Truatoo's SalOB. rjMtUSTEE'S SALE. iiy vlrttio of i\ dcod of trout tnado by William Porior and Margaret i'ortor, hi* wlto, to moan irtiMeo, iH-RtliiKtliiU) on tho SUtli day of Mar. IRHrt, and recorded la tho oflico of tlio G'lork of tho County Uonrt l?r Ohio county, Weal Vlrglula, In lU'fd of Trout book So, 'il, folio jC?. I hh-tll toll At public auction at tho fiont door of tho Court llouw of mild county, lu tho city of Wheel I uk, 011 SATURDAY, MAY 31,1800, beginning at 10 o'clock ?. tn? *11 tho following de?crlbcd real c?tato, altuatn In Trladolphla dl?trlct. In Mild county, described a? follow*, tie: li< niMiilnn nt n point on tho eaut lino of tho National or ("nuiberland Jtoadictthu aoiKheaat corner oi ueury uwik * umi; tneuco with tho llu* of will National Howl easterly four hundred mul twenty live(U'>) foot to r point; theuce ut right angles with mid road two hundred ami Mrty (Mi) foot to tbo IIuo of nu avenue laid out parallel Cumberland Koad through the Porter home pUeo; thcuto westerly along Mid avenue four bundled and twenty-five (M) feet to Cook's sombcahtcurner: thence with hid Hue to the place of betflu>.ltit{, belli* nil of lot* numbered luu (10). eleven ill), twelve(12) and thirteen (i:i; hm Ja Id at it oh tho private plat of that part ol tho William Porter homo place and notlecorded. Trnunor 8Ai.r.,-Onc-thlrd,or rs much more as tho purchaser may elect, cash in hand on tho day of salo, and (ho liilaiico In two equal Instalments, payable icspocttvely fn oneauu twojearn from thu tiny of haIm, whu Interest, Tho purchiuor to *lve hi* notes for tho deierred iuntalmenu, with good security, and tho legal title to be retained u? further Micurlty until the talu note* and Interest aro paid. Tltfo behoved Rood, hut lefllug an trustee I hhall convey only such tltlo as la veiled In mo by Mid deed of trubt. W. P. HUBBARD, up.'# Trustee. rj^KUSTKE'd SALK. By virtue of two deed* of trust tniulo by Andrew Tl.almiiuu and Marlaiina Thalniauti, hln wife, to me an trustee, tho first dated May 'Ath, 1m7, recorded lu Deed ot 1 runt Hook No. ZJ, page ai7, In tlio office of the Clerk of thu County Court of (Jhio county, Went Virginia, tho bee Misdated October Ith, 1887, recorded in mild clerk's offlco lu L'eod of Trust Book No. '23, page l!?l, I will sell at the. north frontdoor of tho Court House of Mild county, on SATURDAY, THIS 7th DAY OK JUNE, 18'JO, comtncnclUK *1 10 o'clock a. m? tho following demlbed property, that In to sa> : Certain real ehUte In the city of WheoihiK, Ohio county. Went Vtrplula. described an follows: A piece or parcel ol land, belli# lis feot Jonir mm 75 levt wldc.lylnii north of tho city ol WnceltnR and cast ol tho common road on tho maruin i?i th? Onto rlvur, commencing for tho samo nt a point _ about 'lit0 ftci In a uouiieoiitcrly direction from Hio north end of tho parapet w*llof tho bridge ovrr Jonathan'* Out In tho Uno of tho northwest front of the house commonly known nt the mono liomw grocery, built by said Thai* maun upon tho lot of ground now being described; thctir.oln tho lino of tho froutol^ald hoiiho lift feet to tlio northwest corner ol tho Mime: thence easterly and at right aisles to said lino7f> feet; thence houtberly and parallel with the llrst lino ll.r? feci; thence northwestwardly 7ft feet to tho place ol beginning, together with tho bnlldliiKH thoroou; reserving, however, a strip ol ground on tho cast side of raid lot and homo running lerigthwiKu through tho property o( it uniform width of 12 feet, to be kept open as : a road, and renewing also tho cosl under tho property aud tho right to mine and remove the mi mo. Aim, a cerlaln part of lot No. 73. which lot In hltiiMt?*d on the ninth bldo of Third sireet and runs from Main sticui to Coal street. Tho part Intended to bo hereby conveyed is dcscrlbodas fol.ows: tttgluiilug atupolut 100 (eet east ol .Mill ii ft reel; theme southwardly and parallel wltti Main street 60 feot tu the north linoof lot No. "U; thence caitwardly with the Mild linn of lot 7'J about W feet to Coal street; thence with Coal street In a northerly direction to Third street; thence went ward ly with Third street to the place of beginning. Also, a nUcoof land In North Wheeling, Allowing W lor tho width of Third Street, and beginning at tho northeast corner of Mid Third sired and Muln street; thence with ihe eastern liiifot Muln street northwardly 60 feet; thence caitwardly lOu feet more or loin to a "point on the west hide of a 'lb loot alley now called Wood fitrest, and Jul feet north ol Third street; thence south along Wood htrcet S3 fowl to Third street; thence with the north lino of Third mrcct to the i place ol beginning. Also, lot numbered 2 In Bnahflcid and Mc' Meehen's adil It ion to the city of Wheeling. The UtleH ol tho ahovo pieces of property are believed to ho perfect, but welling an trustee I will convoy only such title aa Is vested In mo by said deeds of trust. Tkums ok Sai.k?Ono third and ns much more ol tho purchiue money aa the purchaser electi to pay lit cash on the day ot tuilo, the balance In two equal Instalments at ono aud two years, no to i bearing Interest Irom the day of sale to b? given for th? deferred payments, tbo title to be rcutiued uutll payment is mado In full. W. J. W. COWDKN, Trustee. W. II. Anctioncor. iny5 Proposals. ""PROPOSALS ?rou? ~ Curbing and Redressing and Resottlug Curb and Crossings?Ohio Stone. Sealed proposals will bo rccelvod at the offlco of the hoard of Public Works until 12 o'clock uoon ol Monday, May 12, IS'JO, for furnishing and setting uow cuib (Ohio Stone), also for redressing aud resetting old curb, new erodings aud setting, and redressing old crossings and netting mine libr NJifO. All work to bo dono strictly in accordance with tho specifications, which can be seen at tho olllee ol the Hoard. The sueutSBlul bidder will bo required to giro bond, with two