IN THE CIRCUIT. TIjo W. A. W. Apply lor Admission to the International. GOOD B'CYCLE RACING ASSURED I'or Noil Scanou?Two Mncing Touriiatncntrt Will Probably bo Held, Spring an& Fall ? Xotulilo Cycle TourifitH Arrived in ilie City Imsi ICveiiiii^, Ono of Them u Vomiy Lady?Touring to ilio World's Fair. A mooting of tiio stockholders of tho Wheeling Athlotic Wheelmen Company was hold at tho Proas Club rooms last evening, at which it was docided to apply for admission to the Intcmational Bicycle Kacing Circuit. The sentiment appeared to be unanimous in favor of entering tho International, and the benefits that deriv.o from membership in that body wero so apparent that opposition could not have boon expected. From assurances that wore revived by members of tho W. A. W. at tiio time of tho lust raco tournament, thoro seoms to bo no doubt that Wheeling will havo no trouble in securing admission. Tho past season tho western cities in the circuit wero Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Indianapolis and Chicago. The coming season it is tho intention of tho chairman of tho L. A. W. racing board. Mr. H. Ji. Raymond, who is in charge of tho affairs of the circuit, to secure several other cities. Among tho new members of the circuit will bo probably Wheeling and Pittsburgh. rho principal advantage of in?!U)bership is the fact that all tho fast racing men will bo on hand, a town being in tho circuit giving it all tbo necesdaiv responsibility, Should tho application of Wheeling be favorably received, there will be two meets next season. The sprini: moot will probably bo but ono day, while tho one later in tho season will bo a twoday atlair, like tho recent tournament held here. Tho dates will not be known until Chairman Raymond fixes up his schedule this winter. Tho secretary of tho W. A. W. was instructed at tho meeting to at once open up correspondence with tho authorities It is probable that something more deflniie will bo known in tbo course of a week or ten days. A century run is being arranged by local wheelmen, which will take place probably a week from next Sunday and will bo to Brownsville, Pa., and return. Already a number of tho boys havo signified thoir intention to tnko in the run. Others wishing to go should enter at Charles Strobel's on South Market stroot. An all-club run is also being arranged for next Sunday, to West Alexander and return, which will probably bo well attended. Dinner will bo taken at the pretty little village on the Pennsylvania line. A LONG DISTANCE HIDE. A Young Lady Hiding; to tlm World's Fair. Ilure levelling-. Last evening at 7 o'clock, two wheelmen, or rather one whoelman and a wheelwoman, rode up Market street and dismounted at the McLuro. From *neir dusty appoarance it was seen that they wero finishing up a long day's ride. The lady was Mies AmeliaS. Petticord, and her companion, a brother, Charles II. Petticord, a well known A'hcolman of Pittsburgh. Monday uiorning they started on their wheels from the Smoky City, on a wheel-trip to tho World's Fair. On that day they rode to Washington, and yesterday they wheeled it to this city. .Mr. Petticord was seen by an IntrlliOK.vcRit reporter last evening, lie is tho champion long distanco road rider of Western Pennsylvania, and of course was not particularly exhausted after tho dav's ride of thirty-four milea from ii- i.:'?_4? #i,? " 11SIJ Ill^kUU. iuma * utuibuiu, <. ?? ? contrary, was aomowhat tired, owing to tlio Iariro numbor of hills of the "Chicken Neck" varioty that make cycle riding on the pike more work than pleasure. Ilowover, to-day their schedule only calls for thorn to reach Fairviow, thirty miles, so that it is expected she will be in good condition for the rest of the long journoy. Thoir schedule calls for a trifle over forty-two miles per day on an average for tho entire trip. Miss Petticord arrangod tho schodulo and is confident that she will arrive ar the Windy City on time. The schedule ia as follows: Monday, to Washington. 