glje gnfcliiflcncev. Frew, Ccrnpbe!! & Hart, Prop'o, h&ued Dally, Semi-Weekly and Weekly. TERMS: By Mrtll, 1'oMaru Free in tho United SUtoi. DAtl.Y, One Yi-nr, 00 I>a11.V, hix Muiitill ? 00 DULY, 1 hteoMoiithH 'A 00 1)aii'? Opportunity. Wheeling is facing an important crisis in her history. In the march of progress she has reached a point where alio cannot stand still. Sho must go forward, or fall back. It is a time for action. For many years there has been in tho minds of public-spirited men an idea of n great city with all tho equipments ol a modern town. Meetings have been held to agitato tho project of a belt railroad; leading men and newspapers have advocated a union railroad station. But ull these plans fell Hat, and tho community had settled down to tho conviction that projects of such magnitude wcro visionary dreams. Tho town rolled sleepily on in the old rut, till ono day oho was jolted out with a suddenness that aroused her thoroughly. Practical men offered to build tho belt railroad, and they have done it. Compared to what the jwork is costing, compared to what it ia worth to Wheeling, tho amount contributed by Wheeling and Ohio county ia a bagatelle. One dream was realised. When the same men proposed to givo 10 me cuy wnai ner people uau ior years longed for in an impracticable way, there wan reason for rejoicing. Thcro was every confidence that the Union railway station would bo built, and tho work already done by ita projectors was euflicient guarantee that it would bo a credit as well aa a convenience to the place. But a eircumatanco nroee which blocked the way for the liberal and enterprising men who wcro already preparing to carry out this great plan. Without any deaire to criticize tho commissioners who valued the Norway Tack Company's premises, it does seem strange that property valued by its owners, not go long ago, at $19,000, should have enhanced in valuo till it is worth $48,130. But unless the Circuit Court is appealed to?and that means delay, and may not result in gain?the nward must atand. In a nutshell, tho situation is juEt thia: Thirteen thousand dollars stands between the public and the realization of its hopes. The company offered to pay s?5o,000 for tho property. The improvements to be made included a double track steel bridge acroBS the creek, a strong and solid wall along the north bank of the creek from that bridge to Market street, and a modern, ornamental, convenient railroad station, almost in tho heart of tho city, for the use of all roads. fcTho problem for the public is, can we afford to allow a discrepancy ot $13,000 to defeat plans of guch moment? Ilad the city suilicient money to build aloug tho creek tho proposed retaining wall, that would bo a wise investment, For sightliness, for sanitary reasons, for tho protection of tho bauks, that wall is a necessity. Thirteen thousand dollars I would not pay one-third of the cost of tho wall nlono. Where can that Bum ho better expended than in securing j so vast an improvement? Tho work contemplated by tho company in connection with the union J station involved an xpendituro of. over $:)2o,000 ? considerably more than tho public would contrib?| uto wore It to irivo this *813 Ofln In I it wise to atop that expenditure for a paltry sum? As said before, this is n crisis which demands prompt action. The course to take is plain; the timo to take it is now. Tito Importer* 1'rutOHt. There are some glaring inconsistencies in the remarks of the New York importers who lately visited Washington City to protest against tho passage of the Mcluuley tariff bill. For instance, Mr. James M. CouBtable, tho President of the Importeia' Organization, uttered tho following remarkable sentences, which do not seem to agree with each other: M\Vo come to proteEt in tho namo of the common people, who, by tho bill, will be compelled to pay an increase of duty. If this bill goes into operation a great many importers will have to rotire from busiuess." 