Newspaper Page Text
ESTABLISHED AUGUST 24, 1852. WHEELING, W. YA.. SATURDAY. DECEMBER 16, 1893. YOLUME XLII-N UMBER 99. ^ N _ ?aw? [1?^? .QB?qo|"p?dd? {Rdo2 M?tpDd3ps Faioo? PDd?^??0 ? . . ? - , i MANY LIVES LOST. Falso Work of tho Loui3vllle and Jefforsonville Bridge Gives Way CURRYING DOWN FIFTY WORKMEN. A Torriblo Accident at Louisville With Frightful Roaulta fl-'TRAYELER" INSECURELY PLACED Ih Further Loosened By tho "Wind. Tho End Slips Off and tho "Workmen on llio Fnicd Spun Realize Their Danger Too Lato to Save Themselves From Being Carried Down (o Death?Not tho First Disaster of the Kind?A llridgo That is Itoing Built at a Fearful Cost ol Llfo-Tho "Work of Itc.scuc?Sir. Bulrd, the Originator of tho Bridge Conscious That H? Will Bo Illumed 1'or tho Kceults That Have Followed the Undertaking. Lori.svii.LKf Ky., Doc. 15.?At a fow minuted past 10 o'clock this morning the falso work and part of tbo middle span of the Louisvillo and Jefforsonvillo bridge Company in place &nvo way and with it all tho workmen wore precipitated 110 foot into tho water below. Ihoro wag but a moment's warning and those who odcaped going down with the mass of iron and timber startod for tho piers after tho first trembling that indi, J *' " ?%??<??? nf ilia tolaa Wficlf. caiuu mu (ji<iwS w ?- ?? The accident was a horrible and is tlio lust of a long list of catastrophes that have rnurkod the construction of this bridge. The foreman, in beginning work, noticed that during tho night tliu "traveler" which bad boon put in place last night . had boon worked loose by tho wind. An order to draw it buck into place was given and tho men und engines started. Tho wind was high at tho time and tho general swuying of the false work gradually forced tho traveler oli'of the piles on which itwaa resting. When the end slippod tho whole work trombled, and tlio men realizing their danzer started for the piers. As luck would havo it the central bont was the iirst to give way and* the men uti this bont wont down to bo covered by tho mass of iron and timber of the other bents which fell almost immediately after carrying with them the other workmen who failed to reach tho piers. Tho north bont, or the one Attached to tho Indiana pier, aiu not iau tor unuuu milium ?wv other parts wero down. FEW WBRB SAVED. As nonr as can bo ascertained thoro were fifty-one men on the.bridge when the alarm wns given by the engineer in charge of the work. Of this number several nucceoded in reaching the piers. Of those* that went down somo wore covered by a mass of timber from beneath which it will bo duya before their bodies are recovorcd. The first crash when the centre bent gave way, was at 10:25. and it was then that the groat number of fatalities occurred. A few minutes later a bent on which thero was but littlo of the bridge proper gavo wny/on the Indiana side. In this it ia beljteved that but ono unknown man killed. He was caught by a ropo and dragged beneath the water. / Tho crash attracted the attention of , thoao on the ahore and many turned away their eyos aa they saw the men strugglingin mid-air in their mad oflorts to climb out of danger. When the huge muss of material struck the water all was concealed for an instant by the oray that was thrown high in the air. As the water subsided here and thero could bo seen men struggling desperately to climb upon the timbers that thrust their ends above the water. A few succeeded in clinging to the place of safety and were quickly rescued by boats that put out from the shores. Others struggled desperately and were carried on by the current to sink almost aa roscuo was at hand. TUB EXCITEMENT. A few minutes aiter the accident the news was sent to all parts of the city. Near the bridge livod the wivos and children of many of tho workmen. These were soon at the'river bank. Many woro'wild with grief and rushed frantically about wringing thoir hands and tearing their hair. Tho office of