32 miles; Tuesday, to Wheeling, 0") miles; Wednesday, to Fairviow, 95 milos; Thursday, to Zanesville, 140 miles; Friday, to Columbus* 105 miles; Saturday, to Dayton, 273 milos; Monday, to Richmond, 302 milos; Tuosday, to Indianapolis, .'571 milos; Wednesday, to Lebanon, 401 miles; Thursday, to LaFayette, 444 miles; Friday, to Earl Park, 4SG miles; Saturday, to St. Mary's, 531 milos, Sunday, tc Crete, 550 miles; Monday, to Chicago, 590 miles. Tho pair intend staying several weeks nt tho fair. While in Chicago Mr. Petticord will mako an utteinpt at tho American twenty-four hour bicycle record. It is at presont held by F. Ed. Spooner, of Chicago, but Petticord ie confidont that ho can broak it. If he does ho will have to mako noarlv 40C miles, as Spoonor'a mark is 39ft miles, l'otticord did 242 mile9 in twonty-four hours on the rough roads of Wosterr Pennsylvania, and ho argues that he can do much better on tho Chicago boulovards. Miss Petticord will return to Pittsburgh by rail, but Pctticord intends breaking all records from Chicago east, including that recently mudo by Harry Wylie, who passed through Whooling, Not only will ho rido during the day but ho will continuo during the night and will stay on his wheel as loug as he can remain awake. Wylie made it from Wheoling to Chicago in a little under fivo days. If Petticord can stay on his wheel for the entire, or half the trip, he ought to break that record, by at least two days. Pills promote constipation?Siramons Liver Regulator cures conatipa lion. They filvo Tuoir RniiHon*. Porhapa some of our readers wotild like to know in what respect Chamberlain's Cough Hoinedy is better than any other. We will toll you. When this remody is taken as soon as a cold hai boen contracted, and before it has become settled in the system, it will counteract tho eflect of tho cold and greatly lessen it's severity, and it is thr only retnodv that will do this. It acts in perfect harmony with nature and aids naturo in relieving the lungs, Open ing tho secretions, liquefying the mucin and causing it* expulsion from the ail cells of tho lungs and restoring the system to a strong and iieolthy condition. No other remedy in tho market pna senses thoso remarkable properties, No other will cure a cold so quickly. MAUTI.VS FiOIUti. IlapH and Mlfilinp? in tlio Thriving; City j Altum tin; Ilivcr. Rev. W. ii. liurbank, rector of St. Puul'u Episcopal church in Martin's Ferry, and the Episcopal ctiurch in boll- , aire, will uiako Martin's Ferry hid homo and will occupy the Cattoll property on North Fourth street. moving into it next .Mouduy. Mr. U. Uusaell Wood will vacate this proporty next Saturday. .Turn whore Mr. \Vood will make his home in unknown. Mrs. Wood and baby will leave next Monday on au extended visit at Torre Haute, Indiana. Mr. Wood being traveling puHfiongor agent tor the Wheeling A Luke Erie railroad much of his time is spent in Wheeling and ho may reside there. Yesterday considerable troublo was experienced in the work of towering Joilersoii street, ttio timbers giving away and dotuining the work. On Broadway everything seems to bo moving along satisfactory. No serious accidents have occurred ainco Clarence Lewis was hurt. The Jellorson street ditch is from ton to eighteen feet deep. noino OI IUU UIOI1 lib worn UII muio sowers earn several times as much in * the factories, but having no work thoru 1 find tins belter than nothing. 1 A meeting of the mombcrs of tho Phi Doha Theta was held ut tnc homo o? e George Inglebriirhton Monday ovoning, c to make the preliminary arrungeuionis 1 for holding the annual banquet. A * committee on correspondence was appointed, consisting of Georgo Chessell i and George limit-bright. Another i meeting will bo held to-night. The t banquet will bo hoid in Wheeling, c early in November, probably on eloction night. > Tho new street car lino will not bo i able to carry tho people from Martin's i Ferry, /Etnavillo unci West Wheeling i to Bollaire when McKinloy speaks. Martin's Ferry alono ought to lill ( all the cars that night. Some um-mployed workingmen say they are going [ if they have to walk. During tho month of Septombor or- e dors were drawn on tho township poor ^ fund amounting to ?713, of which f amount ?