sureties to be approved by tho Hoard, conditioned for the faithtul performance of the contract, i he Hoard reserves tho right to reject any or all bids. Proposals to bo marked "Proposals for New Curbing and Itesctting Curt) aud Uro*slngs," and addressed "Hoard of Public works." Hy order ol the Hoard of Public Works. iny7 T. M. DA Kit AH, Clerk. Heal Estate. FQR~SALEi No. ?.612 Chapline street. Lot southeast comer ol Ohio and Huron streets, TO by to feet. 51 notc.i ol inti< 1 two miles cast of Rosby's Eock, Marshall County. W. V'u. ft ruomed fr?me cottage, Fark street, Moundsvllio Campground. U)tn 1.3, a, 7, ?, 11 and 13, Warren's addition, gn u cacti. Lots 2, -I, it. 8,10,12 aud 14,8250 each. 18 acres of hillside laud in Eighth ward, vulUe?t at S2WJ per ncro. No. 2i>37 Market street, ground a half lot. Frico ?m No. 8t aud 80Twenty sixth street. Both houses for 31,500. No. 2145 Main street. No. 2&W, 2&u aud 2340 Main atreot. No. 17.: and 174 Bofenteeuth struct. No. 1025 McColloch street. No. 4GO Natl 'nul Koad. No. 1001 Cnapliuc Rtreet. No 1125 Foil street, hulf lot. Corner lot, cist slrlo south Front street. 2ft toot lot, ca>t sido South Front street. No. CO rtorth front Ktreot. Cuoice of lots in Fair Ground property, wcllilrnrg, W, Ntt < Hoiiho and lot in Fulton, W. Va. liUncre Farm at Monti's ltun. Corner lot, VirginU and aouth York street. Property suitable for ahotol on Main itreot, Kcsldcbce, ouo-quartor mile east of Trladcl* lihlu. Willi <1 hi ri-M (if Intnl. ih.fiGO. FOR RENT. No. f>2 Thirteenth street, 4 jroins Ill 00 No. 'JIf>*? Main streot, two rooms 5 10 No. 2217 Mnrkot ot., atoro room and cellar- '25 CO No. 2119 Mnrkot streot, vd lloor 10 00 No. ?M'J Murketatreet, 3d lloor 12 CO i'osaeusiou Rlveu No 2249 Juno 1st. JAMES A. HENRY, Kcal Estate Agent. Notary Public, and U. 8. Olulm Attormw, No. 1012 Market stnttt. FOR SALE. ttuUdlng lots on the Inland. Uulldlng lots In the hlehth war l. A tlno building lot on 1'ourteenth street. IfuiKling 1"W 'ho Nflllonul Kond. building lot? In '.ho Sixth whhI. . Improved rent cMHie lu all parU ol the city NoW UUY. IS OOINU All ttai>. Wo hope and believe ?ou'll never ho nb'.o to buy cheaper ilun now. Call and see our list bclow i>iirch*Jlng tJ?oivbero, rtlNEUAllT & TATUM, Jtcal Estate, Stocks aid FIro Insurance, mi; nil 1IAUKKT STHHET. FOR SALE. Eight Roomed wdwelling,^ 116 ^utli Tenn Birci'i, vury uunituuiu iwnwwu, Ulx Boomed dwelling, with largo lot, 224 Twenty-ninth street. for 81,125. UonMo framo lion ho, rout* for 19 por month, ut 2d iind t!S In Jlauu stroet, for Sl.GCO. Flvn roomed frnmo house, Willi largo yard, 117 Twenty ninth street, fl.oou. Hlx roomed house lu Zano street, $2,000.. HiirgaliiK In building lots. Garden farm. Ohio river bottom, abovo high water mark. '1 ue very best latul. uot?d Improvements. Railroad station ou the place, fllx miles from this city. 21 acre*. i'rico J200 per acre. I a.o. SMITH, Real Ksuto Agent und Broker, npCC lyJOMnln street. Morchant Tailors. N^W~SPWFTG~goods1 J / Wo H&vo Just Kecefretl Our SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, And they are now open for Inspection &t our new quarter*, 1011 MAIN STREET. Call and Seo Them. C. If. WHEELER & SON, MERCHANT TAILORS,' ^ mrlX 1011 Mnln Street. /^ata i.oguks, lists, circulars \J 1'rlmlriK of all klml cxmited ?t tho IN I'KCl.lGKSLT.Il JOB OFFICII, Ko.? Uid 271'ouiiceulli Street. Motllcal. Preientt In the mo?t elegant form THE LAXATIVE AWO NUTRITIOU8 JUIOB -or tii*? FIG9 OF CALIFORNIA, Combined with tlic medicinal virtues of plants known to be most beneficial to tlie linman system, forming nu agreeable and effective laxative to jicnnaliently cure Habitual rnnstl. pation, and the many ills ilbi euro it wlille others do not. CitrrEii'h Lrrn.k Liver rim* are very small and tcrj easy to tako. Ono or two rills mako a doircvtions wrapped around cacu bottle.) <. la Bottle* only. < Price*, COe., 51, fl.73, Xot? our namt on ennj icravpor aiul /jM. rrtparcd only br POND'S KXTIUCT C0.? SEW YORK AND LONDON. ' POND'S EXTRACT ^OINTSSENT. It's remarkablo spccllio Q3 action upon the affccted parts gives it supremo control over * , *11 lhlcs, however soYero. '< "" Also for fiurus, Scald*, 8o?i Eruptions, Salt, Jihmn tfc, ^ Testimonials froni nil elassog H"3 provo its efficacy, Prieo -ftOo, Sold by all Dropgists or sent by mail PH receipt of price. Put up only by JW0 EXTBACT CO., 76 5th Ave., N. Y. my.VMvrrAw . f EtPS "Cata B H { Cream Balm^OLY's^ Heals theSoros,|?- , Restores the mLh / / Senses of TasteHBia^nCiVrS^'B knd fimell. i TRYT11E CUBE.H Sr-FEVEF I A purtlcJo l? applied into each noitril ami agreeable. Prlcc 50 ccnU at DrunliU: by ma: rotrliterixl, 60 cent*. tL\ bHOTHEks, leUWMW W Wwrrcn street, Now York, She Mclliflcitccr, jj Otllce I Nun. a."i nnd U7 Fourteenth Htreot, P THE t'UHCt,' OF EXASiri.E. j| Upptncotl'i Magazine. fi An absent-minded pedagogue H( Thero was, one time, who went ]i Along Iho alalia au<} rapped the boy* Unto hi* hcarl'i content; v< Ami If, by cliaucc, the aeoueuco limped A A llttlu 111 ltd gait, IE He'd rauie and Klve theao lucklcta chap* u Theaopuroly incidental raps, * I'utfJ begot Itatralght. C< And ao, It hl? rellectloni lagged, , ?! Ur wllh him they Jumped, 1 ,Ono only knew by looking round R1 To ace what hcada wero thumped, tl Until this furtivo paradox Hf A waggish youngster wrought; "lt'a getting to be very plain Cl Our master cun not work hlH brain A Save wo aro 'rapped lu thought." w l'orlenton* word*! They natr the point, ei For thtio dilated elvea h Made up their tnluda that they would try ,1, Homo striking thought themselves. And thua, when next the master's baud ai Fell.'twas a signal swift, is And all tho boya commenced to think ?r With rulera, grammara, slates and Ilk, Until ho caught their drift. Vt "HoldI Hold 1" exclaimed tho pedagogue; l* "You force me to admit u From tho JmprcMioui you have