
Tames Hell, Ben Ifussell and George
, Orillin, negroes, were killed in Van
ndt county, Te*as, Wednesday night,
issell was accused of a misdemeanor
d W, L, Iluyop, Sam Stanford and
ill Jumcs went to arrest him. The
ree negroes wero met together and
tiered to throw up their hands, hut
foro they could comply wero shot
wu. Friends of tho dead men claim
ey wero killed as the result of a politil
A Michigan Central train collided with
pony engine at Toledo yesterday.
)th engines were wrecked aiid the folding
persons injured; Charles Modi?
n, yard brakeman, leg broken; George
ittner. engineer of pony, head cutj
eorge Zimmerman, pony conductor,
ot liurt; James Strothere, passenger
igineer, leaped from the engine and
stained several bruises; Robert Jackn,
a pasjeneer, residence Detroit, two
js broken.
If Sufferer* from Consumption,
rofula, Bronchitis, and General Polity
will try Scott's Emulsion of Cod
ver Oil with Hypophosphitea, they
ill|tlnd immediate relief and permanent
diefit. The Medical Profession univerlly
declares it a remedv of the greatt
value and very palatable, Jiead: "1
lyo used Scott's Emulsion jri several
sos of Scrofula and Debility in Chjl-en.
Results most gratifying. My lit,lo
patients take it with pleasure."-?
r. A. Hulbert, M. D., Saliiuury, Ills.
Tho Catholics of Australia and Indis
ivo presented the Pope with $1,000,000.
generally caused by a domngemont or tbc
omnch and bowels. Tocujoy refreshing slecj
Is neccssary that the larger organs of tbo bod}
lould properly perform their functions. Adulti
i well as cblldron lometimos cat too much sup
>r or nometbing th&t does not agree with them
, Dose of Simmons Liver Regulator wll
glvo prompt relief nnd lnaqre
Refreshing Sleep.
"My wife hating suffered a long tlmo
with KotlessneM and Hlecidessncas, and
having tried everything recommended
Without benefitting her. was ilnslly advised
to try Simmons Liver Rugulator,
and it has acted liko a charm. After
taking one bottle she improved so much
thnt 1 sent and bought a half dozen. My
wife is now in tho enjoyment of excel
lent health. We keep tho Regulator in
the houne a* a family medicine, und rocoinmend
it as the best in the world."?
T. C. lltRHINO, Twlgga Co., Ga.
. Be not Imposed Upon!
Exam Ine to ko that you get tho tennlne. Dl
lnRuUhed from all fraudaand Imitations by 01
red Z Trado-Mark on front of Wrapper, and c
lbs aide tho acal and ilgnature ol J. II. Zaiux
Do, noi-MWf4W
1 You may *lwp. you may noooie off Uw drunk ft
1 But tie bm!l you have iwalled keepi ll? buljt
! ?[Exchange.
Coming through tho Rye?tho brew
\ eHs wealth.?Time.
A circus tumbler iliould never bo full
?Boston Qaittte.
i Fathers whoso only resources ar>
daughters should husband their re
r sources.?Time.
A few more towns in Kansas aro pre
\ paring to dehorn their brass bands.[
Topeka Journal.
The iron market is very easily affected
Even a boiler explosion sends iron up
?Harper's Bazar.
A contemporary heads an articlo, "Ai
i Incorrigible Preacher's Son." This looki
like visiting the sins of the childrei
I upon the father.?Pittsburgh Chronicle.
Philadelphia Girl?"I hear that Mr
Goodfellow is quite attentive to you.'
i Chicago Girl?"Oh, not at all. lie onlj
i comes 'five nights a week."?Philadel
phia llecord.
"I washed Willie's pants t'udder day
and dey shrunk mo dat de poo* chile kir
ha'dly walk in u?. Won'er how J
gWan fix urn ?" "Try washiu' de chile
. Maybe he shrink too."?Harper's Yount;
, People.
First Dude?"Ah, Algernon, have you
invested iu stocks lately?" Second
; Dude (who knows nothing about Wall
, street)?"Bless you, no, Martimer!
They're old-fashioned. I put all uiy
spare cash into neck-ties."?Boston Gazelle,
Amos Church, a Ithodo Islander, wan
struck by a locomotive and Hung 181'
feet into a Held. He got un and walked
off without a limp, saying he would lick
that engineer if he bad to live a thousand
years to do it.?Detroit Free Press.
"John, show this gentleman tb? door,"
said tin* ladv of the house. "Thanks.
John," said "tho hook agent, cordially,
but you needn't trouble yourself. I saw
the door as I came in. Now this work,
madam, is?" The lady bought the
book.?JIarper'i flaw?.
' Habitant?"I wish to Bell my house
and lot." Real Kutato Agent?"All
right, give me a dcacriotion." Owner
(next day)?'"I've decided not to sell
that place" Agent?"What's up?"
Owner?''After rej|dj?jf yoqr advertisement
on its advantages I couldn't think
of parting with such aproporty."? Chicago
n'otico in tho paper"' said Mrs. Barnicks,
pouring out .Mr. Barracks' collee,
"that a Brooklyn clergy man says that
women should be permitted to whiutJe."
