Newspaper Page Text
ESTABLISHED AUGUST 24, 1852. WHEELING, W. VA.. FRIDAY. DECEMBER 15, 1893. JOLUME XLII?N UMBER 9& ll\wy d?QD^@[H]g MMpOfe [FSIBEP tPPpcnyScD^g WAITING ON THE BILL j Dull Tlmoa In Congress While Mr i Wilson is Preparing J H!S REPORT ON THE TARIFF BILL ( Tho Intornal Revenue Provisions Not 1 Yet Complotcd?No Agrooment { Ilcachcd YeC As to tho Kind of an Income Tax Which Will Bo Im- < ???<i?Th? Arlznna null Now Mexico i JUUJWIVJ . x IN THIC HO US 13. 1 Arizona nnd Now Mexico to be Admitted. ( Republican Opposition. r Washington, Doc. 14.?The houao J was deadlocked for two hours to-day by [ the refusal of tbo Republicans to voto j on a motion to go into committee of tbo i whole for the consideration of tbe Ari- t zona statehood bill. Tbe Democratic 1 loaders dccided this morning to proceed c with tbe consideration of tbo Arizona and New Mexico bills and disposo of thum before the holidays. Tbo Kopublicau leaders do not rolish tho idea of j bringing those Democratic territories iuto tho Union, and they, at the. request of the leaders, refrained from voting, except those from tho far woat, and * especially those from the newly-ad- i mitted states of Washington, Wyoming, \ Montana and the Dakota* could not rj with consistency placo any obstaclo in the way of their sister territories. Tho ( Democrats expect to have their own c quorunj present to-morrow, The McGarrahan bill was called up i to-day during tho morning hour, but c was filibustered against by Mr. Sayors, ? of Te xas, chairman of tbo appropriation i comraitteo. I Irri mod lately nfter tho reading of tho f journal, Mr. 'Dockery, from tho joint c xnMmlDflnnn n v nA n fl I (11 PHS in tll? BIOC- ? ut'.'ve departments, called up tho bill t i introduced by bim a taw days ago to ' improvo tlio methods of accounting in c iho postotlico department, Tho bill t ' abolishes tho postal notes, roducos the rcheduleof rates (or monoy orders apuroxituately to tbo scale of ioe charged by express companies; tbo postmaster 3 general is given authority to designate offices for the issue of money orders up to $5, and all monoy orders unpaid for c one year are covered into the treasury. Tho monoy order certificates contain a device designed to facilitate the settle- * mont of postmasters' accounts. Tho ' certificates of deposits of Postmasters * go direct to tho sixth auditor instead of > as now to tho assistant postmaster gen- < eral. Tho act takes effect July 1, 1804. The report was read, also letters from ' the secretary of the tronsury and tho ' postmaster general endorsing; tho bill. Then without dobate the bill was passed. Mr. Pendleton, of West Virginio, from the committco on prirato land claims, ' called up tho McGarrahau bill, but Mr, Kayres, of Texas, made tbo point of no quorum on the motion to go into tbe i committee of the wholo. ( The morning hour expired before a . quorum appeared. The houao adjoumod at 3:40. , In the Hvnnto. 1 WAsimtOTOif, D. 0., Dec. 14.?In tho 1 senate to-day much business of a mis-' ! coilnueous ohnracter was transacted. y lho house bill repealing tho fodoral elections law was reported back favorably by the committee and placed on tho calendar. Among tho bills introduced was ono by Senator Voorhoos, chairman of the commltteo on finance, providing for tlio coinage of tho silvor solgnorage in trio treasury at tho rate of S-,WW,000, and when that Is exhausted for tho purchase of a similar amount of silver monthly. A house bill providing for two additional associato justices of tho supremo court of Oklahoma territory was alio passed. A resolution was offered by Mr. Cameron, Uepubiicau, Pennsylvania, and aaruod to, calling upon tbo secretary of the treasury to roport to the senate tho vnluo of tho textile fabrics purchased for the army, navy, Indian bureau and the marine hospital sorvlco for tho fiscal Tear 1893. 