The Intelligencer,
at Tlir.
rcr. ycaf., nv uxiu roniau rapAta
daitv, ?lx day* la the week .. .v.m 00
daily, tliroc days lu the week * oo
daily, two days in tlio week s 70
daii.y, one month .. - ?"?
Wiuocly, one yonr, Jn advance 1 <>0
weekly, six montha 00
The daii.y 1* delivered hr
rarrlccnIn Wheeling* and adjacou; towus at l<
per week.
I'erbod* wwlilnsr to milmorlbo to the daii.y i::*
TiLLici&CKiteatt do so by scndlujr In their or*
-i - iwhim/ii'vhdii <?!? imwtfll full*ll
or otherwise. They vr'ii'i ba punctually sorvcl
by carriers.
Tributes of lteipect and Obltuury Xoiluc*, 00
cents per inch.
Corre#poudenco coulAinln? Important nciw
reunited from every part of tho surroiindiuff
ICejeet^d eomnn:n!eittloiiH\vI!l notbn returned
litjlesg itwiiiupAiilod by snI'.lole111 p?st'?K0.
J'i'he iNTKLUaiO'rrjt, embracing i? mvoihI
edition*. is entered in tho i'o*tniMce *t NVheoli?j?.
W. Vs.. m sccond-rlu-s mutter.]
Villforlnl Itoonii 111. Cottnllux llpouiJIG.
lib 3tthUt$mtr.
Tho Wilson Slashet*.
Even tho Democrats in Washington
nro surprised by tho radical, slashing
character of the Wilson bill. They
should not ho. Tho bill is constructed
to reach for tho largost amount of revolt
qc. This means the most liborai encouragement
to imports.
Instead of seeking to maintain homo i
industries and create new ones it aims
to induce the purchafO Qf foreign cornmoditios.
In so far i\i it does this it is
in harmony with the free trade declnrn- |
lion of tho Democratic party.
The bill is therefore what every man
askod for who voted tho Democratic
ticket in 1S92. Whether it is tho logical
bill that was promised will appear on
closer examination than is possiblo to
make hurriedly.
West Virginia catches it on her socallod
raw materials, which have furnished
employment for a largo number
of her people and are the hope of tho
(state; and whore there is a manufacturing
intorest that cornea in tor a tremendous
Tho savage assault all along the iino
? .1 ii.- v:n
Cives Homo reason 10 nopo mat mo uiu
may bo modified out of recognition before
it becomes a law.
Tub Mills bill was a gentle zephyr in
comparispn with the to ilson cyclone. .
'll?o Great Unnwod.
The Chicago Inter Octnn has caused
members of Congress to bo interviewed
on the tariff. It was especially desired
to know whether the recent elections
would bo regardod ns now initructions
frofn tho people, or whether (he Democrats
would go on Bailing by the chart
of the Chicago platform.
Ninety-five Democrats responded. Of
these fifty-two aro classified as "unawod
by tho recent elections." Thefo fifty/
two think Congress, being Democratic,
should go right ahead on the lines'of
the latest platform declaration?abolish'
protection and act up a tanfMor-revemio-only.
This is couiagccui, decidedly
It ia flying in tho face of public
opinion with a tomerity that is startling.
What did tho recent elections >how?
That thirty-two districts now reprelonted
by Democrats wont Ropublican.
'11119 would maKo a cnauge ni sixiv-iour
in the political complexion of the house
without going out of tho states of Massachusetts,
New York, New Jersey,.Pennsylvania,
Maryland, Ohio, Illinois, Nebraska
and Kansas. The aame proportionate
increaso tho country ovor would
turn Congress over to tho Republicans
by majority enough to take nil the interest
out of tho Democratic programme.
If may bo thoso Democratic congressmen
who are "unawed by tho recent
elections" -are going to make sure
that thcro shall not bo nnothor Democratic
Congress during tho lifo of this
generation. Tho Democratic scheme
will be hard on tho country, but it will
arouse such resentment among the
'people that for many years to como the
country will know tho Democratic party
as an opposition. That is ita best role.
Sourii&KN sugar growers send free
traders to Congress and then beg Congress,
which is of tho same stripe, to
give tbem n chance to live.