"Yes," retorted Mr. Barracks, agreeably.
"Ho is right. Wo should surely not
deny to woman a privilege we Record to
tugboats and locomotives."?Harper's
W. 0. Tugui.e, LaUrange, Ga., writing
about Darby'h Prophylactic Fluid, says:
"It is a priceless jewel as a disinfectant
and deodorizer. My wife states for the
benefit of young mothers that it Is a
valuable adjunct to the nurserr." It is j
equally so to parents traveling with
children. Not only is the fluid invaluable j
as a deodorizer, but a few drops added
to the water in bathing will remove nil |
eruptions from-Mo skin, onaung, etc.,
[ and greatly, refresh and sooth, mwfaw
Young Doctor?They don't bleed people
nowadays as they did twenty years
ago, do they, Professor? Professor?Not
with the lancet.
Tiib breath of a chronic catarrh patient
is often so offensive tluit he cannot go
into society and he becomes an object of
difgust. After a time ulceration sets in,
the spongy bones are attacked, and frequently,
entirely deptroyetj. \constant
source'of ..iscomfort is the dripping of
the purulent secretions into the throat,
sometimes producing iuveterate bronchitis,
vhjph in its turn has been the exciting
cause ol pulmonary dlaeaae. he
brilliant results which have attended its
use for years past properly designate
Ely's Cream Balm as I v far the best, if
not the only real euro for hay fever, rose
cold and catarrh, mwfaw
Ethel?Oh, papa, did you sco the new
I parlor lamp Aunt Julia sent me'/ It's
the latest thing out. Papa?It will be
Sunday nights, anyway.
Mr. N. II. Frohliehstein, of Mobile,
4|a,, WriK'8; I take great pleasure in
recommending Dr. King's J^ew JJjscov-j
erv for Consumption, having used It fori
a severe attack of bronchitis and catarrh.
It gave me instant relief and entirely
cured me and I have not been
afflicted since. I also beg to state that I
|}iid tried other remedies with no good
| result. Have also used Electric Bittres
and Dr. King's New Life Pills, both of
which 1 can recommend. Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
coughs and colds, is sold on a positive
guarantee. Trial boHM free at Logan
& Co.'g drugstofo. 1
"I'm n wul liritmitwxm In unu'. linw Unit
wo huvo "Miie-iSnd."
Advice to Mothorn.
Are you disturbed at night and broken
of yoijr rest by a sick child fluttering and
crying with pain of cutting teeth V If
so, send at once and get a bottle of Mrs.
Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children
Teething. Its value is incalculable.
It will relieve the poor little sufferer
immediately. Depend unon it
mothers, there is no mistake about it. It
cures dysentery and diarrhoea, regulates
the stomach and bowels, euros wind
cliolic, softens the gums, reduces the inUammation
and gives tone and energy
to the whole system. Mrj, Winslows
Soothing Syrup for Children Tkkthing
is pleasant to the taste, and is the
prescription of one of the oldest and
best female nurses and physicians in the
United States, and is for side by all druggists
throughout the world. Price 2b
cents a bottle. hwfaw
With singular unanimity the train
robbers in the West always stop trains
going West. This is all right. They
realize the uselessness of "holding up
travelers who have passed some time in
An KxplunMtou.
What is this "nervous trouble" with
which so many seem now to bo afflicted 7
If you will remember a fow years ago
the word Malaria was comparatively unknown?to-day
it is as common as any
word ip the English language, yet t|j|fl
word covers only the meaning of auother
1 1 i... r_?t:
woru UHUU uv um xsio in uuiti
past. Bo it Ib with nervous diseases, at
they and Malaria are intended to cover
what our grandfathers called Biliousness,
. and all are eauHcd by troubles that arist
from a diseased condition of the Livei
. which in performing its functions finding
it cannot dispose of the bile through the
ordinary channel is compelled to pass il
oiTthrough the system, causing nervoui
troubles. Malaria, Bilious Fever, etc
' You who are suffering can well appro
r date a cure. We recommend Grteen'i
, August flower. Its cures are marvelous
How'* TIiU|
We offer Ono Hundred Dollars Bewan
for any case of Catarrh that cannot lw
cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. Cheney it Co., Props., Toledo, 0
1 We, the undersigned,1 have known F
J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, nn<
believe him perfectly uonornblu li
nil business transactions, anil linanciall;
able to carry out any obligations inadi
bv their firm.
West 4 Truax, Wholeealo Druggists
Toledo, Ohio,
Walding, Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesal
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
E. H. V an Hoescn, Cashier, Toledo Hi
tional Bank, Toledo, Ohio.
llall's Catarrh Cure iB taken interna
ly, acting directly upon the blood an
*. mucus surfaces of the system. Price 7i
ir per bottle. Sold by all druggists, ot
?n I i 0
*1 Drisk Malto at soda fountain.
I Th? Futuru ol Ho?., ?0d Stock Mar.
I V k?t?.
