Newspaper Page Text
ESTABLISHED AUGUST 24, 1852. WHEELING, W. VA., WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER 29, 1893. VOLUME XLII?NUMBER 84. [ewtbf^y qdgp^g ?@qd[p?oiig tfmp mirfcfc \fssxp [ptoteo THE KAISER'S LIFE Attempted by an Unknown French Assassin on Sunday. UN INFERNAL MACHINE SENT HIM With Evident Intent to Kill tha Emperor of Germany. IRE SCHEME DETECTED IN TIME At the Same Tim? Oao Was Sent to Chancellor You Caprivi?A Box Wblch Aroused Suspfclou Opened ky an Expert Bcloro it Rooched the Eaperor-A Letter Accornpatties It?Tho Attempted Assassination Thought to be the Result of a Political Plot. Bikuk, Nov. 28.?It now appears that Emperor William, on Sunday last, also received an infernal machine from Orleans similar to the one which was sent to Chancellor Von Caprivi. The infernal machine sent to the emperor was accompanied by a letter. Both machine and letter wore delived at the office of the emperor's civil cabinet, where ome of the employes became suspicious of the contents of the box. They accidentally discovered us real nature, and soon managed to render it harmless. Kinperor William ha? not yet been Informed of the fact that an infernal machine was sent to Chancellor Von Gaprivi, and, consequently, it is believed that the fact that an infernal machine was sent to hitn as well as the chancellor has not been communicated to the emperor. The French government lias promised the utmost assistance in tracing the criminals concerned in sending the infernal machines to Chancellor Von Caprivi and the emperor of Germany, An experienced political detective, ilontauscb, is investigating the case, but up to the time the dispatch was tent no clues have yet been found leading to the identity ol the criminals. As in the case of the infernal machine sent to Kmoeror William the concealed explosive sent to the chancellor was acrompanied by a letter written in s free, bold hand and covering a page and an eighth. Tho Utter was addressed: "MonsiearLe General DeCaprivi, Grand Chancellor D'AlIeraagne, Berlin." l'rom tbe postmarks it was judged Wk infnrnnl mnrhinnt anrt hotll lettors came from the town or Orleans, in Franco, and the polico of that place are in active communication with the authorities of this city aud are doing their utmost to diicover the the identity of the person or persons who forwarded the dangerous packages to Berlin. Chancellor Von Caprivi'a infornal machine, when opened by a gun maker, provod to be similar to the one which was exploded at Spandau last summer. The letter which accompanied the infernal machine which was sent to Chancellor Von Caprivl, read as follows: "I have the honor to forward you aamples of an astonishing kind of radish seod which is usually sown in December and gathered in February. This kind is not atlected by froat. Receive, sir, the assurance of my perfect consideration. (Signed) "G. Dkchanteu, '17 Rue Boutlong, Orleans." The letter sent to Empoaor William with the infernal machine intended for him has the same coutents at tho one addressed to Chancellor von Caprivi. It has beon ascertained that the address given by Do Cbaatoau is false. Tbe supposition that the sending; of tho infernal machine was the work of a crank is now abandoned, and it is beUevod that the attempts noon the lifo of tho omperor and Chancellor Capri vi were due to Gbauvonists, who are disappointed at the slow working of the Franco-Russiail entento, and who decided to take revonge in their own hands. The finding of tho two infernal machined nas caused but little excitement in Berlin, aa it is well known that the omperor and the chancellor never opon boxes or other articles that may be sent to them, that task falling upon others who aro always on the lookout for prcsonte similar to tho ones recently pent to tho emporor and to tbe chancellor. THIS bClUUA FAMILY Once Wealthy?Claims for Fortunes Due Them Sow Pending. New York, Nov. 2S.?The family of August M. Scriba. who committed suicide in San Francisco on Sunday, aro well known in central New York and at one time owned noarly all Oswego county, tho