1 The resolution berotofore offorod by Mr. l'effer (Pop., Kas.) instructing tbe committee on ruloa to rescind an order recently issued closing the sonato chamber to visitors, was taken up, ond Mr. Potior addressed tbe sonato thereon. He did not know what tho order was, hut it practically shut out the public front the seunto chamber boforo that body met. After some discussion tho resolution was referred to tho commltteo on rulos. Senate bill to repeal a clause in tho lut pension appropriation bill which j Admission Moosuros to Bo Forced Through?A Dull Day in tho Senate. J Washington, D. C., Doc. 14.?The tarifl had a comparative rest to-day. There have been no meetings of sub- f committees or of tho full committoo. 1 Chairman Wilson has been away from J tho house, and members of tho house committee say that ho is engaged in < preparin g tho majority report, which is ? to bo submitted noxt Tuesday. It is j not expoctod that any further action j will bo takon on tho internal rovonuo features of tho bill until all tho membcraof tlLo majority mayJbo in tho city e to consider it. The individual or cor- c porate incomo tax must bo settled bo- ^ foro tho committee can proceed. A queHtion has arisen as to whether tho incomo tar can bo levied 1 in time to dorivo revenue for the noxt fiscal year, an it has boon stated that tho tax would havo to bo levied on in- i comes of tiio yoar following tho time 0 when tho law goes into effect. Mr. Bryan, who is pressing tho straight out c incomo tax plan, says that the tax p would bo loviod on incomes of the cal- c endar and not the fiscal yoar, aud that j if an incomo tax is adopted it will be on incomes from January 1, 1894, to Do- fl comber ol of that year, and tho taxes j will fall duo in January, 1895, and bo j available for tho expenses of tho fiscal j year ending June 30, 1895. Tho liopub- x Jicana will probably have their report . ready to submit next Tuesday, although . thoy may hold it ono day in order to j make criticisms upon tho report of tho j prohibited the payment of pensions to |)oraons residing in foroign countries ivaa takon from the calendar and pussod. rho sonato then, at 4:50 p. m? went into oxocutivo session, and soon afterward adjoarnod until Monday at 12 /clock. ______ Oouilrwullous. WAsniKGTox, D. C., Doc. 14.?Amoni; ;he confirmations of tbo senate to-day tvere the following: Marcullus L. Davis, of Arkansas, to be consul at Murida, Mexico. John It Proctor, of Kentucky, to bo :ivil service commissioner. G'harlos \V. Dabnoy, of Tennessoe, to so assistant secrotary of n^riculture. Comiiiotlorn Francis M. ItamRuv. to )o chief of the bureau of navigation, iavy department. Not no Administration 11111. Washington, D. C., Dec. 14.?In regard to the inference in some qnartera hat the administration favorod the silver bill to-day introduced by Sonator v'oorheos, that senator to-day said: "My bill is not tho result of ono word if consultation, and I certainly do not :laim to represent tho administration n introducing it. I do desire, however, o help tho treasury out of its dciciency." IIornlilowor'H Cane. Washington', D. 0., Dpc. 14.-?Tho enate committeo on judiciary consitlirod tho llornblowor nomination to-day vithout taking action. A BltAVK UXGINEER SUled Wlillo Trying toHavotlie Life of n lirotlier Workman. PiTTSiJBKan, Pa., Dec. 14.?While try ng l.o save tho life of Julius Eberhardt, i follow workman at tho Allegheny ounty electric light plant, David Wan;ainan, tho chief ongineor, recoivod an lectric^hock of 2,700 volts this tnornng and was almost instantly killed. H. Kborliardc was engazed at tho witchboard and accidontally touchod a ivo wiro of 1,000 volts, and in a momont le was writhing in aeony. The wiro tad coiled about his hands and lie was inabio to tree himself. Wangaman pranir to his rescuo and triod to ertriate him. Suddenly ho threw up his lands and fell to tho floor, his body imp and inanimate. Fully 2,700 volts iad passed through him. By this time Snginoer Woidman arrivod and quickly mlled thoa lover of tho