New ^ork. Nor 3._jioney on call easy; no
loans repor*^ prime mercantile paper 4J{aG>$
- P?r ceX)'- Sterling exchango dull but steady al
""'-linx. Sulciot .lock,<S,MH ?Iiarc?.
The took market wus intensely dull through'
* out the session to day, aud the movement" Here
without significance, being confined to the tmr.
rowest limit*, except iu Missouri Pariflc, which
a liuctuntedoveraraugeof 1 per cent only. The
- opeulug Win nunc and dull, the changes in Quotations
from last evening's prices being for slight
fraction only, aud while Missouri Pacific rose %
- per cent in the early trailing there was uo move.
went in the real o! the lint uoliJ toward 11
o'clock, when New England came to the front
and sagged off, the rent of the lilt following
slowly. Missouri Pacific then gave way also and
' lost ull its advance with something lu addition.
The movemeut In the other stocks, nowever,
were entirely insignificant und the market llnul.
ly closed dull aud ruthcr heavy geuerully_at
< slight fnictloiiN below the opcuimr utfuretf. Tbe
9 flual change* were generally lower.
Kail road bona* fairly active; sales tflti.OOO.
Goverumeut and State bonds dull aud steady.
0.8.4s rejc 127 Nosh & Chat. 81K
' U. 8.4s coupon 127 New Jersey Contra! 'Joji
, U.S. 4i?srcg- 107,'i Northeru Pacific.... iffik
U.8.4V*coupou ltw^v do preferred - Co**
A dams Express 148 Chicago A N. W lllJi
American Express-lll do preferred J4B
Canada Southern... Mk New York CeotnLINK
Central racitlc....... :iv;. Ohio & MisslsMppl. -i;a
l Chesapeake AOhlo. ll? do preferred -W
r do firsfprefcrred. 17 1'acitlc Mail 37
do second pref'd. 17V. Pittsburgh Kxl
. C. C. C. A 1 00 Heading WJa
i Denver A K.U? 17*4 St. L. & S. F..?* '-*7
Erie 'JSy4 do preferred U7JJ
do preferred ? do tlrstpreferredJlO
l Fort Wayne Itt) C. M. A St. Paul.... WH
I Kansas A Tuxa* 12,^ do pre/erred -iu;)a
Lake Erie A West... 17k Texas Pacific - i
I do preferred 62% Union Pacific. 01}?
| Lake Shore KH Uuiled States Ex.... 7n
Louisville A' Nash- M>J$ W., St. L. A P 14Ji
L., N. A. A C 41 do preferred - 27
Memphis A Chas... at Wells-Fargo Ex 1#8
Michigan Central.. Ml<, Western Uuion
Missouri Pacific 77v'<
ltreudntonn uiid Provisions.
Nrw Vouk, Nor. 3.?Flour, receipts 17,000
packages; exports n.4:w barrels and l.n&lsacks;
market very dull. Wheat, receipt* 32/<J0 bushels;
sales 424,000 bushels of futures, uud Ill.oui
bushels of spot; srot market lower; No. 2 red
SI ii).iI lOJc; No. 2 Chicago 91 11: utigrndod rod.
Si 10*1 \\%\ Np. 2 Milwaukee SI Wt; option#
active and wwilt: ungraded No. 2 November
SI 10U. closlu# at SI ir#*: Davuiber
SI doling Ht SI 11H; May SI l*,'v
llye strong. Hurley steady. Corn, receipts 61.fOO
bushels; exports 125,4u3 bushels: wiasl.V.,OUO
bushels of futures mnl I8l,0n? bushels of
spot; options quiet: November -pOiig; JJacoiii*
bur 4$lo; January -UiytipJiu. closing ?t 4MMo;
May 4/j;a4he, doling lit 4">;e. Oat*, receipt*
51,100 busbels; eiporu 310 butibeU: Miles, l.V*u
bushels of future*, ami tf.OuO bushel*
of upot: options tinner; market ?lull;
November M^c; December Mir; January 32!?c;
No. 2 Chicago H>fc. liny Had hopsqubjt, ti?ffee,
steady; November 13.7oc; ppefimbec liWilic;
January lS.4fttlS.G0c; February I;?d0ol3,t0; Marcb,
April ftOU'*l?y litta .3,60c: Upot ltlo fair Mt lf>i4e.
Sugar. raw inactive; refined quiet. Molasses
nominal. Illce tlrui; domestic i/)??. Tallow,
rosin and turpentiue unchanged. hggs strong;
western 23a2l!?c. I'ork and cut meat* quiet.
Lard, upot quiet; wen tern steam 8 60c; November
8.49c; December 8.42c; January 8.430; Feb.
r?ar*8.44n; Marrl|j?4Pp: Anrjl MScj May 9.60c.
Butter quiet; uentpru dairy JiJialHc; creamery
l&djc; 'Elgin 2Q>?a27c. Cheese dull and cosy:
western Qaio^c.