'Mr. Constablo did not inform the Senate Committee, aud it was an oversight in them not to ask him, why itn? porters should "retire from business" if "tho common people aro compelled to pay an increase of duty." Tho two propooitions aro antagonistic. At tho eamo time Mr. Isidor Strauss declared that "It is a mistake to suppose that they (tho importers) object to Tariff duties. The larger tho gross cost of tho Roods tho gteater their profit, for they charge their percentage of profit on the Tar ill us well a8 on the original cost." Now, it is just a littlo strange that, if the McKiuloy bill proposes to increase tho protits of tho importers, he should go before the Souato committee and protest against its passage, and some of them argue that it would force importers to retire from business. Speaking upon tho samo subject, a contemporary propounds tho following: Will It bo a Brent JlsadvnnlajM to tho country 11 "it grvut mftuy Importer# linvo to retire from btulncM" ?? lmjtorUrf, and conimnnco, or rocommence, an niMiitifactUicn? It will boobnerved Ihnt in either cnae tho jtoodi pnrcbued will have to be ]>ald for by either agricultural ] produce, 1110*07, or other nbjerta denlrcd by I?y tho inn kern; In one cn?e tho nbjMti bought and tbOMlMucd In vxobtone will .have to pay trnnni'oruitlon arrow tho ocean; In tho oilier that time and expenao are raved. In each cano ^rofltH are madoon Ixitb transaction*: In ono can<, one of theio profit* kw-h to a foreign conntry,' hi tho other, both j/roOtH remalu In tbla country. _ Tiik construction of a railway lino in tho Holy Lund, from Jaffa to Jerusalem, linn begun. The ceremony of breaking tho lirsl soil recently took placo in tho prcsonco of tho Governor of Jerusalem and u largo crowd of citizens of tho Iloly City, Soon Jerusalem, tho aacreJ, will exist only in history and in herstcad will bo a modern commercial city iu which little will remain to awaken a feeling of religious awo or interest in tho minds of visitors. I Tub Pittsburgh Times "hits tho nail on the hoail" when InJorainif Sir. lilainu'a proposition concerning reciprocity ot trniio Willi tin) South Auicricnn Kepubilea, it any#: Mr. Hlalue's Men of interchange of producln, lu tirut tlif. would l>o an expansion of the intercon rue, In ft commercial &en?e, which Is iumIiitaiticMl between thetHateio( till* Union; tho ouiHivcmentol a tmdo that Kujtlund Is dolnu her utiuoU to obtain a nbaro ul. Tho truth) between tti4.BC Stale* is to the tmUon what tho blood and uptvcn arc lo tho human >}?tem, Wo live by it, ntid Kruw firou#. Mr. llUtuo'a Idea is bated on llitn prlDClplu. I-ctilboiilscUKsed. If the people arc not prepared to accept It at onco, they mre not wllhun lone It rejected u-iJhouta wood leasoii. The selection of Hon. John m. Uriel) as Principal of tho Linaly Institute to succeed Prof. Itoemer, was a liapp7 choieo on the part of tho trustees, and tliero is general rejoicing, not only among tho immediate friends of the school, but among Wheeling people generally, that Prof. Birch has accepted tho position. His many friends will cordially welcome him home after his long absence in a foreign clirne. The New York World calls attention to the