the bridge company on Cumpboll street was beaioged with anxious mothers and wives inquiring for their loved ones. Half an hour after the accident there was at least 2,000 people on tho river bank, nnd as the news spread still they poured in a steady atream towards tho place of tho accident. To whose doors must bo laid tho reeponsibility for tho terriblo disaster will probably never be known. It is doubtloss one of those unforaeen accidents that occur in spite of all precautionary measures. The bridgo probably more than any other thing ia fraught with manifold dangers and the workmen whoso labors nro utilized in the work practically take thoir lives in their own hands. TH1 CRASH* General opinion ascribes the cause of the disaster to the stifT wind that had keen swooping the river all day. It bore with great force on the ponderoue frame work which necessarily became loosened from the constant strain and waving of the heavy timbers. A sreat number of peoplo, before the first span jell, could seo the great "traveler" riseighty foet above the piers, swaying and quivering in the wind. The motion, however, was hardly noticoable tc tho workmen, nnd they had no idea ol their doadly peril until tho groat mass of wood and iron began to sink nnd the awful cracking and crashing of tho timbers smoto upon their oars. . To tho great "traveller" alluded to, ie directly attributablo the falling of the span. The constant wind boro it from its resting place on tho last pier but ono on the JolTorsonville side. The emplacement discovered and tho work of putting it back in its placc wn begun, but it was too late. Tho centr of tho great span began to sink bofori tbo work was accomplished. Tho wini had (lono its work and tho heavy on pines noar tho pier wont crashing dowt to tho water, carrying with them th? mass of humanity mixed in horrible con fusion with tho timbers and iron. THE LAST TO FALL. Tho partial span, tho last one, did no fall until twonty minutes ufter tho firs had gone down, but it was tho direct ro suit of tho falling of tho first. Tho grea strain occasioned by the aundoring ant rending of tho bridge naturally com muuicated iteoif to the unfinished span and it took its plunge like tho first int< tho water, but being mostly frame wor! did not sink, but floated' slowly dowi tho river. There wero said to bo fou men on it when it fell, and one was un douhtodly killed. Tho small traveloi on this span floated down several hun drod yards and theu grounded, tlx heavy timbers splintered liko matche flhnwitlfr thn tnrrilln fnrnn nf fchtt fflll . Iron girders weighing many tons won twisted like one might twist a pieco o wiro into every concoivablo shape, anc lay with the timbers and huge piocei of iron and lumber in an inextricabh mast). Mr. Erie Manchester, a civil engineer, who is employed on the bridge, in giv ing an account of the accident, said tc an Evening I'ost reporter: "I was stand ing on the span that fell, near tho Kentucky side, and, seeing that it was abou to foil, I called to tho men to got oil ni soon as possible, i had just countoc tho men who woro on tho span before and there woro fifty-one in all, noi counting myself. "When 1 called, tho men droppoc their tools and ran towards nie, but onlj ten of them could got oft. Tho other/ went down in a heap. 1 was so badh frightened that I could not tell hov many of thorn got out, but I only eav one man swim to the shore. "The accident was mainly caused bj the Wind. There was a high gale blowing from the southwest all morning anc I realized that any tiino tho span rnigh bo blown down. Thon, too, tho piling under the span by which it was beinj supported were weak. The curront ii vory swift and a largo amount ol drift wood was dammed azainst tho support ors. If the wind had not been so high however, tho pilings wero sufficiently strong to have done tho work. Tin bridge fell like a puck of cards. It be came loosened 011 tho Indiana side firs and swayed gradually ucross to tho op posite sida." Tho spau would have boon completed by this afternoon and after the travoile: hud been fastened to tho pier, then would have beon no danger of tho wine or curront breaking it down. A pile driver was sent to the scorn this afternoon and the work of clearing tho wrockago and soarching for tlx dead under the debris at once com monced. Tho revised list of tho dead, injurec and missing is as follows: DEAD. L. G. Garlock, Buffalo. John Courtney. F. Burns. C. Murphy. C. W. Cook. MJ68INO. C. F. Holderer. A. Soddon. J. Cregan. 