CnicAao, Nov, 3.?It was a dull ond honvy
market for wheal all day. Corn only moderately
actlve. Oat* were steady. Provisions, fair trailing
In me?s pork. Flour quiet and steady. Wheat,
cash No.2spring 81 Hal il?j: No. 3 spring hSaWe;
No. 2 red $1 Hal ll^;*November 81 ll^al HiJ-J,
closing at SI 11'*: December SI i:t>tal ui?v do*
Incut SI Iti'-kt January SI HUftl YjJi. cloning at
fl 11^; Jl?y <1 Hal 175'm- closing at fl 14, Corn,
cash ?o, 'J, :W-ic: November ag^c; January U^^e;
May 39aay%c, dosing at a^^c. ousa.
cash unil November ilXo; December
May IWjjc. Ilyo, So. i, bhc. FlaxkiimI,
No. 1, SI 47. Timothy seed, prime 81 4Ua
1 41. Mess pork. ca?h 81100; .November and December
814 J>5: January 814 M); MaySFiOO. Lard,
cash and November b.lV/fi; December 8.H*c;
January 8.1UUc. ltacon, short ribs 7.4.'?aV..'?c;
shoulder* S 0unS.'i*?c; short clear fi(K'UnM,2.r>ct
Whisky fl 'JO. Hupiw, t-utloaf 8?ia#&p; granu:
lnjcd 7?*e; amii?lar<| >hr. Ifuttcr steady;
Klglu creamery ttn27o; choice western su&VK^gS
Baltimohb. Nov. 3.?Whcnt, western dull awl
easy: No. 'J winter red s|>ot 81 01}?al 04?i; November
81 OI>$al W%; December 81 07al 07.'-,; January :
Si 0% Com, western firm; mix a sjot fioc
asked; \ ear 45%a4rtkc: January 44%a4.jc; February
44jfal5c. Oats dull and unchanged. Kyeslow
at Glaik>c. Metw p'irk H18I0 75, Jluttpr easier;
wejlcra Mfked 12*i?ei bp?t rpll 17c; creamery 22
H2fic. 1-^jjs firmer at 'J4a'2je. Collee llrm; Itlo
Cincinnati, 0., Nov. 3.?Flour dull. Wheat
dnll; No. 2 red 81 06; receipt* t? ouo bushels;
shipments oo bushels, t'oru dull and irregular;
No.'J mixed 41J-.ju Mie, Oat?dull; No.-; mixed
Ilye WpakWNo. U. tee. Fork steady at
Sift 00. uiro steady at 8.00c. Bulk meats and
, bacon easier mid unchanged. liutter, cheese
and sugar steady. Whisky steady ut SI 14.
TOLEDO*. O., Nov. 3.?Wheat active and lower;
cash Si Oftkal 06; December Si o7^; Slay Si i:t?i.
Corn dull; ea*Mlc. Oats quiet and v??y;casli
2hfic. Clovornced apilve atld higher; cash and
November 85 Q5. _
l.lve Stock.
ciucaho, Nov. 3.?untie ? itcceipts -i.iiw
head; market dull and slow; unlive* S- 30n475;
Tcxaus SHOul 35; cows, bulls und mixed 81 50a
3 60. Hogs?Receipts 10,000 head: market lower;
mixed |5 40n.ri6u; heavy &')CUa5 65; light 85
skips 8'. &v6 6U, Sheon?Receipts ilouo head;
market lower; native* &.">0n4 li-i; western &JlUn
o3 60; Texaus 8276a3 60; lambs gl 60u5 25
East I.ihp.rtt, Pa.. Nov. :*.?Cattle?Receipts
741 head: shipments ?55 head; market nothing
doiiiK; all tliroiiKh consignment*. Hon*?Receipts
4,100 head; shipments 3,300 head; market
linn for Yorkers and slow on rhiladclphius;
Philadelphia* 8-i 76a5 riO; mixed &'> Uni.i 70;
Yorker* 8>? 50a5 GO; common to fair #>'?' i>0a650;
pics SI iSUn5 (K). Sheep?Receipts 1,00J head;
shipments 400 hcadi uiiirket dull utuuebuuged
Cincinnati, Nov. 3.?Hogs Ann, common and
light $1 40a5 40; packing and butcherH ?6 10a
5 50; receipts 1!,550 head; shipments 2,200 lieud.
Nkw York, Nov. 3.?The petroleum market
o|M>ued al 84*ic, hut niter tho curly trading her
caiiie strong alid udvauied to Niu, A reunion
then set in and the market closed steady ul ittc.
Consolidated Exchange; opening at HV'i
highest ??c; lowest Wjie; closed ul 86c; sales
1,519,000 barrels.
Oi|. C|tt, $0Y. 0.?Oponod at WJ<c; highest
lowest KIJ40: closed at H5c: sale*
000 barrels; clearances 1,006,000 barrels; shipments
80,332 barrels; ruus 44,593 bnrruis.
ISiiaiifoud, Pa., Nov. 3.?opened at M><c;
clofud at M;-bc; highest 85%v; lowest S4>?e;
clearances 1,061,000 barrels.
PiTTBUUKOii, Pa., Nov. Market active and
umu'r: oj>t;iu'?i m rvi/jc; uiunuu ut ojt:, uigucat
We; lowest M^'c.