Hero Wo Go,
Coal, iron ore, lumber, wool, saltall
W,est Virginia products and all put
ou the fron list in the Wilson hill.
Wool is to como in freo of duty because
we aro supposed to Rced'foreigu
wool to mix with tho domestic article,
and this is to make a better market for
domestic wool.
Do wo need foreign coal, iron ore,
lumbor mid salt to mix with the like
domestic products ?o ni to improve the
market for the domestic nrticlo? Wo
should be allowed to understand all
these lino points as wo go along.
If it bo only freo trade humbug that
i? to bo mixed with domestic products,
tho free traders cannot bo oxpcctcd to
admit that.
Sknaior Faulk.vku is quoted as fearing
that Chairman Wilson will yield to
the party influences which insist that
coal shall 1m put on tho frea list. When
the bill reaches the sonato will Mr.
Faulkner nlso tail in with tho Democratic
l'Kiiiurs tho rain will bring back the
beautiful rivor. It would bu ngroeablo
to renew the old acquaintance.
They wore going to put sugar back on
the dtulublo list as soon as they got a
chance. They are for revonue, and
augur is a great revenue produier whon
it i> used that way. They have not
done it. Tho answer to tho riddio is
thit they nro ntraiil. The Itepubllcau
| Miliar sehemo liit tho country*a fancy,
and tho Democrats will not take the
riak at upsetting it entirely.
BiaxixmiAU, Alabama, wants Governor
McKinley to como down that wov
and five a tariff talk. Alabama is seekingcomfort
in these Democratic days.
Good Beginning lor ilio Gloss Industry.
The first day of practical work to tare
the glass industry of Wheeling fopts up
about $70,000. The inost encouraging
feature of it all is that tho men who
have been employed in the factories
subscribed $43,000, which they will increase
to $50,000.
In this list is represented about forty
lioads of families. Theio men liavo more than anybody else will do.
Most of thom liavo' agreed to verituro
all thev liavo jn- the ,?rorld to make tho
undertaking successful, and in seme
casos tho subscription represents many
yours of saving,
Tho soliciting committees will bo in
tho ilold again to-day, and it is very desirable
that they meet with a prompt
andli be ruble response as they go their
I rounds. They are working for the public
benofit and should bo treated accordingly.
The irlass indu9try'of Wheeling
must bo saved!
Cicairman Wilson has como protty
near to going tho whole hog. If the
Democrats could Gucccod in this and
remain iu power lou:: enough to follow
it up with another, there would be
nothing left.
Italy's Commotion.
Tho bank scandals have upset tho
Italian cabinet and disturbed all Italy.
The* people see that trusted men in high
places have been abusing tho public
confidence and feathering thoir nests,
and Pietro and Luigi aro in a rage.
Tho publia is tho more incensed bocauso
while these public men have boon
lining their own pockets the burden of
taxation hna boon increasing and tho
government has been looking into every
nook nnd corner, very much like tho
free traders of this country, to find new
objects of intornal taxation.
The trouble in Italy ia very much
more than an ordinary cabinot crisis,
for it goe9 to the root of things.
Tiic froe list "rake-ofl" of the free
traders surprises even some of them. It
is hair-raising. It is not rovenue-raisingand
not wage-raising.
An Old aiul Honored Merchant.
Another of tho old familiar faces lies
cold in death. Mr. I* S. Delaplain,
whose death is announcod this morning,
hud been identified with Wheoling
for nearly sixty years, having come to
Wheeling in his young manhood. For
tho greater part of this time ho has
been,engaged in the businoss to which
rfe devoted himself to tho last and in
which he made a spotless rocord.
Mr. Delaplain was said t<f Be thfr oldest
dry gOoda merchant in* thecpuntry.
Ho had a wide acquaintance in all tho
greatfjnnrkets, where ho had also unlimited
crodit. He wai one of tho businoss"
landmarks of Wheeling, a model
business man in every respect. Ho had
a fund of information, was far sighted
and gifted with a remarkablo memory.
He was a genial man and mado aud
kept a host of friends.
democratic ireo irauers 10 American
sugar producers?Oar little scheme is
to murder yoar industry by dogrees.
We (ball take one-eighth of its life each
year tor eight years just to seo whether
it ran live that long.
Vainglorious Democrats! You won't
bo in It yourselves after the next election.