(>04 GO was issued to people in Martin's Ferry. Idlo workingmen are receiving assistance who never before , found it necessary to apply for uid. f ' of tlio Martin's Ferry Baptist church, was in town yesterday calling on friends, lie is now stationed at Union City, O., a town of 3,000 inhabitants, likes the placo and is enjoying good health. According to the poll over 1,500 votes will be polled noxt mouth it there is a full vote. The poll is not unfavorable for the Republicans. Tho poll shows 538 in the First ward, 420 in the Second and 550 in the third. Mr. George W. Recce has been inado agent of tho United Stntos Express Company in Martin's Ferry. Tho United Statos recently succeeded tho American on tho Cleveland, Lorain & Wheeling road. A late letter says that Rev. S. J. Bogle will not assume tho pastoral charge of tho Presbyterian church until Sunday, October 15*. Rev. Mr. Stovons, of Bridgeport, will preach in this church next Sunday. Tho creamery at Mt. Fleasant will bo in operation within two weeks. It will cost $2,700. Tho machinery U boing put in by tho Vermont Farm Machine company of Bellow's Falls. Miss Bertie Blackford, Miss Cora Mishell and Will Crowl havo been appointed delegates to tho V. P. C. E. convontioto, which meets at West Alexander, Fa., next Tuesday. Next Saturday a game of foot ball will bo played in Martin's Ferry between the Wheeling and Martin's Forrv clubs. Tho New Atnons college club will come : tho Saturday following. Samples of the lino new goods of Lowis Smith and William Garrott, Union Glass Company, are exhibited at A. 11. Ong's drug store. A social will bo given at Steels' school house to-morrow night. The proceeds will be used toward purchasing an organ for the Sunday school. The only councilmon who showed up last night were Henderson, Davis and Wornig, and no meeting wns held on this account With Buch attractions as "The Burclar" the Martin's Ferry Opera liouso 1 ought to do a good business this season. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Jones, of North Fifth street, are entertaining Misses Maud and Willia Storey, of Columbus. Amateur photography is growing in popularity in this city. There are quite a number of good cameras hero, i Miss Blanche Schofield, who has been visiting at St. Clairsville, returned yes, terday. James H. Drennen appeared on the streets yesterday lor the tirst time for weeks. The Y's met last night to make ar' rangements for an entortainment. I Work was resumed at the Laughlin nail works yesterday. ; C. M. Brown, of Mt, Ploasnnt, was ; hero yesterday. Mrs. Lewis Smith has the typhoid' fevor. " At. the Grand Opera House. The second night of "Our Married Men" at the Grand Opera House drew a large audionco, and many said that the comedy is the funniest that has been scon here in a long time. The songs * are now. and the three acts are filled 1 with laughable say intra and funny situa' tions. Clark and Williams aro clover 1 and versatile. Violet St. Clair is a graceful dancer. Edwin Laug, as the tramp, is funny. Viola Rosa, Bessio 1 Milton and George Watson add to the \ ' fun, and Miss Jennie Roby is pretty ] 1 and sings as well as she looks. There J will bo a matinee to-day, and to-night ( will be the last performance. Seats on f 1 lalo at the box office. , * ( "Lord Kooucy" Coming. j Of tho latest farce-comody, "Lord ! Rooney," a well known critic says: It ' is a sparkling, fizzing triumph from ond . to end. The arrangomont is daring, J ' noisy, slap-dash and trivial, but it ia ' , fashionod with a delicacy of artistry * that you must not allow to escape you 1 when you go to soo it. It not only . mnkos you roar with lauuhtor, but in spite of its apparent flufiiness, it is lighted by the real sunshine of nature. Alleghany, Pa., March 16, 1891. .Von/ian Lichly HTg. Co., Drt iloiiua, Jovxi: Dear Sim?I find Krauso's iloadaclio Capauiea a