fact that President Harrison iB running President Cleveland a cIobo second in tho matter of vetoes. The World omits to mention tho fact, however, that President IJarriBon ia not vetoing bills to.pension crippled soldiers and soldiers widows, and takiug advantage of tho opportunity to send messages to CongreES denouncing them as "tramps and loafers." Choker, the Tammany leader, aa was expected, has denied tho general charges of corruption which were proven against him, but has made bouio damaging ad* missions and shown himael/ to be a very unsavory character. The more these Tammany worthies uro investigated tho inoro it grows upon the public that the Democratic party in New York is in corrupt hands. Since the ceneus Iisb demonstrated that Chicago ia the second city in the country in point of population, the windy city is happy and her rivals are correspondingly down in the mouth. However, Chicago don't care, she will have tho World's Fair and envious rivals may continuo to splutter all they want to. Some Republicans are inquiring why there has been no call issued for the Republican primaries. It is early yet for such a move, and there ia no particular necessity for a lengthy campaign. The County Committee will, however, issue the call in due time and ample opportunity will be given for a canvass. The Intelligencer heartily congratulates Mr. James J. Peterson, of Huntington, on having been proffered a Consular appointment. Mr. Peterson is one of our many Etaunch young Republicans who deserve recognition at the hands of a Republican administration. The death of Ex-Secretary of War McCrary removes another distinguished lawyer, politician and statesman who p* TRADE MARK^i ReiwISWA!S*I Cures Promptly and feiuusextly RHE0MATISIII, Lumbago, Hcnducho,Toothache, NEURALGIA, Sore Throat. Swelling*, Frott-bltca* SCIATICA. Spruluti, J3rultea, Hums, Scalds* THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. BalUmon. Ill I HUB jjcijjcu iu ujKuu uiu justury 01 me United States. 'Just lis Good," Say aorao dealers who try to sell a substitute preparation when a customer calls for Hood's Sarsaparilla. Do not allow any ouch false statements as this induce you to buy what you do not want. Remember that the only reason for making it is that a iow cents more protit will be made on the substitute, insist upon having the beat medicine? Hood's Sursaparilla. It is Peculiar to itself. | 8 The moat pop-ular lady is the one who receives the most proposals, of course. Is CuuHtinipUon Incurable? Read the following: Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: 14Was down with abscess of lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced mo an incurable consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: "Had it not been for Dr. King's New , Discovery for Consumption 1 would have died of lung troubles. "Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Try it. Sample bottles free at Logan Drug Co.'s drug store. 5 Tub honor and integrity of the raanngement of The Louisiana State Lottery Company nre now fully-established all over the country. All who know anything about it know that tho drawings oi tno Uompany aro hold with the utmost fairness and all prizes paid fully and promptly. Thousands aro ready of their owrijknowlcdge to testify to this. The Company's present charter has about five years to run. The only question now under consideration is, Shall tho present charter expire in 1895 by limitation or shall it bo extended for another term of 25 years ? daw Tim MiKiVru of a chronic catarrh patient is often so offensive' that