ongine, cutting >(f tho current The two men were >ickod u n, but Wangaman was aoad. Eborhardt was unconscious, but soon evivod. His hands wore terribly mrned and ho was otherwise seriously njured. Wangaman had only ono nark on him. It was a deep burn on ho palm of his right hand. There was 10 other sign of tho causo of his death in his body. Ho was thirty-two years ?f ago and leavos a family. OPPOSITION TO TAMMANY. L MonKtnr Mooting Protests Against tho MlHgoverninent of Now York. New Youk, Doc. 14.?The opposition o Tammany hall crystallized at a meetngin Cooper Utffon to-night. There vas scarcely standing room in tho hall. Choraas V. Van Buren, a grand-nephew ?f President Van Buron, was choaon ihairman. The resolutions adopted citod the niseovornmentof tho city by tho rulers )f Tammany Hall, contrasted tho rapid ind colossal accumulation of wealth imong its loaders with tho prosont dniression in business and said it arousod eelings of suspicion and distrust which ?nfnrrna t.ho nrnnrifitv of a riorid invoati jation ut tho hands of tho next letfinlaure. Further, that it was tho lirut luty of honest citizens to relieve the :ity from such rulers, regardless for tho imo of either stnto or national politics. THE FARMKUS* CONGRESS. S'oxt Pension of the National llody to bo Held at Pnrkorfbarff, W. Vu, Savannah, Ga., Doc. 14,?The Farraira' Congress, just boforo adjournment his afternoon elected tho following >fllcors: President, B. M. Clayton, of [owa; vice president, G. M. Kyals, of Georgia; secretary, J. M. Stahl. of Illilois; asaistaut secretary, \V. D. Whidy, )f Georgia; second assistant secretary, r. T. Applard, of Florida; tronsurer, iionry liavden, of Iowa. Tho noxt hosiion will bo hold ut I'arkorsburg, W. Va., Octobor 3,1S94. WORLD'S CYCLING RECORD. Another Hecord IJrokeu by Mlko Vlruboger at Birmingham. BiRMi.vaiUM, Ala., Doc. 14. ? Ono nore world's record in cycling went lown to-day before Mike Dirnbegor, on ;he atato fair track. Tho pace-makar iVP.not rapid onough (or him and from ills time the half ?take wus passed he topt up a yell of "go ahead." Six ivatchea regiatorod tho tlmo ad 33 5-5 icconds and tho lowest previous in .'14 3-5. l'his lowers the world's record fourIftha of a second. TUu ntlllard Score. New York. Doc. 14.?The fourth light's play in the thrco-cornored billiard match, between Ivos and Slosson, roiultod ai follows: Ives, 600; Slosson, 179. Ives* average, 28 12-21; Slosson'a average, 22 16-21. High runs, Ives 132,103; Slosson 113, 70. Slosson and tichaofor will play to-morrow night. riedinont Municipal Ticket.. fyttial DUpatch to tu JnieUlaenocr. Piedmont, W. Va., Dec. 14.?Tho following corporation tlckota were nominated to-night; Citlzona' ticket?J. W. Davis, mayor; James U. Bell, rccordor; P. J. Kogors, acrgoant; L. T. Gallagher, 31. T. GleoBon. J. J. McGinnii, M. J. itoonoy, John I}. Luke, G. W. Harrison, councllmen. People's ticket?I* II. Phleegor, mayor; Charles Uuth, jr.. recordor; J. Huntor Smith, sorgoant; W. R Ileskitt; E. Fredlock, J. H. Cramer, jr., J. P. Williams. R. G. Hlchardson, K. F. Bopst, councilmon. The election promiaea to be hotly contestod. F. W. Backer & Co. sell Steinwny ind Krakauer Pianos. ORKAT HArfiiliu in Diamonds at I. G. DlUon * Co.'i. BIO FIRE AT TROY. A Blfize That tlio Flreiiiua Lost Control of. Groat Amount of Property Burned. Titoy, N. Y., Dec. 14.?A firo broko out in tho immonso hardware establishment of J. H. Warren & Co. this afternoon at 0 o'clock and got beyond tho control of the firemen. Chief Byron asked aid irom tho Albany department. Tho firo started in tho top story of tho building, where a largo quantity of builders' tar paper was stored. This was great food for tho flames and tho smoke was so dcnso that tho work of tho firemen was considerably impeded. Tho firomen could not hold their hose to tho best advantage because of frozen hands and worn out onergios, besides the building was bo high that any attempt to forco