taudo ~!1 That you have scored a hit. 10 Thla concentrated thought and aim kc Bhow duo regard for urt: And muat own.?though it annoya,? re Insteadof making amarl my bora, L)1 Aly boya have made mo atuart!" goodImiies.' f or Tho Dudo'a Mlauudoratood Attentloua. BO I was drifting down Rico Btreet yea* j|j terday afternoon," said tho Hon. Eraatus Gurloy to a St. Paul Pioneer 1'rm rejior- hfi ter, "on my way from Summit avenue to tho Merchants', when I observed a lady about six feet ahead,- upon the skirt of pa j whoso dre6a a picco of barrel hoop had ' caught. Between mo and tho lady was j^( I a dudo, got up in ornate toilet, smoking I tho conventional civnrattn nml hitc Then he walked slowly around, came fie{ through the billiardjhall, and once more t0 went into the bar. ue "Well," he said, smiling pleasantly aa ho encountered his pmnim-jii- tri "forgot to wash my handa,"" Then he W1 stole into the wash-room, peeped around cu the corner of tho wall until ho saw the ra old man disappear, then..lie hastened )1 back to tho bar. The same inspiration v had fired the old man, and they collided once more. Then they. had to wash aE again. n .... By this time their hands were white and soft and their fingers beginning to ^ shrivel up-like a Canton avenue washerwoman. Both were growing'desperate, ? and the old man said in a careless, off- ? hand manner: iv" "Oh, by the wayjPhillup, do you oyer drink a little glass of beer?" Phillup Baid, "Well, once in a great ,v while." :{ Then a great feeling, of relief filled : them. Distrust was metamorphosed into perfect trust and sweet" confidence, and v the dark despair of the, hope that was g, dying in each longing breast suddenly brightened into the glad, joyous,.epark- m ling sunshine of expectations all fulfilled = and hopes fully realized. . AModect Mini. * : A thin, careworn-looking man, having a pencil and-tablet in his hand} called at { a house on Second avenue the other day* says the* .Detroit Free Prm, and said to J I the lady as she opened tho door: "Madam.' I am'" canvassing for subscriptions for a poor family. AYiU you pqt yoqr na^io dqwn for a small aum ?" ' Is it a worthy family?" ^ "Yes, indeed.1'r- ..*vy ^ "Do you know them personally ?" VI do, ma'am.'?;.-, i r* \ '' ilAhd are they really in sectl?'* X "They certainly are.J'; I"'Very: vroll?I'll givo you a quarter. She put hor name down and handed I him tho money, and. he had reached the gain whon she called him back and eaid: "It has just occurred to methat'this miuhtbo your own family." ' 1 i "Exactly, ma'am. It is my family, I but modesty forbade me to say "no. I am j not one who seoka to puBh himself for* ward, though I would doubtless get along better if I was. Thank you ma'am. 1 I know the family, and I assure it is all right?all right)" Imitation ofSenntori. J A constant source of amusement in tho I Senate wing of the Capitol, says the New i? York Tribune, is a graphophone which ll? is in uso in one of the committee rooms. Senators who come into tho room usually ak what the machine to. and theyfre uently ait down to watch and listen tc a operation. Senator Allison waa ex erimenting with it the other day, am u he always speaks slowly and distinct r, and baa a keen voice, his words were 'produced with striking diatinctnesp, uo b? uior Senator from Iowa sat on the >(a of the committee room and laughed ko a boy aa tie heard his voice lining back to him from the mouth ol groat silver trumpet attached to the lachino. The committee-clerk usually L'ops in resorve a few cylinders prepari lor exhibition purpoaea containing >nR9. speeches, etc. Homebody dropped ito tliu committee-room one day and ivo the uraphophono a aeries of imitaona of the curious styles ot speech of >mo of the senators. Among othor iricatures waa one of Senator Keagan. . few days afterward Senator lteagan as in tho committee-room and ho aak1 to have the macbino exhibited to Ini. Tho operator slipped on a cyllncr Buppoeod to contain "Annie Laurio" id turned on the crank. Thou there sued from the mouth of tho speaking umpet tho words: "Ladies and gentlemen, I will now give iu my celebrated imitation of Senator eagau addressing tho United States Dnato on tho tanlf Question," and fol win# them were a "series of guttural lunds, entirely unintelligible, but much sembling in intouatiou the peculiar ogue of tho Senator from Texas. Mr. Reagan is a iittlo hard of hearing id botore he could arrive at a realiata* 3u of the situation tho operator had hipped tho cylinder olT the machine ith a remark about its being "out of der," and aubfltitutcd another, which on Bent tho strains of "Tho Wearing of 0 Green" lloating through the cornmite room. Tho cylinderof "celebrated imitations" is been destroyed. Tito Spring Medicine. Tho popularity which Hood's fiarsarilla has gained as a spring medicine wonderful. It possesses just those jments of health^giving,blood-purifyg and appetito-restoring;which every* dy seems to need at this season. Do t continue in a dull, tired, unsatisfac* y condition when you may bo bo ich beneiited by Hood's Sarsaparilla. purities the blood and makes tho weak onK* 1 Employer?"Well, Patrick, which is a bigger fool, you or I ?" Patrick? aith, I couldn't say, sor, but it's not isilf, surely." , A hcrnp of Pnpor Shych Her Lire. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap>g paper, but it saved her life. Sbo s in tho last stages of consumption, d by physicians that she was incura1 and could live only a short time; ) weighed less than seventy pounds, a piece of wrapping paper she read of , king's New Discovery, and got a uple bottle; it helped her, she bought lrgo bottle, it helped Uer more, bought other and grew better fast, continued ueo and is now strong, healthy, rosy. imp, weighing 140pounds. For fnllei rticulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, uggiat, Fort Smith. Trial Bottles of a wonderful Discovery Free at Logan ug Co.'fi drug store. 