ho becomes an object of disgust. After a time ulceration sots in, thesponjjy boues aro attacked and frequently entirely destroyed. A coustaut source of discomfort is tho dripping of the purulent secretions into tho throat, sometimes producing inveterate bronchitis, which in its turn has been tho exciting cause of I pulmonary disease. The brilliant rosulta which have attended its uso for years past properly designate Ely's/ Cream Halm as by far tho best and only cure. Sick Heartache. Loose's Red Clover Pills euro sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Constipations. 25c. per box, 5 boxes for $1. | For salo by Logan Prut; Company, iuw roroLviniLN ox the road. A Clmnco for all to Kxprtaa thlcr Prefer* enc*?TlieMoet Popular to ltecelvo n C'aetJy I'reieut. In order to ascertain who is the moot popular commercial traveler representIng a Wheeling house, on the road the Intkllioxkckrinvites all its readers to express their preference, A coupon lot tho purpose will bo found below. This uiay bo mailed or left at the office, or an ninny as an envelope will hold can be mailed at onco. Voters should, however. be careful to see that the postage le fully prepaid at letter ratal. Every per* son has an opportunity to do a good thing for his best friend among tho genial commercial travelers. Tho most popular mnn when the voting ceases Juno 30 will receive his choice of a life insurance policy for $1,000, with tho premium paid up for one year, or an accident insuranco policy for $5,000 for one ' year, the policy to be written by Sweeney A Edwards, general agents of tho Equita* 1>1<> T.tfii A annriinnn Auurwintinn. Below will bo found an explanation of tho contest* Anybody can vote, and each as often aa be bccs tit. conditions, 1. Any person iu auy State can vote M often iu desired. AII the blanks in tho coupon* mu/l be 11 lied, 8. No voto will ho counted which li not written oti a coupon cut from tho Istkm.iuknckh. I. Tho content will clnso July 1. Vote* received after that day will ho dcbtrnyed uncounted. 5. Any tmveliiiK laleaman for a Wheeling houso way ho voted for. coupon. TUE WHEELING INTELLIGENCER BALLOT. For tbv moil popular Commercial Traveler reprchCUtliiK a Wheeling houac. My choice is? BKrBKSSNTINQ TUK FIEM OF? my namk u? MT ADDJlEMi 14? Voters should nil out this coupon, seal lu ai cuvclopo, and address, COXMKRCIAL THA.YU.KR CONTEST, INTKLIJOF.NCEK OFFICII. Wheeling, W. Va. Vote early and often. Iluu't Tills ! . We ofler One Hundred Dollars rewan for any case of catarrh that cannot bi 1 cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. , F.J. Cheney to JS per week. Dally hack leaves Sclo and Car roll ton for the Springs at 1 o'clock, J01IX 1!. STEEVES, joM llarlfiit Springs, 0. J^JOUNTAIN LAKE PARK HOTEL. l'uro nir, delicious water, good boils aid table. tennis, bowling allots, orchestra, concerts, splendid programme of Chautauqua A?embly. lerms muderato. Address, MRS. C. A. KARLOUr.HF.U, Mouutaln l.ake i'ark, Je21-> do young nnd olrieo! or M.ut direct Ity mull. Address, , MACK DRUG CO.. MEW YOR1 Shoppell's Designs. I i5ST ~ I flffilL , Corns LU uuiuu . m Then pro to any enterprising book' ECllcr and cxamfno "Selected De1 signs from Shoppell'fl Modern i K Houses "-tho only architectural to ' hl book that booksellers generally T CL keep on hand-thc only really deiir- ) fSkublo book published. If it happens Tafeithat your bookseller cannot show a ^gjkeopy, send your address to IL W? . ^^^Siioi-i'ELL, Architect, 03 B'way,: and ho will promptly dire you to tho nearest boo seller who co K-.'f Mwr.t Steamers: Tlnr- 6, NEW STEAMER imM R. E. PHILLIPS ?FORSPEED, COMFORT AND SAFETY Regular iJclliiire, lh'ii\roo k. steamer "nUDSON," J. F. EIIIb I wJg&HffNfaatcr; Dan Lacey, Clerk; ey nSaffi^iThurRday at 7 a. m. , trr> h. SteamerO. W. BATCIIELOR, Geo ' J^33Wtt30,I,*calt Master; Ira 11. Hunting* ; JflfTrtittcicrk; every Friday at 7 a. m. I i fFrT-* h. Steamer "SCOTIA," John 51. p] : WfiTpi^liilpn, Master; Eobt H. Kerr, Cle every Saturday at 7 a. m. , , ir*~j w 8tcamer "LOUIS A. SIlERLEl 1 UwwjtfKd. F. Maddy, Maater; Julo We , .tcafiSMflman, Clerk: every Sunday at 7 a. First-class fare. Wheeling to Cincinnati, ? 1 Kound trip, 810. Meals and state-room eluded. TlckoU transferable, end good nu used. For freight or passage apply on board, t?lephoue No. 812. Tinia VRAKKTIOOTTT. A emit Books, Statlonory, Etc. SCiloOL AM) COLLEGE ~ COMMENCEMENT; Aro now occurring, and we hava a Snpnial l.inp nf P.ift RnnVo UJ'UUJLUi XUUU VI UJUk JJUUUIJ Jn sinplo volumes and ?cts, ran^inR In 7>rl from 60c to i'lb 00. Discount* to teaelicrs buyl: several volumes. Correspondence Invited. STANTON & DAVENPORT, Old City Book Store myll 1301 Market Strept. Q ROQUET. A VERY CHEAP LOT TO CLOSE OOT. Hammocks, Buso Ball'* Bats, Masks, Qlovi Foot Balls, Newspapers, Magatitles anil Books 1 0. H. QUISfBY, Sill Ko. 1414 Market Htrflot Hamm & Cq HAM IV. Furniture Dealer! DOT THIS DO\ That our establishment is a model ono In That In our attractive assortment, prompt and satisfactorily served. That while wo cnuuot give yon something every time. WE INVITE vOUR PERSONAL ^Undertaking In its several U TELEPHONE CALLS A HAMM & fcO.. - Now Advertisements. WANTED?NURSE?MU8T BE compcleut to Uko charge of child. Call at this office. K.*o Wan1'KD-QOOD girl to do T gomral houuw?rk. Apply at 1'2 Vermont Mrent, la'and. Jclft IJ10UND?M0R?SK ON VAN-HANI: DLK frflnht platiorm. Invito at BT. > CHAHLEM 1IOTKL. Jc?5_ T OST-AN OPEN-FAOED SILVER J.J witch. Haturn to Third ward ichool, ItMWTATd. K. RI.OHAS. ruuiiic. SCHOOLS. Tho nbovo schools aru without a principal. Th Hoard or Education solicits applications 1c niltl jiohiiloti. Address all communications ( nnt thu HecreUry. By order ol the Hoard of Edact ut?> tlou. W.D.TALBOT, l?V5 Secretary. Seeds. Wo have tho larjrwt and most eompl ot stock of GARDEN SEEDS In tho Slate. A! tiew, fresh stock, and warranted "true to usmc, while our price# will Ixs found as low ax any ri liable Hkkim cau be wold. Makkct Gai'.uxnrk uld will lltitl it to their Interest to placo their ordei and 10c pnekots, sent by mall, voltage pali lea. on receipt ot price. 1100 U ?fc 1JH0., 1113 Market HI., (Went bide). fr&MWMW Wheeling, W. va joe cream fkeezer8. The Ll(?htnlufc Freezer has never h/id a equal. Makes smoother, Hunter and more li ?.er Cream, nnd at the same time quicker, ths others, bold by Jones & lJro., lfenry Kalultze geo. w. johnsonis son's,. joS Wholesale Agent*. mR0?KW0?D 'idU New Stock just received. Jf\ EWJNG BROS. Ko"' ?4 ' 1215 Market (treet. L. jQISSOLUl'IOX or l'AU'L'.NERSUIi The partnership between the undcrsigne Robert W. Kyle and {hrcdericlc E. Z'cjjlcr, (lcr the Arm name of Kyle ?t Zlegler, hast day bean dissolved by mutual consent. T1 said R. W. Kyle having purchased the Intere of said F. E. Ziegler in the assets ol said fire will continue the plumbing business at the o' Htand, No. 113? Market street; he will pay a debts of the firm and collect all claims and d mauds due said firm. v.. W. KYT.S, FKK1). E. ZihGLKR. Wheeling, w. yt\. Jnno ?i. iWQ. WA gTOLEN. " A. LIUMT SOKREL MAKE, ^ three to four years old, no maris except star "U fice, about 15 hands