a stream to tho top floor was luuio. me uro gaineu 1120 uppur hand, and at 8 o'clock was still burning liorcely and threatened to reach tho main building of tho J. M. Warron Company and tho wholesale grocery house of Squires, Sherry & Galusha, adjoining. While the firemen woro hard at work, tho entire department being nt tho bcquo, two othor alarms woro rung in. It was reported that the immense collar factory of Earl & Wilson, sovoral blocks away, was on firo, and a steamer was dispatchod there and tho alarm proved false. Tho other alarm was cnusod by tho oxplosion of a lamp in Tookey's millinery store, on King street. Tho millinery storo was dontroyod. Mrs. Toofcev, in hor endeavor to removo some of tho stock, was overcome by smoko and roscuod with difliculty. In tho meantime the firo in tho Warron building broke out with great fury. It had reached tho willow-waro department and tho pasaagowaj' to tho main building was in a blaze. The firemen directed their efforts to savo adjoining property, and in this way the flames had a chance to increaso until great tongues of fire leaped high in tho air and ruslied out of every window. Tho firemen aud the groat crowd of spectators wero informed by the direction of tho firm that there were several hundred pounds of blasting powder stored in tho west end of tho fourth floor of tho burnine structure, and there was a mad rush from that vicinity. No explosion had occurred up to this writing, 0 o'clock. Tho firomon believe that they havo gninod tho mastery, although "tho fire is still burning fiercely. C. W. Tillinghast, president of the company, says that tho throe buildings wero valued at $95,000, and the stock at $225,000. There is an insurance of $165,000 on tho stock and $35,000 on tho buildinsrs. The structure that is almost totnlly aestroyod was valued at $25,01)0, and tho stock at $150,000. The total loss will bo almost 2200.000. Fire at FlttHbnrgln Pittsburg if, Pa., Doc. 14.?Firo at 11 o'clock to-night destroyed buildings Nob. 24 and 25, West Diamond, occuf)iod by S. L. Marshall, grocer. The 088 was $48,000; fully insured. Adjoining property was damaged by water to tho extent of $5,000. Fire at Oyster Bay. Oyster Bay, L. L, Dec. 14.?Col. S. V. K. Cruper'a mansion at Bayville was destroyed by firo this morning. Tho loss is estimated at $50,000. TWO SHOCKS Of Earthqnako Distinctly Felt At Ernusvllle, Iudinnn. Evanbvillk, I.m, Dec. 14.?There were two earthquake shocks horo today, ono at 11:55 and tho othor at 1:15 p. in. Tho tremors were long but dis tinctly felt in all part9 of tho city. The seismic disturbance soernod to be from west to east, and was accompanied with a rumbling sound. Tho second shock was more distinct than the first, shaking bottles and glassos from counters in saloons iu various portions of tho city. FELT AT MT. VHRXOV. Tliroo Shook* Which Aliirmcil tho i'coplo I,n?t for Several Minute*. Mt. Vernon, Ixd., Dec. 14.?Three distinct shocks of earthquake wore folt hore to-day at 11:50, 12:02 and 1:10. Houses were givon a good shaking, particularly tho county court house. Tho shock came from tho north, and seomod to go to tho southeast. The shelves in a number of stores woro jarrod down, and in many cases tho goods woro thrown to the floor. A number of persons, especially ignorant negroes, were badly frightened. Many of them thought tho world was coming to an end. A slow, rumbling noise succeeded each shock, each of which lasted about two minutos. CUT OFF FROM CHARITY. Striker* Must Go to Work or GetThelr Aid froiu tho Amalgamated Association. Pittsburgh, Doc. 14,?Some of the men on strike at Oliver's lowor mills in I Allegheny havo boon receiving assistance from tho Allegheny charity department, but an order was issued by Mayor Kennedy cutting ofl this source of supply. Tho company offers to givo tho men work at scalo ratos, but rofusos to sign the Amalgamated scale. Under tho order issued to-day those who refuse to accopt