ready, ai'llor, and can say from poraonal experience that they aro . a Iiood thing, aa tho otlior niu'ht they enred mo of n bad attack of neuralgia 1 in about one hourwhon ugually it laata a dav or two. C. W. Kmart, Drureiat. Sold by Alox. T. Younjr, John Klari, Wheeling; Bowie A Co., Bridgeport, 0. I KICK'S OiinnliiSi Vimlmmlny, October 4. | Pittsburgh nnd lleturn 82 00 By the 1'an-llandlo road, October 5th. Tickelsgood three days including date of anle. IOUK Millinery Opening ?f Kail and Winter fttylm will oeeur on AVedueAilay, Octo- < her 4, and to which the public cordially luvlUkL A. L. KCCE A CO. BtthljAIIliS. Ill Hurts of Loral Nvtm and (inulp from tliu titan* City. Tlio city council itiot Inst night and ipproved the contract and bond of rolin Davis for paving on Gravel Hill, tnd ho will commence work this raornng. i wo of the property owners on he streets to be paved, with Engineer S'orton, uie in iljamu uf the work. A valuablo black horso was stolen rom George Kobinson, west of town, ast .Sunday night. -The horso was akcn from the stnblo and was ridden veatward. There is no clue to the thief, >r horse either. A big leak in the water main leading ;o the reservoir was discovered yesterlay and the water was shut oft all over own last night, while a force of tneu )ut in about sixty feet of new pipe. The Democratic senatorial convention or this joint district will bo ncld at steubonville next week to select two lames to fill up the ticket. The mattor vas almost overlooked by thorn. Some of the alleged sports of this city ire talking of a cocking main in or near jt. Clairaville. They got an idea from ho fakes permitted at tho fair that any* him? will iro there. The Knights Templar will run a spo:ia\ train to St. Clairsvltle to-morrow evening for a meeting of Hope Coinnaudery at which the Templar decrees vill bo conferred. IleatherinKton's brass band will furtish the music for the McKinley moetng ut Beallsvillo, in Monroe county, on lie 19th, and also hero in the evoning if that day. The Volunteer hoso company is inrestigating charges against cue of the ueinbers for collecting money in the tamo of tho?firo department and using t himself. The Gravel Hill Literary and Social }lub will bo entertained by Mrs. Wethraid and Mrs. Kelly at their elegant I lomo on the hill Friday evening. i Francis Crawford, who died of paralyis, had a contract with the city for side- i valk pavemonts, and his bondsmen are I jutting his work through. John W. Coulson moved his family to Columbus yesterday, where he has ocated. Ex-SheritT O. E. Foutz occusies his residenco here. Copt. John T. Lane, of the Baltimore c Ohio, wont to Baltimore yesterday, .nd will take an eastern party through o the World's Fair. A number of former Bellaire window :lnP8 workers are engaged at R?1. Cowen, wilo and (laughter, Jolt yoaerday evening for tho World's Fair, lion. C. L. Wee ma, tho Ropublican andidato for prosecuting attorney, was n town yestorday. The Mandolin club furnished tho nusiic for the opening of tho reading oom Monday night. Messrs. C. Rurabach, John Steger ind G. Schmidt returned from the fair resterday. If you desire a luxuriaut growth of lealthy hair of a natural color, nature's irowning ornament of both sexes, use >nlv llall'a Vegetable Sicilian liair Kelewer. _ A Sp*cillc for Croup. "I consider Chamberlain's Couch Remedy a specific for croup. It is very >leasant to take, which is ono of tho nost important requisites where a rough remedy is intended for use among ihildren. I have known of cases of iroup where I know the life of a little me wan saved by the use of Chamberain's Cough Kemedy."