high, and weight abo 1.1C0 pounds. I have every reason to believe the above d ncribei marc is stolen. The owner can get lu nformation by addressing1, H. C. ANDERSON, { Chief of Tolice, a 3c25 Circlevllle, 0. | JS^OTICE. fl There will be a mooting of the Republics I of the city of Wheeliug and OUo county, on ct Thursday Eve., June 26 AT GKUMAX1A 1IAIL. corner Fourteenth and Market street1?. T1 J* purpose of the meeting will bo to orxanlzs ?' Central Republican Club. All KepubllcAus ai Invited to be present. ? GEO. J. CADDLE, , Member Executive Committer, >, JeM of State UeaKue Clubs. *> PURE WATER ? at p THE EXCELSIOR SPRIHG WATER 0 a. ,n?. Comes in block tin lined barrels fresh froi .j Saritoja, N. Y. It Is decidedly the finest vrat< .it. Bold. On draught at ire, F R. H. LIST'S, n- Jc2.'> 1010 Main Street, WEDDING GIFTS. 50t, u i. g. dillon & co .m. >er, crJ Wo havo Just received, and now have on dij . play, Ue finest line of genuine Irish Bcllcek eve on, shown in this city. Nothing could bo mot cry suitable for wedding present* than this faraon porcelain. AJfo, choice pieces ol Solid fillve ree and rich Cut Glass. 0Ilt Your inspection Is Invited. ,u. I. G. DILLON & CO. \ LOGAN DRUG CO, }? PROPRIETORS OF ? LOGAN'S I Excelsior Baking P o wdeb Lookout for imitations Bee that LOGAN DRUG CO.'S addrcks Is on each label. 5 Logan's Pleasant Worm Syrnp. Logan's Homestead Liver iMlls. Logan's Essence Jamaica Ginger. liOgau's Arnica. French Condition Powder. (Jrundy's Cholera A; DinrliaiaMlxturc, , Dr. chapman's Cough Balsam, Cinderella Corn Cnre. A j re's Worm Cauily. Lily Cream. llell's Excelsior Sarsaparilla.' Wholesalo Depot and Agent* for? . Bedford Mineral Water. '? Dr. Mills' Medicines. Dr. McClnre's Lire Pills. ? Bock Candy Syrup. Mallo,Moxle, Physicians' Suppllrs?Surgical Inst m? meats, Trusses, Supporters, Crutchcs, shoulder Braces, &e., &c. LOGAN DRUG CO., )012 BRIlinit CORNER DRPGGiaTS. .?Furniture, Etc. I & CO.. - ? ? ? ? -? 5 and Undertakers. VN FOR A FACT: orcry rcapcct. service and fair treatment, our cuatomen ? ro amply INSPECTION*0 cln,Im 10 8lv0 R C00(1, bonc#t dc&1 >rm8 a special feature. MtMERKl) DAY OH NWI1T. 1067 Main Street, GEO R. TAYLOR. Great Bargains This Week! SEMI-ANNUAL Mark Down Sale! COMMENCING THIS MORNING. ; PATTERN DRESSES. INDIA SILKS, SERGE SUITINGS &c., All marked clown to prices that will make them move rapidly and cive room for thp - New Lawns, Wash Shallies, Grenadines, Nun's Veilings, Hemstitched Batiste, Dressing Sacques, &c., &c., ?Just Received.? e ______________ A QdiTPT AT "DA -no A TAT tips LJ Variously ilAPPY{J What makes'em happy? It takes a good deil to mako most people happy, and It takes agexx deil to mako these folks happy; hut wo do It dally. j. TIRTSr TJS I I ; G. Mendel & Co. DEALERS IN Fnrnitare, Carpets, Oil Cloth, Linolenms, Mattings, &c. 1124 main street. ;r pit OrR Store wili.Ci.osk at 6 r m. After May 3'. sttuunxy'H Exckht.p. OIL IELL SUPPLY CO., LIMITED 91 and 92 Water St., Pittsburgh, Pa, MANUFACTURE AND SELL EVERY ARTICLE, TOOL OR APPLIANCE NEEDED AT ARTESIAN WELLS, 5- * c Either for Gas, Oil, Water or Mineral Tests. Jp9 BOILERS, CASING, B ENGINES, FITTINGS, I? DERRICKS, PUMPS, /jH TUBING, CORDAGE. |jj|p| rruss and iron r,nnns sun ruppt.irs IkB v Jki wv/vuu itiiv MuiJLiJiuu t7rtt?jn | For Stoam, Gas, Petroleum or Water. PEIOE LISTS ON APPLICATION. TABflMn M ft WTTflfifTTTBTWft fiA unimuiu limiiuiiuiiuiuiiu W.j (LIMITED.,) ERIE, PA. MANUFACTURERS OP Brass Goods, Malleable and Grey Iron Pipe Fittings FOR STEAM, CAS, WATER AND OILl OIL WELL SDPPLIE5 