Ir yon are not a subscriber to the InTKLMQESrnu
you Kill do well to get on
the list at once and begin to cut out the
World's Fair photograph coupons. Nobody
who enjoys a beautiful thing can
afford to miss this collection of 250
photographs of the Dream City.
Tub bill of the nays and moans committee
is not a law yet. Before it
rcachos that point it will have to stand
a raking Are. Its authors may not recognize
the work of their bands in the
Ik there Keren Republican senate or a
Republican President standing with
club in hand to give the Democratic
tarifl bill an appropriate reception,
how much bettor tho country would
Now will the administration print the
long expected report of the spreckled
speculator Spreckols? That is the missing
companion picturo to the ablo remarks
of the buoyant Blount.
Fiu.vck, Italy, Portugal and Sorvin
are in the throes of cabinet crises, and
tiierois trouble in the British ministry.
Grover I may find himself in the royal
swim before long.
This season's orange crop in Florldn
is much above the avcrago in quantity,
being estimated at 5,000,000 boxes, and
is much earlier than usual. \\ hilo during
the whole of last season eomo 6S.00C
boxes were shipped through Savannah
to New York, moro than &>,000 boxes
have already been shipped there this
A London city magnate who daily
drives to his place of business, has ?
Khouogruph in his carriage into which
e pours messages, short letters, instructions
and other matters of importance.
When ho alights tho machine it
(landed to tho head c'ork, and he take;
his instructions from it.
High railroad speod is now engnginc
tlio attention of the olectrical fraternity
in Europe. Speeds of 1 -0 to ]30 mile!
per hour aro talked of, and electrii
power is advocated as being equal to Hit
task of producing such rapid movemenl
of trains.
Mulberry trees on a farm ner Char
lestnn, Missouri, are said tohavo recent
Iv borne t'ruitfor tho fourth time thii
Joint Byrnes, of Boston, claim* to b<
llie:ol;!es: street car driver, lie hai
driven cars (or forty yours on the Gome
ville avouuo line, uVtliHt city, and du
ing that time Jinu traveled a distant
equal totwenty-flve timo? uround th
According to the Philadelphia Itecor
Clarence F. Bcmcnt, of that city, has
collection of mineruls which is secon
to only one in the world, that oft)
British museum. It is osiimatcd to t
worth fully halt a million dollars.
William It. Smith, for many yoni
superintendent of the botanical turtle*
in Washington, ha??, it is said, pcr.soi
ally directed the planting of tuoro thn
0.000,000 trees in different parts of tli
United States.
Tho annual .viold from the cotto
crop of tho south will avorago $tf00,00C
000, says Governor Kortlien, of Georgl
to which may be $27,OOOi<XK) for oi
cako and hulls from the seed.
The idoa of an ancient tropical cont
nent at the .South polo uniting Sout
Atnorica, Madagascar and Australia
arousing considerable interost and di
cushion in scientific circles.
There have been moro remains <
mastodons and other extinct man
moths found in Ichtuckneo river, Flo
ida, than any other stream in tli
Altoona, Wis., lavs claim to tl
champion hisli kicker of tho worl
llis nnmo is W. 8. Stokes and he has
record of ton feet six inchfes.
There is a twin crystal of emerald 1
St. Petersburg 7 inches long, 4 broi
and weighing 4} pounds.
A "prominent society loader of Cli
cago" says that tha inner circle of thi
city numbers ^xactly eighty.
Tlio Hon. Johnson N. Cam don,
Parkeraburg, W. Va., Unitod Statoa aoi
ator and millionaire, is at the Fift
Avenue hotel. It waa from Senate
Camden tiiatLawroncn T. Neal, of Ohi
received hi* lirat political lessona yea
ago when Noal waa an ambitious cloi
in Parkeraburg. Hpivovor, Sonatc
Camden ia not responsible for Neal
recent defeat for governor of Ohio by
majority of 81,000.?New York Advertise
The Groat Northern railroad, whic
haa established a lino of stoamera fro
Soattle to China and Japan, ia now en
ploying a Chinese traveling agont I
drum up business for the lino, and wit
excellent romilta. Ton Suio has been i
the Unitod States for twenty-two year
however, and is pretty thorough!