TiTUBvai.n, l'A., Nov. 3.?Opened at 8JXc;
highest tv'jJie; lowest Sic: closed ut Sue.
Woi'lcly Hank Statement.
New York, Nov- li.?The weekly Imnk statement
of the Associated Kwtiks shows the following
Reserve, decrease Sl.WSKiO
Loans, Increase 7tH.fiuu
specie, decrease .. 'J,:w7,0ou
Legal tender*, Increaso -jrJ.'.Kw
Deposits, decrease 710,'JUO
Circulation, decrease l'Ji.iwu
Tho bankH now hold $i:!,f>W,85Q In exccss of the
25 per cent rule.
Iir> Good*.
New York. Nov. s.?Kindness was practlcfllly
suspended to-day, owing to tho Interest lu the
campaign demonstrations.
Nkw York, Nov. 3.?1Mb Iron dull. Copper
weaker: November 817 2&. Lead steady at 83 T^4.
Tin dull; straits ttj.
That Hacking Cough can be ho quickly
cured by Shiloh'a (Jure. We guarantee
Will tod 80ffkr with Dyspepsia and
Liyer Complaint? Shiloh'a Vitalixeris
guaranteed to cure you.
Sleepless nights, made miserable by
that terrible cough. Shiloh'a Cure ia
the remedy for you. Sold by W. Williams
and 0. Menkemiller. sow.
Uuclilun'a Arnica halve.
The best Salve in tho world (or cuts,
bridges, sores, itinera, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively
cures piles, or uo pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction,
or money refunded. Price 25
cents per box. For sale nt Logan & Co.'s
, drugstore.
! How could we get nlonc without our
' "Mile-End?" Couldn't,
i '
n Or, BULL'S ftcllltatu tinning ana
HID V CV 110 remit" Bowcli. At
> HAD I 01 tlUr lUIdrnorliU. Prlo-ncU.
i IWilffl gllitfiyM
> K1 iin iJUkKS fig
r Bill
9 rj )Ui|IW * 1 M
't J
? Dill I 'C ^*ure? Roughs, Colds,
DULL O Hoarseness, Asthma,
Bronchitis, pAIIPU Croup, InciI
pient Con-|jU|J|]||gumptian,
ana relieves v-unsump. ^ u If 11U
? tive Peraom. 25 cents. jlnUl
cuaea cioAaintsrvToi'
SMOKE turn, frltt I9CU. MUttmiltt*
Gives Yon the Neis
Will report clowly and fairly all that relate
and State
Will Give the Ne1
Will give n pedal attention to Went Vln
Will give tauiily reading of tbe lilgbeat
'Fur R9 ennlM nf nn nlnlil-nnirn n*
Send in your name, your ToktoOloo address ai
Tho-Wcckly Intelligencer, single copy, one year
The Weekly lntelllgenrfr. single copy, nix month*
6 copleii one year, ami e*tra rop) of the Weekly o
10 coplctt one ycur. with an extra copy of the Wet-k
W coplei one yen', with iui extra copy of th* Week
30 copies one year, with an extra copy of the Week
It U not tiereMary for all the name* in the club
send all the HubM'i(bets at one time.
Heinittance? shouM be mane by registered lettc
bpccltnen ooples of either edltiou of tho Intil
address. Add reus,
mrBook and Job Printing. Blank Books and
with neatness and ill?|mtel?. at the lowest living prl
FrifiJTLVr'~ '* ' Tffl
STiffl! "?k
I /W M.
I rag? mm
J\ fafangl
'*< * ) ^Pwk\^u"lt'"a' CAX*U Utiurj
Frew & Bertschy?Fur
Muut bo Riven to people who will not wa
Critically Examine Oi
It lia beautiful assort
Oil Cloths and Linoleum,
Window Shades and Cu
Saxony Chlidema Rugs,
Smyrna and Moquett Ri
Fancy and Plain China, N
WTYou will find it very profitable to visit up and
1117 Main
Special attention given to under
Telephone calls answered nt all
Sewing Machines?E
Wo nrc felllnR Selling Machines nt greatly ro
dealing illreot with m you mve thenguut'H comoilf
ma?le. We handle tbo
Standard, White, Howe, Ne
We will fell on time nn?l lease Machines, and
went*. Cull, write or telephone uk for tiarticularfl.
NocdloR nnd attachments for all Machines. /
ocix Where We Have Beor
the ixtel
job o
Tastefully ai
No. 25 and 27 FOU1
Housefurnlshing Hardware.
Parlor Fenders and Fire Sets,
In larse variety, at ibo Hardware and IIouno.u i
nlnhlu# Store of
nol-Th ? Market Street.
We have tbe nicest Paring Knife ever invent
cd. It U alwAYN Mtt to cut nne tlilclcnew. Y??>
cunnot waste fruit or vegetable*. Wholesaled
GEO. W. JOHNB'W'R ?02tt.
an mi* f/io M>ln Ktwet
xx Printlnf neatly and promptly executed a
the Intelligencer Job Booms.
; for a Whole Year.
* to tho now administration of National
ws of the World.