31. Solnn. Frank SimmonR, JofTersonvillo. G. H. Hinklo, Dauphin, Pa, J. Holden. J. L. Wilson. Pat Kolly. J. T. Owens. P. Sheridan. J. Alton. I*. E. Moore. Goorgo Lillv. K. L. Derlliug, Virginia. II. Bliss. INJURED. J. Myors, Lexington, Ky., loft loj badly fractured. Harry Loo, Now Albany, slightly in jurod. J 1.1). Pneh. E. llildobrancl, throo ribs fractured internally injured, will probably dio. G. W. lirown, Iryington, Ky., am broken. C. Tliarp, ankle badly Bprainod, Os wcko, N. Y. G. E. Sheehan, tlosh wound, Groenup Ky. A. T. Hall, badly bruisod. S. Parka, three ribs broken anc sprained ankle, Scotland. T. Galloway, 2707 Sayro streot, Soutl Pittsburgh, Pa., fractured leg. E. Sberiti', 401 South Stato street, Chi cniro, fatally injured. E. Iloben, fatally injured. W. A. Sharpo, Louisville, loft am ; broken; hurt internally. The third span of tho bridge col lapsed at 8:20 to-night. So for as knowi thoro was no oneinjurod. This will b an additional loss o! about ?7o,000 t tiio building company. This ?pau hat boon complotod, but thocollapso of th fourth spnn to-day is supposed to hav loosened and displaced it. IIAIRD SAW IT. The (pan that gave way was tho lastbn . one needed to complete the structure. The accidont was seen by tho lookou 1 on duty at the life saving station, am two boats wero at once manned am rowed us quickly as possiblo to tho res - cue. Boforo tlioy got there, howevoi many boats wore at work. Tho lif savers found that they wero unablo t< [ do much ns they could not got to whor the victims woro imprisoned. Shortly after they arrivod a troitl work attached to tho north pior of th i fatal span foil, carrying one man dowi with it. Tho life savers rescued hin and took him to shore. They aearclio around for some time for any bodies ii tho vicinity, but found that they couli . do nothing and soon left. Mr. J. W. Baird, secretary and troas arcr ot the bridge company, was in th( i company's ofllco on tho fourth floor o: ' the Commerco building, at Fourth anc i Main stroots, whon the accident oe i currnd. Tho bridgo is in plain view of hi room and it is his custom to watch th I progress of tho workmen through hi ! flold glasses. Whon tho span fell 3tr Baird had the glass on and saw the de bria strike the water. i In reply to a question as to whethe ho was not the originator of the plan t g build tho bridgo, Mr. Baird said: "Vol 0 I am tho originator of tho plan to buil u tho bridge, and I guess I will be otornal 1 ly damned for it." Mr. Baird is of tho opinion that mos i of those at work on tho bridge had in 0 aurancu on their lives, as it is tho out - torn of tho contractors to insure tliei laborers in the Guarantee Companies lie was by no means certain of thit however. WAS COST MANY MAXY LIVES. Tho history of tho Louisvillo and Jol feraonvillo bridge company is a series o j disasters, financial and otherwiso. J was originally projected in 1879 an< failuro overtook it in ita very incipience J In 1888 it was revived under new chat . ter and ground was broken in Octobei \ 1689. r Two caisson accidents took placo dur ing tho building of tho piers. Tho lira r was caused by tho stupidity of a sub contractor who engaged himself as ai 3 expert when ho waa without cxpori a enco. lie allowed tho air to oscap< from tho caisson and tho water ruahe( j in drowniuu' fourteen men. 1 Tho second caisson