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION Tubing, Casing and Ropes, LINE, DRIVE & STEAM PIPE. BRANCH OFPICE: 953 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. Otlior Ilrancti Stores at all tlio principal points In Pcnnsjlranla, Now York and Ohio Oil Fields. ,pl l i. Ui IN i Fine White India Lain. i. I will offer also in connection with this sale a lot of 50 pieces of very fine India Lawn at 25 cents a yard, worth 50c. Geo. R.Taylor. ! SPECIALTIES : For the sale of Centeinare Kid Gloves, Sole Agent. For the sale of Patent Eighmie Shirts, Sole Agent. A GOOD STOCK OF EACH ON HAND. ^ GEO. IR,. TAYLOR. 1. " _ A trial deal with us, the average mortal Is la such spirits that ho has to Btnllo. ^freeze this facee and you have the prevailing expression ol tho man who has just spaut money on our goods. J. S. Rhodoa & Co. a bargain IN THxnxr BLACK GOODS.' 36-INCH ALL WOOL FrenchAlbatros AT \V/z CENTS, WORTH 60 CENTS. In Black Only I J. S. RHODES & CO. Pluinblns, Gas & Stoam Fitting. BUST CALL AND BEE THEM AT TRIMBLE & LUTZ, 1416 fx 14^8 Market Rt.. Wheeling, W. Va. HflRGREflVES & MEYN, SANITARY : PLUMBERS 0 Gas and Steam Fitters, No. 55 Twelfth St Telroltonc MB. " apll a CIEO. HIBBERD & SON, vX Successor* to Tnompscn & Hibberd, Practical FInmliers, Gas & Steam Fitters BKAS3 FOUNDEKS. Specialties?n'ftturnl Gas Buppllw, 8team Heating aud Veatllatlon. 1814 MARKET ST., Wheeling W. VA. All work promptly done at most reasonable prlcc. ^7M. HAKE & SON, PRACTICAL Plambers, Gas and Steam Fitters, ~ No. 23 TWELFTH STEEET. - All vork clono promi^l? nt reamnnblo prlren. Groceries, Etc. ^MrREILLYr" WHOLESALE 1 Grocer. Pork Packer, ANDCUKEH OP TUB Celebrated "Strawberry" Uauuu FLOUR ?Christian Bros.' "Crown" Brand, Minneapolis Patent, Taylor's Patent auil "Best" Family, WllllaraB' choice Ohio Family, and ninny other choice brands of family Hour in stock aud contluually receiving, RO ASTED!COFFEES-*"Alaroma," "Arbuckle'fi," ' Lion," and my own rouBt of "Old Woman," "Horse Head." and loose roast. ttti'Hole Agent for the Celebrated DnPont Powder MillH. A full supply of Rifle, Blasting and Bporting Powder of every kind constantly lu magazine. Orders solicited from dealers only. Also Patent Hemp, Cotton and WaterProof Safety Fuse. my2 |_?.n. ic^i. ijttiuun juiujji JUA. * TRACTOR. For cleaullne.'u, convenience and cheapness is unequalcd. Price 10c, at H.F. BEHRENS', 2217 Mnrkot, or nt his Branch Store.coruer Thirtyeighth and Jacob Strcots. je2 Baking Powder ?IS? ! ABSOLUTELY PURE. r mkmvi,H)i;ed the srnouEsT aid dist bade. . Educational. It.DeCIMTAL,' NEAR "WHEELING, W. VA. (Sisters ol the Visitation.) A school of more than notional reputation, offers exceptional BdvantaRca for thorough education of younR ladlcB In all departments. LI- s brary of six thousand volumes. FIno nhllo* J sophlcal, chemical and astronomical apparatus. i Musical denartmentsneclallv noted. Cornso! J piano teachers trained by a learned professor v from Conservatory of Stuttgart. Vocal culture s Mcordlug to the method of the old Italian ma? tors. Location unsurpassed for beauty and health. " Ten acres ol pleasure grounds. Board excolJcnt. For catalogues, and references to patronB Id all the principal cities, address THK DIRKCTKKM. 1 WESLE?AN?m s STAUNTON, VIltlil.NlA. 1 Op?nn ltlli. 1MM. Gnu of thnmoftttboroach Mid attract Ito School* for ynunff IhiIIch tn tuo ri Union. <'uiiMerv?tiiry riiurHu lit JMimic. uniar* eJ I>?wd?dTftiitiu{?3 in Art,Klocationiui(l CxllaUinnica. l'ull commercial courwi. Situation Kr&nd Cliinito .. Hnnurjiiwd. i*upilit from ninnt?