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ESTABLISHED AUGUST 24, 1852. WHEELING, W. VA.. THURSDAY, JUNE 23, 1892. VOLUME XL-DUMBER 262. 1 IS CLEVELAND. Nominations Mado 'mid Discord Inside, Uproar Outalde. CLEVELAND, BOIES AND HILL Proeonto J to Fatigued and Water.Soaksd Delegates. SOME VERY EXCITING SCENES." The Dobnte Over the Tariff Plnnk In tlio Platform?Wattflnion Succeeds In Getting (lie Froa Trade Bulntituto for tlio Straddle l'lank Adopted?A Day and Nlglit of Many Stir, ring Epliodcs. HIE CANDIDATE OK TUB TldEK ? TU? Bailor. Chicago, Juno 23.?The roll of atstoB was ordorod for n ballot at 2:50 n. m. A motion to adjourn was lost at 2:52 a. m. Tlio roll call proceodod as follows: Alabama 14 for Cleveland. Arkansas 111 for Clovoland. California 18 for Cleveland. Colorado 3 for Hill, of Now York; 5 (or Boles. Connecticut 12 (or Oloveland. Delaware, II (or Cleveland. Florida, 5 for Cleveland; 3 for Carlisle, ol Kentucky. Georgia, 6 for Hill; 4 for Arthur P. Gorman, and 17 for C'loveland. Idaho 6 for Boies. Illinois 48 for Cleveland. . Indiana 30 for Cleveland. Iowa 20 for Boloj. Kansas 20 for Clovoland. Kentucky, 0 for Oarliale, 2 for Boies, IS for Cleveland. Louisiana, Hill 1, Oloveland 3, Boies 11, (TOrtnan 1. Maine, Cleveland 0. Maryland, 0 for Claveland, 0J for Gorman. Massachusetts, 24 for Cleveland, 4 for Hill, 1 for Boies, 1 for Kurseil. Michigan, 28 for Cleveland. Minnesota 18 for Cievoland. Mississippi 3 for Hill, 4 for Gorman, 3 for Boies, 8 for Clovolund. Missouri 34 for Cleveland. Montana fl for Boies. Nebraska 15 for Cleveland, 1 for Gorman. Nevada 4 for Boies; 2 for Gorman. Sow Hampshire, Cleveland 8. New Jersey. Cleveland 20. Vow York, Hill 72. North Dakota fl for Cleveland. Ohio 14 for Cleveland; 10 for Boies; 5 for Carlisle ; 0 for Hill; 5 for Gorman. IOreson 8 for Cievoland. IJennsylvaniaM for Oloveland Jiliodo island 8 lor uieveianu. Sotilh Carolina 14 tor Boies, 3 for Hill, 1 for Cleveland. . .South Dakota, 7 for Clovelnnd; 1 for. Boles. ? Tennessee, 21 for Cleveland. Texas, 1 for Hill; 0 for Boios j 28 for Cleveland. Vermont fi for Cloveland. Virginia 12 for Clavoland, 11 for Ilill. Virginia It) for Gorman. Washington 8 for Clovolitnd. West Virginia 7 for Cloveland. 1 for I'altisoii, 3 for Gorman, 1 for Ilill, Wisconsin 21 for Clevoland. The convention is cheering. Wyoming 2 for Gornnui. 3 for Clove land. Alaska's vote nominated Cloveland. The total vote for Cleveland was lilOJ. Tlie convention adjourned until 2 U UVUfc |J. III. lU'UUV* TliE FttKE TK ADIO Vlijj&K.' Wutteraon'a Frantic Appoal?'IVost VlrInln Votes Solid for it* Sprhl Dtipotch to th: Inlf'Hsttuxr. Chicago, It.i., Juno -1?Tho reading of tho lonsthy stump speech which tho committou 011 resolutions was pleased to call a platform, but which Houry Wattersou a fow minutes aftor donouticeil as an extraordinary oasay, occupied a Ions time. Tho ro.'aronco to Cleveland in ilio first paragraph sut tho convention wilil, mid tho chcerini; continued for fii'toun ininiitiw. Then iho minority report was read, and it was lalo before ilio inn boipin. Tlio minority amendmeat proposing towipoonttliostraddlo '( ported by tlio committeo and deelaro for a taritl tor rovonuo only, wa.i prootod with noinendoun applause, ami it was clear that a majority of tlio Itreat mass of Douiocratt assembled ui.'lievod with tho minority that tho Democratic party ousht to have tho courage of its free trade convictions. Tho (lcltrttn Ik in ?)..> KAntilif rn. ports, was short, but intorostin;:, principally by reason of tho frank talk In<luigo?l in by Mr. Watterson and othors. WATTKKSOX'S CI.OSJNU KKMAIIKS. IIis closing remark, "My God, do wo luivo to no back to the straddle of 1884 for a platform,'' created tremendous applause. which becamo a sceho of wild enthusiasm when tho chairman accepted tho amondmont as nil addition to the platform. It was only l?r a whilo, however, for tho convention soon realized the ridiculousBess of this course and demanded a vote on the amendment. Tho question presented was unexpected and camo as n complelo fur prise to tho convention., Xho dolegatoa found themselves confronted with a icrlous crisis a,??i without warninjc forced to ilccido whether thoy would cast their voto for tho cowardly straddle of a question, or bravely face ">c issue, and say for once that tho Democratic party oilers British free i trade which liemiblicans have always I accused thorn of being for, and i which tlioy liuvo always do- i nietl. The voting proccodod midst < groat excitomont and tho result is that i tiia national Doraocrntic party will go J into tho campaign on a platform which I dcclaros for free trade, and which goes further in tbut direction than any platform slnco 1870. west ViftOlKIA foe free tlufit West Virginia voted solid for tho ! tho amendmont The excitement during tho ballot was largely duo to tho fact that the anti-Cleveland faction lend tho fight for tho amendment. The , result could not bo takon as an indlca- , tion of strength, however, as many , Cleveland mon who aro tree