accident rosultet j from the foolhnrdiness of tho foremai ? in tho inauaeomcnt of the structure an< j caused tho death of seven men. It is estimated by tho engineers o tho Phconix Bridge Company that tin ' lo*8 to tho bridgo will bo about ?100, /i/i/i FIVE LIVES LOST In a Wroclc on tlio New York and Pennsyl van la Komi Near Sheridan Crossing. Dunkirk, N. Y.t Doc. 15.?Abou seven o'clock to-night a wreck on tin New York and Pennsylvania railroad about six miles north of hero, resultini in tho loss of three lives and the injur of others. The west-bound passonjje train that leaves Buffalo at 5:31 p. in. ran over a trestle nea Shoridan crossing, which had beoi weakened by to-day'a floods, iuciden to tho heavy rains. Tho trestle bor< up when tho engine passed over, bu succumbed directly after, precipitatini the tender, a baggage car and smokoi into the creek. The other cars crowdec s thorn down ana noipea 10 crusn ineu a and thoir occupants. Fortunately tlx wreck did not catch firo, and the pas sengora wero all rescued alivo but one Two of the crow wore killed. 3 A LATER REPORT. Buffalo, n. Y., Dec. 15.?Further ad 1 vices from the scene of tho Wostori Now York & Pennsylvania accident in [ dicato that tho loss of lifo will exceec r tho first estimate. Tho bodies of fivi 3 passengers havo been taken out of thi [ wreck. Tho following is a correctod list of tilt 3 doad: . Oscar Porter, Brockton. 3 Mrs. Porter, his mothor, Brockton. George Rvman. Fredonia. Mrs. Stockhold, Dunkirk. I William McKano, baggage-master Buffalo. Harry Hodge, conductor. Two unidentified passongers. Following is a partial list of tho in jurod: Lottio Ferigholm, Portland, severely Ben Alvin, Portland, severely. Engineer McLean, Oil City,slightly. Fireman Moss, arm smashed. Cnuiiod Dlftcurtslon. * T?, Tin* IK?/>;? culnr to tho Philadelphia & Roadinj Company, issuod to-day by Richard 13 Hartshorn, Honry T. Caroy and Jacol Scholia, a committoo representing tin Isaac L. Kice faction, has causcd con sidorablo discussion in railroad an( financial circlos. Tho circular attacks,tho Reading man agoment, and asks for proxies to bi voted for Isaac Ij. Rice as president. I is naid that tho Rothschilds havo signet in favor of Mr. Rico. llundlug'* Aiivwor. PiriLAPKLPiirA. Pa., Dec. 15.?Tho re -r ceivers of the Reading company havi prepared their answer to tho petitioi . of Isaac L. Rico, filed a fow days sinci in tho case of Piatt against tho railway company. Tho answer which will b't filed next Tuesday is a swooping donia ' of all the charges made by Mr. Rici 3 against tho receivers. TVIion tho Caucus Will Be. Washington, D. C., Doc. 15.?Chair , mna IIoImau,of tho Democratic caucus said this afternoon that it tva i probablo tho caucus on tho taril bill would not bo held unti niter tho holiday reaoss. Many mom hers are going out of town and then would not bo a lull attendanco until th< re-assembling in January. TburKtou I.cnm for Ilntrnll. 3 San Francisco, Dec. 15.?Among thi - passongors who left on tho ateame i Alameda to-day for Honoluln wor 0 u a. Thurston, Hawaiian minister ti ? tho United States, and J. Molt Smith J wife and daughter, o ^ 0 CONDENSED TELEGRAMS Argument has begun in tho Move j murdorcaso in Now York. Tho Northern Ohio blanket mills n Cloveland will resumo January 1. | Native Indiana aro raiding Bolivia] l' territory and massacreing sottlers. ^ A series of violent and dostructiv " storms havo swopt over tho Cordillera; q It is stated that tho robel warship 0 now completely blockade iiio Do Janoir 0 and Santos. Professor Honry Warren Torrey, on e of the oldest profossors of Harvari e Univorsity, is dead. Ho was eight 1 years of ago. 1 It has been snowing furiously fo i twentv-four hours at Jamestown, N. E J Dulut'h roports tho snow ao heavy as t ' block all businoss. Father Richard Bronnan, pastor c ' the Roman Catholic church of tho Hoi; ? Innocents, Now York, is dead. Ho wo the oldost priest of tho