?J. J. LaGrango, Iruggist, Avocn, Nob. Dorit Tou Know that you can secure al iuusu mmicuunu iciici from Indigestion, and that uncomfortable fullness after meals, by simply taking a dose of Simmons Liver Regulator? Some people think that because it is called Liver Regulator it has nothing to do with Indigestion and the like. It is the inaction of the Liver that causes Indigestion, and that fullness; also Constipation, and those Bilious Headaches. Millions have been made to understand this and have been cured from these troubles by Simmons Liver Regulator?a medicine unfailing and purely vegetable. Prom K?v. M. 1!.Wharton, Baltimore, Md "It affords me pleasuro to add my testlmony to tho great virtues of Simmons Liver Regulator. I have had experlenco with It, ns occasion demanded, for many years, and regard It as the(rreate?tmodicino of tho times. 80 good a medlcluo deserves universal commendation. PROF.SHEFFistheonly Optician in the city that Correctly FITS T1IE EYES WITH GLASSES Without the Use if Drufisl If you need Spectacles or your >yes tiro or head achos when reading or iewin?, you can consult him and havo four eye's examined for s_'ln*se? without iharge jtt his Now Optical Establishwont, 1110 Main streot, one door abovo Snook & Co.'s dry poods store. B3TPROF. SHEFF has tho only SompletkOptical Establishmentin tho ?tate, and is tho only Optician that Fits Artificial Eyes. JK3T 1110 MAIN STREET, "tBs nu31-tMWV WhiM'llm-. W. Vn STATIONERY, BOOKS, ETC. Mimeographs.-^* Having received the agency for Edison's Mimeograph, we are nowable to supply the trade with any number. Also anything in the way of supplies. OAHIjiB dhos., law MARKET STKKET, ael OCIIOOt. ROOKS kj AMI SCHOOL STATIONERY. LITERARY AND FASHION MAGAZINES, CIIKAI' I'lIRI,[CATIONS. Jll.AN'K I WOKS. Weekly nni Dally Newspaper!, Deliverer! Frea >( Extra Coit. C. H. QUIMBY, {ft4 UU tturkei Street. { Brings comfort nnd improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live hotter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the valuo to health of the pure liquid laxativo principles embraced in the remedy, Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleasant lo the taste, the refreshing anil truly beneficial properties of a perfect laxative; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels without weakening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionnble substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all druggists in 30c and 11 bottles, but it is manufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also tho name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, yon will no' accept any substitute if offered. ? 7 REAL ESTATE. FOR IR/ZEHSTT. I ???? ^ Month. No. 145 Fourteenth street liO No. UCO High street . 7 00 I No. Alley K and Terminal railroad 8 o> No. Alley Hand Terminal railroad 8 00 No. 2510 Jacob street......... 13 0') No. 2^02 M?In street 10 Oil No. 170.' ChapUne sireot. store room. No. 1!H05 Woods street, three rooms 0 00 No 2607 Alley B .. 9 00 No. 2509 Alley B. two room* ........ f? 00 No. aifil Main Mreet. three rooms.. f> 51 No. '.ii Thirty-third street 8 Wi No. :J527 Chapllne street. two rooms 5 00 No.2020 Alley K. two rooms...... G (X) No. Market street, two rooms. 7 Of) No. 107 Alley 10. two rooms 5 00 No. .131 Twenty-ninth street .. 8 00 No. 133 Twenty-ninth stroet 7 00 No 19J0 Main street, three rooms 9 00 II..11.H.... /?r trllrtUsnU business, iu roarof No. 1001 Market st. FORSALE. Lots lu Hampden Placo, Thirteenth street No. 110-t High street, two low and three houses for 82.000 No. "JtV-'S Main street 2.000 No. 2241 Main street No. f>06 Market street, $1,400. Lot Not 2, South Front street, CO foot front, running to river. Five lots and live acres of land in Triadelphla. with two dwellings, slaughterhouse. Ico house, stable, aud sixty bearing fruit tree*, forS2,0>). Lot No. 10. section 51, Centra street. Moundsvilla, and 10 shares in Mouudsville Mining and Manufacturing Company. Corner lot north of street car barn. Fortyeighth and Jacob street*. Lot No. 13 Water street, south of Forty-oighth Btroet Lots Nos. 6 and 7 FoIT street, south of Fortyeighth street. Lot No. lf?. south of Forty-oighth Btroot and east of Jncoh street. No. 1(TO Chaplinostroet No. 1029 Eoll street. ' ! No. 1025 MoCollooh streot No. 1011 McCollouli street. No. 2-1 Twenty-ninth streot No. 2623 Main street. JAMES A. HENRY, Real 12*tato Agont, II. S. Claim Attoruoy, Collector