traders, . voted for tho amendment. n. a. d. EVENING PROCEEDINGS. < A Fr?o Trait* Finnic Adopted?The No till. | nntlttn ?f Candidates. Convention IIali., Chicago, Juno 12. < ?The convention reconvenod at 5 1 o'clock. Every spectator or delegate, 1 who had ? wigwam ticket, know full woll as ho entered tho barracks before tho session was over tho battle would bo on. Tho assumption that there 'would bo a skirmish *wns basod partly on tlio fact that tlio committee on resolutions would probably report. It was beliovcd that liourko Cockran's warning of tho morning that ho would have business with tho convention later, meant entertainment for the crowd. Tartly, too, tho anticipation of tho throng was based upon the conviction that another Domoi:ratio presidential noniinco would have been placed in history before tho session should have ended. J ho nlmosphcro wan charged heavily t with moisture. Tho men in tho galler- . ios took oir their coats. How the wornon maintained life none bnt thom- ' selves know. Now York's delegation, ' with Mr. Croker at tho head, camo first 1 into tho hall. Aery of Mil! went lip, J but a sound of escaping steam shot out J from tho floor and grow to * whistling, 1 hissing storm. Tho great throng, how- 1 ever, subsided when Chairman Wilson 1 thumped tho desk with a mallet and ' the session had begun. Then- tho snn j was shining dull yellow through tho ' heavy air, tho crowd reokod and 1 steamed. Almost physical discomfort ' prevnUoll, but there was business to bo 1 clone ami tlio interest in what should ' occur drew individual attention souio- ' what from individual suflering. < liov. Thomas Heed, of Cedar Rapids, ' Iowa, was present at 5:3d p. m., and he ' offered a prayor, which, whilo charao- ' terlzed by high dignity, wasstrong, and ' ntmlniicA nt itj? plnnn. Thn tom. J per of tho crowd was ono of quick demonstration. Tho band started "America." Kx-Secrot*ry Whitney entered at 0:10 p. m. and took a place on the chairman's platform. campdsll's missionary toub. Governor Campbell at 0:15 p. m. ' started on a final tour of tho delegations, presumably on a missionary errand. lie first made his way to Michigan's chairs, and tboentlro body of delegates from that state leaped upon 1 their chairs and chccrod whilo Son t Dickinson greeted nun. The tour was continued amid cheers. At 0:24 Delegato Uharlos N.Jones, of : Missouri, chairman of the resolutions j committee, appeared upon tho platform. Addressing tho convention he : said: "I am instructed by tho com- J raittee on resolutions to present to you j as a roport of tho committee tho follow- : ing resolutions and movo their adop- j tion. In order that you may moro dis- J tinctly hoar whftt tho committee has ! prepared, I intend to ask a gentloman j who is as familiar as myself with the J phraseology of tho platform to read it lor me. [Applause.] : And when it has been road I shall , movo the provious question upon tho ' nflnnttnn of the nlatform. I Cries of ''No.""Xo.'') ' * h 11 Patterson, of Colorado, who advanced to the platform, said: In view of the statement just made, I will say that I represent a minority of tho committee dn resolutions, and I dosiro to announco that that minority expects to bfi hoard and to present its report before tho previous question shall bo put. Quick oncers groetod this announcement. a cusvixand dkmoxstitttiox. Then ox-Socretary Vilas cominoncod to read the resolutions nt(i:28, but when > ho roached tho pliraso "From Cleveland to Madison" thuro was n quick shout of i one voice noar the platform. It wag I lost, however, in a flash, for it loomed ] as if with one impulse tho entire 20,000 t people leaped upon their chairs, and < with hats and himdkorchiofs in tho air ( 20,000 throats lot loose yells and screams i that shook the heavy air aud almost I made the barracks quiver. j In a flash it white satin banner heavy i with cold fringe shot aloft and was | moved to tho centre aisle. It was cut- j riod by Gen. Sickle, of Michigan, and j on onu side was a picturo of Mr. Clove- < innH Thn (irst. outbreak wasa murmur, I but now (ho savagery o( noi?o and din i that roso swept and rollod from sido to | siilo of tho great wigwam and rollod ] around tho auiphithoatro. i A man lu the rear of tlio delogatoi ] hoisted a picture of David B. Hill, j Quick as human impulse moves, a hostile hand rlppod it from the standard 1 and toro it up while hisses for and < against tho act swept in a wavo i around tho hall. Than camo into t view a crimson banner. A sturdy < Doios man boro it aloft and waved it I constantly,whita tho mass of swoltoring j pcoplo, if possible, swelled tho din and i storm of sound. Tho tompost flowed | "until 0:1" p. in., when Don Dickinson, i of Michigan, causod the Michigan banner to hn carried from vlow in ordor that business might borosumod. Thoro were hisses from tho crowd that the < guidon and baton of Its applauso should I be roinoved. Through all this Tainmti- < ny's men in tho centro aislo sat grim I ami sllont, neither hissing Cleveland ' nor cheering