the work offered will be comgoiled to rely entirely upon the bonota received from the Amalgamated Association. Mayor Kennedy says lie has recoivod a number of complaint* from prominent business men and he has issued tho ordor for that roason. Striker* Want Assistance. Providence, R. L, Dec. 14.?At a mooting of tho executive committee of the strikors to-day a petition was issued in which tho city was asked for immediate assistance. It was made known that tho striko at the Geneva mill would bo eettlod to-morrow, and it was announced tho owners of theOlnoyville mill had decided not to opeu their mill again this winter. Do Gania Declared a Traitor. Buenos Ayrbs, Doc. 14.?A dispatch from Rio Do Janeiro says that President Poizoto has declared Admiral De Gama a traitor. Stwnway and Krakaubr Pianos are. sold only by F. W. Baumeb&'Co. J "UBOR FEDERATION. The Convention Steering Oloar of Political Discussion. PLUSH WORKERS' COMMUNICATION Asking For an Expression on the Wilson Bill Laid on tho Tablo?>'Theological Students Sock Instruction From tho Federation?Tho Platform Reported?It Favors Compulsory Education and Nationalism of tho Telegraph, Telephone, Kail ways and Mines?Other Fcaturos of tho Resolutions. Chicago, Doc. 14.?The delogatos to tho American Federation of Labor convention to-day reitisod to take action on a communication touching upon the question of tho tariff. Tho matter came up iu the form of a communication from tho. plush work org from ttridgoport, Conn,, which declared that after tho passago of tho McKinley bill their wages had beeij reduced and the employers threaten a further reduction in tho event of the passage of tho Wilson bill. The communication was laid on the tablo and tho delegates fought shy of any discussion on tho subject. At tho request of 200 students of tho Chicago Theological Seminary two representatives of tho federation wore appointed to expound its principles at a gathering of students this evening. A number of resolutions woro adopted as to tho sentiment of the convention as they caine from the committee. The theory of tho government ownership of tho telegraphic system of the country was approved and tho election of United States senators by popular voto was endorsed. Tho presidont of tho federation was authorized to draft a bill makimr it compulsory for manufacturers to placo exhaust lans in their manufactories. Tho convention expressed itself as being in favor of compulsory education. It was resolved to petition congress to onact a law establishing postal savings banks in view of tho inadequacy, as tho resolution expressed it, of the proaent national banking system. FUTURE USEFULNESS. Representative Lowis Nash, of the Retail Clerks' National Association, road a papor on tho future usefulness of tho fodoration. lie advocated government ownership of tho telegraph and the railroad. Ho said the country now has too much law and too little justice. "Wo should stand shoulder to shoulder on election day and vote for measures, not men, for statesmen, not for politicians, for humanitarians, not for demagogues.'' Chairman Morgan, of the committee on resolutions, submitted a prograinmo for tho nationalization of railways, mines, telegraph, etc., as proposed by English economists as a basis of thp political labor movoment. A motion to have the matter prosented to the organizations for tho purpose of having their delegates iiislructed to vote upon it at the next convention of the federation received the support of a number of delegates and tho disapproval of others. THE PLATFORM. The platform has elovon planks in it a* follows: Compulsory education. Direct legislation. A legal eight-hour work day. Sanitary inspection of workshop, mine ana uomo. Liability of employers for physical disability. Abolition of contract labor in all public works. Abolition of the swoatinc system. Municipal ownership of street cars, electric light and cue plants. Nationalization of