diocoso of Noi I York. Frank Lawlcr, tho disappointed car g didato for the Chicago postofDco, wil 0 bo appointed United States marshal fo , tho northern district of Illinois, wbicl , includes Chicago. TakkI Takol Take Simmons Live r Regulator for dyapopjii, couitipatio ?' j*nd heartburn. if AT GALLOPING SPEED, t Dillo to Admit Demooratlo Terr! tories Are Rushed Through. I; ARIZONA BILL PASSES THE HOUSE New Mexico Is On the Way, But Ar Obstaclo Is in tho Path of Okla lioma, Which Happens to lie i j Kepublican State?A. liivoly Discus sion 011 tho Arizona Measure Pro cipitatcd by Mr. Hepburn?Ex ' Speaker Iiecd Gives tho President a Sly Dig Hotweon tho Ribs W'hei ' Oklahoma is Mentioned?The Mc< 1 Garrabau Claim Having Hard Lines. j Washington, D. 0., Doc. 15.?The 1 course of events in tho house to-day re | aomblod tho halcyon days of the Koot Congress, when legislation was rushoc f through at galloping speed. The bil & for tho admission of Arizona was pui " through under whip and spur and tin bill for tho admission of Nor .Mexicc was well under way when n wrangle - ovorwhat wis to bo done with Okia homa intervoned and tho debate thm precipitated lasted until adjournment 3 The bulk of tho Eastern opposition t( > the admission of these territories as ex '' pressed by Mr. Bingham, of Fhiladel f phia, was predicated on tho theory thai r while tho eastern states, rich in wealth ^ and strong in population, would be j able to hold their own in tho house t whore the basis of representation was 3 population, tho influence of the groat ^ states of tho union would bo over J balanced by tho greatly increased state 1 representation in tho senate. i Tho McGarrahan claim, which came ) up again in tjio morning hour, was lili. buatorod against and the morning lioui . expired without action, thus sending the bill to the foot of tho calendar, lu the courao of Mr. Pendleton's 3poecli on this subject tho fact was developed " that a special ordor for tho considcrai tion of this claim will bo uskod for. When tho morning hour expired a j motion was mndo to go into tho cornB mitteo of tho whole on tho Arizonr ^ state bill. Tho Republicans continued tho filibustering tactics aiid ayes ant 3 nays wero demanded. As on yostordaj tho Republicans, except a few from the west, refused to vote, in order, if posai ble, to break a quorum. They were un successful, however, an tho motion wai carriod by a vote of 182 to 5. Mr. Hepburn, of Iowa, in an impas ' sioned speech, precipitated a very lively discussion of tho merits of tho bill, lit said tho house ought to stop and consider what it proposed to do wbon il passed this bill, It proposod to give tc Arizona four sections in every range, oi ' one-ninth of tho total area of tho state, 73,000,000 acres. In addition to that, il gavoa part of tho salo of tho proceeds oi A?n.imifh of thn Innd. hnftidoa aevora! other grants of 100,000 acres. Mr. Smith, the Arizona delegate, in terrupted to declare that Arizona would * get by this bill just what Iowa got i. This Mr. Hepburn denied. 3 Tho Republicans generally refrained q from votiug on the final passage of the . bill, although many of thorn voted ] against it. The motion was carried, 185 to 01, and . tho bill for tho admission of Arizonc j was carried. 1 As soon as tho voto was announced [ Gonoral Wheelor moved that the house go into tho committee of the whole on tho bill for tho admission of New Mexico. Tho Republicans mado no at* . tempt to filibuster against tho motion, which was carried without division. 2 Tho debato that followed took wide 1 ranee. General Bingham, (Rop., Ponn,] 9 made a vigorous speech in opposition t to tho policy of bringing theso territor9 ies into tho union. 