4 Rheumatism is caused by an acid in j blood; therefore, external treatment )rds no permanent relief. To elimie tho poison and make a thorough e of the diBease, nothing else is bo efent as Ayer's .Sarsaparilla. Give it a ll. Price $1. Worth $5 a bottle. Marvelous Emlurnuco. rhe vast amount of labor performed the heart in keeping all portions of > body supplied with blood is not lerally known. It beats 100,000 times, 1 forces tho blood at the rate of 168 les a day, which is 3,000,000,000 times 15,!o0,SS0 miles in a life time. No nder there are so many heart failures, e first symptoms are shortness of ?ath wheu exercising, pain in the side stomach, fluttering, choiring in throat, oression, then follow weak, hungry Bmothering spells, swollen ankles, etc. . Franklin Miles' New Heaiit Cure is .ho only reliable remedy. Sold by e Logan Drug Co. mwfaw-1 sought for the last hundred years. A nedy for catarrh, hay fever and cold the head found at last in Ely's Cream lm. Safe and pleasant to use and ily applied into the nostrils. It gives ief at once and a thorough treatment 3itively cures. Price 50 cents, mwimw Suardian?"Why should a rich and ppily situated young woman like you nt to get married ?" She?"I'm afraid burglars." ?upei??r< This is what you ought to have, in t, you must have it, to fully enjoy Thousands are searching for it ily, and mourning because they find not. Thousands upon thousands of liars aro spent annually by our people the liopo that they may attain this on. And yet it mav be had by all. b guarantee that Electric Bitters, if id according to directions and the use rsisted in, will bring you Good Diition aud oust the deamon Dyspepsia d install instead Eupepsy. Wo recimend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia d all diseases of Liver, Stomach and dneys. Sold at 50c and $L per bottle Logan Drug Co., druggist. 4 A Strange Case. Had Mra. H. A. Gardner, of Vistula, d., lived two thousand years ago she >uld have been thought to be posised by evil spirits. She was subject nervous prostration, headaches, dizzi88, backache, palpitation and forty to ty spasms a day. Though having been ;ated by eight physicians /or years thout success, Bho was permanently red by one bottlo of Dr. Miles' Iiestotive Nervine. A*trial bottle of this iw and wonderful medicine, and a fineillustrated treatise free at The~Logan rug Co.'s Drug Store, who recommends id guarantees it. mwfaw-1 , tits. All Fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's reAt Nerve Restorer. No Fits after st day's use. Marvellous cures. Treata and $2 00 trial bottle free to Fit cases, md to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch st., Phila., Pa. Miles' Nerve ami Liver Pllli. An important discovery. They acton le liver, stomach and bowels through io nerves. A new principle. They leedilv cure bilinnnneaa. him taflto. tr*r id liver, pilesaud constipation. Splenid for men, women and children, tallest, mildest, surest. Thirty doses ir twenty-five conts. Samples free at ho Lotmn Drug Co.'s. ' itrXlrr.-Ccxnn tn oat of lh? tnow. iToull "g%% roar death of cold from wet f??1, CAiWriw.?Mother, oar BhooB cin't est wet; yoa tot* Out WO hAT? Wolff'sftCMEBIacking oo tbira, ind wit?r cxn't ro throoah. SLL th* *?*** of ?cnibbln* la rjeh aloxnry. Wo will JA inlDrvg, raint and Ev>utJ^r\i^ing Sorm, j FINANCE AND TRADE. J The Feature* of the Money and Si i Market*. New York, May H.-Money on call cw.y, i ' In* from I to 0 per cent, lout loan 0 j?cr i closed offered at 4 per cent. Prime inurcai ' paper 6*7 per cent. sterling eichaugo dull I steady nt si 8-l>*ai 86^. Balca of ulocks * 423,78'J shares. The stock market wn* aetlro lor a-fewtl but rather quiet for the geno-al li?t to-day, i a feverish und Irregular toue marked tho < lngn almost froiu the beginning to the end. cousplotious strong stocks were Chicago hu?ar rotluerles, New England and Uurllni A Qufncf. T/iu true status of the silver leg tlou was understood In Loudon this moru aud sn a couscqueuce that center wan okh liberal buyer this morning and tho Lou prices wero higher. Chicago Has, Kuvr Kugl and Sugar wero all specially strong, aud buying ot tho former Ib ascribed to a pool wl Intends to compel the aborts, who are aom the most influential operators In Chicago cover. Tho spurt lu Murliogton A Qulncy In tho hour wan thought to foreshadow some uew velopmenU iu regard ?<> tho western rates I tlon, hut nothing had transpired up to thee of builurM. The market finally closed str aud active, with most of the list but tllgl changed, though generally higher. Suuar ti Chicago ?ias U, New Kn#land 1J?. Chlci jjurllngton A Qulncy J?-i?nd Wisconsin Con 1 per cent. Kallroad bouds more active. Balca fi.Wl, Government aud 8Ute bonds dull and stei bonds and stock quotation!)?closed hi U. 8.4s feg*- 122 Ohio A MUstsslppl. u. fl. 4s coupous...m1vu do preferred....,.- i U. 8.4k? reg l(W% Oregon Impr'vem't i U. 8.4>y? coupon.H.lo;J>t Oregon Jtuv li l'lll'llll! t.u nf '(t.'i UA OrniMltl Train Adauis Express 151 I'ncTllo Mull American ExpresaJlfi I'lttsburgh ......II Canada PaclHc....? 78$* Pttllmau Palace 1'. Canada Southern... Heading... 4 Central facitlc 31 Koek Island 1 Chesapeake A Ohio VMJi St.L. A San Fran-... S do llrst preferred. 6.'?k Si. i'sul 1 do socoud prel'd- 4Hft do preferred 1'. Chi. I St. i'uul A Omaha.. I Del. A Hudson Ua do preferred ( Del., Lack A W caL?l l,% Tenu. Coal A Iron., t Denver A 11.0 IX Texas Paclllo Krlo ... ... 27!i Union Pacific ( Fort Wayne IWJ4 U.H. Express.- - " Illinois central Ilfih W'., til. L.A I* 1 Kansas A Texts ir> do preferred 'J Ijiketihore : llljf Wolls-Faruo Ex H Louisville A Nash. w Weiitern Union 8 Memphis A Chin.... (>2 \m. Cotton Oil Michigan Central... wy$ Colorado Coal Missouri Pacific...