Americanized, lie had fiis headqua
tera at Seattle.
In nn nrttnln on the present atatua
olectricity Arthur V. Abbott ostimat
that the 530 oloctric roads in tbo coui
try now use 7,500 miles of track, wit
17,000 cars, requiring engines of 100,0(
horso power. The companies are ca
itillizcd for $135,000,000. In addition I
this, Mr. Abbott figures that wo ha\
over 400,000 miles of tolephpno lines i
service, with 100,000 miles of undo
ground cable.
Mr. William Black's now novel
callod "Highland Cousins." The Ila
pers propose to publish it as a serial i
tho JJazar. The chief serial of tho coi:
ing year in their Weekly is what is r
ported to bo a strong novel by Mi
Marv Wilkins.
Tho entorlainment given at tho Wo
nut St root Theatre, Philadelphia, Tliur
day afternoon, under tho auspices
tho citizons' permanent relief coinmi
tee, netted $1,800 for the benelit of tl
unemployed working peoplo of th
Lieut Frederick R. Morgan, of tl
. QueenM yacht Victoria and Albert, ai
'Miw Lillian Sapwitlf, a sister of tl
wife of.kPx-Mioiator E. flurd Grab
wore married in London on Thursda
Judge R. T. W. Duke, jr., of Clio
lottesvillo, will deliver the oration (
tho occasion of the laying of the come
stone of tho Masonic Homo in Ric
mond, Va., on tho 0th of December.
It is reported that J. Fierppnt Mo
Ran will be made chairman of tho Unit
Pacific reorganization committee.
Teacher?Tommy, have you four
out tho difference between a republ
and n tnonnrrhv vot? Tommv?I nski
paw about it, ami ho savs that in
monarchy the people obey their rule
because they rospect them, and in
republic they obey the bosses 'cou
thoy can't holp it?Indianapolis Jourm
Inquisitive Tommy?Sunday is tl
first day of the week, isn't it, pa? 1]
Pa?Yes, my son. Inquisitive To ran
?And Saturday is the lust day, ain't i
His Pa?Yet. Inquisitive Tommy
Then how is it that Saturday comes b
fore Sunday??Chicaqo Record.
Nell?Miss Passe hasn't a very bea
tiful form, lias she? Belle?No, but el
makes up for it.?Philadelphia Iiccord.
Mrs. O'Haguu?I don't like the loo
av the b-i-r-d. Street Vendor (with su
pressed anger)?Aro yer a buyin' a tu
key for its looks or its llavior? (Iroi
cully) If I'd a kuewed you'd a want
a pooty bird, I'd a filled me wagon w
birds of paradise.?Life.
"Insured, sir?" asked the agent, as 1
coat-buttoned Troniloy oil the atre<
"No, sir," said Troinley. "We move
often there isn't n firo that could ov<
toko u?." "Then," remarked the agei
"wo will insure you against the fr
tion."?Detroit Free 1'reu.
Bingley?What do ypu think of Mi
Anticuas? Triinley?I think sho wou
make a very good soldier. Bingloy
How so? Trimley?Sho scorns so eag
1 to got into an ongngoment.?lioclies,
, Democrat and Chronicle.
"Just think," said the troliey adv
. cnte, "of the time you will savo by tl
system." "Yea." "waa tho reply. "B
you know there are sotno things thai
man isn't in such a tremendous hur
about. '?Washington Star.
Florn Fairchild {of Philistia)?Ber
ty's not everything, Mr. Daffodil;
I generalIv makes people vain. Narciss
l)atlodif (poet)?I don't think I'm vai
Miss Fairchila. Lofton Budget.
"Is Smith roaUy going to practice li
out in Arizona?" "I should think f
i he sold his library and bought half
dozen revolver#.*'?Inlcr-fceakMiss
Quidnunc?Do you think th
' genius is hereditary? Praxytelo* Be
1 ?I can't toll; I have as yet no ciiildrc
?Harlem Life.
Tommy?What makes the world
round, papa? Father (nbsont-mindcdl
Champagne generally; sometimes be
It is etranee that soine people w
suffer for years from rheumatism rath
than try such an approved standi*
remedy as Aver's Sarsaparilla; a
that, too, in spite of the assurance it:
it has cured so many otners who wc
similarly ailUctod. Givo It a trial.