boundary line of their property being tho centre of Oneida lako. Suits aro now pending to establish the ornorahip of at least a portion of the property formerly held in thoir name. The town of Scriba, N. Y.. was named after tho family, and tho homestead in Constantia, on tho border of Oneida lake in still occupied by George Scriba, a cousin of tho dead man, who is a fisherman and Kuidu on the lake. Suits are now ponding to establish tho Scriba claim to the ownership ot a portion of Oneida lake itself. This property was formerly owned by the grandfather of the dead ex-bank examiner. The house is tilled with histori?ui records, books, nc., brought from > '0 otl:er side, and in spite of tho poverty apparent, tho utmost refinement i9 shown. Tho family also have a large claim against the government in the matter of tho French spoliation claims, and it is said that at loast $100,000 is now lying in tho treasury at Washington awaiting satisfactory proof on the part ot surviving members of tho Scriba family. Killed Ills TVllo and fliuiself. U it a x u Bah us, Mich.,Nov. 23.?About 10 o'clock thii moraine Myron A. Kin*, a mason, shot and killed "hii wife and 'hen ended bin own life by tending a hWlet into bis brain from a blc revolver. r- i;1C and hla wife had parted two weeks Ko alter having aeverai violent quarrels. Mrs. King taking their child and going to lira elsewhere. THE LEHIGH STRIKE To be Arbitrated?President Wilbur Saj? the Straggle Is Over. BEini EHKM, Fa., Nov. 28.?The stats board ol arbitration of New York and Now Jersoy araived hero to-night. Two hours after malting their headquarters at tlio Eagle Hotel, Secretary Komayne gave the following to an Associated Press reyorter: "President Wilbur, ot tbe Lehigh Valley railroad company, has coniented to meet the atate board of arbitration of New Jerioy and New York to-morrow." No demonitration on the part of the strikers occurred upon tbe arrival of the board. Presidont Wilbur w?e notified by messenger of the board's presence here at 10 o'clock as ho was about to retire. Speaking of tbe strike this evening, President Wilbur said: "Business is improving at all points along the line. Thero are a large number of coal collieries in operation. I don't seo bat that the strike is over. I do not mean to say that things are altogether in as good shape now as before the strike began, bnt we are running trains on all divisions without iu convenience." 13 IT OFF? The Striker* Adjourn and Are Rending Cipher Dispatcher Alone the Line. Pnu.iDsi.rHU, Nov. 29.?2:2o a. m.? Tub Lehigh atrilcora committee, in conference at the Bingham House, has just adjourned. They refuse to admit or deny that the strike hai been ordered off, but are sendine cipher diipatchei all along the line. "What it Cost*. Wii-KKSBitiRr, P.*., Nov. 28.?A petition signed by nearly all the merchants in Wilkesbarro was forwarded to President AVilbur to-night asking him to arbitrate. Tiie estimated ioss 10 the Lehigh Valley on account of tbo strike is half a million dollars a day. It is said hero that the management of tho strike has now passed out of tho bands of President Wilbur into the hands of the newly elected goneral manager, Mr. Voorhces. TRAINMEN KILLED. Engineer and Fireman Meet Death In a Lake .Shore Wreck. Conneaut. Ohio, Nov. 28.?Early this morning a Lake Shore freight train backed on the siding at this place, and, through some misunderstanding, the switch was loft open. A freight train from the oast dashed through the open switch, totally demolishing both engines and ten cars. Engineer Gaines and Fireman Kirke, of the standing train, were instantly killed. The engineer and fireman of the east-bound train wore ao badly injured that they may die. Will Investigate. Special Dispatch to the Intelligencer Charleston-, \V. Va.,Nov. 28.?Judga Jackson has ordored an investigation in the matter of the United States prisoner, Frosley Jones, who died in jail. The death, it is alleged, was in a great measure due to noglect and disobodienci on the part of Marshal Dan Uarnian of tho doctor's orders. The affair has created