Hill. Its thunderous disapproval, held porfeetly In leash, dial- ; longed admiration oven from those who opposed tho .Manhattan Indian;., Kl- i nhlly, atililS, Mr. VIin* ninin rojumeu tlio rending of tlio platform. [l'lio majority report will bo found in nnotlior column.] i Tlio donimciiition of measures like tlio forcu bill was loudly chceroJ. Col. Jonos inovod tlio adoption of tlio platform. .Mr. Xoil, of Ohio, bains recoirulzed, inid: Asa representative from tlio Statu of Ohio, upon tlio couimlttoo on resolutions 1 civo uotico of my in- 1 toution to present to tlio convention an amend men t to tlio noetlon of tlio platform rclatinii to tlio tariff. [Applause.] I liavo iieen unablo conscientiously to agree with tlio majority of tny follow Bombers upon tho section of this platform. I therefore Rive notico that I would uiovo in open convention to itrlke out of Hint scctlonof the platform pertaining to tlio tariff all tho words preceding the denunciation of tho Melt inloy net and substitute tboreforo tho following: FOB FREE TRADE. We denounce the Republican protection as a fraud on tho labor of tho great majority of the Amorican pooplo for tho boneflt of the fow. Wo declare it to be i fundamental principlo of tho Demo:ratic party that tho foderal governnent has no constitutional powor to rnpoae and collect tariff duties, except 'or the purpose of revenue only, and ne demand tuat tho collection of such taxes shall be limited to the necessities )f tho govornment, when honoitly and jconouiically administered. At. thn nnfl nf Mr Xnnl'it nnAfld). hero were cries of "Watterson, and Mr. llonry Watterson, of Kentucky, :amo forward to tho platform, bis appearance being greeted with prolongod :hcers. When order was rostored be ipoke as follows: Before I open my ipa to express an opinion upon this natter I desire to have read in extract from the tariff plank )f the Domocratlc platform of 1870, When the clerk finished tho reading llr. Watterson resumed his address as follows: This declaration of principles omos to us witii tho impression of tho vlndoni and tho benediction of the isgo and taint of Democracy, Samuel J. riiden. The mention of Mr. TUdon's lamo was received with prolonged 'heera. tho New York delegation standng up and yelling. -? T1KKJOUT 1118 LM10RS OVER. Twelve long years I have fought upon ill occasions and at every opportunity o establish tho doctrine of that plank as in articlo of tho cardinal Democratic aith, and finally, when seoing it at last irnctic.illy continued in three great >omocratic tariff nets and finally In lie message of a groat Democratic President. [Ureal applause.] Filally, when I saw it conflrmod and iroelalraed by the Democratic conyenlon whlcb assembled in 1388 in St. ouis, I said mv labors are over, my Igbt is ended, the victory is won and I :an go to sleep. I shall never again bo ? UnmAAHAtln xlntfnwin nnm. UUUVU Ull u UCIIIVklUliV |VIIIIIVHM VVM?iiittee.and lean entrust to the younger ind loss experienced hands tills work if my'life and love. But when I listened to the extraordinary essay wo lavo heard from tills desk, "I naked mytolf whether wo were indeed a Demo:ratic convention, or simply a Repubienn convention revised by James G. jlaino or Benjamin 1'. Butier; for the arid plank wo have listened ;o this afternoon is almost dentieal in principle with the ninority report submitted to the Demicratic convention in 1884 by Bonjamin P. Butlor and voted down almost inanlmously. Loud cries for Vilas followed Mr. iVattoraon'a spoecli. On coming to thg platform he said: VII.AS' Kl'F.ECIf. "There are many thiugs to be said vith referenco to the resolution offered >y tho gentleman from Ohio. Thoro ire many declarations to bo made In egard to it. You can extend your )latform to any degree you see fit, or he wearied powors of your committee lion in hearing argument and debate vould enable them to sustain. Cut this osolution which you propose to strike >ut was a resolution reported to tho lonvuntlon ol 1884, over which I had he honor to prosido, and it was rolortod by that prince of tariff reformsra, Colonel William R. Morrison. Gentlemen, I don't proposo to oner into any dcbnte or discussion if the particular form of words in which >vo declare our opposition to. tariff escalation. I do not think it makes liucli difTerorico in what form of vordB wo repeat our unvarying ind unswerving hostility to that [roat robbery and iniquity. I don't :are much for tho words bocause Iveydnrs ago next fall a President of ;ho tJnlted Slates led tbe Democratic mrty into a position on the tariff ques;ion which was not only right and brave 'nd splendid and Democratic,but which ins givon Jlfo blood oternnl perpetuation .0 tho party. WATTEnSO* hkplies. Mr. Wattorson took tho platform and -opliod to Colonol Vilas as follows: One word only in relation to n refermco by my honored and distinguished rlcnd. tho senator from Wisconsiu.who presided over tliut convention of 1881, ind that is this. In 1884, in the midst if tiio throes of a groat iiiternociiiotnrlfT :ontrovor?y. Tho party seemed to be iplit wide open nnd alter fifty-two lours of unbroken discussion in tho ilntform committee, tho host tliat tiio nodorate or conservative members of ,ho committee?myself unions tho lumber?could obtain hb common ;round to stand upon was tho platform if 1884. But rinco thon we have had ;he second Morrison bill, tho Mills bill, ho message of the l'residont in 188", lie great campaign of education of 1888?so thatl cannot holp vnvlngto my"elf: "My God, is it posslb'lo that in [802, wo have to go back for a tariff ilnnk to the straddle of 18S4?" Mr. Tom. L. Johnson, of Ohio, lionrtiy endorsed tho amendmont. Mr. Neal iemandod a call ot tho roll of states ipon this amendment. Thero were loveral calls of "Mr. Chairman," by telega to* wishing to bo recognlzod, but lo refused to recognize any one and nuch confusion followed. Thoro was itill srenter confusion nnd crlos of "Mr. 3halrinan" all over the house from nemberi endeavoring to bo recognized. TUB VOTING. The ?ecrotnry finally mado an attempt ;o proceed with tho roll call of the itntes and out of a snddonly dovoloped >nMniifv Mnw ft hush. l'h? secretary houted "Alabama" and tho votes cast iroro ayes, 12: noes, 10. Mr. Bronson, of Kentucky?What aro foil voting on? Tho chnirnian?Tho motion Is tostriko 3ut and substitute. Tho secretory continued tlio roll call, ivhlcli resulted: Ayes, 604; noos, 1)42. When Pennsylvania was announced 04 joliil "no." Sonator Wallaeo said: "On behalf of 15 of tho delegation [rom Pennsylvania I protest, sir, against tho power of the delegation to bind thono IS mon on questions of principle. I am here In my own sovereignty. You linve no right to vote mo, nor iloos the delegation give any one tho right to vote mo, on questions of principle." W. I", llcntcl, ol Pennsylvania?Bofore the chair docides that question I desire to Btnto the condition imdor which tho delegation froui i'ennsyl vania presonts itself to this convention, if tho chair desires Information on that subject. . , The chairman?Tho chair was about to stole tint ho is not informod whpt tho action of previous Democratic conventions has been whore question of this character has ari?en. The chair himself would rule thatthe vote as returned by tho chairman of the delegation would be received unless decided othorwiio. THE NOMINATIONS Blade tJndor lutorruptlottH of a Haiti Storm nnd Confunlon. The call of statos was ordered for the presentation of candidates. Gov. Abbett, of New Jorsoy, took tho platform and presentod Cleveland's name. Abbott said Cleveland would rcccivo . the support of every Democrat in the land. Cries of "So." biases and con fuiloo. Abbett ropoatcd: "I said every Democrat." (Loud choere.] In addition he will rocoivo tbouiandg of independent votes. *. BAITED UNDER TUB EAR. While the oxcitomont was at its height, a Cleveland man on tbo lowest side oI tho bouse Bang out, "Hurrah io? Grovcr." In n moment ho wob ranped undor the ear by n Hill man mid a lively sculllowas on nt once. A lieutenant of police and a patrolman jumped in qnd quieted the fracas,removing the pugilists from tho hull. Twouty-four minutes tho demonstration insted.when tho exhausted delogatos relapsed into their scats, and Gov. Abbett was permitted to continuo. On tho conclusion of Governor Arbeit's speech a renewed outburst of Cleveland enthusiasm followed which did rot ceaso for ten or rnoro minutes. XI10 confusion was greatly heightened by tho violent storm which poured down torronts of rain upon the opon roof ot the building and soon drenched tho vast assembly. Tho noise of the rain upon the boards lovorhoad, tho rolling of tho thunder added to tho shouts and cries of tho delegates and spoctatorsjrendorod it impossible to proceed with business. The chairman of tho convention had to abandon his position at his desk on account of tho down pouring torrent and an umbrella was raised ovor his head like n Chinese sun shade ovor the mandarin in the play of tho "Mikado." lNTERItllPTEl) HY I! A IN. Hon. W. C. DeWitt, trom iho Now York delegation, win put forward to make a speech putting in nomination Senator David B; Hill, and as he came forward on the platform for that purpose, the chairman siiid: Gentlemen of the convention, I de*iro to present to you the lfon. AV. 0. DeWitt, of Now York. At this point tho continued rain storm and confusion in tho hall made it impossiblo for the speaker to be heard bvmorothan a Tew in his immodiato vicinity. The chairman declared a ro cess for fifteen minutes. During tho intermission the crowd amusod itsolf watching the glare of lightning and in listening to the swish of the rain. Kverybody had yolled himself hoarse and was content to wait in comparative silence the passing of tho storm. When tho rocess expired and after some confusion, Mr. DeWitt, of Now York, canio down by the secretary's desk in ordor to get away from the down-pour of rain Ailing upon tho desk of tho chairman and nftor a fow mln? ?? waHinnp f.