1 Mr. Paneo, of Colorado, in reply, 3 said ho found a disposition among Republicans to admit Utah, Arizona and New Mexico, if thero was any guarantee that Oklahoma, which was a Republican territory would also como int( the union. General Wheeler stated > that the difficulty in tho way of the ads mission of Oklahoma aro tho five civilf ized Indians whose treaties with us I gave them power to provent admission . of that territory. Ho said that the a President would probably send a com a missionerto treat with the Indians. Mr. Reed sarcastically inquired whether tho commissioner would b< paramount. 3 From that time until adjournment tho dobato touched moro on tho ques tion of what was to bo done with Okla9 homa than tho admission of Now Mox 3 ico. Tho l'innl Court. Tolepo, O., Dec. 15.?The caso o James Lennon, the Lako Shore ongineoi r who was fined for contempt of court during tho famous Ann Arbor strik< t last spring, has, upon application o Judgo Barber, of Cloveland, been reII mandod to the United States court o! appeals at Cincinnati The case wai e appealed .to tho United States supreme i. court, but that body decided two weeki 8 ago that it had no jurisdiction. o What Ciiuned a Trngtdy. 0 Beayse Falls, Pa., Doc. 15.?Whlli 1 John Broun, a Hungarian, wn? eatinj y supper to-night Stevo Worts walke( into the room and placing a revolver t< ' Brown'a breast sail: "Yoa mast die.' j He than palled tho trigger sending i bullet through Brown'a heart Tin , latter died almost instantly and in thi ' excitement Worts escaped. The twi ' mon quarreled last night and this wo * the cause of tho killing. Four Injured. I* .Toledo, O., Doc. 15.?Seven workmer r in tearing down tho upper part of th< i court houao at Bowling Groon, O., pro paratory to tho orection of a now build ing, woro precipitated to tho floor bolov r by the collapse of a floor. Four of then u wero seriously injured, ono of whoc J ywill probably^lie. FEDERATION OF LABOR. ' Olllcera not Yet lSluctnd?Altjjpld Invita- 1 tion C'reiitui DUHunKlonn, Chicago, Dec. 15.?American Federation of Labor delegates rofujed to-day to permit Mayor Swift to address tiiom. Thore was considerable opposition to the action on tho ground that inasmuch as Governor Altgold bad boon invited t to speak, tho samo courtesy should be oxtonded to Mr. Swift. By a vote of tho convention it was decided that tho oxocutivo council has not * tho power to sottle disputes among local ' organizations. It was then announcod * that lifter noon tho session would bo Uot voted to tho election of officers. A i strong fight was oxpected, as John . McBrido, of tho Ohio miners' union, . was a candidate for President Gompors's place and John J. Lincoln, of Chicago, was prominently mentioned as a successor to Socrotary Chris Evans. 1 President Gompers in an interview ) said that thore was nothing in the claim ( made by some of tho delegates that tho 1 invitation to Governor Altgeld was a : I concossion to the anarchist ploment of . tho Federation and was made because 1 the governor had pardoned the anh I n^i,;a?0 Delegate "Tommy" Morgan, of Chicago, xvaa of a different opinion, iJe aaid: "Governor Altgold'a cubo was mftrio an ] oxcoption. It is truo that the reason ho . waa invitod was bocauso ho pardoned tho anarchists." Lato in tho day, however, the govern- i or sent word that he would bo unable to addrosg tho meeting. Tho election of ollicera will bo held to-morrow morning. A HALF MILLION DOLLARS Worth of Property Goch Uj> In SnioUo In IjCHH Tltnn mi Hour In Now York. ' New York, Doc. 15.?A fire, which broke out to-day in tho iurnituro nod ( upholstery soven-story building of Henry Thoseu & 13ro., Third avenue and Forty-ninth street, destroyed nearly $o00,000 worth of proporty in loss > than an hour from tho timo of its dia- i covory. Tho lire, besides destroying < tho upholstery bnilding, which occupied Noa. 7U5, 797 and 701) Third < avenno and Noa. 1303, 205 and < 207 East Forty-ninth atreot, also ' ' burned out Nog. 801, 803 and 805 " 'l hird avenue, Nos. 201) and 211 East Forty-ninth street,five tenement houses 1 in Kingtail Alloy, or Bookman Lane, ' which were occupied by forty-eight [ Italian