- 7&5i iron tiilvcr 20 Naahvlllo A Chfttt ..101 Quicksilver NowJerjeyCcntraLl'^i do preferred., 8 Norfolk A W.pref'd iV&t Sntro..... Northern Pacific.... Hlchm'd A W. I'.T. 2 do prcferrod - Mchlsou 4 Nor'iwestern 225H Lead Trust do prelerred -146ft Sugar New York CcntraLlOb^ Hrendstutfg nud 1'roYlnlons. 1 New Youk, May 8.?Flour, receipts 15; packages; exports 3,183 barrels and 231.000 sad market quiet; wiles 20,2i0 barrels. Wheat, eelpls KHi.iuo bushels; exports 74.000 bushe sales 4,9M.OOO bushels of futures aud 2C,OOObui cin ui k|kji: Kpoi inarm dun. i}$c up; ungrad red 82ca8l 01 %: No. n red No. 1 norllic 31 05; options fairly actlvo, irregular and hiplx No. 2 rod May UTjJiaWJic, closing at w}$c: Ju 90^h'J9>^c, closing at July W^alMJc. closl at 'j7j(ic: August Iti^e; Keplember WKa95c, cli ing at WJ^c; liccembcr 94%a97c, closing at 90A Kye firm; western Corn. rcccli 13.1,850 bushels; exports 17a,000 bushels; sal l.NtO.OOO bushels oi futures and 201.000 bush< of spot; spot market unsettled, clou Heady: ungraded mixed 39a-i5o; M 4ljia4'jj^c, clo?iug at 42>^c: June 42c; Ju 42%c; August 43l?c; September 43J-, OaWi receipts 125,000 bushels; exports 30,C bushels; tales 1,0^5,000 bustiels of futures ai 326,000 bnnbels of spot; market active and big er; May 82J4n33&?e: closing 83->Sc: July 32Kc:hu No 2 white 35J4a36>$c;mlxod western 32a36c: N 2 ChlCHKo 3?>ia35c. tiny and hops steady. Oi lea steady ami Ar? 10 points tip. hugar rellui Arm. Molasses quiet Rice firm. Tallow, ko? and Turpentine firm. Eggs firmer; weste 13j?c. l'orlc strong; new mess SU 00*14 50; c tra prlmoSllW. (Jut meats quiet Lard cas Juueti.Ctc; July 6.73c; August 6.82c: Septemli 6 92c: October fi.'JJc. Uttttcr steady: wcatei dairy 7al2c; creamery 'JalSc; lilglu 19c. Chee steady; western 8a'J>$c. Chicago, May 8?A large business was trni astcd In wheat, and a slurp reaction In prk occurred. The early market was weak and prk lower, being a continuation of the weakness jestcrday, but active buying turned the com oi the market upwards. Halns were reported the northwest, which stimulated selling. Lnt numerous brokers began to buy, outsiue ord( increased, and prices steadily auvauccd fcei aftove the inside figures reached early in thodu There was & fair Uadlng, though at times t market In coru was somewhat dull. The feeli developed was stronger and transactions were higher prices. The market In oats wan st-ady a: at times very excited! lucre wasa little more bt iuess iu provisions to-day, chiellyon local i count. . l'rlces averuged higher and tho mark closed stcidy at inside llgures. Flour firm a: unchanged. Wheat, cash. No. 2spring91c: No spring 'Jjc: No. 2 red 'Joe; May 'JlaUSc, cloning Doc; June OO^aOt^c, closing at tt3%c: July W> Otyic, closing at 'Jsykc. C'oru. ca?h No. 2, 3434 May 3tfJic,closing at 2f>l?c; July: 25}*e, cioslnc at 25Jic. ltye, No. 2,52c. Flaxse 81 41. Timothy seed 81 32. 31 ess port, audi a: May 813C0a13 10: Juno 81310al3 20, closing 113 10; July 813 20al340. closing ?t #t?n i.?. mix ana May 6.25aG.27&c; Juno G.35c; July 0--i 6.47%c, closing utG.^Oc.. Bacon, short ribs 5.1 545c; shoulders 5.00io.l0c; short clear 5.7 Whisky SI U2. Philadelphia, Nay 8.?Flour llrm. Wh( quiet ami lower; fair to sood milling R'-hiU prime to choice OCcajl 00; No. 2 red May 'Jlay june 92%a!KS%c; July 9lUa92}?c; AugustSOKaO Corn a shade lower; No. 3 mixed on track 3! No. 2 mixed May UJ4?42c; June uud July 41! 4I4?c; August42a42%e. Oai? strong; No. 3 wh 33%a3lc; do choice ;n%c; No.2 white May 341 3 e; Juue33V?a31c; JulyKlKnMc; August :u>J4u3 Eggs quia but steady; Pennsylvania lltsts 12} Cincinnati, 0., May 8.?Flour firm. Whi quiet and firm; No. ured95c; receipts2,200bui els; shipments 5,000 bushels. Corn llrm; No mixed 3Sc. Oats strong; No.2 mixed 29a??l Kyo quiet; No. 2, 58c. I'ork dull at $13 1'jird anil at 6.0Ca6.Q5c. Bulk meats easy; shi ribs5.10a5.50c. Bacon steady; short .clear 6.5 Whisky firm at V ic. Toledo, O., M?v A?Wheat firm arid hfghi cash and May 95%c; June 96c; July 93c; Augi 9lc. Corn steady; cash,35%c; May Mlic. Oi dull and llrm; cash 30c; Muy28>jc. Clwversc dull and steady; cash 83 60; October S3 87}$. Live Stock. Chicago, May 8.?Cattle? Receipts 15,COO her 'shipments 0,000 head; market easy, to stroi beeves 3) 00a5 30; steers S3 SUu4 90; Btockers a feeders Si 80a4 00; cows, bulls and mix 81 7Ua3 8o; Texas corn fed steeis 83 25aI Uo^s?ItecelpM 21,500 head; shipments 0,' head: market steady; mixed SI 05a4 27}$; hen and light 84 U5a4 35; skips S3 W:,\\ 00. Shcej Kcccipts6,000 bead; shipments2,000head; m ketsteady; natives $iooa640; western corn i S5 00a6 35; Texaus 84 60*5 00; lambs S5 50a7 CC East Luiektv, Pa., May S.-Cattle?Receli 210 head; shipments 180head; market strong unchanged prices, liogs?Receipts 2,uoo hei shipments 1,100 head; market slow; medium a selected 84 30a4 35; common to belt York St 20*4 30; pigs81 00a4 15. Sheep-Rccclpts 1, head; Khlpujcuw 1,200 head; market slow at y tcrday's price*. Cincinnati0.,_May S.?Hoga. firmer: co i u.u<> mm iikui. a.i uuai iu; pocking and butch i <4 03a4 '23; receipts 5,0u0 liead; shipments 4,' | head. Petroleum. New Youk. May 8.?Petroleum steady at SI lor epot and S4J$ lor June option; *l>ot > ticglcctcd uud closed dull at Sihc; Juuo i tion moved up to Stock Excbani Opening at 8tj?c; highest S4%c; lowest 8cl closing at M>?c. Sales 154,000 barrels. Oil City, Pa., Slay 8.?Petroleum opened 8-l^jc; highest 84><;c; lowest W^c; closed at &i} sales 187.UOJ barrels; charters "Jl,423 barrels; be mcnta 70,555 barrels; ruus 68,671 barrels. BiiADpono, fcPA., May 8.?Petroleum opoi at 84 %c: closed at siu; lilghtmt &%c; low ta]ic; clearances'barrels, PirrsnuKOK, 1?a? Way 8.?Petroleum actl weak aud lower. Opened at closed at I hltftie?tb45?c; lowestMJic. Slfltnls. Nkw York, May 8.?pitc Iron quiet. Cop strong; lake 313 00. Lead Hull uti-107%. quiet; siMitsS-'O 75, Cotton. Cincinnati. o.. May 8.?Cotton steady quiet; middling