telegraph, telephono, railways and minoa. Collective ownership by tho people of all means of production and distribution. , Tho principle of roferondum in all legislation. It was moved to have tho resolutions taken up and voted on scratiui. There was a contest this afternoon botween the conservative and socialistic delegates regarding tho adoption of the principles of a platform to be submitted at tho next anuual convention. Tho conservatives came out ahead. The committee on resolutions brought up a programme containing tho fundamental principl03 of independent labor politics. A recommendation accompanied the report to the effect that tho planks should bo submitted to tho favorablo consideration of the labor Organizations represented, the socialistic delegates being against tho uso of the word "favorable" and tho conservatives in favor of it. A resolution waa adopted favoring a Eories of national and international congresses or conferences of labor, the same to culminate on May 1, 1001. in an international .demonstration of labor organizations in ail countries. CoMtollo Found Guilty. Crown Point, Infx, Dec. 14.?'Tho jury in tho caso of tho State of Indiana vs. Martin Costcllo, tho prize fighter, charged with riotous conspiracy returned a verdict lato this evening, finding tho defendant guilty as charged and assessing hia punishment at imprisonment in tho state prison for two yoars and ho to pay a fline of $5QD. A motion for a new trial was filed at onco and will [ bo hoard Monday. Should it bo overruled the caso will bo nppoalod to tho euprome court. Found Dond. Woonrocket, K. I., Dec. 14.?Vory Rev. Father JlcCpbo, vicar general of the Providonco diocoBC, and pastor of St Chnrloa church ainco 1S55, waa found dead in hia parochial residence this morning. Ho wan in hia usual health and waa about the city la;t oveninc. ilo waa aixty-soven year. of ago. Stein-way and Kkasacee Pia.noi are old only-by F. \V. Baiueb it Co. LEGISLATURE TO-NIGHT. Tito Wilson Tariff Hill Will IIo the Subject for liebato. This ovcning at tho rooms of tho Ohio County Ropublican Club, Odd Fellows' block, tho Republican mock legislature will moot for tho second lime, and tho questiontasto whotherornot tho Wilson tariff bill now boforo Congress, is a good thing for the people and country will bo discussed. Tho prospects aro for an oxciting and remarkable evening of debate. Among tho prominent speakers who will address tho legislature aro Hon. G. W. Atkinson (DeuiA Mr. Charles Burdett Hart (Dem.), lion. B. B. Dovener (Rep.), and Grover's latest victim,Postmaster \V. J. W. Cowden. Other talent iinp/liv Inoa ohln will nnmhinA to muko , tbo evening one to bo remombored. Tliero will bo liberal accommodations, and the ladies uro especially invitod by tho oflicore of tho legislature to attend. GOURDELlilt AKUIVK8. Tho Man Who Challenged tho 22mperor of Oormnny to a Duel. New York, Dec. 14.?Professor Richard Goerdelcr, who has achieved considerable notorioty from his declared intention to challenge the emporor of Germany to fight a duel, stopped ashore from tho North German Lloyd steamship Ilavol to-day, and was taken by his wife to their tomporary residence in this city. The professor was exceedingly anxious to talk to newspaper men, but his wife would not permit it. Mrs. Goerdoler said she had obtained tho professor's release from an insane asyluin at Chemnitz through tho intercession of President Clovcland, and intended now to take tho matter into the courtrj and seek indemnity for her husband's incarceration. According to tho professor's story his trouble with tho emperor of Germany datos back to 1SC2, when he was a lioutenantintho Prussian army. He was dismisaed by Bismarck because ho possessed the knowledge of a shipment of arms bv the groat chancellor to tho southern confederacy in America. The impression of tho professor has been that Bismarck followed him to this country and endeavored to ruin him socially here. His