aud Notary Public. se.TO 1612 Market Street. FOB SALE. Lots In Behren's and Speldol'n addition. Corner lot. Thirty-fifth and Chupllno streets, I house two rooms and kitchen. Cheap. A llour mill, with roller process, twonty-fivo barrel capacity. Water and stoam power. Saw and planer also attached; doing good business in the country. This is a bargain. Coul within 200 feet. Has thirty-seven acres of laud. Will sell all togothcr or mill separate. No. 3727 KoiV street, frame house, six rooms, larue cellar, alloy comer. Easy terms. No. 51729 Kofi" street. Brick hou?e. six rooms ami hall good location. Cheap. Easr torins. Three houses on Wood streot high grouud, No. :rtlH. 39 n ?n-1.1522 SS3 I'oach. Two houses oa Twenty-ninth, four rooms, each. 81.400 each. A good farm of neret. one and a half miles, from tho city. A good orchard, tit acres in crapes. ha< ail to roomed houso, stabloi. eto. and tho host of water. Will soil on easy tonus or trado for city proporty, Lou In HoUmanu's aaauion. tne owe vauie in the Eighth ward oa very eaiy term#, lor a short No. 41 Thirty-eighth street, sir rooms, now, $2,500. Brick house tour rooms and hull. Forty-first and Wood streets, full lot. josephX arkle, Pension Attorney, Notary and Ileal Estato Agent. House* routed and rout* coliecto'L OiUce No. 3jl7 Jacob street. European steamship and draft agent. Passage ticket* to and from all parts of Europe. Also drafts to any point In Europe. my at PIKE BUILDING LOTS! #200 buys lot 50x17."i in that fast-growint; fine residence pla.M) of Park View, with natural (fas, good water, good scwrage, new school house to edncatc yourcbildrou. shade trees, sidewalks. Only Ave minutes' walk from the motor. Ten houses built within one year. Terms, one third cash, one-third in six months, one-third in twolvo mouths. These lots are fast krowing into money. Onlv a few left. Call at once. Lots in i/catberwood cheap. Lota, at Echo Point cheap. Lots at Edglngton cheap. Lots at Pleasant Valley cheap. Lots at Elm Grove cheap. Call on us. We are heudquartors for National pike lots. EOLF & Z-AJSTE. 13~J" .MARKF.T STKEKT. M'l1) FQBSALE. BAnaAISTB ! Soven-roomed brick, lot S5x40 0, river view North Front street, Idand. 86,000. Four roomed frame house, lot 00x120, very cheap. 81,800. Elght.roomed brick house on South Front street, botwecn the bridge*. &t,Q0Q. Four-roomed house on Virginia street, SI. 100. Six-roomed house on Bouib Huron street, new, 12,000. Klve-roomed house on South Penn street, cbenp. 1 havo bargains In houses and building lotn everywhere, on the Island and on this side. Come in. Inquire and look at the bargalus 1 will ofl'er you. Also in farms. hhrrvTfi nk, REAL ESTATE, Telephone CS7. fie.'71 lit-! Markot strop-. TRUSTEE'S SALE. rjKUSTEE'S SALE. By virtue of two deedsof trust made by Louisa Frailer and Harvey Frailer, her huxband, to mo us trustee, the tln>t dated August 24.1892. recorded in the office of theClork of the County Court of Ohio county. West Virginia, in Deed of Trust Book No. 35, page 4>I. the socond dated November 1G. 1892, recorded In said Clerk's oftyce In Deed of Trust Book No. SC. pago 210, I will sell at the north front door of the Court Houso of said county, on SATURDAY, the 4tii day or NOVEMBER, 1803, commencing at 10 o'clock a. in., the following described property, that is to say: Tho north half of lot numbered Five, situate and being on the east sldaTof McColloch street, in James Carney's heirs' nddltion to the City of Wheeling, Ohio county. West Virginia. The tlUQ to ial(l property is believed to bo porfeet, but selling as trustee I will convey only the title vested In me by said deed of trust. TBRM O* HALS:--one-third and as much more as tne phrcha?er electa to'pay In cash on the day ofs tle. the balance lti two equal installments at six and twelve months, notes bearing Interest from tho day of sale to be given for the deferred payments \v. j w COW DEN, Trustee. \Y. H. llALUUt, Auctioneer. wi I GA R FIE ^ T E Oiic of tlio Intelligencer'ft World's Fair Hotels. Immediately across the street from the Fair Grounds, on Stony Island avenue. T,~* R??K on/1 KQtli N?ne three entranced. wctnvcii UW.M "?