>r thn nfcnrm to nnint. made his speech. At tho concluiion of Mr. DoWitt's spoech tho ontiro Now York dolosation nro?o and chccrcd tho namo of Senator Hill. TYPICAL HIM. DEMONSTRATION. Unlike when Cleveland's boom was on and tho New York dolom'atian remained glum and silent, now nnrior the inspiration of Hill thoy roso in thoir scats and waved everything they could lay thoir hands on. Roneral Sickles raised on tho ond of his crutch a portrait of Hill, and a crcat swell of yells spread ovor tho hall. Other portraits of Hill woro produced, and thoro was a determination ovident ? -? tL- TTMt 1 on tno part oi mo Jim luuii iu uijiuii tho Clovoland demonstration not only in timo but in quantity of noise. Among tho delogiUes from Now York who wore tho loudest and moat vigorous in tholr demonstrations woro Delancy Nicoll, Corporation Counsel Clark, Mayor Grant, William G. Ellis, David Levantritt. and 1'olico Commissioner Jamas Martin. Sick Crokor felt that his timo had como, and mounting a chair ho raised his stentorian voice in aid of tho genoral clamor. Fifteen minutes after tho rumpus comtnonced, President Wilson began rapping with his gavel,but succeedod on1y In increasing tho awful uproar. Gon. 1 fc'lckols, tiring of Holding on his crutch tho portrait of Hill, delogatod that duty to a young man of extraordinary stature who jumped on a chair and hold tho plcturo as high as ho could. Mr. Frederick Opp, of Texas, appoarod in tho midst of tho confusion with a Cleveland portrait, which ho waved defiantly abovo his hoad. Somo ono rolled a newspaper into u ball and throw it at Mr. Opp, who dodged, still continuing his performance. Finally a Hilllto tore tho obnoxious portrait out of tho hands of the gentleman from Toxas and throw it at tho faco of the man from the Lone Star Stato. Mr. Dnnscomb, of Iowa, placed tho namo of Horace Ooios in nomination. . There was cheering all over the hall wlion Boies'ritthe was mentioned, many dolejratos rislnu to their foot, tho Now York dolomites joining in tho demonstration for Boion. The demonstration finally extondod to all ptirta of the hall. Kentucky seconded the nomination of Cleveland, but Honry Watterson seconded Boiea's nomination. WEST VIItOINIA DIVIDED. A Vest Virginia seconded tho nomination of Hill. Another delegate of West Virginia seconded Cleveland's nomination. Another dolegalo from Wost Virginia said that nine-tenths of tho Democracy favors tho nomination of Cleveland. rv?tt>utu arr-niMu ttir f Bonrko Cockran naked tho cammittoe to take a recois till 10:30, Oblcctlon belnj; raised he took tho platform to second Hill's nomination. Cockrnn said Clevolnnil was popular every day ill thn yoar except ono'und that was election' day. [Laughter and cheers.] UNMASKED AT LAST! The Veil Torn from the Hidoous Mokanna of Demooraoy AND FREE TRADE FACE'EXPOSED To tho Gaze of Those who Onoo Thought it Beautiful. THERE CAN BE NO MORE DECEPTJON But There will bo Wu'litig in the Protection "Wltitf or tho Party, and Llko Itachel in tho Wilrternow Their Mourning will be Past Comforting. Tho Republican Bands Can Now Play "Annie Louricr* atul it will "Not Snow tho Next Day,'* Either. Star-Eyed Goddess Wuttcrsoii ErtT^ ing tho Stra*vl>orry Short Cako of Victory, AVhilo Others aro Sorrowfully Munching the Cold Convolution Pio ol Deioat. .. t Chicago, Juno 22.?Following is.the majority roport of tho coinmittco on lieaolutions, which was adopted with the exception of tlio tarUF plank, tho minority's free trade substitute being adopted in its placo by a vote of 504 to 342. Section 1. The representatives of tho Democratic purly of the United State*, in national couve.uiou assembled, do rcnfllrm their allegiance to tho principles of the party a* formulate"! by ditlerent uudcxcmplitiod by the long and illustrious line of his successors; ill Democratic leadership from .Madison to Cleveland, we lielievc tho public welfare demands tb'it these principle* be applied to the eondtiet ol t lie federal government through the aeowrtoiuo jvonor of the party that advocate* them: and we solemiJ'7 declare that the need of n return to these fundamental principles of a free popular government ban d on home rule and iudfvldnal liberty was never more urgent than now. when the tendency to centralize alt power at tho lederal capital ho* become a menace to the reserved rights of the atutes that Strikes ut the very roots of our government uiHer.the cons;i.uJ& i as framed by the fathers of t le republic. Sec. ? We warn the people of our eoinmon country, jealous for tho preservation of their free luttluitious, that the policy of fedurul control of elections to which the ltcnt-blieau party ha* committed Itself I* fraaeht with the gravest danger*, scarcely less mouicntou* than would rex tilt fro a* a revolution practically CHtublisliing monarchy on tlie ruins of the republic. AUK AO A INST A FKHK DAI.I.OT. Tt strikes at till? north aa well ns Hie aontli. niul Injures the colored citizen oven moru tbnn white; it means u horde of deputy marshal* at every polling place armed with federal power, returning board* Appointed and controlled hy authority, the