appeal to tho emperor not being answered ho threatened to p.hnllAtmn hitn unless Bismarck was pun ished. The profossor stnrtod from this country about two yoara ago declaring .his intention to challenge the emperor, was arrestod on his arrival, examined and declared to bo insane and since that timo has been confined in an asylum. MENTALLY UNBALANCED. Itov. Vornon Olyphant Takcx His Own Life. Found by II In Father. New York, Dec. 14.?The Rov. Vornon' Ol^hant died to-day by his own hand in a room at tho residence of his father, Kobort M. Olyphant The first information furnished to tho police or public woa at 8 o'clock this evening, when Robert Olyphant, jr., went to the Thirtieth Btreet police station and reported that his father had found his brother Vernon dead on a sofa in a third story room shortly boforo G o'clock. The father, Robert M. Olyphant, who is tho president of tho Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, states that his son had gono to his room after luncheon, which took place at 3 o'clock, iio was visited by his littlo sister, Graco I V niunlmnf nftcr fchlfl hut. no nnn wont to hia room until dinner time. Tho fnthor culled him, but receiving no answer wont into tho young man's room. There ho found his eon half sitting, half reclining on a ho fa, with a bullot wound in his head. On tho floor was a double-barreled rille. The family heard no shot nor knew of no reason for a suicide. Young Olvphant was a Princeton graduato anil had beon ordained a Presbyterian clergyman six years ago. Ho had no charge. It in paid the young man was mentally unbalanced from over-study. Til 12 PRENDKRGV8T TRIAL. Tho Intorcst Increases?The Murdered Mayor's Son and Daughter in Court* Chicago, Dec. 14.?Tho court room was crowded to-day durinft tho Prendergast train, many ladies being prosont among tho spectators. Prcndorgast was nervous and ill at case when Carter Harriton, jr., caino into court with his wifo and sister, Mi-s Sophia Harrison. The latter was called to tho witness stand, and her testimony was given with groat ellort aa alio told of the murder of her father. A number of othor witnaasos wore examined, but their testimony devolopod nothing new. The first witness for tho defonso was Mrs. Helen Prondergast, tho mother of tho assassin. Her evidenco was entirely in support of tho insanity theory. * During the cross examination of Mrs. Frondorgast by Attorney Trude tho prisoner lost his temper and exclaimed: "Trude. you are a scoundrel to talk to my mother that way." Thf? attorney was doing nothing out of tho way. TUB MRYKR CASK. Exports on PoInous Testify?I)r. PoaTiody'ii Adinlnsloti. New York, Dec. 11.?Tho day in the Meyer trial has boon consumed in taking the evidenco of exports on poisons. Dr. Poabody testified that, from tho symptoms doicribod, he believed Brandt had died from tho poisons found in his body. On cross examination ho admitted that ho had kuown of doses of 150 grains of arsonic and 478 grains of antimony being taken without causing death. Grrac Triumph. Instant reliot* experienced and a permanent cure by the moat speedy and greatest remedy in tho world?Otto's Cure for throat and lung diseases. Why will you continue to irrita'o your throat and lungs with that terrible hacking cough, when Logan Drug Co., sole agent, will furnish you a free samplo bottle of this great guaranteed remedy? Its success ia simply wonderful, 'as your druggist will tell you. Otto's Core is now sold in every town and village on this continent. Samples froo. Largo boltloa 50c. 3 | ALMOST 5 CRISIS Boachod In the British House of Commons Yesterday. THE GOVERNMENT 15 ATTACKED For Its Alleged Incapacity to Gotnb. Charged With Responsibility far tlie Depression In Business?M* Gladstone Warms Up and Defend* Ills Administration?Von Clprirfl Speech Delivered After a Conterenco With tbe Etnporor?Foreign Notts. Lokdox, Doc. 14.?There wu qnlta in exciting sitting of the home of commons to-day