considerable hard feeling against tho system of handling so many federal prisoners here at one time. Fire at Corryvllle. Special Dispatch to Vie lntelltqcncer. IIirvTixaTO.v. W. Va., Nov. 28.?At 2 o'clock tbig morning a fire broke oat in tbo little town of Corryville, 0., which threatened for a time to wipe out the placc. Kobinson's grocery home and residence were consumed, with a loss of $3,500, partially insured, and tho residences of Georco Blake and John Harkle were also burned to the ground, with a Iobs of $300 each. Escnped From the lleform School. Special Uie Intelligencer.: Pbuhtytowk, W. Va., Not. 28.?Ed. Jordan, of Milton, Caboll county, W. Vn., escaped from the West Virginia reform nchool this afternoon. Twentyfive dollars reward is ofTered for big arrest. Patents to West Vlrglulau*. Special Dirpatch to the Intelligencer Washington, D. C., Nov. 28.?Patents grautod: Edward B. llyre, Elk Fork, ratchet wrench; Lewis P. .Moran, J. O'Brien and J. Davis, Montgomery, switch stand and lock. A VIUnlQuu* Deed. New Orleans, La., Nov. 28.?A croia tie placed across tho track of the Mississippi Valley railroad, two miles below Lutcbcr, caused the wreck of a gravol train. Fireman Joe Fogarty, of Vicksburg, was killed instantly, and Engineer Matthew C'nsoy was fatally Injured. A negro brakemnn and two other membors of tho train were injured. Tho sherill is hunting for the villain who placod the tio on the track. CONDENSED TELEGRAMSA convention of railroad coal miners will bo held in Pittsburgh to-day for tho purpose of taking action in regard to tho reduction in wages demanded by the operators. 11 tbo operators refuse to compromise a general itriko will probably be orderei The Westminister Gazelle bints that Mrs. Langtry is tbe woman involved in the suit Mr. Beaton bn-nght against "Squire" Abingdon Baird's estate for money promised him fir recovering $230,000 stolen by a woman with whom Baird associated. Tho miners employed mt Vice Fresldont Stevenson's mines in McLean county, 111., struck yesterday against a reduction of wages. Mr. Stevenson is at homo but tba men couid not obtain an audionco with him. The fnneral of Congressman Charles O'Nell, of Pennsylvania, occurred yesterday at Philadelphia. The services were simple, in accordance with tbe wishes of tbo deceased. William H. Jarvant was arrested at Pittsburgh for paasing $20 coun- I terfeit bills. The police think they have a dangerous criminal. J. C. W. Morrison, of Springfield, a piano tuner, waa whipped to death by whit* caps for-*M?ultu>g t young lady,J INTERNAL REVENUE Schedule and Income Tax are Next to bo Gonsidorod, THE WAYS AND MEANS COMMITTEE To Meet To-day to Complete the Tariff BUI?The Whisky Tax Will Not Ex. cecd 10 Cents Per Gallon?ItepuhI lean* Preparing to Vigorously Fight the Wilson Bill?The Southern Democrats Will Also Moke a Big Kick. Western l'roo Traders Satisfied. Washington, Nov. 28.?Tho ways and means committee will to-morrow devote its attention to tbe internal revehuo schedules of tbe now tariff system. The strain of tbe past week has been very severe on all the Democratic members, the sessions frequently running far into tbe night, and it was resolved that nothing should be dono to-day. To-morrow .Messrs. Mcilillin, iirj-ao i and .Montgomery, members of tbo sub- { committee on internal revenuo, will ' meet and begin the formulation of the j internal revenue and income tar pro- < visions. Tbo internal rovenue schedule proper 1 will not bo very difficult, but the in- , come tax ichomo will involve considers- i ble labor. It still appears that the in- | crease of the whisky tar, if any increase I be made, will not exceed 10 cents per < Ration, and the changes in the tobacco schedule will bevorv slight and directed i rather to moro logical classifications < than to an increase in the tax. t The whole income tax question is J opened up anotv, and it is now possible t that the tax may after all be of that ] sweeping character as to include all in- i dividuals with incomes of $o,0GJ per annum or over. The Republic; i are aireaay preparing for a vigorous