20 per co r
discount oil
Sheet Music.
F. \V. Baimki: & Co.
Sjrrrn's AuIim hooti a househc
word in Wiioeling lor three-quarters
n century, and is better now than ev
' Children Cry for Pitched Castor
Tq Tho Christmas number of Scribntr's
Q Magazine contains livo ehort storiea of
unusual beauty in sentiment, especially
, chosen for tiioir appropriateness to the
* Christmar reason. 'iho authors arc
f Ifohert Grant, Thomas Nelson Page,
(1 Henry van Dvke, Kdith Wliarton, and
10 Herbert D. Ward. There is in addition
)0 a hitherto unpublished work of lictfon
by Sir Walter Scott, which is hero
rs printed by arrangement with Mrs.
Maxwell Scott, and introduced and ed?
ited by Andrew Lang. The poetry of
" the number represents an equally not10
ablo list of author*, including Thomas
JJailey Aldrich, Richard Henrv Scott,
n Stoduard, Kdith M. Thomas, Duncan
I,- Campbell Bcott, aud Graham li. Topin,
1, Tho illustrations roproaent tho best
work of eminent artists, including J. II.
|. Woguelio, Eidwin Lord Weeks, F. S.
Ij Church, Howard Pyle, A. B. Frost and
ja Irving It Wiles. A novolty in magazine
3. illustration is sixteen page's of oxquisito
half-tone reproduction? of tho Delia
. K'ibbia sculptures, printed in tint to
suggest the delicate material of tho
!l" liobbia work.
r' F. Marion Crawford, the distinguished
10 novelist, who in "Paul Patoff" showed
his wonderful familiarity with Con?e
stantinople and his exquisite power of
d. describing it, has written (or Scribher's
a two articles on "Constantinople." which
in themselves aro a perfect expression
'-??* .If, _.wl 4 li n t
In 01 ail 1MB vurjcu IIIW liuu wvIW4 vt turn.
td wonderful city. Kdwiu Lord Wooks,
whose pictures of Oriental life are
faraoun. mudo a special trip to Con*
stnntinoplo to collect tho material for
illustrating tlioso articlos. Tho picturos
whicn accompany the first article
in tho Christmas number are an successful
in their way a* .Mr. Crawford's
unequalcd text.
i- "Anthony Kent" is tho title of a story
h by Charles Stokes Wayne, which is pub>r
lished complete in the December nuino,
bor of "Talcs From Town Topics." It iB
ra a highly interesting Htorv of a atrau^e
'k love episode in the life of a young
>r American in Europe, who, by becoming
's entangled witli an adventurosB, brines
a endless misery upon himself. Tho deer.
criptivo scenes of Venice, -Monte Carlo
.|, and Paris are exceptionally graphic,
m and as tho characters aro well drawn
n. and tho action^of tho Htorv is very
to brisk, this new novel i? one that cannot
h fail to hold the attention to the end.
,n Town Topics Publishing Company, 21
9t West Tweuty-third struct, Now York
Iv city.
r- 1 ?
Some Ilcllcction.s on tlio IVIeu Who Voted
For a Clinngo and Got It.
Philadelphia Tress.
_ Some folks nro never thankful?not even to
10 command!
p. I've been tcllin* my old woman so?she will not
,rt understand:
' Keeps mumblin' of tho turkoys that used to
n When TftankyglvJn' fowl* were plenty?of tho
_ pounds they used to weigh;
Of the crauborricjum' the celery?tho mince an'
sioh llUe iitiiir.
An' forth at blamed old woman to-day it's not
a enough
t> To know that ouo of our sort is slttin* stlfl an'
in straight
Q. Katln' presidential turkey oil" a white house
It is for me! I'm happy! tho' it's tryin' in a
To misa tho spendin' money an' tho talk of Job
,1- an' pay.
. But I'm happy in rememberin' the vote I cast
t last year,
01 When the path of party duty was pofnted out so
t- clear!
1A I never understood before tho wisdom of the I
1? law*
That forbid tho wimmln votin*?it's for good, I
sufllcient cause.