,'inla'a Interest.
per, first-claw in every respect.
for 1889.
id your Dollar at ouco.
... _ 9 1 oo
- ... <m>
no year or Dally 1% months free B Ot| ,
ly one year ana Dully 3 months liee.?% 10 off ^
)y one year nud Daily g month* (ret* xo 00
ly and ono copy of the Dally 1 year fne.. 30 00
to como from one oQlce, nor la It necessary to
t. pratofllco raonoy order, postal note or ehcck.
mukkckk aeut free and iioataso paid to any
.1*11 ERS IMTRLLIll 1NCKB, WllKEI.INU, W. V*. ]
(look Mudlng of orcry description cxccutod
ll'CH. 1
"~Z For BEAST \&
Limmsnf Sx 1
SfETTT ladcnth tnPruoi JoSr ^ 9
ail All IxrLnuuaoiy^ AO ^Vfei
^ |
nlture and CsCrpets.
? d
ke up to the ncce?Ity of owning to h
mont of the very .
rtaln Poles, *
New, 1
ugs, i
apierandCocoaMattings. <
intpoot our carefnlly selected Spring Stock first ^
taklngand Arterial Embalming. ,
hours. <
:dw. L Rose & Co.
iluccil prlcw. Wo employ no ('anraJ>M>r*: by '
i?ion, and secure the very beat Sowing Machine* j
iw Home and Automatic. i
I will give liberal discounts for prompt pay- j
ill kinds of Machine* repaired.
lelftb Street, Wheeling, W. Va,, '
?for Twelve Yeara.
Business Cards.
BucccMore to J. M. Clouaton,
Dealers in Grain, Flour, Feed, Hay, Sc.
Aluo CommlMlon Merchant* (or We?t Virginia
'r-Kluctlonn, Coal. Lumtter, W??od, Ac
Uoodk delivered free to nil part* of1 the city.
P. L. KIMUKItl.l. UvacrtJ Manager.
Office and Warehouic, 16:3. IG'ii ana 10i7 Houth
treet. corner to Market amt-L t-ca
General Machinists,
iod Manufacturer! of Marine aud ButJooai>
IOOI. CHAPLDfl A Eiohtxkkth Bit,,
Zl TRAINS?On and after Oct. IN?*- Explanation
or Rkpkjucnck Mark*. Dally. fWuu*
day excepted. |Monday excepted. (Saturday
excepted. (Sunday only.?fiaatern Stan <ard
??. A u It. K.?Eaot. Depart. Arrive.
Philadelphia Limited. S&ato *10:4f p*i
Mail and Expreaa *6:10 pm *11:.! '>J
Cumberland Accom~ 9:0.'>am 6: r>m
Oraftou Aceom 6:10 pit 11 ."JO uu?
Moundavillc Aecom 7:30 am 9:i.r>nm
I Moundavllle Accom 12:01pm 1:40 pin
, Newark Accom ...... J'J: 0T? am (7:10 pin
Expreaa (Chicago and Col).... *10:25 am *6:it pm
Chicago Kxpaemc *3:40 pm *9:foam
Chicago Limited ?... *9:Mpm *0:25 aui
Columbua Accow.. 12:1Vpn fl0:;j. am
Ciuciunati Limited - *11:16 pm *4:6f? am
St. Clairarille Aecom (0:0b am ft*:l.' am
St. Clalniville Aecom fl:S6 pm
St. Clairavtllc Aecom 6:10 pin fC:lt pm
W., P. * II. Dir.
Washington and Pittsburgh. *5:00 am *10:15 am
Washington and Pittsburgh. *8:10 am ?11:lCpm
Pittsburgh 6t I'hila. Ex... *6:20 pn e0:.v ten
Washingtonand Pittaburgh. flMdpm 112:4' pm
WhuhiiiKtou.. p::<0pn> ts:0f' am
Pittsburgh Accom | pm |U:6S am
P., C. * St. L. Ity.
PitUburgn.....M.-...~ t7:vo*m f0:2. pm
PlttiiburKb and New York... fl:8T>pm fU:4>om
Pltuhurvb ami New York... r4:2o'pm til :0U ?in
Pittsburgh & N. Y. Ex i>:40pml
Rxpreaa,Ciu.and SL Louis.. t7:20an I t6:/0am
Express, Ciu. and St. LouIa. p:40 j.? | |9:20 pm
KxprvM, Hteuucuviiico; uni.i ti.o.i])d> i?.i? ru.
SteubenvllU- nml Deunisou. fl:20pm
C. A P. It. It.
Pittsburgh ttuii Cleveland-... t5:50an> 8:47 pm
Martin'* Ferry f7:45aui 5:1ft pra
bteubeuvllle Accom...- h>::ci mi 1 :*-!8 pm
<"levelaud nml Wellnvllle f2:12 pra am
Pittsburgh anil New York fl:.Wpni ? l:l.<nm
Pittsburgh 11:17 win K>:47pm
CM U * W. R. R.