outrage of the electoral rJgbu o/ the people in tbe several state,*, the siihlutfUlim of the colored people to the control of the party in power and the reviving of raeo antagonisms now happily abated, of the utmost peril to safety niul happiness to all; a incisure deliberately and justly described by a leading Kcmiblicaii senator "?w the most infamous bill thnt ever crossed the threshold ol the sennto." Such a policy, if sanctioned by law, would turn the dominance of a self perpetuating oligarchy of officeholders, and the party Itrxt entrusted with It* machinery imuM be dislodged from power only by an oppttin to the right of "tlio people to resist oppression which 1* Inherent in all self governing committee*. Two years ago this revolutionary policy was emphatically condomocd by the people at tho polls; but In contempt of that verdict tho Republican i?ar.ty ha* declared In it* latf^-anthWrowwi tmawwft that its success liMhtrcorol?g.^prtfon?WiU"im-nn the enactment of tho force bill ntid tho usurpation of despotic control over elections In all tho states. Relieving that the preservation of republican government in the lrnitcd .States is dopeudont upon the dofoat of this policy of legalized force and fraud, wo Invito the support of all citizens who deMroto seethe constitution maintained In ItM Integrity with the latvs pursuant thereto which have given our country a hundred years f unexampled prosperity: and we pledge tho Democratic party, If It be entrusted with power, not only to defeat the force bill, but also to tho relontless opposition to the Republican policy of proltlgato expenditure which, in the hhort space of two vears. has snuaiideroil an enormous sur plus and emptied nn overflowing treasury. after piling now burdens of taxation upon the ulreudy overtaxed labor of the country. von nEVEKur. only. gee. 3. Wo reiterate tho oft repeated doctrine* of tlte Democratic party that the necessity of tho government Is tho only justification for taxntion and whenever a tax Is unnecessary it 1m unjustifiable: that when custom house taxation is levied upon unifies of any kind produced in this country. the difference between the cost of labor hero and labor abroad, when Mich o difference exist*, fully measures uuy possible be tie lit* to labor, and the enormous additional imnosN tlons of the existing tariil" fall with cruiniim force upon our farmers and workingmcn. and lor tho mero advantage of the few whom It enrich?*, exacts from labor a grossly unjust share of the expenses of the government and we demand such a revision ot tho tuflff us will remove these iniquitous Inequalities lighten their oppressions and put them on a constitutional and equitable baxlu. IJut in making reduction in taxes, it is not proposed to Injure any domestic Industrie*, but rather to promote their healthy growth. From the foundation of this government taxes collected ot the custom houses have been the chief hourcc of federal revenue. Hitch they must continue to be. Moreover, many industries have coine to rely npon legislation for successful continuance, so that auy cbanue of law must bo at every Mop regardful of the labor and capital thtw involved. Tho process of reform must be subj ject iu tho execution of this plain dictate of justice. Wo denounco tho McKlnloy tariff law enacted by the Fifty-flint Congress a* tho culminating atrocity of class legislation. We appreciate tho efforts of the present Congress to auato some of its most pernfeious efleets in tho direction of free raw materials, and cheaper manufactured poods that outer into general consumption; amd we promise repeal as one of the benollrcnt results that will follow tho notion of the people in on trusting power to the Democratic party. Hinco thcMcKiuloy bill weut into operation there have been ten reductions of the wages of laboring men to ono increase. Wo deny that thoro has been any lacreaso of prosperity to tuo country shut) thut tariff went into oporation, and wo point to tho dullness and dhtrens, of the wage reductions nnd strikes in tho iron trado as tho best posslblo evidence timt no such prosperity bus resulted from tho McKinlcy act. MRRE CATCH I'tlHAKrK, Wo call attention of thoughtful Americans to tho fact that after thirty year* of restrictive taxes against tho importation of foreign wealth, in exchange for our ngrieultural surplus, tho homes and farms of the country havo bocomo burdened with a real estate inortsugo debt of over two thousand fire hundred infllion dollars exclusive of all other forms of indebtedness: that in one of the chief agricultural Mate* of the west there appears n real estnto mortgage debt averaging !1M per capita of tho total population: and that similar conditions and tendencies are shown to exist in tho other agricultural exporting states. We denounce a policy whicfi (outer* no industry so much as it does that of tho sheriff. Sec. I. Trado Interchange on the basis of reciprocal advantages to tho countries participating Is n time-honored doctrino of tho Democratic faith, but uo denounce