families, numbering over two hundred people, the marble and statu^ ary yard of Samuol Adler and his star bled adjoining, in which wore ten hordes, ) which perished in tho flames. Tho con' flagration was not attended so far as is " known by loss of life, though ono man 1 whoso name is unknown is said to bo missing. PRENDEHGAST'S CASE. ! Evltlonco Taken u* to tho State of IVIlnd of C'artor IIurrUou'H AsHiiHHin. i Chicago, Doc. 15.?Brothor Adjutor, , ' of th^La Salle Institute, testified in the 1 ; Prendergast trial to-day that ho had ' [ roceived communications from tho pris- , i oner which led him to bolieve that tho assassin was demented. Owing to an ; J expected hanging Prendergast wa3 ^ brought half a mile to-day to tho city i hall, where it was announced court would bo held, and then becauso of a j i change of programmo takon back to tho criminal court building. Dunns his removal ho was carefully guardod in a [ closed carriago as the ofliciaia foarod an i attempt would bo uiado on his lifo. During the afternoon session of court several members of tho singlo tax club I WUOIU1UU I'liut uu Titttwua wuvviM),au. tuu i organization Prendorgast had acted in such a manner as to causo thorn to think ho was insane. , Miss McOormick, organist of Saint Columbkills church, thought that tho > prisoner was not right in his mind, be| causo ho showed her some attentions i and because ho wanted to sing. STOPPED BY THE POLICE. J A Frlzo Fight In Allvglieoy?1Tho I'rlncl- ' [ pnlH llntl to ISo llnnd-cuffcd. ' Pittsburgh, Pa., Doc. 15.?A prizo - fight at Tumor hall, Allegheny, to-night * betweon James Levack and "Roddy" . Mason, local pugilists, was interrupted . by tho polico and the principals ar1 rested. Tho mon were matched to fight 1 four rounds and tho intorost in tho con] test was so groat that tho hall was crowdod. A bittor fooling existed botwoon the j ' men, both fought furiously. Soon all 5 tho rules wore ignored and it became a , rough and tumblo fight. They fought all over tho stage, wrecking the ecenory and clawing each other like animals. The police then interfered, but it wa9 some time before they could part tho men and it was finally necessary to handcuff" them. They woro taken to the lockup and later released on bail, f Both men wero terribly punished, r Their arrest created great excitemont . and for a time it looked as if thero , would bo a riot in tho hall. 3 m 1 THE REICHSTAG ADJOURNS r After n Lively Timo Hctwecn tho Soclallflt* 3 and Miquel. j Beblin, Dec. 15.?Tho Socialists to3 day renewed their attacks upon Finance Minister Miquel, quoting his speech made at Frankfort in 18S7, and claiming that it had a socialist tendency. Herr Miquel defended himself vigor* ously, nnd laid tho whole of tho speech 1 referred to on tho tablo of tho house, in } order that tho house might judge of the , truth of the socialist imputations. Tho votes wero thon taken, alul thoreichstag 1 adjourned until January 9. 3 Solon Ofllcur* Indicted. ? Pittsburgh Pa., Dec. 15.?Truo bills wero found to-day by tho grand jury against Glenn I. Folsom, A. J. Rogers, J. A. Crawford, Rush Laker nnd C. 8. Whiston, supreme officers of the order of Solon for forging a public seal and uttering instruments with forgod public seal. Chills and fever of throo years standing cured by Simmons Liver Regulator. ?E. Watkiui, Watkins House, Upton. ville, Ky. JUDGE HAYMOND DEAD. Ho Passes Quietly Away at His Home in Fairmont, AFTER II LONG IND EVENTFUL LIFE. Was n Judgo of tho Supremo Court of Appeals for Ton Year* and A 31 cm ber of Clio Secession ^ouvontlon* His Death Occurs on llis Seventieth Birthday?Filled Many Positions of Irust and Was a Member of th** Masonic Order For Forty-flvo Year>? A Sketch of Ills Career. Special Dispatch tn the Intelligencer. Fairmont, W. Va., Dec. 15. ? ExSupremo Judgo Alphous F. Haymond died at hia homo this evening at 0 o'clock, on his birthday, after a long ill* tieds, having lived his