tight on the" new tar- 1 ifl bill. Circular letters are now being i sent out by the thousands aimed by Justice Bateman & Co., the Philadelphia wool commission merchants, ask- j ing that certain data be sent to Mr. J. C. Burrows, a Republican member of the j ways and means committeo, in regard to the wool quebtion. ' Of course, the principal theme of discussion in congreegioual circles to-day ' is the new tariff bill. Conservative 1 Democrats are figuring that the deficit \ caused by the new bill will not exceed $35,000,000. J In the south generally the effect of the new tariff will not "be felt so severely as elsewhure on account of the j local character of its great industries. In these localities, however, its results will be felt to a very considerable ! extent. Rice, sugar, iron ore and coal j are the principal articles in which the southerners are interested and all have ' been subjected to vigorous treatment. The western members seem to bo \ fairly well satisfiod with tho bill. The j Democrats of that section aro largely ! free traders any way. Up in Minnesota, ' Wisconsin and Northern Michigan there are some of tho largest and most ] easily worked deposits of iron in the country. WT 11im "D lf?n.iann nnnr nliairmnn ' IT UllUUl Al? i>iui i iquilj liu > vim. u4>*m of the inter-stats commerce committee, 1 was asked to give an opinion about the ' Wilson bill. lie said that he did not like to talk on tho subject. It is very easy to criticise tho actions of others, | ho said, and besides the whole schema had not been developed. It had not been shown yet where {he money wag cominu from, and that would be important in considering the measure. "I ought to bo satisfied with the wool scbedulo," added Mr. Morrison, "as it was my bill which first pUced ; wool on the froe list, and I have been an advocato of it ever since." THE POSTAL SEHVICE. Fontmastpr-Gcnernl UlsftcU'ii Keport?Statistic* of tho Year?Some rartlsaa Fling*. Washington, D. C., 2sov. 2S.?Tho following Abstract of tho annual report of Fostmaster General Eissoll was givon out at the postoffice department to-day. Tho postmaster general in his financial statements shows that the deficiency for tho year ending Jane DO, 1893, was S3,177,171, instead of $1,652,423 as estimated by Mr. Wanamakor; and that instead of a surplus of $872,245 for the curront fiscal year as estimated by Mr. Wanamaior, there will be an estimated deficiency of $7,830,173. The postmaster general estimates tho gross revonue for tho fiscal year ending Juno 30,1895, at$4,427,748, and the gross expenditures at $9,399,435, leaving an estimated deficiency of $5,971,731, which, however, will be* decroased $1,250,000 from funda | taken from the unpaid money order accounts. Although thero are ninetythree additional poitofficos now eutitled I to the free delivery service, tho absence of appropriation tor extension renders impossible tho establishment of the system in even one of theeo towns. Tho re are now 610 free delivery offices. After a thorough trial of two and onehalf years the experiment! in tree dei livery tried in forty-six towns of populations ranging from GOO to 4,000 has [ not provod the desirability of establishing the system generally, which the postmaater general estimates would necessitato an annual outlay of 110,000,000. The appropriation of $10,000 made for the trial of rural free delivery has been found inadequate for a lair test, and the plan ia not approved. The poatmatter general by one stroke baa settled the carrier overtime question under tho eight-hour law. Claims for overtime amounting to nearly a million dollars were on file in the department when ho assumed hit duties. Under bia order of April 4, however, postmaatera have been held atrictly accountable for the time of their carriers, so that the making of overtime has practically ceased. He suggests that postal notes be abolished and the sales charged for all domestic order* sheuld be reduccd and the form of order simplified. IiiriiOVED SKRV1CC. Great improvement ii noticeable in the star, railroad and steamboat trans: portation