ll%c. Advlco to Mothers. Are you disturbed at night andbrol ol your reat by aaick child Buffering i crying with pain of cutting teeth? If send at once and get a bottle of 51 Wikblow'b Soothing Syrup forCi; dren Teetiiinq. Its yaluo is inealci bio. It will relievo the poor littlesufi er immediately. Depend upon it, mo ere, there is no mistako nhnnt it curea dyBentery and diarrhcea, regui? the stomach and bowels, curea^ wi colic, abfteua the gums, reducea intlt mation, and gives tone and energj the whole system. Mrs. Wisrlo soothino Syrup for children tee ing is pleasant to the taste, and is prescription of one of the oldest and I female nurses and physicians in United States, and ia lor sale by all di gista throughout the world. Prici conta a bottle. uwm Backlen'* Aral en Salve. The beat salvo in the world for c bruises, sores, ulcers, Fait rheum, fe BoreB, tetter, chapped hands, chilbla cornB, and ail skin eruptions, and p tively curea piles, or no pay required ia guaranteed to give perfect satiBfact or money refunded. Price 25 centa box, For sale by .Logan Drag Co. Children Cry for Pitcher's Caste _ Educational. ; It. De CENTAL :BOVAIRD&SEYFABG xixU ?tUuj MAIN OFFICE AND W0UK3, "k" Bradford, McKean County, Pa. nml ' leal* j? Branch Office and Salesroom lug, 2uo5 150 First Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa, the .. , i/cii u <>' CouHUuOr on band, both at llrudford aud Pittsburgh, tho largest stock of j Drilling and Fishing Tools "go. ual IN THE WOULD 000. kU,t Ana tU our own Justly acknowledged superior nuke. Our facilities for promptly filling largo or" dura aru uuiurpafsed, ah wo manufacture and deal in everything In tho 24>f way of Oil and Artesian Well Supplies. J3 m; i:i EXAMINE OUlt 15 I New Electric Engine, And bocomo convinced that It substantiates our claim that It la the best in tho market* rj" ^ N. B.?YTo arc oneo moro in tho field with tho largest stock ot P FIRST-GLASS SECOND-HAND SUPPLIES ? In Olldom. Socond-haud BOILERS, ENGINES, TANKS.PIPES,TUBIXG. CASINO, etc., Otc.. q at a largo discount Jrora tue prlco of new, **' Three thousand eight hundred second hand boiler* and onRlues solil In tho last seven years n without one mUhap or word of fault being found. I; THIS IS OUR ltECOBl). Estimates Famished. Correspondence Solicited. DCQ ap4UWiF I MUST BE SOLD! ed ^ '' " ' ^ " Having concluded to rctiro from business, I will oiler my entire I" stock of Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, a Completo Outfit ol Wagon Maker's Tools, also a Good Safe, ior Sale Cheap. Goods must lie sold. | DAVID KULL, SR,, 3d __fon anu mam street. I JARECKI iANDFACTURING CO,, ?! (LIMITED.,) ed nd _____ & ESIRIIE, PA.,' tr>u MANUFACTURERS OF; I Brass Goods, Malleable and Grey Iron Pipe Fittings )c; 4& FOR STEAM, GAS, WATER AND OIL; | OIL WELL SUPPLIES OF EVERYI)ESCRIPTIOH ifr m Tubing, Casing and Ropes, :se * * * * i-? *-* 1 * rrt n rNrr^r-^ ? n ff r\l r\T^ gi L.ll\il, DnLVJfci 66 S 1 HAM Fim. ud lla is BRANCH OFFICE: a 953 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, Pfl. il U Other lJrancti Stores at all the principal points In Pennsylvania, New York anil Olilo OH Fioids. . wpi gj mnB52BBasmBttE3smBsam2s^snBBBE&saBBsmBa :ed ct- nr^yvw^aTiiW^Mw^iTwr.^A^fc.'x^vT;-> >* fWih> .v^'* rn"*"'* m- for Infants and Children. LTH MMMMnnaMMnwaM a 0 " Coa to rials bo well Ada ptedto children that I Costorla enrea CoJIff. Constipation, i ^r.tu"^?ir^pUcn I *?- till 111 Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. I Without Injurious medication, Tiie Centaur Compant, 77 Murray Street, N. t. BBgn82SHH0BBK2?SSfiZ2&B5?Z3&S&S&B&5KEBB3B9Hfl ic; up* ? ) ' ' -v'! ' ' '" led " ? /^\ THE* (( (fckr$.MT^bakihb CSS^) POWDER and Satisfaction Guaranteed. each can of the cooics baking powder is guaranteed full strength, full weight, and is sold on its :en merits at the lowest possible" price consistent lid with quality. BO | * ???i iE SOQ&S Quarters,Retail at 5 cts. ? OOOSCS Halves, Retail at 10 cts. .tes ruuwua, B*&fct?EUftl Sold by sU Grocers. Try a Pound Can; w's ================================================ & WE ARE ALL SETTLED. the ?0m0 an(' See Us inOurNew aud Handsome Quarters, 51 TirelJtL St ,u_ nc an buow you more uiUYULta una netier 3 05 BICYCLES than all other dealers combined. Tho Vnv. \ . * VICTOR SAFETY . is finer than evar. Don't fall to geo It. We arc // \ I l/P%, trading In comparatively new wheels of othertV/k :*?r makes for the VICTOR. Why la ft? Simply bo- jp~SyA-gr^W *tu s cmuic the VICTOR I?b?st. -rT Don't loso money by buying a wheel without examlnln'g the VICTOR. ^uylh0^atlu^0#Urt' ' It l? tho cheapest In tho end. P Call and examlno our stock. Over a doxua dlilfcr- > ontmakea of BICYCLES. * =r~^X.*-' sS3^!ig2E53P?,*-~ ,ria: EDW. L. ROSE & CO., New Store, 51 Twelfth Street, NEAR WHEELING, W. VA. (Winter* of tho Visitation.) A school of tnoro than national reputatlo o(Tbm exceptional advantages for thorough edi cation of young ladles In all departments. L tirnry of six thousand volume*. Flu? phll ophlcal. chemical andastrouomlcal apparatu Musical department specially noted, Corpsi Piano teachers trained by a learned Vrofexw from Conservatory of Stuttgart. Vocal cultm according to tho method ul the old Italian ma tern. Location unsurpassed for beauty and healtl Ten acres ol pleasure grounds, Hoard exetsllen For catalogues, and references to patron* 1 all tho principal cities, address TIIK niHHCTRRaW. NORTH MAIN STREET SCHOOL lror Boys and Olr/s, between 4 and 10 years of ago, opened BKt TKMBKR, 1SS-J, at 747 Main Kthkkt. It structlon thorough and proRreislve, ludlvldui and class Instruction suited to tho ago and c* paclty of the pupil. Especial attention given to coneet artlculi tlon and delects of speech. Krench conversatlo: and eallsthenlea without extra charge. A plan In tho school room for tho entertainment an Instruction of tbo pupils. Visitors admitted t tho dally sessions of tho school. Next quarto beillut A nil I. 7, tm Mldd M. It. HART, Principal, ap7 l.ato of Washington, 1). C. STAMMERING Mar bo thoroHghlyarid permanently cured methods ef Instruction based upon scieutlm principles. No tricks employed. No secrcc] demanded. Tho system, whlcn 1* entirely edu catlonal, Is endorsed bjr many of tho most prom Incut educators and physicians of tho country Mrs. M. 8TKVKNS HART, Principal of tho Washington BcUool of Klocu tlon and Oratory. Whonllng Address. 