Now, hero's oua wouiun haroln* without a chauge I
10 of note, ..
id "An' if I wab a man," says she, "I'd know beie
) fore the voto
, Whether candidates were likely to aot the square |
" and straight.
v. Klso I'd help them to no turkey oil' a white house |
r. plate. I
>n An' she waxes so sarcastic. "I'm not up to
r. party tricks,
Hut I .liko Thanksslrin' turkeys, even of doubtful
An' your 'Boss' was black Republican, I always
heard you Bay.
V But his nay day silver glistens in the whitest
)U kind of way.
An' Democracy is boomin'?maybe some one i
. hears tho boom!
But I want to hear tho whistle cnllln' you to
your loom." |
u s a long way on 10 pion ior, uuv *u? viw
tlon day
, j I'll And finrao folks to listen while u woman says
her tiny.
,CJ This is tnll: for the deluded. "Don't forget In
id ninety'two
a There wa-i cause for thauka In plenty, an the
\urke>* wore not few.
8 Then rsk tho n to remember of the change in
n ninety-three.
mo wlth 'relief associations' for such ns yon an' me.
; While 'round their gioanln' tables sat last year's
je Figurin' sooii to cat their turkey off non-pro-;
[ia tected plates."
iv AH parties make mistakes at times, but this I'm
*7 bound to Ray:
' They're wise to gag the wlmmcn upon election
? day. M. M. Halve v.
e- .
Ask Your Friend*
fu" Who have taken Ilood's Sarsaparilla
ae what tboy think of it, and tho replica
will bo positive in its favor. Supply
k8 what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tolls
P* tho story of its merit. Ono ban been
'r" cured of indigestion or dyspepsia, auothor
iluds its indispensabio for Bick
headache or biliousness, while others
id report remarkable cures of scrofula,
catarrh, rheumatism, salt rheum, etc.
jt. IIood's Fills aro purely vegetable. 4
>r" HTIPKL& co. will close their store nil
it, day Thursday, November 30.
ic- ?
Wnite, Trance and Tost Modlum.
Independent elate* writing sealed
messages answered, businos*, marriage,
divorce, law, lovo, luck, unites tliosepor
arated, gives success. Tho only medium
in the city. -015 Chapline street. Red
star cars to door. Parties out of tho
o? city, send mo a self-add rossed, stamped
lis envelope, (business sizo) for froo adiut
, a m
ry "Waseca, Minn-., Nov. 23, 189D.
Mr. Norman Licht?/, Da Moinrs, la.:
ui- Dear Sir?Ploaao send u* at tho
it earliostone carton ICrauso's Hoadache
us Capsules. Wo can't run tho machine
in, without them. .Send at onco as wo aro
out, and oblige, Suddutii & Preston.
aw Sold by Alex T. Young, John Klarl,
0. Wheeling, and Bowie & Co., Bridgeport,
a Ohio.
iff(\ ti ^rsnffcringwith^W
Consumption, Bright*
?r" r^r disease, Rheumatism, ^
IigjScrofula, Blood Poisouing, %
\-aor auy of the many stubborn'
111 \ complaints which "make life
ier miserable ? Do you know that
nrd radam's
s Microbe Killer
cores all such disposes by removing
the prime causc?microbes.
There is no disease iucnrable
if this remedy is taken
i:i time. A 50 page book, containing
valuable information
for Duffercrs, mailed Free. II
" , ThoWIIIIr.raKa?l*mllIcrobi?KIHrrCo. 8
ot 7 Lai; at St.. New York City.
er* l-.CGAN pBCG CO., Agents, J
WorstTlilno Tliat Could Pos- *
sibly Happen. j
Graphic Description by Otio Who lint* I
Veen Through It.
We Cclicvo it to bo Unequalled iu
Truthful Annals of Facta
Mr. Lewis Grant, awall-kuown and prominent
citlxen ot Soujcrvllle. Mass., who resides at 79
1'artridgo avenue, gives what wo bcliovo to be on
almost unequalled experience.
"I have been," said Mr. Grant to tho writer, r
"aflllctcd with norvous Mobility for several years,
trembling on tho slightest oxcitemeat and suf*
Icring the greatest mental agony. I was in constant
fear that something was about to happen
to mo, wns unable to obtain tho proper amount I
ol sleep and rest at night, ?voko uurefreihed iu *
tho morning and experienced an uncontrollable
droad of every tb ing.