Kxprufts. Cleveland, t it W.. (12:35 pm |3:0*pa
MiUkhlllon Accom 15:12 pm (11:25 am
St. CluirKVille Accom f7:50am fJ:3. nm
dt. Clniravllle Accom flO:2.% urn (1 :32 pm
St. Clalwvllle Accom.. f2:10 put tft:34 Pm
dt. Clalrxvlllo Accom C:25pm 8:00 pm
Local Freight ami Accom-... 5:3J?m (7:30 p.n
Ohio River Itallroiul.
Passenger *7:35 udi*U :00 am
I'asM'iiKor *12:15 pml *3:20 pm
Passenger N::*)pui *8:16 pm
Freight.,. I
U.. Z. X C. Railroad.
Bcllalru A Zancxvlllc Through Passenger learef
Belial re at 8:40 a. m., arrives at Dellairo at 4 p. m
Woodslleld Pnme tiger leaves Kellalru at -i:A) p.
n., arrives at Belfaire at ?."JOa. m.
Summertleld Accommodation leave* Bellalro
tt 1:00 n. m.. arrive* a< KoHalro at 10:4ft a. m.
Ou and after Saturday, October i:t. isss,
rains on tnp Wheeling & him Grove Itallroad
rill run a* follows:
.r.a vr. Wiikbuno:
5:30 a. mM 7:00 n. in.. 9 a. m., 11:00 a. m., 1:30 p.
a.. 3:.'<0 p. in., 5:20 p. in., 7:00 p. m., 0:U0 p. m.
jKAVB wltf.ri.inu I'ABK:
6:10a. ui.,7:45a. m, 10:00a m., 12:30 m.. 2:30
i. in.,4:anp. in., 0:10 p. in., 8:00p. m? 10:0Up. in.
ON SUNDAYS? Until further uotlce trains will
un a* follows: Lcare Wheeling at l?a. ui., 11 u.
a., lv:16 p. in., 2 p. in.. 8:30 p. ni, 6:2 p. in., 7
i. m., 0 p. m. Leavo Wheeling I'ark at 7:45 a.
ii., 0:4ft a. in., 11 45 a. ui., 11>. m., 2:50 p. in. 4:20
>. in., 0:10 p. in., 8 p. ni., 10 p. in
oe rt (- flfHSCH.Bnp't.
Baltimore & ohio railroad?
Departure of train* from Wheeling. Sdicdu.e
n ofl'cct October 28,llWft?Eiisteru lime:
Expreos lor Chicago <nd too Northwest, 10:2f a
a, 3:40 t? m, 9:50 p in daily, and 11:16 p m dally,
xccpt Saturday.
Kxprt'fH for Clnciiinntl and 8t. Louis, 10:25 a in
laily, 11:15 p m dully.
Newark accommodation, 0:05 a m, cxco| t
For Columbus, 10:25 a m dally, and 11:15 p m,
lally, aud 2:20 p m dally except Sunday.
Kxpreas for Washington, l). C., lwiltimore.
'hiladclpblaand Now York, via Grnflon, 5.^iu
a and 5:10 p m, dally, via Pittsburgh C:20 p. in.
For Pittsburgh and Washington, Pa., 5:00 a m
laily; expresn,8:10a m, dally, 1:45 p m, dnily
xccpt Sunday. Additional way train for \Va>b*
ngtou. Pa., 5:30 p m, daily except Sunday.
For Pittsburgh, Washington, Baltimore and
'hiladelphia at 6:20 p m daily.
Pittsburgh accommodation, Sunday ouly, 5 10
For Moundsvillo,7:35 a m. and 12:C0 noon, aivl
:10 p m, dally except Sunday.
For Grafton, 5:10 p m, daily.
For Cumberland, t):05 a m, daily, except ScrFor
St. Claimille, 0:05 a m and 5:10 p m, daily
xcept Sunday.
ExprcM trains arrive from Chicago, 6:25 and
:50 a maud 6:10 pm dally, and 4:55 a m daily
icent Monday.
Express traius arrive from St. Louis and Cicintiatl,
4:&5 a m and 6:10 p in, (hilly.
Express train* arrive from Philadelphia, Itolt!norc
aud Washington. D. C.,vla Grafton, 1I:S0
maud 10:40 pm daily; via. Pittsburgh, lu:lo
. ra. daily.
Trains arrive from Columbus, 4:55 am dalir.
nd C:10 p m daily, and 10:35 a m dally ex' cj t
Trnlus arrive from Pittsburgh, 10:15 a m daily.
.nd 12:45 p in, csccpt ttunday, 0:55 p tn and 11..0
i m daily.
Trains arrive from Washington, Pa., 8:00 ? xr,
tally except Suuday.
Trains arrive lrora Moundsvillc, 9:15am nvd
MO p m, dall> except Sunday.
Trains arrive irom Grafton. 11:20 a tn, dally.
Trains arrive from Cumberland JU p m, daily
xcept Sunday.
Trains arrivo from Bt. Clalrsvillo. 0:15 a m, and
:S5 aud 0:10 d m, dally except Sunday.
Baggage callcd for and cliecxed at hotel* and
cslduncos on orders left at ticket office, 1200 Mar;et
struct, aud at depot
C1IAS. O. SCULL, Gen. Paw Agent.