tho ahum reciprocity which juggles with tho people's desire for eti? larged foreign markets and freer exchango by pretending to establish closer trade relations for a country whose article* of oxport are almost cxcluslvely agricultural products with other countries that are also agricultural, while eroding a custom bouse barrier of prohibitive tarllT taxes against the rich and tho countries of tho world that stand ready to take our entire surplus of product* and to exchange therefor commodities which aro necessartcsaudcomfortsof life among our own people. Sec. .r?. Wo recognlxo tho trust! and combinations which are designed to enable capital to secure more than in just share of tho Joint product of capital and labor n natural conscnneneo of the prohibitive tariff which prevent the free comitetiilon which is tho life of honest trade. but wc believe their wont evil* enn be abated by inwiinil wo demand the riutd enforcement of the law* unido to prevent and control thorn, t??gether with such farmer legislation In restraint ol their ahtucf as experlouco uiny seem to ho neeeMiiy. Sec. 0. The Kepubllean partr. whllu professing a policy of rceping the public land for small holdings by actual nettlnrs, hni Riven away the peopled heritage till how a fuw rich mid lion* resident*, aliens, individual and corporate, KmCff ft buffer nren than that of all our liirnu ttrecn the two seas. The Inst Democratic ad. uiluhitrutlon reversed the improvldeut aud uu wiso pulley of tbo Jtapublican party toucblof tbo public domain .und roclniraca /fom corpora; liom and ayndlcatc*. alien atifLtWjracitle, and restored to tbo jwople nearly one hundred million acres of valuable laud to be sacrcdly held as homesteads for our citizens, and wo pledge ourM'lvos to coutinuc this iwlicy until every acre of land unlawfully settled ibull be reclaimed and restored to the people. THE MLV1U! W..V.NK. See. 7. We denounce tbo Republican legislation known ns the Hhcrmhn net of 1S90, as a coVrardly utake thlft fraught with possibility of danger in the policy which should make nil of it* .supporters, m well a* lis author anxious for it* speedy iv|>caL We hold to the tine of both gold und silver ax tbc standard motioy of tbo country und to the coluage of both gold and silver without discriminating again* t other mctnl or charge for mintage, but the dollar unit of coinage of both metal* mu?t Iks of equal in* trijudc and exchangeable raluc or be adjusted through international agreement or by ?tich I nfnmnin1n ?i liirldnilun iiKihnll iiistiri* thn mill 11 taining of the purity of thetw metal*. And tho equal power of ovary dollar at all tintex in the mnrkcto, ami in payment of debts: we demand that all iiaperctirreucy oball be kept at par with, nnd redeemable in Mi('h coin. We insl*t upon this policy n* especially necessary for iho protection of the fanners ana lub;>ritm classes. the fir?t nnd most defenseless victims of turntable money and a fluctuating currency. .Sec. & We recommend that the prohibitory 10 per cent tax on.itate bank i*?tte? be repealed. , See. 0. l'ubllc u pubUe trust, We reaffirm the declaration of the Democratic conVCU -tiwi of 187ft for the reform of the civil feVvlce. and we call for the honcit enforcement of all ' laws regulating the same. The nomination of A S resident, as In tbc recent liopublican couven* on by delcgnt Ion* composed largely of hirf **> So in toes holding office at IiIm pleasure, lb a scan* alous satire upon free popular institutions nnd a startling illustration of the method* by wbloh a President iiroy gratify bin nmbition. Wo <ie. uouuee a policy under which federal office hold* cr* uturp control oi party convention* in the states, nnd pledgo the Democratic party to the refortn of these and all other abuse* which threaten individuul liberty nud local sell govern* mcut. on. w IT? See. 10. The Democratic onrtv is the only party that hasevor given the country n foreign policy conaiitout and vigorous, compelling roWKSTj VfltGI.\rAK8 WHO COUMJ.n't git ix. mhti annum ano inspiniiK cwuiucnue at uniun. While avoiding entangling allinsivivi It hits aimed to cultivate friendly relations with other nations, and especially with our neighbors on the American continent, whose destiny 1* closoly linked to our own. and wc view with nlnrtn tho tendency to a policy of irritation and bluster, which fc liable at any lime to coufront us with the alternative ol humiliation or war. We favor tho maintenance of a navv strong enough for all purpose* of national defenso and to properly maintain tho honor aud dignity of tho country abroad. ., See 11. This country has always bceu tho refuse of the oppressed from every land?exiles for conscience Mike?and iu tho spirit of tho founders of our government we condemn the oppression practiced by the Kugstnn government uj?ou lis Lutheran and Jewish subjects, and we call upon our national government in the Interest of Justice and humanity by all lust and proper means to use Its prompt and best efforts to bring about a cessation Lof these cruel persecutions