"In fact, my eutiro nervous system wns shat- "1
tared and life was a tource ot constant worri- J
raent to mo and my ambition was entirely gone.
"After consulting savoral physicians without
receiving any benefit, I was induced to try J>r. F
Greene's Kci-vuni blood and nerve remedy. I V
am happy, to say that from tho very flwt bottle 1 u>
commenced to steadily improve and have conl
tlnued to gro.w itronge^n my nerves until now, ~
having taken my fifth bottie, I cousider myself
cud rely curod of this fcatlul malady. nervous
! exhaustion.
J "My nerves havo wholly regained their former
| sirengiu nna iue iromuaiiK nun;iiii>iuu<.v..>..v
ly incapacitated me from my work, has comj
' plotely ceased. I ,can sleep perfectly well and
wako In tho morning refreshed after n good
I night's rest.
| "My mind has regained Its old-timo cheerfulness
and lifo Is again filled with hope and ambi|
"I cannot speak highly enough of Dr. Greene's
i Nervura blood and nerve remedy. 1 consider it ?
I tho most woudciful medicine of the ago. 1
| cheerfully recommend its tno to all persons
afflicted with disease."
The terrible experieuce of Mr. Grant and his
I remarkable cure by Dr. Greene's Nervum blood
and nervo remedy, shows that this wonderful
modiciue is what the sick rcquiro to cure them.
The fact that it cured him is positive proof that
it will cure others. It is purely vcgctnblo aud
It hus the largest salo of any remedy at druggists,
everybody buying It, doubtless because ^
thoy know it will cure, nnd becauso physicians
yrescribo and recommend it sogeuerally. What
gives the people absolute confidence in it is tho'
fact that it is the d lacovcrv and prescription of a ?
well known physician, Dr. Greene, of ?5 W. 14th I
tfrpct, New York, tbo most snccessfbl specialist
ly. curing nervous and chronic diseases. The Djoctor
cau bo consulted without chiirgo in any
and all cases; personally or by lotter.
Or a Lueky Charm,
"With tbe Celebrated Iriih Comedian, j
Tiio?. 33. Murray,
And a Great Oust of Cd'mcdlans. Singers aud
Dancers. Nothing But laughter! A Host of
l'leasintc Specialties! Catchy i?otigs! New Dunces*.
I'retty Giris! Dou't Mis* Going.
Prices?50c, 75c and $100. Seats on sale on and 0
after Wednesday, November -J, at C. A. House's "
niiul? sfnrn no'id
Two Performances, Thanksgiving if- ,
ternoon and Digit.
Iu Hi* Latest Laughing Success,
?April Pool!? j
Brimful'and overflowing with fun, intermixed
with New Specialties. Songs and Dunces.
Mntinoe prices, 25,50 and 7."?c. Night prleos,
50c, 75c anu SI 00. Soars on sale on audofttr Tuesdny,
November !W. at C. A. Howie'* music store.
Grandopera house. monday,
TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. N*?v. 27. 28
and 29. M ATI N EE WEDNESDAY. The B g Senic
Production. '
Two carloads of Spocial Scenery. Night
Price*?I V 25, US And flOe. Matineo Priccs-Kejwrvod
neat#, 25o: gnllery. 15c: children. 10c.
Reserved sc-ats on salo at tho Urniul box ofllee.
Grand opera house?three
nicht* and two iimtiiipe*. commencing
J13IK8 I A
Night prices. 15. 25. 35, 50c. HolAtay matinee
prices wine as night. Scats on sale at tho Grand
'>o'. j
| Carriers \
A To Residence* and Business A
f Houses Throughout
| - Wheeling ^ :
A AND 1T3 ' A ,
t DAILY, 15o PER WEEK. ^
4 A
\ To order easily, call up *
\ TELEPHONE 410, \
t f
1895. NEW FRUITS. 1893.
no2Q 1117 Market Street.
The Store Room
NO. 1233 MAINSTIU5KT, formerly occupied
by s. II. c.ifflu Co.