*- ? - .So*'*'" (lny'n lodging nnd lirst-clunn II. ? O. lluilrund tlckut 8"'i 00 On oxourfllon wj 7?OR KENT. 'IITANTED ?ENERGETIC, BELI'AJU ?U BL15 men to solicit orders for fruit and One flat, five rooms and bathroom, first floor, ornamental nursery stoak; permanent employ* No. *-!lui Eofl'street. jneut. expenses and salary to those who can doOne flat, four rooms and bathroom, second vote their entire time to the work. For partlr-' floor. No. -JIM Eofl*street. tUars, address K. G. CIIASB rooms... H 00 W V HOGE Six-roomed fruino dwelling at Lcatherwood. ocrt Citr Bank Bnildlnst. 1?0 Market Street Store rooms on South street, in nenrne Tab - ? ornncle building. ~~ " No. 2139 Main street, storeroom and dwolUng. GENERAL NOTICES. ^TOTICE. Money (o Loan. Fire Insurance. Notice is hereby given that tho "ELSOS* niMCU adT fir TATIIM GLASS COMi'ANY" ban changed It* uauio to nIINfc.r1/\ri I <56 I nl U JVlj that of "WEST VIRGINIA GLASS COMPANY," ... _ ? mvn and that the Secretary ot Stato has under his t,rrv hank huldimi. hand and groat seal of the .-tute of West Vtr* TcleDhone ?19 rsel5l Room No.0. ginia, issued his cert itlcate. bearing date the 15th lcIePuono 'lJ- I80"' uoom day of September, A. D. 189.1 declaring that tho said "ELSON GLASS COMPANY" Is to bo tbcfe* T7I "1?i Q A "T "IT* after known by tho name of "WEST VIRGINIA J? -L.\J J-\~ 1 P.J GLASS COMPANY." By order of the Hoard of Directors. II. E. WADDKLL. Two business houses on Muln street, Centra. se20*vr Seerotarv. Wheeling Cheap. := Houso of sevcu rooms, brick, Sixteenth street, XIOTlUE. fci/oo. House of four rooms, Twonty-nlnth street, lot Notlco is hereby gtron that n special mooting 30x10ft feet 81.40tt of the stockholders of the W::sT VIRGINIA IIousc of five rooms, brick, Eoff street, Centre GLASS COMPANY will be hold at the McLuro Wheeling. $2,100. , House, in tho city of Wheeling, West Virginia, House of seven rooms. Fifteonth street, $>V>00, on Saturday, tho -'1st day of October A. D. 1891. of six rooms, brick, lot 25x122 feet, Mala at 2 o'clook p. in., for tho purposo of reducing street. Centre Wheeling. 2,000. the pnr value of the shares of its capital stock, Lot east end Fourteenth street. $500. changing ill by-laws and adopting now ones. Corner lot on Llnd utrcct. cheap, $200. and of doing any other business which uav House of live rooms, Woods stroet. East Wheellawfully bo done by the stockholders lu genoral jntr, SI.500. meeting. Ry order oi tho Board of Directors House of four rooms, Eighteenth stroet. $1,000. II. E WADDEL. Three houses. Moystcu street, cheap, $2,5oo. ett-W Secretary. Houso of three rooms. Twelfth street. S350. _ ? House of eight rooms, Sixteenth street, in XTOTICE. good condition. $ t.700. l_sl Three lot-.. 6Uxl0<>0 feet, Fllan, White . 180:i, at 2 o'clock p. m., tho follow- jog $30u. ing resolution Will be ofllsred: Fiuo suburbaii property, two miles from the That tb? capital stock of the "WEST city. Ave minutes walk from motor lino, new, VIRGINIA GLASS COMPANY" be and tho tame with all modem improvements. Cheap. is herebv reduced by a reduction of the par Lots on Caldwell'a run $2f>0 each. value of Its^hares to one hundred and twenty- Flue farm of 113 acres on National road, nlno Ave ($125) dollars per share. So that hereafter mile* east of tho city, ou ''a.-y t?ruia. the par valuo of each sharosbaU be one hundred House, four rooms, Twenty-third street, $1,200. and twenty-five ($125) dollars. Business property on Market street at inodcrG. LAMB. ato price. A Stockholder of said West Virginia Glass Com- One of tho best manufacturing sites in tho uativ *e2a-w cjlr, fronting on two* railroad* . r ? ? sm $.VM. ?1 OW, 51.500 and $2,000 to loan on Only the best quality of cltiml?10' STATIONERY. THE FINEST INK AND kipoPI'I" I' 0. P\p\ /f N| n THE NEATEST TYTE are used in tho Com- NESBITT & UEVINE. morcial Printing done by * THE INTELLIGENCER JOB OFFICE. 1738 Market Street, ??15