W. M. CLEMENTS, Manager.
L/ Table taking effect May 27,18S8. Passenger '
ralus will ruu as follows?Central time. All
raitis daily except those marked thus f which
lo not run on Sunday.
sot'TU bound. fNo.7 No. 6. fNo.a bv.F.
a. ui. p. m. a. m. a. m
A?ave?Whichiie 8::n> 11:15 6:3.1
hmiwikmi, nuiiHiro a; 1.1 u:u O..TU
ioundsville 4:0'. UM'J 7:10
p. m.
lew Martin*vllle 6:12 12:4 8:15
VllllumMown 7:t*? '2:1' 10:1C
arkcraburg 6:15 7:30 2:l> 11.00
o. m
taveaawood 6:4r. 4:1ft 12:20
laaon City .. .... 8:01) 5:3. 1:86
Jliftou .. 8:0ft * 6:4o i:4C
Irrive? I't. Pleasant..... 8:40 fl:l;? 2:15
inlllixillH Kerry 9:00 C:3!> 2:82
iuyandotte 10:83 7.KJ 4:W
iuntlngton 10:46 8:U'? 4:17
p. m.
Charleston 8:20 10:(X. 8:X
ronton < :06
orumonth a. m. :1C
Vhlte Sulphur : 6:Ui
p. m. h. in.
Itannton P:W
NORTH BOUND. No. (i. NO. 4. |No.2 fNo.O
h. m. a. m. a: in. p. m.
xwro?Huntington 10:<v {;)}
iuyandotto 0:!h 6:?u 3*2%
taillpollH Kerry ll:.T? 7:0r i:6J
'olntPleaxant 11:4 7:2?> 5:07
p. Ul.
-lifton ..... 12:2" 7:6ft 6:85
hlaaon City 12:2ft 8:0u 6:4C
Uveniwood 1:4.'. 9:1ft 7:0u
tarkersburg C:uo 8:15 10:46 8:30
Vllllamatowa. G::J0 ?:4.r? 11:1ft ...
s'ew Martinsville..? 8:1'. 6::r. i2?4ft >HHMI
tioundaviilo 9:2ft C:4i i:i.
[Jen wood 9:4ft 7:U?
Irrive?Wheeling 10:00 7:1ft 2:2? ..
Lcavo Wheeling via. p. m
P. C.&St. I 3:20 .........
\rrivo?Cleveland 6:30
Pittsburgh 3:20 5:5a.
m. a. m.
Philadelphia 6:2ft fe'Jfi ,??m>
S'cw York 8:00 8:00
a. m.
Oh ten go 11:30 f,:a ........
Through ticket* and baggage checked to all
W. J. ROBIN80N, Ocn'l Paw. Agent
Parkcraburg, W. Va.
Trav. Paw. Agent. Wheeling, W. Va.
LOU1H RAILWAY CO.?Panhandle Houto
Under schedule In effect Augnat 6, 1888 trains
leave Wheeling, Central Standard time ror
Bteubenvllle, Pltuburgh and the Earn. 6:20 a. m ,
12:8 p. m., 8:20 p m. aud 8:40 p. in. For Coiumbun,
Cincinnati, Indianapolis and 8t Loulac^o
a m. and 8:?0j>. m. for Colambim nud Chicago
12:36 p. in. Traiua arrive at Wheeling at 6:50
a. ra., 10:00 a. m., 2:45 p. ni and h:30 p. w.
Train* leaving at 6:20 a. m. nud arriving 8:20
E. m. run wild between Wheeling aud Pitta*
urgh. All train* dnily eaccptSunday. au*
RAILUOAI).-Dnder.chc,luk. (netted May
la. i8h?. Train leave Hrldgeport, Central Siaudard
time: Kor Pittaburgh, Chicago and Cien>
land 4:ft0am. Kor Pittsburgh, 10:17 a in. lor
uiiiv?K>i niiu viuTviniiUi I iiz |> in. r or I'llWDUrga
and New York, 3:8V pm For Stcubenville. &:&
a m. For Martin'* terry, G;V> a in.
TraiUH arrive at llrl<lKet>ort at 7:58 a in, 10.1.1
01, p id, 4:16 p m. 4:47 p rn, ami 7:47 p
capital. ooo
i J. N. Vamc*. President
L.B. Dilantin " "?? -.Vico-Ptwidinl
J. N. Vance B. Horkhelmcr,
J. M. Brown, W. Klliugbam.
L. S. lN'Iapluin, A. \V. Kclluy.
John Frevr,
Draft* lionietl on Rowland, Ireland Scotland
and all points in Kuroiw.
JOHN J. JONEB. Cashier djgV
CAPITA I*......? ......... M 4175.000
Wm. a. fin? ? Prt^ lent
Wm. B. btv tion Vict-President
Drafts o: '.ntjland. .Ireland, France and U??
Win. A. Isett, Wm. B. Bimpnon.
J. A. Miller, John K. Botrioid,
EL. M. Atkinson, Victor Roaenbnrg.
Henry Bpeyer.
wa F. P. J EPSON*, Cashier.