727 Main Btrvot. aug Financial. JOHN 31. OAKLEY & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, 45 Sixth Streot, Hotel Anderson Block. riTOUURGll, l'A., STOCKS, PETROLEUM, WIUIX, PROVISION'S, LOCAL SECURITIES, Bought and fold for Cash or on Margin. Private wlro to New York and Chicago. As the only members In Pittsburgh of the Chtcng i limn i!j practice will prore. Cures nil forms of PRIVATE, CHRONIC and SEXUAL l)isi EASES. A , _ JSpornuitorrlioa ana Impctcncy, m UibtmuU of ielf?bu?? tn joulh. actual In !*? "turrr ywrt. or other ciu?ci, and producing iomo of the followlnt ellcct*: Ner*?u?ncn. Seuiiunl Kululcni. (uUht er.iit?l?aa by dreamt). Ulrnnro of Nlpbt. Directive JJcBicry, 1'hy Icalllcay, INmpl?uon Voce, Atmlon In Society of KimaW. Coufmloa of Uei', hot I of Heiua i J'cwtr, tc., rendering m?rrl?*i* Improper or unhappy. ?ro thoroughly and permanently cured. SYPHILIS l1?,lth,1/cuttJ 111,1 en* (rora Uje lyitcm; Goiiorrlicn, GLEET. Stricture, Orcbltla, Hernia. {at Huptitfv), l'tu-. and oilier private di?ea?ei quickly cured. Jt Uaelf-etldcnt that apby alelanwbo pijaipcelalattrntJoa I ?o a certain cl*?? of dlaeaae*, and treaties tbouiamli aunu. ally, a?|ulrea (treat iklll. l'hjilclatn kutivlnxlbla fuct often recommend per milt to my curt. When It ! InconTculeut to t Ull the city for treatineut. iiiediclnca can be kuI privately and Jiftly by mill or cxprcaa anywhere. Cures Guaranteed in all Casoa | nnilortalcen. n CootuiuUuua pnaooally er by_ letter free nod Invited. uwigca nuuuauic sua corr?|?iuutDco uncllJ coUBdioiUi, PRIVATE COUNSELOR Of MO paid, ?cut to *11 jr ad? r?ad It Ml. AtJdrc?? at ?(ior?. Office bounfrom HA. 9 I'. M. 3toiI'. TO WEAK jig Buffering from tho effects of youthful errors, early i-va y. wurtlmr weakness, los t manhood, etc., I vrifl lend a valuable treatise (eoalod) containing full particulars for homo euro, p R EE of charge. A. plondid modical work; should bo read by every man -who U nervous and dobllltatod. AddrestJ Prof, F. C? gOWLtIlIt Mootlmt fk)iui? / ^^sJll'OHltlu-lyrurod IndOdnvebv !>r Lw\\\vj' HoiWaElcrtro-Mnrtnetlo Hell T ran*, combined. Oiinrnntocd tlx only on?> b? Ut? world irriieratlni rctinUntioiiH ftltctrleit Mnanttli X\ fi Vyd'^^-currfnt. Scientific. Powerful, Durable v{Y/_//Comfortablo and Kttoctlve. Avoid fr*tid? cured.Bendatnmpfor pamphlet Al.HO i:i.HCTltlO HKI.TH l Olt IMSKAKKH. Dr. HORNE, Removeo to J80 Y/abash Ave., chicaco, MfPs STOPPED FREE, /J H |-j wi ? JJantioui Sutetii. < 1 h t] nnlnsosoForsonaBoatorod. H B y&r l>r. lvL1>K\S GKI2AT K30 ? NERVE RESTORER. Sfi?3/-Mwr.iv WEAK FREE mm! Boalcd Trent!*** mplalnlni Wl^ul Hull ?b?oluto and i-c-rfwt CURE 8* without utoraarh drugglnc ff*ik for I/Jut Manhood, Nurvouit Do B blllty.Lackof VlKorandpevel \ B R,9BSw8B?a prment, I'romatnnj online ll Bft 8Jifill Rjl functional Dlnordcn, Kldnej l Q BaaiGvcJ andltlajldurUlMtuon,etc. THE MAHSTON CO.. 19 Park Place. Now Yofk. N. Y, an'MrfwrAw D-WE WILT (Jptl v/V/ pay tho above reward for an: cane of Liver Complaint. Dyspepsia, Sick Head ache, Indigestion, Constipation or CostlveneB wo cannot euro with Weht's Vegetnblo Live Pills, when tho direction* are strictly compile* with. They aro purely Vegetable and never !ai to give satisfaction. Bugar coatcd. iJtrg boxen, containing 30 Pills, 25 cent*, l.'ewarec counterfeits and imitations. The genuine mar tifsctured only by John 0. West Ai Co. Fold b McLAIN IJROTUE1U3, cor. Market and Twelft atrcnU. Wbwfllni?. W. v*. w!?!vmwmw Business Cards. '^E^ H^HLJD^ON^ ' BUVEH AND SELLER OF LIVE STOCT No, 1001 McColloch Etrcot, c. Wheeling, W. Vft., BUY3 AND SELlJToR CABII ONLY. Telepbono No. 007, mria-PAw MARSUAI I a, dic< Illi U1WI iiMlrf U/ I 1 I 1 - A A:o now prepared to do i Sign nnfl Ortmmcnlal Painting, Ural: l"r, Staining, MarMIng, Ac. 1323 1-2 Market Street, apil " ? I " _ TRAVELERS' GUIDE. A RRIVAI, AND DEPARTURE OF I -Cjl TRAINB-On and after Nov. 24, 1W9.?KxJrLANATIOII OP Kkxkhwnck M AIIKH. UHIIV. fMnil. day cxcepkvJ. JMotidir excepted. (Saturday excepted. |rtundny ouljr, Saturday only.? KmUtii Standard tlmo. ll.AO.It.H.?ifoJn l.Uit, Hnst Depart. Arrive, u Wwh.C'y,Unit.. I'hll.A N.Y. *4:tw nn> ]];(?pm x> Wt*h.C'jf, lUlt, Fbll.A N.Y. ^^pm M^oim ,1. Wanh.C'y, lUlL.l'hll.AN.Y. *U:i>0|iii 9:30am q. Cumberland Accom* 17:?n?ni t5:30pra k, Ornfton A?:om 2:23 pm 12:43 pm j| WoumlHVlllo Accora |7:uuaui fviUOam >r B.A O.K.K-C.&O.Dlv.,West j5 For Columbus and Chicago., 8;te am Ma'.iS am * 010:0(1 ?m Pittsburgh *.*. 7:,A?am fliMpm Pittsburgh and GuL fi:20 pm ?io:io vm i. Pittsburgh tl:40pm tl2:rpm t8:10am I- P., C. & Br. L, KT. .. PiUjburgh f7:30aic M."/opm , Pittsburgh and New York.... tl:4.> pir f3:4ftpm ' Pittsburgh and New York-... {4:20pm til :00am j Pittsburgh tb N. Y. ?x 9:40 pm 0 WMfT. t Express, Cln. aud fit. Loui*,,. 7:20 am Mt;60am Express, Cln. aud St. Louis... 9: U? urn {9:20 pm Express, Bleubtmvillu A Col. 1:46pm {3:43pm ? SUmbeuvlllo A Deuulsou {4:20 pm. C. A P. R. R. PUtob'gh. Clove. A Chicago. f8:60am f8:82paj r ateubenvilio Aocom i9:83am {i:2S pm 3 PltUburuh aild N?W Vnrlf. . tlli'-Mum lli.ih.m f Cleveland and Chicago....^,. t2:i2pm jsiWam . 1'Uuburgn iiml Nowiork... t3:Mpm l&:37pm . Hast Liverpool ...... "7:14 pui 112:12 am C., L. A. W. R. B. Express, Cleveland, E. A W? tl2:lRpm 13:10pm Mmiiiiiou Accom t5:12pm til:33am flUClalravillo Accom jsiooam at.OlalrHVllloAccom flO:?Hain {ltlClpm 1 St. Clatravlllo Accom t2:l0pm t5:30pm St. Clalrsvlllo Accom 6:21pm 8:03 pm Local Freight ami Accom.... 