rising out of the annoucerncnt made by Mr. Gladstone that owing to the present state of hoslnaaa the government proposes to adjoara on Friday, December 22, and to meet again on tbe following Wednoiday. Sir John Dorington, Conservative, moved to sdjourn the honse in ordar to call attention to the backward state of public business. The opposition Intended thla motion as an indictmont of the alleged general incapacity of tbo government in conducting business, and expressed the intention of pushing the motion to a division. Sir Kichard Paget, conservative. In seconding Sir John Dorington'! motion, was loudly cheered, especially when h* declared that the present condition of things in public affairs was becoming positively intolerable. Those attacks finally brought Mr. Gladstone to hig feet and he replied warmly to the onslaught of the opposition and amid frequent interruption!, declared that the house must meet again as ho bad indicated, or the parish councils bill must be abandoned. The Right lion. A. J. Balfour, tha conservative leader, accused the government of trying-to trample upon the opposition, who, Mr. Balfour added were a 1 itlio doiow uiu guvuiuuiouk iu|/|/u(tuia in nurnoer. After a heated debate, during which Mr. Gladstone was creeled with uroiM from the opposition and with cheer* from his supporters, the cloture was movod nnd the motion to adjourn wu rojcctod by a vote of 105 to US. Iho announcement of the result of tho voto called forth loud cheers from the government supporters. CAPKIVI'S Sl'KKCH Slnde When ITe was Fruih From an Audience with the Emporor?The Currency Question. London, Doc. 15.?Tho correspondent of tho Post at Berlin lays: Chancellor Von Caprivi's speech in the reichstag yesterday was mndo when he was freih from an audienco with the emperor. He was evidently in tho highest spirits and treatod tho reichstag to a epeeoh of such point and norve as has not been heard by that body slnco Prince Hiemarck retired to private life. In his reference to the currency question tho chancollor donied that the ouy ins oowor 01 goia nau nsea mga enough to injuro German husbandry. Tho Prussian mir.istor of commerce, no said, was to mako inquiries on tbe subject ex ton ding into tho interior of Australia and Africa, and the result ot these inquiries must bo awaited. Tho hood of tho Knglish government, Mr. Gladstone, had most pointedly expresned hih antagonism to hi-metallism, and therefore a change in the attitude of England could not bo hoped for. If ho himself, continued the chancellor, wero a fanatical bi-metailist he could not undor tho presont circumstances move a single step in that direction Corbett Arrives ut Jacksonville, Jacksonville, Fla., Deo. 14.?James J. Corbott arrived in this city to-day at 2 p. m. An enormous crowd was at tho dopot when Corbett's train came in, nnd tho cbampioa was greeted by cheers. No attempt was mado to arrest Corbott, and the P?rhrp taking carriages, woro driven to the Bfc. Jumos Hotel. Wenthor horeoast far To-day. For W?*t Virginia, rain, southerly winds. For Western iVnnsvlvanla aud Ohio, iligbtlf warmer, southerly win da. T1IE TKMP?QATU|tB YESTERDAT, nx furnished by C. Scksepp, druggist, comor Market and Fourteenth street*. 7 n. m. 28 I a p. m... 88 9 a. in :? 7 i?. m.... 46 12 38 | Wcather-Ctoangsible. F. W. Baumer & Co. soil Stoinway and Ivrakaucr Pianos. NOTICE. Tho delav in tho arrival of the art portfolios is duo to the great demand, which lares tho publisher's resources. They will all be received in good time. Send in coupons now that tho delay mnv be as short aw possible. JTHE INTmiGENCERS WORLD'S FAIR i 1 {Art Portfolio!!' ( j PART 3. |i J | Coupon No. 5. ;! f j! To wcure this superb sonrenlr I '' a ft send or bring 6 coupons like , "I 9 \) tliiiof different uuinuers with 1 A lOc in coin to , 1 j ART PORTFOLIO DEPARTMENT i f Intelligencer Office, 11 $ 35 ami 27 Foarteonth Street. i 1 $ >3-Write joar nam. ud tiinm 1 A pUlnlf. I I