servico, tho length of routea being 433,832.83 miles. The postmaster general Hates that hip iesiro ia that whorevar the general service can be advanced, uao should be made ol rapid tranait city and. suburban car lines. He pays particular attention to tho railway mail service, and the requirements of this year will, he sstimates, call for an incrcaso o 1 cmployos from 6,645 men to 7,000 men. He urgea such legislation as will provide a reasonable sum to be paid to the widths and minor children of railway mail :lerks killed while on doty, and estimates that $20,000 annually will bo suffice nt for this purpose. There has been a marked increaso in the special delivery business, the entire number of such pieces of mail matter lelivorod being 3,375,693, an incroase jvor last year of 22 per couL The department carried last year 301,000,000 ponnds of second clasa mattor, an increaso of 14 por cent. Con:orning this, the postmaster general remarks that ho is afraid that this indictee not so much a healthy growth in the periodical literature of the country is the succesa of enterprising publishers n securing tho entry of many publications into this favored clasa that aro really not entitled to the privilege. While Mr. Wanamaker estimated that no proms irorn mo eaio oi cao v-oiumjinn poataze Btamds would be$2,500,01)0, Mr. JBissoll's estimate is only $1,000,00(1 On June 20, 1893, there wero GS.403 loatoflices in the United States, an increate of 1.2S4 over the previous year. There are 3,300 presidential poatoflicee, met increase of 1(53 offices. The postmaster general devotes conliderable space to the discussion of civil service reform. There are 28,324 employes in the claasified civil Bervice in .he postoflice establishment of tho govirnraeut. Probably the moat important order nade by Mr. Bisiell is the one which ieclares that poatmaaters shall devote :heir time to the duties of their office, [n this connection he atateB that the ,ime has passed when a noatoflico apsointmont should be held as a political iinecuro. A PARTISAN WAIL. In commenting on the 1,932 removals nade by the last administration in the railway mail service, Mr. Bisiell aaya: "This action was the heaviest blow sver dealt the civil service law, since he effect of it was to (lobar experienced :lerks from the service and to protect in .heir positions a largo number of inexperienced new appointees. "It is not to be wondered at that the ?mp!oyo.s thus summarily dismissed regarded the law itself as a hateful objtruction to fair treatment and justice. Phis sentiment has recently been emphasized in tbocaseof many who hoped or reinstatement npon discovering tiiat he intervening four years have so far advanced their apes that they now are ineligible oven for examination uuder the age limit. In this connection, however, it is to be observed that, of the 1,932 persons appointed as I bavo stated, ess than one-half were in the service an March 7,1893." The socurity of the registered mail is ?bown by the fact that of the 15,533.373 pieccs carrried during the year, actual loss was found in only 1.340 cases of the 3,923 complaints investigated. VnlmUliiitan^inn a lnnL- of nAarln/) an. 1,U"" M ?? > ? MVVUWV proprinlioui to carry on the affairs of the service and the chango of administration, the report shows that the standard of efficiency of the service has not anly been maintained, but has been actually raised over the preceding year. GOVERNOR M'COItKLE Standi by Bis Assertion that Free Coal Hilt Injur* WMt Virginia?Ex.Gor rnor Wilson'* Views. Spn-isl Dtopctch to the JnfeJHffetuxr. charleston, W. Va., Nov. 28.?Tho [xtelliqknceii correspondent called upon Governor MacCorkle to-night in relation to his views upon the proposed tariS bill. The governor aaid be bad not bad an opportunity to study the bill, but had only observed that cool was upon the (res list. He added that he still adh ;rcd to his previously expressed views upon the coal tariff. Ex-Governor Wilson said. "I look apou the bill as epitomized in the papers as carrying sat the declaration of tho Democratic party. People