throe score and toil years. Judgo Haymond has boon in ill health for more than two years past and hifl doath waa no sftrpriBO. For several months ho has boon blind, and all his friondsfolt that death was fast approach* ing. Ho leavos a wifo and largo family and many other relatives to mourn bis death. Ho had also hosts of friends throughout the state who will regret to hoar of his death. Alpheus F. Jlaymond, one of the ablest jurors oC the state, was born Decern bor 15,1823, on a farm near Fair* tnont. lie was a son of Colonel Thomaf S. and Harriet A. Haymond. Until the ago of thirteen, ho attended school near hotno, then went to Morgantown Acadamy for two years, then to William and Mary College, Virginia. He studied law with Edgar K. Wilson, of Morgantown, nud was admitted to tbe bar in 1842, when only nineteen years of age. In.1853 and 1857 he was a member of the Virginia Assembly from Marion county; was a delegate in the Richmond convention of 1801, and opposed secession; but, after hostilities began, icquiosced, and entered the army of th? south, iu January, 1802. Upon the surrender of General Loe, it Appomattox, in April, 1805, ho wai [jaroied. .Returning to Fairmont, he resumed law practice. By an act of Con- . .'rose, ho was relieved from restraining Usabilities, lie was, in 1872, a member if tlio convention to revise the constitution of West Virginia. At tho elootion under that constitution, ho was placed upon tho supremo court bench and in Jctobor, 1870, re-elected lor n twelve /ears torm. lfe rosignod tho position so ably tilled, and January 1, 1893, retired from public duties, tho court by 3utry upon its records and in the Weifc Virginia reports of that year, acknowl* jilting his judicial ability, his impartiality and his hign social qualities. Poideally, Judge llaymonii was a Democrat and was strong us a party counsellor, and possesied all the attributes ol A leader. Since his retiromont ho his lived it his homo in Fairmont Tho funeral arrangements have not yet boon made, but he will be buried with Masonic honors. Judge Haymond wras one of tho chartor members of Fairmont Lodge No. 9, A. F. and A. II, which was organized in 1848, and watdtl drat junior warden. COIIUKTT IN TRAINING. All He Needs Is Wind and He Will Get II in Two Weeks. ' Jacksosviixk, Dec. 16.?Tlio Corbett party loft far Mayport^thia afternoon, (vhoro the champion will begin training to-morrow /or bis con Lost with Mitchcll. Prof. John Donaldaon said Morning that Corbott conld be gotten into perfect condition for the conteit ivithin two weeks, the only branch of .ho training he now needs being for wind, and that is usually the laat phase of the course and compriaea long running and goneral sprinting. The prefeasor says Corbettexpressed himself M jroatly pleased with tho report! of Advantages at Mayport. Tho IllUluri Ma tell. New York, Dee. IS.?The fifth match played in the three cornered billiard uiatch resulted as follows: Schaofor COO, Slosion 394. Wonthnr lrorocast for To>day. For Weste rn Now York, Wei tern Penniylvanl* West Virginia and Ohio, shower* to-nght and In tho onriy morning. eiewring Saturday uiternoon, :oid wave and aoutboriy galos. TUB TKMPKKATDItK YESTERDAY, US furnished by C. HcHNKPf, drugglit, corner Market and Fourteenth Btreota. 7 a. in.. ,V> I 3 p. 61 D a. ia? CO 7 b. in.... 12 m... 62 I Weather?Glondjr* "notice. The delay in tho arrival of tha art portfolios is duo to the great demand, which taxes tho pnbllaher'a resources. They wiil all bo rocoived In good time, bond in coupons now that tho delay may l>n as short as possible. ( WORLD'S FAIR I 1 I Art Portfolio!!' ' _ $ \ PART 3. 11 \ | Coupon No. 4 ;; $ To soenro thhmuperb noiivpnir 1i.i a i .id or bring 6 coupons like I ,,'.y y thin of-different numuent with I a lOo In coin to I j art portfolio department | $ Intelligencer Office, i1 j 25 and 27 l'onrteenth Street, i 1 $ *?- Writs your name sod address f ^ pUUilj. \ ^