Possession given Noreaiher 1. Inquire of
IC. HOGE, Markvt dt. ,
L 8^xG)6; nlso outfit. Can bv >een hi the
hcoliux Stained Glam Worki. rill an<i 1218
'nlti atro.'t. Also two /our*foot ShowCa?e%
?_ n?-S'
A Handsome CompIexioiTl
In oco of tbo greatest charms a woman can I
uomcsm. Puzzoxi'a Courusxiox Fowdku I
given It. |
Stocks 5oS SALE.
2) shares F?*nk of the Ohio Valley.
1A hharcH Wheullmr Irt nnd Stornge Co.
JO shares LuHellc Null Mill.
]0 kharoi Wheeling Title nud Trust Co.
20 shares Fosioriu Clans Co.
10 shares Fire <fc Mariuo Iuiurnnce Co.
20 ."hares South bido
;m shares Wheeling Stool and Iron Co.
JO atiarci vEtu.i Standard Iron and Si col Co.
U. S. lltWIN. 1lro<or.
noCS No. 24 Twelfth Street.
Drder Pictures'^ KIQAU
FOB THE * ^ ^ ? ?
-Iiggins' Gallery,
Ricli Cut Glassware
or tho Table, or FINK ENGRAVED GLASS*
if ARK for Wedding or Auivorsarr Gifts,
ildreu KWING BROS.,
no'Jj 131." Murktuot., Wheeling. W.Va.
Well without ono of those
Sieves combined. UJ, !A and 100 lbs. sizes.
no21 1210 Main Street.
ro. 02 Fifteenth Strent, Wheeling, W. Va.
tnr All Work Promptly Attended ta **?
The firm of Berber ii Doner, Na 1071 MnJa
ueet, hn? -i gone into the hands ol a roceiver,
belr entire stock of Ifats. Caps and Gents' FurJshlnff
Goods will bo sold at cost. Great barainx.
[nol7] II. A. JOKES. Receiver.
Tbanksgivlng Day, HoTember 30.
31tj Hospital Benefit!
Wheeling Athletic Team
Martin's Ferry Y. M. C. A. Team.
rltnission. including Grand Stand 30o
hildrcn under 13 year* .. 25o
Headquarters for
.1298 Market Street
Rare Bargains!
0-4 Dtica Bicached Sheeting
Worth 35c.
1-4 Dtica Bleacbsd Sheeting
Worth 30c.
ill-Wool Fancy Suiting, RAn
yards Wide, for . . "U0.
Sold this Season for 81 00.
toy BrocadccI Changeable fiflp
Silk at . . "MHoltl
this Scnaoii for $1 00.
SS^New Cloaks and Fur
tVraps added daily.
Gas and Oil Regions
1 Soavonir Ctip and Saucer, manufacturod
by the Worcoitor Factorio.?,
Beautifully docorated in colors and gold,
with Yiewofa well, borm? implement!
and coat of arms of Pennsylvania.
Sent Prepaid on Rocelpt'of $2.00.
Fancy Goods, Artists' Materials,
48 Fifth Avo., PITTSBURGH.
nolQ-rh ,
fplw?l*ri Ji rtacis*aaia'ETR
_ A Not nn<l Complrio Troatment, eooctotincj1'
SUPPOSITORIES, <3apjmlo% of OtntBUtt and t*?
Boximof Asmra>!r.njn<r Onro for PJ??
o! tworytt&tUTonn.tfiotfTij?. JtHflhosevnop-'a'jaJ
vrltli tho hnlfo or lnjcctiona ot cnrl^lh ncl>!. *
uce pr In fat atvl rylriotn q poriijp.nont cirr, and m
roctJtinj; m 'Io/iUi, nunorcsjarr. Whi' end urn
th?? torriWo nismooV W# g?? #Vt
boxes to curn anv cnco. MLJj;
taioflta received. *1 n Lox.Cfort' t-rmotf. 06-vA
Guarantee* Jswod fcy our n.'.'oiMfl. , .
ftp rmat IJVZU crdSTOaAOif B&ML\TOTiaW
(H OOO PVTlUFIRiu Ma.'!, rail J uud I'Wjj
Jakf, c tyociiilijr fadAptod for cliiUrcx, t? cco? w.y?w
13 cists.
GUARANTEES iMUod onlfthifWffh CHAR R
ClOWZ1'', SiwiLw>r r> MiL'ii.i llroilicr,. i|r|1?'
;:>U Wheeling, w. Vu. j;i7.MWM*jr