have passed upon the snDjeet twloe, distinctively and positively, when fairly before them under public diicnssion. So tar as the coal interost is concerned. I consider it no importance to West Virginia whatsoever whether there is tariff on coal or not. West Virginia substantially compete* with free coal no* acd alwavs Has. Beth the McKinley bill and the Ian proceeding provided lor a rebate of 75 cents per ton for all coal imported into this country and used on vessels engaged In coast and foreign trade. Tho greater portion of oar coal is, and has been, used for that purpose and a much larger portion of the remainder is used for locomotive engines and steam. There Is no soch thing possible as a successful competition between Nova Scotia and West Virginia coaL" 11c refused to speak ol iron. Coal men here as n whole are disappointed and some are very bitter against Congressman Wilson. Tuey say he baa not only hurt the coal industry, bat has widened the split in the Democratic party, and that the next electoral vote as well as the state vote will be Republican. Will Benefit Kngliah Trmle. London, Nov. 28.?The HI. Jamtt GasttU is not greatly pleased with tho new tariS bill; yet It admits that the bill shows signs that Mr. Cleveland is prepared to fulfill his promises and that there is no qusstlon that it will prova a great relief to trade. All through the bill care is taken to leave the American producer with tha diSerential datv in bis favor. "Complete treedom is given only wboro no competition is foarcd. It is better than McKinley's "Chinese wall," but it loavos the foreigner trading with the United States at no small disadvantage. Still the beat we can say for it ii that this is preferable to the purely obstructive thing which it is designed tc replace." Won't Hurt the Sugar King. Sax Francisco, Cat. , Nov. 28.?"The new tariff won't affect niein the least so far as sugar is concerned," said Clam Sprecksls, the sugar maenate. "Kan island sugar may pisaibly bo affccted so far u tho demand ia concerned, out then I don't auoposo it will virtually aflect the price." WILL PASS QUICK. Senator Yoorheci Ihluks There Will Be No Delay in 1'iisaioc the Tariff Bill. Terse Haute, Isd., Nov. IS.?Senator Voorbeei roturna to Waahingtou tomorrow. Tbo senator thinke the house will adopt the Wilson tariff bill during December, that tbo senate will debate it during January, and it will be adopted and go to President Clevoland by February. "I think," a?id he, "that all realize the damage to business interests caused by protracted debaU of tho tariff, and that there will be no disposition after fair debato to obstruct a vote." A Freuch Journal'! llopcs. Paris, Nov. 2S.?Tke J.urnai Da Dthalt hopes that, thanks to tho energy and courago of which Mr. Cleveland has given so many proofs, matters of public interest will now recoivo attention, and that tho McKinleyitea will finally be defeated. THIS IS COME MPT, (jorrrnor Tillman*. alor. Forcible Than iClvgnnt Denunciation of the Federal Courts. Chablkstoj!, S. C., Nov. 28.?Tlio genoral assembly met at noon to-day, and the third annual message oi Governor Tillman was read. It was a very lengthy document and ths reading required several hours. The important features of it was tho governor's remarks on the question of railroad taxos and receiverships and the dispennry Uw, loth of which have boon topics of great interest in the state during the year. The supreme court has decreed that the lower court had no jurisdiction where the sum of taxes in dispute in any ono county wa> less than ?.',000. The report contains such phrases as "tail wags the dog," "undorhand and illegal way," ' very essence of injustice and inequity and tyranny," "judicial insolonce," "servile, cringing obedience " and like expressi-ina in relorouce to the action of tho fedoral courts. ' The unholy inarriago between the dignity of tho federal court and those unholy corporations, (referring to the railroads) must," the governor says, "bo annulled, aud tho owners of the bonds ^ ** ii i. * rti. ( lint Vi n ra ia a U1BUU kU UIIUBIOMUU mui ?