1:13 pm tl2:05 pm OHIO R1VKR H. H. Paasengur ?7:(x)am 11:10 am PaNwrnger ...... U:30 am 3:K>pm I'awaenner M:l&pm| ?tt:4Spm B., Z. A C. KAILKOAB?Ccutral Time. Bellalre A Zancavlllo Through I'awiungor lcavca Rellalro at 10:00 a. m., arrives at Bollalro at 2:W 1 p a. Woodsfleld Pawiengcr leaven BcUalro at 4:10 p ' m.. arrives at Boilalro at 8:'>0?. m. Summcrfleld Accommodation leaves Bcllaho at 12:'^0 p. m., arrives at 11:00 a. m. , 8TEAMER BKLLA1RE. I.cavo Wheeling, Dally Trip, City TIme-C:40, i 8:30.10:00 and 11:45 n. m ; 2:00, 1:00, fl:0? p in. Leave Wheeling Sunday*, City Time?8:00,10 and 12:00 a. m.:2:00. 4:0U andfeoflp. m. Railroads. WHEELING & ELM GROVE It. K. On and after Monday, April 28, 1890, trains on Ibc Wheeling A him Urovo Railroad will run as follows: I.KAVE WllKKUNG. 6:80 a. m., 0:10 a, m., 7:00 a. m.,'8:03 a. m? 9:00 a. iu , 10:00 a. iu., 11:00 a. m., 1*2:00 in., 1:00 p. in.,2:00p.m.. 3:00 p.m.. 4:00p.m., 6:10p.m., 0:10 p. m., 7:00 p. m., 8:00 p. m., 9:30 p. m., LKAVE WHKEUNO 1'AHK. 6:10 a. in., 7:00 a. m., 8:00 ft. m., 9:00 a. m., 10:00 a. m., 11:00 a. m., 12:00 m., 1:00 p. in., 2:00 p. m., 3 p. m., 4 p. m , 6:10 p. m., 6:10 p. m., 7:00 p. m., 8:00 p. m., 8:55 p. m., 10:10 p. m. SUNDAYS?Leave Wheeling at 7:00 a. m. and run every hour, except church train, at 9:16 p. m. Leave Wheeling Park at 8:00 a. m. and run every hour until 10:00 p. m? except church trains, which will leave tho l'nrk at 9:45 a. in., and Wheeling at 12:15 and 9:15 p. m. m>:r? ?:. llii^cir.Hup'L Jg ALTIMOKE A OHIO R AILRO ADDeparture and arrival o traluH at Wheeling, Kastcrn t'we. Pcbcdulo in effeet November 24,1SS9. kbtnb main line hast. Gfil' ,? Vel(Av/lw For Baltimore, l'hiladelS^ffgrfphiaand New York, 4:35 a. ??^rair)7? m.,2:25 and 11:50 p.m. daily Cumberland accommorta* tl?n^7:30 a. m. dally, except Grafton Accommodation, 2:25 p. m., dally. MoundKVille Accommodation, 7:00 a. in., except Sunday. ARB1VE. From New York, Philadelphia ami Baltimore, 9:S0 a. m. and 12:45 p. m. and 11:05 p. m? dally. Cumberland Accommodation, 5:35 p. in., except Sunday. Grafton Accomodation, 12:45 p. m., daily. Moundsville Accomodation, 9:05 a. m., except TBANS-OniO DIVISION". For Chicago, 8:85 and 10:05 a. m. and 10:10 p' 1 m. dally, and 1:15 p. m. dally, except Sunday. Cincinnati Kxpresi, 10:05 a. m. and 10:i& p . m., dally. . . Columbus Accomodation 4:15 p. m., exeep "bi. cTalrsville Accomodation, 10:05 a. m. and 1:45 aud 4:15 p. m., except Sunday, ARRIVE. Chicago Express, 12:45,5:30 a. m.and 6:10 p. m dally. Cincinnati Express, 5:35 a. m. and 0:10 p. m., dally. Columbus Accommodation, 11:00 a. m., dally, except Sunday. St. Clalrsvllle Accommodation, 11:00 a- m.aud 1:35 and ti:iu p. m., dally, except Sunday. WHEELING ?fc PITTSBURGH DIVISION. For Pittsburgh, 5:40 and 7:20 a. m., dally, and 1:40 p. m., dally, exccpt Sunday. For Pittsburgh aud ihe East, 0:20 p. m., dally. Wtwhlaxton Accommodation, 5:35 p. in., dally, except Huuday. arrive: From Pittsburgh, 10:00 a. m., dally, and 12:50 p. m., dally, except bunday, and 0:55 and 10:10 p. m., daily. Washington Accommodation, 8:10 a. m., dally, exocnt Sunday. Ohio river railroad.?time Tablo taking effect November 24, 1KS9. Passenger tralus will run as lollows?Central Time. All trains dally except thoso marked thus t which do not rota on Sunday: BOOTH ROUND. }No.7 No.b.JtNo.3 No. 1. leave. a. m. p.m. a. m. a.m. Wheeling 3:16 10:30 C:G0 Ben wood....... s:H5 10:45 C:15 Moundsvllle 3:50 11:06 6:E'i New Martinsville 5:05 *12:06 7:27 Williamstowu .. 6:55 1:40 9:33 Parkers 6:45 7:S0 2:25 10:25 Uavenswood...M.M...MW.. 7:13 3:48 11:45 Mason City 8:33 ......... Clifton ........... 8:38 4:W 1:10 Pt. Pleasant- 9:15 ft:0M isM ; aujidotiir:".::. i'|g-? fig fig i """"Kivr- ?=? ?:? ; Charleston, via Z.AO 8:S0 8;60 I Charleston, via C, 4 0 S:W 11:00 White Sulphnr.....^,,. r.10 . , Ashland ?? ^ ? ... fommoiiih""" ? 'S' !? . MajiviUo ...."~ J:fj - <:? s-!S ? nuhtm Bouaa. So.zso.t. ho.?ir Claclnn.1" ' ? ?& ?'mMuynvillo jjm J;? ? Portsmouth U:? 10:4b Staunton *' j .{? , wMtoauiphur :;- ?:? 6:u:: ~ . Charleston, vla.K.4 0. *Mi ?.? Charleston, via. C. 4 0. 12:63 S rv AKRIVIi *i m Huntington .... 2;ai jj;c [ Hnntlncwnl.^ 15;;15 fSj ! GurHIKlOtUj ...... 5-jr, JQ.1 r, ? * : O?rupoii? ?:& ISiiS ion ? ; Point PiMant 7:30 liSi (:3o~~~ ^on citrZ'.'.'.~:::~: S Hi? lis? l'ar'SS."" . " ll'"fo 8-aS S'UO "'?m wiiium?towi. ". 77" iiMs ;:S 8:00 S:S5 - KewM?rllni?n; J:S S;5? V KoumlirtHo.".. " J:S S:S r Bonwood. ;:r? ,:IS? wiic-oiinc jijS J:? r Through tickets, find hagRaKOchocked, to all a poluu. For rate* and other information addroia W. J. ROBINSON,1 G. P. A., ParkcraburK? A. J. BANDY, A. Q. P. A.. Parkerabtint. \ J. (i.TOMMNSON, 1*. A.. Wheeling.\V. Vft. v vgSBE Central Standard Tlmo. = jllFennsylvaniaLines.1 ; fcc&J From Bridgeport Station. ! Trains vlfttho Cleveland Si Pittsburgh Kfc" roadleavo Bridgeport for Pittsburgh, O1 '.ipo and Cleveland, 4:W a. in. For Pittsburg :0:/2 a.m. For Chicago and Cleveland, l:L! p. in. For Pittsburgh and New York, 2:&4 p. m. For bUiUbenvllle, 8:8;{ a. m. ' Trains arrive at Bridgeport at 7:53 a. m., 10:ti a, m.; 12:2tf n. ra.,4:37 o. m.. and7:52p. m. | On Baturdnv* only?For lumt Llvorpool, 6:14 1 p. m.; Irom Cut Liverpool, 11:12 p. m. ? FROM .WHEELING BTATION. Trains via thn Pltuburgh, Cincinnati ft at, Louis Railway?I'an-Handle Kouto-leaveWhecl* ltiK lor Steubcnvllle, Pittsburgh and tbo Ea*t, [. G:a)a. m., 12:45 p.m ,3:20 p. m., and 8:10 p. m, I For Columbus, Cincinnati, Indianapolis ana ?r 1A)u.?,u.??'w',vuu a;wp.m. KcrColumbua I nnd Chicago, 12:45 p. ra. Train* arrlvoat Wheel1 Ins at * mt Sunday. 3 fW saif f rJM i s^saga II" I U Kconoxny. It la Kitar&ntrcu. Don't fall to R i b try it. Call orMimiroriwmpto card. i 15 hoge ^bro.,^^ j