*?n tiUte*. Terra? " low. .sprcinl inducement "to j*,T*onsittavi?Mvr* liom f4 to 810 pur day Mliius the Taylor A.ljtiMiiliin Shoo. Kverr Inly 1? * j>o?lblo cuntoiacr: jut. miment buMncM; exclusive territory MttamM, Aildrw* Mllh JtlHiiijt, Consolidated AdJtinoif?ct iucccsi; patent row ntly l^Mtrdj *old i nly i,y li/cfit.*. to whom tboMdiulw rJfllit j?cJye?;i>jj receipt of W rent# we will *ond a nuniilo lino by nmll: aluo circular*: prleo Hit mid turn* io rnient*: necuro vour territory at once. AtblrcM Tho I'liilcM Clottii>N Lino,.Co., 17 Ucriron Blrcet. VVoiccHtfr. Mws?. u.t, Stockholdoro' Mootlngs. gTOUKUOLDIilt'S iMlCKl'INo! Tho Rnnuiil meeting of tho Stockholder* ol tho Kl*oti Ulai* Company for the election t)| |jvo directors, and lor tlio transaction of hmcI* other btiilnc** Hi uinyooiiiobeforo tlio iiicttltiK, will bo held at tlio McLuru lIot'*e, WhiclltiK, W. Va., Tucuduy, July 8, at 10 o'clock a. m, . CtiAKL1W J. (IIbL, Eccrctary. Martin' > Ferry I). Junn rt, 1W) )t. 0. K U UN Kit, mr:tl No. 1727 Market aunt. J^OTICIS. All pawns Indebted to fieo. W. Hem m agent lor i.ouiK uau uy reason oj 1110 nusincia chrricu ou by him Rtl?l5 Ji?cob street.\v 111 ii?ll mid settle their accounts Srith Herman lie**# A Co who arc authorized to receive end iccdpt for the same. LOUIS BALL. 00-rARTNERSIiII* NOTICE. llKHMAK IlESS. LOUIS BAU.. Herman Uck* und Louis Ball hnvc this day 'formed a co partnership for tho purposo of carrying ou the business of Dialers In Meals, Produce and General Merchandise 1 he jiatruusge of tho public la rapcclfuUy toiicin*l. mvl HKhMAN 1IK?S & CO. For Rant. T?OIl KENT?THE STOKE ltUOM I. occupied by tho late a. 0. Kgertcr, J ^01: KENT, For the season, an eight rormed hotwe, op* poslto Mountain Lata Park. Free from all restriction*. l urge, airy rooms/nicely furnished. Beautiful ground*. "The place" to spend tho summer. Tor terms. Ae., apply to GEO. J. MAT HIS ON, Real hstaie and insurance an?nt. Money to mvio For Snlo. ij'Uiv OAJJC.?rnvoi-ULiiioo V MOX bricks. WINDSOR K-OFIN'G-TILK .M.irk-ct hircct. Stocks, bonds and kkal *;b- ? TATE FOR SALK. BTOCJvS AND EOKD8. 20 shares Bolmont Nail Co. n utttm wlii'UiltiKh'v and fitorr^o Company, 15 shares Hobbs' GIhmi Company. 10 share* WheolliiK iron and Null Company, 10 shares Wheeling & Belmont Bridge Co, 1,000 City Bond, AVv JKSl, 10 SO. 20 shares LaUelle Iron Works. J1BAL KSTATK. Tho south one-half of lot 65 on North Main trcet, opwslte C. Ucss. The Lelghton rcsldenco m Chapilne Ktrcct. LotH 1, 2 and 3 North Front trcet, (JilchrlHt'H addition. (Jhiipline street lUlldltiff lot. Homes Noh. 319,321 and 323 North Jain street. Two (2) ouo Hero lots at Lcathtrrood. 11 oil ho aud lot. 4323 Jacob Ktrcct. THOMAS O'BRIKN, ccretary W. T. AT. Co., Ileal Estate and Stock Broker. Olllce. Uoom 1. Kellly Building, Market street. Telephone W). join FOR_SALE. 24) Twonty-four Lot3 In Caldv/oll'8 Addition to tho City of Wheollna:, Bald Low are hounded on tho north by Tvron* jr-nlnth street, on the cast by Fillmore sirpet, oa ao south by the Unndlnn Ifomesuaul, and on le west by tho B. & 0. KaJlrond. Their proximity to thoabovo named railroad i-uvm cAiwueuv sue* lor manuiiMnuriuj itabllnhmonta. II not Bold in thirty days vrlll bo eo1<1 Rt pnb? c auciioa. For tenna and further Information apply to w. v. uooe a una, 1300 Market Street, Or Wiuiak M. Hakhlan, ?n1S R. W. Cor. Ompllno * PNtivnth Ht? gELL'S RELIABLE Sl'ECALTIES. IUmai.iKPnoop.Ssi.p Locking Coaj, Chutes. iodei.'b anti-HMOKINO, Fiiik FI'.OOK CllIMNKYB and chimney caw. uunotom 8tekl i'l.ats ranok3 and stoves. JOSEPH BELL STOVE CO., JeW Wheeling, W. Vr,