in tho dominions of thu czar, and to secure to the oppressed equal rights. We toudor our profound and earnest svmpatby to those lovers of freedom who are still struggling for home rule, and tho great cause of local sell government in Ireland. IMMIGRATION. See. 12. Wo heartily approve aUtogUlmato efforts to prevent tho I'nlted Stales from being used as a dtfmpliiK ground for tho known criminals ahd professional paupers of Kurope, and we demand the rigid enforcement of the laws against Chinese Immigration, or the Importation of foreign workmen under contract todcirraae American labor and lessen its wages, but wo condemn aud denounce any and all attempts to restrict tho immigration of the industrious and worthy ot foreign lands. See. Hi. This convention hereby renews tho expression of appreciation of tho patriotism o! tho soldiers and sailors ol the I'nion iu the wsr for its preservation, and we favor lust and liboral pensions for all disabled union soldiers, their widows and dependents, but wo demand that the work of tho pension olllce ahull bo done lunustriousiv, impartially mid nouesuy. ?o denounce tho present administration of that of* lieu us incompetent, corrupt, disgraceful oud dishonest. Sec. M. Tho federal government should care for and improve the MlMtadpp I and other great water way* of the Republic no us to securo for the Interior Mates easy mid cheap transportation to the tide witter. When any water way of the Republic !h of iiifllnlont importance to demand the aid of the government?that such aid should be extended on n definite plan of continuous work until permanent improvement la secured. nicaragua canal. See. IS. For purposes of national defense and the promotion of commcreo between tho state* we recognize lu the early construction of the Nicaragua canal and itn protection against foreign control aa of great importance to the United States. Sea HI Recognizing the Wor'd's Columbian Exposition as a national undertaking of vast lmdortauce. In which the general government boa Invited tho co-operation of all tho powers of tho . world, aud appreciating tho acceptance by many of such powers of the invitation ex-tended and tho broadest libornl effort* being made by them to contribute to the grandeur of tho undertaking, wo ore of the opinion that Congress should make such necessary llnanclal provision as shrill be requisite to tho maintenance of tho national honor and nubile faith. Sec. 17. Popular education l?elng tho only jiafo basis of popular null num. we recommend to the several states most liberal appropriation! for tho public schools. Free common school? are the nursery of good gavornment, and they. liitvo aIwuvh Mefiiund tho fostcrlna caro of tha Democratic party, which favor* every means of. increasing intelligence. Freedom of education bging nn cMeutial of civil or religious liberty-, as well as n necessity for the development of Intelligence, muit not bo interfered with under any pretext whatever. Wo are opposed to stata interference with parental rights and rights of conscience in the education of children is an infrlnet-ment of the fundamental doctrine, that tho largest individual liberty consistent with tho rightHof others insures tho highest type of American citizenship and the best government. NEW STATIC. 8cc. 18. Wo approve tho action of the present houbo of representatives in pacing bills for tha admission into the Union as states the territories of Nem Mexico and Arizona, and we favor tho early admission of all thu territories having the necctury population and resources to entitle them to statehood, and while they remain territories wo hold that tho ottlclals appointed to administer tho government of any territory, together with the District of Columbiaund Alaska, should be bona tide residents of the territory or district in which their duties are to ba parformed. Thu Democratic party believes in homa ruleund the control of tncirown affairs by tha people of the vicinage. Sea 19. Wo favor legislation by Congresi and state legislatures to protect the lives and limbs of railway employes, and those of other hazardous transportation companies, and denounce tha Inactivity of the Republican party, and particularly tho Itcpuldican senate, for causing the defeat of measures buneflcial and protective to this class of wage workers. See. *J). Wo are iu ItYor of tho enactment bjr the Mate* of lawn fur ftboilflbinR the notorious Mwatin# ?y*teia, for aholl'hlng contract convict labor, and for prohibiting the employment la factories of children nn<ii<r fifteen yean of are. See. 21. Wo are oppottd tn all Mtmptuary Taws uh an interfercuco with tho individual rigots of th? citizenSee. 22. Upon thin atatcnient of principles ami policies the Dcmocratln party tuka the intelligent Judgment o,' the American people. It nsks u ehaugu of administration, and n change of party, in order that there mav be a change of vvNtein, and n change of mothods, thus inuring tho maintenance, unimpaired of iuxtltutioni under which the republic has grown great tad powerful