>iutu ig u point beyond which the patience of the stat? will not permit them to go." Regarding tho dispensary act, the governor expresiei wonder that it has thus far stood tho teat of the tempest of litigation which it has occasioned. THE COLOKtiD QUESTION-. Tho Convention lJi Cincinnati?ItemodloH for E&tUtac Evil* l'ropoted. Cincinnati, Nov. -3.?Bishop H. M. Turner, of Atlanta, called to order tho National Colored Convention, pursuant to his call, issued September 20. To the surprise of all the lilt of delegates reached over 500, and more are coming. Hon. C. U. J. Taylor, of Kaosas City, Kansas, recently appointed United States miuister to Bolivia, made an address taking strong ground against all mob law in general. His remedy was the enactment from special statute for the speedy trial of all rapists, fixing the punishment at death. He would also romnfllthft flountv in which a man was lynched to pay his heirs $10,000. ' To-night Bishop Turner delivered an address carefully prepared and lulT of deep feeling. He deplored the apparent taint upon the race, and declared that if even half that was charged againstcoloredmenof the United States is true, colored men themselves should band together and organize for tho correction of the evil by the most radical measures. The bishop's remody is in partial African emigration. Mo favors calling on thia nation for a portion of the forty billions which the country owes tho colored race tor labor, say $500,000,000, to enablo them to begin African emigration. HORItlBI.K BRUTALITY Alleged and Denied la Connection Willi tho South African War. Londom, Nov. "S.?Owing to tho questions of Mr. Henry Labouchere in the house of commons, in reference to wounded Matabelos, who, it was insinuated, wore slain by Mashonas, the British South African" Company cabled to Capetown and received to-day an emphatic denial of the report from Captain White and Hon. Maurice GIB' rd, who commanded the Ma nonas. These two oRlcqri declaro tbat tho wounded Matabeles were attended to in the Buluw.yo hospital with as much caro as was shown to the wounded of tlm company. On the other hand Captain rt hito and Mr. Gifford declare that the Mataboles horribly mutilated the Mashonas at tha Shangani engacement, catting oft women's breasts and niutilrtlng the children, etc. A Fftrirrntloli of ltnllrnnil Worker*. The committees of railroad men who were here last week trying to organize a federation of railroad emt>loyes, have made an organization of all tho unions except the engineers, and made 11. X. Lamb, of Garrett, Ind., president, and A. H. Gallaher, ot Bellaire, .secretary. The engineers arc to be invited to join. Tho organizations included aro tho conductors, telegraphers, trainmen, switchmen and firemon. Your. Thanksgiving dinner is not complete without tbat elegant Angel Food at the Wheeling Bakery's Retail Store. Civil Service Commissioner Johnson has retired from the commission. Weather Forecast for Tor \Ve?t Virginia, fnlr; slightly warmer vreatber Wednesday; noutb wind* For Western Pennsylvania. Western New York arid Ohio, local snows or light ralnt on the lakes; fair hi the Interior; houtlnvest winds, becoming variable: silgntly warmer in Ohio. 1 THE TfcMrr.iuTTju: YKJTEKDAY, n* fnrnlsliad by C. suisrrr, druggist, corner i J Market nn<l Fourteenth streets. ! 7 a. m ~ 41 | :?p. m_. ... .... 41 y a. m-.- 4.' 7j?. in? .... v, 1? m...... 43 I Weather?Changeable DIED. 1 GORSUCH?On Wednesday, November 29. lWS, I nt J o'clock a in., llftu:*, daughter of B. B mid Agues Uorauch, iu lUc uh year 0i ' her age. 1 Funeral notice hereafter. ILL Iffl, II BLOW, The Wilson Tariff BUI Proaouneed a Par&Jyzer TO THE INDUSTRIES OF WHEEUNG In Common with the Interests of the Whole Country, EXPERTS EXPRESS THEIR VIEWS Prodictine a Disastrous Effect on all Branches of Local Industries If (be Bill Should be Passed?The Sweeping Effect of the Proposed Measure Causes Surprise and Dismay? How Iron and 6teel? Pottery War* and Glass Would Suffer?The Outlook for A iu or lean Wool. Naturally the Wilson tariff bill was the all-absorbing topic of conversation abont town yesterday. The most casual ouucrvor saw in aciBuco iuii mo oweoping reductions and removal! of dntiea must prove diiastrons to Wheeling's leading industries, the manufactures which have made her and which must be relied on to keep her prosperous. Everywhere that men gathered the tariff was the theme, and nearly everybody, regardless of politics, condemned the sweeping blow at Americas industries made by the Wilson bill, and expressed a hope that it might nevor become a law. The way Democrats felt about it was well expressed by one ol the most prominent members of that party, who said: "The bill will never pais. It miy cs through the house, but never through the senate. But the leaders ia Congress will try so bard to put it through that it will have the same effect, and next year tho Democrats will be rooted, horse, foot and dragoons, and I know lots of us who will bo glad of it. This monkeying with the tariff ought to be rebuked." Among the general chorus of condemnation there were a tew exceptional expressions. These were dyed-in-thewool Democrats, who, when they unwittingly became involved in argument f M I 1 UAMU AM #U? AVHIAHAH aI icii uat& uu ma ca)>iuu?u wiout401 vt the tariff revenue reformer!, and laid a reduction of the tarlfi must be a good thin;, aince the American prioa of any article muit necessarily be the prica abroad plus the duty. Therefore to reduce the duty waa to rednce the price. The eflcct on wagee they ignored, and when an array of solid facta waa brought against their theory they simply parrot-like repeated the old formula. All the experts in special linea who were seen agreed that the elect of the . Wilson bill, if enacted into a law, would be disastrous to all local indaitrlea and fatal to some. The worat feature of the bill waa stated to be the return to ad valorem duties, opening the door to fraud in undervaluation of importa. A reduced tariff wonld be bad enough, bat to change from a high specific to a low ad valorem duty woald be doably bad. Iron manufacturers, steel manufacturers, glua manufacture , pottery operators, wool growers and ooyera, worlcingmen in all branches of industry and thoughtful business men were ?swah? ttinm h)ik tvarm hna9A K? Timt. mgf.ncer reportera yesterday to depiora the blow at American manufactures and to expreas tho hops that the bill would be rejected. Moaars. Parker Bros., the produce firm, were of the opinion that the (arm- , er would feel greatly the change in the duty on potatoes At present the duty ia twenty-five centa a buihel, and in Nova Scotia, Scotland and Ireland there ia a great aurplui thla aeuon that will, if tho potato doty comet off, bo sent to thia country. A traveling man reproienting New York notion houae waa speaking of tho tariff bill yeaterday afternoon and declared that the change from specific to ad valorem dutiea will create great confusion in all branches of trade, and also be tho means of importers cheating the 1 government by fraudulent invoices. This gentleman waa in Wheeling on the night of tho great Democratic jollifioation after the Waterloo of '92, and he then in writing to a brother said that in lest than a yoar hundreds of that shouting multitudo would be "hunting for froe soup houses." How nearly true that prediction was, many a man can testify to-day. STEEL IS THREATENED. The Iron Indniitry would Feel It Directly and Indirectly. J-eadingiron add steel manufacturers wore interviewed on the effects of the proposed reduction of the duty on every form of iron and steel, and all agreed that the tariff bill would be a severe blow at these great indnstrlss, both directly and indirectly. To destroy or injnro other great industries a? pottery a?-%- % v-v a { THE INTELLIGENCER $ t WORLD'S FAIR j {Art Portfolio I $ ( \ PART I. I $ \| Coupon No. 3. j \ i To wouro thlanpcrb noutenlr w A send or bring 8 coupons Uko \ f thliof different numbers with ? A 10c in lumps or coin to \ f ART PORTFOLIO DEPARTIEIT 4 4 Intelligencer Office, } I 25 and 27 Fourteenth Street. 4 f w Write your aims and address f j plainly. A